2007 03 13 PC Minutes MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA March 13, 2007 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:00. p.m. by Chairman Quill who asked Commissioner Daniels to lead the flag salute. B. Present: Commissioners Ed Alderson, Katie Barrows, Rick Daniels, Jim Engle and Chairman Paul Quill. C. Staff present: Communi!y Development Director Doug Evans, Assistant City Attorney Michael Houston, Principal Planner Stan Sawa, and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer. II. PUBLIC COMMENT: None III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: Confirmed. IV. CONSENT ITEMS: A. Chairman Quill asked if there were any changes to the Minutes of February 13, 2007. There being no changes, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Alderson/Barrows to approve the minutes as submitted. Unanimously approved. V. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Environmental Assessment 2006-579 and Conditional Use Permit 2007- 102; a request of CNL Desert Resorts, L. P. for consideration of architectural and landscaping plans for a signature pool facility, for the property located on the west side of Avenida Obregon, approximately 150-feet south of Avenida Fernando, within the La Quinta Resort. 1 . Chairman Quill opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. Community Development Director Doug Evans explained the purpose of the Conditional Use Permit. Staff reviewed the revised conditions. r...\1AIDnn,...~\Dr ..,,;...............\')1"\('\"71'11') n"7 "j",.. Planning Commission Minutes March 13, 2007 2. Chairman Quill asked if the date palm grove had a designation as Open Space. Staff stated the Specific Plan designated it as Tourist Commercial. 3. Commissioner Alderson asked if additional parking was needed would it require the removal of the palm trees. Staff stated it might require the removal of some of the trees. 4. Chairman Quill asked if there were any more questions of staff. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Quill asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr. Paul McCormick, Hilton Hotels Manager for the La Quinta Hotel, reviewed the project proposal. Mr. David Urban, CNL Resorts, gave a review of the concessions and conditions that had been worked out with staff. One of their concerns is water uses. If they were to add additional rooms, the rooms would use more water than the pool. Mr. Bill Markenson, Loss Prevention Manager for the Hotel, spoke in regard to loss prevention, traffic and parking related issues. He reviewed the new prevention measures that have been put into place at the Resort. In addition they will be hiring a traffic control manager to oversee all vehicle access into the Resort, along Avenida Obregon and Avenida Fernando as well as the loading dock area. He is also reviewing the additional measures that will be put into place to address the concerns raised regarding traffic and safety concerns. Chairman Quill noted that he had a conversation earlier today with Mr. McCormick and asked that one employee speak on behalf of the Resort. 5. Commissioner Alderson asked if the applicant had agreed to all the condition changes. Mr. Urban stated they have agreed. 6. There being no further questions of the applicant, Chairman Quill asked if there was any other public comment. Madeline and Roger Lolley, 77-317 Avenida Fernando, objected to the fact that they had not seen the display of the rock formation transposed on a site plan. The view from their house. She addressed the sound levels that will be caused by the Pool. The noise levels should be taken from an actual water park and not what they anticipate them to be. They will be going out and measuring the noise level at Soak City to obtain the actual noise levels from a water park. 7. Mr. Bill Bresnahan, 78-425 Calle Felipe, stated he is retired from the U. S. Secret Service and is concerned with security issues. Currently, there is poaching on the pools, tennis courts and fitness r.:.\\AJonnr<::\or ..................\")(\(\'71') 1':1 ", ~........ 2 Planning Commission Minutes March 13, 2007 center from people outside the Resort. How do they intend to improve on their security that they cannot do now. 8. Mr. Ed Mittelbusher, 77-333 Calle Mazatlan, stated he had heard that if the noise level of the pool exceeded 80db it would be shut down. Staff stated that if it exceeded the City's Ordinance it would be shut down as staff will enforce the City's Ordinance. Mr. Mittelbusher asked if this applied to the noise from the construction. Community Development Director Doug Evans stated the answer is no, construction noises will exceed the noise levels and are not a part of the operation of the facility. Staff will be adding this information to the Council report. Mr. Mittelbusher stated the City is then allowing violation of the La Quinta Noise Ordinance. 9. Mr. Philip Maschka, 77-213 Calle Mazatalan, stated he is opposed to the water park because it is a dumb idea to have a water park in the desert. 10. Mr. William Puget, 77-600 Avenida Fernando, stated he was confused about the process. He understood Council directed the applicant to meet with the homeowners to work out the issues. He heard the applicant stated they had met with the homeowners, but he did not meet with him or Mr. Davis, so why is this matter again before the Commission. Community Development Director Doug Evans stated Council did direct the applicant to meet with the homeowners and the interpretation was for them to meet with the HOA and staff was directed to attend those meeting and he did. The purpose of the meeting he attended and there was a lot of dialog between the homeowners and the applicant. The applicant will have to answer as to who they specifically spoke with. Mr. Puget asked why this application is again before the. Commission. Chairman Quill clarified this application is the Conditional Use Permit which is different than what was reviewed before. Assistant City Attorney Michael Houston clarified this application refers to the Conditional Use Permit only. The Municipal Code prohibits an application be resubmitted in substantially the same manner again within a year. Mr. Puget asked about the hotline to call for complaints. When the Resort has its tent events they have to use generators which run long beyond the 10:00 p.m. time limit. He has gone to the hotel and asked that the generators be turned off. He was told they should have known such activities will take place when they bought their home. He bought his home before the hotel began its expansion. If r.:.\'l\IDnnr~lor 1.11;...........'')(\(\7''1 1'1 (\7 ............ 3 Planning Commission Minutes March 13, 2007 this is the response they will get on a hotline, he would suggest it will not be effective. Regarc;ling the remote parking, where they will be shuttling people back and forth. This shuttle requires traveling on Avenida Fernando which is a private street subject to an easements and the easement applies to certain benefited property and a remote parking is not a benefited property. What incentive does the Hotel have to turn away guests? They will have to turn down revenue and alienate guests. How can they self regulate this important issue. They continue to strongly object to this project. 11. Mr. Steve Davis, 77-500 Avenida Fernando, went over an example of what happens on a daily basis in front of his house verbally and with pictures. He has been taking decimal readings in his yard to see what noises are being generated by the delivery trucks. He stated the noise generated by the trucks well exceeds the City's Noise Ordinance. They are as high as 89 decibels. He does not believe this road was permitted to allow deliveries. He then read into the record a letter submitted to the Resort documenting the events on Sunday, November 15, 2006 starting at 6: 15 a.m. as to what happened on that day in regard to the delivery trucks. 12. Ms. Gloria Dodd, 48-690 Via Sierra, stated the quality of life will be reduced with the approval of this project regardless of whatever conditions are placed on the project. There is no condition that can be placed on this project that will increase their quality of life if this project is approved 13. Ms. Mary Jane O'Connor, 77-343 Avenida Fernando, stated nothing has been stated in regard to who is going to protect the adjoining property owners from any seepage from this water park. She would also like to know what type of safety features will there be for children using this pool. 14. Mr. Frank S. Hill, 49-921 Avenida Vista Bonita, stated this is an attempt to shove through a water pool over the objections of the local residents. The statistics given by the developers can be challenged by other consultants. There is no accounting of the loss of revenue from the termination of the tennis courts. Why does Hilton want to jeopardize this world class tennis facility by installing a splash pool? 15. Mr. Richard Fredericks, 49-875 Avenida Obregon, stated there is not a street within this project that meets the Zoning Code r.:.\\Alonru'''c,o(' AII;...........\')(\(l7\'1 1'1 (\7 ..l........ 4 Planning Commission Minutes March 13, 2007 requirements. Avenida Fernando should be 50 feet wide and it is 36 feet. Avenida Obregon should be a 40-feet street and it is 20 foot fire lane. How can you control impact on health and safety, when you have the traffic disaster that currently exists when the Resort cannot control or regulate what is there. What happens when a two mile an hour car runs over a child because you have back out parking? All the parking spaces are back out parking. Every parking facility does not comply with the Zoning Code. You do not have back out parking spaces on a fire lane. He asked that the Notice of Dangerous Condition that he filed with the City is submitted into the record. He almost killed a child on a roller blade jumped out in front of him and he banged his head on the steering wheel when he was traveling ten miles an hour. Need to make legal findings that the CUP complies with zoning as well as CEQA findings. The foundation for this project was built on an EIR done in 1975. You do not even know the impacts of all the water that will be going into the ground. Finally, what will be the impacts on the surrounding residents. Follow your heart or follow the law. 16. Ms. Jennifer Jenkins, 49-385 Rancho San Francisquito, spoke on behalf of the 1,600 employees of the La Quinta Resort. These employees live and support the City of La Quinta. The previous expansions of the Resort were a benefit to the City and drove the economy of the City. Increased occupancy will only increase the number of employees the Resort can employ as well as TOT for the City. They have over 2,500 memberships and it is expected that less than 18% have children under 23 and will use the facility. Few of their members will ever use the Pool. Regarding tennis, they opened the courts at PGA West if members were unable to get a court. They are now building a fitness center, pool and tennis courts at The Citrus. All this will alleviate traffic from the Resort. The Resort has been a large part of the City and they would like to request the Commission consider approving this request. 17. Mr. Carl Geist, 50-062 Avenida Vista Bonita, stated he is one member of the Club who does not approve of this project. He understands why the Resort and City are interested in approving this project for the revenue it will generate. It was his understanding that other locations were discussed for the Pool that would not have an impact on the adjoining residents. The quality of life will not be enhanced by this project. He does not understand how the Hotel can promote this project. r::.."lI.lonnf"'Clor "'1I.~........\')I\f'\"7\') 1'1 n~ ..4........ 5 Planning Commission Minutes March 13, 2007 18. Mr. Joe Broido, 77-510 Calle Nogales, sated he was confused about what the CUP is compared to what the City Council reviewed. Is the intention to consider the operation of the project? Will this go forward to the Councilor is it to be approved at this meeting. Staff stated the Council will hold a hearing on all three applications at their next meeting. This meeting is to consider the CUP only. Mr. Broido asked if the condition regarding the landscaping along Eisenhower Drive and the Bear Creek Bike Path and the maintenance facility would be considered during this permit as well. Chairman Quill thanked Mr. Broido for reminding the Commission of this condition and they will address it in their motion. 19. Mr. Wayne Guralnick, 74-399 Highway 111, Palm Desert, representing the interests of the Tennis Villas, Enclave, The Etados and Mountain Estates HOAs, stated the City Code requires the Commission to make four findings. Three are consistency with the General Plan, Specific Plan and Zoning Code as well as compliance of CEQA requirements. The last finding requires compatibility and not injurious with the surrounding residents. The staff reports just states the conditions will mitigate any issues. This approval absolutely essential to the Resort for the summer and shoulder seasons. However, there is nothing said about this being an entertainment center. This is not to be annexed to a conference center. In Condition No. 24 they are talking about 1,500 people within 15 feet of the Tennis Villas up to 10:00 p.m. at night for several kinds of events creating all kinds of noise. This will be injurious to the adjacent residential use. If they want a water park, then condition it appropriately for a water park and eliminate the convention center. In Condition No. 20 it states it shall be used from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Except for the formal pool, it should not be midnight, it should be 10:00 p.m. as it now exists. Right now they have a formal pool that is used till 10:00 p.m. and is in that same range of location. Let them use that area for the convention facilities, but do not put it in the same location of the activity island adjacent to the homes. Strike out where it says 10:00 p.m. and make it 6:00 pm and strike out where it says midnight and make it 10:00 p.m. and the restaurant hours would be closed from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Condition #24 a similar change needs to be made that the outdoor meetings shall be held within the formal pool and not the active feature water feature. Same on line five where the active water feature is used they are asking that the formal pool area. Therefore, the outdoor activities r...\Ulonnrc\of" r.A............"'\""fV\"7I'1 t"1 (\"7 ...."... 6 Planning Commission Minutes March 13, 2007 after 6:00 p.m. would be limited to the formal pool area. Condition #22 regarding the movies, put the movies shall end at 10:00 p.m. and shall only be shown around the formal pool area. Noise is an issue and how do you monitor noise without having a noise monitor going around telling people to be quiet. In Condition No. 27 they are asking that it be changed to read the active water features causing the noise shall be deleted and the areas and activities causing the noise or violations should be closed. Whatever is causing the noise should be closed. Condition No. 27.C. they are asking that the active water feature have no active or amplified music in the formal pool area. On the noise issue, the City's Noise Ordinance states for noise sensitive areas which this is, for the receiving area not the area causing the noise, it provides that it be 60 dba from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. They are requesting a condition be added that there be no public address system, no exterior lighting except the landscaping areas. Deny this application or add the condition requested. 20. Ms. Ruth Utti, 76-946 Calle Mazatlan, stated she is opposed to the application. They bought their Tennis Villas with no anticipation the Hotel would ever make this type of expansion. This will destroy their quality of life and view of the mountains. The residents do deserve respect and listened to. She encouraged the Commission to deny the project. 21. Mr. Jake Baden, 77-471 La Vista, stated good intentions are one thing, but the reality of what goes on is different. He has been reviewing water park magazines lately and what the impact of the water is on surrounding neighbors. 22. Tom Overty, 48-805 Via Linda, stated he was told by someone that lives at the Legacy Villas that they have membership but do not pay dues. They have the right to use the Hotel but do not pay membership. Chairman Quill noted this is not an issue before the Commission. 23. Ms. Lee Charles 79-820 Cetrino, stated she does not understand how the construction activity can take place at the same time the Hotel is operating. Chairman Quill recessed the meeting at 9:20 p.m. and reconvened at 9:25 p.m. t':.\\I\./Dnf"l....~\Or ..~......+"..\..,....v...,.\.., '':1 "', "t"" 7 Planning Commission Minutes March 13, 2007 24. Mr. Rick Zeilenga, attorney for CNL, stated he would respond to some of the issues raised. In his aerial he noted that most of the properties mentioned were as far away as 1000 feet. What needs to be concentrated on tonight is the Tennis Villas and the impacts on. those units. The noise consultant they hired studied the three closest areas with 50% of the children screaming nonstop for an hour. This report was not conservative. The study considered the location of where the noise will be received. It then considered the City's Noise Ordinance and it was found there would be no significant increase. In addition to this the noise study considered external noises as well as the internal noise elements. He also considered the pools would be open when they will be closed; the equipment was considered to be open and it will be enclosed; and finally the wave height was reduced and the lazy river recessed. The hours of operation were also not considered at the reduced time limits. They have also agreed to additional conditions to reduce any potential impacts. In regard to the construction noise, construction activities are exempt from the noise concerns raised. Traffic reports have been taken during the prime season of the Resort. The report also showed no increase in traffic. The grove area is being reserved as a safety in case there are any parking concerns. They implemented the new program at the event held this last weekend and the program worked. He went on to review parking, Avenida Obregon pedestrian safety issues, and comparison to other water parks. The landscaping maintenance issues along Eisenhower Drive would also be added to this application. 25. Chairman Quill asked if there were any questions of staff or the applicant. Commissioner Barrows asked about the parking issues raised by Mr. Davis and whether this is a Code Compliance issue. Community Development Director Doug Evans stated it should be reviewed by the Code Compliance Department to make that determination. If the applicant does not respond to complaints called in at the time they are called in, then the problem is not solved and appropriate actions should be taken. Commissioner Barrows asked if the delivery hours are covered in any of the conditions. Mr. McCormick stated 7:00 a.m. is the starting time as well as delivery truck sizes have been relayed to their vendors. Problems arise when their vendors contract with others for deliveries. 26. Chairman Quill asked who should be called at 4:00 a.m. when there is a problem. Mr. McCormick stated it should be their loss ~.\\A'Dr,,'''\rC\or ..A.....+^"'I .,,"\1"'0'7\" 1 "l 1"\'7 A......... R Planning Commission Minutes March 13, 2007 prevention person who should respond to the site to solve the problem. They have 24-hour/seven days a week security to handle these problems. Chairman Quill asked that a condition be added to handle this traffic/noise problem on Avenida Fernando specifically in regard to delivery trucks in the Parking Management Plan. 27. Commissioner Barrows stated she appreciates the Resort addressing the landscaping issues on Eisenhower Drive regardless of whether or not this project is approved. Mr. McCormick stated they have already started the implementation process to repair this area. What this project proposes is to expand and enhance the landscaping all the way from the bridge on Eisenhower Drive wrapping down to the maintenance facility which includes ground cover down to the other end and adding a ground cover mix along Eisenhower Drive down to Calle Tampico. 28. Chairman Quill asked that a condition be added to this CUP that a comprehensive landscaping irrigation and fencing plan to resolve problems and improve the appears be prepared for Eisenhower Drive frontage and southern perimeter adjacent to the Bear Creek Bike Path for review and approval by the Planning Commission and encompass all the exterior landscaping to the entire maintenance facility wall. This will include the berm adjacent to the facility and the roadway frontage to the facility along the Bear Creek Path. Mr. McCormick stated they will address the issue. 29. Commissioner Daniels stated his concerns are directed toward the impacts on the surrounding communities. What meetings were held with those communities? Mr. David Urban stated they have met with Mr. Guralnick and the five HOAs. In regard to Mr. Puget and Mr. Davis they are in litigation and are restricted from talking with them because of the lawsuit. Commissioner Daniels stated he is impressed with the plans they have laid out, but is there some assurance the Hotel is capable of self regulations. Mr. Markson stated he reports directly to Mr. McCormick and they do have some training issues and need to add additional personnel. Training is needed to bring their staff to the level needed. Commissioner Daniels asked how Mr. Davis' concerns can be resolved. Mr. McCormick stated they have reduced the hours of deliveries and added people to help mariage the deliver trucks. Commissioner Daniels asked about damage caused by seepage from the pools. Is there monitoring required. Mr. McCormick stated they have 22 pools on site and have had no occurrence to r.::.HA'oru'i~\D(" ".,.......+......\"),(\('\"71'1 1"1 I"\"7 A........ 9 Planning Commission Minutes March 13, 2007 date. Mr. Chris Bergh, MDS Consulting, stated all the facilities with this project will be constructed in compliance with all Building Code, structural and civil engineers. Swimming pools typically do not seep. Splashing water is not seepage. This may occur in the retention basins, but they are off-site on the golf course. The infiltration of the Pool water is self contained on site in a septic system and pumped away from the site and clear water is infiltrated back into the ground. 30. Commissioner Daniels asked about alternative sites for the pool. Mr. David Urban stated that the problem with the alternate locations is that it will greatly increased cost and displaces rooms back into this area which would be a greater impact on traffic, view and same kind of noise concerns. In evaluating the alternative site, the cost was greater than the return. Commissioner Daniels asked about what events are currently occurring. Mr. McCormick stated they have been holding events up to 1,500 persons and there have been some complaints about the music, but the events are shut down by 10:00 p.m. Commissioner Daniels asked about changing the times and moving the events to the formal pool area. Mr. Urban stated this was discussed and determined it was not an option they could agree to. They would be amenable to shutting down all functions at 10:00 p.m. Commissioner Daniels asked about the elimination of music and outdoor lighting. Mr. Urban stated their concept of this project includes music distributed throughout the site on small speakers to contain the noise generated from the music. They have implemented numerous measures to contain the music/noise on the site. 31 . Chairman Quill asked if the existing tennis courts in this area are lighted. Mr. McCormick stated some of they are lighted and are lighted till 9:00 p.m. 32. Commissioner Daniels asked about the sale of the Hotel. Mr. Urban stated that CNL Hotels and Resorts is being purchased by Morgan Stanley. Any of these obligations they are entering into would be bound by the entity purchasing the Hotel. 33. Mr. Puget stated he is not in litigation with the Hotel and would be available to hold discussions with the applicant. r-.\\II.'Df'\n~C'D(" lA;r...."..\'1fV\,I';I 1'1 (\"'1 ..l....... 10 Planning Commission Minutes March 13, 2007 34. There being no further public comment Chairman Quill closed the public participation portion of the hearing and asked for Commission discussion. 35. Commissioner Engle stated he believes this is a good project and believes with the strict conditions imposed, he is in favor of the project. 36. Commissioner Daniels stated that between the staff report, minimizing the impacts, he is satisfied with the answers received from staff and the applicant, he supports the project. 37. Commissioner Barrows asked where a condition could be added to the revised Condition No. 7.C.l.a. and e. addressing loading, shipping and other related activities and any third party is bound by this condition. What is the enforcement side of this; whose responsibility is it? Staff stated the applicant is to undertake this responsibility and if not done, the City can revoke or modify the CUP. Commissioner Barrows asked about Condition No. 11 to clarify whether it is "logs" or "reports" (highlighted in blue). Staff stated they would fix the condition. Commissioner Barrows asked about Condition No. 20 to adjust the hours to 10:00 p.m. Community Development Director Doug Evans stated the applicant's intent is that the formal pool area operates from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. He does not believe they want to limit the hours of the restaurant to 10:00 p.m. Commissioner Barrows asked about Condition 22 in regard to the movies should it state what months in the rest of the year movies can be shown. 38. Chairman Quill asked that the Condition regarding Eisenhower Drive shall be approved by the Planning Commission and the maintenance facility and berm should be added. 39. Commissioner Alderson reiterated the direction given by the Council and he believes that direction was followed by the applicant and staff. To him it does not make sense that this is a good business move; however, if it fails, what would happen to this "white elephant" and it has been proven to him that this company is a viable company that would resolve the problem. He went to Arizona and visited the site and found that their employee rate stayed higher and the occupancy rate was increased. The customer base was from the citizens of the area who took their children there for the entertainment. This has put to ease a lot of his concerns. He does not agree this will add traffic to the site as r-.I\A/OnnrCIDr' ft..;.....+"..\.,,.,,,...,\., 1"'J "7 ..f...... 11 Planning Commission Minutes March 13, 2007 people will walk to the pool and not drive. Having a backup traffic study being done after the fact will not resolve anything. He initially did not support this project, but based on his review and the cooperation of the applicant, he will support the project. Community Development Director Doug Evans stated that regarding the City's Noise Ordinance (Condition No. 27) the City's Noise Ordinance is not specific to any part of this project. The HOA attorney raised the point that the active water feature causing the noise ordinance violation. The CUP should not restrict the noise ordinance to apply to only parts of the project. Staff would recommend activities as suggested. City staff will enforce problems according to whatever is causing the noise. 40. Chairman Quill stated he too believes the applicant has gone a long way to mitigate the impacts and believes there will be other projects demolished and replaced with different things similar to this as time goes on. 41 . It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Engle to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2007-010 recommending approval of Conditional Use Permit 2007-102, as recommended and amended: a. Condition Added: That a comprehensive landscaping, irrigation and fencing plan to resolve problems and improve the appearance shall be prepared for the Eisenhower Drive frontage and southern perimeter adjacent to the Bear Creek Bike Path and maintenance facility on Avenida Carranza for review by the ALRC and approval by the Planning Commission as a Business item. The plan shall be implemented and completed prior to issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy for the Signature Pool facility. b. Condition No. 7 .C.l.a amended: Traffic flow, loading, shipping and other related activities and parking control on Avenida Fernando. c. Condition No. 20 Amended: Operating hours for all outdoor uses, features, and activities not defined as an Active Water Features, shall be: 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., except for the formal pool, which shall operate: 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. The restaurant hours shall be 7:00 a.m. to midnight daily. r-_\\A1Of'\nrCIOr ...;......"'..'..U\n"7I'1 1 '10, A....... 12 Planning Commission Minutes March 13, 2007 d. Condition No. 22: There shall be no evening movies between the Monday following Thanksgiving and the 2nd Thursday of March of each year. When permitted, the movies shall end by 10:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: A YES: Commissioners Alderson, Barrows, Daniels, Engle and Chairman Quill. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None. VI. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. General Plan Consistency Finding; Consideration of a finding of General Plan conformity for the City of La Quinta's potential acquisition of property for approximately 29.9 acres of land for the construction and operation of affordable housing and that a portion of the property would be developed for commercial/retail uses for the property located on the south side of Highway 111, east of Dune Palms Road. 1. Chairman Quill opened the Public Hearing. Community Development Director Doug Evans presented the staff report a copy of which is. on file in the Community Development Department. 2. There being no discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Barrows/Alderson to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2007-011 finding General Plan conformity with the acquisition of the property located on the south side of Highway 111, east of Dune Palms Road, as submitted. ROLL CALL: A YES: Commissioners Alderson, Barrows, Daniels, Engle, and Chairman Quill. NOES: None.. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None. VIII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: IX. COMMISSIONER ITEMS: A. Commissioner Daniels stated he would not be able to attend the next meeting. . It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Barrows/Alderson to excuse Commissioner Daniels. r.;.HAlonnrCIDf" ".;....+.....'')fVY7\') 1" n"7 .,.l".. 13 Planning Commission Minutes March 13,2007 X. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Alderson/Engel to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to a regular meeting of the Planning Commission to be held on March 27, 2007. This meeting of the Planning Commission was adjourned at 10:44 p.m. on March 13,2007. Respectfully submitted, --- a~e.'\..-.----- er, ecutive Secrihary . ta, California r...\\A'CnnrC\or ...;.....+.......1.,(\('\"71":1 1"l n7 rI...... 14