SFD (09377)Building Owner Address 79831 Cour City JZip Contractor Address at__,-,� 4-1 P.O. BOX 1504 No.. 937• 78-105 CALLE ESTADO >asa�in�s LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Azip 1Tel. State Lia City 8 Classif.41! -/� 1n/-, � Lic. # Arch., Engr, Designer Address Tel. CityZip State J Lic. # LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm that.l am licensed unde4provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my license is in full force and effIe- ,+' fL ;s rel >{L �✓ OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby -affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: (Sec.. 7031.5,Business and Professions Code: Any city or, county which requires a ' permit to -construct, after, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law, Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, or thathe is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by 'any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of riot more than five hundred dollars ($500). ❑ I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale. (Sec. 7044, Buisness and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner.of property who :builds or improves. thereonand who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or 'Offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.) ❑ t; as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to con- struct the project. (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code:. The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for such projects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law.) ❑ 1 am exempt under Sec.- B. & P.C. for this reason Date Owner WORKERS' COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm that I have a certificate of consent to self -insure, or a certificate of Worker's Compensation Insurance, or a certified copy thereof. (Sec. 3800, Labor Code.) Policy No. Company Copy is filed with the city. ❑ Certified copy is hereby furnished. CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This section need not be completed if the permit is for one hundred dollars ($100) valuation or less.) I certify that in the performance of thg work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. Date Owner NOTICE TO APPLICANT., If, after making this Certificate of Exemption you should become subject to the Workers' Compensation provisions of the Labor Code, you must forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. (Sec. 3097, Civil Code.) Lender's Name Lender's Address This is a building permit when properly filled, out, signed and validated, and is subject to expiration if work thereunder. is suspended for 180 days. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances -and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives -of this city to enter the above-. mentioned property for inspection purposes. Signature of applicant Date Mailing Address City, State, Zip LA BUILDING: TYPE CONST. OCC: GRP.- A.P. Number Legal Description T.n•t- A IMA4e ill, -PA Cf%yo Project Description REMARKS ^f1Vd0N* -1A�6 nc. S".IRF. 4A ZONE: BY: Minimum Setback Distances: Front Setback from Center Line Sq. Ft. Size 3464 No. Stories I No. Dw. Units New ❑ Add ❑ Alter ❑ Repair ❑ Demolition ❑ Permit does. ` at include hinck walls or Date Permit Validated by: Validation: Estimated Valuation 9 A PERMIT AMOUNT Plan Chk. Dep. _1-x(1 >1111 Plan Chk. Bal. •p Const. 11 7 At*f Mech. Electrical .� Plumbing 1 0 S.M.I. Grading 7n nip Driveway Enc. ,) D Infrastructure A7 TOTAL 01*71 74 REMARKS ^f1Vd0N* -1A�6 nc. S".IRF. 4A ZONE: BY: Minimum Setback Distances: Front Setback from Center Line Rear Setback from Rear Prop. Line Side Street Setback from Center Line Side Setback from Property Line FINAL DATE INSPECTOR Issued by: Date Permit Validated by: Validation: CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE NO. ELECTRICAL FEES NO. PLUMBING FEES 1ST FL. SQ. FT. ® $ 2ND FL, SQ. FT. POR. SO. FT. ® GAR. SQ. FT, ® CAR P. SQ. FT. WALL SQ. FT. ® SQ FT ® ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION VALUATION $ UNITS " MOBILEHOME SVC. POWER OUTLET YARD SPKLR SYSTEM BAR SINK ROOF DRAINS DRAINAGE PIPING DRINKING FOUNTAIN. URINAL WATER PIPING NOTE: Not to be used as property tax valuation FLOOR DRAIN MECHANICAL FEES HEATING (ROUGH) WATER SOFTENER VENT SYSTEM FAN EVAP.COOL HOOD SIGN WASHER(AUTO)(DISH) APPLIANCE DRYER DUCT WORK GARBAGE DISPOSAL FURNACE UNIT WALL FLOOR SUSPENDED -G� r LAUNDRY TRAY AIR HANDLING UNIT CFM HEATING (FINAL) KITCHEN SINK ABSORPTION SYSTEM B.T.U. TEMP USE PERMIT SVC WATER CLOSET' COMPRESSOR HP POLE, TEMIPERM LAVATORY HEATING SYSTEM FORCED GRAVITY AMPERES SERV ENT SHOWER BOILER B.T.U. SQ. FT. ® c BATH TUB BOND BEAM SQ. FT. ® c WATER HEATER MAX. HEATER OUTPUT, B.T.U. SQ. FT. RESID ® 11/4 c SEWAGE DISPOSAL LUMBER GR.INAL SO.FT.GAR ® 3/ac HOUSE SEWER FINAL INSP. /� // 00=1NG P-/. GAS PIPING PERMIT FEE PERMIT FEE PERMIT FEE DBL TOTAL FEES MICRO FEE MECH.FEE PL.CK.FEE CONST. FEE ELECT. FEE SMI FEE PLUMB. FEE STRUCTURE PLUMBING ELECTRICAL HEATING & AIR COND. SOLAR BACK . / l OUND PLUMBIN aS� UNDERGROUND A.C. UNIT COLL. AREA E•GRADE6--Ag ROUGH PLUMB. BONDING HEATING (ROUGH) STORAGE TANK SEWER OR SEPTIC TANK ROUGH WIRING DUCT WORK ROCK STORAGE `FORMS J/ FOUND. REINF. -G� r GAS (ROUGH) METER LOOP HEATING (FINAL) OTHER APPJEQUIP. REINF. STEEL GAS (FINAL) TEMP. POLE GROUT WATER HEATER SERVICE FINAL INSP. BOND BEAM WATER SYSTEM GRADING cu. yd. $ plus x$ _$ LUMBER GR.INAL INSP.1'07-12 FRAMING FINAL INSP. /� // 00=1NG P-/. REMARKS: VENTILATION FIRE ZONE ROOFING FIREPLACE SPARK ARRESTOR GAR. FIREWALL LATHING MESH INSULATIONISOUND FINISH GRADING FINAL INSPECTION CERT. OCC. FENCE FINAL INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURESIINITIALS GARDEN WALL FINAL TA hf Bo 15504 APPLICATION ONLY. ' Building % �� ( (/ �,� 78-105 CALLE ESTADO Address , t7 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Owner • ` . .: - , . . � �C'� .....k. .. . ' A / Vv BUILDIN TYPE CO STrS/ OCC: GRP"'. Mailing Address �f ' R i tit A.PN be _ Pt Tel. jC� I e 0 • �j �p�s Legal. Descnptlon'` laSaof' / r Pro)ect C tot DscnpUon - f =.AiicJressa`� fix°'-' :;` _.. `...,:` _ '� - l .. _ ..`_p,. y-• _ . - - - r*` { ZI Tel.. C7 sdeS State Lies 8 Classlf i,r City C Lic. # ®� µ '. 1 Sq. Ft- No. No. Dw. / Si 0... Stories.,.D. Arch` Engr.> - Designer=•_ e.w. , , .. . Units,.. ,_ : - New " .Atld-0-.=1 Alter O ;. Repair -0-'- - Demolitiori.0 Address a- TeL City Zlp State ` Lic: #J _ �• r r _- -,- ,. _ _ �_, _- • _., LICENSED CONT.RACTOR'S DECLARATIONlicensed-under - - hereby affirm -that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter (commencing with Section 7000yffecof Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code and'my license i - �'- • is in full force and SIGNATURE. - DATE _ OWNER'BUILDER'DECLARATION'-�." _ �.. > -�• =�••' Estimated'Valuation' "`"" '`-�'�"'�-•' ��'- --�--- - _...e_._ _. . I here.by affirm that Lam exempt from the Contractor's License Law. for the following t . , reason :(Sec::7031;5,BusGess:and. Professions. -,,Code:- Any::city',or-, county:.which_ ,requlres_a-.._. I", permit to"bconstrucPfalter, improve, demolish,. or, repair ..any structure,. prior_to,Its. Issuance, also,�,... -requires the:dppkcaht for such permit to.,gle a.signed statement that he is. licensed pursuant , to - - ' _ .. _- - - ,__ _,.-_, _ ,,, „• .� - =PERMIT - - - y - - - -AMOUNT— -� the�provlsfons o/ the. Contractor's License. Law, Chapter •9 (commencing with *Section 7000) of _ f t. sion 3 o/ !he_Buslness �and � Pio/esslon's Code, `or that ^he !s exempt ther'elrom, and the; basis �"• Nkf&&theialleged exemption`•Any:violation-of Section, 7031.5•by,'-'any applicant fora..•permlt - - • • - •- - -rtt �•- - - - , r - -�Plan•Chk,-Dep: ------ •- - - - . sub7eats the app6carihto a civil penalty o/ not more than five hundred dollars,($500). _--��'- l _ Plan Chk: Bal. - 1 ❑ I, as owner.of'the property,:or my employees witti.wages as their`sole compensation, will, _ do the woik, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale. (Sec. ^7044, Buisness and COnSt. Pro/esslonsrCode•�TAe,LonGaclor's License -Law does not apply to- an owner of property who . - - ,..''builds orlmpioyes;th"ereon,andtwho does such work himself or throug4.,hls._own employees,.. �`provided that`such improvements are not intended or oNered /or sale. 1!, however, the building, - Mech.- �-- '- - --- - y -*or improvement,.is sold within._one.year o/ completlon,'the� owner -builder will have the burden"EI@CtrICal •y __.� - . . } . o/proving that,•h'e did not build.or improve,/or the purpose o/sale.)", _ �_ -�-_ _ - � _ - ` M ❑ I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed,contraclors to conte Plumbing' struchlhe project (Sec. 7044, Business and Prolessions Code: The Contractor's License Law "does not apply to an owner of property, who, builds, or improves'thereon, and who contracts for `-S:M:f. • x ^" - - •-" ^ '"- `-"" "- �, such projects with a contractors) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law.) �- f d . • - - Grading_ Ison�' 'D 9 am exempt unifier°Sec'."`' - "B. &'P:C.' for this'rea " - - - - ,, Driveway Enc. ,t <..._,-• �.. ., .. "(Date Owner Itre - »_- • � » nrastrucue f .. i. _ .. WORKERS'- COMPENSATION DECLARATION ( I hereby.:affirm"that.l have'a cA iifyioate_of consent`lo-self-insure, or a certificate of w Worker s Compensation Insurance, o"aceAified copyahereof: (Sec. 3800, Labor Code.) ..PolicyNo. _ r Comps yy - ❑ Copy is filed with thecity. VCertified copy is hereby furnished. TOTAL —� CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM - - REMARKS WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE . - ' » (This. -section need- not be completed if the,permit is /or-one,,hundrad •dollars ($100) valuation ' _ »- � - -•- l. or less:). -. .. I certify that in the performanceof.th9 work for -which .this permit is issued, -)-shall not,0' --employ-any-persomin any-mannerso-as•to•become-subject'to the'Workers'-Compensaho f Lawy of California. /pate Owner r 1JNOTICE T01APPLICANT:-If,. after_making. this Certificate. o/ -Exemption you should become-•_ •„( subjectr✓to lAe' "Workers'.. Compensation provisions o/ the Labor Code, you must- forthwith .ZONE: BY: - . yr comply with such`provfslons orthls permit. shall be deemed revoked. - ....f.. Minimum Setback Distances: Front:,SetbackArom;'Center, Line Rear Setback from Rear Prop7i_ine-• �- ' CONSTRUCTIONLENDING-AGENCY Side StreetSetback tion Center Line s- 41•hereby affirm­thatthere is a construction lending agency for the performance of the - - - - — �- pthat work fo; hich thiserniit-is-issued. (Sec. 3097; Civil Code.)* P Side Setback from Property Line _Lender's.'Name Lender's Address This is a buildm g^permlt when properly filled out,,signed and validated, and Is subject to FINAL DATE INSPECTOR 1 , expiration it'work thereundeyis suspended for 180 days. -'I l certify thaVI have read this' application and state'that• the'above information is correct. Issued by: Date Permit I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction-- and hereby authorize• representatives- of -this: city to enter the. above $ — - mentioned property for inspection purposes. pr �` Validated by: - Signature of applicant Date ` .Mailing Address --- - - - rte-. --Validation: City, State, Zip e .r -�-,'_� BUILDING DIVISION = _._... .._ _� ....... _.. ”" ' — CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE NO. ELECTRICAL FEES NO. PLUMBING FEES IST FL. SQ. FT. ® $ UNITS SLAB GRADE 2ND FL. SQ. FT. BONDING YARD SPKLR SYSTEM POR. SQ. FT. ® MOBILEHOME SVC. BAR SINK GAR. SO. FT. ® POWER OUTLET ROOF DRAINS CAR P. SQ. FT. GAS (ROUGH) DRAINAGE PIPING WALL SO. FT. OTHER APPJEOUIP. DRINKING FOUNTAIN SQ FT ® TEMP. POLE URINAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION VALUATION $ GROUT WATER PIPING NOTE: Not to be used as propertyftax valuation FINAL INSP. FLOOR DRAIN MECHANICAL FEES WATER SYSTEM WATER SOFTENER VENT SYSTEM FAN EVAP.COOL HOOD SIGN WASHER(AUTO)(DISH) APPLIANCE DRYER FINAL INSP. GARBAGE DISPOSAL FURNACE UNIT WALL FLOOR SUSPENDED LAUNDRYTRAY _- AIR HANDLING UNIT CFM KITCHEN SINK ABSORPTION SYSTEM. B.T.U. TEMP USE PERMIT SVC WATER CLOSET COMPRESSOR HP POLE, TEM/PERM LAVATORY HEATING SYSTEM FORCED GRAVITY AMPERES SERV ENT SHOWER BOILER B.T.U. SQ. FT. ® c BATH TUB SQ. FT. ® c WATER HEATER MAX. HEATER OUTPUT, B.T.U. SQ. FT. RESID ® 11/4 c SEWAGE DISPOSAL GAR. FIREWALL SQ.FT.GAR ® 3/ac HOUSE SEWER LATHING GAS PIPING PERMIT FEE PERMIT FEE PERMIT FEE DBL TOTAL FEES MICRO FEE MECH.FEE PL.CK.FEE CONST. FEE ELECT. FEE SMI FEE PLUMB. FEE STRUCTURE PLUMBING ELECTRICAL HEATING & AIR COND. SOLAR SETBACK GROUND PLUMBING UNDERGROUND A.C. UNIT - COLL. AREA SLAB GRADE ROUGH PLUMB. BONDING HEATING (ROUGH) STORAGE TANK FORMS SEWER OR SEPTIC TANK ROUGH WIRING DUCT WORK ROCK STORAGE FOUND. REINF. GAS (ROUGH) METER LOOP HEATING (FINAL) OTHER APPJEOUIP. REINF. STEEL GAS (FINAL) TEMP. POLE GROUT WATER HEATER SERVICE FINAL INSP. BOND BEAM WATER SYSTEM GRADING cu. yd. $ plus x$ =$ LUMBER GR. FINAL INSP. FRAMING FINAL INSP. ROOFINS REMARKS: VENTILATION FIRE ZONE ROOFING FIREPLACE SPARK ARRESTOR GAR. FIREWALL LATHING MESH INSULATIONISOUND FINISH GRADING FINAL INSPECTION CERT. OCC. FENCE FINAL INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURES11NITIALS GARDEN WALL FINAL :d F DESERT SANDS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 82=879 Highway 111 _ NOTICE: Indio; CA 92201 Document Cannot Be Duplicated (619) 347-8631 Date 6/13/91. Type of Permit La Quinta No. 110662 Permit # Log # Owner Name Don Howard No. 50165 street Mountain Shadow city' La Quinta zip 92253 Study Area 117 APN # Tract # Lot # Square Footage. 13464 Type of Development Single Family Residence No. of units Comments At the present time, the Desert Sands Unified School District does not collect fees on garages/carports, covered patios/walkways, "residential additions under 500 square feet, detached accessory structures or replacement mobilehomes. It has been determined the above-named owner is exempt from paying school ' fees at this time due to the` following reason: EXEMPTION NOT APPLICABLE This certifies that school facility fees imposed pursuant to Government Code 53080 in the amount of 1.58 X F&464 or $ 5,473.12 have been paid to DS.0 S.D, for the property listed above and that building permits and/or Certificates of Occupancy for this square footage in this proposed project may now be issued. a • 1 Y n ! � r. Fees Paid By -Cherokee Homes Telephone 34.i�`L25, rte, Name on the check >4 s By Richard M. Beck " r ry a i Director, Facilities Planning&.Development y 1�.�,i��,•,J'. of ,i .. .j Fee collected /exempted by. Marcia Ewart Payment Received Signature `,(.�,(�� Check No. 0401 Collector. Attach a copy of county or city plan check application form to district copy for all waivers. . Embossed Original- Building Dept./Applicant . Copy - ApplicantlReceipt Copy - Accounting 78105 CA E STADO = A JUIN CALIFORNIA 92253 (619) 564.2246 May 29, 1991 TO ALL BUILDERS: Effective immediately the City of, La Quinta will require all. builders to provide names, ri-cense numbers and,verification of current workman'(�� 'nsation policy, for he following trades prior to issuancy permit: .1) Electrical2) Plumbingw `3 J Mec ha ni c a l 7 ��,.�/�-/,QThe sub-contracill no't be requi d -to obtain a permit, but must have currenlicense and C' business license. If'- the building permitng obtained a licensed General Contractor offering workmamp ,over. the entire job', the sub -contractor could then work under that policy. An—owner builder obtaining,a permit,_'for an owner.-occup'ied- dwelling must provide a workman's comp ,policy or" 'a list of` licensed sub -contractors -with a current workman's comp policy. An owner builder obtaining a permit for a dwelling that is intended for sale must -provide, a complete list of. licensed sub -contractors, license number, City business license *number and workman's comp number for each sub -contractor.; The list -;must be posted„ with the job card on site at all times during ..construction. The City will, however, issue the, permit once 'the following trade list is'provided. 1. Grading -�—', 4. Plumbing -2. Concrete 5. Mechanical 3. Electrical 6.. Framing MAILING ADDRESS P.O. BOX 1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 TO ALL; BUILDERS PAGE TWO Upon completing framing, no ',further inspections would be given prior to completion of the remaining list of trades: 1 Glass & Glazing 8. Insulation 2 Mirrors 9 Tile 3. Sewage Disposal 10. Paint 4. Lathing 11. Cabinets 5. Drywall .12. Landscape 6 Masonry 13. Carpet 7. Masonry Should any builder -obtain a permit for an,owner occupied dwelling and place that dwelling for sale during,construction according to California Contractor Law, the City 'would reserve the right ,to void the building permit and stop construction due to falsification of.'Information. Work could"not begin again until a -new permit had been.obtained. Thanking you in advance for your cooperation. BUIL G.AjD AFETY ARTMENT Tom Hartung Director,of-'Building`and Safety TH /-1 c' ., r Ik OF Ott of This 6ertificate issued pursuant to the requirements of Section 306 of the Uniform Building Code certifying that at the 'time of issuance this structure was; in compliance with the various ordinances of the City regulating building construction or use. For. the following: BUILDING ADDRESS 5.0-165. Mt. Shadows,, Use 'Classification Single Family Dwelling —Bldg. Permit No. 09377 Group R3 Type Construction VN Fire Zone Use Zone- SR Owner of Building Cherokee Homes Address 79-811 Country Club City ermuda , Dune s, jCA Richard Kirkland BY: 1`7;t Date; March 12, 1993 Building Official Building ic POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACt 1 �\ ��`�� o '\� r-` ' ao \ � -� 1 /�'1' - � Buena Engineers, Ind. DATE. JOB NO. 79-8118 COU Drive PROJECT rm Beuda Dunes, CA 922011u(619) 345-1588 LOCATION / Client Name CONTRACTOR I OWNER v r Client Add- WEATHER TEMP. oat AM 0 at PM PRESENT AT SITE Client Phone REFERENCE CURVE_ MAXIMUM OPTIMUM DRY MOISTURE y CLIENT FIELD JIMPORT Buena Engineers, Inc. 79-8118 Country Club Drive Bermuda Duties, CA 92201 • (619) 345-1588 Client Name Cilent Address Client Phone DATE TEST LOCATION JOB NO. PROJECT d 5 I -la 0, 'FIELD TESTING LOCATION MOISTURE CONTENT % " CONTRACTOR / �vG MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY % OWNER WEATHER TEMP oat AN o at PA PRESENT AT SITE 5� .�� ,u -7 , TEST NUMBER TEST LOCATION LOT NO ELEVATION 'FIELD TESTING REFERENCE CUR MOISTURE CONTENT % " � DRY DENSITY 1wCu.lt MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY % MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY Itwcu. ft. OPTIM MOISTI CONTE % 5q �� pl-,� , 4; 5� .�� ,u -7 , - r . 7 f ! ,cl,� `7t4 141 C) !f• I a,"7 ►/t. b� u� 40 -� � , H v -7 REMARKS: A -- vc-C .199' A ^ �l A ---f 057' S 0 kE S , i L: L L (i T r. FIELD REPORT .:.,��15:lii mi, co \ / G� Are �� Buena Engineers, Inc. 79-811 B Country Club Drive Bermuda Dunes, CA 92201 • (619) 345-1588 Client Name Client Address Client Phone DATE 3-,)-3-96, JOB NO. ' R-? -� PROJECT FIELD TESTING LOCATION D. MOISTURE CONTENT % CONTRACTOR MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY % OWNER WEATHER TEW. o at AM Dat PM. PRESENT AT SITE 5 y3, v �� -� �, ` TEST NUMBER TEST LOCATION LOT No.. ELEVATION FIELD TESTING REFERENCE CURVE MOISTURE CONTENT % DRY DENSITY IbsJCu. IL MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY % MAXIMUM - DRY DENSITY IbsJcu. R OPTIMUM MOISTURE . CONTENT % P,,�,�/ 5 y3, v �� -� �, �, , (2). 0.1 ' 7 �SD �, � `-�►, 3 moi, ,o . v v -7� REMARKS: 7-)oU vL� //jcz A r'z- A,4 0--5T c= s L L 6, T 1§7o -c 7 - CLIENT REPRESENTATIVE SIGNATURE* FIELD REPORT TECHNICIANS SIGNATURE CLIENT REPRESENTATIVE SIGNATURE FIELD REPORT TECHNICIANS SIGNATURE s . - eg_ a s� •gam 'g. - CALCULATIONS FOR:, + CHEROKEE CONSTRUCTION ; 79-811 Country Club Dr_ B8 Bermuda Dunes, CA " PROJECT: Lot 4, `Painted Cove 3465 sq_ft_, Custom.Home La Quinta, "CA ' Standard Proposed Compliance 59.03 55.43 +3.60 r CF -1R MF -IR ` C -2R ,WATER HEATING WORKSHEET HVAC SIZING, Manufacturer -s specifications for Suggested HVAC equipment ' ACTUAL SELECTION OF MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT'IS RESPONSIBILITY OF , OWNER OR CONTRACTOR. Y A. . to ♦ : 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 79-733 Country'Club Dr,., Bermuda Dunes, California,92201 ` (619)-360-0535' ", (714). 763-4250 � ' ' � ^ ' CERTIFICATE -OF COMPLIANCE: �RESIDFNl-IAL � ` . , Page'1 `' ' CF -1R / Project Title.....,.... t�AN 34 � ` 'Date........ 03/13/91 'Project Address... . . . . . Lot 45 Painted Cove � -------------------�- � an . La Quinta,_California ' � | /Documentatiok Author... C. Randill_Christensen _ � | Buildin . Permit # � Company ...... 4.;....... T-24 ENERGY CALCS�CO. ' | Telephone..........��... (619) 36070535 ' ^� | Plan Check / Date � Compliance Method...... MICROPAS3 by Ener'mp, Inc. / ' � Field Check/'Date ! Climate Zone........... 15 ^ ~ ' --------- ----------�- ,. � MICROPAS3 v3.10 File-CHER913A Wth-CTZ15 Program -FORM CF -1R | ' User#-MP1017 User -T-24 ENERGY`'CALCS CO. Run-VBD9.00AC72F.R19A8.6 � - ---------------- n .......... �_____�....... 0 ........... = ------- __________________� . . . GENERAL INFORMATION ` , . . ' Conditioned Floor Area 3465 A '' . ` ' Building Type...^.......�,.. Single Family Detached Building Front Orientation. Front Facing 90 deg (E) ' Number of Dwelling Units... 1 . � Number of Stories .... v..... 1 ' Fl r ConstrAtion Type,... Slab On Grade Jackage.D) ' Infiltration Control....... ' Standard ' ` BUILDING-SALL INSULATION u Component Insul . .` . Type R_value 'LoLation/Cpmments .. . _______ Wall ' ---- _... R-19 ____________________________�________-__ 'Froht, . ° to.gakage, Corner, Left, Back Right ° ' Roof / R-38 attic/vaulted, attic Door R-0 solid wood ^ SlabEdge R-0 to outsi.de, to garage . GLAZING . ` . � Glazing Gla � Area . # of ­ Interior Exterior Framing Orientation -�--------------�--- (sf) ------ Panes .T--- Shading ---------- Shading . -------------- Overhang -------- Type Window Front (E) 64.0 2 V Blinds 50% bug scrn None 'Metal -------- Metal Window' Front (E) 11.0 '2 V Blinds �^` None '' .None Window' Front (E) 38.0 2 V.Blinds .'None Yes ' Meta Window Right (NE) 17.0 2 V Blinds Bldg Shade Yes Metal Window -Right (NE) 8.0 t '.�r ` V Blinds 50% bug scrn, .Yes. Metal Windbw Right (NE) 2.0 2 V Blinds None .Yes Metal � Window Front (SEV 17.0 `2 V'Bl inds None Yes Metal Window Front (SE) 10.0 2, V Blinds Bldg Shade Yes Metal' ' Window Left (S) 16.0 � 2 V Blindi None Yes /Metal � . Window Left (S) ' 8.0 2 V Blinds 50% bug scrn None Metal ' Window Left (S) 8.0 ''`2 ' V Blinds Bldg Shade Yes Metal' Dobr Left (S) 28.0 .4 ^ y Kinds Bldg Shade Yes WoodMul Window Left (SW) �^ 21.0 2 V Blinds 50% bug scrn Yes Metal Window Left (SW) 31..0 2 y Blinds None Yes Metal Door Back AW) ' 12.0 1 V Blinds' 50% bug scrn None WoodMul Door Back (W) 50.0 `1 u Blinds 50% bug scrn yes WoodMul Window Back (W) 56.0 . 2 V Blinds Bldg Shade Yes Metal Window Back (W) 13.0 2 VBlinds ' None . Yes ^ Metal Wind6w Back (W) . 30.0 2 V Blinds None ^ ' None Metal ' u . CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL . Page 2 . ' CF -1R =============================================================================== Project Title.......... PLAN 3465 Date........ 03/13/91 , MICROPAS3 v3.10 File7CHER913A Wth-CTZ15 Program7FORM CF -1R . | User#-MP1017 |_______________________________________________________________________________ ` User -T-24 ENERGY CALCS.CO. Run-VBD9.00AC72F.R19.38.6 . � . ` ` GL'ZING Glazing Area #'of Interior Exterior Framing Orientation ___________________ (sf). ______ Panes ____ Shading __________ Shading -------------- Overhang Type ^Window Back (NW) 8.0 2 V Blinds Bldg Shade ________ Y's ________ Metal Window Back (NW). 15.0 2 V Blinds 50% bug scrn Yes ' Metal Window Back (NW) 4.0 2 V Blinds None Yes Metal Window Right (N) 90.0 2 V Blinds 50% bug scrn / Yes Metal Win`ow Right (N) 24.0 2 V Blinds None Yes Metal Window Right, (N) 8.0 2 V Blinds 50% bug scrn None Metal Skylight Left (S) / 4.0 2 none ` None None Metal Skylight Right (N) 4.0 . 2* Vone None None Metal ' Area Type ` (sf> ____________ ______ SlabOnGrade 866 SlabOnGrade 2599 THERMAL MASS ' ____________ Thickness Hard Surfaced/ (in) . Exposed � _________ ______________ 3.5 Yes ^ 3.5 Nb ' ASSUMED HVAC- SYSTEMS Location/Comments 0_______________________ kit.ent.svc.hall.baths typical � Assumed ' Duct _ Assum6d System Efficiency Location ______________L ____________ _______- � Gas 0.720 BE Attic AirCohd 9.00 SEER ,Attic ACTUAL HVAC SYSTEMS Duct R -value ____ -------- R-6 ______R-6 R-6 ` Actual Output` ManuActurer and Model # Actual System Efficiency (Btuh) (or approved equal) --------------- ----------- ------ ---------n----------------------- Heating _�___ See Below Cooling _�See Below ' Cobling Coil ' CEC Maximum output for Gas Central Furnaces: 135603 Btuh ` WATER HEATING SYSTEMS . . . _ ___________�________. ' ' ^ ` Tank R-12 or ' ' # of Vol Greater Manufacturer and Model.# E"ergy System Type Heat (gal) r Blanket (or^appoved equal) Credits ____________________ ____ _____ ____ 1 , ___ ..... _...................... ______�___ Storage, Gas ' 2 50 Yes SI*50FFHI' None ^ ` ^ � . ~ CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESInENTIAL' ' . Page 3 CF -1R Project Title ....... ;.^ PLAN 3465 Date........ 03/13/91 . . | MICROPAS3 v3.10 File-CHER913A' Wth-CTZ15Program-FORI'll CF -1R ' | � User#-MP1017 User -T-24 ENERGY CALCS CO. RUn-VBD9.00AC72F.R19.38.6 | /____________________________________________________________________________"__ , . SPECIALFEATU'ES/REMARKS This house has 2 HVAC Zones _ No credit taken for zonal control. ' SUGGESTED HVAC EQUIPMENT: ' FURNACE: ' ' ZONE 1 .... PAYNE 394JAW036045 Output 4p000 ZONE 2 .... PAYNE 394JAW036045 'Output 49000 . AIR CONDITIONER: ZONE 1.^...PAYNE 591A-048 SEER 9.50 '. . ZONE 2 .... PAYNE-591A-048 SEER 9.50 . ------------_----------------#####------_--_--------- T � . he sizing calculations in this document establish the upper ' limits of sizing based on the.orientation for the dwelling unit. ACTUAL DESIGN SIZING OF HEATING AND COOLING EQUIPMENT IS THE . RESPONSIBILITY OF THE DESIGN ENGINEER OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR. The limit on furnace sizing may be -exceeded if the air flow ' required by the cooling load is greater than the furnace meeting the capacity limit can deliver in the chosen product line� HEATING:GAS FURNACE. The building heat loss alld the resulting ` maximum heating equipment obtpbt calculations meet the criteria of Title 24. This maximum may be exceeded when the furnace in ^ the selected product line must be larger to,meet the cooling load ' air. flow rejuirements. - ` COOLING. The building sensible heat gain'ca_lculatpd in this , report meets the criteria of Title 24 and may be used by the . ' mechanical contractor in equipment`selection and system design. ------------------------------#####--------------- ^ . �------------�- The shading coefficients for interior shading are for white/offO white or opaque white shadingdevices (e.g,, drapes/roller _ shades/venetian or vertical blinds). /Light \or'off-white includes ` white with a very light pastel tint (e.g., cream colored/eggshell . white, et' ). It also includes -.any mirror-like metallic coating which reflects images. ' ' ^ ' � � - . ' ~ ' ' ' � ' . � . CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL . ' ^Page 4' CF -1R . , Project Title.......... PLAN 3465 - Date ...... 1. 03/13/91 MICROPAS3,v3.10 File-CHER913A 'Wth-CTZ15" Program -FORM CF -1R � 1 ' UserUMP1017 Use, -T-24 ENERGY CALCS^CO. ,Run-VBD9:00AC72F.R19.38.6 ___________________| / � _ _____________________________��____________________________ . . ' . � COMPLIANCE STATEMENT . _________________ ' � \ ' This certificate of compliance lists the building features and performance specifications needed to comply with Title 24, Chapter 2-53 and Title 20, Chapter 2, Subchapter 4, Article 1 of the California Administrative code. This certificate has been signed by .he individual with overall design responsibility andthe b ilding'owner, who shall retain a copy of it and transmit the certificate to any'subsequbnt purchassIr of -the buildingn When this certificate of compliance is^submitted for a single building plan'tp .be built in�multiple orientations, all building conservation ,.features . which vary are indicated in the Special Features/Remarks s6ction. ' DESIGNER OWNER' ' Name.,.. Na'e.... Company. Cherokee Custom Homes ` Company. Cherokee Custom Homes Address. 79-811 B Country Club Dr. Address. 79-811 B Country Club Dr. Bermuda Dunes CA 92201 ^ �Bermuda Dunes CA 9220d Phone,.. (619) 345-6225 ` Phone... (619) 345-6225 ` License. ^ Signed � (date) ~, ` nnrHwWmruTrnmm/rWnn ' , � Name.... C. Randall-ChristOnsen Name.�.. ' M .~.`... r_n^ c^.cn," ,".,, ," � �'�,- ' �"".p=`/. .-�� cncqo, UM 00 Qu. /Ll�.. Address. 79-733 Country Club`Dr. Bermuda Dunes, California Signed (date). ' ^ ' Phone... (619) 360-0535Phone.. \ � ' � ^ Signed Signed . ' .. n � ' . . ^ ' .. . . / ^ . ` ' MADATORY MEASURES CHECKLIST: =============================================================================== RESIANTIAL' Page 1 MF-1R Title .... .^..... PLAN �� 465' � Date..,..... 03/13/91 .Project Project Address; Lot 4 Painted C^.^.^^. ' Ye o, _____________________ . La Quinta. California 'Documentation Author... C. Randall-Christensen | Building Permit # � `Company ... .........I..,. T-24 ENERGY CALCS COw � | � Telephone.............. . (619) 360L0535 . � Plan Check . / Date | . Compliance Method...... . MICROPAS3 by Enercomp, Inc. | Field Check/ Date � Climate Zone........... 15 . ---------------- =======M==IC=R=O=P==AS=3==v=3==^=1 =0 ==F==i=le= =C==HE=R==9=1=3A===W==t=h =C==T` =Z=1=5 Program-FORM ==1R � User#-MP1017 User-T-24 _______________________________________________________________________________ ` ENERGY CALCS CO. Run-VBD9.00AC72F.R19.38.6 � Lowrise residential buildings subject to the Standards must contain these measures regardless of the compliance approach us&d. Items marked with an asterisk (*) may 'be superseded'by more stringent compliance requirements listed on the Certificate of Compliance. When this checklist is incorporated into the permit documehts, the -features nots�d� shall be considered by all parties as binding minimum compdnent performance specifications for the mandatory measures whethe'r they are shown elsewhere in the documents or on -this checklist only. \ . ' BUILDING ENVELOPE MEASURES _____ .. . . Design- Enforce- ` er men t.. . . * 2-53520a): Minimum ceiling insulation R719 weighted average. 2-5352(b): Loose fill insulation manufacturers labeled R -Value. * 2-5352(c): Minimum wall insulation in framed walls R-11 ` weighted average.(does not applyto exterior miss walls). . . . . 2-5352�k>: Slab edge insulati`/ - water absorption rate no greater than 0.3%, water vapor transmission rite no greater than 2.0 perm/inch. - . ` . . 2-5311: Insulation specified or installed meets.CEC quality standards. Indicate type and form. ' 2-5352(f): Vapor barriers mandatory in Climate'Z'nes 14 and 16. 2-5317: Infiltration/Exfiltration Controls . a. Doors and windows between conditioned and unconditioned spaces designed to limit air leakage. - b. Doors and windows certified.. ^ c. Doors and windows weatherstripped; all joints and � penetrations caulked and sealed. ` ` 2-5352(e)�Special infiltration barrier installed to comply with Sec. 2-5351 meets CEC quality standards. ^ , 2-5352(d): Installation of Fireplaces ' 1, Masonry and factory -built fireplaces have,- a. ave:a. Tight fikinq, closeable metal or glass door. ' b Outside air intake with dam' d control . per an con ro � - _------ --� _�-_.- ---� -_� - - - v c. Flue damper and control 2. No continuous burning gas pilots allowed. ,+ . MADATORY MEASURES CH'CKLIST: RESIDENTIAL . Page 2 MF -1R ^ Project Titlo.6y......, PLAN 3465 ' . '' ' Date.... ... 03/13/91 ,| MICROPAS3 v3.10 File-CHE'913A Wth-CTZ15' Program -FORM MF -1R . |' � User#-MP1017 User -024 ENERGY CALCS CO. Run-VBD9.00AC72F.R19.38.6 �| ^______________________________ /_�__________________________________________�_' ___ ' . ` . HVAC AND PLUMBING SY' 'M MEASURES ' _________-�___�________ Design_ Enforce- e- r nforce- er men 2-5352(g) and 2-5303: Space conditioning equipment sizing! ` attach calculations. � ~ 2-5352(h) ond 2-5315: Setback thermostat on all applicable heating systems. * 2 5316(a: Ducts constructed; installed anainsulated' insul t o- ' per . . Chapter 10, .1976 UMC. . 2-5316(b): Exhaust systems have damper controls. _____ . 2-5314(c): Gas-fired space heating equipment'Aas int-ermittent ignition device` . / `. ' ' _-__. ~ � 2-5314: HVAC equipment4 watYr heaters, showerheads and ' faucets certified by the CEC . ___-�__' .2-5352(i): Waterheater insulation bladket (R-12 or greater Y for ^ storage and backup tanks for solar water heating systems (first . � 5 feet of pipes closest to tank insulated to R-3 or greater). � . ' 203100ceptipn I): Pipe in ulatiori on steam and*steam ' condensate return and recirculating. piping. . . 2-5318(d): Swimming Pool Heating' . ' 1. System has: ' a. On/off switch on heater. ' ^ b, Weatherproof instruction plate on heater. c: Plumbed to allow for Volar. . 2. 75 percent thermal efficiency. 3. Pobl cover. 4. Time clpck. ' 5. 'irectional �water inlet. . ' . LIGHTING AND APPLIANCE MEASURES ' ' _____________________________ . Design- Enforce- er ment 2-5352(j)i Lighting - 25!lumens/wath or greater for . general lighting in kitchens and bathrocs. ��_ ------------- - 1-5314(c): Gas fired appliances equipped Kith intermittent ignition devices. ^ - . ' 2-5314(a): Refrigerators, refrigerator' -freezers, freezers and fluorescent lamp ballast^ certified the CEC. ' .. / ^ ' '^ ' COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY . Page 1 C -2R Project Title.......... PLAN 3465 ^ ` � ' Date:....!.. 03/13/91 �Project Address........ Lot 4, Painted Cove' . --------------------_ . La Quinta, -California _| | 'Documentation Author.. . C. Randall-Christenseh ' | Building Permit # | Company.......'..,...... T-24 ENERGY CALCS CO. � | Telephone. . . . . . . . . . . .. . '(619> 360_0535 ' ' ' | Plan Check / Date | . ' . CompliaNce Method ...,^. MICROPAS3 by Enercomp, Inc. �'Field Check/ Date | Climate Zone........�... 15 ' ' ` �------------�------- =============================================================================== . . ' MICROPAS3 v3.10 File-CHER913A Wth-CTZ15 Program -FORM C -2R | � User#-MP1017 User-T-24,ENERGY CALCS CO. Run-VBD9.00AC72F.R19.38.6 � � ------------------ ___------- _------ _-------------------------------------------- ============================ MICROPAS3 ENERGY USE SUMMARY = Eneigy Use . Standard prbposed -Compliance = = (kBtu/sf-yr) = _____ ______ _� ___ -_________ Design Design __________ Margin = __________ = = .Space Heating.......... `7.0 ' 6.78 . 0.29 = ' = Space Cooling.......... 46.56 �`` 42.75 3.81 = ` = Water Heating.......... 5.40' 5`90 v0.50 = Total = 59.03 . 55.43 ^ ..... .... .... .... .... .... __ = . 3160 '= ` Building complies with Computer Performance = . . *** = ' GENERAL ___________________ INFORMAT'IO'N . ` Conditioned Floor Area..... 3465 sf ` Building Type......,......, Single Family Detached Building Front Orientation. Front Facing 90 deg (E) ` ^ ' Number of Dwelling Units... 1 Number of Building Stories. . 1 ' Weather Data Type.......... . ReducedYear . . . . ' ~ Floor Constructioh Type. . . . Slab On Grade (PackagelD) Number of Building Zones, 1 Conditioned Volume ..... ,1.. 39501 cf Footprint Area............. 3465 sf ' Slab -On -Grade Area......... 3465 sf Glazing Percentage......... 17.2 % of FA ^ ^ Average Ceiling Height,.... / 11.4 ft. BUILDING ZONE INFORMATION `. . _________________________ . Floor / .� ' Vent SPAM Cond- Area Volume # of Thermostat. Height Vent Area Zone Type -------------- itioned (sf) . ������� ��������� (cf) Units Type ' (ft) ��������� ����� ������������ ������ (sf) ��������� HOUSE . . � Residence Yes 3465 39501 1.00 Setback 2.0 n/a ^ COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY' Page 2 ^ C -2R =============================================================================== ^ Project Title.......... PLAN 3465 ' ' Date........ 03/13/91 | ` MICROPAS3 v3.10 File-CHER913A Wth-CTZ15 Program -FORM C -2R � User#-MP1017 User -T-24 ENERGY CALCS CO. Run-VBD9.00AC72F.R19.38.6 | ----------------------- --------- Area Surface (sf) HOUSE R-19 1 'hall ^' 20 2 Wall 366 3 Wall 431 4 Wall 29 5 Wall 17 6Wall No 29 7 Wall 17 8 Wall 56 9 Wall 295 10 Wall 396 11 Wall 35 12 Wall 68 13 Wall 519 14 Wall 42 15 Roof 1481 16 Roof 583 17 Roof ' ' '- 706 18 Roof 1385 9 Door 48 20 Door 20 21 Door '42 22 Door 17 Surface HOUSE 23 SlabEdge 24 SlabEdge 25 SlabEdge 26 SlabEdge OPAQUE SURFACES . _______________ U- Insul Act � Sola` vajue R-val Azmth Tilt Gains _____ _____ _____ ____ ----- Location/ Form 3 Comments Refererice ________________ -------------- 0.065 ____________ O.065 R-19 90 90 No Front None 0.065 R-19 90 .90 Yes Front None 0.065 R-19 90 90 No to garage None 0.065 R-19 46 90 No Corner None 0.065 R-19 45 90 Yes Corner ' None 0.065 R-19 135 90 Yes Corner ' None 0.065 R-19 135 90 No Corner None 0.065 R-19 180 90 Yes Left None 0.065 R-19 180 90 No Left ' None 0.065 R-19 170 90 Yes Back None 0.065 R-19 225 90 Yes Corner None- one0.065 0.065 R-19 225. 90' Yes Corner None 0.065 R-19 0 90 Yes Right ' None 0.065 R-19 0 90 No ` Right ' None 0.029 R-38 90 23' Yes attic/vaulted None 0.029 R-38 18O 23 Yes attic None 0.029 R-38, 270 23 Yes attic ^ None 0.029 R-38 ' 0 23 Yes attic None 0.330 R-0 90 90 Yes solid wood None 0.330 R-0 180 90Yes solid wood None 0.330 R-0' 270 90 Yes solid wood None 06330 -R-0 90 190 No solid wood None � PERIMETER LOSSES ' ^ Length F2 Insul � . ' (ft) Factor R-vpl Locatibn/Comments ' ------ -------- ------- ---------------------- 21 0.900 R-0 to outside ' 267 0.720 R-0too � Type "tsid e 33 0.550 R-0. to garage 11 0^500 R-0 to garage _ ' GLAZING ^ , ____________-___ SURFACES . a Area # of Frame Surface (sf) Panes Type . � _ ____ _____ ___�_ , HOUSE value -r�-- Azmth ----- 1 Window 40.0 2 Metal 2 Window 8.0 2 Metal 3Window '38.0 . 0.29 2 Metal 4 Window' 24.0 2 Metal 5 Window 3.0 2 Metal 6 Window 15.0 2 ' Metal 7 Window 2.0 2 Metal a SC' Interior SC Open U- Act Glass Shade GIs-i-- ls+Type Type ------ value -r�-- Azmth ----- Tilt ---- Only- ----- Type ------ Shade ----- Slider 0.65 90 90 0d77 V Blinds . 0.29 Slider 0.65 90 90 /).77 V Blinds 0.29 Fixed 0.65 90 90 0.77 V Blinds 0.29 Slider 0.65 90 90 0.77 V Blinds 0.29 Fixed 0.65 90 90' 0.77 -V Blinds 0.29 Fixed0.65 45' 90 0.77 V Blinds 0.29 Fixed* ' x� 0. 65 45 90 0177 , ' V Blinds � n s . 0 29 ' COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 3 C -2R Project Title....,..... PLAN 3465 . Date........ 03/13/91 `. . MICROpAS3 v3.10 File-CHER913A Wth-CTZ15 Program -FORM C -2R � � User#-MP1017 User -T-24 ENERGY CALCS CO. Run-VBD9.00AC72F.R19.38.6 | _______________________________________________________________________________ GLAZING SURFACES OVERHANGS AND'SIDE FINS ---Window-- ------Overhang----- ---Left Fin--- SC Interior SC Area Area Area # of Frame Open U- Act Rght Glass Shade Gls+ Surface (sf) Panes Type Type value Azmth Tilt Only Type Ext Shade Dpth ________ _____ _____ ________ ______ _____ _____ ____ _____ __________ ____ ____8 ------- 8 Window 8.0 2 Metal Slider 0.65 45 90 0.77V 7.5 Blinds 0.29 9 Window 2.0 2 Metal Fixed 0.65 45 90 0.77' V Blinds 0.29 10 Window 15.0 2 Metal Slider 0.65 135 90 0.77 V Blinds 0.29 11 Window 2.0 2 Metal Fixed 0.65 135 90 0.77 V Blinds 0.29 12 Window 8.0 2 Metal Slider 0.65 135 90 0.77 V Blinds 0.29 13 Window 2.0 2 Metal Fixed 0.65 135 90 0.77 V Blinds 0.29 14 Window 16.0 2 Metal Fixed 0.65 180 90 0.77 V Blinds 0.29 15 Window 8.0 2 Metal Slider 0.65 180 90 0.77 V Blinds 0.29 16 Window 6.0 2 Metal Slider 0.65 180 90 0.77 V Blinds 0.29 17 Window 2.0 2 Metal Fixed 0.65 180 ' 90 0.77 V Blinds 0.29 18 Door 14.0 1 WoodMul Hinged 1.10 180 90 0.70 V Blinds 0.21 19 Door 14.0 1 WoodMul Hinged 1.10 180 90 0.70 V Blinds 0.21 20 Window 6.0 2 Metal Slider 0.65 225 90 0.77 V Blinds 0.29 21 Window. 2.0 2 Metal Fixed 0.65 225 90 0.77 V Blinds 0.29 22 Window 25.0 2 Metal Slider 0.65 225 90 0.77 V Blinds 0.29 23 Window 15.0 2 Metal Slider 0.65 225 90 0.77 V Blinds0.29 24 Window 4.0 2 Metal Fixed 0.65 225 90 0,77 V � Blind 0.29 25 Door 12.0 1 WoodMul Hinged 1.10 170 90 0.70 V Blinds 0.21 26 Door 14.0 1 WoodMul Hinged 1.10 270 90 0.70 V Blinds 0.21 27 Window 6.0 2 Metal Slider 0.65 270 90 0.77 V Blinds 0.29 28 Window 2.0 2 Metal Fixed 0.65 270 90 0.77 V Blinds 0.29 29 Window 48.0 2 Metal Fixed 0.65 270 90 0.77 V Blinds 0.29 30 Door 36.0 1 WoodMul Hinged 1.10 270 90 0.70 V Blinds 0.21 31 Window 13.0 2 Metal Fixed 0.65 270 90 0.77 V Blinds 0.29 32 Window 30.0 2 Metal Fixed 0.65 270 90 0.77 V Blinds 0.29 33 Window 6.0 2 Metal Slider 0.65 315 90 0.77 V Blinds 0.29 34 Window 2.0 .2 Metal Fixed 0.65 315 90 0.77 V Blinds 0.29 35 Window 15.0 2 Metal Slider 0.65 315 90 0.77 V Blinds 0.29 36 Window 4.0 2 Metal Fixed '0.65 315 90 0.77 V Blinds 0.29 37 Window 90.0 2 Metal Slider 0.65 0 90 0.77 V Blinds 0.29 38 Window 24.0 2 Metal Fixed 0.65 0 90 0.77 V Blinds 0.29 39 Window 8.0 2 Metal Slider 0.65 0 '90 0.77 V Blinds 0.29 40 Skylight 4.0 2 Metal Slider 0.64 180 23 0.77 none 0.77 41 Skylight 4.0 2 Metal Slider 0.64 O 23 0.77 none 0.77 OVERHANGS AND'SIDE FINS ---Window-- ------Overhang----- ---Left Fin--- ---Right Fin----- in-- Area Area Left Rght Surface (sf) Hght Wdth Dpth Hght Ext Ext Ext Dpth Hght Ext Dpth Hght ___________ HOUSE _____ _____ _____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ------ ___HOUSE 3 Window 38.0 7.5 n/a 2.0 2.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 6 Window 15.0 5.0 n/a . 2.0 3.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 7 Window 2.0 2.0 n/a 2.0 2.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 8 Window 8.0 4.0 n/a 2.0 3.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 9 Window 2.0 1.5 n/a 2.0 2.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 10 Window 15.0 5.0 n/a 2.0 3.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 4 C -2R =============================================================================== , Project Title.......... PLAN 3465` ' ' ^�Date........ 03/13/91 MICROPAS3 v3.10 File-CHER913A Wth-CTZ15 Program -FORM C -2R .| � User#-MP1017 User -T-24 ENERGY CALIS CO. Run�VBD9.60AC72F.R19.2.6` | . _____________________. _______7_________________________________________________ _ OVERHANGS AND SIDE FINS ---Window-- --_7--Overhang----- ---Left Fin--- --.-Right Fin-- Area� Left Rght Surface ___________ (sf) _____ Hght Wdth Dpth Hght Ext . Ext Ext l}pth Hght'Ext' Dpth Hght 11 Window 2.0 _ _____ ____ . 1.5' n/a '2.0 ____ ____ ____,____ 2.0 n/a n/a ____ n/a ____ n/a ____ n/a ____ n/a ____ n/a ___ _ n/a 12 Window 8.0 4.0n/d 2.0 3.0 n/a n/a n/a Wa n/a n/a. n/a n/a 13 Window 210 1.0 n/a. 2.0 2.0 n/a n/a 'n/a n/a n/a n/A n/a n/a 14 Window 16.0 2.0' n/a 8.0 2.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 16 Window 6.0 2.O n/a 12.0 4,0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 17 Window 2.0 1.5 n/a 12.0 2.5 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 18 Door 14.0 8.0 n/a 24.0 1.0 n/a 'n/a n/a n/a n/a A/a n/a n/a 19 Door 14.0 8.0 n/a 17.0 1.0� n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 20 Window 6.0 2.0 n/a 4.0 3.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a` n/a n/a n/a n/a 21 Window 2.0 1,5 n/a 4.0 1.0 n/a '/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 22 Window 25.0 5.0 n/a 4.0 1.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 23 Window 15.0 5.0 n/a 3.0 3.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 24 Window' 4.0 2.5 n/a 3.0 1.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/&' n/a n/a ' 26 -Door 14.0 8.0 n/a 9.0 2.5 n/a n/a n/a n/a 'n/a n/a n/a 0/a 27 Window 6.0 2,0 n/a 12.0 3.0 n/a.. n/a ' n/a n/a n/a da n/a n/a 28 Window 2.0 1.5 ' n/a 12.0 0.5 n/a' n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 29 Window 48.0 8.0 n/a 16.0 0.5. n/a .n/a n/a � n/a. n/a n/a n/a 30 Door 36.0 8.0 . n/a 9.0 0.5 n/a �n/a n /a, n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a' 31 Window 13.0 3.0 n/a 9.0 3.0 n/a. n/a n/a n/a n/a `n/a n/a n/a 33 Window 6.0 2.0 n/a 17.0 3.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 34 Window 2.0 1.5 n/a 17.0 0.5 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 35 Window 15.0 5.0 n/a 3.0 3.0 n/a -n/a. n/a n/6 n/a n/a n/a, n/a 36 Window 4.0 2.5 n/a 3.0 1.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 'n/a 37 Window 90.0 5.0 n/a 2.0 3.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a. n/a n/a 38 Window 24.0 1.5 n/a 2.0 2.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ' EXTERIOR ` ' SHADING ^ Area Shading SC of Surface ____________ (sf) ______ Type Ext Shade . . HOUSE _______________ _________' / 1 Window 40.0 '0% bug scrn O.84 ' 4 Window 24.0 50% bug qcrn 0.84 6 Window . 15.0 Bldg Shade 0.20, ' ` 7 Window 2.0 Bldg Shade 0.20 ' 8 Window 8.0 `50% bug scrn 0.84^, ' 12 Window 8.0 Bldg Shade ` � 0.20, ` 13 Window 2.0 Bldg Shade , \ 0,20 15 Window 18.0 50% bug scrn 0.84 16 Window 6. 0 Bldg Shade g d l/. 20 ` 17 Window 2.0 Bldg Shade ' 0.20 18 Door 14.0 Bldg Shade' 0.20 19 Door` 14.0 Bldg Shade 0.20 . 20 Window 6.0 50% bug scrn 0.84 ' ' 23 Window` 15.0 50% bug scrn 0.84 25 Doon- ' 12�0 -50% bug scrn 26 Door 14.0 50% bug Scrn 0.84 . . ' jeddn eqI . qsTlqe4se juemnzop sTqf uT suoT24.eInzlez nuTzTs eql ' --................... A--------- #####------------------------------- 00^6 833S W0MT69 3NAW6^^" ^3 3NOZ '0G^6 833S 8V0-VT6G 3NAt/67~7^T 3NOZ ^ '' . :83NOI1IDNO3 8IV , . � 0006Y �n �nO ��0920M���62 3NAV6^^^^3 3NOZ 0006V 4nd4nO ^;V0920MVrV62 3NAV6^,^^T 3NOZ ' :1%W6IOM 3VAH 031S399OS ^IoJIuoz Ieuoz Joy uejeq 4Tpeiz ON -'seuoZ 3VAH 3 seq esnoq sTqJ= ' - S�8�W�8/ ' - 38n|u�� V� IJ�6S ' euoN Ila qn18'0000v %3^3 38 8L~0 se/., 00 3 seS ` . ^ _____ ° e5ejopS ______ ____________ s4Tpej3 (qnI8) BuT4e8 -------- ______+ ^ swol .AzueT jelueI8 (Ieb) ____ __________ qeeH' edAj ezTS - :InduI' NpuM ` -zTI;3 JeqeeJS AITz' 10 # melsAS ' jo 31-8 -AdeJ . . . ________ SW31SAS SNI1V3H 831UM . ^ ' . L3870 9-8 . . � zT44V 833S 00^6 ' PuoJATV ^ �280 9 8 ^ ' � - zT��� . 3S 0ZL^0 ' . seS ' 3SOOH ____ --------- MulTzTY13�enle»-8 _--------- �_ _____----- __ ________________ uoT�ezo� �zb�TzT�� 'edA1 me4sAS ' 1D,qznD ` 40nO mnmTuT'W ' . � SWB1SAS JVAH ` ' IezTdAj 0^3-8' 86^� ''0^83G^2 66GZ ePejSuOqelS 3' s44eq^lIe4W«s^;ue^jTj 0^0-8 86^0 _0^8' 998 ePejSuOqeIS T _ _______________ ________ �____ 3SOOH _______________ . s�u�mmo3/uoTqezoj ___________w__ ______ ^ enleX-8 AITxT 'de3 WT) (Is) edAl AseW eze;WS -13npuo3 peH QTql eejV ____________- . ^ .. SSVW IVW83Hl t8^0 uAzs Bnq %OG '^moPuTM 62 . V8^0 ujzsbnq %0S0^,06 moPuTM L2 W0 ' u40s bnq %0s 0w moPuTM �2 ePe4S 5PI8 0^3 ' moPuTM V2 ' ` ^ 0310 . ePe4S 5 PI8 0^9 moPuTM 22 ' b8^0 ums Bnq %0n 0^9l'� JooO 02 03^0 ePe4� BPI8 0^8t moPuTM 63 ^ 0310 ,�epe4S 50I0 0^3 moPuT| 83 . 03^0 ePe4S We 0^9 moPuTM z3 epeqS �x� ____ ____________ d� MAI (is) ezelinS . ' 10 JS '. BuTPpqS. eejV '. . ____________ ' SNIOVHS 80IMlX3 - _________________._______________________________�______________________________ ` .- . . 9^82^6T8^�3�3�00^6O8A-un8 WAWA AS83N3 V3-l-jesO LT0T6W-#AesO | . � � . 83-J W8OJ-me� o�6 . 91210-MM �2T68�H3-eIT� 0T^2« 2S�6O83IW | � � T6/2T/20 ^^^^^^^^MeO ~ '.''. � `99M NV!6 .,^.^^^^^^eI4Tl 4meFoA6 A8W �WOS OOH13W 831O6W83 ~ ' . ` COMPUTER METHOD' SUMMARY P�ge 6 C, F- = . Project Title.......... PLAN 3465 ^ �` ' Date`.^...... 03/13/91 ' ^ . ' | MICROP S3 y3.10 File�CHER913A Wth-CTZ15 Program-FORM C-217, �^ User#-MP1017 User-T-24 ENERGY CALCS CO. ' R/ n-vBD9.00AC-2F.6 | ' SpECIAL FEATUREq}R EMARKS ^ ' limits of sizing based' bn the orientat'io^' for the dwelling unit. ' ACTUAL DESIGN SIZING OF.HEATING AND COOLING EQUIPMENT IS THE R- SP�NSIBILITTH Y OF E DEE -SIGN ENGINEER OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTO. � - The limit on furnace sizing may be exceeded if the air flow ^ required by the cooling 1p2id is greater than+he ft -1rnace meetirlg` the capac�ity limit can deliver in the .chosen product line. HEATING: GAS FURNACE. The building hea± loss and the resulting maximum heating equipment output the criteria of Title 24. This maxImum bs� exceeded 'wh �n the fu�nace in .the selected product line must be largerto meet the cooling Load air flow COOLING. The building sensible heat gain'calculated in this report meets the criteria of Title 24 and may be used by the mechanical contractor in equipment selection andsystem design. ~-----�----------------�------�_#####-----�----�---_-_----�--_-�--- ^ _ . . The shading coefficients for interior shadin � f � hit / ff �} ar o w e o - . . . ,white or opaque white shading devices (e.g . , drapes/roller ' shades/ \/eneti. an or verticai blinds). Libht' r off-white includes ' white with a very light pastel tint. (e.g., cream cplored/eggshell white, ec>. It also includes any miF-roY�-like metallic'coatir�g which reflects images. , ' .. . ` ^ ^ ` . . . , . ` ^ ' . . + ^ , . � , ` . . . . . ' . . . , ' . . . , . . ^ IS 99V2 9't 2 ! t fi r=I X 90 ) .I.sj_tA;-nl).3l 067S Psn Ab..,)aU3 bUT:'a.ec.aI-I Jc_;_i.eM • °R3 winos q Tr..nn4..,tAjnq)::1'I' MIT- • „ ° " ° ° ° " ° „ _ ° „ ° "UnsTJwdWO3 .°9 ..::an..,tnos 'ITun j..a/. j)r-1•)3M k::3btoZ _ " " ° ° " " ° " „ ° ° ° Ab..,iaUa ra:)...ir'10s .:,t/i.'1'1'.j.}j';•y 0 " " ° " ° ° ° ° iiB.tc)ua UUTdwns °{y ...t j\ % ) r i. )..l ,ii l � n:.. 6 9 - u n n . " /l l.) .:,t a U S:.') s J o 1' A, p t•_t e; S w _a A !n'3•aM ,Z3S:c.:.j• ° ° „ " ° ° ° ° ° i\Biciva Au at'\l=):: aH -7 ..,t A r -t; = 620 0 T " ° ° „ ° ° ° ° . - I:1 e c :) l .l., _:) a A O M ra y -T --------------------------------- • AM% SNI ..LV 3H ti_L31;' M iv(-fNN U ° Q =1..rUri1A,•: jnqaJ 0 . ° ° ° ° ° „ ° _ ° ;BUTAOs •I,enUUJ --Z 4 _ '3_[:.1. Q` -3M ASU3N3 3 :.SN l .LV 3H H _=3 _Ll' M " tup _.ted .,tq 0) ..,tA j ALI--41sM 0 ° ° " ° ° „ ° a ° AbiaUe reit Tdwn,-I ° OT pal lb..d'I.U0 3 5ilF-M Si,) sa:i.t-M, (;,). " ° „ " ° ° ° ° ., _damod dwn,_3 q-, 3: " ° „ _° "sgTUn BUT1.1'camp -ON °L, • A OL° „ ° ,' ° ° ° "iswv; UTew Jaa.k7M 'b :.)_LVU :_.N l 1_V8 3� it_S "S -4 E) ° „ „ e „ ° ., WVUit UOT'j.e1S' sU.I. -OT lfO' O x ll..ic3:]-, ad BL- ° ° , Amua f m 1: _(.ya i...tci!\I.)=]a8 - ' LjU ................... ............... .,°"°°""...aDT?\cap Ut)T;TU[1T °.G ...... _.._._......_._._..._.._.___..__.____.._...._........_.. L ' <_> >!._J a 5 e i „ „ „.° „,° ;:ad!.j .aaQaq ta;L'Psi °T ' :71. M1.0 313 3;=SI?: O ►_`3 UO SUS 3QV?;IC:S.I_ S " =3NO .L3:lhft:3M'-Ii. M { 9"t:32°6T._1°.:3Z.3t:)0(i°6c]rir1.....unM ;00 S300 Av1 3 7N_:3 m_-•-1__•_a'asf"1 LTtyT.:Jwmas SN I _I_V.=3H W_[.M.--we _,t i )r)... d S I Z _L.O -41 M % T 68 3i- O --a l T.:_I OT -2A `_=:SaJ0` 3 l W __._______.__._..._. -_._-_-_-._.____._.R.__ _ - a'3•ea j :qawo p l.yn "DUl t d}�.�ooj aLt-.3 � q y=f_JJ•�II"S�•�3IW ° ° ° . ° pC�LIgaW �J uwT ldwo AD W3 " l d 9290-092 9. "I ° " ° ° " " ° " ° ° s U t3 L. d a ' s 'WSJ ?3:► -i<93 A9M3h\f=:3 jri.`i-J_ °°°°°°°°°°°°° .Auedwi:)3 # :I.Tw_a._:)d .5�._tTpITna ua�_;�._ia:a.sT..a�...IJ;'i: ►:epue;3 ,3 .°° " °_ao�..a;nV UoT:}r_}lU�aw rnoa- 777' ._.._...-•-----._._._..:_..-._.__._._.....---._....__.__.__ 41 ,-ani: 3 {::).:a::}Uyed 6v 101, ° " ° ° ° ° ° .ss�: sppv -l.:aa[•oid . T6':Ti20 " a ° ° ° ° , :)�.r�C7 4.�?it r tdtr-L::3 ,: ° " ° ° ° ° ° ° °sl'_i.T3 a._)aCOA,. . MFIQ T pane, I 9NI:.3_V=3I-3 8:.31UISS - ' ^ HVAC SIZING ' ` / - Page 1 HVAC . . ' �:Project Title.......... PLAN 3465 ��te........ 03/13/91 *Project Address........ Lot 4, Paint`d'Cove --------------------- La Quihta, California| | � ^ , Documentation Author... C. Randafl-Christensen , | BLtildingPe .mit.# | .Company................. T-24 ENERGY CALCS CO. Telephone�.... .......... (619) 360-0535 ' | Plan Check / Date | .^ . . . . - Compliance Method...... MICROPAS3 by Enercomp,: Inc. ' ^ � Field Check/ Date |. Climate Zone.,......... 15 � ^ ` , ...... .... .... .... ........ ..... -----'------- . . ' . MICROPAS3 v3.10 File-CHER913A Wth-CTZ15 Program -HVAC SIZING � � User#-MP1017 User -T-24 ENERGY CALCS CO. 'Run-VBD9.00AC72F. '19.38.6 | �� ������������������� ........�������������������������������������������������� , . . ' GENERAL INFORMATION, ^ Floor .........4. 3465 s Volume ....... ......,......�� 39501-cf Front Orientation.......... Front Facing 90 deg (E) `. Sizing Location.......'..... INDIO Latitude ' .......,^....�..... 33 7 . degrees ' Winter Outside.Design... .'w. 29 1: - Winter Winter Inside Design ... .';.. 70F | ' Summer Outside Design .... 1. 112 F Summer.Inside Design..:..., 78 � . , Summer Range.^ ....... ...;..-30 F ' ' Shadihg Used.......�........`N�� �' � Latent Load_Fraction....... . 0.20 . 'HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY. ' ^ Heating ` ' Cooling � ` escr p on , D i ti --------------------------------- ' (Btuh> ____1______ (Btuh) � , Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ___________' 22468 Glazing Conduction ... .......�.... 17567 .12154 _14568 ^ ' Glazing Solar ......�._........... , ' ' n1a ' 2611 ^ ' Infiltration. . . . �'. . . . . . . . . . . . . .^ . � 23292 W04' ^ - Internal Gain ............. .....~1 ' n/a 2550 Ducts. . , . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . ' 6333 ` 6769 Sensible 'Load. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 .,. . . 69660 . 74455 ' Latent Load..................'..� � n/a ^ . 14891 ` . Total Load ------- _________�_ 69660": 89347 ` ` Note: The loads.shown�are only` one of the criteria affecting the selectibn of HVAC equipment. Other` relevantdesign factors such as air flow requirements, outdoor design temperatures,'coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., Oust also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all fa'ctors �hen selecting the HVAC equipment. ' . ` ' CEC'Maximum output for gas central furnaces only: 1.3 x ( 69660 + (10 x 3465)) = 115601 Btuh rn • ,# Rayne f' v 7V=011_1, ^�•� �tt-s� i�,1 `5,�e% Au i r i ' AirCondltiornn �tUR�FLQW r�� ,y���, �'� i {OR e�'39}4J g°fi1,� s !: t�;( .: t•nr, t ' is .. ', ", v "j '! ..#'r !•rt`.., -GAS FIREDdt�v,� � -y: • _i uw? alp i �; �� '+<c'r > �a t ,Sy�� 7iE'• r .�` .#`9 y7 r +.. a�4 t ' Indiana oils IN �� " xFURNACE �:� � ��� �_ ��"� � �� � � ' ., y�iC Sizes 0304#h_ r i 095 a City of Industry. CA�:ye'5 3`�,;�'•i,'a.`�t��7'r'`� �'" . .'f a +,.'.q�• • - r• f r . �!. ,y. 7; -1.7 !. 1.8 R.tG, cdr r,"'� 4. ' •!'tF! r+, .r. '4, =E+, l,F+ 14 +,.•. PI`S£• ' " 1 . ...J.'. .. ! ° i i . TAF ]• } r r 7M i ' 4- 4--'-•-�--�—�--- . } ' i h ' ' e +i • ' X t � �, } R;^titt{,� ' t+�, �, j f, s • II �S S •tib , '• i These gas-fired furnaces Incorporate state-of-the-art technology. Attractive In appearance and designed with features that provide real benefits. % ' . ��'^�„"�.' . • • "FEATURES;...,.•..: FULLY ENCLOSED FRONT -Front fully, enclosed for more pleasing appearance and greater safety. HEAT EXCHANGER-Ribless•contoured, free-floating design helps prevent expansion and,contraction nolse 10 -year Limited Warranty. � :, ,A'. g , ,4q 10I WRAP-AROUND CASING—One piece wrap-around casing con ., •° ' ' 'struction eliminates casing noise. Low -profile 46316 -inch height permits Installation in restricted locations a INSULATION Foil faced insulatiomIn, heat exchanger section : of the casing minimizes heat loss = r 1, a BLOWER ASSEMBLY—Multlspeed, energy-saving, permanent split capacitor motor with speed -tap selector provide air balance for heating and cooling. Model 394JAW060095 BLOWER CONTROL CENTER--Printed-circuit board and all ,.. # internal wiring is factory Installed, thus eliminating confusion r and errors. A low -voltage terminal board is provided for quick- `.' and -easy control circuit connectionsP'Easy,access electronic air cleaner terminals are provided � R z skf1,t+ SOLID-STATE BLOWER CONTROL -Timed ,blower operation x► `�Rstops annoying recycling common =with thermally activated ``a�� • blower controls. i CROSS -PORT BURNERS - Cross -port' design assures quiet Ignition and extinction of bumers Aluminized steel burners will give years of dependable service '^ M' GAS -SAVING PILOT—No standing.flame to consume gas when furnace is not operating: An electric spark Ignites pilot when thermostat "calls for heat. When thermostat is' •satisfied, pilot •d ' S r°1� and burners are extinguished s . ; ,M ^�^^" x,',� REDUNDANT GAS VALVE Redundant valve operators provide `F,r� added safety protection., _ �... tl 1� �,�, ,.�,� SIDE INLET—The 394J Furnace Is design certified by A.G.A. for 1 2 �„ ,. bottom return•air connection.When side return air connections ,.are used, a bottom closure panel is required " ;�j a :.-.. ,.'•IC EFFICIENCY—Exceeds California -minimum' efficiency stand- ards (title 20): NITROUS OXIDES (NO,�—Me,o ets NOX emissi ns level set by South Coast and Bay Area Quality Management Districts. The design of all Model 394J units Is A.G.A. design certified for natural and LP (propane) gas. The 39.4J is GAMA (Gas Appliance Manufacturers Association) efficiency rating certified..,,, ... 5,.. - . Mode 394JAW060095 {: , '.. . ' �" � ,:T . �.�„' Y' -• ,; " With t ` 1 ' • • . Cooling Coil Installed � • � - 3 1 I,�, z . ,1" r+.' cf `. ,1; .:•4 , -, w i• .,�.'`.L_' 7 .. h . ,.-r�.. ,• e..r7. ,r.5 r ... i •r dt„ (r. . .'Torm No: PDS 394J.30.2P r••. DIMENSIONS (In Inches) SIZE A D E Vent Conn Shipping Weight 024030 14-3/16 12.9116 11-11116 4 122 036045 • 14.3116 12.9/16 11-11116 4 132. 036065 17.112 15-718 15 4 154 , 048065 21 19-3/8 18.1/2 4 167 ' 048080 21 19.318 .18.112 5 182- 82-060080 060080 21 19-318 18-1/2 5 191 060095 24-112 22-718 22 6 220 >: ;�„- }� CLEARANCES (In Inches) IR I t DROP OOOT I x,� •, x �R E HER' } I 'tx3 I x10 'ymwE,:,f� .s w}. IfAET F �. I� � I 14 ' «k.r' : i �N•��+ A85147 SIZES 0301hru 045 065 thru 095 Sides -Single -Wall Vent 1 1 "- Type -B1 Double -Wall Vent":'-'_' 0 1 Back 0 0 To of Plenum 1 1 Vent Connector -Single -Wall Type -1311 Double -Wall 6 1 6 1 Front* Service 6 30 6 30 *The 6 -Inch front clearance is needed for combustion -and ventilation -air entry and drafthood relief. ` SPECIFICATIONS SIZEtt PERFORMANCERATINGS AND 024030 036045 036065 048065 048080 060080 060095 Input Btuh• 40,000 60,000 80,000 80,000 100,000 100,000 120,000 Capacityt Indoor Nonweatherized 32,000 32,000 49,000 48,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 81,000 65,000 80,000 81,000 81,000 97,000 97,000 AFLIQ Indoor Nonweatherized 75.8 76.5 75.8. 76.5 76.4 76.3 76.4 75.8 76.3 76.5 75.8 76.5 75.8 76.5 California Seasonal Efficiency (CSE)t 71.7 71.2 71.7 71.4 72.6 72.0 72.3 Certified Temperature Rise Range OF ' 30-60 30-60 30-60 35-65 50-80 40-70 40-70 Certified External Static Pressure Heatln Coolin 0.50 0.50 0.12 0.50 0.38 0.50 0.12 0.15 0.50 0.50 0.15 0.50 0.20 0.50 Airflow CFM$ Heatin Cooling 725 840 1080 1205 1280 1220 1100 1140 1610 1470 1560 1950 1830 2110 ELECTRICAL Unit Volts -Hertz -Phase 115-60-1 Minimum Wire Size 14 Maximum Fuse Size 15 Transformer 24-V 40VA External Control Heating_24VA Power Available Cooling37VA Air -Conditioning Blower Relay Std • •• Limit Control SPST HeatingBlower Control �.2' Solid -State Time Operation Burner Cross -Port 3 4 4 5 5 6 Gas Connection Size 112 -Inch NPT GAS CONTROLS Gas Valve (Redundant) Min Inlet Pressure Max Inlet Pressure + Model 646A -X 4.5 inches we 13.6 inches we Pilot Safety (Non -100% Shutoff) Model 740A BLOWER Direct -Drive Motor HP -Type 115 -PSC 1/3 -PSC 113 -PSC 112 -PSC 1/2 -PSC 1/2 -PSC 112 -PSC Motor Full Load Ams 3.6 o.6 5.8 8.5 9.0 8.5 8.5 RPM (Nominal) -Speeds 1050-4 1050-4 1050-4 1050-4 1050-4 1050-4 1050-4 Blower Wheel Diameter x Width 9 x 6 10 x 6 10 x 7 10 x 8 10 x 8 10 x 10 2 10 x 6 Filter Size -Permanent Washable 15 x 718 x 27-3/4 x 1 19-318 x 27.314 x 1 22 -718x27 -314x1 STALLED •• • TwinningKit 305481-704 LP (Propane) Conversion Kit 309445-701 Side -filter Rack Less Filter 306040.101 (Filter Size 16 x 25 x 1 Return Filter Cabinet Less Filters 301728.101 Filter Size 2-20 x 25 x 1 ..Bottom Closure** 79193-2.1 79193-2 79193-3 79193-4 79193-4 79193-4 79193-5 -_'\ 'Gas input ratings •are certified for elevations to 2000 feet. For elevations above 2000 feet, reduce ratings 4% for each 1000 feet above sea level. tCapacity In accordance with U.S. Government.DOE test procedures. California Seasonal •Efficlencies based on Calif ornla•specifled procedures. *Air delivery above 1800 cfm requires that both sides, or a combination of one side and bottom, or bottom only of the furnace is used for return air. A filter is required for each return -air supply. **Required when bottom return is not used. ttSize 036065 is Series B. All other sizes are Series A. GF -20b AIR DELIVERY—Ft31Min•(With Filter) SIZE Blower ' Motor HP Speed 0.1 0.2 External Static 0.3 0.4 Pressure In. we 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 024030 115 PSC High — 970 930 890 840 780 695 450 Med-High — 860 830 775 725 675 525 350 Med-Low 740 715 690 650 610 520 390 — Low 640 620 600 560 520 410 — — 036045 113 PSC High — 1390 1330 1275 1205 1140 1055 950 Med-High — 1220 1 1175 1120 1065 995 915 815 Med-Low 1085 1060 1035 1000 955 895 825 730 Low 925 915 895 860 825 780 720 625 036065 113 PSC High — 1445 1370 1290 1220 1125 1030 890 Med-High — 1380 1310 1260 1180 1085 1010 880 Med-Low 1330 1280 1225 1155 1110 1040 960 850 Low 1195 1150 1110 1 1070 1020 1 950 855 780 048065 112 PSC' High 1750 1750 1720 1685 1610 1530 1430 Med-High 1360 1370 1370 1360 1340 1315 — — Med-Low 1090 1120 1140 1145 1130 1100 — — Low 930 960 980 980 970 950 — — 048080 112 PSC High 1760 1700 1630 1560 1470 1380 — Med-High 1380 1350 1310 1270 1210 1120 — — Med-Low 1150 1140 1120 1110 1 1070 1030 — — Low 900 930 930 920 890 850 — — 060080 ?' +; 112 PSC High — 2220 2140 2050 1950 1850 1730 1590 Med-High 1840 1820 1780 1730 1670 1580 1480 1360 Med-Low 1570 1560 1540 1500 1460 1390 1300 1200 Low 1390 1380 1350 1330 1280 1220 1150 1030 060095 ^' 112 PSC. High — 2320 2250 1 2200 2110 1 2000 1880 1730 Med-High — 2010 1980 1 1910 1850 1750 •' 1450 1270 Med-Low 1860 1830 1800 1 1745 1700 — — — Low 1700 1640 1620 1 1570 1530 — — — -Air delivery above INU ctm requires that both sides, or a combination of one side and bottom, or bottom only of the furnace be used for return air. A filter its required for each return -air supply. MEETS DOE RESIDENTAL CONSER- OfloMr� VATION SERVICES PROGRAM �STANDARDS. iAama o SAS _ sl;rJoc A \ora�o Before purchasing this appliance, read Im- portant energy cost and efficiency Infor- mation available from your retailer. DIMENSIONAL DRAWING OF SIDE FILTER RACK . IJ I A80199 GF -20c DIMENSIONAL DRAWING OF OPTIONAL RETURN -AIR FILTER CABINET 16 —25- 131023111 4616 yycc SIDE VIEW FRONT VIEW A75316.• Payne Air Conditioning i Indianapolis, IN 'City of Industry, CA' ft {' •x, +•:1 .. +it-' +.� �jt, s 1`•Mairl' Model 591A Energy -Efficient Condensing Units incorporate Inno- vative. technology to provide quiet, reliable summer cooling per- . # features most desired by formance. Built into these units are the , .Homeowners today. SEER ratings of at least 9.0 when used with components as designed by manufacturer. FEATURES f ELECTRICAL RANGE—All units are offered in 2081230 -volts sin- gle phase only. f {, WIDE RANGE OF SIZES—Available in eight nominal sizes from I. •. 014 thru 060 to meet the needs for residential,and.light commer- cial applications. i WEATHER -PROTECTIVE CABINET—Steel Is protected with a ����%G _ r heavy coating commonly called "galvanizing," then coated with �� �a layer of zinc phosphate to which a coat of modified polyester ��� powder coating is applied and baked -on. This provides each unit WONe°/® `� `"" 'v' L' with a hard, smooth finish that will last for many years. X11® ` ` All screws on cabinet exterior are coated for a long-lasting rust - t { quality appearance •... -` -' a wide variety of evaporator, col ls and blower packages to pro- vide quiet, dependable comfortUnit can be Installed on a roof I . f { -'' �► i r TOTALLY ENCLOSED FAN MOTOR—Means greater reliability back seating type with sweat connections. Valves are externally located so refrigerant tube connections can be made quickly -"under'�aih' and' snow"conditions, dependable` performance for and easily. Each valve has a service port for ease of checking • ' I operating refrigerant pressures. many years. Permanent-split-capacitor•type motors provide more ` EASY SERVICEABILITY—One access panel provides access to economical'operation. 4 electrical controls and compressor. Removal of top gives access j to fan motor and coil. `'t " UNIT. DESIGN—Copper tube, enhanced aluminum fin coil is COMPRESSOR PROTECTION—Each compressor Is protected '–designed for optimum heat transfer. Vertical air discharge car- ' � ries sound and hot condenser air up and away from adjacent patio areas and foliage. New heat pump style, base pan for easy ' isr ` removal of water, dirt and leaves. t { .f ( a wide variety of evaporator, col ls and blower packages to pro- vide quiet, dependable comfortUnit can be Installed on a roof I at ground level on a slab.' . • + EXTERNAL SERVICE VALVES—Both service valves are brass, f back seating type with sweat connections. Valves are externally A!F-io#t��:l~•:•; 'APPLICATION VERSATILITY—The 591A can be combined with -- a wide variety of evaporator, col ls and blower packages to pro- vide quiet, dependable comfortUnit can be Installed on a roof I at ground level on a slab.' . • + EXTERNAL SERVICE VALVES—Both service valves are brass, f back seating type with sweat connections. Valves are externally located so refrigerant tube connections can be made quickly i•._. ,;, and easily. Each valve has a service port for ease of checking • ' I operating refrigerant pressures. ` EASY SERVICEABILITY—One access panel provides access to electrical controls and compressor. Removal of top gives access j to fan motor and coil. `'t " i COMPRESSOR PROTECTION—Each compressor Is protected with Internal temperature- and current -sensitive overloads. An Internal pressure relief valve provides high-pressure protection to the refrigerant system. For•improved servipeability each com- pressor, except 5 ton units, is equipped with a compressor termi- nal plug. 1. �V t.5 • t tJ Form No. PDS 591A.14.2P ' ( i t ,: i ., ' �� ` • + c: '" 3/'k'' c• t' <. -a -Jt ,I T _ . . ,. .. f pin ulsauROE s "'R IN J r 1.. Allow two and one half feet (762) clearance to service end of unit, four feet (1219) above unit, six 1 + inches on one side (152), one foot (305) on remaining sides; and two feet (610) between units for F r{ `}, • }ci proper airflow. 2.' Minimum outdoor operating ambient of 55°F (unless'Low Ambient Control Is used). Maximum 1250F ,'I 1 3. Dimensions In parentheses are in millimeters. .t ' \ { 1 AIR IN 1 b rM,. • ' s "a1 3/8.0. (9.5) a(orx0ur5-� ' (7) PLACES 1 r AIR 01" .,a suit 1 e 01A.S CTION LINE , '? f , A 3/9'DIA. (9.53) 3 77 F 10 (5{37' ^ f 2 (765.8 ;r Ji 1t tiyt. r6 �t :�C: ,J ! ° v ',.. I .' �(37.0) , T' 4i) ( iii o 1 'I 1 1, t• ... r. t IT l'. ,{4'1A ,•+ . '1 t {,...} , t V , . d •'♦ S .J.; \"' ..J ,li `r, �i..S s1 { .) Y ti+ •{., ' J'1i �r)_ t(`. (.. .. �.�;; 1)x..1 , , Y't., , :b• DIMENSIONS t �! r 8� �sc��� .ems•• �,,�,1�(�,711)r.� r,4;q�" f d Wilft 4� y UNIT -'MOUNTING PATTERN p ` r't•?,.''� J' y. VIEW FROM TOP ` A88126 y y. � �. 1i it"i`,,y b1J.b_,t �.��• \ 1. A 8 C D SEER W/O TDR E F li 520 N 9.10 ', J 7.8 UNIT SIZE (,FT.AN.) (mm) (FLAN.) (mm) (FLANJ (mm) (IN.) (mm) (1N.) (mm) (FT./IN.) (mm) (FLAN.) (mm) (IN.) (mm) (IN.) (mm) 014 1'•913/16" 554.8 1'•101/2" 571.5 T-23/16" 665.1 41/16" 103.4 71/16" 179.7 1'-13/4" 350.6 1'•63/8" 465.6 5/8 15.88 23/8" 59.9 018 1'•913/16" 554.8 1'-101/2" 571.5 2'-23/16" 665.1 41/16" 103.4 71/16" 179.7 1'-13/4" 350.6 1'•63/8" 465.6 5/8 15.88 23/8" 59.9 )A.•024" 2'-113/16" 656.4 1'•101/2" 571.5 2'-23/16" 665.1 41/16" 103.4 71/16" 179.7 1'-315/16" 404.2 1'-103/8" 567.2 5/8 15.88 23/8" 59.9 030 2'-113/16" 656.4 1'-101/2" 571.5 2'-23/16" 665.1 41/16" 103.4 71/16" 179.7 1'•315/16" 404.2 1'-103/8" 567.2 3/4 19.05 23/8" 59.9 036 T-113/16" 656.4 2'-6" •762.0 2'•815/16" 837.5 ' 5" 127.9 95/8" 245.0 1'-315/16" 404.2 1'-103/8" 567.2 3/4 22.22 27/8" 73.4 042 2'•7 13/16" 808.8 2' 6" 762.0 2'-8 15/16" 837.5 ' 5" 127.9 9 5/8" 245.0 1' 9 15/16" 556.6 T-4 3/8" 719.6 7/8 22.22 2 7/8" 73.4 048 2'-7 13/16" 1808.8 2'-6" 762.0 2'-B 15/16" 837.5 5" 127.9 9 5/8" 245.0 V-915/ 16" 556.6 2'-4 3/8" 719.6 7/8 22.22 2 7/8" _r3.4 8.05 060 2'•7 13/16" 806.8 2' 6"` 1762.012'-815/16"1837.5 5" 127.9 9 5/8" 245.0 1'-915" 16" 556.6 T-4 3/8" 719.6 7/8 22.22 2 7/8" 73.4 \ i \ A r 1 SEER WITDR SEER W/O TDR h 518CO15 520 13,400 9.10 ', I 7.8 {' 519DO15• _. 518C/507J018 .1 1 `•'. ="� 520 ' ' 520 13,400 13,100 9.30 9.30 9.00 9.00 i' 7.8 ., t .,(,• 'ti• 519D/509AO18 -' �nZ' tt. `• t:, ., �t. - tV•i}.�'''i iP.{:i' alt:;i .. r.J 1 '1;'t ,F.'Iry %)� .(. Tk. 7.8 7.8 5941A-014� j .r `' I t.` 1.w� \, �., , •A• v?;� +�. •'�SA�:C i!' .: (, '�tl :.li E, T. ;Ii t:" CL• 9.00 7.8 517EN018 ,( "' 520 13,200 ' ({ • _ r ' , ; • ;; ... RATINGS & PERFORMANCE i•.. u.. s . \ i \ A r 1 SEER WITDR SEER W/O TDR BELS 518CO15 520 13,400 9.10 ', OUTDOOR. MODEL INDOOR ;; " ' A' MODEL ' " ' EVAP. AIR CFM TOT CAP SEER WITDR SEER W/O TDR BELS 518CO15 520 13,400 9.10 ', 8.80 7.8 {' 519DO15• _. 518C/507J018 .1 1 `•'. ="� 520 ' ' 520 13,400 13,100 9.30 9.30 9.00 9.00 i' 7.8 519D/509AO18 -' �nZ' tt. `• t:, ! v -, 520 13,400 •9.30 ;, 9.00 7.8 7.8 5941A-014� j .r 519EO18 ,t.. 1, {. " 520• 13,400 9.30 9.00 7.8 517EN018 ,( "' 520 13,200 '',goo 8.60 7.8 i•.. u.. s . 513C018 V1•.;.1 .- �:'! ,- 520 • . 13,200 8.80 ;: ! '.i 8.50 7.8 516A018 ;' r_;,1.. t i); 520 13,400 9.30 9.00 7.8 513BO18 520 13,200 9.00 8.70 7.8 < < •_ ,r: -' ' : 518C/507JO18 - 1 ' .': 600' 17,800 9.20 ;' 8.90 8.0 519D/509AO18i 1, ; : i i., (z :• . � • 600 , _. 17,800 9.30.1._:..x_ : 9.00 _ ._ _ 8.0 519D/509AO19 _ " -600 ` 18,000 '''" u"- `'" 9.50 9.20 -8.0 519EO18 •••4- 600 17,800 9.30 9.00 8.0 ' 11 `• ` 517EN018 513CO18 1 / ` '="'/11'' 600 � ' 600 "' 17,400 17,600 8.90 ' 8.90 = 8.70 8.70 8.0 8.0 +j' • • r 516AO18 (r,.� ; ; {; . t y 1 • 600 ; ! 18,000 _, r>t ' 9.50 - 9.10 ; 8.0 5138018 .. , +..; ' 590, . 16,600 8.80 :' , 8.50 8.0 591A-018 •' " .. 518C/507JO24 519D/509AO24 ' . �'` 600 s t%.' 600 18,000 18,000 9.60.: 9.50 t 9.30 9.20 , , - 8.0 ' • 8.0 519E024 `. 600-,j 18,000 9.50 r. ; 9.20 8.05 508AO24' 600 , , ' 18,000 9.50'% € ` , ;$ 9.10 506BO24 600 '} 18,000 9.40 9.10 8.0 51OB024 600 18,000 9.30 9.00 8.0 517EN024 600. 17,800 9.20 - ,. 8.90 8.0 1: 517EN025 600 18,000 9.40 9.10 8.0 ' 513CO24 600 17,800 9.20 „ • ' 8.90 8.0 ' 516A024 600 18,000 9.60 9.20 8.0 - 5138024 600 18,000 9.30 9.00 8.0 *Tested Combination ' i i c RATINGS & PERFORMANCE (Con't) OUTDOOR INDOOR EVAP. AIR TOT SEER 't:• „ SEER r, MODEL MODEL CFM CAP WITDR W/O TDR BELS . 518C1507J024. , .. 860 23,200 9.30 9.00 „ 7.6 519D/509A024* 860 23,200 ' 9.50 9.20 .; ' 7.6 s 519DI509AO25 i ; 860 23,600 ' 9.50 nir, 9.30 .; , 7.6 519EO24 t , 860 23,200 , 9.50 ', 9.20 .: 7,6 508A024 860 23,200 9.40 9.10 r; _ 7.6 506B024 + : 860 23,000 9.30 _ 9.00 7.6 51013024 { F 860 22,200 •t 9.20 9.00 7.6 517EN024 850 22,000 9.00 8.80 7.6 517EN025 ; 850 22,600 9.20 _ 9.00 7.6 591A-024 513CO24 j 860 22,600 9.30 9.00 7.6 -- 516A024 860 23,000 9.40 9.00' . 7.6 5138024 640 22,000 9.40 9.10 7.6 519D030, 519D/509A030W 860 23,800. 9.70 , 9.50 7.6 5180030, 518C/507J030W 860 24,000 9.70 :: . 9.50 • ,, 7.6 519EO30 f 3 860 24,000. 8.70 9.50 7.6 5068030 860 23,600. 9.50 t: J 9.30 7.6 ' 517EN030 ,t';.' 860 23,000 s 9.40 ,err. 9.10:. 7.6 517EN031 860 24,000 9.70 9.50 7.6 t 513CO30 ? 860 23,600 9.30 9.00.. 7.6 516A030 j 860 23,200 9.40 9.10 7.6 51313030 825 23,200 9.50 9.20 7.6 518C030, 518C ' 1000 30,000 9.20 9.00 7.6 i 5190030, 519Ds 1000 30,000 9.20 9.00 7.6 1 519EO30 ;' 1000 30,000 9.20.. ':. 9.00 7.6 50680301000 I29,000 9.10 8.90 7.6 517EN030 s 1000 28,600 ' 8.90 ;.... 8.70 7.6' 517EN031 .r 1000 29,400 9.10 8.90 7.6 513CO30 s r 1000 • 29,000 9.00 8.70 7.6 I . 516A030 E 1000 29,000 ' 9.00 8.70 7.6 ; 1591A-030 513BO30 ? 825 28,400 ' 9.20 9.00 7,.6 519C0.36 1000. 29,800 9.30 9.00 7.6 5180507J036 ? 1000 30,000, 9.30 9.20 7.6 519D/509A036 1000 30,000 9.30 9.20 • . 7.6 519EO36 ; 1000 30,000 9.30 9.20 7.6 •• 508AO36 1' ! s 1000 29,400 9.20 ' ' 9.00 7.6 F• ' 506BO36 1000 30,000 9.30 9.10 7.6 a 5108036 1000 29,800 9.20 9.00 7.6 517EN036 1000 29,600 9.20 9.00 7.6 5190036 1150 35,200.. 9.30 cs . 9.00 - 7.8 5180/507,1036 1150 36,000 9.50 9.10 7.8 519DI509A036* 1150 36,000 9.50 9.10 7.8 519EO36 1150 36,000 -9.50 9.10 7.8 508AC36i s '. 1150 34,400 9.20. ' { ; .9.00 7.8 5068036 'P ;,i:, 1150 35,400- 9.40 ,a+, F ... 9.00 ,+ 7.8 51013036 1150 35,000 9.30 9.00 7.8 517EN036 " 1150 34,800 9.20 9.00 7.8 519CO42 1150 35,800 - J. 9.50 ~ ' 9.10 7.8 . 51801507,1042 .. 1350 36,000.-", ,� < ` 9.30' -u,,a �1- . 9.10 7.8 591A -M 5180507J042W 1350 36,000 9.30 9.10 r 7.8 518CI507JO42C s„ s 1150 , ;, 36,000.. ,, 9.50 •, ' 9.20 7.8 519D/509A042 1350' 36,000 9.30 .` 9.10 ': 7.8 519DI509AO42W 1350 36,000, "' 9.30 " 9.10 7.8 519D1509A042C 1150 36,000 9.60 G 9.30 7.8 519D/509A043 1150 36,000 9.70 ' ;' 9.40 7.8 519D/509A043W .. 1150 s' . 36,000 9.70 .;, . 9.40 7.8 519EO42 �••`s , . 1150.. : ; 36,000 r 9.30 j,a. ..9.10 7.8 506BO42 1150 35,800 9,50 9,10 7.8 517EIGN042 1150 36,000 9.50 9.10. 7.8 517ElGN043 1150 36,000• 9,50 9.20 7.8 - 519CO42 -, 1500 41,000 9.30 :,- 9.10 7.8 51801507,1042 ' 1575 41,000 9.20 _ :. 9.00 7.8 518CI507JO42W t 1575 41,000 9.20 9.00 7.8 • 5180507J042C 1400 41500',", : 9.40 , ` '' ",,i 9.20 ". 7.8 519DI509A042* " ; ; 1575 41,000 ." 9.30 "' 9.10 • 7.8 519D1509A042W -, . 1575 41,000 9.30 9.10 ! 7.8 .•" 519DI509AO42C ` , 1400 .. .41,500 . 9.40 ._ . 9.20 7.8 ! 519D/509A043 1575 42,000 9.50 a 9.30 >: L, ' : 7,8 519D/509A043W ` =•-1575 r 42,000•.- = -' 9.50 :=--.9.30 :- - 7.8 519E042 a 1575 41,000 9.40 9.20 7.8 -. 506BO42 •' 1575 41,000 9.30 9.10 7.8 517EIGN042 , ' 1575 , 41,000 9.30 9.10 7.8 517E/GN043 + 1575 41,500 9.40 9.20 ' -,' 7.8 591A-042 ' 519CO48 1500 41,500 ! 9.40 ,' 9.20 - 7.8 5180048 1575 - 42,000 9.40'.." 9.20 7.8 518CI507JO48W 1575 42,000 -9.40 940 9.20 s 7.8 ' 5180480 ut 1575 {. e_ 42,000 42,000 950 a.,. ' 950 :x.:. 9.30 I,. 9.30 : 7.8. 7.8 E 519DO48 519D/509A046W , "' ; 1575 1575 42,000 42,000 9.50 " ' 9.50 9.30 9.30 ' r7.8 ;7,8 g" • ,r �; 519DO48C 519DO49 1575 1575 42,500 ' ' ' r 9.60 - 9,40 7.8 519EO48 1575 42,000 9.50 9.30 .7.8 - 50BA048 1575 42,000 9.50 9.30 7.8 • 5068049 51013048 '} " "' 1575 1575 42,500 42,000 s 9.50 ^`� 9.50 ' R ° 9.30 9.30 7.8 7.8 517EIGN048 1575 42,000 9.20 9.00 ' l '• 7.8 517EIGN049 1575 1 42,500 9.50 9.30 • 7.8 ,Tested Combination 7f -3- r, -3- RATINGS & PERFORMANCE (Con't) OUTDOOR MODEL INDOOR MODEL EVAP. AIR CFM TOT CAP SEER W/TDR SEER !`r W/O TDR BELS q 519CO48 1500 ': 45,000 9.20 9.00 7.8 2081230-60-1 518CO48 1700 46,500 9.10 ! 9.00 7.8 6.6 37.0 518C/507J048W 1700 46,500 9.10 9.00 7.8 0.8 518CO48C 1600 47,000 9.20 9.00 7.8 Min Unit Ampacity for Wire Sizing 519DO48 1700 46,500 9.20 9.00 7.8 14 519DI509AO48W 1700 46,000 9.20 9.00 7.8 .? 519DO48C 1600 47,000 9.30 9.10 7.8 Internal Line Break 519D049• 1700 48,000 9.40 9.20 7.8 I.Refrigerant Lines (In. ODF) Vapor & Liquid (up to 50 ft.) CONDENSER• 519EO48 t 1700 46,500 9.20 9.00 7.8 1 7.2 508A048 1600 46,000 9.20 9.00 7.8 1 &25 506BO49 1700 47,000 9.30 9.10 7.8 5108048 1700 47,000 9.30 9.10 7.8 591A-048 517E/GN048 1700 47,000 9.10. 8.90 7.8 517E/GN049 1700 47,500 9.20 .'.. 1 ,, ; * 9.00 7.8 t 519CO60 i 1600 47,000 9.30 9.10 7.8 5180507J057C 1700 48,000 L 9.309.10. L 518C/507J060 --1700 "-- -47,500 - 9.40 _ 4.` 9.20 --.7.8 7.8 519D/509A057C 1700 48,000 9.40 9.20 7.8 519D/509A060 1700 48,000 9.60 9.40 7.8 519D/509A061 1700 48,000 9.70 9.50 7.8 519EO60 1700 48,000 9.40 9.20 7.8 506BO61 1700 48,000 9.50 9.20 7.8 51OB060 1700 48,000 9.40 9.20 7.8 517E/GN060 1700 47,000 8.80 8.70 7.8 517E/GN062 1700 47,500 9.00 8.80 7.8 517E/GN063 1700 48,000 9.20 9.00 7.8 519C060 1600 56,000 9.30 9.00 7.8 5180507J057C 1850 57,000 9.00 8.80 7.8 518CI507J060 2000 58,000 9.30 9.00 7.8 519D1509A057C 1850 57,000, 9.30 9.00 7.8 519DI509AO60 2000 58,500 9.30 9.00 7.8 591A-060 519DI509A061• 2000 59,500 9.50 9.20 7.8 519EO60 2000 57,000 9.30 ' 9.00 7.8 506BO61 2000 59,000 9.50 9.10 7.8 5108060 2000 58,500 9.30 9.00 7.8 517E/GN060 2000 57,000 8.80 8.50 7.8 517E/GN062 2000 58,000 9.00 8.70 7.8 517E/GN063 2000 59,000 9.30 9.00 1 7.8 *Tested Combination SYSTEM DESIGN '4`e J 1. Intended for outdoor installation with free air Inlet and outlet. Outdoor fan external static pressure available is less than 0.01 -inches water column.1. 2. Minimum outdoor operating air temperature without low ambient operation accessory is 55°F (12.80C). J 3. Maximum outdoor operating air temperature is 125°F (51.70C). 4. For reliable operation, unit should be level In all horizontal planes. 5. Maximum elevation of Indoor coil above or below base of outdoor unit is: Indoor coil above = 50 -feet. Indoor coil below = 150 -feet. (see items 6 and 7 following) 6. For Interconnecting refrigerant tube lengths greater than 50 -feet, consult long tube application bulletin available from equipment distributor.. 7. Crankcase heater required when Interconnecting refrigerant tube length exceeds 50 -feet. 8. Not more than 3 -feet of refrigerant tube should be buried In the ground. If necessary to bury tubes under a sidewalk, provide a minimum 6 -Inch verti- cal rise to the valve connections at the unit. 9. Use only!copper wire for electric connection at unit. Aluminum and clad aluminum are not acceptable for the type of connector provided. 10. Mixmatches of Indoor coil capacity more than one size larger than outdoor unit capacity may result in Inadequate Indoor comfort. SPECIFICATIONS MODEL '.' 591AO14 591AO18 591AO24 591A030 SERIES A q I BELECTRICAL A Unit Volts -Hertz -Phase 208/230-60-1 208/230-60-1 I 208/230-60-1 2081230-60-1 Operating Voltage Range 187-253 187-253 187-253 187-253 Compressor -Rated Load Ams Locked Rotor Ams 6.6 37.0 9.6 52.0 11.5 61.0 15.3 86.0 Condenser Fan Motor -Full Load Ams 0.5 0.5 0.8 0.8 Total Units Ams 7.1 10.1 12.3 16.1 Min Unit Ampacity for Wire Sizing h.15 12.5 15.2 21.1 Min Wire Size 75° Copper) AWG* 14 14 12 10 Max Branch Circuit Fuse Size COMPRESSOR 15 20 25 1 35 Compressor -Type & RPM I Hermetic 3450 Temperature & Current Protection Internal Line Break Ref ri erant-T e & Amount R22-2.87 lbs R22-3.00 lbs R22-3.50 lbs 22-4.12 lbs I.Refrigerant Lines (In. ODF) Vapor & Liquid (up to 50 ft.) CONDENSER• 5/8 & 1/4tt 3/4 & 318 Coil -Height x Width (Sq Ft 7.2 1 7.2 8.7 8.7 Rows Deep & Fins Per Inch 1 &15 1 1 &25 1 &25 1 &25 Fan Motor -HP, Type, GRPM "" 1/12 PSC & 1110 1 1/12 PSC & 1110 1 1/10 PSC & 1075 1 1/10 PSC & 1075 Volts -Hertz -Phase . 208-230-60-1 Fan -Diameter 18 1 18 1 18 18 Condenser Airflow (Cfm) 1600 1600 1 1900 1900 -4- SPECIFICATIONS A MODEL:i_ 691AO14 691AO18 501A024 ' 591A030 SERIES!'? OPTIONAL • A A B A COMPRO EC° ' 313966-751'' •"" Quick -Start Capacitor -Relay Kit 313965.751 313965-752 313965.753 Low -Pressure Switch Kit 313966.751 High -Pressure Switch Kit 313969-751 Comprassor Crankcase Heater 313904-751 PTC Start Assist 313967.751 Support Feet Kit -4 inch 313916-701 Indoor Fan Time Delay Relay 313902.751 Sound Blanket Kit 312990.7511 312991.751 Indoor Thermostat and Subbase HH07AT183 Low Ambient Controller NIA 313917.401 Low Ambient Motort N/A HC34GE230 ' SPECIFICATIONS ' MODEL 591A036 591A042 591AO48 591A060 SERIES ELECTRICAL A A A A Unit Volts -Hertz -Phase 208/230-60-1 208/230-60-1 2081230-60-1 2081230-60-1 Operating Voltage Range 187-253 187-253 187-253 187-253 Compressor -Rated Load Ams Locked Rotor Ams 20.2 93.0 20.5 22.8 110.0 127.0 30.8 142.0 Condenser Fan Motor -Full Load Ams 0.9 1.4 1.4 1.4 Total Units Ams 21.1 21.9 24.2 32.2 Min Unit Ampacity for Wire Sizing 26.2 27.0 ' 29.9 39.9 Min Wire Sizing 75° Copper) AWG* 10 10 10 8 Max Branch Circuit Fuse Size COMPRf§7S-0R& REFRIGERANT 45 45 50 60 Com ressor-T pe & RPM Hermetic 3450 Temperature & Current Protection Internal Line Break Refrigerant -Type & Amount R22-5.37 lbs R22-6.37 lbs R22-7.00 lbs I R22-10.62 lbs Refrigerant Lines (in. ODF) Vapor & Liquid (up to 50 ft.) CONDENSER• 314 & 318 7/8 & 3/8 1-118 & 3/8 Coll-Hei ht x Wldth S Ft 12.0 1 15.0 15.0 15.0 Rows'Deep & Fins Per Inch 1 &20 1 &25 1 &25 2 & 20 Fan Motor -HP, Type, & RPM 118 PSC & 820 1/4 PSC & 1100 1/4 PSC & 1100 1 114 PSC & 1100 Volt s -• Hertz- Phase 208-230-60-1 Fan -Diameter 22 22 22 22 Condenser Airflow (Cfm) 5PTIONAL EQUIPMENT 2600 1 3000 3000 3000 COM PROTEC® 313966.751 Quick -Start Capacitor -Relay Kit 313965-754 1 313965-755 1 313965-755 1 N/A Low -Pressure Switch Kit 313968.751 High -Pressure Switch Kit 313969.751 Support Feet Kit -4 Inch 313916.701 Indoor Fan Time Delay Relay 313902-751 Sound Blanket Kit 312996.751 1 312994-751 1 312994.751 1 312997.751 Indoor Thermostat and Subbase HH07AT183 Low Ambient Controller 313917.401 Low Ambient Motort HC36GE230 HC40GE230 NOTE: Use copper wire only between disconnect switch and unit. M. See unit Installation Instructions for proper installation. tConsult low Ambient Installation Instructions for application. *If other than 75°C copper wire is used, size can be determined from unit ampacity given In above table and applicable table of National Electric Code. Wire size selected must have current capacity not less than that of copper wire specified and must not create a voltage drop between services panel and unit In excess of 2% of unit rated voltage. ttUse only 318".liquid line on capillary tube coils. ACCESSORY USAGE AND DESCRIPTION ► ` 1. Compressor Short Cycle Protector Solid state timing device which prevents compressor rapid recycling. Control provides an approximate 5 -minute delay after power to the compressor has been interrupted for any reason, Including normal room thermostat cycling. ; SUGGESTED USE: Installations In areas where power interruptions are frequent. All commercial installations. 19w, Installations where Interconnecting tube length exceeds 50 -feet. Where user is likely to "play" with room thermostat. 2. Compressor Start Assist -PTC Type -•_.. Solid state electrical device gives a "soft" boost to the compressor motor at each startup. ' SUGGESTED USE: Installations with marginal power supply. Replacement installations with rapid pressure balance (RPB) expansion valve. $ a., Replacement Installations with undersized refrigerant tubes. wr' • -5- ,,k ,l 3. Compressor Start Assist-Capacitor/Relay Type "' • Start capacitor and start relay gives "hard" boost to compressor motor on each startup. SUGGESTED USE: Installations. with hard shut off expansion valve on indoor coil. Installations where interconnecting tube length exceeds 50 -feet Installations where outdoor design air temperature exceeds 1050F.., 4. Refrigerant Low Pressure Switch - Auto reset SPST switch activated by refrigerant pressure on low side of refrigerant circuit. Cycles compressor off if refrigerant pressure drops to about 27 psig. Prevents Indoor coil freeze-up due to loss of Indoor air flow. Also, provides additional protection against compressor damage due to loss of refrigerant charge. Use with compressor short cycle protector, Item 1, to prevent rapid compressor recycling. SUGGESTED USE: Where Indoor coil is exposed to "dirty" air. l•" All commercial installations (Note: Standard on 3-phase units). _ l5. Refrigerant High Pressure Switch ' Auto reset SPST switch activated by refrigerant pressure on high side of circuit. Cycles compressor off if refrigerant pressure rises to about 400 psig. Provides additional protection against compressor damage due to loss of outdoor air flow. Use with compressor shortcycle protector, item 1, to pre- vent rapid compressor recycling. SUGGESTED USE: Installations with very dirty outdoor air. Installations where condenser inlet air temperature exceeds 125°F. °6. Crankcase Heater ' . . ' ' An electric resistance heater which mounts to the base of the compressor to keep the oil warm during off cycles. Improves compressor lubrication on restart and minimizes the chance of refrigerant slugging. May or may not Include a thermostatic control. SUGGESTED USE: When interconnecting tube length exceeds 50 -feet Indoor unit Is above outdoor unit more than 50 -feet. ' = Unit will be operated below 55°F outdoor air temperature. (Use with low ambient operation kit, Item 8.) , I ` All commercial Installations. (Use with low ambient operation kit item 8) • • 7. Sound blanket Wrap around sound attenuation blanket for the compressor. Reduces unit sound level by about 0.2 bels... SUGGESTED USE: Unit installed closer than 15 -feet to quiet areas -bedrooms, etc. Unit installed between two houses less than 10 -feet apart. y 8. Low Ambient Operation Kit The motormaster solid state head pressure controller is a fan speed control device activated by a temperature sensor. It is specifically designed to control outdoor fan motor speed in response to saturated condensing temperature. For outdoor air temperatures between 55 and 0'F, it maintains condensing temperature at 100 +1-10°F. For single phase units, a ball bearing fan motor and run capacitor are also required. SUGGESTED USE: Operation at outdoor air temperatures below 55°F. ` All commercial installations (Note: 3 phase units have ball bearing motors as standard).1c­ 9. �Support Legs .. .... _. . Four sti&.-on plastic legs which raise the unit 4 -inches above the mounting pad. This allows sand, dirt and other debris to be flushed from the unit base; minimizes corrosion. - - - ••• t SUGGESTED USE: Coastal Installations. � •- • • - - -- •-pi � '•, ' i Windy areas or where debris is normally circulating. Rooftop installations. 10. Indoor Blower Time Delay Relay A SPST delay relay which briefly continues operation of the Indoor fan motor to provide additional cooling after the compressor cycles off. SUGGESTED USE: For Improved efficiency ratings for certain combinations of indoor and outdoor units. (Refer to ARI unitary directory for ratings.) a..wh DETAILED COOLING CAPACITIES* Evaporator CONDENSER ENTERING AIR TEMPERATURES OF - Air a5 95 105 1 115 125 E - Capacity Total Capacity I Total Capacity Total Capacity • Total Capacity Total CFM W MBtuht System - MBtuht System MBtuht System MBtuht ISysteml MBtuht System Total Sens$ Total Sens# Total Sens# Total Sens# Total Sens B KW KW** KW KW** KW** 591AO14 Outdoor Section With 519DO16 Indoor Section 72 15.2 7.44 1.49 14.4 7.14 1.57 13.5 6.82 1.65 12.6 6.51 1.74 11.7 6.18 1.83 410 67 13.7 9.32 1.44 .13.0 9.00 1.51 12.2 8.68 --1.60 11.3 .8.34 1.68 10.5 8.01 1.76 62 1.19 11.1 1.39 11.7 10.8 1.46 11.0 10.4 1.54 10.2 9.97 1.62 9.46 9.44 1.70 57 11.8 11.8 1.37 11.3 11.3 1.45 10.7 10.7 1.53 10.1 10.1 1.62 9.44 9.44 1.70 72 15.5 7.75 1.52 14.6 7.44 1.60 13.7 7.13 1.69 12.8 6.80 1.77 11.9 6.47 1.86 465 67 14.0 9.86 1.47 13.2 9.53, 1.55 12.4 9.20 1.63 11.5 8.86 1.71 10.6 8.50 1.79 62 12.7 11.8 1.42 11.9 11.4 1.50 11.2 11.0 1.58 ' 10.5' 10.5 1.66 9.78 9.78 1.74 57: 12.3 12.3 1.41 1 11.7 •`'11.7 1.49 11.1 1 11.1 1 1.57 10.4 1 10.4 1.66 9.77 9.77 1.74 72 15.7 8.05 1.55 14.8 7.74 1.63 13.9 7.41 1.72 13.0 7.09 ' 1.81 12.0 6.76 1.89 520 67 14.2 10.4 1.50 13.4 10.0 1.58 12.5 9.70 1.66 11.7 9.34 • 1.74 10.7 8.97 1.82 62 12.9 12.4 1.45 12.2 12.0 1.53 11.4 11.4 1.61 10.7 10.7' 1.70 10.0 10.0 1.78 57 12.6 12.6 1.44 12.0 1 12.0 1 .52 11.4 11.4 1.61 10.7 10.7 1.70 10.0 10.0 1.78 Multipliers for Determining the Performance With Other Indoor Sections Indoor f Cooling Indoor Co ling Section Size Capacity Power Section SizeCa acct ower 518C 015 1.00 1.00 517EN 018 `0.99 .. 1.03 518C/507J 018 0.98 0.99 513C 018 0.99 1.03 519D c ` 015 1.00 1.00 516A 018 1.00 0.99 519D/509A 018 1.00 1.00 513B 018 0.99 1.00 519E 018 1.00 1.00 -see notes bottom pg. a ' • .. •ti � .n eft .:�Ji..ltl 1 S f -6- N .. . ; I•.ti�� Y je e t a��'�• . DETAILED COOLING CAPACITIES* Evaporator CONDENSER ENTERING AIR TEMPERATURES °F Air 85 95 105 1 115 125 E CFM W Capacity I Total Capacity Total Capacity Total • Capacity Total Capacity Total MBtuht System MBtuht System MBtuht System MBtuht System MBtuht System B Total Sens# KW** Total SanktKW** Total Sensf KW** Total Sens KW** Total Sens# KW** 591 AOI 8 Outdoor Section With 519D/509A018 Indoor Section 11 . 525 72 67 20.3 18.4 9.80 12.1 2.06 1.96 19.3 17.4 9.40 2.15 18.3 9.01 2.26 17.2 8.62 2.37 16.2 8.24 2.49 62 16.5 14.3 1.88 15.6 11.7 13.9 2.06 1.97 16.4 14.7 11.3 13.4 2.15 2.06 15.4 13.8 10.9 92.9 2.26 2.16 14.5 10.5 2.37 57 15.4 15.4 1.83 14.7 14.7 1.92 14.0 14.0 2.02 13.3 13.3 2.13 12.9 12.6 12.4 12.6 2.26 2.25 600 72 67 20.8 18.8 10.2 12.8 2.11 2.02 19.8 17.8 9.82 2.21 18.7 9.42 2.31 17.8 9.03 2.42 16.5 8.63 2.54 62 16.9 15.3 1.93 1 16.0 12.4 14.8 2.11 2.02 16.8 15.0 12.0 14.2 2.21 2.11 15.8 14.1 11.6 13.7 2.31 2.21 14.8 11.1 2.42 4 57 16.0 16.0 1.89 15.3 15.3 1.99 14.6 14.6 2.09 13.9 13.9 2.20 13.2 13.1 13.1 13.1 2.32 2.31 675 72 67 21.2 19.2 10.6 13.5 2.16 2.07 20.1 18.1 10.2 13.0 2.25 2.16 19.0 9.80 2.36 17.9 9.40 2.47 16.7 9.00 2.59 62 17.3 16.1 1.98 16.3 15.6 2.07 17.1 15.4 12.6 15.0 2.25 2.16 16.0 14.4 12.2 14.4 2.36 226 15.0 13.6 11.8 13.6 2.47 2.38 57 16.7 16.7 1.95 15.9 15.9 2.05 15.1 15.1 2.15 14.4 14.4 226 13.6 13.6 2.38 Multi Iters for Determining the Performance With Other Indoor Sections Indoor Coolin Indoor Co ling Section Size Capacity Power Section Size Capacity Power 518C/ 018 1.00 1.00 506B 024 1.01 1.01 507J 024 1.01 1.00 517EN 018 0.98 1.02 510/509A 018 1.00 1.00 - - - 024 1.00 1.02 019 1.01 1.02 025 1.01 024 1.01 1.02 513C 1.03 018 0.99 1,03 519E 018 1.00 1.00 024 1.00 1.01 024 1.01 1.02 516A 018 1.01 O,gg 5 024 1.01 1.02 5108108 024 1.01 1.01 5138 024 1.01 1,03 018 0.93 100 024 1.01 1.03 591A024 Outdoor Section With 519DI509AO24 Indoor Section 700 72 67 26.3 23.8 12.9 16.1 2.60 2.48 24.9 22.6 12.3 15.6 2.72 2.60 23.4 21.2 11.8 2.85 22.0 11.3 2.98 10.7 3.11 62 21.6 19.2 2.36 1 20.4 18.6 2.48 19.1 15.0 18.0 2.72 2.60 19.8 17.9 14.5 17.3 1-20.4 2.84 2.72 18.4 16.6 13.9 16.5 2.96 2.84 57 20.5 20.5 2.31 19.5 19.5 2.43 18.6 18.6 2.57 17.6 17.6 2.70 16.5 16.5 2.84 800 72 67 26.8 24.3 13.4 17.1 2.67 2.54 25.3 23.0 12.9 16.5 2.79 2.66 23.9 12.4 2.92 22.3 11.8 3.05 20.7 11.3 3.17 62 22.1 20.5 2.43 20.9 19.8 2.55 21.6 19.6 16.0 19.1 2.78 2.67 20.1 18.3 15.4 18.2 2.91 2.79 18.6 17.1 14.8 17.1 3.03 2.93 57 21.4 21.4 2.40 20.4 20.4 2.52 19.3 19.3 2.65 1 18.3 If 2.79 17.1 17.1 2.93 900 72 67 27.2 24.7 14.0 18.0 2.73 2.61 25.7 23.3 13.4 17.5 2.85 2.72 24.2 21.9 12.9 2.98 22.6 12.3 3.10 20.9 11.8 3.24 62 225 21.6 2.49 21.3 20.9 2.61 20.0 16.9 20.0 2.85 2.74 20.4 18.8 16.3 18.8 2.97 2.87 18.8 17.7 15.7 17.7 3.09 3.01 57 22.1 22.1 2.47 21.1 21.1 2.60 20.0 1 20.0 2.73 18.8 18.8 1 2.87 17.7 17.7 1 3.01 Multi Tiers for Determining the Performance With Other Indoor Sections Indoor Co ling Indoor Co ling Section Size Cape ItPower Section Size Capacity - Power 518C, 030 1.03 1.01 506B 024 0.99 0,99 518C/507J 024 1.00 1.00 030 + 1.02 1.00'+ 03OW 1.03 1.01 517EN 024 0.95 0.99' 519D 030 1.03 1.02 025 0.97 1,00 519D/509A + 024 1.00 1.00 030 0.99 1.01 025 1.02 1.01 031 1.03 1.04 030W 1.03 1.02 513C 024 0.97 0.99 519E 024 - 1.00 1.00 030 .1.02 1.04 030 1.03 1.02 516A 024 0.99 1.01 508A 024 1.00 1.00 030 1 1.00 1,04 5108 024 0.96, 0.98 513B 024 1 0.99 1.01 030 1.00 0.97 + 591AO30 Outdoor Section With 519DO30 Indoor Section 875 72 67 34.3 31.2 16.8• 21.1 3.52 3.36 32.5 29.4 16.1 20.4 3.69 3.52 30.5 27.6 15.4 , 19.7 3.86 3.68 28.6 14.7 4.03 26.5 14.0 4.21 62 28.3 25.2 3.20 26.7 24.4 3.36 25.1 23.6 3.52 25.8 23.4 18.9 22.7 3.84 3.68 23.9 21.6 18.2 21.5 4.00 3.84 57 26.9 26.9 3.13 25.7 25.7 3.30 24.4 24.4 3.47 23.0 23.0 3.65 21.5 21.5 3.83 1000 72 67 35.0 31.8 17.6 224 3.61 3.44 33.1 30.0 .16.9 21.7 3.78 3.61 31.1 28.1 16.2 21.0 3.95 29.0 15.5 4.12 26.9 14.7 4.29 62 28.9 26.9 3.29 27.3 26.0 3.45 25.7 25.1 3.77 3.61 26.2 24.0 20.2 23.9 3.93 3.77 24.3 22.4 19.4 22.4 4.09 3.95 57 28.1 28.1 3.25 1 26.7 26.7 3.42 25.4 25.4 3.59 24.0 24.0 3.77 22.4 22.4 3.95 1125 72 67 35.5 32.3 18.3 23.7 3.69 3.52 33.5 30.4 17.6 22.9 3.86 3.68 31.5 28.5 16.9 22.2 4.03 3.85 29.4 26.6 16.2 21.4 4.20 4.01 27.z 24.6 15.4 4.37 62 57 29.5 29.1 28.4 29.1 3.37. 27.9 27.4 3.54 26.3 26.2 3.70 24.7 24.7 3.88 23.2 20.6 23.2 4.17 4.06 3.35 27.7 27.7 3.52 26.2 26.2 1 3.70 24.7 24.7 3.88 23.2 23.2 1 4.06 DETAILED COOLING CAPACITIES* Evaporator Air CONDENSER ENTERING AIR TEMPERATURES OF 85 1 95 105 115 125 CFM E W B Capacity I MBtuht Total System KW** Capacity • MBtuh Total System KW** Capacity MBtuht Total System KW++ Capacity MBtuh Total System KW** CapacityTotal MBtuh System KW+* Total Sens* Total Sons* Total Sens# Total Sens Tota1 Sens Multipliers for Determining the Performance With Other Indoor Sections Indoor Section Co ling Indoor Cooling Size Capacity Power Section Size Capacity Power 519C 036 0.99 1.00 5108 036 0.99 0.99 518C 030 1.00 1.00 508A 036 0.98 0.99 036W 1.00 1.00 506B 030 0.97 0.98 03OW 1.00 1.00 036 1.00 1.00 518C/507J 036 1.00 1.00 517EN 030 0.95 0.99 030 1.00 1.00 031 0.98 1.01 036W 1.00 1.00 036 0.99 1.00 519D 519DI509A 03OW 1.00 1.00 513C 030 0.97 1.01 036 1.00 1.00 516A 030 0.97 1.01 519E 030 1.00 1.00 5138 1 030 0.95 0.93 036 1 1.00 1.01 591A036 Outdoor Section With 519DIS09AO36 Indoor Section 1050 72 67 62 57 41.9 37.9 34.2 32.4 20.5 25.5 30.4 32.4 4.09 3.91 3.75 3.68 39.3 35.5 32.0 30.7 19.5 24.5 29.3 30.7 4.30 4.11. 3.94 3.88 36.7 33.0 29.8 29.0 18.5 23.5 28.1 29.0 4.50 4.31 4.13 4.09 34.0 30.6 27.6 27.2 17.6 22.5 26.9 27.2 4.71 4.50 4.32 4.29 31.4 28.1 25.5 25.5 16.6 21.6 25.5 25.5 4.91 .4.69 4.51 4.50 1200 72 67 62 57' 42.8 38.7 35.1 33.9 21.4 27.1 32.5 33.9 4.19 4.01 3.85 1 3.80 40.1 36.2 32.8 1 32.1 20.4 26.1 31.2 1 32.1 4.39 4.21 4.04 4.01 37.3 33.7 30.6 30.2 1 19.4 25.1 29.9 30.2 4.60 4.41 4.24 1 4.22 34.6 31.1 28.4 1 28.4 18.5 24.0 28.4 28.4 4.80 4.59 4.43 4.43 31.8 28.6 26.5 26.5 17.5 23.1 26.5 1 26.5 5.00 4.78 4.63 4.64 1350 72 67 62 . ,. 57 43.5 39.4 35.8 35.2 22.3 28.6 34.3 35.2 4.28 4.10 3.95 3.92 40.7 36.8 33.5 1 33.2 21.3 27.6 32.9 33.2 4.49 4.30 4.14 4.13 37.9 34.2 31.3 31.3 20.3 26.5 31.3 31.3 4.69 4.49 14.34 4.34 35.0 31.5 29.3 29.3 19.3 25.5 29.3 29.3 4.89 4.68 4.55 4.55. 32.2 28.9 27.3 27.3 18.3 24.4 27.3 27.3 5.09 4.87 4.76 4.76' Multipliers for Determining the Performance With Other Indoor Sections Indoor Section Co ling Size Capacity Power Indoor Cooling Section Size Capacity Power 519C 036 0.98 0.99 519E 036-- 1.00 1.00 042 1.00 0.99 042 0.99 1.00 518C 036W 1.00 1.00 508A 036 0.96 0.98 518C/507J 036 1.00 1.00 506B 036 0.98 0.99 042 0.99 1.00 042/042W 1 1.00 0.99 '042C 1 1.00 1.01 517EN 036 0.97 0.99 519D 036W 1.00 1.00 517E/GN 042 1.00 1.01 519D/509A 036 1.00 1.00 043 1.00 1.02 042/042W 1.00 0.99 5108 036 0.97 0.99 042C 1.00 1.01 0431043W 1.00 1.02 591AO42 Outdoor Section With 519DI509AO42 Indoor Section 1225 72 67 62- 57 46.2 41.8 37.8 35.5 22.4 27.9 33.2 35.5 4.51 4.35 ' 4.21 4.12 43.7 39.5 35.7 33.9 21.5 26.9 32.1 • 33.9 4.82 4.65 4.49 4.41 41.2 37.2 33.6 32.3 20.5 26.0 31.1 32.3 5.14 4.95 4.78 4.71 38.6 34.9 31.5 30.6 19.6 25.0 39.9 30.6 5.46 5.25 5.05 5.00 36.1 32.6 29.4 28.9 18.7, 24.1 28.7 • 28.9 5.76 5.54 5.32 5.29 1500 72• 67 62 57 47.6 43.2 39.1 1 37.8 23.9 30.4 36.4 1 37.8 4.67 4.51 4.36 1 4.32 44.9 40.7 36.9 36.0 22.9 29.4 35.2 36.0 4.99 4.82 4.66 4.62 42.3 38.2 34.7 1 34.2 22.0 28.4 33.9 1 34.2 5.31 5.12 4.95 1 4.92 39.6 35.8 32.6 1 32.4 21.0 27.4 32.4 1 32.4 5.63 5.42 5.23 5.23 36.9 33.3 30.6 30.6 20.1 26.5 30.6 1 30.6 5.94 5.71 5.53 5.53 1575 72 67 62' 57 47.9 43.5 39.4 38.3 24.3 31.0 37.2 38.3 4.71 4.55 4.40 4.37 45.2 41.0 37.2 36.5 23.3 30.0 36.0 36.5 5.03 4.86 4.70 4.67 42.5 38.5 35.0 34.7 22.3 29.0 34.6 34.7 5.36 5.17 4.99 4.98 39.8 36.0 32.9 ' 32.9 21.4 28.1 32.9 32.9 5.68 5.46 5.28 5.28 37.1 33.5 31.0 31.0 20.4 27.1 31.0 31.0 5.98 5.75 5.58 5.59 Multipliers for Determining the Performance With Other Indoor Sections Indoor Section Cooling Size Capacity Power Indoor Section I I Cooling Size Capacity Power 519C 042 1.00 1.00 519E 042 1.00 1.00 048 1.01 1.00 048 1.02 1.01 518C 048 1.02 1.01 508A 048 1.02 1.01 048C 1.02 1.01 5068 _ _ 042 1.00 1.00 518CI507J 042/042W 1 1.00 1.01 ._._ 049 _. _ _ -1.04 ...__.. _. --_--_ --1.02 042C 1.01 1.01 5108 048 1.02 1.02 048W 1.02 1.00 517E/GN 042 1.00 1.02 519D 048 1.02 1.01 043 1.01 1.03 i 048C 1.02 1.02 048 1.02 1.03 '049 1.04 1.02 049 1.04 1.04 519D/509A 0421042W 1.00 1.00 "042C 1.01 1.00 0431043W 1.02 1.02 1048W 1.02 1.01 See notes bottom pg. 9 M, DETAILED COOLING CAPACITIES* Evaporator CONDENSER ENTERING AIR TEMPERATURES °F" Air 85 95 105 115 1 125 E Capacity Total Capacity Total Capacity Total Capacity Total Capacity Total CFM W • MBtuht System MBtuht System MBtuht System MBtuht System MBtuht System B Total Sens# KW** Total Sens# KW• Total I Sens# KW** Total Sens# KW** I Total I Sens# I KW** 691AO48 Outdoor Section With 519DO49 Indoor Section 1400 72 67 62 . 57 54.6 49.5 44.7 42.0 26.6 33.3 39.7 42.0 5.36' 5.17 " 4.99 4.89 51.5 46.6 42.0 40.0 25.5 32.1 38.3 40.0 5.75 5.54 5.34 5.25 48.3 43.7 39.4 38.0 24.3 30.9 36.9 38.0 6.13 5.90 5.68 5.60 •.45.1 40.8 36.7 • 35.9 23.1 29.7. 35.5 " 35.9 6.51 6.25 6.00 5.95 42.0 37.9 33.9 33.6 22.0 28.5 1 33.7 33.6 6.87 6.59 6.31 6.29 1600 72 67 62 57 55.8 50.6 45.7 43.8 27.8 35.3 42.3 43.8 5.48 5.29 5.11 5.04 52.5 47.6 42.9 41.6 26.6 34.1 40.8 41.6 5.88 5.67 5.47 5.41 49.2 44.6 40.2 1 39.5 1 25.4 32.8 39.2 39.5 6.26 6.03 5.81 5.77 1 45.8._ 41.5 37.5 37.3 1 24.3 31.6 37.4 37.3 6.65 6.39 6.14 6.12 j__35.0_L 42.6 38.5 35.0 23.1 30.5 35.0 35.0 7.01 6.72 6.48 6.48 .1800 72 67 62 57 56.7 51.5 46.5 45.3 29.0 37.3 44.6 45.3 5.60 5.41 5.23 1 5.18 1 53.3 48.3 43.7 43.0 27.8 36.0 42.9 43.0 5.99 5.79 5.58 5.55 49.9 45.2 40.9 40.7 26.5 34.7 40.8 40.7 6.38 6.15 5.93 5.93 " 46.4 42.0 38.5 38.5 25.3 33.5 38.5 38.5 6.77 6.51 6.29' 6.29 43.1 38.9 36.1 36.1 24.2 32.3 36.1 36.1 7.12 6.84 6.64 6.64 for Determining the Performance With Other Indoor Sections' Indoor -Multipliers Coo Ing Indoor f Co Ing Section Size Capacity Power Section Size Capacity Power 519C 048 0.94 0.96 519E 048 + ' 0.97 0.99 060 0.98 0.99 060 : 1.00 1.00 518C'-' 048 0.97 0.99 508A 048 0.96 0.98 048C 0.93 0.99 5068 049 . 0.98 1.00 518C/507J 048W 0.97 (1.99 061 1.00 7 1.02 1 057C 1.00 1.01 510B 048 0.98 0.99 060 0.99 1.00 060 .. 1.00 1.01 519D. 048 1 0.97 0.99 517E/GN 048 = 0.98 1.01 048C 0.98 0.98 049 0.99 1.02 + 049 1.00 1.00 060 0.98 1.07 519D/509A 048W 0.96 0.99 062' c 0.99 1.05 057C 1.00 1.00 063 1.00 1.06 060 1.00- . -. _ . _ .. _ 1.01 061 1.00 1.01 591A060 Outdoor Section With 519DI509AO61 Indoor Section 1750' 72 67 62 57 67.9 61.7 55.9 • 52.4 33.1 41.4 49.5 52.4 6.76 6.47 6.19 6.03 64.2 58.3 52.7 50.1 31.7 40.0 47.9 50.1 1 7.14 6.82 6.52 6.37 60.5 54.9 49.5 47.7 30.4 38.6 46.3 47.7 7.50 7.16 6.83 6.71 56.8 51.4 46.4 45.2 -29.0 37.2 ` 44.6 45.2 7.85 7.48 7.13 7.05 53.0 48.0 43.1 42.7 27.7 35.8 42.6 42.7 8.19 7.80 7.42 7.38 2000 72 . 67 62 57 69.4 63.0 57.0 54.7 34.6 44.0 52.7 1 54.7 6.92 6.64 6.36 6.24 65.5 59.5 53.8 -52.1 33.2 42.5 51.0 52.1 7.31 6.99 6.68 6.60 61.6 55.9 50.5 49.8 31.8 41.1 49.2 1 49.6 7.67. 7.33 7.00 8.94 57.7 52.3 47.3 47.0 ` 30.4 39.7 47.0 47.0 8.031 7.65 7.31 1 7.28 53.8 48.7 44.3 44.3 29.1 38.3 44.3 1 44.3 8.36 7.97 7.62 7.63 2250 72 67 62 57 70.5L46.4 64.1 • 58.1 56.6 7.08 6.78 6.50 6.43 66.5 60.4 54.7 53.9 34.6 44.9 53.6 53.9 7.46 7.14 6.84 6.79 62.5 56.7 51.4 51.2 33.2 43.5 51.3 51.2 7.83 7.48 7.16 7.15 58.5 53.0 48.4 48.5 31.8 42.0 48.4 48.5 8.18 7.81 7.50 7.50 54.4 49.2 45.7 45.7 30.4 40.6 45.7 45.7 8.52 8.12 7.84 7.84 Multipliers for Determining the Performance With Other Indoor Sections Indoor Co Ing Indoor Cooling Section Size Capacity Power Section Size Capacity Power 519C 060 0.94 0.94 508A " 060 0.96 0.96 518CI507J 057C 0.96 ,r' 0.99 506B 061 0.99 1.00 060 0.97 0.98 5108 060 0.98 0.99 519DI509A 057C 0.96 0.96 517EIGN 060 0.96 1.05 060 0.98 0.99 062 '0.97 1.02 061 1.00 = 1.00 - "' -063 - 0.99 1.03 *Detailed cooling capacities are basso on Indoor ano outaoor unit at the same eievauon anu connvcrnu uy ca !nnr U, ruumy. 11 VMV- M-1. tubing Is used and/or Indoor unit is located above outdoor unit, a slight variation in capacity may occur. „ _ - tTotal and sensible capacities are net capacities. Blower motor heat has been subtracted. *Sensible capacities shown are based on 80°F entering air at the indoor coil. For sensible capacities at other than 80°F, deduct 835 Btuh per 1000 Cfm of Indoor coil air for each degree below 80°F, or add 835 Btuh per 1000 Cfm of Indoor coil air per degree above 80°F. **Unit KW Is total of Indoor and outdoor unit KW's. Y -9- I one of the calculation procedures outlined above. Alternatively, you can install a different water heater that can be externally wrapped, or you' may install one of the. water heaters listed below. Are there any water heaters that meet the water heating budgets without a wrap? There are currently 42 models that can be installed in any of the 16 California climate zones without an R-12 wrap. These particular water heaters have a unique combination of standby loss, recovery efficiency, and volume that meet the water heating budgets. If one of these units is installed, water heating calculations and an R-12 wrap are not required. ' Brand Model Number American Appliance • DVPB-35 (Features:. 35 gallons, 94% recovery efficiency, 1.21% standby loss, 100,000 Btu input) Bradford White . - M-III-403T10CN-* Bradford White M-III-403T5CN-* U.S. Water Heater M-III-R403T1OCN-* U.S. Water Heater M-III-R403T5CN-* . . (Features: 36.1 gallons, 85% recovery efficiency, 3.1% standby loss, 40,000 Btu input) A.O. Smith -' PGS -040 A.O. Smith PGCS-040 Conaire BG -40 Glascote PGS -040 Glascof:e PGCS-040 (Features: 38 gallons, 81.7% recovery efficiency, 2.2% standby loss, 32,000 input) American Appliance "GV2F90-4435***** American Appliance GV2F90-433S***** American Appliance G*2F90-433S***** (Features: 38 gallons, 76% recovery efficiency, 2.7% standby loss, 33,000 input) American Appliance GV2F90-454T***** (Features: 38 gallons, 76% recovery efficiency, 2.7% standby loss, 46,000 input) - y.', .. American Appliance G*2F90-433T***** American Appliance GV2F90-433T***** Craftmaster ' . CRGV2F90-433T****.* (Features: 38 gallons, 76% recovery efficiency, 2.7% standby loss, 34,000 input) Brand Model Number Pay -N -Pak 121003 American Appliance G*2F90-443S***** American Appliance .,GV2F90-454S***** American Appliance GV2F90-443T***** American Appliance G*2F90-443T***** (Features: 38 gallons, 76% recovery efficiency, 2.7% standby loss, 40,000 input) ' American Appliance - PV*N463S*** (Features: 38 gallons, 80% recovery efficiency, 2.8% standby loss, 40,000 input) Bock 40HE-* (Features:" 38 gallons, 86% recovery efficiency, 3.1% standby loss, 40,000 input) Energy Master *40FFHI*-*** Hi Test *40FFHI*-*** Hoyt Heater Co. *40FFHI*-*** Watermiser *40FFHI*-*** Sierra SI*40FFHI*-*** (Features: 39 gallons, 78% recovery efficiency, 2.75% standby loss, 40,000 Btu input) A.O. Smith :. FGR -40 (Features:- 40.1 gallons, 79% recovery efficiency, 2.77% standby loss, 33,000 Btu input) ✓ Bradford White ''"' M -III -503S IOCN-* Bradford White M-III-503S5CN-* U.S. Water Heater,., M-III-11503SWCN-* U.S. Water Heater M-III-R503S5CN-* (Features: 47.5 gallons, 85% recovery efficiency, 2.7% standby loss, 40,000. Btu input)' .American Appliance GV2F90-533T***** American Appliance G*2F90-533T***** Craftmaster CRGV2F90-533T***** (Features: 48 gallons, 76% recovery efficiency, 2.1% standby loss, 38,000 Btu input) Energy Master *50FFHI-***� Hi Test *50FFHI-*** Hoyt Heater Co. *50FFHI-*** Watermiser *50FFHI-*** Sierra - "- _---- "-.SI*50FFHI-*** (Features: 49 -gallons, -78% recovery efficiency, 2.2% standby loss, 40,000 Btu input) Note: To establish this list, all certified 35- to 75 -gallon storage gas water heaters were evaluated. This list represents less than 1% of all water heaters; the majority cannot meet the water heating budgets without an R-12 wrap. ; 'i