2007 02 14 IAB Minutes
February 14, 2007
Regular meeting of the La Guinta Investment Advisory Board was called to order at the
hour of 5:30 P.M. by Chairperson Deniel, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Board Members Moulin, Deniel, Rassi and Egbert
Board Member Olander
John Falconer, Finance Director and Vianka Orrantia,
II PUBLIC COMMENTS - Marc Ferrand - La Guinta Resident - Attended for
informational purposes only.
III CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA - (This is the time set aside for public comment
on any matter not scheduled on the agenda.)
Mr. Falconer advised Board Member Olander's wife notified him that Board
Member Olander was recently released from the hospital and would not be able
to attend the board meeting. He would possibly be at the next scheduled
Approval of Minutes of Meeting on January 10, 2007 for the Investment
Advisory Board.
Chairperson Deniel requested a copy of the monthly board meeting audio tapes.
Mr. Falconer informed the Board that the venue for the meetings will change
due to the City Hall expansion. For the remainder of 2007, the board meetings
will, tentatively take place in the Finance conference room. Mr. Falconer will
confirm the location prior to the next scheduled meeting and notify the Board.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Moulin/Rassi to approve the
minutes of January 10, 2007. Motion carried unanimously.
A. Transmittal of Treasury Report for December 2006
Investment Advisory Board
February 14, 2007
Mr. Falconer advised that due to some major construction projects: the
Vista Dunes Mobile Home Park located at Miles and Adams, and the
SilverRock Golf Course, the portfolio balance has slightly decreased by
$3.6 million at the end of December.
Chairperson Deniel asked if the SilverRock revenue was on schedule. Mr.
Falconer advised that the City was looking at four to five years before the
golf course would break even. At that time the hotel should be built, and
the City would begin collecting T.O.T. in addition to the golf fees.
Further discussion regarding SilverRock Golf Course revenue ensued
among the Board.
In response to Board Moulin, Mr. Falconer advised that that the month of
December was a busy month for maturities and repurchases. There were
a number of GSE's that matured along with bond proceeds and T-Bills.
In response to Board Member Moulin, Mr. Falconer described for the
Board the University of California commercial paper that was purchased.
In addition, Mr. Falconer advised that the U.S. Treasury bill interest rate
listed on page 7 was overstated on the activity page term and would
advise Staff to follow up with the correct rate. The exception listed in
the Treasurer's Report was removed mid-December and the portfolio
investments will continue to remain in short maturities.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Moulin/Rassi to approve,
receive and file the Treasury Report for December 2006. Motion carried
B. Audit Request for Proposal Member Selection Committee
Board Member Egbert recommended that Board Members Moulin and
Deniel be appointed to the Audit Request for Proposal Member
In response to Board Member Moulin, Mr. Falconer advised that the
origin of the RFP committee was derived from the previous audit RFP
five years ago, which was approved by the City Council. The committee
consisted of two Investment Advisory Board Members, the City Manager
and the Finance Director. For this RFP, Staff also recommended to
Council that a Finance Director from another City also serve on the
Investment Advisory Board
February 14, 2007
committee, along with a request from Council Member Osborne that
someone from his firm also serve.
In response to Board Member Egbert, Mr. Falconer advised that the RFP's
are due the first part of March. Upon receipt of the RFP's, they will then
be distributed to the committee for review. A meeting will be scheduled
for the committee to meet, at which time they can short list the firms.
Five years ago, three firms were invited for oral interviews.
Board Member Moulin stated that he would like to see Councilmember
Osborne on the audit selection committee instead of another member of
his firm. He feels that another CPA firm should serve on the audit
selection committee.
Board Member Egbert asked if there was a conflict if Councilmember
Osborne served on the audit committee. Chairperson Deniel replied that
it would only be a conflict if his firm responded to the RFP.
Chairperson Deniel recommended that Councilmember Osborne serve on
the audit selection committee.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Egbert/Rassi to appoint
Chairperson Deniel and Board Member Moulin to serve on the Audit
Request for Proposal Member Selection Committee with Board Member
Rassi as a substitute. Motion carried unanimously.
C. California Municipal Treasurer's Conference - Long Beach, CA May 2 _
Mr. Falconer advised that the City does provide for one staff member and
two Board Members to attend the annual CMTA conference. He
presented the Staff Report advising that the Annual California Municipal
Treasurers Association Conference will be held May 2 - 4, 2007 in
Long Beach, California.
Mr. Falconer advised that reservations are needed as soon as possible in
order to obtain the early registration fee.
Chairperson Deniel and Board Members Egbert and Moulin advised that
that they are unable to attend.
Board Member Rassi advised that he will be able to attend.
Investment Advisory Board
February 14, 2007
MOTION - Consensus-Board Member Rassi will attend the conference.
D. Continued Consideration of the Fiscal Year 2007/08 Work Plan - Review
of Investment Policy
Mr. Falconer advised that Staff was asked to further look into the
CDAR's program. Mr. Falconer met with a representative from Palm
Desert National Bank to review the CDAR's program. He further advised
that the Bank provided additional literature for the Board's review.
Mr. Falconer advised that the following questions from the Board were
Audit Confirmation: Mr. Falconer believed that audit confirmations will
have to be sent to the individual savings and loan and/or bank.
Wiring of Funds: Funds are required by the bank on a Wednesday and
transmitted to the Bank of New York on Thursday. Because of the
delay in the transmittal of funds, this may cause the funds to be at risk.
Staff would need to follow up to see if the transmittal of funds can be
transmitted the same day or how the funds would be insured.
Fees: Lost interest would roughly be $300 on a $3 million investment, if
kept in a bank ledger account versus opening an account. Staff is not in
favor of opening an account.
Mr. Falconer advised that he felt comfortable with the FDIC coverage
afforded the CDAR's program based on the information that was
provided. He further advised that Wells Fargo Bank would have to be
excluded because they are currently the City's banking institution.
In response to Board Member Egbert, Mr. Falconer advised that Palm
Desert National Bank would not participate. If $1 million were invested
the bank would take the funds and disburse them with ten different
institutions and would not retain any of the funds.
Board Member Egbert commented that his understanding of the program
is to place money in local institutions.
Mr. Falconer advised that if Palm Desert National is wired $1 million, it's
then disbursed to other institutions. Palm Desert National however will
Investment Advisory Board
February 14, 2007
not obtain a CD in their name. The funds would than be transmitted
between various institutions and back to Palm Desert National Back.
Chairperson Deniel requested a diagram of the CDAR's cash flow. Staff
to provide at the next scheduled meeting.
Further discussion ensued among the Board regarding the CDAR's
Chairperson Deniel suggested that the CDAR's program be added to next
year's policy and accept the policy as is. Board Member Moulin
Board Member Egbert suggested rather than delaying until next year, that
this item be tabled for further discussion.
Board Member Moulin clarified that if this item is tabled, than this ends
the discussion of this item. He suggested continuing discussion of this
Chairperson Deniel suggested that the Board continue to discuss the
investment policy as one item and the CDAR's program as a separate
item. Board concurred.
Mr. Falconer and Board Member Rassi suggested that they discuss this
item with other cities at the CMTA conference.
Chairperson Deniel motioned to exclude the CDAR's program from this
year's Investment Policy Statement and continue discussing to see how
the program is implemented outside of the Investment Policy.
In response to Board Member Egbert, Board Member Rassi advised that if
the Board decided to implement the program six months later, the policy
can be changed.
Motion - It was moved by Chairperson Deniel/Board Member Moulin to
exclude the CDAR's program from this year's Investment Policy
Statement and continue discussing to see how the program is
implemented outside of the Investment Policy. Motion carried
Investment Advisory Board
February 14, 2007
In response to Board Member Moulin, Mr. Falconer advised that he was
comfortable with change to maximum maturities to 25%.
Board Member Moulin advised that he was not comfortable with the
some of the wording on page 6, second paragraph, last sentence. The
Board concurred that the following sentence now read: with no more
than 25% of surplus funds invested in maturities exceeding two years
and less than three years.
In response to Board Member Egbert, Mr. Falconer advised that page 3,
first sentence should be consistent with page 1 7, Section 19 and should
"The City Treasurer, with thll approval of the City Council, may use a
professional portfolio managell1el1t firm in\lestmont mana€ler engages by
the City to assist the City Treasurer in managing the investment
program. "
Board Member Moulin advised that on page 9 first paragraph should be
consistent with page 6.
Mr. Falconer advised that if the policy is going to be for the upcoming
year, than page 10, first paragraph, last sentence should reflect FY
07/08. He further advised at the next scheduled meeting, he will provide
the Board the surplus amount that can be invested for 3 - 5 years based
on the City's cash flow, so this can be included on page 6.
There were no comments from the Board to page 10, in reference to
Commercial Paper.
There were no comments from the Board in regards to page 11.
Chairperson Deniel advised that page 12, the section referencing CDAR's
should be deleted from the policy.
Along with Board Member Moulin, Mr. Falconer advised that there should
be a paragraph referencing the CDAR's program on page 12 and the
wording should be similar to page 10, last sentence under "Bankers'
Investment Advisory Board
February 14,2007
Chairperson Deniel advised the Board that she would like to be finished
with the policy by the month of April. Board Member Moulin concurred.
There were no comments from the Board in regards to page 17.
Mr. Falconer advised that page 24, item number 4: Broker/Dealer
Services, the Los Angeles office of Merrill Lynch has closed and the
City's account has been transferred to the San Francisco office. We are
now in the process of forwarding the Broker/Dealer questionnaires. The
City is expected to have this process completed by the end of the month.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Moulin/Egbert to continue
the discussion of the Fiscal Year 2007/08 Work Plan Investment Policy to
the February meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
A . Month End Cash Report
Noted and Filed
B. Pooled Money Investment Board Report
In response to Chairperson Deniel, Mr. Falconer advised that the rates are
currently at 5.16%.
Mr. Falconer advised that he was in receipt of an email from Eileen Park,
LAIF Administrator, advising everyone that after 30 plus years she will be
assuming a new position at the end of the month. Her replacement
has 1 8 years of experience.
Noted and Filed
Board Member Egbert requested that the Board consider changing the meeting
from'5:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Chairperson Deniel suggested 4:30 p.m.
Mr. Falconer advised that he will poll other cities as to when their meetings start
and if this will require Council approval. Mr. Falconer will report back to the
Board at the next scheduled meeting.
Board Member Moulin advised the Board that the Economic Form 700 is due.
Investment Advisory Board
February 14, 2007
VIII Adjournment
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Moulin/Olander to adjourn the
meeting at 6:40 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
Vianka Orrantia,