24890-1 Mandarina Estates OUTSTANDING BOND REPORT - ..- - --- Name: Mandarina Estates LP (at the Citrus) Tract No. 24890-1 Date of Contract: NO SIA Required Bond Amounts: Rough Grading PM10 Bond Company: Alliance Bank Outstanding Bonds: Amount: Bond No. $87,000 $ 9,200 $87,000 Time Deposit Acct. # 20421 $ 9,200 Time Deposit Acct. #20422 - Date Cancelled/Released: oInstitution: CONFIRMATION OF TIME DEPOSIT Alliance Bank, Orange County Regional Office qu Q zS 0 I c.. 0 3 1 901 Main Street, Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92614 \ \ '1 '1. ' 'i '( t.. MANDARINA ESTATES LP FOR BENEFIT OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA Partnership/Joint Venture 1.'1" f-loii1>lQ.\ 6808 204: IltName: ESS TYPE: I1t Number SSN/TIN: 20-4297176 20421 I Issue Date January 5, 2007 Deposit Amount $87,000.00 Term 365 Days I Maturity Date January 5, 2008 lformation: This Account is an interest bearing account. The Interest rate on the account is 4.97% with an annual percentage yield teres! rate and annual percentage yield will not change for the term of the account. The interest rate will be in effect until January Interest begins to accrue on the business day you deposit noncash items (for example, checks). Interest will be compounded daily a credited to the account monthly. Interest on your account will be credited by adding the interest to the principal. The anm tage yield assumes Interest will remain on deposit until maturity. A withdrawal will reduce earnings. e Information: We use the daily balance method to calculate the Interest on the account. This method applies a daily periodic rate lclpal In the account each day. We will use an interest accrual basIs of 365 for each day in the year. ions: You must deposit $5,000.00 to open this account. You may not make additional deposits Into thiS account. You may not ma ;Iwals from your account until the maturity date. ~ccount Information: Your account will mature on January 5, 2008. If you withdraw any of the pnncipal before the maturity date, \ 1pose a penalty of one month's interest on the amount Withdrawn if the original maturity is one year or less: three months' Interest lOunt withdrawn If the onglnal maturity is more than one year. There are circumstances, such as the death or incompetence of where we may waive or reduce the penalty. See your plan disclosure if this account is part of an IRA or other tax qualified plan. If t It is closed before interest is credited, you will not receive t accrued mterest. ThIS account will automatically renew. You will ha :mdar days after the matunty date to withdraw funds witho t pity. If you do not Withdraw the funds, each renewal term will be " ltical period of time as the original term. TRANSFERABLE - NON NEGO BLE Member FDIC u TIME DEPOSIT preclate your decision to open a time deposit account with us. This Agreement sets forth certain conditions, rates, and rules tha" :: to your Account. Each signer acknowledges that the Account Holder named has placed on deposit with the Financial Institutlor t Amount indicated, and has agreed to keep the funds on deposit until the Maturity Date, As used In this Agreement, the words "~ or "yours" mean the Account Holder(s), the word "Account" means this Time Deposit Account and the word "Agreement" means leposit Agreement, and the words "we", "us" and "our" mean the FinanCial Institution. This Account is effective as of the Issue Date as of the date we receive credit for noncash Items (such as checks drawn on other financial institutions) deposited to open the Acc( ts of foreign currency will be converted to U.S. funds as of the date of deposit and will be reflected as such on our records, :ST RATE. The interest rate IS the annual rate of interest paid on the Account which does not reflect compounding ("Interest Rate"), d upon the interest accrual basIs described above. iliA TIC RENEWAL POLICY. If the Account will automatically renew as described above, the principal amount and all paid earned IntI IS not been Withdrawn will automatically renew on each Maturity Date for the term described above in the TIme Account Inform. I. If the deposit term causes the maturity date to fall on Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday, the maturity date will be adjusted to the :;s day. Interest on renewed accounts will be calculated at the interest rate then in effect for time deposits of that Deposit Amount If you Wish to withdraw funds from your Account, you must notify us during the grace period after the Maturity Date. WITHDRAWAL PENALTY. You have agreed to keep the funds on deposit until the Maturity Date of your Account. Any Withdrawal I : of the funds from your Account prior to maturity may result in an early withdrawal penalty. We wilt consider requests for, Jwal and, if granted, the penalty as speCified above will apply, ~inimum Required Penalty. If you withdraw money within six (6) days after the date of deposit, the Mmimum Required penalty IS seve .imple Interest on the Withdrawn funds. If partial early withdrawal(s) are permitted, we are required to impose the Minimum Reql I on the amount(s) withdrawn within six (6) days after each partial WIthdrawal. The early withdrawal penalty may be more thar 1m Required Penalty. You pay the early withdrawal penalty by forfeiting part of the accrued interest on the Account. If your Accoun1 ned enough interest, or if the interest has been paid, we take the difference from the principal amount of your Account. xceptions. We may let you withdraw money from your Account before the Maturity Date without an early withdrawal penalty: (1) lJ more of you dies or is determined legally incompetent by a court or other administrative body of competent jurisdiction; or (2) wher 1t is an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) established In accordance with 26 use 408 and the money is paid within seven (7) days count is opened; or (3) when the Account is a Keogh Plan (Keogh), if you forfeit at least the interest earned on the Withdrawn funds he Account is an IRA or a Keogh Plan established pursuant to 26 use 408 or 26 use 401, when you reach age 59 1/2 or bee d; or (5) within an applicable grace penod (if any), OF SETOFF. Subject to applicable law, we may exercise our right of setoff or security interest against any and all of your Accc t IRA, HSA, Keogh plan and Trust Accounts) without notice. for any liability or debt of any of you, whether joint or indiVidual, Whl )r contingent, whether now or hereafter existing, and whether arising from overdrafts, endorsements, guarantees, loans, attachml Iments, levies, attorneys' fees, or other obligations. If the Account is a Jomt or multiple.party account, each JOint or multiple-party acc authorizes us to exercise our right of setoff against any and all Accounts of each Account Holder. Page 1 of 2 MANDARINA ESTATES LP FOR BENEFIT OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA 5305 EAST SECOND STREET. SUITE 204 LONG BEACH. CA 90803 DATE: January 5, 2007 . -institution: CONFIRMATION OF TIME DEPOSIT Alliance Bank. Orange County Regional Office 1901 Main Street. SUite 100, Irvine, CA 92614 204: SSNITIN: 20-4297176 nt Name: ESS TYPE: MANDARINA ESTATES LP FOR BENEFIT OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA Partnership/Joint Venture Issue Date Deposit Amount T arm 20422 January 5. 2007 $9.200.00 365 Days Maturity Date January 5, 2008 nt Number Iformation: This Account is an interest bearing account. The interest rate on the account is 4.97% with an annual percentage yield teres! rate and annual percentage yield will not change for the term of the account. The interest rate will be in effect until January Interest begins to accrue on the business day you deposit noncash Items (for example, checks). Interest will be compounded daily a credited to the account monthly. Interest on your account will be credited by adding the interest to the principal. The annl tage yield assumes interest will remain on deposit until maturity. A withdrawal will reduce earnings. e Information: We use the daily balance method to calculate the Interest on the account. This method applies a daily periodic rate 1cipal in the account each day. We will use an interest accrual basis of 365 for each day in the year. ions: You must deposit $5,000.00 to open this account. You may not make additional deposits mto this account. You may not me :lwals from your account until the maturity date. ~ccount Information: Your account will mature on January 5, 2008. If you withdraw any of the principal before the maturity date, 1 'pose a penalty of one month's interest on the amount withdrawn if the original maturity is one year or less: three months' interest lOunt withdrawn if the original maturity is more than one year. There are circumstances, such as the death or incompetence of where we may waive or reduce the penalty. See your plan disclosure if this account is part of an IRA or other tax qualified plan. If t It IS closed before interest is credited, you will not receIve the accrued interest. This account will automatically renew. You will he mdar days after the maturity date to withdraw funds without penalty If you do not withdraw the funds, each renewal term Will be ltical period of time as the original term. Member FDIC TRANSFERABLE - NON NEGOTIA LE preciate your decision to open a time deposit account with us. This Agreement sets forth certain conditions, rates, and rules tha ~ to your Account. Each signer acknowledges that the Account Holder named has placed on deposit with the Financial lnstltutior t Amount indicated, and has agreed to keep the funds on deposit until the Maturity Date. As used in this Agreement, the words ", or "yours" mean the Account Holder(s), the word "Account" means this Time Deposit Account and the word "Agreement" means 'eposit Agreement, and the words "we", "us" and "our" mean the Fmanclallnstltutlon. This Account is effective as of the Issue Date as of the date we receive credit for noncash items (such as checks drawn on other financial institutions) deposited to open the Acce ts of foreign currency will be converted to U.S. funds as of the date of deposit and Will be reflected as such on our records. ;5T RATE. The interest rate is the annual rate of interest paid on the Account which does not reflect compounding ("Interest Rate"). d upon the interest accrual basis described above. nA TIC RENEWAL POLICY. If the Account will automatically renew as described above, the principal amount and all paid earned inti IS not been withdrawn will automatically renew on each Maturity Date for the term described above in the Time Account Inform . If the deposit term causes the maturity date to fall on Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday, the maturity date will be adjusted to the ;s day. Interest on renewed accounts will be calculated at the mterest rate then in effect for time deposits of that Deposit Amoun1 f you wish to withdraw funds from your Account, you must notify us during the grace period after the Maturity Date. WITHDRAWAL PENALTY. You have agreed to keep the funds on deposit until the Maturity Date of your Account. Any withdrawal, of the funds from your Account prior to maturity may result in an early withdrawal penalty. We will consider requests for lwal and, if granted, the penalty as specified above Will apply. linimum Required Penalty. If you withdraw money within SIX (6) days after the date of deposit, the Minimum Required penalty is seve :imple interest on the withdrawn funds. If partial early withdrawal(s) are permitted, we are required to impose the MinImum Req on the amount(s) withdrawn withm SIX (6) days after each partial withdrawal. The early withdrawal penalty may be more thar m Required Penalty. You pay the early withdrawal penalty by forfeiting part of the accrued interest on the Account. If your Accoun1 ned enough interest, or if the interest has been paid, we take the difference from the principal amount of your Account. xceptions. We may let you withdraw money from your Account before the Maturity Date without an early withdrawal penalty: (1)... more of you dies or is determined legally incompetent by a court or other administrative body of competent JUriSdiction; or (2) whe, It is an IndIvidual Retirement Account (IRA) established in accordance with 26 use 408 and the money is paid within seven (7) days ~ount is opened; or (3) when the Account IS a Keogh Plan (Keogh), if you forfeit at least the interest earned on the withdrawn fund~ 1e Account is an IRA or a Keogh Plan established pursuant to 26 use 408 or 26 use 401, when you reach age 59 1/2 or bee ::I; or (5) within an applicable grace period (If any). OF SETOFF. Subject to applicable law, we may exerCise our right of setoff or security interest against any and all of your Acce IRA, HSA, Keogh plan and Trust Accounts) without notice, for any liability or debt of any of you, whether joint or individual, Whl H contingent, whether now or hereafter eXisting, and whether arising from overdrafts, endorsements, guarantees, loans, attachml ments, leVIes, attorneys' fees, or other obligations. If the Account IS a joint or multiple-party account, each JOint or multiple-party acc 3.uthorizes us to exercise our right of setoff against any and all Accounts of each Account Holder. Page 1 of 2 MANDARINA ESTATES LP FOR BENEFIT OF THE CITY OF LA QUINT A 5305 EAST SECOND STREET. SUITE 204 LONG BEACH. CA 90B03 DATE: January 5, 2007