2007 01 16 CC Minutes LA GUINTA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 16, 2007 A regular meetinl~ of the La Guinta City Council was called to order at the hour of 3:00 p.m. by Mayor Adolph. PRESENT: ABSENT: Council Members Henderson, Kirk, Osborne, Sniff, Mayor Adolph Nonl3 PUBLIC COMME~n - None CLOSED SESSIOI\l 1. Conferencn with City's real property negotiator, Thomas P. Genovese, pursuant tll) Government Code Section 54956.8 concerning potential terms and conditions of acquisition and/or disposition of a portion of 525:t acres located at the southwest corner of Avenue 52 and Jefferson Street. Property Owner/Negotiator: Desert Classic Charities, Dave Erwin. 2. Conferencn with labor negotiators, Ski Harrison, John Falconer, and John Ruiz, regarding negotiations with the La Quinta City Employees Association pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 - Meet and Confer Process. 3. Conferenc.~ with labor negotiators, Ski Harrison, John Falconer, and John Ruiz, regarding negotiations with the City of La Quinta unrepresented employees: Building & Safety Director, City Clerk, Community Development Director, Community Services Director, Finance Director, and Public Works Director; pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6. Council recessed at 3:04 P.M. to the Redevelopment Agency and to Closed S.ession to and until the hour of 4:00 p.m. 4:00 P.M. Mayor Adolph led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. City Council Minutes 2 January 16, 2007 PUBLIC COMMENT Stan Ford, Coachella Valley Recreation & Parks District, gave a brief update on their Master Plan and stated the District would be happy to give a formal presentation of the Plan at a future meeting; and informed the Council a series of concerts have been scheduled at Fritz Burns Community Park. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA - Confirmed ANNOUNCEMENTS - None PRESENTATIONS - None WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 1. WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE FROM MILO BELL, DATED DECEMBER 31, 2006, REGARDING GOLF FEES FOR NON RESIDENTS. Mr. Bell requested the Council to revisit the fees at SilverRock Resort and stated other local courses give a reduced fee for valley residents and seniors. Council Member Henderson suggested the Council periodically review the fees during the agreement renewal process. The City Council concurred. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Osborne to approve the City Council Minutes of December 19, 2006, and January 2, 2007, as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTERS DATED JANUARY 2 AND JANUARY 16,2007. 2. RECEIVE AND FILE TRANSMITTAL OF TREASURER'S REPORT DATED NOVEMBER 30, 2006. City Council Minutl~s 3 January 16, 2007 3. RECEIVE A.ND FILE TRANSMITTAL OF REVENUE & EXPENDITURES REPORT FOR NOVEMBER 30, 2006, AND INVESTMENT SUMMARY REPORT FOR THE QUARTER ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2006. 4. AUTHORIZATION FOR OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR THE FINANCE DIRECTOR TO ATTEND THE 2007 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION (GFOA) ANNUAL CONFERENCE IN ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA, JUNE 10-13, 2007. 5. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION GRANTING APPROVAL OF A FINAL MAP FOR PARCIEL MAP 34123, REA LA QUINTA, LLC. (RESOLUTION NO. 2007- 0011 6. ACCEPTANCE OF A GRANT OF EASEMENT FOR STREET AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES FROM REA LA QUINTA, LLC ASSOCIATED WITH PARCEL MAP 34213. 7. APPROVAL OF A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH OMNIS INCORPORATED TO PREPARE THE PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE FOR THE LAGO LA QUINTA AND VILLAS AS LA QUINTA SOUND ATTENUATION WALLS, PROJECT NO. 2006-02. 8. DENIAL OF CLAIM FOR DAMAGES FILED BY RSI FOR ALFONSO PENA - DATE OF L.OSS: JANUARY 17, 2006. 9. ACCEPTA~~CE OF ON-SITE IMPROVEMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH TRACT MAP 29053-3, FIORE AT RENAISSANCE, TRANS WEST HOUSING, INC. 10. ACCEPTANCE OF ON-SITE IMPROVEMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH TRACT MAP 29053-2, FIORE AT RENAISSANCE, TRANS WEST HOUSING, INC. 11. ADOPTIONI OF A RESOLUTION GRANTING APPROVAL OF A FINAL MAP AND SUB[)IVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT FOR TRACT MAP 34243, PASATIEMPO, MADISON 58TH LA QUINTA, LLC. (RESOLUTION NO. 2007-0021 12. ADOPTIOI'II OF A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING PORTIONS OF SIDEWALK ON WASHINGTON STREET A SHARED BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN ROUTE. (RESOLUTIION NO. 2007-0031 13. APPROVAL TO AWARD A CONTRACT TO AMERICAN ASPHALT SOUTH, INC. TO CONSTRUCT THE FISCAL YEAR 2006/2007 SLURRY SEAL AND RESTRIPING PROGRAM, PROJECT NO. 2006-01. City Council Minutes 4 January 16, 2007 14. APPROVAL OF A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (MOUI FOR THE FUNDING AND JOINT DEVELOPMENT OF STATE HIGHWAY 111 IMPROVEMENTS, AND APPROVAL OF A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH KATZ OKITSU & ASSOCIATES TO PREPARE THE PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE FOR THE PHASE III HIGHWAY 111 IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT NO. 2006-04. Council Member Henderson questioned if the City will be installing sidewalks on the north side of Highway 111 at Point Happy. Public Works Director Jonasson confirmed no sidewalks will be installed. 15. APPROVAL OF THE FINAL RELOCATION PLAN FOR 46-130 DUNE PALMS ROAD AND 46-150 DUNE PALMS ROAD. 16. APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT EXTENSION WITH RBF CONSULTING INC. FOR CONTINUED WORK ON THE SPHERE OF INFLUENCE STRATEGIC PLAN. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Osborne to approve the Consent Calendar as recommended and with Item Nos. 5, 11, and 12 being approved by RESOLUTION NOS. 2007-001 through 2007-003 respectively. Motion carried unanimously. BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION OF AN AMENDED USE AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN DESERT CLASSIC CHARITIES AND THE CITY OF LA QUINTA. City Manager Genovese presented the staff report. Mayor Adolph questioned if prior agreements remain the same. City Manager Genovese stated no technical changes were made. City Attorney Jenson concurred and stated a reduction in the exclusive period may be dropped from 8 to 7 days; discussed a 45-day non-exclusive period on the front end which may be reduced to a less amount needed; an affirmative statement may be added concerning a rotation every year; and suggested authorization be given to the City Manager and City Attorney to complete the document. Council Member Sniff stated a five-year agreement would be favored and requested additional clarification; and discussion of using the second course upon meeting PGA standards. City Council Minut'3s 5 January 16, 2007 Council MElmber Kirk stated he appreciates Council Member Sniff's concerns but looks at the relationship differently, similarly of a marriage and is fully supportive of this venture and authorizing the City Manager to negotiate the details. MOTION .. It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Osborne to authorize the City Manager to execute an Amended Use Agreement by and between Desert Charities and the City of La Guinta with any final revisions and/or clarifications prepared by the City Manager and the City Attorney. Motion carried with Council Member Sniff dissenting. 2. CONSIDERATION OF NAME CHANGE FOR THE PALM SPRINGS DESERT RESORTS CONVENTION AND VISITORS AUTHORITY. City Mana!~er Genovese presented the staff report. Woody Peak, VP Tourism and Membership, Palm Springs Desert Resorts ,Convention and Visitors Authority, stated the Authority was requested by the JPA to, initiate a name change to include a broader representation of the Valley; and stated he was available to answer any questions of the Council. Council MElmber Henderson stated adding communities is meaningful and will bring c10sllre to this issue for a period of time; and all local communication will be identified with CVA. Council Mt3mber Sniff conveyed support of removing Palm Springs from the marquee alnd adding the names of the represented cities; and stated the name change does little or no effect to represent the individual cities; and stated thelre is no equity among the cities in the title if Palm Springs is to remain in the name. Council Member Osborne stated the name change is a start to recognize the other communities in the area, as Palm Springs is recognized world-wide. Council Ml3mber Henderson clarified staff was not involved in this issue, only the electEtd members of the board; the name change was adopted unanimously by the CVA Board as a step forward. Council Member Kirk stated this issue is a waste of time of staff to pursue; cannot market effectively without the identification of Palm Springs. City Council Minutes 6 January 16, 2007 Mayor Adolph stated he is supportive of the convention bureau; agrees with comments made by Council Member Sniff, but Palm Springs is a more marketable name; and the change is good and favorable to the City of La Guinta. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Kirk/Osborne to approve a name change for the Palm Springs Desert Resorts Convention and Visitors Authority to the Palm Springs Desert Resort Communities Convention and Visitors Authority. Motion carried 4-1 Council Member Sniff dissenting. 3. CONSIDERATION OF CITY COUNCIL REVIEW OF OPTIONS FOR DEVELOPING A NEW COLLECTION, TRANSPORTATION, RECYCLING, AND DISPOSAL AGREEMENT. Council Member Osborne recussed himself from this item due to a conflict of interest. Community Development Director Evans presented the staff report. Council Member Henderson questioned if the original negotiations with the current waste contractor can be shortened to 4 months. Community Development Director Evans referred to Page 3 of the staff report and stated business terms must be negotiated within four months with Burrtec, 30.:!:.. days to prepare all the contractual information and then schedule for Council approval to meet the six month timeframe outlined in the staff report. Council Member Henderson questioned if negotiations could be set for 4 months instead of 6 months. Community Director Evans stated if staff could come to an agreement of the business terms within four months with Burrtec, staff could then bring the negotiated contract to Council for review before the six month timeframe. Mayor Adolph addressed the analysis in the staff report and questioned if the full 18 months is needed to complete the process if a new company were contracted for waste disposal. Community Development Director Evans stated staff believes the two processes of renegotiating within the first four months and if unsuccessful, an RFP can be completed in 18 months, but the timeframe would be tight. Council Member Sniff stated 18 months is plenty of time if a firm is sincere and questioned if any other firms were available to meet the 18 months timeframe. Community Development Director Evans stated there are two firms predominantly working in the Coachella Valley, Palm Springs Disposal City Council Minutl~s 7 January 16, 2007 and Burrtec. There is another firm which has contacted staff and. may request Council to open for RFP but staff is not aware of their capabilities. Laith Ezzet, HF&H, stated the company has experience in the RFP process with other cities, received companies from outside the region and would need 6 months from the time of award to set up business in the area. Deborah McGarry, Burrtec, stated Burrtec is an established company and located wi1thin 10 miles of the city limits; have continued improvements in recycling requirements; have met all requirements of contract and have implementEld programs at no additional cost to the city including, curbside e-waste pick-up, shredding day, universal waste program, special event recycling, cllld a commitment to continue to improve services. Council MEtmber Kirk requested Ms. McGarry give a rebuttal to opening the process up, to receiving RFPs. Ms. McGarry stated may loose competitive edge. Burrtec District Manager, Frank Orlet, responded by stating relationship is the key, competitive bidding is a positive thing, but questioned why consider other options when currently receiving the lowest rate. Jim Brockman, Waste Resources, Inc., is in agreement with staff and statement that city currently receiving the best rates in the Valley; suggested staff be given 30 days to review contracts from Waste Resources and Burrtec. Council Member Kirk questioned if Waste Resources could deliver an alternative fuel vehicle in 4 to 5 months. Mr. Brockman stated it would be very tight timeframe. Council MElmber Henderson explained privately-owned water companies will be subject to Proposition 218 for rate increases; stated trash and sewer may potentially be considered to be subject to Proposition 218. Council Ml3mber Kirk conveyed his satisfaction with the rates and services provided by Burrtec; suggested to direct staff to negotiate with Burrtec for 60 days and allow Waste Resources to submit a formal proposal or a white paper of ownership. Council Ml3mber Sniff stated has received excellent service and good rates from curre,nt provider; suggested to move forward with negotiations with Burrtec for 5 months and open to RFP if negotiations are not successful with Burrtec. City Council Minutes 8 January 16, 2007 Council Member Henderson suggested the timeframe be reduced to 3 months. Mr. Ezzet stated it would not be in the best interest of the Council to change the timeframe; many issues have risen to the attention of the City in the last year and time is needed to review and negotiate these issues. Council Member Kirk stated the longer negotiations, the less power the city has for receiving a true competitive process, and moved to direct staff to negotiate a contract and bring back to Council in 90 days and the City Attorney to prepare an informal analysis of public/private ownership. Council Member Henderson seconded, and to include Proposition 218 issues. Mayor Adolph questioned areas needed to negotiate and any changes from Burrtec to the contract. Community Development Director Evans stated need to look at services receiving and other services available, questioned if Council expected to have a contract for approval in 90 days, or a report of the business terms. Council Member Kirk clarified only the business terms and requested they be brought back in 60 days if possible. Council Member Sniff stated making this process unnecessarily difficult. Bring up issue that have not surfaced regarding Proposition 218 and is taken back that cannot negotiate with a company that has provided excellent rates and services. Council Member Kirk stated all Council Members are saying the same thing, the process should be simple and completed in a short period of time; don't see harm in reviewing parallels of the industry. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Kirk/Henderson to direct staff to begin the negotiation process with the current contractor and to bring a report back to Council within 90 days; the report to include an informal analysis by the City Attorney of a public/private partnership concept and related Proposition 218 issues. Motion. carried 3-1, Council Member Sniff dissenting and Council Member Osborne abstaining. 4. CONSIDERATION OF RECIPIENT FOR THE SENIOR INSPIRATION AWARD PROGRAM. Community Services Director Hylton presented the staff report. Council Member Henderson questioned if a committee reviews nominations and make a recommendation to the Council. City Council Minutl~s 9 January 16, 2007 Council Member Sniff nominated Elaine Reynolds as recipient. Council Member Kirk concurred. MOTION -, It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Kirk to select Elaine Reynolds as the City of La Guinta recipient for the Senior Inspiration Award. Motion carded unanimously. City Mana~ler Genovese questioned if Council wishes the recommendation be made by the Community Services Commission. Council concurred. 5. CONSIDERATION OF SPORTS FIGURE ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. MOTION -- It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Osborne to approve the addition of Rego Nieto Jr. and Ed Middleton's names to the Sports Acknowledgment Area and Ceremony. Motion carried unanimously. 6. CONSIDERATION AND AUTHORIZATION TO SEND OUT A REQUEST FOR PROPOSAI.S (RFPI FOR AUDITING SERVICES. Finance Director Falconer presented the staff report. Council MI3mber Osborne conveyed his concern of a committee reviewing the RFPs, lInd suggested to consider appointing a local CPA, Pedro Rincon to serve on the committee. Council ME,mber Kirk stated he supports the suggestion. Council MI3mber Henderson suggested advertising for applications for local auditors. Council MI~mber Sniff stated just any auditor may not be qualified to review the RFPs; is not in support of advertising for applications; receive excellent service with current firm and questioned necessity of RFP process. Council Member Henderson questioned staff if anything precludes current firm from submitting an RFP. Finance Director Falconer stated no. Council Member Henderson questioned what would be the process of RFP. Finance Director Falconer explained. Council Member Kirk stated he disagrees with comments made regarding retaining current firm without RFP process; is a very synergistic relationship City Council Minutes 10 January 16, 2007 between firm and client and is healthy for city to take extra steps in relation to finances of public funds. Mayor Adolph questioned the position of the Finance Director on this issue. Finance Director Falconer stated staff is confident with services and comfortable with current process. Council Member Henderson stated there should be a more serious discussion of what an auditing firm does; the City is bound by tight regulations and the firm ensures all financial processes are complying with regulations; and is prepared to support staff recommendation. Council Member Sniff suggested a legitimate and qualified local auditor be appointed to the committee to review the RFPs. Council Member Osborne stated Mr. Rincon is a La Guinta resident, no other CPA in La Guinta provides auditing services to an organization the size of the City as Mr. Rincon does; stated the auditing firm must be independent from the City and questioned if the current firm is independent. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Kirk to approve distribution of a Request for Proposals (RFPI for auditing services for the next five fiscal years, beginning July 1, 2006 and ending June 30, 2011; authorize staff to initiate the selection process to contract for professional services, and appoint a selection committee consisting of two (21 Investment Advisory Board Members, a Finance Director from another Coachella Valley City, the City of La Guinta City Manager and Finance Director, and accountant Pedro Rincon. Motion carried unanimously. . REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS CVAG Safety Committee - Council Member Kirk reported Marijuana dispensaries was the issue discussed; sat in for Council Member Sniff at the Environmental Committee Meeting and stated HCP issue is likely to come back to this and local cities; was asked to sit in on energy conservation committee meeting. Chamber of Commerce Workshop Exchange - Council Member Kirk stated a new executive director will be on board in two weeks, plan on having a car show in Old Town La Guinta. Animal Campus - Council Member Henderson notified staff could not attend, Deby Conrad attended on behalf of staff. City Council Minutl35 11 January 16, 2007 League of California Cities - Mayor Adolph attended meeting, Gen. Mgr. of Fantasy Springs Casino gllve overview. Riverside County Transportation - Council Member Henderson stated chaired first meeting and all went well. CVAG Human Community Resources Committee - Council Member Osborne stated Homeless Commission meetings moving to third Wednesday of the month; closed TIP program in Vialley and have new group Coachella Valley Crisis Response Team, which is made up of original volunteers of the Tip Program, and CV AG looking to use new group and will utilize same funding. * * * * * * * * * * * * * All other reports were noted and filed. DEPARTMENT REPORTS 5-A. REPORT OF CITY COUNCIL SUBCOMMITTEE AND UPDATE ON THE SPHERE OF INFLUENCE. MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS' ITEMS - None Council Member Kirk stated staff and SilverRock Resort did an excellent job at the document signin~1 event. Mayor Adolph stiated the perimeter of Griffin Ranch is outstanding and it makes a tremendous impf13ssion to the area; requested a survey on businesses on Hwy 111 about what we don't have; met with Walt Meyers and was happy to report on the lack of crime during the holiday season, complimented the Police staff. Council Member Kirk concurred and was pleasingly surprised to see our Police Chief out on New Year's Eve and conveyed his appreciation for the dedication of the Chief. Council Member Sniff stated his son (Stanl was honored with a Resolution by the Board of Supervisors for his service and performance with the Riverside County Sheriff's Department over the years. Mayor Adolph questioned if there are any cost restrictions in agreement with Embassy Suites; thanked the Chamber for Golf Cart Event and announced the City received second place in the parade. City Council Minutes 12 January 16, 2007 Council Member Henderson stated the area on Bermudas past Francis Hack Lane is very dark in the evening and requested low-lighting in the area. 6:17 p.m. Council recessed to the Redevelopment Agency meeting. 6:20 p.m. Council reconvened and recessed to and until 7:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. PUBLIC COMMENT - None PRESENTATIONS - None PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL AMENDING THE LA GUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE, CHAPTER 9, SECTIONS 9.20.030 AND 9.50.030, TABLE 9-2; TO CROSS REFERENCE EXISTING SPECIAL ZONING SYMBOLS IN THE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARD AND TO ESTABLISH THEIR IDENTIFICATION ON THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP. Community Development Director Evans and Golf & Park Landscape Manager Howlett presented the staff report. The Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN at 6:08 p.m. There being no requests to speak, the Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 6:08 p.m. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to take up Ordinance No. 434 by title and number only and waive further reading. Motion carried unanimously. ORDINANCE NO. 434 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA GUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SECTIONS 9.20.030 AND 9.50.030, TABLE 9-2, OF TITLE 9, HPLANNING,H PERTAINING TO THE REFERENCING OF EXISTING SPECIAL ZONING SYMBOLS (ZONING TEXT AMENDMENT 2006-0851. City Council Minutt~s 13 January 16, 2007 MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Sniff to introduce Ordinance No. 434 on first reading. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Henderson, Kirk, Osborne, Sniff, Mayor Adolph None None None NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: 2. PUBLIC HI:ARING ON THE APPEAL OF REIMBURSEMENT AMOUNT FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS AT WASHINGTON STREET AND SIMON DRIVE BY IfJH RANCH, LLC. Public Works Director Jonasson presented the staff report. Council Member Henderson stated the City is constantly updating and changing the DIF, and questioned the status. Public Works Director Jonasson stated the City updated the DIF in March 2006. Council Member Henderson questioned if the $345,000 was based on the updated DIF. Public Works Director Jonasson stated it was based on an estimate of the cost the city would inclLJf to installing the traffic signal. Council Member Henderson question if the $345,000 was the hard cost or did the hard cost change. Public Works Jonasson stated prior to the update it would have been $145,000, and the $345,000 is based on new DIF. Council Member Henderson questioned how soft dollars are converted. Public Works Director Jonasson :stated soft dollars are converted only if city is administering the installation of traffic signal. Council Mllmber Kirk confirmed if went with denial of the appeal, the City is not suggelsting we seek reimbursement from appellant for over payment. Public Works Director Jonasson stated the point was when conducted a refined audit of finances, in actuality we are still $30,000, short of the $345,000 mark of the traffic signal development. Council Member Kirk stated with respect to Trader Joe's, conditioned them to pay for traffic signals. Public Works Director Jonasson stated a number of improvements on to the frontage street, all considered, Traders Joe's disagreed they should be obligatEtd to pay for it. Council Member Sniff questioned if there is a hard and fast formula to determine cost, somewhat arbitrary, can provide a proven formula. Public Works Director Jonasson stated staff makes best estimate as part of the DIF, as pmjects are conditioned, developers are reimbursed up to the amount City Council Minutes 14 January 16, 2007 estimated. Council Member Sniff confirmed there is no absolute consistent formula to determine what is reasonable, fair, equitable to use in each case. Public Works Director Jonasson confirmed the estimate of the cost is utilized. City Attorney Jenson stated the estimate is in the DIF, and the DIF is irrelevant, the question is the scope of the traffic signal. It comes down to the actual cost and how far you extend it. Council Member Kirk stated the DIF is actually an improvement, charging developers $430,000. Public Works Director Jonasson confirmed, assuming the City had to install the traffic signals. Council Member Kirk questioned of the provided amount invoiced what the City considers soft costs, if traffic signals are considered hard costs and soft costs. Public Works Director Jonasson stated he must review the wording used for hard costs. Council Member Kirk questioned if new estimates of $430,000 does not include soft costs. Council Member Kirk questioned if the City had to settle dispute between two developers, and costs were 50/50, would the soft costs be split 50/50, wouldn't it be considered part of the project. Public Works Director Jonasson stated it has not been practice to reimburse for them. Council Member Kirk stated this is a unique situation, how much is Madison's responsibility and how much is the City's. Council Member Osborne questioned when the cost breakdown totaling the $591,000 was submitted. Public Works Director Jonasson stated at the end of the Summer, approximately on August 23, 2006. Council Member Osborne questioned if we reimbursed them after we received this breakdown. Public Works Director Jonasson stated the reimbursement is not based on the breakdown before the Council, and explained after further review came up $315,000 in actual cost. Council Member Osborne questioned the City Attorney if there are any legal issues. The language of the conditions of approval refer to the signal, the cap is 50% of the DIF, staff indicated that many charges were not related to the signal and advised to conduct an audit. Mayor Adolph questioned if we have ever had a situation similar to this. Public Works Director Jonasson stated yes, invoiced the city over $100,000 than what was in the DIF. Mayor Adolph stated looking at the Point Happy Ranch traffic signal costs, "remove a garden wall" "remove cross gutter", and questioned how it relates to installing a traffic signal. Public Works Director Jonasson stated the construction manager inspected and reviewed City Council Minutos 15 January 16, 2007 plans and tried to error to give more items in quantity than less. Mayor Adolph confirmed they were given credit for this. Council Meimber Henderson questioned when this project came up did it not include a traffic signal. Public Works Director Jonasson confirmed it did not. Staff was directed to meet with residents in area, traffic signal was not a condition until May 2004. Council Member Henderson stated many issues were raised, Trader Joe's stated the traffic signal would not benefit them, but for a much safer community it behooved us to move forward with the signal; and questioned would have been in DIF at a much higher rate. Public Works Director Jonasson stated more than just installing traffic poles, and a median break. The Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN at 7:38 p.m. Rick Wilkerson, 78-720 Highway 111, company accountant was directed to include only the items directly relating to the installation of the traffic signal. Negative Declaration Option #2 . . . this project was delayed 10-12 months, when submitted request for reimbursement did leave out barricades, MDS; the City Manager denied the appeal based on Article 55; have not submitted for reimbursement for purchasing properties. There beinl9 no additional requests to speak, the Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 7:48 p.m. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Kirk/Henderson to uphold the appeal of Madison Development LLC for an additional $123,075.22 reimbursement for the design and construction of the traffic signal at Simon Drive and Washington Street and include the appropriation from either DIF or General funds at the discretion of the City Manager. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Adolph requested an itemized detail of what the Dateland work entailed. Public Works Director Jonasson reviewed the work conducted by Dateland. City Council Minutes 16 January 16, 2007 3. JOINT PUBLIC HEARING BETWEEN THE CITY COUNCIL AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TO CONSIDER A REVISED AFFORDABLE HOUSING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE AGENCY AND SANTA ROSA DEVELOPMENT, INC., TO INCREASE THE AGENCY'S FUNDING FOR THE HOMEBUYER SILENT SECOND TRUST DEED MORTGAGE LOANS BY $4.5 MILLION, THUS EXPANDING THE INCOME LEVELS OF THE HOMEBUYERS FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE WATERCOLORS HOUSING PROJECT AT AVENUE 48 AND ADAMS STREET. Chairman Osborne reconvened the Redevelopment Agency at 7:53 p.m. Redevelopment Consultant Frank Spevacek presented the staff report. Council Member Kirk conveyed his concern of the current slowing of the market and buyers available to qualify for purchase. Mr. Spevacek explained the current increase of funds enables low and moderate income buyers to qualify. Mayor Adolph questioned if there is a market. Mr. Spevacek stated he reviewed all applications for purchasing of homes and profile of buyer indicated those not qualified would now qualify by increasing second trust deed. Council Member Sniff questioned if this enables all or some of the applicants. Mr. Spevacek stated it was some. Council Member Henderson questioned the $4.5 million will only be released when a qualified buyer is in place. Mr. Spevacek stated the funds would be released by summer or fall. Council Member Henderson questioned the long term process and confirmed the funds are not released until the appropriate time. Mr. Spevacek confirmed. Mayor Adolph stated units have been built and just sitting there. FS second phase is underway . Council Member Sniff question if staff envisions all funds will be expended. Mr. Spevacek stated in discussion with applicant, this will be the only additional funding needed to facilitate the sales of the units and expect to expend all of the funds. The Mayor and declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN at 8:04 p.m. Mr. Shovlin, 78-084 Tamarisk Lane, Rancho Mirage, stated the gap of people to qualify was very narrow; 75 people who applied have been reconsidered and qualified by the increase of funding. City Council MinutEls 17 January 16, 2007 There bein!~ no requests to speak, the Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 8:06 p.m. RESOLUTION NO. 2007-004 . A RESOLUlTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALlFORNIIA, APPROVING AMENDMENT NO. 4 TO AN AFFORDABLE HOUSING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY J~ND SANTA ROSA DEVELOPMENT, INC., FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF AVENUE 48 AND ADAMS STREET. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Osborne to adopt Resolution No. 2007-004 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. The City C,ouncil recessed to Closed Session as delineated on Page 1 at 8:09 p.m. 9:05 p.m. The City Council meeting was reconvened with no decisions being made in Closed Sessiolll which require reporting pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.1 (Brown Actl. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor Adolph adjourned the City Council meeting at 9:05 p.m. ~' VERONICA J,A'C)NTECINO, City Clerk City of La Guinta, California