2007 10 23 CC&# 4 # atmu City Council Agendas are available on the City's Web Page @ www.la-guinta.org CITE( COUNCIL AGENDA LA QUINTA SENIOR CENTER MULTI -PURPOSE ROOM 78-450 Avenida La Fonda La Quinta, California 92253 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2007 - 5:00 P.M. Adjourned meeting of the City Council for the purpose of meeting jointly with the Planning Commission/Architecture and Landscaping Review Committee Historic Preservation Commission Investment Advisory Board Community Services Commission CALL TO ORDER Roll Call: Council Members: Henderson, Kirk, Osborne, Sniff, and Mayor Adolph PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC COMMENT At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "request to speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. Please watch the timing device on the podium. Joint City Council/Commission Agenda 1 October 23, 2007 STUDY SESSION Joint Session - Planning Commission/ALRC - 5:00 p.m. Roll Call: Planning Commissioners: Barrows, Engle, Quill, and Chairman Alderson ALRC Members: Arnold, Bobbitt, Fitzpatrick 1. DISCUSSION OF MATTERS OF JOINT INTEREST TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL, PLANNING COMMISSION, AND ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPING REVIEW COMMITTEE INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE VILLAGE STRATEGIC PLAN, CVWD LANDSCAPING ORDINANCE, AND WATER EFFICIENCY STANDARDS. Joint Session - Historic Preservation Commission - 6:45 p.m. Roll Call: Puente, Redmon, Sharp, Wright, Chairperson Wilbur 1. DISCUSSION OF MATTERS OF JOINT INTEREST TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE CURATION STUDY. Joint Session - Investment Advisory Board - 7:15 p.m. Roll Call: Commissioners: Moulin, Park, Rassi, Ross, Chairperson Daniel 1. DISCUSSION OF MATTERS OF JOINT INTEREST TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD. Joint Session - Community Services Commission - 7:45 p.m. Roll Call: Commissioners: Brodsky, Gassman, Leidner, Long, Quill, Sylk, Chairman Weber 1. DISCUSSION OF MATTERS OF JOINT INTEREST TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION. Joint City Council/Commission Agenda 2 October 23, 2007 ADJOURNMENT The next regular meeting of the City Council will be held on November 6, 2007, commencing with closed session at 3:00 p.m. and open session at 4:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Veronica J. Montecino, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, do hereby declare that the foregoing agenda for the adjourned La Quinta City Council Joint Meeting of Tuesday, October 23, 2007, was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber at 78-495 Calle Tampico and on the bulletin boards at 51-321 Avenida Bermudas and 78-630 Highway 111, on October 19, 2007. DATED: ctober 19, 2007 V RONICyy� NTECINO, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California Joint City Council/Commission Agenda 3 October 23, 2007 �a F sQum& MOF T1�' TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission Honorable Members of the Architecture And Landscape Review Committee FROM: Les Johnson, Planning Director q, DATE: October 23, 2007 SUBJECT: Discussion of Matters of Joint Interest to the Members of the City Council, Planning Commission, and Architectural and Landscaping Review Committee Including but not Limited to the Village Strategic Plan, CVWD Landscaping Ordinance and Water Efficiency Standards The purpose of this memorandum is to identify several discussion items for the upcoming City Council, Planning Commission, and Architecture and Landscape Review Committee joint meeting. Village Strategic Plan With the completion and adoption of the Village Parking Study last year, Planning staff is now focusing upon the work program item to develop a Strategic Plan for the Village. Key factors to be considered in the development of the Strategic Plan are: ■ Assessment of existing Village Zoning Code requirements and their limitations in promoting a diverse mix of projects appropriate for the Village. ■ Development of an enhanced context sensitive street design that promotes and encourages a pedestrian friendly environment creating more intimate "Village scale" settings. The streetscape design standards would focus on traffic calming design and features, street trees and landscaping, outdoor lighting, furniture, accessibility, etc., while also considering the streetscape relationship with buildings and structures. • Propose new innovative Village Design Guidelines. Potential to allow three- story structures for specific uses, within certain limits. Consider setbacks for the second and third story of multi -story buildings. Planning staff is currently preparing a Request for Proposals to be circulated for consultant assistance in updating the guidelines. Staff is requesting input from the Council, Commission, and Committee Members regarding the type of design issues to be considered as part of the update process. Landscaping and Water Efficiency Standards Over the past few years, both the City Council and Planning Commission have discussed and deliberated the topic of water efficiency. A Landscape Efficiency Subcommittee was formed in 2005 with the purpose of evaluating the City's standards and consideration of possible amendments. Much of the subcommittee discussion at that time, focused upon changing the ET (evapotranspiration) adjustment factor from the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) standard of .6 to .5. No changes were brought forth at that time as it was mentioned that CVWD was already considering a reduction to .5. On August 28, 2007, CVWD revised their landscape and irrigation system design criteria. The new criteria went into effect on October 1, of which some of the key amendments include reducing the ET adjustment factor to .5, limiting the amount of turf for new and renovated golf courses, restricting placement of aboveground emitter heads within two feet of the curb, and imposing monetary penalties for violations of the new provisions. At the August 28, 2007 Planning Commission meeting, Commissioners discussed both landscaping and water efficiency standards ultimately directing staff to prepare text amendments for these items. The new CVWD criteria addressed the landscaping items identified by the Commission. The water efficiency standards that were discussed are as follows: 1 . Water features not use a potable water source. 2. Water features be located adjacent to and visible from the proposed residential homes, rather than along a right-of-way. 3. Water features should be surrounded by a walking path and landscaping, providing a recreational feature and aesthetic amenity for homeowners. 4. The water feature utilized a recreational or habitat function, such as containing fish. 5. Water features served a dual purpose including use as a reservoir for storm water, nuisance water, and/or irrigation storage purposes. Staff is preparing amendments to the Municipal Code that will address the new CVWD criteria and establish water efficiency standards. F M OF Tt�' TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Honorable Chairman and Members of the Historic Preservation Commission FROM: Les Johnson, Planning Directo .Y l DATE: October 23, 2007 SUBJECT: Discussion of Matters of Joint Interest to the Members of the City Council and Historic Preservation Commission Including but not Limited to the Curation Study The purpose of this memorandum is to identify the discussion item for the upcoming City Council and Historic Preservation Commission joint meeting to be held October 23. CURATION STUDY Over the past several years, the City has acquired artifacts from excavation projects conducted in the community. For the most part, these artifacts have been archived and stored in multiple City locations as well as at the University of California, San Bernardino. A need exists to improve management and storage of existing and future artifacts. In concert with the plans for the new La Quinta Historical Society Museum, a location for proper, storage of artifacts has been provided. Proper curation will also allow the opportunity in the future for certain artifacts to possibly be displayed at the Museum and even at City Hall. C `y OF TN4' TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Honorable Chairman and Members of the Community Services Commission FROM: Edie Hylton, Community Services Director DATE: October 23, 2007 SUBJECT: Joint Meeting Discussion Items The purpose of this memorandum is to identify several discussion items for the City Council and Community Services Commission joint meeting. The list of items was obtained through recent consultation with these members. Sports Field Conditions and Use The Community Services Commission would like to discuss the work that has been completed regarding the sports field evaluation and improvements to La Quinta Park. Staff is working with the Desert Sands Unified School District on a rehabilitation plan for the Sports Complex. Staff is also working with sports organizations to relocate children to the Colonel Paige Middle School after school and on Saturdays. Future Land Acquisition for Sports Fields The Community Service Commission would like to discuss the opportunity to purchase property for future sports fields. This is an important issue based on the growing demand and the use of current playing fields. Working with Coachella Valley Recreation and Park District and Other Cities on a Feasibility Study of a Linear Trail along the Whitewater Channel The approved Community Services Master Plan outlines the interest in off road trail corridors for biking and walking. The City is working with the Coachella Valley Recreation and Park District to evaluate the feasibility of a linear trail system along the Whitewater Channel. Community Services Marketing Plan (Attachment 1) As a part of the Community Service Master Plan a recommendation was made to develop a marketing plan to enhance marketing of City programs to the citizens. The plan also includes information on current participation levels and cancellation rates. This Marketing Plan was approved by the Community Services Commission on September 10, 2007. This document is used as a guide for staff to implement additional methods to promote City recreation programs, facilities, and special events. ATTACHMENT 1 City of La Quinta Community Services Marketing Plan 2007-2008 The City of La Quinta Community Services Department recently completed an update to the Master Plan. As one of the recommendations from the Master Plan and as a result of the comprehensive citizen survey it was identified that some residents are not aware of the numerous programs, activities and events that are offered by the City and its partners. In an effort to increase public awareness and public relations the city is developing a more strategic approach to the marketing and promotional efforts to ensure that more residents are aware through multiple sources of the services being offered. The recent citizen survey indicated that 12% of those responding did not know what was offered. The findings of the survey also show residents in the Cove were the highest response to this comment. Recent Program and Facility Usage Program statistics for 2006-2007 are as follows: • Fall 2006 was the second most programmed season with 60 sessions. Approximately 47% of the sessions offered were cancelled. Areas of high attendance included: Kickboxing, Yoga Feldenkrais, Ballroom Dancing, Photoshop Elements, Microsoft Excel & Word, Guitar, and Italian for Travelers, Beginning Ballet, Dance Play and Pretend, Breakfast with Santa, and Excursions. Areas with little to no attendance included: All Arts & Craft classes, Belly Dancing, Photoshop Pro, Start a Business, and CPR classes. Overall number of enrollments in general programs for this season was 483. The Adult Soccer League had 10 teams with 18 players per team. The Volleyball, Dodgeball, and 3 on 3 Basketball tournaments offered were cancelled. • WinterlSpring 2007 was a heavily programmed season with 73 sessions. Cancellation rates dropped considerably from the previous year from 58% to 36%. Areas of high interest include: Kickboxing, Hiking, Belly Dancing, Computer classes, Guitar, Beginning Ballet, Dance Play and Pretend, and Excursions. Areas with little to no attendance include: Cooking for Better Health, Hula Dancing, Jazz Theater, Thoughts and Feelings discussion, and CPR Class. Overall number of enrollments for this season was.415. The Adult Soccer League had 10 teams with 18 players per team. The Junior Tennis Tournament offered in April was cancelled. • Summer 2007 a new strategy was implemented to develop programs for this summer. As a result of the closure of the Senior Center for the month of August a number of classes were reduced. The program focus was placed on increased number .of excursions and taking groups out of the City to more desirable weather and areas of interest. Locations included West Los Angeles, Laguna Beach, San Clemente, and San Diego. Program totals include 37 sessions. Half of the programs cancelled due to low enrollments (49%). Areas of good attendance were Excursions, Dance, Play and Pretend, Walk with the Ancients, Guitar, and Ballroom Dancing. Areas with little to no attendance were Baby Signs, Nature Depot, Classical and Blues Guitar, Beginning Computers, Feldenkrais, and Painting. Overall enrollments for this season doubled from the last summer season from 88 to 203. The Summer Golf Tour had 53 participants. Senior Center Program statistics for 2006-2007 are as follows: • Fall 2006 was the second most programmed season with 134 sessions and an additional 10 scheduled special events (65 regular class sessions and 69 computer sessions). This season saw a cancellation rate of 52%. Areas of high attendance included: Intermediate Bridge Lessons; Social Ballroom; Ageless Action Aerobics; Luncheons; Tai Chi Chuan; Political and Economical Events; Duplicate, Social, and A.C.B.L. Bridge; Digital Photography; Photo Edit 1, 2 & 3; and Printshop Publishing 1. Areas with little or no attendance included: Arthritis Tai Chi, Latin Dance, Introduction to Computer & Internet, Simple Spreadsheets, Lists & Labels, Hooked on Loops, Mosaic Tile, Oil & Acrylics, Learn to Knit, CPR & First Aid, Beginning Mah Jongg, and Whole Self Defense. Overall number of enrollments for this season was 3,527 (1,488 session enrollments with 2,039 bridge players). • WinterlSpring 2007 was the most programmed season with 135 sessions and an additional 11 scheduled special events (78 regular class sessions and 57 computer sessions). This season saw a cancellation rate of 30%. Areas of ,high attendance included: Ageless Action Aerobics, Luncheons, Beginning and Advanced Bridge Lessons, Social Ballroom, Introduction to the Computer, Introduction to E-Mail, CPR & First Aid, Tai Chi for Health, Sketch & Draw, Watercolor, Beginning Spanish, Photo Edit 1 & 2, Files & Folders, Introduction to Word Processing, and Beginning Italian. Areas with little or no attendance included: Tai Chi Independent, Latin Dance, Microsoft Word, Advanced Spanish, Photo Edit 3, Word Processing Level 2, Mosaic Art, and Advanced Mah Jongg. Overall number of enrollments for this season was 5,904 (1,904 session enrollments with 4,000 bridge players). • Summer 2007 was the least programmed season with 53 sessions and an additional 4 scheduled special events (29 regular class sessions and 24 computer sessions). This season saw a cancellation rate of 47%. Areas of high attendance included: Social Ballroom, Ageless Action Aerobics, Luncheons, Introduction to the Computer, and Files & Folders. Areas with little or no attendance included: Introduction to the Internet, Introduction to E-Mail, Microsoft Word, Yoga for Health, Tai Chi, Watercolor with Mixed Media, Printshop Publishing, Introduction to Word Processing, Mindfulness Meditation, Intermediate & Continuing Italian, Come Laugh the Summer Away, Microsoft Excel, Pilates, and Jewelry Making. Overall number of enrollments for this season was 1,183 (282 session enrollments with 901 bridge players.) Facility Rentals • There were 42 rentals in the La Quinta Library for Fiscal Year 2006-2007 with revenues totaling $60,197. There were 24 rentals in the Senior Center with rental revenue at $34,995. Civic Center and park rentals had 73 rentals and $6,190 in rental revenue. Total revenues for all combined are $101,382. This compares with rental revenues in 2005-2006 of $76,724. Promotion and Marketing Efforts in the past The promotions and marketing efforts that were completed in 2006-2007 included: Information posted on the City website and on-line registration software was initiated in Fall 2006. • 3 brochures mailed to households within the City in May, August, and December. • Fall Postcard mailed to resident households in Fall 2006 for activities. • Postcard developed and mailed to targeted groups for Trails Days in October. Flyers distributed at City facilities for programs and events. • 25' Anniversary Promotions Plan that identified multiple sources of promotions for events (Desert Sun and LQ Sun ads, radio and TV advertisements, flyers to schools and youth organizations, press releases, feature articles, banners, and promotional materials). Press releases to the Desert Sun and LQ Sun on grand openings, events, dedications, and other special events. • Articles in the La Quinta Magazine. • Event and program information monthly in the Gem. 2 email blasts on the La Quinta Fitness Center and events. • Postcard mailed regarding groundbreaking for La Quinta Museum. Book marks distributed regarding hours of operation for La Quinta Library. • Summer Postcard developed and mailed to households in early Summer 2007 for activities • Promoting events while at other City events (i.e., flyers, giveaways, Powerpoint ads on the screen at Open Air Cinema events, vocal presentation over loudspeakers, etc.). The City of La Quinta is seeking to improve methods to reach potential program participants and increase the participation and public awareness of the City's Community Services activities. The Community Services staff will focus on the "quality" of the promotion materials and work to improve the overall image. The Community Services staff will utilize Kiner Communications to develop several templates for flyers and postcards that can be used by staff. The marketing plan for the 2008 City of La Quinta Community Services department should consider the following: Recreation Programs • Provide more information on the City website to include recreation programs, athletic league scheduling, and registration. Highlight new classes and programs. • Provide more details on the City website for people to find information including programs, locations, maps, and needed information for increased participation. • Work with the Friends of the Senior Center and Friends of the Library to help promote activities and events through word of mouth and distribution of information. • Continue with promotion of programs and events in the monthly Gem. • Encourage contract instructors to promote their classes to increase revenue. • Continue to send press releases to the La Quinta Sun and Desert Sun and the online calendar. • Identify new classes and programs in the Activities Guide distributed three times annually. • Distribute Activity Guides and special information at the CVRPD community building in La Quinta. Sports and Athletics • Provide information on the website regarding athletic leagues and tournaments; list registration dates, fees, and game schedules. • Mail out flyers to past and present sports program participants (adult soccer players, golf tour participants, etc.). • Post and provide flyers to City facilities (City Hall, Library, Senior Center, etc.). • Work with the local Boys & Girls Club. • Promote events at local sports retailers and sports bars (i.e., Big 5, Lumpy's, Beer Hunter, etc.) by posting flyers. • Budget for and offer incentives to program participants (trophies, plaques, t- shirts, water bottles, etc.). Special Events • Develop and distribute a postcard for Summer and Fall events to be mailed to households to promote the increased level of events and excursions. • Continue to send press releases to the La Quinta Sun and Desert Sun and the online calendar. • Provide flyers to non profit organizations such as the Boys and Girls Club and the Desert YMCA regarding special events and programs for children. • Work with the La Quinta Arts Foundation on the promotion of art programs and events to reach targeted markets. • Work with the La Quinta Historical Society and Friends of the Library to reach adult markets for programs. • Work with outdoor education and conservation groups on programs and services that promote outdoor recreation and education such as the Friends of the Desert Mountains, Stewards of the Fred Wolff Bear Creek Nature Preserve, and staff at the BLM and National Monument. Facility Rentals • Utilize the facility rental software on the website so that potential renters can view availability of La Quinta facilities and available amenities. • Improve information placed in the activities guide: include photos, facility amenities, fees, and policies. • Create a facility brochure that advertises all City parks and facilities that are available for rent. • Provide information about facility rentals in all public facilities. Senior Center Programs and Activities • Press Releases on activities and special events. • Flyers placed in Library and City Hall regarding programs and events. • Work with outside organizations to promote special events such as health fairs, arts and crafts fair, monthly dances, and luncheons. • Request participation from the Community Services Commission and the Friends of the Senior Center to promote and attend events. Encourage the contract instructors to promote their classes to increase revenue. Provide more useful information for seniors on the website. • Promote new classes and free activities on the website. • Provide more FREE programs and advertise for them through the Activities Guide, Press Releases, LQ Gem, and the website. • Provide more promotional give -a -ways at events. Library • Establish Grand Opening of the Phase 2 Library. • Increase information in the La Quinta Activities brochure on programs and services. • Complete a School Profile Checklist for three La Quinta elementary schools. • Instruct the teachers at one elementary school on the many ways the library data bases can be used in the classroom. • Design and print a colorful new bookmark targeting interest of the local business community. • Participate in the Reading Day at the Mall event. • Hold a Dia de los Ninos Dia los Libros/Day of the Child/Day of the Book family - focused event at the La Quinta Public Library. • Outreach the Poetry Break program at one of the elementary schools in the library's service area. • Encourage teachers to schedule a Class Visit for their students at the La Quinta Public Library. La Quinta Museum • Plan and promote the Grand Opening Dedication in March 2008. • Expand the information regarding museum hours and programs on the City Website. • Develop and distribute Program cards at various City locations. • ,Develop press releases for the programs and activities held at the museum. • Work with the Chamber to promote the new museum in the GEM. • Work with the editor of LQ Magazine to promote the museum. • Provide the Desert Sun and LQ Sun information about reopening the museum and what is offered. • Work with the La Quinta Historical Society to support and promote the new programs, exhibits, and facility • Coordinate with the La Quinta Arts Foundation to support and promote the museum activities. • Feature the exhibit space and what is being set up. • Feature the Andre Blanche Mural, if approved. • Feature the new Museum Manager and what is happening with programming and development while under construction. The Community Services staff is responsible for making sure that these items are completed. Each supervisor is directly responsible for the marketing and promotion of their programs, events and facilities. Staff will be evaluated based on the completing these items as part of the job responsibilities. Participation and registration numbers are tracked to measure the effectiveness of these methods. If new and improved methods are suggested staff will consider including them in the plan. The Community Service staff also works in cooperation with the City Manager's office to provide information for publications that are city wide. Projects that include all departments like the City Report and The Gem are coordinated through the City Manager's office. Press releases are also approved by the Public Information Officer for the city before being sent to local media. ^ ( }\( /\6tM, 9 (/ /o © 2 `|» r�! R / - !/& (i §E ErA / §� a a'a { ! 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