2007 04 11 IAB Minutes
April 11, 2007
Regular meeting of the La Quinta Investment Advisory Board was called to order at the
hour of 4:30 P.M. by Vice Chairman Olander, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Board Members Moulin, Olander, and Rassi
Board Members Deniel and Egbert
John Falconer, Finance Director
III CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA - (This is the time set aside for public comment
on any matter not scheduled on the agenda.)
Board Member Moulin suggested that Staff bring the Board up to date on the
Audit Committee and their recommendation.
Mr. Falconer suggested that this item be discussed under Board Member Items.
Approval of Minutes of Meeting on March 14, 2007 for the Investment
Advisory Board.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Rassi/Moulin to approve the
minutes of March 14,2007. Motion carried unanimously.
A. Transmittal of Treasury Report for February 2007
Mr. Falconer presented and reviewed the staff report advising the Board
that the portfolio declined slightly by $5.7 million due to pass-through
payments made to taxing agencies for property tax allocations, (this
decline is reflected on page three of the Treasurer's report). The report
also reflected a large amount of "cash on hand" which was reduced in
the month of February by the debt service payment of $6.1 million.
Mr. Falconer advised that the portfolio is doing well and at this time
investments will remain short, due to possible interest rate hikes by the
Federal Government.
Investment Advisory Board
April 11, 2007
General discussion ensued by the Board regarding a possible hike in the
interest rates.
Board Member Moulin commented on the commercial paper yield. Mr.
Falconer advised that the closeness of the yields could be warranted from
the credit quality of the commercial paper.
General discussion ensued by the Board regarding commercial paper.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Moulin/Rassi to approve,
receive and file the Treasury Report for February 2007. Motion carried
B. Continued Consideration of the Fiscal Year 2007/08 Work Plan - Review
of Investment Policy
The Board agreed that the draft is ready to be submitted to Council and
would continue the review to next month's meeting for one final review.
Staff concurred.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Moulin/Rassi to continue the
discussion of the Fiscal Year 2007/08 Work Plan Investment Policy to the
May meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
A . Month End Cash Report and other selected Financial Data - March
Mr. Falconer reported that LAIF continues to do well and their current
yield is at 5.22%, along with commercial paper. In addition, Mr. Falconer
reported that some of the treasury rates yields have declined slightly, as
reported on page four of the Month End Cash Report.
Board Member Rassi commented that as a retired sustaining member of
the CMT A he is not required to pay for his registration for the annual
Noted and Filed
Investment Advisory Board
April 11, 2007
B. Pooled Money Investment Board Report - January 2007
Mr. Falconer commented that page one of the Pooled Money report
remains the same as prior years and that the yields have climbed
Mr. Falconer advised that the City of Indian Wells currently is utilizing the
CDAR's program. He also advised that the issue of the CDAR's audit
confirmations was discussed with Palm Desert National Bank and these
confirmations could be confirmed through one central depository and will
not require confirmation through each savings and loan. Mr. Falconer also
stated that funds wired to Palm Desert National over the FDIC limit would
still be at risk for one day.
Noted and Filed
Board Member Moulin recapped for the Board the meetings held by the Audit
Committee and their interview of the four firms, which were; Caporicci & Larson,
Lance, Soli & Lunghard, LLP, Mayer Hoffman McCann P.C.., Rogers and Anderson
Malody & Scott, LLP and the Committee's recommendation to Council to hire Lance,
Soli & Lunghard as the City's new auditors.
General discussion ensued among the Board regarding the firms, their representatives
and their proposed hours and fees.
Board Member Olander advised of the most recent article in regards to Fannie Mae and
how the rebuilding of both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are slow going along with the
real estate market.
Board Member Moulin commented on the advertisement for new commissioners.
Mr. Falconer advised that the City Clerk's office will not be sending out applications to
those Board Members/Commissioners who would like to reapply for another term. The
applications can be obtained either on line through the City's website or from the City
Clerk's office.
Investment Advisory Board
April 11, 2007
VIII Adjournment
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Moulin/Rassi to adjourn the meeting
at 5:05 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
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( )John M. Falconer
. Treasurer