2007 01 23 PC Minutes
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
January 23, 2007
7:00 P.M.
A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was reconvened at 7:00
p.m. by Chairman Quill who asked Commissioner Barrows to lead the
flag salute.
B. Present: Commissioners Ed Alderson, Katie Barrows, Rick Daniels, Jim
Engle, and Chairman Paul Quill.
C. Staff present: Community Development Director Doug Evans, City
Attorney Kathy Jenson, Planning Manager Les Johnson, Principal
Engineer Ed Wimmer, Principal Planner Wallace Nesbit, Assistant
Planner Yvonne Franco, and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer.
A. Mr. Robert Ancker, 51-300 Calle Hueneme, asked the Commission to
address the setback issue in the Cove area. This item had been
brought before the Commission and staff was directed to start the
process some time ago. He is unable to complete the work on his
house and pull permits until this issue is decided. Staff stated the
time frame should be April before this amendment could be approved.
Chairman Quill asked if he would be able to submit his house plans for
plan check till this process took place. Staff stated they would work
with the Building and Safety Department to see what could be done.
A. Chairman Quill asked if there were any changes to the Minutes of
January 9, 2007. There being no changes, it was moved and
seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Alderson to approve the minutes
as submitted. Unanimously approved.
A. Environmental Assessment 2006-579, Specific Plan 2006-081,
Tentative Tract Map 23060, and Site Development Permit 2006-873;
G:IWPOOCSIPC Minutesl2007\ 1-23-07 .doc
Planning Commission Minutes
January 23,2007
a request of Laing Luxury Homes for consideration of development
standards and guidelines for the development of 74 single-family
homes, the subdivision of 28.33 acres into 74 residential lots as well
as lots for private streets, retention basins, open space and recreation,
and a site development permit to allow the construction of 74 single-
family residential homes, for the property located on the northwest
corner of Washington Street and Avenue 48 (extended).
1 . Chairman Quill opened the public hearing and asked for the staff
report. Planning Manager Les Johnson presented the
information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on
file in the Community Development Department.
2. Chairman Quill asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Engle asked if Washington Street would be
widened with this project. Staff stated there is no proposal to
widen with the exception of a deceleration lane.
3. Commissioner Daniels asked if the Commission had ever
reviewed a project where multiple suites were proposed on a
single residential lot. Staff stated yes, such as The Tradition.
Staff went on to explain some examples. Commissioner Daniels
asked if staff was recommending any amenities be added by the
applicant. Staff stated they had identified some items for their
consideration in the staff report. Something that would be in
harmony with their development that is more than an open area
at one end of the project. Community Development Director
Doug Evans stated earlier discussions had taken place for active
recreation. Commissioner Daniels stated concern had been
raised that there be no blasting of the mountain. Staff stated
there will be no activity on the adjacent property and there
would be no blasting of the mountain.
4. Commissioner Barrows asked what will happen on the sand
dune. Staff stated most of the sand dune is on the open space.
There is a small area where the three tier wall will be
constructed. In order for them to grade and utilize the property
it does require the three tier wall which will require some earth
work at the base of the dune. Commissioner Barrows asked if
there were any conditions relative to keeping the sand from
moving from the adjacent property.
5. Commissioner Alderson asked if the Big Horn Sheep Habitat
was protected within the Specific Plan. Staff stated it was.
Planning Commission Minutes
January 23, 2007
Commissioner Alderson asked if staff recommendation was
based on there being a resolution with the Church to the north.
Staff stated if the access agreement with the Church is not
resolved it will require a redesign of the project and would allow
only one access, which would be a right-in/right- and would
require a secondary emergency access. Commissioner Alderson
noted the cost of the signal will vary depending on whether or
not this access is resolved; will there be a signal at the main
entry with a four-way signal and none at the north end? Staff
stated just the opposite. The signal will be a shared access
with the Church to the north. Commissioner Alderson asked
about the condition regarding the 15-foot front yard setback for
the Hacienda unit garages and questioned if it should read 20
feet. Staff stated Site Development Permit Condition No. 20
would be amended to say "perpendicular".
6. Chairman Quill asked if there was a five foot setback on both
the front, rear, and side yards. Staff stated that was correct.
Chairman Quill stated his concern about the slopes on the
Church property that could not be graded which will cause
some problems with the tract drainage. Principal Engineer Ed
Wimmer stated the applicant has told staff there is a
cooperative agreement with the Church to allow them to submit
"At Risk" plan checks. Staff has reviewed the plans based on
this information, Community Development Director Doug Evans
stated that because of the amount of encroachment onto the
Church property, if this plan does not work, it will require a new
map. Chairman Quill asked the distance between this signal
and the one at Avenue 48, and the one to the north. Staff
stated the signal at Lake La Quinta Drive is in the City's
program. He does not know the exact distance between the
signals. Laing is required to pay 25% of the cost of this signal.
If the access with the Church is not successful, Laing would
still pay 25% of the cost of the signal. Chairman Quill asked
about the retention basins. Staff stated they are required to
dissipate all water within 72 hours. Chairman Quill asked if all
the signals between Eisenhower Drive and Highway 111 will be
coordinated. Staff stated the Public Works Department is
working on a Master Plan for the entire City. Chairman Quill
asked the difference between this project and the Foxx project.
Staff noted the pad elevations is the greatest change. Drainage
issues were discussed further.
Planning Commission Minutes
January 23, 2007
7. Commissioner Barrows asked if the sidewalk as designed would
allow bicycle travel. Planning Manager Les Johnson stated the
sidewalk will be expanded to 12 feet to accommodate a golf
cart. This is different than the sidewalk in front of Laguna de la
Paz which is eight feet.
8. Commissioner Alderson asked if the determination had been
made whether or not there will be a bus stop at this location.
Staff stated it is at the discretion of Sunline Transit.
9. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Quill asked
if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr. A.
J. Jarvis, representing the applicant, gave a presentation on the
project. He did state that all issues had not been resolved with
the Saint Francis of Assisi Church. They would like to discuss
Condition 52. The site is as low as it can be. This map is
lower than the previously approved map. It should have a
minimal impact on the adjacent Laguna de la Paz tract. They
are requesting relief from this condition. The second Condition
is the elevation of the slope and fence along Washington Street.
They request to have the 12 foot height. There are setback and
if the wall and berm height are reduced the homes will be able
to see traffic along Washington Street. Lastly, there is an open
fence facing Laguna de la Paz and they would like to request a
four foot fence on top of a four foot berm to protect the view
for Laguna de la Paz.
10. Commissioner Alderson asked if they were intending to install
an additional fence adjacent to the existing fence with Laguna
de la Paz. Mr. Jarvis stated they intend to remove the existing
wall and build the new one. Their property is lower; this site is
three to nine feet above the adjacent property.
11 . Chairman Quill asked how the drainage was to be handled along
this wall. Mr. Jarvis stated they believe there is very little
drainage and if any part of the slope fails, they will replace it.
12. Commissioner Alderson asked staff's opinion of the perimeter
fence and berm. Staff's opinion was that the wall height was
too high. Commissioner Alderson stated that if the wall was
lowered he would also want the tower lowered. Mr. Jarvis
stated they would want the tower to be in scale with the wall.
Planning Commission Minutes
January 23. 2007
13. Commissioner Barrows commended the applicant on the design
of the project. In regard to the west side of the project, is the
wall system going to address the sand dune. Mr. Jarvis stated
it will be disclosed to the buyers. They are confident there will
be no problems due to the amount of drought tolerant plant
material they intend to use. Commissioner Barrows asked the
applicant to elaborate on the energy efficient design. Mr. Jose
Welty explained the Energy Star Program they intend to use.
14. Chairman Quill asked where they were in negotiations with the
Church. Mr. Jarvis stated they anticipated the Church would
build first. Unfortunately, the Church is not as far along with
their plans as they are on their plans and they do not know
when the Church will be ready. Their intent is to resolve the
issues with the Church. Chairman Quill asked how they intend
to install the easement. Mr. Jarvis stated they intend to use the
alleyway. He went on to explain where they would be installed.
Chairman Quill asked about the plant palette along Washington
Street. The landscape architect identified there would be turf
between the sidewalk and curb. The remainder will be drought
tolerant planting.
15. Chairman Quill asked if there was any other public comment.
Mr. Art Drazy, Laguna de la Paz homeowner, stated he agreed
with the Commission that the height of the wall should be
16. Mr. David Prest, Prest Vuksic Architects, architect for the
Church stated they are concerned with the grading to
accommodate the grade change on the Laing property. They
intend to stay close to the existing grades. In regard to access,
they would prefer not to enter into an agreement for an access.
1 7. Chairman Quill asked why St. Francis was against the joint
access with a signal. Mr. Prest stated that looking at the site
plan, it was determined that anyone wanting to go north would
use the northerly access and it would become the primary
access. Secondly, the design of the primary access has several
issues including the turnaround space.
18. Commissioner Alderson asked if the secondary access would
help them with the grade differences. Mr. Prest stated the two
issues are not related. They anticipate their future development
will stay with the existing grade.
. Planning Commission Minutes
January 23, 2007
19. Commissioner Daniels asked the timeframe of the Church
development. Mr.Prest stated the parking lot is currently in the
City for review with a retention basin along Washington Street,
and removal of the frontage street. This should be done
sometime this year.
20. Chairman Quill asked if Mr. Jarvis would like to address these
concerns. Mr. Jarvis stated they are concerned that the Church
has changed their site plans. If they do not allow them to grade
on the Church property they would like to construct the
retaining wall similar to the retaining wall at the west property
21. Commissioner Alderson asked about Condition 21. If the
applicant were to redesign the map with a secondary access for
emergency access only, the condition would need to be
changed. As currently designed, a moving van would not be
able to make it in and out of the main entryway. Mr. Prest
stated that given their choice the Church would prefer not to
have the shared access.
22. Chairman Quill stated the sensible right thing to ao is to have
the four-way access and he would hope the Church would
consider it.
23. Commissioner Alderson stated that until this decision is made, it
is hard to approve this project as submitted.
24.' Commissioner Barrows clarified staff's recommendation for the
wall was eight feet. Staff stated that was correct.
Commissioner Barrows asked if the height of the tower is 28-
feet. Staff stated the tower is identified in the Specific Plan at
28 feet. If the Commission wants to change the height, a
condition would need to be added to the Specific Plan.
Commissioner Barrows asked that a condition be added that no
turf be used between the sidewalk and wall.
25. Commissioner Daniels stated his concern regarding the grading.
26. Chairman Quill asked if they do not obtain grading rights from
the adjacent property owner, what is their alternative? City
Attorney Kathy Jenson stated an alternative would need to be
provided. You have an unrealistic elevation plan before the
Commission. If they cannot satisfy the condition, they will not
Planning Commission Minutes
January 23, 2007
be able to final the map. The Commission can provide two
alternatives for the approval.
27. Commissioner Daniels commended the applicant on the design
of the project. He supports lowering the berm. Community
Development Director Doug Evans stated they were unaware of
the problem between the two property owners in regard to the
grading issues.
28. Chairman Quill stated there appears to be enough issues that
cannot be resolved that he would prefer to continue this item.
He would like to confirm that there will be no turf off of
Washington Street, the height of wall shall be eight feet from
the top of curb off Washington Street. He would request the
applicant and the Church get together to resolve this issue or
return with a grading plan to resolve the issue. Community
Development Director stated the grade differential in some
places may be as high as 20 feet on the north property line.
The Commission could approve the project with stipulations to
meet staff's recommendation. Mr. Jarvis stated he believes
they could build a two tier retaining wall to meet staff's
29. There being no further discussion or other public comment,
Chairman Quill closed the public participation portion of the
30. Chairman Quill stated the shared access is very important to
him. He asked if there were a way to encourage the Church to
allow the access. Community Development Director Doug
Evans stated there should be the ability to work with the
Church during the site development permit process to resolve
the problem on the access. The challenge will be the timing.
31. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded
by Commissioners Engle/Daniels to adopt Planning Commission
Resolution 2007-002 recommending certification of a Mitigated
Negative Declaration for Environmental Assessment 2006-579,
as recommended.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Alderson, Barrows,
Engle, and Chairman Quill. NOES: None.
None. ABSTAIN: None.
Planning Commission Minutes
Jafluary 23, 2007
32. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Engle/Barrows
to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2007-003
recommending approval of Specific Plan 2006-081, as
recommended and amended:
a. Condition 3.a. The Specific Plan shall be amended to
allow for the Hacienda units to have a minimum front
yard building setback of 15 feet except for garages,
which shall have a minimum front yard setback of 20
feet. Garages oriented parallel to the fronting street shall
have a minimum front yard setback of 15 feet.
b. Condition 3.1. added: All reference made to the entry
tower height exceeding 22 feet shall be removed limiting
the building height to a maximum of 22 feet.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Alderson, Barrows,
Engle, and Chairman Quill. NOES: None.
None. ABSTAIN: None.
33. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Barrows/Alderson to adopt Planning Commission Resolution
2007-004 recommending approval of Tentative Tract Map
35060, as recommended and amended:
a. Condition 21. Replace with: In the event that the
applicant is unable to secure access easement with Saint
Francis of Assisi Church, Tentative Tract Map 35060
shall be redesigned to provide a secondary emergency
access and egress as approved by the Riverside County
Fire Department. Additionally, ingress and egress at the
Primary Entry shall be provided for a 45-foot minimum
design turning radius moving van as approved by the
Community Development Department and Public Works
b. Condition 26.A.2. Replace with: The applicant shall
install the traffic signal at the proposed shared access
drive at the Washington Street/Lake La Quinta Drive
intersection. The applicant is subject to a maximum of
75% reimbursement from available funds in the City's
Development Impact Fee Program for the cost to design
and construct the traffic signal. The applicant shall enter
into a DIF Reimbursement Agreement with the City of La
Quinta concurrent with the Subdivision Improvement
Planning Commission Minutes
January 23. 2007
Agreement for the Final Map for the amount specified in
the DIF Program in effect at the time the traffic signal is
accepted b the City Council. Associated with the traffic
signal installation, the applicant shall install all necessary
traffic signal equipment and appurtenances to
interconnect the proposed traffic signal with the existing
traffic signals at the Washington Street/Avenue 48 and
Washington Street/Avenue 47 intersections. The traffic
signal shall be designed for an eight phase operation as
split phasing is undesirable.
c. Condition 26.C. Add the following: In the event that the
applicant is unable to secure access easement with Saint
Francis of Assisi Church, Tentative Tract Map 35060
Items 1. and 2. shall not be applicable.
d. Condition 35.1. Add the following to the second to last
paragraph: The accessibility requirements pertain to any
public accessible facilities to include model homes and
recreational amenities provided for the development and
not to single-family residences excluding model homes.
e. Condition 42. Amend second paragraph to read: Of-Site
Improvements should be completed on a first priority
basis. The applicant. shall complete Off-Site
Improvements including the traffic signal at the
Washington Street and Lake La Quinta Drive/proposed
shared access drive intersection in the first phase of
construction or by the 20% Building Permit (15th home).
f. Condition 52. Replace with the following: Building pad
elevations of perimeter lots shall not differ by more than
on foot higher from the building pads in adjacent
development, particularly along the southerly boundary.
Therefore, the applicant shall redesign the southerly
portion of the development to conform with the
aforementioned condition or submit an approval letter
from the Laguna de la Paz Homeowners' Association
accepting the grade differential shown on the approved
Tentative Tract Map 35090, or as approved by the City
Engineer and Community Development Director.
g. Condition 54. Replace with the following: Prior to any
site grading or regarding that will raise or lower any pad
elevations by more than plus or minus three tenths of a
foot from the elevations shown on the approved
Tentative Tract Map, the applicant shall submit the
proposed grading changes to the City for a substantial
conformance review.
Planning Commission Minutes
January 23, 2007
h. Condition 56. Replace with the following: The applicant
shall comply with the provisions of Section 13.24.120
(Drainage). LQMC Retention Basin Design Criteria,
Engineering Bulletin No. 06-16 - Hydrology Report with
Preliminary Hydraulic Report Criteria for Storm Drain
Systems and Engineering Bulletin No. 01-015
Underground Retention Basin Design Requirements,
unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. More
specifically, storm water falling on the site during the 100
year storm shall be retained within the development,
unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. The
design storm shall be either the three hour, six hour or 24
hour event producing the greatest total run off. The
tributary drainage area shall extend to the centerline of
adjacent public streets and shall also accept upstream
tributary flows for this regional sag location on
Washington Street. Storm water handling for Washington
Street may require additional drainage facilities to be
I. Condition 58. Replace with the following: In design of
retention facilities, the percolation rate will be considered
to be zero, unless otherwise approved by the City
j. Condition 59: Deleted
k. Condition 62. Replace with the following: For on-site
above ground common retention basins, retention depth
shall be according to Engineering Bulletin No. 06-016 -
Hydrology Report with Preliminary Hydraulic Report
Criteria for Storm Drain Systems, unless otherwise
approved by the City Engineer. Side slopes shall not
exceed 3:1 and shall be planted with maintenance free
ground cover. Additionally, retention basin widths shall
be not less than 20 feet at the bottom of the basin,
unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer.
I. no turf between curb and sidewalk.
m. Condition added: retaining wall that meets the City
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Alderson, Barrows,
Engle, and Chairman Quill. NOES: None.
None. ABSTAIN: None.
Planning Commission Minutes
January 23, 2007
34. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Alderson
to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2007-005
recommending approval of Site Development Permit 2006-873,
as recommended and amended:
a. Condition 20. The Hacienda units shall have a minimum
front yard building setback of 15 feet except for garages,
which shall have a minimum front yard setback of 20
feet. Garages oriented parallel to the fronting street shall
have a minimum front yard setback of 15 feet
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Alderson, Barrows,
Engle, and Chairman Quill. NOES: None.
None. ABSTAIN: None.
B. Continued - Street Vacation 2006-043 a Portion of Public Utility
Easement located within Desert Club Tract Unit 4; a request of the
City to vacate a potion of Main Street north of Avenida La Fonda for
Nispero Properties.
1 . Chairman Quill opened the public hearing and asked for the staff
report. Principal Engineer Ed Wimmer presented the information
contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the
Community Development Department.
3. Chairman Quill asked if there were any questions of staff.
There being no questions of staff, the applicant, nor any public
comment, Chairman Quill closed the public participation portion
of the hearing.
4. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded
by Commissioner Daniels/Alderson to adopt Planning
Commission Resolution 2007-006 approving Street Vacation
2006-043, as recommended:
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Alderson, Barrows,
Engle, and Chairman Quill. NOES: None.
None. ABSTAIN: None.
A. Notice of Public Nuisance Case No. 2006-5204; a request of Jeffrey
S. and Ardis L. Manning for an appeal of a Public Nuisance regarding
the violation of a recreational vehicle encroaching on the City right-of-
Planning Commission Minutes
January 23, 2007 .
way without a permit, parking in a location not zoned for vehicular
parking, being improperly stored on a residential property, and a patio
cover that violates the exterior side yard setback for the property
located at 52-715 Avenida Navarro.
1 . Chairman Quill asked for the staff report. Staff asked the
Commission to continue this item to its meeting of February 13,
2. There being no discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Daniels/Alderson to continue Public Nuisance
Case No. 2006-52 to February 13, 2007. Unanimously
B. Sign Application 2006-1073; a request of Ultrasigns Electrical
Advertising for consideration of a business identification sign for
PETCO to be located on the north side of Highway 111, west of
Adams Street, within the One-Eleven La Quinta Shopping Center.
1 . Chairman Quill opened the public hearing and asked for the staff
report. Assistant Planner Yvonne Franco presented the
information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on
file in the Community Development Department.
2. Chairman Quill asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Engle asked why the applicant did not follow the
permit process. Staff clarified they installed the sign while
working with staff for approval. A double fee penalty will be
applied to the permit when issued.
3. Commissioner Alderson asked how far they were over the Code
requirement. Staff explained they have worked with applicants
to reach a norm that works.
4. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Quill asked
if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr.
Howard Hough, representing Ultrasigns Electrical Advertising,
apologized for circumventing the processing procedure and
explained how it happened. They would suggest removing the
logo to have 80 square feet.
5. Commissioner Daniels asked why they were moving the sign
down behind the tree. Mr. Hough stated the grooming
department is on the right side of the store.
Planning Commission Minutes
January 23, 2007
6. There being no further discussion or other public comment,
Chairman Quill closed the public participation portion of the
7. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded
by Commissioners Barrows/Daniels to adopt Minute Motion
2007-001, approving Sign Application 2006-1073, as
recommended. Unanimously approved.
C. Sphere of Influence - Riverside County SOI-R-02 Tentative Tract Map
34536-Joe Birdsell (County Application); Planning Commission review
and comment on a project proposed in the City's North Sphere of
Influence located at the southwest corner of Darby Road and Adams
1 . Chairman Quill opened the public hearing and asked for the staff
report. Principal Planner Wallace Nesbit presented the
information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on
file in the Community Development Department.
2. Chairman Quill asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Alderson asked if the 25 foot setback along
Darby Road and Adams Street was the rear yard. Staff stated
Starlight Dunes was originally approved by the City when the
zoning was similar to County standards. If this project were
proposed in the City, they would be required to widen the street
and have a 20-foot rear yard setback. Commissioner Alderson
asked the material to be used on the roof. Staff stated it is tile.
3. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Quill asked
if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr.
Douglas Birdsell, representing the applicant stated they were
available to answer questions. Mr. Art Gardner, engineer for
the project, stated the alleyway continuing east along Darby
Road will be redesigned with the development of the tract to
the north. It will be a T-intersection, but modified.
4. There being no further discussion or other public comment,
Chairman Quill closed the public participation portion of the
Planning Commission Minutes
January 23, 2007
5. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded
by Commissioner Daniels/Alderson to adopt Minute Motion
2007-002 confirming staff's recommendations.
A. Discussion regarding the Minor Use Permit process. Staff informed
the Commission that staff is preparing an Amendment to change this
B. Report on the City Council meeting of January 16, 2006.
C. Chairman Guill asked if the City was submitting a letter on the Avenue
62 project. Staff stated the City was submitting a letter and has
requested a copy of the traffic study.
D. Staff informed the Commission of the next Vista Santa Rosa
Community Workshop on February 3, 2007 at the La Guinta Senior
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Alderson/Daniels to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to a
regular meeting of the Planning Commission to be held on February 27, 2007. This
meeting of the Planning Commission was adjourned at 10:01 p.m. on January 23,
Respectfully submitted,
Bett wyer, Executive Secretary
City of La Guinta, California