1998 Proofs of Publication - PHtentative tract 28640 watson & christiansen engineering PROOF OF PUBLICATIOfV I This space is for County Cierk's Filing Stamp t;z0is.s c.c.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside am a citizen of the United States and e resident of the County aforesaid; 1 am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in fhe above-entitled matter. i am the principal clerk of the printer of the DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY, a newspaper of general circulation, printed end published in the city of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California; under the date of March 24, 1986. Case Number 191236; that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit: January 2nd all in the year 1998. 1 certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated at Palm Springs, California this 2nd day of Janua 1998. n^ _ ~._--1~ SIGNATURE Proof ~ ,, . 5 PROOF OF PUBLICATIOPI village on the green specific plan 97-031 tentative tract 28601 site development permit 97-618 general plan amendment 97-055 catellus residential group PROOF OF PUBLICATIOPI (2015.5 C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside This space is for County Clerk's Filing Stamp .d ;:;t~;s~e 7 Fi91119 G ~ l l;~cnti I am a citizen of the United States end a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above•eniitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY, a newspaper of general circulat(on, printed and published In the city of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California; under the date of March 24, 1988. Case Number 191236; that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not In any :supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit: January 5th all in the year 1998. 1 certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing la true and correct. Dated a*. Palm Spr!rgs, Caffornie this:5th day of Janua , 1998. ~ ~~_ SIGNATURE ~_, i -- 1 Proof ~ ~ ---- - , l~ . ~ , \i - --- _. ~~ i~~~ - - I _ _` - --~ PROOF OF PUBLIC ~~ -- ~ village on the green specific plan (97-03), Tentative Tract 28601 Site Develoopment Permit (97-618), Catellus Residential Group PROOF OF PUBLICATIOid (2095.5 C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside 1 am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; 1 am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published .n the city of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California; under the date of March 24, 1988. Case Number 191236; that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any i®supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit: January 5th all in the year 1998. 1 certify (or declare) under penalty of per]ury Yhat the foregolrg Is true and correct. Dated at Palm Springs, California this 5th day of Janugry , 1998. SIGNATURE e i i This space is for County Clerk's Filing Stamp Proof of t No.5210 ~.o~- k ' -- _ - ~!. ~ - ~~ __ ~~:, \ ~ -- - ~ ~-,~=; ~- PROOF OF PUBLICA VILLAGE ON THE GREEN SPECIFIC PLAN 97-031 tentative tract 28601 site development permit 97-618 general plan amendment 97-055 catellus residential PROOF OF PUBLICATION • (2015.5 C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside 1 am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY, a newspaper of general circulation, printed end published In the city of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California; under the data of March 24, 1988. Case Number 191236; that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any .supplement thereof on the following datea, to wit: January 5th all in the year 1998. 1 certiry (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true end correct. Gated ai Paim Springa, California 4his 54h day of Janue , 1998. SIGNATURE ~~ This space is for County Clerk's Filing Stamp ,;.- _ _.~ I ~ r ..~ ._., .: U,a i.. ,fir ; ~. ._t..I; No.5258 _._._ __ .. ~....... `._. Proc LA QUINTA RBUE V-ECUrmcrvi N~. NORTHWEST CORNER OF JEFFER- mils w o i~ 3 ~______.. ~ c~'c~ a li w / Ste PROOF OF PUBLIC specific plan 85-006 amendment #2 oak tree west conditional use permit 97-037 ksl land company PROOF OF PUBLICATION ® (2015.5 C.C.P.j STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published In the city of Palm Sprinaa, County of Riverside,_ and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the , Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of Califomia; under the date of March 24, 1988. Case Number 191238; that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire Issue of said newspaper and not in any • supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit: January 18th all in the year 1898. I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated at Palm Springs, California this 16th day of January , 1998. ~.~ SIGNATURE • This apace is for County Clerk's Filing Stamp No.5355 t9ro PROOF OF PUBLICA local law enforcement block grand advisory board PROOF OF PUBLICA liON (2015.5 C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the ege of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the city of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California; under the date of March 24, 1988. Case Number 191236; that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit: January 19th all in the year 199B. I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregOing la true and correct. Dated at Palm Springa, California thla 20th day ~' 1998~ l:J GL~ 1l~ SIGNATURE 1<<> {- c;l. 0 leG:> 'i.3-O<M 6~ This space is for County Clerk's Filing Stamp ;-tt C ~~ '~" :"u o.~ Jm.; 21 Pi'112 53 ,,; i I ,'1 L" ;",L,j';"l {'I "ITV ,-, P- '. V \,) I vLCr\l\ Proof of Publication of " t NO.S390 Cln OF LA GUINTA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIYEN th<!t the. City of La Qumta Will be conduct. m" a public hearing at 5:30 P.rn on February 4 1998 In the StUdy Session ROom In City Hall, 78-495 ,Calle Tarnpfco La ~:;)ulnta, California: the purpose of the pub- lhC hearing is to allow e Local Law Enforce_ ment Block Grant Advi- s,ory Board to receive in- flut on the proposed uses or a Local Law En- forc~ment Block Grant received from the De- partment of Justice. Follow!!lg receipt of public Input, the Advlso_ ~ f Board Will be making '1<; rE:commendation to tt 2 CIty CounCIl. .'-;)r additional 'oforma_ t 1 ~~ on this ISsue, con- 1_. the City Manager'S ce at (760\ 777-7035 I _kdra L. JUhOla, CIty , ovary 15, 1998 Iblisl1pc. Ja l'r"y " ~: '9'~8 " PROOF OF PUBLICATION tentative tract 28640 watson & christiansen engineering PROOF OF PUBLICATION • (2015.5 C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the city of Palm Springs, County of Riverside,. and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, Siate of California; under the date of March 24, 1988. Case Number 191236; that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any • supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit: January 21St all in the year 1998. I certiry (or declare) under penalty of perjury chat the foregoing is true and correct. Dated at Pelm Springs, California this 21st day of Janus 1998. I li~nnis?~~n 1114 ctn.,,, SIGNATURE f 1 LJ PROOF OF This space is for County Clerk's Filing Stamp Proof ~ c ix»~a,= N ~- rNO.54~ pp" ~~ ~~` registry of consulting firms PROOF OF PUBLICA liON (2015.5 C.C.P.) This space is for County Clerk's F~ing Stamp STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the city of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of gE,neral circulation by the Superior Court of ine County of Riverside, Stale of California; under the dale of March 24, 1988. Case Number 191236; that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit: Proof of Publication of No.5340 all in the year 1998. CITY OF LA QUINTA PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HERIEBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta Is currently updating its registry of consulting firms qualified to perform work In those areas In which the City normally solicits work including, but not IfmitE!d to the following: assessment dis- tricts, appraisal. engineering, planning, geotech. nleal, archItecture, landscape architecture, com. municatlonl" construction manaQement, construction Inspection, electrical engineering, foundation el1gineering, grading design, street and highway design, environmental services, acoustical design, hazardous waste, seismic de- sign, surveyirl~, photogrammetry and plan.check- Ing. If you Wish to be placed on said registrr.' please contac ~ the City Clerk's Office at 78-495 Cal e Tampico, La Quinta, California 92253 or phone (760) 777-7025 for an application form. Dated: January 12, 1998 /s/ Saundra L. Juho/a, City Clerk City of La Qulnta, California Pub: 1/15, 22. 1998 January 15, 22nd I certify (or declare) under penalty 01 perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated at Palm Springs. California this 23rd day 01 Jan~ 1998. . , UDl I Ll, V'vt~~ SIGNA TURE PROOF OF PUBLICATION .tentative tract 28719 ksl land corporation PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside I am a citizen of the United Statas and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above-entitled mailer. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the city of Palm Springs, County of Riverside. and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Sup~rior Cour;! of the County of Riverside. State of California; under the date of March 24, 1988. Case Number 191236; that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates. to wit: January 23rd all in the year 1998. I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Is true anei correct. Deted at Palm Springs. Ca1lfotRla'thls 26th day of January, 1998. . PROOF OF --, ()~ - This space is for County Clerk's Filing Stamp t Proof No.537' CITY OF LA QUINTA cln COUNCIL NOTICE Of PUBLIC HEARING ~:JTICCI IS IfERIBY GIVIN that the City of La Qulnta y ounei! will hold a PUBLIC HEARING of Feb- ruary 3, 19~'8, at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall C, o,u, nc.ll Chamben, 78.495 Calle Tamplco on the f 0 oWing Item: , ITIMI TEN.tATlVE TRACT 28719 APPLlCANTI KSL LAND CORPORATION LOCATION: ON BAYA AND CETRINO EAST OF MANGO ,,,, THE CITRUS COUNTRY CLUB \ REQUI!5T: CREATION OF 58 SINGLE FAMIL Y'RES- IDENTIAL LOTS AND MISCELLANEOUS LOTS ON LAND I)REVIOUSL Y SUBDiVIDED BY TRACT ,24890-2 ANI) TRACT 24889 ,LEGAL: LOTS 6--11, PORTioNS OF LOT "An OF AMENDINI:; MAP OF TRACT 24890.-2 AND LOT "AS" OF TRACT 24889 The La Qulnta commu'nity Development Depart- ment has cietermlned tha the request has been ~revIOUSIY assessed In conlunction with Specific Ian 85.0.06 which was certified on October 15, 1985. t ! _.. 'r-:1-_ .- ~_,Jiiiiiiiiiijio .._~ -, ji~l:-' -.0=;" <'1i ~..- If' ':.~ ~c ::.'..... \ ..1-.. I . . . '\J: ~ . --~' --' '. -,: ~;., ----. ~~ ~ '~.~: . ~"'~':' '.... ~ ,".' .'i ~..I.. .'. - _ ~~.. _ 7..' ::;;0:--' ': ~'i1 \;':,~;I ~-.l . ' ....... . - - , ---.. " I !2/'l4..vr:NtF- '" ~~ ~~r:ri~ (r:aay submit written comments on thIs prior to the .Home.mr,Unnglty Dde/veiopment Department h an or may ap ear and be t::~?~~ ~~~'~or~ of l?r opposition to t~e project at slon of this c:s E!armg. If you challenge the decl- ~:i:~~ e~r~~/ha~~1~~;;~i~hrr~0~~~ ~;~~~~~e~I:~ correspondence dellve~ed c t~~~~I~o~~~n -nrltbee~ ~~I~~~;n~~fepartment at, or prior to, the ~Ubllc the pUl>lic M~.fdop~~ed fII~(s).may be viewed by 5;0.0 f. m at '~he ~Yom rou!iJ, Forlday 8:0.0. a,m., until . . mun, evelo ment De r. Q~{lnfaLa c~~uga flty -raIl, f8.4~S Caire TamPlcg,a L~ ftarts from 1fh;"ct:te :fe t~~b~~tl;:~;;de~~n~r"r~~~ l~rf~gIC}r~ Public Hearing on February 3, 1998. e y s efforts to comply wIth the require. ment}... of the Title II of the Americans With Disabll- es ct Of 1990, the City Clerk requires that an ~:~iss~~ni~e n:re~c~~~~otJft~o~f{ :f?;'~~J~rU~~~~~ ~~n~fta;tl~~: CIty r.UbIlC meeting, must Inform scheduled mee~i m n mum of 72 hours prior to the PUBLIC, !'Y~IJ.!~ecd; J,.nu~fy 23, 1998 tract map 28470 amendment #1 trdition club associates `~ ''PROOF OF PUBLICA'1'IOPd ® (2015.5 C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside I am a citizen of the United Steies and a resident of the County aforesaid; 1 am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above•entiiled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the city of Palm Springs, County o! Riverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California; under the date of March 24, 1988. Case Number 191236; that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller then nonpareil), has b©en published in each rogular end entire issue of said newspaper and not In any supplement thereof on the following dates, to ®wit: January 27th all in the year 1998. I certiry (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the. foregoing Is true and correct. Dated at P.alm~Springs, California this 27th day of January , 1998. ~~~ Uo ~~ ` 1(`~ " " 1~-~ SIGNATURE • This space is for County Clerk's Filing Stamp ~ No.54]0 ~ITr OF LA OGINTA o arr couwcn NOi1CE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE 18 HEREeY GIVEN that the City of La Ouinta Prof City Council will hold a PUBLIC HEARING Febru- CouncillChambe~s,p78--495 Calla Tampico,'on F}he following Item: ITEM: TRACT MAP 284]0 AMENDMENT ttl APPLICANT: TRADITION CLUB ASSOCIATES C/O WINCHESTER DEVELOPMENT NGTON STREET AT 52NDEAVEINUE OF WASH- REOUEST: REVISE CONDITION #790F RESOLU- BUOILDING HEIGHT RESTRICTION WITH NIA 335 BUIOLDING HEIGHT REOSTR~CT ONTWITH NIA 1 0 FOOT CORRIDOR EAST OF ULTIMATE RIGHT- ' OF-WAY OF AV EN DIA BERMUDAS. LEGAL: LOTS 85-94, 1]]-189, AND 209-219 OF TRACT 284]0 (~ o: ~-~ i c f gmh •. z ev[. I CALEE I :, IAMr16V = I ~ 52ntl AvE. N u'~ a y, ~, 1 - ~ ~ ~ ~ANDGNCO ~ sxaa evL. , I MIQIECf `AC'nmN Q The VICINITY MAP person may suo, to the Commun ~ing and/or may of or opposition .fearing. If you ~ ~., ~~~ila, , ~: i=olm ~-+ •.Yr on to ine U person in neea o. any , tt= ~ w==•••• ~° °-°- mu~ncateeatra C tY pmubleci meeiin9~musttlntorm PROOF OF PUBLICAN the City Clerk a minimum of 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting. ._Pyblished: January 2],_ 1998 zoning code amendment 97-057 and general plan amendment 98-056 • '`PROOF OF PUBLICA~~~II V E D (2015.5 C.BCB. FEB 'i Pfd 12 CITY OF LA QUINT STATE OF CALIFORNIA CITY CLERK County of Riverside i am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above•entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published In the city of Pelm Springs, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California; under the date of March 24, 1988. Case Number 191236; that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to • wit: February 2nd all In the year 1998. I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Ia true and correct. Dated at Palm Springs, California this 2nd day of Febr,, uary_, 1998.^n 1 SIGNATURE This space is for County Clerk's Filing Stamp CITY OF LA QUIIVTA PLANNING CO' ' ~.~ IS~SI:O ~' NOTICE OF PUBLIC HE-~AR1 ~ G- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Ciy of La Quints Planning Commission will'fiold' a PUBLIC HEARING on February 24, 1998, at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quints City Hall Council Chambers, 78-49S Celle Tampico, on the following item: ITEM: ZONING CODE AMENDMENT 97-057, AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 98-056 APPLICANT: CITY OF LA QUINTA LOCATION: CITY-WIDE IN HILLSIDE CONSERVATION OVERLAY REQUEST: TO AMEND CHAPTER 9.140.000 - HILLSIDE CONSERVATION REGULATIONS, AND RELATED GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS The La Qvinta Commvniy Development Department has completed Environmental Assessment 98-351. Based upon this assessment, the AmendmenYwill not have'a significant adverse effect on the envi- ronment; because all potentially significant adverse impacts have been mitigated to a point of insignificance and; therefore, a Mitigated Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Quints Plarinrig Commission will consider the Environmental Assessment and Amendment at the Hearing. Any person may submit written comments on this case to the Community Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the project of the time of the Hearing: If you challenge the decision of :this case in court, you may be limited fo raising only those issues-that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in wrinen core- spondence delivered to the Community Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed file(s) may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. until5:00 p.m. at the Community Development Department, La Quints City Hall, 78- 495 Celle Tampico, La Quints, California. The public comment peri- od starts from the date of this notice and continues through the Public Hearing on February 24, 1998. In the City'sefforts to comply with the requirements of Title II of the Americans With Disabilities Act Of 1990, the Adminis- tration/Community Development-0epartment requires that any per son in need of any type of special equipment, assistance or accom- modation(s) in order to communicate at a Citypublic meeting, must inform 'the CommunityDevelopment Department a minimum of 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting. PROOF OF Pa Publisliedfebruary2, 1998 specific plan 85-006 amendment #2 ksl land company PR®OF ®~ P~li~3LIO~1fV®~ (2®95.5 Q.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above•entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY, a newspaper of ?eneral cirrpla_tinn. ~rinfgrt. s,;, YghliehPd in the city of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been adiudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California; under the date of March 24, 1986. Case Number 1912313; that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit: February 6th all in the year 1998. I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the fnranninn is t.'^q end correct. . Dated at Palm Springs, California this 6th ~~1u~ 1~~i -~~Oll~y.= SIGNATURE em a }his PROOF OF PUB~.f~~T This space is for County Clerk's Filing Stamp osa9a ' CITY OF LA pU1NTA elTr eouweu Pfrrof Of NOTICE IS NF CRT OIVEN Uhet~theECHlyNOf La Qufn}a ' City Countll will holtl a PUBLIC HEARING on February 17, 1998, a} 7:00 p. m. in the La Quints Ci}y Hell Council Chambers, 78-495 Calla Tampico, on ITEM IISPEFIFIC PLAN 85-006, AMENDMENT #Z 'APdi,~euE WEST)..._ __.._. SPECIFIC OF SECTIONS 5, 6, antl 8, SE P@RMIr 9]-0.7] FOR POLO on b, 1998 Tract Map 28470, amendment #1, Tradition Club Associates - 'PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside i am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, end not a party to or interested in the above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY, a newspaper of general circulation, prtnted end published in the city of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, end which newspaper has been adjudged e newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California; under the date of March 24, 1988. Case Number 191238; that the notice, of which the annexed la a printed copy (set In type not amailer then nonpareil), has been published In each regular and entire tsaue of said newspaper and not In any supplement thereof on the following dates, to • wk: I February 10th all in the year 1998. I certiry (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing la true and correct. Dated at Palm Springs, Csltfar;,la Chia 10th day of February , 19 8. SIGNATURE • This apace is for County Clerk's Filing Stamp No.5614 ' CITiYygOj ~UAyO~11NjA„ PRANNING~'COMMIEEION71, NOTICE[OFJPURLTIC~NEARI~G Proof NOTICE IS NEREB~ GIVEN fFi4a''_}he O 1"vNTn`s : ~ n..:~.- =~ru LoTS.E59d 177-189 AND 40Y=219 OF : ~ T 7R4a0 ~ n ~ n~efifa ~ Ima~a~} N,~7eo'9dE°n~ion- B(.;.: 1 ~~~ f~ sz~ aA .: "~: 1; _' - ~ ewoalrto saw YE. tOC ~. ViGIIVI•TY tdh1P PROOF OF PUBLi Site Development Permit 98-619, Mr. Dennis Cunningham for RJT Develpment • 'PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above•entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY, a newspaper of general circulation, printed end published in the city of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, a~r.~i n; m:i~ ~i'OwaIJ&pbr hag been BdjUdg@d a ~ newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California; under the date of March 24, 1988. Case Number 191238; that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller then nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire Issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to • wit: February 26th all in the year 1998. I certiry (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated at Palm Springs, California this 26th ay of ~ brua 1998. SIGNATURE ~` • This space la for County Clerk's Filing Stamp Proc ImDacis PROOF OF PUBLICATION .,,..,a, Specific Plan 96-028, amendment #1 Lapis Energy/ Allstate Self Storage PROOF OF PUBLICATION . (2015.5 C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside I am a citizen of the Untied States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I em over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested In the above-entitled matter. i am the principal clerk of the printer of the DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the city of Paim Springs, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been adludged e newspaper of general circulation by the' Superior Court of the County of Riverside, Stele of Celifomia; under the date of March 24, 1888. Case Number 191238; that the notice, of which the annexed'ia a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each reguier and entire issue of said newspaper end not in any • supplement thereof on the following dates, to wk: I February 27th ail in the year 1998. I certiy (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the forsgo!ng is trua and correct. Dated at Pelm Springs, California this 27th day of Fe rua n 1998. SIGNATURE .. ,~ ,. ,.. ~ ,. • This apace is for County Clerk's Filing Stamp No.5771 P PROOF OF PUBLICATION ~, Repeal of Specific Plan 87-009, Village at La Quinta zoning code amendment 98-060, change of zone 98-085 PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of She DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in i6e ufiy of 'raim Springs, County of riverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of Celifomia; under the date of March 24, 1988. Case Number 191238; that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any • supplement thereof on the following dates, to Wit: March 3rd all in.the year 1998. I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury ihnt fhn fnrgnninn ie }n~R And COR9Ct. Dated at Palm Springs, California this 4th ~y of rchll, 199~/I (l I I ~~ ^ , Ll. Ll~i l l~~~V V SIGNATURE U This space is for County Clerk's Filing Stamp NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tke Ciy+of~La-( Commission will hold a PUBLIC HEARING omMd~i 7:00 p.m. in the La Ovinta by Hall Council Chi Calle~Tampico, on the following items: ITEWiV REPEAL OPSPECIFIC PLAN 87=004; OUINTA ZONING CODE AISIEN[ CHANGE OF ZONE 98-085 APPLICANT: CITY OF LA OUINTA LOCATION: 'THE AREA IS.GENERALLY BOUNC ROWER DRIVE, 32ND AVENUE:- DRIVE AND THE LA QCJIN!TA CHANNEL ACTION: TO REPEAL THE VILLAGE ,AT lA QU PLAN, REPLACING IT WITH DF GUIDELINES. AiNE,WrPROPOSEQ-" The is C7uinta Community Development Depa~jlmeptahas eo Envaronmerital Assessment 9&333r Based on hat asses9trl proposed.:projecCwillhave no significant eh Viro"nmeFitafF~i and a Negative Declaration sf,all be prepared. The La Planning. Commission will consider a recommendatiop ro,1 Council on this determinahon,,along with fhe proposed'aeit Any person may submit written comments on Commuriity~~DevelopmeHf-Department priorto?he m5y' dppeaa6rid`kie heard in support of or opposif at the Hearing. If you challenge the decision on court, you may be limited to raising only Chase i; someonetelse raised at the Hearing, or in pr"tor. H The project `files may be viewed Monday throoglt F until 3.00- p.m., at the {ommunity Development Quinfa Ciy'H&II, 78-.443 CalleTampico, LarQu'rriti In the City's efforts to comply with the re Americans With Disabilities A'et of in need~of::any,type of special equipment, 'dation(sj-inrocd'er to coirtmunicata,at a-C mum-ofd Z2':ho`ii~s PROOF OF repeal of specific plan 87-009 village at la quinta zoning code amendment 98-059 change of zone 98-085 PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above•entiiled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the city of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of Califomia; under the date of March 24, 1988. Case Number 191236; that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to • wit: March 24th ell in the year 1998. I certiry (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated at Palm Springs, California this 25th dty ~f ~ich , 1998. n n /~ SIGNATURE j~ n l - ~ h1~` Jj ~~ II ~;~ // I~i_l{ ~1 ~I'~!i ~~~ l:!Ilk 2 Z 1998 ~_)i IJ G17Y OF LA:~UINTA • I PLANNING nEP__?RTMEPvT PROOF OF This space is for County Clerk's Filing Stamp - - - - - - - ....g. -. rrt ry NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Qu Commission will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on Aptif 7:00 p.m. in the La Quints City Hall Council Cham Celle Tampico, on the following items: ITEM: REPEAL OPSPECIFII LA QUINTA ZONING CHANGE OF ZONE ! APPLICANT: CITY OF LA QUINTA LOCATION: THE AREA IS GENERALLY EISENHOWER DRIVE, 52ND At CLUB DRIVE AND THE LA QUIN CHANNEL TO REPEAL THE VILLAGE AT,L CIFIC PLAN, REPLACING IF REVIEW GUIDELINES. A NE "VILLAGE COMMERCIAL" ZOO ELIMINATION OF 'THE "UfUL; TIAL" AND MAPPING WILL B WITHIN AND EAST OF THE-=E "VILLAGE RESIDENTIAL" AR DESERT CLUB DRIVE, IS RI REZONING TO LOW DENSITY RE The La Quints Community Development Departn plated Environmental Assessment 98-353. B~ assessment, the proposed project will have no si ronmental impacts, and a Negative Declaration pared. The La Ouinta Planning Commission will c ommendation to the City Council on this deterrr with the proposed action. Any person may submit written comments on this ca`seato~tYa'g Community Development Department prior to the f~~,eanne and/or may appear and be heard in support of or oppiisiEio"t,i~tt the project at the Hearing. if you challenge the decisiomuonYtti(s proposal in court, you may be limited to raisirig only xfiosE issues that you or someone else raised at the Hearing;=orie prior written comments. The project information may bekU,iew,ep•' Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p m., at the Community Development Department, La Qumta City Half 78-495 Celle Tampico, La Quints Califdrnia. In the City's efforts to comply with~the requirements~ofawTitlerilAol [he Americans With Disabilities Act. of 1990, the Administration/Community Development Department requiies that any .person in need of any type of special equipment; assistance or accommddation(s)°in order tq communicate at :a City public meeting, must inform the City CIerWCotninynity Development Department a minimum of 72 hours prior to the Conditional Use Permit 98-039, Kathryn Carlson, 77895 Ave Montezuma ~~ PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) C~ This space is for County Clerk's Filing Stamp STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside I am a citizen of the United Stetea end a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above-entitled matter. 1 am the principal clerk of the printer of the DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the city of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, anti which newspaper has been aolaogeo a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of RIvP:gic~~~, Staie of Califomia; under the c;t;f:8 0~ tYiarch 24, 1988. Case Number 1991,38; f[~:dP the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any auppiement thereof on the following dates, to • wit: March 24th all in the year 1998. I certiry (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated at Palm Springs, California this loth day of March , 1998. , ~~) ®~-6L~, (Y1®-v, ~~ SIGNATURE t • 'NtL5967~ CIiY OF LA OUINiA PLANNING COMMISSION. NO71CE OF PU6LIC NEAYING Pr( NOTI,CE:~S,,,~HE,.,.REBY G[VEN ih Jot fheityP of La HEARING on~Ag44r Isldr 1998' aiwTO~Ohp.~n aln theLLa ~' TOamPaco,i on Fihel to~lowingC tems:ers, ]8-495 Calla i1TEM: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 96-039 APPLICANT: KATHRYN CARLSON, D.V.M. LOCATION: 97-895 AV ENDIAMONTEZUMA '~REOUEST: TO ALLOW A SMALL ANIMAL VET- ~DENCE WITHI NI A HIISTORIC SOTR UCTU RE, L SST- ED AS A HISTORIC RESOURCE IN THECITY'S' GENERAL PLAN. APN: 777-101-005 The La Ownta Communify Development has com- '.pletetl Environmental Assessment #96-355. Based upon this assessment, the use will not have a' ~5lgnlflca nt adverse effect on The envvon menf; ~, therefore, a Mitigated Neggative Declaration is rec- ' ommentled. The La Qulnta Pla nning. Commission ~ will considerthe use and %e environmental assess- ment at the Hearing. J /~11 ~iyrj'7~IA ~~ ~r ~, ^ :..r: j i 6 l~ I _ -~ .. ~iG~ ~h ERR 2 7 1998 ~~'t ~~ TA CITY Cf' UgCU1N~~~~~ p~Nt~~~-~°"°""`PROOF OF PUBLICATI _...--- ~,....~~ ,1 ~~ ._. r-~ -- ~_ ^- _. I ~- gaa 1996 __._.. .-. Zoning Code Amendment 97-058 PROOF OF PUBLICATION • (2015.5 C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the city of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been adiudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California; under the date of March 24, 1988. Case Number 191236; that the notice, of which the annexed' is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire Issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to • wit: March 21st all in the year 1998. 1 certiry (or declare) under penalty of penury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated at Pelm Springs, California this 25th y f Ma ch , 1998. SIGNATURE '~,u~,[~~C~~~~n~n ~~~ 1~ N2AR 2 7 1998 LI • CITY OF LAQUINTA PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~I _~. [:10FOF This space is for County Clerk's Filing Stamp J:~L> CITY NOThC;E OF 1PU,B'LI;C-~HiEyARiIIN;Ga NOTICE HEREBY°GIVENt~ that<»zthe City of ?La Ouinta City Council-will hold a PUBLIC HEARING' on April 7, 1997, at 7:00 p:m. in the La Quinta-City Hall Council Chambers, 78-495 Celle Tampico, on the following items: ITEM: ZONING CODE AMENDMENT 97-058 APPLICANT: CITY OF LA QUINl'A LOCATION: CITY-WIDE REQUEST: CONSIDERATION OF MISCELLA- NEOUS AMENDMENTS TO TITLE 9 (LA QUINTA ZONING CODE) OF THE MUNICIPAL CObE. The La Quinta Community Development, Departrnenf has determined that his amend o a ent is exempted per Section 15061 (b, 3) ofi the', Guidelines for Implementation of the California' Environmental Quality Act. Any person may submit written comments on this item to the Community Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the changesat the time of the hearing. If you challenge the deci- Sion of this item in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing, or in=writ- ten correspondence delivered to the Community Deveolpment Department at, or prior to, the pub- lic hearing. The proposed file(s) may be viewed by the public Monday through ?Friday, 8100 a.m. wntil 5:00 p.m., at the Community Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-495 Galle Tampico,. La Quints California. The Public com- ment period starts from the date of this notice and continues through the Public Hearing on APrii 7, 1998. In the City's efforts to comply with the requir=e- ments of Title II of the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990, the Community Development Depart- ment requires that shy person in need of any type of special equipment, assistance or accomr~oda- ti:on(s) in order to communicate at a City .Public Tentative Tract 26718 Time Extension 1, Walter Hansch PROOF OF PUBLICATION • (2015.5 C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside 1 em a ciiizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, end not a party to or Interested In the above•entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the city of Paim Springs, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been ad)udged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, -State of Califomia; under the date of March 24, 1888. Ceae Number 191238; that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller then nonpareil), has been published In each regular and entire Issue of Bald newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to wn: i This space la for County Clerk's Filing Stamp No.6070 ~ - Proof i TRACT 26778 TIME EXTEN- 4, March 27th all in the year 1998. i certNy (or declare) under penaky of per)ury that the foregoing le true and corcect. Dated at Palm Sp:inga, California this 31 at »na-~s-Wnreh-19f]A- ---` --- SIGNATURE • PROOF OF PUBLIC Tentative Tract 26855, Sumbad and Sharron Kanlian PROOF OF PUBLICATION • (2015.5 C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside I am a citizen of the United States and e resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above•entitled matter. 1 am the principal clerk of the printer of the DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published In tha clry of Palrn Springs, County of Riverside, and which newspaper hae been adjudged a i newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of Callfomia; under the date of March 24, 1988. Case Number 191238; that the notice, of which the annexed la a printed copy (set in type not amalier than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any • supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit: March 27th ell in the year 1998. 1 ceAiry (or declare) under peneky of perjury that the foregoing la irue and correct. Defied ai Peim Spriilga, California this 3'!st __.._ _ dry_~f M,~h-1998.-_-^ ~ ., -- - SIGNATURE • This apace la for County Clerk's Filing Stamp Prop PROOF OF PUBLICA Specific Plan 96-028; Amendment #1 Site Development Permit 96-590, Lapis Energy/ .Allstate Self Storage PROOF OF PUBLICA nON (2015.5 C.C.P.) STATE OF CAUFORNIA County of Riverside I am a citizen of the United Statea and a realdent of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen yesrs, and not a party to or Interested In the above-entltled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published In the city of Palm Sprlnga, County of Rlveralde, . and which newspaper haa been adjudged a ! newepaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California; under the date of March 24, 1988. Case Number 191238; that the notice, of which the annexed la a printed copy (set In type not smaller than nonpareil), haa been published In each regular and entlra Issue of said newspaper and not In any aupplement tl1ereof on the following datea, to , wit: I March 27th all In the year 1998. I certify (or d.clare) uncler penalty of perjury that the foregoing la true and correct. Dr.,ad at Palm Springs, California thla !1!1 ,y~~ M reh ~ 1998. -------.--:- -~---;- U~~^-Q ~(Cl UJ,L/U SIGNATURE . . This spaca Is for County Clerk's Filing Stamp ..~.u....,,, CITY OF LA GUINTA CITY COUNCIL NOTlCI!; IS tt,OTICf OF PUBLIC HEARING QUlnta elt c EREBY GIVEN that the Cit f Proof of on April 7,Y 1~8U~f'j.O<Jlh ~Id, a PUBLIC HErAR ,ti8 rhall,CounclI Chambers '78~49~ tche"LaTQulnta City e oJl,owfng items" 8 e amplco on iTEMS- SPECIFiC . , SITE DEVELOPM~~~~9E6-028; AMENDMENT #1 MENT 1t1 RMIT 9~S90; AMEND_ APPLICANT- L P STORA(,e . A IS ENERGY/ALLSTATE SELF LOCATION'SOUTHEAS ' 111 ANCI DiJNE PALMST RCOORNER OF HIGHWAY APN: 64'11-030-014 AD REQUE'iT' AMENO PROVAl S' MENTS TO EXISTING FPROVE6 F~gO:'-.krf~ AFONRINCREASE IN ~~: ACILlTY FRO A SELF STORAGE 91,000 SCIUARE ~:fPf~BIMATEL Y 67,000 TO ARCHITECTURAL MATERTO ALLOW MINOR CHANGES FOR' IAL AND COLO TlONS THE THE ~~~J~~~:"'NCIES AND ADD~ I', SP 9&-028 "- - ,., ! I . Sl'1Z/ i I / 'f ' lQ I I &f~ lQ a-_ AlE , The La Quinta Cft C mitigated Negatlv~ D~~I~~I~tfreViously certified a prqval for this prolect on F bon as part of the ap- QUmtlll COrTlrnunlt DIe ruary 4, 1997. The La determined that this dve opment Department has . ~:iresslng the proposedo~~~,e,nt Is adequate In ad- ,- - Impacts are antlcl ated sons, in that no new ----- addressed In the ~rlglnWrl~h were not preViOUSly The La Quinta City Coun~fl 1natlve DeClaration. mendatlon trom the Pia w consider a recom_ proposed profect agpuc~n~ng C,ommission. on the Any person may s It . ns a the Hearmg case to the (~om u m written comments on this prior to the -Hea~I~~ltKn~,velopment Department heard In sUPPort of r or may appear and be the HearIng. If yoU ~hB~rfnos~t~hn to t~e. prOlect at case In Cour~ you ma bPi. e deCISion on this those. iSSues 1'hat YOU o~ soe Imrted to raisIng only Heanng, or 111 prior wrltte meone else raised at the fIles may be Viewed MonJa~o~ments. The pro feet a.m. until 5:00 P.m at th C rOugh Friday, 8:00 ment Department L Q . e ommunlty Develor.- Tamplco, La QUlnta a C~m~a Cry Hall, 78-495 Cal e In the City's efforts' t rn a. ments of TitlE' II of the ~~O"1Ply with the require_ Act Of 1990, the Administrae~oC~/~ With D!sabfUtles fpment requIres that any perso~rrmu"'ty Devel- Type of special equipment I n need of any dationCs) In ol-der to commass,stance or accommo. meeting, must Inform th ~7t cate at a City pUblic D~velopment Departmenr a ~ T'erk/Comrnunfty pnor to the scheduled me tr n mUm of 72 hours PU,bflshed: Mllrch 27, 1998 e ng. PROOF OF PUBLICATION ~ Site Development Permit 98-621, Peters-Hover Company 6~i00F OF PUBLICATIORI O (2095.5 C.C.Q.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside 1 am a citizen of the United Stetea end a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or Interested In the above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published In the city of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has :;e3n sd;udged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California; under the date of March 24, 1988. Case Number 191238; that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any O supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit: April 1st ell in the year 1998. 1 certiry (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true end correct. Dated at Palm Springs, California this 2nd da o Aril , (1998. ~~./~~~~qqq ~~' _- il ~ J l~lQ 1 (lG(;~~; SIGNATURE v This space is for County Clerk's Filing Stamp RECEIVED ' 98 APR 6 PPI 1 06 CI-fY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK ~~ No.bOd4 ~~r-_-_ _ _- _ _ _ _ _ cITT ov LA GGINTA I~ PLANNING COMMISSION NOTIC! OP PUfilIC NEARING pro PoOTIGE IS XFRl6T GIVfiN that the Cify of La Qul nta. PlanN nn fnmmisxinn will holtl a PU 6LIC NEAR- I-495 Calla Tampico, '~ PERMIT 96-aYl t COMPANY = LIGA, POMO, CE- STREETS, IN THE Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was oted for Specific Plen 85-006 (Oak Tree West) of .h this project is a part. There are no substen- changges In the project from the prig final envl- nental review. Therefore, the original EIR re-. ns adequate to atltl rasa all environmental acts. ~+ -_ ^vr4 ~~ !_ _ ~`~~i ~pproy Club I - ~ ~ ~: ~~ II ~.~ '_ (. ~~ P 9pi OGas¢: d19 person may submit written comments on this , to the Community Development Department .r to the Hearing antl/or may appear antl be rd in support of or opposition to the project at time of the Hearing. If you challenge the detl- i of }his case in court, you may be Il mited to ing only those Issues that you or someone else etl either at the Public Hearing or in written ~esoondence tleliveretl to the Community De- II contip U¢s Through the PUOIIC Nearing On wpru w, IIIII1ult'ill 1996. In the City's efforts to comply with the reyyulre- men15 of Title II of the Americans Wlth Dlsabil lfles Act of 1990, the Atlminisiration/Community Devel- opment Department requires that any person in need of any type of Special equipment, esslstance ' or accommotlatlon(s) In order to communicate at a City public meeting, must Inform the Community pp~ p ,,}}~~ pDevelopment Department a minimum of 7Z hours Y'f700F ®F il'Up~'y~. l?ub114hedheA~rhletlu~~6meeting. 9 '-'~ Zoning Code Amendment 97-061, •~ ® Proof Of Pub.(A),8.5'x11',0720,Lorna,art ~fi $~R®OjF ~~ ~~TBi[.g~.~i®~ ~ This space is (2015.5C.C.jP.) SPATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside I am a dtiun of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen yews, and and not a pazty to or interested in the above•entitled matter. i am the principal clerk of a printer of the DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY a newspaper of general cin-ulaHon, printed and published in the aty of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general arculation by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California; under the date of March 24,1988. Case Number 191236; that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit: _ ___ . ... ~~!..1.... 3.~ ..................... ................................................. all in the year ]9 .....L.Q...... i certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and mrrecL Dated at Palm Springs, California this 19 I~ i~~~;~C~~,.:~tw~l~i~~~~~~ lire ~t~7~ 1 ~ j~~~ I~ L tJ CITY OF LAQUIN'tA ~~ li 1i ~ICn ling ~tp~ l~~l ~1 ~C~~74^^ ~~~~~~C2 C®~Ib1~~~0®iel NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ICE HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Guinta Planning mission will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on April 14, 1998, at p. m. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers, 78-495 Tampico, on the following items: ITEM: ZONING CODE AMENDMENT 97-061 APPLICANT CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY-WIDE REQUEST: CONSIDERATION OF MISCELLANEOUS AMENDMENTS TO TITLE 9 (LA QUINTA ZONING CODE) OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE. The La Quinta Community Development Department has determined that this amendment is exempted per Section 15061 (b, 3) of the Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act. Any person may submit written comments on this case to the Community Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or !opposition to the project at the Hearing. If you challenge the decision of this item in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Community Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed file(s) may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., at the Community Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta California. The public comment period starts from the date of this notice and continues through the Public Hearing on (April 14, 1998. )/ ~ I~ l~ ~~ In the City's efforts to comply with the requirements of Title y lA,) j/ 11 of the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990, the SIGNATURE Community Development Department requires that any person in need of any type of special equipment, assis- tance or accommodation(s) in order to communicate at a City public meeting, must inform the Community Development Department a minimum of 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting. Rancho La Quinta Specific Plan 84-004 Amendment No. 2, General Plan Amendment 98-057, Change of Zone 98-086, T.D. Desert Development PROOF OF PUBLICATION • (2015.5 C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside 1 am a citizen of the United Stetea and e resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or Interested in the above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published In the city of Pelm Springs, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation Eby the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of Celifomie; under the date of March 24, 1988. Case Number 191236; that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire Issue of said newspaper and not in any, .supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit: A rip 16th all in the year 1998. i I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing la true and correct. Dated at Palm Springs, California this 7th day of ~, 1998. , n n ~ ~ _~ ~_ ,_ • This apace la for County Clerk's Filing Stamp - --- Nn 5994. ' i Proc N La ~o` In me Act opi ne< Or aC /C< ~ Pu PROOF OF PUBLICATION Zoning Code Amendment 97-058 PR®®F ®F PUBLICA~I®~I O (~®b5.5 ~.~.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the city of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the'i Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California; under the date of March 24, 1968. Case Number 191236; that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit: April 10th all in the year 1998. I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated at Palm Springs, California this 10th .de of A ril , 1998. ~~~,~ ~~s~~~l~i x ;~ SIGNATURE PROOF ®F 0 This space is for County Clerk's Filing Stamp ®F ~ ~~9h~4~'~ IRL~aIVlVIIVC ~®AAM9~~8®~9 9V®TICE ~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~N NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quints Planning Commission will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on April 28th at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quints City Hall Council Chambers, 78-495 Calla Tampico on the following items: ITEM: ZONING CODE AMENDMENT 97-058 APPLICANT: CITY OF LA QUINTA LOCATION: CITY-WIDE REQUEST: CONSIDERATION OF MISCELLA- NEOUS AMENDMENTS TO TITLE 9 (LA QUINTA ZONING CODE) OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE. The La Quints Community Development Depart- ment has determined that this amendment is exempted per Section 15061 (b, 3) of the Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act. Any person may submit written comments on this item to the Community Development Department. prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be' heard in support of or opposition to the project at. the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the deci- sion on this item in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised at the Public Hearing, or in prior written comments. The project files may be viewed Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., at the Community Development Department, La Quints City Hall, 78-495 Calla Tampico, La Quints California. In the City's efforts to comply with the require- ments of Title II of the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990, the Administration/Community Development Department requires that any person in need of any type of special equipment, assis- tance or accommodation(s) in order to communi- cate at a City public meeting, must inform the City Clerk/Community Development Department a minimum of 72 hours prior to the scheduled meet- ng. Site Development Permit 97-616, Conditional Use Permit 97-036, Shell Oil Company ~^ PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) ~~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside I em a citizen of the United States end a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, end not a party to or interested in the above-eniitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY, a newspaper of general circulation, printed end published in the city of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, L9i~u WI11{ii II.'~.^L~IC Ji'il ritto uca~~ o~Juu~+n~ a 'newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Rivereide, State of California; under the date of March 24, 1988. Case Number 191238; that the notice, of which the annexed Is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire Issue of said newspaper end not in any • supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit: I April 15th ell in the year 1998. 1 certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing la true and correct. Dated at Palm Springs, Cslifornis this 15th y.of _ ril .1998. ~~~ SIGNATURE • This space Is for County Clerk's Filing Stamp '~~'~ h+. Srt[ !t s PROOF OF PUBLICATION NO.6065 - N ~ b,.... ~~E s Site Development Permit 98-620, KSL Desert Resorts, Inc PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) ~~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; 1 am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the city of Pelm Springs, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged, a newspaper of general circulation by the ~ Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of Cailfomie; under the date of March 24, 1988. Case Number 191238; that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any • supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit: ~ April 17th ell in the year 1998. 1 certify (or declare) under penalty of.perjury that the foregoing la true end correct. Dated at Palm Springs, California this 17th ay f A 'I 1998. SIGNATURE This space is for County Clerk's Filing Stamp RECEIVED '98 APR 21 APl 11 32 CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK AND OTHER MINOR CT #44889 (APN: 769-14o- =~ _ = ~--_ -- -i ` _ "~ ~--:~ caw -~~, ~.. ~ sus. s.u~ .«.~. •.sm N ues PROOF OF PUBLICATI~ Zoning Code Amendment 97-057, General Plan Amendment 98-056 PROOF OF' PUBILICA~101~ ~' STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside 1 am a citizen of the United States and e resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above-entitled matter. i am the principal clerk of the printer of the DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the city of Palm Springa, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California; under the date of March 24, 1988. Case Number 181238; that the notice;;of which the annexed la a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to O wit: April 21st all in the year 1998. 1 certiry (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing la true and correct. Dated at Palm Springa, California this 21st day of April , 1~/998. /h~~ SIGNATURI=r PROOF OF a This apace Is for County Clerk's Filing Stamp d°'~E\1E~i~ttl@~J ~®®tlOttl®~~~~~aCl NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quints Planning Comimission will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on May 12, 1998 at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quints City Hall Council Chambers, 78-495 Celle Tampico on the following item: ITEM: ZONING CODE AMENDMENT 97-057, AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 98-056 APPLICANT: CITY OF LA QUINTA LOCATION: CITY-WIDE IN HILLSIDE CONSERVATION OVERLAY REQUEST: TO AMEND CHAPTER 9.140.000 -- HILLSIDE CONSERVATION REGULATIONS, AND RELATED GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS The La Quints Community Development Department has com- pleted Environmental Assessment 98-351. Based upon this assessment, the Amendment will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; because all potentially significant adverse impacts have been mitigated to a point of insignificance and; therefore, a Mitigated Negative Declaration has been pre- pared. The La Quints Planning Commission will consider the Environmental Assessment and Amendment at the Hearing. Any person may submit written comments on this case to the Communiy Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the project at the Hearing. If you challenge the decision on this proposal in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised at the public hearing. Hearing, or in prior written correspondence delivered to the Communiy Dept at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed file(s) may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., at the Community Development Department, La Quints City Hall, 78-495 Celle Tampico, La Quints California. The public com- mentperiod starts from the date of this notice and continues through the public hearing on May 12, 1998 In the City's efforts to comply with the requirements of Title II of the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990, the Administration/Community Development Department requires that any person in need of any type of special equipment, assis- tance or accommodations( in order ro communicate at a Ciry public meeting, must inform the City Clerk/Communiy Development Department a minimum of 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting. .Rancho La Quinta Specific Plan 84-004 Amendment No. 2, General Plan Amendment 98-057, Change of Zone 98-086, T.D. Desert Development t. PROOF OF PUBliCATION (2015.5C.C.P.) This space is for County Clerk's Filing Stamp " STATHOFCAUFORNlA County of Riverside I am a cilil.en of the United States and a resident of the Co1U\ty aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, andand not a party to or interested in the above-enlilled mailer. i am the principal clerk of a prinlerofthe DESERT SUN PUBLISHING roMPANY a newspaper of general circulation, prinied and published in the city of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of CaIifonW; under the date of March 24, 1988. Case Number 191236; that the notice, of which the annexed Isa printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any suppIeml'llt thereof on the following dates, to-wit: NO.6371 CITY OF LA QUINT A CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Qulnta ClilY Council wlll hold a PUBLIC HEARING on May, 1')1, 1998, at 7:00 p.m. In the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers, 78~495 Calle Tampico, on the following item: ITEM: RANCHO LA QUINTA SPECIFIC PLAN (84~ 004 AMENDMENT NO.2). GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT (98-057), CHANGE OF ZONE (98- 086). APPLICANT: T.D. DESERT DEVELOPMENT LOCATION; SOUTH OF AVENUE 48, NORTH OF AVENUE SO, EAST OF JEFFERSON, AND WEST OF WASHINGTON REQUEs.r; APPROVE SPECIFIC PLAN AMEND- MENT NO. 2 WHICH GENERALLY ADDS 12 ACRES OF TOURIST COMMERCIAL AND UP- DATES [)EVELOPMENT STANDARDS, A GEN- ERAL PLAN AMENDMENT ADDING TOURIST COMMEF~CIAL, AND A CHANGE OF ZONE ADD- ING TOURIST COMMERCIAL FOR RANCHO LA QUINTA COUNTRY CLUB LEGAL: A PORTION OF ASSESSOR'S MAP BOOKS NUMBER 643 AND 649 ........ ........ . (}/J 2 .. ...0/;......... .4......... ................... ~r~ ~_.. """ )1" i' Awn... +8 aU In lheJW' 19 ..c;.'i..._ .' ~ ! ~ w. ~ ~ "'. w. " . 1 ~ .. ... ........ ............... .............. ....... -.. M~ if I ceJtily (or declare) under penalty of perjwy that the foregoin&ls bue and correct. N DatedalPalm Springs, Califomia this:.?ill. day of _... /J.!. .;(...................................... 19 .i!.... 01..../ J' / ....f'~L:...g;~......................... The La (;)ulnta Community Development has com- pleted I=nvlronmental Assessment 98-357. Based upon this assessment, the proiect will not have a signtfic2lnt adverse effect 0(1 the environment; therefore, a Mitigated Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Qulnta Planning Commis- sion will consider recommending City Council cer- tification of the Mitigated Negative Declaration. The put,lic comment period will continue from the date of thiS notice through the Public Hearing On May 19, 1998. Any person may submit written comments on this case to the Community Development Department prior to' the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the project at the tlml~ of the Hearing. If you challenge the deci- sion of this case In court, you may be limited to raising only those Issues that you or someone else raised l~ither at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Community De- velopment Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearln9. The proposed file(s) may be viewed by the puf,ltc Monday throu~h Friday 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Community Development Depart- ment, L.a Quinta Civic Center, 78-495 Calle Tampl- co, La Quinta, California. In the City's efforts to comply with the requirements of Title II of the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990, the Admin- istration/community Development Department requirE'S that any person In need of any type of special equipment, assistance or accommoda- tlon(s) In order to communicate at a City public meeting, must Inform the City Clerk/Community Development Department a minimum of 72 hours prior t,o the scheduled meeting. published: April 28, 1998 Village on the Green Specific Plan 97-031, Tentative Tract 28601, Site Development Permit 97-618, General Plan Amendment 97-055, Catellus Residential Group , : .' . ,. PROOF OF PUBUCATION (2015.5C.C.P.) This space is for County Clerk's Filing Stamp ,. STATE OF CAUFORNIA Cmmty of Riverside I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen yean, and and not a party to or interested in the aboVHl1tltled mailer. I am the principal clerk of a prinlerofthe DESERT SUN PUBLISHING . COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation, prinied and published in the city of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California; under the date of March 24, 1988. Case Number 191236; that the nolice, of which the ll1UleCed is a printed copy (set in type not smaner than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the fonowing dates, to-wit no.63n CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CI)UNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La _ Qulnta City Council will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on May 19, 1998, at 7:00 p.m in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers, 78-495 Calle Tampleo, on the following item: ITEM: VILLAGE ON THE GREEN SPECIFIC P PLAN (97-031), TENTATIVE TRACT 28601, SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT (97-618), GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 97.055. APPLICANTS: CATELLUS RESIDENTIAL GROU- P/LA I~UINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY LOCATION: NORTHWEST CORNER OF JEFFER- SON AND 48TH AVENUE. REQUEST: RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE SPECIFIC PLAN, TENTATIVE TRACT, SITE DE. VELOPMENT PLANS FOR A 26 ACRE, 86 SINGLE FAMIL Y RESIDENTIAL LOT SUBDIVISION AND 10 AC~'E, 118 SENIOR APARTMENTS WITH REC- REATIONAL AMENITIES. THE APARTMENTS WILL I~E AVAilABLE TO VERY LOW AND LOW INCOME SENIORS AND THE SINGLE FAMILY HOUSING WILL BE AVAILABLE TO MODERATE INCOME LEVEL PERSONS OR HOUSEHOLDS. REDUCE SEVERAL STREET WIDTHS FROM THE GENERAL PLAN REQUIRED 36 FEET TO 28 AND 32 FEET. LEGAL: A PORTION OF SOUTH HALF OF SOUTH- EAST QUARTER OF SECTION 29 TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH RANGE 7 EAST SAN BERNARDINO MERI[)IAN. ...... ...... ".. ...C?t.d.d!.......... .................. " .,. " .. .. :~ ., .. !" . ,< ,> " ~ N,T,S, t.i ~ '" z ~ .. I:: .. ~ all In the year 19 ..2i.._ .' / -, ,. s.. I / . ..1.-. _._....J 48t11 AVENUE ................................................. I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjwy that the foregoing is true and correct. -~~ .---,., r Dated at Palm Springs, Ca\ilornia this li/I. day of _~Jt........................................ 19..fL.. ....jk;L~~..................... This proposed Redevelopment project implements the Redevelopment Project Area No.2 Plan, pursu- ant to the Certified Environmental Impact Report ~~tnaJ~r~I:~di~nt1~~~~~nu/'l~~~s~~~~\l1{av~n b:ed~ prepared and are available. The La Qulnta City Council will consider the proposed General Plan Amendment, Specific Plan, Tentative Tract Map and Slite Development permits at the Hearing. Any person may submit written comments on this case to the Community Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the project at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the deCI- sion of this case in court, you may be limited to raising only those Issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written corresl)ondence delivered to the Community De- velopment Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed flle(s} may be viewed bX the public Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 f..rn. at the Community Development Depart- men, I_a Quinta Civic Center, 78-495 Calle Tampi- co, La Qulnta, California. The public comment period will continue from the date of this notice througH'l the Public Hearing on May 19, 1998 In the City's efforts to comply with the require- ments I)f Title 11 of the Americans With Disabflfties Act Of 1990, the Administration/Community Devel- opment Department requires that any person in need of any type of special equipment, assistance or accclmmodation(s) In order to communicate at a City public meeting, must inform the City Clerk- /ComrTlunlty Development Department a mIni- mum of 72 hours prior to the scheduled meetlng- .Published: April 28, 1998, Tentative Tract 26855 Time Extension No. 1, Sumbad and Sharron Kanlian , .' . >, PROOF OF PUBIlCATION (2015.5C.C.P.) This space is for County Clerk's Filing Stamp " STATE OFCAUFORNIA County of Riverside I am a citizen of the Uniled Slales and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and and not a parly to or interested in the aboVHiltilled mailer. i am the principal clerk of a printer of the DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation, prinied and published in the cily of Palm Springs, O>untyofRiverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the Counly of Riverside, State of California; under the date of March 24, 1988. Case Number 191236; that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and enlire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit: Proof of Publication of "'N;6:rn- -- ..... CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HI!ARING ... NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Qulnta City Council will hold a PUBLIC HEARING May 19, 1998, at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers, 78-495 Calle Tampleo, on the following item: ITEM: TENTATIVE TRACT 26855 TIME eXTEN- 5101\1 NO.1 APPLICANT: SUM BAD AND SHARRON KANLIAN LOCATION: EAST SIDE OF JEFFERSON STREET APPROXIMATEL Y 200 FEET SOUTH OF 50TH AVENUE REQUEST: FIRST TIME EXTENSION ON THE APPROVAL OF A TENTATIVE TRACT MAP TO CREATE 73 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS ON 23+- ACRES IN THE RL ZONING DISTRICT. LEGAL: PORTION OF THE NW1/4 OF THE NW1f4 OF SECTION 4, T6S, R7E, SBBM. ..... ................................................. ! I It., 1.1 .....~~~J:........................... aU In !heyear 19 .},!._ . .' ~ , . . ; , ......... SITE . . . , . ; I cerlify (or declare) under penally of perjury that the foregoing is bue and correct. . i . i . 5111 A. Dated at Palm Springs, California this Jill. day of .....fJ;J...............................:......:.. 19. .fL. ...........,Zy41~~........... The La Quinta City Council wlll consider the time extension at the Hearing. A Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact will be considered. Any person may submit written comments on this case to the Community Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard In support of or opposition to the proiect at the iime of the Hearing. If you challenge the deci- sion of this case in court, you may be limited to raising only those Issues that you or someone else ralSI!d either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Community De- velopment Department at, or prior to, the Public Heal"lng. The proposed flle(s) may be viewed by' the public Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m until 5:00 p.m. at the Community Development Depart- ment, La Qulnta Civic Center, 78-495 Calle Tampi- co, La Quinta, California. The public comment perl,ad will continue from the date of this notice through the Public Hearing on May 19, 1998. In the City's efforts to comply with the require- ments of Title II of the Americans With Disabilities Act ,)f 1990, the Administration/Community Devel- opment Department requires that any person In need of any type of special equipment, assistance or accommodation(s} in order to communicate at a Ci'~y public meeting, must inform the City Clerk- /Cornmunlty Development Department a mini- mum of 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting. Published: April 28, 1998 Tentative Tract 26718 Time Extension No. 1 Walter Hansch , : .' . ,. PROOF OF PUBliCATION (2015.5C.C.P.) This SpJce is for County Clerk's Filing Stamp ,. STATE OF CAUFORNIA County of Riverside I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and and not a party to or interested in the above-enlitled mailer. i am the principal clerk of a printer of the DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation, prinied and published in the city of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general drcuIation by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California; under (he date of March 24, 1988. Case Number 191236; that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and enlite issue of said newspaper and not In any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit: Proof of Publication of J ..... .. No.6374 City of La Quinta CITY ICOUNCIL NOTIl:E OF PUBLIC HEARING .. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinh9 City Council will hold a PUBLIC HEARING May 19, 1998, at 7:00 p.rn in the La Quintlll City Hall Council Chambers, 78-495 Calle Tampico, on the following item: ITEM: TENTATIVE TRACT 26718 TIME EXTEN. SIQN NO.1 APPL.lCANT: WALTER HANSeH LOCATION: EAST SIDE OF JEFFERSON STREET APPFWXIMATEL Y 1650 FEET SOUTH OF 50TH AVENUE REQUEST: FIRST TIME EXTENSION ON THE .APPFWVAL OF A TENTATIVE TRACT MAP TO CREATE 125 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS 'ON 39+- ACRES IR THE RL ZONING J21.srRlCT. LEGAL: PORTION OF THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 4, T6S, R7E, SBBM. ..... ................................................. ( ~ I M.f q. .. ...(l;.~dt............................ aU In theyear19 J%._ .' ; " i ~ . . .......8 . " . . " . SITE" ..u.5g I certiIy(or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Is true and correct. . j ! i lI11n~ h... . . . . . Dated at Palm Springs, California this JI/l.. day of _...~...................................... 19.Pi.:.. /4~L.~!~...................... The La Quintl!l City Councll will ~onsider the tl~e extension at the Hearing. A MItigated Ne9atlve Declaration of Environmental Impact WIll be com,idered. Any person may submit written comments on this case' to the Community Development Department prior to the Hearing and lor may appear and be heal.d in support of or opposition to the project a.t the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the deCI- sion of this case In court, you may be limited to raising only those issues thl!lt you or someone else raised eIther at the Public Hearing or In written correspondence delivered to the Community De- velopment Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed flle(s).may be viewed by the public Monday throu$l.h Friday 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the CommunIty Development Depllrt- ment. Lll Quinta Civic Center, 78-495 Calle Tampi- co, La Qulnta, California. The public c.omml!nt period will continue from the date of thiS notIce thrcough the Public Hearing on May 19, 1998. In the City's efforts to comply with the require- ments of Title II of the Americans With Dlsllbillties Act Of 1990, the Administration/Communlty Devel- opment Department requIres that llny person in need of any type of special equipment, aS5:istance or clccommodation(s) In order to communIcate at a City publiC meeting, must inform the City Clerk- ICommunity Development Department a mInI- mum of 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting- Putllished. April 28, 1998 Tentative Tract Map 28522, KSL Land Corporation ~• ~ PROOF OF PUBLICATION • (2015.5 C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside 1 am a citizen of the klnited:~Statea end e resident of the Counry<:aforeseid;a am over the age of eighteen years; and not a~perty to or interested in the above•entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY;~asnewspaper of general circulation, printed and;publlshed in the city oPPalm Springs; County=nfRiverside, end which newspaperhas been edjndged a newspaper otgeneralcirculationsby the Superior Court of the_County.;of~Riveraide, State of Celifomia;~under'the:da3a.of March 24, 1988:'Cese Number,19t286;ithat the _ notice, of which the;annexedsas-a printed copy., ,,,, (set In type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire tasue of said newspaper_and~notrlmany • supplementrthereohorsithe-follo~irjngrdatea, to wit: • This space is for County Clerk's Filing Stamp - ~ ,,;- -- Prop Ri Mey 1st ell in the year 1998. PGA 1 certiy (or declere).;underpenelty,of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. De ed at Palm Springs, California this 1st d f Ma 1998. SI NATURE • PROOF OF PUBLICATION Specific Plan 90-017 (Annual Review), KSL Desert Resorts, Inc. PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) ~~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside am a citizen of the United States?and a resident of the County aforesaid;a:am over the age of eighteen yeara,,and not a party to or ', Interested In the above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the DESERT ~, SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY, ~arnewspaper of general clrculatlon, pfinbsd and;pritiilshed in the dty of Palm Springs; ~County`df~Riverside, end which newspaper~has been adjudged a newspaper'of general circulatfon:bythe Superior Court of the~.County ofiRlverside, State of Califomla; untterahe~tfats+df.March 24, 't888. Case Number'1'91`238; ithat the notice, of which the annexed la a printed copy .., (set in type not smaller•ihan nonpareil), hea II been published in eech:regular.and entire issue of. said newspapernynd;notSin-any " f • supplement thereof on'ithe-lfolloviing detea, to ~ ~I wit: .May 1st „,d r i, p all in.the year 1998. i'. i i. 1 certify (or declare) muter penaRyof perjury i1' that the foregoing is -true anil correct. i~ti Dated at Palm Springs, California`this 1st ,F : $aY pf MaY_. 1998. A ] SIGNATURE • Thia space is for County Clerk's Filing Stamp no. 6312 CITY OF LA QUINTQ, PLANNING COMMISSION NO,71CF:;OE PURL'IC'HEARING '- PfO~ NOTICE IS HEREBY G,IV~EN tOat~}7`ie City of - , La Oumta Plan'F'ing CommissPon-yiJl,,hold-a, PU.B- LIG HEARING on Moy 12,.1998, at 7:00 p.irT. In iha La Quinfa City H'IPEounul CM1a'm" bets, ]8-495 Celle _.. iTEM~SPECIFhC PLAN 90901](ANNUAL'REV~YEW) APPLICANT: KSL DESERT RESORTS, - '~I ~. INCORPORATED _ SECTED BY MAD SON STREET ADJOBN NG PGA WGCT 22, R]E 5.6.6.M yN@ l PGA Wesl O i~ ~ ~-• ~ '4 ', _ , ~ T-'~ ~~ ~, _. I ^I i °-- -xyen~.-se-- _ . ^.__ .. PROOF OF PUBLICATION ~s,r¢~ounon 1998/99 Capital Improvement Program . PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside I am a citizen of the United States and a realdent of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen yeara, and not a party to or Interested In the above-entitled mailer. I am the princIpal clerk of the printer of the DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY, a newspaper of general circulation, prfnted and published In the city of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a /lewapaper of general clr~ulatlon by the !superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of Callfomia; under the date of March 24, 1988. Case Number 191236; that the _____notlce, ofwhlc~ the annexedJs. a printed copy______ (set In type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published In each regular and entire Issue of said newspaper and not In any supplementthefeof on the following dates, to wit: Mav 2nd " all /n the year 1998. I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Is true and correct. Dated at Palm Springs, California this ~ jy of ~, 1998: ,A A 1l>.--1. .fl - )M Q ~ b V l&11-tA OJiX;UA SIGNATURE . ~ This space Is for County Clerk's Filing Stamp Proof of Publication of ... ..._. NO.6427 CITY OF LA QUINTA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL WIL.L BE MEETING IN RE'GULAR SESSION AT 7:0(]l PM ON TUESDA V, MA Y 19, 1998 IN THE CITY COUNCIL CHAM. BER, 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA. PURPOSE OF SAID MEETING 15 TO CON. DUCT A PUBLIC HEAR- ING. PERTAINING TO THI: 1998/99 CAP IT AL IMI:lRQVEMENT PROGRAM. FOI~ ADDITIONAL IN- FORMATION, CON. TACT THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT AT (760) 777-7075. /5/ Saundra L. Juhola, CITY CLERK CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA DAlrED: APRIL 29. 1998 Published: May '1 ~098 -~---._---~.. .... .j" n)." , , '. J. )jlJ3l8 HI8 'tlNlnO 'v'l 30 HI8 6h n 1J8 8 WIJ 86, Q3A13831:l PROOF OF PUBLICATION Repeal of Specific Plan 87-009, Village at La Quinta Zoning Amendment 98-060 Change of Zone 98-085 ' ' PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside I am a citizen of the United Stetea and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, end not a party to or Interested in the above•entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the city of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, ar+.d which newspaper has been ad!udged e newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California; under the date of March 24, 1988. Case Number 191238; that the _., __ notice,. of.whlch„the, annexed is a printed copy,.,.-,_ (set in type not smeller than nonpareil), has been published In each regular and entire Issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to • wit: May 5th all In the year 1998. -f certiy (or declare) under penalty of perJury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated at Pelm Springs, California this 5th day of Pfaff, 1995. 1 n , ~ t A , ~r~~~iY~..liJ~C~~~ v SIGNATURE ~il3l~ ,lll~ V1NIflb dl ~0 J,ll~ • 6h TI Wd 8 LBW 86a o3ni3o3a This space is for County Clerk's Filing Stamp CIT11'` OF LA QvUlIiNTA PLANNI'NG' CO'MiM~IS~S'I;O: ~" NOTICE O-F PU~B~LI'C HfE~AR~II: ,G{ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thatlhe City of La Quints Planning Commission will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on May 26, 1998, at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quints City Hall Council Chambers; 78.495 Calla Tampico, on the following items: ITEM: REPEAL OF SPECIFIC PLAN 87-009; Y~It!elrAQ~~ AT LA QUINTA ZONING CODE AMENDNIFSN'F 98-060 CHANGE OF ZONE 98-085 _ APPLICANT CITY OF LA QUINTA LOCATION: THE AREA IS GENERALLY BOUNDED B-Y." EISENHOWER DRIVE, 52ND AVENIJ:E; DESERT CLUB DRIVE AND THE LA QUINTA EVACUATION CHANNEL ACTION: TO REPEAL THE VILLAGE AT lA QUINTA SPE= CIFIC PLAN, REPLACING IT WITH DESIGN. REVIEW GUIDELINES, A NEW RROPOSED- "VILLAGE COMMERCIAL" ZONING TEXT; , WHICH ELIMINATES THE "VILLAGE'RESIDEN= TIAL" TEXT AND MAPPING, WILL BE D~SIC:: NATED WITHIN AND EAST OF THE BOUND' ARY THE "VILLAGE RESIDENTIAL" AR~A'~' EAST OF DESERT CLUB. DRIVE PROPOS~Q FOR REZONING TO LOW DENSITY RESIDBN- TIAL, ONE STORY, 17-FOOT HEIGHT LIMIT, 10,000 SQUARE FOOT MINIMUM, LOT SIZE (RL-10,000-17/1). The La Quints Community Development Department has complet- ed Environmental Assessment 98-353. Based on that assessment,. the proposed project will haveno significant environment-impacts,. i and a Negative Declaration shall be prepared. The-La~CQi7intal~'. Planning Commission will consider a recommendation to the City: Council on this determination, along with the proposed action. Any person may submit written comments on this case to Community Development Department prior to the Hearing an may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to~ahe;pr at the Hearing. If you challenge the decision on this propos court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that yo someone else raised at the Hearing, or in prior written comma The project. information may be viewed Monday through Fri 8:00 a. m. until 5:00 p.m.,, at the Community Develops Department, La Quints City Hall; 78-495 Calla Tampico, La Qui California. In the City's efforts to comply with the requirements of Title Il of the Americans With Disabilities Act Of 1990, the Administration/Com- munity Development Department requires that any person in need of any type of special equipment, assistance or accommodation(s) in order to communicate at a City public meeting, must inform the City CIerWCommunity Development Department a minimum of 72 hours prior to the Scheduled meeting. PROOF OF PUBLICATION Site Development Permit 98-622, Citrus Development LLC C, PROOF OF PUB~ATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA Corutty of Riverside I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above- entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY a newspaper of general rirculation, printed and published in the city of Pahn Springs, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California; under the date of March 24,1988. Case Number 191236; that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit: .. ~.L/~..~?~..!'.1 .................... all in the year 19 .~~} I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and mrrect. Dated at Pal~m~^Springs, Califonua this ...~..5... dQa~y ....................... SIGNATURE This sp~is for County Clerk's Filing Stamp Pra The PROOF OF PUBLICATION Tentative Tract Map 28776, KSL Land Corp. (PROOF OF PUBI~.~+1~®1!T (2ofl5.5 ~.~.~.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside I am a citizen of the United States and a rrsident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above- entitled matter. 1 am the principal cl~~e^^,,r,k'''o'f the printer of the DESERT SIJN PUBL1StryvG COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation, printed and publ'IShed in the city of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general dreulation by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California; under the date of March 24,1988. Case Number 191236; lhat the notice, of which the annexed is a printed mpg (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit: .. (n~:.4~... ~..~J..~` .:................. ................................................. all fn the year 19 ~•(~.. I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is We and mrrecL Dated,~at/P~al~m Springs, California this .l ••••:•••• oaY c~ z xSIGNA'IURE ~ E. ~ W ~ a W > ,Q J W J U U ~ li. r W ~ O F_ IY .. , 1 mR®Or ®~ This s~s for County Clerk's Filing Stamp Proof of Publication of • •' •. 6490 CITY OF LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION^ ~,~•, aitPU BLIC In the La B-495 Calle c9i b W I Planning Co su btll vision periotl will a through the Any person i case to the < rior to the Reartl in sup the time of t lion of this raising only raisetl enhe a 320-001 THRU 014, 769-820-027 & 52nd AVENUE 53rd AYENUC 541h AVENUE ~ AIRPORT 0 s N i you 1998_ N ih or some na or in Tentative Parcel Map 28803, KSL Land Corp. . - ' " 1?ROOF OF PUBI~rd`I®I~t STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid;) am over the age o(eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above- entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the DESERT St1N PUBLIS~NG COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the city of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general drculation by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California; under the date of Mamh 24,1988. Case Number 191236; that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareiQ, has been published in each regulaz and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit: .. ~;G~,l;~... ~..~J.~ :................. ............ ..................................... all in the year I9 ..`1..51.. I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated aMt Palm Springs, California this . ~...:'..:. day of ....1.. ~... us~l..:~ .............................. 19 ...... SIGNATURE 6 ~2 ~ ~ ~~ O ~ .1 J ~ , r ~ ° ~v r` r ud rn This sp~ for County Clerk's Filing Stamp 'NO. 6d8d _____ _ ~.z.~.~_"'_"'_. Pn =I s,n .rrwr s g I+ewmr etro.l 6iLs Saco ,rrnrc ~!° NDI i0 SCALE iPRO®F ®F IE'~ILYCl~TIOl~t t1 c ..ny person may submit written comments on }his i case to the Community Development Department i prior to the Hearing antl/or may appear antl be i Zoning Code Amendment 97-057, and General Plan Amendment 98-056 ~: , PROOF OF PUBLICATION • (2015.5 C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside 1 am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the city of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has, beeir adjudged e newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, Stets of California; under the date of March 24, 1988. Case Number 191236; that the notice,. of which, the annexed is a printed copy _,_.. (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any .supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit: May 6th all in the year 1998. I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated at Palrn Springs, California this 14th day of Mme! , 1998. SIGNATURE ti Q N Z o - ~c w ? ~ ° w ~~ Q J .. _~ 4~ !- C~ - U E -- pp U , Q7 PROOF OF This space is for County Clerk's Filing Stamp CITY OF LA PLAN!OVII!N'G COQ NOTICE OF PUB~L NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of -g,a Quints Planning Commission will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on May 12, 1998, at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quints City Hall Council Chambers, 78-495 Calla Tampico, on the following. item: ITEM: ZONING CODE AMENDMENT 97-057, AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 98-056 APPLICANT: CITY OF LA QUINTA LOCATION: CITY-WIDE IN HILLSIDE CONSERVATION OVERLAY REQUEST: TO AMEND CHAPTER 9.140:000 - HILLSIDE CONSERVATION REGULATIONS, AND RELATED GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS The La Quints Community Development Department has completed Environmental Assessment 98-351. Based upon this assessment, the Amendment will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; because all potentially significant adverse impacts have been mitigated to a point of insignificance and; there- fore, aMitigated Negative Declaration has been pre- pared. The La Quints Planning Commission will con- sider the Environmental Assessment and Amendment at the Hearing. Any person may submit written comments on this case to the Community Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the project at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision of this case in court, you may be limited to raising only those i~~-ues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Community Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed file(s) may be viewed' by the public Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., at the Community Development Department, La Quints City Hall, 78-495 Calla Tampico, La Quints, California. The public comment period starts from [he date of this notice and continues through the Public Hearing on May 12, 1998. In the City's efforts to comply with the requirements of Title II of the Americans With Disablilities Act of 1990,.. the Administration/Community Development Depart- ment requires that any person in need of any type of special equipment, assistance or accomodation(s) in order to comrnunicate at a City public meeting, must inform the Community Development Deaprtment a Affordable Housing Agreement by and between the Agency and Catellus Residential Group . PROOF OF PUBLICA nON (2015.5 C.C.P.) .' STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside I am a citizen, of the United States and a resident of the County aforeaald; I am over tha age of eighteen yeara, and not a party to or Interested In the above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of tl\". DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published In the city of Palm Sprlnga, County of Riverside, and which newspaper haa been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, . State of Callfomla; under the date of March 24, 1988. Case Number 191238; that the ___ ___, notlceL of~hlch the annexed Is a prlnte~<;opy""_, (aet In type not smaller than nonpareil), haa been published In each regular and entire Issue of said newspaper and not In any supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit: May 6, 12. all In the year 1998. I certify (or declare) under penalty 0' perjury that the foregoing la true and correct. Dated at Palm Springs, California this 14th day of M!L 1998. . /~7L ;Jy!f4- SIGN.90RE ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~\.l> ~~ .d~ ~ 0-- ".." ~ d:> \Y~ ~ ;..-' ~o ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 cg, PROOF OF PU . This space Is for County Clerk's Filing Stamp . CITY OF LA QUINTA NOTICE OF JOINIT PUBLIC HEARING WITH THE CI'TV COUNCIL AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of La Quinta (the "City") and the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency (the "Agency") will hold a joint pub- lic hearing in the Council Chamber in the La Quinta City Hall, 78-495 Calli, Tampico, La Quinta, California, on May 19, 1998, beginning at 7:00 P,M., or as soon thereafter as _ the matter can be heard, to consider the Affordabie Housing Agreement (the "Agreement") by and between the Agency and Catellus Residentiai Group, a California corporation, (the "Developer"). The purpose of the joint public hearing is to receive testimony from the public regarding the proposed Agreement. The property involves an 86 single family resi- dentiallot subdivision and 118 senior apartments with recre- ational amenities on approximately 40 acres. The apart- ments will be available to very low and low income seniors and the single family housing will be available to moderate income level persons or households, located at the north- west corner of Jelierson and 48th Avenue, Any person may submit written comments on this matter to the Community Development Department prior to the hear- ing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or oppo- sition to the Agre'ement at the time of the hearing. If you challenge the decision of this case in court, you may be Iim- . ited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at Jl1e public hearing or in written correpon- dence delivered to the Community Development Department at, or prior to, the public hearing. Furthermore, you must exhaust any administrative remedies prior to com- mencing a court challenge to City's/Agency's action. In the City's efforts to comply with the requirements of Title II of the American With Disabilities Act of 1990, the City Clerk requires that any person in need of any type of special equipment, ass isla nee or accommodation(s) in order to communicate at a City public meeting, must inform the City Clerk a minimum of 72 hours prior to the scheduled meet- ing. Copies of the Ag:'eement and Summary Report are avail- able at the Community Development Department counter located at the La Quinta City Hall, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta. Questions may be directed to Jerry Herman, Community Development Department at 760-777-7125, Repeal of Specific Plan 87-009, Village at La Quinta zoning code amendment 98-060 Change of Zone 98-085 PROOFOFPU8U~TION (2015.5 c.c.P.) This spa.or County Oerk's Filing Slamp STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside ................................................. CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta City Council will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on June 2, 1998, at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers, 78-495 Calle Tampico, on the following Items. ITEM: REPEAL OF SPECIFIC PLAN 87-009; VILLAGE AT LA QUINTA ZONING CODE AMENDMENT 98-060 CHANGE OF ZONE 98-085 APPLICANT: CITY OF LA QUINTA LOCATION: THEAREA IS GENERALLY BOUNDED BY EISENHOYiER DRIVE, 52ND AVENUE, DESERT CLUB DRIVE AND THE LA QUINTA EVACUA- TION CHANNEL TO REPEAL THE VILLAGE AT LA QUINTA SPECIFIC PLAN, REPLACING IT WITH DESIGN REVIEW GUIDELINES. A NEW PROPOSED "VILLAGE COMMERCIAL": ZONING TEXT, WHICH ELIMINATES THE "VILLAGE RESI- DENTIAL" TEXT AND MAPPING, WILL BE DESIGNATED WITHIN AND EAST OF THE BOUNDARY. THE "VILLAGE RESIDENTIAL" AREA, EAST OF DESERT CLUB DRIVE, IS PROPOSED FOR REZONING TO LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL. ONE STORY, 17-FOOT HEIGHT LIMIT, 10,000 SQUARE FOOT MINIMUM LOT SIZE (RL-IO,OOO- 17/1). The La Qunta Community Development Department has completed Environmental Assessment 98-353. Based on that assessment, the proposed project will have no significant environmental impacts, and a Negative Declaration shall be prepared. The La Quinta City Council will consider the Planning Commission recommendation on this determina- tion, along with the proposed action. Any person may submit written comments on this case to the Community Development Department prior the the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the project at the Hearing. If you challange the decision on this proposal itn court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised at the Hearing, or in prior written comments. The project information may be viewed Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., at the Community Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, Califomia. In the City's efforts to comply with the requirements of Title II of the Americans With Disabilities Act Of 1990, the Administration/Community Development Department requires that any person in need of any type of special equip- ment, assistance or accommodation(s) in order to communi- cate at a City public meeting, must inform the City Clerk/Community Development Department a minimum of 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting. PROOF OF P{ I am a citizen of the Uniled Stales and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above- entitled mailer. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation, printed and Ipublished in the city of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of I:eneral circulation by the Superior Courl of the County of Riverside, State of California; under the date of March 24,1988. Case Number 191236; Ihatthe notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit: ACTION: ..~.4....l.Ql.~................. aUinlheyear19 ..g~ I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated Sf\,~prings, California this ..I.Y..~ky N =".:: C?t ) o~.~~~....."........................ 19......8. I ?:,\';- t1 (\~...,~ . n rY'I/"'oo-ift" I ^ .;, - .~~.....~:!:::'U.I..'>-f'\..u...WJ,^--, 0:: :>- >- <SIGNATURE ~ ':: cx:l <:.:> en -. NOTICE HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta City Council will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on April 2, 1998, at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers, 78-495 Calle Tampico, on the following items: SETTING OF COMMERCIAL AND ROLL-OFF ~ WASTE COILLECTION AND SERVICE FEES . At said meeting, oral and written testimony will be taken regard inn the setting of commercial waste col- lection, roll-off service fees, and AS 939 implemen- tation compliance activities, which are charged and collected by the Waste Franchisee. Said fee is pro- posed to be a .6% increase, the specific rate chart is available at the Community Development Department at the La Quinta City Hall. Any person may submit written comments on this item to the Community Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the charges at the time of the Hearing. If you challengEl the decision of this item in court, you : may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Community Development D,epartment at, or prior to, the Public hear- ing.La Quinta City Hall, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California. The public comment period starts from the date of this notice and continues through the Public Hearing on June 2, 1998. In the City's efforts to comply with the requirements of Title II of the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990, the Community Development Department requires that any person in need of any type of spe- cial equipment, assistance or accommodation(s) in order to communicate at a City public meeting, must inform the Community Development Department a ' PROOF OF PUS minimum of 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting. ", ". PROOF OF PUBLl8. TION (2015.5 C.C.P.) STAfe OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or Interested In the above-entitled matt~. I am the principal olerk of the printer of thl'DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published In the olty of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, and whloh newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general olrculatlon by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside. State of California; under the date of March 24, 1988. Case Number 191236; that the ..__ notlce...ofwhlch the annexed is a. printed copy......_. (set In type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published In each regular and entire Issue of said newspaper and not In any aupplement thereof on the following dates, to wit: Mav 16, all In the yesr 1998. I certify (or declsre) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing la true and correct. Dated at Palm Springs, California this 18th day of Mav , 191 .. tJ~ . {lZ4- SIGNATUJfE ~ This space IS. County Clerk's Filing Slamp " < CITY OF Ul QUINTA CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Tentative Tract Map 28522, KSL Land Corp. PROOF OF PUBLIC PROOF OF PUBLATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) STA fe OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforessld; I am over the age of eighteen yesrs, and not a party to or Interested In the above-entitled matt~. I am the principal clerk of the printer of th8l'DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published In the city of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by thel Superior Court of the County of Rlve~slde, State of California; under the date of March 24, 1988. Case Number 191236; that the notice, of which the annexed Is.a printed. copy...... (set In type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published In each regular and entire Issue of ssld newspaper and not In any , I supplement thereof on the fOllowing dates, to wit: Mav 19 all In the year 19~. I) I I I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoIng Is true and correct. this 19th t~ . This space Is for County Clerk's Filing Stamp ".... Proof of Publication of N~------- CITY Of LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta City Council wilt hold a PUBLIC HEARING on JUNE 2, 1998, at 7:00 PM in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers, 78-495 Calle Tamplco, on the ft'~~in.pE:~~~TIVE TRACT MAP 28522 APPLICANT: KSL LAND CORPORATION LOCATION: ON THE EAST SIDE OF RIVIERA, 350 FEET NORTH OF FUTURE HERMITAGE. REQUEST: APPROVAL OF A 18 SINGLE FAMIL Y AND OTHER MISCELLANEOUS LOT SUBDIVI~ tl~~Ae:NA.~i~~tJRR'~~ARCEL NUMBERS 761-080- 075 AND ;'61-090-050. 52nd 4YDM ti 53nI 4YENUE 54111 4VEJalE PG4 BliD. .Io\CI( NICICIAIJS s't:e 4 PGA WEST U[ ~ Tentative fract Map 28522 is WIthin Specific Plans 83-002 and SP 90-017, The prolect is exempt from the Clri-ifornla Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per Public RE!SOUrCes Government Code Section 65457(a). Environmental ImpaC! Reports (Sch#83062922 and 90020727) were certified by the City Council In 1984 and 1991 for each specific plan, respective,y No changed circumstances or condi- tions exist w'hlch would trigger the preparation of a subsequlmt EIR pursuant to PubliC Resources Code Section 21166. . Any persoll may submit written comments on thl$ case to the Community Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or oppOSItion to the project at the time 01 the Hearing. If you challenge the deci- sion of thi';. case in court, you may be limited to raising only those Issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or In ~ritten corresponclence delivered to the, Community D~- vetopment Department at, or pnor to, the PubliC Hearing lhe proposed file(s) may be viewed by' the public Monday through Friday 8:00 am until 5.00 pm at the CommunIty Development Depart- ment, La C)umta Civic Center, 78-495 Calle Tampl- co, La Quinta, California. The publiC comm~nt period will continue from the date of this notice through the Public Hearing on June 2, 1998. In the City's efforts to comply with the requl~e- ments of Title II of the American's With Disablll4les Act of 1990, the Administra,tive/Communlty Devel- opment Dl~partment requires that any p~rson In need of any type of special equIpment, a~slstant or accommodallon(s) In order to communicate at a City public meeting, must inform the CIty Clerk a mInImum' of 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting PUB. MAY 19, 1998 RESOLUTION NO. 98-36 A RESOLU1'ION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QU1N"~, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO LEVY ftll ANNUAL ASSESSMENTS FOR CONSTRUC- TION, MAlliIITENANCE AND SERVICING LANDSCAPING AND L10Hl'ING IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN THE BOUND_ ARIES OF l'HE TERRITORY INCLUDED IN THE CITYWIDE LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING DISTRICT 89_' AND 10 LEVY AND COUECT ASSESSMENTS PURSUANT TO THE LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1972 AND GIVING NOTICE THEREOF WHEREAS, the City Council by Its Resolution No. 89- 9 initiated proceedinq pursuant to provisions of the L8ndscap<<~ and Lighting Act of 1972, being Part 2 of Division l~) of the CllIllfornia Streets and Highways Code, commenCing with Section 22500 (hereinafter referred to as "the Act"), for the formation of a Landscap~~ and Lighting Assessment District des- ignated "I_a Quinfa Landscape and Lighting As- sessment "District No. 89-1", shall include all of the - territory h)cated within the boundaries of the City;_ and . WHEREAS, the City Council desires to levy and collect as:iessments within proposed La Quinta LandscapE~ and Lighting Assessment District No. 89-1 for the Fiscal Year commencing July 1, 1998 -...-..----.r----.- Proof and ending June 30, 1999 to pay the costs and expenses (If construction, operating, maintaining, and servic'lng landscaping, lighting and appurte. nant facilities located within public places in the City, and WHEREAS. the Engineer selected by the City Coun- cil has prepared and filed with the City Clerk of the City of La Quinta and the City Clerk has presented . to the City Council a report In connection with the proposed I:"'a Qulnta Landscape and Lightin$! As- sessment ()jstrict No. 89.1 and the City CounCIl did by previolJs Resolution approve such report. NOW, THEltEFORE, THI! CITY COUNCIL OF THI! CITY OF .~.__.___,_. i~:"g:~:RD~:SF~~~~;'::ND, DETERMINE, RESOLVE ....~_..._.._._.. Section 1. 'rhe City Council of the City of La Quinta (hereinaftl~r referred to as the "City Council") has previously formed Landscape and Lighting Dls, trlct No. 119-1 pursuant to the provisions of the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972, being Part 2 of DivlSlorl 15 of the California Streets and High- ~~~fe~0~e~'e;~~"1~n;~n@,t~~tl~r,7r~on 225500 (here- Section 2. The City Council hereby finds: 1) that the maintenance and operation of projects identified in the Preliminary Engineer's report for the Dis- trict No. 81~-1 consisting solely of exempt items of sidewalks, streets, sewers, water, flood control, and/or drllinage pursuant to Article 130 Section 5{a) of the CalHonla Constitution, and 2) that the public Interest requires, and 3) declares its inten. tion to levy and collect assessments for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 1998 and ending June 30, 1999 to palY for the costs and expenses of the Improveml;!nts described In Section 4 hereof. Section 3. The territory included within the bound- aries of thl~ Assessment District includes all of the land inclul:ted within the boundaries of the City. Section 4. IReference Is hereby made to the report of the Engineer on file with the City Clerk of the City of La Qulnta for a full and fair description of the Improvements, the boundaries of the Assess- ment District and any zones therein and the pro- posed assE'ssments upon assessable lots and par- cels of land within he Assessment District. Section 5. INotice Is hereby given that the 2nd day of June 191~8, 7:00 p.m. at the City Council Cham- bers, 78-49!i Calle Tamplco, La Quinta, California, 92253, is tl1e time and place fixed for a public meeting blf the .Clty Council to allow public testl- ~~~s~m~~'?ardlng the proposed Increased Section 6. Notice is hereby given that the 16th day of June 19l~8, 7:00 p.m. at the City Counc.' Cham- bers, 78-49!i Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California, 92253, Is the time and place fixed for a Public Hearing b)' the City Council on the question of the levy of thE! proposed asseSsment for Assessment District 89.1, Any interested person may file a written pn:>>test with the City Clerk prior to the conclusion of the heanng, or, withdrawal of the protest. A written protest shall state ail grounds of objections and a protest by a property owner shall contain a description sufficient to identIfy the property owned by such property owner. At the hearing, al'l Interested persons shall be afforded the opportunity to hear and be heard. Section 7. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give notice of such hearings as provid- ed In the Act. Section 8. "rhe City Council hereby designates the Desert Sun as the newspaper in which notice of the Public Hea,ring shall be published. 4" PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED thl!. 19th day of May, 19~18 by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Adolph, Henderson, Perkins, Sniff, May. 'oi"-pena- 03AI3"3\J NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None V 0 s/JOHN J. PlENA, Mayor City of La Qulnta, California PROOF OF PUBLlCA1~J:J~~iiA L. JUHOLA, C,ty Clek City of La Qulnta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM' DAWN C. HONEYWELL, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California Publ1shed May 28, 1998 . PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) 81 AtE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the sge of eighteen yesrs, snd not a party to or Interested In the above-entitled mailer. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published In the city of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California; under the date of March 24. 1988. Case Number 191236; that the notlce..9~ whlc,l:l, th,Qa,onexec:Us a prlnted,coPl_._ (set In type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published In each regular and entire Issue of said newspaper and not In any supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit: May 28, 'I all In the year 1998. I certify (or declare) under penalty of perJury that the foregoing Is true and correct. Dated at Palm Springs, California this 28th day of May .' 19~. ~:pL/)IC~ SIGNATUR / )lM310 AlIO ,,",,?..l""\"'" , ' ' \.,- '" , 25 n WI:! 8 Nnr 85, . This space Is for County Clerk's Filing Stamp Tentative Parcel Map 28805, KSL Land Corporation PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside I am a citizen of the United States and e resident of the County aforesaid; i am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or Interested in the above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY, a newspaper of - general circuletlorr, printed and published in the city of Palm Springs, County of Rlverside, end which newspaper hea been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Rlverside, State of California; under the date of March 24, 1988. Case Number 791236; that the ___ ,._, notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy _, .__ (set in type not smaller then nonpareil), has been published In each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any • supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit: May 29, ail in the year t998. I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated at Palm Springs, California this 2nd day of June , 1998. SIGNATURE '~-~ dlNlflp Vl ~0 ;,11~ 6Z Z Wd 6 ~(i(' ~~: a.nl3~3a This space (s for County Clerk's Filing Stamp PROOF OF PUBLICA PARCEL N0, ~ a 28805 ~~ o is ~ ~ 6rowlr aro, gg~ ~ $ 5 ]~i solo AKNUC L atlve Parcel MaP 78805 I5 within PGA West itic Plan 83-007, an approved mlzed use mas- Ilanned community of 5,000 houses oriented ntl championship golfiourses antl other com- :Ial facil hies. The rolect Is exemppt from the ornla Envlronmenl'al Quality Act (CEQA) per Ic Resources Government Cotle Section (a) because an Environmental Impact Re- (SCN#83067927) were certitied by the City c(I on May 1, 198d. No ~hanyetl cir<umsiances intlitlons exist which woultl require a subse- t Environmental Impact Report pursuant ~< Resources Code Section 71166. e Guinte Community Development Director will tlsr the proposed wbdlvislen at the Xeering. rublic eemmenr period will cenNnus item the of this notice through Ths Public Nearing en 11, 1998. The proposetl tile(s) may be viewed e public Monday through Friday 8:00 am until Im of the Community Developpment Depart- , La Quinta Glvic Center, 78-496 Celle Tampl- a Qul nta, Callforn ia. Jerson may submit written comments on this fo the Community Development Department to the Nearfng and/or may appear and be I In suppport of or apPOSit)an to the protect at me of }tre Hearing. If you challenge the decl- )f }his rase In Court, you may be limited to ig only those Issues that you or someone else i either at the Public Nearing or In written spontlence tleliveretl to the Community De- ment Department at, or prior to, the Public ng. l City's efforts to comply with the re uire- f 7990!tihelAtlminlstretive%COmimuDnllY bDevels nt Department requires that any person In of any type of special equipment, assistance :ommotlatlon(5) in ortler to Communicate at public meeting, must Inform the Clty Clerk a wm of 77 hour prior fo the schetluled ng MAV ?9, 1998 No.b636 Zoning Code Amendments 97-058 and 98-061 , PROOF OF PUB~ATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) STALE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside 1 am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above-entitled matter. I am 'the principal clerk of the printer of 1Ne DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY, a newspaper of - -- generet circuletlon, printed and published In°•-- the city of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged e newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of Cetifomie; under the date of March 24, 1988. Case Number 191238; that the _____ hotice~.gf.which the annexed. is a.printed.copy,~_ (set in type not smaller then nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit: r 1 U June 5, all in the year 1998. I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing la true and coned. Dated at Palm Springs, California this Sth day of June .1998. ~, ~ ~ SIGNATURE This space. County Clerk's Filing Stamp CITY OF LA QU%NTA CITY COUNCIL ~.; NOTICE OF 3LIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quints City Council will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on June 16, 1998, at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quints City Hail Council Chambers, 78- 495 Calle Tampico, on the following items: , ITEM: ZONING CODE AMENDMENTS 97-058 and 98-061 CITY OF LA QUINTA LOCATION: CITY-WIDE REQUEST: CONSIDERATION OF MISCELLANEOUS AMENDMENTS TO TITLE 9 (LA QUINTA ZONING CODE) OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE. The La Quints Community Development Department has determined that these amendments are exempted per Section 15061 (b, 3) of the Guidelines for Implementation of the Califomia Environmental Quality Act. F Any person may submit written comments on this item to the Community Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the changes at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision of this item in court, you may be limited to rais- ing only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Community Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed file(s) may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m; at the Community Development Department, La Quints City Hall, 78-495 Calla Tampico, La Quints, Califomia. The public comment period starts from the date of this notice and con, through the Public Hearing on June 16, 1998. L~ PROOF OF Iln the City's efforts to comply with the requirements of Title II of the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990, the I Community Development Department requires that any person in need of any type of special equipment, assistance- ~or accommodation(s) in order to communicate at a City public meeting, must inform the Community Development Department a minimum of 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting. ,;~ ;,, , Zoning Code Amendments 97-058 and 98-061 PROOF OF PUBLI!TION (2015.5 C.C.P.) STAlE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside I am a cltlzan of the United Statea and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen yeara, and not s party to or Interested in the above-entitled mailer. I am the principal clerk of the printer of Ute DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY, a newspaper of genera' circulation-, prln!ed and published In-...-....-. the city of Palm Springs. County of Rlveralde, and which newspsper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside. State of California; under the date of March 24, 1988. Case Number 191236; that the .___...._notlc;;e...of.wl)ich the annexed. is II prlnted.coPlL_.. (set In type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published In each regular and entire Issue of said newspaper and not In any supplement thereof on the following dstes, to wit: June 5, all In the year 19~. I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing la true and correct. ~ This space is .county Clerk'a Filing Stamp CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL NOTIC~ OF PUBLIC HI:A~ING -'NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta City Council will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on June 16, 1998.. at 7;00 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers, i'8- 495 Calle Tampico, on the following items: ITEM: ZONING CODE AMENDMENTS 97-058 and 98-061 APPLICANT: CITY OF LA QUINTA .e LOCATION: CITY-WIDE REQUEST: CONSIDERATION OF MISCELLANEOUS AMENDMENTS TO TITLE 9 (LA QUINTA ZONING CODE) OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE. The La Quinta Community Development Department has determined that these amendments are exempted per Section 15061 (b, 3) of the Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act. Any person may submit written comments on this item to the Community Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the changes at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision of this item in court, you may be limited to rais- ing only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Community Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed file(s) may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Community Deveiopment Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California. The public comment period starts from the date of this notice and con- tinues through the Public Hearing on June 16, 1998. In the City's efforts to comply with the requirements of Title II of the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990, the Community Development Department requires that any person in need of any type of special equipment, assistance PROOF OF PUlor accommodation(s) in order to communicate at a City public meeting, must inform the Community Development Department a minimum of 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting"f " Tentative Parcel Map 28776, KSL Land Corp. • • .PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) STAGE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside I am a citizen of the United Statea and a resident of the County aforesaid; 1 am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in ilia above-entitled matt@r. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY. a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published Irc-- --- the city of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been adludged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of tha County of Riverside, State of California; under the date of March 24, 1988. Case Number 191236; that the ___,_ notige~,of which the annexed, is.a printed copy_-~ (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to ®wit: June 3, ell In the year 1998. I cerliry (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing la true and correct. Dated at Palm Springs, California this 9th day of June , 1/998. ~/~ .~,~• ~/i/f~~ SIGNATURE This space is County Clerk's Filing Stamp No.6708 _- ...I Proof of Publii PROOF OF PUBLICATION 91ia eyptuE [~ sad afawi . ~ SGa er]uc1 A ~ ~ rtavtxrr cwa. rca era. baort 0 fie! I ~ a~ ~' alive Pa rce t Map Y8]]b is within PGA West e nearing Tho public com~ i Irom iho date of this nottaa in on Junn 16, 7998. The viewed by the public Mom i0 am until 5:00 pm ai the nt Department, La Quinia file Tampico, La Duinta, written comments on this Development Department rd/or may apppear and b2 apposition to ilia proleci at If you challenge the deci- rt, you may be limited to that you or someone else oli< Hearing or in written etl to the Community Oe- at, or prior to, the Public comply wi}h the remiirn_ a Cif ~~ "~ ~`~ order ro communicate at y public meeting, must inform the City Clerk a minimum of 7Y hours prior }o }he scheduled JUNE J,_ 1998 Fiscal Year 1998-99 Annual Assessment, La Quinta Landscape Lighting District . . 6~ PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) This space Is for County Clerk's Filing Stam!) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside 1,10.6657 NOTICE OF PUBLIC MII!1ING AND HEARING BY THE CITY OF LA QUINTA LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 78-495 CAllE TAMPICO .U8L1C MEETING: June 2, 1998 Time; 7:00 p.m. 'UBLlC HEARING; June 16, 1998 Time: 7:00 p.m. ro CONSIDER: The FI.ced Vear 1998-99 Annual b'.,lment for the City of La Quinto Landuap. and _Ightlns Dlltrlct. . 'aintenance of landscape improvements In road. .... 'ys and drainage facilities Is a very Important se. '(ice in our community. Landscaping, It well ma,ltalned, provides beautification and enhance- men to the surroundIngs, along wIth a positive effec\ ?n property values. Adequate street lighting and tr. fflc signals are considered Imperative for their to 'ntrlbutlon to public convenience and safety. AT the Public Meeting, City staff will present the proposed assessment levy and will accept ques- tions thereon. At the Public Hearing, the City Council will hear comments In sup~ort and pro- tests against the annual levy Increases prior to acting on the levy of assessments for Fiscal Year 1998/99. Any property owner many mall a protest against the assessment to the City of La Qulnta, P.O. Box 1504,78-495 Calle Tampico, La Qulnta, CA - 92253, Attention: Chris A Vogt, Public Works Direc- tor/City Engineer, Subject: Landscaping and "'"'l*....:+H.., .......... Lighting District 89-l. The City of La Qulnta Landscaping and Lighting District Is divided Into zones based on the level of Proof 01 benefit. Citywide Benefits enhance th,e value of all properties within the District, and Include the maintenance of medians, traffic signals and safety lighting In areas zoned commercial, on major thor- oughfares, Including all roadways that may be four lanes and greater, retention basins, bike trails and sidewalks. The costs of the City to administer these facilities are also considered a citywide benefit. Local Benefits Include the operation, servicing and maintenance of the facilities serving only proper- ties within localized areas. Including maintenance Of medians, back up landscaping, traffic signals and safety lighting on localized streets, which In- clude all roadways that are two lanes. The facilities proposed to be malntelned Include local landscap- Ing at La Qulnta Highlands, Rancho Ocotlllo, Cac- tus Flower, Acacia Homes, La Qufnta del Oro and Topaz. The costs of the City to administer these facilities are also considered a local benefit. The assessment rates for Fiscal Year 1998/99 are based upon Equivalent Dwelling Units (EDU's). The subdivided single family residential lot less than one acre In size has been selected as the basic unit for calculation of the benefit assessments. All single family residential parcels 18:4, than one acre In Size are assigned 1.00 EDU. In d~termlnlng the eou's for Improved nonresidential properties and reslde~tlal properties larQer_!t1,!l! one acre, parcels are assigned 5.00 EOU per acre, based on the average number of typical single family resi- dential lots per acre. Golf courses are assesses at the rate of 10% of developed nonresidential prorertles, or 0.50 EDU per acre with a minImum of .00 EDU per parcel. Properties with agricultural classifications are as- sessed at the rate of 5% of developed nonresiden- tial properties or 0.25 EDU per acre with a mlnl- ~~~egfln l~~e~Dz~n~~r HfI1;rd~' c~~~;~~'atf~n l~~ be assessed on the basis of allowable development, or 0.10 EDU per acre. Vacant property Is assessed at the rate of 33% of developed property. Vacant residential parcels (single family residential parcels less than one acre In size which do not have structures on them) are assigned 0.33 EDU per parcel. Vacant nonresi- dential parcels (parcels which are not single fam- Ily residential parcels, and which do not have structures on them) are assessed based on their parcel size. Because development typically occurs In Increments of 20 acres or less, the first 20 acres per parcel Is considered open space and exempt from assessment until such time as parcel subdivi- sion or open development occurs. Vacant nonres!- denti@LMLcels In Annexation Area NO.9 will be . -assessed at a rafe of 50% of those parcels located outside Annexation Area NO.9. The following table shows the maximum annual assessment rate per EDU for each zone for Fiscal Year 1998/99. The base assessment rate which may be levied for each EDU mar be increased by the Consumer Price Index (CP ) for all Urban Con- sumers for the Los Angeles. Anaheim, RIverside, Area with a mInimum Increase of 2.5% and a maximum Increase of 5% In any fiscal year by City Council approval each year. The base assessment rate will be that rate as approved and noticed for Fiscal Year 1998/99. Citywide S35.60/EDU The total proposed assessment for Fiscal Year 1998/99 is $796,584. The following table shows the maximum annual assessment rate per EDU for each zone for Fiscal Year 1997198 (as approved by the City CounCIl last year): Cltywld. $35.60 North Lo Qulnta (Includ.. Cltywld. "'.....m.nt) La Quinta Highlands $35.60 Rancho Ocotillo $35.60 (Cactus Flower $35.60 PUBLlCATI Acacia Homes $3560 L. Quint. del 0'0. $35:.. Topaz $35.60 The annual assessments generated br, the exIsting 1972 Act City of La Qulnta Landscap np and Iighf- Ing District will fund the cost of providing Installa- tion, servicln , maintenance, and operation of I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or Interested In the above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY, a newspaper of ....0". ,- genel'llf' clrculatlolt; printed' and"publlshed'ln" .~ .... the city of Palm Springe. County of Riverside. and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general clrcul~tlon by the Superior Court of the CountY of Riverside, State of California; under the date of March 24, 1988. Case Number 191236; that the !.l.21!QJ....g1.M:llQ.lJ...tl1Jl~D.!l!lL~!i.lll.A,Rd!lt~Jt P.oPL..-.. (set In type not smaller than nonpareil). has been published In each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not In any , supplement thereof on the following datea, to wit: May 28, June 1. 5. 'I all In the year 1998. I I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Ie true and correct. Dated at Palm Springs, California this 9th day of J!!!!.!L, 1998. / ~. '/ r ~'t-'-~. SIGNATURE 'l PROOF OF .....,~..........._..I.. Tentative Tract Map 28838, KSL Land Corp. PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) STAtFE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside I am a citizen of the United States and e resident of the County aforesaid; i am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above-entitled matt@r. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published In°°•~~ ~•-• fhe city of Paim Springs, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California; under the date of March 24, 1988. Case Number 191236; that the .,_-____notice,, of which._the annexed _s, a printed, copy~„__ (set in type not smaller than nonpereip, has been published in each regular and entire Issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to • wit: June t0, all in the year 1998. I certiry (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing la true and correct. Dated at Palm Springs, California this 10th day of June , 19798. / /// L r r ,( SIGNATUREI ~la3~o ~,llo vlNlno v~ ~o ~!..!o . ZO ZI Wd SI N~f 86 This space is for County Clerk's Filing Stamp No.d776-~- Proof sz~a SSrd AVENUE R ~ M s son wesT ~ ~ ~ - SBIh AY[NUF ' VICMRY MAP NOT TO SCALE 'Tentative Tract Map 28838 is within Soeclfic on this - to the in sup- ttme of of this 43/\I3~3L+ PROOF OF PUBLICA7. Repeal of Specific Plan 87-009, Village at La Quinta Zoning Code Amendment 98-060 Change of Zone 98-085 . PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) ST ATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or Interested In the above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY. a newspaper of ..--. generat circulation. printed and pub"shed rrr"-'" ....- the city of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California; under the date of March 24, 1988. Case Number 191238; that the nQtIQt..QL~~J...tJlllMtdJ.t.l.RrI!lte.ct90PX- (set In type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published In each regular and entire Issue of said newspaper and not In any supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit: June 9. 16. all In the year 1998. I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Is true alld correct. Dated at Palm Springs, California this 16th '" of J".. ,_ ~ f?L ;9~' SIGNATUR )llJ31Q HIQ VlNlnO V'l :lO .1.I!) 9h n lJH 61 Nnr 8E.. 03^!3:J3lJ . 6~ This space Is for County Clerk's Filing Stamp CIlY OF LA QUlNTA CIlY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta City Council will hold " a PUBLIC HEARING on July 7, 1998, at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers, 78-495 Calle Tamplco, on the following items: ITEM: REPEAL OF SPECIFIC PLAN 87-009; VILLAGE AT LA QUINTA ZONING CODE AMENDMENT 98-060 CHANGE OF ZONE 98-085 lllll illl1lW 0'" "~. APPLICANT: CITY OF LA QUINTA JilIlJ ~!;]~:igr ....... lOCATION' THE AFFECTED AREAS ARE I tE3J III! I GENERALLY BOUNDED BY EISENHOWER DRIVE. 52ND !!JIBlI AVE, WASHINGTON STREET !!j!ll AND THE LA QUINTA EVAC- - - -~~-~ ULATION CHANNEL. ACTIONS. REPEAL THE VILLAGE AT LA QUINTA SPECIFIC PLAN. ADOPT DESIGN REVIEW GUIDELINES, CREATE A VILLAGE OVERLAY DISTRICT, EXPAND THE VILLAGE AREA BOUNDARY, REVISE "VILLAGE COMMERCIAL" ZONING TEXT, ELIMINATING THE "VILLAGE RESIDENTIAL" TEXT AND MAPPING, FOR REZONING TO LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL, ONE STORY, 17-FOOT HEIGHT LIMIT, 10,000 SQUARE FOOT MINIMUM LOT SIZE (RL-IO,000.17/1) AND VILLAGE COMMERCIAL (VC). The La Quinta Community Development Department has complet- ed Environmental Assessment 98-353. Based upon that assess- ment, the proposed project will have no significant environmental impacts and a Negative Declaration shall be prepared. The la Quinta City Council Will consider the Planning Commission recommendation on this determination, along with the proposed action. Any person may submit written comments on thIS case to the Community Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the project at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision of thiS pro- posal in court, you may be limited to raising oniy those issues that you or someone else raised at the Hearing, or In prior written com. ments. The project information may be viewed Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. untii 5:00 p.m., at the Community Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-495 Caile Tampico, La Quinta, California. The public comment period starts from the date of this notice and continues throu9h the Public Hearing on July 7, 1998. In the City's efforts to comply with the requirements of Title iI 01 the Ameneans With Disabilities Act OF Hl90, theAdmlnistration/Community Development Department reqUlires than any person in need of any type of special equipment, assis- tance or accommodation(s) in order to communicate at a City public meeting, must inform the City Clerk/Community Development Department a minimum of 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting. PROOF OF PUBLICATION Zoning Code Amendment 97-057 and General Plan Amendment 98-056 Any person may submn written comments on this case to the Community Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the project at the time of the Hearing. ~ you challenge the decision of this case in court, you may be limned to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised enher at the Public Hearing or in written corre- spondence delivered to the Community Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed file(s) may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Communijy Development Department, La Quinta Cijy Hall, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, Calijomia. The public com- ment period starts from the date of this notice and continues through the Public Hearing on July 7, 1998. In the City's efforts to comply with the requirements of Title II of the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990, the Administration/Community Development Department PROOF OF PI requires than any person in need of any type of special equip- ment, assistance or accommodation(s) in order to communi- cate at a City public meeting, must inform the City Clerk/Community Development Department a minimum of 72 hours prior to the scheduled ~eting. . PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) ST A fe OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or Interested In the above-entitled matltr. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY, a newspaper of generat' circulation, prlnted and published hT"<O' ....... '. the city of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California; under the date of March 24, 1988. Case Number 191236; that the _._.Rotige...2Lw.oi.Q.b.JhJl.. annexe~.iJl..J..p~in!eq J;;oPlC (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not In any supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit: June 14. all In the year 1998. I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing la true and correct. Dated at Palm Springs, California thia 15th day of June. 1998. , / /" / /Z~/' :./)/(. // SIGNATURE? ./ / )f~TI8 All8 VINlnO 111 .:lO All8 IS n LJ8 91 NOr 8~ 03^'383H 6~ This space Is 'county Clerk's Filing Stamp CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta Council will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on July 7,1998, at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers, 78-495 Calle Tampico, on the following item: ITEM: ZONING CODE AMENDMENT 97-057, AND GENER- AL PLAN AMENDMENT 98-056 APPLICANT: CITY OF LA QUINTA LOCATION: CITY-WIDE IN HILLSIDE CONSERVATION OVERLAY REQUEST: TO AMEND CHAPTER 9.140.000 - HILLSIDE CONSERVATION REGULATIONS, AND RELATED GENER- AL PLAN AMENDMENTS The La Quinta Communijy Development Department has com- pleted Environmental Assessment 98-351. Based upon this assessment, the Amendment will not have significant adverse effect on the environment; because all potentially significant adverse impacts have been mitigated to a point of insignificance and; therefore, a Mitigated Negative Declaration has been pre- pared. The La Quinta Council will consider the Environmental Assessment and Amendment at the Hearing. General Plan Amendment 98-058, Change of Zone 98-087 ' PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside I am a citizen of the Un(ted Stetea and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above-entitled matter. i am the principal clerk of the printer of the DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY, a newspaper of general circulation, printed end published in°•° the city of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, end which newspaper hea been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California; under the date of March 24, 1988. Case Number 191238; ihet the (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire Issue of said newspaper and not In any supplement thereof on the following dates, to •wit: June 23, all in the year 1988. i certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Is true and correct. Dated at Pelm Springs, California this 23rd day of June , 19 ~~ ~ ~~-~ SIGNATURE ~la3n~ .lll~ dlNlno vn ~o ~~-(~ SO i Wd SZ N~(' 86: a3n13~3a PROOF OF This space la for County Clerk's Filing Stamp r No.688< 98-058 TION PRUJECT LUGAt1UN t1RY Tentative Tract 28797, RJT Homes LLC ` PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) C~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside I em a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or . Interested in the above•entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY, a newspaper of general circulation, printed end pubilahed in ~- °° the city of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, Steie of Califomia; under the date of March 24, 1988. Case Number 191238; ihat the noticeQf which-lhe..annexe~ Is a_printec~ copy (set In type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published In each regular end entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to •wit: June 21, all In the year 1998. I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing la true and correct. Dated at Palm Springs, California this 23rd day of June , 1998. 1~~; U ~ lei SIGNATURE ~a31~ Alit V1N1f10 yl ~G J, I_I~ • SO T Wd SZ N(if 86~ o3n13~3a This space is for County Clerk's Filing Stamp r - - PROOF OF PUBLICATION au ~. ,~,~ Specific Plan 85-006, Amendment #3, Tentative Tract 28447, KSL Land Corp. .. y PROOF OF PUBLICATION • (2015.5 C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY, a newspaper of general circulation, printed end published tm the city of Palm' Springs, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the 3uperlor Court of the County of Riverside, State of California; under the date of March 24, 1988. Case Number 191236; that the ,~„~ notice,, of, which the,annaxed,is._a_printed„copy,,,,,,,~,,,_ (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any .supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit: June 21, all in the year 1998. I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated at Palm Springs, California this 24th day of June , 1998. SIGNATURE ~a3~o Arlo diNtno v~ ~o ,t.uo ~~ Z Wd 9Z Nflf 86~ a3nl3o3a This space is for County Clerk's Filing Stamp the Qt pf La hold a PUBLIC p:m. In ihe'La rs, ]8-495 Galle AMENDMENT 5, Tb: /4 OF ~-~ .,...., ....e~,.~.. ee..a..r .al...mem Nnmlmm,3 PROOF OF PUBLICATION Consideration of a Revised Development Review Process Administrative Fee Schedule for the Community Development Dept . PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County afore~ald; I am over th,! '.. age of eighteen years, and not a party to or Interested In the above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY, a newspaper of . general clrculatlolT, prtnted and published In' .. .. ---.--. the city of Palm Springs, County of Rh;ers'lde: .' ..._- and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the' Superior Court of the County at Rlveralde;' .. . State of California; under the date of March 24, 1988. Case Number 191238; that the . .._-.... !l.q~. IIf wl:!!ch the anoeM.qj~..I!,Rrlr:!~~..Il.g"Ql1li .... (set In type not smaller than nonpareil), haa been published In each regular and entire Issue of said newspaper and not In any supplement thereof on the following dates, to I wit: I I June 26, all In the year 1998. I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated at Palm Springs, California this 26th day of June , 19~. SIGNATURE ~"1 ~~ ~ ./ \.!-fi'"'<' )(l:l3l8 Ul8 V1NinO Vl :10 '\.1.18 65 n LJtl 62 NOr 96 Q3f11383l:l . b~ This space Is for County Clerk's Filing Stamp .~ CITY OF LA QUINTA ~ ~ ,~: CITY COUNCIL !'i Q'" 0, NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of la Quinto City Council will hole a PUBLIC HEARING on July 7, 1998, at 7:00 p.m. in the la Quinto City Hall Council Chambers, 78-495 Calle Tampico, Qn the following items.: ITEM: CONSIDERATION OF A REVISED DEVElOP- MENT REVIEW PROCESS ADMINISTRATIVE FEE SCHEDULE FOR THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT APPLICANT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPART- MENT - CITY OF LA QUINTA - .. Any person may submit written comments on this item to the Community Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be head in sup- port of or opposition to the changes at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision of this item in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Community Development Department at, or prior tc,. the Public Hearing. The proposed file(s) may he viewed by the public Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Community Development Department, la Quinto City Hall, 78-495 Call,~ Tampico, la Quinto, California. The public comment period starts from the date of this notice and contin- ues through the' Public Hearing on July 7, 1998. In the City's efforts to comply with the requirements of Title " of the Americans With Disabilities Act Of 1990, the Community Development Department requires that any person in need of any type of spe" cial equipment, assistance or accommodation{s} in order to communicate at a City public meeting, mus:I inform the Community Development Department 0 minimum of 72 hours prior to the, scheduled meeting. PROOF OF PUBLICATION Specific Plan 98-032 and CUP 98-040 (The Retreat at the Quarry), La Quinta Golf Properties • • ...... ........................................... autntl,eyearl9 ~.~.r .. I certify (or dedare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and mnect Dated at PalmSprings, California this ..~/.`..~q.. day .. ~~ 7hj, ~~.~ ...._....._.._..._.._ ..................'>f'2t3~~..k.l.f~....... SIC~~VI ~0 J,11~ TS TI Wd Z l~(' 86e 43~I3~32i ~\ PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015•SC.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside I am a dozen of the United Staters and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and and not a party to or interested in the above~ntitled matter. i am the prindpal clerk of a printer of the DESERT SUN PUBLLSHWG COMI'ANYa newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the dty of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general dmr]ation by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California; under the date of March 24,1988. Case Number 191236; that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed mpy (set in type not smaller than nonpan~, has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wik ~~w-~ ~. 9 ................................................. This space is for County Clerk's Filing Stamp r No 69Y1 - ~ _--~ ,_.~ \ sex _ n -,~--____, _,~ ~., f Site Development Permit 98-626, Real Property Associates - ~ ._ ~ ~ PROOF OF PUBLICATION i (2015.SC.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA Cotutty of Riverside 1 am a dozen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and and not a party to or interested in the above-entitled matter. 3 am the prindpal Berk of a printerof the DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY a newspaper of general dreulaHon, printed and published in the dty of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general drculation by the Superior Court o(the County of Riverside, State of California, under the date of March 24,1988. Case Number 191236; that the notice, of which the arvrexed is a printed mpy (set in type not smaller than nonpareiD, has been published in each regrrtar • and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit: ................................................. .......... ....................................... all intheyearl9»~.~~ '. . I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated'ajt Palm Springs, California this .~:.~... day vlraino ~ai ~o ~iio iS TT Wd Z lM 86. O~h13J3Lt This space is for County Clerk's Filing Stamp r Tentative Tract 28797, RJT Homes LLC PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015•SC.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside I am a dozen of the United States and a resident of the CouNy aforesaid; i am over the age of eighteen years, and and not a party to or interested in the above titled matter. i am the prindpal clerk of a printer of the DESERT SIJN PUBLISHING COMPANY a newspaper o(general dreulation, printed and published in the dty of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general drculation by the SuperiorCourt of the County of Riverside, State of Catiforru~; under the date of March24,1988. Case Number 191736; that the no(im, of which the armored is a printed mpy (set in type not smaller than ranpareil), has been published in each rrgrrlaz and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit .~~~:... a.~ :...............:.......... ................................................. av in a,eyeaz l9 ....~..~ .. . I oatify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and mrrect. Dated at Palm Springs, California this a:../....day of ~Vv_ti.~ ..........................._...._....19.9.g.. ~.~ ~ tz~-.,~a3~~ ~,ll~ ...sicNa,7~ f10 d 1 ~ o J, 11 ~ TS TT Wd Z lfl(' 86. 43A1303L+ This Spam is for County Clerk's Filing Stamp r E 11.87 ACR ES.INTO 53 i1N SPEC-IFIC PLAN'85- -008, -009, -070, -076, -029, .u Tentative Tract 28838, KSL Land Corp. n lJ river Ur Fub~(i{I,a.S xl'I ~,u~zU,ioma,ari dept. Yik. .` • RECEIVED PROOF OF PUBLICATION ° gg ~ ~ g ~'~-5~12 03or County Clerk's Filing Stamp CIT OF LA QUINTA ^ ' ITY CLERK STATE OF CALIFORMA County of Riverside I am a dozen of the United States and a resident of the County aforaaid; i am over the age of eighteen years, and and not a party to or interested in the above~ntitled matter. i am the principal Berk of a printerof the DfSERTSUN PUB[.IGHLNG COMPANY a newspaper of general dreulation, printed and published in the dty of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general dreulaHon by the Superior Court o[ the County of Riverside, State of California; under the date of March 24,1988. Case I~Iumber 191236; that the notice, of which the arvrexed is a printed rnpy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each negrilar and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit: .J./ ........ .............:................. l~, ................................................. a1lfnBreywr]9..1..A..~.. ' . I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. T i?ated at Palm Springs, Califonrla lhia ..`::._. dppay ........__.._.. ~w~.~ .......... ~.. r. ~.. ~ ............... SIGNATURE ~rY MAP NOl TO S:,LE • Specific Plan 85-006 Amendment #3, Tentative Tract 28447 KSL Land Corp. ,. pnOOFOFPUB~nON . ;. (201S.SC.c!tP.) This spa_or Counl)' Clerk's I"illng S!.:Imp ~ ,.. '= .. .. ... ... STATE OFCALJR)RNIA County of Riverside .. .. J am a dllzen of !he Uniltd Slales and a resldenl of tile County aforesaid; I am over lhe age of ei&hleen years, and and not a part)' 10 or Inlmsltd In the aoovHnlillrd mailer. I am die principal clerk of a prinler of the DP';ERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY a Iltwspaper of general drmlallon, prinltd and published in lhe cil)' of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been ~judgtd a newspaper of general cirm1alion by !he Superior Court of the County of Riverside, Stale of California; under !he dale of March 24, 1988. Case Numbes-191236; thaI the notice, of which tl1e annextd Is a prinltd copy (set In type not smaller than nonpaml), has betn published In each regu.Iat and entire issue of said newspaper and nolln any $Upplementdlereof on lIle foDowing dales,lo-wil: Proof of Publication of .. . 11.11 ..... II .,...... I..... ~ t.........., . . .. . .. .........................- --- ~--..-- -~ ~......... aD In IIle ,." !}:1.. .. I No.7018 City of La Quints CIN COUNCIL HEARING NOTICE OF HPEURBELBI~ GIVEN that the City of La NOTICE IS .. ld PUBLIC HEARING QUints City 9~~un1117~lg ~':n i~ the La Quinta City August 4, 1, Ch' 'mb.'rs 78-495 Calle Templco, on Hall Councl a , W~~~I1~!i~~g~W:IC PLAN 85-006, AMENDMENT #~'TENTATIVE TRACT 28447 ~.~PLlCANT: KSL LAND CO.RPORATI~~TION OF LOCATION ANDTRHEEQ~5~fH 1JII~~~F 54th AVE- 3+ ACRES ON 00 FEET WEST OF JEF. NUEJ...APPRoXIME'i-T~~ri5ANNEXATION OF 1.7+ FER;:)ON ST-fHEE EAST SIDE OF PARK AVENUEE ~~~~gX9~ATEL Y 1100 FEET NORTH A~~CALL TAMPICO INTO THE SPECIFIC PLA~ OF TRACT 2.\ RESUBDIVH'sE'a,~ ~bR~ ~~~~~ED SITE INTO 24889 AND T - ENTIAL LOTS ON THE 49 SINGLE FAMI'E~-rf~~'6 NORTH OF NISPERO WEST SIDE OF ~OUTH SlbE OF MANDARINA, ~gT OtF ~~GO WITHIN THE CIT~~:r.OF SEC- LEGAL: A PO~~~N SO:8~HEA~J~ PORTION OF t~~sVv ~~f'OF SECTION'S, T6S, R7E, S88M pon,Igl72a40 . CommunIty Development Depart-. The la U1n a tal Assessmen ment has comd Ple~~d t~l~v~~=:~ent. the project 98-361. Base UP. d effect on the enVl- Will not have slgnificant,ait.~:~ Negative Declara. ronment; therefure, a dad The L.:a QUlnta Plan. tlon has been reco~"6~~Slder the MItigated Negad- nlng Commlsslon'h. SpecIfic Plan Amendment, an tlve DeclaratIon, H the Tentative Tract atb 'h,~n~:gn~omrnents on thIS Any person may su ml t Department case to the Community Oeve~gm:~ ear and be pnor to the Hertar~~ragg~~SltlOl to t~e project at heard In suppa If hallenge the dscI- the time qf the H~anngLJrt y~ciu c may be limited to sian of thiS case n co h t au or someone else raising C!nly thOS.he IS~~~C t H~fjng or In. wntten cor- raised either at e h C munlty DevelOp. respondence del\Ver~d ~o ~lgr tg~he Pubhc Hear- ment Departmen d f I~(sf( may be viewed by the In . The propose I Fr 800 a.m. until 5.00 pJt;hc MOnd& throuQ~ 8~':J'iopment Department, eamQ~~~~iVIC mC~~~~r, 78.~9~o~~:n1a~I~' ~ QUlnta, Cahfornla ~h~ pUf'thlS notice through the continue from the a e 0 4 1998 Public Hearing on AU~ust , I With the require. In the Clt..t:S ~r01~heo A~:rFc~ns WIth Disabilities ~~n~ ~~9g~ethe oAd;nI~lqS~~~~n{~a~~~~n~~~ci'~~~ opment Departmen r al ulpment assIstance need of any dtyp,.e nO(~)~~~e~ communlcate at a or accommo a 10 t Inform the City City publiC mtyet~~~IOP~~~t Department a mlm- Clerk/Communi nor to the scheduled meetlOg mum of 72 hours P Pub: July 13, 1998 . ... ..];d I.... !..~oooo..;.....: ......:..... ................................................. i c:a1ify (or dedare) under penalty 01 peljwJ dtal tbe Io~ofn& Is bue and (Om!d, '(? Daled al Palm Springs, California IhI& _.._ day oI_._.~".t ~___ 19.11. f" ..-,-- 11 Lr-7~1--4 I f~ ..........._.._..__.._................................r. ..................... SIGNA \ Affordable Housing Agreement, Catellus Residential Group .. .' P}{OOlF OF PUBUcAnON (201S.SC.C.P.) . ,. STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside I am a dlizell oIlhe United Slates and a resident 01 tile CoWlty afom;aid; I am over the age of eJ&hteen years, and and not a party to or interested in the abovHnlitled mailer. I am the principal cleric of a printer of the DR>ERTSUN PUBLISHING COMPANY a newspaper of general circulaliol\, prinle<i and pubDshed i.~ the d!)' of Pabn Spring!!. County ofRivmide, and which newspaper has been acljudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court 01 the County of Riverside, State of Califomla; under !he daleofMardl24.19B8. Case Number 191236; lhat the no~ of which the annexed Is a printed copy (set In type not smaller than nonpaml), has been published In each regular and entire Issue of said newspaper and not In any supplement thereof on the foDowlng dates, to-wlt .. ;!..~.!~..... fl... 1.1....;...... .'.......... ................................................. aD In 1IleJ&r19 JL " " L \ \ I certify (or declare) under penalty 01 peJjwJ that the forq;oing Is true and comd. '1 Dated al Palm Springs, CaIlfomla this .L.:_ day of _._-..::5....L(,..!.f..._.......;- 1~1_ \~~y<,-; ('7\ ....-....-.-...-........ ........._..... .......................~..~....... SIGNA , ~ This spare is for County Clerk's Filing S~mp ... ... ,. ------- CITY OF LA QUINTA NOTICE OF JOINT PUBLIC IHEARING WITH THE CITY COUNCIL AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of La Quinta (the "City) and the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency (the "Agency) will hold a joint pub- lic hearing in the Council Chamber in the La Quinta City Hall, 78-459 Call Tampico, La QUlnta, California on July 20, 1998.beginning at 700 PM or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, It consider the AfFordable Housing Agreement (the Agreement) by and between the Agency and Catellus Residential Group, a CaliFornia corporation, (the "Developer"), The purpose of the joint public hearing is to receive testimony from the public regarding the proposed Agreement. The property involves a 86 single family resi- dentiallot subdivision and 118 senior apartments with recre- ational amenities on approximately 40 acres. The apartments will be available to very low and low Income seniors and the single family housing will be available to moderate income level persons or households, located at the northwest corner of JefFerson and 48th Avenue, Any person may submit written comments on this matter to the Community Development Department prior to the hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the Agreement at the time of the hearing. If you challenge the deci- sion of this ca~e in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the public hearing or in written correspondence delivered ,to the Community Development Department at, or prior lO, the public hearing. Furthermore, you must exhaust any admmistratlve remedies prior to commencing a court challenge to City'slAgency's action. In the City's efforts to comply with the requirements of Title II of the American With Disabilities Act of 1990. the City Clerk requires that any person in need of any type of special equipment, assistance or accommodation(s) in order to communicate at a City public meeting, must infoffil the City Clerk a minimum of 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting, Copies of the Agreement and Summary Report are available at the Community Development Department counter located at the La Quinta City Hall, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, Questions may be directed to Jerry Herman, Community Development at 760-777-7125, Tentative Tract Map 28738, KSL Land Corp .:. r~ooF oi" rux~xiorr STATE OECALIFORNU County of Riverside I am a dtlzea of the United States and a resident of the County glforesaid;l am over the age of eighteen yeah, and and rbl a party to or interested in the above~ntitlcd mattes 1 am the prinopal clerk of a printerof the DESERT SUN PUBLISIiAiG , COMPANYa newspaper of general drevlation, ' printed and published in the city of Palm Springs, County of Rive,side, and which newspaper has been adljudged a newspaper of genera! drcTilation by the Superior Couri of the County of Riverside, Stale of Cati/orrJ~; under Ilee dale of March 2,1488. Case Number 191zi6; that dee notioq of which Ilee arve«ed b a printed mpy (set in type not smatler than ranpareip, has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplemalt deereof on the following dates, to-wiE • _._ .,.~ Jj~(~~ ~~ ... .............. • ............................... a111nQeeyearl! ..1.11.... . • r . * ^_~•+*~ rM ~'aa-s.^a ~r penalty olger,4~ry beat lira foregoing is hue and carrec9. This spa~for R E C E ~E D,s Filing S[amp `98 JUL 17 PUl 1~ 34 CI T Y OF LA QUINjA ~- CITY CLERK Proof of Publimtion of No.7099 CI,T,YSOFLA ~>QUINTA, ,, PLANNING~.COMNIISSION NOTICESOF PUBLIC>MEARI~~[1G NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN fliat thH[City of La Quinta' PlanniHg .Commission will h''o11B a Public Hearing on JULY 28, '1998, at 7i00P °Nl in the La Ouirita Crty Hall Council Chambers, 78 495Calle Tampicq. on The following item: Pt Im • i~ e~ a Dated at Palm Sprireg;,California thfe .[~...! day Site Development Permit 98-623 and Tentative Parcel Map 28573, Kerr Project Services and Hall & Foreman, Inc. PIZOOf OF I't3f3T~;AT'IO1V (2015.Si;.C.P.j 5f ATE OFCALIFORMA 4/DUnty of Riverside II am a dtiren of the United States and a resident of Q4ue County aforesaid; i am over the age of eighteen years, and and not a party to or interested in the a4~ovccntitled matter. 1 am the principal Berk of a printer of the DES6RTSUN PUBLLSFiING , ~'OA4'ANYa newspaper of general drrulaGory printed and published in the dty of Palm Springs, Q'ounty of Riverside, and which newspaper has been ad~trdged a newspaperof general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of Q'alifotnia; under the date of March 24,1988. Case YVumba 191236; tlwt the notice, of which the annexed is a primed copy (set In type not smallet than nonparei4, has been published In each regulaz and enCve issue of said newspaper and not In any supplement thereof on the foIIowing dates, fo-wit: v 1 yIp~ e eeee •...•••.•~ •eui••.i..e n~ue ueeeeuee eeeo - •- Oesseuueeeeuee eeeeeereneaeunsea ee see eeHSeO An 1r1 the year ~ t'Of declare) under penalty of penury that lire pOreg0171g 15 true and CBtteCt. II~aledatPalmSprings,Californfathb'~ day off _..._... ~.~. ~~j_._.. yr.....__.. 19 ~.~ . SIGNATURE This sp~ for County Clerk's }`Ming Stamp RECEIVED •'•38 JUL 17 Pal 12 34 '" %iTr" OF LA QUINTA,, r CITY CLERK Proof o(Pub(iotion of ................................................. N0.7059 C/TY OF /.A OU/NTA NOT CE OF PUBLIC HEAR NG NOTICE IS HEREBY 61VEN that the City of La Cuinta Planning Commission will holtl a PUBLIC HEARING on Juy 28, 1998 at 7:00 p. m. in the La Ouinta City Hall Council Cisambers, 78-495 Calle Tampico, on the following item: ,. ~I LA OUINTA D dH DY i INOIO al />9 / ,. General Plan Amendment 98-058 Change of Zone 98-087, H.A. Anderson PROOF OF PUBUCATION (20 15.5C.C.P.) STATE OF CALOORNIA County of Riverside I am a citizen of the United Slates and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years. and and not a party to or interested in the abov~ntilled maUer. i am the prindpal clerk of a printer of the DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the city of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, Slate of California; under the date of March 24, 1988. Case Number 191236; that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaUer than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the fonowing dates. to-wit ...~.~......~.~.................... ................................................. aU In the year 19 -9:J... .. I certify (or declare) wtder penalty of perjwy that the foregoing is true and conecL ::.::;J~:::.:l .....................................................1()...~... SIGNATURE . ~ This space is for County Clerk's Filing Stan~ RECEIVED . "~8 JUL 28 ~ PrI 1 11 CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK Proof of Publication of ................................................. ................................................. NO.7201 CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La QUlnta City CounCil will hold a PUBLIC HEARING On Augus{ 18, 1998, at 7:00PM In the La Qumta City Hall CounCil Chambers, 78-495 Calle TamplcO, on the followmg item: ITEM: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 98-058 CHANGE OF ZONE 98-087 APPLICANT: H.A. ANDERSON LOCATION: SOUTHWEST CORNER OF JEFFER SON STREET AND FRED WARING DRIVE. REQUEST: APPROVAL OF A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND CHANGE OF ZONE OF TEN ACRES FROM LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL. LEGAL: A PORTION OF APN 604-o72-00a. ~ ~ PROJECT LOCATION HAP " The La Qulnta Community Development Depart- ment has completed EnVironmental Assessment 98-358. Based upon this assessment, the pro- ject will not have a significant adverse effect on \he envlronmentb. therefore, a Mitigated Negative Declaration will e recommended. The La Quin- ts City Council will consider the proposed Gen- eral Plan Amendment and Change of Zone at the Public Hearing. Any person may submit written comments on this esse to the Community Development De- partment grior to the Hearing and/or may ap- pear and e heard In support of or opposition to the project at the time Of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision of this esse in court, you may be limited to raising only those Issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing_ or in written correspondence delivered to the Community' Development Department atl or prior to, the Public Hearing, The proposea flle(s) may be viewed by the public Monday throu!'i Friday, 8:00am until 5:00pm at the Com- muni Deve 0 ment Department, La Qulnta Civic entl!!:o 7'&-495 Calle Tamplco, La Quints. California. I no public comment period will con- tinue from the date of this notice through the Public Hearing on August 18 1998. In the City's efforts to comply with the require- ments of 'Title II of the Americans With Disabili- ties Act Of 1990, the Administration/Community Development Department requires that any per- son In need of any type of special equipment, .assistance or accommodation(s) in order to communicate at a City public meeting, must in- Tentative Tract 28867, Winchester Development Co. LLC PROOF OF PUBUCATION (20 15.5C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; 1 am over the age of eighteen years, and and not a party to or interested in the abov~nlitled mailer. i am the principal clerk of a printer of the DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation. printed and published in the city of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general drcu\alion by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California; under the dale of March 24. 1988. Case Number 191236; that the notice, of which the annexed is a. printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the fonowing dates, to-wit: . ..::2, .~.\ .~. ,... t..l........ ~.........~.. ................................................. all In the year 19 -CfJ.- " 1 certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and ccrrect. Dated at Palm Springs, California ~ .l1. day of _____-:;1)\/_);;::- 19 r{i- .............................-..............?...................................,. SIGNATIJRE 4tECEIVED r This ~~ ~e Z~un~Rly~'s 3ging Sla~ CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK Proof of Publication of 1\fO.7235 A_-U._...!..~.~~~._.-!-'_!.. ,....... II ........ City of La Quints City Council NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREI:lY that the Clt f . City CounCil Will hold a PUBLIC HR'A~IN'Ga gUlRta ~ust 18 1998 at 1"00 p th L n u~ th~1 f~?i~~~ ?t~~";'t)ers. i~4~~ C:lle aT~~I~I~o,C~~ ITEM: TENTATIVE TRACT 28867 tt8L1CANT: WINCHESTER DEVELOPMENT CO., ~?R1;Al1JO~~~~G DEL GATO DRIVE MASTERS WITHIN 'THE TRADg.?6~' c1.~~ ~:W~b.kt'~EF 52nd AVENUE AND AVENIDA BERMUDAS r6~U~S~~A1;~s Fjfx~lfFIGURE RESIDENTIAL E~~l7 32 ADDITiONAL ~E~t~J~~~[ E~fsO TO ~~~O~b1~g~~1~5NA~~ ~~JR~~~~ 8i ~~~~f -, ............. c , = I ," rr '!.. Ie t ~ ~ The la Quinta Community Development De art- Z'8~3~oha~ cOa'Plete'd ~nvlronmental Assess~ent tract W.I[1 ~~f h~~~l t~:s n~:~~~~~~~e eW:ative ~~I:~:;j~Onn~entb; there?ore, a Mitigated Neg~ti~~ t as eell recommended. The la QUln~ Ha C!ty CounCil Will conSider the request a the eanng. ~le ptersg,n ~ay sub~it written comments on thiS ~nor tg th; H~~~~~nIZd9~~e~g;:~t ~:f:~:r~~ t~eart1~~ ~~~~o~ of ~r opposition to t~e project at slon of this e ~al1ng. If you challenge the deci~ raiSing only t~~~ 1~'_~~~~hJoU may be limited to raised either at the F~ublic He y.ou or ~omeone else respondence deliven~d to thea~~~~~~r~ng:~e~r: ~'iI,entTDhepartment at,. orlnor to, the Public Hefr:~ e proposed flle(s may b . d b pu lic Monday throLl~h riday 8:0~ ~~~e untJ( 5~3g p.m. at the Community Development D rt . La QUlnta CiVIC Center 78~495 Calle Tepa. ment, Quinta, California. The 'public comment a~tilg~' ~~ ~~~~:gu~e~~g t~~ ~~~~s~f 1 tgls1 ~~~ice through the In the Clt.t.'s efforts to comply with the re U1re~ m~n}jf o~ 99lge t~ o~ t,he. ~mencans With Disa~lhtles Pers . ' d e (ministration requires that anr on III nee of any type of s eClal . assl~ance or 89commodation(s) ~n ord:~~:fr;;g~:. rcJl~~I~It;r:t aa ~~~~I~~'co~~~tr~g, must inform the scheduled meeting. ours prior to the PUB: JULY 27, 19911 Specific Plan 98-032 and Conditional Use Permit 98-040 (The Retreat at the Quarry) PROOF OF PUBUCATION (2015.5C.C.P.) STATE OF CAUFORNlA County of Riverside I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; 1 am over the age or eighteen years, and and not a party to or inlemted in the above-1!nlitled mailer. I am the principal clerk of a printer of the DffiOO SUN MUSHING COMPANY a newSpaper of general circulation, printed and published In the city of Palm Springs. County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general dn:uIalion by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, Slate of California; under the dale of March 24, 1988. Case Number 191Z36; that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published In each regular and entire ls$ue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dales, to-wit: ..;;J.::\!.~.....~~.........~..:........... ................................................. aD In the)'W' 19 -tt. .' J certify (or declare) under penalty of pejwy that the foregoing is true and coned. Dated at Palm Springs.CaIifornia ~ 2'1- day of .-......-;!.....vf:t..._..---......- 19.3!2._ "J-~ ...................................Sla;ti'~..:--........... . 6J-;>~1 This space is fli Q~~erk.s Filing Sla~ '98 JlJL 30 PPl 12 09 CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK Proof of Publication of "" NO.7236 City of La Quints City Council ' NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARING NOTICE IS H~RE:BY that the City of La QUlnta City Council Will hold a PUBLIC HEARING On Au- gust 18, 1~98, at 7:00 p.m. in the La QUlnta City Rail Council Chambers, 78-495 Calle Tamplco on the following Item: ' ITEM: SPECIFIC PLAN 98~032 AND CONDITIONAL gB~R~~RMIT 98-040 (THE RETREAT AT THE LOCATION: NOR1HEST CORNER OF TOM FAZIO ~NE NORTH AND QUARRY LANE IN THE QUAR- REQUEST: APPROVAL OF SPECIFIC PLAN TO ALLOW 28 RESORT RESIDENTIAL UNITS AND RECREATION BUILDING WITH SWIMMING POOL SPA, AND TENNIS COURT (SDP) 97-617) AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 'TO ALLOW 28 RE- SORT RESIDENn,ll,L UNITS LEGAL: APNS: 761'-070~007 AND 761-070-009 ........... ........... - IIIC_ t -........ H .c. N , ~ The La Quinta Commumty Development Depart- ment has completed EnVironmental Assessment 98-349. Based upon thiS assessment the Specific Plan wll,l not have a significant adve'rse effect on the envlTonment; therefore, a Mitigated Negative Declaration has b91m prepared. The La Quinta CIty Coun9it will con~lder adoption of the Mitigated Negative ~~Iaratlcln alonQ with the Specific Plan and CondItional Use Permit at the Heanng Any person may submit written comments' on this c~ to the Com,:nunity Development Department pnor to the Hearing and/or may appear and be hear<;l In support 01 ?r Op!,osltlon to the project at t~e time of the Heming. I you challenge the deci- sion of thiS case !11 court, you may be limited to raising C?nly those I!~sues that you or someone else raIsed eIther at the PubliC Hearing or in wntten cor- respondence delivered to the Community Develop~ !'f1ent Department elt, or~rior to, the Public Hear- In . The proposed flle(s may be viewed by the PJblic Monday thrc.ugh riday 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. a~ the CommunIty Development Department, La QUlnta City Hull 78-495 Caffe Tamplco La QUintal CalifornIa. the public comment penod starts rom the dale of thiS notice and continues through the Public Hearing on August 18 1998 In the City's efforts to comply WIth the' require- ments of Title II of the Amencans With Disabilities Act Of 1990, the Administration/Community Devel- opment Department requires that any person In need of any tyRe of s:peclal equipment, assIstance or accom.modatlon(:s) In order to communicate at a C~ public meetlngl. must Inform the City Clerk a minimum of 72 hours prior to the scheduled meet- 'ng. . pos: JULY 28, 19H8 Amended Environmental Assessment 98-360 and Tentative Tract 28867, Winchester Development Co. LLC .. PROOF OF PUBUCAll0N (2015.5C.C.P.) STATE OF CALOORNIA County of Riverside lam a dtl.zen of.the Unlted States and a resident of the County aroresaid; I am over the age of eighteen years. and and not a party to or Interested In the abov~tilled maIler. lam the principal clerk of a printer of the DESERT SUN PUBUSHING COMPANY a newSpaper of general circulation. printed and published In the cily of Paw Springs. County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of !he County of Riverside, Slale of Californla; under !he date of March 24. 1988. Case Number 191236; that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed ropy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published In each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not In any supplement 'thereof on the fonowing dates, to-wit: ...~.~..~:I......~..~.......................... ~ ............................~.................... it ~ ~~,~~.~ '7."> ' . ~';';:-4 ,,> .. __ _____ _~~...~~ -:-_.::...:...._._= -.:.:...:..:...:;...:~';::.:!:-' : ..i..-=-.::_Jl*'~~.~'.;";.-=--- '~' ~..~~ I certify (ordeda~ under penalty of petjwy that the Co~oing Is true and correct. , Dated at Pahn Sprin&s,Calllomla this 30. day . -: l 9g of ...................J....lL....\i_................_m_. 19._.._ ( ') .............................-..........................1........................ SIGNA1lJRE This space! County C1erk's riling Sta~D RECEIVED ~ '98 RUG ~ RrJ 11 ~O CITY OF LA QU/NTA CITY CLERK Proof of PubBcatlon o( ................................................. ................................................. ;- ~ c.... ."'IliIiiir. ~,JL_. - , I NO.7289 City of La Qull:lfB .Clty council NOTICE OF PLJlBLlC HEARINO NOTICE IS HEREBY that the City of La Quinta . City Council Will hold a PUBLIC HEARING On Au- .gust 18, 1998, at 7:00 p:.m. in the La Quints City Hall Council Chambers, 78-495 Calle Tamplco, on the following ItElm: ITEM: AMENDED ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESS- MENT 98-360 AND TENTAllVE TRACT 28867 APPLICANT: WINCHESTER DEVELOPMENT CO., LLC. LOCATION: ALONG DEL GATO DRIVE MASTERS CIRCLE, CLAFIET COVE, AND LATRbBE LANE.J. WITHIN THE lRADITION CLUB, SOUTl'tEAST Or . 52nd AVENUE AND AVENIDA BERMUDAS REQUEST: CERTIFICATION OF A MITIGATED .NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT FOR AMENDED ENVIRONMENTAL AS- SESSMENT 9EI-360 AND APPROVAL TO RECON- FIGURE RESIDENTIAL LOTS IN PHASES 2 AND 3 .OF TRACT 2El470 TO CREATE 32 ADDITIONAL RESIDENTIAL LOTS LEGAL: LOTS 95 AND 96 PORTION OF LOT 94 AND I, PORTION OF REMAINDER OF TRACT -28470-01 The La Qulnta Community Development Depart- ment has completed Envlronmental Assessment 98-360. Based upon this assessment, the tentative .' tract will not have a significant adverse etrect on .. ' . the envlrOnml!nt; therefore, a Mitigated Neg"tive ~ ..... > .-. Declaration h~1S been recommended. The La -auin- -'--,,?--'-~ . ta City Council Will consider the request a the . Hearing. Any person may submit written comments on this case to the CommunIty Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be , heard in support of or opposition to the project at ,the time of the Hearing. If you challenge ~ deci- sion of this (~e in court, you may be limited to . raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either iat the Public Hearing or in written cor- . respondence delivered to the communItY Develop- ment Department at, or ~rior to, the Public Hear- in . The proposed file{S may be viewed b the . pJt:;IiC Mond;!y' throuqh rida't 8;00 a.m. untir 5:00 p.m. at the I....ommunlty Development Department, La Quinta Civic Center, 78-495 Calle Tamplco, l.;a . Quints, Calif()rnia. The public comment period will continue from the date of this notice through the . Public Hearing on August 18, 1998. 'In the Citv'~l efforts to comply with the require- 'ments of iit'le 1\ of the Americans With Disabilities . Act Of 1990, the Administration requires that any . person in noed of any type of special equipment, assistance elr accommoClation{s) in order to com- municate at a City public meetIng, must infonn the 'City Clerk ia minimum of 72 hours prior to the . scheduled meeting. PUB: JULY 30, 1998 - Tentative Tract Map 28738, KSL Land Corp. .. PROOF OF PUBUCAll0N (2015.5C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside I am a dtlzen of the United Slates and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and and not a party to or intensted in the above-enlitled malleT. 1 am the principal clerk of a printer of the DESERT SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY a newSpaper of general cin:ulation, printed and published in the city of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general cim1Iation by the Superior Court of the County of Rivenide, Slate of California; under the date of March 24, 1988. Case Number 191236; lhat the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has beeII published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper aDd not in any supplement thereof on the fonowing dales, lo-wil: ... A 11. 7' ~.t~.. ..1...... .....~........... ................................................. aD In the year 19 JL .. I certify (ordedare) under penalty of peIjwy thaI the foregoing 1$ true and correct. Dated al Palm Springs. California ~ 1_ day of ._.~......~.~l!.7..v.i:T::._.~.::- 19.M: ( , .............................-......-..)............-................. SIGl'o!ATURE . ~- This space is for County Clerk's Filing Sla~ RECEIVED '98 RUG ~ Arlll ~1 CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK Proof of Publication of NO:nss- ............. CITY 4)F LAQUINTA CIT'f COUNCIL NonCE OF PUBUC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La- Quints Council will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on August 18. 1998 at 7:00 R.m. in the La Qunita City Hall Council Chambers, 78-495 Calle Tampico, on the following item: ITEM: TENTATIVE TAlACT MAP 28738 APPLICANT: KSL LAINO CORPORATION LOCATION: SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SOUTH- ERN HILLS AND FUTURE WINGED FOOT IN PGA WEST REQUEST: APPROV)~L OF A 22 SINGLE FAMILY AND OTHER MISCELLANEOUS LOT SUBDIVISION ON 8.27 ACRES LEGAL: ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBERS ~~~-057-007 AND 011, AND 769-053-008 AND STIIP t............. - = I I 1_' I I !I ~ _". Ii II . i I I ~ Tentative Tract Map 281 Is within West Spec:::ific plan 83~OO.~. The p!:oject Is exemgtAtrom _~a1~~!~::~~~~~~~~UAf~~~ ronmental lm~act Report {State Clearinghouse Number 83062922) was certlfled by tHe City Coun- cil In 1984 and there are no subStantive changes from the original environmental review. The La Qulnta City Council wlll consider the proposed subdivision at the HI!t8r1ng. Any person may submit written comments on this case to the Community Development Deplllrtment prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or op~tlon to the project at the time of the Hear- ing. If you challenge the decision of this case in court, you may be limited to raising only those Is- sues tflat you or someone else ralS8d either at the Public Hearing in wlitten correspondence delivered to the Community [)evelopment Department at, or prior to the Pubflc Hearing. The proposed file(s) may be viewed by the pubnc Monday through Fii- day 8:00a.m. untir 5:00 p.m. at the COmmunity De- velopment Department, La Qulnta Civic Center, 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quints, California. The public comment periOd will continue from the i:tate of this notICe throuah the Public He.rtng on August 18. 1998.ln the City's efforts to comply with the requlremenlts of Title 11 of the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990, the Administra- tion/Community DlOtvelopment requires that any ~n in need of :any ty~ of specIal equipment, assistance or accolT1modatlonts) in order to com- municate at a City jJubllc meeting, must inform the- City Clerk's Office a minimum 01 72 hours to the scfleduled meeting. PUBLISH ONCE ON AUGUST 1. 1988. Tentative Parcel Map 29831, Winchester Development DES SUN CLASSIFIED FAX N0. 760TH' 731 P. 01 ' Proof Ot Pub.(A),fi.5'x1P,D72gLoma,aA Ile i • PROOF OF PUBLICATION (201S.SC.C.1P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside am a dozen of the United States~ttd a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age o[ eighteen years, and and not a party to or interested in the above-entitled matter. i am the prim7pal clerk of a printer of the DESf]t7' StJN 1'tJBlI5liING CpMPANY a newspaper of general dmilatton, printed and published in the atyof Paim Springs, County of Riverside, and whidt mvspaper has been adjudged a newspaperolgeneralrinvlation bYthe Superior Court of the County of lhverside, Slate of California; under khe date of Mardi 24,1988. Case Y3umber 191236; that the notice, ofwhich the ann~ced is a printed copy (set in tgpe not smatter • Lhan nonpareil), has beat published in each ne8lilaz and entire issue.of said newspaper and nat in any supplement thereof on the [ollowisg dates, to-wit: .. .......................... ...... ........................................... ell In the year 79 ~~ I certify (or dedare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and cormt. Dated at Palm Springs, Callforla ttais .. ~... day /~^~ ~ ~ ' 11'; of ._..._.... (-.....~1._`~_ i ~_~........-_.. 19~.G.._. ~~ --. ~,,.._. StGNA'fi1R£ C 1 J This space is for Cotmty Clerk's Filing SfamFp I/~. ~ / ~1 ~~ _ Proof of Publication of ................................................. i ,- ~. IMi GI1A 1 1LtlCy ]EJ95 e- a cn .~.- . ,,~~, _ ~-., ~~, ~.. , ~ °..~ iiysJ RECEIVED FROM~7607784731 ~G:. Yl.r ~~,t~~ - I< ,. r u a~ ~ In L ~ . r, x R ~lyG m~~ .:; ;~ ~ 0:'.. .. P•01 a 11-04-98 12=20 Site Development Permit 98-629, KSL Desert Resorts, Inc. .Proof OI Pub.(A),8.5'x11',0720,Loma,art dept. G e u Site Development Permit 98-629, KSL Desert Resorts, Inc. jPROOF OT P[JBI,YCATIOI~I .• (2015.SC.C.~'.~ SPATE OF CALIFORMA County of Riverside Y am a dozen of the Uniled States an~~ resident of the County aforesaid; l am over the age of eighteen years, and and not a party to or interested in the above-entitled matter. i am the prindpal clerk of a '~-I~- [ 11 . •'~CCCDT Ct 1A1 DI iR1 7CLITAj/` - - ~a~..~aY.4.. ~_ .~JVe. 1.aVY.Ya au 4 COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the dty of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general arculation by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California; under the date of March 24,1988. Case ]Number 191236; that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue o(said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit .. St1:S,~L.~.4h~Sd ::f.....6.~•.•••.......... oo..•e.a.u...........u•uu•e.ootso.easseess•oe alY in the veer 19 ..t-.u•--. Y certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true aril mnect Date~d}at Palm Springa},-California this .t/"...p'day of .5~1.~. ..S..~Lr.~y ........................ 19 .L. ~. SIGNATURE This space is for County Clerk's Filing Stamp Proof of Publication of ..' ••Nn ~aoe • • •~... Tract Map 28470 Amendment #2, Tradition Club Assoc c/o Winchester Development Proot OI Pub.(A),8.5'x1 t',0720,Loma,arl dept. file -~--- 'T PROOF OF PUBLICATION This space is for County Clerk's Filing Stamp .~ (2015.SC.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIt1 County of Riverside I am a atizen of the United States an~a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and and not a party to or interested in the above~ntitled matter. i am the principal clerk of a printer of the DESERT SUN PUBLISHWG COM3'ANY a newspaper of general circiation, printed and published in the city of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California; under the date of Mareh 24,1988. Case Number 191236; that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed mpy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regulaz and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wi~ suo............(~.pp...uu.u• .t.....••....•ra all in the year 19 .~G._._ . I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is tnre and mrreti. Dated at Pabn Springs, California this .(.pp day of . ... ............................... 19 .L. ~. SIGNATURE No.7485 CITY OF LA OUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING OF WASH- The TRACT 28470; A PORTION OF SW 1/4 . 8, T53, R7E ~G££ @ ~~,~ le u.nco € I ~ ~ i.e •v[. a; ~ _~- _~ ~.eax ie rwni a us.~ y1CINRR MAP en- i of may the 1 for to Request for Proposals from Marketing or Advertising Firms Proof OI Pub.(A),8.5'xtt',0??O,Lo;na,artd~. file fli"~1 O T certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct Datednat,Palm Springs, California thisQdpay of ...~ ....................... 19 ..../ P ~~3C Q.:.. ~........ SIGNATURE MAIt~ETal~~ ®~ ~~~TB~~~. The City of La Quints is accepting proposals from marketing or adver- tising firms with experience in the preparation of Economic Development Marketing Programs. A request for proposals (1tFP) out- lining the general scope of services required for the calendar year 1999 is available Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Community Development Department, I.a Quints City Fall, 78-495 Calle Tampico or by calling the City Manager's ®ffice at (760) 777-7035. Proposals must be submitted by no later than 5:00 p.m., Friday, PROOF OF PUBLI(:A't'd®1~1 .• ~2015.5~.~.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside I am a dozen of the United States anti resident of the County aforesaid; i am over the age of eighteen years, and and not a party to or interested in the above-entitled matter. i am the principal clerk of a nrinte* of the I?FSERT SIiN PUBI.ISHTNG .COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the city of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general dmilation by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California; under the date of Man h 24,1988. Case Number 191236; that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed mpy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regulaz and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement'thereof on the following dates, to-wib .................(.~................j.............. all In the year I9 n a...._ 'Iris space is for County Clerk's Filing Stamp 1!I ~ A~g'e September 18, 1998. Site Development Permit 98-628, RJT HOMES LLC • • • Proot OI Pub.(Aj,t3.5'xt 1',07?O,Loma,aA~. file PROOF OF PUBLICATION This space is for County Clerk's Piling Stamp •~ (2015.5C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA Cbtutty of Riverside I am a dtiun o[ the United States ands resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and and not a party to or interested in the above-entitled matter. i am the principal clerk of a printer of the DESERT SUN PUBLISHING CCiMI`ARl1' a newspaper of general cintriation, printed and published in the city of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California; under the date of Mareh 24,1988. Case Number 19123b; that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed rnpy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit __ ....1~`~~~,~....a.8~:.......... ................................................. all in the year 19 .~2...._ , I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and mnect. Dated at Palm Springs, California thi~~.:^..ppday of..~ .................................. 19/.(.l..... C~~:;i~'ir _ ~ SIGNATURE C~ Proof of Publication of ................................................. Review General Plan Policies and Land Use Alternatives for the General Plan Update ~ • ~ , PROOF OE PUBLICA770N •• (2015.SC.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORMA Cotulty of Riverside I am a alizen of the United States an~8 resident of the County aforesaid; i am over the age deighteen years, and and not a party to or interested rm the abovecntitled matter. i am the principal rBerk of a printer of the bESERT SUN PUBLISHING CiJivn'iuvY a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the sty of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general dmilation by the Superior Couri of the County of Riverside, State of California; under the date of March 24,1988. Case Number 191236; that the notice, of which the annexedu a printed mpy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and rat in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit ao sesee.u...uu~nuj.~/u e...e.. a.ue••eaese e. •.e oe ell in the year 19 7!~ , ~ . I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Ls true and mrrECi. ~~ Dated at Palm Springs, C/ali~for,~nia this~.~day .. .. '.. ~,.~~~:ZZ..~ SIGNATURE l I This space is for County Clerk's Filing Stamp CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL AND PIANNING COMMISSION NOTICE Of PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta Planning Commission will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on September 22, 1998, at 3:00 p.m. in the La Quinta Ciy Hall Council Chambers, 78-495 Calle Tampico, ro review General Plan Policies and Land Use Alternatives for the General Plan Update. WHO: Residents of La Quinta WHAT: Joint Meeting of the City Council and Planning Commission WHERE: La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers, 78-495 Calle Tampico WHEN: September 22, 1998 at 3:00 P.M. WHY: To review General Plan Policies and Land Use Alternatives for the General Plan Update This meeting will provide an opportunity for residenh of La Quinta to participate in the planning process to update the Cit)/s General Plan. You are invited ro attend. Any person may submit written comments on this item ro the Community Development Department prior ro the Meeting and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposi- tion to the changes at the time of the Meeting. If you chal- lenge the decision of this item in court, you may be limited ro raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Meeting or in written correspondence delivered to the Community Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Meeting. The proposed file(s) may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Community Development Department, La Quints Ciy Hall, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quints, California. Materials will also be available the night of the meeting. In the City's efforts ro comply with the requirements of Title II of the Americans With Disabilities Act Of 1990, the Community Development Department requires that any per- son in need of any type of special equipment, assistance or accommodation(s) in order to communicate at a City public meeting, must inform the Community Development Tentative Parcel Map 28935, JPW Construction, LLC n U • ..~~: PROOF OF PU`BLICA'TION ._ ~2oi5.5c.c.P.) STATE OF CALIFORMA County of Riverside I am a dGzen of the United Stales arr~ resident of "1'` the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and and not a party to or interested in the above-entitled matter. i am the principal clerk of a printer of the DESERT SUN PUBL1SfilNG C'OMPAN1f a newspaper of generatrircvlation, printed and published in the dty of Pahn Springs, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general drnilation by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California; under the dale of March 24, 1988. Case Number 191236; that the notice, o[rehich the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonparerll, has been published fn each regulaz and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the fo8owing dates, to-wltr ..................................1.............. all 1n ~reytarl9 _.l I e..reify {ordaiare) under penaltyof pery'ury that the foregoing's tree and mrred. Datedlat Pabn Springs, C``alif,,,ornia this ~J.....:.(~~lday SIGti'ATUitE This space is for County Clerk's Filing $tamp Proof of Publication of ........,, ....................................... No.7652 LOCATON MAP ~ Disadvantaged Enterprise Program llROOF OF P~noN . (20Is,sec.p.) SfATEOFCALIFORNlA County of Riverside f ", J am a oUzen of the United Stales antV resident of ~/. the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and and not a party 10 or interested in the abovH'IItilJed mailer. i am the principal clerk of a printer of the DESERT SUN PUllLlSHING COMPANY a newspaper of general cirmlation, printed and pu'blished in the city of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, and whkh newspaper has been adjudged a n~wspapeLQf general cim!l~!ion.by lhe Superior Court of the County of Riverside, Slate of California; under the date of March 24, 1988. Case Number 191236; thai the notice, of which the annexed ,is a printed copy (set in type not smaller tllan nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and nol in any supplement thereof on the foDowing dales. to-wit ~~~.L2~...~..... ..................................,.............. aDlnllleJWJ92L .' I cerdfJ"tIed.) lIJllfer penalty 01 peIjwJ that... 101~''lnIellllll conat. 'A; Daled at Pahn Springs, California this 4f...aay ......... 1991... 66U-,~... ~:G':An.;RE " This S.1s forCoultly derk's Filing Stamp RECE!VED '98 SEP 28 Prl ~ 52 CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK Proof of Publication of ................................................. ................................................. .NO.7751 CITY OF LA QUINTA PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the La Quinta City Council adopted a Disadvan- taged Enterprise (DBEI Program. The overal DBE goal establIshed with thiS program is 10% for the penod of October 1, 1998 through September 30, 1999. A description of how the goal was es- tablished is available for public inspection for a period of 45 days from the date of tliis notification. Both the California De- partment of Transporta- tIon and the City of La Quin~c.ec1-.COm- -ments on the DBE goal for 45 days from the date of this notice. Comments wrll be used for advisory and infor- matIonal purposes only. Additional informatIOn may be obtained by contacting the City's .Publlc Works Depart- ment, 78~495 Calle TampicQ, La QUlnta California, or by calling fj'6~777-7000. 1~9a: Septernber 19, The Centre at La Quinta Specific Plan 97-029 Amendment #1, Site Development Permit 97-603 Amendment #1, Development Agreement 97-002 Amendment #1 and Supplemental to Environmental Assessment 97-337, Stamko Development ` 1'RQ~OF OF PUBl!'~TIOIl1 S'>i'A7E OpCAL[FORMA aunty of Riverside ..,. II am adGren ~ the United States arle~ resident of %` , tt9',eCarrdy aforesaid; l am over the age of eighteen gre~rs, and and not a party to or interested in the abmeentitled matter. i am the principal Berk of a printer ol-tre DESERT SUN PUBLISHING 4;)Ofv1PANYa newspaper of genera] circulatiory )printed and pylblished in the dty of Pabn Springs, : wun:f o1 Rivuside, and which newspaper has been r. adjudgeda nex~spaper of general dmilatlon by the 5upc7iorCouri of the County of Riverside, Slate of California; under the date of March 24,1988. Case jhtumber 191236; shat the notice, o(which the annaced'a a printed copy (set in type not smaller Qhan wnparei]), has been published in each regular and eatue ~aue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wlt Q~ "1~ieee~lieeseeosee eeo ~o~epevow s.ev.yu~u./~.J~.~.({`.~eseee•eea. e.t saeeeee eeeoooo l3Y fe l~eyeai Jl ..~3L.r _ _e.. _.....- _ _---g~ter~lema~riderpenekydpt~urpthst8-e _- - lstr~ and mrret4. IDatedat Patin Springs, Califontia f.~j d~ y o ................. 19 ,l.!!.... This spT'ss~e County Clerk's Filing Stamp Proof of Publication of No7748 LA QUINTA ••• COMMISSION UBIIC HEARING IVEN that the City of La ""' fission will hold a PUBLIC 3, 1998, at 7:00 p m. in the ncil Chamber, 78-495 Catle ngg item: iT LA QUINTA SPECIFICI RENT #1, SITE DEVELOP-I ~AMENDM ENT #1, DEVEL- 97-002-AMENDMENT #1, TO ENVIRONMENTAL AS- ~ = b 4La 9}-0M. '11m~1w Peim! !~ 2YSiS ul Ua Peak 9 Tentative Tract Map 29003, Brookfield Homes _- -1' ~Rrx~r or >?us~xto>tt .. ~ZOis.sc.~.~:) S~'A7E OF CALIFORMA ~unly of Riverside II aaa adliren of the United States and resident of VlheCmnty aforesaid; l am over Uie age of eighteen ~ , yrearrx and and not a party to or interested in the aboremtitled mailer. i am the principal clerk of a printerof the DESERT SUN PUBLISHIIJG MANY a newspaper of general cirtvlatiory lprintedand pNblished in the dty of Palm Springs, Count? ~ Riverside, and which newspaper has been t adjariged a newspaper of general dmrlation by the Superior Cotut o(the County of Riverside, State of CaGfomia; under the date o(Match 24, 1988. Case hVumber 191236; that the notice, of which the anrroced is a printed copy (set in type not smaller Khan rmnpareil), has been published in each regular auadertire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the foQowing dates, to-wiE - -- • • ee eel eeesesaeeoeo Oo oeegreeeee e•Ole~~e se~~ii0e 0e00e00000JO000000 s0000OD oliba~eyearl9..~.fC-.e _ _~.. .-_ 1f deli~io~dedar+r~ wtder8enahy otperj~ur flat 8-e _ _. _. fbtrrat a,-1d rornxf. 1Qatadat Palm Springs, California f.. d y o ....~S,~V............ 19,1.°,.... ......................... IG'~ .1 i1, nE this spa.Trc4 for Covnty Clerk's Filing Stamp Proof of Publiation of ................................................. No. 4HxUF NUMBERS 18-41 AND 216/45-48. gg T 15 -' _ TRACT NQ. 29003 ~~ C woNrrr tanP ~i1 NOT TO SOME menu Act of n to the project at :hallenge the deci- may be limitetl to u or someone else ing. The proposed 9 public Montlay 5:00 p.m. at the rtment, La ~uinta npico, La Cuinta, teriod will continue xough the Public with the require- is With Disabilities Community Devel- ~at any person in ipment, assistance communicate at a n the City Clerk a e scheduled meet- Redevelopment Agency, Affordable Housing Agreement Catellus Residential Group • - -- PROOF OF P~~'64'i~tY~1 • '•• (2015.rjCC.F' STATE OFCAL1FORiVIA County of Riverside -,., 1 am a dozen of the United States arr~ resident of ~~`• the Connty aforesaid; i am over the age of eighteen ~ , years, and and nd a party to or interested to the aboveartitled mailer. i am the principal Berk o[ a printerof thcDESERTSUN PUBLISHING COMPANY a neK~spaper of general circulation, printed and p}rblished in the dty of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has beer) adiudgid a rreNSpxper of o Herat em±lati^.^. ~j~ the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California; under the date of March 24,1988. Case Number 191236; (hat the notice, of which the annaced is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than narparer~), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and rat in any supplement thereof on the fo~owing dates, to-wit .................qq................ f.............. allLttbe~earl9l~ . 1«s1i(j6ardeda~tuideipenaRydperjurpdut8~e_- fure~o6tg Lt tnre and oohed Dated at Palm S nn California ~.:~ ~a P gs• ply o /f ; / .. . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .~. . . . .~. . ~ . . . .19 . ~ 4 . . SIG~.4TLT.f 7Trisspa~for CountyClerk's Fling Stamp Proof o(Publication of ................................................. ................................................. • Tentative Parcel Map 29011, KSL Land Corp S'ROOF OF PUBI..I~,p~ON SLATE OFt"A[,IF~ORIVIA County of Riverside I am a dtlzea of theUnled States and a resident of ~ Cowrly aforesaid; I am over the age of elghlea+ years, and acrd not a pndy loor tnleresled In ~ above-entitled mallet f am Qie principal deck of a printer of thr DFSl7t'f SUN pUBUSHING Cpl,4ppNYa newspaper of general circrilatiory printed and published Sn the dly of Patm Springs. County of R'iversiAe, and which newspaper has been adpr:dgcL a esewspaperert$eneral circulation by the Superior Coed of the County o[ Riverslde, State of California; ender the dale of March 24,1988. Case Number 191236; that the notice, of whno smaller annexcd is a printed mpy (set In type than nonpare~, has been published N each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not In any supplement lhercaf on Ure totiowing dates, to-wik •~~'iC~f~l'r~1~. ~sn ~^ . •~HI~ooHe q~e~H ~p~~~~~ggE~~ ~N~~IHNHR alt ~ tR ~ V ~ _' - , Ire DafedatPalmSpricrgs,CaGforntattur... =•C°~dar of .~_.._~.. ~19.!O.- ... ... ~ ~'~.r...» SIGNATURE , This space k P: ounly Clerk's Filing 51an~ proof of publication of uuuuee ee.u,..e., ue••..eeeu.••e. eeess..e.eo f CORNER OF RIVIERA 1 WEST F A THREEvLOT SINGLE V 22167 ACRES IN SPE- PARCEL NUMBERS -055 ~ . • NOT TO SGEE Tentative Tract 28961, Brookfield Homes n u • C~ i PROOF OF PUBLI~ON (ZO15•SG~~•T~~ STATEOFCAt.iPORN1A ' Counter of Riverside I ant ~ dtizea of BrcUnited Stales and a resident of theCounty afaresa3$ tamover the age of elghleea ~eaes, and and rwl a paAy toot interested in the abovetntitled mattes ! am Ore prLxipa) deck ota printer of the DlSFRTSUN pUBL1S1ilIJC CpMpAidysae~vsyaperof=cneral circulaHoq, printed and pab6skd>n Arcaly of Patin Spting~ Cw,nty of IGverstle. and whkh newspaper has been adiudged a nex~spaperof geaeral~cirailaHon by the wa~`sCTa17~w+"t6fu.e "~"'16'Riier~l.'.F$tatS lif Csii[omia; under the dale otldarch 2{,1988. Case 1Qumbv 191?36;tl+rt t}e n/o,6,~ce, of whid~ the a1111e7(id (S a p(llltld Copy yu TnZyQt n01 amal~!! than nonpannU,hasbeeepublished tneach regular and satire Lime of saW Rewq~aper and rat in mr avpplemed t3ereat~ Qre following dates, lo-wir ~~~~I~~e~~~~~o1~N1~~N~N1~~~~~~~~1~~~~~•~~~~~N tq~' ,~ t .~: dlintheparl! 1.~. s " . .. .. ._. .._ ~ _~~___w_~d~z'-.+ 17ated alPatmSpring,fa~omia Ifitt`~.-a+r S10JANRE , 71tis space rs for county uera s rvung aiam~ proof of PuWlntion of •o•u.o•o.ono.oo.•••••ueee •o..ooooooonoasea.ee •u.•u~uo~osoo •...o.on..o..•u..oouoou o.e.ao I Nr "'^ i f r.R.S.~ ~s.~ .~ !M AVLMIL '~ ~ ~ ,~ ~~ A ~ .. 4 A WEST ~ - PO " ` urxxr xw. TRACT NO. ~`~, . 28861 ' ~, ,..~..~.. ~ I I vu~rtv ~ Tract Map 28470 Amendment #2, Tradition Club Assoc. c/o Winchester Development PROOF OF PUBU<AJ.10N (2015.SC.~ . This space 41 Count)' Oerk"s Filins Stan~ - - - STATEOFCALOORNIA County of Riverside I..... dtl.zen 01 the Unlled Slides and . resident of Ihe 0NnIy aroresakl; J IIlI owr the ase of eI&h\eell ~ and and not _ paJtt 1oGl'lnleresled In the allow -entitled matter. lam tile pindpal clerk of. pdnterofthr DESERT SUN I\JBl.,ISH1NG COMPANY- newSpaper 01 pneraI clmlJallon. printed and published In d1rlit7 or Palm Sprinp, County or Riversl&. and whidI newspaper has been adjudged _.neW$~oI prat dmalatloD by the Superior Court or IheCowllJoflUverslde, Slate of California; under !he daleofMmh 24, 1988. Case Number 191236; that tht JlllIire.or which the annexed Is a printed copyc.t 1II1ype DOl smaDer Ihan nonpareiD, has beel ~ In each resuJar and entiJe Issue or said newnpaper and DOlin 8J11 supplement thereof 01\ thtW\owiJlg dates, to-wit proor or Publkaticm 01 ........................................-.... ..... ................~................................ No.7781 CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL J ~IOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ~ . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La QUlnta Crty CounCil Will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on October 6, 1998, at 7:00 p.rn In the La Qumta I City Hall Council Chamber 78-495 Calle Tampleo on the fOll,owing item" ' , ITEM: TRP,CT MAP 28470 AMENDMENT #2 APPUCA"!.T: TRADITION CLUB ASSOCIATES C/O WINCHES rER DEVELOPMENT LOCATION. SOUTHERN TERMINUS OF WASH- INGTON ST. AT 52ND AVENUE REQUESTS. REVISE CONDITION #52 OF CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 97-28 FOR TRACT 28470 TO DELAY COMPLETION OF THE PERIMETER WALL BY THE TIME OF ISSUANCE OF A CERTIFI- CATE OF OCCUPANCY FOR THE 20TH CUSTOM HOME WITHIN THE TRADITION CLUB LEGAL: TFIACT 28470' A PORTION OF'SW 1/4 OF SEC. 6, TSS A7E. ' .~.I:kJ..il5.~....... . . ..o...................~~~~~.................. .. -' , ...i. ~.. . - - - . - - - - . ... '. ..."lC .. , . "~-';"~;';..;-,::.. I. -~......".. . -. -~-,).~... . .Bindle,.,,, . .;f..';"u .-. ~~. -1 t "'- z ~~\...m- . - 'i''' lJI '''''11:0 I !!og. :.' 5: i -- -.'-' , = 101M ,"Vi I ~ I .;~ '..~ . . .,... D.lledat Palm Spdnp,0IbnIa~ia1 ~d SI<>lAnJRE VlCINrrY MAP ~ The La Quinta Community Development Depart- ment has 90mpleted EnVironmental Assessment 9f?-333, WI"!ICh has taken thIS issue Into consider- ation. A rvhgated Negative Declaration of Environ- me,:,tal Impact was certified by the City Council on April 1, 1E!97. The La QUlnta City Council will con~ Sider. the rract Map 28470 Amendment #2 at the Heanng, Any person may submIt written comments on thIS case to the Community Development Department prior t? the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard In support of or opposition to the project at tt:te time 0.' the Hearing. If you challenge the deci- sll:;m. of thiS case in court, you may be limited to ra!slng .only those issues you or someone else raised elth;r at the PubliC Hearing or in written cor- respondence delivered to the Community Develop~ !TIent Depllrtment at, orlrior to, the Public Hear- mg. .The proposed file(s may be viewed by the pubhc Monday through riday 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 rom. a~ the Community Development Department a Qumta City .Hall, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La QUlnta, Callforma. The public comment period starts frorn Sep~ember 25, 1998 and continues through the Pubhc Hearing on October 6 1998 In the Clt'(S efforts to cornply With the require- ments of 11tle II of the Amencans WIth Disabilities Act of ~ 9UO, the Admmistratlon requires that any person In need of any type of special equipment. assIstance or accommoaation(s) in order to com~ mumcate at a C!ty public meetmg, must inform the City Clerk a mmlmum of 72 hours pnor to the sclieduled meeting. PUB: Seotember 25. 1998 Affordable Housing Agreement, Catellus Residential Group PROOF OF PUBU~ON (201S.SC.C.~ . STATE OFCAlIIQRNlA County of Riverside I am a dtlzen of ti.t uni1ed Slates and . resident of the CoonI)' at_Jet 1111\ O\'U !he .ge of etahleell years. and and not I paJty 10 or Int~ted In !he above-enlilled maIler. I.m die prinapal clerk of a printer of !he DESFXI'SUN PUBUSHlNG COMPANY. newipaperor Fneral dm1Ialiol\r printed and published In the dl)' or Palm Springs, County or Riversitlt. and which newspaper has been adjudged .1ltWSf'P!l of general dm1Ialion by !he Supmor Court of !he CcunI7 or River.;lde, Slale of California; uncIer the date of March 24, 1988. Case Number 191236;lhal the nolice, of which the annexed is I prinled copy (set In type nol smaUer lhan nonpareil), has beell published In each regu1ar and entire Issue of said newspaper and not In aII'1 supplement \hemf 011 the following dales,lo-W11: .~7.:~......... . ............. "';;;;;~~~~-~:'.' ",';'" .;...:.. , ..ladle,." .&..:...~~"> ... .--.- ~. ...,-,-.... - ". ~-~-,.,':'''' ~... . .,..... '.-':... . . -.'- -.-:, '.:'~ I ceitiry (o;~ unaerpenattY of.,elJWy dlat die" -"".. foregoing Is true and coned. _ Dated at Palm SpDnss,Ca1lfornla t~i:t, .........._ 192~ ~'I1I... ~ 0::~..._._...................................- SIGNA11JRE , This space, COWlI)' Oerk's Filing Slan~ 6 ~ - - - CITY OF LA QUINTA NOTICE OF JOINT PUBLIC HEARING WITH THE CITY COUNCIL AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of La Quinta (the "City") and the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency (the "Agency") will hold a joint public hearing in the Council Chamber in..the. .L.a--Quinta City Hall, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California, on October 6, 1998, beginning at 7:00 P.M., or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, to con- sider the Affordable Housing Agreement(s) (the "Agreement") by and between the Agency and Catellus Residential Group, a California corporation, (the "Developer"). The purpose of the joint public hearing is to receive testimony from the pnblic regarding the proposed Agreement. The property involves a 86 single family residential lot subdivision and 118 senior apart- ments with recreational amenities on approximately 40 acres. The apartments will be available to very low and low income sen- iors and the single family honsing will be available to moderate income level persons or households, located at the northwest COf- ner of Jefferson and 48th Avenue. The puhlic comment period starts from September 22, 1998 and continues through the Public Hearing on October 6, 1998. Any person may submit written comments on this matter to the Community Development Department prior to the hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the Agreement at the time of the hearing. If you challenge the deci- sion of this case in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the public hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Community Development Department at, or prior to, the public hearing. Furthermore, you must exhaust any administrative remedies prior to commencing a court challenge to City's/Agency's action. In the City's efforts to comply with the requirements of Title II of the American With Disabilities Act of 1990, the City Clerk requires that any person in need of any type of special equipment, assistance or accommodation(s) in order to communicate at a City public meeting, must inform the City Clerk a minimum of 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting. Copies of the Agreement and Summary Report are available at the Community Development Department counter located at the La Quinta City Hall, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta. Questions may be directed to Jerry Herman, Community Development Department at 760-777-7125. Tentative Tract Map 28603, KSL Land Corp. FIiQaF OF h'UBI.IORI (2oas.5c.~.~e~~ . ~_ ~'A~'E OFCALIFORNIA csrounty of Riverside II 8.fq A CItItEAOf the UN~ted States eTtd a resident ~ 84ee 4„punly oforesaid; l am ovu the age of eightetest pjeara, and aad not a party !o or lntavsled in Ott ahovetn6tb3d matlec 1 am Ore principal Berk of a Printero!lheDFSERI'SUN piJBt.1SFiWC Q1DA4PANYa newspaper of general circvlaHa6 Printed and published fA Ou dly of Palm Springs, arounty of IGvers~le, arMl which newspaper has been a3lsadged 3 Tc<_wspaper of gcroral drnilatan by Q12. SuPeriorComt o(dte County of Riverside, State o! Qralifomia; mtder the dale of Mardi 24,1988. Case Alasnnber 19t23b; that the notice, of which the 8/1rleXed i5 a pMted copy (set in type n01 smatlet than norlTwet'D, has been published to each regular' pn~ entire issue of said newspaper and rat U anq sspP9eauN the3mf on Ote loHowing dales, lo-wik ~' ~_„~__. ~~e~Jiebaoeeaeoe~ee soeooo .• 00oo oooeseooesoeeeoososoeeeooooeesooooeeoeooooo00 IImerttYCcr&~darl~ II?at/e/d/L/at Palm Springs, CaSfomla dtffl,~.=~-1-("dray SIGNATURE , ~~ This space b fo~ounty Clerh's Fling Stan ~, ^ Proof of Pub&atan o4 ereu•ueeurserrrrrueeer sreusreeseeo~uu aces eurraueeeuenueer •a aea eoe ee se sooeooeeseeeeeeo ~nio.-i7iz _-.._ . CITY OF LA OUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION ~ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City. of La , RIVIERA PARCEL NUMBERS -055. 42ne I AVENU[ j_ 4 Tentative Tre<t Map 28603 )JECT SITE Tentative Tract h 90-017, a master es on 220+ acre and is an extensi to in need or ac case i those i at the a d ' NapOPT oLw. '~ i~r.?s- ~ithin Specific Plan unity of 880 hous- ind golf amenities 2 (PGA West). The mnia Environmental tesources Govem- Environmental Im- se No. 90020727) ,il in 1991 for this nstances or condl- fe preparation of a Public Resources comments on this ~ment Department ay appear and be n to the project at :hallenge the deci- may be limitetl to u or someone else g or in written cor- Tentative Tract Map 28960, KSL Land Corp. A PROOF OF PUBIIGA~JN %`~ (2015.5GC.P.) STATE OFt,,ALIFORNIA County of Riverside I ant a dtlzea of fire UrtRed Slates and a resident of ttte Courtly doraaldi l am over the age o[ eighteen years, and and aot a paAy !o or Interested N the aboveLentilkd eulkc 1 am Ste prirxipal Berk of a printer of the DiSFRT SUN pUBt.kStill4G COMPA,NYa cewspaper of general cimilation, printed and publtshed in 1lredty of Paim Springs, County of R'rvers~dq and which newspaper has been ad~sd?ged a ^e'vsWPer.d geoerat dreuiation by the _ Superior Court of rite County of Riverside, State of California; wider the dau of Mardi 24,1988. Case Number 191236; riot rite notice, of which the annexed is a printed mpy (set ~ ~'pe rat smaller than nonparerll, has been published !n each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not U any supplement thned on rite following dates, to-wr't • ~~,,~~ ~~ ~~~ ---~° ~~,glxlt.t ................... •~~1 ...................11.1.1...~....1........~~• W Y,thtyear~ ~f~f~.~~_. -...._. _ I outify (or dcdare) t Cor+tAOirrgis Eve and Dated al Ps1cr Spdng~,Caltfomta t1de,L day SIGNATURE , • 1Tis space is fo~ounty Qerk's Fling Stan Proof of Publlatan of .. n... u....,.u.... u....,... u..... u. u u a... a that lhl. Y y PGA WEST ` -_..: ~_ TRACT NO. 2seeo Tentative Trac[~I 83-002. a mast • •~ Y'+- or Tentative Tract 28912, T.D. Desert Development • Proof OI Pub.(A),8.5'xtt',0720,Loma,arld~Je /./"Ya PROOF OF PUBLICA'T'ION •• (2015.SC.C.P.) STATE ~ CALIFORNIA County of Riverside • • ! am a dtiaut of the United States and; resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and grid not a party to or interested in the above-entitledmatter. i am the principal clerk of a printer of lhr nESERTSUt~! EIJLrLISHR~]G- COMPANYa rewspaper of general cimrlation, printed and published in the dty of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California; under the date of March 24,1988. Case Number 191136; that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed mpy (set in type not smaller than nonparer~, has been published in each regular and entire asue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wik ..~.~-.~. a :~ .............. . ..................................1.............. all in tlreYearl9 ..9~ . I certify (ordedare) under penalty of perjury that the foregomgislrneand correct. Dated at PalmS~pring~s, Ca]ifomia this ~ daY of.~.~.~~~~ ..............._................. 19 ~~. ,,., `. SIGNATt1RE This space is for County Clerk's Filing Stamp P,I ~~~ ~~ .. 701Id -- General Plan Policies and Land Use Alternatives for the General Plan Update . PROOF OF PUBUCATION .' (2015.5C.C.P.) SfATl!OFCALIFORNIA Counly of Riverside. I ama Citizen of the Uniled Slates ~ resident oE &he CouaIy aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and and not a party to or interested In the abovHIltitltd mailer. I am the principal clerk of a printer oEthe'DESERT SUN PUBUSHING OOMPANY a newspaper of general cimJJation, printed and published in the city of Palm Springs, County 01 Riverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the SuperiorCcwt of the County of Riverside, Slate of Caliform.; under the date of Matth 24, 1988. Case Number 191236; that the notice, of which the annexed Is a prinled copy (set In type not smaller than nonpaRiI), has been published In each regular and enIiJe issue of said newspaper and not In any suppleleent thereof on the foBowing dates, to-wit: ...~~.~................ .. .................. ..... I' I' .....,.............. aD In 1IIe,-I' 9.&.. .' I c:ettifJfIlrdedare) under penalty 01 perjury that the Ioregllin& is lnae and coned. 'r:f!J. DatedalPalmSprlngs,CaIifomia thls 2........ day oE ..~.._......_.............._ 199J:... ..~.Qi)....~....... SIGNATURE . b~ This spa~ is for Counly Qerk's Filing Stamp ~O!l~5~ ~,\ Is: ~ '..~, It; ~o,'iI")V CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that A Joint Meeting of the La Quinta City Council and Planning Commission will be held on October 8, 1998, at 3:00 p.m. in the La Quinta City HaJl Council Chambers. 78-495 Calle Tampico to review General Plan Policies and Laud Use AJternatives for the General Plan Update. WHO: WHAT:: Residents of La Quinta Joint Meeting of the City Council and Planning Commission WHERE: La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers, 78- 495 Calle Tampico WHEN: WHY: October 8. 1998 at 7:00 P.M. To review Geueral Plan Policies and Land Use AJternatives for the General Plan Update This meeting will provide an opportunity for residents of La Quinta to partidpate in the planning pr\,cess to update the City's General Plan. You are invited to att~nd, Any person may submit written <:.omments on this itel11 to. the , , Community Development Department pri~~ to 'lIIe Meeting andlor may appear and be heard in suppo(t;Of (l~ ol?pO~itiQn to the changes at the time of the Meeting,'Ifyou dll;Uc31\ge'W decisiOn of this item in court, you may be)imited to'raising only those issues that you or someone else raised' either at the Public Meeting or in written correspondence delivered to the Community Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Meeting, The proposed file(s) may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m, at the Community Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78- 495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, Califomia Materials will also be available the night of the meetiug, In the City's efforts to comply with, the requirements of Title II of the Americans With Disabilities Act Of 1990, the Community Development Department requires that any person in need of any type of special equipment, assistaItce or accommodation(s) in order to communicate at a City publi~, meeting', must inform the Community Development Department a 'minimum of 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting, Specific Plan 90-015, Amendment #1, KSL Development Corp. ..--^"'v LJ wool vl ruo.tRl,na of t ,uf~u,~oma,an ocpf. fug PROOF OF PUBI.ICA'1'flOl~t This space is for County Clerk's Filing Stamp Q20fl5.5C.~.&'.~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA Cottttty of Riverside H am a dtven of the United States an8~ resident of the County aforesaid; l am over the age of eighteen years, and gad not a party to or interested in the aboveentil4d matter. i am the principal clerk of a printer of the DESERT SIfN PUBLISHAIG COMPANXa newspaper of general c~mftatfon, printed and published in the dty of Palm Springs, County of IGvaside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general cimilatlon by the Superior Cwfrt of the County of Riverside, State of California under the date of March 24,1988. Case Aftunber 191236; that the notice, f)( which the annexed 6 a printed copy (set in type not smaller than rrortpantil-, has been published !n each regular and er~ft issue o(said newspaper and not in any suppleateft Ihemof on the fo~owing dates, to-wlt • oeoeoeeeiMje •: oy~ye~•u eY soeoess•seu s•aooo oe eoa•aeeuo•e••(u~~s eeeee •eeesesoe,•sseee•esasoeo Ulllrlefey~l9...1~ Il certi~ (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregaingistruegnd mrrtt4 date/d~atPalmS[[prings,California thisf(/..~~.~., dfay of ..l~~~,[~,......_......_......_ 19...1.'.'... SIGNATl1RE. . Proof of Publication of o•eeeeeuuu u•ess•s•e•seee.e••.ese•oe ee se u..e• eeeoa eewu e~ua.e.. The la Quints Community Development Depart- ment has completed an Environmental Assessment addentlum to the previously certified EIR. Any person may submit written comments on this case to the Community Development Department Rnor to the Hearing antl/or may appear and be Bard in support of or opposition to the project at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the deci-. Sion of this case in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written cor- or 72 Tentative Parcel Map 29023, KSL Land Corp . .. .,..,. .. .. , ... w.p fl'ROOF OF PUBLflCA7l'flOftT (20fl5.5C.~.IP.D STA7EOFCALIF(JRMA ~ottrttyof Riverside• 1 fl9 u Il am a eifaen of the United States arw~ resident of the Cowrty aforesaid; l am over the age of eighteen years, and and not a party to or interested in the abovee~6tkd matter. 1 am the principal clerk of a printerofflu DESERTSl1N PIIB[,ISIIIIVG COMPA1VYa newspaper of general cimrlation, printed and published in the dty o[ Palm Springs, County otlt'iverside, and which newspaper has been adjudgRda newspaper of general omilatlon by the SuperiorCorutof the County of Riverside, State of Califomi~ rstder the date of March 24,1988. Case Alumber 191236; that the notice, of which the annaced'aaprintedrnpy (set in type not smaller than rrorryareil), has been published fn each regular and ergreissue of said newspaper and not in any supplement U>ereof on the following dates, to-wit • oeo0edee lilrYeebs•e •T ••..,see seesse eaeo ~o ~eyaees__eeow.uue•u9s~uJDoeass••sss e,eesea•e oee•ooo Maa Y, flreyaar 19 ...f..iG~ This space is for County Clerk's filing Stamp Proof of Pubiication of ...; vrmcrv~ ~~nec~un JBLIC HEARING IVEN that the City of La ilopment Director will holtl n October 16, 1998, at . ita Ciry Hall Stutly Session lmpico, on the following EL MAP 29023 CORPORATION IE PGA WEST STADIUM 'i COLUMBINE AND MEA- 1TH FAST OF THE STADI- 24.3 ACRES INTO 4 PAR- PURPOSE. 39 OF TR 21643, IN MB _ _ °. i 1, a PctA wEaT I S a:saxr azu. . NO• '29023 I a 5e~ NGH H „". 1 (a<~al~~ VI~f pelldtty Of d__I_ J tll8t th@ forego6igk6ve and coned. Dated at Palm Springs,California this/P...'..u1... dr~ay SIGNATURE vxxrv MAP Tentative Tract Map 28964, Oliphant and Williams Assoc., Inc. fl ROOF ®F fl'LJBLICA'H'IOt~i •• (20fl5.5C.~.1~.) S'E'ATEOFCAL[FORMA Q:otu-ty of Riverside• II am a dt'ven ~ the United States ani~ resident of the CouNy afomesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, oral and not a party to or interested in the aboveentitled matter. i am the principal clerk of a printerof tlrebaEFtr SUN PUBLISIiING L~~ANYa newspaper of general cinvlation, printed and published in the dty of Palm Springs, t:ounty of [Gvaside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of genera] drnilation by the SuperiorCauiof the County of Riverside, State of Califomi;; ender the date of March 24,1988. Case Afumber 191236; that the notice, of which the annexeds a printed copy Gset in type not smaller than rwnpareil~ has been published in each regular and entire issire of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the foIlowing dates, to-wit oodmPo e••_•.,.Leoee~es~ eee eee seeoeeo 0o sooes eauee e~epee uoe eeee seeesesee~eeaea se ses oeoo flIII 111 tbsyemr 19 ~~ II certify fordedare) under penalty of perjury that the foregaingLStrue andcorred. fDatedal,,,PaE~~m,,S``prings,Califomia this.rO..~~d/ay _ of .///]]]~'''//////~~Sj//~^~ l ...._..j._......._ 1///19 .~G1.. • SIGNATURE ~ . This space k for County Clerk's filling Stamp Proof o!-Publxatiorr os OLIPHANT AND WILLIAMS ASSOCI- NORTH SIDE OF AVENUE 50, AP- .Y 7,600-FEET WEST OF JEFFERSON h. ~-~.vl_-i --.-_- _ 1_-., r ~ ~ ~ ~~ i I~ e , ~~~ -~~~; ~~ ~ ~~ The tic comment period will continue fro this notice through the Public Hearin 27, 1998. Any person may submit written com case to the Community Developmei prior to the Hearing antl/or may ai heard in support of or opposition to the time of the Hearing. If you challr Sion of this case in court, you may raising only those issues that you or raised either at the Public Hearing or meets of Titl Act of 1990, need of any or accommo~ the n nos pre- 65 (or this :he project on the en- ~e Declara- on of at t Tentative Tract Map 29003, Brookfield Homes ..rOOI VI "UO.lA},6.:..II",0720,loma,art dcpl. liIe . . PROOF OF PUBUCAUON .' (201S.5C.C.P.) This space Is b County C1erk's Filing Stamp Sf ATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside. I am a dtizen Ii lhe United States ana" resident of the Coonly afmesaid; I am over die age of eighteen years, and and not a party 10 or interested in the above-E!llitled mailer. I am the principal clerk of a prinlerof lhe1lESERTSUN PUBLISHING COMPANY a newspaper oi general circulation. printed and published in the ety of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the Onmty of Riverside, State of California; under the dale of March 24, 1988. Case Number 191236; lhatlhe notice, of which the annexed Is a printed con (set in type not smaller than nonpareiD, has been published In each regular and enlbe issue of said aewspaper and not In any SUppleJllenl thereof on the fonowing dates, to-wit Proof of Pub1itallon of ................................................. No. rs01 ....~~..~..........;.... CITY OF LA QUINTA "Il CITY COUNCIL ..... NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La QUints City Council will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on October 20, 1998, at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers. 78-495 Calle Tampico, on the following Item: rrEM: TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 29003 APPLICANT: BROOKFIELD HOMES LOCATION: WEST OF MADISON STREET, ALONG BFlAE BURN. SOUTH OF LAUREL VALLEY. WITH- IN PGA WEST. RFQUEST: APPROVAL OF A 19 SINGLE FAMILY AND OTHER MISCELLANEOUS LOT SUBDIVISION ON 5.64 ACRES. LEGAL: ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBERS 769-510-002 AND 769-530-007; LOTS 18-41 AND LOT C OF TRACT MAP 28341-2, M.B. 216/45-48. .52nclJAWDlUE .. " I 53nf A\UW[' !:!I !i4tII A'ItIftJ[ ..................................,.............. aDlnthe1S8 .01' .' . TRACT NQ. 29003 -:t ~ ,......,,10, I I I cerIiIJ (or cIedaJe) uncIer penalty of perjury lhatlhe (oregoiJlg is lnIe and aJmd. Dated al PalmSprings,CaIiEomia ~ ~ day of ....~.bu1...._......_........ 1991. ---/A~ ~ .tL..!:!!:!....._.._......_._...................................... SIGNATURE 5eIh A'ltU VICNTV MAP Terltatlve Tract Mdf9T2'bb~ within Specific Plan 83-002 Amd. #3. -The prolect is exam?t from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per- Public Resources Government COde Section 6'5457 (a). Environmental Im~ct Report (Sch #83062922) was certified by the City Council in 1984 for the specific plan. No changed circumstances or condi- tions exist which would trigger the preparation of a subsequent EIR pursuanl to PubliC Resources Code Section 21166. Any person may submit written comments on this case to the Community Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the project at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the deci- sion of this case In court, you may be limited to raiSing only those issues that you or someone else rals,ed either at the Public Hearing. The proposed file(s) may be viewed by the publiC Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Community Development Department, La Qulnta Civic Center, 78-495 Calle Tamplco. La Quinta, California. The public comment period will continue from October 8, 1998 through the Public Hearing on October 20, 1998. In the City's efforts to comply With the require- ments of Title II of the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990,. the Admtnistration/Community Devel- opment Department requires that any person in need of any type of speCial equipment. aSSIstance or accommodation(s) in order to communicate at a City pUblic meeting, must inform the City Clerk a minimum of 72 hours prior to the schedured meet- ;n9. . POEI: October 8. 1998 Site Development Permit 98-632, Century/Crowell Communities PIZOO~ O~ fl'~Il.I~'~6®1~1 .• Q20Il5.§C.~.1P.) SPATE ~ t"ALfFORNIA ~ottnty ~ Rivetside• fl ama dtittn o! the United States ar~ resident of the County afavsaid; I am over the age of eighteen years„ and and not a party to or interested in the abovernfided matter. i am the prindpal Berk o[ a printer of 0eDF5ERT SUN PUBLISIlING CDMFJur7a newspaper of general dreulation, printed and published in the dty of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of genera! drnilation by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, Stale of Cali)omid; ender the date o[ March 24,1988. Csse Alumber 191236; that the notice, of which the aru>exed s a printed mpy (set in type not smaller than rmnparerT), has been published in each regular ® and entire asire of said newspaper and not in any supplemed thereof on the foIlowing dates, to-wit oo ~`.RdeA(N/iee~Y ee~eeeueeoeo oases esuuuus• eeeeeeeess se ese ss~esuue seeeseo all in ~tyanr B9 . ~~... . fl ratify (prdeaare) under penalty otperjury that tln foregadmgistroeend oorreci Dated alPalmSprings,t.,aliforniathis/6• day i ~" ~ ' of . ~:./.A/....._ .............__ 19 ~~. SIGNATURE 'l1~is spas is far ~guntvvC~leprk's Filing Stamp `98 OCT 21 Aft 11 `f8 CI I Y OF LA QUINTA GITY CLERK Proof of Pub~tion of .............................e.......e...e....... Nn R04] a Site Development Permit 98-634, Rielly Homes, Inc. PROOF OF,PUBLICATION SPATE OF CALIFOItMA County of ffivelside• 1 am a dfiaen d the United States ands rnsident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and and not a party to or interested in the aboveent~d matter. i am the principal clerk of a printerof tbei)fSERTSUN PUBLlSFiDVG COh~ANlfa aewspapero[generalcirnrlatiory printed and pab6shed in the dty of Palm Springs, County o(IGverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general drevlation by the Superior Corot of the County of Riverside, State of California; ender the date of Marrh 24,1988. Case Numbs 191236; that the notice, of which the annexed b a fainted rnpy (set in type not smaller than rwnparer'q, has been published in each regular • and entire'ssrre of said newspaper and not (n any supplement thrreof on the following dates, to-wit: - -- ..1..:: ...~V....~~........... •. u.uora uu• u•u....... u...~.........• u.• all ]n meyorl9 .9~ ~ . 1 certify (oraedare) under Penalty of perjury that ttK foregoing is tree and oorrerl. Dated at PalmSprings, California thia!..6. day of .L.,`~~~.1.~2~.1...._...._..___._ 19 9~ SIGNATURE • This spajRfp~ty Clerk's Filing Stamp 98 OCT 21 AEI 11 `f8 CITY OF Lq Q~INTA CITY CLERK Proof of PubLotion of • .. f N~'8048 } ~f P6A WEST ~~ The mer calf lion EI ^i no else L_ Club House and Cart Building within Rancho La Quinta Country Club site, Development Permit 98-633, T.D. Desert Development L.P. r ''°" PROOF OF PUBLICATION •• (2015.SC.C.P.) STATEOFCALIFORNW County d Riverside• 1 am a titian of the United States ands resident of the County aforesaid; l am over the age of eighteen years, and and not a party to or interested in the aboveenh'8ed matter. i am the principal clerk of a prinlerofineflFSERTSUN PUBLISHING COMPANYa cewspaper of general curulatiory printed and published in the illy of Palm Springs, County of ttrveside, and which newspaper has been adjudgedanervspaperotgeneral dmilation by the SuperiorCwrl of the County of Riverside, State of Califorr~ miler the date of March 24,1988. Case Numbs l91?36; that the notice, of which the arurexed b a panted mpy (set in type not smaller than ranpare~ has been published in each regular • and ereire i+a~r of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit ..l..s:~;~Y,rSr ~7 ~1.~.:. ~5~...~~........... ................................. y.............. altfntbeyar19.9~ . I aeitifi (ordedare) under Penalty of perjury that the fomgoi:rbktraeand coned. Dated at PalmSprings, Califontia 11>i~..6. ~ ay of .~~7M1~(~J..__..._........._ 19 ~~. SIGNATURE • This space is for County Clerk's Filing Stamp RECEIVED °98 OCT 21 ACi 11 `f8 CfiY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK Prof of Rbt~n.+~~r __ No.8057 y~Q .u, _, PLA NING~COMMIS ,I~~OO N:'. - .u. Village Use Permit 98-001, James Lewis/JTL Property, Inc. • r~ L • ........... ,..,y, y,., ., ... ~ _.. .~ PROOF OF,PUBI.ICAT'ION SfATEOFCALIFORMA County of Riverside• 1 am a o><iarn of the United States an~ resident of the Countyafaesaid;l amover the age of eighteen years, and and not a party to or interested in the abovecrlh'Aed matter. i am the priraipal clerk of a printerof meUESERTSUN PUBI.ISHII~G COMPANYa aewspapero(generaltirarlation, printed ardpaulished in the dty of palm Springs, County of ~vaside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general drculation by the Superior Gaut of the County of Riverside, State of California; order the date of March 24,1988. Case Number 191136; that the notice, of which the annexed s a panted mpy (set in type not smaller than runparer~ has been published in each regular and entire scut of said newspaper and not In any suppler thneof on the foIlowing dates, to-wit phis spas is~r ~oClerk's Filing Stamp 98 OCT 21 ACI 11 48 CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK Proof of Pub&ation of ................................................. ................................................. No.8019 '- -' -- - - -- CITY-0F LA.QUINTA PLANNINGCOMMISSIUN NOTICE OF"PUBLIC°HEpriIN(3., NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ffie Gity of Quints Planning Commission will hold a PUE HEARING on October ~^, 1998, altaT:00 p.m;8 ..................................1.........•.... all in Fheyearl9 ..~~ I oertifj (ordedare) under penalty of perjury that the foregaingstroe and mrrect. Dated atPa~mSprings, California this/6.~ ay of .~~~.:E2.'f.~..~L1....._..._.._...... 19 9~. ........._._ ~..e....~.. SIGNAT(1RE APPLICANT: JAMES LEWIS/JTL PROPERTY, INC. LOCATION: 57 230 EISENHOWER DRIVE (FOR- MER SCHATZI'S, RESTAURANT REQUEST: APPROVAL TO US EXISTING BUILD- ! SQUARE 2~EET OR DAY SPA AISD B~AUTV~SA LON. ~ LEGAL: LOTS 9, 10, 11 12, BLOCK 128, SANTA CARMELITA AT VALE LA QUINTA NO. t4. The Centre At La Quinta Specific Plan 97-029 Amendment #1, Site Development Permit 97-603 Amendment #1, Development Agreement 97-002 Amendment #1, and Supplemental to Environmental Assessment 97-337, Stamko Development ., . ~ PROOF OF.PUBUCAll0N . (201S.SC.C.P.) This space Is b County aerl,'s Filing Stamp SfATEOFCALIroRN!A eowiayofRiverside. I am I dIRea 01 the United Slates ana" resident of the CaInIJ Ifores.id; lID! overlhe. of eighteen Jean, mllIld noli party to or inleJested in the abov~1ed matler. I am the principal clerk of a prinlerollhe DESERT SUN PUBUSHING COMPANY a newspaper or general circulation, prinIElIlIId published ill the dty of Palm Springs, CounIJ oIRiverside, and which newspaper has been adjudrla newspaper of general dmJIation by lhe SuperiorCoart of lhe County of Riverside, State of Calif. under the dale of Marth 24.1988. Case NlIDIhIr 81236; lhallhe nolite. of whlch the annexa! is I printed copy (set in type not smaller than nqamn. bas been published In each regular and ~issue of said newspaper and not In any SUpplsnmllhereof on the fonowing dales, to-wlt No.8115 ..- I' CITY OF LA. QUINTA CITY COUNCIL I NOTICE OF PUBLlO HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the eit of La QUlnta City Council will hold a PUBLIC H~RING on November 17, 1998, at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chamber, 78-495 Calle TampleD on the following Item: ITEM: THE CENTRE AT LA QUINTA SPECiFiC..... PLt...N 97-029- AMENDMENT #1, SITE DEVELOP- ME:NT PERMIT 97-603-AMENDMENT #1, DEVEL- OPMENT AGREEMENT 97-002-AMENDMENT #1, ~~~S~M~L~~j~;:AL TO ENVIRONMENTAL AS-...... APPLICANT: STAMKO DEVELOPMENT LOCATION: SOUTH SIDE OF STATE HIGHWAY 111, BETWEEN ADAMS STREET AND DUNE PALMS ROAD. REQUESTS; TO AMEND THE SPECIFIC PLAN TO CREATE AN 87-ACRE DEVELOPMENT CONSIST- ING OF THREE PLANNING AREAS HAVING FOUR DEVELOPMENT SCENARIOS FOR AUTO SALES/SERVICE USES AND A RETAIL COMPLEX; REVIEW OF THE BUILDING ELEVATIONS", AND DEVELOPMENT PLANS FOR THREE AUTO ;:;.ALES L~g~L~I7..Sp~~~I~J~E~~~MJSJT~W€g~~~1 NORTHWEST OF SECTION 29, TSS, R7E. .. .. ..adl5.6u:J...~:...... .. .. .............. ... .... ...... ...,.............. .. . I 1 .. --.- aD In Ie,. 19 .QL .' I t n ~.lIedare) under penalty 01 perjuJy that the Iorqlill&isfnle and c:orred. ... - t)4D. -- . ~;.._. ..... ~~ . d DatedatPalmSprings.~ ~~.day oad!d.~._..._._ 199..1.:.. @d26iL._~... SIGNATURE Tho La Quinta CommunIty Development completed EnVironmental Assessment 97-337 for the original Spl:tclfic Plan project. An Environmental Impact ReM port, State Cleannghouse No. 97011055 was certi- fied by the City Council in 1996, for this proJect. A SUl)plemental EIR was distributed on September 8 19~18. Responses to comments were received and a final Supplemental EIR have been prepared. The La QUlnta CIty CounCil Will consIder certification of this SErR along with the applIcations at the hear- ing. An" person may submit wntten comments on this ca~,e to the Community Development Department prior to the Heanng and/or may appear and be heard In support of or oppositIon to the prOject at the time of the Hearing. I you challenge the decl- Sl011 of thiS case in court, you may be limited to ral~ling only those issues that you or someone else ral~,ed either at the Public Hearing or in written corM respondence delivered to the Community Develop- ment Department at, or~rior tOb the Public Hear- in . The proposed file(s may e viewed by the pjl)lic Monday throu!;lh nday 8:00 a.m. until 5.00 p.m. at the Community Develol?ment Department, La QUlnta C,ty Hall 78M495 callem~ap'~~ido, La -9l,.llnta. CgllfgrDl.2-.:- i.1:l~.J2L!hlrc. co_ _nari.Q.Q stal.ts from October 23, 1-gS:8 and contmues: through the Public Hearing on November 17, 1998. In the City's effort to comply with the requirements of 1'1tle II of the Americans With Disabilities Act Of. 1990 the Community Development Department re- qUll'es that any person in need of any type of sp~- , clal equipment, assistance or accommodatlon(s) In order to communicate at a City public meeting, mu:~t inform the Community Development Depart- ment a minimum of 72 hours prior to the sched- uled meeting. PUB; Qdober 23~ 199a Tentative Tract Map 29004, KSL Land Corporation ~~ooF o~ ~~rs~cA~o~ (2oi5.5~.~.~.~ STATE OF CALIFORMA Q~otutty of Riverside 8 am a dozen of the UnAed States and a rrsident of the County aforesaid; - am over the age of eighteen years, and and rwl a paeiy to or interested in the aboveentitled matter. 1 am the principal Berk of a printer of the 1)FSERT SUN pUBL1SHiNC COMPANYa newspaper of general circulaHort, printed and published fn the dry of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general cimilation by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, Stale of California; under the date of March 24,1958. Case !Number 191236; that the notice, of which the annexed'rs a printed mpy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published N each regular and entire issue of said rewspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit: ooeesie, „~,~,~,se see eeeseesee eee. e.ee.euneseo . ooaeeea esssaeeeeesaoeeesesoeoo.eeew eoe eeesee oseoo - c~99 in Itre yearfl9 = - h "_ ~ ,~. ; ' Y ~Y (or dedaun8ei penalty o[ perjury that the ~~ foreeoinY is true and mrret4. ldate~d/at Pabn~,Sp~rin,,gsiCaSfornia th~p ay of .51. ~.~~~~. %! ~j~.»~...._~__.~ 19...1.. SIGNATURE " •6 'this s}pace is ~ounly Clerk's Filing Stan Proof of Publication of Site Development Permit 98-637, Hall & Foreman for Wal-Mart Stores ~ . n u n f,J • • ~ PROOF OF PiJBL1G1T01~1 ~aois.scc.P.) STA7EOFCALlFORNIA Countyof Riverside lam ad6ra d the UnRed Stata an~ ees[deat of tlaet'.oariy aforesaid; I am ove rte age delghteen years, and sad not sporty b a interested In the abwea~led n>atte~ i am Qrc prindpal Berk of a printerdthlt~P SUN PUBI]SttllVC OOMPAHYa rewspapadgaKraldrnilation, pdMed aadpubGslkd hr the sty d Palm Sprin$4 ~h dl6verside,and rvfiid~ newspaper has been adjndgRda aewspaperofgeraaldraviatton bythe SupaiorCoariof thcCounty of Riverside, State d Ce6fomi~ antler the date of htarth 2l, 1988. Case dYum6Q 191136; that the no6cy Of which the anrroaed is sprinted copy (sel to type not smaller ~ atinpauip, has been pubr<slred 6t each regular sad ere Lace dsald newspaper and rat in any supplearent ttkreof on QIe toDowing dates, to-wit: .. elf ~. n1ME.T.I'alM~nTi.~~u...~ ~. ~ ~ ~ uN ~~... N.N..e..........1...1...1...1.....1.1. • ~~ aidit~eyearl9 ~1' j taxafi(j fordidnd mderpautty dperjluy that the ~s~t~ene andoorred Datedat hln5prin$3~~,,C,aS[[tmilnia this~....~((c~~day ~!1rn-!.%.cS~v 19...7.. SN~JA'fiJRE . ~r • Thin tpaoe & dor County CMrk4 Filing Stamp Proof oef 1'ab9ntion oy •.euuwo.oou.•o.ooeou.e•eoouou.oo osea. u.ee ................................................. rvo.6z,s"m,~, ,.~ ,~ MANN to HIGHWAY 111, IN THE LA 'AL TO CONSTRUCT A 26 T ADDITION TO THE OUT- DP AT EAST END OF WAL- Tentative Tract Map 27519, Century Crowell Communities . ,~+ "~- -` ~ PBOOF OP PUBLICATION (2015.SC.C.P.) SfA7E OFCALIPORMA CountyofRiverside• • lam a dtaa d the United Stales arr~ resident of the Cowdy aforesaid; l am over fde age of eighteen drears, and aad not a party m ar interested fn the abovetn6lkd mattes i am Uie prindpal clerk of a printerdiht,DESERTSUN PUBIISHWG QOMPANYa rewspaperofgeneraidnvlatiory printed aadpubiished in thea'ty of Palm Springs; -- - CouniJ dKrverside,and which newspaper has been adjudgeda aewspaperdgeneral dnvlatton by the SuperiorCoart of the County d Riverside, State o[ CaSfomiz mtder the date d I~farrh 24,1988. Case Numbs 19V36; that the notices d whkh the annoaeA's aprinted copy (set in type not smaper than ronpan~, has been publ'shed in each regular and entire leaf of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wlt: .._ . .~.~ka.~.1.,3..1.:=t.......... . . . .. » . « . . .. . ...~~ . ,, .pp .... . . . . . . . . 1 . . ........... . Iaenifj (ardedare) urdeepenahy ofperfury that the l~+egobjkhae andoxred. QatedatPaSa~Springs,t.alifontiathb~ (~~.day SICNAIURE 71Ja space & for County Clerk's fiiitng Stamp - _ Proof of Pub&ation of . ••uu••u•••u••••.••••.•••••u•u••se •e•a•••••• ••.•. NO.8192 ....... .__.. --_ ~••• The no- 26, this • Tentative Tract Map 28982 Site Development Permit 98-631 and Tract Map 24230 Amendment #1 Mainiero, Smith and Assoc. for A.G. Spanos Corp. PROOF OF PbIBI.ICATION • ~ (2015.SC.C.P.) ,y"11~.~~ ~- 5TA7EOFCALIPORMA X,~i~l~ PI(~`j ,~ 419 ~ l1 Countyof Riverside ~~ ~,,..ir r~ i.r ~n Ism a dfaea of the United States ar~1 res9~e me Comely afaresaid;l am over the age of eighteen JKan, nd and not s party to a ingested in the above~kd mattes i am tl~epruldpal Berk of a printerof 1he,DESt7t7'S1JN PIIBIJStiING C10#~ffJ1NYi newspaperofgeneraleirtvlaHory printtdl aad pubiishe:3 69 thr aty of palm Springs. Comely of 1Gverside, and which newspaper has been adjadgeda newspaperof general cimrlation by the Superior Cnart of the County of Riverside, State of CaStomi~ under the date of March 24,1988. Case Number 191236: that the notice, o(whkh the aatne~md is a printed copy (set iA type act smaller man ttonpam'D, has been pwbGshed to each regular +ad ea6re issue of said newspaper and not in any • supplenmt tiw9ro(on the (olknving dates, to-wit - --~.~.~z::~nkxlt..~:°~.......... ..... « ...........................1.............. alltnhyearb ~ . Ioertifj far dedare3 order penahy of perjury that the fostgainjtstraeondcared. D~le~d ajt l-a1m springs, California this 1..~ ~~pday d`L.,(~tC'~~Yl~~/1.._.._._ 19..7.0._ SlQJANRE . ~~ This space b for County Cierk'a t=iltng Stamp RECEIVED ,~,~ ,~,~98 MDU y ~.I, ,Ih Ail 11 33 I~~ ~~ CI I Y OF LA_ QUINTA CITY CLERK. Proof of Pub6ntion of 'NO.e191---_ ---- ----'- Act of 1990~t he Atlmen strationLCommu DtyaDBvef opment Department regmres that any. per,5on in neetl of any type of special egmpmant, assistahde or accommodatioh(s) in order to communroete at~a City ppublic, rpeetiwg rPUSt inform the Community Developme aDepartment a minimum of 72 (tours poor tort e~schedul'ecf„rrieeting. PUB: No embe h, 9998` Tentative Tract 28961, Brookfield Homes PlOOF OF PUBUCAnON .. (2015.SC.c.p.) SfA1EOFCALIR>RNIA Cour4yofRiverslde- lamacilirafithe Unlled Slales ~ resident 01 llleeou., IfoftsaicI; I am ova die. 01 eighteen ,-,.lIlIIud 110I a party Iocr ialemtedln the aOO Y( died lllaller. I am dle prlndpal clerk of a piDlerfi~SUNPUBUSHING <X>MJ'A)ft' a nrwspaper or general daadatlon, -~... published In the dlyfiPalm Springs, CountJ cIIliRnidr. and wIlidl newspaper has been adjudpdllleWSpaper of general dn:uIalfon by the SuperiarCautof lhe County 01 Riverside, Slale of ~UDdtr the dale olManil24,1988. Case Nwnt.1t1236; thai the ~ 01 which the 8IIIlalIII i1aprillled COJ'1 (sd In type DOt smaDeI' dlaa IlIIlplIiI), has been published In each regular 1lIldft6t_ of sald newspaper and not In 811)' lIUppfenat lhaeof on the foDowillg dales, to-wit '-/7~~.i1.~.....~..... .. .............. ....... ..........,.............. lID...,..2L- ~ I CIl!IIIifllrtlidud WIlIer pmaI\J fi pzjur)' that the ..."""'.. and CXlIleCl - '."rd Dalatal NmSprinp,CaIifomia lIIIfa..~..... day f1l~1?1~L-__1991. ~I/: d . i/~.f.._':;..:tJ..j:.l.A.~~;...... . SIGNATURE - \. . ~ , - . ~ :"'II ~ Is" County Clerk.. FiIIn& SIunp RECEIVED 'S8.NDU ~ . APJ 11 33 CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK . . rroofolPl~of .... No.8071.........aa__.. --------..,...........-...... CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL .... NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ... NOTICE ,IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La QUlnta City Council will hold a PUBLIC HEARING em Nover:nber 17, 1998. at 7:00 p.m. In the La qUlnta Crty Hall CounCil Chamber 78-495 Caffe 1 amplco..z, on the following item: ' IrEM: Tt:NTATIVE TRACT 28961 APPLICANT: BROOKFIELD HOMES lOCATION: SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SOUTHER I W~k~. AND FUTURE WINGED FOOT IN PGA FrEQUESTS: CREATION OF 48 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL LOTS AND MISCELlANEOUS AND (30LF COURSE LOTS ON 44.3 ACRES. LEGAL: ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBERS 769-051-009, 769-052-007, 769-053-004 769-053-005, 769-053-010 769-053-012 AND 7159-053-014. ' , ,.... AV[NUE I SJol AVENUE ,... 1>aA WEST I 11'lACT NO. AIRPORT BLYO. 28861 ~ WEJ51(0Pr Tent~tlve Tract Map 28961 is within PGA WEST SpecIfIc Plan 83-002. The project is exempt from the. Callforma Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per p'ublic Resources Code Section 65457 (A). An En- vlrc)nmental Impact Report (State ClearinR, House J'iun:!~Eli" A3062922l was !:;ertJli~ by t1JJ"f';i Coun- cil In 1984 and there are no substantIve chan e~ ~orn the anginal ~nvir.onmental review. The gLa "b'"dta, CIty Councrl will consider the proposed su IVlSlon at the Hearrng A;'y person may submit written comments on thiS I Cdse to the Comr:nunlty Development Department ~r.'od to the Hearrng and/or .may appear and be E.ar In support of or OPPOsitIon to the project at t/;1e tl"}e of the Hearrng. If you challenge the deci- Sion 0 thIS case In court, you may be limited to raising .only those Issues you or someone else ralsea either at the Public Hearing or in written cor rei~po~ence delivered to the Communrty Develop= !,IKnt epartment at, or~rior to the Public Hear In! . The proposed f;le(s may be viewed b th~ pubhc Mond~ through nday 8.00 a.m. untls.oo QE~~ Q~:n~c~e 9It~m~~~1~8~295'0C~~n\~~i~~eL~ ulntal alrfornla. The public comme t ' . starts rom the date of thiS notice and 60,ft~~~~ rhry~ghct.he. Public Hearrng on November 17, 1998 n e I~ s efforts to comply wrth the re U1re' X~n~f ~f99~le tU ofA~he ~merr.cans Wi~h Djsa~iJltle~ Perse In . d af minIstratIon requires that anr. n nee 0 any type of s eClal e . aSSistance or accommodation(s) ~n orde q~lpmen , g}l~17j~lt;r:t aa ~:~Ji'~;::IC r~~tl~g, must fnfgr~Ot~ scheduled meeting 0 ours pnor to the --Eb!.J3: November Z: 1998 Tentative Tract Map 28603, KSL Land Corp. . PROOF OF.PUBUCAnON .. (201S.SC.c.p.) SlAlE OFCALIR:>RNIA ~ofRiverside- I.. ad&r.ea 0I1be UnitEd SIaIes ~ JeSkfent 01 IIeCouIIJ arOR!SlId; 1aD\ -lJieei 01 eJahleea pas.'" aJld IlOl a p.vty 10 or IDlmsled In the _t.-.,,1iI1ed INlier. I.m Ihr prindpal cleric ol. pDIaollht,DESERTSVN MUSHING a:J.mUfY. newspaper or peal dIcuIalfon, J*eiacipublished in IiltdlJoI him Springe, CbrnlJ ciRiverside. and whidl newspaper has been aljIdrI'lIewspaperol genenl dn:uIallon by !he SIprilrCoort of IheCounIy oIlliverslde. Slale of ("""9"'I~ III\der the dale 01 MarcIl 24, 1988. Case Ib1br 191236; thallht nolict, 01 which !he -1lI'llIII II. prinled COJ'1 (set In Iype DOl smallet ....I*1pIJriI). has been pub&shed In ach regular ancIaU Issue of salcllleWSplperllld IlOl In any -wJtmallhereof on lhe IoIIowing dates, lo-w1t /1~~.~~.~~...~..... -................. ..... .........,...........t.. .ItItJW1t 9 f " IICl1l1lt6"'ed_)WIIer'-"0I~ that die It., _ I '51s1rue ancI caned. Daled. Palm Springs.Califoma ~ ~~ay oI~4 19.9..l. aJ!(h . ::::/;; J -~CiL.~......,.. .SIGNAlURE t . - - .. v 1111UJ*elsfar County Cleric.. F1IJac Slamp . RECEIVED 'sa NOU ~ Ai'll! 33 CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK '. PlOolol~cI .. No.8 107 .. CITY OF LA QUINT A CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta CIty Council Will hold a PUBLIC HEARING..... on November 17, 1998, at 7;00 p.m. in the La QUlnta City Hall Council Chamber, 78-495 Calle Templco.... on the follOWing item: ITEM. Tt:.NTATIVE TRACT MAP 28603 APPLICANT: KSL LAND CORPORATION LOCATION: NORTHEAST CORNER OF RIVIERA AND HERMITAGE IN PGA WEST. REQUESTS. APPROVAL OF A 60 SINGLE FAMILY AND OTHER MISCELLANEOUS COMMON LOT SUBDIVISION ON 22.67 ACRES IN SPECIFIC PLJlN 90-017 LEGAL: ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBERS 761-090-045, -052, AND -055. '..... 1 ~ I AVENUE 53nl .""'" ,... ^'''"'' ~ ~ AIRPORT BLvtl. ~ ~ Tentative Tract Map 26603 PROJECT SITE 5&Ih AvtNUE VlCNTY MAP Tentative Tract Map 2Mldlfu~n Specific Plan 90-017, a master planned communIty of 880 hous- eS on 220+ acres onented around golf amenities and is an extension of SP 83-002(PGA West). The prOjElct IS exempt from the California EnVironmental Quality Act (CEQA) per Public Resources Govern- men1 Code Section 65457(a) EnVironmental Impact Report (State Clearinghouse No. 90020727) was certlHed by the City Council In 1991 for this Specif- IC Plan No changed Circumstances or conditions eXIst whIch would trigger the preparation of a sub- sequent EIR pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21166. Any person may submit written comments on this case to the Community Development Department finor to the Heannq and/or mav ann.ear and be heard in-support of or opposition to the project at the lIme of the Heanng If you challenge the deCI- sion of thiS case in court, you may be limited to ralSlI1 only those Issues you or someone else raise~ either at the Public Hearing or In written cor~ resp<:>ndence delivered to the Community Develop- men1 Department at, or~rior to, the Public Hear- in . The proposed flle{s may be viewed by the pu9:)llc Monday throuQh nday 8:00 a m. until 5:00 r.m. at the Community Development Department, a Quinta City Hall, 78-495 Calle Tamplco, La QUlnta California. The public comment period Will continue from the date of this notIce through the PubliC Hearing on November 17, 1998. In the City's efforts to comply with the require- ments of Title II of the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990, the Administration req!Jlres that any person In need of any type of spec181 equipment, assistance or accommodatlon(s) in order to com- municate at a City public meeting, must Inform the City Clerk a minimum of 72 hours pnor to the scheduled meeting. PUB, November 3. 199? Tentative Tract Map 28960, KSL Land Corp. PlOOF OF.PUBUCAnON .. (201S.SC.c.p.) STA1EOFCALIR:>RNIA QluaiyGlRiverside- ....dlir.ellOllhe UnltEdSlab~ Ialdenl 01 daeCanIJ aforesalcl; r lIIlowrlhtap 01 elghleen ~lI1IIad no! aM Ioorlnlemted In the abov~aJed mallei; I am dlt prindpaJ clerl: 01 a pUlerlllllle.DESERrSUN I'UBUSHING ca.ti'ANYa newspapa-oIperaJdmdalfon, pbIielai published In dlt dJ of Palm Springe. c:"DanIJ ciJtjyenide, and wJUda newspaper has been acljadrda newspaper 01 general drcuIaUon by lhe fiupailrOxutof the Counly 01 Riverside, Stale 01 <A&r~ under the dale IllMan:ll24.1988. Case NtDnhr "l2J6; lhatlhe ~ 01 which the anDl:llIIIls a prinled COJI1 (&d In IJpe no! smaller dw ...".rriI). has beal puNished In each regufar lInlfeJl1lJllssue 01 said newspaper and not In allY 8lIppftmar thereof 0Il1he roDowinS dales, Io-wlt ~~~.~-::.:~...:..... .. ................. ..... ........./.............. .....,.., 2L. .' IClIIIlt IIrW_hull!er JlBlIlJ 01 JleI)uJ that tile ....~Islrae and ~ Dlledal Palm Sprinp,CtIifomia ~ a~a1 oI~Jf:a7~ 19.9..t:. @~.~,......... Sl<NAllJRE - -.-..........t"'-.~ . ~ 11I1..,_1s ror CountY. a...1., RBna Stamp . RECEI\~[J'- '98 NOU Y .Arlll 33 CITY OF LA QUINTA CtTY CLERK . . Proot Illl'lablbllon of -~ No.8108 CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La QUlrlta City Council will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on November 17, 1998, at 7:00 p.m. in the La f Quinta CIty HaJJ CouncIl Chamber, 78-495 Calle Tamplco, on the following Item: ITEM: TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 28960 APPLICANT: KSL LAND CORPORATION LOCATION' SOD-FEET NORTH OF FUTURE WEIS~ KOPF, SOUTHEAST OF PGA BOULEVARD, AND WEST OF MADISON STREET IN PGA WEST. REQUESTS. APPROVAL Of A 75 SINGLE FAMILY AND OTHER MISCELLANEOUS LOT SUBDIVISION ON :?4.33 ACRES IN SPECIFIC PLAN 83-002 LEGAL' ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBERS 769-520-004 THRU -006, AND 769-530-002, -003, -013 ...... ...... ~ ~ ~ S2114!AVIMl( S3nj A~HU[ ... AYrIlIJt i I l A/RfOIUIlLVO. ~ ~ PGA WEST TRACT M). 26960 ~ ~ WEIS<<m sa", Avrh'lJt ~TY -MAf' Tentative Tract M~T2Bl;}eo-.4i wlthm Specific Plan 83-002, a master planned community of 5,000 house:~ and related commercial land uses on 1,665 acres oriented around championshIp.: golf courses. The prOject is exempt from the California EnViron- mental Quality Act (CEQA) per PubliC Resources Government Code SectIon 65457(a) An EnViron_ mental Impact Report (State Cleannghouse No. 83062922) was certIfIed by the City Council rn 1984 for this SpeCific Plan. Subsequent amend- ments to SP 83-002 have been approved by the City CouncIl No changed Circumstances or condI- tions eXist which would trigger the pr,eparatlon of a subsecluent EIR pursuant to PubliC Resources Code bection 21166, Any person may submit wntten comments on this case to the Community Development Department pnor to the Heanng and/or may appear and be heard In support of or opposition to the project at the time of the Hearing If you challenge the deci- sIon of thiS case m court, you may be limIted to ralsmg only those issues you or someone else raised either at the Pubhc Heanng or In written cor- respondence delivered to the Community Develop_ ment Department at, or~rior to, the Public Hear-, In . The proposed file(s may be viewed by the pu9:iltc MondC!y through flday 8:00 a.m. until 5.00 E,m. at the CommunIty Development Department, a Qumta City Hall, 78-495 Calle Tamplco, La Qurnta, California. The public comment periOd will contmuo from the date ot thIS notice through the Publlc Hearing on November 17, 1998. In the City'S efforts to comply WIth the require- ments of TItle II of the Americans With DisabIlities Act ot 1990, the Administration reqUIres that anI' person in need of any type of special eqUlpmen , assistance or accommodation(s) 111 order to com- mUntcate at a City public meetmg, must inform the CIty Clerk a minimum of 72 hours prior to the schedu'E~ meeting. P_U!2~ N"IY~mber S. 1QRR Tentative Tract Map 28912, T.D. Desert Development PlOOF OP.PUBUCAnON .. (201S.SC.c.p.) STAlEOFCALIFORNIA Olunty 01 Riverside- ]I am IdIizeI 01 !he United Slates ~ resident 01 llIIe 0IIanIf Ib-esald; lam over die"; 01 elgbteen )'L'.aIS,mllIId IlOf I party to or lDIemted In the above<<nIIW mal~ 11m 1M prlndpal clerk or a pinlerol~DESERTSUN PUBLISHING (X)MJMy'1 newspa~oI &enenI dmdallon, pintalaodpublished In !hecily of Palm Sprlnp, CounlJ cfRiverslde. and wJIich newspaper bas been adjudrllllewspaperof &meraI cin:u1allon by the SuperlorCoart of the County of Riverside, Stale or cur~ lIIIder the dale of Man:h 2" 1988. Case Number 81236; that the nolb. of wbk:h !he 8I\nellIII1Ja printed Olp)' c.et In type IlOt smaller dwIlalp11i1). has been published In each regular aad drtlssut 01 said newspaper and IlOf In illY suwt-t lhtreor on 1M roDowlng dates, to-wlt: ':t;~~.t?~........... ................ .................,..... ...., .... ....lIIlt~1f 2l... , 1~1ar6dare) under pmaJIJ GI pajwy IMI !he hq"'cklllle IlIlI alIR4 Dated.. PoImSprinp,CaHromla ~ k~ day r~ SIGNAllJRJ! - . 6~ '. :nus ~ Is'" County ClerIc.. FiIhl& Stamp o. Proof 01 PublIcatIon 01 No.B~!21 CITY OF LA QUINTA .. CITY COUNCIL NonCE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La QUlnta City Council will hold a PUBLIC HEARING .. on November 17, 19ge. at 7:00 p.m. in the La Qujl1ta City Hall Council Chamber, 76-495 Calle TempleD,.!. on the following item: ITEM: Tt:NTATIVE TRACT MAP 28912 APPLICANT: T.D. DESERT DEVELOPMENT LOGATION: NORTH SIDE OF 50TH AVENUE, EAST OF PARK AVENUE (EXTENDED) WITHIN RANCHO LA QUINTA COUN'TRY CLUB. REC)UESTS: APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE TRACT MAP TO CREATE 81 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS AND OHlER MISCELLANEOUS LOTS ON 29.11 ACFtES. LEGAL' PORTIONS OF PARCELS 6, 7, AND 10, OF I::>ARCEL MAP 20469 .... .... '" ~ .. ..vn~~ 5111(1:1 ;<g-> Tenteltlve Tract 28912 IS within Rancho La Qumta Country Club SpecIfic Plan 84-004. The prC?ject Is exem.et from the Cahfornia Environmental QUali~ Act (I..EQA) per Resources Code SectIon 65457(A. An tllvlronmental Impact Report (EA 84-026 for S 84-004) was certified 0:1 May 6, 1985 by the City Councrl and there have been no substantive chanl)es to the project site from the onginal envi- ronmental review. Furthermore, Environmental As- sessment 98-357 was prepared for Amendment #2 to SF' 84-004, for which a Mitigated Negative Dec- laration was certifIed on May f9, 1998 by the City Council. Any person may submIt written comments,-:'f9n this case to the Community Development DePArtment prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in_ sue~rt of or oeeositien. to the Draiect at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge th~ deci- sion of this case in court, you may be limited to ralsin9 only those issues YOl;J or s.ome~ne else raised either at the Public Hearing or In wntten cor- respol1dence delivered to the Commumty l?evelop- ' ment Department at, or~nor to, the PubliC Hear-, In . The proposed file(s may be viewed b the putllc Mondf!Y throuQh riday 8:00 a.m. untl( 5:00 r.m. ;:It the Community Development De~rtment, a QUlnta City Hall 78-495. Calle Tamplco,. La. Quinta, California. the pubhc comment period starts from November 6, 1998 and continues. throU!;lh the Public HearIng on Novl\'!mber 17, 19.98. In the City's efforts to comply With the require- ments of Title II of the Americans With Disabilities Act 01 1990, the AdmInistration req!Jires t~at any' persor' in need of any ty~ of sF?8clal eqUlpmenf, assistance or accomm<;ldatlon(s) m order to com-, municate at a City public meeting, must mform the, City Clerk a minimum of 72 hours pnor to the sctieduled meeting. ' PUB: November o. 1998 Tentative Tract 28545-2 Amendment #1 KSL Desert Resorts f'~1 f~ h ,~ DROOP OF PUBI.ICA'1'ION (2015.SC•C•P.) STATE Of CALtA~RNU Gouutyo(Rivet~ 1 am a a'firn d the United States ent~ resident of ttse ComrJjr+daesaid; f am over the age of elghtee~s reas~,and aadnot apaAy roor Interested Li the a6oveer~lednattee lamdleprindpalclerkofa printer of 11)e,IkSl•7iT S1JN PUBtJS1I AIG oC1MPAN1'a cewspaperofgenetalclmsiafiory printed asdpubGshtd EA the ~Y o[ Palm Springs, County at Irivesidq and which newspaper has been adjudbed a aesrspaperof ger>eral cimdatlon by the t'supem Ccnt1 of the County of Riverside, State Of CaSlom>.c antler the daft o<March 24,1988. Case Number t9t23b; that the notice, of which the asv~ex[d b a printed copy (yei iA type tat suwria tt6.ia tmpem~ hu been published 6s each regular and entirt lave of said newspaper and not In any auppla,mt Q,ceof on the Wdowing dates, to-wit: Neu N.M •••wH HUH.UGH~•~~JH~~~H ~ ~1HN a>a is 4pr 17 ~ f t~ (arledase) uwderpessaityof perjury tMt the fotegoiot&trae and cased " ~~ uaatedaihL,speinggCalibrnia thisl~„.(„.'.~diar of~ C'~~_`C/r7CZC~~ ...._.._ 19.7!?.„. 5lCNATURE ,.~., • This apace Is for County Ckrk'a Filing Stamp - Proof o[; ub"ucsHon of ................................................ . No.8332 • ~ • • CITY.QS..LA~OlY1N~TA w RLANNING'^C[]M~u~seinu. • • ~ A OOINTA RESORT HOMEQ,Ga~BA, V,ENIDA FERNANDO, WEST OF ADZ =OfS. 'P,ROVAL OF AN J; MENONlE~}T TO OF RESORT HOME LOTS''TO-UV'- 5. 7-76, 18-69, LETTERED LOTS A OF TRACT 28545-2. Plot Plan 94-543 Amendment #1, David Champan • ~J YiL,.7 Vtl'ob.~i,1, 8.~~c11', ..`,i<.~a ~^i aGi .• Olil-V~ ~l ~~.IO14Ild1~OL\ (201$.SGC.P.) STATEOFCAL[pURNU CotsntyotR'rverside lam a o7IIn d the United Stales an~ resident of fie CO°11~' aforesaid; l em over die age of eighteen years, and and not a party ~ or interested in the abovea~kd mattes I am the prtndpat deck of a printer of Qep~T SU1V PUBt~iiNG OOMffA1iYa newspaperofgerreraldrailatiory printed andpr>btished Ea Ux cRy o(Paim Springs, Courtil cllGvaside, and which newspaper has been adjudbeda aewspaperof genaatcimila8on by the Superioct:aertoiche County of ttivaslde, State of CaSforni; antler the dots of Marsh 2t;,1488. Case Numbs 191236; that the no5ce, of whk]t the annocrd i< sprinted cnpr Get in type not smatter ehan ra+npan~, has been pvb~l~ed 6r each regular and eo6re ksue of sold newspaper and not In any suppt~ml d~acof on d,e toIlovimg dates, to-wlt ..~:...~:::1... `...~ ................ Hu •«.««.«• u..o. • • «nHH.~ H. • u H H N s• afllia~eje31! 9~ f • loattij (Rk~re) underpenahy dperfirry that Rre 16segaiatBtrne and cares. Dfateaatt'ala,springa,Gliiornta thk/~ dar i. ~ ~ /h ~'e. Sl(7vA'ttIRE Thls cpaoe k 6or County Clerk'i FiUng Stamp ., Prop! of Publindan of ...................... ..Jr to to in ... Tentative Parcel Map 29084, Stamko Development • • • 1PIt00F OF PUBLICATION (2o15.5GC.P.) 5fA7E OFCALIPORMA C,ountyof Riverside lam a dGra of the United States anti resident of the Conrdy daresaiq; tam ova die age otelghteen pews, and aced aot a poly OD or interested in the aboveen9kd matte 1 am die prtndpal Berk of a prinladlbt,f Si1NPUBl15fiWC ANYanewspaperefger~eralrraelation, - prlntedaodpublishsd in UucBy of Palm Sprin$4 County dltiveaide; and wldch newspaper has been adjudarda aes-spaperof generaldrculation by the SupaiorCaattof the Countyof Rivnside, State of Califaml; onda the datc d March 21,1988. Case Number 191736: that the noC~cy d whkh the anrte>~ i apnnted mpy (set la type aot amaila than m~ans'1A, has been published to each regular and er&e issue of said newspaper and not in any suppleauat diaeof on the following dates, to-wlt: •e .N heeei eiee e~ie{iu••io.'•1,..... HeiH IiiO eiiMeibH. NIHNisr•U UH~HHHi•Uil~• a~) ~! ~ty6p b ~~ f itaatffj 6rJedare) under penahy of perfiuy tMt the fos+ggatrtgtstrneand carseN. DatedathlnSprings,Cafilorniathb/ ~.~day ._.._~:~.Lt~~:.~,e._.r..... S1pJAlURE 'this apace k for County C1erk'a Filing Slamp Proof o[ Pubtkydon of •eeu ueuieeeoeeeeeie••eeueueue••a sseee• eue No.8320 ....... a.m. 71 t, BE- PALMS INTO 2 SECTION = Parcel Map 29084 is ca~eggorlcally ex- m the California Emironmen'tal'"pt'l~alitg qqct under Publw'Resources Code SactLon and as per CEOA GuidelinES Se'StiLn • VICINITY MAP m Tentative Tract 26855(Revised), Brookfield California Land Holdings, Inc. ., . .., „ PR04F OF PUB~IGTIOIV ~ - (2415.SGC.P.) this space k dot County Cierk'a Filtng Stamp r ~ U 5PA7E OFCALFAORMA Coutity o7dtiverside Iam a dfira of tlu lledted States an~ resident of ~ ~'"'tY aforesaid; tam over @ie sge of eighteen 3'ea%eid andnot s party b a Werested in the abovee~ledalattee I a m the priafpal clerk of a printer of 1aeiltSI7tT SSJN P118t7S7 tINC; OO-vtPANYa newspaperofger+eraf tirculatiory printed aodp~Gshed fa the o'ty of Palm Springs, Count) d IGversidq and which newspaper has been adjudgeda nerspaperof general dnvlation by the SuperiarCautof the County of Riverside, State of CafJomiz en6v the date of hlaah 21,1988. Case Number 191214; than the notice, of whkh the annamd b apdntedtopy (set in type not amatler tbau nmpam3 has benl pubCslxd hn each regutat and m6rt Jsaut of said newspaper srd not to any a"PPI~+t QKSeof ai 9rc following dates to•w1t •• .. ~ .. . ~ca....~Y:...'.~...•......~ adt 41 theprsr b ~ ~ ' 1~l da'~e?saedepmatty ofper}sry that the ~8oirr; [s trot snd oared Qat~ed~iat PafnSpnog{Ca}ibmia tlSs ~~ ~dar -~(/ [/. !/C~~ "-.~~ .__...~_ c S1QJA1i1RE Proof of PubBatioss of ~ ~ ~ No.8336 ~- CITV OF L-e. nPUUaTeti I~ ~ ~ ~.. .. JKhItLI'T CALIFORNPA LAND OF JEFFERSON, SOUTH OF The person fo :the to 4fie y in sup i ~'~l,llV1LT MAY .,s Conditional Use Permit 98-042, Garry Hopkins • • P1t00F OF.PUBLICAT14N (2015.SC.C.P.) 51'ATE OF t.. A L ff a 0R N U+ Countyo(Rrverside~ Ixm a d6tta d the Udted States ard~ resident od the Cmrrdy alaresaJd; tam rrv~ the age of eighteen 7eara,ard aadnot aparty bot interested in the abovea~ted mattee lam dieprinctpal deck of a printeraftj~etltSFltTSiINpOBt1$IiIIdG C~AIdYa r,~wspapaofg~eraldreufatiory printed aodpubGshed to thealy of Palm Sprin$0. CO1°'h d IGverside, and which aewspapez has been adjudgeda xwspaperotgeneraltirnilation by the SuperiorCourt of the County of Riverside, State o[ fa5tomiz andtr the daft at March 24,19&8. Case Nuarbrr 19I13b; that tht notice, d whkh the anmmd Y sprinted roP7' (,set ifl type eat smatkr than nonpartill has bets pubtshed hr each reguIae ausden6n issue of said newspaper and rat In any supplm+ml V+eteof oa Qx folbwGig dates, to-wit: .... ~ \. ~:~....~rP..~~........... II•\. MIN N.NI \ \~.11I~/IY..1\I\1\.tJ1\.1.1!111.1 ~~ tal>kt~t~zirti ~ f 1 g~'ir~ur+dtrpena@yaiperjury that the loregolq~etrae and caret! Dat~edyall'aSnSprings,,,Gfifomiat}+b /~'.~aar 51(?JA7URE This tpaa & tat Cou,rty Clerk's Eiltng Stamp ., Proof o(P1:bliration of ...... Zoning Code Amendment 98-062 o. ~ o fl'R~P OF PUBLI~A'll'd®1~ O ~ (20fl5.5C.~.1~.D STA1EOFCALiPORMA ICAUnIyofR'iver~de~ Dam a a'fimt d the llaRcd Sbtes att~,p resident o$ Rhel'.omttpsiaaaid; iamover tde age oteigfiteeA ynzats~~ aadnoi a patty b ~ Werested in the abaveet~kd atattee 1 am Qtr ptittdpal eler& of o )prittieroft~,tJ~f SUN PUB[~ipV(; a newppaprr oigenaal dmilation. gainted acdpttblished bt Qte e3:y of Palm Springs, Cottraty dlGvaside, and whidt newspaper has been sdjudgrdaretespapErotgeneraltitcvlaHon by the garpt'-riorConrt of the t'ounly of Rivetalde, Slate of Q'ahfotniq ttnda the daft d tiardt 24,1488. Case Plumbs ~tl36; shat Qu notice, of whkh the annexed h aptinted copy (,set In type aot smalteq Ii11aA rmryemll, ltas been pubttshed ]n each regular rand adur Iatx of said newspaper attd twt Ls any f31app1e~IQ1CCOlotl <IIt toiiowing dates, QO-Wlt This [pace is Yar ~,rr,ty Cierk'o Fi1Ltg Stamp >~ ~-~ •~ ~~ it SP Oo ~ L~Q C~~J96~ uQ s (~LLQ~6~~~~ 6®E~ld~lil~~~E~~ ~ ~ ft~OTIC~ OF PUI36.".C W~R~ffil~lQa C`f'y OF ~Q~ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that [he City of La Quin[a Planning -Commission vriH hold a PUBLIC IfEARING on December 8, 1998,. at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quints City Hall Council Chambers, 78-495 Calle Tampico, on the following item: ITEM: ZONING CODE AMENDMENT 98-062 APPLICANT: CITY OF LA QUINTA LOCATION: CITY-WIDE IN HILLSIDE CONSERVATION OVERLAY DISTRICT REQUEST: TO AMEND CHAPTER 9.140.000 - HILLSIDE CONSERVATION RF,GULA- TIONS TO ALLOW FENCING TO MITI- GATE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AS A PERMITTED USE o .e a'wy(... ~.~.~~~,o, ~aioa~oo oo 0000 ooooo w.wr.us•..........ooseres~eooooo00 ooeoa0 r~ 4 L'r~ra),~ 9~ ~ " ' D~ (szt urderprrmRyofpsrjury 1}hai iP>nt f~ego'4tgi3ttve and arne4 lt?ated at PdmSprings, California this L.! ...~1d ay i S),?vATlIRE The La Quints Community Development Department has com- pleted Environmental Assessment 98-368 relating to this request, and a proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration. The La Quints Planning Commission will consider a recommendation for the Environmental Assessment, the proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration, and Amendment al the Hearing. Any person may submit written comments on this case [o the Community Development llepartment prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition [o the project at the time of the Heating. If you challenge the decision of [his rase in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Community Development Department a[, or prior to, [he Public Hearing. The Environmental Assessment, proposed MitigaCed Negative Declaration, and al] documents referenced therein may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p. m. a[ [he Community Development Department, La Quints Ciry Hall, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quints, California. The public comment period starts from the date of this notice and continues through the Public Hearing on December 8, 1998. In the Ciry's efforts to comply with [he reyuiremeoks of Title II of the Americans With Disabilities Act Of 1990, the Administration/ Community Development Department requires that any person in need of any type of special equipment, assistance or accommo- dation(s) in order to communicate at a City public meeting, must inform [he Community Development Department a minimum of 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting. Tentative Tract Map 29004, KSL Development Corp. ROOF OP.PUBUCAnON . (20tS.SC.c.P.) STATEOFCALOORNIA CowiIy ofRiversicfe. 11UIl. dlizeI II the UnIled SbII'S ~ resident 01 the CoanlJ l(JI'Sailf; 11,11I O\V die. 01 elghleaa ~ UIlI edDOt. party 10 Of InttJl'Sted In tile ~NIlft. I.mlllt prindpal clerk or. frinlercllkllSOOSUN MUSHING o:>MPANY. nrwspaperof genenl dn:utalion. prlnier IlIdfUl>lished In lilt dly or Palm Springs, CounlJ d Riv8'Side..nd which newspaper has been Cldjud&N uewspaper or general dn:uI<! lion by !he SuperlarCoulof ll>eCounly of Riverside, Slale 01 (AMomb; uMtr 1M .hIe a M.uth 24, 1988. Case Nwnber 191236; thaI ~ ~ a whlch !he annexa! k . prinled copy (set In lype !lOt smaller Chan ~Irill. Ns bempublished In each regular and mlrt ls5ue of said IlnYSpaper and not In M.1 SUwt-llhereotOlllhr foIIowIngdales,lo-wit - .- '4~1...".Q.~....... . . .. ........ ....... ... ..... ........" t........... t. ... IitJ'lrIt .2l. . , . I catIt (w ldare) uno!erfalllJl1 fJI ~ that lilt hrccIDclshr and amd. '94. Daledal PUn Sprinp,CaEfomLt lhIf ~..". day 01 '-.tla ~~j7.DlL:._ 19.'lL I /?' / . Jr: .:..:".L//-'-....,~._1J..r.ZLr._.,........... S!(;NAil.IRE - , . '. :nus .pace Is b Counly Clerk', Fillng StAmp . , Pi No.~r73 .. CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE 1$ HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta City Council Will hold a PUBLIC HEARING I'" I on December 1,1998 at 7:00 p.m. In the La Quin- ta City Hall Council Chamber, 78-495 Calle Tampi. co.,!. on the following item: ITt:M: TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 29004 . . . . APPLICANT: KSL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION lOCATION: WITHIN THE PGA WEST STADIUM COURSE AREA, EASTERLY SIDE OF SOUTHERN Hlll.S AT IT'S INTERSECTION WITH OAKMONT. REQUESTS: DIVISION OF 11 SINGLE FAMILY lOTS, ONE STREET LOT AND 2 GREENBELT LOTS, ON 3.75 ACRES. lEGAL: LOTS 0, F, 58-57 IN MB 257/008, TR 28149. I -... . -...... f' - -'WX'rY MAP ----- . MOl' 10 seu: Tentative Tract MaR 29004 is within the PGA West project area (Specific Plan 83-002). The project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEOA) per the CalifornIa Government Code rCGC Section 65457(a)1. An Environmental Impact F=lepol1 (SCH #8305292~) was certified by the City Council In 1984 for the PGA West Specific Plan. No changed circumstances or conditions are pro- posed wnich would trigger the preparation of a subsElquent EIR pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21156. Any person may submit written comments on this case to the Community Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or, may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the project at the tirne of the Hearing. If you challenge the deci- sion (If this case in court you may be limited ot raisin!;;1 only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written cor- resporldence delivered to the Community Develop- ment Department at, or prior to, the Public Hear- Ing. The project file(s) may be viewed Monday throucrh Friday 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the ComrTlunity Development Department, La QUlnta Civic Center, 78.495 Calle Tamp/co La Quints, CalifornIa. The pUblic comment periOd starts fl"om November 20, 1998 and continues through the Public Hearing on December 1, 1998. In the City's efforts to comply iwht the require- ments of Title II of the Amencans With Disabilities Act Of 1990, the Administration/Community Devel- opment Department requires that any person m need (,f any type of special equipment, assistance or accl,mmodatlon(s) in order to communicate at a City !)Ublic meetmg, must inform the City Clerkl :ommunity Development Department a mini- mum of 72 hours 8.rior to the scheduled meeting. ~: !Joyember 2 . 1998 _ Specific Plan 90-015 Amendment #1, KSL Development Corp. . I'ROOF OP.PUBUCAnON . (201S.SC.t.P.) STATEOFCALOORNlA Gluniy of Riverside- ram.dlIua ci the t1nIledSlales ~ resident of IIroeColulJ af<l\!$lld; IIIlI OWl tr.e. 01 efghteea ~anllIIIIbof. pa/tf 10 or lDIemAed In the ~Nller.lamlhtpMdpalderkor. pWercl\lr.IlSERTSVN PUBUSHING <nfI'AHra arwspaperolpmJ drtuJatton, piIlIe! aod jdlished 10 the dIy or Palm Spring-. CounIJ cI RivlrSide, and wha oewspaper has been adjudlfdi Ilewspaperolgenenldn:ulallon by !he Supen.rCaulot IkCounl)' clRivmlde, Slale of <'.UfooW; 1Ma Iht dole of Ma.zth 24, 1988. Case Nwnl>a-19I236; thaI the notice, of whkll!he annrxaI i I prinled cop'f (sd III type IlOt smaUer CW nl1paRi!llw bem published In tach regular and~~ol Ald-.per and nolln InY 1Uwt--1~ on Iht following d.les,lo-wll: 1...-11' <f:6 ~:;~I:l:l.6M...we.Q........... , . ............. MI. ........ .........,....... ....... elll'IltJ'lf. .2L. . , . II asti1J 61rAdud lIIlIer faIIIt7 01 ~ that Ille ~Islrat ancIamd. '9-4. DafedalPm Sprinp.~ Ihb ~...., day ...:t.~- ~ ~'c' ?7. / --, ~ , to' 01 ;L- ~_.2. _::1.__ 19. ,c... /i"/ . ~r " .'-,.!...;.~-j...J.;uL~:J.!.Z.J_.;_u.......... Sl(};ATh'RE - - . " :"'Is s~ Is b Counly Ckrk', F"illng Stamp . . Proof 01 Pub!bllon of ................................................. r~ ' -~-- - -. - .. . . o. CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quints City Council will hold a PUBLIC HEARING 011 December 1,1998 at 7:00 p.m. in the La QuIn- tal City Hall Council Chamber, 78-495 Calle Tampl_ co on the followmg item: ITEM: SPECIFIC PLAN 90-015 AMENDMENT #1 APPLICANT: KSL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LOCATION: NORTH SIDE OF AIRPORT BOULE- VARD;. BETWEEN MADISON AVENUE AND MON- ROE ;:sTREET (PGA WESn. REQUESTS: R~IEW AND AMENDMENT OF SPE- CIFIC PLAN TO ADD 20 ACRES TO PROJECT SfTEJ.. REDUCE NUMBER OF UNITS FROM 1,.060 TO ;,,65, REVISE LAYOUT AND CIRCULAIION AND MISCELLANEOUS AMENDMENTS TO DE- VELOPMENT STANDARDS. LEGAL; PORTION OF SECTION 15, T6S, R7E, SElBM. .., ( ~ I I I --- The epart- ment has completed an Environmental Assessment addlmdum to the previousll( certified EIR. Any person may submit written comments on this CasEI to the Community Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be hean:t in support of or opposition to the project at the 1ime of the Hearln9. If you challenge the deci- sion of this case In court, you may tie limited ot raiSIng only those Issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written cor- respondence delivered to the CommunIty Develop_ ment Department at, or~rior to, the Public Hear- in . The proposed file(s may be viewed b the putll':: Monday through riday 8:00 a.m. untir 5:00 p.m. at the Community Development Department, La Quinta City Hall 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quin1'a, CalifornIa. The _public comme(lt periOd startH from November 20, 199B and continues throU!;Jh the Public Heanng on December 1, 1998. _!.D_JhILCity's efforts t2 complv iwht the reQuire- I ments of Title " of the Americans With Disabiliti;; Act Of 1990, the Administration/Community Devel- OpmElnt Department requires that any person in need of any type of speplal equipment, assistance or accomll'!OdatfonCs) In 6rder to communicate at a City public meeting, must Inform the City Clerk/Community Development Department a mlnr- mum of 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting. PU13: NQyember 20. 1998 Tentative Tract Map 28964, Oliphant and Williams Assoc. . PROOF OF.PUBUCAnON . (201S.SC.t.P.) SfATEOFCAUJORNIA (A,uDty of Riverside- I alii I d&zs Ii Il1e UnIted SlaIes ~ resldenl 01 d1e~ afMSaId; I am owrlllt ~ 01 e1ghleen 7W'. and at DOli part)' 10 or lDIeR$!ed In the aOOvHnlilIrd Il\aller. I.m Iht prlndpaJ derk of I pinleru~DESf:RTSUN PUBIJSffiNC COMrI.HrlJlewspapaof~_dJcuI.t1ol\ . pinledllldfl'lished In lhedlyolPaIm Springs, CounlJ <lRlvaside, and which newspaper has beeA ~jOO~lIlell'Spaper of genml circuI.lflon by !he SuperiaCaut or lhe County 01 RivtISide, Stale of CaIif~cMalld'leO(MArm2"1988. Case Nwnh..I9l236; lhallllt noIict, 01 which !he annexoIls I plinled copy (sd In Iype IlOl smatter fIwl oonpalrill has betn publisbed In each regular and eD6Ir Isut 01 said lltW$paper aN nolln lilT lIUPJl!-t dIereof on the lollowin& eIales, lo-w1t .":t:f.~{?;jll.u..~/.:.t:.... .... .. .................. ..... ........./....t....... " aBIde,..>> !2l-. I . ladlt 6ar1e&re) lIIllIer fblIIl1 of paFy that t!Ie Im&cIIlclslnle ancI anecL . c/ Dated al Pa1n Springs. California 1hltd-X~dal '7.), ."" -/ . C' f 01., .-f<.:!'::"V..!..1c,.L..L.._.__ 19.1,t._ J {-- I I /" ,I J - r) .-.,";;; :'--- _:~':"<''''-'- .f,'" I; /- .- ~'- '-..... ~ -''''------.- _..~.............. :;!C,' :,\1~~-7E .' - - -.-. ~~'-"" '- . '. :",lUp.nlsb CounIyOerk.. FlUngSlamp , '. No.B401 CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PU9L1C HEARING ~ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Cit of La QUlnta City Council will hold a PUBLIC H~RING ....... on Dec:ember 15, 1998, at 7:00 p.m. In the La QUlnta City Hall Council Chambers, 78-495 Calle Ta~icl~ on the followinr item: , ~PPLldA~.:rA~~I~J~~r A~b'PwT~~~MS ASSOCI- ~ .. . . . . . A TES, II"IC. LOCATION: NORTH SIDE OF AVENUE 50 AP- PROXI~IA TEL Y 1,600-FEET WEST OF JEFFERSON STREET . REQUEST; APPROVAL OF A 78 SINGLE FAMILY AND 01 HER MISCELLANEOUS LOT SUBDIVISION ON 39 ACRES. LEGAL: ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 649-100-015; PORTION OF THE WEST OF THE SOUTHEAST OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, S.B.8.& M. :\,,",\.J I ;:' ~.3j ~93r .," -.. ~JD' I , II I -d 'l I Jr ,....".,.,"".. The Community Development Department has pre- pared Environmental Assessment 98-365 for this proJect. l3ased upon thiS assessment, the project will not have a significant adverse effect on the en- Vironment, therefore, a Mitigated Negative Declara- tion IS recommended. JUIIIld ......'ly ......6011t:'1IWiII COnSIder approvat of the proposed subdivision at the Hearing. The public comment periOd will continue from the date of thiS notice through the Public Hearing on De~ camber '15, 1996 Any person may submit wntten comments on thIS case to 1 he Community Development Department prior to 1he Hearing and/or may appear and be heard In support of or opposition. to the project at the time ()f the Heanng. If you challenge the dect.. sian of thiS case in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written cor~ respondence delivered to the Community Develop- ment Department at, or~nor to; the Public Hear- In . The proposed file(s may De viewed by the pu~lic Mondl:!y through nday 8,00 8.m. until 5:00 p.m at the Community Development Department, La QUlnta Civic Center, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, G3f1fornla. In the Cl1y's efforts to comply with the re~ulre- ments of Title II of the Amencans With Disabilities Act of 1990, the City requires that any person in need of any type of special equipment, assistance or accommodation(s) in order to communicate at a I public meeting; must Inform the City Clerk's Office a minimum aT 72 hours prior to the scheduled meetlf'!g. PUB; November 21. 1998- Tentative Tract Map 28982, Site Development Permit 98-631 and Tract Map 24230 Amendment #1, Mainiero, Smith and Assoc, Inc. for A.G. Spanos Corp. . 1'l00F OP.PUBUCA.nON . (201S.SC.CoP.) STATEOFCAUR>RNIA CowityofRiversJde. ram adliracilhe UnIled $/ales ~ raldenl 01 theCounlJ afcRsald; lam owr 1Iie.0I eighteen Jear9, mI ad DOl a pad)' 10 or /ntem;ted In the abovffll8lld IIlaUer: I am !he prlndpal derk of . prinladtbr.DESEKrSUN PUBUSHING 0JMn\HY a IIfWSpaptr of &eneuI drcuJallOI\ jlril'it8hod~lished In lhe dlJ ofPaIm Springs, CoIllllJ II RivErside. and whidI newspaper has been adjudlfda IleWSpaper of general dmalallon by the SuperlarCautof the Counly of Riverside. Slale of CaIif~ under Iht dale of March 24, 1988. Case NtunI:1a 19l2J6; thallhe noIicr. of whIch the IIII.IlmIIll8prinled copy (set In Iype DOt small<< Ihaa ~ has been published In each regular and fl6t _ 01 said IleWSp8per and noIln aIl1 1RIw1-11hereof OIllhe loDowing dales, Io-wlt \ ,,---.I .2;2~~.~.I.~....... .. .,. ............ ........ .........,... It... "t '1. "Id.,.. 9f , . ~~~Wudllllller JlmIlJclpaJIuy that tile Ishe and amd. ... I~cl DaledalI'mlSprinp,MIomla ~-.:-aa, cf'i?~_ 19CJ.J.: .d6~ J{) d '~n. SIGNATURE ,-,' - -'-..'--ro_ . " :"'It ~ Is b ColInI)' Oerk'a FaUna Stamp . . uProot 01 J'ub1blIo.. cf No.8403 . CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING N01ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta City Council Will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on I)ecember 15, 1998, at 7:00 p.m. in the La Qutrlta City Hall Council Chambers, 78-495 Calle Tamplco on the following item: ITEMS. tENTATIVE TRACT MAP 28982, SITE DE~ VELOPMENT PERMIT 98-631 AND TRACT MAP 242::10 (AMENDMENT #1) APPLICANT: MAINIERd, SMITH AND ASSOCI- ATES, INC FOR A.G. SPANOS CORPORATION. LOCATION: SOUTHWEST CORNER OF 47TH AVE- NUE AND ADAMS STREET. REQUEST: APPROVAL TO CONSTRUCT 160 AIR- SPACE CONDOMINIUM UNITS ON 10.17 ACRES IN THE RH ZONE (HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICn, REVIEW OF THE BUILDING ELEVA- TIONS AND DEVELOPMENT PLAN~ AND ELlMI- NAITON OF CONDITION #41 OF I RACT 24230 WHICH REQUIRED A PORTION OF THE PRO- POSED HOUSING UNITS TO BE AFFORDABLE. LEGAL: ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 603-030~014 (LOT 285 OF TRACT 24230) ...... ..... . The Community Development Department has pre- pared EnVironmental Assessment (EA) 98-369 for thiS proJect. Based upon this assessment, the pro- ject wit! not have a Significant adverse effect on the environment; therefore, a Mitigated Negative Decla- ration is recommended. Any person may submit written comments on this case to the Community Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the project at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the deci~ sian of this case in court, you may be limited to raising only those Issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Heanng or In wntten cor- respondence delivered to the Community Devetop- men1 Department at, or~rior to, the Public Hear- In . The proposed flle(s may be viewed b the pJ{;uc Mond~y throuQh nday 8:00 a.m. unt? 5:00 p.m. at the Community Development Department, La Gluinta CIVIC Center, 78-495 Calle Tamplco, La Quinta California. The public comment penod starta from the date of this notice and continues through the Public Hearing on December 15, 1998. In the City's efforts to comply with the reqUlre- menls of Title II of the Amencans With Disabilities Act of 1990, the City requires that any person In need of any type of special equipment, assIstance or accommodatlon(s) in order to communicate at a public meetingl must Inform the City Clerk's Office a minimum OT 72 hours prior to the scheduled meetin~. P"R' n".~h.." 'OOR Tentative Tract Map 27519, Century Crowell Communities . PROOF OF,PUBUCA.nON . (201S.sC.CP.) STATEOFCAlJR)RN1A CouniyolRiverside- IIlII\ . d&reI d the United Sbles ~ resident of Ihe CoarfJ abesald; J am OYer die '&t 01 e1ghleen yean.... ad DOC. party to or iDIerested In the above-cnIW _II<< I am Illt prlndpaJ derlc of I frlnterdJWlE$fJrrSUN Pl1BUSHJNG COMI'AHYlllrwspaptrol t~drcuJatfon, prlnld aod ~lislled In iJle dly of Palm Springs, CounlJ dRNersldt, and wlUch newspaper has beat adjOOgtd I ~lrSpaper of general dmtIatIon by the SuperlrCaut or the County of Riverside, Slale of Cali!omi.!;under iJle d.te of Man:h 24, 1988. Case N~ 19l236; thallllt ~ of which the 8J1JloJ!d" I printed copy (set In type not smanet I!IaA l'a1plJriJ). Ns bem pul>lished In each regular and'tlI6rr Isut 01 said DtW$pIper and noIln anT suppJeIIIII/~ 0Il1IIe following dales, to-wlt - .- .':t:).~IIMt..@?L.~....... .. .............. .......... I" ....,............ II .""JIIl>> 2L-, , . I certIIJ...Wue) lIllIIer feNJtJ cI~ tNt tile hfccilcllhr andamd. . c/ DaledaIPm!prlnss,Califomla ~~cTaT 'ZJ c'" ...... , , . ^ - ~ - l' el, , '<::1.::l.r.?:./...Q..L....._ 19 L,_ ~ ;-'(' '_ (,' _-I)'" / , I"', ~ -;, ,', ,_ _ ._::_~.L...:_ ..:;; ..1o.....::.LL._.;....~'":_._.~.~:::..::.:.:;.~.:;..... SIC: ,':\l1.rj:E - - f"..... . '. ,:"'I' ~ Is b County aerie.. Fdlng Stamp " 'roof l~o.B402 ..... CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta CIty Council will hold a PUBLIC HEARING" on December 15, 1998, at 7:00 p.m. In the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers, 78-495 Calle Tampico.l. on the follOWing item: ITEM: Tt:NTATIVE TRACT MAP 27519 APPLICANT: CENTURY-CROWELL COMMUNI_ TIES. LOCATION. APPROXIMATELY 100-FEET SOUTH OF DESERT STREAM DRIVE AND WEST OF DUNE PALMS ROAD. REQUEST: APPROVAL OF A 70 SINGLE FAMILY AND OTHER MISCELLANEOUS LOT SUBDIVISION ON 17.6 ACRES. LEGAL: ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 604-061-009; PORTION OF THE SW OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, S.8.B.& M. t.... .. f- ::-r-l!W~ '''''' I ! I j-I I-!-Il;rrij I L I f- l\lf' '* ""' t1 ----;-1'"" ,. ~ -f'" - -I: l \- , "'.". I :. ILJ'Tj [ ~ _Li I =-,J " - 0- ...- ~ ill--,h:'. ':::1:':1 C".mll/ll' The Community Development Department has pre- pared EnVIronmental Assessment 98-370 for thiS proJect. Based upon this assessment, the project Will not have a significant adverse effect on the en- vironment; therefore, a Mitigated Negative Declara- tion IS recommended. The La QUlnta City Council Will consider approval of the proposed subdivision at the Hearrng. The PUblic comment periOd will continue from the date of th,s notice through the Public Hearrng on De- cember 15, 1998 Any person may submit written Comments on th,s case to the CommunIty Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard In SUpport of or oPPosition to the project at the: time of the Heanng. If you challenge the decr- sion of this case in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearrng or In written cor- resoondence delivered to tt!e ~...901..mumt\l Da'>leloo-_ men! Department at, or~nor to, the Public Hear- in . The proposed fife(s may be viewed by ~he , PU~)lic Monday through nday 8:00 a.m. until 5.00 .m. at the Communlty Development Department, ~ Quinta CIVIC Center, 78-495 Calie Tamp,co, La Quinta, California. In the City's efforts to comply with, the reql.!lre- ments of TItle II of the Amencans WIth Drsabllrtl~s Act of 1990, the CIty reqUires that any pe~son In need of any type of speCial eqUipment, a,sslstance or accommodation(s) In order to communlqate at a public meeting, must inform the City Clerk s Office a nllnlmum of 72 hours prior to the scheduled mel3tlng. PUB. November 21. 1998 Tentative Tract Map 23773, Extension #1, Century-Crowell Communities • P~t10F OF.PUBI.ICATIOtY (2015.5C.C.P.) 51'ATE~CAL[~RN1A Coun[7 of Xiverside~ I am a d6uad the Ur3ted States ar~ resident of theConrl~aforesaid; lam over tfie age of eighteen yeah, and andnot a party to a Wereated Lt the abovee~4dauttea iamtheprindpatBerkofe }+rintadt7 SUN Pt)BI,fSt1WG COFffAfMa aewspaper of gerwraf drn,tatiory printedadpr~tuhed to lk °~' of Palm Springs, County dl5vaside, and w}udi newspaper has been adjudtrda aerspaper of gene»Ic;m,lation by the SuperiorConrtof the County otRivgslde, State of CdLfor7iq andrr the d,tr of blarrh 2~,1988. Case Numba192K; Aat the no5ce,dwfikh the annordf, apentcd Dopy tset is type Dot smaller • than>furixmpulrtuhedlaeactiregular au,d er~alsrx of said oewspapa and rut in any supplmmtQ~fonQ+e foIlo,~ugdates,lo-wit: '~, ~/ .... ,~'~~.1~G1,~~~..:SFP..C~....... •rrn~w~wwruQpw~~u~~rn n~.ons~nnu~~~~Hq sdlfsstfae~erl! .L~ ~ ~ ~ - ~g~fs~ ~ dperJury Chet fire Dateda! talnSprir7g~, CaSbrnia thb°`./.pp_, dar d`.~L~~L~2LQ~ 19.1.. ~~~~. • ~: This span fs kr County Cierk'a Filing Stamp ., Proof of of ..r No.e366 ~ r ~ ^ .., 1 F r ;t ~R ,~ I~ tl s it r n rt ~ it IP r~ ID ~ In IA nr r or Pr 0 Ito PI a .... .... Case: TTM23773 i VICINITY MAP MIS \ Negative. Declara;ion (Environmental Assessment I6-327) was certified for the proie$t by tti$ City ,ounci on October 1, 7996. No map Chang ` are reing reGGUestetl~ therefore, no atltli6onal reG~w is varraritetl. he La QoiNta Planning Commission will consitler a Site Development Permit 98-636, Shannon Communities ~?t,~l~ 0; ~USLjG\TIGi~ (2015.SC.C.P,) STATE C' GiLff~C~,'JlA GounlY ~{ Rivezsidc f am a o''5ia of ~e Un1ed Sates ar~ resident of Qu Cmaly afcvesaiQ; I am over me age of eighteen jeanlard asrde,ot aparty bu Wasted to the abovetr&Eed aralteti 1 am 6rc prlndpil Berk of e printadt~DESQtT'SUNPUB115tiUVG - ~AliYa aewspaperofgmeraldrrulatiory printed as~dpubtuhed b t!rc eAy dPalm Sprtn$4 Count) d 16verslde, and wA'rck oesvspaper has been adp+dada aevspaper of gene»lcirculatlon by ttrt SupcriaCoutof the County of Rivaside, State of CaSforriq ender the d+te dldardl/,1988. C:au Numbrr t9>?.36; that tk ratue, of wF3ch the anr+oced k sprinted copy (se11o type cot amalkr • fl,aa tnr;nreill hu been pubCshed to each regular and entire lsarc of said orxsp+pa and rat !n any ssuppkimtd,crof on Qre (otioring dates, to-wih •Hnwrp rw w~rttr~~r rr~rn rrNnrrr~rrrr rrrr Hrr ~~ etlln~b .lam, r ~ . ~ it declare) sarda pesuhy atperJury that the kiti<e ardcared DlahdalTaSnSpricega,CaSbmia l}da~~ar d~y~~2/~'17_2~2P/i~ ^. 19.7.x._ SiC~!..1L ~: -. Proof of Pub9nlSon of rrr~~rr.r.rrirrrrrrrrr~rrr rr rrrr.rrrr rr rrrrrr r.r. r...r..r~r.r. rr rrrrr r•rr r•rrr.rrr•r rrrrrrr rr r.. r• Site Development Permit 97-608, Amendment #1, KSL Land Corporation . ~'c~F OF.PL'~illCATTI~I~t (20]5.5C.C.P.) STATE 0r G4Lff~RMA Coup-y of Rivecaide~ i •m a ~ of the Un1ed Stites ar~ resident of the C.oarty rforesalq; l am over me age of eighteezt pears acrd aed not aparty b a Interested L1 the alwvea>60rd scatter 1 am dre prindpal clerk o[ • pcirderdQet7ESptTSI1N PUBUSi IiNC QOh~ANY~ cewsptperotgexraletmtlaHory p~td s.dp~Gshed fa the °~Y of Palm Springs, CamtJ d1WasJde, and which newspaper has beer) adydp~a aewspaperof generil circvtation by the S~pc7irrCmtt of the County af)tiverslde, Stafe o[ Cn5torai; order the date d l.Sarch 2l,1988. Case Nua>,brr 191236; that the notice, d whkh the snncud tt +pnr,ted copy (set >n type not smailet • thaa ra>Fnrn'7j has been pubTnhed to cacti regular avid e~,a Is+x of said newspaper and not !n any nrPP~t Hof on Q,e lotbwing dates, to-w(t .. .» ~N.' ...4~K~..rcT.l..~~..... eil it k~ ~ ~L./L~ r 1o~j lark+dare) rudaperafty atpe+j~vy flat dre y0'e8d^ib6ve and cared DatKta rak,Springs/, Calibrnia thb~~:~,,,aay • fir?: ~. i i.-i i':is ~~ce k :'rr Caw~fy Ct~ rS:'s 1=t~g Stamp Proof of Pab6ca8on of No.8399 I .... 97-608, DRIV€, ne or Tentative Parcel Map 29116, Michael Shovlin .!" ~,~~: 0: PL~3llG1~'iGi'~ (2015,5C.C.P.) STATE C`~ G1L[fCR1v`lA Coualy cf Rivcrsidc l am a a'4ia d the Unted Stites a~ teslde nt at the County afcresai~; I am ova ~e age of eJghteen rear, aid asld oot a putt fo ar Weresled in the abwee~dmaltes I am tlupcUdpat Berk otra - t~dtkDtstxrsUNt~t~ln~c Oi01dPATt7a aewspapa otgenaaf eLcvlatiory prtnael a>tdpubGatxd b the aty d Patin Springs. Ca'Q17 dltivesfde, and wl+ich e~ewspaper has been adjudjeda aerspaperdgeraal circutatlon by the SuptriorCcerlof the County dRivenlde, State of Califoraq seder lk drte d t~luurh 2i, 1988. Case IJun>b~ 191236; that th noticr, d whkh the arsnardi apnnkdcopy lse- b type not amatla • ttsaa tnnp~eiil f gas bem pubGahed in each regulat and ertia taare of sold oewspapa and not !n am suppieamttMeo(on tit lo>>owingdates, to-wit 1• ,.. -. Proof d Pub&a9oa al No.0004 " 299,6 i & 19 OF PM 82-164. •~•••M•gFM•••••\•••••••••I••IJ •1••~I~•~~1~~~ >~Ijlfyt?Rb ~ I ? • ~8~fb~~+d ~~ dp~ that ttre L~atedalhlnSpring;Calibrniathb~'~:.(, ,air d~~ _._.. 19. SiC.; c,il~= INDIAN ~ ~ I ~~, WELLS ,p '~.~ LA OUINTA. Proposed Sale Agreement by and between the Agency and Ramon and Isabel Lopez PROOF OF,PUBUCAnON .. (2015.5c'CP.) STATE (): CALIroRNIA Cowily of Riverside- ram.dllus rllbe t1IlI\ed SQles ~ resldent 01 die ComsIJ llmosa!d,; I am OYU die 'it of e1shteen )'eII1,'" ed ilol a M to or Interested In the alxwu"'d Ntt<<. lam lhe Jlrlndpal derkof. flinlscll\t.~tSUNPUBUSHING <X>>dPANr. JlnYSflP:ro1 cenmJdmdatlol\, pIrllaf alptisMlla lhedJ olMn Sprfnp. Cow1lJ rlllvaslde-ancf w!Udl DeWSpApet has beeft ..fJUdvd uewspaper of gmenJ drcuLttlon by IN Supl'fbCaut or the COWlty of Rjvmlde, State 01 Cdfcmi!; wn&r !he d.le of Ma.roI24, 1988. Case N~~b; lhalllc IlOlke, of whlch IN II\nela!dIl aprinled Cllf1 Cgel1n '1Jlf DOt swllet tIIaa IXIrpRi\ has '- published In tadI regu!ar and ~ Isut of said DC'W5pIper ancI no( In 1111 lIUpplenmllhueot OlIlhe 1oIIowln, dales, Io-wll: , - .- ~~-:!j:.f.~..."". ......... -........ ............., t............. aDlalc;av>> iL., # . rcetlt"'Wue)IIIll!er~oI~ that die ""ccil&lshe .net CllI1ed. I 'Vb- Daledal hJa !iprinp.~ this l:..... day ol~'L~__ 1999 f;!g~~_:d1~.. SIC."A n3i . ~ RECEIVED " '98. DEe 9 BAll 29 This ~c Is b Cowlfy Oer1:', Fillng StAmp , ITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK City of -La-Quinta NOTICE OF JOINT PUBLIC HEARING WITH THE CITY COUNCIL AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY NOTICE IS HEFlEBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of La Quinta Redevelopment Agency will hold a joint public hearing on the proposed Sale Agreement by and between the Agency and Ramon and Isabel Lopez. A copy of the Agreement is on file and available for public inspection in the Community Development Department at the La Quinta City Hall, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California 92253. The Agreement provides for the sale of certain real property owned by the Agency identified as 51-945 Avenida Bermudas (Assessor's Parcel Number 773-184-022) in conformity with the Redevelopment Plan, Any person or organization interested in expressing an opinion on this matter is invited to 8ttend the public hearing and offer testi- mony: Date: Tuesday, December 15,1998 Time: 7:00 p.m" or as soon thereafter as the mailer may be hear Place: La Qulnta City Hall 78-495 Calle Tamplco La Quinta, California 92253 If you challenge the item listed above in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or somebody else raised either at the public hearing correspondence delivered to the Agency at, or prior to, the public hearing. Furthermore, you must exhaust any administrative remedies prior to commencing a court challenge to the Agency's action. Further details relating to the subject of real property, Including the report required by California Health and Safety Code Section 33433, are on lile and may be reviewed in the Community Development Department at the above La Quinta City Hall address, during the hours of 8:00 a.m, to 5:00 p.m. Further information on the subject matter may also be obtained by contacting Jerry Herman, Community Development Director, at (760) 777-7125. In the City's efforts to comply with the requirements of Title II of the American With Disabilities Act of 1990, the City Clerk requires that any person in need of any type of special equipment, assistance or accommodation(s) in order to communicate at a City public meeting, must inform the City Clerk a minimum of 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting. ~ .~ ~ ~. Site Development Permit 98-641, Southern Hills, LLC Pi?001~ OF PUBLICA~ON (2015.SC.GP.) SPATE Of G1L~QRNIA C~wntp of R'rversldt. Iamaa'rue dtsx Udtc6 5t~u~ went of the Co®tyafomsatd; l am ova tbage of eighteen y~aadmdaof aparty toorhderated In the d.vttec (am0,epr6~dpatderlcofa Q~vdt~DF~t7`StJF-PUBL15tit1J(i ~~ s€rnpapeeot~esaalcGcSCiatioq, ~+•dp~dCxtxd to U+ecBydPatm SPdnB~ ~dl6vastd4aad wbid, aeaspaper has been °~A'dt~+~rspaperotgme~alacuTation by the SuF~iorCmrtof the Cuu9yof Rivnakte, State of Ca6tornb; r,der the d,k dl~4airh2i,1988. Case Numta 19216; that tk noGc~ dxhkh the •nilO2~k aprmted ~ ~{ ~ ~ a0t amatlet ar+dads laaieof~safd~oeaa~dn~otln~in~ ^ a"PP~teweola+thlo>towG~jdates, lo-wtt; P ~ .t1.?c.~.Y1t..~7....... ~.... ~ ~.• •. w.w.www.u H. u.•wIN.H.~~H~UNM.. ii ,~ etita6ey~1l.~ ~ ~ ~ -- -- ~~~ ~ dpajruy that the DateddTah, Spr"'8a.~+i+lhis3n~dtr SiG~:A1LfE ~/~L/~ 17rb rpra ~ la County Cterk'a Filing Ststnp ., Proofoi~nBoaof No:0035 - - - - - Request for Proposals, Community Development Block Grant . . PROOF OF,PUBUCAnON . (201S.5C.c.p.) STATE CfCALtroRNlA COuAt, ofRivmJde. . I ~a'" cllhe UJlIled Stms ~ resident 01 dle COIlIiJ"~ I alii OYer die ~ or ef&h1eeft ~mlI!ldDOlaP'1loc.lnItmted In ihe above bIfilWlNlla hll\ dltplnclpa! derk or a ~cllkooaaSUN I'\JBl.lSHIOO <:n.unrlalln'l$paprolpera1Mu1adol\ . ptntd""'r'>&1led In dltdrofhlm Sprtnr, CounIJ clJNtl$!dt. and w1Uda -raper has 1leeft 1IdP'&fd newsparer or tenenl cim1Iallon by the SupemCoul of the County or Jlivenlde, Slale 01 CdtomJ,; IIl&r ~ d,lt 01 M&rdI 24, 1988. Case Numta "DJt IhaI o.e noticP, or wlOCh the annmsIlllprlnlec!COl'1 ~ In I)'pe IIOt 5ll\ltler ct.a.a~ J.ubem~ Int.aeh nsuJar and _Isut or said IltWSjlIpr IIl4 not In aliI euff1-t1tllreot OCI the loIlowltt4a1es, Io-wtt: , - .- . d:&..~~.~......... .. ..................... .........1........... .t' .....91:..-. , . IC8IIfJIJrldut) unaer ~rlf8).u)' dlal Iht Iontclac1she wc0m4 I DaltdalMD Sprin&\OIifomIl ~~- d., ~_t9,9.g . SlG1".~T1)..E - - . Thlttpaals~ Counl)' Clerk'. FiUng Stamp , RECEIVED .'98 DEe 8 PPl.2 2S CITY OF LA QUiNTA CITY C'LERK .~ .~ 5 , t.f,'Of CIITY OF LA QLJINTA .-COMMUNIIY-DEVE.L.OeMmlBL.OCK-GBANL PROGRAM NOTICE OF FUNDS AVAILABILITY AND REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS ~OTICE IS HHlEBY GIVEN that the Ci~ of La Quinta is seeking proj. ect ideas ancl public input for the 25th year of the Communi~ Development Block Grant Program. There will be approximate~ $130,000 available to fund eligible actMties. Bigible activities are general~ thOf€ which directly benefit primari~ low and moderate income persons, handicapped and senior citizens. Funding for the La Quinta Communi~ Development Block Grant Program is expect. ed to begin July 1, 1999. The La Quinta City Council will hold a public hearing Tuesday, January 5, 1999 at 7:00 p.m. in the Ci~ Council Chamber, 78.495 Calle T ampico, La Quinta, to determine activities for program funding. The City of La Quinta Community Development Department is requesting proposals to be sub. mitted by December 18, 1998. Project proposals and lor com. ments should be submitted in writing to: City of La Quinta Communi~ Development Department P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, California 92253 Should you have any questions or comments regarding La Quinta's Community Development Block Grant Program, con. tact Fred Baker at (760) 777.7065. In the Ci~'s efforts to comply with the requirements of Title II of the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990, the Administration/Communi~ Development Department requires that any person in need of any ~pe of special equipment, assistance or accommodation( s) in order to communicate at a City public meeting, must inform the Ci~ Clerk/Community Development Department a minimum of 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting. Tentative Tract 28545-2 Amend #1, KSL Desert Resorts PROOF OF,PUBUCAnON . (2ots.seep,) Sf ATE CfCALJroRN!A ~ CllRiversJde. I am I crizm cilheU~ SbIes ~ tesldent 01 tile ~ lIoresaJc1; I am CMl' die I&t 01 et&llteea Jem, "wid I pattJ to ex Inltsattd In the ~JNlIet hQ\1Leplncf~derkor. fIinIercllk~$tJNI'U8USHING ca.owrrllleWSpperofpm! &cutatJol\r JIrlnfd.apliWd In 1Ledl)' oIhtm Sprtnp, CounIJrJ~ ant! MidllleWSplper has bed llCfpdpllelrSpapuol tmml dKubtlon by the SujlElicrCClu1 01 lhe COUllI)' 01 Riverside, Stale 01 CilllOil; tn&r the chIt 01 Much 24. 1983. c.se Nwn!a"D; lhal Q.e IIClicf. 01 w!dclI the ~~ .plinttdcopf t5d IIllype IlOI smallt:r &all ~ !last.em~lneadl resuJar and tI& Isut of said DCWSfIper aid not In an, ""w1e-ld.lreof 011 the IoIlowlII& cl&les, to-wlt , - .- . d&e.t.mQM.<.~......... .......... -... ........... ..... ..1'..'.... II.. I. , .alA"'. 91-, , I C8tifI Iwldm) IIIlISer rmatJ rI pa2ur)' dlat lilt ~~1she_comd. , DaltdalhlnSprlnp.~ ~~_dI1 19 ,9.1:. SlQ-; ,(Il);:.E - ..._a.. . 6~ " !his ~ Is b Counly deck', FiUn, StAmp , " Proof oIMBca&n 01 ,NO:OCI36~- ".'1 CITY OF LA QUlNTA CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HERE;BY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta Planning Commission Wilt hold a PUBLIC HEARING on DECEMBER 15, 1998, at 700 pm. in the La Quinta City Hall CouncIl Chambers, 78-495 Calle Tampleo, on the following Item: ITEM: TENTATIVE TRACT 28545-2, AMEND #1 APPLICANT: KSL DESERT RESORTS (LA QU1NTA RESORT AND CLUB) LOCATION' LA QUINTA RESORT HOMES AREA, SOUTH OF AVENIDA FERNANDO, WEST OF AV- ENIDA OBREGON REQUEST: APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE: SHAPE OF RESORT HOME LOTS TO IN- CLUDE PATIOS. LEGAL; LOTS 1-1~ 18-69, LETTERED LOTS A THROUGH V, OF TtiACT 28545-2 ..... . i 1) I"lM $(i ~ VICNTY MAP N ~JlOSC.l.1l The La QUlnta Community Development Depart- ment has determined that this request IS categori- cally exempted per Section 15305, Class 5, of the Guidelines for Implementation of the California En~ vlronmental Quality Act. Therefore, no further envI- ronmental review IS deemed necessary. Any person may submit wntten comments on this casE' to the Community Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the project at the 11me of the Heanng. If you challenge the deci- sion of thIS case 10 court, you may be limited to raising only those Issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written cor- respondenCE>" delivered to the Community Develop- ment Department at, oririor to, the Public Hear- 109. The proposed flle(s may be viewed by the public Monday throuQh riday 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 E.m. at the Community Development Department, a Cluinta City Hall 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California. the public comment penod starts from December 4, 1998 and ,::ontinues through the Public Hearing on December 15, 1998. I In the City's efforts to comply with the require~ I ments of Title II of the Amerrcans With Disabilities Act Of 1990, the Community Development Depart-' menl requires that any person in need of any type of special assistance or accommodation(s) 10 order ot cClmmumcate at a City public meeting, must in- form the Community Development Department a minimum of 72 hours prior to the scheduled meet- ,n9, PW .D~cl;l.rnbl?r 4. 1998 Washington Street Bridge Widening, Capital Improvement Project 98-09 ~~ 1 - ... ._ ' p C'~D~O ~A N V e/~N'~O~ M . (201~.gC.C.P.) . i 51'A'tEOf CALIFORNIA QountYolRiverslde IIaasa a a~ dthelldkd Sues a+~ tesfdentol ~e~jsfaesaSQ;1-mover Qie oge ale~ghteea ~eaas{,t~asdnot aparty b a &desested'Iai"lhe tnatles Iam C,eprtndpal cteik b!s printartt~D~IX1'St~t!'tJHl25liIIdC a aewspaperofgeawat etacvlatiory prIutedasdp~tishedka tkdtyolTa}aa Sprtngq, t,',ountr~Biverside,aad vrltida aervspaper has beest ~8~uC~Ba>evspaPerolgervraf cLcvfatfon by the SaapeYioetcartotthe tban,ty otiGve,aSde,State of GaSt~ ender the dale ad bLvda 21,1988. C,nse Nva~a 812X; that tk s+o6cS, o! xfi{cta the sm:aesxd 6 aprsted roF7IfeE ~ type not aaraatlet ibam ~~ hasbeaa pa~trstaed in tack regvfae tendeatlrt lave of said aexspaper ud not in any • suppi~+etitweolaa+~,e6oEawl~dates,to-wft .~,. • .,, • "N111'~~l1Hi19'{ n.11111w 11u1H 1-.. u•. - NM.NMpw1~N11w1MHN11M~HUUHIIHN -' tteesd[e~ttrihie?aadetp~olptr~; thatt~ ~~~~ aaicaaakafnspring~CaStonala thb~.L.....dar dQ,Y__.~~___ 199.E S~>~ ~/~z~~~ 4hts spay ~!~ C"~ounty Cterka EUIng Stemp s RECEI`d~D °98 DEC 21 Pal 12110 CITY OF LA 4l1iNTA CITY CLERK ,1 ProoldPvtOaot }~..~ ,.... - ~_ . -- -- - Tentative Tract 26855 (Revised), Brookfield California Land Holdings, Inc. r-"ti.,-' .. PROOF OP PUBUCATiOM . (201S.SC.C.P.) SfA7E0FGL~OW7M Countjof iCrvers~de~ I V• ~• i Ism a dtus dthe tJeikd Shies ~ resident of t9e ~7 ~oresafd; iem over Die age de~ghteest ~praetr es! red sot sprrty b a WesPSted b the ~, slbwraltdCld sulks i em ~Ieprindpai clerk of a prtnterdl~DE~SUN Pllel2StiQ+iG /X~fPA?lYe tlmsp+psofgenaatcUcviatiory prlahd+aiptitCakdmtt,rc@yof Paim SprU,ge, Cain d RSSvelsfdq sntd ~ aewsgaper has been adp,died+aeaspaperdgenaaleLailation by the Supe»a Coen of lht County of iGvasfde, Stele of GStoati; ftldfr the drk al birri37 21,1988. Cast Number 19tiX dot de no6c4 a<w4Jch the amxxed lti+pitrd croyy (sd b type not smatkt t~ mryouib hubempablahed ~ euh regvlat and tzQ,e tsx o(said ntvt>}}upa ued floc lr! snr sup~tC7atof Oet4re kaowir+t d+les~ l0-Wlt r 1 6xiWed+>vandape:ultjdpafitryttut8+t y ~ti~ ~ ~ 1 i MI . . • .. .I••11. ~... ~. •.~~ NM.MMMw.r.pp..pp11/M•..•I.~FIta1.. a1. •. e~ 'i ilakd d nIIR Springy, d5lonil+ thb ~~'~ der d~.e_m.~_ s9~~ SK;NATt1RE Thk space 8 fex County Cieri.i tiling SLlnp ., ProototP~B~on of No.0106 n•r. CIT' OF L.A QUINTA • NOTICECOF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La •••• Quinta Cky Council will holtl a PUBLIC HEARING on Janu 67999, at 7:00 pm. in the La Quinta City Hall a ~~ G6amMm YR-ADS cane Tumntr~ ANT: BROOKFIELD CALIFORNIA LAND GS, INC. DN: EAST OF JEFFERSON, SOUTH OF 50 iT: CREATION OF 96 SINGLE FAMILY RES (PR~EVIOUSLV APPROVED TRACT APN 769470-002, 003, 016, Ot 6.8008 vtLtnrr7 NAr ....: The La Quinta Community, Davelopme Depart- -' ~~ ment has completed an Environmental ent rtifieo Mitigatetl ntal Imt]3Ct. Pur- mentation of the :y Act, Section ermined that the the Environmen- ation of the Pro- to in omments on. this nent Department appear ono !>e to the protect at allenge the deci- ay t>e limeed to or someone aloe or in wrttten cor- Tentative Tract Map 23773, Extension #1, Century-Crowell Communities ~`~~~' PROOF OFPL.st,[CATION . (201S.5C.C.P.) SGTEOf GL~ORMA CflutityopGvers3dc lamadb2eadtl,eUstted 9tsks and resident d tmeComl~~mesafd;iao-wer die age otetghteen ~drdadapsrly ba Weresttd in the sbovrer~9ed.uttet (am ~Ie prfncfpsl tSerk of e jxinted~l7~f SLN PUBt1St1t11(; 004RPAHYa rcwspeper dgenersl drerilatlory prbltedadpcfi}is!>edladx cky o(Palm SpdnBe„ Com>ty dXwcsfdq au'u w!i>31 newspaper has been adpd~di serspaperof genes! diailation by the SupciiorCmAof the County of RIverstde, Stale d G3fomi;.ldrr the d,k of htsrdl 21,1988. Case Nualbc Bt27~ d,at Qe notice, of whkh the a~s+o~ i splinted mpy (al b type not Suwlkr thaa 1lssbe+apubLshed is tech regular aade~atmur of ssfdaewspapec and rat in any lupplsetThseof anQ,e IoIlorrtntdstes, to-wit . .. ~/ - • ... ~wi..ti •M7...~~i(....s.......1 J'. ~ .. •.M.YMMM.I.•\r M.11.1..1.1.J.1........1.~~ e+4lahparb 7/) . leatltj kiedue? order pa>~ dpa~lrry thst ~e focgeiciBtre and aerecb Dakdd//-~~a1R5p1iny,,,CaTitornTa thb ~~~dar ~h6e-e- ~~-..~: ~ATU~ 'IAb., ,ra4far County Cterk'a F1llng Stao~~ .~ PiooEdRlbDodonof No.0128 cm of u outnrrA cm couNCa ~, r^ NOTICE OP WBL1C HEARING n ., re:n..d ~ .'~ ~ MAP 23773, EXTEN- no PARCEL NUMBER SECTION 18, TOWN- EAST, S.B.B. 8 M. mey u or to tom lywith the req~i% ie Amer~cans Yfith Di r rwouiras that env person in I PUB: 6ecember 22. 1998.. Site Development Permit 97-608, Amendment #1, KSL Land Corp. -- P~t40F Op PL4.,~.[CATION 5[ATEOFGI.INORMA • CouotjotR'rversidt lamse7fireaimetJdlcd~ an~ nxiden! ai ~eCrlaetjefomsaid;lsm aver die agr otelghleea 7~'; asladaot aparty b a Welested 6a the enbavren@ild math I am dIe prindpal clerk of t printadf~DFSt7ti'StJN PUBi15liIIJC OOlIlPAli7a arwspaper of general cUcutaHory peWedaadpl>bGshed to t?Ie dty of PatmSprings, Countld 16ves1be. and whidl newspaper Iuls been afitd~daaerspaperof general dlndation by the SllpeirrCmftof the County of 1Gveiside, Stale oI CASku$ araies the date at Match 2{,1488. Case Nlmlber191214 that ~t notxti, ai whk}I dIe alslordlt apinted caP1(a! b type not tmalles ISaa neapan~ hubeen published b each regular sad ~ Ins of said DtXZPaPa and not In snr supplemtO,eeof on Ale k,>>ow61a dates, to-wit 11 M \ MNI b /.. // \ /\..pMI. /.... t...~.1....1.. / .. ~ e aiih6r~sll. <'.,., r try ~~ dpes~ury that the IIBkddNalaSprillg;,CaSbrnia thb dar !!LSC ~i.ZC,e_~d.~.t.~s........_ SKTtA711RE 'Jhb rr-~b fa County Cierk'a Ftllng Stamp •~ Proof oI P1~Bntion eet /\//IW\\1\\//1//\/\/~~~•• • •~ • a\/ No.0126 CIN OF LA QUlN7A ' CRY COUNCIL • \ 1 ~ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ~ ' \ \ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the CIttv~ of La Ouinta CIN Coundl wla hold a PUBLIC HEARING PERMR 87-808, RraloN arHOwER DRIVE; NUE. ' MBdDMEN7 TO ~.. OEVELOPMENZ, t''~ no The a ~; ~:: ~~ { PUB: 6ecemher 24. 1998. n.• i Zoning Code Amendment 98-062 ,_-- ~• PROOF OP PUIst1CATION . (2015.5(:.C.P.) STKiEOf(iIL~ORMA CountydK'ivers3de Tsmso'taadQuUdtcdShtes a~ resident of ~cCaoat~ daesatd; ism ova Qie cgr otelghfeeA ewe, ssd+ad not +p+rly b a Wemted in the abovea~dmattes {smQrcprtndpilcSerko(a pinterdl~D~RTS(RJ P1JBl1S1iWC OOf~ANyi aewspapxof genersldrnilatioeti, pdntcdmdpcbGshed iq Ok eky of Pdm Springq, Co+mrr dlGveakr4 sad whidi newspaper has beers s~djrds sexsluperotgenaat drcula~ion by the Se~periorfaut of the County of Rivdstdq Stale oI Ca6iocai; eider the d~k of htard~ 21,1988. Cast , Numbs 19t7 fit; uat the notice, of whfcti the sms,oa~d E sprinted copy (ai b IyFe aot emattet ~ eenpssn'll hutxm pubtnhed b each regular smd ear Isax of sold oexspaper and not In am aupplr:,eattt,emotonA,e (otlowinjdstes, to-wlt; NNIMM Y. w1 ~I..IMIII.~111111).1f 1 f 1111/11 ~~ G 1 t etttntk~erl! ~ Ymdlj ie+~ m>eape-.ky dpe~uy that the lor~dgeave andeurect, Dated/d~hln~5pnngs,GEfanV thb dar sxaun~ Thtc epe.. b to County Cte~k'e ~8 Sump `~ °~ ~~~w CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Gty of la Quints Gty Council will hold a PUBII(HEARING on Januaryy 5,1999, at 1:00 p.m. in the La Quints Gty Hall Council Chambers, 78- 495 Calle Tampico, on the following item: ITEM: ZONING CODE AMENDMENT 98-062. APPLI(ANL• CITY OF LA QUINTA. LOCATION: CITY-WIDE IN HILLSIDE CONSERVATION OVERLAY DISTRICT. REQUEST: TO AMEND- CHAPTER 9.140.000 - HILL- SIDE CONSERVATION REGULATIONS TO ALLOW FENCING TO MITIGATE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AS A PERMITTED USE The la Quints Community Development Department has com- pleted Environmental Assessment 98.368 relating to this request, and a proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration. The la Quints Gty (aundl will consider a recommendation for the Environmental Assessment, the proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration, and Amendment at the Nearing. Any person may submit written comments on tha case to the Community Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the prajed at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the deci- sion of this case in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Community Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The Environment Assessment, proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration, and all documents referenced therein may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Community Development Department. La Quints Gty Hall, 78.495 Calla Tampico, La Quints, California. The public comment period starts from the date of this notice and continues through the Public Hearing on January 5 1999. In the City's efforts to comply with the requirements o~Title II of the Americans With Disabilities Ad of, 1990, the Administration/Community Development Department requires that any person in need of any type of special equipment, o~~is- tance or accommodationsls) in order to communicate at a Gty public meeting, must inform the Community Development Department a minimum of 12 hours prior to the scheduled meeting. Community Development Block Grant Program and Request for Proposals u~;•~uzooo la:za Fns __._ _ _ ~ oll -~ PROOF OF PIUBLICA'd'ION rn;s;ssa~ettorceaatY~ttk~sFilmss~ - - ~-.; - ~~~ Q~7E` Ifs ~~'~A „ , ,~ STATE OF C.aLlf ORNIA '~ ~ Ut~~, It~~RPI7fs~~' ~ RNNT P60'GRAM ;. county of Rlver~de .. r'; 1~46F[F.E~:~t1F~B1'114~P~;.~, k7~ILIIY ... `'. N /Q~lD'a~HEO!UEST +i 0R PROP(ISRLS _ ~_ I am a eitizen o[ Iht Untted States and a resident of ~ { ~ttie~G,bri~mtinrs[ieuclUpme.rrc>-r~locat-:t~tant rrogcam.:~ t Here the Cou~y aforesaid;iam over the age of eighteen t d i th .. wig ilE pro mod. ately ~i31)f)'DO available m fund-ellglhle; ~ e o e years, and not a party to or interes above~ntltled matter.I am the prlnclpal clerk ofa .,µ ~ ~ ~ i aCCIVItleS:~,F~IQr 2 -aCtlv¢tleatv3re geneelilly ttiDSe: ~: Wl11Clt~; printer of the, DESERT SL7N PUBLISHING ~lfJl~l~(IY10h~`a)7~m0lter8te [FlGOR1B peTSOnS~= ~dlrGCtlj~~.~En COMPANY a ntwspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the city of Palm Springs, ~ - IltandlCfl~lp , 'and .'Se11104'~>;,Itl~ienS ~_ fund mg for the La; Couaryo[Rlvenide,andwhiehnewspaperhasbeen _ (]Om(a's?(7dmrf~uniiy:~evelopmerit B1oek-Grant Program:is adjudged a newspaptr of general crtulation by the Superior Court of the County of RNersldy State of ~ ~ . , expected tt~begm July 1~, 20'00': ~ California uodtr the date of March 24, 198& Cast Numher 191236; that the notice, of which the ' - ' ' ' ~ , ~ 1 '~~ ~ ~ ' ~ r YhetLa I]u`iiitn ClgiCouncll well held a (3ltblicheanng,Tuesday; aoaaed is a printed copy (set is type Hat smaller than non panel, has been pobtished in each regular ., ~, ~ , Janilary'~8„ 2001); ~df;~r00 p ~ftj=~ Tn ~hE, ~t+f-;COllnCll _Cflamllef_ and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any - Q~~~~~ t0 d,~t8fTT11nE 2CTIg1IleS f0(,. 7$ 41J'C" lie C0. '~ $~ - supplement thereof on the following dateR to wit: , ,. ~ - pTOgr~m:.fundmg`:_ The Clty'nf La Qulnta Corrrmunlty; December }7th ~ Devel~ptiaenG~i:Bep'artment, Is;regUesfjn. g,.:pr_oposals.:,;30~~ be ~a comments sbAlttd tie submdSetl In wntm:g,to AB in the Year 1999 , ~ ~ " ~ ~- ' ~ ~ i ' City ofl;a Qll(nta ~ - 'j I certify (or declare) under eaa of r'u that the ~ ti ~ ~ - ~' foregoing is true and carrecpi. ~ ~ i rY ~~ Carnw111ni1~ Developr[tent Depart0.lent ~~_~ ~ 17th ~ ~0 _B.nx1504 ` ~ - Datcd atPaLnsprings,CaGforniathis--------day ~ LaQuinta, Calrforfly~'92~53 December "; of .1999 ~_. - ~. ~' ~~~~ _/,~ ~ ~~ =~~- ~houid,~yall have arty questions or comments regartlmg La . Domtas CamrRU~itty petiel~~r~enL 61ock Grant Program;' Slgnamre contacT~the `!rommumi~ Dev'eloprnelit`~Depariment~at._(760)~,~ ~7T"7,125 -- _ ., ,., _ ;:.: rt-tkte Cfiy's; eYfutt5~tr7'surgpl, I; ;of. tare ,)'4fill;rYcans Wifl%; in` 72fimttrs'pnbrtir"tFieSCheduled mt:eting. _ -- - 08-18-00 16:21 RECEIVED FROM:`- P-I1