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1989 05 23 PC
A G E N D A PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY OF LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY OF LA QUINTA A Regular Meeting to be Held at the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California ' May 23, 1989 - 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER - Flag Salute ROLL CALL **NOTE** ALL AGENDA ITEMS NOT CONSIDERED BY 11:00 P.M. MAY BE CONTINUED TO THE NEXT COMMISSION MEETING Beginning Resolution No. 89- HEARINGS 1. Item ............ CONTINUED HEARING -- PLOT PLAN 89-411 Applicant ....... John Bund Location ........ Northeast corner of Calle Barcelona and Avenida Bermudas Request ......... Convert existing 3,500-square•-foot single-family dwelling into a 4,800- square-foot restaurant on a 1.57•-acre site Action .......... Minute Motion 2. Item ............ CONTINUED HEARING -- ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT 89-008 CHANGE OF ZONE 89-043 Applicant ....... City of La Quinta Location ........ All hillside areas above the toe -of -slope of the Santa Rosa Mountains Request ......... To amend Title 9 of the La Quinta Municipal Code relating to planning and zoning, adding Chapter 9.145, Hillside Conservation Zone, and to re -zone those properties which meet the criteria set forth in the proposed ordinance to HC MR/AGENDA.523 -1- 4: . 5. V. (Hillside Conservation) from various residential zoning designations. The HC zone limits density to one unit per 20 acres of land on developable land areas as defined in the Ordinance Action .......... Resolution No. 89- Items ............ SPECIFIC PLAN 83-002, AMENDMENT NO. 2 CHANGE OF ZONE 89-041 Applicant ....... LANDMARK LAND COMPANY Location ........ South of Avenue 54, east of the All - American Canal, and north and west of the current PGA West Specific Plan boundaries Request .......... Approval to expand PGA West Specific Plan by 21.5 + acres and change the zoning from A-1-10 to R-2 to permit the expansion of PGA West development Action .......... Resolution No. 89- Item ............ TENTATIVE TRACT 24208 CHANGE OF ZONE 89-042 Applicant ....... La Quinta Associates II Location ........ East side corner of Dune Palms Road +one -quarter mile south of Fred Waring Drive Request ......... To divide a 20+ acre portion into 68 single family lots; to change the zoning from R-1-12000 to R-1 Action .......... Resolution No. 89- Item ............ TENTATIVE TRACT 24517 CHANGE OF ZONE 89-044 Applicant ....... Waring Adams Venture Location ........ Southeast corner of Fred Waring Drive and Adams Street Request ......... To divide a 27.62 acre portion into 91 single family lots; to change the zoning from R-1-12000 to R-1 Action .......... Resolution No. 89- Item ............ TENTATIVE TRACT 24545 Applicant ....... Northstar Development Company, Inc. Location Generally east of Washington Street, north of Avenue 50, south of Avenue 48, and west of Jefferson Street Request To subdivide 269.8+ acres into 276 single family lots, 6 golf course lots, and various other street and landscape buffer lots Action ........... Resolution No. 89- MR/AGENDA.523 -2- PUBLIC COMMENT This is the time set aside for citizens to address the Planning Commission on matters relating to City planning and zoning which are not Agenda items. Persons wishing to address the Planning Commission under Public Comment and scheduled Agenda items should use the form provided. Please complete one form for each item you intend to address and submit the form to the Planning Director prior to the beginning of the meeting. Your name will be called at the appropriate time. When addressing the Planning Commission, please state your name and address. The proceedings of the Planning Commission meeting are recorded on tape and comments of each person shall be limited. CONSENT CALENDAR - Minutes from the 4/25/89 and 5/9/89 meetings. BUSINESS SESSION 1. Item Applicant ....... Location ........ Request ....�.... Action .......... OTHER - None ADJOURNMENT Specific Plan 85-006 - Oak Tree West Landmark Land Company Generally one -quarter mile south of .Avenue 50, bounded by Jefferson Street, .Avenue 54, the Heritage Club project, Avenida Ultimo, and the easterly portion of the Duna La Quinta project. First time -extension request. .Minute -Motion -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- ITEMS FOR MAY 22, 1989, 4:00 P.M. STUDY SESSION "DISCUSSION ONLY" 1. All Agenda items. 2. Identification of future Commission Agenda items. ITEMS IDENTIFIED FOR FUTURE AGENDAS a. Dark Sky Ordinance C. Park Land Locations b. Minute Format/Content d. Downtown Parking District e. Street Address Illumination f. Fencing Requirements MR/AGENDA.523 -3- STAFF REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DATE: MAY 23, 1989 APPLICANT/ 014NER: JOHN BUND/MARIO LALLI LOCATION: SOUTHEAST CORNER OF AVENIDA BERMUDAS AND CALLE BARCELONA (SEE ATTACHMENT NO. 1) PROPOSAL: PLOT PLAN NO. 89-411, CONVERSION OF EXISTING SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING TO A 4800 SQUARE FOOT RESTAURANT FACILITY WITH INDOOR AND OUTDOOR DINING AREA ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NO. 89-117 WAS PREPARED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THIS APPLICATION. MINOR INCREMENTAL IMPACTS WITH RESPECT TO AIR QUALITY, SOIL DISTURBANCE, NOISE, LIGHT AND GLARE, AND TRAFFIC WERE IDENTIFIED. THESE IMPACTS ARE NOT CONSIDERED TO BE SIGNIFICANT; THEREFORE, A NEGATIVE DECLARATION HAS BEEN PREPARED. BACKGROUND: THE VILLAGE SPECIFIC PLAN (VSP) WAS ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON FEBRUARY 2, 1988. SUBSEQUENTLY, ZONING DISTRICTS WERE DEVELOPED BY STAFF TO IMPLEMENT THE VSP. THESE DISTRICTS WERE ADOPTED, BY AMENDMENT TO TITLE 9 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE, ON DECEMBER 20, 1988. ON MAY 2, 1989, THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVED AN ORDINANCE FOR THE OVERLAY OF THESE DISTRICTS ONTO THE OFFICIAL 'ZONING MAP. THESE DESIGNATIONS WILL BE IN EFFECT ON JUNE 15, 1989. THIS ITEM WAS CONTINUED FROM THE MAY 9, 1989 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, AT THE APPLICANT'S REQUEST. A REVISED SITE PLAN WAS SUBMITTED ON MAY %, WHICH ADDRESSES SOME OF THE ISSUES IDENTIFIED IN THE PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DATED MAY 9, 1989, PREVIOUSLY DISTRIBUTED. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: THE APPLICANT PROPOSES TO CONVERT A +3500 SQUARE FOOT EXISTING SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING TO A +4800 SQUARE FOOT RESTAURANT WITH THE FOLLOWING BREAKDOWNS: 0 2788 SQUARE FEET OF DINING AREA (INDOOR/OUTDOOR) BS/STAFFRPT.007 -1- 0 1239 SQUARE FEET KITCHEN AREA 0 210 SQUARE FEET FOR RESTROOMS 0 500 SQUARE FEET FOR MISCELLANEOUS (OFFICE, STORAGE, WAITING AREA) THE PROJECT PROPOSES 92 PARKING SPACES,(9 OF WHICH ARE SHOWN AS COMPACT) WITH TWO SEPARATED PARKING AREAS: VALET PARKING SERVICE WILL BE PROVIDED. THE PROPOSED ADDITIONAL BUILDING AREA WILL CARRY ON THE ORIGINAL STRUCTURE'S ARCHITECTURAL STYLE. ADDITIONAL LANDSCAPING WILL BE PROVIDED TO COMPLEMENT EXISTING TREE STANDS, WHICH WILL BE MOSTLY RETAINED. A19ALYS I S : 1. The zone change for this property, from R-1*++ to C-V-S, will become effective on June 15, 1989. Therefore, this approval may not be utilized for this use until that date, and will be conditioned to meet the requirements of the C-V-S sub -zone. 2. Policy 3.6.11 of the La Quinta General Plan requires noise studies for any non-residential projects within 1,000 feet of any residential uses. Due to the nature of this proposal, it is not anticipated that this requirement will be necessary. However, as there may be live entertainment, some restriction on that aspect of the proposal is needed. 3. The plan does not consider street dedications for Barcelona or Bermudas (30 feet half -•width and 44 feet half -width, respectively), although the VSP calls for a de -emphasis of these streets in the Village area, so as to preserve the thematic aspects of the area. It would be appropriate at this time to require a bonded agreement for required dedications/improvements, similar to that method used for the Cunard's restaurant plot plan. BS/STAFFRPT.007 -2- 4. The parking provided satisfies the requirements of the C-V-S zone and Chapter 9.160 of the La Quinta Municipal Code, relative to number of spaces. The C-V-S zone requires that all parking areas must be 500 shaded; no adequate provisions are shown on the landscape plan. It does not appear that the treulis areas shown in parking area "A" will satisfy this requirement. 5„ Pedestrian easements/walkways must be provided and be 50 to 75% shaded. Figure 4-7 (Attachment No. 2) shows the general location requirements for these easements. A condition to address this has been suggested requiring the Applicant to bond for improvement of the north/south pedestrian easement pending future development to the south. The locations shown on the revised site plan are not specific and will be subject to detailed reveiw during street improvement plan checking. 6. The C-V-S zone limits servicing of trash areas to certain A.M. and P.M. hours. Because it appears that the trash area is a "visible location," it is recommended that loading, trash collection, etc., be limited to 6:00 a.m.- 9:00 a.m. hours. Space No. 69 must also be relocated to allow access to the trash area. 7. Landscaping is to be "intensely landscaped" according to the ordinance. Other than some additional tree stands, it does not appear that the landscape plan provides any "intensity." Site and landscape plans do not show adequate detailing of additional landscape materials, number and sizes, turf areas, fencing/walls (if any), etc.. A condition requiring a detailed landscape and irrigation plan to be submitted for Staff review has been incorporated. This plan will also have to address parking area shading requirements in greater detail than that shown. Signage for this proposal will be reviewed separately, as no detailed information has been submitted for review at this time as to number, size, type, etc. of all proposed signage. BS/STAFFRPT.007 -3- FINDINGS: 1„ Plot Plan No. 89-411, as conditionally approved, is consistent with the La Quinta General Plan, the Village Specific Plan, and the requirements of the C-V-S sub -zone adopted to implement the VSP. 2„ The subject site is physically suitable for the proposed development, due to the fact that the surrounding immediate area and the site itself is considered urbanized. 3„ Environmental Assessment No. 89-117 has been prepared and reviewed for this project in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act, and it has been determined that the project will not result in any significant adverse impact on the environment, and therefore, a Negative Declaration shall be filed upon approval of this project. RECOMMENDATION: By minute motion, approve Plot Plan No. 89-411, subject to the attached conditions. BS/STAFFRPT.007 -4- CALL CAI._LE m'u� m P ,CASE MAP CASE No. �% c�i- �U�,,� '� � �' - 4// ORTH SCALE: i"= 400' Sec. 6 T 6 S.,R 7 E. c h to .: a x a N H o d d O h � s m w E, s.. 00 log 'A Z v H w H < R X d Z Z .1 W < �► Z O 16 W A W C w z •... o i Snr3 v'Mlvlvm I I I I -{ 111 I c o �.r•. Warman Y rs�ista�•a.s.s.a>er.�.e.�a.. 11 V-41 e 4• t/iM'it°•tDt7� I I OVVVAYN YCW3AV 41 E. VTU� YpiN3AY nu► vas�Av .� rT � I I ' ;I ; J4- j}II3-r+� itii YZC Va ' v VZOGNAOI 1 vapmv I � t J VCMaAV ZSNi1MYM Z�ILLHVM T •1 w i i SAM �•.oi.etrrs l -- - ` `� OOSV,13A YQIM.4AY PLOT PLAN 89-411 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MAY 23, 1989 GENERAL 1,. The development of the site shall be in substantial compliance with Exhibit "A" revised as contained in the file for Plot Plan 89-411, unless otherwise amended by these conditions. 2. The approved Plot Plan shall be used within the time period set forth in Section 9.180 of the La Quinta Municipal Code. 3. Development of PP 89-411 shall be consisten with the development standards of the C-V-S Zoning District. 4. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for construction of any building or use contempleted by this approval, the Applicant shall obtain permits and/or clearances from the following public agencies: o City Fire Marshal o City of La Quinta Public Works Department o Planning and Development Department, Planning and Building Divisions o Coachella Valley Water District o Desert Sands Unified School District Evidence of said permits or clearances from the above -mentioned agencies shall be presented to the Building Division at the time of the application for a building permit for the use contemplated herewith. 5. Provisions shall be made to comply with the terms and requirements of the City's adopted Infrastructure Fee Program in effect at the time of issuance of building permits. TRAFFIC/CIRCULATION Ei. The Applicant shall comply with the following street improvement requirements: a. The Applicant shall submit street improvement plans that are prepared by a registered civil engineer AD/CONAPRVL.008 -1- 7„ for review and approval by the Public Works Department. These plans shall incorporate the design of pedestrian walks as required by Condition No. 12. b. The Applicant shall construct street improvements for one-half street width for Avenida Bermudas and Calle Barcelona, including relocating median island, if required, to the requirements of the City Engineer and the La Quinta Municipal Code. Bonding for these improvements may be acceptable, subject to approval of the Public Works Director as to form and justification. Drainage disposal facilities shall be provided, on site, if required by the City Engineer. Applicant shall comply with applicable provisions of the Master Plan of Drainage, including any required fees. 8,. A grading plan shall be submitted, to be prepared by a registered civil engineer, for review and approval by the Public Works Department. This requirement may be waived at the discretion of the Public Works Director. SITE DESIGN 9. A minimum of 92 parking spaces shall be provided. Space No. 69, as shown on Exhibit "A" revised, shall be deleted and relocated within the parking area. Design and improvement of all parking and driveway areas shall be in conformance with Chapter 9.160 of the La Quinta Municipal Code and the requirements of the City Engineer. 10. Trash collection, loading, etc. shall be limited to morning hours, as consistent with restaurant hours of operation and the C-V-S sub -zone. 11. Trash enclosure shall be gated and enclosed by a six -foot. -high wall of the same construction and color as the commercial building. Location and construction of the enclosure shall conform to requirements of Palm Desert Disposal Company and the Planning and Development Department. 12. The Applicant shall comply with the following requirements for pedestrian walkway easements: a. A 6-foot wide pedestrian easement shall be located and constructed generally along the perimeter property line, outside of the right-of-way of Calle Barcelona, from property line to property line. AD/CONAPRVL.008 -2- b. A 6-foot wide north/south pedestrian easement shall be required, with the location to be determined upon development occurring adjacent to the south of this project. This easement shall be bonded for, in a surety form acceptable to the City Engineer. The above -described easements shall be constructed with pavers or stamped concrete, red in color. The walkways shall be illuminated with umbrella -type or similar lighting so as to directly illuminate the pathway area. Construction for Item a. and bonding for Item b. shall also incorporate provisions for walkway shading, through landscaping or other means, in compliance with the standards of the Village Specific Plan (VSP) and the C-V-S zone district. Design plans for the walkway areas shall be submitted to the Planning and Development and Public Works Departments for review and approval of design and bond amount determination. 13. All on -site utilities shall be installed underground in accordance with City standards. 14. Prior to issuance of any building permits, the Applicant shall submit to the Planning Division for review and approval a plan (or plans) showing the following: a. Landscaping, including plant types, sizes, spacing, locations, and irrigation system for all landscape areas. Desert or native plant species and drought resistant planting materials shall be incorporated into the landscape plan. The plan shall also indicate methods for shading of the parking and pedestrian areas, including tall canopy trees. b. Location and design detail of any proposed and/or required walls. C. Exterior lighting plan, emphasizing minimization of light and glare impacts to surrounding properties. Preparation of the detailed landscape and plans shall be in substantial conformance approved site plan (Exhibit "A9l revised) on file Planning and Development Department. The plans shall include the acceptance stamps/signatures Riverside County Agricultural Commissioner's CVWD. All plant materials to be used shall be with those species identified in the VSP. irrigation with the with the submitted from the office and consistent AD/CDNAPRVL.008 -3- 15. The Applicant shall comply with the following requirements of the City Fire Marshal: a. A fire flow of 2250 gpm shall be available from a Super hydrant (6" x 4" x 2-1/2" x 2-1/211) located not less than 25 feet nor more than 165 feet from the building as measured along approved vehicular travelways. b. Fire and Life Safety Systems and Appliances shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of the Uniform Fire Code and La Quinta Municipal Code in effect at the time of construction. C. Final conditions will be addressed when building plans are reviewed. A plan check fee must be paid to the Fire Department at the time building plans are submitted. 160. Building height for any new structures or additions shall be limited to one story, not to exceed 20' in height, as measured from finished grade. MISCELLANEOUS 17. Any outdoor entertainment (amplified or acoustical live instruments, vocal, recordings, etc.) shall be limited to occurring no later than 10:00 p.m.. Indoor entertainment from 10:00 P.M. to 12:00 a.m. shall be limited to live acoustical/vocal or recorded music. Amplified live indoor or outdoor entertainment may be permitted to occur during extended hours (after 10:00 p.m.) at the discretion of the Planning and Development Director. A written request shall be submitted to the Director stipulating the type of entertainment in detail, and the hours of occurrence requested. The Applicant shall submit any additional information as may be required by the Director in order to make a decision on the request. 18. Prior to the installation of Any signage associated with this proposal, the Applicant shall submit a sign plan showing the location, type, size, colors, and type of illumination (if any) of all proposed identification and directional signs. All signs shall be installed in accordance with the approved plan, and shall be consistent with Chapter 9.212 of the La Quinta Municipal Code. Approval of this Plot Plan does not constitute approval for any signage shown on Exhibit A. AD/CONAPRVL.008 -4- STAFF REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DATE: MAY 23, 1989 APPLICANT: LANDMARK LAND COMPANY PROJECT: GENERALLY SOUTH OF THE WESTERN TERMINUS OF AVENUE 54, EAST OF THE ALL-AMERICAN CANAL REQUEST: AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO THE APPROVED PGA WEST SPECIFIC PLAN 83-002 TO ADD 21.5 + ACRES TO INCOPORATE GOLF COURSE AND RESIDENTIAL AREAS; AND A CHANGE OF ZONE 89-041 FROM Al-10 TO R-2 GENERAL PLAN: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL 2-4 DU/AC DESIGNATION ZONING: A-1-10 BACKGROUND: PGA West Specific Plan No. 83-002 was approved by the City Council on May 15, 1984, subject to conditions. The project contains 1,665 + acres generally bounded by Avenue 54 on the north, Avenue 58 on the south, the All American Canal/Lake Cahuilla on the west and Madison Street on the east. The approved project included 5,000 residential units, 20 acres of commercial, a major recreational center, and a 65-acre resort village containing 400 hotel rooms, 250 apartments/condominiums or hotel rooms, ancillary hotel uses, and retail shops. The City Council, on September 20, 1989, approved an amendment to this Specific Plan granting an additional 350 additional hotel units for a total of 1,000 hotel units. PROPOSED AMENDMENT: Amendment No. 2 adds 21.5 Plan. The additional area is golf course and residential A-1-10 to R-2. ANALYSIS: 1. Environmental - An proposed change of been completed. Based West environmental r significant adverse of acres to the 1,665+ acre Specific proposed to be designed with units and a change of zone from environmental assessment for the zone and specific plan amendment has upon this assessment and the PGA eport, the proposals will not have a fect on the environment; therefore, LM/staffrpt.008 -1- a negative declaration has been prepared and recommended for adoption. 2„ The area to be included in the specific plan was at one time an overflow pond for the All American Canal. This area has been rough graded and partially developed with a golf fairway. 3„ The PGA. West Specific Plan was approved for 5,000 residential units. The applicant has indicated that an increase in this number is not part of this request. 4,. Access to this area is by the internal road system. An access to Avenue 54 is not provided for the area. 5,. The site has not recently been used for agricultural purposes. 6. The prepared R-2 zoning is the same zoning that exists for the area adjacent to the prepared site, therefore, consistent. 7. The proposal is consistent with the General Plan in that the proposed development density is consistent with the Low Density land use designation of 2-4 du/ac. 8. Future development of the area will require improvement to Avenue 54. RECOMMENDATION By adoption of Planning Commission Resolution N0. & _ recommend to the City Council approval of Specific Plan 83-002, Amendment No. 2, subject to conditions; Change of Zone 89-041, A-1-10 to R-2; and concurrence of the environmental determination. I.M/staffrpt.008 -2- RCES 560_561 -20' 562 563 __ - 7---- - — — 0 f-ALM Ur-Dr-KI UUALJKAI'AULr- CALIFORNIA- RIVERSIDE CO. 15 MINUTE SERIES (TOPOGRAPHIC) 110 564 565 1 990 COO FEET p 7 F 116' 15' 33*45' 7 6 m 42 2! d 13m, j BUPN�DA VblES 33 76 COUNIRY CLUB t4 f4f ;A--f! DARBY- RD.&. 3733 Water 570000 '-'QLO L.J. /Y 10 1 1 ! FEET - 1, ICI' Well -1 — -i:�- 455 t well Wei! sm Im 144 'g Indian Well o Well - 26��U=- + 4m well% 0 . Ep \\ DORADO GOLF COUR SE E C f X \Water tjovver cc- L to W 11 Flaw N -15mmarr REM LR Q �- 71r, T-AL .2 'r 7� ' Joe Be # rL 'N 27 14 31 BM 3 3732 LL f ci o CL 3 133tl1S NOSIOVW a Fn cc .� Ir ao Ili co U HIMed LU a i i PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. -=- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ANNOUNCING FINDINGS, CONFIRMING THE ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF SPECIFIC PLAN 83-002, AMENDMENT #2• PGA WEST SPECIFIC PLAN 83-002, AMENDMENT #2 LANDMARK LAND COMPANY, INC. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission recommended approval of Specific Plan No. 83-002, pursuant to Section 65500 et seq. of the California Government Code, and transmitted the same to the City Council in compliance with Section 65502 of said Law; and, WHEREAS, the City Council held at least one Public Hearing on Specific Plan No. 83-002, as required by Section 65503 of the California Government Code; and, WHEREAS, on May 1, 1984, the La Quinta. City Council certified the EIR for PGA West Specific Plan No. 83-002 (Council Resolution No. 84-28) as adequate and complete, adopted "Statements of Overriding Considerations", and adopted "CEQA Findings and Statements of Facts"; and WHEREAS, the City Council approved the PGA West Specific Plan No. 83-002 (Council Resolution No. 84-31) on May 15, 1985, subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, did, on the 23rd day of May, 1989, hold a duly -noticed Public Hearing on Specific Plan 83-002 Amendment No. 1, a request to increase the hotel by 350 units and recommend City Council approved said amendment. WHEREAS, the City Council approved the PGA West Specific Plan No. 83-002, Amendment No. 1 (Council Resolution Nos. 89-110 and 89-111) on September 20, 1988, subject to conditions; and, WHEREAS, Landmark Land Company, Inc. has request an amendment to said Specific Plan to add 21.5 + acres to the Specific Plan for the constitution of residential units and golf course fairways; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California did on the 23rd day of May, 1989, hold a. duly -noted Public Hearing on said Amendment No. 2 request; a,nd , LM/RESOPC.009 -1- WHEREAS, said Specific Plan Amendment complies with the requests of the "Rules to Implement the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970" (County of Riverside, Resolution No. 82-213, adopted by reference in the City of La Quinta Ordinance No. 5), in that the Planning Director had prepared an Environmental Assessment and reviewed the prior EIR for PGA West, including supplemental, and determined that proposed Amendment will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment; and, WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said Planning Commission did find the following facts and reasons to justify the approval of said Specific Plan Amendment: 1. Specific Plan No. 83-002, Amendment No. 2, is consistent with the goals and policies of the General Plan in that the land use designation, Low Density Residential 2-4 du/ac, is consistent with the proposed zoning and development of the site. 2. The said Amendment doe not increase the number of residential units originally approved for PGA West. 3. The Specific Plan was originally envisioned and considered by the City to function as a major residential, recreational, and resort project oriented around golf and tennis. 4. The Specific Plan approval contained conditions to ensure among other things, consistency with the General Plan and mitigation of environmental consequences. 5. Access to the area to be included in the Specific Plan will be by the internal road system. An access to Avenue 54 is not proposed. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of 1--he City of La Quinta, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct and constitute the findings of the Commission in this case; 2. That it does hereby confirm the environmental determination for the proposed amendment; 3. That the Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the City Council approval of Specific Plan No. 83-002, Amendment No. 2, for reasons set forth in this Resolution and subject to the attached conditions (Exhibit A). LM/RESOPC.009 -2- PASSED, APPROVED of the La Quinta Planning May, 1989, by the following AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: PLANNING DIRECTOR AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting Commission, held on this 23rd day of vote, to wit: CHAIRMAN LM/RESOPC.009 -3- PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - SPECIFIC PLAN 83-002 AMENDMENT NO. 2 RECOMMENDED MAY 23, 1989 1. The Amendment No. 2 comply with the original and modified conditions for Specific Plan 83-002; and, 2. The overall number (5,000) residential units approved for PGA West Specific Plan 83-002 shall not be increased by this addition of 21.5 + acres. LM/CONAPRVL.011 -1- PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 89- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A CHANGE OF ZONE FROM A-1-10 TO R-2 ON A 25+ ACRE SITE. CASE NO. CZ 89-041 - LANDMARK LAND COMPANY WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, did on the 23rd day of May, 1989, hold a duly -noted Public Hearing to consider the request of Landmark Land Company for a Change of Zone, from A-1-10 to R-2 for a 21.5 + acre site, located on the south side of Avenue 54 west of Jefferson Street, more particularly described as: That portion of Tract 21640 as shown by map on file in Book 172 at pages 84 through 94 thereof, Records of Riverside County, California, lying Westerly of the Easterly line of the Northwest one -quarter of section 17, Township 6 South, Range 7 East, S.B.M. WHEREAS, said Change of Zone request has complied with the requirements of "The Rules to Implement the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970" (County of Riverside, Resolution No. 82-•213, adopted by reference in City of La Quinta Ordinance No. 5), in that the Planning Director conducted an initial study, and has determined that the proposed Change of Zone will not have a significant effect on the environment; and, WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said Planning Commission did find the following facts and reasons to justify the approval of said Change of Zone: 1. The proposed Change of Zone to R-2 is consistent with the goals and policies of the La Quinta General Plan and surrounding properties and to PGA West Specific Plan 2. R-2 Zoning is consistent with the existing General Plan land use designation of Low Density Residential (2-4 dwelling units per acre). 3. Approval of this proposal will not result in a significant adverse impact on the environment. LM/RESODRFT.009 -1- NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct and constitute the findings of the Commission in this case; 2. That it does hereby confirm the conclusion of Environmental Determination No. 89-113, indicating that the proposed Change of Zone will not result in any significant environmental impacts and that a Negative Declaration should be filed; 3. That it does hereby recommend to the City Council approval of the above -described Change of Zone request for the reasons set forth in this Resolution, and as illustrated on the map labeled Exhibit A, attached hereto. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission, held on this 23rd day of May, 1989, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: CHAIRMAN ATTEST: PLANNING DIRECTOR LM/RESODRFT.009 -2- -Z'--_ 54th AVENUE,________ SCALE I"=200' ee 769-250-039 769-250-038 769-250-037 �O _ REPARIED BY ,AN'►MARK LAND COMPANY � P.O. BOX 1000 LA QUINTA, CA. 92253 (619)568-4500 ZONE CHAN E A -MO 70 R-2 Coe— k1i I A'�w c.�� � CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 83-002 "PGA VEST" MAY 15, 1984 1. The Applicant shall caTly with Exhibit "A", the plan document for specific Plan No. 83-002, and the following conditions, which conditions shall take precedence in the event of any conflict with the provisions of the specific plan. 2. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for wnstructicn of any use contemplated by this approval, the Applicant shall first obtain approval of plot plans and tentative maps in accordance with the requirements of the Municipal Land Use and Land Division Ordinances. Soils/Geology 3. The Applicant shall comply with the latest Uniform Building Code, as adopted by the City of La Quinta. The appropriate seismic design criteria will depend upon the type and use of the proposed structure and the under- lying geologic conditions. fig) �F 4. A none detailed geotechnical study will be conducted to establish site - specific geotechnical parareters for engineering design of the planned structure locations at the tine tentative subdivision or parcel maps are prepared. The recommendations of this report, as well as those of the structural engineer (for mid -rise development sites) and city engineer shall be co plied with prior to the issuance of grading or building pezmita Hydrology/Water Conservation 2 �)5. Prior to the approval of final tract maps, the approval of zoning permits, / or the issuance of building permits, the Applicant shall prepare a hydro -- logical analysis for approval by the city engineer which will indicate the method and design to protect the proposed development from the 100-year flood. This plan shall be consistent with the purposes of any similar plans of the Pedevelognent Agency and the Coachella Valley Water District then in effect for flood protection. 6. Prior to the approval of tentative maps or development plans, the Applicanr shall design and provide information demonstrating that should there be a breach in the embankment of either Lake Cahuilla or the Coachella Canal, the development design will provide for the channelization or dispersal of the waters in such a way so as to prevent a serious safety threat to the residents of the nearby structures. 2 3� 7. Prior to approval of building permits, the Applicant shall prepare a water conservation plan which will indicate: -0C a. Methods to minimize the consumption of on -site water usage, including water saving fixtures, drought -tolerant and native landscaping, and programs to nux,=nize landscape irrigation. 4C b. Methods for minimizing the effects of increased on -site runoff and increased groundwater recharge, including the construction of on -site collection and groundwater retention basins. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - SPDCIFIC PLAN NO. 83-002 Page 2. c. Methods for minimizing the amount of groundwater pumped out for on -site irrigation, including the use of reclaimed water from the new sewage treatment plant to be constructed and the use of irriga- tion water from the Coachella Canal. Wildlife 9) ;k S. Cottonwoods, sycamore (Plantinus Racenosa) , mesquite, palms (Wash1ngto+;a Filifera) ,, and/or native, copatible plantings shall be planted as part of the go"Lf course layouts. Plantings of this type would be beneficial to wildlife habitat values and could offset loss of prairie falcon foraginc habitat. �v) 9. Werever possible, native, drought -tolerant, desert plant species shall be incorporated into the landscaping plan for the entire project area. The landscape architect who produces the development (site) plan should have experience in landscaping with desert species. The Living Desert Reserve, the Horticultural Department of the College of the Desert in Palm Desert. and Desert Water Agency can provide valuable assistance in: a) recanTending experienced experts in desert species; b) identifying nurseries that have been successful in large-scale propagation of the type necessary for this project; c) recommending appropriate trees, shrubs, and annual and perennial herbaceous species; or d) providing oontacted experts to the developer's landscape architect. 3 D) .)K` 10. Drip irrigations shall be used wherever possible to irrigate plantings to reduce the demand for water in landscaping and to minimize the need to eliminate unwanted weedy species that become established from wind- borne seed. _70) ^ 11. In April or May, 1984, the Applicant shall engage a qualified consultant to determine the activity of the prairie falcon eyrie located 1/4 mile north of the project site. Based upon findings and recommendations contained within the consultant's report, appropriate measures shall be developed to allow enhancement of habitat on the project site ampatible with golf course development. Archaeology 12. If buried remains are encountered during development, a qualified archaeologist shall be contacted immediately and appropriate mitigation measures can be taken. Air Quality 9 /) air 13. Tb the exte-it practical, major earth mvveruent for each of the golf courses ,shall occur before adjacent residential construction is ccnpleted. 9 �) 14. The Applicant shall utilize dust control measures in accordance with the Municipal Code and the Uniform Building Code and subject to the approval of the city engineer. CONDITICNS OF APPROVAL -- SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 83-002 Page 3. At the time of submittal of tentative tract maps or plot plans, the Applicant shall demonstrate that the proposed uses include provisions for non -automotive means of transportation within the project site as a means of reducing dependence on private automobiles. This may include golf cart. path systems, bicycle and pedestrian systems, and other similar systems consistent with the Specific Plan. 9)) *= 16. Specific project designs shall encourage the use of public transit by providing for on -site bus shelters as required by the planning director and consistent with the requirements of local transit districts and the Specific Plan. 93) .ft- 17. The Applicant shall encourage and support the use of sunline van/bus service /Dial -A Ride/ jitneys between the project site, local airports (e.g., Palm Springs, 'Thermal), and other regional land uses. Traffic and Circulation 18. 54th Avenue, 58th Avenue, Airport Boulevard and Madison Street co;tiguous to the project shall be developed in accordance with their General Plan designations and the La Quinta and/or Riverside County design and structural standards in effect at the time of tentative tract or develop- ment approval in conjunction with the phased inplementation of the Specifi, Plan. 54th Avenue, 58th Avenue and Madison Street shall be constructed to minimr three-quarter (3/4) width improvement standard. 19. Prior to the closure of Jefferson Street, the Applicant shall construct and iprove Madison Street between 54th and 52nd Avenues, or provide adequate financial security (i.e., letter of credit), with a,mininaan 32-foot-wide pavement, in accordance with the applicable County and/or City standards. In addition, the Applicant shall submit a pavement evaluation study on existing Madison Street between 52nd and 50th Avenues to the city engineer and County Roads Department for review and approval, to determine required pavement repairs and/or inprovements which will be installed by the Applicant prior to the closure of Jefferson Street. 20. Prior to the closure of Jefferson Street, the Applicant shall fund and install the necessary off -site pavement improvements to Madison Street between the project's southerly boundary and 58th Avenue, and to 58th Avenue between the project's easterly boundary and Madison Street in accordance with the requirements of the city engineer and the applicable County and/or City standards. The Applicant shall submit a pavement evaluation study to the city engineer and County Roads Department for their review and determination of the required pavement inprovements which shall be installed. 21. Prior to tract map or development approval, the Applicant shall submit a tentative tine schedule for the closure of Jefferson as it relates to the phased implementation of the Specific Plan. 'This schedule shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Council. CCND,rrICNS OF APPRCNAL - SPDCIFIC PIAN NO. 83-002 Page 4. )f 22. The Applicant shall assume the costs associated with abandonment of Jefferson Street and Airport Boulevard within the Specific Plan area. 23. In order t.o facilitate mitigation of cumulative traffic impacts of this and other area projects, the City shall establish a traffic improvement needs monitoring program. 'This program will undertake biannual traffic count studies to determine if warrants are net for major roadway improve- 5 means. Upon determination of needs, the City may initiate projects to w�l ' meet those needs. Funding of this program may be by fee programs that assess neon development and/or users on a pro-rata or fair -share basis, formation of assessment districts, acquisition of State or Federal road funds, or other means that fairly allocate costs to those generating the need. The Applicant shall agree to pay the designated pro-rata share that the City may establish to fund off -site roadway improvements and traffic signalization on an "as warranted" basis. 24. The Applicant shall develop all roads internal to the project in accordancE 3� with the design standards specified in the Specific Plan and the structural standards in effect at the time of tentative tract or development approval area in conjunction with the phased implementation of the Specific Plan. All roadways within the Specific Plan area shall remain private. 25. If Riverside County amends its General Plan to change the status of Madison Street between 50th and 58th Avenues from a secondary to a major highway and changes its road standards to require landscaped medians in major highways for surrounding unincorporated areas by October 31, 1984, Madison Street between 54th and 58th Avenues shall be improved as a 100-foc wide major highway including provision for landscaped medians and JefferooH Street between 52nd and 54th Avenues shall be widened to accommodate four travel lanes. If the above -referenced County actions occur, then Conditia No. 19 will have no force and effect. Noise o1) 26. Prior to building permit approval, building setbacks, engineering design, orientation of buildings, and noise barriers shall be utilized to reduce noise impacts from nearby existing and future roadways to witkain. the State standards. 27. Prior to approval of precise development plans or tentative tract maps, the Applicant will demonstrate that residential structures satisfy the state's indoor criterion. were exposed to noise levels in excess of State standards, Applicant shall install special design features such as double -glazed windows, mechanical ventilation, special roof venting, increased insulation, weatherstripping, or oarbinations of these and similar measures. /o # 28. Prior to approval of building permits for the commercial center, the Applicant shall demonstrate that all structures meet State interior noise standards for cammercial uses as defined in the State guidelines. CONDrrIONS OF APPROVAL - SPD`IFIC PLAN NO. 83-002 Page 5. 29. Requirements for the installation of solar water heaters shall be determined by the City on a uniform city-wide basis for new construction at a later date. The developer shall ccuply with the requirements current at the time of construction. 30. All tentative maps and development plans shall be designed to ensure compliance with the State laws regarding solar accessibility. To the extent possible, all structures shall be sited, oriented and designed so as to ;minimize the energy needs for cooling. Land Use 1D0 31. Zhe project shall be subject to staff review for conformance to establishes City land use ordinances and policies, and will be subject to public revim at hearings of the Planning Commission and City Council. 7///8)*- 32. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, construction of the golf course or approval of tentative maps or development plans within 1/8 mile of the park, the Applicant shall submit plans showing the buffer area between any structure and the property boundary of the Lake Cahuilla County Regional Park. nw-se plans shall be subject to the review and approval of the Planning Director. l(�l 118) ;'K 33. Prior to the issuance of any grading permits or approval of any tentative maps or development plans, the Applicant shall submit plans to the Coirmunity Development Department for review and approval demonstrating that there is adequate setback of proposed future golf coarse, street, utility and structural improvements to provide for the setback of project Perimeter walls along public roadways in accordance with the City's adopted parkway standards in effect at the time of application for said permits. 34. Height limitations shall be as shown in the specific Plan, except as follows: a. The portion of the area designated for six -story (72 feet) height south of the Airport Boulevard alignment shall be deleted. b. All residential units shall be limited to a maximum of t�ao stories, not to exceed 35 feet. c. The. hotel telex and related buildings within the Village Core shall be limited to a maximum height of four stories. CONDITIONS OF APPRM%L - SPECIFIC PIM NO. 83-002 Page 6. 35. The area east of Madison Street shall be developed at a maximum average density of 3 units per acre for a total of 480 units. 36. The comiercial area shall be reduced to a maximum total of 20 acres for the future development of a commercial center and offices. 37. Applicant is encouraged to maintain all land, within the property boundaries, in agricultural production until such land is graded for development, provided that such agricultural production is economically feasible. In the event said undeveloped land is not continuedor placed in agricultural production, Applicant shall plant and maintain, said land in appropriate ground cover to prevent dust and erosion and to provide an aesthetically pleasing environment. Public Services and Utilities 38. Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of the Uniform Fire Code in effect at the time of development and the followiz additional provisions: a. Applicant shall dedicate a one -acre, fire station site within the project boundaries to the City, at a location to be deten-rned by the City in consultation with the Applicant. b. Applicant shall design, construct and equip the fire station to Riverside County Fire Department specifications and City standards and codes. c. Phased construction of the station shall be subject to approval by Riverside County Fire Department and the City Fire Marshall. A station shall be constructed prior to the start of building coast ruction. d. The Pipplicant shall purchase and equip the station with a 1,250 galloon/minute engine fitted for future attachment of a telesquirt as required, and a squad or paramedic unit in accordance with Riverside County Fire Department specifications. e. The station shall be equipped with an engine to fire department specifications prior to the start of framing construction„ The station shall be equipped with a telesquirt unit prior to the construction of buildings which are three stories or greater in height. f. The .applicant shall agree to participate in an assessment district for financing operations, maintenance and personnel costs,, providing that said district includes other assessable property if served by said district. g. All buildings over 30 feet or over 2 stories in height shall be required to provide built-in fire protection. This requirement shall remain in effect until December 31, 1984, or until the City adopts its revisions to the Unifozn Fire Code, whichever occurs first. C ONDITIMS OF .NPPFCVAL - SPFrIFIC PLAN NO. 83-002 Page 7. h. City shall enter into a reimbursement agreement with Applicant, whereby City shall agree to reimburse to Applicant those costs of fire station construction and equipment, which are properly attributable to service recipients located outside the project boundary. 39. The Applicant shall pay a per -unit school development fee as determined by the Desert Sands and Coachella Valley Unified School Districts in accordance with the school mitigation agreements as approved by the La Quinta City Council and in effect at the time of the issuance of building permits. 40. To fund improvements to Lake Cahuilla, the Applicant shall pay the amount of $50,000 to the City. 'This contribution is specifically intended to matigate the closure of Jefferson Street. 41. The Applicant shall conply with the requirements of the Coachella Valley Water District for the provision of domestic water and sanitation service. The Applicant shall annex the project site to Improvement District No. 55 to obtain adequate permanent wastewater treatment services. 42. The Applicant shall comply with the following requirements of Imperial Irrigation District: a. Applicant small provide a 2.5-acre site for an electrical_ substation on, or adjacent to, the development at a location approved by Imperial Irrigation District, the City, and the Applicant; or, shall provide or participate in, other facilities acceptable to Imperial Irrigations District and the City. b. Any relocation of existing overhead power facilities within or adjacent to the project shall be per District regulations appli- cable to the said conditions thereof. 43. All overhead utility lines located along the perimeter public roadways, with the exception of high voltage power lines of 66 KV and above, shall be installed underground. 44. 7b fund the cost of a special cccmunity services project/facility to be determined by the City, the Applicant shall pay the amount of $1,000,000 to the City. This amount will be paid in five (5) equal, annual payments on the first day of each calendar year commencing January 1, 1985. Miscellaneous 45. Ianckarc understands that the City was incorporated in 1982 and has not yet enacted a complete policy on exactions on new development to provide municipal improvement and facilities needed as a result of the cumulativE impact of such new development; and that City is in the process of pre- paring and enacting such a policy, which will include uniform fees to be imposed upon new construction to fund the following public improvements CONDITIONS OFAPPROVAL - SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 83-002 Page 8. and facilities; fire station, public safety facility, city hall, park and recreation facilities, schools, drainage facilities, major thorough- fares and bridges and traffic signalization; that City expects to enact said fees policy on or before December 31, 1984; Landmark agrees to pay said fee or fees in the amount and at the time enacted and from time to tune amended by City. To the extent Applicant constructs specific facilities included within the fee structure (i.e., fire station), it shall receive appropriate credit, as determined by the City Council. If said fee shall include financing of permanent or temporary school facilities, Condition 39 (school develognent fee) shall be deleted. 46. Prior to the issuance of grading permits or the approval of tentative tract naps or plot plans, the Applicant shall submit a phasing schedule and nap for the entire project to the Planning Director for review and approval. 47. Applicant shall consent to the formation of a maintenance district under Chapter 26 of the Irrprovenent Act of 1911 (Streets & Highways Code, Section 5B20 et seq.) or the Lighting and Landscaping Act of 1972 (Streets & Highway Code 22600 et seq.) to implement maintenance of landscaping, pavement, and cn-site lighting within all camonly maintained driveways, parking areas, greenbelts, private streets, and other improved cannon ownership areas. It is understood and agreed that appropriate homeowners' associations shall pay all above costs of maintenance for said inproved c mmn areas until such time as the City Council determines that, by defau: of the homeowner's association, a need for maintenance work and establish- ment of a tax rate exists and until such time as tax revenues are received by the district for assessment upon the real property. At the request of the Applicant, this shall be reconsidered and may be deleted at the time o: tentative tract approvals. CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 88-111 _ RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL EXHIBIT A AUGUST 23, 1988 1. Condition No. 23: The Applicant/Developer shall prepare a traffic study one year after the opening of the PGA West Hotel_ (the intersection/streets identified in the original EIR shall be addresses). The Traffic Study shall include traffic generated from the total PGA West project (i.e. existing residential units, club houses, future residential developments, hotel) and shall contain percentage associated with each impact/improvement. Should the results of the study indicate that traffic signals are warranted, the Applicant/Developer shall pay its share of the signal cost based upon the percentages identified in the Traffic Study. A letter of credit shall be provided, prior to the issuance of any Certificate of Occupancy, in an amount recommended by the City Engineer to ensure that the traffic study and installation of the traffic signals will be provided. Should the required traffic study indicate that the signal warrants are not met, the Applicant/Developer shall conduct annual warrant studies to determine when the signals are needed. Upon the need for the signals, the Applicant/Developer shall participate in its share of the signal costs as noted above. In addition, when the signal warrants are met at the intersection of Avenue 54 and Jefferson, the Applicant./Developer shall pay for the installation of the signal. The City may establish a reimbursement agreement for this signal. The Applicant/Developer shall pay for an annual 24-hour traffic count program, for each impacted road and intersection with roadway improvements triggered when threshold values are reached. The Applicant/Developer shall pity for its share of the improvement required based upon its project -related traffic generation impact as identified by the percentages in the above mentioned Traffic Study. The implementation of this condition is to be administered by the City Engineer, acting upon his technical_ discretion. 2. Condition No. 25 of City Council Resolution No. 84-31 is hereby rescinded and deleted. 3. Condition No. 34 of City Council Resolution No. 84-31: Height limitation shall be as specified for the original Specific Plan, except as follows: a. The portion of the area designated for six• -story (72 feet) height south of the Airport Boulevard alignment shall be deleted. BJ/CONAPRVL.009 b. All residential units shall be limited to a maximum of two stories, not to exceed 35 feet. C. The hotel shall be limited to a maximum height of six stories; and the other related buildings, not attached to the hotel, within the Village Core shall be limited to two stories. 4. Condition No. 38.i. of City Council Resolution 84-31 is hereby modified to read as follows: The Applicant shall provide an access road, pursuant to the Uniform Fire Code for the kiotel. In lieu of access roads on all sides of the hotel building, the Applicant may provide: o Full access on one complete side of the building, which includes provisions for aerial apparatus operations at strategic locations; and, o Installation of a complete "Life Safety Support System" for high-rise occupancies. NOTE: All of the other conditions of approval for the PGA West Specific Plan still apply unless amended above„ &T/CONAPRVL.009 MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DATE: MAY 23, 1989 SUBJECT: HILLSIDE ORDINANCE: MEETING OF CITIZENS PANEL AND THEIR SUGGESTIONS REPORT The meeting of the Citizens' Panel was convened at 8:00 A.M., Tuesday, May 16th, in the City Council Chambers. Seven persons attended, plus the Planning Commission Chairman, and Staff. The essence of the input was to allow a window for possible consideration of other uses for the alluvial fans, especially those above Lake Cahuilla - such as amphitheater, hotels, etc. Attached is a final section which can be added to the ordinance which specifically lays out the procedure which would remove an area from the HC Zone and allow the proposal of a different use. One party lobbied for a higher density which could then be transferred tc recoup the investment of funds in a property. The property in question is presently zoned one unit per twenty acres and was bought when the County had the same designation. Little appears to be possible to increase the value of the land without granting a windfall to all similarly situated properties. OPTIONAL SECTICN 9.145.070 Change of Designation. All lands within the Hillside Conservation Zone are designated on the General Plan Land Use Map as "open space." A property owner may propose a change of designation from "open space" and "HC" zones by ,means of the following procedures: A. General Plan Amendment from "open space" designation to an equally appropriate category. LM/MEMOPC.002 -1- B. A change of zone from HC to an equally appropriate zone; C. Submission of a specific plan for the property; D. Satisfaction of the engineering reviews required in Section 9.145.055; E. Compliance with all other sections of this Chapter except 9.145.020; 9.145.045 A,B,C; 9.145.055; and 9.145.060. LM/MEMOPC.002 -2- CHAPTER 9.145 H.C. ZONE (HILLSIDE CONSERVATION ZONE) Sect i ons : 9.145.005 .010 .015 .020 .025 .030 .035 .040 .045 .050 .055 .060 .065 Generally Purpose and Intent Application to Property Permitted Uses Plot Plan Review Required Design Review Required Engineering Reviews Required Grading, Grubbing, Scarring Control Development Standards Division of HC Zoned Land Transfer of Development Rights Alteration of the Location of the Toe of the Slope Recreation/Open Space Ownership and Maintenance 9.145.005 GENERALLY. ;�. The Hillside Conservation (H.C.) Ordinance applies specifically to land meeting the definitions of being above "the toe of the slope", as defined in 9.145.015 FtApplication to Property", within the following 19 sections (San Bernardino Base and Meridian) within the City of La Quinta: TSS, R7E: Sections 19, 25, 30; TSS, R6E: Section 36; T6S, R6E: Sections 1, 12, 13, 24, 25; T6S, R7E: Sections 6, 7, 8, 17, 18, 19, 20, 28, 29, 30. B. The H.C. Ordinance shall also apply to each and every parcel of land within the city (without otherwise being noted on exhibit or map which is added to the City by annexation, dedication, or other means) meeting the definitions of being above "the toe of the slope". �. Except as specifically provided elsewhere in this title, any and all disturbance of natural terrain, grubbing, grading, new use, and every new building and premises or land in the H.C. zone shall be used for or occupied and every building shall be erected, constructed, established, altered, enlarged, maintained, moved into or within such H.C. Zone exclusively and only in accordance with regulations set forth in this chapter. AD/DOCTB.003 -1- 9.145.010 PURPOSE AND INTENT. A. The purpose of this Chapter is twofold: to define those hillside areas which are not developable, from either an aesthetic or engineering perspective, and to prevent inappropriate development on them; and for those hillside areas which are developable, to insure that the placement, density, and type of all hillside development within the City of La Quinta is suitable to the topography of the existing terrain, that proposed developments will provide for minimal disturbance of the natural terrain, and that the natural hillside and mountainside characteristics will be retained wherever practicable. 13. It is the further purpose of this Chapter to implement the goals and policies of the General Plan and to achieve the following objectives: 1. To protect and conserve hillside ecosystems through the retention of unique natural topographic features and hillside characteristics, including drainage patterns, streams, slopes, ridgelines, rock outcroppings, vistas, natural vegetation, and the habitats and migratory routes of animals; 2. To maximize the retention of the City's natural topographic features, including, but not limited to, mountainsides, mountain faces, skyline profiles, ridgelines, ridgecrests, hilltops, hillsides, slopes, arroyos, ravines, canyons, prominent vegetation, rock outcrops, view corridors, and scenic vistas, through the careful limitation and selection of building sites and building pads on said topographic features; 3. To assure that developmental use of said topographic features will relate to the surrounding topography and will not be conspicuous and obtrusive because of the design and location of said developmental use; 4. To reduce the scarring effects of excessive grading for roads, building pads, and cut and fill slopes; and 5. To conserve the City's natural topographic features while preserving and enhancing the beauty of the City's landscape. 9.145.015 APPLICATION TO PROPERTY. A. In the La Quinta General Plan, all hillsides are AD/DOCTB.003 -2- designated "open space". In general, the dividing line between open space and other land uses is meant to follow and be bounded by "the toe of the slope." The area above "the toe of the slope" includes not only hillsides, but also alluvial fans which are not protected by flood control structures, and drainage ways and stream courses which have some potential for flooding. 13. On any particular parcel, the City Engineer, based on a combination of site visits and engineering reports submitted by the applicant, will determine the location of "the toe of the slope," using the following as the major criteria (one or more criteria may apply): 1. The point where water -borne alluvial material begins to collect to a depth of one foot or more; 2. The dividing line between steeper rock formations and more gently sloping alluvium, i.e., where there is a noticeable break in the angle of slope from shallow to steep; 3. Where the angle of slope exceeds 10%; 4. An area unprotected from flooding potential, i.e., an area above the uppermost flood control structure which intercepts runoff (in the form of either natural water courses or as overland sheet flow) and directs it to a controlled stormwater diversion channel. 9.145.020 PERIKITTED USES. A. No development (except as provided under Subsection F, below) shall be approved for slopes exceeding 20%. B. No development (except as provided under Subsection F, below) shall be approved for areas within the Hillside Conservation Zone which are visible from anywhere within the City (or from areas adjacent to the City) from a vantage point lying below "the toe of the slope" as defined in 9.145.015 above. C. Visibility shall be determined by the Planning Commission in a Public Hearing by the following means: the applicant shall install on every proposed building site, at a height corresponding to the proposed height of the ridgelin.e of the uppermost portion of the roof, and along the proposed route of roadways at intervals of one light per 300 linear feet of roadway, a continuously burning red light of a minimum of 150 watts, which shall the lit for the fourteen days preceding the Public Hearing. Testimony shall be accepted from the personal observation AD/DOCTB.003 -3- of the Planning Commission members, as well as from members of the public, as to the visibility of the proposed sites or roadways from any point below "the toe of the slope." I). The following are exempt from the requirements of this Chapter: tracts and specific plans already approved. The following uses within the HC Zone shall be permitted on slopes not exceeding 20o and in non -visible areas: a.) Golf courses (not including above -ground structures), but permitting fairways, greens, tees, and golf -cart paths to access them; b.) Flood -control structures; c.) Parks, lakes, and passive recreation facilities; d.) Water wells, pumping stations, and water tanks (if properly screened or painted); e.) Power, telephone, and cable substations and transmission lines (if properly screened or painted); f.) T.V., cable, and radio antennas; g.) Hiking and equestrian trails; h.) Single family residential uses; i.) Accessory uses necessary to accomplish the permitted uses such as roads, gate -houses, on -site subdivision signs, parking lots, non-commercial community association, recreation, and assembly buildings and facilities. 1�. The following uses within the HC Zone shall be permitted on slopes exceeding 20o and in visible areas: a.) Hiking and equestrian trails not permitting vehicles; b.) Golf course fairways, holes, greens or tees and access cart paths; c.) Public access roads serving solely public purpcses; d.) Those approved portions of other access roads which can prove to the City that the only access to a non -visible area must traverse a visible area. (Ownership or non -ownership of property is not sufficient proof of reason to place a road in a visible area.) 9.145.025 PLOT PLAN REVIEW REQUIRED. All development within the H.C. Zone shall file and receive approval (or modification) of plans by means of the Plot Plans approval processes described in Chapter 9.180 Plot Plans, or 9.182 Residential and Commercial Development Plot Plans, whichever may apply, plus all requirements of this chapter., AD/DOCTB.003 -4- 9.145.030 DESIGN REVIEW. All development in the HC Zone shall be subject to Design Review pursuant to Chapter 9.183 Design Review. "Development" in this context shall include the following: grading, building, grubbing, or permitting any heavy equipment (equipment whose function is digging,clearing, earth -moving, grading, or a similar function disruptive to the natural terrain) access to the N.C. Zone property. 9.145.035 ENGINEERING REVIEWS REQUIRED. For every home site or for every subdivision proposed within the H.C. Zone, the following reports shall be prepared by a California -licensed engineer (licensed in the appropriate discipline), and filed with the City Engineer (unless :specifically waived by the City Engineer based on a site visit to the proposed site): a.) Hydrology, drainage, and flooding report for all sites; b.) Soil survey of the sites proposed attesting to stability of all sites, and the appropriateness of the construction method proposed; c.) Underlying geology/engineering report, attesting to stability of all sites; d.) Seismic analysis attesting to the stability of the site(s) and addressing the potential of material above the site(s) impacting the site(s); e.) Access plan showing the preliminary engineering for roads giving access to the proposed site(s); f.) Grading plan for the construction site(s) and access routes. g.) A utility plan demonstrating the feasibility of providing water for domestic and fire suppression purposes, sewer, power, and other utilities, especially with regard to the scarring effects of the grading necessary to install such utilities. The City Engineer shall specifically approve each proposed site and access route based on the submitted reports .. 9.145.040 GRADING, GRUBBING AND SCARRING CONTROL. A. No permits shall be issued for any grading, grubbing, building or structure in the H.C. Zone until grading plans, slope planting and irrigation plans, and building elevations for design review have been submitted to the Planning Commission for recommendation and to the City Council for approval. In reviewing plans for grading, slope planting and irrigation, native revegetation, mitigation of scarring caused by grubbing and grading, AD/DOCTB.003 -5- preservation of the natural state of the hillsides and water courses (based on slope angle) and building elevations, the Commission and Council shall consider the purpose and intent of this chapter and the criteria established in Section 9.145.050, together with such standards and policies as may be approved by resolution by the City Council and shall approve the design if all applicable provisions are met. 13. Conditions may be applied when the proposed development does not comply with applicable standards and shall be such as to bring such development into conformity or the plans and drawings may be disapproved and the City shall specify the standard or standards that are not met. C. The Applicant or Developer shall be responsible for the maintenance of all slope planting and irrigation systems until such time as the properties are occupied or until a homeowner's association accepts the responsibility to maintain the landscaping in common areas, or or.her maintenance district formation is established. Ia. Any person who fails to protect the natural terrain, defaces, grades, grubs, scars, or otherwise disrupts the natural terrain in the H.C. Zone without prior City approval of plans for such work, subject to this Chapter, shall have created a public nuisance which shall be abated. Abatement may include the property owner undertaking the restoration (under City supervision and monitoring), or that failing, City -contracted restoration of the disrupted area. The property owner may be charged the cost of the restoration together with the direct costs of supervision and monitoring of the restoration. If the property owner fails to reimburse the City the costs incurred, a lien against the property for payment may be instituted and collected. Es. Any plans which are being considered by the City for possible approval of development shall at the time of discovery of the creation_ of the public nuisance be denied by the considering body. After such time as the public nuisance has been completely abated, the plans may be resubmitted, upon payment of all required fees. :E. The provisions of this section shall be in addition to other Municipal Code titles and regulations applicable to grading activities within the City. No grading shall be conducted, nor shall any grading permit be issued for any grading in the H.C. Zone until grading plans and special drawings showing grading and topography as viewed from critical locations within the neighborhood or community have been submitted to the Planning Commission for recommendation and to the City Council for approval. AD/DOCTB.003 -6- G. The Commission and Council shall consider the following matters of particular concern in their review of grading proposals in the H.C. Zone. Conditions may be attached to the approval of grading plans so as to achieve the purpose and intent of this chapter and the following objectives: 1. The maximum retention of vistas, natural plant communities, and natural topographic features including mountainsides, ridgelines, hilltops, slopes, rock outcroppings, arroyos, ravines, and canyons; 2. The avoidance of excessive building padding or terracing and cut and fill slopes to reduce the scarring effects of grading; 3. The encouragement of sensitive grading to ensure optimum treatment of natural hillside and arroyo features; and, 4. The encouragement of imaginative grading plans to soften the impact of grading on hillsides, including rolled, sloping, or split pads, rounded cut and fill slopes, and post and beam construction techniques. H. All land areas with 200 or greater slope shall not be graded in any manner except at the specific discretion of the City Council, and only where it can be shown that a minimum amount of development is in the spirit of, and not incompatible with, the purposes and policies set forth in this article. I. The following table indicates those minimum percentages of the ground surface of a site which shall remain in a natural state (no cut or fill or grubbing) or be developed solely for recreational purposes based on the average percent slope of a parcel: AD/DOCTB.003 -7- TABLE OF NATURAL SITE TO BE PRESERVED MINIMUM PERCENT OF SITE TO REMAIN IN NATURAL STATE (NO CUT OR FILL AVERAGE PERCENT SLOPE OR GRUBBING) OR BE DEVELOPED OF SITE SOLELY FOR RECREATIONAL/OPEN SPACE PURPOSES 10.0 - 12.4 70.0 12.5 - _4.9 77.5 15.0 - 17.4 85.0 17.5 - 20.0 92.5 20.01 or more 100.0 "Average Percent Slope" means the average natural inclination_ of the ground surface of a lot or parcel expressed as a percent and as measured by the following formula: S = 0.002296xIxL A Where: S = Average Natural Slope in Percent I = Natural Contour Interval in Feet L = Length of Natural Contour in Feet A = Acres of Property (Parcel of Record Existing on November 13, 1979) 0.002296 = Constant which Converts Square Feet into Acres and Expresses Slope in Percent AD/DOCTB.003 -8- 9.145.045 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. ��. Maximum density and minimum lot permitted. In the H.C. Zone the maximum density permitted shall be one residential unit per 20 acres. On a contiguous parcel which includes areas both above and below the "toe of the slope", residential units may be clustered together below the "toe of the slope" to take advantage of buildable areas vlith lower slope angles, provided the overall density for the parcel of one unit per twenty acres is not exceeded. Structures shall remain single family, separated, on individual lots having an area of at least 7,200 square feet. 13. Yard (setback) requirements. The requirements for R-1 zone shall apply. C. Heights. The requirements for R-1 zone shall apply, except that no structure shall be placed in such a way that its outline is visible above a ridgeline. I�. Placement. No structure or road may be placed on a slope exceeding 200. Roads may not exceed 15% grade. Auto storage. On -site parking requirements shall follow Chapter 9,.160 OFF STREET PARKING. F. Equipment. No roof -top equipment for heating, cooling or other purposes will be permitted. G. Architectural treatment. The architectural treatment of structures within the HC Zone shall be compatible with the setting of the structure and shall be generally con- sistent with requirements of the desert setting and other architectural treatments found elsewhere in the City. ]�. Landscaping. On the cut or pad occupied by the structure, landscaping may be left to the choice of the homeowner, providing some selection of drought -tolerant species is observed. Elsewhere on the site (or open space), native vegetation shall be undisturbed (or recreated after approved grading). I. Utilities. All utilities shall be placed underground, except for water tanks and substations which shall be appropriately screened and/or painted in colors to blend into the background. 9.145.050 DIVISION OF H.C. ZONED LANDS. In order to assure compliance with the provisions of this chapter where a planned residential development is not required pursuant to Chapter 9.148., there shall be submitted, for every property within or partially within H.C. Zoned land, along with every tentative subdivision map and parcel map filed for AD/DOCTB.003 -9- approval, in accordance with the provisions of Municipal Code ':Citle 13, a preliminary grading plan (and other requirements of this chapter) showing at least one practical, usable, accessible building site which can be developed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter for each lot or parcels 9.145.055 TRANSFER OF DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS. A. Transfers of development rights shall follow the procedures and standards presented in Chapter 9.146, Transfer of Development Rights. 13. Any owner of property within the H.C. Zone may transfer development rights (which may be prohibited, or infeasible, or not in the public interest, or privately undesirable) from the H.C. Zone on the basis of one residential unit per 20 acres. C. The property receiving the transfer of development rights may be: 1. Another portion of the same property below "the toe of the slope," as presented in a Specific Plan; or, 2. by means of sale to any area of the City which has been General Plan designated as medium density (8 units per acre) or higher (except the SR zone within the Cove area which is single family on small lots in character), provided the increase for any particular parcel does not exceed 200 of the General Plan density designation. 9.145.060 AL'T'ERATION OF THE LOCATION OF THE TOE OF THE SLOPE. 'If, as a result of an approved developmental project, a flood control structure is placed higher on a hillside area so that ,an area of alluvial fan becomes protected from flooding :potential (or if the location of the toe of the slope is moved by altering some other criterion), the new area below "the toe of the slope" shall remain zoned H.C. (Hillside Conservation), and the Specific Plan approved for the site shall determine the effective density of the developable portion by virtue of the transfer of development rights from the hillside areas to the developable portion of the property. 9.145.065 RECREATIONAL/OPEN SPACE OWNERSHIP AND MAINTENANCE. A. Those areas located within a hillside development controlled by this chapter which are to remain as undeveloped open spaces, such as undevelopable slopes and natural landmarks, etc., which are to be used for game AD/DOCTB.003 -10- preserve, recreational, or open space purposes, may be offered, through dedication, to a governmental jurisdiction, or to a not -for -profit land trust, conservancy, or similar organization which will preserve the natural open space of the hillside area in perpetuity. B. If, however, the public agency, or City, or land trust, conservancy, or similar organization does not accept such an offer (or if such an offer is not made), the Developer shall make provisions for the ownership and care of the open space in such a manner that there can be necessary protection and maintenance thereof. Such area shall be provided with appropriate access and shall be designated as separate parcels which may be maintained through special fees charged to the residents of the subject development or through an appropriate homeowner's association or maintenance district. Where necessary and appropriate, maintenance in perpetuity shall be guaranteed through the bond of the Developer. AD/DOCTB.003 -11- STAFF REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DATE: MAY 23, 1989 APPLICANT: LA QUINTA ASSOCIATES II, ELIZABETH G. WILLIAMS OWNER: LA QUINTA ASSOCIATES II PROJECT: CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 89-042; REQUEST FOR A ZONE CHANGE FROM R-1-12000/PD TO R-1 FOR A +20-ACRE SITE TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 24208; REQUEST TO SUBDIVIDE +20 ACRES INTO 69 SINGLE-FAMILY SALES LOTS LOCATION: EAST SIDE OF DUNE PALMS ROAD APPROXIMATELY ONE -QUARTER MILE SOUTH OF FRED WARING DRIVE (SEE ATTACHMENT NO. 1) GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: LOW DENSITY (2-4 DU/AC) EXISTING ZONING: R-1-12000/PD (SINGLE-FAMILY, 12,000 GROSS SQUARE FEET REQUIRED PER LOT TO DETERMINE DENSITY) - (PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT) ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NO. 89-119 WAS PREPARED IN CONJUNCTION WITH BOTH APPLICATIONS. THE INITIAL STUDY INDICATED THAT POSSIBLE SIGNIFICANT IMPACTS MAY OCCUR DUE TO THE PROPOSAL, BUT MITIGATION MEASURES MADE A PART OF THE PROJECT WILL REDUCE THESE IMPACTS TO AN INSIGNIFICANT LEVEL; THEREFORE, A NEGATIVE DECLARATION HAS BEEN PREPARED, PROJECT DESCRIPTION: THE APPLICANT PROPOSES TO REZONE A 20-ACRE SITE FROM R-1-12000/PD TO R-1 (REFER TO ATTACHMENT NO. 2). THIS CHANGE OF ZONE, IN EFFECT, ELIMINATES THE REQUIRED MINIMUM GROSS SQUARE FOOTAGE PER LOT, WHEN DETERMINING DENSITY, AND PERMITS THE DENSITY TO RANGE FROM TWO TO FOUR UNITS PER ACRE WITH MINIMUM NET LOT SIZES OF 7,200 SQUARE FEET. A TENTATIVE TRACT MAP APPLICATION HAS ALSO BEEN FILED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CHANGE OF MR/STAFFRPT.076 -1- ZONE APPLICATION, TO SUBDIVIDE THE 20-ACRE SITE INTO 69 SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL LOTS INTENDED FOR SALE, WITH A PUBLIC STREET SYSTEM, A PARK SITE, AND A WELL SITE (REFER TO ATTACHMENT NO. 3). N19T DENSITY: 3.5 UNITS PER ACRE (NET ACREAGE +19.5 ACRES) LOT SIZES: MINIMUM LOT SIZE _ + 8,000 SQUARE FEET (7200 SQUARE FOOT MINIMUM REQUIRED - SEE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL) AVERAGE LOT SIZE _ + 8,568 SQUARE FEET MAXIMUM LOT SIZE _ 412,800 SQUARE FEET DRAINAGE CONSIDERATIONS: ON -SITE RETENTION OF 100-YEAR STORM FLOW REQUIRED TO BE PROVIDED ON -SITE CIRCULATION: PUBLIC STREETS PROPOSED. THE ROAD SYSTEM ALLOWS FOR ACCESS LINKS TO FUTURE DEVELOPMENT NORTH AND SOUTH OF THIS PROJECT. INTERNAL CIRCULATION CONSISTS OF CUL-DE-SAC STREETS SERVED BY A COLLECTOR STREET. OFF -SITE CIRCULATION: DUNE PALMS - DESIGNATED AS A SECONDARY ARTERIAL AT 88 FEET TOTAL RIGHT-OF-WAY. ANALYSIS: A. CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 89-042 1. The proposed zone change from R-1-12000/PD to R-1 effectively means eliminating the minimum gross square footage required for each lot. Any development would then only need to conform with the General Plan density range of two to four units per net acre with a minimum net 10+ size of 7200 square feet as permitted by the R-1 zone.. 2. The net density for this application is 3.5 dwelling units per acre, which falls within the upper range of the General Plan designation for this area (2-4 dwelling units per acre). All lots are larger than 7200 square feet as required by the R-1 zone. I!. TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 24208 1. Environmental Considerations - Environmental Assessment No. 89-119 considered the environmental impacts which would be associated with development of Tentative Tract 24208. It was determined that the potential significant impacts identified in the MR/STAFFRPT.076 -2- initial study could be mitigated to a level of insignificance; therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared for adoption. 2. Parkland Decications - Chapter 13.24, Article II, of the La Quinta Municipal Code sets forth requirements for parkland dedications (see Attachment No. 4). Based on this Chapter, 0.6 acres of parkland are required to be dedicated or assessed to secure an in -lieu fee. In this instance, a dedication of land is required, located on the eastern side of the subdivision alongside the proposed park for Tentative Tract 24035. Attachment No. 5, submitted by the Applicant, shows an acceptable park site in terms of size and location. The revised layout of the surrounding road network also enables the park to expand. This 0.6-acre park, plus the 2.1-acre park provided in Tentative Tract 24035, supplemented by 2.3 acres of land the City intends to purchase alongside the above, will together create a +5-acre neighborhood park. (See Attachments 5, 6 and. 7). Lots adjacent to the 0.6-acre park provided in Tentative Tract 24208 will be conditioned to permit the City to expand the park, as was done for Tentative Tract 24035. 3. Retention Basin - The retention basin for Tentative Tract 24208 is situated in the same location and will be approximately the same size as the proposed park (see Attachment No. 5). Staff does not agree with the location of this retention basin for the following reasons: a. When the proposed park is enlarged to create a five -acre neighborhood park, the proposed retention basin will be located in a central position (see Attachment No. 6). The retention basin will effectively split the neighborhood park and reduce the usable expanse of land intended for active recreational facilities, and, in general, limits the use of the park. b. Parkland dedicated to the City needs to be usable for active as well as passive recreation. Only a small portion of the park could be used for a retention basin taking care not to inhibit the real function of the park. MR/STAFFRPT.076 -3- Staff, therefore, proposes that the Applicant relocate the proposed retention basin, if possible alongside the proposed park. 4. Maintenance of Retention and Other Common Areas - The City currently requires on -site storm water retention for all projects which could not provide other legally -acceptably means of storm water conveyance. A condition has been provided to insure the maintenance of these facilities by assessing the individual lot owners, either by establishing a homeowner's association or a landscape maintenance district. These methods have also been suggested for required landscaped setbacks along major roadways, such as Dune Palms Road. 5. Phasing of Access Points - The Fire Marshal has a concern regarding the provision of only one established access point (off Dune Palms Road) into Tentative Tract 24208 for a total of 69 units. In response to this, a condition will be attached to the approval of this Tentative Tract stipulating that building permits will initially only be issued on 30 (almost half) of the lots. Building permist will be issued on the balance of the lots when the connection to Blazing Star Trail to the north of this subdivision has been constructed. 6. Propcsed Single -Family Dwelling Unit Design - The Applicant intends to build the same four house designs as was proposed and approved by the Planning Commission on June 27, 1988, for the Cactus Flower project, located just north of Tentative Tract 24208. An additional house design is also proposed and requires approval by the Planning Commission (see Attachment No.8). This unit design has one floor plan with three alternate elevations. The proposed unit has three bedrooms, one bedroom/den, and a three -car garage. The total square footage of this proposed dwelling is 2,057 square feet, not including 594 square feet for the garage. A condition (No. 13) has been recommended which would permit the Commission to require further detailing on the side and rear elevations. As an option, elevations may be accepted by the Commission as being complete, and replace Condition No. 13 with a condition which requires the Developer to construct the units as illustrated in Attachment No. 8, and further, require the designs to be included in the CC & Rs. MR/STAFFRPT.076 -4- FINDINGS: Findings for Change of Zone No. 89-042 and Tentative Tract Map No. 24208 can be found in the attached Planning Commission Resolutions 89- _and 89-- RECOMMENDATION: 1. By adoption of attached Planning Commission Resolutions, Nos. 89- and 89- , recommend to the City Council concurrence with the environmental analysis, and approval of Change of Zone No. 89-042 from R-1-12000/PD to R-1, as per Exhibit A, and Tentative Tract Map No. 24208, subject to the attached conditions. Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Change of Zone Map 3. Tentative Tract Map 24208 4. Parkland Dedication Ordinance 5. Proposed Park Land Dedication 6. Proposed Neighborhood Park 7. Proposed Surrounding Development 8. Examples of House Designs & Elevations, Unit No. 5 9. Resolution 89- 10. Resolution 89- MR/STAFFRPT.076 -5- ATTACHMENT No. 1 RIVERS01H COUNTY FRED WARING DRIVE ME LA QUINTA 0 LIJ cc MILES AVENUE 41 Lu Nr, Alm, isro fill,/ 0 4 reo /O/ofill, Z /vonfit, eL IONA M A P (3, A T 1 %1% N A CASE No. TT 24517 CZ 89-044 -WESTWARD 1,10 DRIVE SCALY :NTS iG,� Gam. CA C7 �" u LLJ O N Z V IR � N LL� \zs U Q k �o 0 b ~yoNi Q �} C yOV Qjaa�h hrW i W aWyb G �0�1 W �ti4b N Iv b4 U to 0 N t a 4M ATTACHMENT No. 2 Ca a 0 Z oCN 'OY -H7iyd 31Y1?o -44 £ 9 9 - — - - - - U-d--QQQ `TT-T-a---- --- --- ATTACHMENT No. 3 4 .. 1 $s�1�� ��u".i Spa �•� a� �i� � �Sx��• �a 1���3�� �wawlsi r'w �p \\tpp,,���O) CAV, QQS ~ C y w cq if a zPN,nl U aL:rj ~�wti� < cx — t� O O P F> - F- Q to U ZOQ w S S ry 1 � �ac�rJ ~ S S (un, d1 c Z a i n� z UJI m I— I— LU la �V a- i C - OMW AW7J4/ 7/VgV z� •1 r' E 0 13.24.020--13.24.030 ATTACHMENT No. 4 Access rights may be restricted when necessary where the ultimate right-of-way width is eighty-eight feet or greater, except for approved access openings. (Ord. 5 51(part), 1982: county Ordinance 460 S10.1) —I'—'P ARTICLE II. DEDICATION OF LAND AND PAYMENT OF FEES FOR PARK AND RECREATION PURPOSES 13.24.020 Authorit and purpose. This article is en- acted pursuant to the authority of Government Code Section 66477 for the purpose of requiring the dedication of land or payment of fees, in lieu thereof, for park and recreational purposes, as a condition to approval of a tentative map or parcel map. (Ord. 77 S2(part), 1985: county Ordinance 460 S10.27(A)) -� 13.24.030 Requirements. A. For residential subdivisions of greater than fifty lots, the subdivider shall. dedicate land or pay a fee, or combination thereof, it such ratio as recommended by the commission and approved by the council. For residential subdivisions containing fifty lots or less, the subdivider small pay a fee only. All feet shall be equivalent to three acres per one thousand popu- lation projected to inhabit said subdivision. B. All dedications shall be equivalent to three acres per one thousand population projected to inhabit said subdi- vision. All fees shall be based on the average appraised. current market value of the undeveloped land in the subdivi. sion as determined by the city assessor. Projected popu- lation shall be calculated by multiplying the numbers of units to be constructed by the average household size for the entire city as shown on the latest federal census or a census taken pursuant to Section 40200, Chapter 17 of Part of Division 3 of Title 4. C. Subdivisions containing less than five parcels and not used for residential purposes shall be exempted from th, requirements of this section; provided however, that a con- dition may be placed on the approval of such parcel map tha if a building permit is requested for construction of a res .idential structure or structures on one or more of the par- cels within four years the fee may be required to be paid b the owner of each such parcel as a condition to the issuanc of such permit. D. The provisions of this article do not apply to com mercial or industrial subdivisions; nor do they apply to condominium projects or stock cooperatives which consist of the subdivision of airspace in an existing apartment build- ing which is more than five years old when no new dwelling units are added. (Ord. 77 S2(part), 1985: county Ordinanc 460 S10.27(B)) 281-36 (La Quinta 6/87) 1J.L9.V9V-"-OJ'.s7oVJV —JW7.3.24.040 Use of land and/or fees. All land to be dedicated for park or recreational purposes shall be found to be suitable by the commission and the appropriate recre- ation agency, subject to council approval, as to locations, parcel. size and topography for the park. Park and recrea- tional purposes may include active recreation facilities such as playgrounds, playfields, gardens, pedestrian or bi- cycle paths or areas of particular natural beauty, including canyons, hilltops and wooded areas to be developed or left in their natural state. Also included are land and facil- ities for the activity of "recreational community garden- ing," which activity consists of the cultivation by persons other than, or in addition to, the owner of such :land, of plant material not for sale. Land to be dedicated may in- clude all or part of a proposed facility. All fees are to be used for the purpose of developing new or rehabilitation of existing neighborhood or community park or recreational facilities to serve the subdivision inhabitants. (Ord. 77 S2(part), 1985: county Ordinance 460 §10.27(C)) --� 13.24.050 Credits. A. If the subdivider is required to provide park and recreational improvements to the ded- icated land, the value•of the improvements together with any equipment located thereon shall be a credit against the pay- ment of fees or dedication of land required by this article. B. Planned developments and real estate developments, as defined in Sections 11003 and 11003.1, respectively, of the Business and Professions Code, shall be eligible to receive a credit, as determined by the council, against the amount of land required to be dedicated, or the amount of the fee imposed, pursuant to this article, for the value of private open space within the development which is usable for active recreational uses. (Ord. 77 S2(part), 1985: county Ordinance 460 510.27(D)) Cater 13.28 IMPROVEMENTS Sections: 13.28.010 Land divisions improvements. 13.28.020 Plans required. 13.28.030 Improvements for subdivisions. 13.28.040 Schedule A subdivision --Generally. 13.28.050 Schedule A subdivision --Streets. 13.28.060 Schedule A subdivision --Domestic water. 13.28.070 Schedule A subdivision --Fire protection. 13.28.080 Schedule A subdivision --Sewage disposal. 281-37 (La Quinta 6/87) ATTACHME ' NT No. M AY 8 1989 CITY OF LA QUINTA PLANNING & DEVELOHOENT DEPT. 0 7 4 610 7 70' A-1 1) L1 6-0 PIN 7s- 70 Lie! f4 1.A e,J-TA NY 4 J almw *Vmw wasw kr. a�- :;-Mw IMF I.F. Davidson Assoclate3s, Inc. ,,v TIP —4w 'Jew MINW, ENGINEERING PLANNING SURVEYING ARCHITECTURE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 4r .,M.,aapw 73-080 El' Pa.�vo, Suite 106, Palm Desert, CA 92260 t6111 34F ATTACHMENT No. 5 EXHIBIT __CASE NO., I.� - wi 41 '� Imo, / 40 o `` '•:�. 46 �.Nj aeN. ATTACHMENT No. 6,i .r (n R a' o ul ' L o Q' 0' � C! � Qi"' 41 `,1 4, ^ rt':4•,`,,',�t', •'�;'� '' �: .. ` - � �.fr4L._ � oii b D N ;y ,��• ti Cy l f .:: _ I r h ' ` � r to � �• � °y" � V - � �� � Q � Q Y ........... ......... ........... Q Lass -71KYU 4VVZSS 9N/.ZV79— 'b�esl� °�tv�Z`�'1<; W fi in- \81,a8 00 ! ®ic--- _ W W `, +n ;roI I V y� W � �H •� � � �' N , rc U 0. SO LU I � �— — — — • sm• - .v9 oe s�ro/ � � of UP, , . �oq 0 F ry �W ILL ATTACHMEN'r No. 7 — Z4* L FERSON STREET OD A 0 N . 1-0 it 1 :3 0 -0 LLJ Cl) z Ui z > LU :5- coaj 0 LLJ -j LLJ > LJJ ili C/) 0 1 Tk 0 Q 1, DUNE PALMS ROAD ATTACHMENT NO. 8 EXAMPLES OF HOUSE DESIGNS AND ELEVATIONS IT) rn x� _t 0 Z. w m r m D O z CE PLAN 5F®...a — ' ELEVATIONS m r m a 0 z I] THE WILLIAMS COMPANY CACTUS ` FLOWER LA QUINTA 15-14 A.-, ' rur� �.— Pk—MINARY nat far conshuc5on i <o,m - EN o BATH p.,y b0 O F / ` _ —a Eolm 10N y � i0 Cppy f zs :r O r_ h " yy 'i nCnC r Li R � � 9 �m T 1 ,m PLAN 5�.�.��,�. - t-- FLOOR PLAN --- V_ r 010'. 0 30 -4 m r 0 t-A! o • OVO PLAN 5 ELI' VATIONIS/ADDE THE WU.LAMS Comp"y Ad CACTUS FLOWER IA U QUWA v RFUMM" SIIR Illi El 1 1 1 �1 _OM THE WILLIAMS COMPANY 6 U A 9 _ (PLAN 5 v,.4..�.���.�. A CACTUS FLOWER ELEVATIONS/ROOF LA OUINTA PRFVI1RfMARY r fi for a m+ S�taf•fr gc IAssQ -fates i i N Z C. C. m rm., rn d I o Z s O L t U m — I III Iil q„ a �v 9 C 1 vAAI �LJ b}i0 9 O .$ 1 LJ -0o Si, THE WILLIAMS COMPANY t � AN Ji4P.: ah ` C US FLOWER ' �t- _..�— Ev .; �s�°�r�I�isiADD��ENDA PRELIMINARY r4 tvv mr,.tn wrfl— 0 — - PLAN 5 B —_ ELEVATIONS/ROOF PRFt1MINAFY not for corlstivcUon THE WILLIAMS COMPANY Lcic CS FLOWER) LA OUINTA Ll F- --- - _- --- - �r 0 Ilo " o ° �F 1'V i k3 ,a r! I ' !� o; a a 41 I ' 1..I. �I .I I i • I man ■. 7 � off, Ee �o Ca 'I LJEl❑ iN 9i;10��I--j��� �e 'iI ❑LJL� g�;� IL N� ffrCr�C vo ❑ l__1 LJ❑, ❑II-_�_ _--_ 1' V n a A '€ PLAN 5� dDA ELEVATIONS/ADDELA OUNTA Abilm iwARn nl Sx fi Wit M11 M M < ?o 10 F-3 40 DC ix PLAN 5 E_q=VATIONS/ THE WILLIAMS COMPANY c CACTUS FLOWER LA OUINTA n-- P�PL-I. PRELIMINARY rxA for construction PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 897 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A CHANGE OF ZONE FROM R-1-12000/PD TO R-1 ON A +20-ACRE SITE. CASE NO. CZ 89-042 - LA QUINTA ASSOCIATES II WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, did, on the 23rd day of May, 1989, hold a duly -noticed Public Hearing to consider the request of La Quinta Associates II for a Change of Zone, from R-1-12000/PD to R-1 for a +20-acre site, located on the east side of Dune Palms Road approximately one -quarter mile south of Fred Waring Drive, more particularly described as: THE NORTHWEST AND THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN; WHEREAS, said Change of Zone request has complied with the requirements of 'The Rules to Implement the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970" (County of Riverside, Resolution No. 82-•213, adopted by reference in City of La Quinta Ordinance No. 5), in that the Planning Director conducted an initial study, and has determined that the proposed Change of Zone will not have a significant effect on the environment; and, WHEREAS, mitigation of various physical impacts have been identified and will be incorporated into the approval conditions for Tentative Tract 24208 in conjunction with this Change of Zone, thereby requiring that monitoring of those mitigation measures be undertaken to assure compliance with them; and, WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said Planning Commission did find the following facts and reasons to justify the approval of said Change of Zone: 1. The proposed Change of Zone to R-1 is consistent with the goals and policies of the La Quinta General Plan. MR/RESO89.022 -1- 2. R-1 zoning is consistent with the existing General Plan land use designation of Low Density Residential (2-4 dwelling units per acre). 3. Approval of this proposal will not result in a significant adverse impact on the environment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct and constitute the findings of the Commission in this case; 2. That it does hereby confirm the conclusion of Environmental Assessment No. 89-119, indicating that the proposed Change of Zone will not result in any significant environmental impacts, and that a Negative Declaration should be filed; 3. That it does hereby recommend to the City Council approval of the above -described Change of Zone request for the reasons set forth in this Resolution, and as illustrated on the map labeled Exhibit A, attached hereto. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission, held on this 23rd day of May, 1989, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: CHAIRMAN ATTEST: PLANNING DIRECTOR MR/RESO89.022 -2- G ��O N tv��t ►W.NN u�� hou r r 4b �4J >►".4` N J Aj 4 EXHIBIT A F sW�dd 3ivno d £99 - .-Qa--000'TT- T"-8 -- - — PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 89-j" ( A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL CONCURRENCE WITH THE ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS AND APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 24208, TO ALLOW THE CREATION OF A 69-LOT RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION ON A +20- ACRE SITE. CASE NO. TT 24208 - LA QUINTA ASSOCIATES II WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, did, on the 23rd day of May, 1989, hold a duly -noticed Public Hearing to consider the request of La Quinta Associates II to subdivide +20 acres into single-family development lots for sale, generally located on the east side of Dune Palms Road, approximately one -quarter mile south of Fred Waring Drive, more particularly described as: THE NORTHWEST AND THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNADINO BASE AND MERIDIAN; WHEREAS, said tentative map has complied with the requirements of "The Rules to Implement the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970" (County of Riverside, Resolution No. 82-213, adopted by reference in City of La Quinta Ordinance No. 5), in that the Planning Director conducted an initial study, and has determined that the proposed tentative tract will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment; and, WHEREAS, mitigation of various physical impacts have been identified and incorporated into the approval conditions for Tentative Tract 24208, thereby requiring that monitoring of those mitigation measures be undertaken to assure compliance with them; and, WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said Planning Commission did find the following facts to justify the approval cf said tentative tract map: 1. That Tentative Tract No. 24208, as conditionally approved, is generally consistent with the goals, policies and intent of the La Quinta General Plan for land use density, unit type, circulation requirements, R-1 zoning district development DIR/RESO89.021 '1' standards, and design requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance. 2. That the subject site has a rolling topography because of the sand dunes, with the overall slope going from the northwest to the south and east side of the property. The proposed circulation design and single-family lot layouts, as conditioned, are, therefore, suitable for the proposed land division. 3. That the design of Tentative Tract Map No. 24208 may cause substantial environmental damage or injury to the wildlife habitat of the Coachella Valley Fringe -Toed Lizard, but mitigation measures in the form of fees for a new habitat area will lessen this impact. 4. That the design of the subdivision, as conditionally approved, will be developed with public sewers and water, and, therefore, is not likely to cause serious public health problems. 5. That the design of Tentative Tract Map No. 24208 will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at large for access through the project, since alternate easements for access and for use have been provided that are substantially equivalent to those previously acquired by the public. 6. That the proposed Tentative Tract No. 24208, as conditioned, provides for adequate maintenance of the landscape buffer areas. 7. That the proposed Tentative Tract No. 24208, as conditioned, provides storm water retention, park facilities, and noise mitigation. 8. That general impacts from the proposed tract were considered within the MEA prepared and adopted in conjunction with the La Quinta General Plan. WHEREAS, in the review of this Tentative Tract Map, the Planning Commission has considered the effect of the contemplated action of the housing needs of the region for purposes of balancing the needs against the public service needs of the residents of the City of La Quinta and its environs with available fiscal and environmental resources; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: MR/RESO89.021 -2- 1. That the above recitations are true and correct and constitute the findings of the Commission in this case; 2. That it does hereby confirm the conclusion of Environmental Assessment No. 89-119 relative to the environmental concerns of this tentative tract; 3. That it does hereby recommend approval to the City Council of the subject Tentative Tract Map No. 24208 for the reasons set forth in this Resolution and subject to the attached conditions. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission, held on this 23rd day of May, 1989, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: CHAIRMAN ATTEST: PLANNING DIRECTOR MR/RESO89.021 -3- PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 89- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 24208 PROPOSED MAY 23, 1989 A. GENERAL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. Tentative Tract Map No. 24208 shall comply with the requirements and standards of the State Subdivision Map Act and the City of La Quinta Land Division Ordinance, unless otherwise modified by the following conditions. 2. This Tentative Tract Map approval shall expire two years after the original date of approval by the La Quinta City Council unless approved for extension pursuant to the City of La Quinta Land Division Ordinance. 3. The Applicant acknowledges that the City is considering a City-wide Landscape and Lighting District and, by recording a subdivision map, agrees to be included in the District and to offer for dedication such easements as may be required for the maintenance and operation of related facilities. Any assessments will be done on a benefit basis, as required by law. 4. Prior to approval of any grading activities or permits, the applicant shall submit an archaeological mitigation plan to indicate the status of any existing archaeological/cultural resources of any potential significance. Said. plan shall identify any existing reports done by the University of California, Riverside, Archaeological Research Unit, and shall include methods by which any significant or potentially significant sites will be inventoried and/or excavated. A mitigation and monitoring program shall be required to be submitted, specifying a qualified archaeological monitor, including any assistants and other representatives. The statement shall provide the current address and phone number for each monitor. The designated monitors may be changed from time to time, but no such change shall be effective unless served by registered or certified mail on the Planning and Development Department. The designated monitors or their authorized representatives shall have the authority to temporarily divert, redirect or halt grading activity to allow recovery of resources. In the MR/CONAPRVL.056 -1- event of discovery or recognition of any human remains, there shall be no further grading, excavation or disturbance of the site or any nearby area reasonably suspected to overlie adjacent human remains until appropriate mitigation measures are completed. 5. The Developer of this subdivision of land shall cause no easements to be granted or recorded over any portion of this property between the date of approval by the City Council and the date of recording of the final map without the approval of the City Engineer. Traffic and Circulation 6. The Applicant shall construct or bond for half street improvements to the requirements of the City Engineer and the La Quinta Municipal Code, as follows: a. Dune Palms Road shall be constructed to City standards for an 88-foot right-of-way width (Secondary Arterial), with a curb -to -curb width of 64 feet, with a five-foot sidewalk and two -percent cross slope to centerline, plus joins. Dune Palms Road shall be designed for ultimate grade from Fred Waring Drive to Miles Avenue, and constructed adjacent to Tract 24208, and as necessary for reasonable transitions and surface drainage requirements. b. The interior public street system shall be designed pursuant to the approved Exhibit A (tract map) for TT 24208, with a six-foot sidewalk and two -percent slope. Cul-de-sacs shall be designed for a 50-foot right-of-way with 36-foot width curb -to -curb and a five-foot utility easement on both sides of the street. The cul-de-sac turnaround shall be per City standards. Blazing Star Trail and Lot "E" shall be designed for a 60-foot right-of-way, with a curb -to -curb width of 40 feet. Any variations to the approved street system design sections shall be subject to review and approval by the Public Works Department. B. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TO BE FULFILLED PRIOR TO FINAL MAP APPROVAL MR/CONAPRVL.056 -2- 7. Prior to final map approval by the City Council, the Applicant shall submit a proposal to the Planning Commission, for recommendation to the City Council, for meeting parkland dedication requirements as set forth in Section 13.24.030, La Quinta Municipal Code. The proposal for dedication shall be based upon a dedication requirement of 0.6 acres, as determined in accordance with said Section. 8. The final map submitted for plan check shall incorporate the revisions, including parkland site for dedication, as shown on Exhibit P, on file with the Planning and Development Department. Dedication agreement/form shall be subject to approval by the City Engineer and/or City Attorney. 9. The Applicant shall record appropriate documents to grant the City of La Quinta the first right to purchase the lots located north and west of the proposed park. The lots are intended to provide future expansion of the park area. 10. A noise study shall be prepared by a qualified acoustical engineer, to be submitted to the Planning and Development Department for review and approval prior to final map approval. The study shall concentrate on noise impacts on the tract from perimeter arterial streets, and recommend alternative mitigation techniques. Recommendations of the study shall be incorporated into the tract design. The study shall consider use of building setbacks, engineering design, building orientation, noise barriers (berming and landscaping, etc.), and other techniques so as to avoid the isolated appearance given by walled developments. 11. Tract phasing plans, including phasing of public improvements, shall be submitted for review and approval by the Public Works Department and the Planning and Development Department. 12. The subdivider shall make provisions for maintenance of all landscape buffer and storm water retention areas via one of the following methods prior to final map approval: a. Subdivider shall consent to the formation of a maintenance district under Chapter 26 of the Improvement Act of 1911 (Streets and Highways Code, Section 5820 et seq.) or the Lighting and Landscaping Act of 1972 (Streets and Highways Code 22600 et seq.) to implement maintenance of all improved landscape buffer N[R/CONAPRVL.056 -3- and storm water retention areas. It is understood and agreed that the Developer/Applicant shall pay all costs of maintenance for said improved areas until such time as tax revenues are received from assessment of the real property. b. The Applicant shall submit to the Planning and Development Department a Management and Maintenance Agreement, to be entered into with the unit/lot owners of this land division, in order to insure common areas and facilities will be maintained. A unqualified right to assess the owners of the individual units for reasonable maintenance costs. The association shall have the right to lien the property of any owners who default in the payment of their assessments. The common facilities to be maintained are as follows: (1) Storm water retention system. (2) Ten -foot perimeter parkway lot along Dune Palms Road. 13. The Applicant shall submit complete detail architectural elevations for all units, for Planning Commission review and approval as a Business Item. The architectural standards shall be included as part of the CC & Rs. 14. Prior to recordation of a final map, the Applicant shall pay the required mitigation fees for the Coachella Valley Fringe -Toed Lizard Habitat Conversion Program, as adopted by the City, in the amount of $600 per acre of disturbed land. 15. The approval herein contemplated by the City Council is related to Change of Zone No. 89-042, and no final map of the proposed subdivision shall be recorded prior to the effective date of an ordinance changing the official zoning classification of the subject property to R-1. Grading and Drainage 16. The Applicant shall submit a grading plan that is prepared by a registered civil engineer who will be required to supervise the grading and drainage improvement construction and to certify that the constructed conditions at the rough grade stage are as per the approved plans and grading permit. This MR/CONAPRVL.056 -4- is required prior to final map approval. Certification at the final grade stage and verification of pad elevations is also required prior to final approval of grading construction. 17. The Applicant shall submit a copy of the proposed grading, landscaping, and irrigation plans to Coachella Valley Water District for review and comment with respect to CVWD's water management program. 18. A thorough preliminary engineering geological and soils engineering investigation shall be done and the report submitted for review along with the grading plan. The report's recommendations shall be incorporated into the grading plan design prior to grading plan approval. The soils engineer and/or the engineering geologist must certify to the adequacy of the grading plan. 19. Any earthwork on contiguous properties required a written authorization from the owner(s) (slope easement) in a form acceptable to the City Engineer. 20. Drainage retention basin(s) shall be designed to retain the 100-year storm (24 hour) on -site within the basin, subject to the approval of the City Engineer. Retention basin size shall be adequate to provide required "storage" without use of street area for storage. Basin in excess of six-foot water depth shall be fully fenced (security) with lockable gate(s). The location of the retention basin is subject to approval by the City Engineer and the Planning and Development Department. 21. Owner shall execute and record a "Declaration of Dedication" in a form acceptable to the City and offering the dedication of drainage retention basin(s) to the City for future acceptance and maintenance. In the interim, the owners shall maintain the basin(s) and provide bond assurance accordingly. Traffic and Circulation 22. Applicant shall comply with the following requirements of the Public Works Department: a. The Applicant shall dedicate all necessary public street and utility easements as required, including all corner cutbacks. b. The Applicant shall submit street improvement plans that are prepared by a registered civil 14R/CONAPRVL.056 -5- r i O engineer. Street improvements, including traffic signs and markings and raised median islands (if required by the City General Plan), shall. conform to City standards as determined by the City Engineer and adopted by the La Quinta Municipal Code (three. -inch AC over four -inch Class 2 Base minimum for residential streets). C. Street name signs shall be furnished and installed by the Developer in accordance with City standards. 23. Applicant shall dedicate, with recordation of the tract map, access rights to Dune Palms Road for all individual parcels which front or back-up to those rights -of -way. Tract Design 24. A minimum 10-foot landscaped setback shall be required along Dune Palms Road. Design of the setbacks shall be approved by the Planning and Development Department. Setbacks shall be measured from ultimate right-of-way lines. a. The minimum setbacks may be modified to an "average" if a meandering or curvilinear wall design is used. b. Setback areas shall be established as a separate common lot and be maintained as set forth in Condition No. 12, unless an alternate method is approved by the Planning and Development Department. 25. The tract layout shall comply with all the R-1 zoning requirements, including minimum lot size and minimum average depth of a lot. The minimum lot size to be recorded in a final map shall be 7,200 square feet. Walls. Fencing, Screening, and Landscapin 26. Prior to issuance of any grading permits, the Applicant shall submit to the Planning and Development Department an interim landscape program for the entire tract, which shall be for the purpose of wind erosion and dust control. The land owner shall institute blowsand and dust control measures during the grading and site development. These shall include but not be limited to: MR/CONAPRVL.056 -6- s a. The use of irrigation during any construction activities; b. Planting of cover crop or vegetation upon previously graded but undeveloped portions of the site; and C. Provision of wind breaks or wind rows, fencing, and/or landscaping to reduce the effects upon adjacent properties and property owners. The land owner shall comply with requirements of the Director of Public Works and Planning and Development. All construction and graded areas shall be watered at least twice daily while being used to prevent the emission of dust and blowsand. 27. Graded but undeveloped land shall be maintained in a condition so as to prevent a dust and blowsand nuisance and shall be either planted with interim landscaping or provided with other wind and water erosion control measures as approved by the Planning and Development and Public Works Departments. 28. Prior to final map approval, the Applicant shall submit to the Planning Division for review and approval a plan (or plans) showing the following: a. Landscaping, including plant types, sizes, spacing, locations, and irrigation system for all landscape buffer areas. Desert or native plant species and drought resistant planting materials shall be incorporated into the landscape plan. b. Location and design detail of any proposed and/or required walls. C. Exterior lighting plan, emphasizing minimization of light and glare impacts to surrounding properties. 29. Prior to final map approval, the subdivider shall submit criteria to be used for landscaping of all individual lot front yards. At a minimum, the criteria shall provide for two trees and an irrigation system. i�. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TO BE FULFILLED PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS 30. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for construction of any building or use contemplated by MR/CONAPRVL.056 satisfied prior to the issuance of a building permit. Prior to final building inspection approval, the Applicant shall prepare and submit a written report to the Planning and Development Director demonstrating compliance with all remaining conditions of approval and mitigations measures of EA 89-119 and TT 24208. The Planning and Development Director may require inspection or other monitoring to assure such compliance. Traffic and Circulation 35. The termination point of Blazing Star Trail and the street shown as Lot 1°E" on Exhibit A (Tentative Tract Map), shall be barricaded to the satisfaction of the Public Works Department. If the road network for the adjoining tract have been constructed and completed, then the above streets shall be constructed to connect with these subdivisions, in accordance with the approved street improvement plans and the requirements of the City Engineer. 36. Building permits will be issued on a maximum of 30 units prior to the construction of the Blazing Star Trail connection to Tract 22982 (Cactus Flower). Public Services and Utilities 37. The Applicant shall comply with the requirements of the City Fire Marshal. 38. The Applicant shall comply with all requirements of the Coachella Valley Water District. Any necessary parcels for District facility expansion shall be shown on the final map and conveyed tc the Coachella Valley Water District, in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act. 39. All utilities will be installed and trenches compacted to City standards prior to construction of any streets. The soils engineer shall provide the necessary compaction test reports for review by the City Engineer, as may be required. MR/CONAPRVL.056 -9- •c Zl� � MEMORANDUM OF TNt TC: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DATE: MAY 23, 1989 SUBJECT: HILLSIDE ORDINANCE: MEETING OF CITIZENS PANEL AND `1'HE;IR SUGGESTIONS _We Z;y The meeting of the Citizens' Panel was convened at 8:00 A.M., Tuesday, May 16th, in the City Council Chambers. Seven persons attended, plus the Planning Commission Chairman, and Staff. The essence of the input was to allow a window for possible consideration of other uses for the alluvial fans, especially those above Lake Cahuilla - such as amphitheater, hotels, etc. Attached is a final section which can be added to the ordinance which specifically lays out the procedure which would remove an area from the HC Zone and allow the proposal of a different use. One party lobbied for a higher density which could then be transferred tc recoup the investment of funds in a property. The property in question is presently zoned one unit per twenty acres and was bought when the County had the same designation. Little appears to be possible to increase the value of the land without granting a windfall to all similarly situated properties. OPTIONAL SECTION 9.145.070 Chan. e of Designation. All lands within the Hillside Conservation Zone are designated on the General Plan Lcind Use Map as "open space." A property owner may propose a change of designation from "open space" and "HC" zones by means of the following procedures: A. General Plan Amendment from "open space" designation to an equally appropriate category. LM/MEMOPC.002 -1- B. A change of zone from HC to an equally appropriate zone; C. Submission of a specific plan for the property; n. Satisfaction of the engineering reviews required in Section 9.145.055; E. Compliance with all other sections of this Chapter except 9.145.020; 9.145.045 A,B,C; 9.145.055; and 9.145.060. LM/MEMOPC.002 -2- CHAPTER 9.145 H.C. ZONE (HILLSIDE CONSERVATION ZONE) sections: 9.145.005 Generally .010 Purpose and Intent .015 Application to Property .020 Permitted Uses .025 Plot Plan Review Required .030 Design Review Required .035 Engineering Reviews Required .040 Grading, Grubbing, Scarring Control .045 Development Standards .050 Division of HC Zoned Land .055 Transfer of Development Rights .060 Alteration of the Location of the Toe of the Slope .065 Recreation/Open Space Ownership and Maintenance 9.145.005 GENERALLY. F. The Hillside Conservation (H.C.) Ordinance applies specifically to land meeting the definitions of being above "the toe of the slope", as defined in 9.145.015 "Application to Property", within the following 19 sections (San Bernardino Base and Meridian) within the City of La Quinta: TSS, R7E: Sections 19, 25, 30; TSS, R6E: Section 36; T6S, R6E: Sections 1, 12, 13, 24, 25; T6S, R7E: Sections 6, 7, 8, 17, 18, 19, 20, 28, 29, 30. 13. The H.C. Ordinance shall also apply to each and every parcel of land within the city (without otherwise being noted on exhibit or map which is added to the City by annexation, dedication, or other means) meeting the definitions of being above "the toe of the slope". C. Except as specifically provided elsewhere in this title, any and all disturbance of natural terrain, grubbing, grading, new use, and every new building and premises or land in the H.C. zone shall be used for or occupied and every building shall be erected, constructed, established, altered, enlarged, maintained, moved into or within such H.C. Zone exclusively and only in accordance with regulations set forth in this chapter. AD/DOCTB.003 _1_ 9.145.010 PURPOSE AND INTENT. A. The purpose of this Chapter is twofold: to define those hillside areas which are not developable, from either an aesthetic or engineering perspective, and to prevent inappropriate development on them; and for those hillside areas which are developable, to insure that the placement, density, and type of all hillside development within the City of La Quinta is suitable to the topography of the existing terrain, that proposed developments will provide for minimal disturbance of the natural terrain, and that the natural hillside and mountainsic.e characteristics will be retained wherever practicable. P. It is the further purpose of this Chapter to implement the goals and policies of the General Plan and to achieve the following objectives: 1. To protect and conserve hillside ecosystems through the retention of unique natural topographic features and hillside characteristics, including drainage patterns, streams, slopes, ridgelines, rock outcroppings, vistas, natural vegetation, and the habitats and migratory routes of animals; 2. To maximize the retention of the City's natural topographic features, including, but not limited to, mountainsides, mountain faces, skyline profiles, ridgelines, ridgecrests, hilltops, hillsides, slopes, arroyos, ravines, canyons, prominent vegetation, rock outcrops, view corridors, and scenic vistas, through the careful limitation and selection of building sites and building pads on said topographic features; 3. To assure that developmental use of said topographic features will relate to the surrounding topography and will not be conspicuous and obtrusive because of the design and location of said developmental use; 4. To reduce the scarring effects of excessive grading for roads, building pads, and cut and fill slopes; and 5. To conserve the City's natural topographic features while preserving and enhancing the beauty of the City's landscape. 9.145.015 APPLICATION TO PROPERTY. A. In the La Quinta General Plan, all hillsides are AD/DOCTB.003 -2- designated "open space". In general, the dividing line between open space and other land uses is meant to follow and be bounded by "the toe of the slope." The area above "the toe of the slope" includes not only hillsides, but also alluvial fans which are not protected by flood control structures, and drainage ways and stream courses which have some potential for flooding. El. On any particular parcel, the City Engineer, based on a combination of site visits and engineering reports submitted by the applicant, will determine the location of "the toe of the slope," using the following as the major criteria (one or more criteria may apply): 1. The point where water -borne alluvial material begins to collect to a depth of one foot or more; 2. The dividing line between steeper rock formations and more gently sloping alluvium, i.e., where there is a noticeable break in the angle of slope from shallow to steep; 3, Where the angle of slope exceeds 10%; 4. An area unprotected from flooding potential, i.e., an area above the uppermost .flood control structure which intercepts runoff (in the form of either natural water courses or as overland sheet flow) and directs it to a controlled stormwater diversion channel. 9.145.020 PERPMITTED USES. t�. No development (except as provided under Subsection F, below) shall be approved for slopes exceeding 200. B. No development (except as provided under Subsection F, below) shall be approved for areas within the Hillside Conservation Zone which are visible from anywhere within the City (or from areas adjacent to the City) from a vantage point lying below "the toe of the slope" as defined in 9.145.015 above. C. visibility shall be determined by the Planning Commission in a Public Hearing by the following means: the applicant shall install on every proposed building site, at a height corresponding to the proposed height of the ridgeline of the uppermost portion of the roof, and along the proposed route of roadways at intervals of one light per 300 linear feet of roadway, a continuously burning red light of a minimum of 150 watts, which shall be lit for the fourteen days preceding the Public Hearing. Testimony shall be accepted from the personal observation AD/DOCTB.003 -3- E. F. of the Planning Commission members, as well as from members of the public, as to the visibility of the proposed sites or roadways from any point below "the toe of the slope." The following are exempt from the requirements of this Chapter: tracts and specific plans already approved.. The following uses within the HC Zone shall be permitted on slopes not exceeding 20% and in non -visible areas: a.) Golf courses (not including above -ground structures), but permitting fairways, greens, tees, and golf -cart paths to access them; b.) Flood -control structures; c.) Parks, lakes, and passive recreation facilities; d.) Water wells, pumping stations, and water tanks (if properly screened or painted); e.) Power, telephone, and cable substations and transmission lines (if properly screened or painted); f.) T.V., cable, and radio antennas; g.) Hiking and equestrian trails; h.) Single family residential uses; i.) Accessory uses necessary to accomplish the permitted uses such as roads, gate -houses, on -site subdivision signs, parking lots, non-commercial community association, recreation, and assembly buildings and facilities. The following uses within the HC Zone shall be permitted on slopes exceeding 20% and in visible areas: a.) Hiking and equestrian trails not permitting vehicles; b.) Golf course fairways, holes, greens, or tees and access cart paths; c.) Public access roads serving solely public purposes; d.) Those approved portions of other access roads which can prove to the City that the only access to a non -visible area must traverse a visible area. (Ownership or non -ownership of property is not sufficient proof of reason to place a road in a visible area.) 9.145.025 PLOT PLAN REVIEW REQUIRED. All development within the H.C. Zone shall file and receive approval (or modification) of plans by means of the Plot Plans approval processes described in Chapter 9.180 Plot Plans, or 9,182 Residential and Commercial Development Plot Plans, whichever may apply, plus all requirements of this chapter. AD/DOCTB.003 -4- 9.145.030 DESIGN REVIEW. All development in the HC Zone shall be subject to Design Review pursuant to Chapter 9.183 Design Review. "Development" in this context shall include the following: grading, building, grubbing, or permitting any heavy equipment (equipment whose function is digging,clearing, earth -moving, grading, or a similar function disruptive to the natural terrain) access to the H.C. Zone property. 9.145.035 ENGINEERING REVIEWS REQUIRED. For every home site or for every subdivision proposed within the H.C. Zone; the following reports shall be prepared by a California -licensed engineer (licensed in the appropriate discipline), and filed with the City Engineer (unless specifically waived by the City Engineer based on a site visit to the proposed site): a.) Hydrology, drainage, and flooding report for all sites; b.) Soil survey of the sites proposed attesting to stability of all sites, and the appropriateness of the construction method proposed; c.) Underlying geology/engineering report, attesting to stability of all sites; d.) Seismic analysis attesting to the stability of the site(s) and addressing the potential of material above the site(s) impacting the site(s); e.) Access plan showing the preliminary engineering for roads giving access to the proposed site(s); f.) Grading plan for the construction site(s) and access routes. g.) A utility plan demonstrating the feasibility of providing water for domestic and fire suppression purposes, sewer, power, and other utilities, especially with regard to the scarring effects of the grading necessary to install such utilities. The City Engineer shall specifically approve each proposed site and access route based on the submitted reports. '9.145.040 GRADING, GRUBBING AND SCARRING CONTROL. A. No permits shall be issued for any grading, grubbing, building or structure in the H.C. Zone until grading plans, slope planting and irrigation plans, and building elevations for design review have been submitted to the Planning Commission for recommendation and to the City Council for approval. In reviewing plans for grading, slope planting and irrigation, native revegetation, mitigation of scarring caused by grubbing and grading, AD/DOCTB.003 -5- preservation of the natural state of the hillsides and water courses (based on slope angle) and building elevations, the Commission and Council shall consider the purpose and intent of this chapter and the criteria established in Section 9.145.050, together with such standards and policies as may be approved by resolution by the City Council and shall approve the design if all applicable provisions are met. B. Conditions may be applied when the proposed development does not comply with applicable standards and shall be such as to bring such development into conformity or the plans and drawings may be disapproved and the City shall_ specify the standard or standards that are not met. C. The Applicant or Developer shall be responsible for the maintenance of all slope planting and irrigation systems until such time as the properties are occupied or until a homeowner's association accepts the responsibility to maintain the landscaping in common areas, or other maintenance district formation is established. L). Any person who fails to protect the natural terrain, defaces, grades, grubs, scars, or otherwise disrupts the natural terrain in the H.C. Zone without prior City approval of plans for such work, subject to this Chapter, shall have created a public nuisance which shall be abated. Abatement may include the property owner undertaking the restoration (under City supervision and monitoring), or that failing, City -contracted restoration of the disrupted area. The property owner may be charged the cost of the restoration together with the direct costs of supervision and monitoring of the restoration. If the property owner fails to reimburse the City the costs incurred, a lien against the property for payment may be instituted and collected. 1;. Any plans which are being considered by the City for possible approval of development shall at the time of discovery of the creation of the public nuisance be denied by the considering body. After such time as the public nuisance has been completely abated, the plans may be resubmitted, upon payment of all required fees. IF. The provisions of this section shall be in addition to other Municipal Code titles and regulations applicable to grading activities within the City. No grading shall be conducted, nor shall any grading permit be issued for any grading in the H.C. Zone until grading plans and special drawings showing grading and topography as viewed. from critical locations within the neighborhood or community have been submitted to the Planning Commission for recommendation and to the City Council for approval. AD/DOCTB.003 -6- G. The Commission and Council shall consider the following matters of particular concern in their review of grading proposals in the H.C. Zone. Conditions may be attached to the approval of grading plans so as to achieve the purpose and intent of this chapter and the following objectives: 1. The maximum retention of vistas, natural plant communities, and natural topographic features including mountainsides, ridgelines, hilltops, slopes, rock outcroppings, arroyos, ravines, and canyons; 2. The avoidance of excessive building padding or terracing and cut and fill slopes to reduce the scarring effects of grading; 3. The encouragement of sensitive grading to ensure optimum treatment of natural hillside and arroyo features; and, 4. The encouragement of imaginative grading plans to soften the impact of grading on hillsides, including rolled, sloping, or split pads, rounded cut and fill slopes, and post and beam construction techniques. fi. All land areas with 20% or greater slope shall not be graded in any manner except at the specific discretion of the City Council, and only where it can be shown that a minimum amount of development is in the spirit of, and not incompatible with, the purposes and policies set forth in this article. :[. The following table indicates those minimum percentages of the ground surface of a site which shall remain in a natural state (no cut or fill or grubbing) or be developed solely for recreational purposes based on the average percent slope of a parcel: AD/DOCTB.003 -7- TABLE OF NATURAL SITE TO BE PRESERVED MINIMUM PERCENT OF SITE TO REMAIN IN NATURAL STATE (NO CUT OR FILL AVERAGE PERCENT SLOPE OR GRUBBING) OR BE DEVELOPED OF SITE SOLELY FOR RECREATIONAL/OPEN SPACE PURPOSES 10.0 - 12.4 70.0 12.5 - 14.9 77.5 15.0 - 17.4 85.0 17.5 - 20.0 92.5 20.01 or more 100.0 "Average Percent Slope" means the average natural inclination of the ground surface of a lot or parcel expressed as a percent and as measured by the following formula: S = 0.002296xIxL A Where: S = Average Natural Slope in Percent I = Natural Contour Interval in Feet L = Length of Natural Contour in Feet A = Acres of Property (Parcel of Record Existing on November 13, 1979) 0.002296 = Constant which Converts Square Feet into Acres and Expresses Slope in Percent AD/DOCTB.003 -8- 9.145.045 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. A. Maximum density and minimum lot permitted. In the H.C. Zone the maximum density permitted shall be one residential unit per 20 acres. On a contiguous parcel which includes areas both above and below the "toe of the slope", residential units may be clustered together below the "toe of the slope" to take advantage of buildable areas with lower slope angles, provided the overall density for the parcel of one unit per twenty acres is not exceeded. Structures shall remain single family, separated, on individual lots having an area of at least 7,200 square feet. B. Yard (setback) requirements. The requirements for R-1 zone shall apply. C. Heights. The requirements for R-1 zone shall apply, except that no structure shall be placed in such a way that its outline is visible above a ridgeline. D. Placement. No structure or road may be placed on a slope exceeding 200. Roads may not exceed 15% grade. F;. Auto storage. on -site parking requirements shall follow Chapter 9,.160 OFF STREET PARKING. F. Equipment. No roof -top equipment for heating, cooling or other purposes will be permitted. C;. Architectural treatment. The architectural treatment of structures within the HC Zone shall be compatible with the setting of the structure and shall be generally con- sistent with requirements of the desert setting and other architectural treatments found elsewhere in the City. i3. Landscaping. On the cut or pad occupied by the structure, landscaping may be left to the choice of the homeowner, providing some selection of drought -tolerant species is observed. Elsewhere on the site (or open space), native vegetation shall be undisturbed (or recreated after approved grading). :I. Utilities. All utilities shall be placed underground, except for water tanks and substations which shall be appropriately screened and/or painted in colors to blend into the background. 9.145.050 DIVISION OF H.C. ZONED LANDS. In order to assure compliance with the provisions of this chapter where a planned residential development is not required pursuant to Chapter 9.148., there shall be submitted, for every property within or partially within H.C. Zoned land, along with every tentative subdivision map and parcel map filed for AD/DOCTB.003 -9- approval, in accordance with the provisions of Municipal Code Title 13, a preliminary grading plan (and other requirements of this chapter) showing at least one practical, usable, accessible building site which can be developed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter for each lot or parcel. 9.145.055 TRANSFER OF DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS. P,. Transfers of development rights shall .follow the procedures and standards presented in Chapter 9.146, Transfer of Development Rights. B. Any owner of property within the H.C. Zone may transfer development rights (which may be prohibited, or infeasible, or not in the public interest, or privately undesirable) from the H.C. Zone on the basis of one residential unit per 20 acres. C. The property receiving the transfer of development rights may be: 1. Another portion of the same property below "the toe of the slope," as presented in a Specific Plan; or, 2. by means of sale to any area of the City which has been General Plan designated as medium density (8 units per acre) or higher (except the SR zone within the Cove area which is single family on small lots in character), provided the increase for any particular parcel does not exceed 20% of the General Plan density designation. 9.145.060 ALTERATION OF THE LOCATION OF THE TOE OF THE SLOPE. If, as a result of an approved developmental project, a flood control structure is placed higher on a hillside area so that an area of alluvial fan becomes protected from flooding potential (or if the location of the toe of the slope is moved ]ay altering some other criterion), the new area below "the toe of the slope" shall remain zoned H.C. (Hillside Conservation), and the Specific Plan approved for the site shall determine the effective density of the developable portion by virtue of the transfer of development rights from the hillside areas to the developable portion of the property. 9.145.065 RECREATIONAL/OPEN SPACE OWNERSHIP AND MAINTENANCE. A. Those areas located within a hillside development controlled by this chapter which are to remain as undeveloped open spaces, such as undevelopable slopes and natural landmarks, etc., which are to be used for game AD/DOCTB.003 -10- preserve, recreational, or open space purposes, may be offered, through dedication, to a governmental jurisdiction, or to a not -for -profit land trust, conservancy, or similar organization which will preserve the natural open space of the hillside area in perpetuity. B. If, however, the public agency, or City, or land trust, conservancy, or similar organization does not accept such an offer (or if such an offer is not made), the Developer shall make provisions for the ownership and care of the open space in such a manner that there can be necessary protection and maintenance thereof. Such area shall be provided with appropriate access and shall be designated as separate parcels which may be maintained through special fees charged to the residents of the subject development or through an appropriate homeowner's association or maintenance district. Where necessary and appropriate, maintenance in perpetuity shall be guaranteed through the bond of the Developer. AD/DOCTB.003 -11- STAFF REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DATE: MAY 23, 1989 APPLICANT: WARING ADAMS VENTURE, ELIZABETH G. WILLIAMS OWNER: WARING ADAMS VENTURE PROJECT: CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 89-044; REQUEST FOR A ZONE CHANGE FROM R-1-12000/PD TO R-1 FOR A 27.62-ACRE SITE TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 24517; REQUEST TO SUBDIVIDE 27.62 ACRES INTO 91 SINGLE-FAMILY SALES LOTS LOCATION: SOUTHEAST CORNER OF FRED WARING DRIVE AND ADAMS STREET (SEE ATTACHMENT NO. 1) GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: LOW DENSITY (2-4 DU/AC) EXISTING ZONING: R-1-12000/PD (SINGLE-FAMILY, 12,000 GROSS SQUARE FEET REQUIRED PER RESIDENTIAL LOT, USED TO DETERMINE DENSITY) - (PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT) WWI*�0 z l:RzyflA�l CONSIDERATIONS: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NO. 89-120 WAS PREPARED IN CONJUNCTION WITH BOTH APPLICATIONS. THE INITIAL STUDY INDICATED THAT POSSIBLE SIGNIFICANT IMPACTS MAY OCCUR DUE TO THE PROPOSAL, BUT MITIGATION MEASURES MADE A PART OF THE PROJECT WILL REDUCE THESE IMPACTS TO AN INSIGNIFICANT LEVEL; THEREFORE, A NEGATIVE DECLARATION HAS BEEN PREPARED. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: THE APPLICANT PROPOSES TO REZONE A 27.62-ACRE SITE FROM R-1-12000/PD TO R-1 (REFER TO ATTACHMENT NO. 2). THIS CHANGE OF ZONE, IN EFFECT, ELIMINATES THE REQUIRED MINIMUM SQUARE FOOTAGE PER UNIT, WHEN DETERMINING DENSITY, AND PERMITS THE DENSITY TO RANGE FROM TWO TO FOUR UNITS PER ACRE WITH MINIMUM LOT SIZES OF 7,200 SQUARE FEET. A TENTATIVE TRACT MAP APPLICATION HAS ALSO BEEN FILED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CHANGE OF MR/STAFFRPT.077 -1- ZONE APPLICATION, TO SUBDIVIDE THE 27.62-ACRE SITE INTO 91 SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL LOTS INTENDED FOR SALE, WITH A PUBLIC STREET SYSTEM (REFER TO ATTACHMENT NO. 3). NET DENSITY: 3.36 UNITS PER ACRE (NET ACREAGE=27.1 ACRES) LOOT SIZES: MINIMUM LOT SIZE = + 9,000 SQUARE FEET (7200 SQUARE FOOT MINIMUM REQUIRED - SEE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL) AVERAGE LOT SIZE = + 9,950 SQUARE FEET MAXIMUM LOT SIZE = +14,375 SQUARE FEET DRAINAGE CONSIDERATIONS: ON -SITE RETENTION OF 100-YEAR STORM FLOW REQUIRED TO BE PROVIDED � NCRWiiL CIRCULATION: PUBLIC STREETS PROPOSED. A TEMPORARY MAIN ENTRY OFF FRED WARING IS PROPOSED DURING SALES ACTIVITY WITHIN THE SUBDIVISION AND WILL BE TERMINATED AT CONCLUSION OF MODEL HOME EXHIBITION. THE ULTIMATE MAJOR ENTRANCE WILL BE FROM ADAMS STREET. THE ROAD SYSTEM ALLOWS FOR ACCESS LINKS TO FUTURE DEVELOPMENT SOUTH AND EAST OF THIS PROJECT. INTERNAL CIRCULATION CONSISTS OF CUL-DE-SAC STREETS AND A MINOR LOOP ROAD SERVED BY A COLLECTOR STREET. OFF -SITE CIRCULATION: FRED WARING DRIVE - DESIGNATED AS A MAJOR ARTERIAL AT 120 FEET OF RIGHT-OF-WAY WITH AN 18-FOOT-WIDE RAISED LANDSCAPED MEDIAN. ADAMS STREET - DESIGNATED AS A SECONDARY ARTERIAL AT 88 FEET TOTAL RIGHT-OF-WAY. .ANALYSIS: A. CHANGE CF ZONE NO. 89-044 1. The proposed zone change from R-1-12000/PD to R-1 effectively means eliminating the minimum gross square footage required for each lot. Any development would then only need to conform with the General Plan density range of two to four units per net acre, and comply with the R-1 zoning minimum net size of lot, 7200 square feet. 2. The net density for this application is 3.36 dwelling units per acre, which falls within the upper range of the General Plan designation for this area (2-4 dwelling units per acre). MR/STAFFRPT.077 -2- 3. The Bermuda Dunes community has residential lots ranging in size from 10,000 to over 13,000 square feet. This Tentative Tract with a minimum lot size of +9,000 square feet and an average lot size of 9,950 square feet would provide a. suitable interface between the lower density Bermuda Dunes community and other tracts to the south with a minimum lot size of 7,200 square feet. B. TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 24517 1. Environmental Considerations. Environmental Assessment No. 89-120 considered the environmental impacts which would be associated with development of Tentative Tract 24208. It was determined that the potential significant impacts identified in the initial study could be mitigated to a level of insignificance; therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared for adoption. 2. Parkland Dedications. Chapter 13.24, Article II, of the La Quinta Municipal Code sets forth requirements for parkland dedications (see Attachment No. 4). Based on this Chapter, 0.8 acres of parkland are required to be dedicated or assessed to secure an in -lieu fee. The conditions of approval require the Applicant to provide a park development proposal to satisfy the requirements for the parkland dedication Chapter. In this instance, a fee in -lieu would be most suitable because a five -acre park has already been proposed just west of this tentative tract (see Attachment No. 5). 3. Stormwater Retention. The City currently requires on. -site storm water retention for all projects which could not provide other legally -acceptably means of storm water conveyance. The provision of two separate retention basins and the proposal that storm water retention take place on the individual lots is not acceptable to the City (see Attachment No. 3). A condition is attached to the approval of this project requiring that retention basins be provided to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 4. Maintenance of Retention and Other Common Areas. A condition has been provided to insure the maintenance of these facilities by assessing the individual lot owners, either by establishing a homeowner's association or a landscape maintenance district. These methods have also been suggested for required landscaped setbacks along major roadways, such as Fred Waring Drive and Adams Street. MR/STAFFRPT.077 -3- 5. Access to Fred Waring. Direct access from this tract onto Fred Waring Drive is considered a traffic hazard due to the following reasons: a. A further intersection off Fred Waring Drive would increase the congestion caused by an existing access point off Fred Waring Drive (Chapelton Drive) serving Bermuda Dunes to the north and the Bermuda Dunes residences having direct access onto Fred Waring Drive just north of TT 24517. b. The La Quinta General Plan states that the minimum distance between intersections on a major arterial, such as Fred Waring, should be a quarter of a mile. This would be impossible to achieve in this Tentative Tract, as the total frontage width on Fred Waring is only +920 feet. The Applicant has therefore requested a temporary access to Fred Waring, to be terminated at conclusion of the proposed model home exhibition. Permanent access will be taken off Adams Street. The Fire Department requires two public access roads for this project. If neither of the access points to the south or east of the project are developed when the temporary access off Fred Waring Drive is closed, a further temporary access must be provided. .Lot 88 should therefore be reserved for temporary access onto Adams Street if the need arises. 6. Proposed Single -•Family Dwelling Unit Design. Three alternative house designs are proposed by the Developer (see Attachment No. 6), and are as follows: Dwelling Garage Sq.Ft. Sq.Ft o Plan 1 - 4 bedroom, 3-car garage 2164 629 o Plan 2 - 4 bedroom, 3-car garage, 2300 664 o Plan 3 - 4 bedroom, 3-car garage, 2334 611 All three plans include a family room Three alternative elevations have been provided for each floor plan. Staff has not commented on the elevations due to time limitations. A condition (No. 16) has been recommended which would permit the Commission to require further detailing of the elevations if necessary. As an option, elevations may be accepted by the Commission as being complete, and replace Condition PRR/STAFFRPT.077 -4- No. 16 with a condition which requires the Developer to construct the units as illustrated in Attachment No. 6, and further, require the designs to be included in the CC & Rs. FINDINGS: Findings for Change of Zone No. 89-044 and Tentative Tract Map No. 24517 can be found in the attached Planning Commission Resolutions 89- and 89- RECOMMENDATION: 1. By adoption of attached Planning Commission Resolutions, Nos. 89- and 89- recommend to the City Council concurrence with the environmental analysis, and approval of Change of Zone No. 89-044 from R-1-12000/PD to R--1, as per Exhibit A, and Tentative Tract Map No. 24517, subject to the attached conditions. Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Change of Zone Map 3. Tentative Tract Map 24517 a. Parkland Dedication Ordinance 5. Surrounding Development 6. Examples of House Designs and Elevations 7. Resolution 89--,, a. Resolution 89- MR/STAFFRPT.077 -5- ATTACHMENT No. 1 RIVERSIDE COUNTY FRED WARING DRIVE LA QUINTA 0 cc cn a. w z MILES AVENUE T- Z, ccW Lu F— co kill/, z 'y 9� vvvv/0v//////// 0 "knoftftfill "I'lln NA)vz /iq/I Net 11 A A T 10"N MAP A awl CAM No. TT 24208 CZ 89-0 42 -7-7 70 Lu cc z INDIO 0 cn cc lu 6- LL WESTWARD 140 DRIVE op- . . . . . . . . . --- NORTH SCALE:NTS h ATTACHMENT No. 2 � a < < : C_ [� IR k I I � N m 'Q'd 000'ZT T-H ZNVDVA 186'V9ZT T-H ZNVDVA R- 1,_ zo < C U , < N a M M Ln 0) a� u Oc V m 4 p 41 y $1 8 e a��y �2011) If. Q V ij a�yo a °LBW o Q � r,,Qa m t 1 I 1 I rs 1 nssxa, 1 0 t I I 1 I W I 1 1 I I •� ■ r ww e� a sMIN� e� c�aa•a • .0 5tl 9 ."IISEa o9 k M +q blY �I p t ~ •� N A O ■ ■M��S f, 'i �i I-+ 167 1NY7dN N �q�ae 13.24.020-•--13.24.030 ATTACHMENT NO.. 4 Access rights may be restricted when necessary where the ultimate right-of-way width is eighty-eight feet or greater, except for approved access openings. (Ord. 5 S1(part), 1982: county Ordinance 460 S10.1) ` ... VO A RTICLE I I . DEDICATION OF LAND AND PAYMENT OF FEES FOR PARK AND RECREATION PURPOSES 13.24.020 Authority and purpose. This article is en- acted pursuant to the authority of Government Code Section 66477 for the purpose of requiring the dedication of land c payment of fees, in lieu thereof, for park and recreational purposes, as a condition to approval of a tentative map or parcel map. (Ord. 77 S2(part), 1985: county Ordinance 46C S10.27(A)) —401 13.24.030 Requirements. A. For residential subdivisions of greater than fifty lots, the subdivider shall dedicate land or pay a fee, or combination thereof, i such ratio as recommended by the commission and approved by the council. For residential subdivisions containing fifty lots or less, the subdivider small pay a fee only. All fee shall be equivalent to three acres per one thousand popu- lation projected to inhabit said subdivision. -4p B. All dedications shall be equivalent to three acres per one thousand population projected to inhabit said subdi vision. All fees shall be based on the average appraised. current market value of the undeveloped land in the subdivi lion as determined by the city assessor. Projected popu- lation shall be calculated by multiplying the numbers of units to be constructed by the average household size for the entire city as shown on the latest federal census or a census taken pursuant to Section 40200, Chapter 17 of Part of Division 3 of Title 4. C. Subdivisions containing less than five parcels ani not used for residential purposes shall be exempted from tt requirements of this section; provided however, that a con- dition may be placed on the approval of such parcel map thi if it building permit is requested for construction of a rea identia.l structure or structures on one or more of the par- cels within four years the fee may be required to be paid 1 the owner of each such parcel as a condition to the issuan< of such permit. D. The provisions of this article do not apply to cox xnerc.ial or industrial subdivisions; nor do they apply to conci(:)minium projects or stock cooperatives which consist w the subdivision of airspace in an existing apartment build- ing which is more than five years old when,no new dwelling units are added. (Ord. 77 S2(part), 1985: county Ordinan( 460 S10.27(B)) 281-36 (La Quinta 6/87) - 13.24.040 Use of land and/or fees. All land to be dedicated for park or recreational purposes shall be found to be suitable by the commission and the appropriate recre- aticn agency, subject to council approval, as to locations, parcel size and topography for the park. Park and recrea- tional purposes may include active recreation facilities such as playgrounds, playfields, gardens, pedestrian or bi- cycle paths or areas of particular natural beauty, includir canyons, hilltops and wooded areas to be developed or left in their natural state. Also included are land and facil- ities for the activity of "recreational community garden- ing," which activity consists of the cultivation by person; other than, or in addition to, the owner of such land, of plant material not for sale. Land to be dedicated may in- clude all or part of a proposed facility. All fees are to be used for the purpose of developing new or rehabilitatior of existing neighborhood or community park or recreational facilities to serve the subdivision inhabitants. (Ord. 77 §2(part), 1985: county Ordinance 460 510.27(C)) ^°13.24.050 Credits. A. If the subdivider is requirec to provide park and recreational improvements to the ded- icated land, the value•of the improvements together with ar equipment located thereon shall be a credit against the pal ment of fees or dedication of land required by this article B. Planned developments and real estate developments, as defined in Sections 11003 and 11003.1, respectively, of the Business and Professions Code, shall be eligible to receive a credit, as determined by the council, against the amount. of land required to be dedicated, or the amount of the fee imposed, pursuant to this article, for the value ol private open space within the development which is usable for active recreational uses. (Ord. 77 52(part), 1985: county Ordinance 460 510.27(D)) Cha tp er 13.28 IMPROVEMENTS Sections: 13.28.010 Land divisions improvements. 13.28.020 Plans required. 13.28.030 Improvements for subdivisions. 13.28.040 Schedule A subdivision --Generally. 13.28.050 Schedule A subdivision --Streets. 13.28.060 Schedule A subdivision --Domestic water. 13.28.070 Schedule A subdivision --Fire protection. 13.28.080 Schedule A subdivision --Sewage disposal. 281-37 (La Quanta 6/87) r-- 1 1 I i i I I 1 I I M a 0 z M Q c� cc LL A TTACHMEN T No. 5 N f Ln N C) _z 0 z :D 0 Oc z W 0 .`J a 0 rL rr OL ATTACHMENT No. 6 EXAMPLES OF HOUSE DESIGNS AND ELEVATIONS 4. m r m D O x PLAN 1 THE WILLIAMS COMPANY *,, rr-.. RANCHO OCOTILLOELEVATIONS LA QUINTA o PRELIMINARY not for conobvclon I i� W z LE PLAN 2 THE WILLIAMS COMPANY WWI _---—�a�— RANCHO OCOTILLO o LA OUINTA ayr ELEVATIONS ••�•�< < • MR. PRELIM (NARY not for combucIlon IT! r m < O Z w a f ELAN 3 THE WILLIAMS COMPANY V?,Z «== RANCHO OCOTILLO 0 E —VATIONS LA QUINTA ? PREUMIINARY not for corshucNon v r a z w m r m D O z VI D z m r m D O z W PLANS 1 & 3 THE WILLIAMS COMPANY �-� RANCHO OCOTILLO ELEVATION C LA ®UINTA PRELIMINARY not for construction 4z PLAN 1 T IFLOOR PLAN ARELIMINARY r of fm cw str� THE WILLIAMS COMPANY RANCHO OCOTILLO LA OUINTA 0 •FCF�I C Y• �,. •CFO 6� 0 F�g a as _ PLAN 2��m® — FLOOR PLAN THE WILLIAMS COMPANY RANCHO OCOTILLO LA OUINTA PRELIMINARY not for cwmtu4m z lie ATM: 4 y i " DRESSING l_ r — PLAN 3 FLOOR PLAN PRELIMINARY nd tot caraftwOm- _— - -- THE WILLIAMS COMPANYw-- RANCHO OCOTILLO D LA QUINTA ? = PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 89-Q,,q,5 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL CONCURRENCE WITH THE ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS AND APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 24517 TO ALLOW THE CREATION OF A 91-LOT RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION ON A 21.62-ACRE SITE. CASE NO. TT 24517 - WARING ADAMS VENTURE WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, did, on the 23rd day of May, 1989, hold a duly -notice Public Hearing to consider the request of Waring Adams Venture to subdivide 27.62 acres into 91 single-family development lots for sale, generally located on the southeast corner of Fred Waring Drive and Adams Street, more particularly described as: PARCEL 1 AND 2 OF PARCEL MAP 14087, AS SHOWN BY PARCEL MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 67 PAGE 41 OF PARCEL MAPS, RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CA, IN SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN. WHEREAS, said Tentative Map has complied with the requirements of "The Rules to Implement the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970" (County of Riverside, Resolution No. 82-213, adopted by reference in City of La Quinta Ordinance No. 5), in that the Planning Director conducted an initial study, and has determined that the proposed Tentative Tract will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment; and, WHEREAS, mitigation of various physical impacts rave been identified and incorporated into the approval conditions for Tentative Tract 24517, thereby requiring that monitoring of those mitigation measures be undertaken to assure compliance with them; and, WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said Planning Commission did find the following facts to justify the approval of said Tentative Tract Map: DIR/RESO89.024 -1- 1. That Tentative Tract No. 24517, as conditionally approved, is consistent with the goals, policies, and intent of the La Quinta General Plan for land use density in that the property is designated for low density development, circulation requirements, and the proposed R-1 zoning district development standards, and the design requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance. 2. That the subject site has a rolling topography due to sand dunes, and the proposed circulation design and single-family lot layouts, as conditioned, are, therefore, suitable for the proposed land division. 3. That the design of Tentative Tract map No. 24517 may cause substantial environmental damage or injury to the wildlife habitat of the Coachella Valley Fringe -Toed Lizard, but mitigation measures in the form of fees for a new habitat area will lessen this impact. 4. That the design of the subdivision, as conditionally approved, will be developed with public sewers and water, and, therefore, is not likely to cause serious public health problems. 5. That the design of Tentative Tract Map No. 24517 will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at large for access through the project, since alternate easements for access and for use have been provided that are substantially equivalent to those previously acquired by the public. 6. That the proposed Tentative Tract No. 24517, as conditioned, provides for adequate maintenance of the landscape buffer areas, parking area and storm water retention and other common areas. 7. That the proposed Tentative Tract No. 24517, as conditioned, will provide storm water retention, park facilities, and noise mitigation as required by the La Quinta General Plan. 8. That general impacts from the proposed tract were considered within the MEA prepared and adopted in conjunction with the La Quinta General Plan, and were further considered during preparation of Environmental Assessment No. 89-120 and its required monitoring program to be implemented by the Applicant. DIR/RESO89.024 -2- WHEREAS, in the review of this Tentative Tract Map, the Planning Commission has considered the effect of the contemplated action of the housing needs of the region for purposes of balancing the needs against the public service needs of the residents of the City of La Quinta and its environs with available fiscal and environmental resources. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct and constitute the findings of the Commission in this case; 2. That it does hereby recommend confirmation of the Environmental Assessment No. 89-120, relative to the environmental concerns for this Tentative Tract; 3. That it does hereby recommend approval to the City Council of the subject Tentative Tract Map No. 24517 for the reasons set forth in this Resolution and subject to the attached conditions. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission, held on this 23rd day of May, 1989, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: CHAIRMAN ATTEST: PLANNING DIRECTOR MR/RESO89.024 -3- PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 89- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 24517 PROPOSED MAY 13, 1989 A. GENERAL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. Tentative Tract Map No. 24517 shall comply with the requirements and standards of the State Subdivision Map Act and the City of La Quinta Land Division Ordinance, unless otherwise modified by the following conditions. 2. This Tentative Tract Map approval shall expire two years after the original date of approval by the La Quinta City Council unless approved for extension pursuant to the City of La Quinta Land Division Ordinance. 3. The Applicant acknowledges that the City is considering a City-wide Landscape and Lighting District and, by recording a subdivision map, agrees to be included in the District and to offer for dedication such easements as may be required for the maintenance and operation facilities. Any assessments will be benefit basis, as required by law. of related done on a 4. Prior to approval of any grading activities or permits, the applicant shall submit an archaeological mitigation plan to indicate the status of any existing archaeological/cultural resources of any potential significance. Said plan shall identify any existing reports done by the University of California, Riverside, Archaeological Research Unit, and shall include methods by which any significant or potentially significant sites will be inventoried and/or excavated. A mitigation and monitoring program shall be required to be submitted, specifying a qualified archaeological mcnitor, .including any assistants and other representatives. The statement shall provide the current address and phone number for each monitor. The designated monitors may be changed from time to time, but no such change shall be effective unless served by registered or certified mail on the Planning and Development Department. The designated monitors or their authorized representatives shall have the authority to temporarily divert, redirect or halt grading activity to allow recovery of resources. In the DIR/CONAPRVL.057 -1- event of discovery or recognition of any human remains, there shall be no further grading, excavation or disturbance of the site or any nearby area reasonably suspected to overlie adjacent human remains until appropriate mitigation measures are completed. 5. The Developer of cause no easements any portion of approval by the recording of the the City Engineer. Traffic and Circulation this subdivision of land shall to be granted or recorded over this property between the date of City Council and the date of final map without the approval of 6. The Applicant shall construct or bond for half street improvements to the requirements of the City Engineer and the La Quinta Municipal Code, as follows: a. Fred Waring Drive shall be constructed to City standards for a 120-foot right-of-way width (Major Arterial), with an 18-foot raised median island, eight -foot sidewalk, and two -percent cross slope to centerline plus joins. b. Adams Street shall be constructed to City standards for an 88-foot right-of-way width (Secondary Arterial), with a curb -to -curb width of 64 feet, with a five-foot sidewalk and two -percent cross slope to centerline plus joins. Adams Street shall be designed for ultimate grade from Fred Waring Drive to Miles Avenue, and constructed adjacent to Tract 2451'/ and as necessary for reasonable transitions and surface drainage requirements. C. The interior public street system shall be designed pursuant to the approved Exhibit A (tract map) for TT 24517, with a six-foot sidewalk, and two -percent slope. Cul-de-sacs, including Lots D, F, G, and H, shall be designed for a 50-foot right-of-way with 36-foot width curb -to -curb and a five-foot utility easement on both sides of the street. The cul-de-sac turnaround shall be per City standards. Streets A, B, C, and E shall be designed for a 60-foot right-of-way with a curb -to -curb width of 40 feet. MR/CONAPRVL.057 -2- Any variations to the approved street system design sections shall be subject to review and approval by the Public Works Department. 7. An encroachment permit for work in any abutting local jurisdiction shall be secured prior to constructing or joining improvements (i.e., County of Riverside). 8. A temporary road access may be provided off Fred Waring Drive through to road H. This access shall be terminated upon the completion of model complex use or at the end of two years, whichever occurs first. Prior to expiration, the Applicant/Developer may request extension from the Planning Commission for continued use of the temporary access. Primary access to the project will be off Adams Street. A drawing showing details of this proposed temporary access point shall be submitted to the Planning and Development Department and Engineering Department for approval. 9. If the temporary road access from Fred Waring is closed before a secondary access to the east or south of the project is established, a temporary secondary access shall be provided through Lot 88 to Adams Street. This temporary access will be terminated once a secondary access point has been established to the east or south of the project. (A note in this regard shall be placed on Lot 88 as part of the final map recordation process.) B. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TO BE FULFILLED PRIOR TO FINAL MAP APPROVAL 10. Prior to final map approval by the City Council, the Applicant shall submit a proposal to the Planning Commission, for recommendation to the City Council, for meeting parkland dedication requirements as set forth in Section 13.24.030, La Quinta Municipal Code. The proposal for dedication, fee -in -lieu, or combination thereof shall be based upon a dedication requirement of 0.8 acres, as determined in accordance with said Section. 11. A noise study shall be prepared by a qualified acoustical engineer, to be submitted to the Planning and Development Department for review and approval prior to final map approval. The study shall concentrate on noise impacts on the tract from perimeter arterial streets, and recommend alternative mitigation techniques. Recommendations of the study shall be incorporated into the tract MR/CONAPRVL.057 -3- design. The study shall consider use of building setbacks, engineering design, building orientation, noise barriers (berming and landscaping, etc.), and other techniques so as to avoid the isolated appearance given by walled developments. 12. Tract phasing plans, including phasing of public improvements, shall be submitted for review and approval by the Public Works Department and the Planning and Development Department. 13. The subdivider shall make provisions for maintenance of all landscape buffer and storm water retention areas via one of the following methods prior to final map approval: a. Subdivider shall consent to the formation of a maintenance district under Chapter 26 of the Improvement Act of 1911 (Streets and Highways Code, Section 5820 et seq.) or the Lighting and Landscaping Act of 1972 (Streets and Highways Code 22600 et seq.) to implement maintenance of all improved landscape buffer and storm water retention areas. It is understood and agreed that the Developer/Applicant shall pay all costs of maintenance for said improved areas until such time as tax revenues are received from assessment of the real property. b. The Applicant shall submit to the Planning and Development Department a Management and Maintenance Agreement, to be entered into with the unit/lot owners of this land division, in order to insure common areas and facilities will be maintained. A unqualified right to assess the owners of the individual units for reasonable maintenance costs. The association shall have the right to lien the property of any owners who default in the payment of their assessments. The common facilities to be maintained are as follows: (1) Storm water retention system. (2) Twenty -foot perimeter parkway lot along Fred Waring Drive. (3) Ten -foot perimeter parkway lot along Adams Street. MR/CONAPRVL.057 -4- 14. Prior to recordation of a final map, the Applicant shall pay the required mitigation fees for the Coachella Valley Fringe -Toed Lizard Habitat Conversion Program, as adopted by the City, in the amount of $600 per acre of disturbed land. 15. The approval herein contemplated by the City Council is related to change of Zone No. 89-044, and no final map of the proposed subdivision shall be recorded prior to the effective date of an ordinance changing the official zoning classification of the subject property to R-1. Gradina and Drainaae 16. The Applicant shall submit a grading plan that is prepared by a registered civil engineer who will be required to supervise the grading and drainage improvement construction and to certify that the constructed conditions at the rough grade stage are as per the approved plans and grading permit. This is required prior to final map approval. Certification at the final grade stage and verification of pad elevations is also required prior to final approval of grading construction. 17. The Applicant shall submit a copy of the proposed grading, landscaping, and irrigation plans to Coachella Valley Water District for review and comment with respect to CVWD's water management program. 18. A thorough preliminary engineering geological and soils engineering investigation shall be done and the report submitted for review along with the grading plan. The report's recommendations shall be incorporated into the grading plan design prior to grading plan approval. The soils engineer and/or the engineering geologist must certify to the adequacy of the grading plan. 19. Any earthwork on contiguous properties required a written authorization from the owner(s) (slope easement) in a form acceptable to the City Engineer. 20. Drainage retention basin(s) shall be designed to retain the 100-year storm (24 hour) on -site within the basin, subject to the approval of the City Engineer. Retention basin size shall be adequate to provide required "storage" without use of street area for storage. Basin in excess of six-foot water depth shall be fully fenced (security) with lockable gate(s). MR/CONAPRVL.057 -5- 21. Owner shall execute and record a "Declaration of Dedication" in a form acceptable to the City and offering the dedication of drainage retention basin(s) to the City for future acceptance and maintenance. In the interim, the owners shall maintain the basin(s) and provide bond assurance accordingly. Traffic and Circulation 22. Applicant shall comply with the following requirements of the Public Works Department: a. The Applicant shall dedicate all necessary public street and utility easements as required, including all corner cutbacks. b. The Applicant shall submit street improvement plans that are prepared by a registered civil engineer. Street improvements, including traffic signs and markings and raised median islands (if required by the City General Plan), shall conform to City standards as determined by the City Engineer and adopted by the La Quinta Municipal Code (three-inch AC over four -inch Class 2 Base minimum for residential streets). C. Street name signs shall be furnished and installed by the Developer in accordance with City standards. 23. Applicant shall dedicate, with recordation of the tract map, access rights to Fred Waring Drive and Adams Street for all individual parcels which front or back-up to those rights -of -way. Tract Desian 22. A landscape setback shall be required along Fred Waring Drive (20-foot minimum) and Adams Street (10-foot minimum). Design of the setbacks shall be approved by the Planning and Development Department. Setbacks shall be measured from ultimate right-of-way lines. a. The minimum setbacks may be modified to an "average" if a meandering or curvilinear wall design is used. b. Setback areas shall be established as a separate common lot and be maintained as set forth in Condition No. 11, unless an MR/CONAPRVL.057 -6- alternate method is approved by the Planning and Development Department. 25. The tract layout shall comply with all the R•-1 zoning requirements, including minimum lot size and minimum average depth of a lot. The minimum lot size to be recorded in a final map shall be 7,200 square feet. 26. The street shown as Lot C on TT 24517 shall line up with the access point located on the northerly property line of TT 23913. The access point into this tentative tract (Lot A) shall line up with the access opposite facilitating TT 23269. Walls, Fencing, Screening, and Landscaping 27. Prior to issuance of any grading permits, the Applicant shall submit to the Planning and Development Department an interim landscape program for the entire tract, which shall be for the purpose of wind erosion and dust control. The land owner shall institute blowsand and dust control measures during grading and site development. These shall include, but not be limited to: a. The use of irrigation during any construction activities; b. Planting of cover crop or vegetation upon previously graded but undeveloped portions of the site; and C. Provision of wind breaks or wind rows, fencing, and/or landscaping to reduce the effects upon adjacent properties and property owners. The land owner shall comply with the requirements of the Director of Public Works and Planning and Development. All construction and graded areas shall be watered at least twice daily while being used to prevent the emission of dust and blowsand. 28. Graded but undeveloped land shall be maintained in a condition so as to prevent a dust and blowsand nuisance and shall be either planted with interim landscaping or provided with other wind and water erosion control measures as approved by the Planning and Development and Public Works Departments. N[R/CONAPRVL.057 -7- 29. Prior to final map approval, the Applicant shall submit to the Planning Division for review and approval a plan (or plans) showing the following: a. Landscaping, including plant types, sizes, spacing, locations, and irrigation system for all landscape buffer areas. Desert or native plant species and drought resistant planting materials shall be incorporated into the landscape plan. b. Location and design detail of any proposed and/or required walls. C. Exterior lighting plan, emphasizing minimization of light and glare impacts to surrounding properties. 30. Prior to final map approval, the subdivider shall submit criteria to be used for landscaping of all individual lot front yards. At a minimum, the criteria shall provide for two trees and an irrigation system. C. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TO BE FULFILLED PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS 31. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for construction of any building or use contemplated by this approval, the Applicant shall obtain permits and/or clearances from the following public agencies: o City Fire Marshal o City of La Quinta Public Works Department o Planning and Development Department, Planning Division o Coachella Valley Water District o Desert Sands Unified School District o Imperial Irrigation District Evidence of said permits or clearances from the above -mentioned agencies shall be presented to the Building Division at the time of the application for a building permit for the use contemplated herewith. 32. Provisions shall be made to comply with the terms and requirements of the City's adopted MR/CONAPRVL.057 -8- Infrastructure Fee Program in effect at the time of issuance of building permits. 33. Seventy-five percent of dwelling units within 150 feet of the ultimate right-of-way of Fred Waring Drive shall be limited to one story, not to exceed 2C feet in height. The Applicant shall submit to the Planning and Development Department for approval a drawing showing the location of any units higher than one story located along Fred Waring Drive frontage. 34. The appropriate Planning approval shall be secured prior to establishing any of the following uses: a. Temporary construction facilities. b. Sales facilities, including their appurtenant signage. C. On -site advertising/construction signs. 35. The Applicant shall submit complete detail architectural elevations for all units, for Planning Commission review and approval as a Business Item. The architectural standards shall be included as part of the CC & Rs. Traffic and Circulation 37. The Applicant shall pay a 25 percent share of all fees necessary for signalization costs at the corner of Fred Waring Drive and Adams Street. 38. The termination point of the street shown as Lots C and E on Exhibit A (Tentative Tract Map), shall be barricaded to the satisfaction of the Public Works Department. If the road network for Tract 23913 has been constructed and completed, then Lot C shall be constructed to connect with that subdivision, in accordance with the approved street improvement plans and the requirements of the City Engineer. Public Services and Utilities 39. The Applicant shall comply with the requirements of the City Fire Marshal. 40. The Applicant shall comply with all requirements of the Coachella Valley Water District. Any necessary parcels for District facility expansion shall be shown on the final map and conveyed to the MR/CONAPRVL.057 -9- P Coachella Valley Water District, in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act. 41. All utilities will be installed and trenches compacted to City standards prior to construction of any streets. The soils engineer shall provide the necessary compaction test reports for review by the City Engineer, as may be required. NIR/CONAPRVL.057 -10- PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 89-Gje� A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A CHANGE OF ZONE FROM R-1-12000/PD TO R-1 ON A 27.62-ACRE SITE. CASE NO. CZ 89-044 - WARING ADAMS VENTURE WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, did, on the 23rd day of May, 1989, hold a duly -noticed Public Hearing to consider the request of Waring Adams Venture for a Change of Zone, from R-1-12000/PD to R-1 for a 27.62-acre site, located on the southeast corner of Fred Waring Drive and Adams Street, more particularly described as: PARCEL 1 AND 2 OF PARCEL MAP 14087, AS SHOWN BY PARCEL MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 67 PAGE 41 OF PARCEL MAPS, RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CA, IN SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN; WHEREAS, said Change of Zone request has complied ,v�1ith the requirements of "The Rules to Implement the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970t1 (County of Riverside, Resolution Nc. 82-213, adopted by reference in City of La Quinta Ordinance No. 5), in that the Planning Director conducted an initial study, and has determined that the proposed Change of Zone will not have a significant effect on the environment; and, WHEREAS, mitigation of various physical impacts have been identified and will be incorporated into the approval conditions for Tentative Tract 24517 in conjunction with this Change of Zone, thereby requiring that monitoring of those mitigation measures be undertaken to assure compliance with them; and, WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said Planning Commission did find the following facts and reasons to justify the approval of said Change of Zone: 1. The proposed Change of Zone to R-1 is consistent with the goals and policies of the La Quinta General Plan. DIR/RESO89.023 -1- 2. R-1 zoning is consistent with the existing General Plan land use designation of Low Density Residential (2-4 dwelling units per acre). 3. Approval of this proposal will not result in a significant adverse impact on the environment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct and constitute the findings of the Commission in this case; 2. That it does hereby confirm the conclusion of Environmental Assessment No. 89-120, indicating that the proposed Change of Zone will not result in any significant environmental impacts, and that a Negative Declaration should be filed; 3. That it does hereby recommend to the City Council approval of the above -described Change of Zone request for the reasons set forth in this Resolution, and as illustrated on the map labeled Exhibit A, attached hereto. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission, held on this 23rd day of May, 1989, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mae11419 IM ATTEST: PLANNING DIRECTOR N[R/RESO89.023 -2- Z ,V L4 2 �1 Qj . a �J iMy .ao � •o y�� y4♦ • OUo� ~VY V k i EXHIBIT A a� C� d O < > C.D zc U� 'Q'd 000`ZT T-H ZNVDVA t ��rts srrvw ,LNVDVA 0 s STAFF REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DATE: MAY 23, 1989 APPLICANT/OWNER: NORTH STAR DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, INC. ITEM: TENTATIVE TRACT 24545; SUBDIVISION OF 269+ ACRES INTO 276 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS, 6 GOLF COURSE LOTS, AND VARIOUS STREET AND LANDSCAPE BUFFER LOTS. LOCATION: GENERALLY EAST OF WASHINGTON STREET, NORTH OF AVENUE 50, SOUTH OF AVENUE 48 AND WEST OF JEFFERSON STREET. LAND USE DESIGNATION: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL AND TOURIST COMMERCIAL ZONING: R-2 BACKGROUND: Specific Plan 84-004 was approved by the City on November 20, 1984. The project included: o Up to 1500 residential units to be located on approximately 320 acres. o A country club facility including tennis, swimming and dining facilities with 80 guest cottages reserved for members and outside guests to be located on 28 acres. This project would have a gross residential density of 2.2 units per acre. 1. The configuration of the proposed tentative tract is consistent with the Specific Plan. 2. Environmental Assessment: EIR No. 90 was certified by 'the County of Riverside for the previous specific plan (i.e., Specific Plan No. 127-E) which encompassed a more extensive development proposal than that which is now envisioned. Various mitigation measures were identified in conjunction with that EIR, and where appropriate, included as Conditions of Approval for the Specific Plan. LM/STAFFRPT.009 -1- J a The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines provide that, where a previous EIR has been prepared and certified, an additional EIR is not necessary provided that new significant environmental impacts will not result from either changes in the project or in the environment around the project. As a result, an addendum to the previous EIR was prepared to consider certain minor technical changes and certain environmental factors that have been slightly altered, but which can be adequately mitigated. Various mitigation measures were identified in the addendum and, where appropriate, included as Conditions of Approval in the Specific Plan. An Environmental Assessment for the tentative tract was prepared based upon prior environmental review, a Negative Declaration is recommended for adoption. 3. Storm water will be retained on -site or released into the storm water evacuation channel. 4. The interior street system is proposed to be private. Condition No. 15 of the Specific Plan required a minimum pavement width of 36 feet for the primary loop road and 32 feet for all of the other roads. If the Applicant demonstrated that adequate provision has been made for sufficient off-street parking to accommodate all needs, including guests, so that on -site parking is not :required, the street width could be reduced. Attached is •:he Applicant's justification for 30- and 26-foot-wide streets. The Engineering and Fire Departments have reviewed this information and have recommended that the 36- and 32-foot pavement width be required. 5. Condition No. 34b required that cul-de-sacs not be longer •than 550 feet unless provided with alternative fire protection as may be approved by the Fire Marshal. '"Grass -Crete" is not an acceptable emergency access surface. The Fire Marshal has indicated if the 36- and 32-foot 7avement width is provided that this length may be up to 1320 feet. Street lots N, O, and S exceed the 1320- foot limitation. The Applicant has indicated that an exit gate will be provided at the cul-de-sac bulb for "N" street, thus eliminating lots N and O from this concern. .However, "S" street needs revising. This street is located in the last phase of this tract allowing time to LM/STAFFRPT..009 -2- resolve this length concern. A condition regarding this issue has been recommended. 6. Condition No. 11 requires compliance with the local transit district required for transit facilities as a means of mitigating air quality concerns. Sunline r7ransit is requesting a bus turnout and passenger waiting shelter on Washington Street just north of Eisenhower Drive extension. The shelter could be built by the developer or the developer may make arrangements with Frank Jones and Services Media to install a shelter with advertising. Maintenance is the responsibility of the developer. A Condition is provided per the above request. RECOMMENDATION• By adoption of Planning Commission Resolution No. , recommend to the City Council approval of Tentative Tract 24545, subject to conditions and concurrence with the environmental determination. LM/STAFFRPT.009 -3- PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 8 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL FINDINGS, CONCURRENCE WITH THE ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS AND APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 24545 TO ALLOW THE CREATION OF A 276 LOT RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION ON A 269 + ACRE SITE. CASE NO. TT 24545 - NORTH STAR DEVELOPMENT CO., INC. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, did on the 23rd day of May, 1989, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing to consider the request of North Star Development Company, Inc., to subdivide 276 + into 276 single-family developments lots, generally located east of Washington Street, north of Avenue 50, South of Avenue 48 and west of Jefferson Street, more particularly described as: A portion of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 31 and portions of Section 32, Township 5 South, Range 7 East, SBB & M. WHEREAS, said tentative map has complied with the requirements of "The Rules to Implement the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970" (County of Riverside, Resolu-:ion No. 82-312, adopted by reference in City of La Quinta Ordinance No. 5), in that the Planning Director conduc•:ed an initial study, and has determined that the proposed tentative tract will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment; and, WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said Planning Commission did find the following facts and reasons to justify the approval of said tentative tract map: 1. That Tentative Tract No. 24545, as conditionally approved, is generally consistent with the goals, policies and intent of the La Quinta General Plan in that the proposal complies with the requirements, R-2 zoning district development standards, and design requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance. LM/RESOPC.008 -1- 2. That the topography of the site is suitable for the proposed land division, circulation design and single-family lot layouts. 3. That the design of Tentative Tract Map No. 24545 may cause substantial environmental damage or injury to the wildlife habitat of the Coachella Valley Fringe -Toed Lizard, but mitigation measures in the form of fees for a new habitat area will have lessen this impact. 4. That the design of the subdivision, as conditionally approved, will be developed with public sewers and water, and, therefore, is not likely to cause serious public health problems. 5. That the design of Tentative Tract Map No. 24545 will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at large for access through the project, since alternate easements for access and for use have been provided that are substantially equivalent to those previously acquired by the public. 6. That the proposed Tentative Tract No. 24545, as conditioned, provided for adequate maintenance of the landscape buffer areas. 7. That the proposed Tentative Tract No. 24545, as conditioned, provided storm water retention, park facilities and noise mitigation. 8. That general impacts from the proposed tract were considered within the MEA prepared and adopted in conjunction with the La Quinta General Plan and the prior EIR with addendum. WHEREAS, in the review of this Tentative Tract Map, the Planning Commission has considered the effect of the contemplated action on the housing needs of the region for purposes of balancing the needs against the public service needs of the residents of the City of La Quinta and its environs with available fiscal and environmental resources; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct and constitute the findings of the Commission in this matter; 2. That it does hereby confirm the environmental determination relative to the environmental concerns for this tentative tract; L"M/RESOPC.008 -2- I 3. That it does hereby recommend approval of the subject Tentative Tract Map No. 24545 for the reasons set forth in this Resolution and subject to the attached conditions. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, at a regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission, held on this 23rd day of May, 1989, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: JOHN WALLING, CHAIRMAN r3Vq0Q**6 JERRY HERMAN, PLANNING DIRECTOR LM/RESOPC.008 -3- I PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - TENTATIVE TRACT 24545 RECOMMENDED MAY 23, 1989 A. GENERAL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The Applicant/Developer shall comply with Exhibit "B", the Conditions of Approval for Specific Plan 84-004 and the following conditions, which conditions shall take precedent in the event of any conflict with the provisions of the Specific Plan conditions. 2. Tentative Tract Map No. 24545 shall comply with the requirements and standards of the State Subdivision Map Act and the City of La Quinta Land Division Ordinance, unless otherwise modified by the following conditions. 3. This Tentative Tract Map approval shall expire two years after the original date of approval by the La Quinta City Council unless approved for extension pursuant to the City of La Quinta Land Division Ordinance. The Applicant acknowledges that the City is considering a City-wide Landscape and Lighting District and, by -ecording a subdivision map, agrees to be included in the LM/CONAPRVL.011 -1- District and to offer for dedication such easements as may be required for the maintenance and operation of related facilities. Any assessments will be done on a benefit basis, as required by law. 5. The Developer of this subdivision of land shall cause no easements to be granted or recorded over any portion of this property between the date of approval by the City Council and the date of recording of the final map without the approval of the City Engineer. 6. Per Condition No. 11 of the Specific Plan Conditions the Applicant/Developer shall provide the following improvements as requested by Sunline Transit: A bus turnout and passenger waiting shelter shall be provided on Washington Street just north of Eisenhower Drive extension. The shelter could be built by the developer or the developer may make arrangements with Frank Jones and Sunrise Media to install a shelter with advertising. Maintenance is the responsibility of the developer. Sunline has suggested standards for bus turnouts and passenger waiting shelters and are willing to work with the City and the developer to create a mutually acceptable design. LM/CONAPRVL.011 -2- 1 7. Per Condition No. 15 of the Specific Plan, the Applicant/Developer shall construct road lots A, F, I, L & R with a minimum 3611 foot permit width, the rest of the private roads shall be constructed with a minimum 32 foot prevent. 8. Per Condition No. 34 of the Specific Plan, the Applicant/Developer shall comply with the Fire Marshal's requirements: a. Schedule A fire protection approved Super fire hydrants, (6" X 411 X 2 1/211 X 2 1/21' ) shall be located one at each street intersection spaced not more than 330 feet apart in any direction with no portion of any frontage more than 165 feet from a fire hydrant. Minimum fire flow shall be 1000 gpm for 2 hours duration at 20 psi. b. Prior to recordation of the final map, applicant/developer shall furnish one blueline copy of the water system plans to the Fire Department for review. Plans shall conform to the fire hydrant types, location and spacing, and, the system shall meet the fire flow requirements. Plans shall be signed/approved by a regestered civil engineer and the local water company with the following certification: "I certify that the design of the water system is in accordance LM/CONAPRVL.0ll -3- with the requirements prescribed by the Riverside County Fire Department." C. The required water system including fire hydrants shall be installed and accepted by the appropriate water agency prior to any combustible building material being placed on an individual lot. d. Lots "N", "O", and "S" exceed the maximum allowable length for dead-end roads and shall be provided with a connecting through road so that cul-de-sac does not exceed 1320 feet. e. Cul-de-sacs shall provide a minimum 45' curb to curb radius turnaround. f. Entry streets constructed with gates and without 24 hour guard staffing shall be power operated and equipped with a Fire Department override system. Gates shall be operable during power failures by human hands without special knowledge or force. g. Medians constructed at entry streets shall have a minimum setback of 30 feet from the curb face of the connecting streets. LM/CONAPRVL.011 -4- h. Driveways for lots 68, 90, 92, and 127 shall be improved to withstand the loads of fire apparatus, and provide a minimum unobstructed width of 20 feet. �. A permanently mounted, illuminated address monument shall be installed adjacent to the driveway entrances for Lots 68, 90, 92 and 127. j. Requirements during phasing: The road improvements shall be constructed as required with each phase so that dead-end streets do not exceed 1320 feet in length. k. Prior to the issuance of building permits, applicant/developer shall deposit a sum of $100,000 as prepayment of fire mitigation fees. 1. An emergency vehicle control override system shall be installed on each traffic signal that the applicant/developer is required to install or alter. Installation shall meet the specifications and approval of the Road and Fire Departments. M. If public use type building(s) are to be constructed additional fire protection may be required. The fire flows and hydrant locations will be stipulated when building plans are reviewed by the Fire Department. LM/CONAPRVL.011 -5- = 71 S �� i'41 it `_"�'�—�---- . 1 Lu I J a 1 w'© R. {'zi,4 • ` . —_ �'.6Pa-leg _ P, o wi...e jjJgRhUS AO/910YSW { MERSIDE COUNTY FIR '. DEPART14ENT SF r\ 5 IN COOPERATION WITH THE CALIFCI:NIA DEPARTN/'ENT OF FORESTRY AND IRE PROTECTION M GLEN NEWMAN 4 ,, FIRE CHIEFMay 12, 1989 Planning 81 Eng;neeririS Office 45-209 Oasis Street, Suite 405 Indio, CA 92201 (619) 342-88E'6 City of La Quinta Planning Division Re: Tentative Tract Map No. 24545 Off -Street Parking Plan Planning & EnSineerinS Office 4.080 Lemon Street, Suite 11 t. Riverside, CA 92501 (714) 787-6606 "1 .e The above referenced document has been reviewed by Fire Department personnel and is unacceptable as mitigation for the adverse impacts that the reduced street widths would impose. The approved conditions for the Specific Plan requires that sufficient off-street parking for all needs be adequately provided if reduced street widths are desired. The provision for the parking of two guest vehicles as proposed in the Pyramids design guidelines is not sufficient off-street parking. It is very likely that some of the 600 residents would have events or gatherings that would require the parking of more than two guest vehicles. The site plan submitted with the guidelines illustrates the off-street parking requirements on lots 80 feet wide. What is proposed for the 72 lots within this map that have less than 80 feet? The U.L.I. publication that was included with the above referenced document states that decisions regarding street widths, including those serving small numbers of dwelling units on cul-de-sacs or loops, are worthy of careful consideration. The Fire Department agrees with this and recommends in addition to the traffic volumes, vehicle speeds, residence inconvenience, asthetics, and financial concerns, that public health and safety issues are included in the decision making process. Additionally, there seems to be a misunderstanding of the requirements for cul-de- sac lengths. Specific Plan conditions of approval limits cul-de-sac lengths to 550 feet unless provided with an alternate means of fire protection. With the reduced street widths and off-street parking plan as proposed, the Fire Department would require compliance with this condition. Current city codes allow cul-de- sacs up to 1320 feet in length. Compliance with the current code in lieu of Specific Plan conditions would be acceptable provided that sufficient off-street parking was provided or street widths were constructed to current code requirements. Where cul-de-sacs exceed the maximum allowable length, the street must be designed as a through road, not a cul-de-sac with emergency access gates. This need is required per the Municipal Code and is not determined by traffic demands. Vehicle movement may be controlled at the termination points of the through roads. The minimum restriction acceptable would be provisions for egress of all vehicles and ingress of emergency vehicles only. to Sincerely, DENNIS DAWSON Deputy Fire Marshal P., n� W Planning & Eng�neeriu,g Ciffce 46-209 Clasis Street, Suite 405 Indio, CA 92201 (619) 342-8886 To: City of La Quinta Planning Division RIVERSIDE COUNTY iFIRF DEPARTI4ENT IN COOPERATION WITH THE CALIFCJR)NIA CEPARTIVENT OF FORESTRY AND -_IRE PROTECTION GLEN NEWMAN FIRE CHIEF May 12, 1989 Re: Tentative Tract Map No. 24545 This letter supercedes Fire Department letter dated May 3, 1989. Planning & Engineering Office 4080 Lemon Street, Suite 11L Riverside, CA 92501 (714) 787-6606 With respect to the conditions of approval regarding the above referenced land division, the Fire Department recommends the following fire protection measures be provided in accordance with City of La Quinta Municipal Code and/or recognized fire protection standards: 1. Schedule A fire protection approved Super fire hydrants, (6" x 4f1 x 2$" x 2$11) shall be located one at each street intersection spaced not more than 330 feet apart in any direction with no portion of any frontage more than 165 feet from a fire hydrant. Minimum fire flow shall be 1000 gpm for 2 hours duration at 20 psi. 2. Prior to recordation of the final map, applicant/developer shall furnish one blueline copy of the water system plans to the Fire Department for review. Plans shall conform to the fire hydrant types, location and spacing, and, the system shall meet the fire flow requirements. Plans shall be signed/approved by a registered civil engineer and the local water company with the following certification: "I certify that the design of the water system is in accordance with the requirements prescribed by the Riverside County Fire Department." 3. The required water system including fire hydrants shall be installed and accepted by the appropriate water agency prior to any combustible building material being placed on an individual lot. Lots "A", "F", "I", "L", and "R" shall be constructed with a minimum 36' pavement width as required for circulatory loop roads. Lots "N", °1011, and "S" exceed the maximum allowable length for dead-end roads and shall be provided with a connecting through road so that cul-de-sac does not exceed 1320 feet. Cul-de-sacs shall provide a minimum 45' curb to curb radius turnaround. Entry streets constructed with gates and without 24 hour guard staffing shall be power operated and equipped with a Fire Department override system. Gates shall be operable during power failures by human hands without special knoweldge or force. City of La Quinta Planning Division 5/12/89 Page 2. 8. Medians constructed at entry streets shall have a minimum setback of 30 feet fror the curb face of the connecting streets. 9. Driveways for lots 68, 90, 92, and 127 shall be improved to withstand the loads of fire apparatus, and provide a minimum unobstructed width of 20 feet. .10. A permanently mounted, illuminated address monument shall be installed adjacent to the driveway entrances for Lots 68, 90, 92, and 127. 11. Requirements during phasing: The road improvements shall be constructed as required with each phase so that dead-end streets do not exceed 1320 feet in length. 12. Prior to the issuance of building permits, applicant/developer shall deposit a sun of $100,000 as prepayment of fire mitigation fees. 13. An emergency vehicle control override system shall be installed on each traffic signal that the applicant/developer is required to install or alter. Installatic shall meet the specifications and approval of the Road and Fire Departments. 14. If public use type building(s) are to be constructed additional fire protection may be required. The fire flows and hydrant locations will be stipulated when building plans are reviewed by the Fire Department. All questions regarding the meaning of these conditions should be referred to the Fire Department Planning & Engineering Staff at (619) 342-8886. Sincerely, RAY REGIS Chief Fire Department Planner ti By Dennis Dawson Deputy Fire Marshal to o It ESTA2LISHED IN 1918 AS A PUBLIC AGENCY is �rR►c COACHELL,A VALLEY WATER DISTRICT POST OFFICE BOX 1058 . C:OACHELLA., CALIFORNIA 92236 • TELEPHONE (619) 398-2651 DIRECTORS OFFICERS TELL S CODEKAS, PRESIDENT THOMAS E. LEVY, GENERAL MANAGER -CHIEF ENG.NEER RAYMOND R. RUMNIONCS, VICS PRESIDENT BERNARDINE SUTTON, SECRETARY JOHN P. POWELL KEITH H. AINSWORTH, ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER DOROTHY M. NICHOLS REDWINE AND SHERRILL, ATTORNEYS THECDORE J. FISH Yay 3, 1989 Planning Commission. City of La Quinta Past_ Office Box 1504 La Quinta, California 92253 Gentlemen: File: 0163.1 Subject: Tentative Tract 24545, Portion of Sections 31 and 32, Township 5 South, Range 7 East, San Bernardino Meridian This area is protected from stormwater flows by a system of channels and dikes, ane nay be considered safe from stormwater flows except in rare instar.,ces. The developer shall provide a flooding easement over a portion of the proposed golf course which will be inundated from stormwater flows from the La Quinta Evacuation Channel. The district shall be held harmless from any damage to the golf course due to stormwater_ flows in the La Quinta Evacuation Channel. The district will furnish domestic water and sanitation service to this area in accordance with the current regulations of this district. These regulations provide fo•r the payment of certain fens and charges by the subdivider and said fees and charges are subject to change. The district will need additional facilities to provide for the orderly expansion of its domestic water system. These facilities may include wells, reservoirs and booster pumping stations. The developer will be required to provide land on which some of these facilities will be located. These sites shall be shown on the tract map as loL-s to be deeded to the district for such purpose. This area shall be annexed to Improvement District No. 55 of Coachella Valley Water District for sanitation service. TRUE CONSERVATION USE WATER WISELY Planning Commission --2— May 3, a989 Plans for grading, landscaping, and irrigation systems shall be submitted to Coachella Valley Water District for review. This review is for ensuring efficient water management. The aria is within. Improvement District No. 1 of the Coachella Valley Water District for irrigation water service. Water from the Coachella Caral is avellable to the area. The developer shall use this water for golf course and landscape irrigation. If you have any questions please. call Bob Meleg, stormwater engineer, exd:-ansion 264. Yours very truly, Tom Levy General Manager--C ief Engineer RFrbj cc: Don Park Riverside County Department of Public: Health 4C-209 Oasis Street Indio, California 92201 ,,.,F' I. _,�Y,,.,,',s,..,. MEMBER AGENCIES Cathedral City Coachella Desert Hot Springs Indic La Quinta Palm Desert Palm Springs Rancho Mirags Riverside County Mr. Jerry Herman Planning Director 79-105 Calla Est -ado P. 0. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 RE: TT 24543 Dear Jerry: May 16, 1989 Thank you for the opportunity to review the plans for the Grove Specific Plan. As you may know, SunLine operates Line 4 along Washington Street on 60 minute headways. We expect service to increase in the future. To promote traffic and transit safety, we request a bus turnout and passenger waiting shelter on Washington Street just north of Eisenhower Drive extension. The shelter could be built by the developer or the developer may make arrangements with Frank Jones and Sunrise Media to install a shelter with advertising. Maintenance is the responsibility of the developer. SunLine has suggested standards for bus turnouts and passenger waiting shelters. We will be most happy to work with the City and with the developer to create a mutually acceptable design. Yours very truly, SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY J Debra Astin Senior Planner DA j n 32-505 Harry Oliver Trail • Thousand Palms, California 92276 . (619) 343-3456 Abrams Associates Transportation u Traffic • Engineering* Planning May 12,1989 Mr. Jerry Berman Planning Director City of La Quinta P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Mr. Herman: This letter has been prepared in response to several questions that have been raised regarding the design and layout of the internal streets in the Pyramids project. These issues relate to street widths, and to the length of cul- de-sac streets. Required Street Widths - When Abrams Associates performed the original traffic studies for this project, the width of the streets were determined based on the traffic needs of 1,500 residential units within the project. These studies also assumed four gates or entrances to the project. Given the expected trip generation, and the distribution of traffic to these entrances, all of the internal roads were sized to be two-lane roads, with a street 'width of 26 to 30 feet. The City standard of 32 to 36 feet is not applicable to the conditions within this project, and provides for much more pavement than is needed. There will be no parking permitted on any of these streets. Each residential unit in the project will have off-street parking for 5 cars, with two of these spaces in garages, and there will be no demand for off-street parking. A two- lane 26-foot street is more than adequate for two-way traffic at the volume levels projected, and allows sufficient width for vehicles to easily pass a disabled vehicle. We would not recommend a change to the current plan. Length of cul-de-sac - The minimum desirable length of a cul-de-sac is a very subjective issue, and the standards vary considerably. The primary concern is access by emergency vehicles. The City standard is that a cul-de-sac should not be greater than 1,320 feet in length. Where a second access point is provided for emergency vehicles, this length can certainly be exceeded. It is 2775 Mitchell Drive, Suite 117 ® Walnut Creek, CA 94598 • (415) 945-0201 Abrams Associates Transportation • Traffic • EnRineenn; • Planning Page 2 Pyramids Project - ]La Quinta not necessary that this be a permanent connection open to all traffic. The only requirement should be that if a locked gate is provided, the emergency vehicles have a key to the gate, and that the emergency access can be readily travelled by these vehicles. The proposed design of this project meets these requirements. I trust that these comments help to clarify these issues. If you have any questions or need further information, please contact me. Sincerely yours, 04��- q�v--^A Charles M. Abrams Principal SE1;T B1': ROBERT LAMB HART SFO ; 5- 5-89 10: 2EAM ; 41590543944 CCITT G3;N; 11013.En,r LAN113 HART VIA FAX May 50 1389 Mr. Jerry 1jerroan Director of Planning City of la Quinta P.O. Box 1504 La Quintal CaEfornia 92253 Re: "Off Street Parking Plan" -- The Pyramids Dear Jerry: Planners, Architects and Landscape Architects, Ltd. Now York & San T�rancfaeo 842 California Street San Francisco, Co. 941U 415 980.4260 This letter constitutes the Offstreet Parking Plan for The Pyramids. The requirements for off street parking wall be established by the deW'gn guidelines for residential lots in The Pyramids. We have enc',osed excerpts from the Design Guide -lines final draft that: - state the design there for the project; - describe the character of the private road corridors; - state the requirements for landscaping in the front yard area; - state the requirements for off street parking. In additlonl we are enclosing a typical site plan prepared for the guidelines that illustrates these requirements on an 80' wide lot. As excerpts from the guidelines should demonstrate, the predominant intent in the planning. and design of The Pyramids has been to establish an environment that is dominated by landscape -- not by vehicles. Parking will not be permitted on the street. bash ;residential site will be built with at least five parking spaces, two or mor., in a garage, and additional tandem barking spaces. 4-4 In regard to the width of paving on private roads planned for The Pyramids, we are enclosing excerpts taken from "Residential Streets" published jointly by the 'Urban Land Institute, the American Society of Civil Engineers, and the National Association of Home Builders. Road widths planned for The Pyramids are: - main loop road - 30' paved width - residential :toads - 26' paved width :5:�NT BY: ROGER r LAMB HART SFO : 5— 5-89 10: 29AM o 41598643944 CCITT G3: # Mr. Jerry Herman May 5, 1989 Page 2 Residential roads are slightly wider than the 11L1 publication indicmtes would be needed where parking is not permitted. This width will generously accommodate two way vehicular traffic and turning movements in to driveways. The Pyramids proposes a total of about 600 residential lots. The planned road network will accommodate this level of traffic demand with a high standard of performance. Concerning your review of the length of oul-de-sae roads and fire equipment access it is intended that FM cul-de-sac roads longer that 1320 feet have at least two points of Ingress -egress for emergency vehicles. 'Traffic demands do not warrant a second street in these cases and the roads have been planned to avoid unnecessary disruption of the golf course. We will provide an emergency lane engineered for fire equipment where other means are not provided for a second required access. We hope this information will assist you in review of the plan for The Py sAds. Please let me know if we can provide any additional information. Sincerely, r j John F . Pe ty Eno. JFP,I Irp SENT BY: ROBERT LA'-1E fi41RT SFO ; 5- 5-89 10: 29AM ; 41598643944 CCITT G3; # 'fie Pyre- ids - Design Guidelines S/3/89 The Design Theme The landscape will dominate the scene. Unlike conventional streets lined with rows of houses, 'The Pyramids will be designed as buildings set unobtrusively, in a continuous lush, desert landscape and fitted to the rolling dune land forms. The objective is to provide residents with spectacular views of water, golf and mountains. Although there will be strict design controls to encourage the qualities of space and form that are responsive to the desert climate it is this new landsmpe setting more than a limited architectural style that will distinguish and unify The Pyramids community. The framework of the community will be landscaped roads, golf courses, and community perimeter landscape designed and built by the developer. These elements set the design theme. The individual buildings and projects will designed to blend into and extend the theine using related foes, planting and spatial concepts. :from each part of The Pyramids there will be a sense of a interconnecting system of open space out to and across the golf course, and then - by open vistas - to the mountains. In a sense this is the old Palm Springs look. SE:k BY: F-OBERT LAMB HART SFO D 5- 5-39 10: 30AM 41598643944 CCITT G3; # '11c Pyramids • Dcsi&n GtIideUnes 5/5/89 feet high for each 35 feet of fairway frontage or each 25 feet of frontage behind a green. is to be a combination of natural landscape, garden walls and roofs, with an occasional glimpse of higher building walls. Buildings well be set back from the private road 35 feet or more. Garden watts along the road will be set back a minlinum of 8 feet ,from the right of way boundary. • Walls and landscaping will screen all views into outdoor living spaces and parking courts. malls will be no higher than b feel. Tree masses will blend with the framework landscaping of the road corridor. • Where the ground plane continues from the road edge back to and between buildings, it will be treated as a part of the streetscape with abrupt changes taking place only at patio walls and screens is to be a combination of natural landscape and outdoor rooms between garden walls and higher building walls and roofs. A sensitive design of the relationship between residential buildings on adjacent lots will assure residents of privacy and an attractive relationship between interior rooms and garden areas. Adequate space will be provided for planting that will bridge between the golf and road elements of the community .landscape. The sideyard of a residence will be designed as an outdoor rooms extending its interior space and establishing meaningful visual and functional indoor - outdoor relationships An average distance of 8 feet will be maintained between the side of a building and property line with a minimum separation of at least 6 feet. 5 SEtv'r BY:ROBERT LA11B HART SFO ; 5- 5-89 1©:31AM ; 4159864394) CCITT 53;# E Inc Pyn=, Ws - Dcsign Guidelines ,5/5/89 maybe given special consideration and not required to follow the letter of these rules. Gates may be metal or wood. (Refer to Approved Materials, Finishes, Colors) In the community well, facing the road, the gates will be of an individual design. Utility service elated structures will be painted to blend into adjacent surfaces. Mp1tr:tp.l used on the exterior of buildings, walls and fences in the projects will be selected to withstand the climate, compliment or blend into the colors and textures of the natural environment and be non -reflective, The DRC will compile a list of recommended and approved materials, finishes, and colors and make it available for inspection in the appendices. establishes the visual and functional framework for outdoor living and buildings. Landscape will be the dominant emphasis in the design of The Pyriumids. The gardens, courts and yard area of each ;residence will be designed to extend and enhance the community landscape of the golf courses and private road corridors and bring therm together in it continuous landscape fitted to the rolling dunes. At the private roads: :Each owner will be required to construct a wall across the front of the residential property that is 6 feet high and set inside of the right of way boundary by at least 8 feet. This "community" wall consists of the wall, it's grates and a landscape designed by the owner to extend the road landscape to the wall. This wall establishes the visual edge of the road corridor and the beginning of an individual residence. • Within the area between the road and the wall the owner will: Plant shrub material, two maturity, and/or espaliers of the wall. to ,five feet in height at along 80 % of he length 8 SEiIT BY:ROBERT LPMB HART SFO ; 5- 5-69 10:31AM ; 41598643944 CCITT 53;13 Thy; Py-,,-a ids - Nsign Guidelines 5/5/89 • Extend the ground cover of the adjacent right of way over 30% of the area (in a non linear fashion). • Add at least two additional trees, 24" box Mitirnum size, flanking the entrance gates to help screen the larking court form the road. • 'Where the wall is located more than 8 feet from the right of way add a inininrum 24" box size tree for each 200 square feet of additional area. The landscaped area provided by the owner a4laeent to the road will be mailntained by The Pyramid's Homeowner's Association. Within the sideyards: The residential landscape will be designed to compliment useable outdoor areas, provide visual privacy and moderate climatic influences. It will help to visually connect the higher vegetation in the front and rear gardens. Walls to eight feet in height are perraitted at the side property line and will provide opportunities for support of espalier planting and vertical and horizontal trellages. Specifically: • At least one tree, 24" box minimum size, will be installed for every 20 linear feet of sideyard; • An additional tree, 24" box minimum size, will be planted .for each 300 square feet of area in excess of that required in a side yard. Trees will be massed as a natural pattern rather than in rows; • Trees will be specifically located to provide shade and privacy in relation to useable outside area and windows or doors; • horizontal trellages with related planting for vine cover located with the same intent may be substituted for one required tree within each sideyard; and, i SENT SY: ROBERT LAMB HART 5FO : S- 5-89 10: 32AM 415c-3643944 CCITT 53;4 no Py wyMs - Dcsign GuidcHnos 5i5J89 i— a—ry i i y is described in the List of Approved Plant Materials. Unsuitable plant material, identified in the Waist of Prohibited Plant Materials may not be installed in the project. These lists may be found in the appendices. F rm r I �iY l � , MU will be required to support the approved plant mateiials for each residence. In general, adaptation to the climate and a low demand for water has been a cfiteria for the selection of these plants. r ing. lain of the site is fundamental to its landscaping And siting of the buildings. The natural rolling dunes of the project site have been carefully adapted to appropriate siting conditions for single family residences. The topography within a particular site, as built, may not be modified by excavation or fill other than to extend an existing average grade along one side of a residential building to the other sides and to provide positive surface drainage away fon:n adjoining property. No drainage may occur to adjoining lots. 'i'h^functional _recluirmnx,� cifd i_p in the ingress and egress of vehicles, vehicle storage, guest parking, refuse storage and collection, mail delivery, identification signage and lighting. The design for these requirements will insure that they are unobtrusively integrated in the aesthei.ic design of the site and buUding(s). Parking along a private road will by prohibited; all vehicles will he accommodated within the property in a parking court designed to minimize the view of vehicles from the road. As previously discussed, walls and hedges will be used to screen the front yard -- parking court -- area. A separate door will be provided for each vehicle stored in the garage, SENT BY: ROBERT LAB1B HART SFO ; S- 4-89 4: 33PM ; 41598643944 CCITT G3; # 'fie Prurn ds - Design Gui(iehr S/4/89 • Ideally the parking court will be designed to permit a vehicle to return to the road normally without backing onto the road. • Parking requirements for a residence include: • Garage for at least three vehicles • west parking for at least two vehicle • Additional tandem parking space is recommended. • A service yard with walls at least 6' height will be provided for yard maiiatenance and general exterior storage. •w�.s�1►��.�ltp3, is an important part of a comfortable lifestyle in the desert. The project will provide a swimming club for residents and their guests. Each owner may provide a pool within a residential property when it is designed to comply with local regulations and it is: • Screened from view of the road, golf course or adjacent residence. • Limited in surface area to ��� nk � Qt area, not to exceed 600 square feet. • Energy and water conservation measures are integrated in Its design and use. When a swimming pool is located within an interior courtyard exceptions may be made to the landscape requirements for this area. may be permitted ft.hQ11—Q ing errip r 12 �iYNT BY: ROBERT LA•1B HART SFO ; 5- 5-E9 10: 33AM ; 4159---43944 M l T Ile Pyramids - Design Guidelines 5/a/89 • The door wall of a garage facing the road will be ,set back ,from the wall of the parking court by at least 28 feet. • When a garage is designed with parapet walls and flat roof and its doors are oriented 90 degrees to the road the structure may be located within the required fronly4rd area with minimum setbacks of S feet from the side property and wall of the ,parking court. • The width of the driveway entrance will not exceed 16 feet. • Only one driveway is permitted. • Ideally the ,harking court will be designed to hermit a vehicle to return to the road normally without backing onto the road. • Parking requirements for a residence include: • Parking stalls for a minimum of five vehicles. • At least two stalls within a garage. • Additional tandem parking space is recommended. • A service yard with walls at least 6' height will be provided for yard maintenance and general exterior storage. • _. Lu��4�1_�m�l--_�,. is an important part of a con,ifortable lifestyle in the desert. The project will provide a swimming club for residents and their guests. Each owner may provide a pool within a residential property when it is designed to comply with local regulations and it is; • Screened from view of the road, golf course or adjacent residence. e Limited in surface area to 3 percent of lot area, not to exceed 600 square feet. 12 5 ,NT BY : ROBERT LA11B HART 5F0 ; 5- 4-69 4: 35pil ; 41598643944 CC 17 T u_; 41 CL ablIeotives, prlrcfples & design oonslderatlons o =dam CL — N mOR 3 Q a � < �, ti'467 N Ocr b O C �Q W �o aaN a10 H..CD O�t`D��a CD �� 7. I O d �. � i Q5 'Q ib a:Q V �a. co,Al � N a�D � ~ A tJl S. t Al CD tip 0 jr 1p A ,• 3 n tp �» 5 3•� W 21 � O ad ff� a Er, to 0 Q o �. c p i7 o A SIR -+ sg 3 w•�� n auto 9,�b w aAa3� .two1 to fo J C N CLA ro,�n 0 " a;�i cp Ica °w�' 0 m • e) N 7i to 3 3 A�1 a nt � w> CL NCL o O�c9-4 '309 erg ; �, o ���,��, t7p C® C9 q06 4 a a N m .., _. a erd ?� 'D "0 06 S0 43 —3 �° 3 06 00 EX S ,p � g.a ���ac0`-wC p�; A.i o a co M . t�� � O � (p �C � � �W �7� t"7 goo CL Aco_0 $$ �'py ?i O N N �.tD 0 O W`7.�� Sdp y � N .. 0 d . . ` OJT BY: ROFERT Lat iB HART SFO : 5- 4-39 4: 35F1 j : 41593643?44 CCITT G-: P tp,�! N O Cl � l Dw. a � N a� Oto pA�m gN�0a�3QO a0-A 0?-%wror4ong o, s7�mg J� a` a A fT '0 roS" Z7m�m mro0ca�ro m o cn, =m -v.WcAN'a, nV Q W tD 0 N O f� a y °t3 3co ro:to ro ro3 yHO-..%m ��n°•'� mco o.S CwO 55. py��yc�c ��Olp aw3 2ro m0 ~ 'a'yro m 3mLSro $QO N� O 9,3�m�r�O OyDdro..'Mmaa:O7LMo n{ to 47O N m ro v y y N ..m O G m om ^-� = �0o ;cn0 t{off-O�??� '� nNiaA vcvCc�oo� 35S. O ' ' 3 (c P1 m 0. tD ='0 CL 7 Or 0-0 0 � y O NCL CJ' 0A�0N ana�ca. �a�na �, R to usaH���@m �,y I . .w., yf� 1 a1 C�pa c0<wW;GQ'q'�Ooj�cnm7w t� mo CD�0.="�0;�.�v��-� $w°°" pZy�N �=Q�a�NO rt CL0QCa� O 0Cma L0 p �ti CAO 0cA3ro.Zm00@31 Mr :fro99 °�`� �- W O p-0 M �®o t y Sib wq g M C m ?.c O t�0 7 m 0 forD CLR EN w jjAGAm.gg.C't+ � �43t00 to �w0 m-•�i, C O O !9 d ?�n v. 44 --NT EY, ROBERT Lr4f•iB H�',FT -11--O : 5- 4 :3 4: ?4Fh1 1 415'1364394-) O�I1; �=:p • Typical Residential Site � • �+, ,' . .�p�,.� +:� ®vim tee; �vNt�N•ti7' ly !� .a N'As ks /wo I r /N r', �-s/ vc- ► . /NG �'r/NG �'� • x • • �oUNT'�YNs r Y/,,-" la''' OFC!V11 C%_V11gyA mown-- f"N x^' 4111tele- "PlfGt;S yvr'VyiW A C-4-e� '•l+f,1:,1-j-j^ ��T" E /wo 'a0-jp t'ti�c �...v;11711 t3 )VEMER 20, 1984 The Applicant shall caTply with Exhibit "A", the Specific Plan doc"arent for Specific Plan No. 84-004, and the following conditions, which conditions shall take precedence in the emesat of any ccnflict with the provisions of the specific Pam. Prior to the issuance of a pe-u it for establ..isl-m-ent of any use contemplated by this approval., the kylplicant sliall first obtain any regAred zcming and land divi.s an ar,;jYrava-Is in ac=rdance with the requirements of the naaici.pal Iaand Use and Land Division Ordinances. Apprcv.l of tlii.s Specific Plan shall be 11mi,.ted to a maxir= tame period of three. (3) y€ a:es by whi r,h tine tract (or parcel) rraps shall be approved and nacordeed, and cQnst uctian in Phase I shalt have begun. Time extensions totaling not i:rrare than three (3) additicaial, years, suhmiitted in writing prior to the expiration of any apptoved, may be approved by the Piarning Ccmissicn. ils/Gera The Aj�glica.rrt shall oarfzly with the latest Uniform & i 1d ng Code, as adopted by the City of %a Qainta. The appx riate seismic design criteria will depend uraon the type and use of the proposed structure and the underlying geologic conditions. Prior to the apjpxoval of final tract maps,, the issuance of zcnirq approvals, or the .issua=e of permits, the Applicant sha..0 prepare a hydrological analysis for approval by the city Eng-ineer which will indicate the method and design tb protect the joropose3 demelogrent fin the 100--year flood. 'this plan shall be consistent with the pca:rlp.ses of any similar plans of the Coachella Valley Treater District then in effect for flood prcrte-,: t..ion. Prima to approval of any peardts, the Appl.irant shall prepare a water conservation plan which will include: a. Methods to minimize the coansurciption of on -site water usage, including water sav-xq fixtures,, droagrat--tolerant and native landscaping, and procgrars to miniani.ze landscape irrigation. b. Methods for minimizing the effects of increased on -site runoff and ircreas 2d gnxmdwater recharge, including the construction of on -site collection and gmmdeater retention basins. e. Methods for minimizing the wcnant of groundwater pia Ved out for on --site irrigation, :including the use of reclaimed water. If buried rtm ins are erc. tintered during development, a qualified archeologist shall be ccritacted imTkliately and appropriate mitigation measures shall be taken. PPROVM C'C7N[)rIaCVS - THE GROVE ASS=X[ES The Applicant shall satisfactorily mitigate archaelogical concerns identified in previously carAzeted site surveys prior to initiation of grading. A gLialified arc!iaeolog.ist: shall cextify as to the adequacy of mitigation measures prior to D-3sua.rce of any grading (or related) pemits. The ,Applicant: shall, utilize blac,and and dust control measures in accordance with the Mcm9.;icipal. Code and the Uniform Building Cade and subject to the approval of the City Mig ne r. Particular care shall be exercised during periods of extxer.�e wind activity. At the timra of s Ardt-t:al of tentative tract maps or plans for any zoning approvals, the ,Applicant: shall denanstrate that adequate provision has been made for non- autcxnotive mof transportation within the project site as a moans of reducing depe xlence ca-t private autracsbiles. This may include golf cart path systems, bicycle and F* -tri.a a systexzs, and other similar r systems cor-sistent with the speczi.f'ir plan. Specific p:of eet designs shall eixxxuage the use of public s transit by providing for buss shnitiers as refired by the Cmuunity Developrent Director and consistent with the n-ggv .scents of local, transit districts and the specific plan. The Applicant. shall encourage and sL4Vort the use of sunl.ine van/bus service, /lDizLI-A-Ride/ jitneys between the project site, local airports (e.g., Palm Springs, 'ff ermal) , and other regional land uses. iffic and Cin::ulation Averam 48, Avenue 50, Washington Street and Jefferson Street, contiguous to the proj e rt, shall be developed in accord with their general plan designations and the T.a Qauita, mt cu-a✓t design and structural standards in effect at the tam of tPaitative tract or zoning qjaxwal in c onjuncticn with phased inplEr-entation of the specific plan. These public roads shall be improved to a hal-f-width c oriddt.ion. In onler to facilitate mit:.igaticn of cumulative traffic impacts of this and other area projects, the City shall establiAi a traffic inprovenent needs moni,. xw.i ng program. This program will undertake biannual traffic count studies to d r mi ne if warrants are met for major roadway improvements and traffic signaliration. Upon de-tenainat:ion of needs, the City may initiate projects to meet those needs. Funding of this program may be by fee programs that assess new deve-loixnent and/or users on a pro -rate or fain -share basis, for riaticn of assE-i�mmt districts, arcquisiticn of State or Federal road funds, or other means that fairly allocate costs to those generating the need. The Applicant shall. agree to pay the designated pro -rate share that the City may establish to f-imd off -site roadrAzy impr ement:s and traffic signalization on an "as warranted" basis. - 2 - ?RUJW CW31T.I-CINS -- THE CROVE ASSOCIATES The iNppliccu-it shall develop all roads internal to the project in accordance with the design stax6vi-rds specified in the specific plan and the structural standards in effect at the time of tentaUve tract or zoning approval area in conjunction with the 01-asted tnplETrP-ntaticn of the specific plan. All roadways within the sg:ocifis: plan area shall rewin private. a. The primary loop road shall be widened to a minimum pavement width of 36 feet unless the Applicant deraxistra-tes that adequate provisicn has Ix --en wde for sufficient off-street parking to accamxlate all including guests,, so that on -street pa-dd-ng is not required. b. All other roads shall be w."A-aied to a minimum pavement width of 32 feet irriless the ApjxUcant deacmqtnates that adequate provision has been made for sqifflcient off-street parking to ac=inodate all needs, including clues-ts,, so that on -street parking is not required. c. kVlicant shall be responsible to demmstrate to the satisfaction of the ('-'ity* Er:qinieer that grass draiiiage swales are an acceptable alternative to typical ctuh and gutter. A card (or similar) operated, resident -accessible gate shall be provided near Adams Stzeet. and Avenue 48. A manned gate shall be provided near Dune Palms Road and Avenue 48. Tbe exact locations s4a11 be subject to final approval by the C=L,,:'xmity Develcipent Depaitment.' The e=stnucticn of Avemie 48 between Washincjtm and Jefferson Streets shall occur prior to beginning Phase 11 of the project. This construction shall provide for a paveaeat width of 24-28 feet,, but otlier impxove-nents, including curbp gutterr, sidewalk, etc., may be deferred until tjmx-s specified in the phasing plan. 'the WsIdMtoa Stxeet,/Risenhowex Drive traffic signal at the project: entry shall be mcxlified to accmTcdate a four--vdy intersection. 'This shall be done entirely at the Applizant's expense and no credit shall be allowed for the infrastructure fee jzogram since the -se inVrovemients benefit the Applicant's project exclusively,, except that credit shall be given for any cost in excess of $25,000. The Applicant shall install a raised center median island, including I-andscaping and irrigation, as part of road improvements ubere required by municipal road standards. The Avenue 50 frctitage ingrovement may be deferred,, at the Applicant's discretion,, to Phase M of the project. The Ioc-zt:i�cn and access to all construction facilities shall. be Subject to review and approval of the CcLnrunity revelment Departrient. spa The Applicant shall agree to participate in the =Vrnt of Adam Street between Avenue 48 and Highway 111. :The amount of participation shall be dete-=ined by the City an a pro-rata or fai-r-share basis. The method of participation shall be dettermined by the City and way include an assessment district,, develc4)er fees, or scrm sirilar funding mecharrsm. The timing of participation shall be determined by the C4ty based on need. - 3 - ?R r-mor ws - mE GRm As-cccimy IEMBM 20� 1984_�,_.��.��s_�.�..�._ Pri(xr to building perrniit approval, building setbacks, engineering design, oriea-itatia-i of buildings, and noise barriers shall be utilized to reduce noise irr .ts from nearby existing and future roadways to within State standanis. Prior to z(xu*ng or tentative tract map approvals, the Applicant will dg=Jstrate that,: reside=ziti.a,1 stxix.tu es satisfy the State's indoor criterion. Where exposed to ro.ise levels .in excess of State standards, Applicant shall install special design feal=v�s %vh as double --glared windows, mechanical venta.lation, special roof venta ng, incxeased insulation, weathexstripping, or ccabinations of these meas�z�s. Requi..recuent:s for the installation of solar water heaters shall be det--=iined by the City on a uniform city-wide basis for new constnxtion at a later date. The develop*rr Nall cmaly with the requirem-its cmrrent at the time of c o stxuction. All t tative maps and deve_lo neat plans shall be designed to ensure compliance with the State laws regarding scalar accessibility. Zb the extent possible, all stnratur-es shall be sited, oriented and designed so as to minimize the energy reds for cooling. d Use zhe a=►aacim= alkwable nun ber of residential. units shall be 1500. The maxim.an rnzDber of guest cvttages shall be 80. Zn caLsidexing requests for zc r ing and/or tentative tract approvals for develcSnent phases, re&ntions .in the nurrber of allahabl e, units may bx: made on an "as warranted" basis to assure c Tl-iance with applicable regulations and the intent of this specific plan. a. The reside tial density is e-stablished at a gross density of 2.2 dwelling units pex acne with a net deazsity not to exceed six (6) dwelling units per acxe. Design approval for vzaruus stxti tua s and hnid_uVs within the projsha ll all be subject to the following: a. Final site plans, floor plans and exterior elevations for the main CIW:*Mse, tennis and swim club buildings, guest cottage complex and znai,ntmmum builcUngs shall. be subject to review and approval by the Planning C)nnission and City Ccx=il. b. Final site plans, floor plans and exterior elevations for residential st:nx;tu res shall be subject to review and approval in the manner specified by applicable zoning and s& ivision regulations in effect at the time. c, Design guidelines and related covenants and restrictions established for the project c ont=11ing use, site development, building architecture, landscaLcing, light-ing and related design factors shall be submitted for x1 view and approval by the Planning Commission and City Council. - 4 - P:i 1V 'la t-'C7 M'ICI\IS — THE (MOVE ASSC1C I AIES ►. Building height shall be subject to height limitations specified in the specific plan, except that no building exceeding rnze story in height shall be allowed within 75 feet of any perimeter pxTiperty line. ►. Pe-Hinet:,er-s—an-rity walls and fences shall be subject to the following stambrds: a. Setbacks for perimeter walls from the rights -of --way lines for Avenue 48, Avenue 50, T4 shingtcn Street and Jefferscn Street shall be an average of twnty (20) feet. b. Portions of the perimeter walls shall consider the use of wraight iron (or s-finilar %en ferxcing) to provide views fran the street into the project. c. Ferc rrg located on interior property lines may be placed on the property line. d. All fercing designs, including location and materials, shall be subject to City rwiew and approval. Grad ing shall. be subject to the following s7tandards,, in addit-ion to those provided a. Mort small be made to minimize - utme ciessary grading and to preserve and utali za existing lar-d forms to the lamest extent possible. b. Ch adj for the pxc posed golf course shall. take into account the bank heights required to carzy the design flow with ee nece-ssary freeboard. c. A ir,a,ster grading and cb aizaag-e plan she l be submitted for review and approval prior to any develcp-eat activity on the site. A m -ate r plan, inc-Ming landscaping of perimeter scetbacks and rights —of —;may areas, shall be st anted for City review and apprcval.. a. Desert or native plant species and droucjht-resistant planting rrsaterials shall be incorporated into landscaping plans to a large extent. Applicant shall dedicate to the City a ten (10) acre site for park and recreation purl cis. The site shall be located on Avenue 50 at the most westerly portion of the subject Ixoperty t•l*.rean. oedication shall occur in conjunction with recorda- tion of the fWixs-t final map within the specific plan area. The Applicant may presvide park and recreation facilities es or related ccntributions in an alternate manner consistent with the invent of this ocndi.tion, subject to review and approva: by the City C4x=il. blic Services and Utilities Fire pxntection shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of the Uniform Fire Code and the IJa Qsinta Mudci.pal Code in effect at the time of devel�-ment. - 5 - P; a�Vr.`7 C'C IDT`Y"1CX�S - THE GROVE ASc;OCT:A7'FS NIMER 20, 1984.� ad The Appli.ca -it sha-ll, prior to issuance of iuiUi-nq pennits. contrakute as PrMPaYrient of fire mitigation fees $100, 000 to assist the City in its reeds for a new fire station in the area. This contribution shall be used as a c.cecl.it for fire facilities fees until, those fees exceed the azrount of the credit. The Applicant inay provide fire mitigation in an alternate ,cranner cc:gisistent with the intent of this cu-Oition, subject to review and a.R)roval by the City Council. If the above contribution is used towards a land pvxrjpase, 'C1rOjrr t Phasing and payix-nt of fire mitigation fees shall be sufficient to fart a payw.nt schedule for said land. PA No CU1-de:9-sa sh-311 be Inter than 550 feet unless provided with alternate fire P-0tect ion as lay be a:�VxrAd by tl7e Fire Marshal. "Grass-crete" is riot an accept2ble e-cexgency access surface. C. Pry; required minimum ELreflow, and fire hydrants pursuant to standards in e-ffcx.-t at time of develc)Emmt. n* Applicont slW-.1 (xicvly with the reguirfflents of the Oaarhella Valley Water District. a. The water system shall be installed in accord with District requi ts. The District will ;-A ei additjcn-a1 facilities, which may include wells, XV-SerWi.rS,r and bCwX;ter Pi ping stations, to provide for the Orderly expansion of its system. The APO-Licant will be required to provide and dedicate to the District any land needed for these facilities. b. The sanitary sewer system shall be insts_11ed in accord with District. regulations. The area shalt be annexed to mq:)roireent District No. 55 for sanitat-ion service. The A,ppl,ic:ait shall ccuply with the requi_rere,11ts of the MTCrerial Irrigation District. (NC=: The District has not camented on this project. to date, but has notsl-d in c=lxYits on prior projects that existing substation facilities are not, or will not in the near future be, adequate to service proposed deavel:;jvient. s. ) a. kcovisicn shall be made to underground urt.iUties to the extent feasible. C ra1:,.y, all facilities except high voltage lines of 66 KV and above shall be placed widergiound. b. The exLsting 92 KV line shall, not be relocated to perimeter public xx gays witNxt prior review and approval. by the City. It is intended that other available alt:.ernatives be evaluated prior to said relocation. The Ai licaa-rt shall pay a per -unit school development fee as determined by the Desert Surds Unified School District in mince with the school mitigation agreErvnt.s alms appxwed by the La Quints City Council and in effect at the time Of the issuance of building pexnn.its. - 6 - PANE-) t�0I��17)"CUS - THE CaOVE AS&XTATES ;cellanes ms Applicant ant and rst;a n s that the City was incorporated in 1982 and has not yet enac:t:ed a ccaplete policy on exact -ions on new develaiarvnt to provide nmicipal inprovaients and facilities neec%d as a result of the cunilative inpact of such new de- elo1m t; that the City is in the process of preparing and enacting such a pot i cy, which will 1-MI-lude u,:T fog fees to be iirrposed -Van new ccnSt:xuctIon to fund the fotlawing R.7blic a,r,-py- ;ve mnts and facilities: fire station, public safety facility, city hall, paA and re creat = facilities, schools, drainage facilities, majac tbatnixjhfares, bridges and traffic signali,zat:i,on; and, that the City e K?EK-.t-s to enact said fees policy on or before AeceTber 31, 1984. Applicant al32eA s to pay said free or fees in the cxrotmt and at the time enacted and from ti ia-_ to tame air ended by the City. To the extent that Applicant construct:: 6PEY--ific faer.a3_ities inc--lull within the fee structure, it shall receive appropriate credit, as dette-aained by the City Cbt=il. If said fee shall include financing of peniadnent or teTporary school facilities, Condition No. 37 (school developTent fee) shah'. be deleted. Prior to the' issuance of grading pexmits or the approval of tentative tract maps or other requ ix ed =iing approvals, the Applicant shall %kmi.t a phasJzx; schedule and neap for the ent.ixe project, which shall include the phasing of off --site infra stxuct xe, to the C.carrun.it y Developnent Director for review and a anxNal . The Applicant shall provide for mitigation of the impact on the Coachella Valley Fringe- -Toed Lizard by ow plying with requi rewents of the mitigation agreement as approved by the City Ccxncil and in effect at the time of de:velopnent. 14XM FI)EM-oval of this :specific plan, Specific Plan No. 127-E shall beccr a null and void and be of no f_-ucther effect. !&is ,specific plan approval shall not be effective until and unless Change of &xIe Case No. 84-014 is effective. MAM MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY OF LA QUINTA A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California April 25, 1989 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to Chairman Walling. The Commissioner Bund. ROLL CALL 7:00 p.m. order at 7:00 p.m. by Flag Salute was led by Chairman Walling requested the roll call. Present: Commissioners Zelles, Steding, Bund, Moran, and Chairman Walling. Staff Present: Planning and Development Director, Jerry Herman, Principal Planner Ted Bower, and Assistant Planner Glenda Lainis. WVAVTVnC Chairman Walling introduced the Public Hearing items as follows: A. Plot Plan 89-409; A request by Landmark Land Company to replace the temporary golf clubhouse facility with a 35,000-square-foot permanent golf clubhouse facility to serve the Stadium and Jack Nicklaus golf courses at PGA West; located within the PGA West development, west of Madison Street, between Avenue 54 and Avenue 58. 1. Planning Director Jerry Herman presented the information contained in the Staff Report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. 2. Chairman Walling opened the Public Hearing. Forrest Haag, representing the Applicant, addressed the Commission. There being no further public comment, Chairman Walling closed the Hearing. MR/MIN04-25.DFT -1- 3. A motion was made by Commissioner Zelles and seconded by Commissioner Steding to adopt Resolution No. 89-012, with attached Conditions, approving Plot Plan 89-409, allowing the construction of a permanent golf clubhouse facility at PGA West. Upon roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. B. General Plan Amendment 88-021, Specific Plan 88-012, Tentative Tract 23995, Change of Zone 88-035; resubmittals by A.G. Spanos, regarding an area between Washington Street, Miles Avenue, Adams Street, and the Coachella Valley Water District Wash, La Quinta, excluding the small triangular area just north of the Wash and just south of the east/west Avenue 46 alignment (Westward Ho Drive). Commissioner Moran excused herself from discussion of this item, due to a conflict of interest. la. Planning Director Jerry Herman presented the information contained in the Staff Report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. 2. Chairman Walling opened the Public Hearing. Tom Allen, the Applicant's representative addressed the Commission to explain the requests. Robin Groat, presenting the Chamber of Commerce, and Chris Clark, representing Nico Clark, spoke in favor of the project. Michael Shovlin and Bob Krauss spoke in opposition to the project. Ronald Raus, Attorney for A.G. Spanos, spoke, noting that Spanos intends to let another developer do the commercial, and urging the Commission to support the project. There being no further comment, Chairman Walling closed the Public Hearing. 3. The Commission discussed the items at length, particularly regarding the commercial portion of the request. Commissioner Steding agreed with Staff's recommendation and was opposed to the commercial portion. Commissioners Bund, Zelles, and Chairman Walling did not oppose the commercial, but felt it needed to be more clearly defined. A Minute Motion was made by Commissioner Zelles and seconded by Commissioner Bund to continue discussion and direct Staff to create more specific conditions for the commercial portion. Unanimous. MR/MIN04-25.DFT -2- C. Tentative Tract 24035, Change of Zone 89-039; a request by Triad Pacific Development to subdivide 75+ acres into 249 single-family lots and two well site lots, and a change of zone from R-•1-12,000/PD to R-1; located on the west side of Jefferson Street, between Miles Avenue and Fred Waring Drive. 1. Planning Director Jerry Herman presented the information contained in the Staff Report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. 2. Chairman Walling opened the Public Hearing. Claudia Gamlin, representing J.F. Davidson, addressed the Commission, stating disagreement with Condition No. 41. There being no further comments, Chairman Walling closed the Hearing. 3. Following Commission discussion, a motion was made by Commission Steding and seconded by Commissioner Zelles to adopt Resolutions 89-013 and 89-014, recommending to the City Council concurrence with the environmental analysis and approval of Tentative Tract Map 24035 and Change of Zone 89-039, subject to revised conditions. Upon roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. D. Zoning Ordinance Amendment 89-008, Change of Zone 89-043; a City -initiated request to amend Title 9 of the La Quinta Municipal Code relating to planning and zoning, adding Chapter 9.145, Hillside Conservation Zone, and to re -zone those properties which meet the criteria set forth in the proposed ordinance to HC (Hillside Conservation) from various residential zoning designations. The 20 acres of land on developable land areas as defined in the Ordinance. Commissioner Moran excused herself from discussion of this item due to a conflict of interest. 1. Principal Planner Ted Bower presented the information contained in the Staff Report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. Mr. Bower then handed to the Commission a letter of objection received from Mr. Quake. MR/MIN04-25.DFT -3- 2. Chairman Walling opened the Public Hearing. John Quake addressed the Commission, stating he would like more time before this issue is considered. A representative for Richard Myer addressed the Commission and stated he would like to review with his client and discuss with Staff. There being no further comments, Chairman Walling closed the Hearing. 3. Following Commission discussion, a minute motion was made by Commissioner Steding and seconded by Commissioner Zelles to continue this issue to the second meeting in May and recommend to the City Council that this issue be subject to discussion by professionals. A second minute motion was made by Chairman Walling and seconded by Commissioner Zelles that a committee of professionals be formed for that purpose. Both motions were unanimously approved. E. Change of Zone 89-038; a City -initiated request for a change of zone to implement the Village Plan and the newly adopted Village Zoning text. Commissioner Bund excused himself from discussion of this item due to a conflict of interest. 1. Planning Director Jerry Herman presented the information contained in the Staff Report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. 2. Chairman Walling opened the Public Hearing. There being no comment, the Hearing was closed. 3. Following Commission discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Moran and seconded by Commissioner Steding to adopt Resolution 89-015, recommending to the City Council acceptance of the Negative Declaration based on Environmental Assessment No. 89-011, and adopting Change of Zone 89-038. Upon roll call vote, the motion was unanimously approved. IV. PUBLIC COMMENT No one wished to address the Commission. T4R/MIN04-25.DFT -4- V. CONSENT CALENDAR A motion was made by Chairman Walling and seconded by Commissioner Steding to approve the minutes of April 11, 1989. Unanimously adopted. VI. BUSINESS Chairman Walling introduced the Business Item as follows: A. Tentative Tract 23773; a request by Rick Johnson Construction to review Condition 27 compliance for architectural elevations for a project located on the northwest corner of Adams Street and Fred Waring Drive. 1. Planning Director Jerry Herman presented the information contained in the Staff Report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. 2. Following Commission discussion, a Minute Motion was made by Commissioner Steding and seconded by Commissioner Zelles to approve the proposed elevations, floor plans, and color scheme for Tract 23269, with the added condition that the Applicant provide a minimum two-inch by six-inch stucco detailing around all doors and windows. Unanimous. VII. OTHER - None. VIII. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner Moran and seconded by Commissioner Steding to adjourn to a regular meeting on May 9, 1989, at 7:00 p.m., in the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. This meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission was adjourned at 9:45 p.m., April 25, 1989. MR/MIN04-25.DFT -5- MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY OF LA QUINT A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California May 9, 1989 I. II. 7:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER A. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Walling. The Flag Salute was led by Commissioner Steding. ROLL CALL A. Chairman Walling requested the roll call. Present: Commissioners Zelles, Steding, Moran, and Chairman Walling. Commissioner Bund was absent for roll call, arriving at 7:25 p.m. B. Staff Present: Planning and Development Director, Jerry Herman, Principal Planner Ted Bower, and Assistant Planner Glenda Lainis. HEARINGS Chairman Walling introduced the Public Hearing items as follows: A. Continued Hearing - General Plan Amendment 88-021, Specific Plan 88-012, Tentative Tract 23995, Change of Zone 88-035; A.G. Spanos. The Applicant requested that the Public Hearing on this item be conducted later 9_n the meeting to allow for all Commissioners to be present. The Commission agreed to this request by consensus. B. Plot Plan 89-411; John Bund. It was the consensus of the Commission to conduct the Public Hearing on this item later in the meeting pending the arrival of the Applicant. C. Tentative Tract 24317; a request by Sunrise Desert Partners to subdivide 22.8 acres into 8 residential lots for the construction of 111 condominium units, 6 private street lots, a buffer lot, and a landscape lot, for a location south of Avenue 54 and east of the All -American Canal. MR/MIN05-09.DFT -1- 1. Planning Director Jerry Herman presented the information contained in the Staff Report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. 2. Chairman Walling opened the Public Hearing. Al Levine, representing Sunrise, addressed the Commission regarding approval condition number 5.a., urging that a 15-foot setback be allowed, similar to other approved projects. There being no further comment, Chairman Walling closed the Public Hearing. 3. Following Commission discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Zelles and seconded by Commissioner Moran to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 89-016, recommending to the City Council approval of Tentative Tract 24317, subject to conditions, and concurrence with the environmental determination. Upon roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted, with Commissioner Bund absent. D. Plot Plan 89-412; a request by Landmark Land Company for expansion of the La Quinta Hotel in accordance with SP 121-E (La Quinta Cove Golf Club), increasing the unit count by 38 rooms, from 603 to 641; located on the east side of Avenida Obregon, between Calle Mazatlan and Avenida Fernando. 1. Planning Director Jerry Herman presented the information contained in the Staff Report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. Mr. Herman advised the Commission that approval conditions 7.a. and 7.b. can be eliminated because they are already covered by documentation on file. 2. Chairman Walling opened the Public Hearing. Alejandro Martinez, representing Landmark Land Company, addressed the Commission regarding approval condition 7.d. Mr. Martinez expressed Landmark's position that they have enough parking. There being no further comments, Chairman Walling closed the Hearing. 3. Following Commission discussion, a minute motion was made by Commissioner Moran and seconded by Commissioner Zelles to approve Plot Plan 89-412, subject to conditions modified to eliminate conditions 7.a., 7.b., and 7.d. Unanimously adopted. MR/MIN05-09.DFT -2- Michael Shovlin. There being no further public comment, Chairman Walling closed the Public Hearing. 3. The Commission discussed the matter at length, wherein a motion was made by Commissioner Bund as follows: 1. Adopt Resolution 89-018, recommending approval of General Plan Amendment 88-021; and Resolution 89-019, recommending approval of Change of Zone 88-035. 2. Specific Plan 88-012 and Tentative Tract 23995 are to come back before the Commission incorporating the following changes: (a) two-story commercial, 30 percent of floor area, plus ratio for open space; (b) allow parking in the 150-foot setback area, including berm and retaining wall; (c) allow ancillary alcoholic beverage sales; (d) allow three-story multi -family with minimum 200-foot setbacks. The motion was seconded by Commission Zelles, who amended the original motion to exclude the three-story multi -family. Commissioner Bund did not accept the amendment to his motion, so a vote was held on the amendment only. Commissioners Zelles, Steding, and Chairman Walling voted yes, Commissioner Bund voted no. The motion stands as amended. A roll call vote was held: Commissioners Zelles, Bund, and Chairman Walling voted yes; Commissioner Steding voted no; Commissioner Moran abstained. The amended motion was adopted by a majority vote. vII. OTHER. - None. VIII. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner Steding and seconded by Commissioner Moran to adjourn to a regular meeting on May 23, 1989, at 7:00 p.m., in the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. This meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission was adjourned at 9:57 p.m., May 9, 1989. MR/MIN05-09.DFT -5-