003593 (SFD)Desert Sands Unified School District CERTIFICATION OF PAYNENT OF L9 J, NOTME: THIS DOCUMENMAN114W TY FEES BE DUPLICATED., DATE - TO: City of La Quinta Z, Department of Community Development 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, CA 92253 This is to certify thal:U,,;_�, (A L140 developer of V which is loCated at within this District, has paid school facili'Vy f-ees imposed pursuant to the aut ority generated by Government Code S ti 53080 in the ount f covering a total of 4 square feet of �esidentia(l' or ( ) industrial/commercial development and that building permits for this footage in this development may pe�y be issued by your jurisdiction. o/DESERT SANDS -UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT aWhite -Building Department 0 Yellow- Facilities Planning 0 Pink -Accounting 0 Gold -Developer #; / 731 (10)-37