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001226 (SFD)
PERMIT APPLICATION City of La Duinta Department of Building and Safety This permit becomes void if work not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance. OR, if work has been suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days. LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION: I hereby affirm that I .am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of,lhe Business and Professions Code, and my license is in full force and effect. License Class Lic. Number Date Contractor OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION: I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5. Business and Professions Code: Any city or county which requires a.permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more -than five hundred dollars ($500.): . 0 I. as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and.Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds, or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. It, however, the building or improvemnt is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). 0 I, as owner of the property, am exculsively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for such projects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law.). 0 1 a exempt under Sec. B. 8 P.C. (Attached Certificate). Date Owner WORKERS' COMPENSATION DECLARATION: I hereby affirm that I have.a certificate of consent to self -insure, or a certificate of Workers' Compensation Insurance , or a certified copy thereof (Sec. 3800. Lab. C.). Policy No. , Company 0 Certified copy is hereby furnished. 0 Certified copy is filed with the City Building Inspection Department or City Department Date Applicant APPLICANT NAME (L. F. MI) Mike Head ADDRESS 52-97A }Lid Navarro CITY/COMMUNITY/STATE/ZIP la QuInta/ CA 92853 JOB SITE AOORESS/SPACE 52-945 Avenida T varrO CITY/COMMUNITY/STATE/ZIP T .. 7A» nt , C, 92253 iJCGi SCuiij{il 80173 PA33A `3 uC TWN RNG SE S TRACT , I LOT Elect. Fee 71.90 MOD SB Plumbing Fee 89.00 TRACT NAME LYIJm OWNER NAME (L. F. MI) 4pl{caaa»}• CONTRACTOR -FIRM NAME A;lp7 i ....1:t• ADDRESS above CITY/COMMUNITY/STATE/ZIP a aove PHONE • 1-15-85 LICNC 0 ARC/ENG FIRM NAME ADDRESS CITY/COMMUNITY/STATE/ZIP PHONE N LICNC • USE OF PERMIT s Ml a fami 1 y clAiell—ing BL ZON FSB I SSB SSB RSB OFC ZONE ORD . LOT SZ END SIDE CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE: This section need not be completed if the permit is for one hundred ($100) o. less. I certify that in the performance of the work for which this, permit is issued. I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. Oat e _ Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If, after making this Certificate of Exemption, you should become subject to the Workers' Compensation provisions of the Labor Code, you must forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. DIVISION OF INDUSTRIAL SAFETY PERMIT CERTIFICATION: 0 I hereby certify that no excavation five (5) or more feet in depth into which a person is required to descend, will be made in connection with work authorized by this permit, and that no building structure, scaffolding, falsework, or demolition or dismantling thereof, will be more than thirty-six (36) feet high. (Chap 3.2, Grp 2, Art 2, Sec 341, Title 8, C.A.C.) 0 As owner -builder, I will not employ anyone to do work which would require a permit from the Division of Industrial Safety, as noted above, unless such person has a permit to do such work from that division. 0 Division of Industrial Safety Permit,No. Date Applicant CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY: I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which,this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.). Lender's Name Lender's Addre I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this county to enter upon the above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. Signature of Applicant or Agent Date CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE AND AUTHORIZATION OF ENTRY: I certify I have read this application and state that the information given is correct. I agree to comply with all state laws and county ordinances relating to buidling construction, and authorize a'representative of the City of La Ouinta Department of Building and Safety to enter upon the property for which I have applied for this permit for the purpose of making inspections. Signature of Applicant or Agent Date, Print Applicant/Agent Name APPUPRMT a, 7 +/`' 2 1.7-85 S.F•D• Permit to o=sttructt 1288 sq. ft. of s.f.d. and 301 sq. ft. of perch and 480 sq. ft. - of garage as per approved dans. Meeh. Fee 33.00 Plan Check Fee 293.72 C7anst. Fe 343.00 Elect. Fee 71.90 SMI Fee 4.87 Plumbing Fee 89.00 Property Dev+el Fee 300.00 1,135.49 Plan Check Dep. 250.00 Pd. '885.49 1-15-85 `l pP, TOTAL . FEE 'e VALUATION n9,35b.U0 BLDG.DEPT. NO. OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR NO. OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS 1 Set Back 33 Ventilation System 2 Ftgs & Frms 34 Plenums & Ducts 2A Slab Grade 35 Furnace Compart. 3 Steel 36 Inlets & Outlets 4 Grout Blocks 37 Combustion Air 5 Bond Beams 38 Compressor 6 Roof Deck 39 Appl. Clearance 7 Framing s 40 Fire Damper 8 Vents 41 Smoke Detection Device 9 Garage Fire Wall 42 Commercial Hood 10 Fireplace P.L. ❑ 43 Final 10A Fireplace T.O. ❑ OP'NO. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SEWAGE SYSTEM SIZE & LOCATION 11 Exterior Lath 12 Internal Lath 12A Drywall 13 Finish Grade INSULATION Thick R Value 7A Walls (Batts) d!L 12B Ceiling (Batts) 12C Ceiling (Blown) 14 Final PLUMBING APPROVALS 15 Ground Plumb a2s S 16 Water Piping 17 Rough Plumb 18 Vents 19 Sewage Disposal 20 Sewer 21 Water Heater 22 Water Softener 23 Water Service 24 Gas Test 25 Final Tank Pit L. Line ELECTRIC APP OV LS REAR OF PROPERTY LINE PSL PiI STREET NAME 26 Power Pole 27 Conduit 28 Service Entrance 29 Wiring 29A Grounding Wire 29B Bonding 30 Fixtures 31 Service 32 Final 1Ep jc o .Desert Sands Unihed School District y BERMUDA DUNES r RANCHO MIRAGE 82-879 HIGHWAY 111 O INDIO, CALIFORNIA 92201.5678 • (619) 347-8631 INDIAN WELLS H %0PALM DESERT -b ,January 28, 1..9.85 J'' LA OUINTA 'Jp INDIO y� City of La Quinta Department.of Community Development 78-105 Calle Estado La Qui'nta, CA 92253 Re: Lot ll, Block 148, Santa Carmelita, Valle La Quinta Gentlemen: The developer of .the -above referenced lot has mitigated its impacts on our overcrowded schools by -payment of the amount of'$628 per unit to be applied to the cost of district educational facil'i'ties made necessary by such new development. (Sincerely, V John D. Brooks Assistant Superintendent Business Services JDB/crm all Z 0 U W rA 0 Z O F V W N Z O U W Receipt No. �7 ©�� i� Issued By District: Riverside ❑ Indio ❑Hemet ❑ DISTRIBUTION: WHITE - Office File YELLOW - Applicant DOH SAN 122 (Rev 10/82) Date / I _ 7 —e � PINK - Building Dept. GOLDENROD - Pending File RIVERSIDE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH PERMIT APPLICATION FOR A SUBSURFACE DISPOSAL SYSTEM Applicant: Submit this form with three copies of a scaled plot,.plan drawn to county specifications required on the attached check list. A non refundable filing fee of $15 is required when the application is submitted. Check must be made payable to County of Riverside. Name A -,o if -Cr Mailing AddressG/ P, City/State Zip Code Phone 'Property Address 4,5- /�Ar/,�e'/io;N!i City or Corrnarrity'Legal Description of Property (Lot, Parcel Map, Tract) •� �,� ja i 1a><// ��� i%r �f�,,�`j`,SCav���c� 'Assessors Parcel No. 773-339-/��_IXH Water Serving Property From Lot size Cl? Signature of Applicant Date 'The above information must be verified from Building Application Staff Use — Do Not Write Below This Line jnitipl Date WQCB Clearance required Yes ❑ No /"`�'� /-2 - 7-d Y Soils feasibility report required Yes ❑ No I Detailed boring report required Yes ❑ No Detailed contour plot required Yes ❑ No Comments: Soils or boring report by Date f Approved by 0 % , r.,/Date _ / y < ' GJax, �5 Soils Map Page Soil Type " Tract File No "� tier Number of Bedrooms Septic Tank Size (gallons) Rate Required Ji�: Type of System AddReplacement ❑ition Leach line sq. ft. of bottom area trench "' Leach bed (sq. ffctf bottom area bed) Seepage Pit Diameter 6" Number of Pits Z Seepage.Pit Depth B.I. /� �1���J Total Depth of Pit /�'- L a Location of System ; ( O A�� allRRequirements�n /1c..f aid" vH C,� . /��1 �� � �/ !'!r-e��.. /Off`• _ jl /d ' ) A permit I,S approved ffiedfor the design of a subsurfacedisposal system as indicated on the accompanied plot plan using the requirements set forth in Section B above. A building permit is necessary for the installation of the above designed system. / )- - 7 Signature of Health Official / Date Receipt No. �7 ©�� i� Issued By District: Riverside ❑ Indio ❑Hemet ❑ DISTRIBUTION: WHITE - Office File YELLOW - Applicant DOH SAN 122 (Rev 10/82) Date / I _ 7 —e � PINK - Building Dept. GOLDENROD - Pending File h ..7 - U Oral k- r -R c --.v* 'le C� och k— c:: L -k IL._- or --4 -T- .1 V-) P fl oc� FR E- ir-'i I t5p JOHN H. HACKER,„ CIVIL, ENGINEER, PALM SPRINGS ; LATITUDE 33.0 W I NT'ER. TEMP. 31 DEG. SUMMER TEMP1.10 DEG OWNER JOB SITE L_OCAT I ON ---------------------------------- AREA BLDG 1280 SO. FT. PERIMETER 14S SO. FT. INSULATION R VALUES ...SLAB 7 ...CEILING 38 ... WALL 11 AREA NORTH WINDOWS 16 SC?. F T . PERCE=NT OF AREA 1.25 AREA EAST WINDOWS 29 SO FT. PERCENT OF AREA 2.26563 AREA SOUTH WINDOWS 20 SO. FT. PERCENT OF AREA 1.5625 AREA WEF::f::i'T WINDOWS 69 SORT. PER( EN"I of AREA 5.3906i , TO'TAI.... WINDOW AREA 1.34 SOI FT. PERCENT OF AREA 10.4680 THE 1-1 VA1... UE'. OF THE WINDOWS IS .65 (. 65= DUAL... PANE, 1.1- SINGL.E PANE) THIS BLDG USES WHITE ROLLER SHADES ON WINDOWS (S. C:. _ .41). THE. TOTAL. S.C. :OF THE W LNDOWS IS .2706 SOUTH OVERHANG LENGTH 2 - - I N'TER :L OR THERMAL MASS AREA :- 330 SO FT ATTIC AREA ==• 1280 SO FT. INFILTRATION " (STD 0.01S,, MED 0.014, TIGHT 0.012) - .014 HEATING LOSSES FOOTING L-OSWS... 3403.4S BTU CEILING LOSSES... 1263A STU WINDOW LOSSES,.. 3396,.i U..1..1 � WALL... LOSSES.... 3276 E:+ -1•U s ,: INFILTRATION LOSSES... 5591.P4 I::+TU `I-OTAL. HEAT LOSSES 9TU/HR.:. 16933.2 L:.7AY FURNANCE SIZE 577:34.5 B.T'.J OR 45,000 STU COOLING LOSSES FOOTING LOSSES ... 3492.8 ETU CEILING LOSSES ... 1296.2 PTL1 WINDOW .L..OSSF-.S... 5873.05 BTU WALL LOSSES,.... 3360 BTU INFILTRATION LOSSES... 0734.4 DTL.1 NO. OF PEOPLE.... 5 COOLING LOSSES... 206 0. 1 KITCHEN... 1500 BTU DUCT LOSSES INCLUDED IN TOTAL. - TOTAL COOLING LOSSES S "v'.^•_56. C BTU , COMPLIANCE CHECK LIST PER DESIGN DATA THIS BUILDING UTILIZES INSU-FORM SLA8 EDGE INSULATION R-7 SLAB ON GROUND, 0 POINTS WALL INSULATION, -6 POINTS CEILING INSULATION, 0 POINTS ' ATTIC, 4 POINTS NORTH WINDOWS GLAZING 2 POINTS EAST WINDOWS GLAZING 2 POINTS SOUTH WINDOWS GLAZING 0 POINTS WEST WINDOWS GLAZING -6 POINTS EAST SHADING COEFFICIENT -2 POINTS SOUTH SHADING COEFFICIENT -1 POINTS WEST SHADING'COEFFICIENT -6 POINTS NORTH SHADING COEFFICIENT 0 POINTS. INFILTRATION -1 POINTS THERMAL MASS 330 SQ.FT. 10 POINTS SOUTH OVERHANG 0 POINTS HEAT PUMP THE EER OF THE COOLING SYSTEM IS 8.5 COOLING 4 POINTS THE ALLOWABLE POINTS PER AB 163 IS -5 FOR THIS AREA 15 THE TOTAL POINTS ARE 0 - THE FOLLOWING MANDITORY FEATURES/DEVICES ARE REQUIRED PERCAC TITLE 24 INSULATION AS SPECIFIED; PER MANUFACTURES LABLE INFILTRATION CONTROL. DOORS, WINDOWS FULLY WEATHERGTRIPPED OPENINGS CAULKED AND SEALED AROUND JOINTS IN WINDOW.AND WALL SOLE PLATES AND ELECTRIC OUTLET GASKETS ON ALL EXTERIOR WALLS MANUFACTURED.DOORSSHAiL MEET APPLICABLE STANDARDS ` BACK DRAFT DAMPERS ON EXHAUST FAN . FIREPLACES MUST HAVE TIGHT FITTING, CLOSEABLE DOORS COVERING FIREBOX PROVIDE COMBUSTION AIR INTAKE DUCTS (6 SQ. IN.) WITH TIGHT FITTING DAMPER DUCTS; BUILT PER CHAPTER'10 U.M.C. � GAS FURNANCE SIZED TO 1.3 DESIGN LOGS + 10 BTUH PER SQ. FT. OR 45,000 BTU SETBACK THERMOSTATS SHALL HAVE AUTOMATIC SETBACK CAPABILITY /2 PERIODS PER 24 HR WATER HEATER TO HAVE R-12 INSULATION WRAPPING, AND R-3 ON FIRST 5' OF PIPE NAT. GAS STOVES SHALLNOT HAVE CONT. S ` BURNING � --_T ` LIGHT IN KITCHEN BATI TO BE FLOURECENT, EXCEPT BATH MIRROR KIT SINK, TABLE CERTIFIED HN H. HACKER, R.C.E. 14614 ' v e &v X31- 11/J�V rG- r2.2� �wyLa✓.` 5"0,1A, Mr011rF/-7r . dolt- /A - lll6Gv�ri�o QUINTA- c6mmqnit y ment/Bldg. Dept. _ WALLY !� EPTEO FOR CONSTRUCTION SUBJECT" TO INSTALLATION AS PER �jAND ALL APPLICABLE C j '�Y i T I TL—_E �-c? 4 E1-JEFcGY CAl_C:tli.._. -T I I7P'�! AREA 1 JOHN H. HACKER, CIVIL ENGINEER, PALM SPRINGS LATITUDE 33.8 WI TER TEMP` 3; DEG. SUMMER TEMP. 110 DEC OWNER JOB SITE LOCATIONjDl /5—�/� AREA BLDG 1280 SO. FT. PERIMETER 148 SO. FT. INSULATION R VALUES ... SLAB 7 ... CEILING ..30 !..WALL 1 1 ... AREA NORTH WINDOWS 16 SOFT. PERCENT OF AREA 1.25 AREA EAST WINDOWS 29 SQ.FT. PERCENT OF AREA 2.2656? AREA SOUTH WINDOWS 20 SOFT. PERCENT OF AREA 1.5625 AREA WEST WINDOWS 69 SQ.FT. PERCENT OF AREA 5.::9063 , TOTAL_ WINDOW AREA 1.34 SO. FT. PERCENT OF AREA 10.4688 00Ye'/z9!FWyN -> ¢-Sq A' 0.3 07o THE U VALUE OF THE WINDOWS I S ' . 6 5 (.65= DUAL. PANE, 1.1= ,THIS BLDG USES WHITE ROLLER SHADES ON WINDOWS (S.C. = .41) THE TOTAL_ S . C . OF THE WINDOWS IS ._ 2706 SOUTH OVERHANG LENGTH 2 INTERIOR THERMAL_. MASS AREA = 330 SO FT ATTIC AREA = 1280 SO FT INF:IL..TRATION (STD 0.018, MED 0.01.4, TIGHT 0.012) — .014 HEATING LOSSES FOOTING LOSSES. 3405.48 BTU CEILING LOSSES... 1263.8 BTU WINDOW L.OSSES... 3396.9 BTU WALL. LOSSES.... 3276 BTU INFILTRATION LOSSES... 0591,P4 BTU TOTAL HEAT LOSSES VTU/HR.:.16931.2 GAS FURNANCE S I Z.E� 57734.5 BTU OR 45,000 BTU COOLING LOSSES FOOTING LOSSES... 3492.8 BTU CEILING LOSSES... 1296.2 BTU WINDOW L..OSSES... 507.3.05 BTU WALL LOSSES .... .3.360 BTU INFILTRATION LOSSES:.. 5734.4 BY.) NO. OF PEOPLE... 5 COOLING LOSSES... 2000 KITCHEN... 1500 BTU DUCT LOSSES INCLUDED IN TOTAL. TOTAL COOLING LOSSES 23256.5 BTU Np = / To SINGLE PANE) COMPLIANCE CHECK LIST PER DESIGN DATA THIS BUILDING UTILIZES INSU—FORM SLAB EDGE INSULATION R-7 SLAP ON GROUND, 0 POINTS WALL -INSULATION, —6 POINTS CEILING INSULATION, 0 POINTS ATTIC,' 4 POINTS NORTH WINDOWS GLAZING EAST WINDOWS GLAZING SOUTH WINDOWS GLA Z- I NG WEST WINDOW; GLAZING se Y c EAST SHADING COEFFICIENT SOUTH SHADING COEFFICIENT WEST SHADING COEFFICIENT NORTH -SHADING COEFFICIENT INFILTRATION THE-_RMAL MASS 33.0 SO. FT. SOUTH OVERHANG HEAT PUMP THE EER OF THE COOLING SYSTEM.IS 8. COOLING THE ALLOWABLE POINTS PER AB 163 IS -5 FOR THE TOTAL_ PO I NTS ARE dp' — 'L THE FOL...LOWING MANDITORY FEATURES/DEVICES 2 POINTS 2 POINTS 0 POINTS —6 POINTS —Z POINTS —1 POINTS —6 POINTS 0 POINTS. �0 —1 -POINTS' 10 POINTS 0 POINTS 4 POINTS THIS AREA 15 A1=iE REC?U I RED An -CAC T I TI.. F-. 24 INSULATION AS SPECIFIED; PER. MANUFACTURES L_.AHLE INFILTRATION CONTROL. DOORS, WINDOWS FULLY WE::ATHE.RSTR I PPED OPENINGS CAULKED AND SEALED AROUND JOINTS I N WINDOW AND WALL SOLE PLATES AND ELECTRIC OUTLET BASKETS ON ALL EXTERIOR WALLS MANUFACTURED DOORS 'SHALL MEET APPLICABLE STANDARDS BACK DRAFT DAMPERS ON EXHAUST- FAN FIREPLACES MUST HAVE TIGHT FITTING., C:L_OSEADLE DOORS COVERING FIREBOX PROVIDE COMBUSTION AIR INTAKE DUCTS (6 SO. IN.) WITH TIGHT FITTING DAMPER DUCT;; BUILT PER CHAPTER 10 U.M.C. GAS FURNANCE SIZED TO 1.3 DESIGN LOGS + 10 i BTUH PER SO. FT. OR 45,000 BTU SETBACK THERMOSTATS SHALL_ HAVE AUTOMATIC SETBACK CAPABILITY /2 PERIODS PER 24 HR WATER HEATER TO HAVE R-12 INSUL_ATION.WRAPPIAG, AND R-3 ON FIRST 5' OF PIPE. NAT. GAS STOVES SHALLN HAV! CUNT. BURNING PIOUS LIGHT IN KITCHEN BATH BE FLOURECENT, EXCEPT BATH MIRROR KIT SINK, TABLE CERTIFIED FO OHN H. HACKER, R.C.E. 14614 058:10 .'R2 3/28/84 VH/dr Attachment D Fo rm 2 (Revised 3/84) Climate Zones 2. 4; 6, and 8-15 COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST For Low -Rise Residential Buildings (except hotels and motels) Step 1: Enter on the form the values for each measure from your building plan and specifications sheet. Stap•2: Enter points on this page while, working through the point system Building Shell Mea�s_u_a Polnts *Total Floor- Area . !Z ft2 1. Slab -on -Ground; Perimeter ' 2. Raised Floor R -Value. . ...0. . _min. R, 3. Ceiling Insulation or Construction�Assembly R- _a. Attic. Percent of Roof Over Conditioned Space >r R ?1 4. Mall Insulation or Construction Assembly. . . . . ' ' ft2 Glazing; Total f Floor Area Single Double TriDl@ S. North -Facing. . . % �_ft2 / ft2 ft2 6. East -Facing . . ft ft2 7. South -Facing. . . �>( —ft ft2 � ft2 8. West -Facing z '—eft 9. Skylight. . . . % 2 ft2 -_ft2 _..__f t _..Q�f t ft .(.Z 10. Shading Coefficient (excluding overhang) a. East . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Z%. SC . . . . -?i b. South. . . . . . . . . .�SC . . . - .c: West . . . . . . . . . . . . . . d. North. �_SC . . . . . . . . . . e. Skylight . . . SC . '11. Horizontal South Overhang Length. --ft 12. Movable Insulation, % Floor Area. ' . ' ' ' • ' 13. Infiltration (indicate Standard, Medius or light) 14. Thermal Nass Exterior Wall Thermal Mass Area, Heat Capacity, R -Value . . . . ft2. _� C. R• Interior Thermal Mass Area, Heat Capacity, R -Value . . . . . 330 ft2,. _+H` Re- HVA` m** 15., Gas Furnace without Refrigeration -Cooling (Seasonel Efflclency)Sf 16. Heat Pump (Energy Efficiency •Ratio) . . . . . 17. Gds Furnace with Refrigeration Cooling • E Seasonal Efficiency and Seasonal �- Energy Efficiency Ratio 18. Active Solar (Net Solar Fraction. f)• . . . . .Z.--SE�SEER 19. Zonally Controlled Electric ' ' ' • • . • ...__ASF Resistance Space Heating .•� (Yes/No) Domestic Water Heating** ' 20. Solar With Gas Backup (Net Solar Fraction. %)�� 21. Other Water Heating (Describe type) LiSF Point System Compliance Total. ec iii%ms; not a point system measure. "Attach documentation for efficiencies and NSF. 0 1 Design Information TC (D+L) = 30.0 PSF BC(D+L)= 10.0 PSF DWG NO. R79-3010-UD2F- 8134 TL(D+L)= 40.0 PSF SHT NO. 14 DATE 3/23/81 STRESS INC = 1.25 *DESIGNED WITH 10 PSF PC LIVE LOAfI(IIBC 2308a) 2 1 Maximum Chord Spans - (Ft. -In.) LUMBER GRADE TOP CHORD BOTTOM CHORD =DOUGLAS FIR= 2X4 2X6 2X4 2X6 NO 2 30- 0 44- 7 32-11 45- (o NO 1 32-11 47- 0 37- p 47- 0 SEL STRU 34- 5 47- 0 40-1I 47- 0 =HEM FIR= NO 2 26- 4 39- 4 28- 7 39 - NO 1 29-10 43- 9* 32- 3 47- 0* SEL STRU 31- 5 46- 1* 35- 7* 47- 0* =MSR -ALL SPECIES= 165OF-1.5E MSR 32- 6 47- 0* 310- O* 47- 0* 180OF-1.6E MSR 33- 7 47- O* 38- 24 47- O* 1950F -1.7E MSR 34- 7 47- 0* 4n- 9* 47- O* 210OF-1.BE MSR .35- 7 47- 0* 42 -IO* 47- O* 2,40OF-2.OE MSR 37- 6 47- 0* 4fo- 5* 47- 0* *REQUIRES 2X6 BEARING •REQUIRES 2X8 BEARING TFating Information UBC JT. MAX-SPANS(FT-IN) HYDRO -NAIL LOCATION(IN) NO. DF HF PLATE SIZE --X-- --Y-- J 1 24-11 21- 5 2 1/4 X 6 D 33- 3 28- 7 3 1/8 X 6 D 33-11 33-I1 4 1/8 X 6 D 44- 4 38- 1 3 1/8 X 8 D 47- 0 47- 0 3 1/8 X 10 D J 2 47- 0 47- 0 3 1/8 X 4 D 1 5/8 3 1/6 iJ 2 43- 3 37- 2 5 1/8 X 4 D 4 1 7/8 47- 0 47- 0 5 1/8 X 6 D 6 1 7/8 J 3 38- 8 33- 3 3 1/8 X 4'D 3*1/8 2 1/2 47- 0 44- 8 4 1/8 X 4 0 4 1/8 2 1/4 47- 0 47- 0 5 1/8 X 4 D 5 1/8 2 J 7 31- 6- 27- 3 3 1/8 X 6 D 39- 3 33- 9 4 1/8 X 6 D 47- 0 46- 4 3 1/8 X 8 D r' 47- 0 47- 0 4 1/8 X 8 D ` SJ 7 37-11 32- 8 5 1/8 X 6 D 1.7/8 3 1 Web Requirements (Ft. -In.) 47- 0 45- 9 5 1/8 X 8 D 1 7/8 47- 0 45- 9 6 1/8 X 8 D 2 7/8 UNBRACED BRACED 47- 0 47- 0 5 1/8 X 12 D 1 7/8 2X4 WEBS W1 W2 W3 WI W2 W3 STD -DF 47- 0 31- 9 47- 0 47- 0 43- 0 47- 0 J 8 47- 0 47- 0 1 X 4 D CO.N-DF 47- 0 31- 9 47- 0 47- 0 43- 0 47- 0 STD -HF 47- 0 29- 9 47- 0 47- 0 40- 0 47- 0 SJ 8 37-11 32- 8 5 1/8 X 6 D 6 1 7/8 CON -HF 47- 0 29- 9 47- 0 47- 0 40- 0 47- 0 47- 0 45- 9 5 1/8 X 8 D 8 1 7/8 2X6 WEBS 47- 0 45- 9 6 1/8 X 8 D 8 2 7/8 NO2-DF 47- 0 32- 3 47- 0 47- 0 47- 0 47- 0 5 1/8 X 12 D 12 1 7/8 NO2-HF 47- 0 32- 3 47- 0 47- 0 CHORD SPLICE OPTIONS 4 Force Information L=Span ( Ft.) C 2 47- 0 47- 0 3 1/8 x 4 D. CHORD FORCES WEB FORCES JOINT LOADS C 7 28-11 28-11 3 1/8 X 6 D C 1= -93.1L W 1= 5.IL J 1= 10.6L 37-11 32- 8 4 1/8 X 6 D C 2- -63.2L W 2= -30.2L J 2= 15.1L 47- 0 47- 0 5 1/8 X 6 D f C 7- 88.4L W 3= 25.9L J 3= 14.2L 47- 0 47- 0 3 1/8 X 10 1/2H C 82 88.4L J 7= 4.BL REACT- -40.OL J 8= 5.1L PLATES MARKED + REQUIRE 2X 6 CHORDS DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH TPI -78 AND NDS -77 NET PLATE RATING(PSI) FOR D-179(DF)r 154(HF) NET PLATE RATING(PSI) FOR H-1200F)r 120(HF) -- NOTES: 1. Cut all members tobwr.' - - - 2. Center all plates on both miss of IoM �,yA; Ek SJ2 1t unless x or v locations an apeeMrao. TCISS IS `SS CSA/ EgET11--ft ti 3. The tans fabricator a responsible b S1'tell•Te1Ul O� 4 GAS f.•••••. hCj1 provide pleling for handling as re0uare" A6DfT �, . See Usage Guide SES _ 4`t Na 5153 4. See Table 3 for web lateral bracing reowrements X % 01 1 Y t 4V9PP SJB 7 +6 TRUAX G� `Z� ri�`•.•rlif' X -.1 Y X 051 OF til 12 v "rrrr• .air�1 Jt SLOPE 3 .-�,�• `�. S 131 yvste � r s. c SJ7 ; W? o••ua.ue e `lira i a4 tl�w ,� Y all ce U EZI C7 •,."..... 4 B P!6 a CAU P1-PB-S•S < P2•P7• TM law PE e� 2■u 6F1eIN S UNLESS NOTA PAN = L v ,f". TABLE UBC CODE 2'- 00 O.C. Oopt sago 0* to lies NO 1,100 -Air Canidae inn irate M ossgn0 a an trlarraual bLuWg copons, 4/12 SLOPE D PLATES a a to aiso no a olua■g eow r ms vKdutron a the oaprla a, "d bularq &slap taecdreo r fir Madel fta rr ppbrl lft*Al cruse Narraaraglh AadlpW httro of the "all sl,ugae ayt DOUG F I R i HER F I R be ratluseo Fagnersl otauaansee 6raceq Mbot1 TMW. Fa WKIIC U111114nt: bnp reU-arMS CoMaq ou" oespna. For sttorimian rapo v wirstion. guaiac contra. doses. Oelwo, calm as bacsrp a HYDRO -A/R susses,canraltateGully ContralWearwthe Room wt, Coo aFSlauuePracstu'. KND/NFiq/NO,/NC. 20/10/0/10- 40 PSF Q 1.25 'AYAQUe bole Trials Plate hsteuls. 7411 A9P Noao. kfansnlle. Maryland. 20783 BOX 7369. ST. LOUIS, 00.63177 Cmy&o.Arr Engineering. Inc tote i t: PACIFIC MODERN HOMES, INC. CERTIFIED I INSPECTION 0 � � I CDC AA -513 IN STRICT ACCO' RDAE WITH UDC 25-17 PREFABRICATED NO 2 37- 4 -56- 0 32- d ( I. -T 1 Design Information ' TC (rl+L) = 30.0 PSF 5 Plating Information '1'7`/8` NO 1 UHC 3 56- BC(D+L)= 10.0.'-i -F 3(0 - •) 5', - i J 2 56- 0 50- 5 1 1 DWG NO. R79-3010-UD2F-IOG4 TL(11+1.)= 40.0 PSF .I1. Mi.a-SF'ANS(FT-IN) W4 HYDRO 43- -NAIL LOCATION(IN) SHT NO. 22 DATE 3/23/81 STRESS INC = 1.25 N0. [IF HF PLATE 56- SIZL --x-- --Y-- *DESIGNF.D WITH 10 PSF BC LIVE LOAD(URC :308a) X .4 D 0 41- 6 56- 0 =HEM FIR= 0 56- 0 56- 0 56- J 1 30- 8 26- '4 3 1/8 X 6 11 1/8 2 Maximum Chord Spans (Ft. -In.) 0 40-10 35- 2 3 1/8 X 8 D ick_ 1 # 56- 0 4B- 2 43-11 3 1/8 X 10 D 7 LUMBER GRADE TOP CHORD BOTTOM CHORD NO 1 52- 2 52- 2 4 1/8 X 10 D (NEEDS 2X6 TC) =DOUGLAS FIR= 2X4 2X6 2X4 2X6 1/8 56- 0 56- 0 4 1/8 X 12 D (NEEDS 2X6 TC) NO 2 37- 4 -56- 0 32- d 41,-0 SJ 9 43- 0 37- 0 5 1/8 X" 6 11 '1'7`/8` NO 1 41- 3 56- 0 3(0 - •) 5', - i J 2 56- 0 50- 5 1 1 X 4 D W1rW2 W3 W4 SEL STRU 43- 9 56- 0 4D-7 56- 0 0 51-10 56- 0 56- 0 2 1/4 X .4 D 0 41- 6 56- 0 =HEM FIR= 0 56- 0 56- 0 56- 0 56- 0 SJ 2 53- 7 53- 7 5 1/8 X 6 D 6 0 1 7/8 NO 2 33- 0 •50- 4* ick_ 1 # 56- 0 56- 0 4 1/4 X 7 1/2H 7 1/2 1 NO 1 37- 1 55- Ilk .3, D 4:, - J * X 4 11 3 1/8 3 1/8 CON -HF 56- 0 39- 0 56- 0 56- 0 52- 9 SEL STRU 39- 9 56- 0* 3', .1 51- Et J.3 51- 3 44- t 3 1/8 X 4'D 4 =MSR -ALL SPECIES= 44- 6 42- 2 5 1/8 X 8 D 8 1 56- 0 56- 0 4 1/8 X 4 D 4 1650F -1.5E MSR 41- 1* 86- 0* ter, )# 56- O* 7/8 NO2-HF 56- 0 41- 6 56- 0 56- 0 56- 1800F -1.6E MSR 42- 7* 56- 0# j -7-1f* 56- 0* J 4 36- 9 31- 8 3 1/8 X 4 D 3 1/8 2 3/8 1950F -1.7E MSR 44- 3* 56- 0* 4, 56- O# 49- 6 42- 7 4 1/8 X 4 D 4 1/8 2 1/8 2100F-I.8E MSR 45- 6* 56- 0# 56- 0* 56- 0 52- 1 5 1/8 X 4 D' 5 1/8 1 7/8 240OF-2.OE MSR 47-11* 56- 0* 56- 0* 56- 0 56- 0 4 1/8 X 6 D 4 1/8 3 *REQUIRES 2X6 BEARING #REQUIRES 2X8 HEARING J 9 42- 7 36- 7 3 1/8 X 6 11 56- 0 51- 6 4 1/8 X 6 D $ 1 Web Requirements (Ft. -In.) 56- 0 56- 0 5 1/8 X 6 D CHORD SPLICE OPTIONS 4 Force Information L=Span (Ft.) C 2 44- 2 38- 0 3 1/8 X 4 P 56- 0 56- 0 3 1/8 X 6 D CHURD FORCES WEB FORCES JOINT LUALIS C 9 32- 9 32- 9 3 1/8 X 6 D C 1= -100.9L W 1= -11.7L J 1= B.1L 43- 0 37- 0 4 1/8 X 6 D C 2= -91.OL W 2= 14.8L J 2= 10.3L 54- B. 54- 8 5 1/8 X 6 D + C 3= -63.2L W 3= -22.OL J 3= 9.6L 56- 0 56- 0 6 1/8 X 10 D + C 9= 78.OL W 4= 30.5L J 4= 9.6L 56- 0 56- 0 3 1/8 X 13 1/2H CIO= 95.8L J 9= 4.8L REACT= -40.OL J10= 5.1L PLATES MARKEL, + REQUIRE 2X 6 CHORDS DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH TPI -78 AND NDS -77 NET PLATE RATING(PSI) FOR 11=179(1)F)r i54(HY) NET PLATE RATING(PSI) FOR H=120(DF)r 120(HF)' NOTES: 1 Cut all members to bear SJ2 1X 2. Center all plates on both sides o1 joint •••yam unless X or Y locations are specified SMAL E'C1 pED '+ :;ss is S 4/ tE Ep 3 The truss fabricator is responsible to •xiglLaL �S f' 'S Ci provide plaling for handling as reouire0 ,f 'gyp 7 .1 O J� ��; f `••� �e See Usage Guide P3- `1c -` lCHARLR +i Pl No. 5153 `v 4 See Table 3 for web lateral bracing ( A reouirements P2= x �J4 T�1AX : 1RU11XES t Silo Pl•Lil•SP.6- Y a�A +� ���r.• 4 C1 Of Jt Y J r� 12 G 2 v - � .� 4r Jt S SLOPE ; �� r a �c 5 9 C` �'L x Fid J o+nu h•W Id ban .i Y 4s Y CIO C9 �1r.•4.... ' ' 2.r 11101', B P IO. L.2 -1+S 10 P . 6- P 9:1:2 s 9 TYPE 1000 U'iLL't !VII : 14 tort.[ 2 LSPAN= L UBC COME 21- 0• O.C. Design .ale only to use •nh M,dta Ar connectors this buss is designed as an rtdnduat buildup WIiponere 4/12 SL0PE D PLATES 1 a 10 be rlWWaed m0 a buildeq'desgn at the specdcalon M the designer of said building Bracing specaied is tor Weral suppon a r0n6aal huSe nersbers only AddniWl tramp of the orerm suunore na, DOUG FIR t HEM F I R be iewred For sit general guidance see BtKvq ed Tram, Far sdecdc buss nKrtg reoure 0 3 Wean HYDROva/R ` butid" dagrter For rtlentutdn rep sang lae vi alron. ouldy contrd, stowage deliver, rection erd DrKrq of busies catsup the OauT Costral IAanusP me the Rwasivandee Code of 319nsare hand•. ENUINSKRINQ,/NC. .'0/10/0/10= 40 PSF B 1.25 •A.a.uble ht7s Llan PY1e hslaute 7411 Rggs Road. Hyattsville Mallard. 20783 901 7359. 3T LOPS. YO 63177 PACIFIC MODERN HOMES, INC. CERTIFIED Cl. INSPECTION ICBM 0 C AA -5-13 IN STRICT AC 'ORDANIC-'E WITH UnDC 2-5-1-7 PREFA-BRIUATEDe--h a 0Hydro-Air Engineering Inc 1919 SJ 9 43- 0 37- 0 5 1/8 X" 6 11 '1'7`/8` UNBRACED BRACED 54- 8 51-10 5 1/8 X 8 D 1 7/8 2X4 WEBS W1rW2 W3 W4 W1rW2 W3 W4 56- 0 51-10 6 1/8 X 8 D 2 7/B STD -DF 56- 0 41- 6 56- 0 56- 0 56- 0 56- 0 56- 0 56- 0 6 1/8 X 10 D 2 7/8 CON -IIF 56- 0 41- 6 56- 0 56- 0 56- 0 56- 0 STII-HF 56- 0 39- 0 56- 0 56- 0 52- 9 56- 0 J10 56- 0 56- 0 3 1/8 X 4 11 3 1/8 3 1/8 CON -HF 56- 0 39- 0 56- 0 56- 0 52- 9 56- 0 SJ10 35- 0 30- 1 5 1/8 X 6 11 6 1 7/8 2X6 WEBS 44- 6 42- 2 5 1/8 X 8 D 8 1 7/8 NO2-DF 56- 0 41- 6 56- 0 56- 0 53- 5 53- 5 6 1/8 X 10 D 10 2 7/8 NO2-HF 56- 0 41- 6 56- 0 56- 0 56- 0 56- 0 7 1/4 X 12 D 12 3 7/8 CHORD SPLICE OPTIONS 4 Force Information L=Span (Ft.) C 2 44- 2 38- 0 3 1/8 X 4 P 56- 0 56- 0 3 1/8 X 6 D CHURD FORCES WEB FORCES JOINT LUALIS C 9 32- 9 32- 9 3 1/8 X 6 D C 1= -100.9L W 1= -11.7L J 1= B.1L 43- 0 37- 0 4 1/8 X 6 D C 2= -91.OL W 2= 14.8L J 2= 10.3L 54- B. 54- 8 5 1/8 X 6 D + C 3= -63.2L W 3= -22.OL J 3= 9.6L 56- 0 56- 0 6 1/8 X 10 D + C 9= 78.OL W 4= 30.5L J 4= 9.6L 56- 0 56- 0 3 1/8 X 13 1/2H CIO= 95.8L J 9= 4.8L REACT= -40.OL J10= 5.1L PLATES MARKEL, + REQUIRE 2X 6 CHORDS DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH TPI -78 AND NDS -77 NET PLATE RATING(PSI) FOR 11=179(1)F)r i54(HY) NET PLATE RATING(PSI) FOR H=120(DF)r 120(HF)' NOTES: 1 Cut all members to bear SJ2 1X 2. Center all plates on both sides o1 joint •••yam unless X or Y locations are specified SMAL E'C1 pED '+ :;ss is S 4/ tE Ep 3 The truss fabricator is responsible to •xiglLaL �S f' 'S Ci provide plaling for handling as reouire0 ,f 'gyp 7 .1 O J� ��; f `••� �e See Usage Guide P3- `1c -` lCHARLR +i Pl No. 5153 `v 4 See Table 3 for web lateral bracing ( A reouirements P2= x �J4 T�1AX : 1RU11XES t Silo Pl•Lil•SP.6- Y a�A +� ���r.• 4 C1 Of Jt Y J r� 12 G 2 v - � .� 4r Jt S SLOPE ; �� r a �c 5 9 C` �'L x Fid J o+nu h•W Id ban .i Y 4s Y CIO C9 �1r.•4.... ' ' 2.r 11101', B P IO. L.2 -1+S 10 P . 6- P 9:1:2 s 9 TYPE 1000 U'iLL't !VII : 14 tort.[ 2 LSPAN= L UBC COME 21- 0• O.C. Design .ale only to use •nh M,dta Ar connectors this buss is designed as an rtdnduat buildup WIiponere 4/12 SL0PE D PLATES 1 a 10 be rlWWaed m0 a buildeq'desgn at the specdcalon M the designer of said building Bracing specaied is tor Weral suppon a r0n6aal huSe nersbers only AddniWl tramp of the orerm suunore na, DOUG FIR t HEM F I R be iewred For sit general guidance see BtKvq ed Tram, Far sdecdc buss nKrtg reoure 0 3 Wean HYDROva/R ` butid" dagrter For rtlentutdn rep sang lae vi alron. ouldy contrd, stowage deliver, rection erd DrKrq of busies catsup the OauT Costral IAanusP me the Rwasivandee Code of 319nsare hand•. ENUINSKRINQ,/NC. .'0/10/0/10= 40 PSF B 1.25 •A.a.uble ht7s Llan PY1e hslaute 7411 Rggs Road. Hyattsville Mallard. 20783 901 7359. 3T LOPS. YO 63177 PACIFIC MODERN HOMES, INC. CERTIFIED Cl. INSPECTION ICBM 0 C AA -5-13 IN STRICT AC 'ORDANIC-'E WITH UnDC 2-5-1-7 PREFA-BRIUATEDe--h a 0Hydro-Air Engineering Inc 1919 CONNECTI ONS Llh.'Yt.�l L.u.•oa��.. TAGL.. a• 1�1•� y O.�•: . .. D. w_ 3Q. AL r.0G I z A. FocTiw ,..t D,r�o.-ereT'Iwa it CO2 IP N09:AevrerlTz-AV.ut la' !- a.b'rf- IQ.Il•,2 G0••rC rw-Trrr•.cs b.YPAGG . ' d COLS ONLY. dd 1 1 r� fd- .. 16N a.• a -a 'r R•e o-.r''T 14E ..�T� C:) Q% 1. QF= CCJ'_. e -r irL rt` -d rf � � rr-a tf.e -i7 G,,T TER r•o x ca_-a•e C TO crave a yAC. (1 �O rVr; •� t=L7P .Y'�II'A't:dT£7 f • G D 1• —]"1• a ..00s � y '"'_ � q . MLAM" OI � PYJT • 7�}! I"(.tom. Llh.'Yt.�l L.u.•oa��.. TAGL.. a• 1�1•� y O.�•: . .. D. w_ 3Q. AL r.0G I z A. FocTiw ,..t D,r�o.-ereT'Iwa it CO2 IP N09:AevrerlTz-AV.ut la' !- a.b'rf- IQ.Il•,2 G0••rC rw-Trrr•.cs b.YPAGG . ' d COLS ONLY. dd 1 1 r� fd- .. 16N a.• a -a 'r DI 14E Ir "'ADS P_J•. 15T•ea y pL txrT� Q• X1.11 coNc a e -r irL rt` -d rf � � rr-a tf.e raTt.aG ur•ou ca.- ca_-a•e C TO crave a yAC. yy �--••}}�� 1r Gti' Lf.. Aar AOVL T Z'�•►tovt TMOe•C OP r.ocTsr. wI ...•a,�e� An GlY7 LO �TApa_,C '� c OCISTINea MLAM" OI E r cd?L UMJ COE.li j, TO EXIT I 1QiS sLAP .-P 41 1 /iT�F't�TG't 'oP ..arra.... 1'fs'au.�1rAL IE'1• 1. �- a � r.e li'r. rG.,�Tfo TbarTt..�' .v-.a.ab o.•w w •..a_ .•c T•' �TrOt.. Or TN ' ODS. T.:' TUL d+b r0 •-••�••� PRw+aa rax.-T•.+•+Q ^d Baa ��-t�OCSya cXP'_ Mi -'_s C�Z, A- 54'5iC GGni c S -.._= e.:.::-cv 219 •rcr '3 t'YJTtt4a[lr9 rTd e_E 2 1•' >.o-��tse fii W?�!TTt7�A5c Q-.IPC—IP. esJ• -ray o 1 I -V 1-V2•O vas waa� ' 9 •••••' w au r+e i Aa.aiLf O.PV_ A ou varT Or Aew.•C . CECK vef TA8'_E 3 o.. TA5LE 3 _T D.ar i� I :y If••1.... bb �_ c.o ^a¢ .t � � _ •d ,r. o• r6 ' s'-.• cLa T -] - tam. p p (Lf.�.. .'t• oLf• uLT T_s' s.\o! -G =,aT •T I,i 1 1 1 //'••/�� df d' . reh riLo i•_o• D_c_� c•-� .tG�. -CQ' L5_ DEGIG iD rG' etl• ro:G G' -.f' I-1• GNr ISS t r ..1 _.1 f=AT�fj"II IVF? u� ew o+o• a' -s• aao• y.e. IS TAIL_ 3 DECK Rte. "DraT,5B1 F 3 —L �.., �..,.D ti .0 'A �. 11 -- - - - �"�►.o...:-s•,.N .:;.�.t�TANG6 ba:,r,.s,, t_ou.r..w+♦ F#E.AOE2 Ar�D FTc'ONr �vG.r.t mea (� 1 ra paEM BE si/LlTE.2.�lriT � ,- sac TAo.,: t.oc G�A•Us J� i .+AY. COL. e.�aC+N+6 AO a�.OMI�fJ � 44 ua-_ -•�' t. cot' a.ae�-. •'a: v�{,� tJ/� 1 Ll_. '�..� - aao L ; i.a nar�.a aa.a11 ((ILL��JJJ ._e�w •••--- »,LLL -1 JJJ I a- .:'D'.1.� 1 � � �,•I I A 1 r n ��p� Io9•o' �: � � , : e� ` __ ^ ; _ ` ; . ' _�• �iliT'cP 4 Z �C/ TllGH ar' :.L✓z 7G. ; .�E Et I .�Z_ Si7l 1-��TI'7t f I.' ro-c'I :_ -Sid. 1]" I OL.l I v i t N 1 A cat. s • ✓J p r ... �TtvT.o 1� 3 =--CKtk-r rLr n cis, w L TN LOCM ON oW T•IC t"�or`•1 .�71TION '�•aALLr NOT CE INVIOLATt O•u Or COUNTY ZONING ' Ocpr NAN Gtp p TI.tB O••Tr0 GO✓4 rG Nor--co,eo ..o. cA r ro AN y. Zrvi••.O N':r•• A HBAOQIC O.'Ea G _T_ LONG rN A 2 oroRy ..ouec J LF- TMtG r�GA.J• Gl•1 IS C1.rt7G.L= T•> C. SM�NG T1+C f61G.0 ANO U.L.GuLAc>-2, yrp'.VN Tj� 't-YJGn.N6.—IS_ AOGQ••AG.T OF T GL !i�L.-aG lC r"JC-M,,rvc NAL. LOAD ��cCF1C�T10.13 L - GO+!°AttTS SUA:a m..•v.•• To TV 1960 IrGr"1CU T 1'.a ,A:,,Cp.-fi-�y=Ty4t_ ��� Aap '�:J. Io�:owaaQ A:..pY2 ?:4L 1De Y7b: �,� ..•t3W1N L10Y 1Z IfeCrrvl -_ _—Goa j-. �' t cLfY.K✓Acis-2G•O �•Si.Tbe _... � -_.GAG �'TG ' 1O. Tera -. OOGr-TG cv 2. .tr .T�f_ rATTf.aarf �wr� SK.•LL ear. rf v... a .�. v.• s.r.r arw•f -.T ti.mU oQ 1oa� P y., AT id Gu. -s. K IOTF IR t. rlw^s�e 6-'c�....Iar� ir: ex.ar. 1]•_'..IG wa.LL, SU OJ GGT r0 �U��..a OaStD Lc..r.^".r TCO•.+ Pr,Tp COU'!e: J•. ALL �E iN�►t•LrC'J :Y)C 7T'1r1KT. DAFP--^Y �eroe-o e¢rlr�or er r+no C:7v arm, rr• rouNc rNAoc OWrt •Jr -=,GIRL Povl O.C>-D S• L uE N C:e-C S re GN Gr M C.: Tf,C UK G^PG •sac"'o•-re Ok T.rEL t7rIST•r•.G '�-CJCT � r^. � 7F''.'ct �Nf=2 Iy WLC �Mv c r r. Ga Sr>L :r r.•or. se �Cre•-tom _De -. C: e.-AL:rr_s ^GC Ora:. � • •sem/. f ../. M. d. rb't •,-•..a-Q GTYUO. �.•,nc r�•.aacs. ac T..oec ..r v.•••3 c./. r -res of >•H rJ60 �/Lr►1G. rOwO JOG •+QJ03�J-502/ txTm 1 -1 -ca e I -.5-PAW ewT. a 1t Chi• O' A 'io'fr r+Td d>r, c'- tu:•,I;fL r-_ YLA Al" b la' !- a.b'rf- iMerfr+t. •_Y- rl'--aa•fi. r -a rL c -d T=►, dd 1 1 r� fd- .. 16N a.• a -a 'r rd rJd. 7-♦ r¢ IY- r7- 1! -e ..'- IY•♦ r.� ad s: o• G•s• e -r irL rt` -d rf � � rr-a tf.e L SG PF- R m N c W. 60 CO. fP I';ia SKD E. GSiY_CKUO _. t.T } JOHNSON t NIELSEN o.r. . - 6 -I -PZ S t. VCT,Ut AI [MGIN EI iS 2039&Tg tl.ttt Ov...SliS c /A .IVt.tla E. Callr Otrlla - I 1 SOSo - L/ 3D AIA.. . /'fbtlrtaNAanrd �OZS Ftcsirr/w-� 4 •ZWL40 Cue 6Mf a¢ — .t•�9 ams + ,¢/car SECT70N FLA —_� lop IiP , Q. 00 io Atir 2 c%CASED 1'lw3Nd LIN6C,(__NtD Ip f� 2s lON CL3Y9/noN S050 -1Y39,4- a-.OZB-'y.001IOLFAAMCE 3003-N/6,4L. 4•.O.3Z yS..:S A'Si -' JS • .9 Ar1i ' ' Y.S.. 20ALri - U•S. - 23 KSi ROO,` RAVEL !2 CD - LSrfvci V -T6, t •.?, 6[onnc / r sowlAa - Z •N SA S Z-10 .5-10m. i sr ,67 w..r. -) wr 7w4z, r3.?rs cw riw6 ARA00, Ser AAI ty, -S If, 606/ T6 •_ 1� ••-' - S. • 38 K.G r. J.S. • AZ K.4 I. v Cir.- 6063 -Tc Ya CON/VLTC�/O/V //7rEA0E�C , O'.. COLUM/V �C�, :.Lar. n -4_'M- 7Ual •�, �clvfflrr Saw sac Jls04* oue2'ro!, are; =s!M3Adc ua5 d6 om .tir 6o ro G !b lob ��'• L_x:.Y,ti rEx/sr9utl J%rMav w ��.� � . ' Cavc Sss 600o G2�Inwowr/pN ro ac i�!orss �Nrre o. av tl> Bc a s.O�z: I -- /� .117170 A-_•: _ jSesT.aA.r � . � v at aarmso A:w�o— - NeTa• daua/N.a.7b lSr Caval•�TC� ' l� COn/C.rETE U STEEL '� FOOT//V6 OLAcFc or sem" To an 3.9. T•M• A-sc- kr � 1 :3;" A :C \4. ''�o �\ \• \ /iii/ .•r I V io -.5f SUN -BOSS CO. rJM;r°:: d NIElSE:r ASSM';.tfES . '. • . DES: ;n' LIVEOAG aAwuuc srnrcr na I ,r4"�s '� r>•+M •ur.mw .•a arras DE'S/GN W/.VJ 17AD Ja CKANSi9 VIVERi!C:. CALIFORNIA ffiSll �� ANnovio =.13N UPGIf .D=-; Aav,ev 11.1.74 �c. Aarrrwo acs -,amt •:_ �1OB/LEHOME f4WN/N$ 1uv.eso a-N•7s rR. cavnro 7.0- rA• ....� . . sr.� Aa..w .s r r neoreRrr of s• -r sMe. D w.v - a w/A•r7Qiv . O . - ora1s/ mi r r.rr 1�A•rI.IL>�..i. �./ .� —s. � Ara �.erlas +r R pr- - ArrcAr�r A.• awv-AOrs 4. -J- l G74; aW Nor_s: ;.r��.... .�r�r _ ' / — ' _ �- UPJP.^ /OP'E/. %k71C",.'r.' �� :•'.A/C bPrJ . _ ' . j _ ar 4m AA•A+/9D -b ^ ^ .�1W.rZC-lJ u Ai.L .. L1 ii/f* . � »^— orCA•e r -JC& rtr 4WA-4 /At>M/ OAa 70,0,wgr A,ft1" .- 3' Ir SvC.vsGn wr. +' O.+w Meen INIlQ SIN /iC'WTY �\ IMADILY RZ.KOVAAJ 7X4~AA.AMr OR77CANOLUCAVF: MArZAV s, Pto,-,•_7!0 AM Aww,A,o io EvCff --oIJ. 73 . V - TNN 140-77LA770./ AMD EA/MVIT oP- __. A GaAs -4. -- '3- < •' .:.fJ/swv /IS.c .4a.�n•sT. M..i.va.�+c rYa mac: W&W. �10 Co:.r n tti; SaocrA+G - cx.713A os SAPS" .oa bLOG $ �=AZ7 f'r G= VA.: .�- G 6 it F,.�rs/viwes Sw+es at Sn+.:..�si� �••ev..o�e- -- (}r Col.rc. Frc. y�y sv � y�!G -7V .4.o .. Gso ,.�N PL.4rsD -5 a-, : o.T Yory r 3-Svv4. 'rv:v.w/r+cr �l SKO SrSB SG r rCC,tiv>.�arr. �cMiolc /Ia/..=wCQPT Loasr QrA'.�NIC..�•rf'-/�i7P.31r '�B• / p �" 2CAZD 8'G/ O -J 6-G2avc: Milr/':N.ax •�cR.-SY S.�Yo--•'S6wL,,� ��° �R 7- Fpe UJsArrrCwrio 7o iNbtlrLiA.uA+i•'OA.aY- � /6" (o= �° �b • 18' (0'-2' G' -d e- A sccr/ov_ w oAr r:vff - barA.r S*www ,$A+4" tlL •�Qt71.'r/rQL'J-M-armo Av - wr'd-y-wcw 7 4 _..oP 7)wr r;-` Ww":.i'/,vrom=AA rEi (G'-� .OLB 9-u /NSr.•La.r TK7w SAr,rAL Br.•/e .uv /o!rivri/. I "AA /-?I 5 %° 4 ? 1 ar.Ac .Alio Aoa eAn s err- . na M�Q,c.. M000c Nurs6sia .wo 3:'u it p/ V` r /" nn �1_4i1 1_ 4 r. NLLMaQIv: fiNO .4L/0 __ 2.'QB rue OQs/an L:vff _'-^,ADI W'A.,c LOA.: Amp?a .007 ° a $ G �,r La.o RGSPtTrVt-tY 6;ri uAL io -.5f SUN -BOSS CO. rJM;r°:: d NIElSE:r ASSM';.tfES . '. • . DES: ;n' LIVEOAG aAwuuc srnrcr na I ,r4"�s //S5 1Tr.Gy' GT.. DE'S/GN W/.VJ 17AD Ja CKANSi9 VIVERi!C:. CALIFORNIA ffiSll RNAMgFgot / pH -Ir.• e�(607 ' =.13N UPGIf .D=-; Aav,ev 11.1.74 �c. Aarrrwo acs -,amt •:_ �1OB/LEHOME f4WN/N$ 1uv.eso a-N•7s rR. cavnro 7.0- rA• ....� . . sr.� Aa..w .s r r neoreRrr of s• -r sMe. D w.v - a w/A•r7Qiv . O . - ,rA.o A..rAwr aA/mw•..O oe a...� •- 2933-��6� ArrcAr�r A.• awv-AOrs 4. -J- l G74; I T -r. -Ilfr-7-f-j ,