2007 09 18 RDA Minutes LA GUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES SEPTEMBER 18, 2007 A regular meeting of the La. Guinta Redevelopment Agency was called to order by Chairman Osborne. PRESENT: Agency Members Adolph, Henderson, Kirk, Sniff, Chairman Osborne ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT - None CLOSED SESSION 1. Conference with Agency's real property negotiator, Douglas R. Evans, pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 concerning potential terms and conditions of acquisition and/or disposition of real property identified as APNs 609-040-005(PORI, 609-040-007, and 609-040- 023. Property Owner/Negotiator: Mike Sollenberger. The Redevelopment Agency recessed to Closed Session to and until the hour of 4:00 p.m. 4:00 P.M. The Redevelopment Agency meeting was reconvened with no decisions being made in Closed Session which require reporting pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.1 (Brown Actl. PUBLIC COMMENT - None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA - Confirmed APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION - It was moved by Agency Members Sniff/Adolph to approve the Redevelopment Agency Minutes of August 7, 2007 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. Redevelopment Agency Minutes 2 September 18, 2007 CONSENT CALENDAR 1 . APPROV At OF DEMAND REGISTERS DATED AUGUST 21, SEPTEMBER 4, AND SEPTEMBER 18, 2007. 2. RECEIVE AND FILE TRANSMITTAL OF TREASURER'S REPORTS DATED JUNE 30 AND JULY 31, 2007. 3. RECEIVE AND FILE TRANSMITTAL OF REVENUE & EXPENDITURES REPORTS DATED JUNE 30 AND JULY 31, 2007. 4. APPROVAL OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING INVESTMENTS OF MONIES IN THE LOCAL AGENCY INVESTMENT FUND. (RESOLUTION NO. RA 2007-010) 5. APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT AMENDMENT WITH RBF CONSULTING FOR CIVIL ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR SILVERROCK RESORT, PHASE II INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS. 6. APPROVAL OF A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFPI TO OBTAIN GOLF COURSE IRRIGATION DESIGN SERVICES FOR PHASE /I SILVERROCK RESORT IMPROVEMENTS. 7 . APPROVAL OF A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH JACOBSEN/HARDY GOLF COURSE DESIGN, INC. FOR DESIGN OF THE SILVERROCK RESORT SECOND GOLF COURSE. 8. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS PURSUANT TO HEALTH & SAFETY CODE SECTION 33445(al, AND AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS FOR THE PARK AVENUE LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT NO. 2006-15. (RESOLUTION NO. RA 2007-011 I 9. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AMENDED PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND FRANK R. GOODMAN & ASSOCIATES FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 42-800 WASHINGTON STREET (APN 609-040-007 AND 609-040-0231, AND THE APPROPRIATION OF $313,156. (RESOLUTION NO. RA 2007- 0121 Redevelopment Agency Minutes 3 September 18, 2007 MOTION - It was moved by Agency Members Kirk/Henderson to approve the Consent Calendar as recommended and with Item Nos. 4, 8, and 9 being approved by RESOLUTION NOS. RA 2007-010 through 2007-012 respectively. Motion carried unanimously. BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION TO REJECT ALL BIDS FOR THE TEMPORARY PARKING LOT AT SILVERROCK RESORT, PROJECT NO. 2007-14. Council Member Osborne recused himself from' participating on this item due to a conflict of interest. Community Services Director Hylton presented the staff report. In response to Agency Member Adolph, Community Services Director Hylton confirmed the intention of the property is to provide parking for the Bob Hope Chrysler Classic and install grass; explained due to the bid amounts submitted, staff will consider PM 1 0 control as an option. City Attorney Jensen explained there are no provisions to negotiate a reasonable price at this stage as the project was publicly bid, the two lowest bids did no meet specification and the remaining bid was too high, in response to Agency Member Adolph. Agency Member Sniff stated all bids could be rejected and offer another opportunity to bid. Agency Member Henderson echoed the disappointment of not having an option to negotiate with contractors, as the second bidder did not have the C27 certification. In response to Agency Member Kirk, Community Services Director Hylton explained the C27 certification is required for all public works landscape projects. Golf/Park Landscape Manager Howlett confirmed the project is straight forward in installing the turf and that the lowest bidder has the experience. City Attorney Jensen explained the Agency cannot waive the requirement of the C27 certification at this stage, as the bid documents must specify the alternatives. Agency Member Sniff stated the proper course of action is to reject all bids and re-advertise for bids in a short period of time. Redevelopment Agency Minutes 4 September 18, 2007 In response to Agency Member Henderson, Public Works Director Jonasson explained the timing of re-advertising for the bid process. Golf/Park Landscape Manager Howlett explained the time frame for planting and growth would be dependent on the weather conditions, in response to Agency Member Henderson. In response to Agency Member Kirk, Public Works Director Jonasson explained the elimination of any requirements from the bid specification would be at the Agency's discretion. MOTION - It was moved by Agency Members Sniff/Henderson to reject all bids for the Temporary Parking Lot at SilverRock Resort, Project No. 2007-14 and authorize staff to proceed to re-advertise for bids and waiving any requirements to expedite the process. Motion carried by at vote of 4-0-1, Osborne abstaining. STUDY SESSION - None CHAIR AND AGENCY MEMBERS' ITEMS - None PUBLIC HEARINGS - None ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved by Agency Members Henderson/Kirk to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously.