2007 05 15 RDAe4 4 4 ad4a Redevelopment Agency agendas are available on the City' web page @ www.la-quinta.org REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Regular Meeting TUESDAY, MAY 15, 2007 - 3:00 P.M. Beginning Resolution No. RA 2007-005 CALL TO ORDER Roll Call: Agency Board Members: Adolph, Henderson, Kirk, Sniff, and Chairman Osborne PUBLIC COMMENT At this time, members of the public may address the Redevelopment Agency on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "request to speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. CLOSED SESSION NOTE: Time permitting the Redevelopment Agency Board may conduct Closed Session discussions during the dinner recess. In addition, persons identified as negotiating parties are not invited into the Closed Session meeting when acquisition of real property is considered. 1. CONFERENCE WITH THE AGENCY'S REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR, DOUGLAS R. EVANS, PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 CONCERNING POTENTIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF ACQUISITION AND/OR DISPOSITION OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED SOUTHWEST OF THE INTERSECTION OF HIGHWAY 111 AND LA QUINTA CENTRE DRIVE. PROPERTY OWNERS/NEGOTIATOR: TORRE NISSAN, GEORGEVELARDE. 001 Redevelopment Agency Agenda 1 May 15, 2007 2. CONFERENCE WITH THE AGENCY'S REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR, DOUGLAS R. EVANS, PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 CONCERNING POTENTIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF ACQUISITION AND/OR DISPOSITION OF REAL PROPERTY IDENTIFIED AS APN: 649-030-016, -017. PROPERTY OWNERS/NEGOTIATOR: DESERT EUROPEAN MOTOR CARS INC., JERRY JOHNSON. 3. CONFERENCE WITH THE AGENCY'S REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR, DOUGLAS R. EVANS, PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 CONCERNING POTENTIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF ACQUISITION AND/OR DISPOSITION OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST AND SOUTHEAST CORNERS OF AVENUE 50 AND W,ASHINGTON STREET IDENTIFIED AS APN: 646-070-013 AND 770-040-012, RESPECTIVELY. PROPERTY OWNERS/NEGOTIATORS: WIESTPORT LA QUINTA, L.P. AND URBAN HOUSING COMMUNICATIONS, ROGER DAVILA. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION RECONVENE AT 4:00 P.M. PUBLIC COMMENT At this time members of the public may address the Redevelopment Agency on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "request to speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MAY 1, 2007 CONSENT CALENDAR NOTE: Consent Calendar items are considered to be routine in nature and will be approved by one motion. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED MAY 15, 2007. 2. RECEIVE AND FILE TREASURER'S REPORT DATED MARCH 31, 2007. OG Redevelopment Agency Agenda 2 May 15, 2007 3. RECEIVE AND FILE REVENUE & EXPENDITURES REPORT DATED MARCH 31, 2007. 4. APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT EXTENSION WITH THE ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP (RSG) FOR REDEVELOPMENT AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SERVICES. 5. APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT AMENDMENT WITH RBF CONSULTING FOR CIVIL ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR SILVERROCK RESORT, PHASE II INFRASTRUCTUREIMPROVEMENTS. BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION OF CONSULTANT SELECTION COMMITTEES FOR THE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL AND LAKES AND WATER FEATURES DESIGN SERVICES FOR PHASE II SILVERROCK RESORT IMPROVEMENTS. A. MINUTE ORDER ACTION STUDY SESSION - NONE CHAIR AND BOARD MEMBERS' ITEMS - NONE PUBLIC HEARINGS - NONE For all Public Hearings on the agenda, a completed "request to speak" form must be filed with the City Clerk prior to consideration of that item. ADJOURNMENT Adjourn to a regularly scheduled meeting of the Redevelopment Agency to be held on June 5, 2007, commencing with closed session at 3:00 p.m. and open session at 4:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. 00" Redevelopment Agency Agenda 3 May 15, 2007 DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Veronica Montecino, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, do hereby declare that the foregoing agenda for the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency meeting of May 15, 2007, was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber at 78-495 Calle Tampico and on the bulletin boards at 51-321 Avenida Bermudas and 78-630 Highway 1 1 1, on May 11, 2007. DATED- Qay 11, 2007 VERONICA J. NTECINO, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California 00'r Redevelopment Agency Agenda 4 May 15, 2007 ce-ar 4 4 a0mrs, AGENDA CATEGORY: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: May 15, 2007 BUSINESS SESSION: ITEM TITLE: Demand Register Dated May 15, 2007 CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Redevelopment Agency Board: Receive and File the Demand Register Dated May 15, 2007 of which $1,687,014.46 represents Redevelopment Agency Expenditures. PLEASE SEE CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NUMBER 1 ON CITY COUNCIL AGENDA T-af 4 4 a" COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: May 15, 2007 ITEM TITLE: Receive and File Transmittal of Treasurer's Report as of March 31, 2007 RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: CP.— STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: It is recommended the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency: Receive and File the Treasurer's Report as of March 31, 2007. PLEASE SEE BUSINESS SESSION ITEM ON CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 00 T-dw4lwR AGENDA CATEGORY: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: May 15, 2007 BUSINESS SESSION: ITEMTITLE: Receive and File Transmittal of Revenue and 3 Expenditure Report for March 31, 2007 CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDATION: Receive and File BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Transmittal of the March 31, 2007 State of Revenue and Expenditures for the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency. Respectfully submitted, ( 4Aft John M. Falconer, Finance Director Approved for submission b Thomas P. Genovese, Executive Director Attachment 1. Revenue and Expenditures Report, March 31, 2007 LA OUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REVENUE SUMMARY PROJECT AREA NO. 1: 07/0112006 - 313112007 REMAINING % BUDGET RECEIVED BUDGET RECEIVED A 1 I AUHMtN I 'I LOW/MODERATE BOND FUND: "located Interest Home Sale Proceeds Non Allocated Interest Transfer In TOTAL LOW/MOD BOND LOW/MODERATE TAX FUND: lax Increment Allocated Interest Non Allocated Interest Miscellaneous revenue Non Allocated Interest LORP-Rant Revenue Home Sales Proceeds Sale of Land Sewer Subsidy Reimbursements Rehab0it3hon Loan Repayments 2nd Trust Deed Repayment Transferin TOTAL LOW/MOD TAX DEBT SERVICE FUND' Tax Increment Allocates Interest Non Allocated Interest Intend - County Loan Interest Advance Proceeds Transfers In TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 000 000 coo 0.000 % 000 000 000 0000% 000 000 000 0000% 000 000 000 0000% coo 0.00 000 0000% 10,349,20000 5,253,33160 5,095, B6840 50760% 442,30000 296,70861 145,59139 67080% 000 127,96860 (127,96860) 0000% 000 8197 (6197) 0000% 000 45660 (45660) 0000% 252,000.00 189.48242 62,51756 75190% 480,00000 311,09238 168, 90762 64810% 000 000 000 0.000 % 50,00000 28,44611 21,55489 56890% 000 000 000 0000% 1.000,00000 705,85817 294,14183 70590% 140,000 00 100,000 00 40,X000 71 430% 12,713,50000 7,013,42546 5,700,07454 55170% 41,396,80000 21,013,32645 20,383, 47355 50760% 553,10000 640,16617 (87,066.17) 115740% 000 000 000 0 000 % 000 000 000 0 000 % 000 000 000 0000% 4,448,30400 4,448,13799 166.01 100000% 46,398,20400 26,101,63061 20,296, 57339 56260% CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND - NON-TAXABLE Pooled Cash Allocated Interest 199,50000 148,88341 50,61659 74630% Non Allocated Interest 1,000.000 00 722,066 64 277,933 36 72 210 % Developer Agreement Funding coo 22,84650 (22,134650) 0000% Loan Proceeds coo 000 000 0000% Rental lnarne 000 000 000 0000% Transfers In 000 000 000 0000% TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 1,199,50000 893,79655 305,70345 74510% CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT F UND-TAXABLE Pooled Cash Allocated Interest 000 000 0.00 0 000 % Non Allocated Interest 0,00 coo 000 0000% Litigation Settlement Revenue 000 000 000 0000% Bond proceeds 000 000 000 0 000 % Rental Income 000 000 000 0 000 % Transfers In 000 000 000 0000% TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 000 000 000 0000% F. 00. 2 LA OUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 0710112006 - 3/3112007 REMAINING EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BUDGET EXPENDITURES ENCUMBERED BUDGET PROJECT AREA N0, 1: LOWIMODERATE BONE) FUND PERSONNEL 000 000 000 000 SERVICES 000 000 000 000 REIMBURSEMENT TO GEN 000 000 000 D00 HOUSING PROJECTS 000 000 000 000 TRANSFERS OUT 000 000 000 000 TOTAL LOWIMOD BOND 000 000 000--000 LOW/MODERATE TAX FUND: PERSONNEL 490000 4,25015 000 64985 SERVICES 368,88100 190,98989 000 177.89111 BUILDING HORIZONS 25D.00000 000 000 250,00000 LO RENTAL PROGRAM 200.00000 18231151 000 17.68649 2nd TRUST DEED PROGRA 500,00000 000 000 500p0000 LAND ACQUISITION 1,800, 00000 12,02875 000 1, 787,97125 FORECLOSURE 150,00000 000 000 150,00000 REI MBURSE MENT TO GE N 484,12700 363,09429 000 121,03271 TRANSFERS OUT 20,448,30400 4,448, 13799 000 16, 300,16601 TOTAL LOWIMOD TAX 24 206,21200 5,200,8125 000 19, ,3565 9942 DEBT SERVICE FUND: SERVICES 657,30000 491,26326 000 166,03674 BOND PRINCIPAL 2,640,00000 2,640,00000 000 000 BOND INTEREST 7658.90000 7,658,90025 000 (026) INTEREST CITY ADVANCE 1,020.00000 765.00000 000 255,00000 PASS THROUGH PAYMENT 19 950,170 00 10,146,49994 000 9, E0367006 ERAF SHIFT 000 000 000 000 TRANSFERS OUT 4.108,51500 4,068,34892 000 4D,166D6 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 3603488500 25, 70,01238 000 10264�, 266 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND: PERSONNEL 4,90000 4,25015 000 64985 SERVICES 659.73000 615,57026 000 44.15974 LAND ACQUISITION 000 000 000 000 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 000 000 000 000 ADVERTISINGECONOMIC000 000 000 000 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMEN 000 000 000 000 BOND ISSUANCE COSTS 000 000 000 000 CAPITAL - BUILDING 000 000 000 000 REIMBURSEMENT TO GEN 213.01600 159.76197 000 5325403 TRANSFERS OUT 20,556,05700 3,966,75663 000 16,58930037 TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 21,433, 70300 4 46,33901 0 0 16,68,3 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUNOITAXABLE BOND BOND ISSUANCE COSTS 000 000 000 000 TRANSFERS OUT (42,80700) 000 000 (42,BD700) TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT (42,8070) _ 000 000 (42,80700) OOQ 3 LA OUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REVENUE SUMMARY PROJECT AREA NO. 2: 07/0112006 - 3131/2007 REMAINING % BUDGET RECEIVED BUDGET RECEIVED LOW/MODERATE BOND FUND: Allocated Interest Non Allocated Interest Bond proceeds (net) Transfer In TOTAL LOW/MOD BOND LOW/MODERATE TAX FUND: Tax Incement Allocated Interest Non Allocated Interest Developer tuning Vista Dunes MI Rental Rev 2nd Trust Deed Repayment ERAF Shift - Interest Sale of Land I•ransfer in TOTAL LOW/MOD TAX 2004 LOW/MODERATE BOND FUND: Allocated Interest Home Sale Proceeds Non Allocated Interest Transfetln TOTAL LOW/MOD BOND 000 000 000 0 000 % 000 000 000 0000% 000 000 0.00 0 000 % 000 000 0.00 0.000% 000 000 000 -0000% 5,401,80000 2,582,54493 2,819,25507 47810% 441,000 00 303,225 41 137,774 59 68 760 % 000 000 000 0 000 % 000 000 000 0000% 000 0.00 000 0.000 % 100,000 00 59.409 08 40,590 92 59 410% 000 000 000 0 000 % 12,641,90300 000 12.6Il,90300 0000% 16,000,000.00 000 16 000 000 00 0 000 % 34,584.70300 2,945,17942 31,639,52358 8520% 000 000 000 0000% 000 000 000 0 000 % 2,800,00000 2, 103,80190 69619810 75140% 000 000 000 0.000 % 2,800,00000 2,103,80190 69619810 75140% DEBT SERVICE FUND l'ax lncrsment 21,607,20000 10,330,17973 11.277,02027 47810% Allocated Interest 399,90000 366,77409 33, 12591 91720% Non Allocated Interest 000 0 00 000 0000% Interest Advance Proceeds 000 000 000 0 000 % l ransfer In 1 954 642 00 7 954 559 91 8209 100,000 % TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 23,961,74200 12,651,51373 11,310,22827 52800% CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND: Allocated Interest 105,60000 90,46484 15,13516 85670% Non Allocated Interest 000 000 000 0000% Developer Agreement 000 0.00 000 0000% Transfers In 000 000 000 0000% TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 105,60000 90,46484 15, t35.16 85.670% 010 `l LA DUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 07101/2006 - 3131/2007 REMAINING EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BUDGET EXPENDITURES ENCUMBERED BUDGET PROJECT AREA NO, 2: LOW/MODERATE BONG FUND 2nd TRUST DEEDS 000 000 0DO 0DO LAND 0DO 000 000 000 BOND ISSUANCE COSTS 000 000 000 000 TRANSFERS OUT 000 000 0DO 000 TOTAL LOWIMOD BOND 000 000 000 000 LOW/MODERATE TAX FUND: PERSONNEL 2,90000 2,57204 000 32796 SERVICES 324,11100 167,46804 000 156,642% 2NG TRUST DEEDS 000 000 000 000 FORECLOSURE ACQUISITI 150,00000 000 000 150 NO 00 WATERCOLOR COURT HO 4,500,00000 000 000 4, 500,00000 LAND ACQUISITION 20,300 000 00 19,963,50414 000 336.49586 REIMBURSEMENT TO GEN 264,523 DO 198,39123 000 66,131]] TRANSFERS OUT 3523,09700 21248,63241 000 1274,46459 TOTAL LOW/MOD TAX 9064,631 22, 80,Sfi] 000 8�84,06314 2004 LOW/MODERATE BOND FUND HOUSING PROGRAMS 6283,00000 2,665, 10000 000 3E 17,90000 LAND 000 000 0DO 000 TRANSFERS OUT 53091]9500 ],214,2523] 000 458]],54263 TOTAL LOWIMOD BOND 593 ]9500 9,819, 23] 00 4949 4� 4263 DEBT SERVICE FUND: SERVICES 176,10000 181, 79707 000 (5,69707) BOND PRINCIPAL 205,00000 10500000 000 1C0,00000 BONDINTEREST 31478500 314,78500 000 000 INTEREST CITY ADVANCE 1, OOD00000 749,99998 000 250,000 02 PASS THROUGH PAYMENT 18 046,995 00 8,573,43641 000 9473,55859 TRANSFERS OUT 1.954,64200 1954,55991 000 8209 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 21691, 200 11,879,5783 000 119436 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENI'FUND: PERSONNEL 2,90000 2,57016 000 32984 SERVICES 13304300 46,78426 000 86,25874 ADVERTISING -ECONOMIC 000 000 000 000 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMEN 000 000 000 000 REIMBURSEMENT TO GEN 36,53400 27,39951 000 9,13449 TRANSFERS OUT 193,23500 66,10700 0DO 121,12800 TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 36 ]i W 142,8609 000 2 8510] 0 A 5 COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: May 15, 2007 ITEM TITLE: Approval of a Contract Extension with the Rosenow Spevacek Group for Redevelopment and Economic: Development Services AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Please see the City Council staff report regarding this item. COUNCILIRDA MEETING DATE: May 15, 2007 ITEM TITLE: Approval of a Contract Amendment with RBF Consulting for Civil Engineering Services for SilverRock Resort, Phase II Infrastructure Improvements RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: ` CONSENT CALENDAR: �1 STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Approve an amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with RBF Consulting to provide additional civil engineering services in an amount not -to - exceed $942,950, and authorize the Executive Director to execute the amendment. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The Phase II SilverRock Resort Improvements are included within the 2007-2008 Capital Improvement Program. Project components include: Infrastructure, Permanent Clubhouse, Second Golf Course, and Entry Feature/Roads. A total of $5,850,000 is budgeted within the CIP under the "engineering" category for the above -listed project components. To date, a total of $2,802,200 has been encumbered by engineering and project management contracts, leaving a balance of $3,047,800 for additional engineering services. The costs for the additional civil engineering services contained within this amendment ($459,150) will be charged to the appropriate "engineering" category for each of the project components. The 2007-2008 CIP also includes funds for "inspection/testing/survey" for each of the SilverRock Resort Phase II components listed above, totaling $4,288,290. To day, these funds have not been encumbered. 013 The costs for technical services contained within this amendment ($368,800) will be charged to the "inspection/testing/survey" category for each of the project components. It should be noted that technical services will be performed during the construction phase of each project, but only when and if they are needed. (It's possible that some of the tasks will not be necessary; however, in order to lock in costs, staff endeavored to make the list as comprehensive as possible.) RBF will not proceed with these tasks until directed by City staff and the project manager. There is also a list of "optional tasks" which are further detailed in the staff report. RBF will not proceed with these tasks until directed by City staff and the project manager. These costs will be charged to the appropriate "engineering" or "inspection/testing/survey" categories within each of the project components. Lastly, the PSA amendment includes a budget for reimbursable items in an amount not to exceed $20,000. The PSA amendment is included as Attachment 1; Exhibit B lists all tasks and respective costs, which are summarized below: Civil Engineering Cost Clubhouse $ 108,700 Golf Course $ 165,300 Additional Infrastructure $ 170,150 Landscape & Entry Features• $ 15,000 Subtotal for Civil Engineering $ 459,150 Technical Services Construction Support $ 18,500 Clubhouse Staking $ 21,000 Golf Course Staking $ 119,000 Additional Infrastructure Staking $ 194,300 Landscape & Entry Feature Staking $ 16,000 Subtotal for Technical Services $ 368,800 Optional Tasks Reinforced Concrete Box Canal Crossings $ 61,000 Other Technical Services (Clubhouse & Golf Course) $ 34,000 Subtotal for Optional Tasks $95,000 Reimbursables $20,000 Grand Total $942,950 F'...� Oil BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The Phase II SilverRock Resort improvements include the installation of: the "backbone" infrastructure; on -site streets; vehicular, pedestrian, and golf cart bridges and undercrossings; the permanent clubhouse; a second 18-hole golf course; primary and secondary entry features; a passive park; and project support facilities. Portions of this work are completed or are currently in progress. On August 1, 2006, the Agency Board approved a professional services agreement ("PSA") with RBF Consulting in the amount of $602,200 to provide initial civil engineering services for the SilverRock Resort, Phase II project. The Agency used the consultant selection process to approve the PSA with RBF Consulting. A committee of City staff members and contract staff developed a short list of three qualified civil engineers to prepare the plans, specifications and engineer's estimate for the SilverRock Resort Phase II Infrastructure Improvements. Each of the three: engineering firms has done work for the City of La Quinta, and were deemed qualified to provide the needed engineering services. The firms included Psomas, LAN Engineering, and RBF Consulting. Each of the three firms was interviewed and evaluated on their qualifications, project understanding and proposed scope of work. Following the committee's evaluation of the three firms, the committee unanimously recommended RBF Consulting. The Agency Board approved this recommendation at its August 1, 2006 meeting with a 5-0 vote. Pursuant to La Quinta Municipal Code Section 3.32.050.C, the City is permitted to forgo the formal request for proposal procedures where experience with the proposed service provider had demonstrated competence and satisfactory performance. Given the large number of projects RBF Consulting has completed for the City, the selection of RBF meets the requirements of 3.32.050.C. When the PSA was first negotiated with RBF, time was of the essence, as it was imperative to complete CVWD and Bureau of Reclamation submittals and applications for canal crossings and water/sewer lines. The current PSA's scope is limited to infrastructure improvements; however, it was anticipated that a contract amendment would be required to include engineering related to the permanent clubhouse, the second golf course, the passive park, aerial mapping, site hydrology, technical services, etc. A detailed summary of the additional work, tasks, deliverables, and fees is set forth in Attachment No. 1, RBF contract amendment, Exhibit A, scope of services. .il- 015 It should be noted the PSA amendment includes a list of "optional tasks." The majority of these tasks relate to recent discussions with CVWD regarding a .concrete box" structure that could be used in place of a traditional cart bridge to cross the canal. This option places less stress on the canal lining, costs less to construct:, and provides a more "seamless" look on the golf course than a bridge. Another optional task is "golf course storm drain stakes" which allow for survey stakes to be placed by RBF during the construction of the golf course storm drain system. RBF will perform these tasks if so directed by City staff and the project manager. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the Agency Board include: 1 . Approve an amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with RBF Consulting to provide additional civil engineering services in an amount not -to -exceed $942,950, and authorize the Executive Director to execute the amendment; or 2. Do not approve an amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with RBF Consulting to provide additional civil engineering services in an amount not -to -exceed $942,950: or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, Thomas P. Genovese, Executive Director Attachment: 1. RBF Consulting Contract Amendment - 016 k1191leF11:Ikri140k& ` 4 laQumrw PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT AMENDMENT NO.1 PROJECT: SilverRock Resort, Phase II Civil Engineering Services CONSULTANT: RBF Consulting *********x****,a**xxxx****,t***********t**********t•x****************,t*************x*:r*****x* Pursuant to the terms of the original Contract Agreement, you are hereby directed to make the herein described changes or do the following described work not included in the plans and specifications for this Contract. Unless otherwise stated all work shall conform to the terms, general conditions, and special provisions of the original Contract. xxxx****xxxxx**+•**xxxxx*****xxxxxx****xxxxx******xxxxx*****xxxxxxx*****xxxxx******xxxx*****xxxxxxx DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE Provide additional civil engineering and technical services in support of SilverRock Resort Phase II Improvements. Submitted By:, Approved By:, Previous Contract Amount $602,200 Amendment No. 1 $942,950� Revised Contract Total $1,545,150 6-' 1' D We, the undersigned Consultant, havegiven careful consideration to the changeproposed and hereby agree, if thisproposal is approved, that we will provide all equipment, furnish all materials, perform all labor, except as may be noted above, and perform all services necessary to complete the above specified work, and hereby accept as full payment the amount shown above. Accepted Consultant: Date: 017 PSA96041.dm RBF Consulting Amendment No. 1, JN 20-100784 May 10, 2007 Page 1 EXHIBIT "A" PROFESSIONAL SCOPE OF SERVICES A. RBF agrees to perform the following Professional Scope of Services for the City of La Quinta SilverRock Golf Resort Site: Clubhouse Improvements The following Tasks,1-10, pertain to the Club House Improvements. TASK 1 SITE PLAN CALCULATION Based on the site plan prepared by the City's Clubhouse Architect, RBF will review the site plan and provide engineering calculations for the horizontal geometry of the site. This task will include review of the parking standards, fire access and horizontal geometry. In addition, this task will include meeting with the Fire Marshal's office for review and approval of the fire access and overall clubhouse site. RBF is assuming that this task will take approximately 80 hours, with three design iterations. TASK 2 PARKING LOT LAYOUT Based on the site plan prepared by the City's Clubhouse Architect, RBF will review the site plan and provide engineering design options for the layout of the 270-stall parking lot. This task will include review of the parking standards, fire access and horizontal geometry. RBF is assuming that this task will take approximately 50 hours, with three design iterations. TASK. 3 PRECISE GRADING PLAN RBF shall prepare 1" = 20' scale Precise Grading Plans for the proposed Clubhouse, based on the final site layout provided by the City's Clubhouse Architect and the city approved parking lot layout. The plans shall be designed in accordance with the Soils and Geology Report, and the City's Grading Ordinance. The Precise Grading Plans shall indicate pad elevations, banks, berms, drainage devices, parking lot, grassed event areas (no more than two), outside hardscape patios (no more than two) and possible corrective grading areas as referenced in the Preliminary Soils Report, and erosion control measures necessary for obtaining a grading permit and construction of the Project. In addition to the precise grading plans, RBF shall prepare a hydrology report for the specific improvements that will be shown on the precise grading plans based on the overall site hydrology report listed below in this scope. Included with this task will be the preparation of an on -site Hydrology Study specifically for the clubhouse, which will determine the storm water run-off amounts, and the drainage facilities necessary to accommodate projected storm flows. The study will describe components such as the location and volume of retention/detention basins as well as the general routing of storm - water flows throughout the site. .W. 018 RBF Consulting Amendment No. 1, JN 20-100784 May 10, 2007 Page 2 RBF will prepare a PM10 Dust Mitigation Plan for approval by the City. This plan lists required actions for dust control during the construction process. The plan will be one 24"06" sheet with dust control specifications and a reference map of the overall site grading; features. RBF will provide final engineering services for the preparation of construction plans for the drainage facilities associated with the clubhouse site, including parking lot. It is anticipated that all of the proposed catch basins will utilize dry wells prior to discharging into the proposed golf course water hazards/lakes. The Precise Grading Plan set will also include a sheet showing the ADA path of travel around the clubhouse site. RBF shall prepare a Preliminary Estimate of Earthwork Quantities based upon the existing surface information provided by the City. Allowances for shrinkage and subsidence and quantities for corrective grading work shall be accounted for based upon the Soils Engineer's Report, unless otherwise specified. It is assumed that 1 title, 1 detail, 3 plan, 1 PM-10 and 1 ADA path of travel sheet will be required for this task. The plan sheet size for grading plans to be no larger than 24"06". TASK 4 HORIZONTAL CONTROL PLAN R13F shall prepare a dimensioned plot plan of the Clubhouse site to establish the precise location of the building, roadway alignment, and parking lots. This plan will be based on the site; plan drawing files provided to RBF by the City's Clubhouse Architect and the approved parking lot layout. This plan will be prepared at a scale of 1 "=40', on a 24"06" sheet, and will be the base sheet for other subsequent drawings of the Civil Plan submittal package. The plan will include parking lot striping and handicap parking signage. This horizontal control plan will be incorporated into the Precise Grading plan set. TASK 5 PRIVATE UTILITY PLAN RBF shall prepare a plan that shows the design of the private onsite sewer and domestic water system necessary to accommodate the proposed clubhouse. The design of these improvements will be shown in plan view at 1'= 40' scale, and conform to the standards of the American Water Works Association. It is assumed the entire sewer and water system will be private and a separate plan and profile set of improvement plans for CVWD will not be needed. This task will also include a water model to determine the fire flow demands for the clubhouse site, using the actual fire hydrant locations. TASK 6 DRY UTILITY PLAN RBF with the assistance from Butsko Utility Design shall prepare a plan that shows the design of the private dry utility to service the proposed clubhouse. The design of these improvements will be shown in plan view at V= 40' scale, and conform to the industry standards. �r� 019 RBF Consulting Amendment No. 1, IN 20-100784 May 10, 2007 Page 3 TASK 7 PARKING LOT LIGHTING PLAN RBF will provide electrical plans to install lighting for the parking lot area. Lighting fixtures will be selected and specified to maintain lighting levels as recommended by Illuminating Engineering Society Standard DG-5 and in accordance with the City of La Quinta's "Dark Sky" ordinance. The electrical plans will include lighting fixtures, pull boxes, conduit/wiring sizing and routing, connection diagrams, panel schedules and construction details. The following Lighting Plans are anticipated: E-1 Single Line Diagrams, Panel Schedules and Conduit Schedules E-2 Conduit and Power Plan (Tunnel 1) E-3 Conduit and Power Plan (Tunnel 2) E-4 Conduit and Lighting Plan (Tunnel 3) The design of these improvements will be shown in plan view at 1 "= 40' scale. TASK 8 SILVERROCK WAY CREEK CROSSING As part of the SilverRock Golf Course improvements the original site plan for the clubhouse includes a clubhouse lake that is connected to a golf course lake by a creek and culvert crossing. It is intended that this structure will be vendor supplied pre -cast concrete or corrugated multi -plate steel arches. An initial study will be done reviewing the proposed clear opening dimensions, soil parameters, and estimated cost to select the preferred tunnel type. The project plans will provide layout and cross -sectional information for the preferred option and performance specification detailing the design criteria. to be used by the vendor. The vendor selected by the successful construction bidder will prepare the design of the underpass. Signed plans and calculations, prepared by the vendor, will be submitted to the City and RBF for review and approval prior to fabrication or construction of the underpass structure. Headwalls and traffic barriers will be designed by RBF and detailed on the project plans. This proposal is based upon the following assumed geometry for the underpass: SilverRock Way Creek Crossing by Clubhouse Clear Opening Size: 10 feet wide by 6 feet high Culvert Length: 90 feet Minimum Earth Cover: 3 feet at the curb line Headwall Orientation: Parallel to culvert Maximum Wall Height: 9 feet (fill slopes down to 1' at parapet wall) Wall Length: Total length 100 feet (50 feet at each end) 8.1 Tunnel Type Selection / Vendor Coordination RBF will review the proposed clear opening widths, soil parameters, City requirements and estimated cost to select the preferred tunnel type. It is anticipated that Con -Span, Con -Arch and Corrugated metal arch options will be evaluated. RBF will meet with potential vendors to obtain pertinent information regarding arch cross sections available, construction constraints, and estimated construction costs to determine the preferred arch type. This task also included coordination with the geotechnical sub -consultant and preparation of a brief summary memo. RBF will review the summary memo and discuss 020 RBF Consulting Amendment No. I, JN 20-100784 May 10, 2007 Page 4 the selected type with the City to gain concurrence on the selection. At this time it is anticipated that conventional concrete headwalls and traffic barriers will be utilized. No special aesthetic treatment to the headwalls is proposed. Traffic barriers, where applicable will be detailed to match the proposed barrier at the bridge over the All American Canal. 8.2 Tunnel Performance Specification Based upon the selected tunnel type RBF will meet with the vendor to obtain information to be included in the performance specification to be used in bidding for the arches. This will include dimensional criteria, loading conditions, materials, installation criteria, testing and inspection requirements and additional information required for construction of the arch tunnels. This specification will be included in the form of notes within the plan sett. 8.3 Tunnel Plan and Profile Sheets RBF will prepare a plan and profile sheet that will provide tunnel alignment data, culvert profile, headwall orientations, and precise contour grading of the slopes adjacent to the tunnel, headwalls and stream. TASK 9 CLUBHOUSE BID PACKAGE & BIDDING ASSISTANCE RBF will prepare construction specifications, which will be added to the overall bid document for the civil improvements associated clubhouse construction. RBF will supply to the Project Manager a construction estimate, bid item schedule, bid item descriptions, technical specifications, special provisions and details for inclusion by the City into the overall bid package for the clubhouse construction. Technical specifications for construction of each item of work in the Project shall be prepared. Where applicable, the latest edition of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction ("Gree:nbook") and City of La Quinta Standard Drawings will be utilized and referenced in the construction documents. The RBF team will assist the City with any technical questions regarding interpretation of construction plans that may arise during contract bidding and advertising phase of the project. RBF will plan on attending the pre -bid meeting to clarify questions by prospective bidders. RBF assumes 12 hours for this task. TASK 10 PROJECT MANAGEMENT, COORDINATION & QUALITY CONTROL — CLUBHOUSE Project Management This task includes overall project management, liaison with affected agencies, meeting attendance and participation, progress monitoring and maintenance of project files. RBF will perform project administration, coordination, and management for the civil improvements associated with the Clubhouse Design. RBF will supervise, coordinate, monitor and review design for conformance with City standards, policies and procedures. "'-� 0 21 RBF Consulting Amendment No. 1, IN 20-100784 May 10, 2007 Page 5 This task will also include any necessary coordination with the Clubhouse Architect, Golf Course Architect, Landscape Architect, Lake and Water Feature Designer, City Staff, Project Manager, utilities and miscellaneous agencies as directed by the City or its representatives. Meetings Progress meetings will be held at regular intervals or as needed between the City, the City Architect and RBF. These meetings will be held to review the project status to verify that the project objectives and milestones are achieved by all parties. RBF will attend the meetings as called by the Project Manager, provide discussion materials as necessary and meeting notes and decisions associated with the civil improvements on this site. RBF will document all civil improvement. RBF assumes this task will entail attendance at 12 meetings (specifically for the above mentioned tasks) through the length of the contract. Once the 12 meetings have been exceeded, additional meetings will be performed, if required, on an hourly basis for an additional fee or at a mutually negotiate fee. Project Coordination A number of agencies, organizations and consultants, as well as the community, are stakeholders in this project. This task includes time for coordination with the City's Clubhouse Architect, Project Manager, City Staff, Landscape Architect, Golf Course Architect and Site Project Manager as necessary. RBF anticipates 48 hours for project coordination on the clubhouse site. If 48 hours has been exceeded, the City and RBF will mutually negotiate additional project coordination fee. Qualitv Control RBF will supervise, coordinate, monitor and review design for conformance with City of La Quinta and other local agency standards, policies and procedures as appropriate. For the purpose of estimating the proposed fee, RBF anticipates 24 hours for this task. Miscellaneous Exhibits This task will consist of the preparing exhibits for weekly SilverRock team meetings, project management team meeting, City Council presentations and other events as requested by the City or its authorized agents. RBF assumes 16 hours for this task. If 16 hours has been exceeded, additional time for preparation of miscellaneous exhibits and the fee will be mutually negotiated by the City and RBF. TASK 11 CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT — CLUBHOUSE RBF will assist with the following activities for the bidding and construction for the improvements proposed in this amendment. Pre -Construction Meeting RBF will attend the Pre -Construction meeting to clarify questions by the contractor and or their subcontractors. ,_ 022 RBF Consulting Amendment No. 1, JN 20-100784 May 10, 2007 Page 6 Construction RFI's and Submittal Reviews During the construction phase, RBF will review and provide comments on shop drawing submittals and request for information (RFI). In addition, will attend the regular constriction meetings to answer any design related questions, as well as provide the City assistance on revisions to the approved construction plans. RBF assumes 20 hours for this task. Prepare Record Drawings The R13F team will utilize the contractor's and City inspector's redline "As -Built" plans upon project completion to prepare the Record Drawings (Mylar) for the City. Upon completion, RBF will provide the Record Drawings package to the City that will complete the civil improvments of this project. RBF assumes 12 hours for this task. Golf Course Work Tasks The following Tasks, 12-18, pertain Golf Course Improvements. TASK 12 PRIVATE UTILITY PLAN (COMFORT STATION) RBF shall prepare a plan that shows the design of the private onsite sewer and domestic water system necessary to accommodate two proposed comfort stations (restroom facilities only) for the second 18-hole golf course. The design of these improvements will be shown in plan view at V= 100' scale, and conform to the standards of the American Water Works Association. It is assumed the entire sewer and water system will be; private and a separate plan and profile set of improvement plans for CVWD will not be needed. RBF assumes that this design will take one title sheet and two (2) plan sheets. In addition, RBF assumes that each of the comfort stations will be located at the mid points of each of the front and back nine of the second course. TASK.13 GOLF CART PATH RBF shall prepare a plan that shows the design of the golf cart paths based on the Golf Course Architects cart routing schematic. These plans will be shown in plan view at V= 100' scale and will depict the horizontal alignment of the path as well as locations of curbing. Prior to initiating final plans, RBF will coordinate with the Golf Course Architect on the proposed cart path alignments. RBF assumes that this design will take one title sheet and four (4) plan sheets. In addition, this task will include the design of no more than two cart path bridges crossing water features. RBF assumes that these structures will be similar to the bridges that were constructed on the Phase I golf course and will not exceed a pipe size of 48". RBF assumes that this design will take one plan and one detail sheet, which will be added to the cart path plan set. This task will also include coordination with the City's Lake and Water feature Designer, as well as a hydrologic analysis of the culvert to assure that it will provide adequate hydraulic capacity in relation with the overall lake routing plan, prepared by the Lake Designer. a: 023 RBF Consulting Amendment No. 1, IN 20-100784 May 10, 2007 Page 7 TASK 14 GOLF CART PATH TUNNEL As part of the SilverRock Golf Course improvements there will be three golf cart underpass tunnels. It is intended that the tunnel portions will be vendor supplied pre -cast concrete or corrugated multi -plate steel arches. An initial study will be done reviewing the proposed clear opening dimensions, soil parameters, and estimated cost to select the preferred tunnel type. The project plans will provide layout and cross -sectional information for the preferred option and performance specification detailing the design criteria to be used by the vendor. The vendor selected by the successful construction bidder will prepare the design of the underpass. Signed plans and calculations, prepared by the vendor, will be submitted to the City and RBF for review and approval prior to fabrication or construction of the underpass structure. Headwalls and traffic barriers will be designed by RBF and detailed on the project plans. Lighting will be provided for the three golf cart underpasses. This proposal is based upon the following assumed geometry for the underpasses Golf Cart Underpass Number 1: SilverRock Way Tunnel Clear Opening Size: 16 feet wide by 12 feet high Underpass Length: 100 feet Minimum Earth Cover: 3 feet at the curb line Headwall Orientation: Parallel to Roadway Maximum Wall Height: 18 feet plus traffic barrier, wall located at back of sidewalk Wall Length: Total length 1000 feet (500 feet at each end) Golf Cart Underpass Number 2: Hotel Drive Tunnel Clear Opening Size: 16 feet wide by 12 feet high Underpass Length: 90 feet Minimum Earth Cover: 3 feet Headwall Orientation: Parallel to tunnel Maximum Wall Height: 14 feet (fill slopes down to 1 foot at parapet wall) Wall Length: Total length 150 feet (75 feet at each end) Golf Cart Underpass Number 3: SilverRock Way Maintenance Tunnel Clear Opening Size: 12 feet wide by 10 feet high Underpass Length: 115 feet Minimum Earth Cover: 3 feet at the curb line Headwall Orientation: Parallel to the Roadway Maximum Wall Height: 15 feet plus traffic barrier, wall located at back of sidewalk Wall Length: Total length 150 feet (75 feet at each end) 14.1 Tunnel Type Selection / Vendor Coordination RBF will review the proposed clear opening widths, soil parameters, City requirements and estimated cost to select the preferred tunnel type. It is anticipated that Con -Span, Con -Arch and Corrugated metal arch options will be evaluated. RBF will meet with potential vendors to obtain pertinent information regarding arch cross sections available, construction constraints, and estimated construction costs to determine the preferred arch type. This task also included coordination with the geotechnical sub -consultant and R13F Consulting Amendment No. 1, JN 20-100784 May 10, 2007 Page 8 preparation of a brief summary memo. RBF will review the summary memo and discuss the selected type with the City to gain concurrence on the selection. At this time it is anticipated that conventional concrete headwalls and traffic barriers will be utilized. Minor special aesthetic treatment to the headwalls is proposed, as developed by the Landscape Architect. Traffic barriers, where applicable will be detailed to match the proposed barrier at the bridge over the Coachella Canal. 14.2 Tunnel Performance Specification Based upon the selected tunnel type RBF will meet with the vendor to obtain information to be included in the performance specification to be used in bidding for the arches. This will include dimensional criteria, loading conditions, materials, installation criteria, testing and inspection requirements and additional information required for construction of the arch tunnels. This specification will be included in the form of notes within the plan sex. 14.3 Tunnel Plan and Profile Sheets R13F will prepare a plan and profile sheet for each of the 3 tunnels. Each plan will provide tunnel alignment data, cart path profile, headwall orientations, and precise contour grading of the slopes adjacent to the tunnel, headwalls and cart path. Three separate plans will be developed, one for each tunnel. 14.4 Lighting Plans RBF will provide electrical plans to install lighting in the tunnels. Lighting fixtures will be selected and specified to maintain lighting levels as recommended by Illuminating Engineering Society Standard DG-5. The electrical plans will include lighting fixtures, pull boxes, conduit/wiring sizing and routing, connection diagrams, panel schedules and construction details. The following Lighting Plans are anticipated: E-1 Single Line Diagrams, Panel Schedules and Conduit Schedules E-2 Conduit and Power Plan (Tunnel 1) E-3 Conduit and Power Plan (Tunnel 2) E-4 Conduit and Lighting Plan (Tunnel 3) TASR:15 ROUGH GRADING PLAN — GOLF COURSE RBF shall coordinate with the Golf Course Architect and prepare 1" = 40' scale rough grading plans, is necessary, for the second 18-holes of golf. Prior to starting the grading plans, the golf course Architect will provide RBF with the electronic CAD files of the proposed shaping plan. The plans shall be designed in accordance with the shaping plans prepared by the Golf Course Architect, Soils and Geology Report, and the City of La Quinta Grading Ordinance. In addition, the Rough Grading Plans shall indicate banks, berms, drainage and grading as referenced in the golf course architects plans, lake designers plans and the Soils Report. RBF shall prepare a Preliminary Estimate of Earthwork Quantities based upon the Rough Grading Plan. Allowances for shrinkage and subsidence, and over -excavation grading work shall be accounted for based upon the Soils Engineer's Report, unless otherwise specified. .»'_ - 45 RBF Consulting Amendment No. 1, JN 20-100784 May 10, 2007 Page 9 RBF assumes that the rough grading design will take one title sheet one detail sheet and 15 plan sheets. In addition to the rough grading plans, RBF will prepare the golf course storm drain plans. These plans will be for draining low depressions within the golf course playing area, and direct the flows through storm drain piping to either water features or low lying desert areas. RBF assumes that the golf course storm drain plans will be shown on the above mentioned rough grading plans. TASK 16 GOLF COURSE BID PACKAGE & BIDDING ASSISTANCE RBF will prepare construction specifications, which will be added to the overall bid document for the civil improvements associated with the golf course construction. RBF will supply to the Project Manager a construction estimate, bid item schedule, bid item descriptions, technical specifications, special provisions and details for inclusion by the City into the overall bid package for the golf course construction. Technical specifications for construction of each item of work in the Project shall be prepared. Where applicable, the latest edition of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction ("Greenbook") and City of La Quinta Standard Drawings will be utilized and referenced in the construction documents. The R13F team will assist the City with any technical questions regarding interpretation of construction plans that may arise during contract bidding and advertising phase of the project:. RBF will plan on attending the pre -bid meeting to clarify questions by prospective bidders. RBF assumes 12 hours for this task. TASK.17 PROJECT MANAGEMENT, COORDINATION & QUALITY CONTROL —GOLF COURSE Project Management This task includes overall project management, liaison with affected agencies, meeting attendance and participation, progress monitoring and maintenance of project files. RBF will perform project administration, coordination, and management for the civil improvements associated with the Resort Golf Course Design. RBF will supervise, coordinate, monitor and review design for conformance with City standards, policies and procedures. This task will also include any necessary coordination with the Clubhouse Architect, Golf Course Architect, Landscape Architect, Lake and Water Feature Designer, City Staff, Project Manager, utilities and miscellaneous agencies as directed by the City or its representatives. >'- 0 L 6 RBF Consulting Amendment No. 1, JN 20-100784 May 10, 2007 Page 10 Meetings Progress meetings will be held at regular intervals or as needed between the City, the City Architect and RBF. These meetings will be held to review the project status to verify that the project objectives and milestones are achieved by all parties. RBF will attend the meetings as called by the Project Manager, provide discussion materials as necessary and meeting notes and decisions associated with the civil improvements on this site. RBF will document all civil improvement. RBF assumes this task will entail attendance at 12 meetings (specifically for the above mentioned tasks) through the length of the contract. Once the 12 meetings have been exceeded, additional meetings will be performed, if required, on an hourly basis for an additional fee or at a mutually negotiate fee. Project Coordination A number of agencies, organizations and consultants, as well as the community, are stakeholders in this project. This task includes time for coordination with the City's Clubhouse Architect, Project Manager, City Staff, Landscape Architect, Golf Course Architect and Site Project Manager as necessary. RBF anticipates 36 hours for project coordination on the clubhouse site. If 36 hours has been exceeded, the City and RBF will mutually negotiate additional project coordination fee. Quality Control RBF will supervise, coordinate, monitor and review design for conformance with City of La Quinta and other local agency standards, policies and procedures as appropriate. For the purpose of estimating the proposed fee, RBF anticipates 24 hours for this task. Miscellaneous Exhibits This task will consist of the preparing exhibits for weekly SilverRock team meetings, project management team meeting, City Council presentations and other events as requested by the City or its authorized agents. RBF assumes 16 hours for this task. If 16 hours has been exceeded, the City and RBF will mutually negotiate a fee for the additional exhibit preparation time. TASK.18 CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT —GOLF COURSE RBF will assist with the following activities for the bidding and construction for the improvements proposed in this amendment. Pre -Construction Meeting RBF will attend the Pre -Construction meeting to clarify questions by the contractor and or their subcontractors. Construction RFI's and Submittal Reviews During the construction phase, RBF will review and provide comments on shop drawing submittals and request for information (RFI). In addition, will attend the regular construction meetings to answer any design related questions, as well as provide the City assistance on revisions to the approved construction plans. RBF assumes 20 hours for this task. RBF Consulting Amendment No. 1, ]N 20-100784 May 10, 2007 Page 11 Prepare Record Drawings The R13F team will utilize the contractor's and City inspector's redline "As -Built" plans upon project completion to prepare the Record Drawings (Mylar) for the City. Upon completion, RBF will provide the Record Drawings package to the City that will complete the civil improvements of this project. RBF assumes 12 hours for this task. Infrastructure Work Tasks The following Tasks,19-26, pertain to additional infrastructure improvements. TASK 19 REINFORCED CONCRETE BOX (OPTIONAL TASK) The City of La Quinta is proposing to cross the Coachella Canal with a roadway as part of the SilverRock Project. In lieu of using a bridge for the crossing of the trapezoidal canal, a two cell Reinforced Concrete Box Culvert. The proposed canal improvements will be coordinated with the street improvement plans for the SilverRock Project. The proposed canal improvements considered for this proposal and designed by RBF consisl' of a double -cell RCB expected to replace approximately 200 feet of concrete lined trapezoidal canal section. On each end of the RCB will be approximately 20 ft. of rectangular channel with a center wall aligning with the box center wall. Rectangular channel sections will be detailed with slots to accommodate stop logs for temporary blocking of one cell from water flow so that it may be periodically maintained. Warped wing walls will be required to transition from the existing trapezoidal canal sections to the new rectangular sections. RBF will evaluate using precast RCB sections during our preliminary design task. Construction of the new RCB will require some temporary diversion of water in the canal during construction. It is our understanding that design of diversion systems such as pipes or other required structures will be designed by others and not RBF. During preliminary design, RBF will identify the likely system type after discussing the project with Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD). Earth ]Mechanics, Inc. will provide design recommendations for the proposed RCB under their current agreement with RBF. Geotechnical borings and lab testing previously performed will be used to develop the recommendations and prepare a supplemental report for the box culvert. The improvement plans will be processed through the City of La Quinta and coordinated with the CVWD for hydraulics and work within CVWD right of way. All plans and calculations prepared by RBF will be submitted to the City for review at a draft (30%) level and after completing the final design. Task 19.1 Meetings Prior to starting design and as needed during plan preparation, RBF will meet with the City, Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD), and RBF's roadway designers and utility consultants as necessary, to coordinate the alignment, profile, design parameters and plan 028 RBF Consulting Amendment No. I, JN 20-100784 May 10, 2007 Page 12 review and approval process for the canal improvements. The proposed fee assumes a maximum of 5 meetings. Task 19.2 Preliminary Concept Design and Geotechnical Report Based upon the initial meeting with the City and CVWD, RBF will provide preliminary design concepts of the canal improvements including probable canal diversion and construction details. The concept plans will be 15% design level including plan layout and cross sections along canal where improvements are proposed, and describing temporary diversion and construction phasing. A preliminary hydraulic analysis will be prepared to determine RCB dimensions. The use of various temporary diversion techniques for canal will be reviewed as well as use of pre -cast RCB sections. RBF will coordinate with Earth Mechanics, Inc. (EMI) to provide information required for the Culvert Design, this will include bearing pressure, anticipated settlements, removal requirements, design criteria and bedding sections needed for structural design details. EMI will utilize field data and analysis previously performed for the bridge option to prepare a supplemental report with recommendations for the culvert. R13F will meet with CVWD to discuss preliminary concept plans. After CVWD provides approval of concept, RBF will proceed with Task 18.3-18.7. Task 19.3 Hydraulics Analysis and Report RBF will prepare a hydraulic analysis and brief report of findings to determine the geometrics of the final canal improvements. Temporary structures and means for diversion of water in the canal are not included. The canal hydraulics analysis prepared by RBF will be performed in accordance with the requirements and design criteria of CVWD. The report, analysis and preliminary (30% level) plan will be submitted to CVWD for concept approval. Response to comments by CVWD, if required, is included in this task. Upon review and concept approval by CVWD, RBF will proceed with final canal improvement plans and structural engineering design. Task 19.4 Canal Improvement Plans and Details RBF will prepare AutoCAD drafted plans, sections, and details associated with the RCB, channel, and warped wing walls for the canal improvements. The canal improvement plans prepared by RBF will be performed in accordance with the requirements and design criteria of CVWD. Anticipated Drawings include: Title Sheet Plan and Profile of Canal Improvements Typical Excavation and Backfill Details RC Box Sections and Schedules Channel Sections and Schedules Warped Wing Wall Sections and Details Miscellaneous Structural Details No. 1 .#",. 0 G s RBF Consulting Amendment No. 1, JN 20-100784 May 10, 2007 Page 13 Task 19.5 Structural Calculations RBF will perform structural analysis of the RCB, channel, and warped wing walls, and provide structural calculations for agency review. The design criteria will be in confonnance with ACI-318 for concrete design with earth loads provided by the Geotechnical engineers and traffic loading per Caltrans Bridge Design Specifications. Standard plans normally used by the CVWD and the City of La Quinta will be used to the greatest extent practical. Where appropriate, standard plans will be referred to for typical details. A complete bound set of design calculations will be prepared and submitted to the City for review at 100% design level. Task 19.6 Special Provisions and Cost Estimates Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction (Green Book) will be used for construction of the canal improvements. RBF will prepare any supplemental technical Special Provisions for bidding to be inserted by the City to their bid documents. It is understood the City will incorporate the Special Provisions into their bid documents (i.e. Notice to Contractors, Instructions to Bidders, Contractor Forms, etc.) and coordinate the specifications with any other non-structural bid items, such as roadway improvements. RBF will prepare itemized quantity take -off calculations and a construction cost estimate for the canal improvements designed by RBF. Task 19.7 Construction Engineering Support The Consultant will provide the following services during bidding and construction of the project: Respond to Contractor's inquiries during bidding and construction phase. Review shop drawings for reinforcing steel and concrete design mixes Prepare as -built drawings from mark-ups provided by the Contractor. Construction engineering support services will be provided on a time and materials basis, a budget amount is shown. TASK: 20 AERIAL TOPOGRAPHIC BASE MAP RBF from assistance from Inland Aerial, shall prepare an Aerial Topographic Map of the undeveloped second golf course site, at a scale of 1 "=40', with one foot contour intervals. The work shall include field surveying services to set ground control, aerial photogrammetric services, compilation of planimetric and topographic features from controlled stereo pair photographs to digital medium, and completion of field survey check profiles. In addition, RBF will supply the city with a color aerial photo of the full site, including the existing Championship Course. TASK 21 FULL SITE HYDROLOGY REVIEW/REPORT RBF shall determine the total retention volume for the areas of the SilverRock Golf Resort: north of SilverRock Way and east of the Coachella Canal in accordance with the requirements of the RCFC&WCD Manual and the City of La Quinta. The volume shall .4•. - 039 RBF Consulting Amendment No. 1, JN 20-100784 May 10, 2007 Page 14 include all onsite and offsite sources. RBF anticipated that this study would be done prior to the development of the golf course shaping plans by the Golf Course Architect. The hydrologic analysis will be based on the following items, provided by the City of La Quinta: 1. The Master Drainage Plan for the City of La Quinta. 2. Update Master Drainage Plan currently being prepared by Psomas. 3. Pace's updated drainage report supporting the memo, dated March 8, 2004, to Berryman & Henigar. The memo addressed the MDS Consulting's Storm Water Study for the offsite mountain watersheds. 4. Latest topo for the tributary mountain watersheds. 5. Hydrologic analysis/report for the Avenue 52 storm drain, designed by Stantec. 6. The latest plans for the onsite proposed development. Upon review of the above items, the Consultant shall prepare unit hydrographs for the 100-year design storm for each of the following events: 1-hour, 3-hour, 6-hour, and I - hour storms. The most conservative results will be used in the design of the retention volumes. Following a review of the existing hydrology studies prepared for the SilverRock project as well as adjacent projects, RBF shall prepare a Hydrology Study for the project area listed above in accordance with the requirements of the City of La Quinta, Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Manual, the overall site Mass Grading Plan, and the approved Parcel Map. This report will determine on and off -site storm water runoff amounts, and the drainage facilities necessary to accommodate projected storm flows. RBF, as a part of the Hydrology Study, will prepare an exhibit which will include components such as the location and size of retention/detention basins as well as the general routing of storm -water flows throughout the site. RBF assumes that the proposed resort areas will be draining into the on -site lakes and water features. This task will also include coordination with the City's Lake & Water Feature designer. TASK 22 DOMESTIC WATER MODEL RBF will prepare, in accordance with the requirements of CVWD, a water model to determine the fire flow demands for the proposed water distribution system for the SilverRock Resort area. This model will assume locations of future water stubs into the proposed resort development areas. The resort hotel/retail developer will need to update, revise and finalize the water model per each site at the time of the final engineering of each of the specific development sites. TASK 23 DRY UTILITY DESIGN RBF with assistance from Butsko Utility Design will provide coordination and design services for the dry utility improvements necessary for the SilverRock resort site. Based on our conversations with Imperial Irrigation District and the understanding of the project, the following have been identified the specific assumptions of the project to include: 031 RBF Consulting Amendment No. 1, IN 20-100784 May 10, 2007 Page 15 A. This project consists of seven (7) work order phases taken into consideration. B. Utility Coordination and Management C. IID Applicant Design D. Phase I Private Electric System Conversion Coordination and Management. E. Phase 2 Golf Course Facility Coordination. F. CVWD Pump Overhead Conversion Coordination. G. CVWD Well Site Coordination "3 Sites". H. Development Team Meetings Butsko will attend development team meetings as requested by the City. I. Construction Coordination Following the initial pre -construction meeting, requested by the City's project management or construction management team, Butsko will assist with dry utility construction phase coordination which will be billed on an hourly basis, or in accordance with a separately mutually agreed upon fee. Assumptions based on "Anticipated Silver Rock site schedule exhibit", dated 11/6/06, provided by RBF Consulting. 23.1 SITE PROFILE A. Field review of project site and adjacent areas to assess existing utility systems, probable source locations, and potential site constraints. B. Obtain the necessary Cable Television, Telephone, Gas, and Electric Company as-builts to identify possible conflicts. C. Confirm project needs with City and determine utility work orders and/or service orders required. D. Prepare one dry utility cost estimate, upon City request, summarizing utilities' refundable and non-refundable charges, contractor costs, and public street light costs. E. Forward site profile summary to City. 23.2 SUBMITTAL PHASE A. Coordinate with utility companies and consulting team members to obtain and review pertinent design information and prepare for utility's submittal. B. Communicate with each utility company to verify schedule and review conflicts and specific source locations. C. Obtain civil engineer, architectural, landscape plans, project loads, and project schedule from City; prepare plan submittal letters to each utility company. D. Examine utility design requirements and identify potential issues with consulting team members. E. Obtain work orders required to submit plan package to utility companies and establish schedule for design, review, and completion. 032 RBF Consulting Amendment No. 1, JN 20-100784 May 10, 2007 Page 16 23.3 PRELIMINARY DESIGN PHASE A. Attend utility design/global meeting and continue liaison role with all parties involved. B. Forward preliminary utility design to City and consulting team members for their review, conflict identification, and acceptance. C. Review preliminary design revisions with each utility and ensure all necessary modifications are complete. 23.4 FINAL DESIGN PHASE A. Forward revised preliminary design to City and project team for final approval/signature and engineering certification. B. Coordinate with utilities, City, and consulting team members for final utility submittal. C. Obtain and review all utility agreements for accuracy of cost methodology and rule application. Process agreements and utility prepared right-of-way documents. D. Deliver final utility agreements/contracts to City. Provide summary of project costs incurred and potential refunds. E. Coordinate with City, utility companies, and consulting team members for scheduling/attendance of pre -construction meeting. Butsko Utility Design, Inc. will perform the following electric design services for III) as follows: 1. Design drawings and provide support documentation 2. Joint trench drawings 3. Key sketch / single line drawings 4. Base maps 5. Construction detail drawings 6. Engineering calculations (e.g., voltage drop, flicker, pulling tension, pole sizing, guying, etc.) 7. Substructure information 8. Stub/full/branch service locations (pre -approved by utility) 9. Main locations 10. Meter locations (pre -approved by utility) 11. Identify permits as requested by the utility. 12. Identify rights -of -way as requested by the utility. 13. Coordination with other utilities if joint trench or joint pole 14. Tentative design and construction scheduling 15. Conflict checks 16. Material list 17. Stamped by a Registered Professional Engineer (PE) 18. Final Design 19. Technical Specifications as necessary 033 RBF Consulting Amendment No. 1, JN 20-100784 May 10, 2007 Page 17 TASK 24 WELL SITE & PRESSURE REDUCING/BOOSTER STATION SITE RBF shall prepare 1" = 40' scale plans for one well site and one pressure reducing/booster station (PR/BS) site. The plans shall be designed in accordance with the Soils and Geology Report and the Coachella Valley Water District standards for well sites. The site will contain a block wall, vehicle gate, man gate, and CVWD required utility connections/stubs. This task shall also include the preparation of one legal and exhibit for each site to convey the parcel to CVWD. RBF will prepare construction specifications, which will be added to the overall bid document for the civil improvements associated with the well site construction. RBF will supply to the Project Manager a construction estimate, bid item schedule, bid item descriptions, technical specifications, special provisions and details for inclusion by the City into the overall bid package for the golf course construction. Technical specifications for construction of each item of work in the Project shall be prepared. Where applicable, the latest edition of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction ("Greenbook") and City of La Quinta Standard Drawings will be utilized and referenced in the construction documents. The R13F team will assist the City with any technical questions regarding interpretation of construction plans that may arise during contract bidding and advertising phase of the project. RBF will plan on attending the pre -bid meeting to clarify questions by prospective bidders. TASK. 25 GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATIONS RBF with the assistance from Construction Testing the Engineering, Inc. (CTE), will provide surface exploration for the golf course and proposed tunnel locations. CTE will provide 9 borings to depths ranging from 20 to 50 feet to determine the soil profiles at the site. Soil samples will be collected for laboratory testing. One boring will be extended to 50 feet to evaluate the liquefaction potential in accordance with CDMG Special Publication 117. In addition, CTE will perform 3 shallow (2-3 feet) percolation/infiltration tests. The laboratory test will determine the engineering properties of the site soils, including shear strength, expansive potential, corrosive potential, R-value and consolidation characteristics. The above information and geotechnical findings will be presented in a geotechnical investigation report, which will provide recommendations for foundation design, golf course grading recommendations, seismic design parameters, liquefaction potential, pavement design, lateral earth pressure criteria, assessment of the expansive and corrosive nature of the site soils, and mitigation (if needed), preliminary pavement design and general grading recommendations. TASK: 26 CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT —ADDITIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE RBF will assist with the following activities for the bidding and construction for the improvements proposed in this amendment. -v, 0J1 RBF Consulting Amendment No. 1, JN 20-100784 May 10, 2007 Page 18 Construction RFFs and Submittal Reviews During the construction phase, RBF will review and provide comments on shop drawing submittals and request for information (RFI). In addition, will attend the regular construction meetings to answer any design related questions, as well as provide the City assistance on revisions to the approved construction plans. RBF assumes 12 hours for this task. Prepare Record Drawings The R13F team will utilize the contractor's and City inspector's redline "As -Built" plans upon project completion to prepare the Record Drawings (Mylar) for the City. Upon completion, RBF will provide the Record Drawings package to the City that will complete civil improvements of this project. RBF assumes 12 hours for this task. Landscape and Entry Feature Work Tasks The fallowing Task, 27, pertains to improvements associated with the passive park area. TASK 27 ROUGH GRADING PLAN — PASSIVE PARK RBF shall coordinate with the Landscape Architect and prepare 1" = 40' scale rough grading plan for lot 15, located at the corner of Jefferson Street and Avenue 52. The plans shall be designed in accordance with the Soils and Geology Report, and the City of La Quinta Grading Ordinance. In addition, the Rough Grading Plans shall indicate banks, berms, drainage devices, and, grading as referenced in the Soils Report. The passive park site is intended for overflow parking during golf events and grassed open space. The grading plans will provide for non -uniform grading. RBF shall prepare a Preliminary Estimate of Earthwork Quantities based upon the Rough Grading Plan. Allowances for shrinkage and subsidence, and over -excavation grading work shall be accounted for based upon the Soils Engineer's Report, unless otherwise specified. RBF assumes that this design will take one title sheet one detail sheet and 2 plan sheets. RBF will prepare construction specifications, which will be added to the overall bid document for the civil improvements associated with the park grading construction. RBF will supply to the Project Manager a construction estimate, bid item schedule, bid item descriptions, technical specifications, special provisions and details for inclusion by the City into the overall bid package for the golf course construction. Technical specifications for construction of each item of work in the Project shall be prepared. Where: applicable, the latest edition of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction ("Greenbook") and City of La Quinta Standard Drawings will be utilized and referenced in the construction documents. The RBF team will assist the City with any technical questions regarding interpretation of construction plans that may arise during contract bidding and advertising phase of the project. RBF will plan on attending the pre -bid meeting to clarify questions by prospective bidders. 00 RBF Consulting Amendment No. 1, JN 20-100784 May 10, 2007 Page 19 Clubhouse Construction Staking Work Tasks RBF will provide the following construction staking as a part of the improvements associated with the Phase 2 SilverRock Resort. The following Tasks pertain to construction staking associated with the clubhouse improvements. The following tasks and associated fees are based upon preliminary improvement plans and are subject to review upon receipt of approved improvement plans. TASK 28 CLUBHOUSE ROUGH GRADING STAKES Consultant shall provide one (1) set of line and grade stakes to construct the clubhouse and parking lot rough grading improvements. These stakes will be located on the building envelope comers, or an offset thereto, with cuts or fills referenced to the pad grade to develop the building pad to within f 0.1 foot of the final rough grade. Concurrent with the above, stakes for the parking area will be located on face of curb, or an offset thereto, with cuts or fills referenced to top of curb grade. The fee for this task assumes one hundred (120) rough grade stakes will be set for this scope. TASK 29 BUILDING LOCATION STAKES Consultant shall provide one (1) set of line and grade stakes for the clubhouse and comfort stations, set on appropriate offsets, as agreed upon by Consultant and the Contractor, and shall be marked cut or fill to finish floor. These stakes will be set on referenced grid lines or building comers. City shall protect these stakes until construction of both the curb adjacent to and the slab upon the subject lot has been completed, so that they may be used by Consultant to check the footing form locations prior to the placement of concrete, if such checks are required. (Form checks are not a part of this exhibit item but may be covered in a separate item in this agreement). The Architect shall provide Consultant with complete dimensioned building plans and a digital file in an AutoCAD 2004 format at least one week prior to staking any building or grid lines. Consultant takes no responsibility for any errors in the dimensioning of the building as shown on the building plans supplied by the architect. TASK: 30 CLUBHOUSE FOOTING FORM VERIFICATION (OPTIONAL TASK) Consultant shall check the building footing forms for their horizontal placement, with respect to their conformance to that shown on the approved plot plan, prior to the concrete pour. Consultant shall provide a Letter of Verification, if required, to the local agency, acknowledging substantial conformance of the footing forms in terms of horizontal placement on the lot. Consultant will require the use of the previously set building location stakes to perform this verification survey. If additional work is required due to these stakes being lost or damaged, the City shall compensate Consultant for all additional work in accordance with the fee schedule for extra work within this contract. n.. 036 RBF Consulting Amendment No. 1, JN 20-100784 May 10, 2007 Page 20 Golf Course Construction Staking Work Tasks The following Tasks pertain to construction staking associated with the resort golf course improvements. The following tasks and associated fees are based upon preliminary improvement plans and are subject to review upon receipt of approved improvement plans. TASK 31 GOLF COURSE ROUGH GRADING STAKES Consultant shall provide two (2) sets of line and grade stakes for golf course grading on the tees, greens and turning points of each golf hole. The first set will be provided near the beginning of grading and the second set will be set near the end of grading to provide basic control for the golf course finish. It is assumed that the golf course architect and contractor will be responsible for the finished grade. The fee for this task assumes three hundred sixty (360) stakes will be set for golf course rough grading. TASK 32 LAKE ROUGH GRADING STAKES Consultant shall provide one (1) set of line and grade slope stakes for each slope around the perimeter of each lake, as shown on the improvement plans. Slope stakes shall be set at approximate 50-foot intervals and at angle points and other points of control at an offset to be agreed upon. Slope stakes shall be set and marked with cut or fill information, slope ratios and bench grades. The fee for this task assumes four (4) lakes totaling seven hundred fifty thousand (750,000) square feet will be constructed for this scope. TASK. 33 GOLF CART PATH STAKES Consultant shall provide one (1) set of line and grade stakes for cart paths on the golf course. These stakes will be located on 25-foot stations. Stakes will be set with appropriate offsets to the center or edge of path, as agreed upon by the Contractor and Consultant. All stakes will be marked to the finish surface grade. The fee for this task assumes thirty two thousand (32,000) lineal feet of cart path stakes will be set for this scope. TASK 34 BRIDGE AND TUNNEL ROUGH GRADING STAKES Consultant shall provide one (1) set of line and grade stakes to construct the rough grading of one (1) roadway bridge, two (2) cart/pedestrian bridges, and three (3) cart tunnels. These stakes will be located on centerline of structures, or an offset thereto, with cuts oir fills referenced to the finished surface grade to develop grade to within f 0.1 foot of the; final rough grade. The fee for this task assumes six (6) structures will be constructed for this scope. TASK 35 BRIDGE AND TUNNEL STAKES Consultant shall provide one (1) set of line and grade stakes to construct one (1) roadway bridge, two (2) cart/pedestrian bridges, and three (3) cart tunnels. These stakes will be set on both ends of each abutment on an offset agreed upon, with cuts or fills referenced to top of footings. Also, one (1) set of line and grade stakes will be set with appropriate offsets to the center of retaining walls on 25-foot stations, with cut or fill referenced to top of footing. The fee for this task assumes six (6) structures will be constructed and one ._1 037 RBF Consulting Amendment No. 1, JN 20-100784 May 10, 2007 Page 21 thousand four hundred (1,400) lineal feet of retaining wall stakes will be set for this scope. Should City request Consultant to provide staking from the Landscape Architect's plan, slakes and calculations shall be performed as additional work. TASK 36 LAKE PUMP STATION STAKES Consultant shall provide one (1) set of line and grade stakes for the pump station structure, set on appropriate offsets, as agreed upon by Consultant and the Contractor, and shall be marked cut or fill to finish pad. Also, one (1) set of line and grade stakes will be set on an appropriate offsets for the pump station piping system with cuts or fills referenced to flow line of pipe, provided pipe profile is shown on improvement plans. The fee for this task assumes one (1) pump station and three thousand (3,000) lineal feet of piping stakes will be set for this scope. TASK 37 GOLF COURSE STORM DRAIN SYSTEM STAKES Consultant shall provide one (1) set of line and grade stakes for the golf course storm drain system on 25-foot stations and at all angle points, beginning and end of curves, junctions, manholes and inlets and outlets, marked with cuts or fills referenced to the flow line grade. Consultant shall provide one (1) set of line and grade stakes for structures with cuts or fills referenced to finish grade of openings, top of structure, or rim of manhole. These stakes will be set on appropriate offsets, as agreed upon by Consultant and the Contractor. One set of stakes for a structure shall consist of a minimum of three and a maximum of four offset stakes per structure. All storm drain stakes shall be set starting from the point of connection to the existing system, and no stakes shall be set until the point of connection to the existing system has been uncovered by the Contractor and verified by Consultant for compliance with the line and grade as shown on the storm drain plans. If the Client requests Consultant to set stakes prior to verification of connection point, Client assumes all responsibility for any additional costs of re -staking by Consultant or reconstruction by Contractor due to a variation between the approved plan grade and the actual "as -built" line and grade. The fee for this task assumes fourteen thousand three hundred (14,300) lineal feet of storm drain stakes will be set for this scope. Infrastructure Construction Staking Work Tasks The following Tasks pertain to construction staking associated with the backbone infrastructure improvements. The following tasks and associated fees are based upon preliminary improvement plans and are subject to review upon receipt of approved improvement plans. TASK, 38 ESTABLISH CONTROL RBF shall establish the horizontal control as required to provide local horizontal control to the project site. Consultant shall also establish vertical control based on the referenced Benchmark local to the project. Consultant shall prepare a coordinate control plan for use by the survey field crews in construction staking of the project. The plan shall be utilized throughout the other tasks within this project scope. The fee for this task assumes twenty (20) horizontal and vertical control points will be established and maintained on site for use in construction. h...� 03IS RBF Consulting Amendment No. 1, JN 20-100784 May 10, 2007 Page 22 TASK 39 STREET ROUGH GRADING STAKES Consultant shall provide one (1) set of line and grade stakes to construct the street rough grading; improvements. These stakes will be located on one hundred (100) foot stations on the right -or -way of the streets, or an offset thereto, and at the B.C.'s, E.C.'s and angle points, with cuts or fills referenced to the top of curb grade to develop streets and parkways to within f 0.1 foot of the final rough grade. The fee for this task assumes twenty one thousand (21,000) lineal feet of street rough grade stakes will be set for this scope. TASK 40 SANITARY SEWER STAKES Consultant shall provide one (1) set of line and grade stakes for the sanitary sewer mainline and manholes on 25-foot stations. One (1) stake will be set for manholes, with cuts or fills referenced to finished grade of the manhole rim. These stakes will be set on appropriate offsets as agreed upon by the Contractor and RBF. All stakes shall be marked cut to the flow line of the pipe. All staking requests for sanitary sewer mainline staking; shall have a minimum length of 1,000 lineal feet when feasible. All sewer stakes shall be set starting from the point of connection to the existing system, and no stakes shall be set until the point of connection to the existing system has been uncovered by the Contractor and verified by Consultant for compliance with the line and grade as shown on the plans. If City requests Consultant to set stakes prior to verification of connection point, City assumes all responsibility for any additional costs of re -staking by Consultant or reconstruction by Contractor due to a variation between the approved plan grade and the actual "as -built" line and grade. The fee for this task assumes nine thousand one hundred (9,100) lineal feet of sewer stakes will be set for this scope. TASK. 41 CURB AND GUTTER STAKES Consultant shall provide one (1) set of line and grade stakes for curb and gutter. These stakes will be located on 25-foot stations. Stakes will be set with appropriate offsets to the face of curb, as agreed upon by the Contractor and Consultant. All stakes will be marked to the finish top of curb grade. The fee for this task assumes twenty nine thousand (29,000) lineal feet of curb stakes will be set for this scope. TASK 42 WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM STAKES Consultant shall provide one (1) set of line only stakes for the water system after construction of the curb and gutter. Stakes for water services, fire hydrants, and tee's shall be marked on existing curb. This task assumes eight thousand two hundred (8,200) lineal feet of water stakes will be set for this scope. TASK 43 IRRIGATION RELOCATION STAKES Consultant shall provide one (1) set of line and grade stakes for the irrigation mainline located on 50-foot stations offset to the mainline at a distance agreed to by Consultant and the Contractor. Stakes will be set at all pipe tee locations. All mainline stakes shall be marked to cut to flow line of the pipe, when pipe profile is shown on Consultant's .9 . 0300 RBF Consulting Amendment No. 1, JN 20-100784 May 10, 2007 Page 23 construction plans. The fee for this task assumes two thousand eight hundred (2,800) lineal feet of irrigation stakes will be set for this scope. TASK 44 JOINT TRENCH UTILTY STAKES Consultant shall provide one (1) set of line only stakes for the joint trench utilities after constriction of the curb and gutter. Stakes for vaults will be marked on existing curb. The fee for this task assumes six thousand five hundred (6,500) lineal feet of trench stakes will be set for this scope. TASK 45 STORM DRAIN SYSTEM STAKES Consultant shall provide one (1) set of line and grade stakes for each catch basin, set on appropriate offsets as agreed upon by Consultant and the Contractor, and shall be marked for finish grade to the top of curb, top of structure, or rim of manhole covers. One set of stakes for a structure shall consist of a minimum of two and a maximum of four offset stakes per structure. All storm drain stakes shall be set starting from the point of connection to the existing system, and no stakes shall be set until the point of connection to the existing system has been uncovered by the Contractor and verified by Consultant for compliance with the line and guide as shown on the storm drain plans. If the City requests Consultant to set stakes prior to verification of connection point, City assumes all responsibility for any additional costs of re -staking by Consultant or reconstruction by Contractor due to a variation between the approved plan grade and the actual "as -built" line and grade. Since the locations and lengths of the storm drain system is not presently known, any staking for the storm drain mainlines and laterals shall be provided under a separate agreement. The fee for this task assumes ten (10) catch basins will be constructed for this scope. TASK46 CVWD WELL SITE STAKES Consultant shall provide one (1) set of line and grade stakes for the well site structures and perimeter walls surrounding the well sites with cuts or fills referenced to finish grade or top of footing. These stakes will be set on an appropriate offsets, as agreed upon by Consultant and Contractor. The fee for this task assumes two (2) well sites will be constricted. Landscaping and Entry Monument Construction Staking Work Tasks The following Tasks pertain to construction staking associated with the landscaping improvements. The following tasks and associated fees are based upon preliminary improvement plans and are subject to review upon receipt of approved improvement plans. Task .47 PARK SITE ROUGH GRADING STAKES Consultant shall provide one (1) set of line and grade stakes for the park site on a 100- foot grid with cuts or fills referenced to finish grade to develop the park site to within +/- 0.10' of the final grade. These stakes will be set on appropriate offsets, as agreed upon �. 040 RBF Consulting Amendment No. 1, JN 20-100784 May 10, 2007 Page 24 by the Consultant and Contractor. The fee for this task assumes one hundred fifty (150) rough grade stakes will be set for this scope. Additional Services Services that are not specifically identified herein as services to be performed by RBF are considered "Additional Services" for purposes of this Agreement. City may request that RBF perform services that are Additional Services, however, RBF is not obligated to perform such Additional Services unless an amendment to this Agreement has been fully executed setting forth the Scope, Schedule and Fee of such Additional Services. Assumptions and Exclusions Consulting services relating to any of the following tasks may be completed by RBF if negotiated under a separate contract for an additional fee; but are presently specifically excluded from this Agreement: 1. Environmental studies; 2. Traffic Signal Modification Plan; 3. Offsite Sewer Plans; 4. Offsite Water Plan; 5. Well and or Pressure Reducing, Booster Station System Design; 6. Parcel Map; 7. Dams, walls or other feature necessary as a result of the golf course or landscape architects design; 8. Golf course irrigation system stakes; 9. Landscape stakes; 10. Monumentation other than that required by Parcel Map 33367; 11. Traffic Control Plan; 12. Staking for sidewalks and flatwork other than the cart path, as listed in above Task; 13. As -built and topographic surveys; 14. Earth quantity estimates or exhibits during construction; 15. Re -staking; 16. Hazardous wastes; 17. Environmental documents, permitting or processing; 18. Regulatory Permitting; 19. Canal Diversion Plans; 20. Retaining wall design plans not specifically included in the above; 21. Water Quality Reports or Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan; 22. Bid package reproduction costs; 23. Landscape Design; 24. Street Lights; 25. Construction Management, Inspection or Material Testing; 26. Any other services not specifically set forth in the above Scope of Services. 041 RBF Consulting Amendment No. 1, JN 20-100784 May 10, 2007 Page 25 City Responsibilities 1. City shall provide access to the site. 2. City is to provide any and all indemnification, abatement, disposal or other actions required by local, state or federal law regarding hazardous materials. 3. City shall pay all governmental fees and costs. 042 RBF Consulting Amendment No. 1, JN 20-100784 May 10, 2007 Page 26 EXHIBIT "B" COMPENSATION B. City agrees to compensate RBF for such services as follows: Monthly on a percentage of completion basis, a fee of Eight Hundred and Twenty Seven Thousand Nine Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($827,950), plus an estimated budget amount of $20,000 for the direct cost of reimbursable expenses. TASK DESCRIPTION Professional Services Clubhouse Improvements 1 Site Plan Calculation 2 Parking Lot Layout 3 Precise Grading Plan 4 Horizontal Control Plan 9 10 Private Utility Plan Dry Utility Plan Parking Lot Lighting Plan SilverRock Way Creek Crossing 8.1 Tunnel Type Selection/Vendor Coordination 3,300 8.2 Performance Specification 2,000 8.3 Tunnel Plan and Profile Sheets 4,000 Task 8 Sub -total Clubhouse Bid Package & Bidding Assistance FEE 8,000 5,500 36,500 2,500 5,000 9,000 12,500 9,300 6,000 Project Management, Coordination & QA/QC-Clubhouse 14,400 Sub -total Clubhouse - $108,700 Golf Course Improvements 12 Private Utility Plan (Comfort Station) 5,500 13 Golf Cart Path 11,500 14 Golf Cart Path Tunnel 14.1 Tunnel Type Selection/Vendor Coordination 9,600 14.2 Performance Specification 4,700 14.3 Tunnel Plan and Profile Sheets 7,400 14.4 Lighting Plans 14,800 Task 14 Sub -total 36,500 15 Rough Grading Plan - Golf Course 90,000 16 Golf Course Bid Package & Bidding Assistance 5,500 17 Project Management, Coordination & QA/QC-Golf Course 16,300 Sub -total Golf Course - $165,300 Infrastructure Improvements 20 Aerial Topographic Base Map Aerial Cost 14,500 Color Aerial Photo 1,000 Field Control Work 6,000 Profile Check Study 3,000 Task 21 Sub -total 24,500 RBF Consulting Amendment No. 1, JN 20-100784 May 10, 2007 Page 27 21 Full Site Hydrology Review/Report 22 Domestic Water Model 23 Dry Utility Design 24 Well Site & Pressure Reducing/Booster Station Site 25 Geotechnical Investigations Landscape and Entry Feature Improvements 27 Rough Grading Plan - Passive Park Total ]Fee for Amendment Professional Services 22,200 4,000 93,900 13,500 12,050 Sub- total Infrastructure - $170,150 15,000 Sub- total Landscape - $15,000 Technical Services The following fees are based upon preliminary improvement plans and are subject to review upon receipt of approved improvement plans. Construction Assistance 11 Construction Support -Clubhouse 18 Construction Support -Golf Course 26 Construction Support -Additional Infrastructure Clubhouse Staking Work Tasks 28 Clubhouse Rough Grading Stakes 29 Building Location Stakes Golf Course Staking Work Tasks 31 Golf Course Rough Grading Stakes 32 Lake Rough Grading Stakes 33 Golf Cart Path Stakes 34 Bridge and Tunnel Rough Grading Stakes 35 Bridge and Tunnel Stakes 36 Lake Pump Station Stakes Infrastructure Work Tasks 38 Establish Control / Coordinate Plan 39 Street Rough Grading Stakes 40 Sanitary Sewer Stakes 41 Curb and Gutter Stakes 42 Water Distribution System Stakes 43 Irrigation Relocation Stakes 44 Joint Trench Utility Stakes 45 Storm Drain System Stakes 46 CVWD Well Site (2 locations) $459,150 6,500 8,500 3,500 Sub- total Clubhouse Staking - $18,500 12,500 8,500 Sub- total Clubhouse Staking - $21,000 37,500 20,000 37,000 7,500 10,500 6,500 Sub- total Golf Course Staking - $119,000 10,000 47,800 26,500 68,500 17,000 4,000 8,500 5,500 6,500 Sub- total Infrastructure Staking - $194,300 RBF Consulting Amendment No. 1, 7N 20-100784 May 10, 2007 Page 28 Landscape & Entry Feature Work Tasks 47 Passive Park Rough Grading Stakes Total Fee for Amendment Technical Services Amendment Total OPTIONAL ITEMS WORK TASKS Optional Professional Services 19 Reinforced Concrete Box 16,000 Sub- total Landscape Staking — $16,000 Estimated Reimbursable Budget 19.1 Meetings 19.2 Preliminary Concept Design and Geotechnical Report 19.3 Hydraulics Analysis and Report 19.4 Canal Improvement Plans & Details 19.5 Structural Calculations 19.6 Special Provisions & Cost Estimate 19.7 Construction Engineering Support Task 19 Sub -total Total Optional Fee for Professional Services Optional Technical Services 30 Clubhouse Building Form Verification 37 Golf Course Storm Drain Stakes Total Optional Fee for Technical Services Optional Services Total FEE 6,000 10,500 7,000 21,000 8,500 3,000 5,000 $368,800 $827,950 $20,000 61,000 $61,000 3,500 30,500 $34,000 $95,000 045 a FM OFF COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: May 15, 2007 ITEM TITLE: Consideration of the Consultant Selection Committees for the Request for Proposals for Landscape Architectural and Lakes & Water Features Design Services for Phase II SilverRock Resort Improvements RECOMMENDATION: As deemed appropriate by the Agency Board. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: On May 1, 2007, the Agency Board approved the release of two Requests for Proposal (RFPs) relating to the Phase II SilverRock Resort improvements. The RFPs are for design services for the landscape and lakes & water features. The staff reports recommended that Doug Evans, Edie Hylton, Nick Nickerson, and Rob Jones of Golf Dimensions serve on the Consultant Selection Committees for both RFPs, and that Steve Howlett serve as an additional Committee member for the lake and water feature design team. Pursuant, to the City Code, the Consultant Selection Committee is to be "composed of members competent to judge the qualifications of firms for the category of services to be provided." Technically, the Agency is not subject to the City's 04� Municipal Code on this provision or to City Council Resolution 2003-026, which implements the Municipal Code provisions relating to services contracts. The Agency Board approved the release of both RFPs and expressly voted to appoint Consultant Selection Committees for both RFPs consisting of all of persons referenced in the staff reports, as well as Chairman Osborne and Agency Board Member Adolph. Because the Agency Board appointed the Committees by formal action, and appointed both Board Members and non -Board Members to the Committees, the Committees do not qualify as an "ad hoc committees"; thus the Committees' meetings would be subject to the Brown Act. The Brown Act applies to any board, commission, committee or other body of a local agency created by charter, ordinance, resolution or "formal action" of the City Council or a Agency Board. (Govt. Code § 54952(b).) This is the general rule "regardless of whether the body is permanent or temporary, advisory or decision_ making." (Cal. Atty. Gen., The Brown Act (2003) at p. 5.) "However, there is a specific exemption for an advisory committee which is comprised solely of less than a quorum of the members of the legislative body that created the advisory body." (ld.; emph. added; Govt. Code § 54952(b).) Such "ad hoc advisory committees" must meet a number of qualifications in order to be exempted from the Brown Act: (1) membership to the advisory committee must be limited to legislative body members (i.e., no members of the public or staff); (2) there cannot be more than a quorum of officials on the committee; (3) the committee can only be charged with accomplishing a specific task in a short period of time (i.e., it must be a limited term committee, no ongoing jurisdiction); and (4) the committee's meeting schedule cannot be fixed by charter, ordinance, resolution or other formal action. (Govt. Code § 54952(b); Joiner v. City of Sebastopol (1981) 125 Cal.App.3d 799, 805; Taxpayers for Livable Communities v. City of Malibu (2005) 126 Cal.App.4th 1123. For example, in Henderson v. Board of Education (1978) 78 Cal.App.3d 875, the court held that the open meeting requirement of the Brown Act did not apply to meetings of three "ad hoc advisory committees" created by the board of education to interview candidates for appointment to the board, because each committee was composed solely of members of the governing body, and each comprised less than a quorum of that body, thus meeting the requirements of an ad hoc advisory committee. The Consultant Selection Committees created by the Agency Board on May 1, 2007, cannot qualify as an ad hoc advisory committee because they do not consist "solely" of members of the legislative body. However, there are numerous alternatives which would provide Agency Board involvement in the selection of the .,., 0 4 firms that would be interviewed by the full Board. Several of those options are outlined below as alternatives. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the Agency Board include: 1. Rescind the portion of the May 1, 2007 action appointing the Consultant Selection Committees for the RFPs relating to the design services for Phase II SilverRock Resort improvements ("Design Service RFPs") and: (a) create new Consultant Selection Committees consisting only of Agency Chair Osborne and Agency Board Member Adolph; or (b) choose not to follow the City's Service Contract selection process, and appoint Agency Chair Osborne and Agency Board Member Adolph to serve as an ad hoc committee to review the RFP responses the Design Service RFPs, to conduct interviews as desired, to seek any desired input from Agency staff and Agency consultants, and to make a recommendation to the full Agency Board (which can range from recommending approval of a contract with the top -rated firm, or bringing any number of firms forward for Agency Board interview); or (c) appoint Agency Chair Osborne and Agency Board Member Adolph to serve as an ad hoc committee to review the responses to the Design Service RFPs, which review would be parallel to the review of a Consultant Selection Committee to be appointed by the Executive Director, to conduct or observe interviews as desired, and to make a recommendation to the full Agency Board (which can range from recommending approval of a contract with the top -rated firm, or bringing any number of firms forward for Agency Board interview); or (d) Allow the Agency staff to proceed on the basis of the normal selection process outlined in the Contract Services Chapter of the City's Municipal Code, with a Consultant Selection Committee to be appointed by the Executive Director; or 2. Proceed with the previously appointed Consultant Selection Committees which will be subject to the Brown Act; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. .h__ 04S Respectfully submitted, M. Katherine. Jenson, Agency Counsel Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, Executive Director 0ot