05-1343 (SFD)Tdf 4'4 Qukrw P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CALLS TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 BUILDING PERMIT Application Number . . . Property Address. APN : Application description Property Zoning . . . . . Application valuation . . BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT (760),777-7012 FAX (760) 777-7011 INSPECTION REQUESTS (760) 777-7153 05-00001343 I yDate. 4/08/05 51905 AVENIDA CARRANZA 773 -164 -021 -9 -000000 - DWELLING - SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED' COVE RESIDENTIAL 110345 Owner Contractor ------------------------ ------------------------ MARK TUVELL MTB INC. 50-855 WASHINGTON ST #149 50855 WASHINGTON ST STE 149 LA QUINTA ------ Structure I LA QUINTA CA 92253 (760) 272-6044 WCC: STATE FUND WC: 1795095-2004 08/01/05 CSLB: 838089 05/31/06 CCC: B AMILY DWELLING ----- Construction Type . . . . . TYPE V - NON RATED Occupancy Type . . . . . . DWELLG/LODGING/CONG <=10 Flood Zone NON -AO FLOOD ZONE_ Other struct info . . . . . CODE EDITION 2001 CBC # BEDROOMS 3.00 FIRE SPRINKLERS NO GARAGE SQ FTG 441.00 NUMBER OF UNITS 1.00 1ST FLOOR SQUARE FOOTAGE 1778.00 -------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . ------------------------------------------- BUILDING PERMIT Additional desc Permit Fee . . 678.00 Plan Check Fee 110.18 Issue Date Valuation . . . . 110345 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 639.50 11.00 3.5000 THOU BLDG 100,001-500,000 38.50 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . MECHANICAL Additional desc Permit Fee . . . . 52.50 Plan Check Fee 3.28 Issue Date Valuation . . . . 0 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 15.00 1.00 9.0000 EA MECH FURNACE <=100K 9.00 1.00 9.0000 EA MECH B/C <=3HP/100K BTU 9.00 2.00 6.5000 EA MECH VENT FAN 13.00 1.00 6.5000 EA MECH EXHAUST HOOD 6.50 P.O. Box 1504 • ����� VOICE (760) 777-7012 78-495 CALLS TAMPICo FAX (760) 777-7011 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT Application Number: "�J •�/'� Date: /Q • /� • d .S Applicant: Applicant's Mailing Address: Architect or Engineer: Architect or Engineer's Address: Lic. No.: BUILDING PERMIT DECLARATIONS LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penally of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 Scommencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect.,} 'License Class _a License No. g Date A__,'9 j/—,-g�7Eontractor1-��- OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractors' State License Law for the'following reason (Sec. 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to file a signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractors' State License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500).): U I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does the work himself or herself or through his or her own employees, provided that the improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he or she did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). U 1, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.). U I am exempt under Sec. , BA P.C. for this reason Date Owner WORKERS' COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is _Js ued MwOrkers' compensatio9ansurance Cartier andolicy number are: �/ Carrier i �}'T� ` tJ•� 17 ✓Policy Number _ ,j r , s74 —'e'em y I certify that, in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not efnploy any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that, if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, I shall forthwith comply with those provisiorls. /) /"Date,r7/Applicant WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE 0 KERS' COMPENSATION COVERA E IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000), IN A DITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.). Lenders Name Lender's Address APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on this application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made, each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application, the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees for any act or omission related to the work being performed under or following issuance of this permit. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this county to enter up the above -me ioned r inspection purposes. i/Date 9 -I%Signature (Applicant or Agent): • t - Page 2 Application Number . ... . . 05-00001343 Date 4/08/05 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . ELEC-NEW RESIDENTIAL Additional desc Permit Fee 101.05 Plan Check Fee 6.32 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 0 Qty Unit Charge Per, Extension BASE FEE 15.00 1778.00 .0350 ELEC NEW RES - 1 OR 2 FAMILY 62.23 441.00 .0200 ELEC GARAGE OR NON-RESIDENTIAL 8.82 1.00 15.0000 EA ELEC TEMPORARY POWER POLE 15.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . PLUMBING Additional desc Permit Fee 129.00 Plan Check Fee 8.06 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 0 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 15.00 10.00 6.0000 EA PLB FIXTURE 60.00 1.00 15.0000 EA PLB BUILDING SEWER 15.00 1.00 7.5000 EA PLB WATER HEATER/VENT 7.50 1.00 3.0000 EA PLB WATER INST/ALT/REP 3.00 1.00 9.0000 EA PLB LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM 9.00 6.00 .7500 EA PLB GAS'PIPE >=5 4.50 1'.00 15.0000 EA PLB GAS METER 15.00 - -----------------------------7---------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . GRADING PERMIT Additional.desc Permit Fee . . . . 15.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . . . Valuation 0 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 15.00 --------------------------------------------------------=------------------_- Special Notes and Comments -` 1778 SF. SFD PERMIT DOES NOT INCLUDE BLOCK WALL, POOL/SPA OR DRIVEWAY APPROACH. 75% REDUCED PLAN CHECK FEE FOR MULTIPLE HOMES OF SAME PLAN TYPE. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Fees . . . . . . . ART IN'PUBLI'C PLACES -RES .00 DIF COMMUNITY CENTERS -RES 97.00 DIF CIVIC CENTER - RES 366.00 ENERGY REVIEW FEE 11.02 DIF FIRE PROTECTION -RES 97.00 Page 3 Application Number. . . . . . 05-00001343 Date 4/08/05 ------------------------------------------------------ Other Fees . . . . . . . . DIF LIBRARIES - RES --------------------- 225.00 DIF PARK MAINT FAC - RES 5.00 DIF PARKS/REC - RES 502.00 STRONG MOTION (SMI) - RES 11.03 DIF STREET MAINT FAC-RES 15.00 DIF TRANSPORTATION - RES 1098.00 Fee summary ----------= --- --- Charged ---------- Paid Credited -------------------- Due. Permit Fee Total 975.55 .00 ---------- .00 975.55 Plan Check Total 127.84 .00 .00 127.84 Other Fee Total 2427.05 .00 .00 2427.05 Grand Total 3530.44 .00 .00 3530.44 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT CASH RECEIPT DETAIL ac owls) 11 q01 Received From: • Detector Check(s) Date: Address: • Meter Surcharge g-'*S-anitation Capacity Charge JA I Account No. CI W.§.B.F.C. Lot(s) Tract Service Address i I -A k'" G.A. Code' 0--Meter(s) • Turn on Charge • Uncollected Account - Name Q-.-Service(s) • Inspection Fee - Tract - ac owls) • House Lateral(s) • Detector Check(s) • Meter Surcharge g-'*S-anitation Capacity Charge CI W.§.B.F.C. • Temporary Construction Meter • Turn on Charge • Uncollected Account - Name • Inspection Fee - Tract - Fee - • Plan Check Fees Water Sewer - Tract - • Bond Payment - A. D. - Bond- Assmt • Customer Deposit 0 Other TOTAL • Remarks: {j 1 77) O_ -Copy to: Cash A 11� Water Service Cashier Check Money Order CVWD-438 (1/05) I 0 ,0 Certificate of Occupancy0 o G� OFBuilding & Safety Department This Certificate is issued pursuant to the requirements of Section 109 of the California Building Code, certifying that, at the time of issuance, this structure was in compliance with the provisions of the Building Code and the various ordinances of the City regulating building construction and/or use. BUILDING ADDRESS: 51-905 AVENIDA CARRANZA Use classification: SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING Building Permit No.: 05-1343 Occupancy Group: R3 Type of Construction: VN Land Use Zone: RC Owner of Building: MARK TUVELL Address: 50-855 WASHINGTON ST., #149 City, ST, ZIP: LA QUINTA, CA 92253 By: KIRK KIRKLAND Date: AUGUST 28, 2006 Building Official POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE At the present time, the Desert Sands Unified School District does not collect fees on garages/carports, covered patiostwalkways, residential additions under 5 00 square feet, detached accessory structures (spaces that do not contain facilities for living, sleeping, cooking, eating or sanitation) or replacement mobile ho mes. It has been determined that the above-named owner is exempt from paying school fees at this time due to the following reason: EXEMPTION NOT APPLICABLE This certifies that school facility fees imposed pursuant to Education Code Section 17620 and Government Code 65995 Et Seq. in the amount of $2.24 X 1,778 S.F. or $3,982.72 have been paid for the property listed above and that building permits and/or Certificates of Occupancy for this square footage in this proposed project may now be issued. Fees Paid By CC/1St Bank -Mark Tuvell Check No. 78782 -Name on the check Telephone By Dr. Doris Wilson Superintendent Funding Residential y ' Fee collected /exempte ESechon c IEthis Payment Recd 98 $3,987.70 wer/Unaer . Signature NOTICE: Pursuant to Govemment20(d)(,i serveto notify you that the 90 -day approval period in which you may protest the fees o r other payment identified above will begin to run from the date on which the building or installation permit for this project is issued, or from the date on which those amounts are paid to the District(s) or to another public entity authorized to collect them on the District(s) behalf, whichever is earlier. NOTICE: This Document NOT VALID if Duplicated Embossed Original -Building Department/Applicant Copy -Applicant/Receipt Copy -Accounting �Aa TRUSSWORKS A Company 75-110 ST. CHARLES PLACE SUITE IIA PALM DESERT, CA 92260 PHO NE:760-341-2232 FAX: 760-341-2293 You Ca MANUFACTURING YARD: 55755 TYLER STREET, THERMAL, CA. 92274 FAX: 760-399-9786 CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION DA ±' /Z o 5 BY .ST JOB No.: T `i-Dlc 8 Nom: Mach, mauve\\ PROJECT: SO.(l�n 1't'_ -A- NATIONAL INSPECTION ASSOCIATION, INC. Quality Systems Management, Inc. National Testing, Inc. Accredited Quality Assurance / Control Agency IAS AA -583 Metal Plate Connected Wood Truss Non Listed Fabricator's Audit Report Number: A I 030' Audit Fabricator's Name: `7' Vz5 Si i 7o,2KS Location: "'T_ Ae2e7ifi Does the Fabricator have a current Agreement with the Agency for Audit? .............:................... Is the Quality System Manual, "QSM" up to date per -AC -10 & AC -98? .................: Has the QSM been reviewed within a twelve month period?....................................................... Are materials used in Production per National Standards & Engineers Specifications? ..::.......... Is an.acceptable In -House Quality Control System according to National Standards in place?.. Are In -House Quality Control Inspections being conducted per National Standards? ................. Is Final Inspection of the Trusses completed prior to Labeling & Shipment? ............................... Is there a System in place to deal with Non -Conforming Materials? ..............:............................. Are written Q.C. Inspection Reports and Agency Audits kept for at least.two years? .................. Have any Corrective Action Requests, "CAR", been issued during this Audit? ............................ Product Check.. ' ' Origination Date R"Is. Yes / No Yes ./ No Yes _,� No Yes ✓ No Yes _L/ No Yes L.,-- No Yes t,-' No Yes _�/ No Yes ✓ No Yes No CATEGORY CONFORMING NON -CONFORM. REMARKS Lumber Grade Joint Accuracy is within 1/8" Plate Placemen~ p ANSI /'iPi zOO2 Plate Size ICC ES Plate to Wood Tolerance Is within 1/32" Label Lealbilltv - Labels on Site - Stamos V Labels CATEGORY YES NO REMARKS Changes In Supervisory Personnel, Production Process ✓ Per AC -98 Any Test Performed or Witnessed Per AC -98 Is There Product Tractability Per AC -98. Any "CAR" Reports From Last Audit ✓ Per AC -98 Any Shut Downs or Disruptions in Production ✓ Per AC -98 Any Samples Taken ✓ Per AC -98 Any Test / Measuring Equipment That Requires Calibration Per AC -98 . 1 ' Does the Final Product meet UBC / IBC and National Standards? Required Signatures (MW6�)7 Fa for Q.C. Supervisor C)_(�UW Auditor for National Inspection Association P.O. Box 3426 E-Mail.NIAgillette@vcn.coni (307) 685-6331 G Gillette, Wyoming 82717-3426 Cellular Phone: (307) 689-5977 (307) 685-6331 Page One of Two 21-4 Phone (760)341-2232 S AN T A F E 1 Fax # (760) 341-2293 4b 4d MARK TUVELL TRUS SWORKS X A Company You Can Truss! X 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste=11A Palm Desert, CA. 92211 ;ZONAL ARCHITECT'S CERTIFICATION 4 IS INTENDED SOLELY TO VERIFY THIS AYOUT & THAT INDIVIDUAL TRUSSES ARE 'ORTING THE APPLIED LOADS. T'r1= LAY - IONS WERE PROVIDED BY THE CU:L.^d R > THE MANUFACTURER INPUT THEi.; INTO GE ALONG WITH THE DESIGN UNIT LOAD - ORS SHALL BE REVIEWED AND VERIFIED 'S DESIGN PROFESSIONAL OF RECORD n 1. Y7fiJJ!'T� r- v.t- .... v. M. i..�:.w:_.L. �Y��SS+wA%.i.�e4-"+�=::�`Sv�•. SALES REP SB DUE DATE : DSGNR/CHKR SB / SB TC Live 20.00 psf TC Dead 10.00 psf BC Live 0.00 psf BC Dead 10.00 psf Total 40.00 psf a N0.01991 10131/Z005 ocVOAiE MAR 22 2005 WO# J4208 Date 3/22/2005 1A:05 DurFac-Lbr : 1.25 DurFac-Plt 1.25 O.C. Spacing 24.0 Design Spec CBC -01 #Tr/#Cfg : 60 / 15 Job Name: SANTA FE 1 RGA -LOC RBACT SIZE REQ'D 1 0- 1-12853 3.50• 1.50• 2 21- 2- 4 853 3.50• 1.50• RGRROUIRHMENTS shown are based ONLY a the truss material at each bearing 1TC FORCE AAL BND CSI 1-2 5 0.00 0.45 0.45 2-3 -2169 0.04 0.45 0.49 3-4 -5 0.00 0.45 0.45 BC FORCE AAL END CSI 5-6 2024 0.20 0.59 0.80 6-7 1858 0.18 0.59 0.78 JWEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 1-5 -177 0.06 3-6 354 0.15 2-5 -2109 0.98 3-7 -1951 0.91 2-6 213 0.10 4-7 -172 0.06 TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-3 Truss ID: A01 TC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.S8 BC 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E WEB 2x4 HF STUD GBL ELK 2x4 HF STUD PLATS VALUES PER ICBG RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Gable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced at 16.0 " o.c. unless noted otherwise. Top chord supports 24.0 " of uniform load at 20 psf live load and 10 psf dead load. Additional design considerations may be required if sheathing is attached. [+) indicates the requirement for lateral bracing (designed by others) perpendicular to the plane of the member at 63"intervals. Bracing is a result of wind load applied to member.(Combination axial plus bending). This trusa requires adequate sheathing, as designed by others, applied to the truss face providing lateral support for webs in the trues plane and creating shear wall action to resist diaphragm loads. ®Web bracing required at each location shown. See standard details (T%01087001-001 revl). Plating Spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. End verticals designed for axial loads only. Extensions above or below the truss profile (if any) require additional consideration (by others) for horiz. loads on the bldg. 7-0-13 7-3-1 7-0-13 14-3-14 2 3 o.z - 7-0-2 21-4-0 it 4 3g1 3-8B2 li 6 7 10-8-0 21-4-0 1 UPLIFT REACTIONS) : Support 1 -233 lb Support 2 -233 lb This truss is designed using the CBC -01 Code. Bldg Enclosed - Yes, importance Factor - 1.00 Truss Location - End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line - No Exp Category - C Bldg Length - 40.00 ft, Bldg Width - 20.00 ft Mean roof height - 16.16 ft, mph80 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load =10.2 psf T 4 I 0 11 MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 IN MSM 6-7 (LIVE) L= -0.23" D= -0.23" T= -0 _= Joint Locations --=== 0- 0- 0 5 0- 0- 0 2 7- 0-13 6 10- 8- 0 3 14- 3-14 7 21- 4- 0 4 21- 4- 0 ��EpED AR�yi D. 0 lcc�,�► * Na C11991 MUMS SHI EWV OWE � OF CAI�F�Q�� MAR 22 2005 3/22/2005 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MC for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 7132" = 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: J4208 ® This design is for an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk: SB and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads DSgnr• SB TC Live 20.00 psf TC Dead 10.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 T R U S SW O R KS A Company You Can Trussl utilized on this design mea or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord is laterally braced by the roof or Floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11A Palm Desert, CA. 92211 Phone (760) 341-2232 Fax # (760) 341-2293 environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports available as output from Truswal software', ANSI/TPI 1','WTCA I'- Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES'- (HIB -91) and'HIB-91 SUMMARY SHEET by TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. BC Live 0.00 psf BC Dead 10.00 psf TOTAL 40.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Design Spec CBC -01 Seqn T6.4.18 - 0 Job Name: SANTA FE 1 Truss ID: A02 Qty: 11 Drw : Rc x -LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D TC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E Web bracing required at each location shown. UPLIFT REACTION(S) 1 0- 1-12 853 3.50• 1.50• BC 2x4 SPP 165OF-1.SE ® See standard details (TB01087001-001 revl). Support 1 -233 lb 2 21- 2- 4 e53 3.50• 1.50• WEB 2x4 HP STUD Plating Spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 Support 2 -233 lb RG REQUIRE4ffitTS shown are based ONLY PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF This truss is designed using the n the truss material at each bearing Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. CBC -01 Code. DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 End verticals designed for axial loads only. Bldg Enclosed - Yes, Importance Factor - 1.00 TC FORCE AaL BND CST Extensions above or below the truss profile Truss Location = End Zone 1-2 5 0.00 0.45 0.45 (if any) require additional consideration Hurricane/Ocean Line - No , Exp Category = C 2-3 -2169 0.04 0.45 0.49 (by others) for horiz. loads on the bldg. Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft 3-4 -5 0.00 0.45 0.45 BC Live 0.00 psf Mean roof height = 16.16 ft, mph80 =10.2 Palm Desert, CA. 92211 and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports available as output from Truswal software', 'ANSI/TPI 1','WTCA I'- Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities,'HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = psf BC FORCE AEL END CSI Phone (760) 341-2232 PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - (HIB -91) and'HIB-91 SUMMARY SHEET' by TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at D'Onofrio Drive, 5-6 2024 0.20 0.59 0.80 Fax # (760) 341-2293 6-7 1858 0.18 0.59 0.78 TOTAL 40.00 psf Seqn T6.4.18 - 0 W8H FORCECSI WEB FORCE CSI 1-5 -177 0.06 3-6 354 0.15 2-5 -2109 0.98 3-7 -1951 0.91 2-6 213 0.10 4-7 -172 0.06 1 4-" 12.2-0 1 7-0-13 7-0-13 1 2 7-3-1 14-3-14 3 F-0- 2s 7-0-2 21-4-0 MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 IN MEM 5-6 (LIVE) L= -0.23- D= -0.23" T- -0 ==_- Joint Locations = 1 0- 0- 0 5 0- 0 0 2 7- 0-13 6 10- 8- 0 3 14- 3-14 7 21- 4- 0 4 21- 4- 0 4 ��EREO 5 D. IQ No. C11991 c T40-0 *27-4 HI>, SIP ^ � 1 3t1 3-882 5 21.4-0 ( 6 10-8-0 10-8-0 7 10-8-0 21-4-0 2--22005 3/22/2005 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 7/32" = 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: J4208 This design is for an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' SB and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and APPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr: SB R U S S W O R KS are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads TC Live 20.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 T utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company YCTl p youanruss is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 10.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install 'Joint BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 Palm Desert, CA. 92211 and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports available as output from Truswal software', 'ANSI/TPI 1','WTCA I'- Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities,'HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL BC Dead 10.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - (HIB -91) and'HIB-91 SUMMARY SHEET' by TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at D'Onofrio Drive, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 40.00 psf Seqn T6.4.18 - 0 6" Job Name: SANTA FE 1 Truss ID: A02A Qty: 1 Drw : RG R -LOC REACT SIZE REO'D TC 2x4 SPP 1650F-1.58 web bracing required at each location Shown. UPLIFT REACTIONS) 1 0- 1-12 853 3.50 .1.50• BC 2x4 SPF 165OF-1.SE ® See standard details (TR01087001-001 revl). Support 1 -233 lb 2 21- 2- 4 853 3.50• 3.50• WEB 2x4 HP STUD Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 Support 2 -224 lb RG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT 01607. THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF This truss is designed using the n the truss material at each bearing Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. CBC -01 Code. End verticals designed for axial loads only. Bldg Enclosed - Yes, Importance Factor - 1.00 TC FORCE ARL END CSI Extensions above or below the truss profile Trues Location - End Zone 1-2 5 0.00 0.45 0.45 (if any) require additional consideration Hurricane/Ocean Line - No , Exp Category - C 2-3 -2169 0.04 0.45 0.49 (by others) for horiz. loads on the bldg. Bldg Length - 40.00 ft, Bldg width = 20.00 ft 3-4 -5 0.00 0.45 0.45 Mean roof height - 16.16 ft, mph80 =10.2 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = psf BC FORCE ARL END CSI 5-6 2024 0.20 0.59 0.80 6-7 1858 0.18 0.59 0.78 1WEB PORCH CSI WEB FORCE CSI 1-5 -177 0.06 3-6 354 0.15 2-5 -2109 0.98 3-7 -1951 0.91 2-6 213 0.10 4-7 -172 0.14 T T 4-M 4-"T 112-2-0 1 7-0-13__, 7-3 1 7-0-13 14-3-14 2 3 0E-0- 25 7-0-2 21-4-0 MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 IN MEM 5-6 (LIVE) L- -0.23" D= -0.23" T= -0 =--== Joint Locations =-- = 1 0- 0- 0 5 0- 0-0 2 7- 0-13 6 10- 8- 0 3 14- 3-14 7 21- 4- 0 4 21- 4- 0 4 yir &S D. Ts�Q �y 2-7-4 * 0 No. 011991 6-0 SH 10/3112005 1 EXPOATE sl jFn� cAL�tAQ�� 0-W MAR 2 2 2005 7 10-8-0 2, -0 3/22/2005 5 10-8-0 10-8-0 6 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 7/32" = 1' WARMING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: J4208 ® This design is for an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' SB T R S O R KS and time in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads Osgnr: SB TC Live 20.00 psf TC Dead 10.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 U S W A Company You Can Truss, utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord is laterally braced by the roof or Floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise ' noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11A Palm Desert, CA. 92211 Phone (760) 341-2232 Fax # (760) 341-2293 environment that will cause the moisture content of the wool to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports available as output from Truswal software', 'ANSI/TPI 1','WTCA F - Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities,'HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - (HIB -91) and'HIB-91 SUMMARY SHEET by TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at III 1 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. BC Live 0.00 psf BC Dead 10.00 psf TOTAL 40.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Design Spec CBC -01 Seqn T6.4.18 - 0 Job !,Name: SANTA FE 1 RG R -LOC RRACT SIZE REQ'D 1 0- 1-12 853 3.50 . 1.50• 2 21- 2- 4 853 3.50• 3.50• RG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY n the truss material at each bearing TC FORCE ARL BM CSI 1-2 5 0.00 0.45 0.45 2-3 -2169 0.04 0.45 0.49 3-4 -5 0.00 0.45 0.45 HC FORCE ARL END CSI 5-6 2024 0.20 0.59 0.60 6-7 1858 0.18 0.59 0.78 JWEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 1-5 -177 0.06 3-6 354 0.15 2-5 -2109 0.98 3-7 -1951 0.91 2-6 213 0.10 4-7 -172 0.14 TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-3 Truss ID: A03 TC 2x4 SPF 1650F-1.SB BC 2x4 SPP 1650P-1.513 WEB 2x4 HP STUD GBL BLR 2x4 HF STUD PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Gable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced at 16.0 " o.c. unless noted otherwise. Top chord supports 24.0 " of uniform load at 20 psf live load and 10 psf dead load. Additional design considerations may be required if sheathing is attached. [+] indicates the requirement for lateral bracing (designed by others) perpendicular to the plane of the member at 63 -intervals. Bracing is a result of wind load applied to member.(Combination axial plus bending). Thia truss requires adequate sheathing, as designed by others, applied to the truss face providing lateral support for webs in the truss plane and creating shear wall action to resist diaphragm loads. ®Web bracing required at each location shown See standard details (T%01087001-001 revl) Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. End verticals designed for axial loads only Extensions above or below the truss profile (if any) require additional consideration (by others) for horiz. loads on the bldg. 7-0-13 7-37-3 1 7-0-13 14-3-14 2 3 0� 1 7-07-02 21-4-0 4 0 UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support 1 -233 lb Support 2 -224 lb This truss is designed using the CBC -01 Code. Bldg Enclosed = Yee, Importance Factor - 1.00 Truss Location - End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line - No Exp Category = C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft Mean roof height - 16.16 ft, mph = 80 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 10.2 psf MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 IN MEM 6-7 (LIVE) L- -0.23" D. -0.23" T= -0 -=== Joint Locations ===== 0- 0- 0 5 0- 0- 0 2 7- 0-13 6 30- 8- 0 3 14- 3-14 7 21- 4- 0 4 21- 4- 0 I I\��EK� icy/l 3 6.6 3-8 3 Q�� C's 0. QV Gq9 FC',' 4-0-0 4-" �Z 2.2-0 2.7-4 6-0-0 *. C1 1991 1 l sHl p0 W2005 5-5 6-f I %n E[Pwe 1 5 6 10-8 10-8-0 B2 0-31 7 10-8_ 0 21-4-0 MAR 2-2 2005 3/22/2005 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 7132" = 1' all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: J4208 ®WARNTNGRead This design is for an individual building component not thus system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' SB T R and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads Dsgnr: SB U S S W O R KS A Company You Can Truss! utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord is laterally braced by the roof or Floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Live 20.00 psf TC Dead 10.00 psf Durleacs L=1.25 P=1.25 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11A Palm Desert, CA. 92211 Phone (760) 341-2232 Fax # (760) 341-2293 environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports available as output from Truswal software', Truswal ANSUTPI 1','WTCA I'- Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities,'HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - (HIB -91) and'HIB-91 SUMMARY SHEET by TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. BC Live 0.00 psf P BC Dead 10.00 psf TOTAL 40.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- Design Spec CBC -01 Seqn T6.4.18 - 0 Job Name: SANTA FE 1 Truss ID: A04 Qty: 11 Drw : RG x -Loc REACT SIZE REQ•D TC 2x4 SPP 1650P-1.SE Web bracing required at each location shown. UPLIFT REACTION(S) 1 0- 1-12 853 3.50• 1.50• BC 2x4 SPF 165OF-1.58 ® See standard details =01087001-001 revl). Support 1 -233 lb 2 21- 2- 4 853 3.50• 1.50• WEB 2x4 HP STUD Plating Spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 Support 2 -230 lb RG REpUIRHNBNTS shown are based ONLY PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF This truss is designed using the n the trues material at each bearing Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. CBC -01 Code. End verticals designed for axial loads only. Bldg Enclosed Yea, Importance Factor - 1.00 TC FORCE AXL BND CSI Extensions above or below the truss profile Truss Location End Zone 1-2 5 0.00 0.45 0.45 (if any) require additional consideration Hurricane/Ocean Line - No , Exp Category = C 2-3 -2169 0.04 0.45 0.49 (by others) for horiz. loads on the bldg. Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width - 20.00 ft 3-4 -5 0.00 0.45 0.45 Mean roof height = 16.16 ft, mph = 80 CHC Special Occupancy, Dead Load 10.2 psf BC FORCE ARL END CSI 5-6 2024 0.20 0.59 0.80 6-7 1858 0.18 0.59 0.78 WEB PORCH CSI WEB PORCH CSI 1-5 -177 0.06 3-6 354 0.15 2-5 -2109 0.98 3-7 -1951 0.91 2-6 213 0.10 4-7 -172 0.04 T 4-0-0T 12.2-0 1 7-0-13 7-3-1 7-0-2 7-0-13 14-3-14 21-4-0 1 2 3 4 0.25 3fi1 3-882 5 6 10-8_ 10-8-0 7 10-8-0 21.4-0 T 2-7-5 1 4 - MAR DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 IN MSM 6-7 (LIVE) L= -0.23" D- -0.23" T= -0 = Joint Locations = -- 1 0- 0- 0 5 0- 0- 0 2 7- 0-13 6 10- 8- 0 3 14- 3-14 7 21- 4- 0 4 21- 4- 0 MAK Z -Z ttuU;J 3/22/2005 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by •'Mx•• for HS 20 gauge or ••H'• for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 7132" = 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: J4208 ® This design is for an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' SB and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr' SB are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads TC Live 20.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 T R U S SW O R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company You Can Trussl is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 10.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install 'Joint BC Live 0.00 psf p O.C.S acin 2- 0- 0 P g Desert, PalmDesert CA. 92211 and braze this truss in accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Derail Reports available as output from Truswal software', 'ANSI/TPI 1.,'WTCA I'- Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities,'HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL SC Dead 10.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - (HIB -91) and'HIB-91 SUMMARY SHEET by TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at D'Onofrio Drive, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 40.00 psf Seqn T6.4.18 - 0 6" Job Name: SANTA FE 1 RG X -LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D 1 0. 1-12 853 3.50•1.50• 2 21- 2- 4 853 3.50• 1.50• RG REQUIREMM?TS shown are based ONLY n [ he truss material at each bearing TC FORCE AXL END CSI 1-2 5 0.00 0.45 0.45 2-3 -2169 0.04 0.45 0.49 3-4 -5 0.00 0.45 0.45 BC FORCE AXL BND CSI 5-6 2024 0.20 0.59 0.80 6-7 1858 0.18 0.59 0.78 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 1-5 -177 0.06 3-6 354 0.15 2-5 -2109 0.98 3-7 -1951 0.91 2-6 213 0.10 4-7 -172 0.04 TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-3 Truss ID: A05 TC 2x4 SPP 1650P -1.5E BC 2x4 SPP 165OF-1.5E WEB 2x4 HP STUD GBL BLR 2x4 HF STUD PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Gable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced at 16.0 " o.c. unless noted otherwise. Top chord supporta 24.0 " of uniform load at 20 psf live load and 10 psf dead load. Additional design considerations may be required if sheathing is attached. [a) indicates the requirement for lateral bracing (designed by others) perpendicular to the plane of the member at 63 -intervals. Bracing is a result of wind load applied to member.(Combination axial plus bending). This truss requires adequate sheathing, as designed by others, applied to the truss face providing lateral support for webs in the truss plane and creating shear wall action to resist diaphragm loads. I 4-0-0T 12.2-0 1 7-07-0� 7-0-13 2 ®web bracing required at each location shown. See standard detail (TX01087001-001 revl). Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. End verticals designed for axial loads only. Extensions above or below the truss profile (if -any) require additional consideration (by others) for horiz. loads on the bldg. 7-37-31 14-3-14 3 025 1 7-07-02 21-4-0 4 3g1 3-882 21.4-0 5 6 7 10-8-0 10-8-0 10-8 21-4-0 UPLIFT REACTION(S) - Support 1 -233 lb Support 2 -230 lb This trues is designed using the CBC -01 Code. Bldg Enclosed - Yee, Importance Factor - 1.00 Truss Location - End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line - No , Exp Category = C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg width - 20.00 ft mean roof height = 16.16 ft, mph = 80 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load 10.2 psf MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 IN MEM 6-7 (LIVE) L= -0.23" D- -0.23" T- -0 _=_= Joint Locations = = 1 0- 0- 0 5 0- 0 0 2 7-:0-13 6 10- 8- 0 3 14- 3-14 7 21- 4- 0 4 21- 4- 0 ��EpED T Q4G��S o. aq9� moi► rc T 4-0-0 * a0.01991 2-7-5 SHIP MAR 2 2 2005 3/22/2005 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 7132" = 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. w0: J4208 . ® - This design is for an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' SB and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads Dsgnr: SB T R U S S W O R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 20.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Truss! is laterally braced by the roof or Floor sheathing and the bonom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 10.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. Ste -11A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install 'Joint BC Live 0.00 psf P O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm Desert, CA. 92211 end brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports available as output from Truswal software', ANSI/TPI 1','WTCA I'- Wood Thus Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL BC Dead 10.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - (HIB -91) and'HIB-91 SUMMARY SHEET by TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at D'Onofrio Drive, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at III 1 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 40.00 psf Seqn T6.4.18 - 0 JobName: SANTA FE 1 Truss ID: A06 Qty: 3 Drw : RG A-I.oc REACr SIZE REQ'D TC 2x4 SPP 165OP-1.5E web bracing required at each location shown. UPLIFT REACTION(S) 1 0- 1-12 853 3.50 .1.50• BC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E ® See standard details (TR01087001-001 revl). Support 1 -233 lb 2 21- 2- 4 853 3.50" 1 . WEB 2x4 HP STUD Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 Support 2 -230 lb RG REQUIREMENTS chow are based ONLY PLATE VALVES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF This truss is designed using the a the truss material at each bearing Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. CBC -01 Code. End verticals designed for axial loads only. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor - 1.00 TC FORCE AXL END CSI Extensions above or below the truss profile Truss Location = End Zone 1-2 5 0.00 0.45 0.45 (if any) require additional consideration Hurricane/Ocean Line - No , Exp Category = C 2-3 -x169 0.04 0.45 0.49 (by others) for horiz. loads on the bldg. Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg width = 20.00 ft 3-4 -5 0.00 0.45 0.45 Mean roof height = 16.16 ft, mph = 80 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load 10.2 psf BC FORCE ARL END CSI 5-62024 0.20 0.59 0.80 6-7 1858 0.18 0.59 0.78 IWEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 1-5 -117 0.06 3-6 354 0.15 2-5 -2109 0.98 3-7 -1951 0.91 2-6 213 0.10 4-7 -172 0.04 T 4-0-0T 12.2-0 1 7-0-13__, 7-3-1 7-0-13 143-14 2 3 Or 25 7-070-2 21-4-0 4 5 10.8-0 10-8-0 21-4-0 6 7 10-8-0 21-4-0 MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 IN MEM 6-7 (LIVE) L= -0.23" D= -0.23" T= -0 T_= Joint Locations - 0- 0- 0 5 0-=-- 0- 0 2 7- 0-13 6 10- 0- 0 3 14- 3-14 7 21- 4- 0 4 21- 4- 0 * E5 No.C11991, .o w3lam1 AR 9-2 ?tn5 3/22/2005 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 7/32" = 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: J4208 ® This design is for an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chit' SB U S W O R KS and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads Dsgnr- SB TC Live 20.00 psf TC Dead 10.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 T R S A Company You Can Trussl utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord is laterally braced by the roof or Floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11A Palm Desert, CA. 92211 Phone (760) 341-2232 Fax # (760) 341-2293 environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports available as output from Truswal software', ANSI/TPI 1','WTCA I'- Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities,'HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - (HIB -91) and'HIB-91 SUMMARY SHEET by TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at I I I 119th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036, BC Live 0.00 P psf BC Dead 10.00 psf TOTAL 40.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Design Spec CBC -01 Seqn T6.4.18 - 0 Job Name: SANTA FE 1 Truss ID: A07 Qtv: 7 Drwa: RG x -LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D TC 2x4 SPP 1650P-1.513 1 0- 1-12 853 3.50• 1.50• BC 2x4 SPP 1650F-1.SE 2 21- 2- 4 853 3. So.1. So. WEB 2x4 HP STUD RG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607 In the trues material at each bearing Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. TC FORCE AAL BND CSI O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Design Spec CBC -01 Seqn T6.4.18 - 0 1-2 5 0.00 0.45 0.45 2-3 -2169 0.04 0.45 0.49 3-4 -5 0.00 0.45 0.45 _ BC FORCE AAL BND CSI 5-6 2024 0.20 0.59 0.80 6-7 1858 0.18 0.59 0.78 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 1-5 -177 0.06 3-6 354 0.15 2-5 -2109 0.98 3-7 -1951 0.91 2-6 213 0.10 4-7 -172 0.06 ®Web bracing required at each location shown. See standard details (TA01087001-001 revl). Plating Spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. End verticals designed for axial loads only. Extensions above or below the truss profile (if any) require additional consideration (by others) for horiz. loads on the bldg. UPLIFT RRACTION(S) Support 1 -233 lb Support 2 -233 lb This trues is designed using the CBC -01 Code. Bldg Enclosed - Yes, Importance Factor - 1.00 Trues Location - End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category - C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft Mean roof height = 16.16 ft, mph = 8o CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 10.2 psf 6" 1 7-0-13 7-3-1 7-0-13 14-3-14 2 3 025 7-0-2 21-4-0 4 3t1 3-8132 5 10-8-0 10-8-0 21.4-0 6 7 10-8 21-4-0 =-=- Joint Locations = = 1 0- 0- 0 5 0- 0 0 2 7- 0-13 6 10- 8- 0 3 14- 3-14 7 21- 4- 0 4 21- 4- 0 Ts�S G9 C' T 4-0-0 ". C1 1991 a 7 1 SHIP 10431/2005 DP DATE sl oficAc.1F°�`� 'MAR 2,2 2005 3/22/2005 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 7/32" = 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor, Eng. Job: EJ. WO: J4208 ® This design is for an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' SB R KS and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads DSgnr SB TC Live 20.00 psf TC Dead 10.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 T R U S S1N0 A Company You Can Trussl p y utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord is laterally braced by the roof or Floor sheathing and the bonom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any 75-110 St. Charles pl. Ste -11A Palm Desert, CA. 92211 Phone (760) 341-2232 Fax # (760) 341-2293 environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports available as output from Truswal software', 'ANSI/TPI I','WTCA I' - Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - (HIB -91) and'HIB-91 SUMMARY SHEET' by TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. BC Live 0.00 psf P BC Dead 10.00 psf TOTAL 40.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Design Spec CBC -01 Seqn T6.4.18 - 0 Job Name: SANTA FE 1 RG R -LOC REACT SIZE REG 'D 1 0- 1-12 853 3.50• 1.50` 2 21- 2- 4 853 3.50• 1.50• RG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY n the truss material at each bearing TC FORCE AAL END CSI 1-2 5 0.00 0.45 0.45 2-3 -2169 0.04 0.45 0.49 3-4 -5 0.00 0.45 0.45 BC FORCE ARL BND CSI 5-6 2024 0.20 0.59 0.80 6-7 1858 0.18 0.59 0.78 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 1-5 -177 0.06 3-6 354 0.15 2-5 -2109 0.98 3-7 -1951 0.91 2-6 213 0.10 4-7 -172 0.06 Truss ID: A08 TC 2x4 SPP 165OP-1.5E BC 2x4 SPP 1650P-1.511 WEB 2x4 HP STUD GBL BLR 2x4 HP STUD PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT 1)1607. Gable verticals are 21c 4 web material spaced at 16.0 " o.c. unless noted otherwise. Top chord supports 24.0 " of uniform load at 20 psf live.load and 10 psf dead load. Additional design considerations may be required if sheathing is attached. [+] indicates the requirement for lateral bracing (designed by others) perpendicular to the plane of the member at 63"intervals. Bracing is a result of wind load applied to member.(Combination axial plus bending). This trues requires adequate sheathing, as designed by others, applied to the truss face providing lateral support for webs in the truss plane and creating shear wall action to resist diaphragm loads. ®Web bracing required at each location shown See standard details (TR01087001-001 revl) Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. End verticals designed for axial loads only Extensions above or below the truss profile (if any) require additional consideration (by others) for horiz. loads on the bldg. 1 C UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support 1 -233 lb Support 2 -233 lb This trues is designed using the CBC -01 Code. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor - 1.00 Truss Location = End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line - No , Exp Category - C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width 20.00 ft Mean roof height = 16.16 ft, mph 80 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load 10.2 psf 6" TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-3 7-0-13 7-0-13 _= Joint Locations =- 1 0- 0- 0 5 0- 0 0 2 7- 0-13 6 10- 8- 0 3 14- 3-14 -7 21- 4- 0 7-3-1 7-0-2 4 21- 4- 0 14-3-14 21-4-0 2 3 4 02. 5 10-8 10-6-0 6 7 10-8 21.4-0 lA *�No. C11991a* 10/31/3005 F]VOAiE ./ MAR 2,2 2005 3/22/2005 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 7132" = 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: J4208 ® T R U S Sol1l0 R KS This design is for an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads Chit' SB DSgnr: SB TC Live 20.00 psf TC Dead 10.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 A Company You Can Trussl utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord is laterally braced by the roof or Floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A Palm Desert, CA. 92211 Phone (760) 341-2232 Fax # (760) 341-2293 environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cauie connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports available as output from Truswal software', 'ANSI/TPI 1.,'WTCA F- Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities,'HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - (HIB -91) and'HIB-91 SUMMARY SHEET by TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at D'Onofrio Dtive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. BC Live 0.00 psf P BC Dead 10.00 psf TOTAL 40.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 Design Spec CBC -01 Seqn T6.4.18 - 0 Job Name: SANTA FE 1 RG X -LOC ABACI SIZE REQ'D 1 0- 1-12 Tse 3.so• 1.50• 2 18- 9-12 758 3.50• 1.50• RG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY in the truss material at each bearing TC FORCE AXL END CSI 1-2 5 0.00 0.49 0.49 2-3 -1657 0.02 0.49 0.51 3-4 -4 0.00 0.33 0.33 BC FORCE AAL END CSI 5-6 1679 0.16 0.49 0.66 6-7 1238 0.12 0.49 0.61 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 1-5 -168 0.06 3-6 481 0.17 2-5 -1752 0.92 3-7 -1376 0.74 2-6 196 0.06 4-7 -99 0.04 TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-3 Truss ID: A09 TC 2x4 SPP 1650F-1.58 BC 2x4 SPP 1650P-1.58 WEB 2x4 HP STUD GBL ELK 2x4 HP STUD PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Gable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced at 16.0 " o.c. unless noted otherwise. Top chord supports 24.0 " of uniform load at 20 psf live load and 10 psf dead load. Additional design considerations may be required if sheathing is attached. [a] indicates the requirement for lateral bracing (designed by others) perpendicular to the plane of the member at 63 -intervals. Bracing is a result of wind load applied to member.(Combination axial plus bending). This truss requires adequate sheathing, as designed by others, applied to the truss face providing lateral support for webs in the truss plane and creating shear wall action to resist diaphragm loads. 4-"T 2-2-0 1 ®web bracing required at each location shown. See standard details (TX01087001-001 revl). Plating Spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. End verticals designed for axial loads only. Extensions above or below the truss profile (if any) require additional consideration (by others) for horiz. loads on the bldg. 1 7-0-13 7-3_0 4-7-11 7-0-13 14-3-13 18-11-8 2 3 4 o25 0 UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support 1 -213 lb Support 2 -213 lb This truss is designed using the CBC -01 Code. Bldg Enclosed - Yes, Importance Factor - 1.00 Truss Location = End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line - No , Exp Category = C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width 20.00 ft Mean roof height - 16.13 ft, mph 80 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load 10.2 psf 5 10� 10-8-0 6 2-4~= 7 STUB 88-3-8 18-11-8 MAR DEFLECTION (span) : L/971 IN MEM 5-6 (LIVE) L= -0.23" D- -0.23" T= -0 _= Joint Locations = = 1 0- 0- 0 5 0- 0 0 2 7- 0-13 6 10- 8- 0 3 14- 3-13 7 18-11- 8 4 18-11- 8 �% No. C11991 SHIP 10/31/2005 V(PDATE 1 Of C vtv MAR 2--2 2005 3/22/2005 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 1/4" = 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job:. EJ. WO: J4208 ® This design is for an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' SB T R and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads Dsgnr: SB U S S1iN0 R KS A Company You Can Trussl utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Live 20.00 psf TC Dead 10.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11A Palm Desert, CA. 92211 Phone (760) 341-2232 Fax # (760) 341-2293 environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports available as output from Truswal software', 'ANSI/rPI 1.,'WTCA I*- Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities,'HANDL[NG INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - (1-1I13-91) and'HIB-91 SUMMARY SHEET by TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at D'Onoftio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. BC Live 0.00 psf P SC Dead 10.00 psf TOTAL 40.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Design Spec CBC -01 Seqn T6.4.18 - 0 Job Name: SANTA FE 1 Truss ID: A09A Qtv: 2 Drwci: RG 21 -LOC REACT SIZE REO'D TC 2x4 SPP 165OF-1.52 1 0- 1-12 758 3.50• 1.50• BC 2x4 SPP 1650F-1.52 2 le- 9-12 758 3.50• 1.50• WEB 2x4 HP STUD RG REOUYREMMiTS shown are based ONLY PLATE VALUES PER ICBG RESEARCH REPORT #1607. n the truss material at each bearing Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. TC FORCE AXL END CSI - TC Dead 10.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 1-2 5 0.00 0.49 0.49 Palm Desert, CA. 92211 and brute this truss in accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports available as output from Truswal software', 'ANSVrPI I','WTCA I'- Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities,'HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL 2-3 -1657 0.02 0.49 0.51 3-4 -4 0.00 0.33 0.33 BC FORCE AXL END CSI 5-6 1679 0.16 0.49 0.66 6-7 1238 0.12 0.49 0.61 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 1-5 -168 0.06 3-6 481 0.17 2-5 -1752 0.92 3-7 -1376 0.74 2-6 196 0.06 4-7 -99 0.04 ®Web bracing required at each location shown. See standard details (TX01087001-001 reel). Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. End verticals designed for axial loads only. Extensions above or below the trues profile (if any) require additional consideration (by others) for horiz. loads on the bldg. UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support 1 -213 lb Support 2 -213 lb This truss is designed using the CBC -01 Code. Bldg Enclosed - Yee, Importance Pastor - 1.00 Truss Location - End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category - C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width - 20.00 ft Mean roof height = 16.13 ft, mph 80 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load 10.2 psf 6" 4-"T 2-2 1 -0 7-0-13 7-0-13 77-3-0 4-7-11 14-3-13 18-11-8 1 2 3 4 02- 3 61 '-$12 5 10-8-0 10-8-0 6 1-8 7 STUB 8-3-8 18-11-8 4-" SHI%P 71 Joint Locations-- - 0- 0- 0 5 0- 0- 0 2 7- 0-13 6 10- 8- 0 3 14- 3-13 7 18-11- 8 4 18-11- 8 19 - i iJ'3i/20Q5 E3� D�KfE MAR 22 2005 3/22/2005 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 1/4" = 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job:. EJ. WO: J4208 ® This design is for an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' SB and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions DSgnr' SB are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads TC Live 20.00 psf DurFaes L=1.25 P=1.25 T R U S S WO R KS ut lized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company You Can Trussl is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 10.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. Ste -11A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install 'Joint psf BC Live 0.00 P O.C.S acin 2- 0- 0 P g Palm Desert, CA. 92211 and brute this truss in accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports available as output from Truswal software', 'ANSVrPI I','WTCA I'- Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities,'HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL BC Dead 10.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - (HIB -91) and'HIB-91 SUMMARY SHEET by TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at D'Onof io Drive, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at I I 1 119th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 40.00 psf Seqn T6.4.18 - 0 Job Name: SANTA FE 1 Truss ID: A10 Qty: 16 Drw : RG R -LOC REACT SIZE RED'D TC 2x4 SPP 165OF-1.59 Web bracing required at each location shown. UPLIFT REACTIONS) 1 0- 1-12 758 3.50' 1.50• BC 2x4 SPP 1650P-1.59 ® See standard details (Tx01087001-001 revl). Support 1 -213 lb 2 18- 9-12 758 3.50• 3.50• WEB 2x4 HP STUD Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 Support 2 -203 lb RG REQUIREMENTS show are based ONLY PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF This truss is designed using the n the truss material at each bearing Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. CBC -01 Code. T R U S S O R on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord End verticals designed for axial loads only. Bldg Enclosed Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 TC FORCE ARL END CSI Extensions above or below the truss profile Truss Location End Zone 1-2 5 0.00 0.49 0.49 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 (if any) require additional consideration Hurricane/Ocean Line - No , Exp Category = C 2-3 -1657 0.02 0.49 0.51 O.C.S pacing 2-0-0 (by others) for horiz. loads on the bldg. Bldg Length - 40.00 ft, Bldg width - 20.00 ft 3-4 -4 0.00 0.33 0.33 Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 Mean roof height = 16.13 ft, mph = s0 Fax # (760) 341-2293 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 10.2 psf HC PORCH AAL END CST 5-6 1679 0.16 0.49 0.66 6-7 1238 0.12 0.49 0.61 I11, PORCH CSI WEB FORCE CSI -168 0.06 3-6 481 0.17 -1752 0.92 3-7 -1376 0.74 196 0.06 4-7 -99 0.08 6- i .1 4-" T 2-I2-0 T 7-0-13 i 7-3;0 4-7.11 7-0-13 14-3-13 18-11-8 2 3 4 0� B2 -W T 2.6-11 T T1_= Joint Locations==- - 0- 0- 0 5 0- 0- 0 2 7- 0-13 6 10- 8- 0 3 14- 3-13 7 18-11- 8 4 18-11- 8 19 ' No. 011991 >,W31/2W5 EVDATE MAR 2 2 2005 18-11-8 2-4-8 5 6 7rSTUB 1D -B-0) 3/22/2005 81 10-8-0 1 18-11-88 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 1/4" = 1' all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor, Eng. Job: EJ. WO: J4208 ®WAMIWGRead This design is for an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' SB and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr: SB W KS arc to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads utilized TC Live 20.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 T R U S S O R on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company YCTl p youanruss is laterally braced by the roof or Floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracingshown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be laced in an PPo Poi Y g g P° P Y TC Dead 10.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl, ste-11A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19°h and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install 'loins BC Live 0.00 psf p O.C.S pacing 2-0-0 Palm Desert, CA. 92211 and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports available as output from Truswal software, ANSIIfPI 1%'WTCA I' - Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities,'HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL BC Dead 10.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - (HIB -91) and'HIB-91 SUMMARY SHEET by TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at D'Onoftio Drive, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at I I I 119th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 40.00 psf Seqn T6.4.18 - 0 Job Blame: SANTA FE 1 Truss ID: A11 Qty: 1 Drw : RG R -LOC REACT SIZE REQ - TC 2x4 SPP 16SOF-1.5B Plating spec ANSI/TPI - 1995 UPLIFT REACTION(S) 1.50. 1 13- 6- 4 223 3.50- 1.50• BC 2x4 SPP 1650F-1.52 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 1 -74 lb 2 19- 9-12 223 3.50• 3.50• WEB 2x4 HF STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Support 2 -63 lb RG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY GBL ELK 2x4 HF STUD PLATE VALUES PER ICBG RESEARCH REPORT #1607. This truss is designed using the n the trues material at each bearing Gable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. CBC -01 Code. at 16.0 " o.c. unless noted otherwise. End verticals designed for axial loads only. Bldg Enclosed - Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 TC FORCE AAL END CSI Top chord supports 24.0 " of uniform load Extensions above or below the truss profile Trues Location - End Zone 1-2 -3 0.00 0.34 0.34 at 20 psf live load and 10 psf dead load. (if any) require additional consideration Hurricane/Ocean Line - No , Exp Category - C Additional design considerations may be (by others) for horiz. loads on the bldg. Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg width = 20.00 ft BC FORCE AAL END CSI required if sheathing is attached. Mean roof height - 16.13 ft, mph = EO 3-4 -1 0.00 0.16 0.16 t*) indicates the requirement for lateral e�.��so• CSC Special Occupancy, Dead Load - 10.2 psf bracing (designed by others) perpendicular WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI to the plane of the member at 63"intervals. 1-3 -167 0.06 2-4 -167 0.14 Bracing is a result of wind load applied 1-4 1 0.00 to member.(Combination axial plus bending). This truss requires adequate sheathing, as 2.6-11 designed by others, applied to the truss face providing lateral support for webs in Itu 1:= the truss plane and creating shear wall lip Pt 1Q/31l2G05 action to resist diaphragm loads. 5 MAIC DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 IN MEM 3-4 (LIVE) L- -0.02" D- -0.02" T- -0 ' S-7-0 ----- Joint Locations =--- 5-7-0 1 0- 0- 0 3 0- 0- 0 2 5- 7- 0 4 5- 7- 0 1 2 025 3 3.6 c49�zc�, 4-0-0 4-0-0 TT e�.��so• 2.5-6 2.6-11 No 011991 o t 11 Itu 1:= S lip Pt 1Q/31l2G05 5 tate Im►tE 2BCAI�F�% / 0-" 'LIAR 2,2 2005 5-7-0 1 13-4-8 2-4-- TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-3 STUB 3 4 STUB ' S-7-0 v 3/22/2005 J All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless receded b MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned er Dint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. P 9 9 P Y" 9 9 9 9 P P P Scale: 9/32" = 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: J4208 ® This design is for an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk: SB and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr: SB T R S S W R KS are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads U O utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 20.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Trussl is laterally braced by the roof or Floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral suppon of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 10.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install 'Joint BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spaeing 2- 0- 0 PalmDesertCA. 92211 Desert, and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports available as output from Truswal software', 'ANSI/TPI 1','WTCA I' - Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities,'HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL SC Dead 10.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - (HIB -91) and'HIB-91 SUMMARY SHEET' by TPI. The Thus Plate Institute (TPI) is located at D'Onoftio Drive, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 111 119th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 40.00 psf Seqn T6.4.18 - 0 Job Name: SANTA FE 1 Truss ID: Al2 Qtv: 2 Drwci: RG A -LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D TC 2x4 SPP 1650F-1.59 1 0- 1-12 547 3.50 .1.50• BC 2x4 SPP 1650F-1.59 2 13- 6- 4 547 3.50• 1.50• WEB 2x4 HP STUD RG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607 n the trues material at each bearing Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. TC FORCE ARL END CSI utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company You Can Trussl 1-2 5 0.00 0.52 0.52 2-3 -591 0.00 0.52 0.52 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11A BC FORCE ARL END CSI o.c.spacing 2-0-0 PalmDesert CA. 92211 Desert, 4-5 980 0.09 0.48 0.57 5-6 2 0.00 0.48 0.48 Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 NSB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI Fax # (760) 341-2293 1-4 -165 0.06 3-5 730 0.25 Seqn T6.4.18 - 0 2-4 -1023 0.51 3-6 -584 0.21 2-5 -449 0.18 1 ®web bracing required at each location shown. See standard details (TB01087001-001 revl). Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. End verticals designed for axial loads only. Extensions above or below the trues profile (if any) require additional consideration (by others) for horiz. loads on the bldg. 7-07-0-13 7-0-13 2 025 6-76-7 3 13-8-0 UPLIFT REACTIONS) : Support 1 -163 lb Support 2 -163 lb This truss is designed using the CBC -01 Code. Bldg Enclosed - Yee, Importance Factor - 1.00 Truss Location - End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line - No , Exp Category - C Bldg Length - 40.00 ft, Bldg width - 20.00 ft Mean roof height = 16.08 ft, mph = 80 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 10.2 psf 3 61 B2 MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/803 IN MEM 4-5 (LIVE) L= -0.20" D- -0.20" T- -0 7Joint Locations =-- 0- 0- 0 4 0- 0- 0 2 7- 0-13 5 lo- 8- 0 3 13- 8- 0 6 13- 8- 0 Xw- O S M G�*1 � A * o NO.C11S91 � � 4-0-0 t0131/ZOps �H i _ ........... f MAR 212 2005 7-8-0 - 4 5 6 STUB 10-8 33-0� 3/22/2005 10-8-0 13-8-0 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 3/8" = 1' WAMING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. w0: J4208 ® This design is for an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' SB and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr: SB T R KS are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads TC Live 20.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 R U S S W O utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company You Can Trussl is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally brazed by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 10.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install 'Joint BC Live 0.00 psf o.c.spacing 2-0-0 PalmDesert CA. 92211 Desert, and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Derail Reports available az output from Truswal software', 'ANSI/TPI 1','WTCA I'- Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities,'HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL BC Dead 10.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES'- (HIB -91) and'HIB-91 SUMMARY SHEET by TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at D'Onofrio Drive, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at I 1 I 1 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 40.00 psf Seqn T6.4.18 - 0 Job Name: SANTA FE 1 RGR-LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D 1 0- 1-12 547 3.50 . 1.50• 2 13- 6- 4 547 3.50• 1.50 - RG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY a the truss material at each bearing TC FORCE ARL BND. CSI 1-2 5 0.00 0.52 0.52 2-3 -591 0.00 0.52 0.52 BC FORCE AAL END CSI 4-5 980 0.09 0.48 0.57 5-6 2 0.00 0.48 0.48 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 1-4 -165 0.06 3-5 730 0.25 2-4 -1023 0.51 3-6 -584 0.21 2-5 -449 0.18 Truss ID: A13 TC 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E BC 2x4 SPP 1650P-1.58 WEB 2x4 HF STUD GBL BLR 2x4 HP STUD PLATS VALUES PER ICBG RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Gable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced at 16.0 o.c. unless noted otherwise. Top chord supports 24.0 " of uniform load at 20 psf live load and 10 psf dead load. Additional design considerations may be required if sheathing is attached. [+] indicates the requirement for lateral bracing (designed by others) perpendicular to the plane of the member at 63"intervals. Bracing is a result of wind load applied to member.(Combination axial plus bending). This truss requires adequate sheathing, as designed by others, applied to the trues face providing lateral support for webs in the truss plane and creating shear wall action to resist diaphragm loads. ®web bracing required at each location shown See standard details (T%01087001-001 revl) Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. End verticals designed for axial loads only Extensions above or below the truss profile (if any) require additional consideration (by others) for horiz. loads on the bldg. 1 UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support 1 -163 lb Support 2 -163 lb This truss is designed using the CBC -01 Code. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 Truss Location = End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category = C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg width - 20.00 ft Mean roof height = 16.08 ft, mph80 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load =10.2 psf 0" 1 7-0-13 7-0-13 2 0� 6-76-73 13-8-0 3 36 3-4 3-0 T 4-0-0 H 2-5-6 1( 3-4 -4 B1 B2 4 7$� 5 6 STUB =_=== Joint Locations - 1 0- 0- 0 4 0- 0 0 2 7- 0-13 5 10- 8- 0 3 13- 8- 0 6 13- 8- 0 a NO. C119M 1Q13M M E MAR 2,2 20015 TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-3 10-8 3-" 3/22/2005 10-8-0 13-8-0 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 3/8" = 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: J4208 ® This design is for an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' SB and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr: SB T R U S S W O R KS are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads TC Live 20.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company You Can Trussl is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 10.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 at. Charles pl. ste-11A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install 'Joint BC Live 0.00 psf P O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm Desert, CA. 92211 and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports available as output from Truswal software', 'ANSI/TPI 'HANDLING BC Dead Phone (760) 341-2232 1.,'WTCA F- Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' SUMMARY SHEET 10.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Fax # (760) 341-2293 - (HIB -91) and'HIB-91 by TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 40.00 psf Seqn T6.4.18 - 0 A I. 2x4 POST ATTACHED TO EACH TRUSS PANEL POINT AND OVERHEAD 2. 20 #1 HF OR 02 OF PURLINS 4'- 0 " O.0 a: 3. 20 01 HF OR 02 OF CONTINUOUS STIFFENER ATTACHED TO POST• 1 I 4. HIP TRUSS Of SETBACK FROM END WALL: AS NOTED ON TRUSS DESIONJ v R P LACEµT ��,qH I >t S., PXTENDED END JACK TOP CHORD (TYPICA(.) .. /• 6 COMMON TRUSS. G ` . II (I 44 ,� 7. HIP CORNER RAFTER. I. Ix4CONTINUous LATERAL BRACING. s S a () I 9. EXTENDED BOTTOM CHORD. ith IL SECTION A I L HI TF STABRiLY OF ROOF S I R1jj _ IS P8R BUILJDIIIO DEBIONER. SETBACK AS NOTED ON TRUSS DFsinm c-� 1 HIP TRUSSES 24" O.C. (TYPICAL) ADEQUATE coNmcncN BY07HR S(n?V.,ALj DA! 5 WARNING no" a0 noon on ab ghee, and 0►w a copy e Fit to the Enoting Contraotot ,► m' amp is b en oommow e� o.om.�. e w ew ewe eA epeeekaoec po dee q aecaAare enmYraW No emr" /` /,► y r• �ar+M �Mdo�ea T!1 aU NM Orbn herr. 1M rrronW�r i Wine IN erwoo. uprq tlwr+�ar et. HIP FRAMING DETAIL, 1/21/98 =dc..: `.. &*BM s""'"'a'�e"'°'° "nWOfAe"�e' The' 4=WW '.'.. A%wpop~'e.go 1 -1••e erten. dows0..p1 eenOWa b+enowo. a.wr..ow�anupc+ww4loww bmcwbygo wamb IB be a caer bow enc eel eme i1ee11 • lelrey been e1 • roe 060" oelrrl ditc* rwy uiru eeo.ew Anel aec" ad -0 Ab" In001a10demo atem."ieomess agw rw>s�aeerAee°r� IeeeeeAwe.eredreeor�rreereeaerer d�dyr eewcw�ocr Arreoras. Mccr. AelW.eWreAe Nerer►eire• • u�vvK3ritNASGO1i'OAAtiON •xwrmm.wrnaee.warc ee.erIMNoor�+K•bei.w.•auwrr6aMmo►arrowotowwtKrutaowew�rxo WOOD MAUF • a> SM WMUG 01PA{j00 AM OV010 eeU& pun ONSM eD WON Uuwr • eeoaA eep Vasal Rr ry frerlw. lselerrlaeer"m4=:%.g ow4o�r�reaw4borr� W�a nrA.aaehe�we tipw Ae�efreA {NpMt a Tern a t� Ceeeeahr Ter lk ee Aeeee low IMP TRUSWAL SYSTEMS CORPORATION 4445 NORTHPARK DRIVE. SUITE 200 'COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO 80907 (800)322-4045 (719)598-5660 FAX(719)$98-8463 DETAILS FOR CONVENTIONALLY FRAMED VALLEY SETS PLAN VIEW A. DETAIL A CENTER P.,OG=_ RAFTEF 1 VALLEY RAFTER (TYP ) 2 -16d TOE NAILS 2 X 4 BLOCK Wl�. (TYP) 4 .16d ?LA VIEW . DETAIL C PURLIN _fT_ UR 2 X 4 BLOCK WITH 2 - Iiia' Nolas: ; l The maximum Tc4AI Top Chord Load = 48 PSF TRUSSES @ 24" O.C. Wnirtum Top Ch -.rd Dead Load = 7 PSF The design for Imta.--' loads and their connections is GIRDER DESIGNED TO SUPPORT the responsfbrldy 3f 1::e Building Designer.. The details THE "TIE-IN' TRUSSES Provided address jrriiy and wind uptill loads only per the UBC. - The maximum w. -.f speed is AS MPH, 25 It Maan Ro& B Height (max.). Exp. C. 16d boat nails are typ--al throughout, except as noted (in details), The Center Ridge 'Rafter ( CRR ) is 2 x 6 stud. Attach this to the 1 x 6 with 4-16c loo nails (2 from each lace ). Attach the C opposite and to Iho tens the same. ELEVATION VIEW. The Valley Ratter.:, pr••lins, and blocking material are 2 x 4 stud. Tha blocking mus- ba paced 24' O.C. and be adequately braced in the lateral direct an .1 643.0 O.C. Attach this Mocking to the Valley Rafter with 30.-d. Attach this blocking to the purlin with 2-16d. The trusses below I4a valley are spaced 24.O.0 , The pudins-are full length under the Valley set and must be installed at 24'0.0 * 4'O.C. They are :o be attached to each overlapping truss top chord with 2-16d nails. If he) are not one continuous length, add a 12- long nailer to the face o' the truss lop chord vmth 4-16d End one purlin sec -lion on Ih1'x d - DETAIL '9 a MSS an ;in the addilronasection on the nailer. VALLEY RAFTER. A 1. x 8 perimeter nrnne. must be attached through the sheathing and into each truss below vnih 3-6d box nails. This 1 x 8 follows the outside proriie of the valley. The VelleY Rafters :re spaced 24' O.C. Attach them to the CRR with 1 5- 2-16d los nails. Attrch the opposite and to the 1 x 8 wdh 3-8d toe nails. 2 X 4 BLOCK PLAN VIEW WITH 3 - 16d 1X4 'PERIMETER RUNNER, :JE TAIL C 11r 1 S - VALLEY RAFTER 2-16d TOE IT NAIL$ TRUSS TOP rW'?b ,0.0 CHORD 7/16, SHEATHING ELEVATION VIEW ELEVATION VIE{N PEAK PLATE: 3.4 12x41 6.5 12x6► 6-8 12x81 MAXIMUM 1'•0" SAVE WITH i 6'-0` MAXIMUM BLOCKS(21.32"o.c. OR 2'-0' SAVE, / MAXIMUM, WITH 4x2 12 OR BTR. BRACE SPACING OUTLOOKERS CUT INTO GABLE Q // �f I 32'o.c. i t 2x4 /2 MINIMUM CONTINUOUS 1i it STRONGNACK BRACED TO ROOF I I STRUCTURE AT 6'-0" MAXIMUM. r II I1 STRONGBACK AT: 2x4 STRONGBACK BRACED 4'-10' CLEASPAN, 70 MPH. AT EVERY 6'-0" MAXIMUM 1.5-3, T�Y`PICAL 4'•1.6'CLEARSPAN, 80 MPH , CO�INELTION MINIMUM GRADE CHORDS AND STUDS 2x4 STUD/STANDARD. STUDS TO BE. MAXIMUM 24'o.c. HEEL PLATE: 3.4 12x41 6.6 (2x8) -- — 6.6 (2X8) BC SPLICE: 3-4 12x4) 5-512x6) 6-6 12x8► A MAXIMUM 40 PSF LIVE.LOAD. 00 MPH WIND EXPOSURE C. LESS THAN 20'-0' WALL HEIGHT. BRACING DETAILS CONTINUOUS BEARING WALL I GABLE END FRAMING CONNECTION DETAILS (MIN. NAIL I.IEUU1REMENTS SHOWN) 2x4 SOLID BLOCK WITH 3.164 NAILS 8d AT 6' o.c. SHEATHING TO GABLE EA. ENO ANQ 8d NAILS FROM SHEATHING I TRUSS, 8d AT 6' o.c. TO BLOCK AT 6"o.c. I I -lad 2-16d 1 *NOTCH Q 32' o.e. SOLID BLOCK WITH 2.18d TOE - 2x4 BRACE 2-16d NAILED EA. END WITH 4-16d NAILS $'LATE CODE srACtND DATE MODEL 20 UBC CONTINUOUS 2/11/99 n A MI r 1'YrT w It n BRACE in WALL BRACING PER �- 2x4 CONTINUOUS BACKING WITH 16d NAILS AT 24' o.c. TO THE WALL PLATE.. SECTION.A ABLE STU v q v � v Np• 01991 ♦c �013�) 05 Q 0 z 1 TF OF. P��F WARNING Read ill notes on this sheet and give a copy of It to the Erecting Contractor. This detlgn Is lar an Wividuet bu3dmg component. It has been based on specifications provided by the co mponeN manuisawer and done in A ` aa, with lm current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No ruponsibaly is assumed lot dimensional accuracy. Dime mmu are A wrt� to lie vented by lin component mMwteawa ondror building designer pnor to fabrication. The building designer snap ascertain anal the bads ulAAM an aria design meet OF OCeed the I00" imposed by the local budding code. 11 is assumed that me lop chord is talwapy braced by the 1001 or pods Sheathing and On bottom chord Is latwouy braced by a rigid sheathing matef4l directly attached. unless mnettdae riote& araong amen n br Mesal Suppmt of domponente members only to reduce buek*V length. This component Shall not be placed in anyemrlrortmeta that IMAMAMA ..dl rause nn rr101riwe content a me «ood acted wet andlar aura eamneaor Vale eCnoaron. Fabricate. handle. Nriaa and brace thin will in Altvrnue Stud Connrclion with Sta Iv �[,CoCo $N NOTE: Vent Mocks Wray be omitted � nnectlion , where no vent Is required. I" Crown I 1/4"lone D-2.5/1 • T-11 or equal ' M +J t O I ` ` A � � O c 4 � 1 I. h D•11, T•11 Varies I to suit vent or oullooker Cutout for 2x4 laid flat Cutout toy 2x4 laid nal ?k7S,46,111plr71,ulldl�, lana) 4 ` let Add-on -y — 1— —tr with .6dnatts at 16"o. c. (by builder) "OFF STUD'tUTOUTS "ON'STUD"CUTOUTS DETAILS FOR 2 x 4 OUTLOOKERS 2416d naps 12 varies DESIGN FOR TYPICAL CA ULE END'TRUSS CAUL1: FIND TRUSS , TRUSS I 2-16d nail `�coc Truss Plate<LI CABLE END BRACING 2.16d nail low Q. Lu No L -'-���+ TRUswAL ANAIIEI F.Ue 110. Cable End Truss ' Dart:' I2/�/16 ravn..a eo.,•Keton{ 11 a l w •1 p... w rq .1-1 .r,n... •..1 a. w, w• r {••1' { ...•.+Rlw�•ww.I�.�'T1lIMw I►.4a...lr,r1•aw.{.{,w11",�.ww•Irw M»4 •.Ir.J{••.. M•r, w,a,.s,,, .tiawrw•,•.-6.•. iwrw•.w.r Ref: Des. D JN Ck, D 1 y y 4..�..l.Maw,►.�N.O1:Iwwr.n.w•.n'...Prglwr.�r..M..11•.4w•»wwu.�Ar�ww.I.w.u. �foml.w.rtir.a.�11:1{..u.+.y w..lf .Ji'.. t.w•..rw.....r+n.�..�l�..n•..,....,.•.t.w. -w rw •w�.w.v'�., PG/1{MOCalelYl0�11aRMwCKI R O N E L OETi10r . nr ►..... �.ar a. wo{ . rw... a ,..a lw� ... a,«n... »►..• .v. I { w. o . wr, /{ p..w ...a �. w.n .. to M A T LA N T " I.....r ...y...... w t ea e. aa.l a l .r a. , l,. 1 RECOMMENDED CONNECTION DETAILS THESE DETAILS ARE INTENDED TO SHOW MINIMUM REQUIRED CONNECTIONS RECOMMENDED BY TRUSWAL SYSTEMS. THE DETAILS DO NOT REPLACE OR SUPERSEDE: ANY DETAILS SPECIFIED BY A PROJECT EEGINEER OR ARCHITECT ON A PARTICULAR PROJECT, NOR HAVE THEY BEEN ANALYZED FOR SEISMIC AND WIND FORCES ACTING ON THE -CONNEC- TIONS FROM THE RESPONSE OF THE. STRUCTURE TO SUCH LOADS. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THE APPROVAL OF THE PROJECT ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT BE OBTAINED BEFORE USING THESE DETAILS. BEARING REQUIREMENTS. SHOWN ON SPECIFIC TRUSS DESIGNS MUST BE SATISFIED, INCLUDING CONNECTIONS FOR UPLIFT REACTIONS. TRUSS CONNECTION TO EXTERIOR BEARING WALLS (� TRUSSES @ 24" O.C. (TYP.) ® A I ' BLOCK BLOCK lffM BLOCK . ® • STUDS. @ A L 16- O.C. (TYP.) PROCEDURE: 1 -TOE-NAIL BLOCK TO TRUSS WITH 1=16d COMMON NAIL. 2 PLACE NEXT TRUSS AGAINST BLOCK AND TOE -NAIL TRUSS TO.TOP PLATE WITH 2-16d COMMON NAILS. 3 END NAIL THROUGH TRUSS INTO BLOCK WITH 1-16d COMMON NAIL. 4 PLACE NEXT BLOCK AGAINST TRUSS AND REPEAT STEPS 1 THROUGH 5 BLOCKS MAY BE ATTACHED TO TOP PLATE WITH SIMPSON A35F (OR FRAMING ANCHORS. SEE MANUFACTURER'S CATALOG FOR DEQ SPECIFICATIONS. O BLOC) TOP PLATES SEI -3. EQUIV.) TRUSS CONNECTION TO INTERIOR BEARING WALLS _ C %► 'X' BRACING` icr` B . C . OF TRUSS ON � u No G�199 b ' END VERTICAL RU lwy THROUGH TO BEARING. * s 1 E .100 O� WALL MUST BE AT HEIGHT SPECIFIED ON THE DESIGN DRAWING OR MUST BE SHIMMED TO THE CORRECT HEIGHT. USE 2-16d COMMON NAILS TOE -NAILED INTO THE TOP PLATE o,-%I��j THROUGH EACH -TRUSS. DIAGONAL 'X' BRACING IS REQUIRED AT ENDS OF THE BUILDING L (OR WALL) AND AT A MAX. OF 16' INTERVALS ALONG WALL. 'X' BRACING IS MIN. 2x3 MATERIAL WITH 2-8d NAILS EACH END. BLOCKING SIMILAR TO EXTERIOR WALL DETAIL IS RECOMMENDED. TRUSS CONNECTION TO NON-BEARING PARTITION WALLS WALL PERPENDICULAR TO TRUSS BBOT CHORD R41 r B 2X 1411 TOP PLATE /t SECT. B 1-16d COMMON NAIL OR SIMPSON STC (OR EQUIV.) TRUSS CLIP WALL PARALLEL TO TRUSS 2X4 BLOCKING BOT CH 2X SECT. C C TOP PLATE 1-16d COMMON NAIL OR 24" O.C. SIMPSON STC (OR EQUIV. (TYP.) TRUSS CLIP FILE NO. CD -1 DATE: 9/10/92 T. REF.: DES. BY: L.M. CK. BY: I Lv TRUSWAL SYSTEMS 4445 NORTHPARK DRIVE, SUITE 200 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80907 (800) 3224045 FAX:(719) 598-8483 C001003160A 1/10/01 Users of Truswal engineering: The TrusPlusTM engineering software will correctly design the location requirements for permanent continuous lateral bracing (CLB) on members for whichAt it is required . to reduce buckling Iength....:Sealed engineering drawings from Truswal will show the required nur'tbar and approximate locations of braces for each member needing bracing. In general, this bracing is done by using Truswal Systems Brace-ItTm or a 1x or 2x member (attached to the top or bottom edge of the member) running perpendicular to the trusses and..adequately designed, co- nected and braced to the building per the building designer (See ANSI/TPI current version). The following are other options (when CLB bracing is not possibly or desirable) that will also satisfy bracing reeds for individual members (no:°.building system bracing):. .1. A 'x or 2x structurally graded "T" brace may be nailed flat to the edge of the member with. 10d common or box nails a" 8 o.c. if only one brace is required, or may be nailed to both edges of the member if two braces are required. The "T" brace must extend a minimum of 90% of the member's length. 2. A scab (add-on) of the same size and structural grade as the member may be nailed to one face of the member with 10d common or. box naiis at 8" o.c. if only one brace is required, or rii ,-;.y be nailed to both faces of the member if two braces are required. A minimum of 2x6 scabs are required for any member exceeding 14'-0" in length. Scab(s) must extend a minimum of 90% of the. members length. .3. Anw, member requiring more than two braces must use perpendicular bracing or a combination of scabs and "T' braces, or any other approved method, as specified and approved by the building designer. 1. EXAMPLES 2. 90% L 90% L Please contact a Truswal engineer if there are any questio TRUSWAL SYSTEMS 4445 NORTHPARK DRIVE, SUITE 200 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80907 (800) 322-4045 FAX:(719) 598-8483 8/3/00 To whom. it may concern: It is permissible to repair a False Frame•.joint with the procedure' outlined below, provided that the following statements are true: • Ceiling loading is 10 PSF or less.- Trusses ess.Trusses are spaced 24" o.c. or less. • False Frame verticals are spaced 6-0" a.c. or less. . ..,No additional point loads or uniform loads are p.•esent on the false frame that would cause the loads to exceed 10 PSF for any reason. • The joint(s) to repair does not have a. suppl,,t bearing directly underneath the joint. • There is no damage to the lumber at the joint, such as excessive splits, cracks, etc. • The joint fits tightly (within all TPI tolerances). • All lumber in the false frame is 2x4 or W. Repair as follows: 1. Cut'a '/" CCX APA Group 1 plywood (or equivalent O.S.B.) gusset, 4" wide by 8" long, or larger. 2. Apply gusset to the face of the truss at each joint with a missing plate. If one face of truss has missing.plate, then gusset is required cr. only that face. If both faces c.f the joint are unplated, then the gusset is required on each face. 3. Use (3).8d nails into each member, from each face (see detail below). False frame refers only To non-structural members (zero design forces)'. r-- Typical Joint H' V I1n y/I\ 4" c o 0 R, to ! G. r 0 Q 0 CP J �'4N/A 4. LATERAL LOADS IN LINE WITH THE CHORDS HAVE NOT BEEN CONSIDERED. ''THESE LOADS AND THEIR REQUIRED CONNECTIONS ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUILDING DESIGNER. ANY PITCH MAXIMUM WIND SPEED IS 85 MPH. SECTION �i 2-16d NAILS TOENAILED 2x4 BRACE / 12 IN Z R TO THE APPROPRIATE WAL DESIGNS FOR THE IRED WEB CONFIGURATION BOTH THE CAP TRUSS AND SUPPORTING BOTTOM TRUSS. / 2x4 CONTINUOUS LATERAL BRACING APPLIED AT 24'o.c: r' ATTACH EACH BRACE TO THE 601-Tol-) '' n- O."i6'01-# H L- i Ud NAILS AT EACH INTERSECTION. TOE -NAIL THE CAP TRUSS TO THE BRACE WITH 1-16d NAIL FROM EACH SIDE AT EACH INTERSECTION. ca PGL Or.�sGN`l CODE SPACING DATE UHC 24"o.c. 4-30-98 'h, TUSVM CA:P CONN 1: . • - 'T./. ' • \0�►�.►� � SYcIFMS ` Ilk6WALMijvGCOf7PU11A.:;liV CO I BOTTOM TRUSS CHORDMIEB SIZE ARE I PER THi2 APPROPRIATE TRUi ".'AL DESIGN. CAP TRUSS 2-10d NAILS Sp.Gg90 Q y �A ? Q O L) No• C11991 1013112005 Q EXTE Q= O qT 'OF C X\ WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of It to the Erecting Contractor. This design is for an Infirl ut bultdmg component. it has been basad on spedacadons provided by the canponorn manufacturer and done M accvrdaiibe with Ora 4301#111 vnatons Of TPI and AFPA design standards. No raspau09dy, Is assumed for dimensional Accuracy. Dimensions all to be ve fged by the component manutscnrrw andfor building Assigner prier to fabrkntion. rhe building MOW shad ascenein that the bads Wiited on this design missiles exceed this loading imposed by Ube local budding code d is assumed that the by chord istateiady braced by the root N 0 0 471 51144111111/) and the 1101l47rn Chad Is IMeratly bracad by a Agid shuthin1) matanal rhrectly attached, unless otherwise noted Bracing shown h 1st t0atat support of components members only to reduce but" length. This component "not be placed in Any, onnromnerq that will uuv the mNtture content of the +x000 excited 19% andfa cause con—om pale corrosion FaWkAls. handle. instal and brace Mit trust in nccarn-n: a wdh iM mitiowap sto,"ca: 'TnUS(.CM MANUAL' by Irusw " U—ITY CvNTAOL SrAnumto rOF fJFTAL PlAtr CO. rrIF.CrEO WOOD TAUSSES' • (OST48). •4ANOUNO INSrALUNG AND 0111AC040 METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' • (418.91) And 'MID -91 SUMMMY S4EET by TN. The Outs Plate lnatdWe (TN) h toceled AI S8] O'Onosto ours. MaNion. Wacansn $31I9 ThisAmann Forest ari0 PADW Association (AFPA) is 10Wed al 1230 Connecticut Avg. NW. Ste 200. Washington; OC 20076. _ t f , PIGGYBACK DETAIL .(2).16d TOENAIL PIGGYBACK SSS ' FINAI,. --J 11111 l?iiiiail S� 4SSSS CONT. 2X4 4050 �Q-s� SUPPORT TRUSS 3 J; 2"Y:8"X1%?." PL'fWIGD GUSSET AT EACH END OF TRUSS (AND 6'-0" O.C. FOR SPANS 36'' AND LARGER) ATTACH WITH (4) 1.5 72 0.C.- TYP. LONG 8d NAILS. USE ALTERNATE NTH -(4) 2X4 AS AN 16.6 EACH END. 1630 (l -S-3) P3260 (3--S) 1630 ' Q5 1630 32..45 (3-4) - 37— Ini _ _ �tSSSS tSSSS 11l�J S l 1630 '- ARCy/T --li----- itiSSSSii �Ir3-3) 24". 1630 1630 ���S-3� �IrS-3) SP3260 1.5x3 (tip,) C3-S� yA\ M. - 2X4 CONTINUOUS SUPPGRI dKhCING. v�c,O.QAq�yt�`�J► Q p ATTACH TO THE TOP SIDE OF TOP CHORD OF Lu TRUSS SUPPORTING PIGGYBACKS WITH 2 10d • REQUIRES 2X4 BRACE WHEN () Cr.0,0>1991 p05 N VERTICAL EXCEEDS 5'-0" 2 NAILS . ' # p1311�ASE. BRACES AT 10'-0" ETC.EXP' �jgTF SHO LDER DETAIL ' OF PAF Ap At&&y- ISA -Cr �O ► ---VS S - A4*(C V P Lr.FT' _ l2o19A-- AT EAJD.5 OF C.A-tO MINX . SWEA-1L . = 36S PL -F-.. t4o2=a . orz- = 730 Rae � >R;4c� �-7-F'%uor ZA S=i�•.r sbN 517ZoNC? —T'�� LS i A Z1 ox 'SP rsc.� ST. rt�}�AT�F-�G a1 �2s� 4�ZT�9,8 i ASA �Sl QF, szGN O F mss , F4Gt� .l3P-tet G COAL 0 Job Name:STANDARD HIP RAID I'ER 81 SETBACK Truss ID: RAF -4 Qty: 1 Drwg: 11- -LOC REAQIt 1 � .50111 TOP 017RD 2x4 FL q1 & Btr. SLIDER 2(4 FL #1 & Btr. PLATING BASED ON GREEN UMBER VALUES. Flat ifq spec ' ANSI - 1995 THIS DESI�1 ITPI S THE ITE RESULT OF MJLTIPLE LOAD CASES. ¢07 PPepprmreeerand vvteeentTE �brec n s reW1S�ARrad (�ot1heTg..qrrs� to ANSItTPI�1-19995;)1�3�4n'� ltd 10 3.4.6. UPLIFT LOW! LOW! - 099 �ThisW �ts designed using the Bldg Fh = Yes, End bone = No Ru lrrien�idg pnpe�i, B . T,, Cat�3U.ODft, Meert�t 1peadLoad = 12.0 psf Classification = 4, ---LOAD CASE #1 DESIGN LOADS TC Vert L.P % 0-. 0 �] �3 9R1rl3 TC Vert 30.0 9-10-13 30.0 11- 5- 2 3 1 1/2" GAP MAX 2-9-15 '11-3-7 3 4 11-1-1� 11 1-1Z Truswal Systems Plates are 20 ga. unless shown by "18"(18 ga.) or "H1106 a.), positioned per Joint Report. Circled plates and false ` frame Tates are positioned as shown above. ® WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. TBF: 2! This design It for an lmdivldual building compomat. It has been based on specllicatipm provided by the component manufacturer std done In Chk: TRUSWAL accordance wd& the current versbm of TPI sed AFPA doelgn standsids. No respomibllity L assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimension are to be DS car' i veitned by Qte component mantlecurer andfor buUdlog designer prlar to fabrication. 7be building designer shall asrersin that rte loads utilized on 9 els design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code. It Is assumed that the tap chord L lateralt- braced by me roof or floor TC Live SYSTEMS ahanthing and &e bosom chord is hbally braced by a rigid sheathing mater al directly amehee, unless othn rwiao owed.pr¢eleg shone V fur literal' support of components members only to reduce ►ucltliag burgh. M16 component shall not be placed In any enviromment dauvAll cause the moisture TC Dead content of the wood exceed 19% amdlor cause eoomoor p)ste corrosion. Fabricate, handle, latall and brace &A tress In accordance w1h he following BC Live 4443 NordWit of., Oda Sptiaga, OD gDgM ardards: 'fRUSCOM MANUAL', by Truswal, 'QUALITY CONTROL STANDARD FOR METAL PLATS CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - (QST -U). 'IIANDLINO INSTALLINO AND BRACINO METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES'- (111841) and 'HIB-913UMMARY BC Dead - 1 5/99 Scale: 5/16" = 11 WO: LLM10 Customer Name: kc = 5 16.0 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 14.0 psf Rep Mbr End' 1.00 .0 psf O. "pecing 2- 0- 0 10.0 psf Design�Spec UBC -97 PRESSURE BLOCKING DETAIL FOR END JACK BOTTOM CHORD UP TO 10'-0" AT HIP NO. I WITH CEILING LOAD OF 5 PSF 1 PRESSURE BLOCK PRESSURE BLOCK 3-lOd .WITH 4-16d NAILS 3-lOd � 3-lOd ' WITH 4-16d NAILS 3-10d ` BOTTOM CHORD OF -0 2'" O.C. TYPICAL HIP NO. 1 TRUSS. NOTE: ATTACH 2X4 DOUG FIR PRESSURE BLOCK TO BOTTOM CHORD OF HIP NO. I WITH 4-16d NAILS. BOTTOM CHORDS OF END JOINTS ARE ATTACHED WITH 3-10d NAILS AT EACH END OF THE PRESSURE BLOCK. 9PAC1lIG CA(E TW20 UBC NA 5/15/97 oMrie CA HIP NO. I TRUSS l SIDE VIEW Et4D LACK 1 .PRESSURE BLOCK 3-10d In aSCIIIIAl" 11111 Ir( LOOS UI LIl(0 ON I"IS CE.4 SIGI/ rtEI 04 (IC((O I lamllRl[ .Iq 111( I'll, 10105 iro0St0 IT IKC . LOCAL eullollw too( Da rlt sl'011Sle lilt/ IS Isswic /011 0I14 nS I0114'. ICCVI•C• rta11R Ill C91 .1.8 Purls glow" Ial II1USr.l le. U..011- 0 GIG/. .f fotC11I[0 I INgllr COIIia0l MOU.` N IK 10 1 o1•1('�Ir1111V11 rr11 IIq 114 lS rOl Sr'[CIrIU`1 r D fl ' "Irl( r0 et t0VIt1 • OIrIOIn .� OUg11S 201110 ntou11U0 a 1"Oly Ou.l touss -from. Is Ig1to al ells a-:11IG to Al Ca/111U K., en.Cro of slylhyl'c'PIIISS On'O. E.O 5 '111U -Iqm • 0 hq .10110- Clgnu. 11 S"ntret On.cl0 .r plry aYgS 'q' litho w irll cwllasu 10 srt� ?110*ISSiMui:IQvlt1 144•IOtIq I(-r0a/n1 11111 CPO 10 aI1f.Ytn1 r0114t'q •I'e 00-1`001114 grla 10 _-en/tl'm -Om IWSSls •11 r14ar Co."uSlal r.r Ca1111G w0.1 a r11t0 lr4tllal, CI110'4 ClnrltivlAS. 6100 111 C1.1.1 -1030,01C, 114 IWSS t0 on(.Ivl'w110o(11 I. ollCib 1'1 IIP t"rvirtolol(nl wl rltl ... CWS[ _11 4 l'ofll!>"!_!a''i°...Oi_1:4 _. ME II IS lu( nEsn0' Ilitr Or rCOWL O[.0 1010' 4r005E0 e nlslnnical IMA 0 11f.nialS r'nlal `C .1120011 '"` r.MlUrlal Snlll 0 Ileal CO+f4r I.1uS.l IMC ruyll . T 51'ICUI CO11pry alit (I I( u'lf utslcn.,;urlf 6100 la` Int .11410 11 it Is In14 Ir Iu' U• 1'nl:ar ��{��}�r•pp�/� Ir4ClS'wt0 On.r,pr, I11111,u IS .(rIr n ✓ciNi�7 (rI 1 Y'n!IT lf 100 SYSIEMS COWORA11ON iINIRUSWAI sUIM IuU[Sy10Sw1L11 puq -10f_•.ICLI 11 19S 101:O11C HIP NO. I TRUSS l SIDE VIEW Et4D LACK 1 .PRESSURE BLOCK 3-10d In aSCIIIIAl" 11111 Ir( LOOS UI LIl(0 ON I"IS CE.4 SIGI/ rtEI 04 (IC((O I lamllRl[ .Iq 111( I'll, 10105 iro0St0 IT IKC . LOCAL eullollw too( Da rlt sl'011Sle lilt/ IS Isswic /011 0I14 nS I0114'. ICCVI•C• rta11R Ill C91 .1.8 Purls glow" Ial II1USr.l le. U..011- 0 GIG/. .f fotC11I[0 I INgllr COIIia0l MOU.` N IK 10 1 o1•1('�Ir1111V11 rr11 IIq 114 lS rOl Sr'[CIrIU`1 r D fl ' "Irl( r0 et t0VIt1 • OIrIOIn .� OUg11S 201110 ntou11U0 a 1"Oly Ou.l touss -from. Is Ig1to al ells a-:11IG to Al Ca/111U K., en.Cro of slylhyl'c'PIIISS On'O. E.O 5 '111U -Iqm • 0 hq .10110- Clgnu. 11 S"ntret On.cl0 .r plry aYgS 'q' litho w irll cwllasu 10 srt� ?110*ISSiMui:IQvlt1 144•IOtIq I(-r0a/n1 11111 CPO 10 aI1f.Ytn1 r0114t'q •I'e 00-1`001114 grla 10 _-en/tl'm -Om IWSSls •11 r14ar Co."uSlal r.r Ca1111G w0.1 a r11t0 lr4tllal, CI110'4 ClnrltivlAS. 6100 111 C1.1.1 -1030,01C, 114 IWSS t0 on(.Ivl'w110o(11 I. ollCib 1'1 IIP t"rvirtolol(nl wl rltl ... CWS[ _11 4 l'ofll!>"!_!a''i°...Oi_1:4 _. ME SUPPORT REQUIRED EVERY 4'4r MAXIMUM. 4B' MAX B- A TYPICAL em JACK WITH VARYUIG TOP CHORD LENGTHS. HIP GIRDER (ONE OR MORE PLY). HIP TRUSSES 1. FOR REACTIONS OF 3WO OR LESSTHE TOP CHORD. WAY BE TOE -NAILED TO THE SUPPORTING MEMBER WITH (2)tOd NAILS. L FOR REACTIONS GREATER THAN 3W#, THE DETAILS BELOW MAYBE USED TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE BEARING SUPPORT. & SIZE OF WEDGE, BRACE OR BEVEL CUT IS DETERMINED BY THE REQUIRED BEARING AREA (OR LENGTH).AS.,SHOWN ON THE INDIVIDUAL TRUSS DESIGNS. FOR EACH DETAIL BELOW THE TOP CHORD MAY BE TOE -NAILED TO THE SUPPORTING MEMBER WITH (2)10d NAILS. 5. UPLIFT REACTIONS, IF THEY EXIST, MAY REQUIRE ADDITIONAL CONNECTION CONSIDERATIONS IF THEY EXCEED THE VALUE OF THE TOE- NAIL CONNECTION. IL OTHER OPTIONS MAY BE USED AT THE DISCRETION OF THE BUILDING DESIGNER. 7. REFER TO OTHER DETAILS FOR SPECIFICATIONS RELATING TO A HIP SYSTEM THAT ARE NOT SHOWN HERE DETAIL OPTIONS CONNECTION OF LATERAL BRACE IS BIASED ON BRACE FORCES DETERMINED BY THE BUILDING DESIGtNEt. EITHER FACE OF TRUSS WITH 10d NAILS. SPACING OF NAILS IS DEPENDENT ON LOADING CONDITIONS 3 SHOULD BE DETERMINED BY BUILDING DESIGNER. END OF WEDGE OR LATERAL BEVELED TOP PLATE UNDER BRACE JACK TOP CHORD -- FOR WEDGE USE (2) 10d TOE -NILS EA FOR TOP CHORD TOP PLATE, NAIL WHOd • ? O.C. INTO TOP MEMBER. NOTE CHORD OF HIP GIRDER. 1. FOR REACTIONS OF 3WO OR LESSTHE TOP CHORD. WAY BE TOE -NAILED TO THE SUPPORTING MEMBER WITH (2)tOd NAILS. L FOR REACTIONS GREATER THAN 3W#, THE DETAILS BELOW MAYBE USED TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE BEARING SUPPORT. & SIZE OF WEDGE, BRACE OR BEVEL CUT IS DETERMINED BY THE REQUIRED BEARING AREA (OR LENGTH).AS.,SHOWN ON THE INDIVIDUAL TRUSS DESIGNS. FOR EACH DETAIL BELOW THE TOP CHORD MAY BE TOE -NAILED TO THE SUPPORTING MEMBER WITH (2)10d NAILS. 5. UPLIFT REACTIONS, IF THEY EXIST, MAY REQUIRE ADDITIONAL CONNECTION CONSIDERATIONS IF THEY EXCEED THE VALUE OF THE TOE- NAIL CONNECTION. IL OTHER OPTIONS MAY BE USED AT THE DISCRETION OF THE BUILDING DESIGNER. 7. REFER TO OTHER DETAILS FOR SPECIFICATIONS RELATING TO A HIP SYSTEM THAT ARE NOT SHOWN HERE DETAIL OPTIONS CONNECTION OF LATERAL BRACE IS BIASED ON BRACE FORCES DETERMINED BY THE BUILDING DESIGtNEt. EITHER FACE OF TRUSS WITH 10d NAILS. SPACING OF NAILS IS DEPENDENT ON LOADING CONDITIONS 3 SHOULD BE DETERMINED BY BUILDING DESIGNER. END OF BEVEL CUT ON TOP LATERAL CHORD OF TRUSS BRACE ORSECONDARY' (BRACE MAY TOP CHORD OVERLAP WITH MEMBER. NOTE TRU89 CHORD - TWAT HEIGHT OF NAL CHORD TO TRUSS MUST ALLOW w�RSPACE , ._Ln CI�IiEf_ ION. . FORhj"fif I (Top END JACK / RAFTER STANDARD DETAILS (CALIFORNIA STYLE) TRUSS PLATES AND LUMBER AS SHOWN. OR PER INDMDUACTRUSS DESIGNS. (3.4 ALT.) 24 JACK TOP CHORD RUNS OVER GIRDER TOP CHORD. (!)100 or 18a NtlLS. THROUGH JACK T.C. INTO GIRDER TOP CHORD, TOE - NAILED, OR ADEQUATE MECHANICAL HANGER PER 3.4 A HIP GIRDER CHORDS B (2)100 or 180 NAILS, THROUGH JACK B.C. INTO GIRDER BOT CHORD, TOE - NAILED, OR ADEQUATE MECHANICAL HANGER NOTE IF 2-0• SIDE JACK BOTTOM CHORDS ARE USED (INSTEAD OF WEDGES AT THE WALL). THEY MAY BE ATTACHED TO THE 1110nOM CHORD F THE FIRST END JACK AS PER DETAIL LUMBER REOUIREMENT8• JACK TOP CHORD: 2X4; 02 OR BETTER OF -L. #V02 OR BETTER CAN 8436F, 01 OR BETTER 84 F, 02 OR BETTER HEM -FH% OR 1650F MSR ANY SPECIE JACK BOT CHORD: 2X4; 42 OR BETTER ANY SPECIE. OR 1860E MSR ANY SPECIE CORNER RAFTER: 2X5; SELECT STRUCTURAL ANY SPECIE, OR 1660E MBR ANY SPECIE, OR DOUBLE (STACKED) 2X4 PER OTHER STANDARD DETAILS, OR 2X8.2 O(t (LETTER ANY SPECIE. 70P CHORD LENGTH MAY VARY FROM MI- MINIMUM TO r -r MAXJMWM, IIYITH EXTENSIONS SUPPORTED AT 48' O.C. MAXIMUM BEYOND. TOP CHORD MAY BE SPLICED AS SHOWN, ABOVE THE HIP GIRDER ONLYI -BOTTOM CHORD LENGTH MAY VARY FROM r MINIMUM TO V -C MAXIMUM. -DO NOT SPLICE THE BOTTOM CHORD. TOP CHORD PITCH MAY VARY FROM 4M2 MINIMUM TO B42 MAXMUM. -BOTTOM CHORD PITCH. MUST BE FLAT (0112). -2X5 RAFTER MAY BE SEAT CUT AT WALL. AND TRIMMED TO 2X4 WIDTH (3.111) FOR OVERHANG UP TO 34- (24- @ 45 DEGREES) MAX. -THIS DETAIL APPLIES TO 411 DEGREE HIPSET JACKS AND CORNER RAFTERS ONLYI CONNECTION DETAIL 1C1 (TOP CHORD TO RAFTER) M �ACKTOPCHORD MUST BE SINGLE BEVELED OR DOUBLE BEVELED 100 OT 180 NNW, 1 MKUUUM EACH JACK T.C. INTO RAFTER TOE -NAILED, PER SCHEDULE BELOW, OR ADEQUATE MECHANICAL HANGER PER MANUF. CATALOG. HALING REQUIRED, Z4'& 4'-0' JACK T.C. (2) NAILS W4 r JACK T.C. (3) NAILS W4r JACK (ONE FACE OF - RAFTER ONLY) (4) NAILS 1 -PLY OR MORE GIRDER B B B C A i8 �C B e RAFTER C TcLm an Pw CNUtm L"m P".m DE OR 10 PSF NOWCONCURIUM BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOAD. TM: 0=111 taM NrI IINoI�r SN 1.tc PLATES t NAILS DESIGNED FDR GREEN LUMBER VAUUES. ILC La. @aW atM r @ b1 WINO LOADED FOR 78 MPH. EXPOSURE'C'. MAXIMUM. MIC UW IBM v.I o.Nr.>4.. M�G9 NO POINT LOADS, MECHANICALtNMITs. WAC. SPRINaaERt. OR otIMER ITEMS CAUSING ADDMONAL LOADS ON THE STANDARD JACKS IS c. 2 TOTAL an per wn RATIO: LOGO td LAW AULOW®,WRHOLITSPECIALDESIGN. THIS DETAIL d PRWIDEo AS A ISCUO WN TO TIE APPLICATION -, ►\ SHOIMI Q&. R M NOT WTBMbW TO REPLACE OR SUPUKZDE ANY SYLAR r 4 DIAT& am T DETAL THAT MAY MMVE SERI PROVIDED NY TIME SULOMG DESIGNMJL RIS of TIE IIEtPOIgd m OF arHEms TO VERIFY THE ADEOWA7Y OF THIS DETAL REP: EJ -1 N RELATION TO ANY SPECrI C PROJECT. AS TO fTt APPLICATION AND KMXT ►�-___I APPLE TO TM OR ANY tSSL/1R =UE. TRUSWAL SYSTEMS ASSUMES NO Warning GENERAL Familiarity with the CONSTRUCTION DESIGN DOCUMENTS, the TRUSS DESIGN DRAWINGS, and TRUSS PLACEMENT PLANS (if required by the CONSTRUCTION DESIGN DOCUMENTS) is required to properly erect, brace, and connect the trusses to the building system. All of the care and quality involved in the design and manufacture of wood trusses can be jeopardized d the trusses are not properly handled, erected, and braced. THE CONSEQUENCES OF IMPROPER HANDLING, ERECTING, AND BRACING MAY BE A COLLAPSE OFTHE STRUCTURE, WHICH AT BEST IS A SUBSTANTIAL LOSS OFTIME AND MATERIALS, AND AT WORST IS A LOSS OF LIFE. THE MAJORITY OF TRUSS ACCIDENTS OCCUR DURING TRUSS INSTALLATION AND NOT AS A RESULT OF IMPROPER DESIGN OR MANUFACTURE. Prior to truss erection, the builder/erector shall meet with the erection crew for a safety and planning meeting, making sure each crew member understands his or her roles and responsibilities during the erection process. TEMPORARY ERECTION BRACING Trusses are not marked In any way to identity the frequency, or location of temporary erection bracing. All temporary bracing shall comply with the latest edition of Commentary and Recommendations for Handling, Installing 8 Bracing Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses (HIB), pub- lished by the Truss Plate Institute, and/or as specified in the CONSTRUCTION DESIGN DOCUMENTS prepared by the building designer. PERMANENT TRUSS BRACING Permanent bracing for the roof or floor trusses is the responsibility of the building designer and should be shown on the CONSTRUCTION DESIGN DOCUMENTS. Permanent bracing locations for individ- ual compression members of a wood truss are shown on the TRUSS DESIGN DRAWINGS, and shall be Installed by the building or erection contractor. This bracing is needed for the proper performance of individual trusses within the roof or floor system. The design and connection of the bracing to the truss and then to the overall building system is the responsibility of the building designer, and is in addi- tion to the permanent bracing plan, which is also specified by the building designer.. SPECIAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS Special design requirements, such as wind bracing, portal bracing, seismic bracing, diaphragms, shear walls, or other load transfer elements and their connections to wood trusses must be considered separately by the building designer, who shall determine size, location, and method of connections for all bracing as needed to resist these forces. UNLOADING & LIFTING AVOID LATERAL BENDING NEVER HANDLE TRUSSES FLAT Beginning with the unloading process, and throughout all phases of construction, care must be taken to avoid LATERAL BENDING of trusses, which can cause damage to the lumber and metal connector plates at the joints. USE SPECIAL CARE IN WINDY WEATHER. IF USING A CRANE WITHIN 10 FEET OF AN ELECTRIC LINE, CONTACT THE LOCAL POWER COMPANY. IF USING A CRANE WITHIN S MILES OF AN AIRPORT, CONTACT THE AIRPORT 30 DAYS PRIOR TO ERECTION TO LEARN ABOUT ANY SAFETY REGULATIONS THAT MUST BE FOLLOWED. JOB SITE HANDLING Spreader bar for larger trusses L3 p ALL TRUSSES SHOULD BE PICKED UP AT THE TOP CHORDS IN A VERTICAL POSITION ONLY Proper banding and smooth ground allow for unloading of trusses without damage. This should be done as close to the building site as possible to minimize handling. DO NOT break banding until instal- lation begins. Hand erection of trusses is allowed, provided excessive lateral bending is prevented. DO NOT STORE UNBRACED BUNDLES UPRIGHT DO NOT STORE ON UNEVEN GROUND If trusses ere stored veNcat y, they sinal be braced In a If susses are stored holzontafy, blocking should be used manner that will prevent tipping or toppling. Generally, on eight to ten foot centers, or as required, to MNmize cutting of the banding is done Wet prior to installation. lateral bending and moisture gain. CARE SHOULD BE EXERCISED WHEN REMOVING BANDING TO AVOID DAMAGING TRUSSES. During long term storage, trusses shall be protected from the environment in a manner that provides for adequate ventilation of the trusses. If tarpaulins or other material is used; the ends shall be left open for ventilation. Plastic is not recommended, since it can trap moisture. HOISTING 1# ' ALL TRUSSES THAT ARE ERECTED ONE AT A TIMI ,SHALL IiE HELD SAFELY IN POSITION BY THE ERECTION EQUIPMENT UNTIL SUCH TIME AS ALL NECESSARY BRACING HAS BEEN INSTALLED ANDTHE ENDS OFTHETRUSSES ARE SECURELY FAST'ENEDTO THE BUILDING. SPREADER BAR SPREADER BAR TOE IN TOE IN TOE IN TOE IN INNNVAVAZI� Aprrz 2!3 Apr12 to 2!J I_ truss Velength I--�i �^ wes e lengtn up to 60 feat up to 60 feet Tagline Use spreader bar in ALL other cases. It should be noted that the lines from the ends o1 the spreader bar'TOE IN'; it these lines should'TOE our the truss may fold in half. STRONGBACK/ SPREADER BAR STRONGBACK/ �kSPREADER BAR Approx. 2/3 two 3i4 I ' I App�7/3 too 3/4 I truss le `1 -.111 III�_F�_- --'i Tagline over 60 feet over 60 feet Tagline For lifting trusses with spans in excess of 60 feet, it is recommended that a strongback/spreader bar be used as illustrated. The strongback/spreader bar should be attached to the top chord and web members at intervals of approximately 10 feet. Further, the strongback/spreader bar should be at or above the mid -height of the truss to prevent overturning. The strongback/spreader bar can be of any material with sufficient strength to safely carry the weight of the truss and sufficient rigidity to adequately resist bend- ing of the truss. AVOID LATERACBENDING or ass`':;_ Approximately` „ .. length '• 'Appnix."-�::�: °JT i agitl 12 toes length ;i."aY 1 Ws9 .qty up Truss slingis acceptable where these criteria are mel. + : _ '•- SPREADER BAR SPREADER BAR TOE IN TOE IN TOE IN TOE IN INNNVAVAZI� Aprrz 2!3 Apr12 to 2!J I_ truss Velength I--�i �^ wes e lengtn up to 60 feat up to 60 feet Tagline Use spreader bar in ALL other cases. It should be noted that the lines from the ends o1 the spreader bar'TOE IN'; it these lines should'TOE our the truss may fold in half. STRONGBACK/ SPREADER BAR STRONGBACK/ �kSPREADER BAR Approx. 2/3 two 3i4 I ' I App�7/3 too 3/4 I truss le `1 -.111 III�_F�_- --'i Tagline over 60 feet over 60 feet Tagline For lifting trusses with spans in excess of 60 feet, it is recommended that a strongback/spreader bar be used as illustrated. The strongback/spreader bar should be attached to the top chord and web members at intervals of approximately 10 feet. Further, the strongback/spreader bar should be at or above the mid -height of the truss to prevent overturning. The strongback/spreader bar can be of any material with sufficient strength to safely carry the weight of the truss and sufficient rigidity to adequately resist bend- ing of the truss. BEGINNING THE ERECTION PROCESS II is important for the bulkier or erection contractor to provide substantial bracing for the first truss erected. The two or more trusses making up the rest of the first set are tied to and rely upon the first truss for stability. Ukewiss, after this first set of Zoos is adequately cross-bremd, the remaining trusses installed rely upon this first set for stability. Thus, the perform - once of the truss bracing system depends to a great extent on how well the first group of trusses is braced. GROUND BRACE - EXTERIOR GROUND BRACE - INTERIOR One satisfactory method des the first unit of trusses off to Another satisfactory method where height of building or a series of braces that am attached to a stake driven into ground conditions prohibit bracing from the exterior is to the ground and securely anchored. The ground brace fie the first truss rigidly in place from the interior at the Itself should be supported as shown below or b Is apt to floor level, provided the floor Is substantially completed budde. Additional ground braces N the opposite dfrea and capable of supporting the ground bracing forces. tion. Inside the building, are also recommended. Severely fasten the first buss to the middle of the build. Note: Locate ground braces Ing. Brace me bracing similar to exterior ground bracing for first truss directly in line shown at left. Set trusses from the middle toward the end *45 ith all rows of top chord con- of the building. Properly cross -brace me first set of truss- nuous lateral bracing (either as before removing Noor braces and setting remaining emporary or permanent). trusses. 2nd, 3rd 8 4m trusses .--- First truss 4 minlfnurn Temporary support wall �q or temporary scaffolding Flrat Wss ro be well (h4l a when nstallin9 I. Gears trusses) Ground bra braced before erection � oI additional units. Brace the bred ng Bearing Ground bracing roc busses Late Ground stakes Minimum Two led Double Headed Nails lw- 2x4 minbnum size „¢ v " enadwvw ho rnpxo cacao This level represents 110 neiratim ground Mor oon single story appfieadons Chord INADEQUATE SIZE OF BRACING MATERIAL OR INADEQUATE FASTENING IS A MAJOR CAUSE OF ERECTION DOMINOING. T , .ERECTION TOLERANCE . .. z1 Long thLength•_ sser of Length t1' Wso or 2' ., ' Length 16, to 32' a V Length f6 to 32' = V Plumb Bob Length 32' 8 over - 2' Length 32 8 over 2' t„ Complying with erection tolerances Is'at06 ie ec iii g an acceptable roof or floor line. AND TO ACCOMPLISHING EFFECTIVE. BRACING; Setting trusses within tolaranra gra first time will prevent the now for the hetardous practice of . ")spacing or adjusting busses when roof sheathing or roof.pudbns are Installed. Tresses leaning or bowtng can cause nails to MISS the top.chords when sheathing is applied, and create c rnulafive stresses on the bracing, which is a frequent muse 01 doNoing. WHEN SHEATHING, MAKE SURE NAILS ARE DRIVEN INTO THE TOP CHORD OF THE TRUSSES. BRACING' �w DO NOT INSTALL TRUSSES DO'NOT,WALK ON DO NOT WALK ON TRUSSES 014TEMOORARILY UNBRACED TRUSSES OR GABLE ENDS LYING FLAT yY1NNPf`TFn miponnTC: • ... Ali anchors, hamgeB; tietivyris,.sears, bearing ledgers, t etc., that are pen:of lire supporting cincture Shall be accurately acct _property- placed -:end; permanently attached before truss: histellagai..begins.-No bineaet shag ever be Installed on endhers or ties that have tem III f ce uppporary, umdbn coa tr the sorting strupuim. Nr •- YO -_ ' .NAILING SCABS -TO THE END OF THE BU111)ING'TO eiling.,BRACE THE FIRST TRUSS IS NOT RECOMMENDED •<� .:•t :'. Al) naihig of bracing should be done so that nalls are NAILS'IN WITHDRAWAL;a.*ddwr perpendilwar to the direction of force, as sham (PARALLEL -TO FORCE)' at rght4l. - direction of naffing v ` nails rhe brace .orce f force ff o WELL NAILED (PERPENDICULAR TO FORCE) BRACING REQUIREMENTS FOR 3 PLANES OF ROOF Temporary erection bracing must be applied to three planes of the roof system to ensure stability: Plane 1) Top Chord (sheathing), Plane 2) Bottom Chord (ceflirg plane), and Plane 3) Web Member plane or vertical plane perpendicular to Tresses. 1) TOP CHORD PLANE. Most Important to the builder or 2) BOTTOM CHORD PLANE. In order to hold proper erection contractor Is bracing In the plane of the top spacing on the bottom chord, temporary bracing is rec. dhord.Tress top chords are susceptible to lateral buckling ommended on the lop of the bottom chord. before they are braced or sheathed. Top Cho Continuous lateral Web bracing Com— lateral Bottom Chord' Dlagonal Ling bracing . Minimum 2x4x1V e lateral bmdng lapped Q Mg trusses a , to 1 , each and. _ I �bmcln 20' to soil Dlagon repeated every 20' at 45' angle to to mem, EXACT SPACING BETWEEN TRUSSES SHOULD BE MAINTAINED AS BRACING IS INSTALLED to avoid the hazardous prectlm of removing bracing to adjust spac- ing. This act of 'adjusting spacing' can cause trusses to topple if connections are removed at the wrong time. Continuous Web members lateral bracing Minimum 2x4x1G' Bottom Chord lateral bredng lapped over two trusses at •5 "A each end. Connect end Of bracing to rigid support or add diagonal brodng (1 approximatey 20' intervals (repeat at both ends).' Long spans, heavy Inds or other spacing configurations may require poser spacingg between lateral bracing and closer intervals between diagonals. Consult the Wilding designer, HIS, DSS (Recommended Design Spedfimrion nor Fempors Bracing of Meta! -Freta Connected Wood Trusses) or Am%s Truss Technology for Builders Temporary Bracing Iyer. 3) WEB MEMBER PLANE. -X' BRACING, AS SHOWN, IS CRITICAL IN PREVENTING TRUSSES FROM LEANING OR DOMINOING. REPEAT AS SHOWN TO CREATE A SUCCESSION OF RIGID UNITS. Continuous X-bredng lateral bracing Web members . )­ 15' 4 15"4 max. max. X -bracing should be Installed on vertical web members wherever passible, at or near lateral bracing. Plywood sheathing may be substituted tar X -bracing. �p Web members Brace Pale N lJ bracinge •''� Bottom chords Note: Top chords and some web members are not shown, in order to make drawings more readable. DO NOT USE SHORT BLOCKS TO BRACE INDIVIDUAL TRUSSES WITHOUT A SPECIFIC BRACING PLAN DETAILING THEIR USE. ,I.+ 1 - �! BRACING REQUIREMENTS USING THE SAME PRINCIPLES APPLY TO PARALLEL CHORD TRUSSES li!" STACKING MATERIALS DO NOT PROCEED WITH BUILDING COMPLETION UNTIL ALL BRACING IS SECURELY AND PROPERLY IN PLACE NEVER STACK MATERIALS ON UNBRACED OR INADEQUATELY BRACED TRUSSES NEVER STACK MATERIALS NEAR A PEAK o NEVER STACK MATERIALS ON THE CANTILEVER OF ATRUSS So NEVER OVERLOAD SMALL GROUPS OR SINGLE TRUSSES. POSITION LOAD OVER AS MANY TRUSSES AS POSSIBLE. NEVER CUT ANY STRUCTURAL MEMBER OF ATRUSS. Platform must be rigidly braced Proper distribution of construction materials Is a must during construction. wall AcceVbftr over bad bearing wail kwo Always Steck materials over two or more tnrsses. Not to exceed 4'0' maximum from bearing . 4.0' . aro• . Rooting and mechanical contractors are cautioned to stack materials only along outside supporting membem or directly over Inside supporting members. Trusses are not designed for dynamic loads (i.e., moving vehicles). Extreme care should be taken when loading and stacking construction materials (rolled moMg, mechanical equlp- menl, etc.) on the root or floor system. Sleepere, 1®I Panel point II Sleepers for meohankal equipment should be located at panel points (jolms) or over main supporting members. and only on tresses that have been designed for such Inds. CAUTION NOTES Errors in building lines and/or dimensions, or errors by others shall be corrected by the contractor or responsible con- struction trade subcontractor or supplier BEFORE erection of trusses begins. Cutting of nonstructural overhangs is considered a pan of normal erection and shelf be dome by the builder or erection co - trador. Any field modification that involves the curing, drilling, or relocation of any structural truss member or connector date shall not be done without the approval of the tress manufacturer or a licensed design professional. The methods and proceduMS outlined are Intended to amore Net the overall COnetnxtion tedVtigY employed will pun am and roof trusses SAFELY N place Ina competed structure. These recommergatom tar bredng wood I- originate ton she collective rxpe- drr of leading tedmkBl Permmel N Ne -wood Was Industry. M rnu3l. duo to Ne mars of responsibilities Irhvolvod, be prommod only as a GUIDE for use by a qualified buiiokg designer, b car, or erector) contractor, Thus. Ne Wood Trus Courts of America expressly s disdeimany responsibtiy, for damages arising fon the use, application, or retance on the recomInforms. mendatons and Infs. ton comainsd herein. Selected text and figures referenced or reproduced from HIS and OSS by permission of the Truss Plate Institute, Madison. WI, WOOD TRUSS COUNCIL OF AMERICA W One WTCA Center 6300 Enterprise Lane Madison, Wt 53719 608/274-4849.608/274-3329 tax wlca®WOOdtruss.com • www.woodtruss.com DIAGONAL OR CROSS -BRACING IS VERY IMPORTANT! Copyright 0 ryes-zdot wood rrrss Council of anenca EMPEZAR EL PROCESO DE ERECCION Es impanonie que el construoor o el mmrWisto de erecd6n momargo les refuentos sustarcbin Para b pdmer annoduro (.brillo) lemnro- do. lea siguiemn armoduras (mbdllos) del primer WIto semn omdcs at primer bulb. Este process se requiem Pam caterer mas estabilided. Iguolmerste, despu6s qud at primer bulto de omadums (robdllos) and opropiodemente mforsodo an Lipo de crus, at rests d• I. ormodums (.brill.) innalodos dependen del primer bulto poro obtener ntobilido 1. Ad, to colidod del &Wemo de refuertas an los amsadums (wbn'llos) depends muds on at,sitemo de mfuenos del primp bulto. EL REFUERZO DE SUELO - EXTERIOR EL REFUERZO DE SUELO - INTERIOR Un mdtsdo s.idworio std d primers, gmpo de los amaduros 01. mdtcclo s.idodorio qua to oIturo de edilid. o las cosdidonas (mbrillasl de um saris de les mfuertcs qua son suletodos o un pons de suelo prohiben los refuerscs al a aerar as star Is primer ormcdu- que ea dovedo en of suds y n andodo can seguridod. f t mluerm ro (w sif6) dgidamante an pedd6n del interior at nivel del piso, con de suet ori mismo dabs or erpoyodo tomo muestro obojo o as rot de qua at pilo saa owbodo suet—Wineme y wpm de mnener Propenso o winbor. Mds reluentos de suelo an to dueccien opuesto, las Normi de to reluersos de suelo. Refuerto at refueno tot cams at interior del edBdo, son acenusodos rombi6n. refuerto de pilo (emmplo of bquierdo). Suleto can saguridad 6 primer amadum (.btil6) mer at medio hada at fin del edi(icio. Nae: Cdom I. neuvm, de a,do W b Clumetamente refuerto at primer grupo de omadums (cabrigm) an prem armaduro katal sue m dmwmwe , loans de ws antes de quit. les refuenm de pi. y edoeor el resm ,Pmtsde mer carica w � a. k same dr do las ormoduros (cabrsilm). etas ..Mass latemt). oamerm kudavim . kmpNm a pmMneme). 2x4 mfnimo 45 mkmbe Ili no de Is, N—bre, de la -.d— fe brilbB RIS DE REFORM O EL CIERRE INADECUADO ES UNA CUASA PRIN- 1) EL PIANO DE IA CUERDA DE ARRIBA EI mfuerto . d piano de to cuerdo de audit. as to mss important. Pam el c.omdw o it con. trotisro de ...cid. las amradums (.brilb.) do les cverdas da orribo son susceptibles a camber antes do qua soon reformdm o remstidas. to endo de ca rasps 6ktal y b.vd tONO .adreno b rondo mar bop lokal r e1r.,a w DE ERECCION Trams Tsomo T � Tromp 37y m6s= 2' ilile;de Leda d,piso, Y PAPA RfAUM EL REFUERZO EFI• ri'pd`E gS to necasidod p. b cassette. peRgrom de ma. 2) EL PLANO DE LA CUERDA MAS BALI, Pant tuner a spocio wr. redo en b words men bolo, at mfuetso temporal es recomerdado de ambo de b .endo men tela. , Ira m.,.bm Pease laced y •• de k and conrinuo .-r....-- r..,. b trade rads laic ,0 ' .ern' em`s ossa. �\ ' �� S Imo- dvmden ddr ' oerednae I tacdim nduerta "n"' .1.spore rigida o au— el .deans . de week de c.,. dim�eanal a Ira neral- apadmads ' d.'29 I.adk u ambo. bvd,' EL ESPACIO E%ACTO ENTRE LAS ARMADURAS (CABRILLAS) DEBE ' L.—gaduros lag., las .,gos peude, o atm. medidos del SER MANTENIDO DURANTE LA INSTALAGON DE REFUERZO para espocso necasben el esp.fo rads cexano ensm el refuses W-1 evitor 6.msmbre pel'rgmu de quitor at refuerro para modificar at y les intervolos ends cacao.. orals dbgonoles. Comulto al dis- espacio. este octo de -modificando at espado' puede.usor qua les ehodo, del edificio o HIS y DSB (Recommended Design armodsbs (cob illos) sa v lquen si les juntas son quitodas at liempo Specification f. Temporary Bracing of hero( Plate Connected Wood equ—do. Tmssesl para detollen, IEL REFUERZO DE CRUZ 0 DIAGONAL ES MUY IMPORTANTE! 31 EL KANO DEE WBNBRO DE 1A RED. 'x' REFUERZO, COMO NO USE LOS BLOQUES CORTOS PARA REFORZAR MOM", LASARMADURAS (CABRIUAS) INDMDUAIES SIN UN LAS) SE INCUNEN O H GAN FICHA DE DOMIN6. Pon COMO PLAN ESPECIFICO DE REFUERZO QUE MOSTRADO PARA CREAK UNA SUCEOS _S16N DE GRUPRIGIDOS. a mfuew futeml x Reluew DETALLEN SU USO y continuo Los miembros de 6 red F'~ 15'+ �on,C) mo rte. 'xmfuerro dabs or indobdo an les miembros de to red "ideal dos- dequiero que es posible, an o term del refuerto lateral. to modern conbodapado .bmdo puede or sustbulado.por x- rehrerm. e I. miembros de Is red . a'k'e2;3 Rehserm of reRixm LOS REQUISITOS DE REFUERZO QUE USEN LOS PRINCIPIOS MISMOS APUCAN A LAS ARMADURAS (CABRILIAS) DE CUERDA EN PARALELO +`0. •' Las cu.dm mks bajos Naso: las .erdss da ambo y algunos mteinbros de b red as, can monmd., pont hater los dbui. m6s legible; LAS MATERIAS DE AMONTONAR NO CONDNOE CON LA TERMINAa6N DE E61FICIO k4,STAQUE TODOS LOS REFUERZOS ESTEN COLOCADOS CON SEGURIDAD ' la PlOabemo rsaoedta s. �puntolodo con rigidea NUNCAAMONTONE LAS MATERLAS EN LAS ARMADURAS (CA UAS) QUE NO ESTEN REFORZADAS O SEAN to datdaudon wmacta ds 6s mmedas de awansm16n as rawsoco REFORZAD/S TIADAMdura ds . shucci6n. INADECM Nara to or 6s mm. P r de ewga Siempm dmontono 6s .sarins past excinra do dm o mea omsodums lwbil6s). No esceder 47 m6 irm de cojinate . 4'e' . 4'e' . Los wmratisas de Cacho y mecdnko son amonested. qua anars. tonor las mstarts. solomenre p. los miembros ederiorn de apumo- br o d'vactomems par and- los miembroi inter6res de apunWat.. Los .chill. de amadum - fon dise6od. par In carvers dindml• scan (par ejomplo, les vehic 1. merges). EI cuidado e,dr— deists w usodo cuado .rgondo y amoreorardo 6s moterias de aonstmc• den (6 lechumbre anrolloda, at equips meoWc., etc.) an el lade y at dllema do piso. las litems t� EI ponro So poral Las Rlaros p. el equipo menico daban ser cabcadm o bmas a pu NUNCA CORTE NINGUN MIEMBRO DE de panel UcdmkW o par emims 6a pdndpoln miembma opuntolad., y sobmeme an Ira cuddllm de amaduro qua hablo ser diseAodos ESTRUCTURA DE UNA ARMADURA (CABRILIA) p. Ira wgm tomo ntas. NOT AS DE ADVERTENCIA Los err.. de Its Rneant y/o les dimemionos mi.mb., de Ira cuchillos .de ornaduro mads.. peen If.. necesiton, a coon de to del edifici.. o los arrorn po subs deben ser estrumml o al pato w—lor no debe ser roNmlem do let respon obilidodes compg- conegid. Pat, 'd ow"tisto o por at suis- hedro nn 6 opmb.i6n del lobricante de los codes, ser prnwtodos so6meme cacao uno WhAs do commis de comtmccibn de eenfl- uchill. de —oduro o un ousodasdo pmle- GULA Pero of use Por un drsefadar wpocilo- oma o por at suministrs,dor ANTES DE to con sionol de disaro. do de edifcies, un constructor o un wntrotisro strucci6n de los cuchillos de omaduro de cwstnxci6n. Por no, at Wood Tray empero. Los mdtodos y I. procedimientos qua son Council of America awmumente .ago signs• afimadm son terdd. intendones pont ase• nos responubilidedes par Joe dohs dedgn- EI conor de los solientes m astrodurotes as gum, qua todai I. IEmkos de connmui6n do del use, to opliwcMn o depen lencio de considerodo um parte de to construcci6n nor. wades I. pondmn con SEGURIDAD an posi- les sugerencias y to inforsmciMs qua a con• mel y debe ser Nacho por at constructor o at den en une essructum complero a los cuchil. teni& qvl, - centralist, de construccilin. I. de ormodum del piss y del Cacho. Eslas sugerercbs Pam opunro6r. los'cuchillos de EI left selects aid I. fgums mancicoodas o Algum modificaci6n de nobalo del compo amadura de modem sugen de la esperiemia mpmducidas de HIB,v DSB por,permtso del qua incluyen cl coma at rolodror o el cdmbiar coledim del major personal t6cnico an to T ss Plate tmtiMe, Madison. WI. de uno I0a66n nava de. olgunos de los industrio de cuchillos de ormoduro de Ede 6 intand- de WTCA esbbbct r un nodosa.. preoo B Is the Intoe iao'a WTCA to m1 o pesos barssblion ham ds ages a Espana. WTCA a anmpat a ganmtta qua fool. . bvM to Spanish. WTCA Is not able to guarantee to all of de 1. no luodo es sass each o amemnse to sada. - 6e bam6li.o are —d . w4a.1f acsvmk (and). . WOOD TRUSS COUNCIL OF AMERICA One WTCA Center ' WTCLAn 4-48 Enterprise Lone Madison, VA 53719 608/274-4849 • 608n74-3329 fox vdco@-oodlruss.com •—r.woodtruss.conn Copyright 02000 Wood Truss Council of America } GENERAL La familiaridod con los DOCUMENTOS DEL DISENO DE CONSTRUCCI6N, los DIBUJOS DEL DISENO DE ARMADURAS (CABRILLAS) y los PLANOS.DE LA POSIC16N DE ARMADURAS (CABRILLAS) (si.se requerido par los DOCUMENTOS DEL OISEtJO DE CONSTRUCCI6N) es requerida para comedamenie levantor, reforzor y condor los onnaduros (cabrillos) of sistemo de edificio. Todo el cuidodo y colidod que son errvueito con los disenos y to fobricocion do los armoduros (cabrillas) de modem pueden ser orriesgodos si los armoduros (cabrillas) no son corredamente monejados, levantadas y reforzodas. LAS CONSECUENCIAS DEL IMPROPIO. MANEJO DE LAS ARMADURAS (CABRILLAS) PUEDE RESULTAR, EN UN HUNDIM(ENTO DE LA ESTRUCrURA, ESTO PUEDE RESULTAR EN(1NA PERDIDA SUBSTANCULL DE TIEMPO, MATE - RL S, Y POR LAS PE•CIRES EN UNA PERDIDA DE VIDA. LA MAYO& DE LOS ACCIDENTES CON LAS ARMADURAS (CABPJUAS) OCURRE DURANTE LA INSTALAC16N DE LAS ARMADURAS (CABRILLAS) Y NO COMO UN RESULTA- DO DE LOS DISENOS NI LA FABRICACION IMPROPIA Antes de to erecci6n de los ormodums (cabrillos), el constructor necesito reureirse conics miembros de to constmcci6re para uno reuni6n sabre la seguridod y to plonificoci6n, pdm aseguror que coda miembro entiendo sus papeles y responsabilidodes dumnte of proceso de LA construcci6n. EL REFUERZO TEMPORAL DE CONSTRUCCION Lm amwdurm (cabrillas) no son marocdm on ningurm manna paro IdenRBmr a frecuencia nl lo sRuod6n de refuer- zo tern de eonslruad6n. Todos los mfuerzos temporoles deben cumplir con to m6s nueem edici6n de Commentary and Recommendations for Handling, Installing & Brocing Metol Plate Connected Wood Trusses (HIB); publicodo par of Truss Plate Institue y/o coma especific6 an los DOCUMENTOS DEL DISENO DE CONSTRUCCI6N qua son preparo. dos par el disefiodor del edificio. REFUERZO PERMANENTE DE ARMADURAS (CABRILLAS) ch EI refuerzo permonente par of teo o las armoduros (mbrillas) de( suelo es responsobilidad del disefiodor,del edificio y debe. ser mostrado en los DOCUMENTOS DEL DISENO DE CONSTRUCCI6N. los situaciones del refuerzo permo- nente par los individuales miembros do compresi6 . de una ormodum (wbrilla) de modem son mostrodos an los DIBU. JOS DEL DIS610 DE AILMADURAS (CABRILLAS), y deben ser instalados par of contmtista del edificio a of controtism de to conshn ucci6n. Este refuence es cesorice pom el procedimiento propio de las armadums (cabrillas) individuoles dentro del sistemo del techo o el suelo. EI diseho y la junturo de los refuerms o las ormadums (cabrillas) y entonces al sistemo total del edificio son las responsobilidodes del disefiodor del edificio, y es en adici6n al,plan del,refuerm per- monente, que es tambidn especifimdo par el diseAador del edificio. ' LOS.REQUISIMS DE DISENO ESPECIAL Los requisitos de disefio especial, tal coma at refuerzo de viento, el refuerzo de portal, el refuerm sisrnico, diofmgmas, los parades de seporocion u otros elementos de cargo de tronsferencio y sus junturos a los ormoduras (cabrillas) de maderd necesitan ser considerados opane par of dise6odor de edificio, quien debe determiner el tomoAo, to situoci6n y at m6todo de junturos pom todos los refuerms como necesorio pom resistir estos fuerms. ' ' DESCARGAR Y'LEVANTAR EVITA EL DOBLAJE LATERAL NUNCA TRATE LAS ARMADURAS (CABRILLAS) EN FORMA PLANA AI principio del proceso de decorgo y par Was los foses de construcci6n, necesito usar cuidodo pard evitor EL DOBLA• JE LATERAL de los ormaduros (cabrillos), que puede cousar dofio a la modem y los 16minos de junturo. USE CUIDADO ESPECIAL EN CUMA VENTOSO. SI USA UNA GROA DENTRO DE 10 PIES DE UN HILO DE ELECTRICIDAD, P6NGASE EN CONTACTO CON LA COMPAMA DE ENERGIA LOCAL SI USA UNA GROA DENTRO DE 5 MILDS DE UN AER OPUERTO, P6NGASE EN COWACTO CON EL AEROP- UERTO 30 DIAS ANTES DE LA CONSTRUCC16N PARA APRENDER SORE ALGUNAS REGLAS DE SEGURIDAD QUE NECEsrrEN SER OBEDECIDAS. EL ENCARGARSE DEL SITIO DE TRABAJO Lo burro de esporcidor para las ormoduras (cobrillos) ' mayores en tomoho 4 ® tlt TOSIO LAS ARMADURAS (CABRILLAS) DEBEN SER RECOGIDAS POR LAS CUERDAS DE AMBA EN S6L0 UNA POSIC16N VERTICAL Lo cornea aproplodo y el suelo liso permiten que no se'dofien las armoduros (cobrillos) al momento del descorge. EI descorge debe ser hecho term del edificio pom ieducir el trotamiento. NO ROMPA to comeo hasto qu6 to instofacidn empieze. Lo erecci6n a mono de los ormadums (cabrillas) as perrnitida, o condi• c16n que of exceso dobiaje lateral sea prevenido. QUtBRADO a�� e• ,f Si las omwdums (m6d0nf son otmocenodor rentmlmente, debe. rar Si for arrraduras (mWlarl ran olmocenadmflgrfronm ralonodas en uta rranera qua Imptdo color ymene. En general, bloques debe. rar usodm en el canto d aura o�'dfezTpx tenor to mereo as troche emaemento onto de b rroces instalocl6n. orio, poo redudr el doblale bloat y to gonodo dei d h USE CUIDADO CUANDO QUITE LAS TIRAS'PARA EVRAR AVERiAR LAS ARMADORAS (CABRttIASR_ a 1's'"r�.�@ Duronts el olmocenoje a largo plaza, los oanaduros (cabrillas) debe. or protdgrt el,mr diotombleMe m i em qua perneite ventilaci6n suficiente de las`armoduros (cabrillos). Si los a)quitranadoNs2o�otrcitmaterfds so, los fines necesitan ester obiertos pom ventilaci6n. EI pl6stico no as recomendodo tporque puede"0_Gopor hu z EL LEVANTARNO r NECESITAN SER SOPORTADAS A EL T1EMPO QUE TODOS LOS DE ARMADURA SON ASEGURA- Use to burro de esporcidor en TODAS oras situations. Debe ser notodo que las lineas de los fines de to born dt 'dor DENTRO'; si esas lios deben AFUE+omoduros (mbrillasesparcn doblen an lo'mitod. IA BARRA DE _ .. . ESPARCIDOR tA BARBA DE ESPAR0 R . Mm..'A o'/• dal bmaM II Ap,a.,'/r a'/• cid mnWn I de b oniodwa kvbdbl �b ommd�m (robi0el rddr de 6a Obr Mfi da d0 pica . to cdetillo .. la coletilb Para levantor armoduros (cobrillas) m6s de 60 pies, as recomendado que uno borm de esporcidor sea usado come ilustrodo. to ba no de esporcidor debe or sujefoda a to cuerda de orriba y los miembros de red alas intervolos d- oproximadomente 10 pies. Meis, to barn de esporcidor debe ser o to alturo media o encimo to alturo media de to armoduros (cabrillos) porn impedir volcocion. Lo burro de esporcidor puede ser de olguno materio con to fuerm sufi ciente porn Ilevor con seguridod of peso de los cuchillos de ormoduro y de la rigidez suficiente poro resistir ode cuodomente el dobloje de los armoduros (cabrillos).