GRD (0013)so wrn�4 P.O. BOX 1504 - LA OUINTA. CALIFORNIA 92253 _� e r al»naa•.a M � IaanaDe d Ito eaP► - -- - b tw d ..utas Dll I .rota lou bewi sentithdr I.P. a•a-trC.wis welo M .nr► adl celaw- heal a•Idaw s)4 dr. ave II [J oSo Cemn%Aoon DEQ ARATIDII I hw.bY o11ew lrral l ata I.nrs.ra anew r.ria.o.s d tar omn.. Chao%1rnalq ... &w... MM d tI__M i d w w Sr.m.ae bele holeut_ Corea. tote lay, o bres s en bel lav aha .haat I raise Ck- Uc aw-air Way, conal mow �,s A-0uuyls Olp AMIIt711 1 brrrbY a11.w ansa 1 as e. rarpl loom the Cam aaofa letnw la. Mr Or lolb.l .tar (S•C y1D13 Bus••rss sees halnsors Udell' Cary r cowhir which 1eo'^rn a pools la tafrotiu0. alt, .w►ort p.ndsh r taws. try ab.0we. Pito to as 6muena. rima raounn Or appleara b such Parma 1014 e s.V.a slatrwr•• that M s bumad p osw" 10 the vorsote of tet Lal.It10o/a Lecanas la. f[hrptrr t (tammerror� wall S.cl on )ODD+ d D•rn roll 7 H bra Bus stat and t tot by n y &pp K' to, a pa �a.�nttlivni aa app�um the alasis IV s ort err AWpta a.t-p,*. Any .rouf.m 01 Sutton 10015 q ahl' DN gnarly w/ era err Ina. h.1 Iw.id.rd collars IUDNJ: - •.\,, 1 of i,•rr• of ar Owpltt. a my employees wah wept, at then ease tomperRal.an, will eo tlr walk. aha Ea f„unrt a hal .mr.dea a olk.ea la tak Mee ZDN. Bus.nnf aha Rolcft.oro Coot lne Lomucfa't larmr lw aon hal apply to an p -•r• of votively who Guilds a rmpno,n theeon. enc who dura ►ueir :a1 T.msil a th'-Dar his o-n .myoyrn. ve•dra that fueh irnp.u.rmems air .all mlrr•dea a chried to'sate, It rowrrv. Ohl builDrrpor ..apo„m..n w sae wanm oar yew o1 Completion. the owrr.•bunder will hart tae Dvdan d ooririp IN• rr d.d b bu.le w ..v-, for Int pvpost of sale] _11.0 the P 1 of .I mt vWe'll cha.,tly eormactnrrg wah 4LeMr alt ,pplycbr.n'Dwhl, w any .� an IQt R ' us•nrs, and holrsf.om Lode The Conuarla't Lrc,nu Law docs anally )sane- phis” pe the Cobuiids Y u+rao.nri ,meson aro who cohusas to such poI'M with a corn. ler' r lerJ A A P.0 Islam Cenilmsfe) Darr — D -her _ - W._Iw.S C,.,, NSAIION DICT aF.a11DN 1 I-epy +:him Ir,31 l t.1:x eDICIStI'[l�lrpatl en eni ID fait anti.,. a a vnl.i•ult of wry 's Loa.tx ^fai.on Int ananct or a Crnd.rc uDY Fal:" No Cumpsny Cr'io" Cupy n Inas, 11.11iita G' fn panmr" Grunt -,O toPY h 1 -kc -'an Ih, County 600,119 In1K'sear• Dtp)rlmrnl a CDAoly Darr A��IiJm APPI rCANI w•w`!%!LAI) •C7 aE SS CSO �S Car r_Ov.+UNi/l v�fsl vel LIZ, 113 [3 L JUfi SrIE •:J7aE�PA ' CelT,cc '+UNIIr51A1E,7, A �] 7 WN I ANG I SE BOK 7 R AGT l0T uOD 56 1FACl NAAE c_wEF NA•.iE (L. F. "I) CO..I1.AC7O' r'R- tau£ � /), is l n n iL Z.2", I ,. 1, ADDPF SS CrtrCCv• ear 5'At E.Zia' PrrCNE • I I LIC -4C AaC.F n i r lar.f r+AME ADDRESS Crlr20.•:'Ji;il yL ZIP LICNC F.+ONE USi 01 FE^all 8L ZOhI FS6 SSB I SSB RSB I OFC -_J� I I LD7 52 I END SIDE 2Cn" ORD W. R. as'. o•r lt.,e.a 6�DD1 a Islas, I �,o o�tniaf �Dr�'t# ship waft whCh lar r" 0 sIBM darwB.l or M`rY.s' Caewwsafa 1 d Cabto, as Vraa� ..e n w a n a0 a to heNa. a Dace ApOI� . NOl D APPUCAbl: h. a11w rru env ins mrlsl IOA1.w•A► aa•aWY w�iln sutlr pwo.o•s IpDO Aro. ►ha M Comgruaha•.pwes•ws M 1e lana Coot. y ..rola. rero\ae . pyISbN 01 WDvVFUAL SAF[II RaYfT CENIIFICAIOL - petI haigby u^M tnal M aau.af.on Irv. (5) at trona IM Yr.tote Wo ./mil a gassy IS "Weed to tk.tsrlC..s b w GMnacim. wdh .on a1/1holuea by Itis pnmk aro that aro bunda.y e1rsiClae. acatloldatp Ish"WIL. d,molnror, a artmnlYrig Ino tall, wYl lot mora Inas Il.rry•ss (761 lacy brph IE�+•P 72 Grp t M i Lac Sa1.1tIM fl CA.CJ 5 As orrr•-bailor. I was hall employ anyone to eo .alt\ to 60 WlCJ% r 4 I' a p•rma Yom the Ilimon d In4rslrly .Itly as mIre start, unless mica pelson tis a pools to m furl. wort loom Graf briseoa �Ih: aver of InAnl�ral SATelr�aimn No. �— ,all a AppliuA CONSINUCIION LENDING AEiayCT: I Wetly Allem Inst Ihwr Is a corobuelialn lending agency for the vaso mane d Via .wt Ia .hKb lhd_m. fd as awed (Soc. 7007. Che. CJ yanaw a wartrE Lerrtw i'Teanf t er'a'aT anal 1 tort reaG nm appl•:Jtron and Mate that Inc. +tort into matron s o.rstl 1 agrn b [o.rply sY wan Cny and county orpmancn NnO Inc �)eemrws llrt L2jmq to pertb o jo rV cm yon pN�huttay & rte rep "Mis-ts o1 Inn Cwn1y 10 toll, upon • . .., .... .. . ... ., ... ..• Dalt 5.�nalu.t DI Appi.L)" a Apt" '81 IM LIa11{IL41F 01 [DM%IAHCE AND AUIROHZAl10N D( al sjall 1 Celli' I nou leJaAnn E'sis l'rrlalmg C DuuO'ng ton impnr..a r. un D�`.rn h cant❑ I )p-ct to ComPt' 1 �, �arnl of 6' 16 ne .a lay in ruin upon surf h.. ]nG µ1nOr Ut) r[D�rfrni]Invt 011 nr /•iDrJli�DunDUf t til m nf{rtc r 1 na.r aD xd ID Snot. Mon ADe" Our n tot Appy P..,.r t I­nl/ADent Aamt