BSOL2015-0011Bin. # City of- U. Quinta Bw�g a. Dhwon SaMy P.O. Box 1504,"78-495 Calle Tampico- 4.Qukita, CA 92253 -:(760) 777-7012 Building Pennit Application'and Tracidng Sheet Perintt # Project.Addrcss- 15 2-201S k'� I.- CL_ co -V V" 2? .1 Ownees Narne:. a - A- P. Number Address: - f52 -20'z, Aveyk,'8cCary-cc.�,7 C4_ UW Description: city,ST-Zip:LaQuinta, CA 9Z '53 Contractor Solar City Telephone: PrcjeqDesQiption.-5(- roof mounted solar panels Addrew: 3055 Clearview Way. city, 4T, zip: San Mateo,- CA, 94402 2- inverter(s) j0npjY\ Teiepho,w 650-638-1028 ki e— �2 Q rn- -a L4 2-3 stawLic.#: 888104 Cit,3' Lic. & U Arch, EW.. Designer Address: City, ST. Zip: Telephone: on Type: Oc�upan'c3r StawLic.#: Project type (eircle aim): New Add'n Alter Repair Demo Name of ConW Person: Melissa Quintero -Sq. Ft: # Storim Units: T Telephone.$ of C el hone# of Contact Person: 909-855-0038 EwmawvatefPwject '3 R-wo-v".-Con-NAPPLICANT: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE .0 submittal Req'd Recld TRACIMG PERMITIFEES- Plan Sets Plan Check sabmitted hem Amount S" ctund CRIC& Revkw4 ready for dwimp I Ss Vf, Pla. Check Dtposit. Truss Calcs. I-CalledcontactPerson 415MAIL Plan Check Balance Tide 24 Calc& Mus picked up Construction Mood plain plaa iloo Plans rmbraitted' Mechafileal Grading pl" 2" Review, ready for correctiourtnue Electrical SubcoutaMr List Called Contact Person Plumbing Grant Deed Plans picked up ML MOA. Approval Plans resubmitted Gradlog IN FIOUSK.- WvLew, ready for correctionvIssue Developer Impact Fee Planning Approval- Called Contact Person A.LP.P. Pub. Appr Date of permit Issue "061 Fen Total Permit Fees