2007 07 24 PC Minutes MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA July 24, 2007 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Alderson who asked Commissioner Daniels to lead the flag salute. B. Present: Commissioners Katie Barrows, Rick Daniels, Jim Engle, and Chairman Ed Alderson. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Barrows to excuse Commissioner Quill. C. Staff present: Planning Director Les Johnson, Assistant City Attorney Michael Houston, Principal Engineer Ed Wimmer, Principal Planners Walllace Nesbit, Stan Sawa, and Andrew Mogensen, Assistant Planners Yvonne Franco and Eric Ceja, and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer. II. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: A. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Barrows to direct staff to bring Item B under Commissioner Items back at the next Commission meeting in order to allow Commissioner Quill to participate in the discussion. Unanimously approved. IV. CONSENT ITEMS: A. Chairman Alderson asked if there were any changes to the Minutes of July 10, 2007. There being no changes, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Barrows to approve the minutes as submitted. Unanimously approved. V. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Site Development Permit 2007-887; a request of Eisenhower Medical Center for consideration of development plans for an 85,655 square foot three-story medical building (Phase I) located at the southeast corner of Washington Street and Seeley Drive within the Centre Pointe project. o FILENAME \p P:\Reports - PC\2007\8-28-07\Minutes 7-24-07.dodl Planning Commission Minutes July 24, 2007 1. Commissioner Daniels informed the Commission that he sits on the Board of the JFK Hospital and does receive a stipend but does not believe this is a conflict in his review of this project. 2. Chairman Alderson opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning Department. Assistant City Attorney Michael Houston stated that the Environmental Assessment looked at the traffic count for the uses presented tonight. The time to make a challenge to those approvals has past and the issues tonight are related to architecture and landscaping. The issues related to the letter received from the City of Indian Wells are not relevant to the item before the Commission. Planning Director Les Johnson stated he had spoken with the City of Indian Wells prior to this meeting and staff will be meeting with them regarding the traffic issues raised in the letter. 3. Chairman Alderson asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner Engle asked if Washington Street would be widened. Principal Engineer Ed Wimmer stated a deceleration lane is planned, but there were no plans to widen the street. Commissioner Engle asked for clarification on the access points. Staff stated there were two access points on Seeley Drive and none on Washington Street. 4. Commissioner Daniels asked the location of the covered parking, if they had met their quota for parking spaces, and is the covered parking in the right location. In the heat of the day the parking will be on the west side and there are very few covered parking stalls on the west. In addition, there does not appear to be enough employee covered parking. Staff stated it could be provided if it was the determination of the Commission. Commissioner Daniels asked if the decomposed granite path currently along Washington Street was intended to remain or would it be removed and paved. Planning Director Les Johnson stated it was his understanding that the meandering sidewalk will be installed. Commissioner Daniels asked how the signs would be approved and lastly, will there be a signal installed at Seeley Drive. Principal Engineer Ed Wimmer stated the traffic analysis for this project shows the signal at Seeley Drive and Miles Avenue must be installed before the Certificate of Occupancy is issued, but it is required of the master developer. P:\Reports - PC\2007\8-28-07\Minutes 7-24-07.doc 2 Planning Commission Minutes July 24, 2007 5. Chairman Alderson asked if the storm water is to be dispatched to the Whitewater Channel. Principal Engineer Wimmer asked that the applicant answer this question. He noted the applicant has options and staff is not certain which option they will take. Chairman Alderson asked if the lawn in the front of the entry area was artificial turf. Staff asked that the applicant needs to answer this question. Chairman Alderson asked about the large landscape area along Seeley Drive that is anticipated for a future development. He asked if the area couldn't have a better use than landscaping. Staff stated it was discussed at the Architecture and Landscaping Review Committee meeting and it was determined to be unnecessary. 6. Commissioner Barrows agreed with providing the additional seating in this area. She noted the landscaping and berms along Washington Street call for date palms and they are not shown on the plans. Staff stated the revised preliminary plans show them incorporated, but the plans presented do not. Commissioner Barrows asked the height of the Homewood Suites. Staff stated it is close to 45 feet. 7. Commissioner Daniels asked if there would be any ambulance service. Staff stated for transportation purposes only, not emergency services. Commissioner Daniels asked the height of the building on the west side and what if the trees were relocated to the west side to shade the play area. Also, is there a fence or some way to have a barrier to keep children from going into the parking lot. Staff stated the majority of the building is three stories and in this location the play area should be shaded most of the day. Commissioner Daniels stated the circulation for the second entry for deliveries seems to be pinched and it seems better truck movement could be provided by increasing the size of this area. 8. Chairman Alderson asked if the parking lot lights would be dimmed after hours. Staff stated the applicant would need to answer this. 9. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Alderson asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr. Ali Tourkaman, representing Eisenhower Medical Center, introduced the development team and asked that the following conditions be discussed. First Condition No. 17 for the signal; this should be the responsibility of the master developer. Same with P:\Reports - PC\2007\8-2'8-07\Mlnutes 7-24-07.doc 3 Planning Commission Minutes July 24, 2007 Condition No. 18, it should also be the responsibility of the master developer. Condition No. 19.e. last paragraph, should also be the responsibility of the master developer. Staff stated Seeley Drive would need to be modified to allow the ADA accessibility. Mr. Tourkaman stated that Condition 20.b needed to be modified to allow the left turn out onto Seeley Drive at the easterly drive. Mr. Tourkaman stated Condition No. 41, second paragraph should be the responsibility of the master developer. Principal Engineer Ed Wimmer stated the applicant has control how he desires to discharge the stormwater. It is up to the applicant to determine which option they want to do. Mr. Tourkaman stated the storm channel exists. Ms. Malak Modarressi, RBF Engineering, explained how the storm drain system was designed. Mr. Tourkaman asked that Condition No. 53 be clarified as to what is expected of them. 10. Planning Director Les Johnson clarified there is a round-about just east of their secondary access which would allow the ability to turn around to go west on Seeley Drive. Principal Engineer Ed Wimmer stated this is the first time they have heard about the objection to the left turn and the applicant has had the conditions for some time. 11. Chairman Alderson asked about the hours of operation. Mr. Tourkaman stated approximately 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., with the exception of the emergency care center which may be 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Chairman Alderson stated he hoped the urgent care hours would be extended. Mr. Tourkaman stated it would depend on the demands of the community. Mr. Tourkaman stated that in regard to the play area they would be concerned with children not being supervised at all times. The lobby is designed to accommodate large numbers. They would not want to have any play area, but would have no objection to having a rest area with benches or more parking near Seeley Drive. 12. Commissioner Daniels asked about the small amount of turf area near the entry as it seems it will be a maintenance problem. Mr. Tourkaman stated he had no objection to removing it. Commissioner Daniels asked about relocating the covered parking. Mr. Tourkaman stated they have no objection. Commissioner Daniels asked about the extended hours of operation. Mr. Tourkaman stated he is over the construction and would not want to address something that is governed by the caregivers. Commissioner Daniels asked if the existing urgent care centers P:\Reports - PC\2007\8-28-07\Mlnutes 7-24-07.doc 4 Planning Commission Minutes July 24, 2007 would be relocated to this location. Mr. Tourkaman stated yes. Commissioner Daniels asked about the truck entry area needing to be revised to allow better exiting for the delivery trucks. Mr. Tourkaman stated he agrees with his comments and will look into redesigning this area. 13. Chairman Alderson asked about the operation of the urgent care. Mr. Tourkaman explained the process. Chairman Alderson asked the height of the trees in the large landscaped area. Mr. Rob Parker, RGA Landscape Architects, explained the location of the trees in the large landscape area will be 24 feet and are designed to be retained for the future parking lot. He reviewed the trees proposed. In regard to the turf area, they have no objection to removing the turf but have recently received information regarding artificial turf that it could get hot enough to burn the skin so they are re-evaluating this area. 14. Commissioner Barrows asked how the landscaping can soften the building. Mr. Parker stated that in their initial meetings with staff they were asked to add planting along the southern portion of the property. The northern section is being done by the master developer and they are providing for a series of trees along Washington Street from the Channel north. They would be willing to add shrubs. Commissioner Barrows stated her concern is the view corridor from Washington Street and wants to make sure some open area between the buildings is maintained. She would suggest the trees not be planted in regular spacing, but broken up to maintain a view corridor. Mr. Parker noted the areas where the view corridors would be kept. In regard to the spacing of trees, he would agree but clarified that in some instances this is not possible. 15. Commissioner Daniels asked if there were any disputes between EMC and the master developer as to whose responsibility some of the conditions should apply to. Mr. Tourkaman stated there is no dispute, but neither is there anything in their agreement with the master developer shifts these costs to them. Principal Engineer Ed Wimmer clarified the condition does not put the responsibility of installing the signal on this developer, it just requires it to be installed before they open. It is ultimately the responsibility of the master developer. Commissioner Daniels asked if there were any precautions put on the master developer to see that the obligation is met. Staff stated the agreement between the City and the P:\Reports - PC\2007\8-28~07\Minutes 7-24-07.doc 5 Planning Commission Minutes July 24, 2007 master developer is that the signal would bee installed within 12 months. An extension can be requested, but it is up to the City Council as to whether or not to grant the extension. 16. Chairman Alderson asked that Condition No. 19 be amended to apply only to the applicant's property. In regard to the left turn at the easterly access, he would not want to see it at this location. In regard to Condition No. 41 the condition could be revised to address the applicant's concern. In regard to Condition No. 53 (now Condition No. 54) it is a standard condition and should remain. Mr. Tourkaman asked if they could have the flag pole at 100 feet. Staff stated that would allow it to be over double the height of the building. 17. Commissioner Daniels asked if the proposed building along the eastern portion of the channel was designated for medical uses. Mr. Tourkaman stated it is currently planned as a surgery building, but discussions have been held with CVWD regarding relocation of the well site. The nature of the use of the proposed buildings will be dictated by the needs of the community. Commissioner Daniels noted that minimal parking is being installed and if you add more medical facility, you would need another 343 spaces and this could require a parking structure. Mr. Tourkaman stated not all of uses within the building would increase the parking. If additional parking is required, it will be added. 18. Chairman Alderson asked about the dimming of the parking lot lights. Mr. Tourkaman stated they had no objection to lowering the lights and/or dimming the lights as long as the public safety was addressed. 19. Commissioner Barrows asked if there was an existing ADA access from the hotel. Her concern is that the ADA pathway does not go anywhere. Planning Director Les Johnson stated the hotel also was required to provide the ADA accessibility. The wording could be changed on this condition to require the ADA access to the south side of Seeley Drive. 20. Chairman Alderson asked if there were any comments or questions of the public. There being no further questions and no other public comment, the public hearing was closed and open for Commission discussion. Commissioner Daniels commended the applicant on the design of the building. In regard to Condition No. 17, the P:\Reports - PC\2007\8-28-07\Minutes 7-24-07.doc 6 Planning Commission Minutes July 24, 2007 signal is the responsibility of the master developer. Condition No. 18 the applicant will provide vehicle access for CVWD. Staff stated this condition would be modified to require the applicant to build the access with input and approval of CVWD at the phase appropriate to the applicant. Condition No. 19 ADA access would only be provided to the applicant's property line. In regard to the left turn lane at the easterly access he would not want to encourage the left turn at this location. In regard to the channel lining, this is the responsibility of the master developer. Principal Engineer Ed Wimmer stated CVWD has requested the lining and staff would need to discuss this with CVWD. Commissioner Daniels stated he would want to retain the condition but would hope it is a responsibility of the master developer. He would also want to see the turf removed, the truck turning radius increased to allow the trucks to turn around and exit on the eastern side. In regard to the letter from the City of Indian Wells he believes with the opening of Jefferson Street the traffic counts have changed and encouraged staff to have discussions with the City of Indian Wells. Lastly, that the covered parking be relocated to have more covered parking on the west side and over the employee parking spaces. 21. Commissioner Barrows stated she concurred with Commissioner Daniels. In regard to the large landscaped area she would want it conditioned to provide some seating. The ADA access points could be incorporated into this area. Condition No. 52 should be revised to maintain some open view corridor by the placement of the large trees. 22. Chairman Alderson also asked that the lights be dimmed within two hours of closing. 23. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Engle/Daniels to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2007-032 recommending approval of Site Development Permit 2007-887, as recommended and amended: a. Condition No. 19: Shall be amended to reference the applicant's property only. b. Condition 52: The applicant shall maintain an open view corridor by staggering the trees. c. Condition added: The turf at the entry area shall be removed. P:\Reports - PC\2QQ7\8-28-07\Mlnutes 7-24-07.doc 7 Planning Commission Minutes July 24, 2007 d. Condition added: The applicant shall increase the delivery truck access and turn around area subject to staff approval. e. Condition added: The applicant shall prove some covered parking area to be relocated to the west side. f. Condition added: The applicant shall provide some seating areas in the large landscape area near Seeley Drive. g. Condition added: The applicant shall dim the parking lot lighting within two hours of business closing. ROl.L CALL: AYES: Commissioners Barrows, Daniels, Engle, and Chairman Alderson. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Quill. B. Site Development Permit 2007-889 and Sign Application 2007-1165; a request of Kerr Project Services for Applebee's Restaurant for consideration of development plans and a Sign Program for a 5,914 square foot restaurant located at the northeast corner of Washington Street and Seeley Drive within the Centre Pointe project. 1 . Commissioner Engle stated he had a potential conflict of interest and excused himself. Assistant City Attorney Michael Houston explained Commissioner Engle would be allowed to participate in the discussion of the Site Development Permit but could not participate in any discussion regarding the Sign Application. Commissioner Engle excused himself and left the dais. 2. Chairman Alderson opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report on the Sign Application. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff report regarding the Sign Application, a copy of which is on file in the Planning Department 3. Chairman Alderson asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner Daniels asked if the sign off of Miles Avenue would be an off-site sign. Staff stated this business is a part of the overall Specific Plan and therefore allowed. 4. Chairman Alderson asked the location of the monument sign. Staff identified the location near Miles Avenue. P:\Reports - PC\2007\8-28-07\Minutes 7-24-07.doc 8 Planning Commission Minutes July 24, 2007 5. Commissioner Daniels asked if the sign would be lit. Staff stated it would be internally illuminated. Discussion followed regarding the location of the sign. 6. Chairman Alderson asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Ms. Deborah Kerr, representing Applebees, stated they know the directional sign does not make sense as proposed, but they wanted to place the sign to direct people into the project from the north end. The directional sign would be to indicate which driveway should be taken to get to the restaurant. Ms. Kerr requested the wall signs be approved as submitted. She noted most Applebee's locations have "Neighborhood Grill & Bar" on all signs. They are only asking for it on the west elevation. 7. There being no further questions of the applicant and no other public comment, the public hearing was closed and open for Commission discussion. 8. Commissioner Daniels asked for the location of all the signs for the project. Staff reviewed the location of the monument signs. 9. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Barrows/Daniels to adopt Minute Motion 2007-012 approving Sign Application 2007- 1165 as recommended with the deletion of Condition No. 6 pertaining to reducing the wall sign sizes. Unanimously approved with Commissioners Engle and Quill being absent. 10. Chairman Alderson opened the public hearing on the Site Development Permit and asked for the staff report. 11. Commissioner Engle rejoined the Commission. 12. Commissioner Daniels asked if any environmental protection was proposed for the south elevation. Staff noted there is a tile cover over the patio area. Commissioner Daniels asked if it was a walkway or a way to add additional landscaping on the west elevation. Staff stated it is not shown on the plans, but the perimeter landscaping is proposed by the master developer. 13. Chairman Alderson stated there is no landscaping on the south elevation. Staff clarified the area off-site is the responsibility of the master developer. They are also being required to provide a switchback sidewalk for ADA accessibility on Washington Street. P:\Reports - PC\20Q7\8-28-07\Mlnutes 7-24-07.doc 9 Planning Commission Minutes July 24, 2007 14. Chairman Alderson asked if the applicant would like to address the site development permit. Ms. Kerr stated they would be working with the master developer on the landscaping for the south and west sides of the building. They have no objections to the conditions as proposed. 15. There being no further questions of the applicant and no other public comment, the public participation portion of the hearing was closed and open for Commission discussion. 16. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Barrows/Daniels to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2007-033 approving Site Development Permit 2007- 889 as recommended. ROL.L CALL: AYES: Commissioners Barrows, Daniels, Engle, and Chairman Alderson. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Quill. C. Site Development Permit 2007-879; a request of The Foundation Group for consideration of architectural plans for a 6,200 square foot retail building located within the La Quinta village Shopping Center on the northwest corner of Washington Street and Calle Tampico. 1. Chairman Alderson opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report. Assistant Planner Eric Ceja presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning Department. 2. Chairman Alderson asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner Barrows asked about the landscaping. Staff stated a landscape plan had not been submitted. Commissioner Barrows asked that a different environment be created for landscaping by use of the green screen. Staff stated they would work with the applicant. 3. Chairman Alderson stated the south elevation is very bland even with the considerable landscaping to screen the elevation. He asked if the trees would provide any screening. Staff stated they would be a medium height. The applicant is providing windows to the south for the easterly tenant and staff required them to separate the columns from the building. P:\Reports - PC\2007\8-28-07\Minutes 7-24-07.doc 10 Planning Commission Minutes July 24, 2007 4. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Alderson asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr. Dan Almquist, representing the applicant, apologized for the landscaping plan as it did not provide a complete picture of the proposed landscaping. 5. Chairman Alderson asked if there were any comments or questions of the public. Mr. Stephen Sterling, stated he was one of the partners who owned the Center and he had some issues. First was that the applicant did not comply with the Center's CC&R's. The elevations were not submitted to them for approval prior to submittal to the City. Ralphs grocery store also did not receive a copy of the hearing notice or the plans. The site plan does not address traffic flow or parking in the Center. The parking area is to the side of the building and no handicapped parking is provided on the north. They need to provide additional parking. Trucks will have to unload in the fire lane. As they have not had the opportunity to review the plans, they are asking the Commission to reject this application till they meet their requests. 6. Commissioner Daniels noted Ralph's did not have parking in front of their store. Mr. Sterling stated it is the only store that does not provide parking directly in front. Commissioner Daniels asked if the overall Specific Plan allowed for this pad to be built on. Mr. Sterling stated it was to be a bank building. 7. Chairman Alderson stated even if it were to be a bank it would not change the number of parking spaces provided or change the use. Mr. Sterling stated his concern is that Ralph's does intend to expand which will require additional parking. 8. Commissioner Daniels stated the City is not a purview to enforcing the CC&R's. Mr. Sterling stated he wanted the building closer to Calle Tampico. Assistant City Attorney Michael Houston asked if Ralph's had given any notice regarding any of the buildings in the Center. Planning Director Les Johnson stated no. 9. Chairman Alderson asked if Mr. Sterling was trying to bank the parking for Ralph's future expansion. Mr. Sterling stated yes. P:\Reports - PC\2007\8-28-07\Minutes 7-24-07.doc 11 Planning Commission Minutes July 24, 2007 10. Chairman Alderson asked if the applicant would like to respond. Mr. Dana McCay, representing The Foundation Group, stated there are some grade issues that prevent them from moving the building further to Calle Tampico. They concur with staff's recommendation. 11 . There being no further questions and no other public comment, the public hearing was closed and opened for Commission discussion. Commissioner Daniels stated the noticing requirements were complied with and the other issues raised by the Center owner are not an issue for the Commission. 12. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Barrows to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2007-034 recommending approval of Site Development Permit 2007-879, as recommended. ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Barrows, Daniels, Engle, and Chairman Alderson. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Quill. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Sign Application 2007-1136; a request of Embassy Suites for Spa Hibiscus, for consideration of an Amendment to an approved Sign Pro\lram for a business identification sign, located on the north side of Calle Tampico, within the Embassy Suites Hotel. 1. Commissioner Engle stated he had a potential conflict of interest and excused himself. 2. Chairman Alderson asked for the staff report. Assistant Planner Yvonne Franco presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning Department. 2. Chairman Alderson asked why the sign was already installed. He does support the sign but questioned why the applicant would disregard the City's Sign Ordinance. Planning Director Les Johnson stated he believes the applicant had no intention to comply. 3. There being no further questions of the applicant and no other public comment, the public comment portion was closed and open for Commission discussion. P:\Reports - PC\2007\8-28-07\Mlnutes 7-24-07.doc 12 Planning Commission Minutes July 24, 2007 4. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Barrows/Daniels to adopt Minute Motion 2007-013 approving Sign Application 2007- 1136 as submitted by the applicant. Unanimously approved. Commissioner Engle rejoined the Commission. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: None. COMMISSIONER ITEMS: A. Disc:ussion of landscaping policies in regard to water features and turf usa!~e. Commissioner Daniels suggested this item be continued to the next meeting to allow Commissioner Quill to join the discussion. He would suggest that it be handed out to the public to let them know it is und,er consideration by the City. B. Disc:ussion of a multi-use trail on Madison Street south of Avenue 60. Commissioner Daniels also recommended this item be continued to the next meeting. C. Review of City Council meeting of July 17, 2007. Chairman Alderson asked for a new list of when the Commissioners are to attend the City Council meetings. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Barrows/Daniels to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to a regular meeting to be held on August 28, 2007. This regular meeting was adjourned at 10:04 p.m. on July 24, 2007. Respectfully submitted, P:\Reports - PC\2007\8-28-07\Mlnutes 7-24-07.doc 13