2007 03 27 PC Minutes
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
March 27, 2007
7:00 P.M.
A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:00
p.m. by Acting Chairman Ed Alderson who asked Commissioner Barrows
to lead the flag salute.
B. Present: Commissioners Ed Alderson, Katie Barrows, and Jim Engle. It
was moved and seconded by Commissioners Barrow/Engle to excuse
Commissioner Daniels and Chairman Quill.
C. Staff present: Community Development Director Doug Evans, Assistant
City Attorney Michael Houston, Associate Planner Andrew Mogensen,
and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer.
A. Acting Chairman Alderson asked if there were any changes to the
Minutes of February 27, 2007. There being no changes, it was moved
and seconded by Commissioners Barrows/Engle to approve the minutes
as submitted. Unanimously approved.
B. Acting Chairman Alderson asked if there were any changes to the
Minutes of the Joint Meeting with the Community Services Commission
of March 13, 2007.
A. Environmental Assessment 2006-577, Specific Plan 2006-074
Amendment No.1, and Tentative Tract Map 34642; a request of Trans
West Housing, Inc. for consideration of an Amendment to the Specific
Plan to increase the clubhouse from 8,000 square feet to 21,204 square
feet and amend the Tentative Tract Map to provide an additional 90
single-family lots and :t 7 acres of landscaped, recreational open space to
the existing residential development located west of Madison Street, east
of Monroe Street.
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Planning Commission Minutes
March 27, 2007
1 . Acting Chairman Alderson opened the public hearing and asked for
the staff report. Associate Planner Andrew Mogensen presented
the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on
file in the Community Development Department. He noted
changes to the Conditions. Condition No. 21 delete second
sentence of paragraph 1; Condition No. 21.A.2.d. should be
changed to a six foot wide sidewalk; Condition No. 21.E. work
with staff on the edging material and delete "all on-site sidewalk"
from the first paragraph; Condition No. 37 delete the second to
last sentence. Staff will be changing this to the 45th building
permit of this phase; and Condition No. 103 changed to read..." all
on-site equestrian trails on the Avenue 54 perimeter." Lastly, the
Specific Plan Conditions were changed to revise the sidewalk to
six feet.
2. Acting Chairman Alderson asked if there were any questions of
staff. Commissioner Barrows asked if the landscaping would
come back to the Commission. Staff stated yes. She then asked
if the change to Condition No. 21 referred only to the off-site
street improvements. Staff stated yes. Commissioner Barrows
stated it was her understanding there was a mesquite hummock
located on this property and asked why it was not included in the
Environmental Assessment. In the past the City has required
mitigation for the mesquite hummock. Staff stated a report was
done on the site and none were identified.
3. Acting Chairman Alderson asked if the project drained to Lot B
retention basin - the entire 90 acres. Staff asked that the
applicant answer. Acting Chairman Alderson asked if the new
clubhouse will come back. Staff stated yes. Acting Chairman
Alderson asked about the Morongo Basin conditions. Staff
explained and stated it was not placed on the first phase of the
project. Assistant City Attorney Michael Houston stated Senate
Bill 18 consultation issue was not an active statue on the first
project therefore, it was not relevant. Community Development
Director Doug Evans stated this band has been known to respond
yet when staff contacted them, they had no response. Acting
Chairman Alderson asked about the letters that were just given to
the Commission. Staff stated the letters referred to the concrete
mow strip only. One letter had an objection to development on
smaller lots, but did not reference this project in particular.
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Planning Commission Minutes
March 27,2007
4. There being no further questions of staff Acting Chairman
Alderson asked if the applicant would like to address the
Commission. Mr. Jerry Herman, representing Trans West, stated
they concur with the conditions as modified.
5. Acting Chairman Alderson asked if there were any questions of the
applicant. Commissioner Barrows asked about the mesquite
hummock. Mr. Herman stated it was a water agriculture reservoir
which was not a true hummock site, therefore there was no
mitigation measures. Commissioner Barrows asked that the water
features be reduced and any other areas that could conserve the
water usage. Mr. Herman stated they have a Bureau of
Reclamation line that runs down the western property edge to
serve the Saddle Club. They are moving this line to empty into the
lake. The agricultural water will then run into the lake via the
interior street system. A pump will be installed at the Saddle Club
to pump the water from the lake to flood irrigate the pastures and
serve as a retention basin and stabilize the soil. Commissioner
Barrows stated she would still like to see less turf and water on
that part of the project site.
6. There being no further questions of staff, the applicant or any
other public comment, Acting Chairman Alderson closed the public
participation portion of the hearing.
7. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Barrows/Engle to adopt Planning Commission
Resolution 2007-013 to recommend certification of a Mitigated
Negative Declaration for Environmental Assessment 2006-577, as
ROLL CALL: A YES: Commissioners Barrows, Engle, and Acting
Chairman Alderson. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Daniels
and Chairman Quill. ABSTAIN: None.
8. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Barrows/Engle to
adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2007-014 recommending
approval of Specific Plan 2006-074, Amendment No.1, as
recommended and modified:
a. Condition 5.b. and d. deleted.
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Planning Commission Minutes
March 27, 2007
9. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Barrows/Engle to
adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2007-015 recommending
approval of Tentative Tract Map 34642, as recommended and
a. Condition No. 21: Delete second sentence of paragraph 1;
b. Condition No. 21.A.2.d.: Shall be changed to a six foot
wide sidewalk;
c. Condition No. 21.E.: Work with staff on the edging
material and delete "all on-site sidewalk" from the first
d. Condition No. 37: Delete the second to last sentence.
Staff will be changing this to the 45th building permit of this
phase; and
e. Condition No.1 03 changed to read... "all on-site equestrian
trails on the Avenue 54 perimeter."
ROLL CALL: A YES: Commissioners Barrows, Engle, and Acting
Chairman Alderson. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Daniels and
Chairman Quill. ABSTAIN: None.
A. Commissioner Barrows asked staff to review the City Council meeting of March
20,2007. Community Development Director Doug Evans gave an overview of
the Council action on the Resort project.
There being no further it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Barrows/Engle
to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to a regular meeting to be
held on April 10, 2007. This regular meeting was adjourned at 7:47p.m. on March
27, 2007.
Respectfully submitted,
yer, Executive Secretary
La Quinta, California
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