0310-322 (RPL),17 LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License # Lic. Class Exp. Date ,,- 820132 B C53 ; j 5/31/2( V_Date i Signature of Contractor I OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's ` License Law for the following reason: ( ) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). I ( ) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ( ) I am exempt under Section B&P.C. for this reason Date Signature of Owner WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: ( ) I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. ( ) I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier & policy' no. are: Carver MEMPT Policy No. (This ~section need not be completed if the permit valuation is for $100.00 or less). (.-rl certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions .of -Section 3700 of the Labor Code, I shall forthwith comply with those provisions -.7. f Date:' Applicant"I -- T- ` f Warning: Failure to secure Workers' Compensation coverage is unlawful and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000, in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor Code, interest and attorney's fees. IMPORTANT. Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set- forth on his application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made & each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this applicaton agrees to, & shall, indemni & hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employee 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void' D work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of su permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellatio I certify that I have read this application and state that the above informationLn' correct. I agree to comply with all City, and State laws relating to the buildi construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this City to enter up the above-mentioned property for inspection• purposes. Y s. Date tSlgnature (Owner/Agent) V -. 'BUILDINGS"PERMIT PERMI T .32 DATE VALUATION LOT. TRACT o oS1(10.(Fi) JOB SITE r APN ADDRESS 79X5441' ON UM-GGLOIZY Cf. 'C OWNER CONTRACTOR/DESIGNER EN INEER N�O'D4JAMELAJ10SO. yPD71VS 7 d77..K8�0R1�i.tN 44' /�•:�J �y1 L 4( . . .. $-2 8/0TUDEN, ii -O I.T :RM+ �A ?i i 3TA CA 92233 rN; to • CA 92201 (760)324.794£ CBL# 3613 USE OF PERMIT POOL AWD/OR RPA RLirli FIBEPMASS SPA ONLY PER PIAC•3609.aA.LAId.Te+7SMAR)ZIER.S SHALL k1� IN PLA -Cls; PRIOR TO FILLNIOVITH WATEER POOL ANIVOR SPA L,a ESTMAT D COST 03Y CONSMUC• -ON P72MU LF moi: 9UMMA12Y PLAN C IT.CK l+UI 101.000-439.318 WIN CK.?NS'L'I UC;TION FFE 101-06"16-D30 $72.00 MECHANICAL ME -- POOL 101-000-421.000 $24.00 XL1~CTRII:,AL T9S •- POOL 101-000-420-000 $45.00 ' PIATIA TWO Fg); -= POOL* _ 101-000-419:-000 $27,00 SUB. -TOTAL C01 MVUC"T'LPX AND PLM CHECK $214.60 LESS PRE-PAIDnW : $0,00 •Jk �,.F'l..F1W .0 R..f{.1.Y9 D., Jrt ..s7. CAA•. S'i W 9w $214,90 NOV 0 4 2003 CITY OF LA QUINTA FINANCE DEPT. ; RECEIPT DATE> ' 7 /°$!/ BY DATE FINALED INSPECTOR r `^ INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs Underground Ducts Forms & Footings Ducts Slab Grade Return Air Steel Combustion Air Roof Deck Exhaust Fans O.K to Wrap F.A.U. Framing Compressor Insulation Vents Fireplace P.L. Grills Fireplace T.O. Fans & Controls Party Wall Insulation Condensate Lines Party Wall Firewall Exterior lath Drywall - Int. Lath Final Final POOLS - SPAS BLOCKWALL APPROVALS Steel Set Backs Electric Bond J Footings Main Drain Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location Underground Electric Underground Plbg. Test Final Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVALS Gas Test Electric Final Waste Lines Heater Final Water Piping Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans O.K. for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral Pool Cover Sewer Connection Encapsulation Gas Piping Gas Test Appliances Final COMMENTS: Final Utility Notice (Gas) ELECTRICAL APPROVALS' Temp. Power Pole Underground Conduit Rough Wiring Low Voltage Wiring Fixtures Main Service Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles G.F.I. Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Power Final Utility Notice (Perm) e a ,0.5 a A :NEIN FIBERGLASS Sf�A FOR: iY� • Rod, 4aSHEET, x T 78544 Morning Glory Gourt - . La Ouinto, GA 82253 •� .. - W LU • r • e a ,0.5 a A :NEIN FIBERGLASS Sf�A FOR: iY� • Rod, 4aSHEET, x T 78544 Morning Glory Gourt - . La Ouinto, GA 82253 •� .. - W • r • e a ,0.5 a A :NEIN FIBERGLASS Sf�A FOR: iY� • Rod, 4aSHEET, x T 78544 Morning Glory Gourt - . La Ouinto, GA 82253 �t1UH Ap IC�C� Evaluation Service, Inc. 4Y the NalioncredilStandm American National Standards Institute 1 tee 5360 WORKMAN MILT_ ROAD • WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA 90601-2299 A subsidiary corporation of the International Conference of Building Officials EVALUATION REPORT PFC-3608 Copyright Q 2000 ICBO Evaluation Service, Inc. Reissued Juste 1, 2000 Fifing Category: SWIMMING POOLS AND SPAS (266) FIBERGLASS ONE-PIECE SWIMMING POOLS AND SPAS ViKII4G POOLS, INC. POST OFFICE BOX 96 WIL.l_.IAMS, CA.LIfORN1A 95987 1.0 SUBJFCT Fiberglass One-piece Swimming Pools and Spas. 2.0 DESCRIPTION 2.1 General: The swimming pools and spas consist of one-piece fiberglass construction shop -formed over a mold. The material is fiber- glass reinforced plastic, 1/4 inch (6.4 mm) thick, composed of isopht:alic resin, vinyl ester resin, fiberglass, and ceramic. The surface finish is a neo pentyl glycol gel coat. Viking Pools, Inc., produces various styles of swimming pools and spas. T•he overall pool dimensions, depths and capacities are shown in Table 1. For mini -pools, see Table 2; for spas, see Table 3. Certain models described in Table 4 can be placed up to 191/2 inches (49,5 mm) above ground, Vertical supports con- sisting of 1-inch-by1'/2-inch-by-36-inch-long (25 rnm by 38 mrn by 9,14 rrrm) Douglas fir No. 2 wood members encapsu- lated in the FRP process at 4 -foot 6 -inch (1372 MITI) intervals are required, These pools and spas may be placed with or without: concrete or wood decking. Unless elevated portions of the units are protected from sunlight by soil berms, decking, etc., these portions must be coated with a UV -inhibiting opaque oaInt that is compatible with the larninate. The fiberglass has an average tensile strength of 13,308 psi (91.76 MPa), ultimate compressive strength of 23,400 psi (161.34 MPa) and flexural strength of 41,976 psi (450.75 MPa). The upper portion of the in -ground pools and spas is constrained by a concrete -bond bearrl. See Figures 1 and 2 f'or• details. For aboveground models, see Table 4 and Fig- ure 3. Al I plumbing and electrical work must comply with the code currently in effect at the construction site. The pool and spa must remain full of water at all times. A permanent sign must be attached to the pumping equipment with the following in- formation: Notice.—The pool or spa is designed to remain full of water at all times. The pool shell may be damaged If the water lev- el is allowed to drop below the Inlet. When appreciable draw -dawn Is noticed or if it becomes necessary to drain the pool or spa, contact Viking Pools, Inc., or its agents for in- structions. A permanent label must be installed adjacent to the above .sign by the manufacturing licensee giving his name, address and telephone number. 2.2 Installation: Viking pools and spas may be installed without a soil inves•- tigatlon by a qualified engineer, subject to the building offi- cial's approval, provided none of the following conditions are encountered at the site: 1. The existence of groundwater within depth of the pool or spa excavation. 2. The existence of an uncompacted fill in cont icl: with any portion of the pool or spa. 3. The existence of any expansive or adobe. -type soils. 4. The existence of any soil types with an angle of repose that will riot support: the walls of the excavation at desired slopes. 5. Proposed pool or spa location endangers adjacent struc- tures. 6. The existence of any cracks or openings in soil that would not confine sand bedding. If any condition above is encountered, excavation must cease immediately. The specified conditions at the site; must then be reviewed and recommendations made by a qualified engineer. The building official must approve the engineer's report before work is continued. The pool or spa excavation profile muss: c0irx;ide with the contours of the pool. The overexcavalion is approximately 6 Inches (152 mm) on the sides and 12 inches (305 mm) on the ends. At the deep end, the pool width is overexcavated from 8 to 24 inches (203 to 610 mm) so the first portion of the back- fill can be manually adjusted for the initial 12 inches (305 film) of backfill. The overexcavation near the pool bottom varies from approximately 3 to 6 inches (76 to 152 min), depending on soil type. The backfill for the pool or spa bottom is a layer of bedding sand. This sand layer is compacted using a manu- al tamper and water. SimUltalleOUS waterfill and sand backfill operations then commence. The sand is compacted with a tamper and water. The installer muss ensure that the backfill level and water level are approximately the same throughout this procedure. The pools and spas are installed only by facto- ry trained and approved agents or by franchised installers in accordance with the requirements of this report. Decks are prepared as indicated in Figures 1 throLigh 3. De- tails specifically for installations in expansive, clay, or adobe soils apply only when supported by the engineer's rec;om- rnendations and approved by the building official. Forms are placed around pool or spa perimeters. Where chains occur, pockets measuring 12 inches (3015 mm) wide and 6 inches (152 mm) deep are prepared under lbe perimeter excavation to ensure anchorage. The concrete is placed within 1/4 Inch (6.4 mm) of coping top and sloped away for drainage. Cantilevered concrete decks are construr.ted as poled fit Figure 2. In all cases, when concrete decks are installed, the I`valuadon reports n jICBO Iirah+otiorr Srrrire, Inc, arc issued siilrl} to prorlrle inforn,ntian to ClossA members oflCB0. tailking the code upon which the, rcpor f is based. l?oalttafinn repor'!s are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not sperificnlly nddressrd n nr ns nn en dorsenr ent m• rr, rarnrn en - dation for use of the subject report. T h!s r•cprny is based ripon inderandeui tests or orhar tia hrrical data strhn,iffed by the applirant. T'lm ICilO F., ala+r[inrr .5'rrrlce, /nc, teeJmiralydn/J'has'review v;d ilii. tilt results and/ar nth er dafa, lntf fines noipossess trsl.fncilitirs to rnuhe, nn independent verification. There is no innrrnntl hp.lG'Itn L:ratnatimr Sin ice., J„c, ei/eels or implied, ar to arty "1'itrberg"nr nthrt nu+tler in the report ar• as to un} product Inver ed by tire. repro I. This disclnimrr incdudes_hut is not limited to, merchantahlliry. - Page 1 or 4 Page 2 of 4 y _ 1 PFC-3608 total depth of the concrete in the chain pockets should mea- sure 12 inches (305 mrn). Barriers are required where pools are on premises of Group R, Division 3, Occupancies. The barriers must comply with /Appendix Chapter 4, Division I, of the code. 2.3 Identification: Viking pools are identified by the following information im- printed on the top step of the pool or spa: Manufacturer's name, pool or spa model designation, a coded serial number and evaluation report number. The aboveground units also bear the label of the quality control agency, Columbia Research E. Testing Corporation (/AA --527). 3,0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED Plans, fabrication and installation data, calculations and a quality control manual. 4.0 FINDINGS i That the Viking Pools, Inc., Fiberglass One, -piece Swim- ming Pools and Spas comply with the 1997 Uniform Building Code"', subject to the following conditions: 4.1 The construction and pool spa installation comply with this report and the manufacturer's instruc- tions. ' 4.2 Electrical and plumbing instaliation comply.with the respective codes in effect at: the construction site. 4.3 The pools and spas are installed by factory grained or licensed installers or agents approved by Viking Pools, Inc. 4.4 Clearances from slopes as set: forth in Section 1806.5.4 of the code are observed. 4.5 The pools and spas are produced by Viking Pools at 121 Crawford Road, Williams,: California.. Ele- vated units have quality control inspections by Co- lumbia Research & Testing Corporation (AA -527). This report is subject to re-examination in two years. TABLE 11 --POOLS SERIES LENGTH (ft.•In.)WInTH DEPTH (ft.•rn.)- Deep End (rt.4n.) Shallow End (ft. -In.) -_ --- -_- i CAPACITY (pal.) _-13,700 _- -- --- - - i.. - ---- - . 31-G - 14-0 7-0 3-6 ..- _.._...__.. � _-..._ _ IC 37-2 -• 25-2- 34-0 15-0 —_R-3 _ 11-1 0 4-6 I5-0 8 3 LJnifonn drpth - -- 3-5 - - - -- TM3-5 _ 20,000- -- - ' -_16,000 -- ----- - BK - 24-0 _ - 11-10 - 4-6 - Unifnmi dcp(h 6,0(!0 _ _- _ RC ___3 _._ 31-4 14-0 5-10 3-4 14,000 MK 28-0 14-0 5-10 -^- 3-6 T --- t IU,000 - _- BL 42-0 11-10 4-6 Uniform depth . _ 14,000 - -- C)i r 25-7 12-0 6-0 3-6 9,000 - _..._...., -14,800 -_ _-GP..• __ - 33-0 15-0—^ 6-0 3-6 - .-- - - 30.0- 14-0 - 6•A 3 (-.-. � t 12,000 _ liK.1) I1.-0 5-0 3-6 ' G000_,000__ SL _24-0- 39.0 — 7-6 � 4-U Uniform depth- ._ +_• 6,500 13P 38-0 16-0 6-0 3-6 , 1'7,0()0 SFF 24-0 12-0 6.0 3-6_ _V 9,000 -- _ -_ RS--- 3b 0� 14 0-0 Ii -6 3-6 0.0 - --- 40-0 _ ] 6-0 8-0 3-6 19,600 OS 35-0 16-0 5-10 —_ 3-6 1.5.0(12 _ _.RI' - ---31-0 y 14-0 5-I0 3-6 -- 12,600 25-0 J2-0 5-5 - - T. _- - - 6'000 --•---- -------- -a3-0 - 16-0 5-6 __- 3-615,000 ... _-. - BPI) 38-0 16-0 8-0 3 6 -- -- 20,000 - - C'P 31-0 12-0 5-03-6 .... . .... _.-- __ _.....- j 10,500 -......._ __._........ MT 35-0 14-0 5-6 3-6 12:400 --_- 39-0 16-0 6-0 3-6 ; 16,700 CSB 40-0 16-0 5.8 14-0 6.0 3••6 3-6 18,900 1 12,000 i% Page 3 of 4. PFC-3608 TABLE 2—MINI-POOLS 'CRIES LENGTH (ft. -In.) WIDTH (II. -In.) C Ti;.Kc—rry (g.ij CAPACITY (gal.) i Deep End (tt.-In.) Shallow End (ft -In) P 14-6 9-6 4-0 Uniform depth 2,500 IVIFF 14-0 8-6 4-0 Unillonn depth I mi'L 15-10 8- 4-0 Uniform depth 2,200 Fri 16-0 9-3 4-0 34 2,300 ASP SIV 15-0 21- 8-6 9-6 4-6 4-0 Uniform depth Uniform depot 2,100 2800 Tr-; 18-0 10-0 5-0 Uniform depth 2,600 Sp 20-6 11-0 5-0 3-5 3,600 2-0 7-6 4-0 Uniform dept)) 3,500 SK 20-0 10-0 5-0 3-6 2,750 V,/GA 18-6 8-6 6-0 Uniform depth j 1,500 WGB Is-() 8-6 6.0 5-6 3,250 wric M31) 18-0 18-0 8-6 8.6 5-6 5-6 Uniform dcptli 5-0 3,000 1 2:750 WCE 18-0 8-6 9,500 TABLE "PAS SERIES SHAPE WIDTH OR DIAMETER (IL -In.) DEPTH (ft.-tn.) C Ti;.Kc—rry (g.ij P. S Round 5-8 3-0 275 0S Octagonal 6-0 3-0 t 375 Ss Square 6-6 3-0 1 295 LOS Octagonal 7-6 3--0 450 .LRS Round 7-0 3-0 420 DOS Octagonal Fri MIX .......... ------- 475 t'.3 .:.Octagonal 8-0 0 TABLE 4—ABOVEGROUND (191/2 Inches) I POOLS SPAS A,SF-- MFF SAP WGA HOS F BT MTC SK w0a CS OS Br.F MLL SL W(3C LOS iSs BX.D mp ST, WGD Fri MIX WGE I Page 4 of 4 r M M1 PFC-3608 - 6'X6• .•WI eX WIA -WI! XV/1.4 WIRI'WOE MESH OR ROA IACat OY. -•--•—b• RAR 14 9. ON Y U.C. t ]'D' AWJ. -'-"'•'-'---""' AF9AY, ta0. S, fNJ 7.O.C. AUN. RF CAC11 WAY, EAC14 WAa Slgi'ED 1/!-1' _ -" �• "_.'°' IOR CLAY 1A.Wwj dOPiD 1/dMl -'-• D' ^ fOR CUY �ApORF) Sg1l OMY :OY.OIJIY __ - _,�•�,�-yr',=.�'•��•�y_.a-+<-�.:'� I!I --�. T' a' a — x^tr-xr_—+r ._ . - Il•�ry a a-:-• 6• I 1�• - •al' •�`t+. .c}�•--- IO` �' Ir Ill -=111111= III�I l ( III�� ^III-III-14i=11'!IJ` 1113 !ll 111 ^II AlAMM Itl- Ifl = 111 J� GAWAN +�CKAIN 1RXCLAY (Oe CVY '''f'•/ ^ �`- 7• TMK:K COAtPAC(f:0 kdt RJtY h'••• II = �-T� KCC>�IwC(ED XPR ONIY ,1�;;�•:•_II == SAND IYPICA111";�CO/AI'/.CYCD . A. mtI . uKI: WAI'AC(FD f;:•' III GRAVEL 1(yi, CLAY . Jlfl III GRAWI MR f,IA ;J)f IADORFI %OA ONLY i (ADM ).tat ONIY - SAND SAND �`-- FIDF.RGLSS `- FlRF'RGIAi. POOI SWII 4^--101 POOL 57tE0. FIGURE 1 -TYPICAL CONCRETE DECK FIGURE 2 -TYPICAL CANTILEVER CONCRETE DECK MAXIMUM MOUND DIRT C)fTIOFJn,I. 14 I /T AROUND POOWOOD DECK APPROX.6' ' • I� 111 =111-= lit - � 6. :.ice•.• ! � I FIGURE 3 -TYPICAL ABOVEGROUND INSTALLATION I . f 1 1 I ' I I � 1 t , t