RR (0305-131)C�TY`'OF LA QUINTA cE"ofr9 BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT 777-7012 ! - .-`-INSPECTION REQUEST LINE 777-7153 Owner ..Contractor ` PNS ROOFING' Permit Number P*0N:JOB CONSPICUOUS PLACE INSPECTOR MUST SIGN ALL APPLICABLE SPACES JOB ADDRESS 49-495 A"ONTIERO RE-ROOF/FIBERTITE ROOF SYSTEM/CLASS A MATERIALS ONLY TYPE OF INSPECTION DATE INSP. _ TEMPORARY POWER SETBACKS U/G PLUMBING /WASTE U/G ELECTRICAL/ GROUNDING FOOTINGS / STEEL CONCRETE SLAB DO NOT POUR CONCRETE UNTILAABOVE SIGNED ROOF NAIL /PRE ROOF _ 2 -" O RAP FRAMING COMBINATION ROUGH ELECTRIC ROUGH PLUMBING ROUGH MECHANICAL , INSULATION COVER NO WORK UNTIL ABOVE SIGNED INTERIOR GYP. BD. DRYWALL EXTERIOR LATH GAS TEST SEPTIC ABANDONMENT SEWER CONNECTION ' SEPTIC / GREASE INTERCEPTOR ° _.�.� MASONRY INSPECTIONS FOOTINGS / STEEL BOND BEAM POOL / SPA / WATER FEATURE INSPECTIONS i PREGUNITE / SETBACKS U/G PLUMBING U/G UAS U/G ELECTRICAL PRE -PLASTER ALARMS / BARRIERS FINAL INSPECTIONS TEMP. USE OF PERMANENT POWER ELECTRICAL PLUMBING j MECHANICAL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT FINAL / JOB COMPLETED ABOVE APPROVALS DO NOT INCLUDE RIGHT TO TURN ON UTILITIES OR OCCUPY BUILDING (n F— N_ Cn W' O � M d U.) ' W o Z 0.o i - J Waw U) Z' M LO N ON U °' CL Q Z `rQcc 0 0 JJ M< O v" BCH. ,It Z ab =) r--0 Q J LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION I hereby -Affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under -provisions of Chapter- 9 (commencing"with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Busihess and Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License # Lic. Class Exp. Date 336547 C.3;1 W nate Signature of Contractor t 1 " "''�'t) OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: ( ) I, as owner of the property,. or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ( ) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). () I am exempt under Section , B&P.C. for this reason Date Signature of Owner WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: ( ); I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation; as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code; for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. ( ) I have and will maintain workers' compensation, insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier & "policy"no. are: Carrier Policy No. - a8$-M00j0� 03 (This, section need not be completed if the permit valuation is for $100.00 or less). ( ) I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of�aliforn4 , and agree that if I should become subject to the workers' comper)sation prpvlsions -o Section 3700 of the Labor Code,:l shall forthwith comply with thoseprovisiotts� !. Date: Applicant Tl,• dr �� f � 1, Warning: Failure to secure Workers' Compensation coverage is unlawful and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000, in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor Code, interest and attorney's fees. IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on his application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made & each person at ; whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to . any permit issued as a result of this applicaton agrees to, & shall, indemnify & hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have 'read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all City, and State laws relating to the building construction, and hereb�,auth'orize representatives of this City to enter upon . the"above-mentioned property fo, inspect(on purposes. VSig ature (Owner/AgeA- )i, � —'Date r • BUILDING PERMIT'' PERMIT# ;. DATE VALUATION Ld f�' TRACT JOB SITE g��yt �ry ADDRESS 4$?_djq�r) AWa�i�� APN OWNER CONTRACTOR / DESIGNER / EN (NEER BRAD SCIVA ME R 49. 195 AVD41 DA.A` MOM OG8?6(3 DI.armv I.A.QTJ"Tt1L .�.A CA* 2253 Ceq311MR L CITY .: 422 4 601328b6616 C T 106 USE OF PERMIT GFI AT..MLI)DIG Rlp..T�C7Ui llaTFilri"�TI'C 'kC�t �t� SYS'1'!pI►7/C ASS A"'AlIRT RiA:S Pi t: J REROOF 8,800,00 LS kgnmA ED cosi of CC>mmUmox , a. REROOF FEE 103.000418'-000 �T3T3="AL g0l�S �"RU``°T OW A14D P A*T CDEC �3�?•oSY I.i..�7 5 :P12nFA1L k�i:7..7�. CI(� MAY 1.3 2003 L CITY OF _:QUIIdTA V/ RECE PT FI A 4AZr t BVP' (/ DATE F ALE INSPECTOR f- INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs Underground Ducts Forms & Footings Ducts Slab Grade Return Air Steel Combustion Air Roof Deck Exhaust Fans O.K to Wrap F.A.U. Framing Compressor Insulation Vents Fireplace P.L. Grills Fireplace T.O. Fans & Controls Party Wall Insulation Condensate Lines Party Wall Firewall Exterior Lath Drywall - Int. Lath Final Final BLOCKWALL APPROVALS POOLS - SPAS Steel Set Backs Electric Bond Footings Main Drain Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location Underground Electric Underground Plbg. Test 7inal Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVALS Gas Test Electric Final Waste Lines Heater Final Water Piping Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans O.K. for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral Pool Cover Sewer Connection Encapsulation Gas Piping Gas Test Appliances - Final Finial Utility Notice (Gas) ELECTRICAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Pole Underground Conduit Rough Wiring Low Voltage Wiring Fixtures Main Service Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles G.F.I. Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Power Final Utility Notice (Perm) COMMENTS;: _. 4. Apr 11��0�3 07:58a Brad Schmett MAR -1[)P 03 INU 12:25 PM AL MILLER & SONS ROOFING FAX NO. 3 (7601 771-9479 P. 02 - Al, MILLER AND SONS ROOFING CO., INC. rrlih, f UM ROOFS TOR BFTCFR LIVING" (A-760 5UD1 Mff LRIVI,-CATHFi)RAI, CfTY, (:A 92234 Pit. '(760) 346-1214 PAX. (760) 321-7097 LICENSE 4 336547 PROPOSAL AND CONTRACT Contract+.u� llrrtl Scaurlrtl Projecu' SANS, -Address 49495 AYeaidu Montero Address: City:L �i U�iNTPr• a City: Pt-tono: 275ZIM41:11-11(fiN 77 1-90v WU YltOP0.9Ii TO FUIVUSI111111 FOLLbWING MATARIAIS AND FCRFORM ALL LABOR TO ROOF THE ABOVE LOCATION.. 151P (iill rgpxrve exiEqnp file roof to insulation dock. Roofine c?rtlf:tctgr ►vi1(lhgn rtiL4LT sN rnef life over ergislin�,sgt i 1Z_- .g4AsnlRti9n per (munufacturec Ifrili, rr3pG,.Cc•�ia!s(til g�lf�ylle in nice, Dain. v. Insulation wil he in�ctallecl tt an ex a shares of 17pt• Knr.,[,Sfppr �f 16Rrk _(%fhc,{JIs_x!Id IQ DIVrr)a!s w r noline con r ehr will inctpll a Tih t(lp �qnf. vxtcm o�cT„g��cllny; rnn[.uxlnt„ tltc fnllpvvi U. -sets ori r. h_ f l Yl:rvcr 36 Mit lie.(Oe Filscrtlle rinyle fly roof R)xtcnt— nle_Lanle [ly_f3s(en fryger JUL” 11-4 ISO lasutaliorl mechanically fasten over existtin rtnsi�Ror►JL�r cgnlrnclgr-x;lU_snPply_+1n!l1l+iC811�1 QlbS[lllSlls�L9lrncedtoeomplctcroof ins ntanoftclurencspecifrea(into. —7...... ..._:_..._......._.... _ Total Roof price• S 9,111800) Alfi;rtl:,lc tnr S/!,^' If )ter clrtl•��d: $ 2 450.00 _ A111.011at0 fr2K �1~c�$k:yit(5L44Jliie and boost in field arid: 51.500.00 jVule. fn,; tjLg t211�1.1t�lalk93p tL�cers r-eport nnlst be doge prior to installation of plywood and elitra weigl3tnf_rnnl'filq_tpfyovcd ht_the_cn�incelt rert,inciRtler�in,pcg,„ C�:zclusious: •s•ArF:ktroc, K(Ir)(_VFiYt:� S'fk1ICY1IlU>a t�,F;fN�ARCRhiF.kt'L„-� '11,011m Net C.dsh,on Collnnletlot.� A'PT1;NTION section yet s orrhe Carina ton License Law provklos that st:uting July I, 1966, everyone licensed by (fie Contractor's License Donrd shall kite it copy 'or the ruiloisieli notice to die payor prior to receiving from the owner of the property or h!e agent any paynicut for work which e cmow-vir's lietnse La rc,)oim 1. "Untler tits m xhiniti Lica taw , any tubcontmeloq l ibomr, e:pplierar Olhq.rtTsori who helps to iiltpruve your piopMy but i5 not paid ter dt , e mat or aopplir, h: < a light to tarfocee a daluragalosr,�o:rr propetTy.'1 his means dot, alter a court hearing,your property could be sold by a court office roc the preicw& of the salt: used to satisfy the indcbteluneea This can' happen even it you have pald your own contractor in full, iriltu or supplier rcmaincel unpn;d. • At Millo A Sons Ratfin3 Co.. Inc. Ayaas to famish 115 regular form GUARANI'91! for �sl Years crier completion of Its said work. Said guamwc.; to cover dceacts In rimictial and workmanship only end not to extend to damage to roofing effused by the elements, other unusual Acta M CiM aTd shall nofcnvur nny liabil((y fur danxt�o (o interiors riYNra4 dororadon5, walls, comellts 0(l1U{Iding Or Other pato Af stmetufC not to dancige of fuultycnu,lruction. 11 is also understood End agreed that the above guarantee shall bc.mlde and remain only when amt it payment is rmid{: as al,recd in this eoutract. AI Miller A Sunnis out rrspunsible for TV antennas .We are tally covet -ed by Workmen's colli, 6salitia and public lirhility insumned. Carriers' nantt_ti aril policy numAcrs arc availahle oil rqucsL Any alterations or d..vlatlons Rom the abuve specifications invoking extra cost of muetial or labor will only be executed upon written orders for same, and will boeomo nn citm churtu over sum nnnttomel in (hie pmpumi. All aalreenuntc nest be mile in writing. This eller is valid for one week (min the dato of cillmato and is tuard on Gee access to building for decd loading from our truck: Prices em based on current cost o(mutsaiai aid labor, inciumi:3 or darr:A: will ba rclltcim at lice of Slgning of txrntracli At Mille k Sons Roofing Co•,,Inc. not respannible for airy d2111280 to sidewalks, curbs, or di ivcwoyx Ir diet,• ivally co,inict txtw•trn tri:, proposal, unit any Other cimanol or sp6:iiieattnn relating to the "borC rtf rGlhtt jCd the terr}t5 orthis rnposal ch.all prevail i Ru,p.• 11.11,1 submi Al. MILLF S 5 R NC., INC. Attcpted: ,tt"u f'jf1 cr, Ilmator12 . p:l 05/01/2003 16:27 7607777011 LA QUINTA PAGE 01/01 X x i'IS gin.,�. City. of La Quinta Building SL Safety Division P.O. Box 1504, 78-495 Calle Tampico Permit ��3I La Quinta, CA 92253 - (760) 777.7012 056 Building Permit Application and Tracking Sheet , Project Address: LRLA RVErq I IlPt MIDN�R.0 Owner's Name: : ?,RQ SQVN ME A. P. Number: Address: LnQqS M)CN lbpI mv-Ego Legal Description: City. ST. Zip: LA NTS C14 Contractor: M\L.L_C-P- 4 SON% �,WVIN . I(Telephone: - '60y) Address: Q 'Ptoject Description City. ST. Zip: CfliN> l— . C Y. 0-k- Z Telephone: ' State Lic. ak : 3 City Lir. 4; Arch.. EngT.. Designer: Address: City, .ST. Zip: Telephone; Construction Type: Occupancy; Project type (circle one): Nc%k Add'n Alter Repair Demo State Lic. N: Name of -Contact Person:—� Sq, Ft.: # Stories: a Units: Telephone # of Contact Persott: } 3 �{ (© ( Z( Estimated Value of Proicct: APPLICANT: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE a Submittal Req'd Recd TRACKING PERMIT FEES Plan Sets Plan Check submitted Item amount Structural Calcs. Reviewed. ready for corrections Plan Check Deposit ?russ calcs. Called Cootact Person Plan Check Balance Energy Cities, Plans picked up Construction Flood plain plan. Plans resubmitted Mechanical Grading plan 2"d Review, ready for corrections/issue Electrical Subcontactor List Called Contact Person Plumbing Grant Deed Plans picked up S.M.I. H.O.A. Approval Plans resubmitted Grading IN HOUSE:, '"' Review, ready for corrections/issue Developer Impact Fee Planning Approval Called Contact Person A,I,P,P. Pub. Wks. Appr Date of permit issue School Fees Total Permit Fees