RDA Resolution 2000-014
- RESOLUTION NO. RA 2000-14f _
WHEREAS, the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency ("Agency") is a public
body, corporate and politic, organized and existing under the California Community
Redevelopment Law ("Health & Safety code !i 33000 et seq.) ("CRL"); and
. ~HERE~S, pur~ua~t, ~9 !~h~ ~f1~' m!'! .f'9TBcr:Jlndth~City C()lJncil of the
City of La QUlnta ("City" or "CIty CouncIl," as applicable) previously approved and
- adopted the Redevelopment Plan, as amended ("Redevelopment Plan") for Project Area
No.2 ("Project Area"); and
WHEREAS, the Agency is required pursuant to Health and Safety Code
Section 33334..2 et seq. to expend monies in its Low and Moderate Income Housing
Fund to increase, improve, and preserve affordable housing in or serving the Project
Area; and
WHEREAS, the Agency now proposes to enter into an Affordable Housing
Agreement (" Agreement") with TC &DC, LLC, a California limited liability company
("Developer") for the conveyance by the Agency of a site owned by the Agency for
development of an one hundred eighteen (118) unit "for rent" senior apartment
housing- project on a site located within the Project Area, with all of the units required
to be developed as affordable' units to be leased at an affordable housing cost to
seniors whose income does norexceea.tnoderate IfI:come as defined in California law
(the "Project"); and
WHEREAS, the site proposed to be conveyed by the Agency to the
. - Developer is defined as the remainder parcel of Tract 28601-1 as shown on a map
filed in Book 278, Pages 86 through 90 of maps recorded in the records of Riverside
County (the "Site"); and
WHEREAS, the Site is a portion of the "Miraflores" housing development
project which in general consists of a three-phase development of single family
detached homes and an affordable senior citizen rental apartment complex (the "Senior
Apartments"); and
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Resolution No. RDA 2000-14
November 21, 2000
Page 2
WHEREAS, before the Agency may dispose of real property, acquired
with tax increment funds, for development the Agency and City Council must hold a
duly noticed joint public hearing on the proposed disposition; and
WHEREAS, notice of a joint public hearing of the Agency and City Council
concerning the Agreement and the proposed conveyance described in the Agreement
was given in accordance with the requirements of Health & Safety Code Section
33433; and
WHEREAS, the Agency also timely prepared and made available for public
review a Summary Report of the proposed transaction in accordance with Health &
Safety Code Section 33433; and
WHEREAS, all action required of the Agency to be taken precedent to
review and consideration of the Agreement by the Agency have been taken in
accordance with applicable law;
as follows:
NOW, THEREFORE, the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency hereby resolves
1 . The Agency finds and determines:
A. That the sale of the Site as set forth in the Agreement, and the terms of
the Agreement, will provide housing for low or moderate income persons,
in that 118 units to be developed on the Site shall be leased at an
affordable' housing cost to seniors whose incomes do not exceed
moderate income as defined in California law.
B. That the sale of the Site as set forth in the Agreement, and the terms of
the Agreement, are consistent with the Agency's adopted "Second Five-
Year Implementation Plan Project Areas No.1 and 2," adopted by the
Agency in accordance with Health and Safety Code Section 33490, in
that (i) the goals and objectives set forth in the Implementation Plan
include increasing and improving the community's supply of affordable
housing, and (ii) the project on the Site is specifically identified as one of
the Agency's housing programs to be undertaken in the time period
covered by the Implementation Plan.
Resolution No. RDA 2000-14
November 21, 2000
Page 3
C. That the highest and best use of the Site in accordance with the
Redevelopment Plan is the development of the Site for affordable housing
and that the consideration to be paid by the Developer for the Site is not
less than the fair reuse value at its highest and best use in accordance
with the Redevelopment Plan, for the reasons set forth in the Agency's
Summary Report for the Agreement and the transaction described in the
Agreement prepared in accordance with Health and Safety Code Section
33433, which Summary Report, a copy of which is on file with the
Agency Secretary, is incorporated herein by reference as though fully set
D. That the publicly owned improvements to be paid for by the Agency as
set forth in the Agreement are of benefit to the Project Area and to the
immediate neighborhood in which the Project is located, in that the
improvements are necessary to effect development of the Site and but
for the Agency's expenditure the public infrastructure improvements
would not be completed thus detrimentally affecting the Project and the
residents living adjacent to the Site.
E. That there are no other reasonable means available to the community of
paying for the publicly owned improvements to be paid for by the Agency
as set forth in the Agreement, other than Agency funding in that City
general funds, as set forth in the adopted City budget, are earmarked for
critical public health and safety expenditures, such as police and fire
protection, and for other, previously identified capital improvement
projects, and for City service programs, all of which cannot be adjusted
to accommodate City expenditure for these public improvements, and
thus Agency payment is the sole available source for the publicly owned
improvements to be paid for by the Agency as set forth in the
F. That the payment by the Agency for the publicly owned improvements
as set forth in the Agreement will facilitate the provision of housing for
low or moderate income persons, in that the publicly owned
improvements designated in the Agreement for Agency payment are
necessary for the development of the Site as an affordable housing
development because the economics of the Project do not permit the
Developer to pay for these improvements and still maintain a reasonable
return on investment, as set forth in the Summary Report prepared for
the Project.
Resolution No. RDA 2000-14
November 21, 2000
Page 4
G. That the payment by the Agency for the publicly owned improvements
to be paid for by the Agency as set forth in the Agreement is consistent
with the Agency's adopted "Second Five-Year Implementation Plan
Project Areas No.1 and 2," adopted by the Agency in accordance with
Health and Safety Code Section 33490, in that (i) the goals and
objectives set forth in the Implementation Plan include increasing and
improving the community's supply of affordable housing, and Oi) the
Project on the Site is specifically identified as one of the Agency's
housing programs to be undertaken in the time period covered by the
Implementation Plan, Oii) the Project on the Site is specifically identified
as addressing inadequate public infrastructure and facilities.
H. That the Agency's expenditures for the onsite and offsite improvements
identified in the Agreement will facilitate, and result in, the new
construction of affordable housing units for low or moderate income
persons that are directly benefited by the improvements, in accordance
with the authorization to the Agency to expend monies in its Low and
Moderate Income Housing Fund for such purposes pursuant to Health and
Safety Code Section 33334.2(e).
I. That the Agency is further authorized under Health and Safety Code
Section 33449 which grants the Agency authority to improve sites in
order to provide housing for persons of low and moderate income, and
thus the Agency's expenditures for the Project, as set forth in the
Agreement, including but not limited to Acquisition Assistance, and
Additional Assistance (as defined in the Agreement) is necessary and
proper for the development of the Site as an affordable housing project.
2. The Affordable Housing Agreement, between the Agency and DC & TC, LLC,
a copy of which is on file with the Agency Secretary, is here approved. The
Agency Executive Director and Agency Counsel are hereby authorized and
directed to make final modifications to the Agreement that are consistent with
the substantive business terms of the Agreement approved hereby, and the
Agency Executive Director is authorized to thereafter sign the Agreement on
behalf of the Agency.
3. To facilitate and effect the Agreement, the Agency Executive Director is hereby
authorized and directed to (a) allocate Three Million One Hundred Seven
Thousand One Hundred Forty-Seven Dollars ($3,107,147) from the Agency's
Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund to the Project.
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November 21, 2000
Page 5
4. The Agency Executive Director is authorized and directed, on behalf of the
Agency, to sign such other and further documents, including but not limited to
attachments and exhibits to the Agreement which require the Agency's
signature, and to take such other and further actions, as may be necessary and
proper to carry out the terms of the Agreement.
5. The Agency Executive Director and the Agency Counsel and their respective
authorized designees are each individually authorized to sign escrow instructions
on behalf of the Agency in order to effect the close of escrow described in the
PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta
Redevelopment Agency held on this 2151 day of November, 2000, by the following
vote, to wit:
AYES: Members Adolph, Peiia, Perkins, Sniff, Chair Henderson
NOES: None
TERRY NDERSON, Chairperson
La Quin a Redevelopment Agency
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JU . . - REEK, CMC, -" Secretary
La Quinta Redevelopment A,gency
(Agency Seal) -
Resolution No. RDA 2000-14
November 21, 2000
Page 6
ATHERINE 0, Agency Counsel
uinta Redevelopment Agency
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