CC Resolution 2007-038RESOLUTION NO. 2007-038 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE APPLICATIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2006/2007 MOBILE SOURCE AIR POLLUTION REDUCTION REVIEW COMMITTEE CLEAN TRANSPORTATION FUNDING WHEREAS, the Mobile Source Air Pollution Reduction Review Committee (MSRC) shall make available $2.0 million to CVAG member jurisdictions for fiscal year 2006/2007 for funding of Category 2: Purchase of Alternative -Fuel PM-10 Efficient Street Sweepers & Dust Control Vehicles; and Street Sweeping Operations; and WHEREAS, the City Council, has already been awarded AB 2766 Subvention Funds, which can be used toward the purchase of a qualifying alternative -fuel dust control vehicle; and WHEREAS, MSRC will fund up to $25,000 of the cost of such a vehicle when AB 2766 Subvention Funds are used to co -fund the balance of the total project cost; and WHEREAS, the City wishes to fife an application (Attachment 1) applying for $25,000 of the cost of a Tymco 600 CNG street sweeper, or approved equal, in the amount of $242,000; and to use AB 2766 funds for the remaining $217,000 balance; and WHEREAS„ the City wishes to file an application (Attachment 2) applying for $100,000 for street sweeping operations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: 1. The City hereby approves the application for the MSRC Clean Air Transportation Funding Program in the amount of $25,000 for partial funding of a Tymco 600 CNG street sweeper, or approved equal. 2. The City authorizes the purchase of the street sweeper, contingent upon MSRC funding, and authorizes use of AB 2766 funds for the balance of $ 214,000. Resolution No. 2007-038 2006/2007 MSRC Grant Application Adopted: May 1, 2007 Page 2 3. The City hereby approves the application for the MSRC Clean Air Transportation Funding Program in the amount of $100,000 for street sweeping operations. 4. The City Council authorizes the City Manager, or his designee, to be the Lead Agency Representative as agent of the City of La Quinta to conduct all negotiations, execute and submit all documents, amendments, payment requests and other administrative duties which may be necessary during the course of the planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance of the aforementioned project. 5. The City Council authorizes the City Manager to execute the grant contract documents between the City and SCAQD, upon occurrence of the City Attorney, for the MSRC funding allocation. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 1st day of May, 2007, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council Members Henderson, Kirk, Osborne, Sniff, Mayor Adolph NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None ATTEST: City of La (City Seal) California (L DON AD PH, N44yor City of La Quinta, California C, City Clerk Resolution No. 2007-03'8 2006/2007 MSRC Grant Application Adopted: May 1, 2007 Page 3 APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California Attachment 1 III.A. VEHICLE PURCHASE APPLICATION FORMS EXHIBIT A - APPLICANT INFORMATION Purchase of Heavy -Duty Alternative Fuel Vehicles (Return this page as part of your Match Program application) A. Please provide the following applicant information in the space provided. Applicant Name: city of La Quinta Address: 78495 Calle Tampico La 0uinta. CA 92253 Contact Person: Therese Vella-Finorio Telephone Number:_ (760) 777-7043 E-Mail Address: tfinorio@la-quinta.org B. Please answer the following questions: Title: Management Assistant Fax #: (760) 777-7101 YES NO 1. Are you submitting a Joint Application with other Cities/Counties? O 2. If 'Yes", are you authorized to act of behalf of all participants? O A- 3. If 'Yes", please provide the names of all other project participants. Please designate if the other participants are public agencies or private entities: Public Private a) O O b) O O YES NO 6. If you answered 'Yes" to questions 1 and 2, above, have you attached a letter from each entity designating a lead agency and O O authorizing that agency to act on behalf of the other participants? IL3 EXHIBIT B - PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATEMENT OF WORK Purchase of Heavy -Duty Alternative Fuel Vehicles (Return this page as part of your Match Program application only if you are applying for alternative fuel vehicle match funding) A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION:,Describe the proposed alternative -fuel vehicle purchase(s). For each vehicle to be purchased, please provide the information in the table below, or attach a separate sheet: 1. Vehicle make and model; 2. Fuel Type (CNG, LNG, LPG, etc.); 3. Engine model, including horsepower; 4. Gross vehicle weight; 5. Estimated vehicle life; 6. Vehicle duty cycle (i.e., trash collection, local delivery, etc.) 7. Annual operation within the geographical jurisdiction of the South Coast Air District (indicate whether mileage or hours) 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 Vehicle Make & Model Fuel Type Engine Model & Horsepower Gross Vehicle Weight Vehicle (yearrs) Vehicle Duty Cycle Annual Vehicle Operation (hours or mileage) a Tymco 600 CNG 5.9 Comm HS 31,000 5 Sweeping 874 hour b egenerat ve Air sweeper HP c dle f 9 h i 1 19 EXHIBIT C - PROJECT BUDGET Purchase of Heavy -Duty Alternative Fuel Vehicles (Return this page as part of your Match Program application only if you are applying for alternative fuel vehicle match funding) A. Please provide your Current Unallocated Subvention Fund Balance: B. Please provide the following Alternative Fuel Vehicle Purchase Cost by Category Information: PROJECT COSTS BY FUNDING CATEGORY 1. AB 2766 SUBVENTION FUNDS APPLIED TO ALL VEHICLE PURCHASES FROM EXISTING UNALLOCATED BALANCE: 2. AB 2766 SUBVENTION FUNDS APPLIED TO ALL VEHICLE PURCHASES FROM FUTURE YEAR ALLOCATION (FY 2007/2008): 3. LOCAL FUNDS APPLIED TO ALT-FUEL VEHICLE PURCHASES (e.g. MEASURE A, MEASURE C): 4. TOTAL AB 2766 SUBVENTION FUNDS AND LOCAL FUNDS APPLIED TO HEAVY-DUTY VEHICLE PURCHASES (SUM OF LINES 1, 2, AND 3): 5. AMOUNT OF MSRC: MATCH FUNDING REQUESTED FOR HEAVY DUTY VEHICLE PURCHASE ($1 FOR $1 MATCH UP TO $25,000 PER VEHICLE): 6. ADDITIONAL PROJECT CO -FUNDING FROM OTHER SOURCES: 7. TOTAL PROJECT (AST: AMOUNT $ 217,000 217,000 25,000 $ 242,000 Please list all vehicle purchase project costs by Cost Element. HEAVY DUTY VEHICLE PURCHASE COSTS (PLEASE LIST EACH VEHICLE INDIVIDUALLY): 1. Tymco 600 Sweeper $ 242,000 2. $ 3. $ - 4. $ 5. $ 6. $ 7. $ _ 8. $ 9. $ 10. $ TOTAL HEAVY DUTY VEHICLE PURCHASE COSTS: $ 242,000 20 EXHIBIT D - PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE Purchase of Heavy -Duty Alternative Fuel Vehicles (Return this page as part of your Match Program application) Please provide, either in the space outlined below or separate attached sheet, a Milestone Schedule for your proposed Match Program project. The schedule should include anticipated start and completion dates for each task, activity, or milestone identified in Exhibit B, "Project Description/Statement of Work". The format requirements for the Project Implementation Schedule are flexible. A template is provided below: PROJECT MILESTONE START DATE COMPLETION Example: Task 1 — Order Vehicle Authority to Proceed (ATP) + one month ATP + 3 months Purchase PM10 Certified Street January 2008 June 2008 Sweeper If a separate milestone schedule is attached, please label the attachment "Exhibit D: Project Milestone Schedule" and include in your application package. 21 Attachment IV.A. STREET SWEEPING OPERATIONS APPLICATION FORMS EXHIBIT A - APPLICANT INFORMATION Street Sweeping Operations (Return this page as part of your Match Program application) A. Please provide the following applicant information in the space provided. Applicant Name: City of La Quints Address: 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Contact Person: Therese Vella-Finorio Title: Management Assistant Telephone Number: (760) 777-7043 Fax #: (760) 777-7101 E-Mail Address: tfinorio@la-quinta.org B. Please answer the following questions: YES NO 1. Are you submitting a Joint Application with other Cities/Counties? O 93 2. If "Yes', are you authorized to act of behalf of all participants? 0 Q 3. If "Yes', please provide the names of all other project participants. Please designate if the other participants are public agencies or private entities: Public Private a) p p b) O O YES NO c) If you answered "Yes" to questions land 2, above, have you attached a letter from each entity designating a lead agency and O O authorizing that agency to act on behalf of the other participants? 26 EXHIBIT B — Project Descriptions/Statement of Work Street Sweeping Operations The work involved shall include mechanical and/or manual sweeping of all curbed flow -lines, including all cross gutters, streets and paves center meridian islands. The areas to be swept consist of all designated streets located within the northern portion of the City as illustrated in Attachment 1. Each of the streets identified shall be swept a minimum of once per week. Street sweeping shall be performed in accordance with accepted standards for routine and emergency municipal street cleaning. Additional performance standards include: 1. When necessary for proper street cleaning, more than one pass will be made on the street without additional charge; 2. Additional sweeps requested by the City of La Quinta for unsatisfactory performance shall be responded to immediately; 3. The City reserves the right to add additional streets and/or other right-of-way to the street schedule. The contractor shall provide any additional sweeping services at the agreed upon per curb mile cost; 4. Contractor shall maintain the sweeping schedule as approved by the City of La Quinta and shall maintain standby equipment to be used in the event of equipment breakdown or an emergency; 5. Sweeping in residential areas shall not commence prior to 7 a.m. 6. Sweepers shall not be operated faster than 10 mph when sweeping paper, leaves or light trash, 5 mph when sweeping normal accumulation of dirt, sand and gravel, and 3 mph when sweeping heavy accumulation of dirt, sand and gravel. EXHIBIT C - PROJECT BUDGET Street Sweeping Operations (Return this page as part of your Match Program application only if you are applying for street sweeping match funding) A. Please provide your Current Unallocated Subvention Fund Balance: $ 142,000 B. Please provide the following street sweeping operations Cost by Category Information: PROJECT COSTS BY FUNDING CATEGORY AMOUNT 1. AB 2766 SUBVENTION FUNDS APPLIED TO ALL STREET 142,000 SWEEPING FROM EXISTING UNALLOCATED BALANCE: S 2. AB 2766 SUBVENTION FUNDS APPLIED TO ALL STREET SWEEPING FROM FUTURE YEAR ALLOCATION (FY 2007/2008): $ 3. LOCAL FUNDS APPLIED TO STREET SWEEPING OPERATIONS (e.g. MEASURE A, MEASURE C): $ 4. TOTAL AB 2766 SUBVENTION FUNDS AND LOCAL FUNDS APPLIED TO STREET SWEEPING OPERATIONS (SUM OF LINES 1, 2, AND 3): g 5. AMOUNT OF MSRC MATCH FUNDING REQUESTED FOR STREET SWEEPING OPERATIONS ($1 FOR $1 MATCH UP TO $100,000): $ 100,000 6. ADDITIONAL PROJECT CO -FUNDING FROM OTHER SOURCES: $ 7. TOTAL PROJECT COST: S 242,000 Please provide the following street sweeping operations cost information. Please List the Specific Cost Components that Comprise the "Per Mile" or "Per Hour" Operations Cost. Please Specify If Cost is Based On: I Curb Mule Swept O Hour of Sweeper Operation O Other (Please Describe) 2. $ 3. $ 4. $ 5. $ n Average Per "Mile" or `Hour" Operations Cost: $ 25.43 per curb mile 28 EXHIBIT D - PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE Street Sweeping Operations (Return this page as part of your Match Program application) Please provide, either in the space outlined below or separate attached sheet, a Milestone Schedule for your proposed Match Program project. The schedule should include anticipated start and completion dates for each task, activity, or milestone identified in Exhibit B, "Project Description/Statement of Work". The format requirements for the Project Implementation Schedule are flexible. A template is provided below: PROJECT MILESTONE START DATE COMPLETION Example: Task 1 — Identify routes to be swept Authority to Proceed (ATP) + one week or Date ATP + 1 week Example: Task 2 — Commence sweeping operations on Route 1 ATP + 2 weeks ATP + 6 months Identify routes:ho be swept January 2008 June 2008 If a separate milestone schedule is attached, please label the attachment "Exhibit D: Project Milestone Schedule" and include in your application package. 29