ELEC (0006)r <y P.O. BOX 1504 - LA OUINTA. CALIFORNIA 92253 C�i� OF TAF•�� —I — – — _- - - ion &Me �1 .►rrry PI r .rr, w be" w►orrrMe r ,DaMorrO to 0 aNOO M 110 Stop t Kl MSID CDNI AACIORS Ot p ARAt01 1 e+aby ,R■. tllal I t1.. Seame6.r.l0e ra•w. el W Wrr f lu..••.■r•o•i .ae li o. 7®1 10 Dawn 3 of O. %~me ,no holno w. CaM. and my beim" . n 4i Iwta and s"MC I. -tat Cars Uc llamr DN Carar,cbr OMA I RfUtd R d G ARAlld1 1 IweOy ,R■m flus 1 bra ,.err•p'f Lpe tM Caw Mo lvme le. M M 101b.a1g ...a.," TIDI S awa%s and Prom►prN CaM Any toy r COVINIy whaA .eO%wn , p --d 10 mMtruC. Nlb. —P.O" &.04% r repea any sY altll■a. pro 10 a nwo-cs. also reourrn the stch"od le. wch pe—A to IM a ►.9•.0 al,lrwom Wt M e ketn►.m d pur5luto IM po•noru of IreComractors lain" Ca. (ehaplen f Ice..rn0-010 .in IMcl. low, of D••non 7 of fta &nems and Prolessw. 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But.nna aha 140'"" OM Cob" IM Conllaclds Lime la. ,uet hon ,oil IO an O.nrr, of popeny .M budds or rmpo.n ll..eon, and .1w doniudn .&I Ams111 o IhroupA� lin e.n rn�porref, pe. olid INI auch.mpro.rmrrllt ant no .nlrnlb.6 0 ohertd Io wec, R,wl•wrver. the bU`" in a ►010 .inn One yew W eOmpltl.On. the O.nr'-builo.l .ill havi IM bw'n i PO•uq that M 6� D..d r a.p.evr for 111 PWPOS4 Of 58113 [] I ON o.nw of She popeny. am eadullOwely eemnachng.Ah he.mt6 t:wlhadOrs to eont.■et IM prorso IS" 70K ropeut.n[» a.d helnsroa Cede The Conning iu-an, ,nt b IElnst Ca. soca not apply b an o.ro a n,'0 S ero LudEs a Nnpo.es lh. .Cis and .Ito fanUKU Ip such police► can , dOmtadpls) Lensed g-rM Comma 1.r•ne 1r.3 1 .m r.emDl canoe. Sec B t PC IAuacn Cen tratel O Date D.nn rm t0 srltnvve. v , w(ri.nl RS COUMWSAl10N DICLARAllDtt t hertDy a1h.m mat 1 t.a.r a Lr•LYUu o1 ears .r•ti.tar 01 wmsni Comprnvlpn tmwanct. p a unn.tO topy vis ,ol 1S,: 3hDO. tab C.) Fold we Company O Crno.0 copy n I- twhisned CD CI++r1+e aoDS n hoe .ie lt.t Loudly Bujto.np tnsKa•w• Depanmrnt v Lwmr In;.anmem m Dau__ _ Ac+l.0 .rV1.rANl '-�/'�� 7 Z-)-771/l� DATE CiI. rCOvu DNll •/SlA7eJZIP �t 22 /ADDRESSsPACE . toe SOL CO • /C(x•v DNIT T4T AT EQ IP BOK PAG PPC C lwN RNG SE S 1RACT LOT mOD SS TACT w.aE C—.[R -AE IL F. sal) C0�1RACTDR.FIR.. NAuE A^�F SS Pr;�Nf • l ICND • I Ij ARC.Lr.0 II..At N.uE .0rRESS C.ls•CC•••n Ur:OTS�%•lE Pc — LICNC F..CNk DSL CI FE" MIl FSB SSBISSB PSBOFC BLI ZON J—.-- L07 SZ END I SIDE ,CNE ORD • I I — CERIMICAIE OF 1111111"11011 Mlil MDRKIIG CDUPl w5AIlOw MSURAMCE 111 section rn0o net IN cy.rpleed R a pera ra O Ip Ok terr10red (Sten. I Ira! 1 earlAy IMI n IM pwtp lNnlR N Olr .p1 Ip .AOI IM pw ••••. ntueb. I =I hat amploy any Anson n41/1 nwrr W O 10 Oecorr. a.Nyaa b Ute Wpketi CompwnaYon Le.a N CaYlonla Vale Appraea - 11p110E 10 APPC1CA111: R. ,her —kwV this CutArsle of E■t+nptlm. Van fnwtb beca•nt ►ubtetl to 'mOhl wh., �i E.Onprhialton pro•rs.or. b Dle LAbr Cove. yep must IonA■dh oompy wflh suds povown I tis. P. 4114 be ft we revoked , pMew OF wOUSTwAL SAFETY PERMIT CIRl1FICAices:.. (1 1 h,,,by W1M that no eauralrm Iwa 01 IN awe IM it G01h Into w141,11 person a towkeo to 6escwd..e be e< on co.-ciwn .ah .ole alihnreed by Me pe—A and Lein 0 bVK& q suutllnre. scanolpnp. lalsrworh. ar Oflnolnpn o dnnlentl hg th reOt. Will be mere then IAny-au PBI Met KVh (Chap 72 Grp 2 An L 1ec 341--1 1111 A. C A.CJ OAa orne•-pnu0e. 1 .m not "toy anyone to b .otk .ACh .sob rto--I a pr.mA bom the Dr•n.on of Inoustnul ' y,1ely. as holeg above. unless au01 prison hu a p.mft to do such .pk Irom mal 6""C" D DAskih of Mduslni,l Sald�armA Ito Dau- \ `-7Applicant CDMSIRIICIIDN Ll LADING AC; MCY: I Mreby all.m MAL thee to a eonsbuelion Sending agency lot IM perimmaw Of 410 .C'k for .Acct INS ycr' is issued (Sec. 7097. Cow. C1 LMa'a Ma F �LenOet 11bares cv't•t1 Thal 1 have reab llia appliJlion and tole that 111 above Enlo m,lien a mnetl. 1 agree to comply .in an city arld county Or6nances and %late taws r*laing to budd.rnp COmhunIm. and hueq ""T"o"te leprsrnlal.•n of this evenly to enln upon the ,bore-mrnuoned pnoptny to msPeOwn pmpOMM. S.;rnalwt OF Apphcanl w Agent - Dalt' URIIFICAIE 01 CA4pEle NCE AND AUINDRIIAIIDN Of MAY. I certify 1 hart Lead this a0pl.canon ane Silt Tial the ,nio—al.on p..rn n eared I Agntt to comply/wr111 all Late s an p�my pdinanen rrlainq to 1v1b.•q eon snuci.on, and sulnnowe a rw,rscnlalNe7OLIN ..kfr,.// oyGA���/�'gint t Bm1O1 and .a41y lO nln up_ w,e,pioprny for which f ha•rf aD bed Idr/tAs perm✓fon Inc pinpose 01 mak 0'* ins Y /S� ..atm[ o�f ApDLpnl o Agent / Dau / ��el✓'ST- Ilanlv�(ac FDG_ r�in6,( K. SR'LT2rrl/in_4 pant ADol.Can/Aden Kam* APPL.•PRr.1T • pS DATE TOTAL FEE SCHLECHT, SHEVLIN & SHOENBERGER JAMES M. SCHLECHT A LAW CORPORATION AREA CODE 619 JOHN C. SHEVLIN LAWYERS TELCPHONE. 320-7161 JON A. SHOENBEIRGER JOEL S. MILIEAND POST OFFICE BOX' 1906 DANIEL T. JOHNSON BOI EAST TAHOUITZ-MCCALIUM WAY. SUITE 100' 1N REPLY REFER TO JOSEPH A. Glees - PALM ;SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA 92263-1906 KIPP IAN LYONS - /�^-- _ _ ''z April 5, 1983 /-�X�. x 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Kulander 1 P. o. 6- r7o'4 I `` _ c T Gates, C a l i' f Q 5 2 Q: S&.�:N N 1 YA 1 e, AFI . '1 4,0, V., Dear Mr. and Mrs. Kulander:-\) .This office represents Dr. and Mrs. David H. Stoltzman with regard to the real.property.located at 51-100 Avenida Navarro, La Quinta, California; which they purchased from you in August 1982. You are hereby notified that within.the lasttw.o weeks Dr. and Mrs. Stoltzman.have become aware of a number of serious con- struction defects affecting the very integrity of the apart- ment building which they purchased from you. A review of the building.by general contractors has.revealed serious`problems with the exterior stucco;; file roof;.electrica.l'systems and wiring; air conditioning systems and ducting; and,'general leaking problems especially at the stairways. A very conser- vative estimate of the cost to repair these problems is $45,000.00.' However, it is fully expected that the actual cost of repair will be well in excess of that amount since it is unknown at this time the exact magnitude of the interior structural problems. Additionally, most contra ctors'contacted regarding this matter .either,re,fused com.pletely.to perform the. work because`of"th'e` ature'afid`'seriousness of the defects, or will only proceed on a time and material basis leaving the .ultimate:cost uncertain. While my .clients do not at this time know exactly the'.reason for all the problems, the result is a building which is essentially falling apart. The outside stucco is pealing away.from the frame and suffering large cracks. The building leaks profusely and the interior framework is threatened with warpage and destruction. IIn sum, the.problems are enormous., expensive to correct and threaten to make the building uninhab- itable -within a very short time. My clients are receiving notices from the'City of La Quinta to immediately.perform. certain repair work-. T1C9CLED TO FILE COPY .HLECHT, SHEVLIN & JENBERGER A .LAW CORPORATION LAWYERS Mr. and Mrs. Kulander April 5, .1983' Page Two 1 Itis clear that under California law you have liability for the negligent workmanship of your contractor, J. L.. Johnson. The defects which are described in this letter are contractor negligence problems. If my clients proceed to repair the building in the manner in which.it should.be repaired you would be responsible for all of their out-of-pocket repair costs, loss of income during the repair process, other re.' lated.expenditures, and, if necessary, court costs and possi bly attorneys' fees. The total liability may-be.anywhere_from $45,000.00 to $100,000.00. Further, based on recent investigation, Dr. and'Mrs.-Stoltzman reasonably believe at the time you sold the building to'them_ you were aware of some, if not all,.of the.problems they have recently discovered. If this is the case, then'any legal action which may be necessary to secure my'clients' rights,would include.a request for substantial punitive damages. .. Based on the foregoing, my clients hereby rescind the agreement to purchase the property and hereby offer to immediately restore to you title to the property. ,A copy of an executed Grant Deed which I am holding in my file conveying the property to you is enclosed herewith. The rescission is based on fraud, mistake and failure of consideration. .Demand is hereby made that you restore to my.clients everything of value -given by.them.to you, plus all damages suffered.in carrying, maintaining and improving the.property, and attorneys' fees and.othe.r costs incurred in effecting this rescission, less rents•received, in the total sum of $27,966:29. Your Cashiers Check in that amount is demanded within ten (10) days of the date of this letter. Upon receipt:of that check, I will immediately forward to you the originally executed Grant Deed for recording.'. It is further demanded that you immedi- ately contact the holder of the First Deed of. Trust, United Savings (formerly Coachella Valley Savings & Loan Association) and assume tha.t.loan. It is also demanded that you return my clients' Promissory Note given to you in the principal sum of.$48,9.90.13 marked "Cancelled," If within ten days you have not sent your Cashiers Check, assumed the loan at United Savings and returned my.clients' Promissory Noted marked "Cancelled," we will immediately commence litigation CHT, SHEVLIN S. JENBERGER A LAW CC --;?ORATION .-LAWYERS .. Mr. and Mrs. .Kula:nder April 5,. 1983. ® ..Page Three to secure'my clients' rights., together.with an action for damages for repairs, and -a claim for punitive damages for fraud. All attorneys' fees and court costs incurred in purr suing.that litigation will also be sought... You.are hereby put,.. on.notice that your failure to resolve this matter at once by returning my clients' money, assuming the loan, and returning the Promissory Note may result in greater damage to. my clients, t including loss of credit rating if the First goes into .default. All such damages will, be:vigoro.usly puraued': - :- You will receive no further correspondence in this matter prior to this office commencing litigation. Yours very truly, JOEL S. MILIBAND JSM:cp cc:. Dr. and Mrs. David H..Stoltzman RE: Inspection at 51-100 Avenida Navarro, La Quints, CA 92253 Dear Ids. Stolzman: ` Pursuant to your request, ' an inspection was. 'msde at- the address above. _ on January 12, 1983. The following wiolatione were noted: :. 1. All roof -mounted water heaters were noted as being in ; violation of the National Electric Code,. Art. 300-15, ;which states, 7A boa shall be installed at .each conductor;..::.:::`;` '. . splice connect 20' All roof-ffionnted. Water heater8 dere` noted to .be in 4 ,'.violation of the Uniform Plumbing'Code,.Sec. 1007.G'& B, _ :.:.: - : which states pressure relief valves must drain to the outside'oftthe building, not more than two -Peet above.. ` aor six -inches below the ground pointing downward. These violations must * be corrected within` ten, days of receipt, of this letter: F` A plumbing permit is required and may beobtainedat the La Quinta Civic Center. If we may be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to call. Very truly yours, Phil Coggin' Building df ficial PC:dmv MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. 'BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 T H' E C_ I -T. Y 0. F ♦ W* AL mcuinta 1982- 1 ��2 Ten Carat Decade August 12, 1992 RE: 51-100 Navarro #-2 : ' .n To Whom.It May Concern: A special inspection was done on the above ref erencedY address today. The findings were as follows: '. 1: 1 The drywall is falling in the Yiathroom ceiling.- -There is some. - water.damage,to-the wood ceiling joists as well. 2. -,-'The plumbing -leak appears to be fixed, however, the;wood and - drywall problems still exist. 3. The bathroom is a hazard due to exposed electrical and ceiling continuing to fall; this should be corrected immediately. It would be recommended to,repair the ceiling by adding new 2'x 4 joists to existing 2 x 10 and nail ceiling drywall to new .2 k 4. Should you have any questions, please -do not hesitate to .contact me,.`yry- Sincerely•, BUILDING AND SAFETY DEPARTMENT Lonnie Da Building Inspector I ~ Tom Hartung .' Director -of Building and Safety- ,. `. ;�, � `.w:e..t 'ri`i`' ;•.• , ,. . /lc • t"T 2c� ; > i t 'x =- G,1.a \ l� (r i ';�'-`•• iw -�• t w (• d lR:.t i 5 .;`i TYCr;fi .4• a AJ, r Y t 7 j f r s � z .u,,. •..;. � v .f � h i�="l w.'• :�f"' l� L+a i 1 _.133tic ,� 'W' �'„-1 .. City of La Quinta ;- Post Office Box 1504. ♦ 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, California 92253 Phone (619) 564--2246, Fax (619);5'64-'5617 Design & Production: Mark Palmer Design, 619.346-0772 ceih, 4 4a " 78-105 CALLE ESTADO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564.2246 August 8, 1.986 John Kulander P.O, Box 70415 Sunnyvale, CA 94086 To Yhom.It.May Concern: Regarding my letter dated April 1,1986, item #4 concerning GFI circuits, it was intended to suggest that the GFI circuits were not operating properly and needed to be replaced or repaired. It was not intended to suggest that the circuits were never present. Very truly yours, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION Tom Hartung Chief Building Inspector TH:psn MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 I. c� KLATCHKO & "KLATCHKO LINOA STEARNS KLATCHKO, PHILIP S. KLATCHKO - April 2', 1986 ATTORNEYS AT LAW - PROFESSIONAL PARK, SUITE 3 177 SOUTH CIVIC D,RIVE PALM SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA 52262 TELEPHONE (SIS) 320-7878 James Longtin;_ City Attorney Ci of 'LaQuintar'' P. -O. Box 1504 LaQuinta, CA 92253 RE:. Real°Property located at..51-100 Navarro La Quinta, CA Dear Mr. Longtin: This correspondence shall constitute my declaration concerning the above referenced'property.and confirm our.telephone,con- ference of April 1, 1986.. All statements herein are true and. correct of my -'own knowledge.and if called upon to. testify in court I would so affirm. Pursuant' to deed of trust on the above refer.enced,property, a copy of which is in your possession,.John L. Kulander and Karen E. Kulander have exercised their right's and -have become mortgagees in possession..: Attached hereto and.made a part hereof.is a photo- copy -.of notice.dated February.2'7, 1986,-which.was.delivered to all tenants as well as the legaL,�owner:Christopher M. Hayden and Kendra D. Hayden. Said change in possession has occurred without a breach of the peace and with -the full acquiescence of Mr. and Mrs. Hayden. As I indicated to.you on the telephone'at the time of the change in possession Mr: Hayden had been. -in the process'of.prosecuting an unlawful detainer proceeding against two of the tenants of the_.buildi'ng,.Rudy Gomez and. Helen Gomez. Attached hereto and made a part hereof is a photocopy of -the substitution of attorney signed by Mr. Hayden's attorney Glenn R.•Travis whose address is as follows:. 120.0`Arizona Street, No. A-12, Redlands, California:, In that case an amendment of'plaintiff was ordered by the court stating that John `L Kulander and. Karen E.• Kulander are the�'real.parties in interest and successors to plaintiff Christopher M. Hayden and ultimately a judgment was entered in favor •of Kulander. Page 2 Mr. Longtin April 2, 1986 Also enclosed is a.photocopy of the Notice of Default and Election to Sell under Deed'of Trust which Mr. and Mrs. Kulander caused to be recorded commencing foreclosure pro- ceedings on the Hayden property. Ticor Title Insurance Company of.California is the Trustee and reference is made to the San Jose office, attention Claudia Nichols on,the document. As of the date of this correspondence I have.been unable to obtain written confirmation from Mr. & Mrs. Hayden authorizing your issuance of a permit to Mr. Kulander to commence repair work on the property. 'Pursuant to.our discussion you will give Hayden and his attorney a minimum period of notice within which to opposerthe issuance of a permit if they have any grounds therefor. As I have indicated.to you it is Kulander's position that asmortgagee in possession Kulander has all of the rights and obligations -of the owner and that your permit should issue forthwith. If I ultimately,am-.able to.,obtain written authorization from.Hayden or if.I have any additional information I will contact you immediately. I would request that you pro- vide me with a courtesy copy of any notice sent to Hayden so that my file will be complete on this matter. Thanking you'for your continued courtesy and cooperation, I remain, Sincerely yours, KLATCHKO & KLATCHKC PHIP S. KLATCHKO PSK/jef cc: Mr. Kulander I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct and that this document was.executed on April 2, 1986, at Palm Springs, California.` PHILIP S. KLATCFi?C6 4 44 78-105 CALL'E ESTADO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 (619) 564-2246 = April 1, 1986 Chris:Haden 17332 Irvine Blvd.,.Suite 105. Tustin, CA 92680 SUB=: Notice of Order to Vacate 51-100 Avenida Navarro, Lot 19 and southerly 21' of lot 20, Block 122, Unite #14 Santa Carmelite at Vale La Quinta' Map Book pages 82 and 83 of Riverside County Dear Mr. Hayden: The following conditions have been determined to be substandard and render the above mentioned property dangerous: 1. Smoke detectors are not operable. 2. Roof leaks in a number of areas. 3.. Roof drains not maintained properly.' 4. Bathroom outlets are not on GFI circuit. 5. Stairs are structurally substandard and do.not have required handrails. 6. Bedroom windows do not meet sill height requirements. 7. Electrical throughout .the buildingis not maintained in a safe condition. 8. Flooring adjacent to bathtubs is deteriorated and must be replaced. 9. The exterior plaster system is inadequate and does not provide suitable weather protection. The above conditions must be remedied as soon as possible and work shall Wince not to exceed 30 days from this order. Permits shall be secured prior to commencement of work and work to be complete within'30 ;days .of permit issuance. The upper two units must be vacated within 30 days in order to replace the stairways as per item,# 5., These units will be posted as being unsafe to occupy by the building official. Pat Hayden April 1, 1.986 Page 2 If work is -not commenced within the above mentioned time frame the remainder of the building will be ordered vacated and posted to prevent occupancy until the work is completed. Any person having any record.title or legal -interest in this building may appeal this order to the Housing Advisiory and Appeals Board in writing to the Building Official within 30 -days of this order— Failure to do so will constitute a waiver of all rights to an administrative hearing and determination -of the matter. Very truly yours: COMMUNITY, DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION �c�yi1 Tom Hartung Chief Building Inspector TH/psn CC: John Kulander A futher inspection after March 6, 1986 as indicated, the. only condition of importance ,were those stated in the April 1, 1986 letter which:supersedes completely the March 6 letter No.structual problems were found resulting from the old exterior siding, with the new siding in place the building is now sound. Additional explantion of the April 1, 1986 Item 2,, 19 Visual inspection of roof.shows no problems,:except-missing roof tiles.Roof leaks are i.1) determined from internal ceiling 'stain . So" Leaks=due -t probaly missing_'_ tiles and 9 clogged "drains. f P 4. G.F.I. are in place. 5. The substandard condition seems to have resuled.from water leaking through the steps. 7. 6 f �� The electrical problems are of,a very.ninor nature consisting of missing wall plates and 6'36 plugs.. " L 8. . L� The upstairs apartments where ordered vacated.because the stairs where not maintained /G in a safe condition. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 KLATCHKO & KLATCHKO AT)'ORNEYS AT LAW PROFESSIONAL PARK. SUIT[ 3 177 SOUTH CIVIC DRIVE PALM SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA 92262 (619) 320-7878 Attorneys for plaintiff MUNICIPAL COURT COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE F DESERT.JUDICIAL;DISTRICT CHRISTOPHER Pd. HAYDEN, General Partner) CASE NO. 15838 (Indio) ) . -Plaintiff, ) SUBSTITUTION OF ATTORNEY ) vs ) ) RUDY GOMEZ, HELEN GOMEZ, ) Defendants.) Plaintiff hereby substitutes KLATCHKO & KLATCHKO as attorne - of record in place and stead of Glenn R. Travis. Dated 3 JOHN L. KULAND�-R, eal Party.'. n nt re t and Successor to Plaintiff Christopher M. Hayden BY PHILIP S. KLATCHKO Attorney in Fact Dated KAREN'E. KULAND , R al Party in �,t r st and Successor to,Plaintiff-Christopher M. Hayden BY: PHILIP S. KLATCHKO Attorney.in Fact , - I-• 'may' t.�c`'1 1 ,�' .• 1 I HEREBY CONSENT TO THE AI30VE SUBSTITUTION.. r Dated GLENN R. TRAVIS 4 5,kBovE SUBSTITUTION ACCEPTED. y� 6 ated KLATCHKO & RLA - By.. 8 HILI. S. KLATCHKO .. 9 10 :. 12 13 4 , 14' 15 16 17 18 19,;. 20 1 21 22 fsfi 23 �}f 24 � •.: �,• , 25 26 - 27 28 (LATCHKO 81 KLATCHKO h •-s k :''{ �' �' ATTORNEYS AT LAW- PROFESIONAL PARK - t. SUITE 9 177 SOUTH CIVIC DRIVE - •; PALM SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA 52262 (714) 820-7878.�< - - `. RLf1?'cRKc) A L ,�-c S P A[ rr G -E q_1 78-105 CALLE ESTADO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 (619) 564.2246 7v Hvz►�au�2 March 6, 1986 5b A, NY v t -E c.Yo 6 Lfo 8- -7 3d Chris Haden 17332 Irvine Blvd., Shite 105 Tustin, CA 92680 A FC N "T SLIBTE7Cr: Compliance Survey at 51-100 Avenida Navarro w E-°'' T L L- 6- s Dear Mr. Haden L �A�f�A Q U N T A This letter is a followup to the compliance survey on the above 5-6 _ 3 S. noted address which was done on February 18, 1986. t The following item's were found to be substandard and a safety hazard to the occupants of the building. 1. Smoke detectors do not work. 2 Roof leaks in a number of areas. 3. Roof drains are not installed or maintained properly. 4. All bathroom GFI's to be repaired. S. Stairs are unsafe and do not have the required handrails. 6. Bedroom windows do net meet the sill height requirement. 7.: Electrical throughout the buildings is not maintained in a safe,condition. 8.- Floors in bathrooms need to be repaired. The wood is rotten due to water from the bathtubs. 9. The building itself appears to have some structural problems. This is due to the exterior covering of the building failing to keep rainwater from leakinq to the inside of the walls. 10. Exterior covering is to be removed to allow the Building Department to make a better determination as to the structural integrity of the building. This may require a structural engineer to review and make reoanrendations concerning the structural adequacy of the buildinq. 11. The exterior of the building will need to have an approved covering to protect it from the weather. 12. This building is unsafe and is hereby ordered vacated as'soon as possible. MAILING -ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 March 6, 1986 Page 2 13. Additional items may be added to this list pending canpliance with Item 10. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact this office. Very truly yours, CCMMITY DEVEMPM NST DEPARIIMERr BUILDING DIVISION Tom Hartung Chief Building Inspector TH/psn CC: John and Karen Kulander Jim Cathcart r International Conference of Building Officials RESEARCH COMMITTEE REPORT VPSON ALL WEATHER PANELS, ALL WEATHER F/S-C PANELS, SIDING PANELS, TRIM-BILT AND PLOWED FASCIA THE UPSON COMPANY bTEVENS STREET LOCKPORT, NEW YORK 14094 1. Subject: Upson All Weather Panels, All Weather F/S-C Panels, &ding Panels, Trim-Bilt and Plowed Fascia. 11. Description: Upson All Weather Panels: All Weather Panels are six -ply laminated %-inch-thick wood fiberboard with widths up to 8 feet and lengths up to 24 feet. The All Weather Panels are an alternate to the bracing specified in Sec- tion 2518 (g) 5 of the Uniform Building Code and may be used at an allowable design shear load of 130 plf, provided the height -to -width ratio of the panels does not exceed one. The panels may be attached to stud4 spaced not more than 16 inches on center when 6 -penny cement -coated nails are used. The panels may be attached to studs spaced I either 16 or 24 inches on center when No. 16 gauge, ''/,.-inch crow I , 'nch-long aorrosion-resistant staples are used. The nails or staple are aced inches on center at all panel edges and 6 inches on center in edia supports. A full -height vertical row of fasteners spaced 3 in es o ce er is provided at each side of openings. Two-inch nominal blo in- stalled between studs to provide for nailing at all panel edges. The fastener edge distance at vertical studs is to be of I th . inch and not less than % inch at the top and bottom plates. The panels may be attached to studs spaced not mor t an nches on center with Upson Concealed Fasteners spaced1 inch n nter at in- termediate supports and No. 11 gauge, I -' ch- galv nized (corrosion -resistant) roofing (asphalt shingle) n s pac 3 inc s on center around panel edges, including window and d o ings. The All Weather Panels may be used for an extent ish for fits poach ceilings and carport ceilings and are suppli in o of thr u ac finishes: plain, primed or factory prefini d. ex rior w II p'c - dons an approved weatherboarding is in d o e p th t the need for a waterproof building paper. Upson All Weather F/S-C Panels: Thean s are s e I Weather Panels except that they are ire ed 't ire-reta a c Ica to obtain a Class ell rating. The %-i - 'Ck minated u plied in widths up to 8 feet d leng s to 4 feet. The p els re - lendeed for use as Class Il in for -all a ceiling f ish ter Zeeccified in Chapter 42 of e c e. nel are avail wit a "plain, �� ctory-primed or factory -pr anis d p 'n d or vinyl ac . Ap- ication is by No. a st les 'th inimum %-inc rown d 1 - ch legs. Spacing is in on ent intermediate s u s and a ax- inum of 6 inches alon he pa el r. Upson Siding Panels: onsists of 4- ot- and 8-toot-wi panels which are available in various It hs. Atta ment is provided by means of 6 - penny galvanized nails or No. a corrosion -resistant staples with a . inch crown and I %-inch legs spa d 6 inches on center on intermediate supports and 3 inches around all ges of the panels. The panels are in- Report No. 10 November, IS stalled so that the long dimension of the %-inch panels runs parallel to top and bottom plates. The long dimension of the '/,.-inch and %-i panels may run either parallel or perpendicular to the top and bot Pates. Batten strips I% inches wide are applied over all studs. Stud sl ing shall not exceed 16 inches on center when panels are applied direct) studs. When panels are applied over wood or other sheathing which prov the required racking strength, the stud spacing shall not exceed 24 inc on cent . Up n Trim-Bilt and Plowed Fascia: These are used for cornice, fas rake nd corner boards or in lieu.of trim millwork. These products In ated in nominal thicknesses of '/, inch and % inch, using exte de adhesive. Trim -Bill is available in 6 -inch, 8 -inch, 10 -inch and widths by 12 and 16 feet long. Plowed Fascia is available in 6-i 8 -inch widths by 16 feet long. Attachment is provided by means c F penny corrosion -resistant casing head nails with. two nails being driver to the end of each rafter or truss member. The maximum span shall exceed 24 inches. When Trim -Bill is used for cornice, rake or coi boards, nails'should be staggered along both edges on 8 -inch centers. Limned One-hour Fire -resistive Interior Wall: This nonload-bea Will consists of nominal 2- by 4 -inch wood studs spaced 16 inches anter with mineral wool insulation in the stud cavity. The wall is facec each side with a double layer of ''%-inch-thick Upson board insta without joints and the wall is limited to 8 feet in height. The construo is as follows: The 2 by 4 wood studs spaced 16 inches on center are tached to the 2 by 4 plates; single sill plate on the bottom and double plate. The first layer of %-inch Upson F/S-C board is secured to the si with I X -inch -long 6 -penny corrosion -resistant coated box nails locate feet on center around the perimeter wall and at midheight of each sl The second layer of F/S-C wallboard is fastened with 2% -inch -lone penny corrosion -resistant coated box nails located 3 inches on ce around the perimeter and 6 inches on center at intermediate studs. Th Inch -thick 15 -inch -wide by 4 -foot -long mineral wool batts have a 4 density and have no vapor barrier facing. The bates are friction fit tween studs and supported by N9.13 gauge galvanized steel wire rods itches long manufactured by Tiger Teeth, Inc. Rod supports are loc. 18 inches from the top and bottom of the wall and 6 inches on each sid the insulation butt joint. The enclosing double layers of Upson F/ board are nailed as described previously. Identification: Each panel is marked with the words "All Weai Panels." The product name is also on bundling tapes. 111. Evidence Submitted: Application instructions, physical propen racking and permeability tests, and nail withdrawal tests', shear to Same -spread test and fire -resistive assembly tests hove been submitted Findings IV. Findings: That the Upson All Weather Panels, All Weather F/ hnels. Siding Panus, Trim -Bill and Plowed Fascia are alternate meth of construction to those specified in the Uniform Building Code, pro ed they are installed in accordance with this report. This report is subject to annual re-examination. Pape 1 LINDA STEARNS KLATCHKO' PHILIP S. KLATCHKO FEBRUARY.•.26, TENANTS IN POSSESSION 51-100 Navarro La Quinta, CA 92253 RE: Payment of Rent KLATCHKO & KLATCHKO ATTORNEYS.AT LAW PROFESSIONAL PARK, SUITE 3 177 SOUTH CIVIC DRIVE PALM SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA 92262 DEMAND is hereby made that all rents currently or hereafter due arising out of your tenancy at the above referenced property shall be paid directly to Gwen Jiles, 77955 Calle Tampico, Suite A, La Quinta, CA 92253 (telephone, home: 564-3582; work: 564-3151), agent and property manager for the under- signed.. Pursuant to that certain Long Form All Inclusive Purchase'Money Deed Of Trust And Assignment Of Rents recorded October 28, 1983, at Book 1983, Page 224236, records of Riverside'County, California, your landlord Christopher M. Hayden and Kendra D. Hayden have granted as additional security, the right, power, and authority to the undersigned to collect rents, issues, and profits of the property referenced above during any period of default by the Haydens of the All Inclusive Purchase Money Promissory Note secured by said Long Form All Inclusive Purchase Money Deed Of Trust And Assignment Of Rents. Your landlords are currently in default thereof and pursuant to said Assign- ment of Rents, all current and future payments of rent are to be made as directed in this correspondence. Please note that the undersigned is entitled to receive said rents and that any future payment made to Hayden or Hayden's,agent Desert Property Managers (Jim Capecart) is improper. -and will not be deemed due payment of rent for the unit of which you are a tenant. You must make all future payments to the agent of the undersigned, Gwen Jiles, at the address and telephone number referenced above. Any questions concerning this notice may be directed to Philip S. Klatchko attorney for the undersigned, at the address and telephone.number referenced on the letterhead of this notice. o ,PROJECT SHEET NO. sTA,Rs R.Go". STRUCTURAL JOB NO. ITEM DAT ENGINEERING ENGEN¢R 2s -gam Lo®o S a APR 25 1986 L oA is s evpf ESS/p�, b. r C37 T. L. S F .. �P91 civic E OF CA`�FO L 2 -I 300 elS�ti,f7 M z 5,4 2 Z M G �� 2 n, CITY O LA QUINTA U c� �• Community DeFecp��e,t1��g. Dept. CONFull .9 ...r.SUg)ICd` TO INSTALLATION AS PER i AN®_AjX.A" LICARL ®®ES , +'r ®ATE BY PROJECT SHEET NO. �7TA//L S Zoe JOB NO. B. U sl, 1+0 ITEM t DATE ENGINEERING ENGINEER �pf ESSli GOTT. �F c 33007 • i cif CIVIL Soo (&.(0'1) aM l�. 2 9lF OF CA1-\0�� n � o S t- �, 5� 8.3�'2� = q'.'i1 /� �' 9.32 �•��'' ip 1 PROJECT SHEET N0. Sri, 2 S.3 oG B.G. STRUCTURAL j JOB N0 ITEM ENGINEERING ENGINE ZS.gts t - t r N s Op . 2 o °p W Z r W S N p Z m W W Z Q Z O W U c U W � cc Q W CD � 5 W Z Lu . H CO3 C'. N s . 2 � U U W � , CD � 5 W a N ,zi,L 1D saB5V?J -,l s . 2 ,zi,L 1D saB5V?J -,l • �-� hDRO.Nc. R LOI csl LO P Y A ^ •tir.�r�RO►fyt31� -, -,T• E ImSeRANCI _,�,-_y —AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO j Ticor Title Insurance Company of California 110 hest Taylor Stree_T.. ,TWEET San Jose Ct1 9S110 CITY 6 STATE._- Attn: Claudia Nicho'is SJ' 16-525517 l _ R ,k_ {,^- .'I J"'�;r^'-`.�-_�.�.-ter •"r"..i.+� _. _ ,',,,� .,..-. �ra�// Tip7ecord C' J i °�,� ocumPnt on5986 No•c ~arid 43840. �Y//I�,11 ! .• • RIVE ci�E u0U r ^R. •°rO�NIA - Notice^of Default and Election to Sell lander Deed of Trust IMPORTANT. NOTICE 'IF YOUR PROPERTY IS IN FORECLOSURE BECAUSE YOU ARE BEHIND IN YOUR PAYMENTS, IT MAY BE SOLD WITHOUT ANY COURT ACTION, and you may have the legal right to t)ringyour account in good standing by paying all of your past due payments plus' permitted -costs and expenses' within the time permitted bylaw for rein- statement of your account, which is normally five business days prior to the date set for the sale of your property. No sale date may be set until three months from the da -[e this , notice of default may be recorded (which date of recordation appears on this notice). This amount is $3,077.30 flus estitlt: te:! Ci �• anJ exf)cal.ses ZIS of ?- -8�; lDatai y' and will increase until your account becomes current. You may not have to pay the entire unpaid portion of your account, even though full payment was demanded, but you must pay the amount, stated above. However, you and your beneficiary' or mortgagee may mutually agree in writing prior to the time the.notice of sale is posted (which may riot tie' . earlier than the end of the three-month period stated above) to, among other'things, (I) provide additional time in which to cure the default by transfer of the property or other- wise; or (2) establisha schedule of payments M order to cure your default;orboth (1 ! and (2). Following the expiration of the time period referred to in the first paragraph of this notice, unless the obligation being foreclosed upon or a separate written agreement between', ;, you and your creditor permits a longer period, you have only the legal right to stop'the Sale of your property by paying the entire amount demanded by your creditor. To find out the amount you must r � y pay; or to arrange for payment to stop "the fore- closure, or if your property is In foreclosure for any other reason contact: John Kulander and Karen Kvlander, P.�).. !io?; 7,0415, Sunni/vale, CA -94056 Njan-te of beneficiary or- mortgagee) ilMaiiing address) (Telephonei If you have any questions, you should contact a Lawyer or the government agency. 'vvh•ich may have insured your loan. ^ Notwithstanding the fact that your property is in foreclosure,., you may offer your property for sale, provided the sale is concluded prior to the conclusion of the foreclosure. Remember, YOU MAY LOSE LEGAL RIGHTS IF YOU DO NOT TAKE PROMPT -ACTION. Y NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TICOR TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY of CALIFORNIA. a t:urporation !wmerly'Ti;Ie In5u:8nE I ani! Tr;:•,t Lo isduly appointed Trustee Linder a Deed of Trust dale] October :L3 , .1983-' x'''=",II''! I'y (}it"1St0):)}ler �•1. Hayden and Kendra D. Hayden, husband and wife - - - aS TrU,t;r, !U SP:-nI• fr•r t;lur':)hl'jdiirrri5 infavor of John'Kuland er' and Karen,.•Kulander•-, ;husband and laife,.a, i .a`oint tenants M 1 1 as Imnetic, ry recorded 10-28-83 as instru224236 1983 I)dq` ?24236' Ment no. bnok; - uI till, nt.!:c:l• �r! Ihr ' Recorder of Riidt _ Cuu.^nr Riverside y; - . :, r Cahlurnia. descr:h'nq'land � therein _ -- a L- - ,did >Ert.y,t io';5 Including one note for the Orl(;lnal .trnl o! S 200', 000. OG. t (all-inclusive) that the beneficial interest under such Deed of Trust and the oblig<:I:ons.secutf,(! !ht•r;)tiy all, present.I.y.i1r{J,by aht•,undr:rsiq, ,.1, twat :r breach of, and default in, the obligations for which such_Deed;of-Trusnor st iS'Culy'I1dS occrvd'in that paymi�ni liI ds !,Ire;' -,,,Je c,t ___Monthly --installment' of"i.ilterest due January 23, 1986 at' $1,91.6.67 ane! ''al.:i.' subsequent monthly installments r'and advance m'nde by the Berleficiar'. . e —.fi Ilk payment of delinquency on the Real }-state.Ta-xes ' a At r t+:. .'..- 1 !r�tr. ),,. •.'„ �. /� '' .F r.Il ttYt G t �,, - pLyy.'., �, ,t, Ir ..• E -� - �.• t. that tiv reason Ithereot, the undersrgnea prose. bene iii, 1%, .n ter ,such f)ef 1 U1 Trust }I 75 E'Y. P_CUttd'd nd rr! I t'r E') lOr�e+�CiUfy aji-;' pointed 'Trustee,',a vvnrten Declaratren of Default and (�,, rnd tt r0"jdle, d : ',o rJ.t Nrsrted w101 Sara duly d r)I)v �n r t C1 - Ti i,,jep bSlJ;;f Deed of Trust and all documents evidencing obligations secured rhereh�.ranri hd, ,,.lared and ciues'hereby at.c!are alL 5,)m; Secured triereby'immediately'due and -payable and has elecieani' dries hI rel;,. vi,Vct , :'a,s: ISI? Post propel 1Y t6 hEe,suI'd'! I"'; sat:st,y the , obli ations secured thereby.! y T n , s:. „, • THIS NOTICE MUST BE RECORDED BY TIGOR ,TITLE -INSURANCE COMPANY OF. CALIF60NIA. FORNIERLY TITLE � J Ohn 'I, LI ] �„n6 e :r INSURANCE AND TRIJST COM^Argy. j ' .. _ _ c� f T�_ r ' `+3rd* --. -- r-•---- ,'.. .y '.S l .i� i yl i,"i; C.,.4. .� 1 i:. '�.K A s {�iAa� int 1 L � � M I� , � - .. .. ..x - ,_ - ` � _ — ,--- y—+ y—J..� �-- it S -r ! %�#. it- - ��, ri �;� t• ,. `l wo p V G1'N U� Z Z Y ta O u SPECIAL POWER OF ATTORNEY Ui � oioe.i We, JOHN^and KAREN KULANDER , of Los Gatos Santa Clara County, California, hereby appoint GWENDOLYN J. JILES.•.,.,.:,- of La Quinta _� Riverside County, California, as our attorney in fact for the following purposes: 1. The authority of the within appointed attorney in fact to exercise any.powers herein granted shall remain in full force.and effect until revoked by written notice given to and received by our attorney. 26 To undertake recovery of the title to and.possession of certain property owned by us and described as follows: .51-100 Navarro 2746 Bahada La Quinta, CA Palm Springs, CA 54-700 Herrera j307 Joyce. La Qunita, CA Palm Springs, CA_ 54-640 Diaz 2191 West Acacia La Quinta,'CA Palm Springs, CA. 79-380 Avenue #42 13-.180 Cuando Bermuda Dunes, CA, Desert.Hot Springs; CA 31-635 Whispering.Palms Trail 66-753 San Rafael Palm'Springs, CA, Desert,;Hot Springs, CA 31-470 Whispering .Palms Trail 66-876 Mission Lakes Blvd. Palm Springs, CA Desert Hot.Springs, CA 31-685 E1 Pueblo 65-710 S;'.%,� -more Palm Springs, CA Desert Hot Springs; CA it 93=95 Escorial Desert Hot Springs, CA - 13 -880 Hildago'. .Desert Hot Springs, CA 13-845 Hildago Desert Hot Springs, CA 13-59.0 Cactus 82-490 Doolittle' Indio, CA 82-506 Doolittle Indio, CA 92-626 Doolittle Indio, CA Desert Hot Springs, CA 3. To institute in our name such actions and proceedings as to our attorney shall deem necessary and proper for the recovery of the.possession of the subject property, and for any and all damages which our attorney may consider recoverable 4. To recover any defect or.defects to'prosecute or defern subject property and to employ counsel to prosecute or defend or assist in prosecuting or defending any such, actions and proceedings. 5.- To compromise, settle, or adjust in such.manner and on such basis as seem to be to our best interest, any actions, proceedings, or other controversies involving -the subject property. 6. To ask for,,demand,.sue for, collect, recover, and receive all moneys which may become due and,owing or which are due and owing as back rent, damages, injury to the subject property, or others sums due resulting from the rental of the �. subject property. 7. To sue and prosecute in our names or,otherwise;in any court, and in the manner by him deemed most advisable, the party or parties -for such possession, back rent, injury . Vl i O it 93=95 Escorial Desert Hot Springs, CA - 13 -880 Hildago'. .Desert Hot Springs, CA 13-845 Hildago Desert Hot Springs, CA 13-59.0 Cactus 82-490 Doolittle' Indio, CA 82-506 Doolittle Indio, CA 92-626 Doolittle Indio, CA Desert Hot Springs, CA 3. To institute in our name such actions and proceedings as to our attorney shall deem necessary and proper for the recovery of the.possession of the subject property, and for any and all damages which our attorney may consider recoverable 4. To recover any defect or.defects to'prosecute or defern subject property and to employ counsel to prosecute or defend or assist in prosecuting or defending any such, actions and proceedings. 5.- To compromise, settle, or adjust in such.manner and on such basis as seem to be to our best interest, any actions, proceedings, or other controversies involving -the subject property. 6. To ask for,,demand,.sue for, collect, recover, and receive all moneys which may become due and,owing or which are due and owing as back rent, damages, injury to the subject property, or others sums due resulting from the rental of the �. subject property. 7. To sue and prosecute in our names or,otherwise;in any court, and in the manner by him deemed most advisable, the party or parties -for such possession, back rent, injury . Vl to the subject property, damages or other sums due resulting from the rental of the subject property, with.aurhority to pursue the same to judgemnt,.and when necessary collect the sums.recovered by execution, or in any other mode or manner that our attorney may consider advisable. Dated: t)C•1-olc3,ec' 1�1> { JOHN KULANDER STATF, OF CALL ORN• II , SS. COUNTY 0 r1N Oil I Califun►ia, persoflally, appeared known to ►►te to be the perso►► wl►ose flame that _l►e, executed tl►e sa►nc. i Notary Public KAREN KULANDER CI:NIi12Al, ACKN0WI.1-,'UGA11:'N7' bejore,the�u►►dersipor.d, a Notary Public for the State of subscribed to the will►io insthooeol. MW ack►►„wledged * DEBRA 1(..DELBRIDGE * �� ✓ NOTARY PURI IC - CAI If ORrtIA SANTA CLAnA COUNTY w MY COMMISSION EXPIRES SEPT. 14. 1984 + 1� STATE OF CALIFORNIA, I?; COUNTY OF— 19, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally ap ti a competent• and credible witness for the purpose, by me duly sworn, to be the per: SARAN M. PETERSON described in, whose name—, -_----subscribed to, and who executed the t NOTARY PUBLIC -CALIFORNIA Instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. SANTA CLARA COUNTY ' My Commission Expltes July 15.1983. :WITNESS my hand and official seal. RECORDING REQUESTED BY � (� or 0- 0-4 It 0 it V' h�L. => ii? u.I O , 0 AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO a 0d. (� E <3 - J` O ^�' o rf , `� W �? ¢ (r V - t— o `.I '�� wO n- U r I ¢ ad O r John Kulander u ,- <Nam° Street Box 70415, "°°`°'° Sunnyvale, Calif. 94086 City a State SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDERS USE LONG FORM ALL-INCLUSIVE PURCHASE MONEY DEED OF TRUST AND ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS CAT. NO- NN00997 TO 2154 CA (7-79) This All -Inclusive Purchase Money Deed of "crust, made -this _l,3_th__— day of, _Qe tuhe.r_ 1933— between 9.83between CHRISTOPHER _U,—HAYDEN. AND KENDRA D. - HAYDEN, husband and wife - herein called TRUSTOR, whose. address is.-.252-4ElsIen-.Av..e.-..,.-__Suite—L,-_C.os-ta- Megg " -Ca 92627, (number:mdslreet) (city) (state) (iip) TITLE. INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY, A California corporation, herein called TRUSTEE, and JOHN KULANDER AND KAREN KuLAND tom.$ joint tenants ------ _----------------------.....-----=------ ---_ -- ....---, herein called AENEFICIARY, Witnesseth: That Trustor IRREVOCABLY GRAN'T'S, 'fRANSFF..RS AND ASSIGNS TO 'I'RUS'I FI? IN -FRUST, WITH POWER OF SALE, that property in Riverside _-----_------- ---.-_-County, California described as: Lot 19.and the southerly 21 feet of Lot 20, Block 122 of.Unit No. 14, Santa Carmelita at Vale La Quinta, as shown by map on file in book 18, pa9es,82 and,83 of Maps, Riverside County, records..- .TOGETHER ecords:TOGETHER WITH- the rents, issues and profits thereof, SUBJECT,* HOWEVER, to the right, power and authority hereinafter given to and conferred upon Beneficiary to collect and apply such rents, issues and profits. a For the Purpose of Securing: 1. Performance of each agreement of "liustor herein contained. 2. Ilayinent of the indebtedness evi e fired h one al --inclusive purchase money promissory note of even date herewith, and any extension or renew_ al thereof, in the principal sum of $ 26 0�0 • executed by Trustor in favor of Beneficiary or order. . Underlying Obligations: This is an all-inclusive urcI a money deed of bust, securing an all inclusive purchase money promissory note in the original principal amount of TWO HU��Nn�Dn/REDnrFHr4or'a ISANDA n NQl10_Q----------- __-----�-=----------- Dollars ($-Q\L.S1Sl_—___—J (the "Note") which includes within such :unount the unpaid balance of the following: (a) A promissory note in the original principal sum of ONE HUNDRED THIRTY 'IIp10 THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRFX FIFTY AND N0/100 --------------------------- _---- --------- _ Dollars ($132, 450.00 ) i„t-„vol. of_ Coachella Valley. Savings and Loan Association. a California co_r oration a, Payee ------------- -- — sccuredby de ed of trust recorded19_7 9._, as Document Nu. l.l_8.623— in Book_ ]�C % A -, Page 11$fiz9officialRecordsof _PdVP1_side County: California, and (b) Apromissorynoteintheorigin:lprincipalsumof-——--——————————————————-— Dollars in favor of. - - --- — — ax Paycc, secured by a decd of trust recurdrd ......----_--------------• ly..__..-. as Dt>Lumcnl Nu....----------------, in Book ---------- .. I'agc Official Records of County, California. (The Promissory Notes secured by such deeds o(irusl are hcreinatler called the "underlying Notes".) To Prt►tect the Security of `Phis Deed of Trust, Trustor Agrees: ( 1) Ti keep said property in good condition :md'repair, not In remove uI demolieh amv huilding (hereon: to complete or restore promptly and in 20AKI :1n1 workmanlike manner any building which may he constructed, damaged or destroyed thereon and to pay when due all claims for labor performed and m:acrials fumished therefor• to comply with all laws affectinV said property or requiring any alterationN or improvements Io he made thereon; not to commit or pernrir I N) \r, '14 I 2 This All -Inclusive Purchase Nioncy Deed of'frusl, trade tliis-13-th--.-.,jiiyof, .-Ci.c-toli-er rig- 83— , befM\keen CHRISTOPHER ­-BAMEDT AND KENDRA D. HAYDEN, husband 'and wide herein called TRUSTOR, whose address is--MA-Elden Mipsa-, C -q 99627, (nuniher and street) (city) (state) (zip) TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY, A California corp!)r;tion, herein called TRUSTEE, and JOHN KULANDER AND 1UREN--KLLLANDEP ,--hus-bLajail .and wife_, as ;mint tenant--, ------- ----.:-_----------=___-----_.._._._.___., herein called BENEFICIARY, Witnesseth: That Trustor IRREVOCABLY GRANTS, TRANSFERS AND ASSIGNS TO TRUSTEE IN TRUST, WITH POWER OF SALE, that property in Riverside County, California described as: Lot 19 and the southerly 21 feet of Lot 20 Block 122 of Unit No. 14, Santa Carmelita at Vale La Quinta, as shown by map on file in book 18, pages 82 and 8,3 of Maps, Riverside County records. TOGETHER WITH the rents, issues and profits thereof', stun,( I-, 11OWEVER, to the right, power and authorily* hereinafter given to and conferred upon Beneficiary to collect and apply such rents, issues :lid profits: For the Purpose of Securing: 1. Performance of each agreement of Trustor herein contained. 2. Payment of the indebtedness evbc�lccd 16 one al inclusive purchase money promissory note of even date herewith, and any extension or renewal thereof, in the principal sun, of executed by Trustor in' favor of Beneficiary or order. Underlying Obligations: This is an all-inclusive purchase money deed of trust, securing an all inclusive purchase money promissory note in the original principal amount of -TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND AND NO-t-U�—= -------------------- Dollars ($ 200 000-0-0--) (the "Not , e") which inchitle.s within such amount the unpaid balance of the following: (a) A missorynote inthe ori -nal principal Sunt ot, --QkN!Z--H-0D RED--TBJ=-TW0- T. QUSAND F ED -F JFTTAND NQ/106� --------------------------------------- )oIlars ($1321450.00 ill favor of'., ---Coachella_ Val1 ev .____Igs and Loan Associa.ion-,_ a*California corporation as Payee, __ secured by a deed of trust recorded .. J.une,-.,8:. 19---7.9-, as Document No. 118-62.9-.—. in Buok-.1-9.7-9-­ Page 18-6-2.9 Official Records of California, and (h) A promissory note in the original principal sum of -- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Dollars in favol. of as Payee, secured by a deed of trust recorded 19--, its Document No. in, Book Page Official Records of County, California. (The Promissory Notes secured by such deeds of trust are hereinafter called the "underlying Notes'*.) 16 Protect the Security of This Deed ofTrust, 'Trustor Agrees: 1) '16 keep said property in go(KI condition and repair; not to remove 0rdCIlI0IiSh a111%1 building thereon; to complete or restore promptly and in good and workmanlike manner any building which may be constructed, daniaged or destroyed thereon and to pay when due all claims for labor performed and materials furnished therefor. to comply with all laws affecting said properly or requiring any alterations or improvements to he made thereon; not to commit or permit waste thereof; not to commit, suffer or permit any act upon said property in violation of law; to cultivate, irrigate, fertilize, fumigate, prune and do all other acts which from the character or use ol'said properly may be reasonably necessary, the specific enumerations herein not excluding the general. (2) 16 provide, maintain and deliver to lienelicim-y 0re, vandalism and malicious mischiel'instinince satisfactory to and with loss payable to Beneficiary. The aniount collected under any fire or other insurance policy may be applied by Beneficiary upon aIllv indchic-Iness secured hereby and in such order as Beneficiary may determine, or at option of Beneficiary the entire aniount so collected orally part thereof may he released to Trustor. Such application or release shall not cure or waive any default or notice of default hereunder or invalidate any act done pursuant to such notice. The provisions hereof are subject to the nitatial agreements ot'llie parties as below set forth.. (3) 16 appear in and defend any action or proceeding purporting to allco tile security hereof or the right,, or powers of Beneficiary or Trustee; and it) pay all costs and expenses, including cost of evidence of filic "Ind alloillev's fees in a reasonable still), in any such'action or proceeding in which Beneficiary or T-ustce may appear, and in any suit brought by Beneficiary to foreclose this Decd. (4) 1) pay: at least tell days before delinquency all taxes and assessments affecting said property. including assessments on appurtenant water stock; subject 10 the Mutual agreements of the parties ;is below set forth, to pay when due, all incunihninces, charges and liens, With interest, on said property or any [);In thereof, which appear lo'he prior or superior helelo: all costs. Ices and expell,es of this Trust. Should Thistor fail it) make ;lit 7 v payinew or to do any act :is herein provided. ilicti Beneficiary or Trustee, but wilhoul obligation so to (lo and without notice 10 or delliand upon Thislor and wilhoul rele:i,hir 'li-tisior froin ;lit\, obligation hereof*, may: make or do the s:inic in Such manner and to such extent as either may deem necessary to protect the security liereol. Beneficiary orTiustee heing authorized to enter upon said property for such purposes; appear in and defend any action or proceeding poll porrin): to :Ulcer rhe scctltily hrrc,lf or till- 6y111S or powers of Itcnclicl:uy ot'liustce: pay, purch:Isc, contest mr compromise any incumbrance, charge ser lien which in Ute judl,rncnl ill cubo nppc;lrS u) he prior or Stgtc.rior IICIVIO; and. in exercising any such powers, pay, necessary expenses, employ counsel and pay his reasonable fees. (5) Tb pay immediately and without demand all sums so etpended by Beneficiary or'liusrce, with interest train date of expenditure at the anterum allowed by law in effect at the date hereof, and ort pay for any statentcnl provided fol. by law in effect ;it Ute date herrul reganling the obligation secured hereby any amount demanded by the Beneficiary not to exceed the maximum allowed by law at the time when said statentcnl is demanded. (6) That any award of damages in connection with any condemnation for public use of or injury to said property or any part thereof is hereby assigned and shall be paid to Beneficiary who may apply or release such moneys received by him in the same manner and with the same effect as above provided for disposition of proceeds of fire or other insurance. The provisions hereof ;re subject to the muwal al•rccrncnts of the panics as below set forth. (7) That by accepting payment of any sunt secured hereby after its due date. Beneficiary docs not waive his right either to require prompt payment when due of all other sums so secured or to declare default for failure so to pay. (8) That at any time or from time to lime, without liahilily therefor and without notice, upon written request of Beneficiary and presentation of this Deed and said note for endorsement, and without affecting the personal liability of :illy person for payment of [lie indebtedness secured hereby, Trustee may: reconvey any part of said property; consent set the making of ;my ntap or plal thereof; juin in granting any easement thereon; orjoin in any extension agreement or any agreement subordinating the lien or charge hercul'. (9) That upon written request of Beneficiary staling that all sums secured hereby have been paid, and upon surrender of this Deed and said note to Trustee for cancellation and retention and upon payment of its fees, Tiuslee shall reconvcy. without warranty, the property then held hereunder. The recitals in such reconveyance of any matters or facts shall he conclusive proof of the truthfulness thereof. The grantee in such reconveyance may be described as "the person or persons legally entitled dtereto." Five years after issuance of such full reconveyance. Trusice may deStnny said note and this Deed (unless directed in such request to retain them). (10) That as additional security, 'I'rusror hereby gives to ;roti confers upon Iicneticiary the right, power and authority, during the continuance of these Trusts, to collect the rents, iSSLICS and profits Of said property, reserving unto'Irustor the right, prior to env default by'IFustur in payment of any indebtedness secured hereby or in performance of any agreement IICI'CLIIILICI', to collect and retain such rents, issues and profits as they become due and payable, Upon any such default, Beneficiary may at any time wi(how notice, either in person, by agent, or by a receiver to he appointed by it court, and without regard to the adequacy of any security for the indehtcdness hereby secured, enter upon and take possession of said property or any part thereof, in his own name sue for or otherwise collect such rents, issues and profits, including those past title and unpaid, and apply (he sante, less costs and expenses of operation and collection, including reasonable attorney's fees. upon any iodchtedncsS sccurcd hereby, ;]till in such order as Iicneficim'y may determine. The entering upon and taking possession of said property, file collection ul'such tcnls, issues and prulils and the apilicalion Ihcreuf as aforesaid, shall not cure or waive any default or notice of default hereu» der or invalidate ;try act dune pursuant w such uoticc. (11) That upon default hy'lrustor in payment of ally indehleduess secured hereby or in performance of any agreement hereunder, Beneficiary may declare all sums secured hereby intmedia(cly due Mid payahle by delivery (O Trustee ill written declaration of default and demand fur sale and of written notice of default and of election to cause to be sold said property, which notice Trustee shall cause to be filed for record. Beneficiary also shall deposit with Trustee of this Deed, said note and all documents evidencing expenditures secured hereby. After the lapse of such time as may then he required by law following the recordation of said notice of del'autt, and notice of sale having been given as then required by law, Trustee, without demand on Tiustur, shall sell said property at the tittle and place fixed by it in said notice of sale, either as a whole or in separate parcels, and in such ruder as it may toe delennine, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in lawful money of the United Stales, payable at time of sale. Thrstee may postpone sale of all or :illy portion of said properly by public announcement at such time and place of sale, and from time to time thereafter may postpone such sale by public announcentenr at rite lime fixed by Ute preceding pingnatctmcnt. 'lWSICe Shall deliver to such purchaser its deed conveying the property so sold, but without tiny covenant or warranty, express or implied. The recitals in such decd of any matters or facts shall be conclusive proof of the truthfulness thereof. Any person, ineluding'l'rustor,'rtustee, or Beneficiary as hereinafter defined, may purchase at such sale. _. After deducting all cost:, fees turd expenses of Truster. and of this Trust, including cost Of evidcrce of title i❑ coniwcfion with sale. Trustee shall epply the ry proceeds of sale to payment of: all sunt~ expended under (he terms hereof, not Dien repaid, with accrued interest at the amount allowed by law in effect at the date hereof; all other sums Ihen secured hereby: and file remainder, ifany. to the person or persons legally entitled thereto. (12) Beneficiary, or any successor in ownership of ally indebtedness secured hereby, may from time to time, by instrument in writing, substitute a successor or successors to any Trustee maned herein ser acting hereunder, which instrument, executed by the Beneficiary and duly acknowledged and recorded in the office of the recorder of the county or counties where said property is situated, shall he conclusive proof of proper substitution of such successor Trustee or Trustees, who shall, without conveyance from the 'lr]tsice predecessor, succeed to all its title, estate, rights• powers and duties. Said instrument must contain the name of the original Trustor, Trustee and Beneficiary hereunder, the document nunther ser the hook and page where this Deed is recorded and the name and address of the new Trustee. (13) That this Deed applies to, inures it) the benefit of, and hinds all parties hereto, their heirs, legatees, devisees, administrators, executors, successors and assigns. The term Beneficiary shall mean (he Owner and bidder, including pledgees, of (ore note secured hereby, whether or not named as Beneficiary herein. In this Deed, whenever the context sat requires, the masculine gender includes the feminine and/or neuter, and the singular number includes the plural. (14) That Trustee accepts this'liust when this Deed, duly executed ;tnd acknowledged, is made it public record as provided by law. Trustee is not obligated to notify any party hereto of pending sale under any other Deed of Trust or of arty action or proceeding in which Trustor, Beneficiary or Trustee shall be u party unless brought by '11ustee. The Undersigned Trustor requests that a copy of :illy Notice of Default :Ind of any Notice of Sale hereunder be mailed to him at his address hereinbefore set forth. Trustor and Beneficiary Mutually Agree: (A) By beneficiary's acceptance of this All-inclusive Purchase Money Deed of Trust, Beneficiary covenants and agrees that provided Trustor is not delinquent or in default under the terms of tine Note secured herchy, Beneficiary shall pay all installments of principal and interest which shall hereafter become due pursuant to the provisions of the Underlying Notc(s) as and when the sante become dile ;Ind payahle. In till- event Truslor shall he delinquent or in default under the terms of the Note secured herchy, licncliciary sh;dl not he ohligalcd to make any payments required by the terms of the Underlying Note(s) until such delinquency or default is cured. ht the event licncf icia1v fails to timely pay any installinent of principal or interest on the Underlying Note(s) at the time when Trustor is not delinquent or in default under the terms of the Notc sl-. urcd hereby. Trustor may, at T -uslor's option make such payments directly to the holder of such Underlying Note(s), in which event Trustor shall be entitled to a credit against the next insiallntcnt(s) of principal and interest due under the terms of the Note secured hereby equal to the annum so paid and including, without limitation. any penalty. charges and expenses paid by Trustor to the holder of the Underlying Notes) on account of Beneficiary's failing to make such payment. The obligations of Beneficiary hereunder shall terminale upon the earliest of (i) foreclosure of the lien of this All-inclusive Purchase Money Decd of Trus(, or (ii) cancellation of rhe Note secured hereby and reconveyance of this All -Inclusive Purchase Money Deed of'lrust. Should Trustor he delinquent or in default under the terms ul'the Nolc secured herchy and if Beneficiary consequently incurs any penalties, charges, or ..__._ _.___ ... _ .. _ _.._.. _..._._..�.��...... _., .. ., , .�...._i.. ..,.. ............ ..-.1..1:...1• I......,..u..., ...l .-:.L.s.e„•�tliac_, ntiif,�P.l'.Jtld..(!.Y.IICrI\P_C__ f Person or persons legally eikiii1ed i I icte I 1-i 'I a-VCaJS ;alter iSNUA I We Ofsuch lull I Cc 0 11 VCYanCc, 'I h I %I Cc I I I ay destroy said note and this Deed (unless directed in such request to retain them). 10) That as additional security, Tivshrr hereby gives it) and confel s upoo. Belief iciary the right, p(j% mid authority, during the continuance of Neese _7trusts, iq collect the rents. issues and profits (it' said plopc[INI, reserving uIllo '141slol. the light, prioi to any default by 'h-ustor in payment of any indebtedness secured hereby or in performance of ;my agreeview hereunder. to collect and Fct;,in such tents, i"aics and profits is they become due and payable. Upon any such default, Beneficiary may at any thsit, without notice, cillict in persoll..hy ageol, (11 by a receiver 14) he appointed by a court, and without regard to the adequacy of any security for the indelitediiess hereby secured, enter upon and uike possession of said property or any pail thereof, in his own name sue for or otherwise collect such rents, issues and profits, including those past title and Ullp3ido and apply the same, less costs and expenses of operation and collection, including reasonable ailomey's fees. upon ;ill), indchledness secured herchy, and in Such order ars Beneficiary may determine. The entering upon and taking possession of said properly, the collection of such rents, issues vol profits acid the application thercofaS aforesaid, shall not cure or waive any default or notice of default hereunder or invalidate any act done pursuant to such notice. (11) That upon default by trustor in payment of any i Ildchled [less secured flerchy or in performance of any agreement hereunder, Beneficiary may declare all sums secured hereby ininiediawly title and payable by delivery to Trustee of written declaration of default and demand for sale and of written notice of default and of election to cause to be sold said property, which nofice 1histec shall cause to he filed for record. Ilene . ficiary also shall deposit with Trustee of this Deed, said note and all documents evidencing expenditures secured hereby. After the lapse of such time as may llien be required by law following the recordation of said notice of default, and notice of sale having been given as then required by law, Trustee, without demand on Truslor, shall Sell Said property at the little and place fixed by it in said notice of sale, either as a whole or in separate parcels, and in such order as it may be determine, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in lawful money of the United States, payable at time of sale. Trus ' tee may postpone sale of all or any portion of said property by public announcement at such time and place of sale, and from time to time .thereafter may postpone such sale by public announcement a( the time fixed by the preceding postponement. Trustee shall deliver to such purchaser its deed conveying the property so sold, but without any covenant or warranty, express or implied. The recitals in such deed of any matters or facts shall be conclusive proof ofthe truthfulness thereof. Any person, including "trustor, Trustee, or Beneficiary as hereinafter defined, may purchase at such sale. .2--- . After deducting all-ctimtss feet: koKl expenses of Trustee and of this Trust, ivcluding cost of evidence of title i:i connection with sale, Trustee sli;ill apply the proceeds of sale to payment of: all sums expended under the lei -ins hereof, not (hen repaid, with accrued interest at the amount allowed by law in effect at the date hereof; all other sums then secured herchy: and the reinaindet, if ;my, to the person or persons legally entitled thereto. ( 12) Beneficiary, or any successor in ownership of any indebtedness secured herchy, may from little to little, by instrument in writing, substitute a successor or successors to any 1histee named herein or acting hereunder, which instrument, executed by the Beneficiary and duly acknowledged and recorded in the office of the recorder of the coney or counties where said property is situated, shall he conclusive proof of proper substitution of such successor Trustee Or Trustees, who shall, without conveyance from the Trusice predecessor, succeed to all its title, estate., rights, powers and duties. Said instrument must contain the name of the original Trustor, Trustee and Beneficiary hereunder, the document number or the book and page wher e this Deed is recorded and the name and address of the new Trustee. (13) That this Deed applies to, inures to the benefit of, and hinds all parties hereto, their lichs, legatees, devisees, administrators, executors, successors and assigns. The term Beneficiary shall mean tile owner and holder, including pledgees, of the note secured hereby, whether or not named as Beneficiary herein. In this Deed, whenever the comexi so requires, the masculine gender includes the leiiiiiiiiie and/or neuter, and the singular number includes the plural. (14) That Trustee accepts this 'Frust when this Deed, duly executed and acknowledged, is made a public record as provided by law. Trustee is not obligated to notify any party hereto of "pending sale under any oilier Deed of"Trust or of any action or proceeding in which Trustor, Beneficiary or Trustee shall be a party unless brought by Trustee. The Undersigned 1rustor requests that a copy of any Notice of Default and of any Notice of Sale hereunder be mailed to him at his address hcreinW- *ore set forth. Trustor and Beneficiary Mutually Agree: (A) By beneficiary's acceptance of this All-inclusive purchase Money Deed of Trust, , Beneficiary covenants and agrees that provided Trustor is not delinquent or in default under the ternis of the Note scoured hereby, Beneficiary shall pay all installments of principal and interest which shall hereafter become due pursuant to the provisions of the Uoilerlyhig Notc(s) as and wit . en the same become dtic and payable. In the event it Trustor shall be delinquent or in default under the terms of the Note secured hereby, Beneficiary shall not be obligated to make any y payments required by the terms of the Underlying Notc(s) until such delinquency or default is cured. In the event Beneficiary fails to timely pity any installment of principal or interest on the Underlying Note(s) at the time when Trustor is not delinquent or in default under the tenors of the Note secured hereby, Trustor may, at Trustor's option make such payments directly to the holder of such Underlying Note(s), in which event Truslor shall be entitle (I to a credit against the next installment(s) of principal and interest due under the terms of the Note secured hereby equal to the amount so paid and including, without limitation, any penalty, charges and expenses paid by Trustor to the holder of the Underlying Nole(s) on account of Beneficiary's failing to make such payment. 'file obligations of Beneficiary hereunder shall terminate upon the earliest of (i) foreclosure of the lien of this All -Inclusive Purchase Money Deed of Trust, or (ii) cancellation of the Note secured hereby and reconveyance of this Ali -Inclusive Purchase Money Deed ot"Frust. Should Mustor be delinquent or in default under file tenns of the Note secured hereby and if Beneficiary consequently incurs any penalties, charges, or other expenses on account -of the Underlying Nole(s) duriiii; tile period of such delinquency or default, the amount of such penalties, charges and expenses shall be immediately added to the principal amount of the Note secured herchy and shall be immediately payable by Trustor to Beneficiary. If at any time the unpaid balance of the Note secured hereby, accrued interest thereon, and all other suns due pursuant to the terms thereof and all sums advanced by beneficiary pursuant to the terms of this Deed of'lrust, is equal to or less, than the unpaid principal balance of the Underlying Note(s) and accrued interest thereon, the Note secured hereby, at the option of Beneficiary, shall he cancelled and said property shall he reconveyed from the lien of this Deed of Trust. (B) Tkustor and Beneficiary agree that in the event the proceeds of any condemnation award or settlement in lieu thereof, or the proceeds of any casualty insurance covering destructible improvements located upon said property, are applied by (lie holder of the Underlying Note(s) in reduction of the unpaid principal amount thereof, the unpaid principal balance of the Note secured hereby shall he reduced by an equivalent amount which shall be deemed applied to the last sums due under the Note. (C) At such times as the Note secured hereby becomes all due and payable, the amount of principal and interest then payable to Beneficiary thereunder shall be reduced by the then unpaid balance of principal and interest due on tile Underlying Note(s). (D) Any demand hereunder delivered by Beneficiary to Trustee for the foreclosure of the lien of this Deed of Trust may be not more than the sum of the following amounts: (i) The difference between the then unpaid balance of principal and interest on the Note secured hereby and the then unpaid balance of principal and interest on the Underlying Notc(s): plus r I� (ii) The aggregate of all amounts theretofore paid by Beneficiary pursuant to thm e tern of this Deed of Trust prior to The date of such foreclosure sale, for taxes and assessments, insurance premiums, delinyuericy charges, foreclosure costs, and any other sums advanced by Beneficiary pursuant to the terms of this Deed of Trust, to the extent the same were not previously repaid by trustor to Beneficiary; plus M (iii) The costs of foreclosure hereunder; plus attorneys fees and costs incurred by Beneficiary in enforcing this Deed of Trust or the Note secured hereby N as permitted by law. (E) Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary herein contained, in the even( of a'I?ustee's sale in furtherance of the foreclosure of this Deed of Trust, 'I the balance then due on the Note secured hereby, for The purpose of Beneficiary's demand, shall he reduced, as aforesaid, by the unpaid balance, if any, of principal and interest then due on the Underlying Note(s), satislactory evidcuce of which unpaid balances must he submitted to Trustee prior to such sale. The ' 'trustee may rely on any statements received from Beneficiary in This regard and such statemcots shall be deerned binding 'and conclusive'as between Beneficiary and Trustor, on the one fiand, and the Trustee, on the other hand, to The extent of such reliance. Signature of1ruvor ,L 1' - — — 6A— Christo*r -- M. Hayd n ndra D. Hayle Signature of Beneficiary John Kulander Karen Kulander STAPLE APPROPRIATE ACKNOWLEDGMENTS HERE STATE OF CALIFORNIA //AA Y K/T a COUNTY OF E t QQ o, On._.—OC_�7.Q�.__._.. ..- efore me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for John Kuland.er.r_- and.. -.,Ka ._.. said State, personally appeared.____-___.,..._...___.__...._ _ cs. ` personally known to me (or roved to me on the basis of satin (�p Y P �Gk•i. r. :::uq;iNiiiio:iSi.dli!Irll i r 17 'il :f.._i_I factory evidence)to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are sub HAPI?Y SAN nq!(._UFL to me that scribed to the within instrument and acknowledged ' N01T,!ir Nll!;:I�' a" y; Vii, ;�q ;•.'J'.. i he/she/theya cuteathesame. C\; ! .S My Commission Expires July 1, 11385 y WITNESS y t nd and offici eat. tt to: pfi!tHlJititlgwiffllli:!IIlff.iff;!!I)! i 0.;, m' Signature.._ _ --. _ _._ _ ___ (This area for official notarial seal) (i S{ i i RECOMMENDED ILT WITH THEIR I S1 ATF OF l;Al,IFORN!A Ins. COUNTY 4/ :.J �� •�. h lore ntr•. tho run ei. ;ir)ned, n Notnry f'ultlir, in and for On .. / , THE NEAREST said State, personally appeared-_ _ .C.hr_ i. s.. _t.._o....h.er .. _r7,. ..-.lea den_._and...-Kendra D._ ­COMPANY .._- . � _ . _.. .. ........... ... _-...:.. . INCE t S•igninuri' uj Beneffriury • r � b John Kulander Karen Kulander STAPLE APPROPRIKI'E ACKNOWLEDGMENTS HERE a STATE OF CALIFORNIAnQ 11 AA )ss. . c JJ __ff /f/G m COUNTY OF--- n E 9before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for o On--.._-.. Said state, personally appeared---_.John ._Kul.andet, and Karen Kulander: personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satis- AWMC ;:5!liii(liiiliiufilfl!1:1(!iiii'!t( LL factory evidence) to be theperson(s)whosename(s)is/are sub r r c, FiAMF Y `SAN �,� (I'_L `I scribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that y E � l NUI:':.cr I i LLI!; • (:!;l L ..,.idiA �:. c -he/she/theoe cuted the same. L: SA IN C.I ',RA- CGLI! II Er iMy Cofnrnisslon Expires July 1 1956 a0 WITNESSnd and oftici eat. tattA4?tllr,Ntl}r"ri;l',IUltif(CsI4,' iif:::Ni .1i.)if r: t 4"iftMi �i;2j `O ► RECOMMENDED o o (This area for official notarial seal) ILT WITH THEIR C1Signatur - - .I > STATE OF CALIFORNIA les. o COUNTY OF_ �21`tl `( L- --... -I. a J p 1 �� l�J ,before tile, the undersigned, a Notary Publir, in and for E On—.Dc'.fC �� r .y—....THE NEAREST LIDChris t_o her_- M,---_Ha den..__ and.. Kendra- D.- COMPANY OCI) said State, personally appeared .__._..__,_ ___._ P - y' ;MANCE.......... EN Q y,Deed of Trust All sums secured by said personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satis on paymenttoyouof any sums owing to — „ _ • — d by said. Deed of Trust delivered to you factory evidence) to be theperson(s)whosename(s)is/are sub Oj:P1C1r1L SLAL'da&gnatedbylhetermsotsaidDeedof m P�_r.• �,.. scribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that , j'• t SUSAN c; ^,nLJ MC7Ac;•r Lilji3UC CALIFORNIA c he/she/they executed the same. .�. _� ORANGE COUt)TY N ft'y comm. a pires FEB 3, 1984 CO WITNESS my hand and .4ficial seal. -vim= o / o J!. ; e� !t z•� (This area for official notarial seal) Signature__t.,� ..._ . _ .I I Do not lose or destroy this Deed of Rust OR THE NOTE which It secures. ' Both must be delivered to the Dustee for cancellation before reconveyance will be made. CHAPTER 2 DEFINITIONS - 201.0 General For the purpose of this Code, the following terms shall have the meaning indicated in this Chapter. No attempt is made to define ordinary words which are used in �! accordance with their established dictionary meaning except where the word has been loosely used and it is necessary to define its meaning as used in this Code to avoid misunderstanding. Because the primary purpose is to define terms rather than words, the definitions are arranged alphabetically according to the first word of the term rather than the noun. 202.0 Definition of Terms ABS — ABS means Acrylonitrile -Butadiene -Styrene. C Accessible — Accessible, when applied to a fixture, connection, appliance, or' equipment, shall mean having access thereto, but which first may require - - the removal of an access panel, door, or similar obstruction. Readily accessible shall mean direct access without the necessity of removing any C, panel, door, or similar obstruction. Administrative Authority — The Administrative Authority is the individualt official, board, department, or agency established and authorized by a state, county, city, or other political'`subdivision created by law to administeLand enforce theprovisions of the 1p umbing code as adopted or amended. This definition shall include the Administrative Authority's duly authorized' representative. �~ `Airbreak -'An airbreak is a physical separation which may be a low inlet into the indirect waste receptor from the fixture, appliance,. or device indirectly connected. Airgap, Drainage — An airgap, drainage is the unobstructed vertical distance through the free atmosphere between the lowest opening from any ' pipe, plumbing fixture, appliance or appurtenance conveying waste to the flood level rim of the receptor. Airgap, Water Distribution - An airgap, water distribution is the unobstructed vertical distance through the free atmosphere between the lowest opening from any pipe or faucet conveying potable water to the flood level rim of any tank, vat or fixture. 713.0 — 714.1 PART 11— BUILDING SEWERS UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE 713.0 Sewer Required 713.1 Every building in which plumbing fixtures are installed and every premises having drainage piping thereon, shall have a connection to a public or private sewer, except as provided in Sections, 713.2 and 713.4. 713.2 When no public sewer, intended to serve any lot or premises, is available in any thoroughfare or right of way abutting such lot or premises, drainage piping from any building or works shall be connected to an approved private sewage disposal system. 713.3 Within the limits prescribed by Section 713.4 hereof, the rearrangement or subdivision into smaller parcels of a lot which abuts and is served by a public sewer shall not be deemed cause to permit the construction of a private sewage disposal system, and all plumbing or drainage systems on any such smaller parcel or parcels shall connect to the public sewer. 713.4 The public sewer may be considered as not being available when such public sewer or any building or any exterior drainage facility connected thereto, is located more than two hundred (200) feet (60.8 m) from any proposed building or exterior drainage facilityon any lot or premises. which abuts and is served by such public sewer./ 713.5 No permit shall be issued for the.installation, alteration, or repair of any private sewage disposal system, or part thereof, on any lot for which a connection with a public sewer is available. 713.6 On every lot or premises hereafter connected to public sewer, all plumbing and drainage systems or parts thereof, on such lot or premises shall be connected with such public sewer. Exception: Single family dwellings and buildings or structures accessory thereto, existing and connected to an approved private sewage disposal system prior to the time of connecting the premises to public sewer may, when no hazard, nuisance, or insanitary condition is evidenced and written permission has been obtained from the Administrative Authority, remain connected to such properly maintained private sewage disposal system when there is insufficient grade or fall to permit drainage to the sewer by gravity. 714.0 Damage to Public Sewer or Private Sewage. Disposal System 714.1 It shall be unlawful for any person to deposit, by any means whatsoever, into any plumbing fixture, floor drain, interceptor, sump, . receptacle, or device which is connected to any drainage system, public sewer, private sewer, septic tank, or cesspool, any ashes, cinders, solids, rags, flammable, poisonous, or explosive liquids or gases, oils, grease, and any other thing whatsoever which would or could cause damage to the public sewer, private sewer, or private sewage disposal system. 94 V' -ME .�.-s� ®s®®tom! OWN rev