2007 11 06 CC&0 4 4 a9voi City Council agendas are available on the City's web page @ www.la-quinta.org CITY COUNCIL AGENDA CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quints, California 92253 Regular Meeting TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2007 3:00 P.M. Closed Session / 4:00 P.M. Open Session Beginning Resolution No. 2007-099 Ordinance No. 446 CALL TO ORDER Roll Call: Council Members: Henderson, Kirk, Osborne, Sniff, and Mayor Adolph PUBLIC COMMENT At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "request to speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. CLOSED SESSION NOTE: Time permitting the City Council may conduct Closed Session discussions during the dinner recess. In addition, persons identified as negotiating parties are not invited into the Closed Session meeting when acquisition of real property is considered. 1. CONFERENCE WITH CITY'S LEGAL COUNSEL REGARDING PENDING LITIGATION — SHEA LA QUINTA, LLC, V. CITY OF LA QUINTA, RIVERSIDE SUPERIOR COURT CASE NO. RIC484197, PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.91a►. City Council Agenda 1 November 6, 2007 RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION RECONVENE AT 4:00 P.M. C QIDI A Lr/N PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC COMMENT At this time members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "request to speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA PRESENTATIONS 1. PRESENTATION OF LA QUINTA POLICE SPECIAL ENFORCEMENT TEAM. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS — NONE APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF OCTOBER 16, 2007. CONSENT CALENDAR NOTE: Consent Calendar items are considered to be routine in nature and will be approved by one motion. 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED NOVEMBER 6, 2007. 2. APROVAL OF A REQUEST BY THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE PLANNING COMMISSION TO UTILIZE THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS ON MARCH 19, JUNE 25, SEPTEMBER 17, AND NOVEMBER 19, 2008 FROM 8:00 A.M. TO 5:00 P.M. s. 002 City Council Agenda 1 2 November 6, 2007 3. APPROVAL OF AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR ARTICLE 3 — SIDEWALK FUNDS. 4. APPROVAL OF SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 445 AMENDING CHAPTER 9 OF THE LA QUINTA CHARTER AND MUNICIPAL CODE TO ESTABLISH POLICIES AND STANDARDS FOR RESIDENTIAL SECOND UNITS; ALLOW APARTMENTS IN THE MEDIUM -DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ZONE; AND ADD LANGUAGE DEFINING AND DESCRIBING IMAGE CORRIDORS IN SPECIAL PURPOSE DISTRICTS. 5. APPROVAL OF SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 444 AMENDING CHAPTER 13, SECTION 13.32.020(C) OF THE LA QUINTA CHARTER AND MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO TIME PERIODS BETWEEN LOT LINE ADJUSTMENTS. 6. CONFIRMATION OF SATISFACTION OF PARTIAL OBLIGATIONS UNDER CHAPTER 2.65 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE BY T.D. DESERT DEVELOPMENT L.P. FOR AN ART PIECE AT ANDALUSIA. 7. APPROVAL TO AWARD A CONTRACT FOR THE PERIMETER FENCE AT THE FRED WOLFF BEAR CREEK NATURE PRESERVE, PROJECT NO. 2007-17. 8. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION TO EXTEND THE TIME FOR COMPLETION OF ONSITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT MAP 32068, GOLD RESERVE AT THE CITRUS, POMELO PACIFIC, LLC. 9. APPROVAL OF PROGRAM SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT NO. 007-N TO AGENCY -STATE AGREEMENT NO. 08-5433R FOR FEDERAL FUNDING TOWARD THE ADAMS STREET BRIDGE IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT NO. 2006-06. 10. APPROVAL OF AN AGREEMENT WITH COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT FOR LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE AT SIX WELL SITES AND APPROVAL OF CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO. 7 FOR PROJECT NO. LMC 2005-08, CITYWIDE LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SERVICES, FOR FISCAL YEAR 2007/2008. 11. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION GRANTING APPROVAL OF A FINAL MAP AND SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT FOR TRACT MAP 32742, FOUR SEASONS, MONTERRA HOLDINGS, LLC., d.b.a. MONTERRA INVESTMENTS, LLC. 003 City Council Agenda 3 November 6, 2007 12. APPROVAL OF A RESTATEMENT AND SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT CREATING THE COACHELLA VALLEY CONSERVATION COMMISSION REGARDING ALTERNATES AND AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR TO SIGN THE AMENDMENT. 13. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION FOR PARCEL 4 OF PARCEL MAP 33588 MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS PURSUANT TO HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 33445(a). BUSINESS SESSION 1 . CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION. A. MINUTE ORDER ACTION 2. CONSIDERATION OF COOPERATIVE MARKETING PROGRAM WITH LA QUINTA HOTELS. A. MINUTE ORDER ACTION 3. CONSIDERATION OF A CONTRACT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A DECELERATION LANE INTO THE CENTRE POINTE DEVELOPMENT ON WASHINGTON STREET. A. MINUTE ORDER ACTION 4. CONSIDERATION OF SECOND QUARTER COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANTS AND FUNDING REQUESTS. A. MINUTE ORDER ACTION 5. CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 2.06, 2.29, AND 7.04 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, AND COMMITTEES. A. TAKE UP ORDINANCE BY TITLE AND NUMBER ONLY AND WAIVE FURTHER READING B. INTRODUCE ORDINANCE NO. ON FIRST READING it 004 City Council Agenda 4 November 6, 2007 6. CONSIDERATION OF AN AMENDMENT TO TITLE 8 OF THE LA QUINTA CHARTER AND MUNICIPAL CODE ADOPTING THE CALIFORNIA ADMINISTRATIVE, BUILDING, ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL, PLUMBING, ENERGY, HISTORICAL, FIRE, EXISTING BUILDING, AND REFERENCED STANDARDS CODES. A. TAKE UP ORDINANCE BY TITLE AND NUMBER ONLY AND WAIVE FURTHER READING B. INTRODUCE ORDINANCE NO. ON FIRST READING STUDY SESSION 1. DISCUSSION OF FUNDING OPTIONS FOR LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 89-1. REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 1 . ANIMAL CAMPUS COMMISSION (HENDERSON) 2. CITY COUNCIL AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS 3. CVAG COMMITTEE REPORTS 4. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WORKSHOP/INFORMATION EXCHANGE COMMITTEE (SNIFF) 5. C.V. CONSERVATION COMMISSION (SNIFF) 6. C.V. MOSQUITO AND VECTOR CONTROL DISTRICT (TERRY HENDERSON) 7. C.V. MOUNTAINS CONSERVANCY (KIRK) 8. C.V.W.D. JOINT WATER POLICY COMMITTEE (ADOLPH) 9. JACQUELINE COCHRAN REGIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY (OSBORNE) 10. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES (HENDERSON) 11. PALM SPRINGS DESERT RESORT COMMUNITIES CONVENTION & VISITORS AUTHORITY (HENDERSON) 12. PALM SPRINGS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT COMMISSION (NANCY DORIA) 13. RIVERSIDE COUNTY CHILD SAFETY COMMISSION (HENDERSON) 14. RIVERSIDE COUNTY DESERT LIBRARY ZONE ADVISORY BOARD (HENDERSON) 15. RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION (HENDERSON) 16. SANTA ROSA/SAN JACINTO NATIONAL MONUMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE (HENDERSON) 17. SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY/SUNLINE SERVICES GROUP (ADOLPH) 18. SILVERROCK RESORT AD -HOC COMMITTEE 19. SPHERE OF INFLUENCE SUBCOMMITTEE 20. INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 12, 2007 21. COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 10, 2007 09 City Council Agenda 5 November 6, 2007 DEPARTMENT REPORTS 1 . CITY MANAGER A. RESPONSE(S) TO PUBLIC COMMENTS 2. CITY ATTORNEY - NONE 3. CITY CLERK A. SCHEDULING OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 1, 2008 4. BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT REPORT - NONE 5. COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT REPORT - NONE 6. FINANCE DEPARTMENT REPORT - NONE 7. PLANNING DEPARTMENT REPORT - NONE 8. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT REPORT - NONE 9. POLICE DEPARTMENT REPORT - NONE 10. FIRE DEPARTMENT QUARTERLY REPORT - NONE MAYOR'S AND COUNCIL MEMBERS' ITEMS - NONE RECESS TO REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING RECESS TO 7:00 P.M. NO PUBLIC HEARINGS ARE SCHEDULED, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL WILL ADJOURN AND NOT RECONVENE AT 7:00 P.M. UNLESS THERE ARE ITEMS FROM THE AFTERNOON SESSION THAT HAVE NOT BEEN CONSIDERED. 7:00 P.M. PUBLIC COMMENT PRESENTATIONS - NONE PUBLIC HEARINGS - NONE "I City Council Agenda 6 November 6, 2007 ADJOURNMENT The next regular meeting of the City Council will be held on November 20, 2007, commencing with closed session at 3:00 p.m. and open session at 4:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Veronica Montecino, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, do hereby declare that the foregoing agenda for the La Quinta City Council meeting of November 6, 2007, was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber at 78-495 Calle Tampico and on the bulletin boards at 51-321 Avenida Bermudas and 78-630 Highway 111, on November 2, 2007. DATED/'November 2, VERONICA J. WNTECINO, City Clerk City of La Quinta , California Public Notices The La Quinta City Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please call the City Clerk's Office at 777-7103, twenty- four (24) hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made. If special electronic equipment is needed to make presentations to the City Council, arrangement should be made in advance by contacting the City Clerk's Office at 777- 7103. A one 11) week notice is required. If background material is to be presented to the City Council during a City Council meeting, please be advised that eight (8) copies of all documents, exhibits, etc., must be supplied to the City Clerk for distribution. It is requested that this take place prior to the beginning of the meeting. it 007 City Council Agenda 7 November 6, 2007 COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: November 06, 2007 ITEM TITLE: Demand Register Dated November 06, 2007 RECOMMENDATION: Approve Demand Register Dated November 06, 2007 BACKGROUND: Prepaid Warrants: 75191 - 752081 75209 - 752091 75210 - 75210) 75211 - 75227) 75228 - 752611 Voids} Wire Transfers} P/R 34046 - 34061 } P/R Tax Transfers} Payable Warrants: 75262 - 75444) FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: Demand of Cash -City Demand of Cash -RDA ti��� Nam ohn M. Falconer, Finance Director 30,433.42 60.00 175,000.00 151,913.20 176,374.71 (50.00) 5,333,946.18 202,677.48 56,206.15 1,226,606.43 $7,353,167.57 $1,799,181.55 $5,553,986.02 GIflIlCI V:KOWN I DEVIO:YF BUSINESS SESSION CONSENT CALENDAR STUDY SESSION PUBLIC HEARING w ,.: Bus CITY OF LA QUINTA BANK TRANSACTIONS 10/11/07 - 10/30/07 10/11/07 WIRE TRANSFER - TERSTA/LAND ACQUISITION $4,558,708 10 10/15/07 WIRE TRANSFER - WATERCOLORS $103,000.00 10/17/07 WIRE TRANSFER- LANDMARK $164,754.66 10/17/07 WIRE TRANSFER - GOODMAN/LAND ACQUISITION $28,080.00 10/19/07 WIRE TRANSFER - PIERS $53,967.30 10/19/07 WIRE TRANSFER - ICMA $7,635.91 10/30/07 WIRE TRANSFER - WATERCOLORS $103,000.00 10/30/07 WIRE TRANSFER - WATERCOLORS $103,000.00 10/30/07 WIRE TRANSFER - LANDMARK $211,800.21 TOTAL WIRE TRANSFER OUT $5,333,946.18 a 009 PREPAREDI0/30/2007, 8:54:03 PROGRAM: GM346L CITY OF LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR NO NO NAME ----------------------------- 75262 2 ACE HARDWARE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER ------------- VOUCHER P 0 NO NO 000271 000271 000271 000271 000271 000271 000271 000271 000271 000271 000271 000271 000271 000271 000271 000271 000271 000271 000271 75263 15 ADT SECURITY SERVICES 000250 000277 000281 000289 000293 000303 75264 1257 ALTEC 000264 000265 75265 3787 ALTEVERS ASSOCIATES ARCHI 000271 75266 296 AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES 000265 000277 000277 75267 3774 AMERICAN RED CROSS 000250 000250 000250 79E68 16 AMERIPRIDE UNIFORM SERVIC 000281 000281 O t-+ v DATE 10/30/ 10/30/ 10/30/ 10/30/ 10/30/ 10/30/ 10/30/ 10/30/ 10/30/ 10/30/ 10/30/ 10/30/ 10/30/ 10/30/ 10/30/ 10/30/ 10/30/ 10/30/ 10/30/ 2007 2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 ACCOUNT 101-7003-431.56-52 101-700.3-431.56-52 101-7003-431.56-52 101-7003-431.56-52 101-7003-431.56-52 101-7003-431.56-52 101-7003-431.56-52 101-7003-431.56-52 101-7003-431.56-52 101-7003-431.56-52 101-7003-431.56-52 101-7003-431.56-52 101-7003-431.56-52 101-7003-431.56-52 101-7003-431.56-52 101-7003-431.56-52 101-7003-431.56-52 101-7003-431.56-52 101-7003-431.56-52 101-5055-422.41-30 101-3005-451.41-35 101-3002-451.41-30 101-7003-431.41-30 101-5055-422.41-30 101-3005-451.56-52 101-4001-415.53-01 101-4001-415.53-01 401-1774-551.35-07 101-5054-421.36-31 101-5054-421.36-31 101-5054-421.36-31 101-5056-425.33-43 101-5056-425.33-43 101-5056-425.33-43 101-3002-451.42-15 101-3002-451.42-15 PAGE 1 ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2008/04 REPORT NUMBER 31 ------------------------------------ REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) ------------------------------------ TOTAL 21.43 69.54 53.97 50.30 61.19 22.62 66.78 37.08 39.95 77.53 83.85 81.63 19.14 58.84 26.44 5.26 2.68 4.93 40.54 823.70 * 823.70 343.67 52.26 223.40 190.91 39.77 55.67 905.68 * 905.68 164.17 223.95 388.12 * 388.12 13,532.50 13,532.50 * 13,532.50 373.00 76.00 76.00 525.00 * 525.00 165.00 120.00 240.00 525.00 * 525.00 91.12 121.12 212.24 * 212.24 PREPARED10/30/2007, 8:54:03 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PROGRAM: GM346L CITY OF LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK --------------------------------------------------------- CHECK VENDOR VENDOR VOUCHER P.O. NO NO NAME NO NO 75269 3853 ANDRADE, JOHN 000277 75270 3832 APEX SAUNAS AND WINE CELL 000250 75271 1185 ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC THE 000294 75272 1020 AUTOMATIC STOREFRONT SVC 000247 75273 3790 AVILA-GUILIN, ESTHER 000271 75274 18 BANG INC, DAVE 000257 75275 1499 BEST SIGNS INC 000253 75276 3870 BEYMA, CHRIS 000308 75277 300 BIO-TOX LABORATORIES 000306 000306 75278 3274 SODDEN, RENATE 000271 75279 137 BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF COAC 000277 75280 3378 BUREAU VERITAS NORTH AMER 000273 000273 000273 75281 19 CADET UNIFORM SERVICE 000238 000238 000271 000271 000308 000308 M ?5282 380 CALBO 000250 DATE 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 ACCOUNT 101-3000-342.10-00 101-1000-321.00-00 101-4001-415.53-03 101-3002-451.43-01 101-3002-451.33-43 101-3004-451.43-01 101-5008-419.43-88 101-3000-342.10-00 101-5054-421.36-31 101-5054-421.36-31 101-3002-451.33-43 101-3001-451.33-10 101-7002-431.33-34 101-7002-431.33-34 101-7002-431.33-34 101-7003-431.44-07 101-7004-431.44-07 101-7003-431.44-07 101-7004-431.44-07 101-7003-431.44-07 101-7004-431.44-07 101-5001-424.51-01 PAGE 2 ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2008/04 REPORT NUMBER 31 REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) ------------------------------------- TOTAL 80.00 80.00 * 80.00 15.00 15.00 * 15.00 167.00 167.00 * 167.00 170.00 170.00 * 170.00 481.60 481.60 * 481.60 453.89 453.89 * 453.89 140.08 140.08 * 140.08 129.00 129.00 * 129.00 426.93 137.00 563.93 * 563.93 244.30 244.30 * 244.30 7,500.00 7,500.00 * 7,500.00 2,730.00 4,095.00 3,185.00 10,010.00 * 10,010.00 100.00 17.55 80.00 15.08 75.08 20.00 307.71 * 307.71 215.00 215.00 * 215.00 PREPARED10/30/2007, 8:54:03 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PAGE 3 PROGRAM: GM346L ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2008/04 CITY OF LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA REPORT NUMBER 31 BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHECK VENDOR VENDOR VOUCHER P.O. DATE REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NO NAME NO NO ACCOUNT (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) TOTAL 75283 449 CALIFORNIA CONTRACTORS SU 000247 10/30/2007 101-7003-431.56-52 207.58 207.58 * 207.58 75284 2111 CALIFORNIA MUNICIPAL STAT 000273 10/30/2007 101-4001-415.30-01 425.00 425.00 * 425.00 75285 130 CALIFORNIA OVERNIGHT 000253 10/30/2007 101-4002-415.51-31 54.82 000294 10/30/2007 101-4002-415.51-31 54.82 109.64 * 109.64 75286 166 CALIFORNIA SOCIETY OF MUN 000238 10/30/2007 101-1004-413.53-03 110.00 000238 10/30/2007 101-4001-415.53-03 110.00 220.00 * 220.00 75287 106 CANON 000294 10/30/2007 101-4002-415.43-19 1,142.04 000294 10/30/2007 101-4002-415.43-19 2,073.78 000294 10/30/2007 101-4002-415.43-19 327.97 000294 10/30/2007 101-4002-415.43-19 135.76 3,679.55 * 3,679.55 75288 20 CAPUTO, R HEIM/TLC DOG TR 000273 10/30/2007 101-3002-451.33-43 210.00 210.00 * 210.00 75289 149 CARDINAL PROMOTIONS 000281 10/30/2007 101-3003-451.56-02 723.45 723.45 * 723.45 75290 21 CAROUEST 000238 10/30/2007 101-7003-431.56-52 38.79 000308 10/30/2007 501-0000-511.43-46 39.53 000308 10/30/2007 501-0000-511.43-46 15.30 000308 10/30/2007 101-7003-431.56-52 21.83 000308 10/30/2007 101-7003-431.56-52 43.35 000308 10/30/2007 501-0000-511.43-37 12.15 000308 10/30/2007 501-0000-511.43-37 127.81 298.76 * 298.76 75291 947 CASSEL, LLORA 000280 10/30/2007 101-3003-451.33-43 252.00 252.00 * 252.00 75292 3872 CASTLE PARK, LLC 000308 10/30/2007 101-7001-431.56-01 29.56 29.56 * 29.56 75293 22 CDW GOVERNMENT INC 000265 10/30/2007 502-0000-512.56-22 334.35 000265 10/30/2007 101-3001-451.56-01 409.00 000273 10/30/2007 502-0000-512.56-22 120.46 000277 1144 10/30/2007 101-7004-431.71-01 169.60 000277 1144 10/30/2007 101-7003-431.71-01 169.59 000277 1144 10/30/2007 101-7006-431.71-01 339.20 M 000278 1144 10/30/2007 101-7004-431.71-01 76.71 - - 000278 1144 10/30/2007 101-7006-431.71-01 153.42 000279 1144 10/30/2007 101-7003-431.71-01 76.70 O N PREPAREDI0/30/2007, 8:54:03 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PROGRAM: GM346L CITY OF LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA BANK 00 WELLS FARGO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BANK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR VOUCHER P.O. DATE NO NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME NO NO ACCOUNT 75293 22 CDW GOVERNMENT INC 75294 2298 CENTRAL SECURITY SERVICES 000265 000266 75295 23 CHECKMATE EXCHANGE 000288 75296 75297 75298 75299 75300 75301 75302 75303 75304 75305 75306 75307 75308 a 75309 355 CLEAN STREET 000273 2143 COACHELLA VALLEY PONTIAC 000308 140 COACHELLA VALLEY PRINTING 000284 3044 COMMAND ONE SECURITY 000238 3579 COMMUNITY WORKS DESIGN GR 000256 206 COMPUTER U _ 000273 3302 CONSTRUCTION TESTING & EN 000303 000303 3722 CORPORATE BUSINESS INTERI 000238 1061 3841 CROSSROADS SOFTWARE, INC. 000273 3145 CROWSON MANAGEMENT SERVIC 000273 512 CVAG 000241 1399 DAVEY'S LOCKER 000238 2862 DAVIS REED CONSTRUCTION, 000238 1917 DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SER 000254 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 101-3004-451.41-30 101-3004-451.41-30 101-7006-431.56-02 101-7003-431.44-10 501-0000-511.43-40 101-4001-415.53-01 218-0000-421.30-30 401-1771-551.35-07 101-3002-451.33-43 401-1705-551.34-04 401-1725-551.34-04 401-1725-551.45-01 101-5054-421.92-11 101-7001-431.32-07 101-1002-413.31-01 101-3003-451.56-02 401-1705-551.45-01 101-5008-419.43-88 PAGE 4 ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2008/04 REPORT NUMBER 31 REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) ------------------------------------ TOTAL 1,849.03 * 1,849.03 84.00 27.00 111.00 * 111.00 133.93 133.93 * 133.93 8,066.64 8,066.64 * 8,066.64 45.00 45.00 * 45.00 179.29 179.29 * 179.29 66.00 66.00 * 66.00 2,948.00 2,948.00 * 2,948.00 483.00 483.00 * 483.00 260.00 450.00 710.00 * 710.00 7,822.65 7,822.65 * 7,822.65 300.00 300.00 * 300.00 87.50 87.50 * 87.50 1,837.00 1,837.00 * 1,837.00 1,400.00 1,400.00 * 1,400.00 446,175.00 446,175.00 * 446,175.00 120.30 PREPARED10/30/2007, 8:54:03 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PROGRAM: GM346L CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHECK VENDOR VENDOR VOUCHER P.O. DATE NO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NO NAME NO NO ACCOUNT 75309 1917 DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SER 75310 26 DESERT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 000238 10/30/2007 101-7004-431.56-52 000238 10/30/2007 101-3005-451.56-52 000247 10/30/2007 101-7004-431.56-52 000289 10/30/2007 101-7004-431.56-52 000289 10/30/2007 101-3005-451.56-52 000289 10/30/2007 101-3005-451.56-52 000308 10/30/2007 101-7004-431.56-52 000308 10/30/2007 101-3005-451.56-52 75311 1286 DESERT FIRE EXTINGUISHER 000247 10/30/2007 101-3002-451.43-31 000266 10/3072007 101-3002-451.43-31 75312 211 DESERT SUN PUBLISHING CO 000280 10/30/2007 101-6001-463.55-01 000280 10/30/2007 101-2001-411.55-01 000280 10/30/2007 101-6001-463.55-01 000280 10/30/2007 101-6001-463.55-01 000280 10/30/2007 401-1773-551.35-07 000280 10/30/2007 101-6001-463.55-01 75313 757 DIEHL, EVANS & COMPANY, L 000266 10/30/2007 101-4001-415.51-01 75314 117 DIETERICH POST COMPANY 000273 10/30/2007 101-7002-431.53-01 000273 10/30/2007 101-7002-431.53-01 75315 3294 DISC 000281 10/30/2007 405-9001-702.32-15 75316 28 DOUGLAS, LES 000273 10/30/2007 101-3002-451.33-43 75317 3052 DUCHENE, GERALD 000282 10/30/2007 101-3003-451.33-43 75318 309 ELMS EQUIPMENT RENTAL INC 000273 10/30/2007 101-7003-431.44-01 000308 10/30/2007 101-7003-431.44-01 75319 939 EMERY LANDCLEARING & GRAD 000280 10/30/2007 401-1759-551.74-01 75320 3611 ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS RES 000280 10/30/2007 101-7002-431.56-25 000308 10/30/2007 101-7002-431.51-01 y PAGE 5 ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2008/04 REPORT NUMBER 31 REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) ------------------------------------ TOTAL 120.30 * 120.30 497.73 574.95 9.17 200.63 209.96 254.26 5.64 219.13 1,971.47 * 1,971.47 120.86 522.22 643.08 * 643.08 148.89 187.77 180.30 174.49 49.99 189.43 930.87 * 930.87 550.00 550.00 * 550.00 65.37 92.35 157.72 * 157.72 11,302.50 11,302.50 * 11,302.50 259.70 259.70 * 259.70 49.00 49.00 * 49.00 150.78 693.00 843.78 * 843.78 14,240.00 14,240.00 * 14,240.00 1,622.89 950.00 2,572.89 * 2,572.89 PREPAREDI0/30/2007, 8:54:03 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PAGE 6 PROGRAM: GM346L CITY OF LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR VOUCHER P.O. DATE NO -------------------------------------------------------------------- NO NAME NO NO 75321 3846 EPMG 000280 10/30/2007 75322 1474 ESGIL CORPORATION 000305 10/30/2007 75323 29 EVANS & ASSOCIATES INC, D 000304 10/30/2007 75324 575 FALCONER, JOHN 000274 10/30/2007 75325 119 FEDEX 000274 10/30/2007 75326 3864 FEDEX 000293 10/30/2007 75327 3421 FERRANTI, PHILIP 000282 10/30/2007 75328 3851 FLOOD, KEN 000280 10/30/2007 75329 3852 FORWARD, TERRY 000280 10/30/2007 75330 3850 FRANE, KAREN 000280 10/30/2007 75331 2090 GALLS 000293 10/30/2007 75332 368 GEORGE'S GOODYEAR 000247 10/30/2007 000247 10/30Z2007 000247 10/30Z2007 000247 10/30/2007 000247 10/30/2007 000247 10/30/2007 75333 371 GLIMMER, BRAD 000282 10/30/2007 75334 3721 GUNLOCKE CO., THE 000238 1060 10/30/2007 000238 1060 10/30/2007 000238 1060 10/30/2007 tl 75335 2545 HARRIS & ASSOCIATES 000288 10/30/2007 C 1- CrI ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2008/04 REPORT NUMBER 31 REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------- (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) TOTAL 101-1004-413.32-10 73.00 73.00 * 73.00 101-1000-321.00-00 12.00 12.00 * 12.00 401-1725-551.35-07 3,961.08 3,961.08 * 3,961.08 101-4001-415.51-01 466.68 466.68 * 466.68 101-4002-415.51-31 84.72 84.72 * 84.72 101-1000-321.00-00 14.00 14.00 * 14.00 101-3003-451.33-43 84.00 84.00 * 84.00 101-3000-342.10-00 80.00 80.00 * 80.00 101-3000-342.10-00 40.00 40.00 * 40.00 101-3000-342.10-00 40.00 40.00 * 40.00 101-5056-425.56-31 58.17 58.17 * 58.17 501-0000-511.43-40 72.50 501-0000-511.43-40 72.50 501-0000-511.43-40 87.50 501-0000-511.43-40 103.97 501-0000-511.43-40 35.00 501-0000-511.43-40 95.74 467.21 * 467.21 101-3003-451.33-43 455.00 455.00 * 455.00 401-1725-551.45-01 34,484.94 401-1725-551.45-01 5,050.73 401-1725-551.45-01 841.79 40,377.46 * 40,377.46 101-7006-431.32-07 11,110.00 PREPARED10/30/2007, 8:54:03 PROGRAM: GM346L CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER -------------------------------------------------------- CHECK VENDOR VENDOR VOUCHER P.O. NO -------------------------------------------------------- NO NAME NO NO 75335 2545 HARRIS & ASSOCIATES 000288 75336 75337 75338 75339 75340 75341 75342 75343 75344 75345 75346 • 75347 O O� 000308 3861 HELGESON, BOB 000293 3849 HEMPHILL, BRIAN 000280 141 HF&H CONSULTANTS, LLC 000288 454 HIGH TECH IRRIGATION INC 000238 000247 000247 000247 000289 000289 000289 35 HOARD INC, HUGH 000238 000293 000308 3840 HOLLAND, JAY 000266 3836 HOLT, JOANNE 000256 3706 HORTON SHEPARDSON ASSOCIA 000280 000280 000280 3427 HSBC 000266 3828 HURJA, KIMIE 000238 3815 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTR 000274 180 INFORMATION RESOURCES 000247 DATE 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 ACCOUNT 401-1748-551.74-01 101-7006-431.32-07 101-3000-342.74-00 101-3000-342.10-00 101-1004-413.33-22 101-7004-431.56-52 101-7004-431.56-52 101-7004-431.56-52 101-7004-431.56-52 101-7004-431.56-52 101-7004-431.56-52 101-7004-431.56-52 101-3002-451.43-52 101-5008-419.43-88 101-3005-451.43-59 101-3000-342.70-00 101-3000-342.74-00 401-1776-551.35-07 401-1774-551.35-07 401-1773-551.35-07 401-1725-551.45-01 101-1000-321.00-00 101-7003-431.43-73 101-1004-413.32-10 PAGE 7 ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2008/04 REPORT NUMBER 31 REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) ------------------------------------ TOTAL 7,370.00 5,610.00 24,090.00 * 24,090.00 20.00 20.00 * 20.00 40.00 40.00 * 40.00 12,254.16 12,254.16 * 12,254.16 705.18 297.97 70.00 255.66 204.02 202.04 10.48 1,745.35 * 1,745.35 530.45 190.00 317.33 1,037.78 * 1,037.78 50.00 50.00 * 50.00 28.00 28.00 * 28.00 5,066.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 10,066.00 * 10,066.00 635.69 635.69 * 635.69 15.00 15.00 * 15.00 844.93 844.93 * 844.93 375.00 375.00 * 375.00 PREPARED10/30/2007, 8:54:03 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PAGE 8 PROGRAM: GM346L CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK --------------------------------------------------------------------- CHECK VENDOR VENDOR VOUCHER P.O. DATE NO --------------------------------------------------------------------- NO NAME NO NO 75348 602 INLAND POWER EQUIPMENT CO 000274 10/30/2007 000308 10/30/2007 75349 2768 INTELESYS COMMUNICATION S 000266 10/30/2007 75350 194 JACOBS, STEVEN 000282 10/30/2007 75351 3763 JAMES, JENNIFER 000282 10/30/2007 75352 77 JONASSON, TIM 000307 10/30/2007 75353 79 KINER COMMUNICATIONS 000238 10/30/2007 000297 10/30/2007 75354 2233 KIRKPATRICK LANDSCAPING S 000250 10/30/2007 000250 10/30/2007 000250 10/30/2007 000250 10/30/2007 000250 10/30/2007 000250 10/30/2007 000274 10/30/2007 000274 10/30/2007 000274 10/30/2007 000274 10/30/2007 000274 10/30/2007 75355 1762 KOA CORPORATION 000289 1093 10/30/2007 000289 1078 10/30/2007 75356 865 KRIBBS CONSTRUCTION, BRUC 000274 10/30/2007 000274 10/30/2007 000280 10/30/2007 000280 10/30/2007 75357 3848 KRUG, FRED 000280 10/30/2007 75358 376 KUSTOM SIGNALS INC 000274 10/30/2007 r 75359 3498 L & L AUTOMOTIVE O F-' J 000250 10/30/2007 ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2008/04 REPORT NUMBER 31 REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT ----------------------------------------------------------- (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) TOTAL 101-7003-431.56-52 73.70 101-7003-431.56-52 56.66 130.36 * 130.36 401-1725-551.45-01 1,361.79 1,361.79 * 1,361.79 101-3003-451.33-43 630.00 630.00 * 630.00 101-3003-451.33-43 512.40 512.40 * 512.40 101-7001-431.51-01 43.65 43.65 * 43.65 601-0000-451.33-96 690.95 101-1003-413.55-07 2,000.00 2,690.95 * 2,690.95 101-7004-431.56-02 646.00 101-7004-431.56-02 3,440.00 101-7004-431.56-02 275.00 101-7004-431.56-02 825.00 101-7004-431.56-02 342.00 101-7004-431.56-02 600.00 101-7004-431.56-02 570.00 101-7004-431.56-02 230.00 101-7004-431.56-02 550.00 101-7004-431.56-02 950.00 101-7004-431.56-52 456.00 8,884.00 * 8,884.00 101-5055-422.71-01 1,500.00 101-7001-431.32-07 9,500.00 11,000.00 * 11,000.00 101-3005-451.32-07 1,000.00 101-7004-431.32-07 5,750.00 270-0000-451.43-55 528.00 101-3005-451.32-07 436.00 7,714.00 * 7,714.00 101-3000-342.10-00 80.00 80.00 * 80.00 501-0000-511.43-37 142.59 142.59 * 142.59 501-0000-511.43-40 45.90 PREPAREDI0/30/2007, 8:54:03 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PROGRAM: GM346L CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHECK VENDOR VENDOR VOUCHER P.O. DATE NO ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NO NAME NO NO ACCOUNT 75359 3498 L & L AUTOMOTIVE 000293 10/30/2007 501-0000-511.43-40 75360 1905 LANDMARK GOLF MANAGEMENT 000288 10/30/2007 101-1001-411.56-01 75361 3214 LARSON, MARJEAN 000274 10/30/2007 101-3002-451.33-43 75362 3407 LINCOLN EQUIPMENT, INC. 000308 10/30/2007 101-3001-451.33-13 75363 80 LOCK SHOP INC, THE 000304 10/30/2007 601-0000-451.43-60 000308 10/30/2007 101-3004-451.43-01 75364 3834 MAGNUM BREEZE II, INC. DB 000253 10/30/2007 501-0000-511.71-03 75365 220 MARSHALL, SALLY 000274 10/30/2007 101-3002-451.33-43 75366 3429 MAYER, ANNE 000266 10/30/2007 101-5000-322.01-00 75367 221 MC DOWELL AWARDS 000266 10/30/2007 101-3001-451.53-01 000280 10/30/2007 101-6001-463.53-01 75368 3827 MC KINNEY, BRYAN 000238 10/30/2007 101-7006-431.51-01 75369 547 MEEDS, WAYNE 000274 10/30/2007 101-3002-451.33-43 75370 3847 MILLER, LEE 000280 10/30/2007 101-3000-342.10-00 75371 3837 MILLER, RAY 000266 10/30/2007 101-3000-342.70-00 75372 3838 MINUTEMAN PRESS 000266 10/30/2007 101-3006-451.56-02 75373 787 MITY LITE INC 000293 1134 10/30/2007 101-6002-463.33-22 000294 1135 10/30/2007 101-3002-451.71-02 75374 3651 MODULAR SPACE CORPORATION 000238 2007 401-1725-551.45-01 ry 000274 10/30/2007 101-7006-431.44-01 C= F-+ 00 PAGE 9 ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2008/04 REPORT NUMBER 31 REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) ------------------------------------ TOTAL 298.92 344.82 * 344.82 70.04 70.04 * 70.04 42.00 42.00 * 42.00 412.50 412.50 * 412.50 241.27 258.08 499.35 * 499.35 2,059.00 2,059.00 * 2,059.00 402.50 402.50 * 402.50 50.00 50.00 * 50.00 42.02 61.42 103.44 * 103.44 22.56 22.56 * 22.56 200.00 200.00 * 200.00 40.00 40.00 * 40.00 75.00 75.00 * 75.00 468.26 468.26 * 468.26 4,114.11 3,290.43 7,404.54 * 7,404.54 435.68 311.77 PREPAREDI0/30/2007, 8:54:03 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PROGRAM: GM346L CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK _________________________________________________________________________________________ CHECK VENDOR VENDOR VOUCHER P.O. DATE NO NO NAME NO NO ACCOUNT __________________________________________________________________ _______________________ 75374 3651 MODULAR SPACE CORPORATION 75375 222 MOYA, RICARDO 000274 75376 223 MUNI FINANCIAL 000274 000274 000274 000274 75377 2008 MURRAY MEMORIAL FOUNDATIO 000266 75378 1065 NIETO, RUBEN 000250 75379 60 NOLEN INC, TRULY 000238 000250 000250 000251 000251 000280 000280 000294 000294 000294 000294 000304 75380 3835 NU ART LIGHTING PRODUCTS 000256 75381 2214 OCB REPROGRAPHICS 000238 000239 000302 000302 000302 000302 000302 000302 000302 000302 75382 41 OFFICE DEPOT O N 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 000256 10/30/2007 000284 10/30/2007 000289 10/30/2007 000304 10/30/2007 PAGE 10 ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2008/04 REPORT NUMBER 31 ----------------------------------------- REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) TOTAL _________________________________________ 747.45 * 747.45 101-5004-424.42-07 400.00 400.00 * 400.00 730-0000-234.10-00 230.34 735-0000-234.10-00 149.56 740-0000-234.10-00 811.07 101-7004-431.31-13 4,502.35 5,693.32 * 5,693.32 101-1003-413.55-08 10,000.00 10,000.00 * 10,000.00 501-0000-511.43-43 652.00 652.00 * 652.00 101-3005-451.43-59 71.00 101-5008-419.42-20 27.00 101-5055-422.43-61 125.00 101-5055-422.43-61 135.00 101-5055-422.43-61 250.00 101-3005-451.43-59 71.00 101-3005-451.43-64 93.00 101-5008-419.42-20 27.00 101-5008-419.42-20 89.00 101-5008-419.42-20 34.00 101-5008-419.42-20 34.00 101-3004-451.42-20 80.00 1,036.00 * 1,036.00 101-7005-431.56-02 789.96 789.96 * 789.96 401-1737-551.45-01 45.60 401-1737-551.45-01 73.32 401-1737-551.45-01 24.42 401-1737-551.45-01 24.42 401-1737-551.45-01 161.15 401-1737-551.45-01 79.36 401-1737-551.45-01 51.73 401-1737-551.45-01 11.31 401-1737-551.45-01 11.31- 401-1737-551.45-01 11.31 471.31 * 471.31 101-4001-415.56-01 79.07 101-4001-415.56-01 61.77 101-4002-415.56-07 680.98 101-1004-413.56-01 58.06 PREPAREDI0/30/2007, 8:54:03 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PAGE 11 PROGRAM: GM346L ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2008/04 CITY OF LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA REPORT NUMBER 31 BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHECK VENDOR VENDOR VOUCHER P.O. DATE REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK NO NO NAME ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NO NO ACCOUNT (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) TOTAL 75382 41 OFFICE DEPOT 000304 10/30/2007 502-0000-512.56-22 169.35 000304 10/30/2007 101-1004-413.56-01 41.71 1,090.94 * 1,090.94 75383 3194 OMNIS INC. 000308 10/30/2007 401-1763-551.32-10 1,696.00 1,696.00 * 1,696.00 75384 2202 P I MIDWEST 000294 10/30/2007 101-1004-413.56-02 4,500.00 4,500.00 * 4,500.00 75385 606 PAPER DIRECT INC 000274 10/30/2007 101-7001-431.56-01 112.93 112.93 * 112.93 75386 3859 PARK, DAVID ALAN 000282 10/30/2007 101-4001-415.51-01 322.70 322.70 * 322.70 75387 322 PARKHOUSE TIRE INC 000239 10/30/2007 501-0000-511.43-40 94.09 94.09 * 94.09 75388 3869 PAULA'S 000305 10/30/2007 101-1000-321.00-00 9.00 - 9.00 * 9.00 75389 3376 PEARSON ARCHITECTS, INC. 000253 10/30/2007 401-1725-551.35-07 5,960.00 5,960.00 * 5,960.00 75390 3820 PEDEN, LYNN E. 000274 10/30/2007 101-3002-451.33-43 39.20 39.20 * 39.20 75391 3871 PETRONELLA ROOF COMPANY 000308 10/30/2007 101-1000-321.00-00 55.00 55.00 * 55.00 75392 2261 PI WORLDWIDE WEB SERVICES 000280 10/30/2007 101-1004-413.56-02 70.00 70.00 * 70.00 75393 3843 PRESTIGE GUNITE OF CA., I 000274 10/30/2007 101-1000-321.00-00 20.00 20.00 * 20.00 75394 43 PRINTING PLACE, THE 000266 10/30/2007 101-6001-463.53-01 198.21 000266 10/30/2007 101-1003-413.53-01 55.00 000266 10/30/2007 101-5001-424.53-01 78.66 000266 10/30/2007 101-3001-451.53-01 78.66 000280 10/30/2007 101-5054-421.36-34 99.13 000280 10/30/2007 101-6001-463.53-01 75.43 585.09 * 585.09 75395 1562 PRISTINE POOLS SERVICE & 000251 10/30/2007 101-5008-419.43-81 107.00 000274 10/30/2007 101-3005-451.43-59 190.00 000274 10/30/2007 101-7004-431.34-04 107.00 000274 10/30/2007 101-7004-431.34-04 214.00 000274 10/30/2007 101-7004-431.34-04 214.00 PREPARED10/30/2007, 8:54:03 PROGRAM: GM346L CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK -------------------------------------- CHECK VENDOR VENDOR NO NO NAME -------------------------------------- ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PAGE 12 ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2008/04 REPORT NUMBER 31 -------------- VOUCHER P.O. NO NO 75395 1562 PRISTINE POOLS SERVICE & 000274 000274 75396 325 PSOMAS INC 000288 75397 2565 PURE PLANET WATER, INC 000294 75398 841 PW CONSTRUCTION INC 000239 000239 75399 3768 RADAR SHOP INC, THE 000274 000274 75400 254 RASA/ERIC NELSON 000239 000239 000239 000274 000274 000274 000274 000274 75401 327 RBF CONSULTING INC 000288 75402 328 RESERVE ACCOUNT 000280 75403 2745 ROCKHURST UNIVERSITY CONT 000241 000256 000256 75404 272 ROSE, GWENDOLYN 000280 75405 44 ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP IN 000288 000288 000288 000288 000288 ,r 000288 C 75406 45 RUTAN & TUCKER DATE REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACCOUNT (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) TOTAL 10/30/2007 101-7004-431.34-04 214.00 10/30/2007 101-3001-451.33-13 835.00 1,881.00 * 1,881.00 10/30/2007 101-7006-431.32-07 60,916.00 60,916.00 * 60,916.00 10/30/2007 101-4002-415.56-29 75.00 75.00 * 75.00 10/30/2007 401-1725-551.45-01 29,000.00 10/30/2007 401-1705-551.45-01 10,500.00 39,500.00 * 39,500.00 10/30/2007 101-5054-421.92-11 56.25 10/30/2007 101-5054-421.92-11 170.11 226.36 * 226.36 10/30/2007 101-7002-431.33-34 168.00 10/30/2007 101-7002-431.33-34 1,150.00 10/30/2007 101-7002-431.33-34 3,738.00 10/30/2007 101-7002-431.33-34 1,261.00 10/30/2007 101-7002-431.33-34 186.00 10/30/2007 101-7002-431.33-34 1,196.00 10/30/2007 101-7002-431.33-34 380.00 10/30/2007 101-7002-431.33-34 900.00 8,979.00 * 8,979.00 10/30/2007 401-1775-551.35-07 19,243.85 19,243.85 * 19,243.85 10/30/2007 101-4002-415.51-31 4,000.00 4,000.00 * 4,000.00 10/30/2007 101-7002-431.51-01 169.00 10/30/2007 101-7001-431.51-01 199.00 10/30/2007 101-7001-431.51-01 166.55 534.55 * 534.55 10/30/2007 101-3003-451.33-43 231.00 231.00 * 231.00 10/30/2007 405-9001-702.32-07 21,009.24 10/30/2007 245-9001-703.32-07 15,409.07 10/30/2007 406-9002-702.32-07 1,938.63 10/30/2007 246-9002-703.32-07 13,374.04 10/30/2007 401-1737-551.32-10 36,813.35 10/30/2007 101-6001-463.32-10 3,796.25 92,340.58 * 92,340.58 VOIDED PREPARED10/30/2007, 8:54:03 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PAGE 13 PROGRAM: GM346L ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2008/04 CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA REPORT NUMBER 31 BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHECK VENDOR VENDOR VOUCHER P.O. DATE REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK NO NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME NO NO ACCOUNT (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) TOTAL 75407 45 RUTAN & TUCKER Q N iV 000260 000260 000261 000262 000263 000263 000263 000263 000263 000263 000263 000263 000263 000263 000263 000263 000263 000263 000263 000263 000263 000263 000263 000263 000263 000263 000263 000263 000263 000263 000269 000269 000269 000269 000269 000269 000269 000269 000269 000269 000269 000270 000270 000270 000270 000270 000270 000270 000270 000270 101-1001-411.32-04 1,074.00 101-1001-411.32-01 13,693.42 405-9001-702.32-04 818.50 101-0000-228.10-00 1,681.00 101-1001-411.32-01 483.00 101-1001-411.32-01 7,040.00 405-9001-702.32-01 1,320.00 406-9002-702.32-01 660.00 245-9001-703.32-01 1,320.00 246-9002-703.32-01 660.00 406-9002-702.32-01 1,640.00 101-1001-411.32-01 251.40 245-9001-703.32-01 61.50 406-9002-702.32-01 368.50 246-9002-703.32-01 8,547.40 101-1001-411.32-01 143.50 101-0000-228.10-00 8,045.89 101-0000-228.10-00 3,253.39 405-9001-702.32-01 1,014.00 101-0000-228.10-00 1,573.12 246-9002-703.32-01 82.38 245-9001-703.32-01 784.04 245-9001-703.32-01 25.00 101-1001-411.32-01 3,956.00 101-1001-411.32-01 3,054.50 101-1001-411.32-01 2,094.78 101-0000-228.10-00 164.00 406-9002-702.32-01 1,690.50 405-9001-702.32-01 1,265.00 101-0000-228.10-00 4,078.00 101-1001-411.32-04 1,576.50 101-1001-411.32-01 17,444.75 405-9001-702.32-04 1,026.74 101-0000-228.10-00 1,080.00 101-1001-411.32-01 7,040.00 405-9001-702.32-01 1,320.00 406-9002-702.32-01 660.00 245-9001-703.32-01 1,320.00 246-9002-703.32-01 660.00 406-9002-702.32-01 1,463.00 101-1001-411.32-01 46.00 245-9001-703.32-01 7,908.60 406-9002-702.32-01 23.00 246-9002-703.32-01 13,241.31 101-1001-411.32-01' 5,198.42 101-0000-228.10-00 3,539.20 101-0000-228.10-00 248.00 405-9001-702.32-04 360.50 101-0000-228.10-00 5,625.55 246-9002-703.32-01 222.34 PREPARED10/30/2007, 8:54:03 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PAGE 14 PROGRAM: GM346L ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2008/04 CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA REPORT NUMBER 31 BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHECK VENDOR VENDOR VOUCHER P.O. DATE REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NO NAME NO NO ACCOUNT (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) TOTAL 75407 45 RUTAN & TUCKER 000270 10/30/2007 101-1001-411.32-01 1,771.00 000270 10/30/2007 101-1001-411.32-01 2,616.00 000270 10/30/2007 101-1001-411.32-01 2,393.31 000270 10/30/2007 101-0000-228.10-00 410.00 000270 10/30/2007 406-9002-702.32-01 6,024.00 000270 10/30/2007 405-9001-702.32-01 2,123.26 000271 10/30/2007 101-0000-228.10-00 31.00 156,215.30 * 156,215.30 75408 2039 SAM'S FENCE COMPANY 000256 10/30/2007 101-3005-451.56-52 260.56 000281 10/30/2007 101-3005-451.34-04 24.89 000289 10/30/2007 101-7003-431.56-52 24.89 310.34 * 310.34 75409 111 SAXON ENGINEERING SERVICE 000302 10/30/2007 101-5002-424.33-28 52.50 52.50 * 52.50 75410 2276 SCCCA 000294 10/30/2007 101-2001-411.51-01 35.00 35.00 * 35.00 75411 615 SECURITAS SEC SVCS USA IN 000308 10/30/2007 101-0000-228.30-00 153.00 153.00 * 153.00 75412 3826 SEGWAY OF PACIFIC BEACH 000308 943 10/30/2007 101-5054-421.36-34 11,583.02 11,583.02 * 11,583.02 75413 3839 SERVI-TECH INC. 000281 10/30/2007 101-3005-451.34-04 136.50 136.50 * 136.50 75414 2913 SID JONES, COMMANDER 000306 10/30/2007 218-0000-421.56-02 500.00 500.00 * 500.00 75415 3831 SMITH, ADELENE 000251 10/30/2007 101-3000-342.74-00 20.00 20.00 * 20.00 75416 47 SOCO GROUP, THE 000308 10/30/2007 501-0000-511.43-34 139.48 139.48 * 139.48 75417 3315 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL 000288 10/30/2007 401-1772-551.34-04 642.60 642.60 * 642.60 75418 3845 SOUTHERN SOURCE INDUSTRIE 000281 10/30/2007 101-7004-431.56-37 276.99 276.99 * 276.99 75419 749 SOUTHWEST NETWORKS INC 000241 10/30/2007 502-0000-512.33-52 190.00 000255 10/30/2007 502-0000-512.33-52 47.50 000284 10/30/2007 502-0000-512.33-52 71.25 308.75 * 308.75 15420 2757 SPEER CIVIL CONSULTING EN 000308 10/30/2007 401-1775-551.35-07 689.00 O N W PREPARED10/30/2007, 8:54:03 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PAGE 15 PROGRAM: GM346L ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2008/04 CITY OF LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA REPORT NUMBER 31 BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_--------------- CHECK VENDOR VENDOR VOUCHER P.O. DATE REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NO NAME NO NO ACCOUNT (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) TOTAL 75420 2757 SPEER CIVIL CONSULTING EN 689.00 * 689.00 75421 48 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAG 000241 10/30/2007 101-4001-415.56-01 43.48 000241 10/30/2007 101-4001-415.56-01 32.57 000251 10/30/2007 101-5001-424.56-01 208.66 000253 10/30/2007 101-3003-451.56-02 14.22 000256 10/30/2007 101-4001-415.56-01 31.24 000256 10/30/2007 101-4001-415.56-01 45.97- 000282 10/30/2007 101-6001-463.56-01 64.08 000282 10/30/2007 101-3001-451.56-01 152.82 000282 10/30/2007 101-6001-463.56-01 68.63 000282 10/30/2007 101-6001-463.56-01 83.01 000283 10/30/2007 101-3001-451.56-01 17.82 000283 10/30/2007 101-6001-463.56-01 105.05 000283 10/30/2007 101-3006-451.56-01 71.41 �.. 000283 10/30/2007 101-7001-431.56-01 138.56 000283 10/30/2007 101-4002-415.56-07 47.19 000294 10/30/2007 101-5001-424.56-01 92.01 000294 10/30/2007 101-5001-424.56-01 313.91 000294 10/30/2007 101-4001-415.56-01 4.29 000294 10/30/2007 101-4002-415.56-07 214.84 000294 10/30/2007 101-4001-415.56-01 40.26 000294 10/30/2007 101-6001-463.56-01 228.76 000304 10/30/2007 101-3001-451.56-01 19.89- 000306 10/30/2007 101-1001-411.56-01 87.63 000308 10/30/2007 101-7001-431.56-01 73.02 000308 10/30/2007 101-7001-431.56-01 2624 ,1.8 * 2,130.08 75422 260 STEELE GROUP INC, M.W. 000253 10/30/2007 401-1705-551.35-07 17,490.21 000253 10/30/2007 401-1705-551.45-01 27,781.00 45,271.21 * 45,271.21 75423 3865 STORTON, WYNN & ANA 000295 10/30/2007 101-5000-322.20-00 20.00 20.00 * 20.00 75424 3554 SUNDLEE, CHRIS 000251 10/30/2007 101-5056-425.51-01 157.62 157.62 * 157.62 75425 53 SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY 000284 10/30/2007 101-0000-203.05-00 359.00 000284 10/30/2007 101-4000-341.30-00 18.75- 000308 10/30/2007 501-0000-511.43-34 1,060.14 1,400.39 * 1,400.39 75426 3495 TESSCO INCORPORATED 000251 10/30/2007 401-1725-551.45-01 154.34 000251 10/30/2007 401-1725-551.45-01 689.93 844.27 * 844.27 75427 423 THOMPSON, LORNA 000283 10/30/2007 101-3002-451.33-43 140.00 140.00 * 140.00 O N PREPARED10/30/2007, 8:54:03 PROGRAM: GM346L CITY OF LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK ------------------------------ CHECK VENDOR VENDOR NO NO NAME 75428 3355 THOMSON WEST 75429 75430 75431 75432 75433 75434 75435 75436 75437 75438 75439 C N CS 1 3806 TOMLINSON. C.J. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER ---------------------- VOUCHER P.O. NO NO ---------------------- 000281 000283 57 TOPS'N BARRICADES INC 000241 3854 TRAVEL MEDIA SHOWCASE 000288 59 TRI STATE LAND SURVEYORS 000288 000288 430 VALLEY PARTNERSHIP, THE 000241 335 VALLEY PLUMBING 000251 788 VILLAGE GAS 000251 000294 2431 VINTAGE ASSOCIATES 000256 000256 000256 000294 000294 000294 000304 000304 000304 3169 VISION INTERNET PROVIDERS 000281 70 WAL MART COMMUNITY 000294 000294 000294 000294 000294 000294 000294 3863 WALKER, CAROLYN 000294 DATE 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 10/30/2007 ------------------ ACCOUNT ------------------ 101-2001-411.53-04 101-3000-342.10-00 101-7003-431.56-46 iGyG6L1cQyF1RSQ�➢I 401-1772-551.34-04 401-1772-551.34-04 101-1004-413.32-07 101-7004-431.56-52 501-0000-511.43-34 501-0000-511.43-34 101-3005-451.56-52 101-3005-451.56-52 101-3005-451.56-37 101-3005-451.34-04 101-7004-431.34-04 101-3004-451.30-96 101-3005-451.56-37 101-3005-451.56-02 101-3005-451.56-52 101-3002-451.56-02 101-2001-411.56-01 101-5056-425.56-31 101-3002-451.56-02 101-3003-451.56-02 101-3002-451.56-02 101-3002-451.56-02 101-3000-342.74-00 PAGE 16 ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2008/04 REPORT NUMBER 31 REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) ------------------------------------ TOTAL 213.36 213.36 * 213.36 40.00 40.00 * 40.00 72.19 72.19 * 72.19 2,595.00 2,595.00 * 2,595.00 1,270.00 1,920.00 3,190.00 * 3,190.00 198.00 198.00 * 198.00 89.38 89.38 * 89.38 2,243.84 2,569.31 4,813.15 * 4,813.15 120.01 335.00 61.67 33,180.00 2,310.00 630.00 384.67 300.00 300.00 37,621.35 * 37,621.35 584.55 584.55 * 584.55 100.00 30.95 175.00 24.08 41.15 110.51 107.07 588.76 * 588.76 20.00 PREPAREDI0/30/2007, 8:54:03 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PAGE 17 PROGRAM: GM346L ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2008/04 CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA REPORT NUMBER 31 BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHECK VENDOR VENDOR VOUCHER P.O. DATE REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NO NAME NO NO ACCOUNT (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) TOTAL 75439 3863 WALKER, CAROLYN 20.00 * 20.00 75440 3350 WIMMER, ED 000308 10/30/2007 101-7002-431.51-01 17.00 17.00 * 17.00 75441 753 WIRELESS WATCHDOGS 000251 10/30/2007 101-4002-415.41-25 232.00 232.00 * 232.00 75442 85 XEROX CORORATION 7405 000308 10/30/2007 101-4002-415.56-07 241:36 241.36 * 241.36 75443 3842 YURIAR, RUBEN 000283 10/30/2007 101-0000-228.40-00 25.00 25.00 * 25.00 75444 853 ZUMAR INDUSTRIES, INC 000281 10/30/2007 101-7003-431.56-46 260.24 000308 10/30/2007 101-7003-431.56-46 307.09 567.33 * 567.33 BANK/CHECK TOTAL 1,226,606.43 1,226,606.43 ALL BANKS/CHECKS TOTAL 1,226,606.43 1,226,606.43 O N tm PREPARED 10/30/2007, 8:14:22 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PAGE 1 PROGRAM: GM339L AS OF: 10/30/2007 CHECK DATE: 10/30/2007 CITY OF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA VEND NO VENDOR NAME EFT OR INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK HAND -ISSUED NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NO NO DATE NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT 0000002 ACE HARDWARE 99271 000271 00 10/30/2007 101-7003-431.56-52 MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 21.43 98313 000271 00 10/30/2007 101-7003-431.56-52 MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 69.54 99178 000271 00 10/30/2007 101-7003-431.56-52 MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 53.97 99191 000271 00 10/30/2007 101-7003-431.56-52 MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 50.30 98294 000271 00 10/30/2007 101-7003-431.56-52 MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 61.19 99317 000271 00 10/30/2007 101-7003-431.56-52 MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 22.62 98319 000271 00 10/30/2007 101-7003-431.56-52 MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 66.78 99227 000271 00 10/30/2007 101-7003-431.56-52 MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 37.08 99190 000271 00 10/30/2007 101-7003-431.56-52 MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 39.95 99269 000271 00 10/30/2007 101-7003-431.56-52 MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 77.53 98328 000271 00 10/30/2007 101-7003-431.56-52 MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 83.85 99324 000271 00 10/30/2007 101-7003-431.56-52 MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 81.63 99371 000271 00 10/30/2007 101-7003-431.56-52 MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 19.14 99278 000271 00 10/30/2007 101-7003-431.56-52 MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 58.84 98335 000271 00 10/30/2007 101-7003-431.56-52 MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 26.44 99309 000271 00 10/30/2007 101-7003-431.56-52 MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 5.26 99183 000271 00 10/30/2007 101-7003-431.56-52 MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 2.68 99387 000271 00 10/30/2007 101-7003-431.56-52 MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 4.93 98343 000271 00 10/30/2007 101-7003-431.56-52 MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 40.54 VENDOR TOTAL * 823.70 0000015 ADT SECURITY SERVICES 58999340 000281 00 10/30/2007 101-3002-451.41-30 ALARM SVC 223.40 58999333 000277 00 10/30/2007 101-3005-451.41-35 ALARM SVC-SPORTS COMPLEX 52.26 58999362 000303 00 10/30/2007 101-3005-451.56-52 SECURITY SERVICE 55.67 55377718 000250 00 10/30/2007 101-5055-422.41-30 ALARM SVC - STN32 343.67 58999343 000293 00 10/30/2007 101-5055-422.41-30 ALARM SVC 39.77 58999342 000289 00 10/30/2007 101-7003-431.41-30 SECURITY -CITY YARD 190.91 VENDOR TOTAL * 905.68 0001257 ALTEC 09177 000264 00 10/30/2007 101-4001-415.53-01 SUPPLIES -TIME SHEETS 164.17 09239 000265 00 10/30/2007 101-4001-415.53-01 SUPPLIES -CHECKS 223.95 VENDOR TOTAL * 388.12 0003787 ALTEVERS ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTURE & 8377 000271 00 10/30/2007 401-1774-551.35-07 SRR CLUBHOUSE DESIGN 13,532.50 VENDOR TOTAL * 13,532.50 0000296 AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES INC 54006 000265 00 10/30/2007 101-5054-421.36-31 BLOOD ALCOHOL TESTING 373.00 54084 000277 00 10/30/2007 101-5054-421.36-31 BLOOD ALCOHOL TESTING 76.00 54069 000277 00 10/30/2007 101-5054-421.36-31 BLOOD ALCOHOL TESTING 76.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 525.00 0003774 AMERICAN RED CROSS 032119 000250 00 10/30/2007 101-5056-425.33-43 FIRST AID TRAINING 165.00 032143 000250 00 10/30/2007 101-5056-425.33-43 FIRST AID TRAINING 120.00 Q02144 000250 00 10/30/2007 101-5056-425.33-43 FIRST AID TRAINING 240.00 O N J PREPARED 10//30/2007, 8:14:22 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PAGE 2 PROGRAM: GM339L AS OF: 10/30/2007 CHECK DATE: 10/30/2007 CITY OF LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VEND NO VENDOR NAME - EFT OR INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK HAND -ISSUED NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NO NO DATE NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT 0003774 AMERICAN RED CROSS 0000016 AMERIPRIDE UNIFORM SERVICES L586877 000281 00 10/30/2007 L598561 000281 00 10/30/2007 0003853 ANDRADE, JOHN 26576 000277 00 10/30/2007 0003832 APEX SAUNAS AND WINE CELLARS 101007 000250 00 10/30/2007 0001185 ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC TREASURERS 101507 000294 00 10/30/2007 0001020 0004492 0003790 VARIOUS 0000018 26239 0001499 67055 AUTOMATIC STOREFRONT SVC INC 000247 00 10/30/2007 AVILA-GUILIN, ESTHER 000271 00 10/30/2007 BANG INC, DAVE 000257 BEST SIGNS INC 000253 00 10/30/2007 00 10/30/2007 0003870 BEYMA, CHRIS 26748 000308 00 10/30/2007 0000300 BIO-TOX LABORATORIES 17641 000306 00 10/30/2007 17642 000306 00 10/30/2007 0003274 SODDEN, RENATE VARIOUS 000271 00 10/30/2007 s 0000137 Q N VENDOR TOTAL * 525.00 101-3002-451.42-15 JANITORIAL 91.12 101-3002-451.42-15 JANITORIAL 121.12 VENDOR TOTAL * 212.24 101-3000-342.10-00 REFUND -CLASS CANC 80.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 80.00 101-1000-321.00-00 REFUND-BL OVERPAYMENT 15.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 15.00 101-4001-415.53-03 MEMBERSHIP DUES 167.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 167.00 101-3002-451.43-01 DOOR REPAIR 170.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 170.00 101-3002-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT 481.60 VENDOR TOTAL * 481.60 101-3004-451.43-01 LIBRARY BIKE RACK 453.89 VENDOR TOTAL * 453.89 101-5008-419.43-88 PLANNING SIGN ON TILE 140.08 VENDOR TOTAL * 140.08 101-3000-342.10-00 REFUND -CLASS CANC 129.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 129.00 101-5054-421.36-31 BLOOD ALCOHOL TESTING 426.93 101-5054-421.36-31 BLOOD ALCOHOL TESTING 137.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 563.93 101-3002-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT 244.30 VENDOR TOTAL * 244.30 BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF COACHELLA VLLY PREPARED 10/30/2007, 8:14:22 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PAGE 3 PROGRAM: GM§39L AS OF: 10/30/2007 CHECK DATE: 10/30/2007 CITY OF ----------------------------- LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA VEND NO VENDOR NAME ---------------------______-___________-_------------------_---_____-______-------------________ EFT OR INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK HAND -ISSUED NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NO NO DATE NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT 0000137 BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF COACHELLA VLLY 101707 000277 00 10/30/2007 101-3001-451.33-10 AGREEMENT 2ND QTR PYMNT 7,500.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 7,500.00 0003378 BUREAU VERITAS NORTH AMERICA, INC. 968313 000273 00 10/30/2007 101-7002-431.33-34 PLAN CHECK 2,730.00 968312 000273 00 10/30/2007 101-7002-431.33-34 PLAN CHECK 4,095.00 967609 000273 00 10/30/2007 101-7002-431.33-34 PLAN CHECK 3,185.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 10,010.00 0000019 CADET UNIFORM SERVICE 71181 000238 00 10/30/2007 101-7003-431.44-07 UNIFORM RENTAL 100.00 72813 000271 00 10/30/2007 101-7003-431.44-07 UNIFORM RENTAL 80.00 74395 000308 00 10/30/2007 101-7003-431.44-07 UNIFORM RENTAL 75.08 71181 000238 00 10/30/2007 101-7004-431.44-07 UNIFORM RENTAL 17.55 72813 000271 00 10/30/2007 101-7004-431.44-07 UNIFORM RENTAL 15.08 74395 000308 00 10/30/2007 101-7004-431.44-07 UNIFORM RENTAL 20.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 307.71 0000380 CALBO 101007 000250 00 10/30/2007 101-5001-424.51-01 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP DUES 215.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 0000449 CALIFORNIA CONTRACTORS SUPPLIES A06481 000247 00 10/30/2007 101-7003-431.56-52 SUPPLIES -PAINT VENDOR TOTAL 0002111 CALIFORNIA MUNICIPAL STATISTICS INC 07100204 000273 00 10/30/2007 101-4001-415.30-01 DEBT STMT 6/30/07 0000130 CALIFORNIA OVERNIGHT 5818909 000253 00 10/30/2007 5835829 000294 00 10/30/2007 0000166 CALIFORNIA SOCIETY OF MUNICIPAL 56154 000238 00 10/30/2007 56154 000238 00 10/30/2007 0000106 CANON 7432410 000294 7432418 000294 7432419 000294 7432409 000294 VENDOR TOTAL * 101-4002-415.51-31 OVERNIGHT MAIL 101-4002-415.51-31 OVERNIGHT MAIL 101-1004-413.53-03 101-4001-415.53-03 00 10/30/2007 101-4002-415.43-19 00 10/30/2007 101-4002-415.43-19 00 10/30/2007 101-4002-415.43-19 00 10/30/2007 101-4002-415.43-19 4000020 CAPUTO, R HEIM/TLC DOG TRAINING 10135-1 000273 00 10/30/2007 VENDOR TOTAL MEMBERSHIP DUES MEMBERSHIP DUES VENDOR TOTAL CONTRACT CHARGE CONTRACT CHARGE CONTRACT CHARGE CONTRACT CHARGE VENDOR TOTAL * 101-3002-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT 215.00 207.58 207.58 425.00 425.00 54.82 54.82 109.64 110.00 110.00 220.00 1,142.04 2,073.78 327.97 135.76 3,679.55 210.00 PREPARED 10[[30/2007, 8:14:22 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PAGE 4 PROGRAM: GM339L AS OF: 10/30/2007 CHECK DATE: 10/30/2007 CITY OF LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VEND NO VENDOR NAME EFT OR INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK HAND -ISSUED NO NO NO DATE NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT 0000020 CAPUTO, R HEIM/TLC DOG TRAINING VENDOR TOTAL 0000149 CARDINAL PROMOTIONS 59411 000281 00 10/30/2007 101-3003-451.56-02 SUPPLIES -STAFF SHIRTS VENDOR TOTAL 0000021 CAROUEST 7339-173721 000238 00 10/30/2007 101-7003-431.56-52 MATERIALS 7339-176384 000308 00 10/30/2007 101-7003-431.56-52 MATERIAL 7339-176457 000308 00 10/30/2007 101-7003-431.56-52 MATERIAL 7339-177378 000308 00 10/30/2007 501-0000-511.43-46 SWEEPER 441 7339-177485 000308 00 10/30/2007 501-0000-511.43-46 SWEEPER #41 7339-176760 000308 00 10/30/2007 501-0000-511.43-37 SWEEPER #29 PARTS 7339-176594 000308 00 10/30/2007 501-0000-511.43-37 SWEEPER #29 PARTS VENDOR TOTAL 0000947 CASSEL, LLORA VARIOUS 000280 00 10/30/2007 101-3003-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT VENDOR TOTAL 0003872 CASTLE PARK, LLC 162320 000308 00 10/30/2007 101-7001-431.56-01 SUPPLIES VENDOR TOTAL 0000022 CDW GOVERNMENT INC GXK7169 000265 00 10/30/2007 101-3001-451.56-01 SUPPLIES NB89852 000277 1144 00 10/30/2007 101-7003-431.71-01 DOCKING STATIONS HBKO062 000279 1144 00 10/30/2007 101-7003-431.71-01 ADAPTERS NBB9852 000277 1144 00 10/30/2007 101-7004-431.71-01 DOCKING STATIONS HBK0062 000278 1144 00 10/30/2007 101-7004-431.71-01 ADAPTERS NBB9852 000277 1144 00 10/30/2007 101-7006-431.71-01 DOCKING STATIONS HBKO062 000278 1144 00 10/30/2007 101-7006-431.71-01 ADAPTERS GXK7169 000265 00 10/30/2007 502-0000-512.56-22 SUPPLIES HBT0368 000273 00 10/30/2007 502-0000-512.56-22 SUPPLIES VENDOR TOTAL 0002298 CENTRAL SECURITY SERVICES, INC R9783 000265 00 10/30/2007 101-3004-451.41-30 LIBRARY SECURITY R9782 000266 00 10/30/2007 101-3004-451.41-30 LIBRARY SECURITY VENDOR TOTAL 0000023 CHECKMATE EXCHANGE 071002190101 000288 00 10/30/2007 101-7006-431.56-02 PAGERS VENDOR TOTAL 0000355 CLEAN STREET 51224 000273 00 10/30/2007 101-7003-431.44-10 STREET SWEEPING VENDOR TOTAL 0002143 COACHELLA VALLEY PONTIAC BUICK GMC C W t7 210.00 723.45 38.79 21.83 43.35 39.53 15.30 12.15 127.81 298.76 252.00 252.00 29.56 29.56 409.00 169.59 76.70 169.60 76.71 339.20 153.42 334.35 120.46 1,849.03 84.00 27.00 111.00 133.93 133.93 8,066.64 8,066.64 PREPARED 10[[30/2007, 8:14:22 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PAGE 5 PROGRAM: GM339L AS OF: 10/30/2007 CHECK DATE: 10/30/2007 CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA _______________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ VEND NO INVOICE VENDOR NAME VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK EFT OR HAND-ISSUED ___N_______________N-___N- ___________________--_____________-_DESCRIPTION_____-_____________________AMOUNT DATE ________-____ AMOUNT 0002143 COACHELLA VALLEY PONTIAC BUICK GMC 45.00 GCCS79018 000308 00 10/30/2007 501-0000-511.43-40 TK #45 BRAKE INSP VENDOR TOTAL * 45.00 0000140 COACHELLA VALLEY PRINTING GROUP INC 179.29 59371 000284 00 10/30/2007 101-4001-415.53-01 SUPPLIES -ENVELOPES VENDOR TOTAL * 179.29 0003044 COMMAND ONE SECURITY 66.00 9332 000238 00 10/30/2007 218-0000-421.30-30 ALARM SERVICE VENDOR TOTAL * 66.00 0003579 070314 COMMUNITY WORKS DESIGN 000256 00 GROUP 10/30/2007 401-1771-551.35-07 REHAB PLAN(PROJ#2006-17) 2,948.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 2,948.00 0000206 VARIOUS COMPUTER U 000273 00 10/30/2007 101-3002-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT 483.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 483.00 0003302 CONSTRUCTION TESTING & ENGINEERING 260.00 14248 000303 00 10/30/2007 401-1705-551.34-04 EXPANSION -TECHNICAL 14238 000303 00 10/30/2007 401-1725-551.34-04 EXPANSION -TECHNICAL 450.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 710.00 0003722 24011 CORPORATE BUSINESS INTERIORS, 000238 1061 00 INC. 10/30/2007 401-1725-551.45-01 FURNISHINGS-DELIVERY/INST 7,822.65 VENDOR TOTAL * 7,822.65 0003841 CROSSROADS SOFTWARE, INC. 300.00 5163A 000273 00 10/30/2007 101-5054-421.92-11 VEHICLE OPERATIONS VENDOR TOTAL * 300.00 0003145 CROWSON MANAGEMENT SERVICES 87.50 100907 000273 00 10/30/2007 101-7001-431.32-07 GRAFFITI PROGRAM VENDOR TOTAL * 87.50 0000512 100907 CVAG 000241 00 10/30/2007 101-1002-413.31-01 CONTRIBUTION -BUS PASSES 1,837.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 1,837.00 0001399 100807 DAVEY'S LOCKER 000238 00 10/30/2007 101-3003-451.56-02 PAYMENT -CHARTERED BOAT 1,400.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 1,400.00 0002862 100807 DAVIS REED CONSTRUCTION, INC. 000238 00 10/30/2007 401-1705-551.45-01 LQ MUSEUM-PYMNT #4 446,175.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 446,175.00 W01917 DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES G W PREPARED 10%%30/2007, 8:14:22 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PROGRAM: GM339L AS OF: 10/30/2007 CHECK DATE: 10/30/2007 CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA _______________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________ VEND NO VENDOR NAME EFT OR INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK HAND -ISSUED NO NO NO DATE NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT _________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 0001917 DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES 465181 000254 00 10/30/2007 101-5008-419.43-88 ROOFING-KIDSLINE TRLR 120.30 VENDOR TOTAL * 120.30 0000026 DESERT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 51496313.001 000238 00 10/30/2007 101-3005-451.56-52 ELECTRIC MATERIALS 574.95 S1506407.001 000289 00 10/30/2007 101-3005-451.56-52 ELECTRIC MATERIALS 209.96 S1510603.001 000289 00 10/30/2007 101-3005-451.56-52 ELECTRIC MATERIALS 254.26 S1512767.001 000308 00 10/30/2007 101-3005-451.56-52 ELECTRICAL PARTS 219.13 S1507244.001 000238 00 10/30/2007 101-7004-431.56-52 ELECTRIC MATERIALS 497.73 51496313.002 000247 00 10/30/2007 101-7004-431.56-52 ELECTRIC MATERIALS 9.17 S1510985.001 000289 00 10/30/2007 101-7004-431.56-52 ELECTRIC MATERIALS 200.63 S1506407.002 000308 00 10/30/2007 101-7004-431.56-52 ELECTRICAL 5.64 VENDOR TOTAL * 1,971.47 0001286 DESERT FIRE EXTINGUISHER CO INC 717497 000247 00 10/30/2007 101-3002-451.43-31 FIRE EXTINGUISHER SVC 120.86 717535 000266 00 10/30/2007 101-3002-451.43-31 FIRE UPGRADES 522.22 VENDOR TOTAL * 643.08 0000211 DESERT SUN PUBLISHING CO 0003033190 000280 00 10/30/2007 101-2001-411.55-01 ADS 187.77 0003033190 000280 00 10/30/2007 101-6001-463.55-01 ADS 148.89 0003033190 000280 00 10/30/2007 101-6001-463.55-01 ADS 180.30 0003033190 000280 00 10/30/2007 101-6001-463.55-01 ADS 174.49 0003033190 000280 00 10/30/2007 101-6001-463.55-01 ADS 189.43 0003033190 000280 00 10/30/2007 401-1773-551.35-07 ADS 49.99 VENDOR TOTAL * 930.87 0000757 DIEHL, EVANS & COMPANY, LLP 101507 000266 00 10/30/2007 101-4001-415.51-01 2007 GOV'T TAX SEMINAR 550.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 550.00 0000117 DIETERICH POST COMPANY 65.37 664982 000273 00 10/30/2007 101-7002-431.53-01 SUPPLIES -PAPER 665056 000273 00 10/30/2007 101-7002-431.53-01 SUPPLIES -PAPER 92.35 VENDOR TOTAL * 157.72 0003294 1024715 DISC 000281 00 10/30/2007 405-9001-702.32-15 SRR PM10 SVC 11,302.50 VENDOR TOTAL * 11,302.50 0000028 VARIOUS DOUGLAS, LES 000273 00 10/30/2007 101-3002-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT 259.70 VENDOR TOTAL * 259.70 0003052 DUCHENE, GERALD 49.00 221310-2 000282 00 10/30/2007 101-3003-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT r VENDOR TOTAL * 49.00 0000309 ELMS EQUIPMENT RENTAL INC O w N PAGE 6 PREPARED 10/30/2007, 8:14:22 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PAGE 7 PROGRAM: GM339L AS OF: 10/30/2007 CHECK DATE: 10/30/2007 CITY OF LA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUINTA, CALIFORNIA VEND NO VENDOR NAME EFT OR INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK HAND -ISSUED NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NO NO DATE NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT 0000309 ELMS EQUIPMENT RENTAL INC 00421731001 000273 00 10/30/2007 101-7003-431.44-01 EQUIP RENTAL 150.78 422419-001 000308 00 10/30/2007 101-7003-431.44-01 EQUIP RENTAL 693.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 843.78 0000939 EMERY LANDCLEARING & GRADING INC 201752 000280 00 10/30/2007 401-1759-551.74-01 REMOVAL& DISPOSAL 14,240.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 14,240.00 0003611 ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS RESEARCH INST 91631465 000280 00 10/30/2007 101-7002-431.56-25 ARC VIEW LICENSE 1,622.89 91636449 000308 00 10/30/2007 101-7002-431.51-01 TRAINING 950.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 2,572.89 0003846 EPMG 10119-172 000280 00 10/30/2007 101-1004-413.32-10 PRE-EMPL PHYSICAL 73.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 73.00 0001474 ESGIL CORPORATION 102507 000305 00 10/30/2007 101-1000-321.00-00 REFUND-BL OVERPAYMENT 12.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 12.00 0000029 EVANS & ASSOCIATES INC, DAVID 233575 000304 00 10/30/2007 401-1725-551.35-07 EXPANSION SERVICES 3,961.08 VENDOR TOTAL * 3,961.08 0000575 FALCONER, JOHN 101207 000274 00 10/30/2007 101-4001-415.51-01 REIMB-TRAVEL EXP 466.68 VENDOR TOTAL * 466.68 0000119 FEDEX 2-312-18433 000274 00 10/30/2007 101-4002-415.51-31 OVERNIGHT MAIL 84.72 VENDOR TOTAL * 84.72 0003864 FEDEX 102307 000293 00 10/30/2007 101-1000-321.00-00 REFUND-BL OVERPAYMENT 14.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 14.00 0003421 FERRANTI, PHILIP 220719-1 000282 00 10/30/2007 101-3003-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT 84.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 84.00 0003851 FLOOD, KEN 26578 000280 00 10/30/2007 101-3000-342.10-00 REFUND -CLASS CANC 80.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 80.00 0003852 FORWARD, TERRY r 26572 000280 00 10/30/2007 101-3000-342.10-00 REFUND -CLASS CANC 40.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 40.00 0003850 FRAME, KAREN Cwl W PREPARED 10[[30/2007, 8:14:22 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PAGE 8 PROGRAM: GM339L AS OF: 10/30/2007 CHECK DATE: 10/30/2007 CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA ______________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VEND NO INVOICE VENDOR NAME VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK EFT OR HAND -ISSUED NO ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NO NO DATE NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT 0003850 FRANE, KAREN 40.00 26575 000280 00 10/30/2007 101-3000-342.10-00 REFUND -CLASS CANC VENDOR TOTAL * 40.00 0002090 5908865600026 GALLS 000293 00 10/30/2007 101-5056-425.56-31 SUPPLIES 58.17 VENDOR TOTAL * 58.17 0000368 GEORGE'S GOODYEAR 72.50 059152 000247 00 10/30/2007 501-0000-511.43-40 TIRE REPAIR 059185 000247 00 10/30/2007 501-0000-511.43-40 TIRE REPAIR 72.50 059220 000247 00 10/30/2007 501-0000-511.43-40 TIRE REPAIR 87.50 059267 000247 00 10/30/2007 501-0000-511.43-40 TIRE REPAIR 103.97 059337 000247 00 10/30/2007 501-0000-511.43-40 REPAIRS 35.00 059343 000247 00 10/30/2007 501-0000-511.43-40 TIRE REPAIR 95.74 VENDOR TOTAL * 467.21 0000371 VARIOUS GUNNER, BRAD 000282 00 10/30/2007 101-3003-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT 455.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 455.00 0003721 476617 GUNLOCKE CO., THE 000238 1060 00 10/30/2007 401-1725-551.45-01 FURNISHINGS -CITY HALL EXP 34,484.94 483220 000238 1060 00 10/30/2007 401-1725-551.45-01 FURNISHINGS -CITY HALL EXP 5,050.73 483221 000238 1060 00 10/30/2007 401-1725-551.45-01 FURNISHINGS -CITY HALL EXP 841.79 VENDOR TOTAL * 40,377.46 0002545 063200106 HARRIS & ASSOCIATES 000288 00 10/30/2007 101-7006-431.32-07 CONSTR INSP SVCS 11,110.00 063200111 000308 00 10/30/2007 101-7006-431.32-07 INSPECTION SVCS 5,610.00 063200106 000288 00 10/30/2007 401-1748-551.74-01 CONSTR INSP SVCS 7,370.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 24,090.00 0003861 HELGESON, BOB 20.00 26649 000293 00 10/30/2007 101-3000-342.74-00 REFUND -MEDICAL VENDOR TOTAL * 20.00 0003849 26574 HEMPHILL, BRIAN 000280 00 10/30/2007 101-3000-342.10-00 REFUND -CLASS CANC 40.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 40.00 0000141 HF&H CONSULTANTS, LLC 12,254.16 9708197 000288 00 10/30/2007 101-1004-413.33-22 AB939 CONSULTANTS VENDOR TOTAL * 12,254.16 0000454 HIGH TECH IRRIGATION INC 705.18 027613 000238 00 10/30/2007 101-7004-431.56-52 IRRIGATION MATERIALS 027933 000247 00 10/30/2007 101-7004-431.56-52 IRRIGATION MATERIALS 297.97 020219 000247 00 10/30/2007 101-7004-431.56-52 IRRIGATION MATERIALS 70.00 028660 000247 00 10/30/2007 101-7004-431.56-52 IRRIGATION MATERIALS 255.66 O W 7� PREPARED 10[[30/2007, 8:14:22 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PROGRAM: GM339L AS OF: 10/30/2007 CHECK DATE: 10/30/2007 CITY OF LA QUINTA CALIFORNIA PAGE 9 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VEND NO VENDOR NAME EFT OR INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK HAND -ISSUED NO NO NO DATE NO DESCRIPTION ------- -------- --------AMOUNT AMOUNT ----------- 0000454 HIGH TECH IRRIGATION INC 204.02 032267 000289 00 10/30/2007 101-7004-431.56-52 IRRIGATION MATERIAL 032258 000289 00 10/30/2007 101-7004-431.56-52 IRRIGATION MATERIAL 202.04 032254 000289 00 10/30/2007 101-7004-431.56-52 IRRIGATION MATERIAL 10.48 VENDOR TOTAL * 1,745.35 0000035 51198 HOARD INC, HUGH 000238 00 10/30/2007 101-3002-451.43-52 A/C REPAIRS 530.45 51433 000308 00 10/30/2007 101-3005-451.43-59 REPAIRS 317.33 51470 000293 00 10/30/2007 101-5008-419.43-88 REPAIRS 190.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 1,037.78 0003840 HOLLAND, JAY 50.00 26506 000266 00 10/30/2007 101-3000-342.70-00 REFUND -CLASS CANC VENDOR TOTAL * 50.00 0003836 26428 HOLT, JOANNE 000256 00 10/30/2007 101-3000-342.74-00 REFUND -DISCONTINUE CLASS 28.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 28.00 0003706 HORTON SHEPARDSON ASSOCIATES, INC. 2,500.00 CA07-317 000280 00 10/30/2007 401-1773-551.35-07 SRR LANDSCAPE DESIGN CA07-317 000280 00 10/30/2007 401-1774-551.35-07 SRR LANDSCAPE DESIGN 2,500.00 CA07-317 000280 00 10/30/2007 401-1776-551.35-07 SRR LANDSCAPE DESIGN 5,066.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 10,066.00 0003427 054157 HSBC 000266 00 10/30/2007 401-1725-551.45-01 BREAKROOM APPLIANCES 635.69 VENDOR TOTAL * 635.69 0003828 100807 HURJA, KIMIE 000238 00 10/30/2007 101-1000-321.00-00 REFUND-BL INCORRECT FEE 15.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 15.00 0003815 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT 844.93 2-312-18433 000274 00 10/30/2007 101-7003-431.43-73 PROPERTY DAMAGE BILL VENDOR TOTAL * 844.93 0000180 INFORMATION RESOURCES A-1044-20070931000247 00 10/30/2007 101-1004-413.32-10 PRE-EMPL PHYSICALS 375.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 375.00 0000602 INLAND POWER EQUIPMENT CO 73.70 88635 000274 00 10/30/2007 101-7003-431.56-52 BLOWER REPAIR 89320 000308 00 10/30/2007 101-7003-431.56-52 PARTS/REPAIRS 56.66 VENDOR TOTAL * 130.36 0002768 41607 INTELESYS COMMUNICATION 000266 00 SERVICES 10/30/2007 401-1725-551.45-01 SUPPLIES/LICENSE 1,361.79 VENDOR TOTAL * 1,361.79 0000194 JACOBS, STEVEN PREPARED 10�30/2007, 8:14:22 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PAGE 10 PROGRAM: GM 39L AS OF: 10/30/2007 CHECK DATE: 10/30/2007 CITY OF LA _____________________ QUINTA, CALIFORNIA ---_________________________------__________________----________________-----__________---______ VEND NO VENDOR NAME EFT OR INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK HAND -ISSUED NO ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NO NO DATE NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT 0000194 JACOBS, STEVEN VARIOUS 000282 00 10/30/2007 101-3003-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT 630.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 630.00 0003763 JAMES, JENNIFER VARIOUS 000282 00 10/30/2007 101-3003-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT 512.40 VENDOR TOTAL * 512.40 0000077 JONASSON, TIM 101807 000307 00 10/30/2007 101-7001-431.51-01 REIMS-TRAVEL EXPENSE 43.65 VENDOR TOTAL * 43.65 0000079 KINER COMMUNICATIONS 29523 000297 00 10/30/2007 101-1003-413.55-07 OCT 07 ONLINE SVC 2,000.00 29422 000238 00 10/30/2007 601-0000-451.33-96 HOPE ADVERTISING 690.95 VENDOR TOTAL * 2,690.95 0002233 KIRKPATRICK LANDSCAPING SERVICES 00034850 000250 00 10/30/2007 101-7004-431.56-02 PLANT REPLACEMENT 646.00 00034849 000250 00 10/30/2007 101-7004-431.56-02 PLANT REPLACEMENT 3,440.00 00034848 000250 00 10/30/2007 101-7004-431.56-02 PLANT REPLACEMENT 275.00 00034851 000250 00 10/30/2007 101-7004-431.56-02 PLANT REPLACEMENT 825.00 00034853 000250 00 10/30/2007 101-7004-431.56-02 PLANT REPLACEMENT 342.00 00034852 000250 00 10/30/2007 101-7004-431.56-02 PLANT REPLACEMENT 600.00 00034927 000274 00 10/30/2007 101-7004-431.56-02 PLANT REPLACEMENT 570.00 00034929 000274 00 10/30/2007 101-7004-431.56-02 PLANT REPLACEMENT 230.00 00034926 000274 00 10/30/2007 101-7004-431.56-02 PLANT REPLACEMENT 550.00 00034928 000274 00 10/30/2007 101-7004-431.56-02 PLANT REPLACEMENT 950.00 00034962 000274 00 10/30/2007 101-7004-431.56-52 PLANT REPLACEMENT 456.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 8,884.00 0001762 KOA CORPORATION JA74061X2 000289 1093 00 10/30/2007 101-5055-422.71-01 CONTRACT SVC-PROF 1,500.00 JA6852X2 000289 1078 00 10/30/2007 101-7001-431.32-07 DESIGN 9,500.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 11,000.00 0000865 KRIBBS CONSTRUCTION, BRUCE LMC #168 000274 00 10/30/2007 101-3005-451.32-07 ELECTRICAL SVC 1,000.00 1125 000280 00 10/30/2007 101-3005-451.32-07 ELECTRICAL SVC 436.00 LMC N168 000274 00 10/30/2007 101-7004-431.32-07 ELECTRICAL SVC 5,750.00 1126 000280 00 10/30/2007 270-0000-451.43-55 ART REPAIR 528.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 7,714.00 0003848 KRUG, FRED 26577 000280 00 10/30/2007 101-3000-342.10-00 REFUND -CLASS CANC 80.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 80.00 0000376 KUSTOM SIGNALS INC 330783 000274 00 10/30/2007 501-0000-511.43-37 TRAILER PARTS 142.59 VENDOR TOTAL * 142.59 0003498 L & L AUTOMOTIVE O W PREPARED 10/30/2007, 8:14:22 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PAGE 11 PROGRAM: GM 39L AS OF: 10/30/2007 CHECK DATE: 10/30/2007 CITY OF LA _____________________________________ QUINTA, CALIFORNIA VEND NO VENDOR NAME ___________________________---_--_____________________--__________________ EFT OR INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK HAND -ISSUED NO ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NO NO DATE NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT 0003498 L & L AUTOMOTIVE 2195 000250 00 10/30/2007 501-0000-511.43-40 BAL DUE -AUTO REPAIR 45.90 2365 000293 00 10/30/2007 501-0000-511.43-40 REPAIRS -VEHICLE N27 298.92 VENDOR TOTAL * 344.82 0001905 LANDMARK GOLF MANAGEMENT LLC 10113 000288 00 10/30/2007 101-1001-411.56-01 SUPPLIES -ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 70.04 VENDOR TOTAL * 70.04 0003214 LARSON, MARJEAN VARIOUS 000274 00 10/30/2007 101-3002-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT 42.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 42.00 0003407 LINCOLN EQUIPMENT, INC. S175543 000308 00 10/30/2007 101-3001-451.33-13 POOL SERVICE 412.50 VENDOR TOTAL * 412.50 0000080 LOCK SHOP INC, THE E617866 000308 00 10/30/2007 101-3004-451.43-01 LOCK INSTALLATION 258.08 315589 000304 00 10/30/2007 601-0000-451.43-60 FENCE LOCKS 241.27 VENDOR TOTAL * 499.35 0003834 MAGNUM BREEZE II, INC. DBA: 6483 000253 00 10/30/2007 501-0000-511.71-03 REPLACEMENT VEHICLE 2,059.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 2,059.00 0000220 MARSHALL, SALLY VARIOUS 000274 00 10/30/2007 101-3002-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT 402.50 VENDOR TOTAL * 402.50 0003429 MAYER, ANNE LQ070557 000266 00 10/30/2007 101-5000-322.01-00 REFUND -CITATION 50.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 50.00 0000221 MC DOWELL AWARDS 2007-1060 000266 00 10/30/2007 101-3001-451.53-01 SUPPLIES -CS COMMISSIONERS 42.02 2007-1114 000280 00 10/30/2007 101-6001-463.53-01 SUPPLIES 61.42 VENDOR TOTAL * 103.44 0003827 MC KINNEY, BRYAN 100307 000238 00 10/30/2007 101-7006-431.51-01 REIMB-LUNCH MTG 22.56 VENDOR TOTAL * 22.56 0000547 MEEDS, WAYNE VARIOUS 000274 00 10/30/2007 101-3002-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT 200.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 200.00 0003847 MILLER, LEE . 26571 000280 00 10/30/2007 101-3000-342.10-00 REFUND -CLASS CANC 40.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 40.00 0003837 MILLER, RAY O W PREPARED 10[[30/2007, 8:14:22 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PROGRAM: GM339L AS OF: 10/30/2007 CHECK DATE: 10/30/2007 CITY OF LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VEND NO VENDOR NAME INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM NO ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NO NO DATE NO DESCRIPTION 0003837 MILLER, RAY 26481 000266 00 10/30/2007 101-3000-342.70-00 REFUND -CLASS CANC VENDOR TOTAL 0003838 MINUTEMAN PRESS 5210 000266 00 10/30/2007 101-3006-451.56-02 SUPPLIES-CARDS/ENVELOPES VENDOR TOTAL 0000787 MITY LITE INC 467264 000294 1135 00 10/30/2007 101-3002-451.71-02 REPLACEMENT TABLES 467263 000293 1134 00 10/30/2007 101-6002-463.33-22 REPLACEMENT TABLES VENDOR TOTAL 0003651 MODULAR SPACE CORPORATION 104351992 000274 00 10/30/2007 101-7006-431.44-01 PORTABLE TRLR LEASE 104351991 000238 00 10/30/2007 401-1725-551.45-01 MONTHLY TRLR LEASE PAGE 12 ---------------------------- EFT OR CHECK HAND -ISSUED AMOUNT AMOUNT ---------------------------- 75.00 75.00 468.26 468.26 3,290.43 4,114.11 7,404.54 311.77 435.68 VENDOR TOTAL * 747.45 0000222 MOYA, RICARDO 2885 000274 00 10/30/2007 101-5004-424.42-07 LOT CLEANING 400.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 400.00 0000223 MUNI FINANCIAL 43240 000274 00 10/30/2007 101-7004-431.31-13 L & L ADMN FEES 4,502.35 43220 000274 00 10/30/2007 730-0000-234.10-00 AD ADMN FEES 230.34 43220 000274 00 10/30/2007 735-0000-234.10-00 AD ADMN FEES 149.56 43220 000274 00 10/30/2007 740-0000-234.10-00 AD ADMN FEES 811.07 VENDOR TOTAL * 5,693.32 0002008 MURRAY MEMORIAL FOUNDATION AND, JIM 101207 000266 00 10/30/2007 101-1003-413.55-08 MARKETING/PROMO GRANT 10,000.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 10,000.00 0001065 100607 NIETO, RUBEN 000250 00 10/30/2007 501-0000-511.43-43 AUTO DETAIL 652.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 652.00 0000060 NOLEN INC, TRULY 80.00 66853071 000304 00 10/30/2007 101-3004-451.42-20 PEST CONTROL 66850577 000238 00 10/30/2007 101-3005-451.43-59 PEST CONTROL-LO PARK 71.00 66852252 000280 00 10/30/2007 101-3005-451.43-59 PEST CONTROL 71.00 66852394 000280 00 10/30Z2007 101-3005-451.43-64 PEST CONTROL 93.00 66851463 000250 00 10/30/2007 101-5008-419.42-20 PEST CONTROL 27.00 66853074 000294 00 10/30/2007 101-5008-419.42-20 PEST CONTROL 27.00 66853073 000294 00 10/30/2007 101-5008-419.42-20 PEST CONTROL 89.00 66851456 000294 00 10/30/2007 101-5008-419.42-20 PEST CONTROL 34.00 66853068 000294 00 10/30/2007 101-5008-419.42-20 PEST CONTROL 34.00 66853366 000250 00 10/30/2007 101-5055-422.43-61 PEST CONTROL 125.00 r 66853367 000251 00 10/30/2007 101-5055-422.43-61 PEST CONTROL 135.00 66853365 000251 00 10/30/2007 101-5055-422.43-61 PEST CONTROL 250.00 PREPARED 10�30/2007, 8:14:22 PROGRAM: GM 39L CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA ------------------------------------------ VEND NO VENDOR NAME INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE NO NO NO DATE 0000060 NOLEN INC, TRULY 0003835 NU ART LIGHTING PRODUCTS 0003965-IN 000256 00 10/30/2007 0002214 OCB REPROGRAPHICS 5007314 000238 5007306 000239 5013008 000302 5011769 000302 5011531 000302 5011479 000302 5012472 000302 5011409 000302 5011386C 000302 5011386 000302 0000041 OFFICE DEPOT 404779793-001 000304 404764287-001 000304 404290134-001 000256 404817214-001 000284 404370487-001 000289 404764287-001 000304 0003194 OMNIS INC. 7077 000308 0002202 P I MIDWEST 91707TD 000294 0000606 PAPER DIRECT INC 3469107800017 000274 0003859 PARK, DAVID ALAN 101207 000282 00 10/30/2007 00 10/30/2007 00 10/30/2007 00 10/30/2007 00 10/30/2007 00 10/30/2007 00 10/30/2007 00 10/30/2007 00 10/30/2007 00 10/30/2007 00 10/30/2007 00 10/30/2007 00 10/30/2007 00 10/30/2007 00 10/30/2007 00 10/30/2007 00 10/30/2007 00 10/30/2007 00 10/30/2007 00 10/30/2007 0000322 PARKHOUSE TIRE INC r 030036584 000239 00 10/30/2007 0003869 PAULA'S W fD EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST AS OF: 10/30/2007 CHECK DATE: 10/30/2007 ------------------------------------------------------- ACCOUNT ITEM NO DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------------------------- VENDOR TOTAL 101-7005-431.56-02 SUPPLIES -PANELS VENDOR TOTAL 401-1737-551.45-01 PLANS 401-1737-551.45-01 PLANS 401-1737-551.45-01 PLAN FEE 401-1737-551.45-01 PLAN FEE 401-1737-551.45-01 PLANS 401-1737-551.45-01 DOC FEES/PLANS 401-1737-551.45-01 PLANS 401-1737-551.45-01 PLANS 401-1737-551.45-01 CREDIT INVOICE 401-1737-551.45-01 PLANS VENDOR TOTAL 101-1004-413.56-01 SUPPLIES 101-1004-413.56-01 SUPPLIES 101-4001-415.56-01 SUPPLIES 101-4001-415.56-01 SUPPLIES 101-4002-415.56-07 SUPPLIES -PAPER 502-0000-512.56-22 SUPPLIES VENDOR TOTAL 401-1763-551.32-10 CONTRACT SVC/PROF VENDOR TOTAL 101-1004-413.56-02 ANNUAL FEES VENDOR TOTAL 101-7001-431.56-01 SUPPLIES -BALLOT BOX VENDOR TOTAL 101-4001-415.51-01 REIMB-TRAVEL EXP VENDOR TOTAL 501-0000-511.43-40 TRAILER TIRE VENDOR TOTAL CHECK AMOUNT ------------- 1,036.00 789.96 FKY]L•L 45.60 73.32 24.42 24.42 161.15 79.36 51.73 11.31 11.31- 11.31 471.31 58.06 41.71 79.07 61.77 680.98 169.35 1,090.94 1,696.00 1,696.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 112.93 112.93 322.70 322.70 94.09 94.09 PAGE 13 ------------ EFT OR HAND -ISSUED AMOUNT ------------ PREPARED 10/30/2007, 8:14:22 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PAGE 14 PROGRAM: GM339L AS OF: 10/30/2007 CHECK DATE: 10/30/2007 CITY OF LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA ------------------------------------------------------------------' VEND NO VENDOR NAME ----------------------------_--_-------------------- EFT OR INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK HAND -ISSUED NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NO NO DATE NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT 0003869 PAULA'S 102507 000305 00 10/30/2007 101-1000-321.00-00 REFUND-BL OVERPAYMENT 9.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 9.00 0003376 PEARSON ARCHITECTS, INC. 13065 000253 00 10/30/2007 401-1725-551.35-07 DESIGN 5,960.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 5,960.00 0003820 PEDEN, LYNN E. 210199B/B1 000274 00 10/30/2007 101-3002-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT 39.20 VENDOR TOTAL * 39.20 0003871 PETRONELLA ROOF COMPANY 102607 000308 00 10/30/2007 101-1000-321.00-00 REFUND-BL OVERPAYMENT 55.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 55.00 0002261 PI WORLDWIDE WEB SERVICES 0073019 000280 00 10/30/2007 101-1004-413.56-02 USER FEES 70.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 70.00 0003843 PRESTIGE GUNITE OF CA., INC. 101707 000274 00 10/30/2007 101-1000-321.00-00 REFUND-BL OVERPAYMENT 20.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 20.00 0000043 PRINTING PLACE, THE 072095 000266 00 10/30/2007 101-1003-413.53-01 SUPPLIES -BUSINESS CARDS 55.00 072908 000266 00 10/30/2007 101-3001-451.53-01 SUPPLIES -BUSINESS CARDS 78.66 072908 000266 00 10/30/2007 101-5001-424.53-01 SUPPLIES -BUSINESS CARDS 78.66 072942 000280 00 10/30/2007 101-5054-421.36-34 SUPPLIES -BUSINESS CARDS 99.13 072095 000266 00 10/30/2007 101-6001-463.53-01 SUPPLIES -BUSINESS CARDS 198.21 072856 000280 00 10/30/2007 101-6001-463.53-01 SUPPLIES -BUSINESS CARDS 75.43 VENDOR TOTAL * - 585.09 0001562 PRISTINE POOLS SERVICE & REPAIR INC 12128 000274 00 10/30/2007 101-3001-451.33-13 POOL SERVICE 835.00 12132 000274 00 10/30/2007 101-3005-451.43-59 POOL SERVICE 190.00 12130 000251 00 10/30/2007 101-5008-419.43-81 POOL SERVICE 107.00 12129 000274 00 10/30/2007 101-7004-431.34-04 POOL SERVICE 107.00 12127 000274 00 10/30/2007 101-7004-431.34-04 POOL SERVICE 214.00 12131 000274 00 10/30/2007 101-7004-431.34-04 POOL SERVICE 214.00 12133 000274 00 10/30/2007 101-7004-431.34-04 POOL SERVICE 214.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 1,881.00 0000325 PSOMAS INC 0037449 000288 00 10/30/2007 101-7006-431.32-07 INSPECTION SVCS 60,916.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 60,916.00 �0002565 PURE PLANET WATER, INC C '3308 000294 00 10/30/2007 101-4002-415.56-29 WATER SYSTEM 75.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 75.00 &000841 PW CONSTRUCTION INC H� PREPARED 10/30/2007, 8:14:22 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PAGE 15 PROGRAM: GMML AS OF: 10/30/2007 CHECK DATE: 10/30/2007 CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VEND NO VENDOR NAME EFT OR INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK HAND -ISSUED NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NO NO DATE NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT 0000841 PW CONSTRUCTION INC 06052-014 000239 00 10/30/2007 401-1705-551.45-01 CONSTR MGMNT SVCS 10,500.00 06020-020 000239 00 10/30/2007 401-1725-551.45-01 CONSTR MGMNT SVCS 29,000.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 39,500.00 0003768 RADAR SHOP INC, THE RS-3827 000274 00 10/30/2007 101-5054-421.92-11 VEHICLE OPERATIONS 56.25 RS-3852 000274 00 10/30/2007 101-5054-421.92-11 VEHICLE OPERATIONS 170.11 VENDOR TOTAL * 226.36 0000254 RASA/ERIC NELSON 4069 000239 00 10/30/2007 101-7002-431.33-34 PLAN CHECK 168.00 4072 000239 00 10/30/2007 101-7002-431.33-34 PLAN CHECK 1,150.00 4070 000239 00 10/30/2007 101-7002-431.33-34 PLAN CHECK 3,738.00 4068 000274 00 10/30/2007 101-7002-431.33-34 PLAN CHECK 1,261.00 4046 000274 00 10/30/2007 101-7002-431.33-34 PLAN CHECK 186.00 4037 000274 00 10/30/2007 101-7002-431.33-34 PLAN CHECK 1,196.00 4071 000274 00 10/30/2007 101-7002-431.33-34 PLAN CHECK 380.00 4062 000274 00 10/30/2007 101-7002-431.33-34 PLAN CHECK 900.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 8,979.00 0000327 RBF CONSULTING INC 7080442 000288 00 10/30/2007 401-1775-551.35-07 SRR INFRASTRUCTURE DESIGN 19,243.85 VENDOR TOTAL * 19,243.85 0000328 RESERVE ACCOUNT 11762499 000280 00 10/30/2007 101-4002-415.51-31 POSTAGE 4,000.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 4,000.00 0002745 ROCKHURST UNIVERSITY CONTINUING 400876766-001 000256 00 10/30/2007 101-7001-431.51-01 SEMINAR 199.00 400876766-002 000256 00 10/30/2007 101-7001-431.51-01 SUPPLIES -TAPE OF SEMINAR 166.55 400860346-001 000241 00 10/30/2007 101-7002-431.51-01 TRAINING 169.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 534.55 0000272 ROSE, GWENDOLYN 220804-1 000280 00 10/30/2007 101-3003-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT 231.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 231.00 0000044 ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP INC SEPTEMBER 000288 00 10/30/2007 101-6001-463.32-10 PROF SVC-SEPT 3,796.25 SEPTEMBER 000288 00 10/30/2007 245-9001-703.32-07 PROF SVC-SEPT 15,409.07 SEPTEMBER 000288 00 10/30/2007 246-9002-703.32-07 PROF SVC-SEPT 13,374.04 SEPTEMBER 000288 00 10/30/2007 401-1737-551.32-10 PROF SVC-SEPT 36,813.35 SEPTEMBER 000288 00 10/30/2007 405-9001-702.32-07 PROF SVC-SEPT 21,009.24 SEPTEMBER 000288 00 10/30/2007 406-9002-702.32-07 PROF SVC-SEPT 1,938.63 « VENDOR TOTAL * 92,340.58 ' 0000045 RUTAN & TUCKER 511919 000262 00 10/30/2007 101-0000-228.10-00 LGL/BURTEC(07-015) 1,681.00 O k-+ PREPARED 10[[30/2007, 8:14:22 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PAGE 16 PROGRAM: GM339L AS OF: 10/30/2007 CHECK DATE: 10/30/2007 CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VEND NO VENDOR NAME EFT OR INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK HAND -ISSUED NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NO NO DATE NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT 0000045 RUTAN & TUCKER 511923 000263 00 10/30/2007 101-0000-228.10-00 LGL/CNL RESORTS(07-017) 8,045.89 511918 000263 00 10/30/2007 101-0000-228.10-00 LGL/FRANCIS WONG(05-027) 3,253.39 511921 000263 00 10/30/2007 101-0000-228.10-00 LGL/EDEN ROCK(07-007) 1,573.12 511925 000263 00 10/30/2007 101-0000-228.10-00 LGL/NOYA(05-018) 164.00 511924 000263 00 10/30/2007 101-0000-228.10-00 LGL/LOWE'S(08-001) 4,078.00 513092 000269 00 10/30/2007 101-0000-228.10-00 LGL/BURTEC(07-015) 1,080.00 513096 000270 00 10/30/2007 101-0000-228.10-00 LGL/CNL RESORT(07-017) 3,539.20 513091 000270 00 10/30/2007 101-0000-228.10-00 LGL/FRANCIS WONG(05-027) 248.00 513094 000270 00 10/30/2007 101-0000-228.10-00 LGL/EDEN ROCK(07-007) 5,625.55 513098 000270 00 10/30/2007 101-0000-228.10-00 LGL/NOYA(05-018) 410.00 513097 000271 00 10/30/2007 101-0000-228.10-00 LGL/LOWE'S(08-001) 31.00 511903 000260 00 10/30/2007 101-1001-411.32-04 LGL/GENERAL/LIT 1,074.00 511901 000260 00 10/30/2007 101-1001-411.32-01 LGL/GENERAL 13,693.42 511915 000263 00 10/30/2007 101-1001-411.32-01 LGL/SRR SERVICE MARK 483.00 511906 000263 00 10/30/2007 101-1001-411.32-01 LGL/RETAINER 7,040.00 511914 000263 00 10/30/2007 101-1001-411.32-01 LGL/SR TRADEMARK 251.40 511922 000263 00 10/30/2007 101-1001-411.32-01 LGL/ADVISE RE NPDES 143.50 511902 000263 00 10/30/2007 101-1001-411.32-01 LGL/PERSONNEL 3,956.00 511905 000263 00 10/30/2007 101-1001-411.32-01 LGL/CODE ENF 3,054.50 511916 000263 00 10/30/2007 101-1001-411.32-01 LGL/TRAVERTINE 2,094.78 513079 000269 00 10/30/2007 101-1001-411.32-04 LGL/GENERAL/LIT 1,576.50 513077 000269 00 10/30/2007 101-1001-411.32-01 LGL/GENERAL 17,444.75 513081 000269 00 10/30/2007 101-1001-411.32-01 LGL/RETAINER 7,040.00 513088 000269 00 10/30/2007 101-1001-411.32-01 LGL/SR TRADEMARK 46.00 513095 000270 00 10/30/2007 101-1001-411.32-01 LGL/ADVISE RE NPDES 5,198.42 513078 000270 00 10/30/2007 101-1001-411.32-01 LGL/PERSONNEL 1,771.00 513080 000270 00 10/30/2007 101-1001-411.32-01 LGL/CODE ENF 2,616.00 513089 000270 00 10/30/2007 101-1001-411.32-01 LGL/TRAVERTINE 2,393.31 511906 000263 00 10/30/2007 245-9001-703.32-01 LGL/RETAINER 1,320.00 511912 000263 00 10/30/2007 245-9001-703.32-01 LGL/CALLETAMPICO 61.50 511908 000263 00 10/30/2007 245-9001-703.32-01 LGL/LOW MOD HSNG 784.04 511904 000263 00 10/30/2007 245-9001-703.32-01 LGL/UNLWFL DTNR 25.00 513081 000269 00 10/30/2007 245-9001-703.32-01 LGL/RETAINER 1,320.00 513083 000270 00 10/30/2007 245-9001-703.32-01 LGL/AFFORDABLE HSNG 7,908.60 511906 000263 00 10/30/2007 246-9002-703.32-01 LGL/RETAINER 660.00 511909 000263 00 10/30/2007 246-9002-703.32-01 LGL/CIP PROJ PA2 8,547.40 511907 000263 00 10/30/2007 246-9002-703.32-01 LGL/HSNG 48ADAMS 82.38 513081 000269 00 10/30/2007 246-9002-703.32-01 LGL/RETAINER 660.00 513084 000270 00 10/30/2007 246-9002-703.32-01 LGL/AFFORDABLE HSNG 13,241.31 513082 000270 00 10/30/2007 246-9002-703.32-01 LGL/HSNG 48 ADAMS 222.34 511920 000261 00 10/30/2007 405-9001-702.32-04 LGL/VERIZON/LIT 818.50 511906 000263 00 10/30/2007 405-9001-702.32-01 LGL/RETAINER 1,320.00 511917 000263 00 10/30/2007 405-9001-702.32-01 LGL/DESTIN DEV/LIT 1,014.00 511913 000263 00 10/30/2007 405-9001-702.32-01 LGL/THE RANCH 1,265.00 513093 000269 00 10/30/2007 405-9001-702.32-04 LGL/VERIZON/LIT 1,026.74 513081 000269 00 10/30/2007 405-9001-702.32-01 LGL/RETAINER 1,320.00 513090 000270 00 10/30/2007 405-9001-702.32-04 LGL/DESTIN DEV/LIT 360.50 r 513087 000270 00 10/30/2007 405-9001-702.32-01 LGL/THE RANCH 2,123.26 511906 000263 00 10/30/2007 406-9002-702.32-01 LGL/RETAINER 660.00 O tJ PREPARED 10/30/2007, 8:14:22 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PAGE 17 PROGRAM: GM§39L AS OF: 10/30/2007 CHECK DATE: 10/30/2007 CITY OF LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VEND NO VENDOR NAME EFT OR INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK HAND -ISSUED NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NO NO DATE NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT 0000045 RUTAN & TUCKER 512103 000263 00 10/30/2007 406-9002-702.32-01 LGL/HWY 111 FRONTAGE 1,640.00 511911 000263 00 10/30/2007 406-9002-702.32-01 LGL/MILES WASHINGTON 368.50 511910 000263 00 10/30/2007 406-9002-702.32-01 LGL/CENTRE a LO 1,690.50 513081 000269 00 10/30/2007 406-9002-702.32-01 LGL/RETAINER 660.00 513099 000269 00 10/30/2007 406-9002-702.32-01 LGL/HWY 111 FRONTAGE 1,463.00 513086 000270 00 10/30/2007 406-9002-702.32-01 LGL/MILES WASHINGTON 23.00 513085 000270 00 10/30/2007 406-9002-702.32-01 LGL/CENTRE a LO 6,024.00 0002039 SAM'S FENCE COMPANY 10410 000256 00 10/30/2007 000000 000281 00 10/30/2007 10415 000289 00 10/30/2007 0000111 SAXON ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC 71130 000302 00 10/30/2007 0002276 SCCCA 102307 000294 00 10/30/2007 0000615 SECURITAS SEC SVCS USA INC W1576153 000308 00 10/30/2007 0003826 SEGWAY OF PACIFIC BEACH 199 000308 943 00 10/30/2007 0003839 SERVI-TECH INC. D-SL-0025261 000281 00 10/30/2007 0002913 SID JONES, COMMANDER 100907 000306 00 10/30/2007 0003831 SMITH, ADELENE 26360 000251 0000047 SOCO GROUP, THE 20768 000308 00 10/30/2007 VENDOR TOTAL 101-3005-451.56-52 SUPPLIES 101-3005-451.34-04 SUPPLIES 101-7003-431.56-52 FENCE SUPPLIES VENDOR TOTAL 101-5002-424.33-28 PLAN CHECK VENDOR TOTAL 101-2001-411.51-01 NOVEMBER MTG VENDOR TOTAL 101-0000-228.30-00 SECURITY SERVICE VENDOR TOTAL 101-5054-421.36-34 CONTRACT SVC VENDOR TOTAL 101-3005-451.34-04 PARKS SOIL ANALYSIS VENDOR TOTAL 218-0000-421.56-02 REIMB-SUPPLIES VENDOR TOTAL 101-3000-342.74-00 REFUND -FLU SHOT VENDOR TOTAL 00 10/30/2007 501-0000-511.43-34 FUEL VENDOR TOTAL 0003315 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING 343946 000288 00 10/30/2007 401-1772-551.34-04 CONTRACT SVCS TESTING O W' 156,215.30 260.56 24.89 24.89 310.34 52.50 52.50 35.00 35.00 153.00 153.00 11,583.02 11,583.02 136.50 136.50 500.00 500.00 20.00 20.00 139.48 139.48 642.60 PREPARED 10�30/2007, 8:14:22 PROGRAM: GM 39L CITY OF LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA ----------------------------------------------------- VEND NO VENDOR NAME INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT NO NO NO DATE NO ----------------------------------------------------- 0003315 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING 0003845 SOUTHERN SOURCE INDUSTRIES, INC. 100072-01 000281 00 10/30/2007 0000749 SOUTHWEST NETWORKS INC 07-9153 000241 00 10/30/2007 07-9320 000255 00 10/30/2007 07-10011 000284 00 10/30/2007 0002757 SPEER CIVIL CONSULTING ENGINEERS 07007 000308 00 10/30/2007 0000048 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE 3092725678 000306 00 10/30/2007 3092494869 000282 00 10/30/2007 3092494868 000283 00 10/30/2007 3092709944 000304 00 10/30/2007 3091528940 000253 00 10/30/2007 3092478913 000283 00 10/30/2007 3091607818 000241 00 10/30/2007 3091775551 000241 00 10/30/2007 3092425899 000256 00 10/30/2007 3092425898 000256 00 10/30/2007 3092764139 000294 00 10/30/2007 3092725679 000294 00 10/30/2007 3091607817 000283 00 10/30/2007 3092764139 000294 00 10/30/2007 3091607816 000251 00 10/30/2007 3092425897 000294 00 10/30/2007 3092478911 000294 00 10/30/2007 3092458649 000282 00 10/30/2007 3092478912 000282 00 10/30/2007 3092458650 000282 00 10/30/2007 3091915744 000283 00 10/30/2007 3092747171 000294 00 10/30/2007 3091879135 000283 00 10/30/2007 3092764140 000308 00 10/30/2007 3092764141 000308 00 10/30/2007 0000260 STEELE GROUP INC, M.W. 0522 #10 000253 00 10/30/2007 0522 #10 000253 00 10/30/2007 0003865 STORTON, WYNN & ANA EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PAGE 18 AS OF: 10/30/2007 CHECK DATE: 10/30/2007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- EFT OR ITEM CHECK HAND -ISSUED DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- VENDOR TOTAL * 101-7004-431.56-37 GRAFFITI REMOVAL VENDOR TOTAL * 502-0000-512.33-52 COMPUTER SVC 502-0000-512.33-52 COMPUTER SVC 502-0000-512.33-52 COMPUTER SVC VENDOR TOTAL * 401-1775-551.35-07 PLAN CHECK 101-1001-411.56-01 101-3001-451.56-01 101-3001-451.56-01 101-3001-451.56-01 101-3003-451.56-02 101-3006-451.56-01 101-4001-415.56-01 101-4001-415.56-01 101-4001-415.56-01 101-4001-415.56-01 101-4001-415.56-01 101-4001-415.56-01 101-4002-415.56-07 101-4002-415.56-07 101-5001-424.56-01 101-5001-424.56-01 101-5001-424.56-01 101-6001-463.56-01 101-6001-463.56-01 101-6001-463.56-01 101-6001-463.56-01 101-6001-463.56-01 101-7001-431.56-01 101-7001-431.56-01 101-7001-431.56-01 VENDOR TOTAL * SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES CREDIT INVOICE SUPPLIES -SOCCER LEAGUE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES CREDIT INVOICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES VENDOR TOTAL * 401-1705-551.35-07 DESIGN 401-1705-551.45-01 CONSTRUCTION VENDOR TOTAL * 642.60 276.99 276.99 190.00 47.50 71.25 308.75 689.00 A&MIZ 87.63 152.82 17.82 19.89- 14.22 71.41 43.48 32.57 31.24 45.97- 4.29 40.26 47.19 214.84 208.66 92.01 313.91 64.08 68.63 83.01 105.05 228.76 138.56 73.02 62.48 2,130.08 17,490.21 27,781.00 45,271.21 PREPARED 10/30/2007, 8:14:22 PROGRAM: GM3339L CITY OF LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA ------------------------------------------ VEND NO VENDOR NAME INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE NO ------------------------------------------ NO NO DATE 0003865 STORTON, WYNN & ANA 102407 000295 00 10/30/2007 0003554 SUNDLEE, CHRIS 100307 000251 00 10/30/2007 0000053 SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY 7142 000284 00 10/30/2007 7142 000284 00 10/30/2007 7134 000308 00 10/30/2007 0003495 TESSCO INCORPORATED 737023 000251 00 10/30/2007 737064 000251 00 10/30/2007 0000423 THOMPSON, LORNA 210133-AA 000283 00 10/30/2007 0003355 THOMSON WEST 814486933 000281 00 10/30/2007 0003806 TOMLINSON, C.J. 26573 000283 00 10/30/2007 0000057 TOPS'N BARRICADES INC 995549 000241 00 10/30/2007 0003854 TRAVEL MEDIA SHOWCASE 101707 000288 00 10/30/2007 0000059 TRI STATE LAND SURVEYORS & CIVIL 5051 000288 00 10/30/2007 5050 000288 00 10/30/2007 0000430 VALLEY PARTNERSHIP, THE SEPT 000241 00 10/30/2007 *A000335 VALLEY PLUMBING 181340 000251 00 10/30/2007 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PAGE 19 AS OF: 10/30/2007 CHECK DATE: 10/30/2007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EFT OR ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK HAND -ISSUED NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 101-5000-322.20-00 REFUND -AL OVERPAYMENT VENDOR TOTAL 101-5056-425.51-01 REIMB-TRAVEL EXP VENDOR TOTAL 101-0000-203.05-00 BUS PASSES SOLD 101-4000-341.30-00 BUS PASSES SOLD 501-0000-511.43-34 COMPRESSED NATURAL GAS VENDOR TOTAL 401-1725-551.45-01 EOC SUPPLIES 401-1725-551.45-01 EOC SUPPLIES VENDOR TOTAL 101-3002-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT VENDOR TOTAL 101-2001-411.53-04 SUBSCRIPTION VENDOR TOTAL 101-3000-342.10-00 REFUND -CLASS CANC VENDOR TOTAL 101-7003-431.56-46 SIGNS VENDOR TOTAL 101-1003-413.51-01 REGISTRATION VENDOR TOTAL 401-1772-551.34-04 CONTRACT SVCS SURVEY 401-1772-551.34-04 CONTRACT SVCS SURVEY VENDOR TOTAL 101-1004-413.32-07 EAP SERVICES VENDOR TOTAL 101-7004-431.56-52 MATERIALS 20.00 20.00 157.62 157.62 359.00 18.75- 1,060.14 1,400.39 154.34 689.93 844.27 140.00 140.00 213.36 213.36 40.00 40.00 72.19 72.19 2,595.00 2,595.00 1,270.00 1,920.00 3,190.00 198.00 198.00 89.38 PREPARED 10�30/2007, 8:14:22 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PAGE 20 PROGRAM: GM 39L AS OF: 10/30/2007 CHECK DATE: 10/30/2007 CITY OF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA VEND NO VENDOR NAME EFT OR INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK HAND -ISSUED NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NO NO DATE NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT 0000335 VALLEY PLUMBING VENDOR TOTAL * 89.38 0000788 VILLAGE GAS 1042 000251 00 10/30/2007 501-0000-511.43-34 FUEL 2,243.84 1043 000294 00 10/30/2007 501-0000-511.43-34 FUEL 2,569.31 VENDOR TOTAL * 4,813.15 0002431 VINTAGE ASSOCIATES SI-55294 000294 00 10/30/2007 101-3004-451.30-96 LANDSCAPE SVC 630.00 SI-54895 000256 00 10/30/2007 101-3005-451.56-52 IRRIGATION REPAIR 120.01 SI-54897 000256 00 10/30/2007 101-3005-451.56-52 OASIS IRRIGATION 335.00 SI-54898 000256 00 10/30/2007 101-3005-451.56-37 IRRIGATION VANDALISM 61.67 SI-55294 000294 00 10/30/2007 101-3005-451.34-04 LANDSCAPE SVC 33,180.00 SI-55463 000304 00 10/30/2007 101-3005-451.56-37 VANDALISM REPAIR 384.67 SI-55464 000304 00 10/30/2007 101-3005-451.56-02 TREE REPLACEMENT 300.00 SI-55462 000304 00 10/30/2007 101-3005-451.56-52 MAIN LINE REPAIR 300.00 SI-55294 000294 00 10/30/2007 101-7004-431.34-04 LANDSCAPE SVC 2,310.00 0003169 12861 VENDOR TOTAL VISION INTERNET PROVIDERS INC. 000281 00 10/30/2007 502-0000-512.33-52 APPLICATION ENHANCEMENT 0000070 WAL MART COMMUNITY 001216 000294 00 10/30/2007 009818 000294 00 10/30/2007 005074 000294 00 10/30/2007 007759 000294 00 10/30/2007 002944 000294 00 10/30/2007 007760 000294 00 10/30/2007 000040 000294 00 10/30/2007 0003863 26672 0003350 102507 0000753 53333 101-2001-411.56-01 101-3002-451.56-02 101-3002-451.56-02 101-3002-451.56-02 101-3002-451.56-02 101-3003-451.56-02 101-5056-425.56-31 VENDOR TOTAL * SUPPLIES SUPPLIES -LUNCHEON SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES VENDOR TOTAL * WALKER, CAROLYN 000294 00 10/30/2007 101-3000-342.74-00 REFUND -FLU SHOT VENDOR TOTAL * WIMMER, ED 000308 00 10/30/2007 101-7002-431.51-01 REIMB-LUNCH MTG VENDOR TOTAL * WIRELESS WATCHDOGS 000251 00 10/30/2007 101-4002-415.41-25 TELEPHONE -MOBILE 0000085 XEROX CORORATION 7405 100676974 000308 00 10/30/2007 V I Ob O3842 YURIAR, RUBEN VENDOR TOTAL * 101-4002-415.56-07 SUPPLIES -DRY INK VENDOR TOTAL * 37,621.35 584.55 584.55 30.95 100.00 24.08 110.51 107.07 41.15 175.00 588.76 20.00 20.00 17.00 17.00 232.00 232.00 241.36 241.36 PREPARED 10 30/2007, 8:14:22 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PROGRAM: GM 39L AS OF: 10/30/2007 CHECK DATE: 10/30/2007 CITY OF ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA VEND NO VENDOR NAME INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NO ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NO NO DATE NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 0003842 YURIAR, RUBEN 26522 000283 00 10/30/2007 101-0000-228.40-00 FORFEIT DEPOSIT REFUND 25.00 0000853 ZUMAR INDUSTRIES, INC 0099732 000281 00 10/30/2007 0099909 000308 00 10/30/2007 O Mn VENDOR TOTAL * 25.00 101-7003-431.56-46 SIGNS 260.24 101-7003-431.56-46 SIGNS 307.09 VENDOR TOTAL * 567.33 TOTAL EXPENDITURES **** 1,226,606.43 GRAND TOTAL ******************** PAGE 21 ------------- EFT OR HAND -ISSUED AMOUNT ------------- 1,226,606.43 PREPARED10/25/2007, 9:40:30 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PAGE 1 PROGRAM: GM346L ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2008/04 CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA REPORT NUMBER 30 BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK -_ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ CHECK VENDOR VENDOR VOUCHER P.O. DATE REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK NO ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NO NAME NO NO ACCOUNT (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) TOTAL 75228 91 BRODSKY, SHELDON 000285 10/26/2007 101-3001-451.10-10 75.00 75.00 * 75.00 75229 380 CALBO 000296 10/26/2007 101-5002-424.51-01 405.00 405.00 * 405.00 75230 3866 CAMPBELL, WAYNE 000300 10/26/2007 101-0000-133.00-00 475.50 000300 10/26/2007 101-5006-426.51-01 149.50 625.00 * 625.00 75231 268 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI 000290 10/26/2007 101-7004-431.41-19 38.50 000290 10/26/2007 101-7004-431.41-19 102.46 000290 10/26/2007 101-7004-431.41-19 99.96 000290 10/26/2007 101-7004-431.41-19 61.46 000290 10/26/2007 101-7003-431.41-16 54.71 000290 10/26/2007 101-7004-431.41-19 10,335.60 000290 10/26/2007 101-3005-451.40-02 2,538.46 000290 10/26/2007 101-3005-451.40-04 111.64 000290 10/26/2007 101-3005-451.40-14 1,969.36 000290 10/26/2007 101-3005-451.40-12 2,184.30 000290 10/26/2007 101-3002-451.41-16 130.15 000290 10/26/2007 101-5008-419.41-16 172.11 000292 10/26/2007 101-5055-422.41-16 100.58 000292 10/26/2007 101-5055-422.41-30 18.00 000292 10/26/2007 101-5055-422.41-30 20.00 000292 10/26/2007 101-5055-422.41-30 355.97 000292 10/26/2007 101-5055-422.41-16 71.93 000300 10/26/2007 101-3005-451.40-04 162.80 000300 10/26/2007 101-3004-451.41-16 80.43 000301 10/26/2007 401-1737-551.45-01 591.52 19,199.94 * 19,199.94 75232 2918 COSTCO 000287 10/26/2007 401-1767-551.80-04 69,806.76 69,806.76 * 69,806.76 75233 3860 CPRS DISTRICT X 000286 10/26/2007 101-3001-451.51-01 40.00 40.00 * 40.00 75234 103 DENIEL, CRISITINA 000285 10/26/2007 101-4001-415.10-10 75.00 75.00 * 75.00 75235 3453 DESERT SANDS UNIFIED 000300 10/26/2007 101-3003-451.56-02 310.00 310.00 * 310.00 75236 307 DESERT SANDS UNIFIED SCHO 000300 10/26/2007 101-3003-451.56-02 240.00 240.00 * 240.00 75237 3312 EMBASSY SUITES 000290 10/26/2007 101-1001-411.51-01 2,539.67 * 2,539.67 O Op PREPAREDI0/25/2007, 9:40:30 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PAGE 2 PROGRAM: GM346L CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK -------------------------------------------------------------------- CHECK VENDOR VENDOR VOUCHER P.O. DATE NO NO NAME NO NO 75238 939 EMERY LANDCLEARING & GRAD 000290 10/26/2007 75239 506 GASSMAN, ANDREA 000285 10/26/2007 75240 3867 HOLIDAY INN HOTEL 000300 10/26/2007 75241 269 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 000290 10/26/2007 000290 10/26/2007 000290 10/26/2007 75242 1998 KOHL'S DEPARTMENT STORES, 000298 10/26/2007 75243 505 LEIDNER, ROBERT 000285 10/26/2007 75244 2924 LONG, E. HOWARD 000285 10/26/2007 75245 2796 LOWE'S 000291 10/26/2007 75246 3704 PARK, DAVID ALAN 000285 10/26/2007 75247 3596 PLUMLEE, BRET 000300 10/26/2007 75248 607 PURE HEALTH SOLUTIONS INC 000290 10/26/2007 75249 2411 RASSI, RANDY 000285 10/26/2007 75250 3708 ROSS, TED 000285 10/26/2007 75251 2061 SATOR SPORTS INC 000300 10/26/2007 75252 283 SOUL OF CHINA 000300 10/26/2007 75253 150 SPARKLETTS 000287 10/26/2007 O WN C6j. ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2008/04 REPORT NUMBER 30 REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------ (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) TOTAL 101-0000-228.10-00 33,000.00 33,000.00 * 33,000.00 101-3001-451.10-10 75.00 75.00 * 75.00 101-5006-426.51-01 381.84 381.84 * 381.84 101-7004-431.41-04 1,056.45 101-7004-431.41-07 266.01 101-7004-431.41-09 17,820.18 19,142.64 * 19,142.64 401-1751-551.80-04 10,117.25 10,117.25 * 10,117.25 101-3001-451.10-10 75.00 75.00 * 75.00 101-3001-451.10-10 75.00 75.00 * 75.00 401-1725-551.45-01 189.19 189.19 * 189.19 101-4001-415.10-10 75.00 75.00 * 75.00 101-1004-413.51-01 720.39 720.39 * 720.39 101-4002-415.56-29 248.74 248.74 * 248.74 101-4001-415.10-10 75.00 75.00 * 75.00 101-4001-415.10-10 75.00 75.00 * 75.00 101-3003-451.56-02 786.92 786.92 * 786.92 101-1001-411.51-01 260.73 260.73 * 260.73 401-1725-551.45-01 185.08 185.08 * 185.08 PREPARED10/25/2007, 9:40:30 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PROGRAM: GM346L CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR VOUCHER P.O. DATE NO --------------------------------------------------------------------. NO NAME NO NO 75254 1000 STATE WATER RESOURCES CON 000298 10/26/2007 75255 2912 STOWELL, ZEILENGA, RUTH, 000300 10/26/2007 75256 2923 SYLK, ROBERT F. 000285 10/26/2007 75257 56 TIME WARNER CABLE 000299 10/26/2007 75258 2290 VERIZON CALIFORNIA 000290 10/26/2007 000301 10/26/2007 75259 2157 VERIZON ON LINE 000296 10/26/2007 75260 1646 WEBER, MARK 000285 10/26/2007 75261 274 WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 000300 10/26/2007 000300 10/26/2007 000300 10/26/2007 000300 10/26/2007 000300 10/26/2007 000300 10/26/2007 000300 10/26/2007 000300 10/26/2007 PAGE 3 ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2008/04 REPORT NUMBER 30 ------------------------------------------ REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT ---------------------------------------------------------- (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) TOTAL 401-1775-551.45-01 2,370.00 2,370.00 * 2,370.00 101-1001-411.32-01 12,483.63 12,483.63 * 12,483.63 101-3001-451.10-10 75.00 75.00 * 75.00 502-0000-512.30-03 699.95 699.95 * 699.95 101-4002-415.41-22 34.70 101-3005-451.43-59 40.09 74.79 * 74.79 101-4002-415.41-22 79.95 79.95 * 79.95 101-3001-451.10-10 75.00 75.00 * 75.00 101-1001-411.51-01 284.17 101-1001-411.56-01 342.41 101-1002-413.51-01 209.08 101-1002-413.56-01 134.74 101-1004-413.51-01 79.96 101-3001-451.51-01 71.20 101-5008-419.56-55 126.61 101-6001-463.51-01 469.07 BANK/CHECK TOTAL ALL BANKS/CHECKS TOTAL 1,717.24 * 1,717.24 176,374.71 176,374.71 176,374.71 176,374.71 PREPARED 10//25/2007, 9:25:18 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PAGE 1 PROGRAM: GM339L AS OF: 10/26/2007 CHECK DATE: 10/26/2007 CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VEND NO VENDOR NAME EFT OR INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK HAND -ISSUED NO NO NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DATE NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT 0000091 BRODSKY, SHELDON OCTOBER 000285 00 10/25/2007 101-3001-451.10-10 COMMISSION MTG 75.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 75.00 0000380 CALBO 4915 000296 00 10/25/2007 101-5002-424.51-01 REGISTRATION 405.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 405.00 0003866 CAMPBELL, WAYNE 102407 000300 00 10/25/2007 101-0000-133.00-00 TRAVEL ADVANCE 475.50 102407 000300 00 10/25/2007 101-5006-426.51-01 TRAVEL ADVANCE - 149.50 VENDOR TOTAL * 625.00 0000268 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DIST VARIOUS 000290 00 10/25/2007 101-3002-451.41-16 WATER SVC 130.15 VARIOUS 000300 00 10/25/2007 101-3004-451.41-16 WATER SVC 80.43 VARIOUS 000290 00 10/25/2007 101-3005-451.40-02 WATER SVC 2,538.46 VARIOUS 000290 00 10/25/2007 101-3005-451.40-04 WATER SVC 111.64 VARIOUS 000290 00 10/25/2007 101-3005-451.40-14 WATER SVC 1,969.36 VARIOUS 000290 00 10/25/2007 101-3005-451.40-12 WATER SVC 2,184.30 VARIOUS 000300 00 10/25/2007 101-3005-451.40-04 WATER SVC 162.80 VARIOUS 000290 00 10/25/2007 101-5008-419.41-16 WATER SVC 172.11 060706326801 000292 00 10/25/2007 101-5055-422.41-16 WATER SVC 100.58 050719148201 000292 00 10/25/2007 101-5055-422.41-30 WATER SVC 18.00 050719148301 000292 00 10/25/2007 101-5055-422.41-30 WATER SVC 20.00 050719148101 000292 00 10/25/2007 101-5055-422.41-30 WATER SVC 355.97 060716118112 000292 00 10/25/2007 101-5055-422.41-16 WATER SVC 71.93 VARIOUS 000290 00 10/25/2007 101-7003-431.41-16 WATER SVC 54.71 050731207720 000290 00 10/25/2007 101-7004-431.41-19 WATER SVC 38.50 050731250000 000290 00 10/25/2007 101-7004-431.41-19 WATER SVC 102.46 060706416101 000290 00 10/25/2007 101-7004-431.41-19 WATER SVC 99.96 050731331800 000290 00 10/25/2007 101-7004-431.41-19 WATER SVC 61.46 VARIOUS 000290 00 10/25/2007 101-7004-431.41-19 WATER SVC 10,335.60 VARIOUS 000301 00 10/25/2007 401-1737-551.45-01 METER SVC CHG 591.52 VENDOR TOTAL * 19,199.94 0002918 COSTCO 102207 000287 00 10/25/2007 401-1767-551.80-04 2nd QTR SALES TAX AGREE 69,806.76 VENDOR TOTAL * 69,806.76 0003860 CPRS DISTRICT X 101807 000286 00 10/25/2007 101-3001-451.51-01 COMMISSIONER TRAINING 40.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 40.00 0000103 DENIEL, CRISITINA OCTOBER 000285 00 10/25/2007 101-4001-415.10-10 INV ADV BOARD MTG 75.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 75.00 0003453 DESERT SANDS UNIFIED F02407 000300 00 10/25/2007 101-3003-451.56-02 PYMNT-USAGE OF RESTROOMS 310.00 O G.fl M PREPARED 10//25/2007, 9:25:18 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PAGE 2 PROGRAM: GM339L AS OF: 10/26/2007 CHECK DATE: 10/26/2007 CITY OF LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VEND NO VENDOR NAME EFT OR INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK HAND -ISSUED NO NO NO DATE NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT 0003453 DESERT SANDS UNIFIED VENDOR TOTAL * 310.00 0000307 DESERT SANDS UNIFIED SCHOOL DIST 102407 000300 00 10/25/2007 101-3003-451.56-02 PYMNT-USAGE OF RESTROOMS 240.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 240.00 0003312 EMBASSY SUITES 102307 000290 00 10/25/2007 101-1001-411.51-01 FIRE/POLICE DINNER 2,539.67 VENDOR TOTAL * 2,539.67 0000939 EMERY LANDCLEARING & GRADING INC 091707 000290 00 10/25/2007 101-0000-228.10-00 PROJ #08-004 33,000.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 33,000.00 0000506 GASSMAN, ANDREA OCTOBER 000285 00 10/25/2007 101-3001-451.10-10 COMMISSION MTG 75.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 75.00 0003867 HOLIDAY INN HOTEL 65489509 000300 00 10/25/2007 101-5006-426.51-01 LODGING 381.84 VENDOR TOTAL * 381.84 0000269 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST VARIOUS 000290 00 10/25/2007 101-7004-431.41-04 ELECTRIC SVC 1,056.45 VARIOUS 000290 00 10/25/2007 101-7004-431.41-07 ELECTRIC SVC 266.01 VARIOUS 000290 00 10/25/2007 101-7004-431.41-09 ELECTRIC SVC 17,820.18 VENDOR TOTAL * 19,142.64 0001998 KOHL!S DEPARTMENT STORES, INC 102407 000298 00 10/25/2007 401-1751-551.80-04 2ND OTR 2007 SALES TAX 10,117.25 VENDOR TOTAL * 10,117.25 0000505 LEIDNER, ROBERT OCTOBER 000285 00 10/25/2007 101-3001-451.10-10 COMMISSION MTG 75.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 75.00 0002924 LONG, E. HOWARD OCTOBER 000285 00 10/25/2007 101-3001-451.10-10 COMMISSION MTG 75.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 75.00 0002796 LOWE'S 102307 000291 00 10/25/2007 401-1725-551.45-01 WINDOW COVERINGS 189.19 VENDOR TOTAL * 189.19 0003704 PARK, DAVID ALAN OCTOBER 000285 00 10/25/2007 101-4001-415.10-10 INV ADV BOARD MTG 75.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 75.00 0003596 PLUMLEE, BRET w PREPARED 10�25/2007, 9:25:18 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PAGE 3 PROGRAM: GM 39L AS OF: 10/26/2007 CHECK DATE: 10/26/2007 CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VEND NO VENDOR NAME EFT OR INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK HAND -ISSUED NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NO NO DATE NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT 0003596 PLUMLEE, BRET 102507 000300 00 10/25/2007 101-1004-413.51-01 TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT 720.39 0000607 PURE HEALTH SOLUTIONS INC 241165 000290 00 10/25/2007 0002411 RASSI, RANDY OCTOBER 000285 00 10/25/2007 0003708 ROSS, TED OCTOBER 000285 00 10/25/2007 0002061 SATOR SPORTS INC 110274A 000300 00 10/25/2007 0000283 SOUL OF CHINA 102507 000300 00 10/25/2007 0000150 SPARKLETTS 6224837 000287 00 10/25/2007 VENDOR TOTAL * 101-4002-415.56-29 WATER -CONTRACT PAYMENT VENDOR TOTAL 101-4001-415.10-10 INV ADV BOARD MTG VENDOR TOTAL 101-4001-415.10-10 INV ADV BOARD MTG VENDOR TOTAL 101-3003-451.56-02 SUPPLIES -PAINT VENDOR TOTAL 101-1001-411.51-01 COUNCIL DINNER VENDOR TOTAL 401-1725-551.45-01 DRINKING WATER VENDOR TOTAL 0001000 STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD 0709934 000298 00 10/25/2007 401-1775-551.45-01 ANNUAL FEE 0002912 STOWELL, ZEILENGA, RUTH, VAUGHN 8 20236 000300 00 10/25/2007 0002923 SYLK, ROBERT F. OCTOBER 000285 00 10/25/2007 0000056 TIME WARNER CABLE 0178583 000299 00 10/25/2007 0002290 VERIZON CALIFORNIA 345-2951 000301 00 10/25/2007 771-0231 000290 00 10/25/2007 0002157 VERIZON ON LINE VENDOR TOTAL 101-1001-411.32-01 PROFESSIONAL SVCS VENDOR TOTAL 101-3001-451.10-10 COMMISSION MTG VENDOR TOTAL 502-0000-512.30-03 INTERNET ACCESS VENDOR TOTAL 101-3005-451.43-59 PHONE SVC-LQ PK 101-4002-415.41-22 PHONE SVC-TRLR CONSTR VENDOR TOTAL * 720.39 248.74 248.74 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 786.92 786.92 260.73 260.73 185.08 185.08 2,370.00 2,370.00 12,483.63 12,483.63 75.00 75.00 699.95 699.95 40.09 34.70 74.79 PREPARED 10/25/2007, 9:25:18 PROGRAM: GM3339L CITY OF LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA -------------------------------------------- VEND NO VENDOR NAME INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE NO -------------------------------------------- NO NO DATE 0002157 VERIZON ON LINE 91311247 000296 00 10/25/2007 0001646 WEBER, MARK OCTOBER 000285 00 10/25/2007 0000274 WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 082907 000300 00 10/25/2007 082907 000300 00 10/25/2007 082907 000300 00 10/25/2007 082907 000300 00 10/25/2007 082907 000300 00 10/25/2007 082907 000300 00 10/25/2007 082907 000300 00 10/25/2007 082907 000300 00 10/25/2007 FF� EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST AS OF: 10/26/2007 CHECK DATE: 10/26/2007 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ----------------------------------------------------------------- 101-4002-415.41-22 INTERNET ACCESS VENDOR TOTAL 101-3001-451.10-10 COMMISSION MTG VENDOR TOTAL 101-1001-411.51-01 TRAVEL/MEETINGS 101-1001-411.56-01 TRAVEL/MEETINGS 101-1002-413.51-01 TRAVEL/MEETINGS 101-1002-413.56-01 TRAVEL/MEETINGS 101-1004-413.51-01 TRAVEL/MEETINGS 101-3001-451.51-01 TRAVEL/MEETINGS 101-5008-419.56-55 SUPPLIES 101-6001-463.51-01 TRAVEL/MEETINGS VENDOR TOTAL TOTAL EXPENDITURES **** GRAND TOTAL ******************** 79.95 79.95 75.00 75.00 284.17 342.41 209.08 134.74 79.96 71.20 126.61 469.07 1,717.24 176,374.71 PAGE ----------------- EFT OR HAND -ISSUED AMOUNT ----------------- 176,374.71 4 PREPAREDI0/18/2007, 13:31:01 PROGRAM: GM346L CITY OF LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK ----------------------------- CHECK VENDOR VENDOR NO NO NAME 72770* 3429 MAYER, ANNE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PAGE 1 ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2008/04 REPORT NUMBER 29 ------------------------------------- VOUCHER P.O. DATE NO NO ------------------------------------- 000888 04/10/2007 75211 1549 AGATI, INC 000272 1155 10/19/2007 75212 133 CALPERS LONG-TERM CARE PR PR1019 10/19/2007 75213 268 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI 000268 10/19/2007 000272 10/19/2007 000272 10/19/2007 000272 10/19/2007 000272 10/19/2007 000272 10/19/2007 000272 10/19/2007 000275 10/19/2007 000275 10/19/2007 75214 3844 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE 000275 10/19/2007 75215 2958 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION 000267 10/19/2007 75216 269 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 000272 10/19/2007 000272 10/19/2007 75217 2432 INTERRA FURNISHINGS, INC 000272 1156 10/19/2007 75218 2970 LA OUINTA PLAYHOUSE 000275 10/19/2007 75219 1830 LIUNA PR1019 10/19/2007 75220 1993 NATIONAL ANIMAL CONTROL A 000275 10/19/2007 75221 3855 ORRANTIA, VIANKA 000276 10/19/2007 75222 157 POWER STAFFING SOLUTIONS 000272 10/19/2007 000272 10/19/2007 75223 2912 STOWELL, ZEILENGA, RUTH, 000267 10/19/2007 O cn u1 REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------- (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) TOTAL 101-5000-322.01-00 50.00- 50.00- * VOIDED 401-1782-551.45-01 76,267.63 76,267.63 * 76,267.63 101-0000-209.49-00 86.88 86.88 * 86.88 401-1759-551.74-01 32.05 101-7004-431.41-19 21.28 101-7004-431.41-19 272.20 101-7004-431.41-19 3,677.52 101-3005-451.40-03 119.68 101-3005-451.40-05 55.72 101-3005-451.40-12 826.50 101-3005-451.40-01 955.52 101-3005-451.40-12 1,680.24 7,640.71 * 7,640.71 101-6001-463.55-01 64.00 64.00 * 64.00 218-0000-421.40-15 671.72 671.72 * 671.72 101-7004-431.41-04 58.93 101-7004-431.41-04 71.78 130.71 * 130.71 401-1782-551.45-01 24,772.77 24,772.77 * 24,772.77 101-3001-451.80-01 5,488.00 5,488.00 * 5,488.00 101-0000-209.80-00 832.00 832.00 * 832.00 101-5006-426.51-01 495.00 495.00 * 495.00 101-0000-209.40-00 337.32 337.32 * 337.32 101-5002-424.10-05 856.80 101-7002-431.10-05 95.20 952.00 * 952.00 101-1001-411.32-01 197.50 PREPARED10/18/2007, 13:31:01 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PROGRAM: GM346L CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK ____________________________________________________________________ CHECK VENDOR VENDOR VOUCHER P.O. DATE NO NO NAME NO NO 75223 2912 STOWELL, ZEILENGA, RUTH, 000267 10/19/2007 75224 3116 TASC PR1019 10/19/2007 75225 56 TIME WARNER CABLE 000272 10/19/2007 75226 63 UNITED WAY OF THE DESERT PR1019 75227 2290 VERIZON CALIFORNIA 000267 000267 000267 000268 000268 000272 t 10/19/2007 10/19/2007 10/19/2007 10/19/2007 10/19/2007 10/19/2007 10/19/2007 PAGE 2 ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2008/04 REPORT NUMBER 29 ___________________________________________________ -- REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) TOTAL ___________________________________ _________________________ 101-1001-411.32-01 31,890.94 32,088.44 101-0000-209.46-00 1,182.60 1,182.60 101-7003-431.56-52 8.40 8.40 101-0000-209.81-00 102.00 102.00 101-4002-415.41-22 89.50 101-4002-415.41-22 81.04 101-5054-421.41-22 466.88 101-3005-451.40-16 31.56 101-4002-415.41-22 89.46 101-7004-431.41-04 34.58 793.02 BANK/CHECK TOTAL ALL BANKS/CHECKS TOTAL 151,863.20 151,863.20 32,088.44 1,182.60 8.40 102.00 793.02 151,913.20 151,913.20 PREPARED 10f18/2007, 13:05:06 PROGRAM: GM 39L CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA ------------------------------------------ VEND NO VENDOR NAME INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE NO NO NO DATE ------------------------------------------ 0001549 AGATI, INC 101707 000272 1155 00 10/18/2007 0000133 CALPERS LONG-TERM CARE PROGRAM 20071019 PR1019 00 10/19/2007 0000268 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DIST VARIOUS 000272 00 10/18/2007 VARIOUS 000272 00 10/18/2007 VARIOUS 000272 00 10/18/2007 VARIOUS 000275 00 10/18/2007 VARIOUS 000275 00 10/18/2007 050719413801 000272 00 10/18/2007 050719403201 000272 00 10/18/2007 VARIOUS 000272 00 10/18/2007 050729112701 000268 00 10/18/2007 0003844 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE 101707 000275 00 10/18/2007 0002958 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION 94452763 000267 00 10/18/2007 0000269 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 84522482 000272 00 10/18/2007 84522483 000272 00 10/18/2007 0002432 101707 0002970 101707 0001830 20071019 0003429 LQ070557 INTERRA FURNISHINGS, INC 000272 1156 00 10/18/2007 LA QUINTA PLAYHOUSE 000275 00 10/18/2007 LIUNA PR1019 MAYER, ANNE 000888 00 10/19/2007 00 04/10/2007 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST AS OF: 10/19/2007 CHECK DATE: 10/19/2007 ------------------------------------------------------------- ACCOUNT ITEM NO DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------------------------------- 401-1782-551.45-01 FURNITURE DEPOSIT VENDOR TOTAL 101-0000-209.49-00 PAYROLL SUMMARY VENDOR TOTAL 101-3005-451.40-03 WATER SVC 101-3005-451.40-05 WATER SVC 101-3005-451.40-12 WATER SVC 101-3005-451.40-01 WATER SVC 101-3005-451.40-12 WATER SVC 101-7004-431.41-19 WATER SVC 101-7004-431.41-19 WATER SVC 101-7004-431.41-19 WATER SVC 401-1759-551.74-01 WATER SVC VENDOR TOTAL 101-6001-463.55-01 FILING FEE VENDOR TOTAL 218-0000-421.40-15 ELECTRIC SVC VENDOR TOTAL 101-7004-431.41-04 ELECTRIC SVC 101-7004-431.41-04 ELECTRIC SVC VENDOR TOTAL 401-1782-551.45-01 SHELVING DEPOSIT VENDOR TOTAL 101-3001-451.80-01 CONTRACT SVCS AGREEMENT VENDOR TOTAL 101-0000-209.80-00 PAYROLL SUMMARY VENDOR TOTAL 101-5000-322.01-00 REFUND -CITATION VENDOR TOTAL 000L993 NATIONAL ANIMAL CONTROL ASSOCIATION PAGE 1 ---------------------------- EFT OR CHECK HAND -ISSUED AMOUNT AMOUNT ---------------------------- 76,267.63 76,267.63 86.88 86.88 119.68 55.72 826.50 955.52 1,680.24 21.28 272.20 3,677.52 32.05 7,640.71 64.00 64.00 671.72 671.72 58.93 71.78 130.71 24,772.77 24,772.77 5,488.00 5,488.00 832.00 832.00 CHECK p: 72770 .00 50.00- 50.00- 0 cn PREPARED 10/18/2007, 13:05:06 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PAGE 2 PROGRAM: GM339L AS OF: 10/19/2007 CHECK DATE: 10/19/2007 CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EFT OR VEND NO INVOICE VENDOR NAME VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK HAND -ISSUED NO NO NO DATE--- -----NO---------------DESCRIPTION--------------------------AMOUNT --------- AMOUNT --- 0001993 NATIONAL ANIMAL CONTROL ASSOCIATION 101707 000275 00 10/18/2007 101-5006-426.51-01 TRAINING REGISTRATION 0003855 ORRANTIA, VIANKA 101807 000276 00 10/18/2007 0000157 POWER STAFFING SOLUTIONS INC 24513 000272 00 10/18/2007 24513 000272 00 10/18/2007 VENDOR TOTAL * 101-0000-209.40-00 PAYBACK INS DED ERROR VENDOR TOTAL 101-5002-424.10-05 CONTRACT SVC 101-7002-431.10-05 CONTRACT SVC VENDOR TOTAL 0002912 STOWELL, ZEILENGA, RUTH, VAUGHN & 091907 000267 00 10/18/2007 101-1001-411.32-01 PREVIOUS BAL DUE 20113 000267 00 10/18/2007 101-1001-411.32-01 PROFESSIONAL SVCS 0003116 TASC 20071019 PR1019 00 10/19/2007 0000056 TIME WARNER CABLE 0406828 000272 00 10/18/2007 0000063 UNITED WAY OF THE DESERT 20071019 PRIO19 00 10/19/2007 0002290 VERIZON CALIFORNIA 771-3100 000268 00 10/18/2007 345-1471 000267 00 10/18/2007 777-1222 000267 00 10/18/2007 564-9171 000268 00 10/18/2007 UHO-2778 000267 00 10/18/2007 771-2109 000272 00 10/18/2007 s I VENDOR TOTAL 101-0000-209.46-00 PAYROLL SUMMARY VENDOR TOTAL 101-7003-431.56-52 CABLE SVC-YARD VENDOR TOTAL 101-0000-209.81-00 PAYROLL SUMMARY VENDOR TOTAL 101-3005-451.40-16 PHONE SVC-SPORTSCOMPLEX 101-4002-415.41-22 PHONE SVC 101-4002-415.41-22 PHONE SVC 101-4002-415.41-22 PHONE SVC 101-5054-421.41-22 PHONE SVC-SHERIFF'S 101-7004-431.41-04 PHONE SVC VENDOR TOTAL HAND ISSUED TOTAL *** TOTAL EXPENDITURES **** GRAND TOTAL ******************** 495.00 495.00 337.32 337.32 856.80 95.20 952.00 197.50 31,890.94 32,088.44 1,182.60 1,182.60 8.40 8.40 102.00 102.00 31.56 89.50 81.04 89.46 466.88 34.58 793.02 50.00- 151,913.20 50.00- 151,863.20 PREPAREDI0/15/2007, 11:16:01 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PAGE 1 PROGRAM: GM346L ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2008/04 CITY OF LA QUINTA CALIFORNIA REPORT NUMBER 28 BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR VOUCHER P.O. DATE REMITTANCE AMOUNT NO NO NAME NO NO ACCOUNT (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 75210 507 WELLS FARGO BANK 000259 10/15/2007 245-9001-703.51-55 175,000.00 175,000.00 BANK/CHECK TOTAL 175,000.00 ALL BANKS/CHECKS TOTAL 175,000.00 w O 4S7 G7D CHECK TOTAL 175,000.00 175,000.00 175,000.00 PREPARED 10 15/2007, 11:04:04 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PAGE 1 PROGRAM: GM�39L AS OF: 10/15/2007 CHECK DATE: 10/15/2007 CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'___-- VEND NO VENDOR NAME EFT OR INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK HAND -ISSUED NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NO NO DATE NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT 0000507 WELLS FARGO BANK 101507 000259 00 10/15/2007 245-9001-703.51-55 51-455 CaLLe LLoiLo 175,000.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 175,000.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES **** 175,000.00 GRAND TOTAL ******************** 175,000.00 r PREPAREDI0/15/2007, 10:07:56 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PROGRAM: GM346L CITY OF LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHECK VENDOR VENDOR VOUCHER P.O. DATE NO NO NAME NO NO ACCOUNT 75209 1228 INDIAN WELLS, CITY OF 000258 10/15/2007 101-4001-415.51-01 BANK/CHECK TOTAL ALL BANKS/CHECKS TOTAL PAGE 1 ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2008/04 REPORT NUMBER 27 -------------------------------------- REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) TOTAL -------------------------------------- 60.00 60.00 * 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 PREPARED 10/15/2007, 9:57:00 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PAGE 1 PROGRAM: GMY 39L AS OF: 10/15/2007 CHECK DATE: 10/15/2007 CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VEND NO VENDOR NAME EFT OR INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK HAND -ISSUED NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NO NO DATE NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT 0001228 INDIAN WELLS, CITY OF 101507 000258 00 10/15/2007 101-4001-415.51-01 CSMFO LUNCHEON 60.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 60.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES **** 60.00 GRAND TOTAL ******************** 60.00 rw PREPARED10/11/2007 11:57:45 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PAGE 1 PROGRAM: GM3461- CITY OF LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHECK VENDOR VENDOR VOUCHER P.O. DATE NO NO NAME NO NO 75189* 507 WELLS FARGO BANK 000240 10/09/2007 75191 3210 BURRTEC WASTE & RECYCLING 000235 10/12/2007 75192 268 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI 000245 10/12/2007 000245 10/12/2007 75193 3830 CPRS DISTRICT %I 000245 10/12/2007 75194 189 DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATIO 000242 000242 75195 940 FUELMAN 000245 75196 136 GAS COMPANY, THE 000235 000249 75197 36 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICE 000248 000248 000248 000248 000248 000248 000248 000248 000248 000248 000248 000248 000248 000248 000248 000248 000248 000248 000248 75198 2413 IES - APA 000242 v 75199 269 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 000235 000235 O cn Ca 10/12/2007 10/12/2007 10/12/2007 10/12/2007 10/12/2007 10/12/2007 10/12/2007 10/12/2007 10/12/2007 10/12/2007 10/2007 12/2007 10/12/2007 10/12/2007 10/12/2007 10/12/2007 10/12/2007 10/12/2007 10/12/2007 10/12/2007 10/12/2007 10/12/2007 10/12/2007 10/12/2007 10/12/2007 10/12/2007 10/12/2007 ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2008/04 REPORT NUMBER 26 REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT ----------------- --------------------------------------- (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) TOTAL 245-9001-703.51-55 13,000.00- 13,000.00- * VOIDED 218-0000-421.42-17 92.00 92.00 * 92.00 101-7004-431.41-19 1,726.06 101-3005-451.40-06 392.50 2,118.56 * 2,118.56 101-3001-451.51-01 25.00 25.00 * 25.00 101-0000-203.08-00 1,967.87 101-5000-342.81-00 98.39- 1,869.48 * 1,869.48 501-0000-511.43-34 1,114.98 1,114.98 * 1,114.98 101-5008-419.41-13 201.48 101-5055-422.41-13 51.21 252.69 * 252.69 101-7003-431.56-52 35.47 101-7003-431.56-55 86.66 101-7004-431.56-52 4.69 101-7003-431.56-52 146.32 401-1725-551.45-01 81.81 101-7003-431.56-52 64.46 101-7004-431.56-52 412.50 101-7004-431.56-37 148.70 101-5008-419.43-88 1.58 101-7003-431.56-52 44.76 101-7004-431.56-37 175.60 101-5008-419.43-88 64.62 101-7004-431.56-37 405.14 101-7004-431.56-52 116.95 101-3005-451.43-64 17.62 101-7004-431.56-52 408.34 101-5055-422.43-61 126.25 101-7004-431.56-37 202.57 101-7003-431.56-52 17.76 2,561.80 * 2,561.80 101-6002-463.51-01 140.00 140.00 * 140.00 101-5055-422.41-01 1,706.47 101-3005-451.40-61 2,993.20 PREPAREDI0/11/2007, 11:57:45 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PAGE 2 PROGRAM: GM346L ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2008/04 CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA REPORT NUMBER 26 BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHECK VENDOR VENDOR VOUCHER P.O. DATE REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NO NAME NO NO ACCOUNT (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) TOTAL 75199 269 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 000235 10/12/2007 101-3005-451.40-66 5.55 000235 10/12/2007 101-3005-451.40-62 90.12 000235 10/12/2007 101-7004-431.41-04 2,973.40 000235 10/12/2007 101-7004-431.41-07 812.76 8,581.50 * 8,581.50 75200 3833 KELLY, MAUREEN 000252 10/12/2007 101-1004-413.53-06 161.31 161.31 * 161.31 75201 2796 LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC. NO 000242 10/12/2007 401-1725-551.45-01 1,265.44 1,265.44 * 1,265.44 75202 2387 PHSI PURE WATER FINANCE 000246 10/12/2007 101-4002-415.56-29 52.80 52.80 * 52.80 75203 157 POWER STAFFING SOLUTIONS 000235 10/12/2007 101-5002-424.10-05 856.80 000235 10/12/2007 101-7002-431.10-05 95.20 000246 10/12/2007 101-5002-424.10-05 856.80 000246 10/12/2007 101-7002-431.10-05 95.20 000246 10/12/2007 101-5002-424.10-05 666.40 000246 10/12/2007 101-7002-431.10-05 95.20 2,665.60 * 2,665.60 75204 3825 RIVERSIDE COUNTY GANG 000235 10/12/2007 218-0000-421.51-01 950.00 950.00 * 950.00 75205 159 SAFEGUARD HEALTH PLANS 000244 10/12/2007 101-0000-209.43-00 8,377.53 8,377.53 * 8,377.53 75206 3243 TASC - FEES 000246 10/12/2007 101-1004-413.32-07 15.00 15.00 * 15.00 75207 2290 VERIZON CALIFORNIA 000235 10/12/2007 101-4002-415.41-22 89.50 000248 10/12/2007 101-4002-415.41-22 20.28 109.78 * 109.78 75208 2157 VERIZON ON LINE 000235 10/12/2007 101-4002-415.41-22 79.95 79.95 * 79.95 BANK/CHECK TOTAL ALL BANKS/CHECKS TOTAL r• 17,433.42 17,433.42 30,433.42 30,433.42 PREPARED 10[/11/2007, 11:46:00 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PAGE 1 PROGRAM: GM339L AS OF: 10/12/2007 CHECK DATE: 10/12/2007 CITY OF LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VEND NO VENDOR NAME EFT OR INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK HAND -ISSUED NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NO NO DATE NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT 0003210 BURRTEC WASTE B RECYCLING SVCS 50-IC209420 000235 00 10/11/2007 218-0000-421.42-17 REFUSE COLLECTION 92.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 92.00 0000268 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DIST VARIOUS 000245 00 10/11/2007 101-3005-451.40-06 WATER SERVICE 392.50 VARIOUS 000245 00 10/11/2007 101-7004-431.41-19 WATER SERVICE 1,726.06 VENDOR TOTAL * 2,118.56 0003830 CPRS DISTRICT XI 100907 000245 00 10/11/2007 101-3001-451.51-01 RHA BREAKFAST 25.00 - VENDOR TOTAL * 25.00 0000189 DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION 093007 000242 00 10/11/2007 101-0000-203.08-00 MAPPING FEES 1,967.87 093007 000242 00 10/11/2007 101-5000-342.81-00 MAPPING FEES 98.39- VENDOR TOTAL * 1,869.48 0000940 FUELMAN BG224984 000245 00 10/11/2007 501-0000-511.43-34 FUEL 1,114.98 VENDOR TOTAL * 1,114.98 0000136 GAS COMPANY, THE 02692565001 000235 00 10/11/2007 101-5008-419.41-13 GAS SVC-CIVIC CENTER 201.48 16568248591 000249 00 10/11/2007 101-5055-422.41-13 GAS SVC 51.21 VENDOR TOTAL * 252.69 0000036 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 3021895 000248 00 10/11/2007 101-3005-451.43-64 SUPPLIES -SPORTS COMPLEX 17.62 1021440 000248 00 10/11/2007 101-5008-419.43-88 MAINT/REPAIR SUPPLIES 1.58 91143 000248 00 1OZ1112007 101-5008-419.43-88 MAINT/REPAIR SUPPLIES 64.62 3021933 000248 00 10/11/2007 101-5055-422.43-61 MAINT/REPAIR ST N70 126.25 6011657 000248 00 10/11/2007 101-7003-431.56-52 MATERIAL 35.47 5011732 000248 00 10/11/2007 101-7003-431.56-55 TOOLS 86.66 8410274 000248 00 10/11/2007 101-7003-431.56-52 SUPPLIES 146.32 6410305 000248 00 10/11/2007 101-7003-431.56-52 MATERIAL 64.46 1410354 000248 00 10/11/2007 101-7003-431.56-52 SUPPLIES 44.76 7242329 000248 00 10/11/2007 101-7003-431.56-52 MATERIAL 17.76 8012194 000248 00 10/11/2007 101-7004-431.56-52 IRRIGATION PARTS 4.69 3012503 000248 00 10/11/2007 101-7004-431.56-52 MATERIALS 412.50 2124692 000248 00 10/11/2007 101-7004-431.56-37 GRAFFITI MATERIAL 148.70 91138 000248 00 10/11/2007 101-7004-431.56-37 GRAFFITI MATERIAL 175.60 9012806 000248 00 10/11/2007 101-7004-431.56-37 GRAFFITI MATERIALS 405.14 9012841 000248 00 10/11/2007 101-7004-431.56-52 ELECTRIC MATERIALS 116.95 3021912 000248 00 10/11/2007 101-7004-431.56-52 ELECTRIC MATERIAL 408.34 8013515 000248 00 1OZ11/2007 101-7004-431.56-37 GRAFFITI MATERIAL 202.57 6021145 000248 00 10/11/2007 401-1725-551.45-01 KITCHEN SINK 81.81 VENDOR TOTAL * 2,561.80 %0002413 IES - APA PREPARED 10�11/2007, 11:46:00 PROGRAM: GM 39L CITY OF LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA ------------------------------------------ V'END NO VENDOR NAME INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE NO NO NO DATE ------------------------------------------ 0002413 IES - APA 100907 000242 00 10/11/2007 0000269 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST VARIOUS 000235 00 10/11/2007 VARIOUS 000235 00 10/11/2007 VARIOUS 000235 00 10/11/2007 84515898 000235 00 10/11/2007 VARIOUS 000235 00 10/11/2007 VARIOUS 000235 00 10/11/2007 0003833 KELLY, MAUREEN 101107 000252 00 10/11/2007 0002796 LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC. #0208 100907 000242 00 10/11/2007 0002387 PHSI PURE WATER FINANCE 0000006354 000246 00 10/11/2007 0000157 POWER STAFFING SOLUTIONS INC 24462 000235 00 10/11/2007 24410 000246 00 10/11/2007 24358 000246 00 10/11/2007 24462 000235 00 10/11/2007 24410 000246 00 1OZ1112007 24358 000246 00 10/11/2007 0003825 RIVERSIDE COUNTY GANG 100407 000235 00 10/11/2007 0000159 SAFEGUARD HEALTH PLANS 1569268 000244 00 10/11/2007 0003243 TASC - FEES 2700131905 000246 00 10/11/2007 0002290 VERIZON CALIFORNIA 564-9188 000235 00 10/11/2007 -911-9999 000248 00 10/11/2007 0002157 VERIZON ON LINE O O EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PAGE 2 AS OF: 10/12/2007 CHECK DATE: 10/12/2007 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EFT OR ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK HAND -ISSUED NO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT 101-6002-463.51-01 REGISTRATION -WORKSHOP 140.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 140.00 101-3005-451.40-61 ELECTRIC SVC 2,993.20 101-3005-451.40-66 ELECTRIC SVC 5.55 101-3005-451.40-62 ELECTRIC SVC 90.12 101-5055-422.41-01 ELECTRIC SVC 1,706.47 101-7004-431.41-04 ELECTRIC SVC 2,973.40 101-7004-431.41-07 ELECTRIC SVC 812.76 VENDOR TOTAL * 8,581.50 101-1004-413.53-06 REIMB-PARTIAL EDUCATION 161.31 VENDOR TOTAL * 161.31 401-1725-551.45-01 WINDOW COVERINGS 1,265.44 VENDOR TOTAL * 1,265.44 101-4002-415.56-29 WATER 52.80 VENDOR TOTAL * 52.80 101-5002-424.10-05 CONTRACT SVCS 856.80 101-5002-424.10-05 CONTRACT SVCS 856.80 101-5002-424.10-05 CONTRACT SVCS 666.40 101-7002-431.10-05 CONTRACT SVCS 95.20 101-7002-431.10-05 CONTRACT SVCS 95.20 101-7002-431.10-05 CONTRACT SVCS 95.20 VENDOR TOTAL * 2,665.60 218-0000-421.51-01 SEMINAR 950.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 950.00 101-0000-209.43-00 DENTAL INS-OCT 07 8,377.53 VENDOR TOTAL * 8,377.53 101-1004-413.32-07 ENROLLMENT FEE 15.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 15.00 101-4002-415.41-22 PHONE SVC 89.50 101-4002-415.41-22 PHONE SVC-EMERGENCY COMM 20.28 VENDOR TOTAL * 109.78 PREPARED 10/11/2007, 11:46:00 PROGRAM: GM§39L CITY OF LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA ----------------------------- VEND NO VENDOR NAME INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. NO NO NO ----------------------------- 0002157 VERIZON ON LINE 82780757 000235 0000507 WELLS FARGO BANK 100907 000240 w O Q� EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PAGE 3 AS OF: 10/12/2007 CHECK DATE: 10/12/2007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EFT OR BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK HAND -ISSUED DATE NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00 10/11/2007 101-4002-415.41-22 DSL @L0 PARK VENDOR TOTAL 00 10/09/2007 245-9001-703.51-55 51805 AVENIDA CORTEZ VENDOR TOTAL HAND ISSUED TOTAL *** TOTAL EXPENDITURES **** GRAND TOTAL ******************** 79.95 79.95 CHECK N: 75189 13,000.00- .00 13,000.00- 13,000.00- 30,433.42 13,000.00- 17,433.42 COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: November 6, 2007 ITEM TITLE: Approval of a Request by the County of Riverside Planning Commission to Utilize the Council Chambers for Public Hearings on March 19, June 25, September 17 and November 19, 2008 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: oL STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Approve a request from the County of Riverside Planning Commission to utilize the Council Chambers on March 19, June 25, September 17 and November 19, 2008 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The County of Riverside Planning Commission has requested that the Council Chambers be made available for the Planning Commission meetings on the following days in 2008: March 19, June 25, September 17 and November 19. The request meets all the requirements of facility use as contained in the City's Guidelines. A complete application has been submitted (Attachment 1) for the City Council's consideration. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 4„ 068 1 . Approve a request from the County of Riverside Planning Commission to utilize the Council Chambers on March 19, June 25, September 17 and November 19, 2008 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.; or 2. Do not approve the request from the County of Riverside Planning Commission to utilize the Council Chambers; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, Tom Hartung, Director ol Building & Safety Attachment: 1. Application Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager a. 069 2 Type of 'ati►eat: Public nn� P``r//ivate Description of Activity:. reL'i Cl1AifGiis. Date(s) "Of use-3I, V-75)" �7 1�I y � I� Size of Group__ Jy-Sy: Tieue,4'IIsed StartFimish '(aAn'. Total Hours of Use ,Certificate of Additionai.insured Attached, -or- City'Insurance Requested; Fee Paid: 9 N Refundable Cleaning Deposit paid4 sessiom_Room - $200 Council Chambers (up to 53 people) _ $300 Council Chambers (54 people Plus) $500 Total Paid.: The undersigned hereby agrees to abide by the rules and regulations of the, City Of La Qu-inta relating !to/the use of p sc facilities: Date LO �Si.gnature- �w Title: ` Deposit.Required For: Deposit Returned: Dates NOTE: 'its WYWss aigala4 tha "Pilaatlaa sad tha'atat—t of info tioa salt b an ofeiaar of tha. apoaverim 4iyaal.aatiap. 2e tha Pumas i- sat an ogfieir of tha atganirariaa got Which appifaatiom iv sa4a, W star Psasaat Rittas authorisation fr ,tha faoaP to 410a. '07� K AGENDA CATEGORY: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: November 6, 2007 BUSINESS SESSION: ITEM TITLE: Approval of Audited Financial Statement for Article 3 — Sidewalk Funds CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC) Audited Financial Statement for Section 99234 — Transportation Funds. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: RCTC awarded the City of La Quinta $25,099 for sidewalk projects for the year ended June 30, 2007. Caporicci and Larson have completed the audit report which is included as Attachment No. 1 . The auditors report on compliance did not report any audit comments or exceptions. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the Agency Board include: 1. Approve the RCTC Audited Financial Statements; or a . 0,71 2. Do not approve the RCTC Audited Financial Statements; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, Jonn M. Falconer, Finance Director Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachment 1: Audited Financial Statement y, 072 2 A l l AUNIVItIV 1 I City of La Quinta Transportation Development Act Article 3 Fund La Quinta, California Financial Statements and Independent Auditors' Reports For the years ended June 30, 2007 and 2006 CAL Caporicci & Larson Certtfi'ed Public Accountants ' 73 3 City of La Quinta Transportation Development Act- Article 3 Fund Table of Contents Page IndependentAuditors' Report...........................................................................................................1 I Financial Statements: ComparativeBalance Sheets................................................................................................ :...:.....3 Comparative Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance ............4 Notes to the Financial Statements.................................................................................................5 Report on Compliance and on Internal Control over Financial Reporting .............................. 9 a� Q� of �I 074 M C's-IL Caporicci & Larson Certified Public Accountants INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council of the City of La Quinta La Quinta, California We have audited the accompanying financial statements of the Transportation Development Act (TDA) Article 3 Fund (TDA Fund) of the City of La Quinta, California (City), as of and for the years ended June 30, 2007 and 2006, as listed in the table of contents. These financial statements are the responsibility of the City's management Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards in the United States and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion. As described in Note 1, the financial statements present only the TDA Fund and are not intended to, and do not, present fairly the financial position of the City as of June 30, 2007 and 2006, and the changes in fund balance thereof for the years then ended in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States. In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the TDA Fund of the City, as of June 30, 2007 and 2006, and the respective changes in fund balance for the year then ended in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States. In accordance with Government Auditing Standards, we have also issued our report as of and for the year ended June 30, 2007, dated October 8, 2007, on our consideration of the City's internal control over financial reporting of the TDA Fund and our tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts and grants. The purpose of that report is to describe the scope of our testing on internal control over financial reporting and compliance, and the results of that testing, and not to provide an opinion on the internal control over financial reporting or on compliance. That report is an integral part of an audit performed in accordance with Government Auditing Standards and should be read in conjunction with this report in considering the results of our audits. &10411w; � lam - Irvine, California October 8, 2007 Toll Free Ph: (877) 862-2200 Oakland oanage County 180 Gtand Ave., Suite 1365 9 Corponte Pads, Suite 100 Oakland, Caldorno 94612 Irvine, California 92606 075 Toll Free Fax: (866) 436-0927 Sauamento Saa Diego 777 Campus Commons Rd., Smite 200 4858 Metcury, Suite 106 c Sacramento, California 95825 San Diego, Cahfotnia 92111 J FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ' 076 6 City of La Quinta Transportation Development Act - Article 3 Fund Balance Sheets June 30, 2007 and 2006 2007 2006 ASSETS Cash $ - $ - Total assets $ - $ -. LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Liabilities: Accounts payable $ - $ Deferred revenue - Total liabilities - Fund Balance: Unreserved fund balance - Total fund balance - - Total liabilities and fund balance $ - $ - a 077 See accompanying Notes to the Financial Statements. 3 City of La Quinta Transportation Development Act - Article 3 Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance For the years ended June 30, 2007 and 2006 REVENUES: TDA Article 3 funds Total revenues EXPENDITURES: Construction and maintenance Total expenditures REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES FUND BALANCE: Beginning of year End of year 2007 2006 $ 25,099 $ 62,991 25,099 62,991- 25,099 62,991 25,099 62,991 S 078 See accompanying Notes to the Financial Statements. 4 City of La Quinta Transportation Development Act - Article 3 Fund Notes to the Financial Statements For the years ended June 30, 2007 and 2006 1. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The Reporting Entity The financial statements of the Transportation Development Act (TDA) Article 3 Fund (TDA Fund) are intended to present the financial position and changes in financial position of only those transactions attributable to the Transportation Development Act Public Utilities Code Section 99234 fund administered and disbursed by the City of La Quinta, California (City). The Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC) allocated TDA Article 3 funds to supplement pedestrian and bicycle facilities improvements or bicycle safety education programs. The accounting policies of the TDA Fund of the City are in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States applicable to governmental units. The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) is the accepted standard -setting body for establishing accounting and financial reporting principles. The following is a summary of the more significant accounting policies. Fund Accounting The accounts of the City are organized on the basis of funds which are considered to be separate accounting entities. The operations of the TDA Fund are accounted for in a separate set of self -balancing accounts that comprise its assets, liabilities, fund equity, revenues and expenditures. Government resources are allocated to and for individual funds based on the purposes for which they are spent and means by which spending activities are controlled. The fund represented in the TDA Fund's financial statements is a capital project fund. The TDA Fund accounts for the City's share of TDA Article 3 funding. This fund is legally restricted for specific purposes and is included in the basic financial statements of the City. Basis of Accounting The accounting and financial reporting treatment applied to a fund is determined by its measurement focus and basis of accounting. Financial statements for the capital project fund type of governmental funds are presented using the current financial resources measurement focus and the modified accrual basis of accounting. Basis of accounting refers to when revenues and the related assets and liabilities are recognized in the accounts and reported in the TDA Fund's financial statements. Specifically, it relates to the timing of measurements made, regardless of the nature of the measurement. Revenues are recognized in the accounting period in which they become measurable and available. 079 5 M City of La Quinta Transportation Development Acr- Article 3 Fund Notes to the Financial Statements, Continued For the years ended June 30, 2007 and 2006 1. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES, Continued Basis of Accounting, Continued Expenditures are recognized in the accounting period in which the fund liability is incurred, if measurable, except for unmatured interest on long term liabilities, which is recognized when due. Additionally, consistent with the flow of current financial resources measurement focus required for governmental fund financial statements, unmatured long-term indebtedness would be reported as a long-term liability of the City, not as a liability of the fund. Under the modified accrual basis of accounting, revenues are recorded when susceptible to accrual; that is, when they become both measurable and available to finance expenditures in the fiscal period. "Available' means collectible within the current period or soon enough thereafter to be used to pay liabilities of the current period. For the TDA Fund, revenues and other governmental fund financial resources are recognized if measurable and collectible generally within 60 days following the end of the fiscal year. Revenues considered susceptible to accrual primarily include TDA Article 3 and interest. oRevenue Recognition Recognition of revenues arising from nonexchange transactions, which include revenues from taxes, certain grants, and contributions, is based on the primary characteristic from which the revenues are received by the City. For the City, funds disbursed by RCTC under the bicycles facilities improvements and safety programs obtain the characteristic of a voluntary nonexchange transaction similar to a grant. Revenues under TDA Article 3 are recognized in the period when all eligibility requirements have been met. U Budgetary Control and Encumbrances D The City adopts an annual budget on a basis consistent with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States and utilizes an encumbrance system as a management control technique to assist in controlling expenditures and enforcing revenue provisions. Under this system, the current year expenditures are charged against the budgeted appropriation. Encumbrances outstanding at year-end are reported as reservations of fund balance for subsequent year expenditures as they do not constitute expenditures or liabilities. Use of Estimates The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect certain reported amounts and disclosures. Accordingly, actual results could differ from those estimates 08910 6 City of La Quinta Transportation Development Act - Article 3 Fund Notes to the Financial Statements, Continued For the years ended June 30, 2007 and 2006 2. CASH AND INVESTMENTS The City did not maintain a cash balance nor did it hold any other investments or assets for the TDA Fund. 3. RESTRICTIONS Funds received pursuant to TDA Section 99234 of the Public Utilities Code may only be used for facilities provided for exclusive use by pedestrians and bicycles or bicycle safety education programs. 4. CONTINGENCIES See the City's basic financial statements for disclosures related to contingencies including those relating to various legal actions, administrative proceedings, or claims in the ordinary course of operations. ' - 081 1 r REPORT ON COMPLIANCE AND ON INTERNAL CONTROL OVER FINANCIAL REPORTING 082 C&L Caporicci & Larson Certifted Public Accountants INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT ON COMPLIANCE AND ON INTERNAL CONTROL OVER FINANCIAL REPORTING OF THE TDA ARTICLE 3 TRANSPORTATION FUND BASED ON AN AUDIT OF THE TDA ARTICLE 3 TRANSPORTATION FUND'S FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOVERNMENT AUDITING STANDARDS To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council of the City of La Quinta La Quinta, California We have audited the financial statements of the Transportation Development Act (rDA) Article 3 Fund (TDA Fund) of the City of La Quinta, California (City), as of and for the years ended June 30, 2007 and 2006, and have issued our report thereon dated October 8, 2007. We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards in the United States and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. Compliance As part of obtaining reasonable assurance about whether the TDA Fund's financial statements are free of material misstatement, we performed tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts and grants, including the requirements governing the Transportation Development Act funds as prescribed in §6666 of Title 21, Chapter 3, Subchapter 2, Article 5.5 of the California Code of Regulations, noncompliance with which could have a direct and material effect on the determination of financial statement amounts. However, providing an opinion on compliance with those provisions was not an objective of our audit of the TDA Fund and, accordingly, we do not express such an opinion. The results of our tests disclosed no instances of noncompliance that are required to be reported under Government Auditing Standards. Internal Control Over Financial Reporting In planning and performing our audit we considered the Ciry's internal control over financial reporting of the TDA Fund as a basis for designing our audit procedures for the purpose of expressing our opinion on the financial statements, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Cit}�s innnal control over firnaridal reporting of the TDA Fund. Accordingly, we do not express an opinion on the effectiveness of the City s internal control over financial reporting of the TDA Fund. A control deficiency exists when the design or operation of a control does not allow management or employees, in the normal course of perfomning their assigned functions, to prevent or detect misstatements on a timely basis. A significant deficiency is a control deficiency, or combination of control deficiencies, that adversely affects the entit}/s ability to initiate, authorize, record, process, or report financial data reliably in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles such that there is more than a remote likelihood that a misstatement of the entit}�s financial statements that is more than inconsequential will not be prevented or detected by the entit}/s internal control. A material weakness is a significant deficiency, or combination of significant deficiencies, that results in more than a remote likelihood that a material misstatement of the financial statements will not be prevented or detected by the entity's internal control. Our consideration of internal control over financial reporting of the TDA Fund was for the limited purpose described in the first paragraph and would not necessarily identify all deficiencies in internal control that might be significant deficiencies or material weaknesses. We did not identify any deficiencies in internal over financial reporting control of the TDA Fund that we consider to be material weaknesses, as defined above. This report is intended solely for the information and use of management, the City Council, the Riverside County Transportation Commission, and the California State Controller's Office, and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified parties. Irvine, California October 8, 2007 Toll Free Ph: (877) 862-2200 Toll Free Fax: (866) 436-0927 083 Oakland Orange County 180 Grind Ave, Suite 1365 9 Corporate Park, Suite 100 Oakland, California 94612 Irvine, California 92606 Sa, raaoeMo San Diego 777 Campus Commons Rd., Suite 200 4858 Mercury Suite 106 Sacramento, California 95825 San Diego, Callon is 92111 T4ht 4 4 Qum& COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: November 6, 2007 ITEM TITLE: Approval of Second Reading of Ordinance No. 445 Amending Chapter 9, of the La Quinta Charter and Municipal Code to Establish Policies and Standards for Residential Second Units; Allow Apartments in the Medium Density Residential Zone; and Add Language Defining and Describing Image Corridors in Special Purpose Districts RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Adopt Ordinance No. 445 on second reading amending Chapter 9, Sections 9.40.040, 9.60.090, 9.60.100, and 9.130.010 establishing Policies and Standards for residential second units; allow apartments in the Medium Density Residential Zone; and add language defining and describing Image Corridors in Special Purpose Districts. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: IP6TM BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The proposed amendments will affect residential second units in that Minor Use Permits will no longer be required with approvals handled administratively; add apartments as a permitted use in the Medium Density Residential Zone; and clarify within Section 9.130.010, standard requirements for Image Corridors. Motion to introduce Ordinance No. 445 carried by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Henderson, Kirk, Osborne, Sniff, Mayor Adolph NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None 084 FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Adopt Ordinance No. 445 on second reading amending Chapter 9, Sections 9.40.040, 9.60.090, 9.60.100, and 9.130.010 pertaining to residential second units, allowing apartments in Medium Density Residential Zones, and clarifying and defining Image Corridors in Special Purpose Districts; or 2. Do not adopt Ordinance No. 445 on second reading to amend the La Quinta Charter and Municipal Code; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfylly submitted, Veronica J.Xoni:ecino, City Clerk Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager i , 08 ORDINANCE NO. 445 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTER 9 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE, TO ESTABLISH POLICIES AND STANDARDS FOR RESIDENTIAL SECOND UNITS; ALLOW APARTMENTS IN THE MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ZONE; AND ADD LANGUAGE DEFINING AND DESCRIBING IMAGE CORRIDORS IN SPECIAL PURPOSE DISTRICTS WHEREAS, the City has found that changes in procedures and issues with permitting have arisen as staff implements the Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the City has, from time to time, made amendments to the Zoning Ordinance to address similar changes in circumstances; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing on the 11' day of September, 2007, and recommended approval of the proposed Amendment to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a duly noticed public hearing on the 161h day of October, 2007, and considered the evidence, written and oral, presented at the hearing. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of La Quinta does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Chapter 9 of the La Quinta Municipal Code, Table 9.40.040 is amended as tollows: 9.40.040 Table of permitted uses. Table 9-1: Permitted Uses in Residential Districts, following, specifies those areas and structures which are permitted within each residential district. The letters in the columns beneath the district designation mean the following: 1. "P": Permitted as a principal use within the district. 2. "A": Permitted only if accessory to the principal residential use on the site. 3. "C": Permitted if a conditional use permit is approved. 4. "M": Permitted if a minor use permit is approved. 5. "H": Permitted as a home occupation if accessory to the principal residential use and if a home occupation permit is approved. 0. 086 Ordinance No. 445 chapter 9 Zoning Ordinance Adopted: November 6, 2007 Page 2 6. "S": Permitted if a specific plan is approved per Section 9.40.030. 7. "X": Prohibited in the district. Table 9-1 Permitted Uses in Residential Districts P = Principal use A = Accessory use District C = Conditional use permit Very Medium- M = Minor use Low Low Medium High High permit Density Density Cove Density Density Density H = Home Residential Residential Residential Residential Residential Residential occupation permit S = Specific plan required X = Prohibited usLe Land Use RVL RL RC RM RMH RH Residential Uses; Apartment X X X P P P Multifamily (rental units) Accessory Uses and Structures 2Rd units, flats," and A A A A A Az der Second Residential Units, subject to Section 9.60.090'• 3 1 Second Unit and Guest House design and location, as defined in Sections 9.60.090 and 9.60.100, respectively, will be reviewed as part of the Site Development Permit (SDP) proceess, if applicable. If proposed on an individual single family lot of record, and not subject to SDP approval, review for conformance with the requirements of 9.60.090 or 9.60.100 will occur during Building Permit Plan Check. 2 Only when built on a lot which is otherwise occupied by a single family home. Second units shall not be permitted when duplexes, tri-plexes or apartments occur on the lot. 3 In the Cove Residential, Medium Density Residential, Medium High Densit Residential and High Density Residential zones, only one guest house or second residential unit may be permitted on a lot, in addition to the main residence. In the Very Low Density Residential and Low Density Residential zones, more than one guest house and/or second residential unit may be permitted, with approval of a 081 Ordinance No. 445 Chapter 9 Zoning Ordinance Adopted: November 6, 2007 Page 3 Conditional Use Permit. All quest houses or second residential units must conform to the development standards in this Zoning Ordinance. SECTION :t. Chapter 9 of the La Quinta Municipal Code, Section 9.60.090 is amended as follows: 9.60.090 Second Residential Units A. Purpose. This section provides standards and criteria for the establishment of second units within residential districts, consistent with California Government Code Section 65852.2. Second units shall be permitted only in the RVL, RL, RC, RM, RMH, and RH zone districts. B. Definitions. For the purpose of these development standards, the following definitions shall apply: "PRIMARY UNIT" shall mean a single-family or multi -family residential unit constructed and intended as the principal unit and building on a lot. The primary unit shall be the largest unit on the lot. "SECOND UNIT" In accordance with Government Code Section 65852.20)(4), Second Unit shall mean an attached or a detached residential dwelling unit which provides complete independent living facilities for one or more persons. It shall include permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation and shall be located on the same parcel as the single-family dwelling is situated. A second unit also includes the following: (1) An efficiency unit, as defined in Section 17958.1 of Health and Safety Code, (2) A manufactured home, as defined in Section 18007 of the Health and Safety Code. C. Standards for Second Units. The following standards shall apply to second units: 1. A second unit shall be consistent with the provisions of the applicable zoning district in which it occurs. 2. A second unit shall only be permitted on a lot in which the primary unit and all other structures thereon conform to all minimum requirements of the applicable zoning district. a: 083 Ordinance No. 445 Chapter 9 Zoning Ordinance Adopted: November 6, 2007 Page 4 3. The lot shall contain an existing primary unit at the time an application for a second unit is submitted, or the application for the second unit may be made in conjunction with the development of the primary unit. 4. The owner of the lot shall reside on the lot, either in the primary unit or in the second unit. Prior to issuance of occupancy approval of the second unit, the property owner shall enter into a restrictive covenant with the City regarding such owner -occupancy requirement on a form prepared by the City, which shall be recorded against the property. Such covenant shall further provide that the second unit shall not be sold, or title thereto transferred separate from that of the property. If the owner ceases to reside on the property, use of the second unit shall be discontinued (a) if it is an attached second unit, the unit shall be converted into a portion of the primary unit, or (b) if it is a detached second unit, the unit shall be removed or converted to a legal use. The Director may grant temporary relief from this owner - occupancy requirement. 5. The maximum gross floor area of second unit shall not exceed 30 percent of the square footage of the primary unit or 1,200 square feet whichever is less. 6. The minimum gross floor area of a second unit shall be 400 square feet.. 7. A second unit shall have no more than two (2) bedrooms. 8. The total gross floor area of all covered structures, including an attached second unit, shall not exceed the lot coverage area as prescribed by the applicable zoning district. 9. The second unit shall be architecturally compatible with the primary unit. 10. No attached second unit shall cause the height of the primary unit to exceed the height limitation for the applicable zoning district. If the attached second unit is not located above any portion of the existing primary unit, the maximum height of such unit shall not exceed the height of the primary unit. a. 083 Ordinance No. 445 Chapter 9 Zoning Ordinance Adopted: November 6, 2007 Page 5 11. A detached second unit shall not exceed 17 feet in height nor more than one story. 12. An attached second unit may have a separate entrance; provided, however, in no event shall any external stairwell be placed within the front or side yard setback. 13. A second unit shall contain separate kitchen and bathroom facilities, and shall be metered separately from the primary dwelling for gas, electricity, communications, water, and sewer services. 14. All attached second units shall be equipped with approved smoke detectors conforming to the latest Uniform Building Code standards, mounted on the ceiling or wall at a point centrally located in an area giving access to rooms used for sleeping purposes. 15. In addition to the required parking for the primary unit, a minimum of one additional off-street parking space shall be provided on the same lot that the second unit is located. One parking space shall be provided for each studio unit, in accordance with the applicable parking regulations. No variance or adjustment shall be granted to allow substandard parking spaces or locations. 16. All construction, structural alterations or additions made to create a second unit shall comply with current building, electrical, fire, plumbing and zoning code regulations. 17. In the event of any conflicts between the standards set forth in this Section and those set forth in the regulations of the applicable zoning district, the provisions of this Section shall prevail. 18. The applicant shall pay to the City all applicable fees imposed on such new development. 19. The Director may add other conditions, consistent with general law and applicable State and City standards, as necessary to preserve the health, safety, welfare and character of the residential neighborhood; provided, however, that such conditions shall not unreasonably restrict the ability of an applicant to create a second unit. Ordinance No. 445 Chapter 9 Zoning Ordinance Adopted: November 6, 2007 Page 6 SECTION 3. Chapter 9 of the La Quinta Municipal Code, Section 9.60.100, Guest Houses, is amended as follows: "Guest house" means a detached or attached unit which has sleeping and sanitary facilities but no cooking facilities and which is used primarily for sleeping purposes by members of the family occupying the main building, their nonpaying guests, and domestic employees. SECTION 4. Chapter 9 of the La Quinta Municipal Code, Section 9.130.010, Table 9.9, Table of development standards is amended as follows: Table 9-9 Special Purpose District Development Standards Development Standard District PR GC I OS FP HC SOB EOD Minimum building site n/a n/a n/a ** *** *** Maximum structure height (ft.)L-'' 28 28 28 * * * * * * * * Maximum number of stories 2 2 2 Minimum perimeter building/landscape setbacks (ft.)121 From Highway 111 50/50 50/50 50/50 50/50 50/50 50/50 50/50 right-of-way From perimeter street ROWS 30 30 30 From all primary image corridor131 rights -of -way (except Hwy 111) 30/20 30/20 30/20 30/20 30/20 30/20 30/20 and from all major and primary arterials From abutting residential property or districts 30 30 30 From abutting commercial and other nonresidential property or districts 20 20 20 Minimum setback from interior property lines within the same roject 0 0 0 Parking and signs See Chapter 9.150 and 9.160 Fences and walls See Section 9.100.030 Landscaping and screening See Sections 9.100.040 and 9.100.050 * As required for needed flood control structures. ** As provided in the HC supplemental regulations, Section 9.140.040. 091 Ordinance No. 445 Chapter 9 Zoning Ordinance Adopted: November 6, 2007 Page 7 * * * As provided in the underlying base district regulations, subject to the additional requirements of the overlay district: SOB, Section 9.140.050; EOD, Section 9.140.060. ' Not including basements. Also, notwithstanding above table, the maximum structure height equals 22 feet for all buildings within 150 feet of any General Plan primary image corridor and major or primary arterials. 2 Landscape setback shall consist of landscaped area within the building setback. Number given is minimum landscaped setback from the street right-of-way. The remaining building setback may contain parking, driveways and similar facilities. In addition to above landscape setbacks, interior landscaping shall be required as a percentage of the net project area as follows: parking areas: minimum 5 percent; non parking areas: minimum 5 percent. 3 The following are applicable primary image corridors as identified in the general plan: Washington Street, Jefferson Street, Fred Waring Drive, Calle Tampico, Eisenhower Drive (from Tampico to Washington Street). SECTION 5. ENVIRONMENTAL. The Community Development Department has determined that the Amendments to the Municipal Code are exempt pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) and Section 15268(a) of the Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act. The Ordinance will have no effect on the environment in that the proposed modifications to the Zoning Code are cross - referential to existing codes and do not constitute any changes to existing regulations or land use. SECTION 6. SEVERABILITY. The provisions of this Ordinance shall be severable, and if any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section, or part of this Ordinance shall be adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair, or invalidate the remainder thereof, but shall be confined in its operation to the clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section, or part thereof directly involved in the controversy in which such judgment shall have been rendered. SECTION 7. LEGAL CONSTRUCTION. The provisions of this Ordinance shall be construed as necessary to effectively carry out its purposes, which are hereby found and declared to be in furtherance of the public health, safety and welfare. SECTION 9. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take full force and effect and be in force 30 days after passage. SECTION 9. PUBLICATION. The City Clerk is directed to post this Ordinance in the manner and in the time required by law. • 032 Ordinance No. 445 Chapter 9 Zoning Ordinance Adopted: November 6, 2007 Page 8 PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta at a regular meeting thereof held on the 61h day of November, 2007, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN DON ADOLPH, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: VERONICA J. MONTECINO, CMC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California (City Seal) APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California It 093 Ordinance No. 445 Chapter 9 Zoning Ordinance Adopted: November 6, 2007 Page 9 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE► ss. CITY OF LA QUINTA ► I, VERONICA J. MONTECINO, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, California, do hereby certify the foregoing to be a full, true, and correct copy of Ordinance No. 445 which was introduced at a regular meeting on the 16th day of October, 2007, and was adopted at a regular meeting held on the 61h day of November, 2007, not being less than 5 days after the date of introduction thereof. I further certify that the foregoing Ordinance was posted in three places within the City of La Quinta as specified in City Council Resolution 2006-1 15. VERONICA J. MONTECINO, CMC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California DECLARATION OF POSTING I, VERONICA J. MONTECINO, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was posted on pursuant to Council Resolution. VERONICA J. MONTECINO, CMC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California 14 0 9'It COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: November 6, 2007 ITEM TITLE: Approval of Second Reading of Ordinance No. 444 Amending Chapter 13, Section 13.32.020(C) of the La Quinta Charter and Municipal Code Pertaining to Time Periods Between Lot Line Adjustments RECOMMENDATION: &S I&I Mwel t I Role)1%T BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: pit 114-10xy 1110 PUBLIC HEARING: Adopt Ordinance; No. 444 on second reading amending Chapter 13, Section 13.32.020 to amend the time periods between lot line adjustments on the same parcel. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: 1111597M BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The proposed Amendment will eliminate unnecessary time delays for future developments by reducing the time frame between lot line adjustments from 12 months to six months, except for properties zoned commercial, in which case there will be no time limit. Motion to introduce Ordinance No. 444 carried by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Henderson, Kirk, Osborne, Sniff, Mayor Adolph NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Adopt Ordinance No. 444 on second reading amending Chapter 13, Section 13.32.020(C) by amending the time periods between lot line adjustment on the same parcel; or 2. Do not adopt Ordinance No. 444 on second reading to amend the La Quinta Charter and Municipal Code; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. submitted, Veronica J. M Aecino, CMC City Clerk 4' Approved for submission by: r s/ &"' homas P. Genovese, City Manager 096 2 ORDINANCE NO. 444 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTER 13 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE, PERTAINING TO TIME PERIODS BETWEEN LOT LINE ADJUSTMENTS WHEREAS, the City has implemented regulations relating to the preparation of lot line adjustments which include time restrictions between such adjustments for commercial and residential parcels; and WHEREAS, the imposition of such time restrictions impedes the orderly and timely development of entitled projects; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing on the 111`h day of September, 2007, and recommended approval of the proposed amendment to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a duly noticed Public Hearing on the 16`h day of October, 2007, and considered the evidence, written and oral, presented at the hearing. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of La Quinta does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Chapter 13 of the La Quinta Municipal Code is hereby amended as follows: Section 13.32.0201C►, is amended to read: C. The applicant and/or owner of the property has not received approval of a lot line adjustment affecting any of the lots to be altered, or lots abutting any of the lots to be altered, for a period of six months immediately preceding the date of the current application, unless the property is zoned Neighborhood Commercial, Community Commercial, Regional Commercial, Office or Business Park, in which case there shall be no time restriction between lot line adjustments. SECTION 2. ENVIRONMENTAL. The Planning Department has determined that the Amendments to the Municipal Code are exempt pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) and Section 15282(h) of the Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act. The Ordinance will have no effect on the environment in that the proposed modifications to the Zoning Code are cross - referential to existing codes and do not constitute any changes to existing regulations or land use. a' 097 Ordinance No. 444 Chapter 13 Lot Line Adjustments Adopted: November 6, 2007 Page 2 SECTION 3. SEVERABILITY. The provisions of this Ordinance shall be severable, and if any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section, or part of this Ordinance shall be adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair, or invalidate the remainder thereof, but shall be confined in its operation to the clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section, or part thereof directly involved in the controversy in which such judgment shall have been rendered. SECTION 4. LEGAL CONSTRUCTION. The provisions of this Ordinance shall be construed as necessary to effectively carry out its purposes, which are hereby found and declared to be in furtherance of the public health, safety and welfare. SECTION 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take full force and effect and be in force 30 days after passage. SECTION 6. PUBLICATION. The City Clerk is directed to post this Ordinance in the manner and in the time required by law. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 6th day of November, 2007 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: DON ADOLPH, Mayor City of La Quinta California a ' 091 Ordinance No. 444 Chapter 13 Lot Line Adjustments Adopted: November 6, 2007 Page 3 ATTEST: VERONICA J. MONTECINO, CMC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California (City Seal) APPROVED AS I'D FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quintal, California Ordinance No. 444 Chapter 13 Lot Line Adjustments Adopted: November 6, 2007 Page 4 STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE) ss. CITY OF LA QUINTA 1 I, VERONICA J. MONTECINO, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, California, do hereby certify the foregoing to be a full, true, and correct copy of Ordinance No. 444 which was introduced at a regular meeting on the 16" day of October, 2007, and was adopted) at a regular meeting held on the 6th day of November, 2007, not being less than 5 days after the date of introduction thereof. I further certify that the foregoing Ordinance was posted in three places within the City of La Quinta as specified in City Council Resolution 2006-115. VERONICA J. MONTECINO, CMC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California DECLARATION OF POSTING I, VERONICA J. MONTECINO, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was posted on pursuant to Council Resolution. VERONICA J. MONTECINO, CIVIC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California 1 log T4ht 4 ZP Qum& COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: November 6, 2007 ITEM TITLE: Confirmation of Satisfaction of Partial Obligations under Chapter 2.65 of Municipal Code by T.D. Desert Development L.P. due to Installation of Art Piece at Andalusia RECOMMENDATION: Confirm that T.D. Desert Developmen obligation of $176,613 under Chapter completed installation of art piece at $63,996 to T.D. Desert. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: _ CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: t L.P. ("T.D. Desert") has satisfied an 2.65 of Municipal Code through the Andalusia, and authorize the refund of To date, T.D. Desert has contributed $63,996 to the Art in Public Places (APP) Program Account No. 270-0000-451.74-80. These fees would be returned to T.D. Desert as reimbursement for this art piece. T.D. Desert would be entitled to an additional APP credit of $112,780 at the time future building permits are issued. This would provide T.D. Desert with a total of $176,613 in APP credit. This is consistent with La Quinta Municipal Code Section 2.65.050. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: On September 10, 2007, the Community Services Commission reviewed a request from T.D. Desert Development L.P. for the City to designate an art piece by artist, Patricia Borum, as an approved art piece under the City's APP program; and that the developer receives a credit for APP fees for residential, clubhouse, and ancillary development within Andalusia at Coral Mountain. The Commission recommended this art piece be sent to the City Council for consideration. On October 2, 2007, the City Council voted 4-0-1 (Councilman Kirk abstaining) that T.D. Desert was eligible to receive $176,613 in APP credit. The piece has now been successfully installed at the display site. This piece of art work is a 14-foot high bronze horse and rider. A special base was prepared for the art piece, which weighs over 3,000 pounds. The art piece has been placed adjacent to the entrance to the Andalusia subdivision on Madison Street between Avenue 58 and Avenue 60. This art piece is located within the Andalusia Homeowners' Association ("HOA") maintenance area. Attachment 1 shows the art work in its permanent location. The art piece was purchased by T.D. Desert for $176,613. Additional expenses were incurred for the transport and installation of the piece. T.D. Desert is not seeking credit for these additional costs. The developer is requesting to be reimbursed approximately $63,996 (the amount estimated paid to date in APP fees) and be provided a credit of $112,780 on future APP fees for residential, clubhouse, and ancillary development within Andalusia. Pursuant to Section 2.65.050.B. of the Municipal Code, in lieu of payment the AAP fees, "the project applicant may acquire and install a city -approved artwork on an art city in the vicinity of the project. While written agreements are often entered into by the City and the applicant and/or the artist, the City Attorney has recommended that no agreement be entered into in this instance due to Councilman Kirk's employment by T.D. Desert. All maintenance obligations for the art piece will remain with the HOA. The ownership of the piece will remain with the applicant, which is permitted under Section 2.65.080 of the municipal code. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: Confirm that T.D. Desert Development L.P. has satisfied an obligation of $176,613 under Chapter 2.65 of Municipal Code through the completed installation of art piece at Andalusia, and authorize the refund of $63,996 to T.D. Desert.; or 2. Do not confirm that T.D. Desert Development L.P. has satisfied an obligation of $176,613 under Chapter 2.65 of the Municipal Code; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Res ectfully submitted, Edie Hylto Community Services Director 102 2 Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachment: 1. Photograph of Installed Art Piece 103 3 v p! � N ,f .., t r X 77 1 `mow 4 4w4uurw COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: November 6, 2007 ITEM TITLE: Approval to Award a Contract for the Perimeter Fence at the Fred Wolff Bear Creek Nature Preserve, Project No. 2007-17 RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Award a contract to Lightning Fence in the amount of $118,386 and authorize the expenditure of funds for the Fred Wolff Bear Creek Nature Preserve, Project No. 2007-17. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The following is the project budget: Construction: $1 18,386 Contingency: $17,758 Total: $136,144 AB 939 funds in the amount of $162,000 exist in the Fiscal Year 2007/2008 Budget (Account No. 221-0000-463.71-01) for recycled fence material to be used at the Fred Wolff Bear Creek Nature Preserve. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: On June 19, 2003, the City Council approved the purchase of 19 acres of land . zoned as Open Space as part of the General Plan. The property is located west of Montezuma Avenue, between Calle Ensenada and Calle Chillon. On July 6, 2004, the City Council approved the name of the 19 acre Nature Preserve to be the "Fred Wolff Bear Creek Nature Preserve." 105 On March 6, 2007, the City Council approved the Fred Wolff Bear Creek Nature Preserve Master Plan which recommended improving safety, landscaping, and communication. The safety recommendations include posting and enforcing rules and regulations, improving the ability to visually observe the property, and securing portions of the area with a low fence. On September '18, 2007, the City Council approved the Plans, Specifications, and Engineer's Estimate for the Perimeter Fence at the Fred Wolff Bear Creek Nature Preserve, Project No. 2007-17. On October 18, 2007, five bids were received (Attachment 1). The lowest bid is from Lightning Fence with a bid amount of $118,386. Staff recommends approving a contract with Lightning Fence in the amount of $118,386 and authorizing the expenditure of an additional 15% ($17,758) contingency for an additional 500 feet of fence and possible extra grading and debris removal that may become necessary. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the Agency include: 1. Award a contract to Lightning Fence in the amount of $118,386 and authorize the expenditure of funds for the Fred Wolff Bear Creek Nature Preserve, Project No. 2007-17: or 2. Do not award a contract to Lightning Fence in the amount of $118,386 and do not authorize the expenditure of funds for the Fred Wolff Bear Creek Nature Preserve, Project No. 2007-17; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, Edie Hylton Community Services Director Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, Executive Director Attachment: 1. Bid Comparison Summary a . 1os ATTACHMENT 1 00000 O 0 0 0 00 0w C O V O M Cl) N M W CC K N to (O ICD L d rMn N N X m yr 2 w .• y W 0 0 00 t W v000ov 0000 i o fo ai C, U r yr Z O 00Lo0 In w LO O O LN r N o Z U CY) u y CN M F d u> +Nn ` X `' w w w c W U U 0 o ON(M y LO O O LO +n 7 CL a m N N (rj d N r m Z 000000 O LO n LW LO LO Lon � Z N - O n wcc N N N {¢ c X a `a H w U. WOo00m Q dl 00000M Q Lf) Ln LO LO <f, N r N 4} f? y Z D r 0 Cc)ai Z } M fn M M U- a J J J J J fA U C W J O Z _ O N LL W O N U M a C7 o O U o c 0� m W C U C0 c 0� L 0 _N U U C M .0 J Q -0y w l4 r �F 0H ioULi I W . N M In Z 0000(o CD 0 LO LO M O LO co W U �M c0 v Z c ai F a X as +n LL W fn c W O O 00 U 0 LO LD L LOa as .< Z O O O O O O wW000000 00 Z U N (�O +n' N I� N CL w U pLU 0 0000) U O 000, o O oo.n d N CD(0 t� N Z D r 0 O Z r- O ai } M N (1) M LL J J J J J W m U C .J O C LL 0 Z a W O Co 2 a a + 5 y o O ¢ U c o o b@ COW Ca o U c co C rn 0 N U () C L N J Q L w N l0 C r �FDULi � W Z .- N M lf7 107 ceit!t 4 4 QuiKrcu COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: November 6, 2007 ITEM TITLE: Adoption of a Resolution to Extend the Time for Completion of the On -Site Improvements for Tract Map No. 3:2068, Gold Reserve at the Citrus, Pomelo Pacific, LLC RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: 8 STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Adopt a resolution to extend the time for completion of the on -site improvements as specified in the approved Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) to April 30, 2008 for Tract Map No. 32068, Gold Reserve at the Citrus, Pomelo Pacific, LLC FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Gold Reserve at the Citrus (Tract Map No. 32068), is located west of Jefferson Street and south of Avenue 50 (Attachment 1). On October 18, 2006, the City Council adopted a resolution granting conditional approval of the Final Map and SIA for Gold Reserve at the Citrus. Section 6 of the SIA requires: 'that the subdivision improvements shall be completed within twelve months after the approved of the SIA. Failure by Subdivider to begin or complete construction of the Improvements within the specified time periods shall constitute cause for City, in its sole discretion and when it deems necessary, to declare Subdivider in default of this SIA, to revise improvement security requirements as necessary to ensure completion of the improvements, and/or to require modifications in the standards or sequencing of the Improvements in response to changes in standards or condition affecting or affected by the Improvements.' In a letter received October 4, 2007 (Attachment 2), the developer stated that delays on the project have been caused by the current economic climate and the changing of the project's financial lender. The on -site improvements that are completed include the sewer system and curb and gutter. The dry utilities are currently under construction and other remaining on -site improvements include domestic water, signing and striping, and street paving. The developer requests a time extension for the remainder of the on -site improvements to April 30, 2008. Staff has prepared the attached resolution which provides for approval of the time extension of the SIA. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Adopt a Resolution of the City Council to extend the time for completion of the on -site improvements as specified in the approved Subdivision Improvement Agreement to April 30, 2008 for Tract Map No. 32068, Gold Reserve at the Citrus, Pomelo Pacific, LLC; or 2. Do not adopt a Resolution of the City Council to extend the time for completion of the on -site improvements time as specified in the approved Subdivision Improvement Agreement to April 30, 2008 for Tract Map No. 32068, Gold Reserve at the Citrus, Pomelo Pacific, LLC; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, e ^ imothy R. ass P.E. Public Workso Dire r/City Engineer Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Letter from TMC Company, Inc. (Pomelo Pacific, LLC managing member) S.. 109 RESOLUTION NO. 2007 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING AN EXTENSION OF TIME FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE ON -SITE IMPROVEMENTS AS SPECIFIED IN THE APPROVED SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT TO APRIL 30, 2008 FOR TRACT MAP NO. 32068, GOLD RESERVE AT THE CITRUS. WHEREAS, the City Council approved the Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) for Tract Map No. 32068, Gold Reserve at the Citrus, on October 18, 2006; and WHEREAS, Section 6. Completion of Improvements, of the approved SIA requires that the Subdivider begin construction of the improvements within ninety days and complete the construction within twelve months after the approval of the Agreement; and WHEREAS, failure by the Subdivider to complete construction of the improvements by October 18, 2007, shall constitute cause for the City, in its sole discretion and when it deems necessary, to declare the Subdivider in default of the approved agreement; and WHEREAS, Section 8. Time Extension, of the approved SIA allows for, at the City Council's sole and absolute discretion, an extension of time for completion of the improvements with additions or revisions to the terms and conditions of the Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: Section 1. The time for the completion of improvements as required by the approved SIA is extended to April 30, 2008. Section 2. The time extension for completing the improvements shall expire when City officers close for regular business on April 30, 2008. If the Subdivider has not completed the improvements, the City, in its sole discretion and when deems necessary, may declare the Subdivider in default of the Agreement. Section 3. The provided security amount as required in the approved SIA is satisfactory. No additional securities are required. a• 119 Resolution No. 2007- Tract Map No. 32068, Gold Reserve at the Citrus Adopted: November 6, 2007 Page 2 Section A.. All other terms, responsibilities and conditions as listed in the approved SIA shall remain in full force and effect. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 61" day of November 2007, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: DON ADOLPH, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: VERONICA J. MONTECINO, CMC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California (City Seal) APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California ATTACHMENT 1 TM 32068 — Gold Reserve at the Citrus In ,z :_ IV) -9. 50th AVENUE PROJECT SITE ' 52th AVENUE POMELO VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE CITY COUNCIL MEETING: November 6, 2007 z 0 w U. w dTEM TITLE: Adoption of a Resolution to Extend the Time for Completion of the On -site Improvements for Tract Map No. 32068, Gold Reserve at the Citrus ;APPLICANT: Mr. Trevor Murphy, TMC Company, Inc. L, 112 ATTACHMENT 2 _,a City of La Quinta P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 9224;1-1504 Attn: Mr. Timothy R. Jonosson, P.E. Public Works Director/City Engineer Re: Tract Map No. 32068 The Gold Reserve at The Citrus Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA), On -Site Improvements Gentlemen: Pomelo Pacific, LLC is requesting a time extension on the above referenced project. Delays have been caused by the current economic climate and the projects financial lender has been sold twice since we received the initial .soft cost loan. As of this date, we are anticipating going vertical November of this year. We do appreciate all the support, to date, from the City of La Quinta's Building Department and we look forward to a continued working relationship. If you have any questions regarding this extension request, please don't hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, TMC COMPANY, INC. — (Pomelo Pacific, LLC managing member) Trevor Murphy President a. 113 F Pi y OF COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: November 6, 2007 ITEM TITLE: Approval of Program Supplemental Agreement Number 007-N to Agency -State Agreement Number 08-5433R for Federal Funding Toward the Adams Street Bridge .Improvements, Project No. 2006-06 RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: w Authorize the City Manager to execute Program Supplemental Agreement 007-N to Agency -State Agreement Number 08-5433R for Federal Funding toward the Adams Street Bridge Improvements, Project No. 2006-06. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The following is the project's approved funding and funding sources: Transportation DIF $2,441,600 APP Funds $200,000 Surface Transportation Funds (STP — Federal) $9,766,400 Total Funding Available: $12,408,000 The following is the anticipated project budget: Design: $1,419,180 Inspection/Testing/Survey: $873,875 Construction: $8,678,395 Administration: $348,350 Contingency: $1,088,200 Total: $12,408,000 The Program Supplemental Agreement No. 007-N provides $500,000 of Federal funding toward the Preliminary Engineering Phase of the Adams Street Improvements. The Agreement also provides for an 88.53 percent local match in the amount of $64,780. The Preliminary Engineering Phase of the project includes the Preliminary Engineer's Report, and the Project Environmental Document. The City will obtain additional Program Supplemental Agreements and funding obligation for the final design phase, and the construction phase of the project. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. This project is partially funded with federal monies. Therefore, the project will be advertised with prevailing wage requirements included in the contract specifications. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The purpose of the proposed improvements is to replace the existing low water crossing spanning the Whitewater River at Adams Street with an all weather crossing. The proposed improvements will provide Coachella Valley motorists and pedestrians a safe path of travel across the Whitewater River regardless of adverse weather. The project will also provide reliable access for emergency vehicles. The proposed bridge improvement will span the Whitewater River Channel at Adams Street. The bridge is anticipated to be approximately 525 feet long and approximately 76 feet wide. The Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) owns approximately 500 feet of right-of-way within this span. At a minimum, the typical section will include a six-foot sidewalk on both sides of the bridge, a twelve -foot raised curb median island, and four travel lanes. The project will include the City's decorative bridge railings as well as access to the channel for CVWD maintenance crews. In addition to meeting other CVWD permit requirements, the proposed bridge will be designed in a manner that does not impact the CVWD proposed Mid - Valley Pipeline Project. All improvements will be constructed within the existing right-of-way. On September 18, 2007, the City Council authorized staff to distribute a Request for Proposal (RFP) to obtain professional engineering services to prepare the plans, specifications and engineer's estimate (PS&E) of probable construction costs for the Adams Street Bridge Improvements, Project No. 2006-06; and appointed a Consultant Selection Committee. The attached Program Supplement Agreement 007-N to Agency -State Agreement Number 08-5433R provides $500,000 of Federal funding toward the Preliminary Engineering Phase of the Adams Street Bridge Improvements, Project No. 2006-06. 115 In addition to the City's execution of the original agreement, the City Clerk will be required to provide a certified "Minute Order" that clearly identifies the project and the official authorized to execute the agreement. FINDINGS AND .ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Authorize the City Manager to execute Program Supplemental Agreement 007-N to Agency -State Agreement Number 08-5433R for Federal Funding toward the Adams Street Bridge Improvements, Project No. 2006-06; or 2. Do not authorize the City Manager to execute Program Supplemental Agreement 007-N to Agency -State Agreement Number 08-5433R for Federal Funding toward the Adams Street Bridge Improvements, Project No. 2006- 06; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, iR. othy R. Jona s n, P.E. Public Works Dir ctor/City Engineer Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachment: 1. Program Supplemental Agreement No. 007-N y.. 116 ATTACHMENT 1 PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT NO. N007 to ADMINISTERING AGENCY -STATE AGREEMENT FOR FEDERAL -AID PROJECTS; NO. 08-5433R Date: Sgiicnd+ct II 2007 Location: 08.1L[ C-0-1 tlV I Project Number:RA-1N8T1,o0J1 E.A. Number:08-92�032 I hip I'iuetam Supplcinent ICICIN mcntpot.nc� the Adntuuvet nn: Agency-Sldtr ,A,iccmcnt tint Fedett l Aid �� hiJt via, enmicd into between the Adnnnulenne ,-Aucne) .aul tilt State on I3/ 1 S/00 and is ail' iCct to all the let ms and coudrtnnn theieol This Pingiam S upplctnc lit I. cvrculed in acc0i0dn,C %� uh Al,I Cle I ut the albtonttnW med 1y1.11ttt Agreement undo aUIll PT'ltV of Rtnoluuon No uppii�ad b\ the Mmtnnbaimg Aueucv on (Sec copy attnchedt I Ile A&Mnl�ten o_ AeeII0 InllhCI . If) alnteI ihal ad a eondmIll 10 the paymanl by State nl Liy lumb dal i�cd Oom soweC., tUI C d hJlo\� uhli,aleLl to tlu> pu icm the :Adnnnititti mu Agent) a1:cepiti ;md �� III Comply vole the Spe.Idl cnanh of Rcivalk, setfnttft on the Iollo\tirtf[ pact. PROJECT LOCATION: \ddnu $II129I otCI the N'hnO',d10 RKet. Rl No. 001,003] TYPE OF WORK: 4-hne bndce nv% �+alfl C1011llt, LENGTH: 0.2(MILES) Estimated Cost Federal Funds Matching Funds H CO y500 Of) LOCAL OTHER i,S6-1 7S0 00 $Cr1.780.00 S0.00 $0 00 CITY OF LA QUINTA STATE OF CALIFORNIA Department of Transportation By By Chief, Office of Project Implementation Date Division of Local Assistance Attest Date _ Title I hereby certify upon my personal knowledge that budgeted funds are available for this encumbrance: Officer IT�Date l q// f - �' 7y00.00000 Accounting / Chapter Statutes Item Year Program BC Category tlnd Source A2WII 47 2006 2660-1C1-;S90 2006r2007 1030010.300 C 224060 Se2-P 500.00000 Program Supplement 08-5433R-N007- ISTEA Page 1 of 3 a.. 117 Ua-RIA' 0 I,ON I- 0Q/I li^_007 RR VRII, 50,) SPECIAL COVENANTS OR REMARKS 1. The ADMINISTERING .AGENCY will advertise, award and administer this project in accordance with the current published Local Assistance Procedures Manual. 2. Award information shall be submitted by the ADMINISTERING AGENCY to the District Local Assistance Engineer within 60 days after the project contract award. A copy of the award package shall also be included with the submittal of the ADMINISTERING AGENCY's first invoice for the construction contract to: Department of Transportation Division of Accounting Local Programs Accounting Branch, MS #33 P. 0. Box 942874 Sacramento, CA 94274-0001. Failure to do so will cause a delay in the State processing invoices for the construction phase. Please refer to Section 15.7 "Award Package" of the Local Assistance Procedures Manual. 3. ADMINISTERING AGENCY agrees that it will only proceed with work authorized for specific phase(s) with an "Authorization to Proceed" and will not proceed with future phase(s) of this project prior to receiving an "Authorization to Proceed" from the STATE for that phase(s) unless no further State or Federal funds are needed for those future phase(s). 4. Any State and Federal funds that may have been encumbered for this project are only available for disbursement for a period of five (5) years and seven (7) years, respectively, from the start of the fiscal year(s) that those funds were appropriated within the State Budget Act. All project funds not liquidated within these periods will revert unless an executed Cooperative Work Agreement extending these dates is requested and is approved by the California Department of Finance per Government Code Section 16304. The exact date of each fund reversion will be reflected in the approved finance letter(s) issued for this project. Notwithstanding the unliquidated sums of project specific State and Federal funding remaining and available to fund project work, any invoice for reimbursement that is not submitted to the Department on or before 60 days after that applicable fixed fund Rrnpram xnPPlwmwnr 08-5433R-N007- ISTN.4 Pay. 2 of 3 a, 118 uS-RIA�-O-LOIN 1 OW 1 1 "007 RR-'' Wl OW) SPECIAL COVENANTS OR REMARKS reversion date will not be paid from that fiscal year's encumbered funds because all of these unexpended funds will be irrevocably reverted by the Department's Division of Accounting on that date. Pursuant to a directive from the State Controller's Office and the Department of 'Finance, the last date to submit invoices for reimbursed work in each fiscal year is May 15th in order for payment to be made out of those then current appropriations. Project work performed and invoiced after May 15th will be reimbursed only out of available funding that might be encumbered in the subsequent fiscal year, and then only when those funds are actually allocated and encumbered as authorized by the California Transportation Commission and the Department's Accounting Office. 5. ADMINISTERING AGENCY agrees, as a minimum, to submit invoices at least once every six months commencing after the funds are encumbered for each phase by the execution of this Project Program Supplement Agreement, or by STATE's approval of an applicable Finance Letter. STATE reserves the right to suspend future authorizations/obligations, and invoice payments for any on -going or future federal -aid project by ADMINISTERING AGENCY if PROJECT costs have not been invoiced by ADMINISTERING AGENCY for a six-month ;period. If no costs have been invoiced for a six-month period, ADMINISTERING AGENCY agrees to submit for each phase a written explanation of the absence of PROJECT activity along with target billing date and target billing amount. ADMINISTERING AGENCY agrees to submit the final report documents that collectively constitute a "Report of Expenditures" within one hundred eighty (180) days of PROJECT completion. Failure of ADMINISTERING AGENCY to submit a "Final Report of Expenditures" within 180 days of PROJECT completion will result in STATE imposing sanctions upon ADMINISTERING AGENCY in accordance with the current Local Assistance Procedures Manual. Program Supplement 08-5633R-N007- ISTEA Page 3 of 3 a 119 COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: November 6, 2007 ITEM TITLE: Approval of an Agreement with Coachella Valley Water District for Landscape Maintenance at Six Well Sites and Approval of Contract Change Order No. 7 for Project No. I -MC 2005-08, Citywide Landscape Maintenance Services, for Fiscal Year 2007/2008 RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Approve an agreement with the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) (Attachment 1) and approve Contract Change Order No. 7 (Attachment 2) in the amount of $16,800, for Project No. LMC 2005-08, Citywide Landscape Maintenance Services, for Fiscal Year 2007/2008, with Kirkpatrick Landscape Services Inc. to provide landscape maintenance services at six well sites. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The City will get reimbursed for Contract Change Order No. 7 by CVWD. The reimbursement funds will offset expenses to the Citywide Landscape Maintenance budget 101-7004-431.34-04 Landscape Maintenance Contract. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: This project is funded by the Landscape and Lighting Assessment District 89-1 Funds and the General Fund. Therefore, under its charter city status, the City is not required to pay prevailing wage rates. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Kirkpatrick Landscaping Services, Inc. currently provides citywide landscape maintenance services. Earlier this year, CVWD asked the City to add the perimeter landscape maintenance for six of their well sites to the City's landscape maintenance contract in order to lower the cost to maintain their well sites. City staff agreed in concept to assisting the (1�� District provided that the City was paid for any maintenance and administrative costs incurred to expand the City's city wide landscape contract. Attachment 1 is the proposed Agreement with CVWD for landscaping services at six well sites within the City of La Quinta. If the Agreement is approved, Council will also need to approve Contract Change Order No. 7 for the additional landscape maintenance by the City's contractor. CVWD plans to take the agreement to their Board for approval at an upcoming meeting. Staff anticipates minor adjustments to the agreement may be necessary. In order to expedite processing, staff recommends that the City Council authorize the City Attorney to make minor adjustments to agreement as needed. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include 1. Approve an agreement with Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) and approve Contract Change Order No. 7 in the amount of $16,800, for Project No. LMC 2005-08, Citywide Landscape Maintenance Services, for Fiscal Year 2007/2008, with Kirkpatrick Landscape Services Inc. to provide landscape maintenance services at six well sites; or 2. Do not approve an agreement with Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) and do not approve Contract Change Order No. 7 in the amount of $16,800, for Project No. LMC 2005-08, Citywide Landscape Maintenance Services, for Fiscal Year 2007/2008, with Kirkpatrick Landscape Services Inc. to provide landscape maintenance services at six well sites; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, 4othy R. J ass P.E. Public Works Direc r/City Engineer Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager 121 Attachments: 1. Agreement with Coachella Valley Water District 2. Contract Change Order No. 7 122 ATTACHMENT 1 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AND THE COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT FOR MAINTENANCE OF WELL SITE PERIMETER LANDSCAPING AND IRRIGATION THIS AGREEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF WELL SITE PERIMETER LANDSCAPING AND IRRIGATION ("Agreement') is entered into as of this _ day of , 2007 ("Effective Date") by and between the City of La Quinta, a municipal corporation ("La Quinta"), and Coachella Valley Water District, a public agency of the State of California ("CVWD"). RECITALS A. CVWD is the owner of six (6) well sites ("Well Sites") located within the City of La Quinta, California and more particularly depicted on the Site Map attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and by this reference incorporated herein. The Well Sites are at such locations described on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. B. Each Well Site contains certain landscape improvements ("Improvements") which will require regular repair and maintenance. C. Well maintained landscapes raise the value of the land in La Quinta due to their esthetic values. La Quinta desires to promote these esthetic values by repairing and maintaining the Improvements at the Well Sites. D. CVWD desires to finance the cost of repairing and maintaining the Improvements at the Well Sites. NOW THEREFORE, the parties mutually agree as follows: 1. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and are hereby incorporated as part of this Agreement. 2. (a) La Quinta will provide all necessary materials, tools, equipment, and labor to operate and maintain the landscaping at the Well Sites in good condition. Maintenance of the landscaping at the Well Sites shall be in accordance with the reasonable requirements of CVWD, as such may be amended from time to time. (b) CVWD will provide all necessary utilities (including, but not limited to, water and electricity). (c) Except as hereinafter provided, CVWD shall reimburse La Quinta for all costs and expenses incurred by La Quinta for the maintenance of the landscaping pursuant to and in accordance with the duties and at the fees and costs set forth on Exhibit "C" attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. A ten percent (10%) administrative charge shall be added to the reimbursement cost. 3. La Quinta will notify CVWD within twenty-four (24) hours of any landscape 123 e., maintenance, repair or replacement costs not covered on Exhibit "C" for the Well Sites. If requested by CVWD, La Quinta will provide CVWD with a cost estimate to make the repairs or replacements. If CVWD wishes to have La Quinta make the repairs or replacements, CVWD will provide La Quinta written authorization to proceed with the repairs or replacements and CVWD agrees to reimburse La Quinta for the additional work, including the ten percent (10%) administrative charge as described in subparagraph (c) above, provided that the actual cost shall not exceed the cost estimate by more than ten percent (10%) without the prior written consent of CVWD. 4. La Quinta will submit reimbursement bills, which shall include all proper documentation required by CVWD, to CVWD quarterly or in such other periodic sequence as may be agreed to in advance, by the Finance Directors of La Quinta and CVWD. Bills must be submitted within thirty (30) days following the close of the corresponding billing period and shall be paid by CVWD within fourteen (14) calendar days of receipt thereof unless there is a dispute regarding the billing. In the event of a dispute regarding the billing, CVWD shall pay the undisputed amount within fourteen (14) calendar days of receipt thereof. The parties shall meet and confer in good faith to resolve the disputed amount. CVWD shall pay the agreed amount within fourteen (14) calendar days after the resolution of the dispute. La Quinta shall maintain, on the generally accepted accounting basis, complete and accurate records that support all billings. These records shall be made available to CVWD at reasonable times for review and shall be retained for a period of three (3) years ,after payment of said billings. 5. Any and all notices, reimbursement bills, and payments sent or required to be sent to the parties to this Agreement will be mailed to the following addresses: CVWD Coachella Valley Water District Attn: P.O. Box 1058 Coachella, CA 92236 La Quinta: City of La Quinta Attn: Timothy Jonasson 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Any such notice, reimbursement or payment is effective three (3) days following the date of mailing. 6. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to create duties or obligations to or rights in third parties. 124 7. (a) La Quinta shall indemnify, defend and hold CVWD and its officers, directors and Representatives (as defined in subparagraph 7(c) below) (the, "CVWD Indemnitees") harmless from any liabilities, claims, costs, expenses, demands, debts, suits, actions and' causes of action, or obligations of whatever kind or nature including attorneys' fees and charges and costs of all other professionals and all other court costs (collectively, "Costs") which may be made against the CVWD Indemnitees arising out of or in connection with: (a) the performance of or failure to perform the work covered by this Agreement to be performed by La Quinta, which is caused or occasioned by any act, action, neglect on the part of La Quinta or its Representatives; and (b) any property damage, personal injury or wrongful death, accident or casualty caused or claimed to be caused by La Quinta or its Representatives or its or their property. (b) CVWD shall indemnify, defend and hold La Quinta and its officers, council members and Representatives (the, "La Quinta Indemnitees") harmless from any Costs which may be made against the La Quinta Indemnitees arising out of or in connection with: (a) the performance of or failure to perform, the work covered by this Agreement to be performed by CVWD which is caused or occasioned by any act, action, neglect on the part of CVWD or its Representatives; and (b), any property damage, personal injury or wrongful death, accident or casualty caused or claimed to be caused by CVWD or its Representatives or its or their property. (c) The term "Representatives" shall mean employees, representatives, agents, contractors, subcontractors or any other persons directly or indirectly employed by any one of the foregoing or reasonably under the control of any of the foregoing or for whose acts any of the foregoing may be liable. 8. The! term of this Agreement shall be five (5) years, commencing on the Effective Date. This Agreement will automatically renew every five (5) years, upon the same terms and conditions, unless one party notifies the other party in writing thirty (30) days prior to the termination date that the Agreement shall not be extended. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this Agreement may be terminated upon the written agreement of all parties or upon thirty (30) days written notice by either party to the other party. 9. This Agreement may be signed in counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original and which collectively shall constitute one instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be signed as of the date first written above. LA QUINTA: By: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager City of La Quinta CVWD: By: Steve Robbins, General Manager - Chief Engineer Coachella Valley Water District `. 125 ATTEST: Veronica J. Montecino, CMC, City Clerk City of La Quinta APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. Katherine Jenson, City Attorney City of La Quinta r&s redline maintenance agree 8.30.07 ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Gerald D. Shoaf, Attorney Redwine and Sherrill Coachella Valley Water District 126 EXHIBIT LIST EXHIBIT "A" SITE MAP EXHIBIT "B" LOCATION OF WELL SITES EXHIBIT "C" DUTIES, FEES AND COSTS 127 EXHIBIT "A" TO AGREEMENT SITE MAP 'A... 128 k EXHIBIT A C `< L Al - 000 ,,, L I m mi m m z D m �D z m zs x m A Dyy m A W D so �5 0 �z Ig is iPp ID i I y `R CALIF TECATE EXHIBIT "B" TO AGREEMENT LOCATION OF WELL SITES EXHIBIT "B" The locations of the Well Sites are as follows: 1) South West corner of Saguaro and Date Palm Drive; 2) 46-995 Adams Street (NW corner of Adams and Avenue 47); 3) South East corner of Las Vistas and Sanita Drive; 4) 52-520 Velasco, South of Ensenada (Booster Station #06650); 5) North Side of Bermudas between Velasco and Herrera (Booster Station #06601); 6) South East Corner of Hidalgo and Velasco 131 EXHIBIT "C" TO AGREEMENT DUTIES, FEES AND COSTS 132 ATTACHMENT 2 / # t CONTRACT: L.M.C. 2007/2008 PROJECT NO.2005-08 CONTRACTOR: Kirkpatrick Landscaping Services, Inc. 43-752 N. Jackson St. P.O. Boa 1807 Indio, CA 92202 CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO. 7 Pursuant to the terms ofthe original Contract Agreement, you are hereby directed to make the herem described changes or do the following described work not included in the plans and specifications for this Contract. Unless otherwise stated all work shall conform to the terms, general conditions, and special provisions of the original Contract. ****************************************************************************************** DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE1 Addition of Landscape Maintenance as follows: Location: Turf Q $0.116/SF Planter $0.157/SF Irrigation aQ $0.0264 SF Monthly Annual Saguaro & Date Palm SNJ comer)$380.00 $4 560.00 46-995 Adams Street NJ Adams Ave47 $380.00 $4,560.00 Las Vistas & Sanita Dr. WE corner $175.00 $2 100.00 52-520 Velasco South of Ensenada $ 75.00 $ 900.00 Ave Bermudas /S, at Velasco & Herrera $125,00 $1,500.00 Hildal o & Velasco $265.00 $3,180.00 TOTAL $16 800.00 All other requirements of the Landscape Maintenance Contract (LMC) 2006-2007 shall apply. ****************************************************************************************** Submitted By: --_Pate: Approved By: Date: We, the undersigned Contractor, havegiven careful consideration to the ckangeproposed and hereby agree, tf this proposal is approved that we will provide all equipment, furnish all materials, perform all labor, except as maybe noted above, and perform all services necessary to complete the above specified work, and hereby accept as full payment the amount shown above, which includes all direct and indirect overhead expenses for any delays. Accepted By: Title: President INC. Date: October 23, 2007 1 , 133 COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: November 6, 2007 ITEM TITLE: Adoption of a Resolution Granting Approval of a Final Map and Subdivision Improvement Agreement for Tract Map No. 32742, Four Seasons, Monterra Holdings, LLC, d.b.a. Monterra Investments, LLC RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Adopt a Resolution of the City Council granting approval of a Final Map and Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) for Tract Map No. 32742, Four Seasons, Monterra Holdings, LLC, d.b.a. Monterra Investments, LLC. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Tract Map No. 32742 is located north of Airport Boulevard and west of Monroe Street (Attachment 1). This residential development will consist of 41 lots on approximately 14.21 acres (Attachment 2). On October 5, 2004, the Council approved Tentative Tract 32742. Council granted a map extension until October 5, 2007. The applicant has requested a second map extension which has not been acted upon to date. 134 The developer has requested the City Council's approval of the Final Map (Attachment 2). To date, the SIA (Attachment 3) has been executed by the developer and the associated securities have been submitted. The Final Map is technically complete. As a result, City staff has prepared the attached Resolution which provides for approval of the Final Map and SIA. The approval is contingent upon receipt of a Final Map, suitable for recording by the County Recorder. The City Clerk will affix the City Seal to the Final IMap and offer the Final Map for recording by the County Recorder. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Adopt a Resolution of the City Council granting approval of a Final Map and Subdivision Improvement Agreement for Tract Map No. 32742, Four Seasons, Monterra Holdings, LLC, d.b.a. Monterra Investments, LLC.; or 2. Do not adopt a Resolution of the City Council granting approval of a Final Map and Subdivision Improvement Agreement for Tract Map No. 32742, Four Seasons, Monterra Holdings, LLC, d.b.a. Monterra Investments, LLC.; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, othy R. Hales n, P.E. Public Works Director/ City Engineer Approved for submission by: rz Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Tract Map 3. Subdivision Improvement Agreement 135 RESOLUTION NO. 2007 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING APPROVAL OF A FINAL MAP AND SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT FOR TRACT MAP NO. 32742, FOUR SEASONS, MONTERRA HOLDINGS, LLC, d.b.a. MONTERRA INVESTMENTS, LLC. WHEREAS, the City Council conducts only two regular meetings per month and the time interval between these meetings occasionally creates an undue hardship for business enterprises and individuals seeking approval of subdivision maps; and WHEREAS, the City Council, as a matter of policy, allows a subdivider to have City staff piresent the map for approval consideration when the requisite items necessary for final map approval are nearly, but not completely, finished thus yielding to the subdivider additional production time for preparation of those items; and WHEREAS, the subdivider has demonstrated to City staff and the City Council that it has made sufficient progress with items required for final map approval.; and WHEREAS, Section 66458(b) of the Subdivision Map Act grants the City Council broad authority to authorize time extensions regarding final map approval, or disapproval, upon receiving it for consideration; and WHEREAS, the City Council relies on professional City staff to review all required items for conformance with relevant requirements, and it is therefore appropriate for the City Council to approve the final map subject to review and confirmation of the required items by professional City staff, within a reasonable period of time as specified by the City Council. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: Section 1. The final map for Tract Map 32742 is approved. Section 2. The City Council's approval of the final map shall not be considered valid until the City Engineer has signed the map indicating that it Resolution No. 2007- Tract Map No. 32742, Four Seasons Adopted: November 6, 2007 Page 2 conforms to the tentative tract map, the Subdivision Map Act and all ordinances of the City. Section 3. The City Clerk shall withhold affixing the City Seal to the map title page, along with her attesting signature, until the City Engineer has signed the map. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 6th day of November, 2007, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: DON ADOLPH, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: VERONICA J. MONTECINO, CMC, CITY CLERK City of La Quinta, California (City Seal) APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California y.: 137 ATTACHMENT 1 I MADISON STREET OF . INTA 138 m OWNER'S STATEMENT M IIO®Y mrz tar M A1E nK omas a 1r1C INN !HINT VNW � SLamawX t1uXn XQYat trot MKT II[ nCY PG#x5 VMSL �a «S � K - rc m rKDw LOIS a A• nw T. IKALLSK MWRO K A'N nN Tar MC tac Wmlr [asnv[i OR na'65aK ASSatLt. mxa K MI101IIFRN LOTS vFA'1: MR KGRDK YFa1CV(•IM TMA2 YS[IMM %!E MSXI a IXmR NN MYKAAiS. AfAw:6 Ab IOi CNLFS NMN rN5 IMa. of a Ct 1.4[ K.Ag1SMt. KA4Y .M LOt MM6�INOM rc IaCtr oeaGRro MOIYauOLMN or V(MONO[WRQ MN S Po uRlrr vurro>n W hL,®Y CNAaR ro 11S xIY a a NMA A 1✓ 1rK NACC MrR arNN:t K 91MX NFamrl rc rN®r awrz ro nc «r a u awl[ InE cL41RM5 nN IOLLC uRm pNN156 AIaN VIM MnaNI aPF'64 M9 L4TaSK SOMCL,MP fN&W' T1aN16 OrA lOR'1• nxOLOM T, NIXVaL OLt.WY@II K YNAR SIMV. K 9NAN /.9nW. rc r2arr CART lav D[naWrl ro m[ wKwLL wrralav odrrNl, a TASOaII au Au F.TMR SRR15 ANVX M' 11a w //C Ak.lTlllgYt 10 Rfl N1pfN a NIM Sat NA u,�T rLaIN SIA¢R 9NXN Av Mt AW, NI tA4 O6NARN MNUINn Ia4aa4 NnAR ROIALSIa4 AW AOKK'µ a nrcncrz uu woes CANT Nola saronrz mnXm. Rana NN AMNmN%'6 �a6NeRSleers .an eaas au An NnN wr my XLnrovvnc rc IRA[B/ diFR IUr NOICarNN m nK W Vwu WCY WRR M'!Iw'X FRf01ClIR IOR xvnxnAa wntnc.Ala Fcmoso wsn LNs .• nXaFw r, o SO Da as s NO tIMR'Aq lOR TI•NN SA RSmNim A( 1AbX/M: ' F.aYfraa W . L ' NauX Op III ro mRl! LAW SN WNS ro SAl1EY. PYa1VIIF "L MSRIRGi. W. At1M AI']nMl. «aAm Ll1CWl. NC M1} MML VRLFm. /IXIMm ND NMmWC'4 N1D m A3N1T OKCrS M[rt[XAG WM ITC CMI4MFW14 LPWAMN MO NWIaNa 110%a AnNIX11A IWAAR IIL. A fO;ra WIF0.1XNM COa0.4Aral 0.M ANNOOiL lACXCXIS LLf. A f/LV[AC11YR0 aIAnYWII/M am. L Am NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGMENT sr�Am•TaaaaoRw )) . av , ma wsaE XG xan+r wm+c arr� mawrw io W�inc � mXuM) UK�c se%aMamam�iee� XMAx saaUv[M A•m AavMLCEm ro K Ma KAWirkr NSOnIm m[ CAM x IXMLSS W ILa1) W vneNrw Aux a Wsxox a w Wu"^' W W1tlrt¢.q'A FMMRQ �• Pl TFE CRY OF LA OLWA COUNTY OF M*MM STATE OF C4LFO9MA TRACT NO. 32742 BSW A BUSOI OON OF A POW)ON OF THE NORM 112 OF NMWAST VI OF SotflWA 77 VY IP 5FCT(ux /A YORN9p S MUK RANOE7 EAST. aS.SIA. _HACKER IHE. .eM2008 TAX COLLrKTOR'S G�?'?1FICATE 12WXr «RICY rai'uLnagn't m nC AT«%a «1MS nX«. K « rNt 4YL nXl1A Art W LCS Aaraf In�rnwjuwrrsaN al nN xI1W w.me LMAa tom rouvn: eA CdLECIm 1XQi � AxL AILII a atru Fun Woorortea, carat tix muo� Xe .calm 7AX BOND,CER if9CAI€ I NPLXF CIAfY 1XaA WXA N PF.IW «1��..� Ika rtbl LCanED NN fllm MM fK IVAf}.11ilWMCrt aL�XMLM. KLGIRI)L'.«IIMl6aL fAV{NX14 OM'41AY.YD LhW CGL1CIm'AS't4fB.MNMi(iK„ikt lr`� � ThY s'O1.o "ea�m a�suaX�Xseur rm_m a+Kls Nm.rn enp rws ww aAr A+xnm a CANT to W N vm D I W MWMNR � eauu a^ wNrwaas �' . arum nI . DaYN PFaflFN:nT OACCEPTANCE nN, a« StG 411rr IK w°AW wEC11Ak Wf10Cf'K MF.CIOHWi.IM:I. MrOI' ALCaR /Y CALCf a M � OPKnF m rc�� pCOLUipN M. IYIO. alm YNLH l; R➢O aim m0r oarrmurNX sauasw AaaXfu wXu trcRw arnn+n'Rrz+E OMF4SfONS � amrAsaIXrs m aNmRsa riirc � ea a ne muaws f. ��'a A1(NJ1-rue xam vpt ua, pcedgm w A Iva x Wa Tom IXa>L4 an. .. >DNIa1wYG't IAt 11 R - IOr LVAlrc AwnC1', atmNm INf[X'Va m ax»ua�a n IX" n�rarr�r na ItR rtN ii+aeu Aw e«mc wWxom rFa7'�r[`e'rF'AF dcCEpi'ANCE r wmrWmr nor LxPor AVXNaIr aaXrm m M a xaoturXW IN re-wa arm smlNxu Itw.uml Antsr w NNArF a nE caa[w LwLn WiLV Warr na WkAlal«Cl�E1maS RIP PaktW WRX AM SlY1A1Cl VI.NW.C4K atOrm M91RC CARD Noe Lpn YyLLY WRF � CMIFT I OF A SMEUS ECORDER'S STA N RGX W 4N5. AA�SLW. I1 iNE A. /TX REOaSr a ME fY1Y nLM' a aarA GLUQVXuME uwa x. aw. c Ksri'SaR-CILNrI-RECa«F sueomval aunwrzc nNXtx AXuxav rmE cauFAW �N)avFYOR'S STATEMENT Ilu w Ws IXaAvm n rc w am W oNwnw Aw a auo aG' A raw srNm x LgyaYNC( xM 1K N0.RMXa' V IK 51/NNSMI w KI AM IOGI p1011MXF A11nC .COCCI a OXwT aIIICVWIr L1A. A WYMYf UMNNRw OMNJ OmLVOa. }aO. I xDrmr trNE rrXt Au wNmas AC a ne nauerew AW anvr nn raarNxs waAlm Art a�mx�+i�ro o�u lrR�ro� mwKm.I���rI m reXL w avtxnXLLr nvxDNa ro Mf roxarroauLr uaoam nxamr w. aIm ]O« XA aro xrKX vrta¢Xan Lao rarRmt Xx star Ar, wo-Lon [A. h7Fa Xe. 5f1! C^Y ENGMM'S STATEMENT r INmI SNR IXLI I aH aNXfm M NnM Avam w a MA« na IIrAr Lasanne a Mx (f1 CATar nR sfwnma .woW' XaenX a sfuslArlwLr CAR tu[ As n MKAAtb I IM RxNIM w Aa /wr Mwhm MRanCXt wm�nar�u liAwAa�arwrN�iv�e WAw a m xaoX Iw1M1 A AYNfSO'L QM pGArmL aY « N WMA HOC IAVa q1. 1}/I1/W CRY SURVEYOR'S STATEMELT r MwOr sN1L 11Xr r MK RMn'aL Ml WIVI w a a W. t37IS CMHIIMN a IaC N) AROt wN r AX sfmrzo an an w a rewAOLLr MWvm. NIM on PI A man AI/m 01 SINMIW PIA b4l an, i/]O/« CRY Q EEK'S STATEMENT L A*r s aalt rn nun Aw e'-arrNc aANr a rrc uR cM,naL « rx[ nn a u aLaa cvroAew ACimY uarz rwr CAD ar WMNL Ar Irs Kaw WnrN wo ar Magfm M Wra w a rACI w Aa II1fE A'Y Keals nR oeaamx ti wr v twWal mn7 Tar aaN slan .va unm rwosxs �,vN IK rvu Darn uuXalrs a a �ieo �oN « WrncA AM arm Woo n 1![nIY a ua A SHEET T OF 4 SHEETS N 7E£ CRY OFCA'OUlVTAI"=WTY OFN STATECF C4LFORM4 A T NO. 32742 WWA OFA PORMNOFTNE NO"0 OtMMTWABTV4 OF 9O_ v*e4sT 114 Qa SECTIONa TONNSNr 08OVTK WOE EAST, 8"M It HACKER EN,6INEERINE, INC. .AM2000 '. �MAMAEm m�N)ImA1R wxT A 0'.G7 w IPMST Nmum AIAVS'f JI, mw i1T WTARY ACYCNC4YLEQGMEM w , mw ewr[ Rt . MorAa Minx. R@ T AROn pDahwaY**m,L K wl m w w MB4W wSRwAt;/pn MLOArm R: W,AW rtls73RnsE MNt'j% Rfe,Qa 'm MMMN MmMMMAX9 Nmw w x . W MN.CyII RALF p',BU4E5'f ISM MtN'Ir W CORf155mM LYPI115 � , NC?'1�'�"ACKNOIM1'LEDaA+IEN'T w - , ]oMa Sam OE Aro/APr Mmx, MRSCAYAY AMTMm . MRmlw[r x01M m w w ImHb m 1S w M BIAS w NIgTAtiM-lr4ttAr m w ME mwsj ON: SOARV) q)AR' ARSOmm mM MIrN MsmAm? Aw AOURRim m If mV K QTRMm M' w N wAvvn AAMW!![D (�MM w "Wwvw AnC LgVMM n S)� IIYM55 w H4W ' W MM'MN FlACE w N3MfSJ d N CC4MI W CMIIP#i111f U'IR[T �� m��i0rw "D SHEET J OF 4 SHEETS NMCffrOFLA CLWA COLWir C:ms®DE SWECFEa1Lr*W TRACT NO. 32742 _I % ' OMA 8LW'xe CPA FORT¢WOFTHEMMM URT 2 OFMAEAS"A OF 1_ I _-_-_-Lam__- --- �r � I BWfIFA6TY4CF8ELTWG7dATMeEWf1{MAl]E7E.13T, 998A1 MCWAMVIEWLANE_— ----'�` �_---1-------1- -,-�- -- , ,-'� ® HACKER ENGINEERING, INC. AM 100E clIn � n,S 3v E\ , I I I I , I 1 I � • IKE11n YPM1SEX/ IerM K KrTa I I 6769 1 I o Tow,m sa I• �.. xm rusrc xw sTAwm u e+n: rwTx " itt Ci Noi 40,41 i a WAww aMIXXTta "xxrm u xn: aloe A T d RHow. A, 2005 . 1 23y/ Xa AK [C saWfe LS elTe m K R/ aX Clal Al O PPYI.(CrX)N a T R Lor uKK5 I MS J!' [ nx.rel M.B , 1 x uv a IPaR PAVP[XIY MISX9 AIN al 111E reewC a eLM cots AT leap f IX 1 - I - I I' MnnXb ttnrRxs 1 I N I%'nee'[ I m% T1Tf 1 } I 1 ! 1 owx= rtMD DUA rtlt =t K Tane. 99 nS/ro-1r. 4 1 -�15 X'g11 •.r — — J -• S W �9a' x r1�10.1' •• _ _ () 101LIlea Swam as M wCT K TTIn, x.1 no- - aGbJ• f W CWAM Al PRAWREO LOTS AND a LETf= LOTS 9- u ifiTf /ORES CRO55 I T » a-' W i HOAK' �1QMIMENT DATA I I x ens Xe r m I0.W TAi IIIIX 1MG CG1N 0.r: IXIX T-T IWI R; K � MCITfDK SE CObKR 74 W HCIKM ,S 15 TB 17 22 23 ' 31 3B O m raxc :• rrox IYE K as Dorn a rm x uu a ua nAvm v.vn• va Xa I � g CC Twrn-ro xa xa Tq/X•rA ARVIm K aounr va mxa Baron u f'r rt �rxa wlb w NOW � MR M/MM14 A� awSal r t s[Clpx iS ' t~i 15 r 35 39 kN f0 tram eowT AK Ifa91a1 ruXFm v uu: K Aa: I I fi' P 32 . �. '"'""'"' ID ruin r Xar art aa.ID act n101; am xX x.• .mia-K AwR K axrze %Y r/r aa•q seeM ra k II 13 {�+ ° 19 .. �S33 34 W 40 �� FasE� nrrDAra . • 2 ' • Q � p x LxM a uarto arnfa a xlurA rw IxrzX nraam n wmc a xsrmrm+ =� 3 LOT A' F(5FAi8EA. 5N,3'•fLACE acanum wr.. +w n roar tom nec.m as I p xpAl�XIpTaK IreTm a1p1a IaManwaa rota ,w. uumes n wms a of ` _ ' $ . ;4 : 3, 2 ' 1- LOT F' n A'I xTggr a Aoaorr a rwvar,xc warm a •X+oamr reR wc>tea Ko tarcss n 11 R3 9 8 7 tawttq{::.�:. LflT T uut<o+rtuoxxr K remm an. aMrm nomw m ton 11 a m w T r _ " _ _ p x awe aces a A.wuaw rt. «mr me uss AK nrnwTx rwroses n ----- -_- -,Bfi(7WM'EiFANK �"� JTOS� nlrwannmuo.+acvao.wrwuurTSTxwox:ra as xs awrox I ,I__. I�«T__Y__r__I__,--1- Y -,�--I 1"--i Y...^`,_-`� � , p�Tti ,n •' �n xmEawlmsortK nTna. aR acumro nry$ IMP I I I 1 I 1 - I' �'FJ% r I I f • ` ` 1 Sy - IIpmMC u.1AV..9 r` i NQ• 29.65 i . i.. i i `. I I I I 1 I l I Aa " . 1 url EaSII�C tK>aer.n tl•'G4%..S `a`yw. 1 I 1 1 I 1 y�2Y I r I 1 .♦ I- ��ppxx MIDI m r SLg5.�rh II I M.e �r r i (axmDica w 0�' Q?4 J.._S__1__L t �_I_�J tf I I 1 '^Ai,Xm mar g �. I I _. L'MaaR SISIaI nr[ I aHary� � ; roAV4J K XrR'XIL `4ga•i ` ` 15 15 1.4 aarncaen.' xw�w �,w,w, .a.erA,�/ A63P41RTBCN,LEE'A�O a• suroex nv (w xnn:) _ .yp {qm' (gp,Y1Cj4 X IINYa• X nS1.IC �� V x aeezY . +on Ir771Z lj 8ASf3 OF BEARINQ3 x;;�?�, R SHEET 4 OE 4 SHEETS AM 200a tTaeLe �Ta^'OFL"^OUHJiA Cat.RVIroFPov>:EaTAtoFCALroiava ® HACKER ENGINEERING, INC. eFuoc ♦c at r',[,. TRACT NO. 32742 n :..Lv co nI u/ p k u Io• cx+awc srxe ,_/c `,{fS7! ? O �' : :1" zu 9EMa9U NOFa ENr{7fORl OFIfxFAtlHiH 1/3.OF TKrfl,;r 1,14OF I SM"EAV114OP8EC7AOVTaTONN91PdSOM)Ha4rR1E>EAs7;saeu X F'NMfsEAsona % PAAce m r tu. T m riO• C1 Ny/ 'I1TZF� .�. ctNYFfiA9AP MIA iiAN9flY1 ax"W—E y j µ / AT �A! o+M'u'MtYI 'J G :6 {OKrN' - ,. aLL m ILWM ISID;11• lAl' _ C)J iit - Dow MITT • m a p ul cs a m - G1 _ my pl GD 23AV-. LOT 7v o ,,, ,.L&L9.• .. ym—EMr cm w, fps f ,' N/IOIW[I S tttlxw my a aD. cxt r - • x DO LOiITJ p Ln - cu c at m GU - Go ... cCb •. G/ ' W u rlt Gr - Gm00. mt k V1 ar W C/1 / • 1^ 8 ax ut r cn ae 1A g cl/ G♦ Mw al aD Is - Gf cn • ac fl bm'00' L In40Y - .IOFm'. IQ",Im.W ',OAW' IOxOY "W' IN. V' Imm' I IT JIOf Ol' .]4 ImW' - wool tam.@ @ k! ll,fn4q ; 9 k 31 3a I 22 yilis 9 19 pq �" y�Ir,lYl4 5$ Ir.190ff_i Q_ k' ppi HATIY 1♦ATJff Y I 240MY 9YY + i 33 II.N1Y k 1(I)t IT M[g�( 149Y/Y x rlD]t 5F q1 �� _ HIM It q�1 t I I I 1 IcilD �f ctn Ix/rxxb0i Im.Pt'�y D, WMIXT n0.m'� W"T MO xRT56VT MIT1411M, rm10' re/at02 ImM MPxfW21m//' o-,1 WPnWt rWM �fgYDtl(nf y • mrm'rY11(Rf • FII'Ix'Y'(�R1, I- prffYf•(fRL Lr ipR�i g• yy I 9PI/•t12fRf Ij'R14(Irf yyt ]lrll4C'gnt, ypip -1 ro'%ud P1g ,IC Lu .6 yn 'g g fa'vul Sd 3g g 6 CCIn 3 ro'r. i F pE ^ r4fN 9 g '2B. [ 101R Y Ela tl `n` '£ a 1010SY O ,� Yi 2 _£ IOFnY •� Inn4Y i rO.ATY IOa♦9ff llF>r<' ffp.. £ ;iA x/vlfttlt ul.n' KvmWrn,.tl' �e x#mWFltf.n' MISf'mt rxr.x' •,., xdAbOt luxHnfbJ2 MITxlrminT i� n^ 'ur,7_Tmyey �^,�srtrn'nl LLrrrgt�•Iry � tferr'gt�'y f/rgreMfly tvrnnlq O g snnN9x7W •g` lrxrtYrrtJx1 40 Ai p .m 5f ,LI.Y f 14DIff h Lt? i S 34ff /• 9!_ ,Lff 294 - ruc ro• yn L Inentel J Lsm w• .P`'�1` c� . m' s IT P.. rae'rrtrtlxj I„ WEmroat ca T/ u ♦`' Inat• r _ x E.r,.n Tajo rtlm I a LOT A' ,m AML_ uLlO _>r t♦ M/p�Lu>nu a x se£♦vW;(q; �` .mm•xrssW(Jfnn L n,m' PiACE rmWF f"tm rnm x srmroo iF lu.n Llt n.n Y II 10.x =HYn�D, ♦ �Nm: �MLV f 10'I. SONb/'11�'niv Gtl �(J q Ifxm' S �� LOTF • P � a�_ 3 B 1 f t nx. S a_ _ s gg 8g ag__r 7N 3 q' = 3� _ a frt pR pp L1 /fppiY i� ➢]01 Y 9,tW Y 9.tm Y DJm Y - aQ[OT y�i LET T 14a1Y g •1 9Y DimY • D,Jmff DimY9.uyY & giUNXYT [OI •, nm Aw e xor Iwo, Y5 - W m r m m' am• m'--------------------�-� 29 57 RrAfac *-- -- - - ---. N0' 65 I ' __ __---�----�---------- RAT I - - iR 60 292f 9 SHEET 2 TOR EASEMENT. MONUMENT AND SURVEYOR'S NOTES NAB ofi'oi-' N � ATTACHMENT 3. CITY of LA QUANTA SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT TRACT MAP NO.32742 ONSITEIMPROVEMENTS THIS SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT (the "Agreement') is made and entered into this day of 20 by and between Monterra Hoklings, LLC, a Nevada Limited Liability Company, D.BA Monterra Investments, LLC, a California Limited liability Company hereinafter referred to as "Subdivider," and the City of La Quinta, a municipal corporation of the State of California, hereinafter referred to as •City " RECITALS: A Subdivider has prepared and filed a final reap or Tract reap (the "Map") of a unit of land in the City of La Quinta;:CoUrdy of Riverside, which unit of lard is known as Tract No. 32742 (the "Tract") pursuant to the provisions of Section -66410,.et sec. of the California Govemment Code (the "Subdivision Map Ad"). B. Prior to approval of the Map; Subdivider is required to install or. agree .to install certain public and private improvements (the 9mprovementsj. C. Theimprovements have not been installed arid accepted at this time. D. It is therefore neoessarythat Subdivider and:City: enter intp an agreement -for the installation of the Improvements as provided in Section W462 of the'Subdivision Map Act, NOW, THEREFORE; it is agreed by and between the parties tweto as follows: 1, 4rn ment P,Oans. Ppor:to-submitol trf the Map fgr a*oval.:by the City Council;Subdivider shall turtiishbrigmal•improvementplatssm"ling4herequirei4onts ot3he City Engineer: - 2. Improvements. Subdivider shall conshuC ,#*,pubtip<end.pdMesteeeq-dra"e,; utility, landscaping, and, other 141provements. mquited. tA.be coqstructed,or.agreed toe be . construotedr under this Abreeetent as;li5ted tq xhibt "A. andrshalh arihe futl t6it,fherebf. fide mettrods, standards, sPeCifir itions "sequence, anti.schedurin'i cor #Uqoft#WlbempppfovW.bytheG,#y,-Engineer- 3. Improvement Secuft. A. One dass, of security to be provided,by Subdivider,, herainafterleferrod lg ps.."performance securty'"'shall assure the faithful.pedlormance of;this Agreement including construction of the lmprovetaents; payptent of Subeixiders, faicshare ofimpro++emgtitts ivlii bave.t>een or will be constructed by ottrcrf',Pa?Ilciipatoy.;freilroircm is ,: i aYfiiern,of pt in. c and permit fees 'A seouiid class; -of seerrrlf Ao,,be prorided by, Subdivider, hereln({after-isfeired to as "paymerd security." shall assure the payment of :the cost of ;labor: equiptrlerd: and materials supplied to construct the Improvements. A third.class of security to be provided by Subdivider, hereinafter referred to as ,warranfy:,s�ty;"� shall serve as, ggarantae and warranty of dhe Improyenlerlts for a peripd of or* year fotki> nq, the-,ctsnp -co and a3u ptarm of the Improvements.' Subdivider shalufurnish #iWwnance-arxi payment securty-prior 10pnd as a condition of City -Council approval -of the-Mep.. $i'Wvider sttall.providq:V rtArq) severity after lmprovememts-are completO.and acoapted.by fllle,Ciry Courxal:ard prior to, W cortClirre411y with the final 'irelease-. of. pertormanco- sbcIrity: Warranty Security. shalt not be, required for Monumentation or-Pattiapatofy Improvements. Homver, 4he' City -may utillZe,Monumentation Security for perfomsanoe of or payment for the work in accordance wiith the $ubdivision,Map Act. As part, of the ,obligation secured by each of the performance security, payment Apcurity and warranty, security, and in .addition to the -face amount of each such security, each such security shall include and• assure the payment of costs and reasonable, expenses and fees, irlcludit 14 3 reasonable: attorney's fees, incurred by City,in successfully enforcing the obligations thereby secured. 7:10evdcpmeN SeMces ONisioMDeKlopmdYP"4��>��in RbV��SeaSais TM'J27fN31SnE S4ldoe . 15 B. Improvement security shall conform to Section 66499 of the Califomia Govemment Code and one or more of the following: 1) A cash deposit with City or a responsible escrow agent or trust company, at City's option. 2) ' Surety bonds, of the form specified in subsection 66499.2 of the Califomia Government Code, issued by a surety or sureties listed in the U.S. Department of Treasury Circular 570 (latest version). 3) Certificates of deposit, in Citys name, from one or more financial institutions subject to regulation by the state or federal goverment and having a financial quality rating of "A" or better and a commitment reliability rating of "R-2" or better on the Investment Data Exchange (of the Los Angeles County Treasurer's office). 4) Irrevocable- Letters of credit, issued by one or more financial institutions -meeting the requirements of Paragraph (3), pledging that the funds necessary to carry out the completion of the Improvements.are on deposit, guaranteed for.payment, and constitute a.trust fund wfuch is not subject to levy or attachment by any creditor. of the depositor until released by City. Letters of cxe(fd shall guarantee that all cr any portion of the funds available pursuant to the touters of-cred'd_will bepaiduponthe wrritten-doiMdrid, City and that such written demand need exit present documentation of any type.as'a-conditibn of payment; inducting=proof of loss. 'The duration of any such letter of credit shall be for a period of not less than one year from the execution off agreementwith,= h it is provfdei an_ 0 shall slate} on Its face, that the letter of credit will be automatically_renewed until such time that City authorizes its expiration or Wtil .sixly (60) ?lays after -City teoeives'riotice from'the-financial institution of iritent'to allow expiration of the*tter of credit , 5) -A lien upon the subdivided -property, require the installation of the improve .. `antl iMnn "IA, 4k 6) 7) the pcwerof4 everted ttpon belohq g; of pioTds aHeret Value, findstWitmodid'notbe in the`publid interest to. sooner than �w (2) years after recordation of the thereon, or that, may be and An instrument of dretltt from an agency of the state, federal or local government, when. any agency of"the state, federal, or focal "government provides at least Twenty Percent (20%) of the fiirnancingfor the Improvements., of the kind specified in th City or a C. All seeumievshall be furnished in aoc&danmwfth°U proisiom of.Ezhibit A. The_amount of the petfbifslatita security^sfiail equal Oh6'-ffundred •Peirkit'.(f00YO) pf'the, estimated cost of calstruWngthe'lotproveinents. indu N payment 'per clvl ' and permit fees, as estimated by the `faty-7E ttgintee t>i a_ duly au att6cM tepresettiabre of -fine Ctty.f itgineer. The amount of PdyrStienf security,SlSatl equal, the artit,wnt-07the -amount of,pprfomiance security, except as otherMsb set,fotth;in tW il*t,k ond.shaltbe-tivriW*dasaseparate-security: Wamanty'security shall equal . erc Pert tit _of the°atnaimf`rai tterf© n+ a security, except as otherwise set forth in Exhibit A. D: At the tirie'of subritittal of security. Subdivider-shali,pay io City administretive fees applicable to the form of security provided: AdmmistrMire fees'shall applyto`the subdivision (final Map, Tract map or waiver of Tract map) rather than to individual'ceCurity-Instruments. The fees shall be paid separately for: each different form and/or source (suretyor financial Institution) of security initially submitted and for substitution of securities but shall not be required for submittal of warranty rn.Kna,M,e SeMres oh�uxn��a�pni.dr+ofedswe��amts�a�susmrm��ro�ssa�.sTu ar[rorvsrte_Saaoc 16 1dr security if the warranty security is of the same form and from the same source as the performance secuniy it replaces. Administrative fees for security shall be as follows: 1) For certificates of deposit, bonds and letters of credit as described in Paragraphs 2), 3) and 4) of SECTION 3.B., which require the establishment of evidence of the reliability_ of the surety or financial institution, the administrative fee shall be One Hundred. Fifty Dollars ($150.00). 2) For lens on real property as described in Paragraph 5) of SECTION 3.B., for which City will prepare lien agreements and subordination agreements, administer valuation of the real property and administer the. agreements over the life of the lien, all of which require legal assistance and financial advice, Subdivider shall pay to City an administration fee of One Hal of One Percent (0.5%) of the estimated cost of the improvements secured but not less than Five Hundred Dollars' ($500.00) nor more than five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00). 3) For other forms of security' fisted in Section 3 B, above, there will be no administrative fee E. �1?articipatory irnprovemehts, 'if arty' are ideriGfied �in, Eadtibft A. Security for Participatoryiri5pro4einents shad remain rn platy unhl the ("a ipatory Improventet are constrtrCted and actual costs are known and (said by $66divfder, oruhtil Sutxlividpr pays to C' the'estirnated cost of the Participatory Improvements,- and shall guarantee the reimbursement by Subdivider of Subdividees share of the cost of the Partiapator)r Improvements. Payment security and warranty setxrrity shall rust be requ* for Participatoy, improvements, written demand from the lesser (4, 1),lhe amount demanded, or F. 'Secirriiy shall trot expire,' be t-09 Edd 'ol indud rig non-payment of ptemfums; mtuli for performance stated in this Agreen" surety procures City *ei'sudy `(60)"days :teceiptterpuesied shall deposit cash with City in 'lieu of or in Dry Improvements. If "Subdivider fails to deposit e&derband from`City, City may present a written 3idcash,a'nt)Subdividees'SW* shall pay to City 3 8nibunt of the'aecurily. . rsme wholry,, or parti6ii'y ,invalid for any" reason, ri§-IoihisAgreemant'arfdfdr expiration`isf the time tart aXP 'authorization from City unless the r ii ,i>otice `bY registered or certifie'd'inah, return G. Security shall be released in the following mary .. 1) Performance security .shall be released upon'rthgtrfat rrxnpletion,-anit acceptance or rapprov a1;'bY the City Council'of the improvements siitijebi to the provrsiorft of paragraph'B. 2) The City Eslgrnew may authorize partial reduction of patfarMnco security as. work progressed, uport apri1rp0Lon ,bY tubtinsider.' Hc�ruever;,'rro such i at9fro)natf' shalt tse for an �;. �,.K..c,:ar �..t aa.�s iilwia tirfYse 3Y,3�r i.e.i.:wYnsnS+e'Eketro�'i�.'riVsiiiiiArt'frn lkaiAifhfid dn'ti 'hC`e+ Ofihl`8` Wdtk. •1ri:iiS'eY$�itlay13�1 S2Wr�y be ilt' dd bo16W required t0 gtlarstttPe'tha';CCrrSplefioh'cif the art orir�ark of oblgalioh set uri d :pius'Tefi Percent(f 0%). The City Engineer shall not allow more than two partial reductions of security furnished for any improvement agreement. 3) Participatory improvement ter irritr shah tie . released upon payment by Subdivider of Srifsdivider s share nt tfte cost or.estimated bo0of the Participat6ty Impro'voments: 4) if City' receives rio notice of, recorded claims' oYlien;.iaba and materiiais security shall be released in full 80 days after final ptantce and/or approval by the City Council, of the `lZ9r dmonts: # Crly receives d Myie tdodlren; $re' i#.16ns-oI U�'-Subdivision Map Act snailapply. 5) Warranty security not utilized during the Warranty period shall be released one year after final ameptane6 or approval by the City Councl ofaU Tfaet improvements: However, if at the end of the: one-year warranty period, there are one or more outstanding requests by City for performance of Work or provision of materials under the terms of the warranty, warranty �1 T:bevehpne,n Seniors DirsbMDevebpnenl Prge3sVpihMm{Si^iPl5lM hPnoarSNFar5eatdvtrl192r12K3Hsrre_51Atloc 3d7 �' 145 17 security shall be retained until the outstanding requests are satisfied or until Subdivider has made other arrangements satisfactory to the City Engineer. 4:. Permits Required. Prior to commencing any phase of work, Subdivider shall obtain all permits required for that phase of work and pay all required fees. Work performed under a permit or permits shall comply with all provisions of the required permits. 5. Off -site improvements. When the construction of one or more of the Improvements requires or necessitates the acquisition of real -property not owned by Subdivider or City, Subdivider shall use its best efforts, purchase such real property at a reasonable price. In the event that Subdivider is unsuccessful, despite its best efforts, to acquire such real property at a.reasonable price, Subdivider may request in writing that City attempt to acquire such real property. City may, but is not required to, agree to attempt to acquire such real property on behalf of Subdivider. If City so agrees, City and Subdivider shall enter a separate written agreement in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. Said separate agreement shall provide that Subdivider advance to City One Hundred Fifty Percent (150%) of the„appraised fair market value of the real property. Any unexpended'portion of said advance shall be refunded to Subdivider. Any additional funds required for acquisition of the real property shall be paid-by;Subsfivider to City upon the-conveyanro;of sold real property to Subdivider. In noeverd.shat the failure of Sttbdivider,or Oily to`aCqu re pUr.�.re - xcuse„waive or otherwise terminate Aro¢gdY;. Sutidtyidm splztiation to e.appGcelfleimprbvemem pulsuantfo this.Agreement or the Cq�tions of Approval. 6. 'Completion of Irhrxovemenls, Sirbdi4ider stknll begin cons#uCtion.of the Improvements within ninety (90), days and shall complete construction whin twelve (12i months after the approval of this Agreement Portions of the Improvements may;be..r ogipjK d at.a.later date. as.determined by the CAy, ngirteer,ar asset forib_in ExhIM A _Fmlureby rlxfyi er,to gegiaor,compiete construction of the improyerniinis within:fhe: specified; trine periods Shall, constitute .cause • for City, in its sole drsct'etion and tt deems..neeessaryto deda� SuOxirnder in defatift of;tius agreement, to revise impiovement,Security requirements as.ttecessary to erisure.coiripleGsfn.gi t� improvements, and/or to require modiificetians in the standards ar'sequenaYg of.lhe lmpro4emL�i{s rn'resporise to changes •�rl ataiirt?rds #�r.;Cbnddionsafietdrn9.9t, �i�ed�+ #hp t!r>pyripN2lterltS �did;aaflure shattndt etherwise affoN Shp val,r#iiviY�fhYYf+snwsYrv,cnf iv lY.sYfviaiY�,S,sciWiaiM,nru a,rwiar. 7_ Force r laietue,.. JR tha eXpnt that Subdivider is tillable #o wittajn f time limits herein due to strikes, acn of God, or other events beyond Sribtiiadia's coMrai, the rime Urn for,obogations ;affected by such event>.wiil be extended by the period of such events. 8. Time Extensiog.. Subdivider may make application in writing to the City Council for an extension of bme for.compi=etion sir tie Improvemerts, The City, Cocareil, in its stile -arid ahsol[fte, discretion, may apprpvg.pr, denythe, request, or conditiona(ry apprtsve the exte_ nsion: wlifi additions,pi revisions to the terms andcc3nditions of this Agreement AS a rrondtUon tff the bme eAension t rtbdnvider„*,tfall.tlurush sg rRnes r nmllar,fn form arid substance to those requiited,in S C7iCltl 3 tk'rejflabPwe io ti fiver thepd, 'd of OX100.on the„value of the senurtties sHaVl e; sulficidnt fo erasure t o p acid t�ymerti der lmproarements that remain incomplete: al ale time of ,the- - eioensioo, firm .to prdviile. , warranty; secudty.. on completed lmnrrwomanfc � .- 9. rvae..Wlonume is. 80fore final approval of meet improvements, .8udd;dider shall place surrey monuments in'accordanoe with. the.provisions of Sedions.65405, of Am of the,Sfrtxiivision Map Act and of tlTe t2, ftuirda Municipal Co&..'Wxfivider_shall provideihe City Engirseer,qutitten proof that the °monuments have been set, evidence of payirterit and receipt thereof by the engineer or surveyor setdngthe mcuiuments; andintersecWn mMuMatttli outs for monuments sett in.pubiic streets. 10. finat_Acceotagce of<Imbroyeriierits. At•ttne ttx+mmpt! tiorl ofponsfryefiont and pnpr,to acceptance of the Imprtr'vem n > by'City, Subdivider shall submit a request for i44 appri t;by City. the request shall be,accompanied by any required certifications from Subdivider's engineers or surveyors;, approval letters from other agencies having jurisdiction over and.approval authority, for improvements required by this Agreement or -the Conditions of Approval, and any required construction quality documentation not'previously / submitted. `' (�W"/ T:YOeJblopm Senioes Und1�YPt*-dAAWeemmtsA&Al5MA PmgtWFwScorns Tit 24ZPNSnE_SIAUoc 40i 18 v.,: 14t Upon receipt of said request, the City Engineer or a duly -authorized representative will review the required documentation and will inspect the Improvements. If the Improvements are determined to be in accordance with applicable City standards and specifications, and as provided herein, obligations required by the Conditions of Approval and this Agreement have been satisfied, and Subdivider has provided revised plans as required in Paragraph 11, hereinafter, the City Engineer shall recommend acceptance of the Improvements by the City Council. 11. Revisions to Plans. When the Improvements have been inspected and approved by the City Engineer, Subdivider shall make any necessary revisions to the original plans held by City so the plans depict the actual Improvements constructed. When necessary revisions have been made, each separate sheet of the plans shall be dearly marked with the words "As Built " "As -Constructed; or "Record Drawing," the marking shall be stamped by an engineer or surveyor, as appropriate for the improvements 11iereon, who is licensed to practice in California, and the plans shall be resubmitted to the City Engineer. 12. Improvement Warranty. Subdivider hereby guarantees the Improvements to City for a period of one (1) year, beginning on the date of final acceptance of the Improvements by the City Council, against any defective -work or tabor done, or defective materials furnished, and shall repair or replace such defective work or materials. 13. Release of Serwrity. City shall retain and release securities in accordance with the provisions of Section 3 of this agreement. Prior to the release of payment security, the City Engineer may require Subdivider to provide a Site repot -or other evidence sufficient to show claims of lien, if any, that may affect the, amount ofpaymert,security released. 14. Cily, Right to C�me..If Subdivider, fails to Worm any obligation hereunder.and such obligation has not been performed within sixty (60) days after written notice -of default from City, then City may perform the obligation, and Subdivider shall pay the entire cost of such performance by City including costs of suit and reasonable attoiney's.fees Incurred by City.in enforcing -such. obligation. In -cases of emergency or compelling public interest; as determined by the City Engineer, the requirement for written inotice of default andfor the passage of sixty (60) days'shaif be deemed waived and all other provisions of this Article shall remain in effect 15. Indemnification. Subdivider hereby birnds,ifsell, Rs,offcers, employees, agents, -representatives; ezeoutors, admiinlWators, guatantIom, heirs, and assigns, and agrees -to Indenmify, defendsrid hold Lily and its olficrs, ernpigyees, agents, representaives, and _ ns harmless froiSm ahi9 against any losser. claims:.de+nands, actions, ,orcauses of action of anynat4tfe Nfia ',*Yoh: drisirtg c ui ol;w'in iny',ayay coorreoted witH°&ybdividers pedormaiice herein.under, incud-my rxf94 of suit and reasonable attc nmeys' fees. 16. No Modification of Conditions. This Agreement shall in no respect act to modify or, amend any 0,*Sion of thQ ondditsts.bC Ap pVaC In the,event Ghat srgm requirerimant or oondmon of this llgroiamont is ineohsisteilt with :or fails to, i+tdpde one ,Qr ,mo(e pr. r &4vObs 4f'the' Cgdditions. of Approval, vuidc ddculneTit(s) it (are)-nmco iati herein by reference. the, provisions in if16 Conditions of Approval shall remold iri Weft 8f1d 17. Severability. In the event that any provision or provisions of this Agreement are held unenforceable, all provisions not so held shall temainin full force and effect 18. General Provisions. A All notices pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be personally delivered or sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to the partiesat their respective addresses indicated hereon. Notices personally delivered shall be effective upon delivery. Notices mailed as provided herein and sent postage prepaid shall be effective upon the date of delivery or refusal indicated on the retum receipt: Either party may change its address for notices hereunder by notice to the other given in the manner provided in this subparagraph. B. The terms, conditions, covenants, and agreements set forth herein shall apply to and bind the��r, / heirs, executors, administrators, assigns, and successors of the parties hereto. TlDmlopm mser s txwj no vebapment Pr*ds%Awm EVSKOmi.Fmpess.Far Se TUM742%ONSITE_Sl dtl 5M7 19 C. Neither party to this Agreement relies upon any warranty or representation not contained in this Agreement D. This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted with respect to the laws of the State of California. E. In the event of any dispute between the parties with respect to this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to prompt payment of its reasonable aftomeys' fees from the non -prevailing party. F. Any failure or delay by either party in asserting any of its rights and remedies as to any default shall not operate as a waiver of any •default or of any such rights or remedies provided for hereunder. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first written above. CITY: City of La 1]uinta 78 495 Calle Tampico La Qtiinta, CA 92253 . 760/777-7075 Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager ATTEST: Reviewed and Approved: City Engineer ' Approved -at to Form: Date Date City Attomey T-We-IOPMeMSmMs OhlJ NDeveWp Pwje2cUg &be &^ASIAsb PMye4FwlSeaz TM31712O6rlE_SIA6oc 1� 60f7 20 .31 . Exhibit A ON -SITE SECURITY — TRACT MAP NO.32742 Improvements designated as "Participatory" have been or will be constructed by others. Security for Participatory Improvements shall remain in place indefinitely until called upon or released by City. Monumentation security shall guarantee performance of or payment for the work and shall be utilized or released as specified in.Chapter 4, Article 9 of the Subdivision Map Act. As elements of the work are completed, Subdivider may request a maximum of two partial releases of Performance security. Partial releases shall be for not less than ten percent (10%) of the total Performance security for the tract and shall not reduce total performance security below the amount necessary to complete the Improvements.plus ten percent (10%) of the original amount. Partial releases of performance security will be evaluated and may be granted, in whole or in part, by the City Engineer. Requests for partial releases, setting forth in detail the amount of work completed and the value thereof, shall bemade _in writing to the Gity,Englneer. Labor & materials security shall remain in -place until 90 days after all required •tract improvements are complete and accepted by the City Council. Improvement Description Performorice Labor &M aerials Rough Grading & Walls $ 289,160 $ Street and Sidewalk $ 31,977 9 $ Domestic Water $ 169,492 $ Storm Drain $ 61,695 $ Dry Utilities $' 6000 $ Sewer $ y 36,3,45 , Ret Basin & Perimeter Landscape _ $ 211,,434 $ _ Monumentation $ 6;000' $ Totals $ 1;243,102 $ Standard 10% Contingency $ 24,310 $ Total Construction Cost $ 1,367,412 $ _ Professional Fees, Design 10% $ 130,741 $ Professional Fees, Const 100% - $ 136,741 $ Bond Arnount $ 1,640,896 149 21 Tl)e"Oop nl Samar D'*S'W De doMenl hgeCU1A9reWWftXS1USIA5 in ftgMWFa Se = TM 327420NSrrE_SikdW 7M7 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California Countyof hx1 id'c' ss. 1--1 me, Personally appeared K«personally known to me ❑ proved to me on the basis of, satisfactory evidence to bethe pe "" "'tvfpse' name(s}' isleiie subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he13tt1FA wey executed the same" in "�tifsAWfAAeia� -authorized 1 214 capacity(i*, and that by his/herltheir YJWpty �49c" _ CalIfionrh signature(s}on the fit Wment the person(s�or C rskleCorugy the.entity uponrbeha(f,of Which•the.persort(*, %Am24.3t>Qg acted,executetiihe'instNfient. TNESS my f n a i official sea]. gxarear�rFwc ' OPTIONAL n Ihainfamatun below is ram regared by lax; U MWfOw rahrabk to Paaans reyMg M#m dowment and cduldprevenf draud and rwr mal andMilm mgnadf of M reran roarwfferdccwront. fleser;ph of Attached Document Title or Type of Document Signer(s).Other Than Named Above: Capacity(lies) Claimed by Signer, Signer's Name: ❑ Individual - ❑ Corporate Officer — Title(s): ❑ Partner — CI Umited O General ❑ Attomey-in-Fad ❑ Trustee O Guardian or Conservator. ❑ Other: Signer Is Number of Pages: �..� v"naune,m, l�galat}pee(•MNw»dvnxWayn9 flod. No. SW? teal1: Wb F. 1AWa>6EB2! 22 159 CITY OF LA QUINTA SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT TRACT MAP NO.32742 OFF -SITE IMPROVEMENTS THIS SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is made and entered into this day of 20 by and between Morderra Holdings, LLC, a Nevada Limited Liability Company, D.B.A. Monterra Investments, LLC, a California Limited Liability Company hereinafter referred to as "Subdivider," and the City of La Quinta, a municipal corporation of the State of Cal fornia; hereinafter referred 'to as "City RECITALS: A. Subdivider, has prepared and filed`a final map or Tract map (the "Map") of a unit of land in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, Which unit of land is known as tract No. 32742 (the "Tract") pursuant to. the provisions of Section 66410; et see: of the C011fomia Government Code (the "Subdivision Map Act"). B. Prior to approval of the Map, Subdivider is required to install or agree, to install certain public and Private improvements •(the improvemerits"), C. The improvements have not been installed and accepted at this time. D_ It iktherefore,n%essary that Subdivider and Cifp antei,intg an agree manttor'the,installation of the Improvements as provided in Section 66462 of the Subdivision Neap pet_ NOW, THEREFORE; Itis agreed by acid between the porties Hereto as follows: 1_ improvement Plans . Prior'to St bmittal.of#Ie Map torapptavalbp th$ Cit fyrriisfi:ongmal impiovortlentans meetlrtgNle regliiremei,ts'rIf tfie City En 2. - Improvements.-Subdividet shall c'ombw fhe pubiio and private str t, dr and other im;provemeruls.400ired`to be c6nsfrrxtdd o'shreeddo,ti Agreeinaltt as iisRed tn'l i hitlft' A ; `and shall tieot the loll cost thete4t: sl»fkaUons, sequence, and schaduliriqijf constr "drishall fleas 4o6rot 3. . Imurbyement ,iecurlty, A. One class of security to be provided by S security," shall assure the faithful tlerformar ter" referred 'to -as "payment 66euri shall assure _,_,£,-__.___ _, ".. ty" payyin6nf;6fthe`oost'6f.1s supplied to construct the Improvements. A third mass of seouri4 hereinafter. referred' to as '\vai rsnty s6cUrity shelf serare s' a t improvements for :a -period; bt one>ryaar follov?iiig'`if>e colripl trnprovements: Svbdivk{er 1l feiielistr•perfo7maaz'arszl`pa(irt cordiUon ,N:C4y council approvatof the Map: Stiadivi&r shalt, lmprbvements .,are, dortiptete am ,bwepted by`the. City Council aI the final release oi-peri6rrrlaiice'seeudly: tiwarrmty s6curl Monumenww or Participatory Improvements , However; file C Security for performance of or payment for the work in accordance M under Of the will be ad to as materials ubdivider, ity, of the e of the Grid as a irity after envy with Wred for As, parl'bf,the obligation Secured by each -of'the peifs�mia`rtce security, payment security and xvarranty's curity,'2nd in ectdiiiori fo the#Ace"olricnillt of a" Such security, each su_ph security shall indude and assure the payment of costs and reasonable expenses en fees, including reasonable �aitomey's fees, incurred by City in successfully enfordng the obligations thereby secured. T• MSeM1ias pi:mMDevebM NPm Wpxme,+stS1Al5Ws in Rop%W" Ss.m TM=42XlF ff"I&a 1a> Y,.: 151 23 24 B. Improvement security shall conform with Section 66499 of the California Government Code and one or more of the following: 1) A cash deposit with City or a responsible escrow agent or trust company, at City's option. 2) Surety bonds, of the form specified in subsection 66499.2 of the California Government Code, issued by a surety or sureties listed in the U.S. Department of Treasury Circular 570 (latest version). 3) Certificates of deposit, in City's name, from one or more financial institutions subject to regulation by the state or federal government and having a financial quality rating of "A" or better and a commitment reliability rating of "R-2" or better on the Investment Data Exchange (of the: Los Angeles County Treasurer's office). 4) Irrevocable letters of credit, issued by one or more .financial institutions meeting the requirements of Para (9),.plet)ging that the fur necessary to carry out the completion of the'Improvements are ri deposit, guaranteed for payment, Oro constitute a trust fund whichIis not "ji§dt,.to levy fir aiiichmenf.by any creditgr of the depositor until released by City. tLetter5 of cxedlt shall 6uarentee that all or any-portfon of the funds available pursuant to the lottery of credi(:uill be paid upon #Aa4NIit(en demap4ofy�ndthatssnCh 4Jrfttert demand need idot present droqumeniatipn et any, type os a tldtbon_ ii;payment„fnduding proof of loss: The duration of any such letter of credit shall be for a perloo of not less than one year from tlhe ezecution.of,tbe agreement wiifr.vA$ch it lsprpWded;a M-$,hall state; omits face, that the loner of credit will be automabcaily renewed until such time that City authorizes its gxpfrpIip or.tmtif sill (60),gays aRei r reoeiyes;itoticearprm the+financial institutionofintent to allow ex�ration of the_letter of rae{tit. 5) Alien upon the,subdivided.property, ff-Gity„finds-that it would not be in the public interest to requir the nnstallatioti of the lmprovements;aooner than two {2) years after recordation' of the final tap pr Trac( i<t wCtich ttte:Inlprpyetnents regglred._ tf+efi_enstrall pfowide a coilate ral elue sof ihry� (3) pii%es tfie eallt�t�Q ppst�gf the ltmprcryernents'ariit-shall rriclude the power bf ale of tfie real preperty, Al byikfings and improvements thereon, or that maybe erected,upon trr made ttrefatR together wfih it hereQ¢atrtet>is; anti appurferiances'thereunto M- 0 19 anY yva$,e ap aiqing� aril(Lire re vabopa ge nders . r r s; slues, and tyro its thereof cpifatet i vaiue,of {( properly,'s4OAb established at Subdiihders e>n aptslpptq,?d by pity 6): An instrument of credit from an agency.of the state, federal or loaal.:govemment;..when any agency of the state, federal, or local government provides at least Twenty Percent (20°/,) of the-flnanpng fprthe improvements., 7) ,jNf3ert Siltt(lrvKfer is non proTA or�ailizatlon,seCu1#YO y be ne9ohable'lionds, of the kind a fow fpr secmnrj 'ri rosits of prtbi1C molloys wph Or rft°(citron df pity; as'specified in Sa#+9n 16430 o1,lh¢, aitficrrma pVPlnniegt Cote; yiyposded, at by s option, MO City or a re8pgtrsLttleesrxp4tr,8genl;or#ra ttrxsmpapy-., A,t edmtles ,shall be furnished in aCGerdar"40ith the Provisions of Exhibit A... Thwamoirnt of the Orto*lano� 40"'ty shall of the estimated cost of Gdristiucpng .the improvd.monts 3ndudmgpayrhet)tofplan#ieckarkf',ermit.14s; as estimated by they Crfy f rigineer, or a,,dg1y authgrjzed rppr sentatiJe of he;City J ngineer. The -.amount of Payment surity shagjual thG 2rnrlt -�. aln9aof tit fserfonhance security. except as o rermse sef forth in Eftti txtt 0, , , A all be fymished as, a gate security, Warrantysecurity ,shall egti4d'1en Oircent:(1f %) of the amount of perfdmidrlM secxrritY ekoept as otherwise set forth m i ttKi1it A. Q. At the time ,of submittal of Security„Sgbdivldet.shali poy to City administrative�fees applicable to ftia form lot s oprity-koviiled il"tUlrfrristraUlyd #eel st ll,appty t©:the sutidivision'(finat map, Tract map o[ Gruver of Tract maw rather to.in dividual security -instruments. The fees shall be paid separately for each stiffereht forth andlor source (surety or financial institution)"ofsecurity initially submitted and for substitution of securities but shall not be required for submittal of warranty 'rwew+amnase�as n.:aa��Kiw",anw"iensWree�s�sw�va�Mrmp�mswrsesso,s nnan�crsRE siwao� /tV'.% zaT 152 security if the warranty security is of the same form and from the same source as the performance security it replaces. Administrative fees for security shall be as follows: 1) For certificates of deposit, bonds and letters of credit as described in Paragraphs 2), 3) and 4)'of SECTION &B., which require the establishment of evidence of the reliability of the surety or financial institution, the administrative fee shall be One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150. D0). 2) For.lieins on real property as described in Paragraph 5) of SECTION 3.B., for which City will prepare lien agreements and subordination agreements, administer valuation of the real property and administer the agreements over the life of the lien, all of which require legal assistance and financial advice, Subdivider shall pay to City an administration fee of One Hal of One; Percent (0.5%) of the estimated cost of the Improvements secured but not less than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) nor more than Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00). 3) For other forms of security listed In Section 3 B, above; there will be no administrative fee. E. Participatory_ Improvements, rf any, are identified in Exhibit A.-.Se-nty.fdr ,Pa¢icipatory -,fmproyerntlnts sliadf remain,, . piao '10601-ltie Pa7ficipa" tort' l�rtxent `are cons"cled and as�ialris�arel(nownandpaid 'by,Subdivirlerj'd'urdil5ubdivim"vesto�ajre estirirpEegsXtst of the Participatory. Improvements, and -'shall guarantee the reiint6temeni by Subdivider of Subdivider's share of the cost of the Participatory lmpfovemen_ts. Payment security and warranty security steal not•be•recjolred-for Paricipatory rniprovemer�ts. upon wri en demand, from sty.=Subdivi� steal deposit cash -with City in lieu , of qr in [pRpJJaaccement of:secudty.;gimrafflwdg PaAicipatory Impro m is ' f ubdfwder`iadt to deposit said .cash widrrm 30 days of ttie.date of the written derriand from Cf City may present a written demand to Subdivider s;Surety for'payiner�t-0f told cash and'$ ubdinideWs. Surety sha)(:t Y 19. Crty the tesserofi 1):fhe antotint demantletl "cult) the"amcwiit Of tFie sirly: '... f: Security shall not: expire; a rector ed or become wholly For sadraliy" mvpisi orany reaason, rrluiiing'non-payment orrpremwnis;reifirafarts of ttns Agri ementarrd/orezfxYation oftfie'6me for pedaniance stated in thus Agreement MOW expr� authorization cram City unless the tura7y; prov(des City with sixty ) , yS written ilo400 by'1 rog l [f'or ced ed; mall; #etum receipt-requeste(: - G. Security shall be released in the fWlowir�q manner: a) Performance sectirity<shall be'released upon the final comptebon arid',acceptance or ._appMv%al:'by,fheCityCouuticil°oftheImprtwemerrts�ut3jedtd3he rgvision fsfp3ragrapfrb 2) The City Erigirieer may auftrize partial reduction of perft{rbience. *.orty aS.work progresses, upon p}sllcabon by;=5t ii$t Hoilreve't; no h redulctlb i shad lie i67 an amof,notirthandlercenff19) offhelotal dad�t iapsTrfsr true faithful performance of ih0 ad or wodc <tn fro eiiarlt teal lrity be re�ii r ttW th$t l lir2cl to guaret406,1he cotrroletrbn ofxthe as 6rvaw,ewt*xi,' ri'rAhwA The. City Engineer shall not allow more than two partial reduidions of secun(girirnlshed for any improvement agreement. artparyImproverret 3)Peased vp6rpayent by_Snrder of re _ Subdivider'sshare'ofthecosforestimated cbstof#,apart[ da{ory:tmproyements; 4) If City receives, no notice of recorded claims of lien, labor and materials security shalt be released in full 90 days after final ac tance "or approval by the City Council, of the Improvements. .ifMi receivejnbuceofanyreGoFtfedrwin:thep brip'Of '64` ritidiJisioh Map Act shall apply. 5) Warranty security not utilised during the warranty period shall be released one year after final acceptance or approval bythe City Counch-of all Tract Improvements. However, if at the end of the one-year warranty period, there are one or more outstanding requests Iby City for performance of work or provision of materials under the terms of the warranty, warranty/ T1De ebpniery SeMces ONisimDes¢gpsseniPmjectsNgeemmhtSlA\SW iPmyessiFwr Seazodk Tli 3T7I21FFSRE 510.Eoc' (OY 1N7 153 25 security shall be retained until the outstanding requests are satisfied or until Subdivider has made other arrangements satisfactory to the City Engineer. 4. Permits Required. Prior to commencing any shall cphase of work, Subdivider shall obtain all permits required for Thwith all proat phase of work and pay alfrequired fees. Work performed under a permit or permits omply visions of the required permits. 5. Off -site Improvements. When the construction of one or more of the Improvements requires or necessitates the acquisition of real property not owned by Subdivider or City, Subdivider shall use its best efforts purchase such real property at; a reasonable price. In the event that Subdivider is unsuccessful, despite its best efforts, to acquire such real property at a reasonable price, Subdivider May request.1P writing that City attempt to acquire,such real property., City may, but is not required to, agree, to attempt to ,acquire such real property onehaalf of Subdivider. If City so agrees, City and Subdivider stuill,enler a separate written agreement in vform acceptable to the City Attorney. Said separate agreetneht°shallprovide that Subdivider advance to City One Hundred Fifty Percent (150%) of thesappraisg jarr market value pf the read property. ;} y yrng> nd �l portjon of saitl advance shall be therefunded t0 Subdvider. Arty additional finds requrred for aggwsition bf the real property shall be paid byre' )f w7de� (g ijy upgp gonyeyance pt cdy l l rty=1a C3u itrider In event shall irljregf° a[i3r%ityPaartagusfi4frNe»e.vvaisre,rotrrw;_aem,frte. C6 k1tii rir, p fa GdiiStruCT it>e,appiicallle-inprovement purswrnt'fo this Agreement or the CtFmdiGoirsofFpraval _ 6. Cometionof Improvements. Subdivider shall begixrearlslruttiQngf,ihe lmprovemerrtswithin ninety (W) ,days, and shall eompfeW oorstrudion within, twelve. (12) ,months after the approval of this Agreegnt Pr)rbo ofi ghempr¢v¢#negts maybe piaq at a latef: date, as �ifetmtned by the rit(irie0r,?r ps $et fc»tff is E ibrtA.', fanufq by frvider4 bec�lr� # c�amplete cotis{iudion of 3ixe fmfiro11"vem�sinsttiiri :spera�ie4f:'time peritldeIl;coir tote-CiiSefoc Cfty_iry, its sole discxetisxiarxf nit .peems_�rirtotleclarelerrlefautt [rfisg(eerocet; to revise improvement setxirify to tftreajgnts as trec ssa to trr0 comp itoll,ot the improvements, and/or -to' require mod�iratt"_ 16 fhb standards".or sequencing of the frpproveinent fri response io changes jW,tars a�� amr� �pyya . psi dur nmzt_otherdse af(ctitt¢vat(d)y-ts s4!tgnlArSubdivideat;riigafrbns:freuntier , 7, of fda ears in the Yetfitha�t SuEidivfder s f+nabfe iat3ertorrh wdhiri the time hmits:tiereiri due % b ket , 40 0 tw. pr pingeverrfs b0' yip id 8ubdiwd6rs cortitrd fhe llmc iim(ts for #T�ii�afions affected Y subk�ents wviil be e?stended by tha period of such events: 8. Time ension, Subdivider make. app6ceUori in writing to the City Council for an extension of itme for . i #tott,f thq 1nlfHrivemeritsr; bite Cfty.3g?urtl,>fh'f45 o1e arld absolirie disc{eGon, may apove;of derlythe Tegrsi",ti'PccntatgitalCy approve the'5tt$nsiori wyttii addlpptis owrtvisibns'to the ierms.nntl cenditiohs of fhis Acjreement. tf irilibon Gi1l?e iirlldiltension,Ttiibf(ivider shall famish #noes sifd3larTn #arm.erfiJ sulastance io tf{osg.r�(wri�p�� �'�1� � rerrfaur3k� �.ver fry p��� �,�ror, t�;l value, of ir>e lf�e� sf f� �f�ept fb insure it�r::perf� otan3l tfaymet>f�ok Xmpr4veinoilla.itiat remain- . igoofip7Pte af-the;�ti� ofe the extension, .And to' provider wa1Te15ty .e{frity. o'n eompletod trnpiovt:meJtts :,. 9. roe, MbnBeBke final apprbvel-of street rmprovemprits Subdivider 'shalt place, survey ► rs fits irt'as cr nce:yofh the pr60stons OfSerbon56s445, et W of, thaSuWivi'bn Map act and of La rnjr►ipll(pai Cod, ;s+ilir4vider. shall prgvfde the r(y.g4taeer written proof that tFte monument+; hate been sat, +aWenge of t6ymeNtarid rpxfpt thereof by the engineer or surveyor sg no fife rslol lrments, anfflrYtprsedionrrignumeriftis siAs fbt mfnurYafsseTin Public siraets. f p t inatoceotarrce of !m iro i m` s;; Ai the opmp)eh of cftrystrifctron afld prrorfo acce(5tance at the ImprovementsIby 'ty Subdivider shall subMi atequest for'final app0yaf by City. `fheyequest shall be accompanied by any required. certifications from SgbdiAders e(n@ars or surveyors, approval lagers from pitier egelt_a✓ s Having jurisdiction Over and approval Aut* 4y for improtrernents required by, this Agreement or the Conditions of Approval, And -any, aquired'construction quality documentation hot Previously submitted. TADftebpidmtsemws flrttlsixilDevebpmslR PMJ"%aecmant$WSwsi, PRopieWSeavpns TY 3VOOFFSIrE slad« 4d7 26 15r Upon* receipt of said request, the City Engineer or a duly -authorized representative will review the required docurnentation and will inspect the Improvements. If the Improvements are determined to be in accordance with applicable City standards and specifications, and as provided herein, obligations required by the Conditions of Approval and this Agreement have been satisfied, and Subdivider has provided revised plans as required in Paragraph 11, hereinafter, the City Engineer shall recommend acceptance of the Improvements by the City Council. 11. Revisions to Plans. When the improvements have been inspected and approved by the City Engineer, Subdivider shall make any necessary revisions to the original plans held by City so the plans depict the actual Improvements constructed. When necessary revisions have been made, each separate sheet of the plans shall be dearly marked with the words "As -Built," "As -Constructed; or Record Drawing,"the marking shall be stamped by an engineer or surveyor, as appropriate for the improvements thereon, who is licensed to practice in California, and the plans shall be resubmitted to the City Engineer. 12. ImprovementVVarra . Subdivider hereby guarantees the improvements to City for a period of one (1) year, beginning on the date of final acceptance of the Improvements by the City Council, against any defective work or labor done, or defective materials furnished, and shall .repair or replace such defective work or materials. 13. Release otSecurit . Gity shall retain and release securities m accordante,Wjth the;ptovisions of Section 3 of t his agreement„ Prior to the release of payment security, -the City Engineer may require Subdivider to provide a title report orgther evidence Sufficient show claims of lien, if any, that may affect the amount -of payment security released. 14- City Right to Cure, if Subdivider fails to perform any obligation hereunder and such obligation,has.nd been 'performed within airily (60) days.aiter written notice of, default from City, then City Mayperform the ON'gation, and Subdivider,shall pay the entire cost of such performance by City including costs of suit And reasonable, attorneys fees iopurred .try City-in.egfercing such .obligation. In cases of emergency or compelling public iritere�f; as`detemtined by, the City Engineer, the, requir nt'fcr mitten notice ofdafault,andfor"passage of sudy.(60) days shall be deemed waived, ark ell other provisions of this Amide shall remain in effect 15. Indemhfiratron, Subdivider. hereby: binds.' itself,ifs officers, employees',. agentS; -representatives, executors, administrators,'g}�ratdory, heirs, and assigns, and, agrees to innu>liy, "defeiad and .hold City and its difit erg employe a geili§: represenFaltves aril ssgiis harness from and.against any losses ; Shairtts, d_0—Mods A. 06% pr causes_4f Elctipn of ar lit, e?llatsdever, Oi0rig�dul of-orin any gay- connected with Subdividers performance herein, raider, including costs of suit and reasonable attorneys' fees. - 76. No Modification okCorxlitions. This Agreement shall in - respect act to modify or amend any provision o►the Go loZlS: f.$pprow Jn.fh�,evonf that any-requiramarit Orirondition of this Agreenieni is lncusnsistent-wifhor'fahs.:to indlele one or more provisions of ttae::GohdiGons of A{proxai, whkhi' dooumerit(s) is laic), inea liereln: by reterfince; the 'provisions in theConditions ond f Approval -shall remain In effect ashiap'conliol. 17_ Severability. in the event that -any provision or provisions of this Agreernentsre held unenforceable, all provisions not so held shall remain in foil force and effect. 18. Gerieral.Proyisions 'A All notices pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing and shah be personally delivered or sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to the parties at their respective addresses indicated hereon. , Notices personally delivered shall be effective upon delivery. Notices mailed as provided herein and„sentposWoe,-prepaid-shall be, ffedive upon the elate of delivery or refpsal indicated on the ret im te6W. Either party may change, its addre'ssfor notices hereunder by notice to the other given in the manner provided in this subparagraph. B. The terms„ conditions, covenants, and agreements set forth herein shall apply to and bind the heirs, executors, administrators, assigns, and successors of the parties hereto. T.+OawlopmeMSeMces CMslonbeebpm<MP^I�as�NISIPS Y, WuMtt�W SelSEfis TM 3Z11?'9FFSRi $IA'tlot (?// SUT ,. , 155 27 C. Neither party to this Agreement relies upon any warranty or representation not contained in this Agreement. D. This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted with -respect to the laws of the State of California. E. In the event of any dispute between the parties with respect to this Agreement, the prevailing party shaill be entitled to prompt payment of its reasonable attomeys' fees from the non -prevailing Oily- F. Any, failure or delay by.either party in asserting any of its rights and remedies as to any default shall, not operate as a waiver of any default or of any such rights or remedies provided for hereunder. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first written above. CITY: Y of La Quinta 78 495 -Ca lle Tampico La Quinta,,;CA 0225,3 7W777-7075 . Thomas P, Genovese, City Manager Reviewed find Approved: City Engineer Date Approved as to Form: 151': ttom — Deie Date ;i1De�ebpneM smRces ohavcn`ne�ewFmeM rryulutsnwmsc5v�tsias Maa415ss�F §gym+ve ann�aocrsJ[E_6iweoc 28 6 156 607 Exhibit A OFF -SITE SECURITY —TRACT MAP NO.32742 Improvements designated as "Participatory" have been or will be constructed by others. Security for Participatory Improvements shall remain in place indefinitely until called upon or.released by City. Monumentation security shall guarantee performance of or payment for the work and shall be utilized or released as specified in Chapter 4, Article 9 of the Subdivision Map Act. As elements of the work are completed, Subdivider may request a maximum of two partial releases of performance security. Partial releases shallbe for not less than ten percent (10%) of the total performance security for the tract and shall not reduce total performance security below the amount necessary.to,complete the ImprovementsI,plus ten percent (10%) of the original amount. Partial, releases of performance security will be evaluated and.may.be granted, in whole or in part, by the City Engineer. Requests for partial releases, setting forth in detail ;the amount of work completed and the value thereof, shall be made in.wriling to•the-City-Engineer: -Labor & materials security stall reiriaimin place until '90 flays after att r+ yuired tractimprrivements ,are complete and accepted by the City Council. Improvement description Perf6wharicia " Labor +& Materials Street $ 131,050 $ 131,05Q: 8' Meandering Sidewalk $ 19,200$ 19,200' 'Median Landscaping $ 16,066 $ 16,056' Storm Drain $ 1,461 $ 1,461 Domestic Water 5 46;825 $. A0,925` Sanitary Sewer _ _,... $. , d',765 $ 4,75tz . Totals Standard 10% Contingency $ $ 213,447 21,345 $.. ... $_ 213,40- 21;345 Total Construction Cost $ 234.791 $ 234,791 Professional Fees-& Plans, Design 10% $ 23,479"' $ h,470 Professionalfeas, COnst 10% $ 23,479 .- Bond Amount 281,749 281,749, 157 29 T'VevftmeM S&Nir UVISFMAMMWm t Prole 'Agrteme WSIAWM in PfOW=T w Seas TM 3274A0FFSrrE_SUIEoe 7 of 7 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of �( ss. before me;_I�b Gam wme aroimad e - ow, '1 -personally appeared 0 _ _ VI I &Y, - w ""ugh ifle 4do nWm be 5n9t(efjyi 6Y lAersonally known to me D proved -to _me on the basis of sat sfaciory evidence tq . bey trye•,peis,�r}ipses, namejS} `islare. subscribed to the within itubumant, and a(;knovdedged 4o r thaU#reteheflh�' eVcuted ' .R -. in,-. 1#s#1 tl{G%ir ,authorized, capac$Neeir y''and' fhaf by hisRied{heir signature(sj on #'a instrument the Person(4 or .iha emay upon behalf of which the person(a).. acted, executedr#e instTmept: . VVVNESS'my r{41and Official seal. OPTIONAL. .. k fmy,prm• vwua* b persans re"V on ft doomml xdCOL MVeWl ; ' matadarrenf or this, km to snoftrdocrCnea Desch t Of Attached"Doruin¢ht Title or Type of ijoe'b dnt: Document Date: Number of Pages: Sfgner(s)'Other Than Named,Above: Capacity(ies) Ciailned by.Signer Signer's Name: . ❑ .Individual O Corporate Officer — Title(s): D Partner — ID Limited D General • Attomey-in-f=act D Trustee D Guardian or Conservator D Other: Signer Is•Representing: 01994 MatimY Npary AssorlaEo� • 9350 De Sab Ace.. GO-eo14bR • ChstswN.CAY13132M1•www�WbuYptrYu(4 Nw.. W.M7 RBONII: CNtio 1200E]eb3T) r 30 / Q OF T'9w COUNCIL/RDA MEIETING DATE: November 6, 2006 ITEM TITLE: Approval of a Restatement and Second Amendment to the Joint Powers Agreement Creating the Coachella Valley Conservation Commission Regarding Alternates and Authorize the Mayor to Sign the Amendment RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Approve the Restatement and Second Amendment to the Joint Powers Agreement Creating the Coachella Valley Conservation Commission Regarding Alternates and authorize the Mayor to sign the necessary documents. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: There is no fiscal impact at this time. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) for the Coachella Valley Conservation Commission (CVCC) is a result of the Coachella Valley Multi -Species Habitat Conservation Plan (CVMSHCP) and will essentially become the entity responsible for carrying out the implementation of the CVMSHCP. On October 18, 2005, the City signed the JPA in anticipation of approval of the Plan and Implementing Agreement. On May 16, 2006, the City, as well as the remaining members of CVAG with the exception of the City of Desert Hot Springs, signed the CVMSHCP. As a result of Desert Hot Springs voting not to sign the Agreement, the Executive Committee met on June 26, 2006 and directed staff to revise the CVMSHCP and revise the Agreement to remove Desert Hot Springs. The revised CVMSHCP was approved by Council on October 16, 2007. CST :.II.. ls� CVAG is now requesting Council approval of an Amendment to the JPA (Attachment 1). The Amendment consists of four components: Limits the alternate appointed by a County Supervisor to one from another member entity of the CVCC. The prior appointment required the alternate to be an elected official of an agency exercising jurisdiction within any portion of the Plan Area. 2. The alternate shall be a current member of a city council, either elected or appointed. 3. The Agreement ensures that two County Supervisors could not appoint an alternate from the same city. 4. Ensure that only the appointed alternate could represent the Commissioner; there is no substitute for an alternate. The attached Amendment to the Joint Powers Agreement, CVAG letter (Attachment 2), and CVCC staff report (Attachment 3) provide more detail information. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Approve the Restatement and Second Amendment to the Joint Powers Agreement Creating the Coachella Valley Conservation Commission Regarding Alternates and authorize the Mayor to sign the necessary documents; or 2. Do not approve the Amendment nor authorize the Mayor to sign the necessary documents; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, oe, Douglas R. Evans Assistant City Manager - Development Services Approved for submission by: /' Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Restatement and Second Amendment Joint Powers Agreement Creating the Coachella Valley Conservation Commission 2. CVAG letter dated October 2, 2007 3. CVCC staff report dated October 2, 2007 *'p 16.1. ATTACHMENT #1 RESTATEMENT AND SECOND AMENDMENT JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT CREATING THE C:OACHELLA VALLEY CONSERVATION COMMISSION This Agreement is intended to be a restatement and second amendment of the Joint Powers Agreement Creating the Coachella Valley Conservation Commission dated December 1, 2005. This; Agreement is made and entered into on the day of __ 2007, for identification purposes only, pursuant to Government Code Sections 6500 et seq., by and between the following public agencies: (a) City of Cathedral City, (b) City of Coachella, (c) City of Indian Wells, (d) City of Indio, (e) City of La Quinta, (f) City of Palm Desert, (g) City of Palm Springs, (h) City of Rancho Mirage, (i) County of Riverside, (j) Coachella Valley Water District, and (k) :Imperial Irrigation District. The foregoing public agencies are referred to hereinbelow, individually and collectively, as "Party" or "Parties," "Member" or "Members" and "Member Agency" or "Member Agencies." The following public agencies are ex officio, non- voting "Participants" on CVCC's governing board: (1) Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG); (m) Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District; A 162 2"6 Amended 1 Coachella Valley Conservation Commission JPA (n) Riverside County Regional Parks and Open Space District; and (o) Riverside County Waste Management District. RECITALS Each of the Parties herein is a public agency. Each is authorized and empowered to contract with the other Parties for the joint exercise of powers pursuant to California Government Code Sections 6500, et seq. The Coachella Valley Conservation Commission, hereinafter "CVCC," was formed so that its members could, collectively, oversee and administer the MSHCP. The original parties contemplated, however, that one or more of the original Members might withdraw from the CVCC prior to issuance of the Permit. Prior to the issuance, the City of Desert Hot Springs did, in fact, vote not to participate in the CVMSHCP and was therefore removed from the CVCC so that said entity should no longer be shown as a party to the Agreement. Additionally, the Parties now wish to amend the qualifications for an alternate to the Commission appointed by Riverside County. Specifically, the Parties hereby delete the requirement that the Alternate for a County Supervisor be an official elected to a county -wide position. Hereinafter, the Alternate may be any current member of the governing body of another member entity of the Coachella Valley Conservation Commission. Further, the parties now wish to delete inadvertent language which, contrary to The Brown Act, purported to allow a meeting of a legislative body to continue notwithstanding the loss of a quorum. 2ntl Amended 2 Coachella Vallay Conservation Commission JPA NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed by and between the Parties hereto as follows: Article 1 Definitions Section 1.1 Definitions. Unless otherwise defined herein, or the context requires otherwise, the terms with the initial cap letters that are used in this Agreement shall have the same meaning as set forth in the MSHCP. As used in this Agreement, unless the context requires otherwise, the meaning of the terms set forth below shall be as follows: (a) "Accrue," in the context of the date that an obligation of CVCC accrued, shall not refer to the date of a demand or claim. Rather, where there is one act, omission or event giving rise to the obligation, the date of that one act, omission or event shall be the date the obligation accrued. However, where an obligation arises out of more than one act, omission or event, the accrual date shall refer to the entire period of time running from the first act, omission or event through the date of the last act, omission or event related to the same obligation. (b) "Commission" shall mean the governing legislative body of CVCC. (c) "Commissioner" shall mean the individual designated by a Member Agency to serve as the Member's representative on the Commission. Except where the context dictates otherwise, references to "Commissioner" shall include a reference to the alternate designated by the Represented Member Agency to serve in the absence of a Commissioner. 164 2nd Amnd-d 3 Coachella valley Con::ervat1on commission JPA (d) "CVAG" shall mean the Coachella Valley Association of Governments. (e) ":Law" or "the Law" shall mean the Joint Exercise of Powers Act, being Articles 1 and 2 of Chapter 5 of Division 7 of Title 1 of the California Government Code (Sections 6500, et seq.). (f) "Member" or "Member Agency" shall mean a public agency with voting rights in CVCC listed in subparagraph (a) through (1) in the opening paragraph of this Agreement that becomes a signatory to this Agreement or any new party as permitted pursuant to Section 13.1 (Admission of New Parties). (g) "MSHCP" shall mean (i) the Coachella Valley Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan, which is a comprehensive, multiple species habitat conservation planning program in the Coachella Valley area of Riverside County, California that complies with the requirements of Section 10(a)(1) of the Federal Endangered Species Act and the California Natural Community Conservation Planning Act of 2002; as well as (ii) any agreement implementing same. (h) "Participant" refers to a public agency that is a signatory to the MSHCP but not a party to this Agreement. A Participant may attend Commission and other meetings of CVCC to participate in discussions for implementing, overseeing and administering the MSHCP. Participants' obligations are limited to those outlined in their respective Permit: requirements in the MSHCP. They are not subject to assessment should the Commission determine additional resources are necessary to administer the MSHCP and consequently are non -voting Participants of CVCC. �.f 165 Intl Amended 4 Coachella Valley Conservation Commission JPA (i) "Represented Member Agency" refers to the Member Agency represented by a Commissioner, i.e., the Member Agency that appointed a particular Commissioner. (j) "Treasurer" for CVCC shall be the Treasurer of CVAG (provided CVAG's Treasurer is a Member or a certified public accountant) or any other certified public accountant or Member designated by the Commission. Article 2 Creation of CVCC Section 2.1 Creation. There is hereby created pursuant to the Law a public entity to be known as the "Coachella Valley Conservation Commission," which shall be an agency or entity that is separate from the Parties to this Agreement. Section 2.2 No Precommitment To MSHCP. The Parties are entering into this Agreement prior to the adoption of the MSHCP for the purpose of allowing the proposed Permittees to collectively prepare as necessary for the issuance and acceptance of the Permit to be issued if the MSHCP is ultimately adopted by the Member Agencies. However, nothing herein is intended as a precommitment by a Party to approve or adopt the MSHCP. A•r 10 2ntl Amended 5 Coachella Valiey Conservation Commission SPA Article 3 Powers and Duties of CVAG Section 3.1 CVAG's Participation. CVAG shall be a non -voting ex officio Participant of CVCC and shall have the following powers and duties: (a) To provide, under contract with CVCC, all administrative services required by CVCC during the first five (5) years of the implementation of the MSHCP; and thereafter as the administrative services contract may be renewed from time to time by CVCC; (b) To empower its Executive Director to serve as Secretary o;° CVCC; (c) To exercise such other powers and duties as the Commission deems necessary to achieve the purposes of this Agreement. Section 3.2 Principal Office. The principal office of CVAG shall be the principal office of CVCC. The Commission is hereby granted full power and authority to change said principal office from said location to another within the Coachella Valley. Article 4 Term of Agreement Section 4.1 Term. This Agreement shall become effective and CVCC shall exist at such time as this Agreement has been executed by at least a majority of the public agencies identified in the first paragraph of this Agreement. This Agreement shall be automatically terminated .and considered null and void in the event that, after the Member Agencies which determine not to adopt the 167 MSHCP have withdrawn from CVCC, the MSHCP is not approved e"t 2nd Amended 5 Coachella Valley Conservation Commistaon JPA a by the remaining Parties or the Permit contemplated thereby is not issued by the Wildlife Agencies. Upon issuance of the Permit, the term of this Agreement shall automatically expire at such time as CVCC shall have no further obligations pursuant to the MSHCP or the Permit. Article 5 Membership Section 5.1 Membership. Excluding ex-officio, non- voting Participants, each public agency which has executed or hereafter executes this Agreement, and any addenda, amendments or supplement thereto, and which has not, pursuant to the provisions hereof, withdrawn or been terminated, shall be a Member of CVCC. Article 6 Purposes and Powers Section 6.1 Purpose. The purpose of this Agreement is to create a public agency to collectively monitor the Members' compliance with their responsibilities under the MSHCP, and to do all acts related or incidental thereto, either by CVCC alone or in cooperation with the California Department of Fish and Game, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and other entities, and to otherwise adopt, implement, manage and administer the MSHCP. Prior to formal adoption of the MSHCP and/or execution of the Implementing Agreement, CVCC shall assist in the processing of the MSHCP for adoption, related negotiations, environmental review, editing, drafting, planning, promoting or other administration required or related thereto. �r 1613 2m Amended 7 Coachella ValLey Con,ervation Commission 761A Within the jurisdictional boundaries of each Member Agency, however, the adoption and amendment of general plans, specific plans, community plans, zoning ordinances and similar land use ordinances, and the granting of land - use entitlements (collectively, "local land -use actions") are matters within the sole and absolute discretion of that Member Agency. Nothing herein shall be construed to require the approval of such local land -use actions by CVCC. Section 6.2 General Powers. CVCC shall have the power to exercise any power common to all the Members as authorized by the Law and is hereby authorized to do all acts necessary for the exercise of these common powers, including, if adopted, any powers or authority implied or expressed in the MSHCP and Implementing Agreement, including, but not limited to, any of the following: (a) To coordinate the finalization, adoption, implementation, management and administration of the MSHCP; (b) To make and enter into contracts, leases and other agreements; (c) To incur debt, liabilities or obligations; (d) To acquire, hold and dispose of property by purchase, lease, lease purchase or sale as necessary to the full exercise of its powers; (e) To lease, acquire, construct, manage, maintain and operate any buildings, works or improvements; (f) To sue and be sued in its own name; (g) To contract for the services of engineers, attorneys, planners, educators, scientists, technical specialists, financial consultants and, separate and apart therefrom, to employ such other agents, employees, _.� 169 2Ia Amended 6 Coachella Valley Conservation Commission JPA consultants, advisors, independent contractors and other staff as it deems necessary; (h) To issue bonds, notes and other indebtednesses, and to enter into installment sale and installment purchase contracts, all as provided for in Section 11.9 (Issuance of Bonds, Notes and Other Indebtedness); (i) To apply for, accept and receive state, federal or local licenses, permits, grants, loans or other aid from any agency of the United States of America, the State of California or other public or private entities; (j) To receive gifts, contributions and donations of property, funds, services and other forms of financial assistance 'Erom persons, firms, corporations and any governmentaL entity; (k) To adopt rules, regulations, policies, bylaws and procedures governing the operation of CVCC; (1) To perform all acts necessary or proper to carry out fully t'.ne purposes of this Agreement; (m) To invest any money in the treasury pursuant to California Government Code Section 6505.5 that is not required for the immediate necessities of CVCC, as CVCC determines is advisable, in the same manner and upon the same conditions as local agencies pursuant to California Government Code Section 53601; (n) To the extent not hereinafter specially provided for, to exercise any powers in the manner and according to the methods provided under the laws applicable to the County of Riverside; and (o) Notwithstanding the powers described in this Section 6.2, nothing in this Agreement shall limit the local land -use actions or powers granted to a Member under state law or charter and nothing in this Agreement shall be 179 2n0 Amended 9 Coachella Valley Conservation Commission JPA interpreted as a limitation on those local land -use actions or powers. Section 6.3 Implementation of the MSHCP. CVCC shall provide guidance to Members on the implementation of the MSHCP and w_ll provide opportunities for public participation in the decision -making process. Those duties shall include but are not limited to the following: (a) Upon due consideration and approval, sign the Implementing Agreement and act as a Permittee under the Permit; (b) Consistent with the terms of the MSHCP, hire, appoint, designate and/or contract with an Executive Director, Land Manager and Monitoring Program Administrator. (c) Establish the Acquisition and Funding Coordinating Committee, the Reserve Management Oversight Committee, the Reserve Management Unit Committees and designate the Monitoring Program Administrator; (d) Establish a Trails Management Subcommittee to the Reserve Management Unit Committee for the Santa Rosa and San Jacinto Mountains Conservation Area; (e) Establish policies as appropriate under which the Acquisition and Funding Coordinating Committee will make recommendations to CVCC; (f) Identify and make decisions on Local Permittee MSHCP Reserve System acquisitions where such decision is to be made by CVCC pursuant to the MSHCP; (g) Ensure adequate management of locally managed Reserve Lands; (h) Assist in the development of Reserve Management Unit Plans; � 1 1"d Amended 10 Coachella valley Conservation Commission JPA 171 (i) Contract with outside entities for specific services, such as land management and law enforcement, as needed; (j) Manage and coordinate the MSHCP local funding plan as set forth in the MSHCP; (k) Develop and implement financing strategies to maximize funding sources; (1) Develop an investment policy and review said policy on an annual basis; (m) Adopt an annual budget, including but not limited to expenses associated with land acquisition, and the Monitoring :Program, Management Program and Adaptive Management, consistent with the annual work plans for same; (n) Annually review development mitigation fee remittance for compliance and accuracy; (o) Prepare annual reports assessing the status of the Permittees' compliance with the MSHCP and hold public workshops to present the findings; (p) Conduct an annual rough step analysis to ensure the reserve system is being assembled, over time, in a configuration consistent with the MSHCP; (q) Act as custodian of records for information concerning MSHCP implementation; (r) Maintain a record of the amount of Take and habitat loss for each Local Permittee; (s) Maintain a record of the amount of Take Authorization to Participating Special Entities as set forth in the Implementing Agreement; (t) Grant Take Authorization to Participating Special Entities and others as set forth in the Implementing Agreement; y.., 172 2Id Amended 11 Coachella Vallrwy Conr,ervation Commission JPA (u) Acquire land and administer grant programs to non-profit organizations and Permittees to conserve lands that contribute to MSHCP Reserve Assembly; (v) Coordinate conservation easement agreements with landowners, seek grants and other funding sources to assist with acquisition, and coordinate with other state and federal acquisition programs in the Plan Area to ensure efficiency and consistency among acquisition programs; and (w) Hold regularly scheduled public meetings. Article 7 Commission Section 7.1 Governing Body. CVCC shall be governed by a Commission consisting of a Commissioner representing each Member Agency; except that each Supervisor's District of the County of Riverside shall be represented by a Commissioner. An alternate for each Commissioner may be appointed by the Represented Member Agency, which alternate shall meet the same qualifications as a Commissioner, except that an alternate for a County Supervisor may be any current member of the governing body of another member entity of the Coachella Valley Conservation Commission. An alternate appointed by any one County Supervisor may not be from the same entity as an alternate appointed by any other County Supervisor. In the absence of the Commissioner, the alternate shall have the same authority and power as the Commissioner. Each Participant may also appoint a Commissioner and alternate. Excluding ex officio Participants, each Commissioner shall have the voting rights provided for in Section 7.13 (Voting). Ex officio Participants shall be non -voting members of the Commission. ' ( 173 11d Amended 12 Coachella VallNy Conservation Commission JPA The Commission shall exercise all powers and conduct all business of CVCC, either directly or by delegation to other bodies or persons pursuant to this Agreement, the MSHCP and applicable law. Section 7.2 Qualifications. Excluding ex officio Participants, each Commissioner shall be a current member of the governing body of the appointing Member Agency. Termination of office with the Represented Member Agency shall automatically terminate membership on the Commission. Except as to County Supervisors serving as Commissioners, each Commissioner (and alternate, including any alternate designated by the County) shall serve at the pleasure of the governing body of the appointing Member (or appointing Participant) and may be removed at any time, with or without cause, in the sole discretion of said Member's (or Participant's) governing body. Section 7.3 Regular Commission Meetings. The Commission shall hold at least one regular annual meeting and shall provide for such other regular meetings as it deems necessary. Meetings of the Commission shall be held at such locations in the Coachella Valley and at such times as may be designated from time to time by the Commission. Section 7.4 Special Meetings of the Commission. Subject to all noticing requirements of The Brown Act, special meetings of the Commission may be called by the Chair, to be held at such times and places within the Coachella Valley as may be ordered by the Chair. A majority of the Commissioners may also call a special meeting for any purpose. Section 7.5 Quorum. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, CVCC shall act only upon a majority of a quorum of the Commission. A quorum of any meeting of 06 AmendNd 13 Coachella Valley Conservation Commission JPA 174 Commissioners shall consist of a majority of the Commissioners then designated by and serving on behalf of the Members. Ex officio, non -voting Participants shall not be included when calculating the number of Commissioners necessary to constitute a quorum or the number of votes necessary to approve an action. In the event that a Member Agency has failed to designate a Commissioner, or a Member Agency's designated Commissioner has died, resigned, left office, been terminated or is otherwise unwilling or unable to act as the designating Member Agency's representative, and a replacement Commissioner has not yet been designated, and there is no designated alternate, such that a Member Agency has no duly acting representative on the Commission, that Member Agency's vacant Commission,seat shall not be included when calculating the number of Commissioners necessary to constitute a quorum or the number of votes necessary to approve an action. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, every act or decision made by a majority of the Commissioners present at a meeting duly held at which a quorum is present is the act of the Commission. In the absence of a quorum, any meeting of the Commissioners may be adjourned from time to time by a vote of the majority present, but no other business may be transacted except as provided for in this Section. Section 7.6 Chair and Vice -Chair. The Commission shall annually elect from its membership a Chair and Vice - Chair to serve for a one-year term. Section 7.7 Conduct of Meetings. The Chair or, in the absence of the Chair, the Vice -Chair, shall preside at all meetings of the Commissioners. Section 7.8 Resignation of a Commissioner. Any Commissioner may resign effective on giving written notice I' i 7� Lnd Amended 14 Coachella Valley Conservation Commissron JPA to the Commission and the other Member Agencies, unless the notice specifies a later time for the effectiveness of such resignation.. A successor shall be appointed by the Represented Member Agency as provided for in this Agreement. Section 7.9 Vacancies on the Commission. A vacancy on the Commission shall exist (a) on the death or resignation of any Commissioner, (b) at the end of any Commissioner's term on the governing body of the Represented Member Agency, (c) whenever the number of Commissioners is increased, (d) upon termination by the Represented Member Agency, or (d) on the failure of the Member Agencies to appoint the full number of Commissioners authorized. A vacancy shall be filled only by the Represented Member Agency for whom a Commissioner is not then serving. Absent notice to the contrary from the Represented Member Agency, the alternate for the Represented Member Agency may continue to act in the place of the vacating Commissioner. Section 7.10 Other Officers. The Executive Director of CVAG shall be the secretary of CVCC. Any officer, employee or agent of any Member of CVCC may also be an officer, employee, or agent of any of the Member Agencies. CVCC shall have the power to appoint such additional officers and to employ such employees and assistants as may be appropriate. Each and all of said officers, employees and assistants shall serve at the pleasure of CVCC and shall perform such duties and shall have such powers as CVCC may, from time to time, determine. Any officer may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Secretary. Any such resignation shall be effective upon receipt of such notice or at any later time specified in the notice. Officers shall assume the duties of their 1.,. 176 2ntl Amended 15 Coachella Valley Conservation Commission JPA offices immediately after their appointment and shall hold office until their successors are appointed, except in the case of their removal or resignation. Vacancies shall be filled by appointment of the Commissioners and such appointee shall hold office until the appointment of his or her successor. Section 7.11 Minutes. The secretary of CVCC shall cause to be kept minutes of regular, adjourned regular and special meetings of the Commission. The Secretary shall cause a copy of all minutes, along with copies of all ordinances and resolutions, to be forwarded to each of the Parties hereto. Section 7.12 Rules. A majority of Commissioners may adopt rules governing meetings if not inconsistent or in conflict with this Agreement. In the absence of rules adopted by the Commissioners, Roberts' Rules of Order, as they may be amended from time to time, shall govern the meetings of the Commission in so far as they are not inconsistent or in conflict with this Agreement or any CVCC bylaws. Section 7.13 Voting. Except as otherwise provided by this Agreement, each Commissioner shall have one vote. Section 7.14 Compensation. Commissioners shall serve without compensation from CVCC. For purposes of this Section, "compensation" does not include reimbursement of actual expenses or per diem. Article 8 Committees Section 8.1 Committees. From time to time, and in addition to the committees to be established pursuant to �,! 177 2nd Amended 15 Coachella Va11 ey Conservation Commission JFA the MSHCP, the Commission may create by majority vote various other committees to carry on the business of CVCC. Article 9 Conduct of Meetings Section 9.1 Compliance with Brown Act. All meetings of the Commission and other CVCC committees, including, without limitation, regular, adjourned regular and special meetings, shall be called, noticed, held and conducted in accordance with applicable provisions of the Ralph M. Brown Act, California Government Code Sections 54950, et seq. Article 10 Employees Section 10.1 CVCC Staff. CVCC may contract with CVAG for staff services, retain its own staff, or contract with another entity for services. Unless other employment is approved by the Commission, the CVCC Executive Director may utilize CVAG staff as may be necessary to accomplish the purposes of CVCC. CVAG staff time, as well as office expenses, direct and indirect overhead, shall be charged to CVCC utilizing direct billing and other accounting practices that provide for a clear separation of funds. Section 10.2 Status. Where CVAG's or other Member Agency's staff are utilized to accomplish the purposes of CVCC, all of the privileges and immunities from liability, exemption from laws, ordinances and rules, all pension, relief, disability, worker's compensation and other benefits which apply to the activity of officers, agents or employees of any of the Members when performing their 2,:— 178 respective functions shall apply to them to the same degree ,nd Ampndvd 17 Coachella Valley Conservation commission JPA and extent when engaged in the performance of any of the functions and other duties under this Agreement. However, no staff employed directly by CVCC, if any, shall be deemed, by .reason of their employment by CVCC, to be employed by any of the Members or, by reason of their employment by CVCC, to be subject to any of the employment requirements of the Member Agencies. Section 10.3 Legal Counsel. CVCC may appoint General Counsel who shall provide legal advice and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Commission. Counsel to one or more of the Members shall be eligible to serve as General Counsel to CVCC and such appointment shall not, by itself, be deemed to be inconsistent, incompatible, in conflict with or inimical to his or her duties as counsel to the Member Agency or Agencies, consistent with all applicable conflict -of -interest statutes and regulations. Article 11 Financial Provisions Section 11.1 Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of CVCC shall be from July 1 of each year to the succeeding June 30. Section 11.2 Depositary. The Treasurer shall be the depositary and have custody of all money of CVCC from whatever source and shall perform the duties specified in Government Code Section 6505.5. All funds of CVCC shall be strictly and separately accounted for, and regular reports shall be rendered to the Commission and the Members of all receipts and disbursements at least quarterly during the fiscal year. The books and records of CVCC shall be open 21. 79 ZnO Amended 18 Coachella Valley Conservation Commission JPA to inspection by a Member or Commissioner at all reasonable times upon reasonable notice. The Treasurer shall contract with an independent certified public accountant to make an annual audit of the accounts and records of CVCC, which shall be conducted, at a minimum, in accordance with the requirements of the State Controller under Section 26909 of the California Government Code, and shall conform to generally accepted auditing standards. Section 11.3 Property Bonds. The Commission shall from time to time designate the officers and persons, in addition to the Treasurer, who shall have charge of, handle, or have access to any property of CVCC. Each such officer and person, including the Treasurer, shall file a bond in an amount designated by the Commission. When fixing the amount of such bonds, the Commission shall be deemed to be acting for and on behalf of the Represented Member Agencies in compliance with Government Code Section 6505.1 Section 11.4 Budget. As soon as practicable after the effective date of this Agreement, and thereafter at least thirty (30) days prior to the commencement of each fiscal year, the Executive Director shall present a proposed budget to the Commission for the forthcoming fiscal year. Prior to the commencement of the fiscal year, the Commission shall adopt a budget for the new fiscal year. No expenditures in excess of those provided for in the current, duly adopted budget shall be made without the approval of the Commission. Section 11.5 Working Capital Account. A Working Capital account, which is to be used for the purpose of funding general overhead and administrative expenses for the ongoing operations of CVCC, shall be established by the A,. 1 2nd Amended 19 Coachella Valley Conservation Commissi,n .PA Commission :in an amount approved in connection with the annual budget process. Section 11.6 Additional Funding. In the event that the Commission proposes to seek funding for a budget in excess of the funds available from the funding mechanisms set out in the Plan, an advance or grant may be requested from CVAG and/or any Member Agency. Should such request be declined, the Commission, by three -fourths vote of the Member Agencies, meaning an affirmative vote by three - fourths of :he total number of Member Agencies, may levy an assessment on Member Agencies. Said vote shall include a determination as to the amount deemed necessary and the manner of apportionment. Thus, notwithstanding the fact that the County shall be represented by five Commissioners, the County shall have only one vote on issues of assessments or apportionment thereof. The determination as to the apportionment of an assessment shall be fair and reasonable given the purpose for which the assessment is required and the degree to which each Member is affected and/or benefited by the contemplated expenditure. A Member Agency unable to immediately fund an assessment shall be permitted to pay an assessment in installments. Subject only to the arbitration rights set out at Section 11.7, the determination of the assessment to be paid by each Member and the due date shall be final, binding and enforceable as a term of this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed by the Parties to require the expenditure of any money from the general funds of a Party unless expressly authorized by the appropriate governing body of that Party. 2n6 Amended 20 Coachella Vall-y Conservation Commix.^ion JPA 181 Section 11.7 Arbitration. Notwithstanding any other provision herein, the Parties agree as follows: Any determination with respect to an assessment levied pursuant to Section 11.6, 13.4 or 15.3 shall be subject to binding arbitration at the request of any Party to which liability is assigned; provided, however, that the request for arbitration shall be made within ninety days of the date that the Commission votes to impose the assessment. If the Parties cannot agree on the method of arbitration and selection of the arbitrator within ninety days of notice of the request for arbitration, the arbitration shall be administered by JAMS, or its successor, pursuant to its Comprehensive Arbitration Rules and Procedures. The arbitrator shall exercise his or her independent judgment as to whether or not the Commission has abused its discretion when it determined the manner of apportionment of an assessment. The arbitrator may, in the Award, allocate all or part of the costs of the arbitration, including the fees of the arbitrator and the reasonable attorneys' fees of the prevailing party. Judgment on the arbitration award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction. Section 11.8 [Reserved.] Section 11.9 Issuance of Bonds, Notes and Other Indebtedness. CVCC may issue bonds, notes or other forms of indebtedness if such issuance is approved by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Commission. Section 11.10 Disbursements. The Executive Director shall request warrants from the Treasurer in accordance with budgets approved by the Commission subject to quarterly review by the Commission. The Treasurer shall pay such claims or disbursements and such requisition for 2nd Amended 21 Coachella Valley Conservation Commission JFA 182 payment in accordance with rules, regulations, policies, procedures and bylaws adopted by the Commission. Section 11.11 Accounts. All funds will be placed in accounts and the receipt, transfer or disbursement of such funds during the term of this Agreement shall be accounted for in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles applicable to governmental entities and pursuant to Government Code Section 6505 et seq. and any other applicable 'laws. All revenues and expenditures shall be reported to the Commission. Section 11.12 Expenditures Within Approved Annual Budget. All expenditures shall be made within the approved annual budget. No expenditures in excess of those budgeted shall be made without the approval of the Commission. Article 12 Relationship of CVCC and Its Members Section 12.1 Separate Entity. CVCC shall be a public entity separate from the Parties to this Agreement and the debts, liabilities and obligations of CVCC shall not be the debts, liabilities or obligations of the Members. No Member shall be jointly or severally liable for any debt or obligation of CVCC or any of its Members. Specifically, nothing herein is intended to give rise to any right in any third party to enforce an obligation set out herein of one Party to another Party to this Agreement. All property, equipment, supplies, funds and records of CVCC shall be owned by CVCC, except as otherwise provided in this Agreement. 7, %. 183 2nd Amended 22 Coa Cal,'Iia vallPY Conservation Commission JPA Article 13 Admission and withdrawal of Parties Section 13.1 Admission of New Parties. Any public agency identified in the first paragraph of this Agreement, which public agency did not execute the Agreement when it first went into effect, shall subsequently be admitted as a Member upon request by that public agency's legislative body and without further approval of the then existing Member Agencies. The admission of said new Member shall be evidenced by the execution of a written addendum to this Agreement signed by the new Member. Additional public entities not identified in the first paragraph of this Agreement may become Members of CVCC upon such terms and conditions as provided in the MSHCP. Admission of such additional public entities shall be evidenced by the execution of a written addendum to this Agreement signed by all the Parties including the new Parties Section 13.2 Withdrawal of Membership. (a) Prior to Permit Issuance. A Member may withdraw from CVCC at any time prior to the issuance of a Permit pursuant to the MSHCP, and notwithstanding any other provision herein, that Member shall have no continuing liability for any assessments levied by CVCC after the effective date specified in the notice of withdrawal. (b) After Permit Issuance. After Permit issuance a Member may withdraw by delivering written notice to the Commission's secretary that the Member's legislative body has approved withdrawal and such withdrawal shall be effective 90 days thereafter. Withdrawal after Permit issuance shall not relieve the Member of its proportionate share of any debt. or other liability of CVCC that accrued y 8 4 2ntl Amended 23 Coachella Valley conservation Commission JPA prior to the effective date of the Member's withdrawal, provided notice of the potential liability was given by CVCC to the Member prior to or within the first four years of said Member's withdrawal from the CVCC. Withdrawal shall result in the forfeiture of that Member's rights and claims relating to the distribution of property and funds upon termination of CVCC as set forth in Section 13.3 (Disposition of Property Upon Termination). Section 13.3 Disposition of Property Upon Termination. In the event of the termination of this Agreement, any property interest remaining in CVCC following the discharge of all obligations shall be disposed of as the Commission shall determine with the objective of returning to each Member a proportionate return on the contributions made by each, less previous returns if any. Section 13.4 Continuing Liability. Notwithstanding a withdrawal of membership, a past Member Agency shall be responsible to CVCC for its proportionate share, as determined and approved by a 3/4 vote of the Member Agencies, of any liability of the CVCC Accruing during the withdrawn Member's period of participation in CVCC, provided notice of the potential liability was given by CVCC to the Member prior to or within the first four years of said Member's withdrawal from the CVCC. The determination as to the apportionment of such an assessment shall be fair and reasonable given the purpose for which the assessment is required and the degree to which each Member is affected and/or benefited by the contemplated expenditure. The Members acknowledge that, given the possible variables, determination of a proper apportionment may be difficult. Therefore, subject only to arbitration rights set out at Section 11.7, the Members agree that the y 185 Z'd Amended 14 Coachella Valley Con.,ervation Commi:::,ion JPA Commission's good faith determination of a fair apportionment shall be final, binding and enforceable as a term of this Agreement. Any such assessment shall be paid to CVCC within thirty (30) days of billing by CVCC. Article 14 Provision for Bylaws Section 14.1. Bylaws. As soon as practicable after the first meeting of the Commission, the Commission shall cause to be developed bylaws to govern the day-to-day operation of CVCC. Article 15 Contribution and Indemnity Among Members Section 15.1 No Third Party Beneficiaries. This Article shall reflect the Parties' rights and obligations as by and among themselves. Nothing herein shall create any right in any third party to enforce any right or obligation set out in this Agreement as against any Party hereto. Section 15.2 Hold Harmless and Indemnity. Subject to the provisions of Section 15.3 and provided that a Party has acted in good faith and in accordance with this Agreement, the MSHCP, the Implementing Agreement and the Permit, CVCC shall defend with counsel acceptable to said Party, indemnify and hold such Party free and harmless from any loss, liability or damage incurred or suffered by such Party by reason of litigation arising from or as a result of any of the following: the Party's development mitigation fee ordinance; the Party's participation in y 186 2n0 Amended 25 coachella valley Conservation Commission JFA CVCC; action taken to approve and/or implement the MSHCP; claims of inverse condemnation or unconstitutional takings against a Party as a result of or related to its participation in the MSHCP; or any other act performed or to be performed by the Party pursuant to this Agreement, the MSHCP, the Implementing Agreement or the Permit; provided, however that such indemnification or agreement to hold harmless pursuant to this section shall be recoverable only out of CVCC assets and not from other Parties. To the extent CVCC's assets are insufficient to satisfy its obligations under this Section, any member Agency forced to expend its own funds to satisfy what would otherwise be CVCC's obligations shall be entitled to reimbursement from CVCC. Section 15.3 Limitations on Liabilitv. CVCC shall be authorized to defend, indemnify and hold harmless any Commissioner, officer, agent or employee for actions taken or not taken within the scope of authority given or granted by CVCC and from and against any claim or suir arising out of any act or omission of CVCC, the Commission or any Commissioner, officer, agent or employee in connection with this Agreement and may purchase insurance as the Commission may deem appropriate for this purpose. The Parties acknowledge that Section 895.2 of the California Government Code provides that a Member is jointly and severally liable for the torts of the joint powers agency, but that Sections 895.4 and 895.6 of that Code allow the members of a joint powers agency to contractually agree to indemnity and contribution provisions that allow such liability to be apportioned among the members based on their respective degree of fault giving rise to the liability. The Parties further y 7 2"a Amended 26 Coachella Va11Fy Conservation Commission SPA acknowledge that they have agreed at Section 15.2 above to indemnify and defend those Member agencies against loss, liability or damage suffered by a Member Agency individually as a result of that Agency's good faith acts taken pursuant to this Agreement or the MSHCP. Now, therefore, in contemplation of such authority, the Parties agree that, as among themselves, each shall assume that portion of the liability imposed upon CVCC or any of its Members, officers, agents or employees by law for injury caused by arty negligent or wrongful act or omission occurring during the performance of this Agreement that is not covered by insurance, that is determined by the Commission to be that Member's proportionate share Accruing during the Member's period of participation in CVCC. Said determination shall be by three -fourths vote of the Member Agencies, meaning an affirmative vote of three -fourths of the total number of Member Agencies. The Members acknowledge that, given the possible variables, determination of a proper apportionment may be difficult. Therefore, subject only to arbitration rights set out at Section 11.7, the Members agree that the Commission's good faith determination of a fair apportionment shall be final, binding and enforceable as a term of this Agreement. Each Member shall to the extent provided herein indemnify and hold harmless the other Members for any loss, costs or expenses that may be imposed on such other Members solely by virtue of Section 895.2. 18;s Intl Amended 27 Coachella Valley Conservation Connls.slun JPA Article 16 Miscellaneous Provisions Section 16.1 Notices. Notices to Members hereunder shall be sufficient if delivered to the principal office of the respective Member. Section 16.2 Amendments This Agreement may be amended or terminated, provided such amendment or termination is consistent with the provisions of the MSHCP and has been approved by each Member. The vote, assent or approval of each Member shall be evidenced by a certified copy of a resolution, minute order or similar writing of the governing body of the Member Agency, filed with CVCC. Section 16.3 Prohibition Against Assignment. No Member may assign any right, claim or interest it may have under this .Agreement, and no creditor, assignee, or third - party beneficiary of any Member shall have any right, claim or title to any part, share, interest, fund, or asset of CVCC. This Agreement shall be binding upon, and shall inure to, the benefit of the successors of each Party. Section 16.4 Agreement Complete. The foregoing constitutes the full and complete Agreement of the Parties. There are no oral understandings or agreements not set forth in writing herein. Section 16.5 Severability. If any one or more of the terms, provisions, sections, promises, covenants or conditions of this Agreement shall to any extent be adjudged invalid, unenforceable, void or voidable for any reason whatsoever by a court of competent jurisdiction, each and all of the remaining terms, provisions, sections, promises, covenants and conditions of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby and shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. 189 2"4 AmFndud 28 Coachella Valley Conservation Commission JPA Section 16.6 Multiple Originals. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original. Section 16.7 Execution. The governing legislative body of each Member has each authorized execution of this Agreement, as evidenced by the authorized signatures below. CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY Mayor Kathy De Rosa City of Cathedral City CITY OF COACHELLA Mayor Eduardo Garcia City of Coachella CITY OF INDIAN WELLS Mayor Rob Bernheimer City of Indian Wells CITY OF INDIO Mayor Ben Godfrey City of Indio 2ntl Amended 29 IHCVYy DATE DATE DATE 190 Coachella Val 2.ey Conservation Commission JPA CITY OF LA QUINTA DATE Mayor Don Adolph City of La Quinta CITY OF PALM DESERT DATE Mayor Richard Kelly City of Palm Desert CITY OF RANCHO MIRAGE DATE Mayor G. Dana Hobart City of Rancho Mirage CITY OF PALM SPRINGS DATE Mayor Ron Oden City of Palm Springs 2"a Amended 30 Coachella Valley Conservation Commission JPA COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE DATE John F. Tavaglione, Chair Board of Supervisors County of Riverside COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT DATE Chair Coachella Valley Water District Coachella, California IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT DATE Chair Imperial Irrigation District Imperial, California 2'6 Amend,d 31 Codohella Val -Ley Conservation Commission JPA ATTACHMENT #2 UVAG COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOCIATION of GOVERNMENTS Blythe • Cathedral City • Coachella • Desert Hot Springs • Indian Wells • Indio • La Quints • Palm Desert • Palm Springs • Rancho Mirage County of Riverside • Ague Caliente Band of Cahuille Indians • Cabezon Band of Mission Indians • Torres Martinez Desert Cal Indians October 2, 2007 Mr. Tom Genovese City Manager City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA. 92253 Dear Mr. Genovese: OCT 5 2rer Enclosed please find the enclosed "Restatement and Second Amendment Joint Powers Agreement Creating the Coachella Valley Conservation Commission". Enclosed is one full original and 14 additional signature pages. Please place this on your next agenda. This amendment to the Joint Powers Agreement of the Coachella Valley Conservation Commission makes changes that would allow non -county elected officials from the Coachella Valley to serve as alternates for the members of the Board of Supervisors. It also makes several other minor changes as recommended by CVAG General Counsel. These changes are described and identified in strikeout in the attached summary for your review. This Amendment was passed by the CVAG Executive Committee on June 4, 2007 and by the Coachella Valley Conservation Commission on April 12, 2007. Due to an oversight, this JPA amendment was not sent to you for consideration earlier this summer. Please have the Mayor sign all noted pages and return them to me. When complete I will send you an executed original for your records. If you have any questions or need further information regarding this agreement please phone (760) 346-1127. Sincerely, COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOCIATION OF P RNMI MARY M. OD., Administrative Services Assistant cc: Katie Barrows, Dir. of Environmental Resources 73-710 Fred Waring Drive, Suite 200 • Palm Desert, CA 92260 • (760) 346-1127 • FAX (760)340-5949 ATTACHMENT 3 COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOCIATION of GOVERNMENTS DATE: October 2, 2007 TO: MEMBER AGENCIES OF THE COACHELLA VALLEY CONSERVATION COMMISSION FROM: Katie Barrows, Director of Environmental Resources RE: Summary of Changes to the Joint Powers Agreement for the Coachella Valley Conservation Commission PURPOSE: A Second Amendment to the Joint Powers Agreement for the CVCC that would allow non -county elected officials from the Coachella Valley to serve as alternates for the members of the Board of Supervisors and make several other minor changes as recommended by CVAG General Counsel. BACKGROUND: At their April 12 meeting, the Coachella Valley Conservation Commission approved an amendment to the Joint Powers Authority (JPA) Agreement that would allow non -county elected officials from the Coachella Valley to serve as alternates for the members of the Board of Supervisors. The Amendment was approved by the CVAG Executive Committee on June 4, 2007. The recommended changes constitute an amendment to the original JPA Agreement. The changes will take effect once approved by all members of the CVCC. Each member entity is requested to place this on the next available agenda for consideration of the attached "Restatement and Second Amendment to the Joint Powers Agreement Creating the Coachella Valley Conservation Commission." This restatement and second amendment to the JPA Agreement addresses the following issues identified by the CVCC: 1. Limit the alternate appointed by a County Supervisor to one from another member entity of the CVCC. 2. Provide for the alternate to be a current member of a city council, either elected or appointed. 3. Ensure that two county supervisors could not appoint an alternate from the same city. 4. Ensure that only the appointed alternate could represent the Commissioner (no "substitute for an alternate"). To address each of these concerns, the following change to Section 7.1 (see page 12), which addresses the Governing Body, (current text to be deleted shown as strikeout; potential revised language shown as underlined text) is proposed: "An alternate for each Commissioner may be appointed by the Represented Member Agency, which alternate shall meet: the same qualifications as a Commissioner, except that an alternate for a County Supervisor may be any current member of the governing body of another member entity of the Coachella Vallev Conservation Commission elarted mffiniml n an ccecr_. P Prnigdnm ;_,.,gglipAinm r 194 COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOCIATION of GOVERNMENTS within- any -aer#iea94„e44an-„ea. An alternate appointed by any one County Supervisor may not be from the same entity as an alternate appointed by any other County Supervisor. In the absence of the Commissioner, the alternate shall have the same authority and power as the Commissioner... " Several other minor changes to the JPA Agreement were approved, as recommended by CVAG General Counsel: Deletion of the City of Desert Hot Springs as a "party" to the JPA Agreement, including deletion of the signature block at the end of the document. 2. Deletion of a sentence which was an oversight in the Section 7.5 (see page 14) of the original agreement which allowed less than a quorum to continue a meeting. The deleted text is as follows The Commissioners present at a duly called orheld meeting at which a quorum is present may continue to transact business until adjournment notwithstanding the withdrawal of enough Commissioners to leave less than a quorum, if any action taken, other than adjournment, is approved by at least that number of Commissioners required to constitute a majority of a quorum. To address all of these changes, the addition of the following language to the Recitals section on page two of the JPA Agreement is proposed: The Coachella Valley Conservation Commission hereinafter "CVCC " was formed so that it members could, collectively, oversee and administer the MSHCP. The original parties contemplated shown as a party to the Agreement. Hereinafter. the Alternate may be any current memberof the governing body of another member entity of the Coachella Valley Conservation Commission pcs ien wi+ e.iien ef.he Plan A,.ea quorum. If you have any questions, please contact Katie Barrows at CVAG at (760) 346-1127. 2 a COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: November 6, 2007 ITEM TITLE: Adoption of a Resolution of the City Council for Parcel 4 of Parcel Map 33588 Making Certain Findings Pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33445(a) RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: S- J3 Adopt a Resolution for Parcel 4 of Parcel Map 33588 of the City Council making certain findings pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33445(a) relating to the conveyance of a well site Easement for water and sanitation sewer to the Coachella Valley Water District FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: In June, 2004, the Agency purchased a 14.81 acre housing site at the corner of Dune Palms Road and Avenue 481h for $8,845,000 or $13.71 per square foot. The Coachella Valley Water District ("CVWD") has requested a 0.523 acre well site on this parcel as part of the SilverRock Project. The cost of the well site was $312,352 based upon the June, 2004 pro-rata purchase price. Additionally, $40,335 in interest has been applied from July, 2004 to October, 2007 to the land cost for a total amount due of $352,687. The SilverRock Infrastructure Capital Improvement Project has adequate funding to purchase this site which will reimburse the Project Area 2 Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund in the amount of $352,687. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: On June 18, 2004, the Agency purchased the 14.81 acre parcel (Parcel 4) located northwest of the Dune Palms Road/Avenue 48 intersection for an affordable housing development. 196 On May 3, 2005, the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency approved the Domestic Water and Sanitation System Installation and Irrigation Service Agreement for the SilverRock Resort, The Agreement required that the Redevelopment Agency dedicate on -site: and off -site well sites for the development. Item No. 1 proposes to partially fulfill the Redevelopment Agency's obligation of the SilverRock Resort Agreement. A portion of site located on the northwest corner of Dune Palms Road/Avenue 48 has been identified as being appropriate for one of the off -site wells. Parcel Map No. 33588 was approved at a Director's Hearing on April 13, 2005. The map created 4 lots. The land use for Parcels 1 through 3 was "Commercial". Parcel 4 was designated as "Future Development", and is now being developed as affordable housing. The City of La Quinta and the Agency have previously approved an Affordable Housing Agreement with Coachella Valley Housing Coalition for Parcel 4 of Parcel Map No. 33588. The City Council has issued Site Development Permit 2006-857 for a 218-unit apartment complex at that location. Provisions for the SilverRock Resort well site were incorporated in the aforementioned Site Development Permit. approval. In order to proceed with development of the affordable housing, CVWD is requiring that the water and sewer easements be granted to CVWD and that the Redevelopment Agency enter into a Domestic Water and Sanitary Sewer Installation Agreement for said improvements. In order for the Agency to spend its funds for the public improvements, certain findings must be made by the City Council pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33445, and the City Council must consent to the use of the funds for the public improvement purposes. The necessary findings are set forth in the attached resolution. The primary finding is that there is no other source of funding available for these land costs. Neither the City nor CVWD have funds which could be earmarked for these uses. In addition, the well site is necessary for the SilverRock resort project, which project provides benefit to Project Areas 1 and 2. In addition, the sewer and water services provided in the easement areas will provide direct benefit to Project Area 2 residents. Finally the CVHC provides affordable housing to persons in Project Area 2. Staff feels that the evidence supports the findings in the attached resolution, and recommends that the resolution be adopted. y .197 FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the Agency include: 1. Adopt a Resolution for Parcel 4 of Parcel Map 33588 of the City Council making certain findings pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33445(a) relating to the conveyance of a well site Easement for water and sanitation sewer to the Coachella Valley Water District; or 2. Do not adopt the attached resolution; 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, othy R. 4jnas P.E. Public Works Direc or/City Engineer Approved for submission by: '& ,P 41- Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager 19S RESOLUTION NO. 2007- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA TO CONSENT TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AUTHORIZING 1) A GRANT DEED FOR CONVEYANCE OF A WELL SITE TO THE COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT, 2) A GRANT OF EASEMENT FOR WATER AND SANITATION SEWER TO CVWD, AND 3) DOMESTIC WATER AND/OR SANITATION SEWER INSTALLATION AGREEMENT ON PARCLE 4 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 33588 WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency (the Agency) purchased a 27.4 acre parcel of land located northwest of the Dune Palms Road/Avenue 48 intersection to facilitate affordable housing development, a SilverRock Resort well site, and Highway 111 commercial development. WHEREAS, the parcel was subdivided into 4 parcels, Parcel 1 through 3 designated to be commercial development and Parcel 4 for affordable housing development; and WHEREAS, the City Council and the Agency approved an Affordable Housing Agreement and Site Development Permit 2006-857 for a 218-Unit Apartment Complex with the Coachella Valley Housing Coalition on Parcel 4 of Parcel Map No. 33588 where the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) Well Site is located (Item No. 1) and the Conveyance would satisfy an obligation of the Agency for the SilverRock Resort Domestic Water and Sanitation System Irrigation Service Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Grant of Easement (Item No. 2) and Domestic Water and/or Sanitation System Installation Agreement (Item No. 3) will afford construction and grant easements for necessary improvements over, under and within the parcel; and WHEREAS, the Quit Claim Deed from CVWD (Item No. 4) will remove existing easements where no facilities presently exist and easements are no longer required by CVWD; and WHEREAS, it would be in the best interest of the public to accept the Grant Deed for a CVWD Well Site, Grant of Easement for Water and Sanitary Sewer to CVWD, and the Quit Claim Deed would remise, release and forever quitclaim rights -of - way no longer by required by CVWD; and y 19� Resolution 2007- Parcel 4 of Parcel Map No. 33588 Adopted: November 6, 2007 Page 2 WHEREAS, Section 33445 of the Community Redevelopment Law provides that with the consent of the City Council, the Agency may pay all or part of the value of the land for and the cost of the installation and construction of any building, facility, structure, or other improvement which is publicly owned either within or without of the Project Area if the City Council determines that the buildings, facilities, structures, or other improvements are of benefit to the project or the immediate neighborhood in which the project is located, that no other reasonable means of financing the buildings, facilities, structures or other improvements are available to the community and that the payment of funds for the acquisition of land or the cost of buildings, facilities, structures, or other improvements will assist in the elimination of one or more blighting conditions inside the Project Area. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council as follows: SECTION 1. The above recitals are true and correct and are adopted as the findings of the City Council. SECTION 2. The City Council does herby find and determine as follows: a. That the Agency's authorization of the Grant Deed for the Well Site, Grant of Easement for Water and Sewer Easements and the Domestic Water and Sanitary Sewer Installation Agreement will benefit the project area. b. That CVWD doe not have funding necessary for purchase of property to facilitate the well site. C. That the Agency's authorization of the Grant Deed for the Well Site to CVWD fulfills obligation for Off -Site Well Sites Domestic Water and Sanitation System Installation and Irrigation Service Agreement for the SilverRock Resort. SECTION 3. The City Council hereby approves the Agency's authorization and direction to iits Executive Director to take such action as may be necessary and proper to effect the execution of all items brought before it and authorizes the Executive Director of the Redevelopment Agency to execute all Grant Deeds, Grant of Easement and Agreements. SECTION 4. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution 200 Resolution 2007- Parcel 4 of Parcel Map No. 33588 Adopted: November 6, 2007 Page 3 in the manner required bylaw. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 6th day of November, 2007, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: DON ADOLPH, MAYOR City of La Quinta California ATTEST: VERONICA J. MONTECINO, CMC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California (City Seal) APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE ,JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California W 201 cewv 444r«rw COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: November 6, 2007 ITEM TITLE: Consideration of Appointment to the Planning Commission RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Approve the selection of one appointment to a two-year term on the Planning Commission. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: At the September 18, 2007 meeting, the City Council requested staff to inquire whether the applicants on file were interested in serving on the Planning Commission due to the resignation of Commissioner Rick Daniels. All applicants were contacted and have indicated their interest in being considered for appointment. The vacated term is due to expire on June 30, 2009. Upon direction from the Council, the City Clerk's Department placed an article in The Desert Sun, on October 15 and 22, 2007. The deadline for receiving applications was October 26, 2007 at 5:00 p.m. I r. �� 202.1 The following applicants wish to be considered for appointment to the Planning Commission: (Attachment 1) 1. Frank Blum 2. Henry Casden* 3. Richard Fredricks* 3. Edward Hackney 5. Callen "Cal" Lockett 6. Paul Strohecker 7. Mark Weber* 8. Robert Wilkinson *Applications received during recent recruitment. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1 Approve the selection of one appointment to a two-year term on the Planning Commission; or 2 Do not approve the selection of one appointment to a two-year term on the Planning Commission; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respecoully submitted, Veronica , City Clerk Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachment: 1. Planning Commission Applications 2 a " 203 Attachment 1 Date: v / <3 a 7 CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION TO SERVE ON THE �EGDVED LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISWN9flY 17 RM it 33 NAME: HOME ADDRESS: `T l &' (Must be a La v/� CITY OF LA QUI IT,A MTV Of roVIC nrrin 0RNC/ resident and eligible to vote in the City.) TELEPHONE: (HOIVIE) S64 — ? 410 BUSINESS: %o l-- Cf1 q G C. ex. rO A BUSINESS ADDRESS 7$4 ad z oa �A'EoGt/�'�2lnfG o.4GM /I IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD C 04 0 t JEc_ L 6laNK, L—/� CoM 41EJ2GA� �S/L LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: .3 YES /R S HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS COMMISSION? ical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other back - Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. APPLICATION, PLANNING COMMISSION �. t 201 PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quints Planning Commission. — It is the responsibility of the Planning Commission to implement the policies — of the city as established by the City Council and the Planning Commission — as stated in sections 2.29.010, 020, 030 and 040; review all information from staff and applicants; attend scheduled monthly and additional meeting as required; apply common sense in decision making; and consider the impact — of those decisions concerning neighboring projects, traffic, schools, parks, etc. What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Planning Commission and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? — The city is experiencing a period of exceptional growth and development. In order to insure the growth results in continuing desirability to new residents, a sound, well -developed plan needs to be followed. This should be combined with an open-minded attitude to flexibility and change. As the — city grows, attention must be paid to infrastructure, traffic flow, commercial and residential development, schools, public parks, and facilities for all age groups. What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Planning Commission? With 35 years in building, development, banking and exposure to community master planning. I bring a broad background of experience to the Commission. I have made a number of presentations before planning commissions and city councils which enables me to understand the — application process from both sides of the podium. I have served on numerous boards of directors and committees where I have demonstrated good interpersonal skills in interacting with fellow committee members, staff, and the public. PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION TO: CITY CLERK P. O. BOX 1504 78496 CALLE TAWICO LA QUINTA, CA 92247 THANK YOU.FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT 201 FRANK P. BLUM 47840 Via Livorno La Quinta, CA 92253 760-701-9146 EDUCATION: Bachelor of Arts Degree in Economics, California State University, Long Beach Frank Blum has twenty-five years experience in banking, equity and debt financing, land acquisition, entitlement, construction, marketing, project management; development of multi family, commercial, single-family housing and real estate sales & acquisition. Skilled in conducting feasibility studies, cost break down analysis, ROI, and budget analysis. Experienced in property acquisition, land acquisition and entitlement, including presentations before planning commissions and city councils for entitlements. EMPLOYMENT: June 2004 COLDWELL BANKER. Relocated to the Coachella Valley and joined Coldwell Banker Commercial. Represent buyers and sellers, landlords & tenants for commercial property, apartments, raw land and subdivisions. Duties include leasing The Atrium, a 61,000 sq.ft. mall. Occupancy has been increased from 45% to 90%.since August 1, 2004. This year's sales to date are $9,000,000 2002 to 2004 RE)&ORD CAPITAL/George Smith Partners. Broker private and institutional equity to builders & developers in Southern California. Focus was to builders that build between. 25 and 500 homes, Condominiums or Town homes per year. 2001 to 2002 GRANITE INVESTMENT GROUP. Director Capital Formation. Responsible for underwriting projects and raising equity and mezzanine financing for this $700,000,000 apartment house owner, including the financial modeling. The company acquires and repositions 100 to 500 unit multifamily apartment buildings in the western states. The emphasis was to establish relationships with Wall Street and Pension Fund equity sources. 1998 to 2001 WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK. Manager Inland Empire construction lending division. Responsible for opening and developing the Riverside county region to medium and large privately owned builders and developers. Duties included origination; underwriting and loan management. Reporting included monthly and quarterly status, financial stability and completition probability. Conducted and supervised the valuation, due diligence, financial modeling, and capital structure analysis. Project financing included land acquisition, development and construction. This division had the responsibility of developing $150,000,000 annually. =n 1206 Page 2 1972 to 1999 B.E. DEVELOPMENT/ REXFORD CAPITAL. Owner. Developer and Mortgage/Equity Broker. Responsible for development of multi -family, high end single-family detached housing, and commercial projects. Financial responsibilities included raising equity capital from high net worth individuals. The duties included land acquisition, entitlement, financing, bidding and managing all phases of the project from acquisition through construction and sale, including presentations before planning commissions and city councils for approvals. Projects include acquisition, renovation, financing and sale of multi -family units, a commercial strip center in Long Beach, a PUD in the city of Orange and the construction and sale of waterfront homes in the Naples area of Long Beach and Huntington Harbor, Huntington Beach (price range $800.000 to $3,000,000). BUSINESS AND CIVIC ACTIVITIES LaQuinta Rotary, Treasurer 06107, Secretary 07/08. President-elect 09/2010. Member, International Council of shopping Centers. Past Member, Building Industry Association, National & Southern California. Past Member, Mortgage Bankers Association. Past -President Bixby Hills Community Association. Past -President, Presidents Associates, CSULB. Past - President, CSULB Athletic Foundation. Past -Vice President Long Beach Rotary, Board of Directors, Membership Chairman, Long Beach Grand Prix. Board of Directors, Boys Scouts of America. Board of Directors, Long Beach City College Foundation, Chairman Audit Committee. DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS Long Beach, Belmont Heights. Acquired strip center in this beach community. Rehabbed the building and parking lot. Re -leased to new tenants that upgraded the interior spaces. Re -leased for long term, triple, net terms at 300% increase in income The Mariposa, a 99 Unit nine story apartment building, in the Ambassador Hotel area of the mid Wilshire district of Los Angeles. Completely rehabbed this class "A" building and arranged capital structures. The building consisted of singles, one and two bedroom apartments. The Gramercy, a 66 unit six story class "A" apartment building in the Hancock park section of the mid Wilshire district of Los Angeles. Rehabbed and re rented the building with fire doors and retrofitted with sprinklers to comply with Los Angeles fire code. The Rossmore, a 43 unit five story class "A" apartment building in the Hancock park section of the mid Wilshire district. Financed, rehabbed and re rented this classic building. Orange Park Acres subdivision. Acquired and entitled this five -acre Planned Unit Development (PUD) for a gated four estate home development. 207 Page 3 Long Beach Peninsula. 5511 Seaside walk. Acquired, demolished, built and sold this 3300 sq.ft. beach front luxury home Long Beach Peninsula. 5701 Bayshore walk. Acquired, rehabbed and sold this bay front home Long Beach Peninsula 5600 Seaside walk. Acquired and remarketed this ocean front lot Long Beach Peninsula. 6701 Bayshore walk. Acquired this double lot. Split lots and sold to custom owner builders. Huntington Harbor.. Venture Dr., Trinidad Island. Acquired lot and remarketed to buyer to build his custom home. DRE License # 0114490 E-Mail:fblum@&.rr.com :1'1 201 CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION TO SERVE� E C E I V E D ON THE LA QUINTA PLANNING C&MfibiF04M 8 32 / CITY OF LA QUINTA NAME: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE HOME ADDRESS: S b / I, d C-"n /I i N o re -A V 0 1� p _ (Must be a La Quinta resident and eligible to vote in the City.) TELEPHONE: (HOME)-7 ► ` % / — 3 `f -f BUSINESS: Sr1 8 -Sf 6 G FMAII • C QS d E%in L&�J AO eT M1-0 . tl o- FAX• `7 I„ o L-t 6 L _f -7 9 9 BUSINESS ADDRESS 7 L4D 9 v 6- ,-�I .vim Y •¢ S e r i a � 22 te b IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS COMMISSION? -8-7 Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other back- ground. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. U,.,,Q oh sA-io 9i��o Ja'I1ae IV /kfj-, 3 D f 1 7 C A APPLICATION, PLANNING COMMISSION kr 209 i to -/ 149a -- i77, PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Planning Commission. What specific issues or problems face the La Quints, Planning Commission and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? 0 What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quints, Planning Commission? PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION TO: CITY CLERK P. O. BOX 1504 78 496 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92247 THANK YOUFOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT 210 Date:/v/ CITY OF LA QUINTA RECEI;IED APPLICATION TO SERVE 2007 OPT 22 P� ON THE �/9PUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION CITY O CITY CLF ,, Qular - HOME ADDRESS: ��% %S C 8 RE 6l 4 (Must be a La QLu/inta resident and eligible to vote in the City.) TELEPHONE: (HOME) �� "J 6 �y BUSINESS.!/�/' Z S yL EMAIL: I �'/%t1]E�P 9zy,f "-,Von• e° FAX: / 1 )B(9114€�SADDRESS rZ— h/Z'q�ctuLtCU IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: T HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS COMMISSION? V s Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other back- ground. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. Z la bt !aG't' tT 0 f Cos L tl aAZe/ Gr/LL-Lv f- a �S, �(�//Nr Z h.� c/E o e I& p 0 ir/ a lea its � r (� K�f�K� L(/-r l �{��LL2 / LiN� Ct� jjZ e-) i�'O [2vtf� /L� ✓`G LLL[� i `Y �' -'t / KL A `i.'r,6 4 � G Ls-'Y1 f- CyY� LC .S � CGfs APPLICATION, PLANNING COMMISSION I' "lie t, PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Planning Commission. address those issues or problems? I . Al --L- A What specific attit9des, skills and/or La Quints Planning Commission? A LA 6 LS a G e /�yvF'l'a �n,��Z�v� �u have w ch would � ante the wor o�the r I� PLEASE RETURN AHS APPLICATION TO: eeXLlt. .0 CITY CLERK /�f_J !✓1 �2c�' f S P. O. BOX 1504 78 496 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92247 THANK YOUFOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT 212 Date: O 7 _ CITY OF LA QUINTA RECEIVED APPLICATION TO SERVE 2007 MRY 15 P('1 12 1 ON THE QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF INTA CITY CLE S OFFI E dt NAME: /Q Q ® HOME ADDRESS:. / ! _ 9/S / 4 �` �-4 (Must be a La Qulnta resident and eligible to vote In the C;Ay.) TELEPHONE: (HOME )��l/ �o�f -lD7 9/ BUSINESS: EMAIL-D c �A/� 0- DC ,QR. _fA4 FAX: 7�� - �7 �' ��`S� BUSINESS ADDREESS 7Q9/3 /C;F� 0(4 q`4" y ' � � IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITIONS) YOU HOLD LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: % C HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS COMMISSION? Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other back- ground. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position You seek APPLICATION, PLANNING COMMISSION 1 V 213 RAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Planning Commission. What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Planning Commission and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Planning Commission? PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION TO: CITY CLERK P. O. BOX 1504 78-496 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92247 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT P. 214 EDWARD T. HACKNEY 79-915 Rancho La Quinta Dr. (769) 564-6799 Phone & Fax La Quinta, CA 92:253 edhackne@hotmail.com EXECUTIVE SUMMARY An entrepreneur, general manager and results -oriented General Counsel with broad business experience. Significant legal experience in. Anti-Trust/Trade Practice, Contracting, Corporate Governance, Environmental, Customs, Intellectual Property, International, Litigation Management, Product Liability, and Transactions. Managed own business and the Domestic and International Legal functions, Government and Community Affairs, Public Relations, Customer Service and Insurance Departments, Real Estate and Environmental Projects for Public Companies. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE RILED, LLC. Burbank, CA 2001-2007 Member and Oneratin� ManaJeer With four others founded a profitable energy drink business that has grown from no sales to sales in the US of an estimated $4.8M in 2006 in 26 states through 54 distributors. Established a majority owned European subsidiary which is currently selling in Slovenia, Poland, Netherlands, Belgium and Austria. SOUrHCORP USA, INc., Atlanta, GA 1995-2000 Senior Vice President and General Counsel Member of senior management team of $400 M diversified manufacturing subsidiary of Australian company. The principal business was in turnaround. Created first law department as stand alone General Counsel. Was responsible for insurance department. Reduced costs over previously out -sourced legal services and increased the level of legal and insurance service provided throughout the company. Provided critical input on key issues. Reported to CEO and Board. Principal accomplishments: • Reduced serious product liability caseload of turnaroumd business by 50%. Provided basis for insurability at reasonable cost. • Helped establish an industry wide defense group, managed in excess of 18 class actions, which threatened to bankrupt industry. Secured favorable national settlement. Managed additional unrelated class actions on cost effective basis. • Introduced and. maintained comprehensive Secretarial and Governance procedures to protect against piercing the corporate veil in complex corporate structure. • Coordinated development of patent portfolio, which promises to generate substantial revenue and be basis for enhanced market share. • Managed wide variety of litigation including discrimination, environmental and other issues on cost effective basis. Established procedures and resolved serious exposures in HR area. • Identified and resolved issues, which raised anti-trust or other governmental liability. • Sold multiple environmentally impaired properties while eliminating liability estimated from $5M to $20M. EDWARD T. IIACKNEY Page 2 PROFESSIONAI, EXPERIENCE (Cont.) TUPPERWARE, Orlando, FL 1990-1994 Vice President and General Counsel Member of senior management and policy groups of $1.211 worldwide business, ($1 B/International) during dynamic reorganization both in structure and conduct of US business, reported to CEO. • Provided legal services with staff of 4 attorneys for $1.2 billion worldwide business with sales in 55 cowntries and manufacturing in 15, including entry into new countries in Central Europe, Near East and Latin America. Personally provided legal service to $300M Asia/Pacific Operations. • Employed preventative law concepts to increase "in-house" effectiveness and reduce costs an average of 10°/) per year. Legal services provided through a combination of personal, staff and outside counsel. • Terminated 25% of franchisees, with only one litigation which company won by Summary Judgment at very low cost. • Negotiated settlement of 1 I -year -old Australian, multi -defendant patent litigation, obtaining $6M payment avoiding $1M in expenses. Best prior offer $1M. • Participated in analysis of failing business, implemented steps to stabilize and restart growth using motivational programs, distributor replacement and modified credit policies. • Instituted Alternative Dispute Resolution and case evaluation techniques reduced first year expenses by $500,000 off a base of $2.5M. Average caseload down from 45 to 23, and gross reserves from $13M to $6M. • Co -created a program to remove up to 100/a of cost from a value chain of $200M U.S. distribution business and refocus distributors on sales growth. THE WEST BEND COMPANY, West Bend, WI 1977-1990 Vice President and General Counsel West Bend Company is a $250M U.S. housewares company. • Lead counsel in the acquisition of sit companies and the divestiture of five diverse businesses with extremely low transaction costs. • Led Product Safety Committee. Reduced product liability exposures significantly. Over ten year period new cases were reduced from an average of 10 to 2 per year. Drove design effort for a safer product, which led to a modification of the industry standard and adoption of the new concept industry -wide. • Managed portfolio of product liability cases reducing annual average open cases from 35 to 5. Won all cases tried but one; settled those not winnable very cost effectively. Settled one case releasing reserves, which constituted company quarterly profit. • Led a multi -company task force to change state law. New Law saved Industry tax of at least $1M a year. • Member of senior management team which restructured company by: • Reducing head count in administrative area by about 1/3 (200 people), and product development cycle time from average of 18 months to less than one year. • Creating Just -In -Time Manufacturing environment, which reduced inventory. • Developing partnerships with major customers/vendors. Led to significant annual savings. • Decided business strategy including product outsourcing, acquisition and divestiture. Improved profitability significantly. 216 EDWARD T. HACKNEY Page 3 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (Cont) NATIONAL PRESTO INDUSTRIES, INC., Eau Claire, WI 1973-1977 Associate Resident Coansel A $100M U.S. housewares company. Provided hands-on legal to all segments of business, most notably Sales and Purchasing with emphasis on Advertising, Contracting, Customs, Product Liability and Safety. EDUCATION Masters of Business Administration, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee 19" Juris Doctorate, Cum Laude, Creighton University 1972 Bachelors of General Studies, Business Major, University of Nebraska, Omaha 1970 ADMISSIONS Nebraska, Wisconsin, Florida, Georgia & California. .,' r 217 May 17, 2007 City of La Quinta Application to serve on the La Quinta Planning Name: Callen "Cal" M. Lockett Home Address: 47065 Via Antibes, La Quinta, CA Telephone:760-564-9090 Cell Email: callockett a&arthlink.net Fax: Business Address: Same as home Employer: Self— President & CEO, CEO La1:1VED '222 17 CIT.. OF LA QUIT, i,i ri -"S OFFICE Length of Residence in La Quinta: 8 months full time (5 years part time in Indian Wells previously) Have you ever attended a meeting of this Commission? Not yet but plan to attend this month Biographical sketch: d� G Please see attached brief resume. Additional experience: I was elected to and served as President of the Cameron Estates Community Services District in El Dorado Countyfrom 1992- 1994. While in ojfce, I lead an effort to develop a master plan for our community and worked closely with the El Dorado County Planning Department and local businesses and homeowners to amend the county s General Plan in a way that benefited all involved. Describe knowledge of the functions, regulations and procedures of the La Quinta Planning Commission. I am very familiar with the functions, regulations and procedures for the El Dorado County Planning Commission. As a quick study, I feel I could master the La Quinta Planning Commission's protocol quickly. What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Planning Commission and do you have any suggestions to address those issues? La Quinta faces significant issues pertaining to the projected growth in the Coachella Valley over the next decade. Given uncertain economic conditions, it is critical that La Quinta have it clear vision for its future and strong capable citizens on the Planning Commission to uphold that vision. What specific attitude, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Planning Commission? I have excellent organizational and communications skills. As a trained lobbyist, I know how tc help residents obtain fair solutions to complex issues. 218 Callen M. Lockett Resume Employment Summary Twenty-two years experience managing public relations and government relations for leading Fortune 200 corporations. Supported six Chief Executive Officers in the banking and healthcare industries. Employment History CEO Communications Chatsworth, CA 2005-2007 Founded CEO Communications, a public relations firm dedicated to help Fortune 500 companies improve their public image by building strong reputation management capabilities. Since it's founding in November, 2005, the firm helped establish a trade association of 130 foundation managers from Fortune 500 companies. CEO Communications instructs association members on methods to gain maximum recognition for socially positive business and philanthropic endeavors. The firm has also participated in a project for RAND Health and completed two projects for Amgen. WeIlPoint, Inc. Thousand Oaks, CA 1996-2005 Most recently served as vice president of Corporate Social Responsibility and Reputation Management, and managed public relations for the Office of the Chairman. Implemented a solid and well respected social investment strategy that helped gain approval for the Anthem-WeIlPoint merger by providing hostile constituents with a tangible perspective of the good work WeIlPoint had accomplished. Established a strong internal communications program that helped maintain employee moral during the Anthem-WeIlPoint merger. Prior to the merger with Anthem in 2004, served as vice president of Public Affairs. Provided strategic support directly to the Chairman and CEO that resulted in positioning the company as the most respected health care company in the U.S. Effectively managed public relations surrounding mergers, key leadership changes, federal and state legislative threats, hostile constituent campaigns, and negative media focused on WeIlPoint and the health insurance industry. Bank of America Sacramento, CA; San Francisco, CA; Los Angeles, CA 1991-1995 Served as Chief Lobbyist in California and western states. Built relationships with key leadership in the California Legislature resulting in successfully defeating onerous legislation and gaining passage of favorable banking measures including late fee legislation that saved Bank of America from lengthy court battles and more than $50 million in potential damages. Previously served as vice president and director of State Policy Development, building the company's strategic legislative analysis capabilities. Following the merger between Security Pacific and Bank of America, served as assistant to the President and director of corporate communications for the merged company's Southern California headquarters. 74065 Via Antibes, La Quinta, CA 92253, 760-564-9090, 760-564-9022 (fax), callockett@earthlink.net 2' 211 Security Pacific Corporation Los Angeles, CA 1984-1990 Served as (first vice president and deputy director of Corporate Relations, reporting to the executive vice president. Supported the Office of the Chairman and executive management with strategic public relations and public affairs programs that successfully positioned the nation's fourth largest bank as the most respected financial institution in the Western U.S. In seven years, managed media relations, government relations, and internal communications. StateNet/California Journal Magazine Sacramento, CA 1983-1984 Headed client services and technology sales for the largest legislative online analysis company in the U.S. Worked primarily with Fortune 100 companies, providing technical support, writing programs to automate government relations functions, and providing some of the first multi-user UNIX based personal computers to corporate America. Served as principal analyst for California and Federal Legislation, reviewing, summarizing and publishing legislative summaries. Office of the Honorable John Vasconcellos (California House Representative) Sacramento, CA 1981-1983 Served on the personal staff of Assemblyman John Vasconcellos immediately following his appointment by Speaker Willie Brown to head the Ways and Means Committee. Established constituent support for controversial budget cuts necessary to relieve the State's severe budget crisis. While completing a graduate course, Colloquium in Cable Television, produced the first statewide simulcast "Brother, Can you Spare a Billion?" on public television that linked the Budget Conference Committee members and the Auditor General's office with the public through a live call -in program. Affillations The Conference Board, Community, and Public Issues Council; Contributions Council II, 2002 - 2005 Association of Corporate Contributions Professionals, Trustee 2004 — 2005, President 2006 Valley Industry and Commerce Association, Health Committee Chair, 1998 — 2005 Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, Foundation Executive Committee Chair, 2002 — 2005 101 Public Affairs Group (Amgen, Baxter, Countrywide, Dole, JD Power) Founding Chair, 1997 — 2005 Education Bachelor of Arts, Communication Studies, California State University, Sacramento, 1982 References Harold Burson, Founding Chairman, Burson-Marsteller, 230 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10583, (212) 614 4444. Leonard Schaeffer, Founding Chairman, WellPoint, 1733 Ocean Avenue, Suite 325, Santa Monica, CA 90401, (310) 656-9583 74065 Via Antibes, La Quinta, CA 92253, 760-564-90", 760-564-9022 (fax), callockett@earthlink net • n y 27(� Date: S , o 0 CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION TO SERVE RECEIVED OF LACOW`A ON THE L "WhfA PLANNING COMMI99I6N 11 1119 10 12 CITY OF LA (2UIPJTA NAME: pA.ut S 1i2ot1�CKC-P CITY CLERK'S OFFICE HOME ADDRESS: SOS 05 CA LCE (auA%-( 0A AC, LA Qu , rJ-f A Ck Z z5 (Must be a La Quinta resident and eligible to vote in 'the City.) TELEPHONE: (HOME) 57G4 - 371 l BUSINESS: 2 t S - 638 8 EMAIL: �S ��c'�i� CKE2 AOL.COM FAX: 56`{- IOS7 BUSINESS ADDRESS -7 S A 91 IA W i• t 1 t L& CPU - N T A IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD_ REAL 1 0i; CoLDwE«- I3A1.1KEQ Rr'S�ZJENT�/�L +3RoKE2AGC- LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: 7 TZ5. HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS COMMISSION? tics Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other back- ground. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. I117o-)9-1'7 C6R.P62AT[ tM&MT. ftV-1986-t`182_? 1T,LAA40ts)G, CZ,YA. - t-1EJkMo5A $EACH CA 14")i - 19 8:4 o,$)n)Ef2 R - &I Ftc& 6JPpr-`( co. - lAEA2Mo5A $GACd t°185- 2005 6E4-RAL CoNTQJhw,--TrpoL - LNI�,Ar0 WE(CS IPALJAA'bc5EdrT 1ri84- 7COl ? P-AU141 06, CDIM. -I 4OtAAI WELLS Zoos-Zd6-1 cl*c"J,2aEN) RCALTDA - LA gw,iJ—%A ST, LL LAL,DL6 Cotj„2A r--TorL LrC. (620 221 APPLICATION, PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Planning Commission. 2.yR5. PLANNtuG Co,v,, - RccRkAd5A gl'Ac(t98ett T Z !A its. i I.17i 1 #%XA WELLS What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Planning Commission and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? LA Ou t ►aT A, Lb O$✓i ou SL!j t-ll Gtk SP-&8WT1{ A,),SD t WtouL:;) LIKI To kAf=LP )�%REG-r�onl OF THAT 6R-OWDA. I THtM(<- WE ALSE) YJrr-Cl Tt-lc: 11JFR-A6 T RyCTUiZ,6 A FZkE t At%- F0P2 TW41 GA6W %tA it.-) Tta6 50uTk16AS r E2N VART Orr THE .ct:N Tc> 6E2Jic6 TCr%k WESr-i f�,K)bALV6i A rA-1LCG,`i K&Yb TtkE bTFlE.2_ 17ELELCaPC-M&t�T5 ToWAA1S THAT' AQtd�A What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Planning Commission? fe,0OW L-\b%jtn06, (IZ ALid/A, 64ePO'L. e0tTI- ) kk1-L TIRE kA6rRUc.TJ9�6 , ( iZ6TAtc._ 6c.Lc01-5. v T IL. (dtOv%,t E56106, to QL&MWL0C-, %A3 gaTti A t LL& W T1E),3g 1TLj C[ T i 4 V62y WE AL.Tn C(T`( . l t oV E TL{tS CL-iy off= L.0. g.u'b WoL,LI LL(CE, To 5E0 IT Ttlk%V4e ( PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION TO: CITY CLERK P. O. BOX 1504 78-496 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92247 THANK YOU.FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT 222 Date: October 25 2007 CITY OF LA QUINTA r I ED APPLICATION TO SERVE ON THE �CC''GT 26 pn y 53 LA QUINTA PLANNING MMISSIOI�,J1�5A CITY Gf L� . NAME: Mark Weber CIT'i "_f-Rt:'S Cff10E HOME ADDRESS: _ 78-795 Wakefield circle. La Ouinta. CA 92253 (Must be a La Quints resident and eligible to vote in the City.) TELEPHONE: (HOME:) 760-200-1098 BUSINESS: 766-427-8038 EMAIL: mdweber@iid.com FAX: 760-391-5955 BUSINESS ADDRESS 81-600 Avenue 58, La Quints, CA 92253 IF EMPLOYED, LIST'YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: 3+ years HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS COMMISSION? Yes. Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other back- ground. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. Experience, Energy and Education to do the -job. As an involved member of the La Quints community and through my work experiences I have interfaced well with all levolc of •davalnnars amity officials. Council and staff. As a former Town Councilmember, an appointed Trustee of a 260+ bed hospital, a volunteer on downtown revitalization committees, a La Quints, Community Services Commissioner for the past 3 years and through -my paid/work experiences I have participated and lead many planning functions. APPLICATION, PLANNING COMMISSION Mark Weber Mark has been a leader and an "agent for positive change" since college at UCLA, where he earned a BA in Psychology, was on staff at the Daily Bruin Newspaper and was Founding President of Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity. He has a broad level of experience in the private sector, municipal government and utilities. With over 10 years of Public Utility experience in a variety of senior staff positions he has been involved in all facets of the business; from Water, Wastewater, Natural Gas and Electric. His initial experience in Public Utilities was in South Carolina originally as the Key Customer Representative and grew into leading Customer Operations as the Customer Relations Supervisor. In his current role as Key Customer Representative at IID Energy, he works with the utilities largest Commercial, Industrial and Municipal customers in the Coachella Valley, providing individualized, responsive, customized service. Additional duties include working with community -based organizations to promote economic development. Weber has an MBA from Winthrop University, South Carolina and previously worked as a Customer Relations Supervisor for the City of Orangeburg's Department of Public Utilities leading Customer Service and Key Accounts in South Carolina and was a Business Analyst in the aerospace industry working for TRW Space & Defense in California and SC, Hughes Aircraft Co. and Raytheon Systems in SC. Mark is married; he and his wife Kathy have a son Matt who is 9 and a GATE student at Amelia Earhardt Elementary School in Indio. Mark has served in numerous elected, appointed and volunteer capacities as a Town Councilman and Hospital Board Trustee in South Carolina; and in La Quinta AYSO, Coachella Valley Enterprise Zone Authority, Coachella Valley Economic Partnership, Rotary Club of La Quinta, Coachella Valley Community Trails Alliance, Indic Chamber of Commerce and the Coachella Chamber of Commerce. hie is a graduate of Leadership Coachella Valley and has been twice appointed Commissioner for the City of La Quinta Community Services Commission currently serving as Chairman as well as Chairman of his church planting team for Cornerstone Covenant Church in La Quinta. 224 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT 81-600 AVENUE 58 o LA QUINTA, CA 92253 a www.iid.com October 23, 2007 Mayor Don Adolph and Council City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle'rampico La Quinta, CA, 92253 Dear Mayor and Council: I am pleased to recommend Mark Weber for your consideration as a candidate to fill your recently vacated position on the City of La Quinta Planning Commission. Mark has been with IID Energy in La Quinta working with our largest, influential, municipal, commercial and industrial "Key Customers". Additionally, he has been working in the Economic Development arena; recently representing IID on CVEP's Executive Committee, on the CV Enterprise Zone Advisory Committee, with various community groups and with the local Chambers of Commerce. He is currently serving as Chairman of the Coachella Chamber. 1 understand Mark has been serving the City of La Quinta during the past three years on the Community Services Commission and was recently re-elected their Chairperson. He has demonstrated a strong commitment to our local Community, is very involved and is interested in participating in positive change and growth. Mark has taken on additional duties including most recently managing our $310K LQ Facility Water Project as well as assisting on the upcoming LQ Sewer Upgrade Project. He is continuing to be involved in LQ Distribution Capital Projects and works closely with our Project Managers and Developers on various projects impacting IID's electrical distribution system in the Coachella Valley. I believe he would continue to be an asset to the city in an expanded, new role as a Planning Commissioner, implementing the Council's development and land use policy and making policy recommendations. Since— i Thomas G. King Assistant Manager, Energy De artment 225 Mark D. Weber 78795 Wakefield Circle La Quinta, California 92253 760.427.8038 (W) 760.200.1098 (H) mdweber@iid.com Objective: To be a valued member of successful teams, attaining challenging goals, in environments that foster personal and professional growth, aligned with team goals E D U C A T 1 O N A N D E X P E R I E N C E M.B.A. - Winthrop University 2003 B. A. Psychology- UCLA 1986 Special Coursework IMPERIAL VALLEY COLLEGE - ELECTRICITY/LINEMAN'$ APPRENTICE 101 UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE - LEYES COLLEGE - ARCHITECTURE, LITERATURE, HISTORY. UCLA EXTENSION - GOVERNMENT CONTRACTING; REAL ESTATE; GRANT WRITING; CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS; MARKETING. IID Energy - Imperial Irrigation District, La Quints, CA KEY CUSTOMER REPRESENTATIVE SINCE 2004 ACTING SUPERVISOR, PUBLIC PROGRAMS YEAR 2005 - Supervised and Led Public Programs Staff of 3 in Coachella Valley - Continued to as Key Customer Representative. KEY CUSTOMER REPRESENTATIVE - COACHELLA SINCE 2004 - Assisting in Development of New IID Key Customer Program - Manage Key Customer Program in Coachella Valley - Develop and Implement Marketing Strategies with Key Customers - Develop and Implement Industrial Development Program - Daily contact with Key Customers regarding power operations, rates, regulations, energy efficiency, billing and load management - Participate in Special Company Events & Community Programs DPU - Department of Public Utilities, City of Orangeburg, SC CUSTOMER RELATIONS SUPERVISOR 2002 TO 2004 - Supervised 10 employee Customer Service Department Responsibilities included: Supervising CSR's, Customer Service Supervisor, Administrative Dispatcher, Utility Call Center, Revenue Protection and Tampering, Lobby & Drive thru Security. - Maintained prior responsibilities as Key Accounts Representative KEY ACCOUNTS REPRESENTATIVE 1998 TO 2004 - Directed Key Accounts Program & Serviced Key Accounts - Negotiated and Administered Electric Contracts with Key Accounts - Developed and Implemented Marketing Strategies - Developed and Implemented Industrial Development Program - Lead Public Relations Activities and Media/Advertising Activities - Organized and Lead Special Company Events & Community Programs - Member of Department Safety Team 229 Raytheon Systems — Hughes, Orangeburg, SC BUSINESS ANALYST 1990 TO 1998 - Frscal Contract Management for Three Major Product Lines - Developed Cost Estimates using Manufacturing Cost System - Negotiated and Administered Contracts Valued up to $10 M - Briefed all Levels of Management on Cost Performance - Performed Budget/Cost Analyses to Determine Current Performance - Performed Internal Financial Audits to Verify Cost Projections - Coordinated New Business Proposal Team Activities - Represented Company in Governmental Audits and Fact Finding - Member of Company ISO 9002 Quality Audit Team TRW Inc. - Space and Defense, Redondo Beach, CA & Spartanburg, SC BUSINESS ANALYST 1985 TO 1990 - Site Business Manager for $24M Savannah River Site Sub -Contract - Briefed Customer, Government & Management on Cost Performance - Performed Budget/Cost Analyses to Determine Current Performance - Analyzed Cost & Schedule Variances and Initiated Corrective Actions - Supervised Overhead, Bid/Proposal & Research/Development Budgets - Prepared Manpower, Sales, Financial and Salary Forecasts ORGANIZATIONS / ACHIEVEMENTS CHAIRMAN, COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION, CITY OF LA QUINTA - 2006 COMMISSIONER, SINCE 2005 CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD, COACHELLA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, 2006 ASSISTANT TREASURER, 2005. BOARD MEMBER, SINCE 2004 ADVISORY BOARD, COACHELLA VALLEY ENTERPRISE ZONE, SINCE 2004 TREASURER, COACHELLA VALLEY ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIP, 2006-2007 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, 2006 MEMBER, LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE, SINCE 2004 SECRETARY, ROTARY CLUB OF LA QUINTA, 2006-2007 DIRECTOR AND MEMBER SINCE 2004 MEMBER, LEADERSHIP IID, CLASS OF 2006 GRADUATE, LEADERSHIP COACHELLA VALLEY, CLASS OF 2005 COACH, AYSO SOCCER- LA QUINTA, 2004 & 2005 BOARD MEMBER, CORNERSTONE COVENANT CHURCH, SINCE 2006 COMMITTEE MEMBER, INDIO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, BUSINESS RECRUITMENT & RETENTION COMMITTEE, SINCE 2004 SECRETARY, ROTARY CLUB OF ORANGEBURG, 2004 DIRECTOR, 2002-2004; MEMBER 1998-2004 MEMBER, KEY ACCOUNTS COMMITTEE OF APPA, SINCE 2000 MEMBER, DOWNTOWN REVITALIZATION ASSOCIATION, 1998-2004 MEMBER, SC ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION, 2001-2004 TRUSTEE, REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER - ORANGEBURG, 1998-2002; SERVED: CHAIRMAN, STRATEGIC & FACILITY PLANNING COMMITTEE, 1999-2002;EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE; FINANCE; PERSONNEL & EMPLOYEE RELATIONS COMMITTEES lf 227 DIRECTOR, ORANGEBURG COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, 1999-2001 SERVED: VICE PRESIDENT, BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT, 1999-2000; COMMITTEE MEMBER, PUBLIC RELATIONS, 1998-2004; CHAIRMAN'S AWARD "FOR OUTSTANDING, UNSELFISH SERVICE", 199E MEMBER, WATER ENVIRONMENT FEDERATION, 1998-2004 GRADUATE, LEADERSHIP ORANGEBURG COUNTY - CLASS OF 1997 CHAIRMAN, SOUTH CAROLINA "FESTIVAL OF ROSES" ROAD RACES - 2001 COUNCILMAN, TOWN OF CORDOVA, SC ELECTED 1994, RE-ELECTED 1998 DIRECTOR, MILLENNIUM HEALTHCARE NETWORK, 501C-3, 1998-2000 CHAIRMAN, ORANGEBURG COUNTY AMERICAN HEART WALK, 1999 MEMBER, SC DHEC - INDOOR AIR QUALITY IN SCHOOLS COMMITTEE, 2000 CHAIRMAN, ORANGEBURG COUNTY COMMITTEE, SC PARKS, RECREATION AND TOURISM, NATIONAL HERITAGE CORRIDOR, 1998-2001 DIRECTOR, EDISTO DIXIE YOUTH SPORTS INC., 501C-3, 1997-1999 FOUNDING PRESIDENT, SIGMA PHI EPSILON - UCLA CHAPTER, 1985 2'q Date: CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION TO SERVE ON THE RECEIVED 2007 My 18 PM 3 15 'LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSIOR ITY OF L A Q U I WA CITY CLERK'S OFFICE NAME: re i - �t� AX 4,4�"O;V raw TELEPHONE. (HOME) 760-24V0-2.310 BUSINESS: EMAIL m� r—�J SS®,�o�: Gaon FAX 2dvo.- 2-00- Z'f y5 BUSINESSADDRIESS L IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSMON(S) YOU HOLQ Sl�tnJTiz`c!-1 _J.c(�iPaltES: O�nlFi2. LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA V eA(LS HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS COMMISSION? M.4"y �ef Blograplhical Wwk h. kwklftq education, work e9rlenos. civic i wNnmwd and otter back- ground. Please be sure io include experiences relevant to dudes of the position you seek ®. S�►,yr�c� c®w► .�,�� F �_..vr..�eT f'.�.a�>.���Nn�G;. A/QGi!!��'7'!il /L.A L .4Nd - .LAND ,�LIO?/N/.✓6. GOiV�j at L.TiPMTr Sh v 9 fNf�c+2�,-r eK� Ei�l?'�L/ G1nA!/ i.0 O �1 iTi6 X u.it/% 4't ais`_ CAPU Z741 LDRJ -IAf/r (Ti4 S.t9r✓Ti� I� d it4 pG/�iVA1lNG. Tii�>;.fG A/ � • F�rJE/Cl��nlc�.r' >a r,)o2C w iYtF �er1G'it,N� t,ocdc c,1'4P1t oti e C m-AIUF cIT ,eNO Tovo /:v ,tn1D�o. /AJCG 6Av6AJ APPUCATON, PLMINING COMMISSION 'A., 2 2 9' s 1-1,4tte tiJ.V,4Kf© " //dD�J¢�l �6/JN.vitiG kva /Ad�GI G.®ft'l���'��t+6G• P�,.r``'r'€'s�• • �AMiLj/: /(.j.A�/�✓�iJ Taa A/p.✓Gf! ZS �/�iaftf; y eN%LDM 2-1 / /7 ArjO i3 �3 .�" e-,, s nIAa€!L. zg rc<61 cgv"47va-Y / % TK,vlok 4,A 'Qo4/N7t8 WGN Syi�pc /A--Tt µG /n� f—PtMe.rTOA) S /dr ; 50 L.%Y W v S 7 eAAt/✓tKNtiy ea/tir2cR. �i LA 4Z"I A)TAi Ro T-A&)/ yaunl t �AOr25sf %, �e�eq.G�f/on1: -SoGt�iec.e/ QKta.G'o.�J S'774�!c LINtYiztifiT� KS/NAS77aA/ J r LAND GOsYrs-t�rNi�'' �%ctNiot, �L�e. 230 PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge Ofthe fi ons, regulations, and p medmes of the La Q rota Planning Commissim f/ lme AylTw 57)4FF %dNO mT/itget To _T T�f% ��i1Jit/iyW CO.�1�li SStoN. , SBSS i RIMS AllrW ! T!Aa CA- Z!:�044A,14/ L rAQy%t0/� Y /NEB�.�1lGd What specific issues or problems face am La Quints Phmoiog Con mission and do you Lave any sagpastions to address those issues or problems? ��� G�Ty �i-Ik'wS tnJ-.goTi4� I�o6dk C�?Trd.� An�Q L.s�a sN.�4� Z. A Asa-TLt-n� PLiOnJ�r/ING. �,t /emROtJ.�K idn/,r`% �;t/T�.2.S�-71aNS To Od Aay� �i+1Ce2E5Ej1 TIZFL 3, • 9.�y�to.� .st .cc�,vd�crr ,;t// .�orrsf,�.eNy What gmmfic attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you *x* you base which would enhance work of the La Quinta Planning Commission? II Aw o &W4:61 77pp eq- yA+tir s/ D� " �?-N o Gesw T D o Y-ao w /�/7J Tn SY�3ji i✓ir*Vw*! 'Tf/E. Bm�eNLl/C1�3 ieN� llttlOGG/.v G m• /GI $'ca�e nR- G/2iTu�t.iA-� � AM GmoQe.2R�'Ed� s:�0 P�+f?�wY' o✓ i'7�F o�-i;/�' �wrZSk i .T PLEASE RLTURN.TMS APPLICATION TO: CUY CLERK P. O. BOX 1504. 7&496 CALIF TAMPICO LA QUINrA, CA 92247 THANK YOUFOR YOUR W2LLMNESSTO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOYERMkMff 231 ��IAM'N 4 C Fyn OF COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: November 6, 2007 AGENDA CATEGORY: ddP� BUSINESS SESSION: C ITEM TITLE: Consideration of Cooperative Marketing CONSENT CALENDAR: Program with La Quinta Hotels STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDATION: Approve a cooperative marketing program with La Quinta hotels and approve City of La Quinta funding in the amount of $109,500. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The City of La Quinta's contribution would be $109,500 for this program. In addition, each of three hotel partners would contribute $12,500. The total cost to implement the program is estimated at $147,000. If the City Council elected to fund this program, funds are available in Account #101-1003-413.55-07 (Marketing Services). CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: The City Charter allows the City "to utilize revenues from the general fund to encourage, support and promote economic development." This cooperative marketing effort with La Quinta hotels would be implemented with the goal of promoting tourism and supporting economic investment in the City. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: On May 15, 2007, the City Council approved a City of La Quinta Marketing Plan for Fiscal Year 2007/2008 (Attachment 1)• Included within the Economic Development & Tourism/Hospitality component of the plan is a "Cooperative Marketing Program with La Quinta Hotels." Approval and implementation of the program was contingent upon further research, definition, and Council's consideration. 232 In an effort to fulfill the goal of the program, which is to leverage marketing strategies to capture more tourism dollars in La Quinta, a cooperative marketing committee was formed. The committee is comprised of representatives from three La Quinta hospitality properties (Embassy Suites, Homewood Suites, and the La Quinta Resort & Club), Kiner Communications, and City staff. To date, the committee has met on two occasions. Several marketing strategies were reviewed in order to determine which one would work best as a cooperative marketing program. The committee explored several different strategies including print media, online, and television. After further research and discussion, the strategy agreed upon was television with the target audience being the Southern California drive in market. Television was deemed the best medium to promote the City of La Quinta as a travel destination, and the ideal venue for showcasing the hotel properties in the most visual, enticing way. Specifically, the recommendation of the committee is a cable television program called Journey TV, offered by Time Warner Cable. In early October 2007, Time Warner Cable representatives presented an overview of the Journey TV program to the committee. A summary of the program is outlined below: • Journey TV is an "On Demand" travel channel that allows viewers of Time Warner Cable to get more information on travel destinations that are being promoted via regular 30-second spot commercials airing on their favorite cable networks (e.g., Travel Channel, CNN, A&E). • At the end of each 30-second spot, a voiceover message and on -screen graphic tells the viewer to "Turn to Channel 1013" (or whatever the dedicated Journey TV channel is in each particular market) to view longer videos with featured amenities, and information that entices viewers to plan their trip to that travel destination (in this case: La Quinta, California). • Disney was Time Warner Cable's launch partner for this program, which launched in May 2007. The national parks and other major travel and tourism entities are also using this advertising medium. The cities of Palm Springs and Palm Desert are also taking advantage of the program (Palm Desert will be launching this month). • Each partner in this program (hotels, the City, and possibly SilverRock via the City's allotted time) would have a two -minute video on Journey TV to promote their property, amenities, rates, special packages, etc. It is called "pull" advertising — where viewers are pulling for information because they want it instead of having it "pushed" on them. It is similar to the Internet; when the viewer sees something intriguing, she/he can flip to a dedicated channel that will offer more information. It presents visuals without downloading time, and video clips (offered in high definition) fill an entire television screen. 233 • An extensive 30-second (City of La Quintal spot schedule is proposed to run on major networks in Southern California that have a high number of viewers with a propensity to travel or who are affluent and have means to travel. A proposed broadcast schedule would be put together for the major drive in markets; namely, Los Angeles, Orange County, and parts of San Diego. However, the Journey TV video segments would be shown on all Time Warner systems nationwide for one year free of charge as part of this program. The number of potential Time Warner Cable viewers nationwide is 7.4 million (page 11 of this staff report has a map of Journey TV's coverage area). • The City of La Quinta 30-second spots would drive viewers to a dedicated Journey TV channel where they would learn more about why La Quinta is such a desired travel destination. The Journey TV channel would showcase La Quinta and its hotels, as well as where to play, shop, and dine! The 30-second City of La Quinta spots that would air in the Southern California market would not be very different than what the City has produced and broadcasted in previous years. The City of La Quinta would be the lead partner with the La Quinta hotels having the opportunity to be featured on the dedicated Journey TV channel. A detailed PowerPoint by Time Warner Cable is provided as Attachment 2 and includes more detailed information on the program. The committee is recommending the program be implemented during the upcoming 2008 shoulder season (April, May, and June). It would take several months to produce the two -minute clips, establish a broadcast schedule, and gear up for launching of the program. Representatives from the La Quinta hotels, Time Warner Cable, and Kiner Communications have indicated they will be attending today's meeting and will be available to provide more information on the program and/or answer any questions Council may have. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Approve a cooperative marketing program with La Quinta hotels and approve City of La Quinta funding in the amount of $109,500; or 2. Do not approve a cooperative marketing program with La Quinta hotels and do not approve City of La Quinta funding; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. 10 234 Respectfully submitted, G, _ Services Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Approved City of La Quinta Marketing Plan Fiscal Year 2007/2008 2. Time Warner Cable PowerPoint (overview of Journey TV On Demand program) 237, Attachment 1 CITY OF LA QUINTA MARKETING PLAN FISCAL YEAR 2007/2008 *� r Economic Developi"Ai & T60rispV' HOpiWit • ra p'•.nwi4 1. OBJECTIVE. Continue enhancing economic development by marketing existing opportunities for 4 business growth in La Quinta while promoting development accomplishments in the City. P� Trade Conferences — Maintain a presence at the International Council of Shopping p ,� Centers ICSC - Western Division Conference & Deal Makin g ( ) g (in San Diego) with an ad in the program guide and booth space to communicate business opportunities in La C,rW„ Quinta. Continue participation in BizNet, which is a trade show and symposium hosted t, rj locally by the La Quinta, Indio, and Coachella Chambers of Commerce. v..a WWrn Palm Springs Life — Continue to produce an advertorial in the October Palm Springs Life Progress issue, communicating economic development opportunities in La Quinta as well t^r..q as introducing new businesses and other progress updates. 2. OBJECTIVE. Increase the number of visitors to La Quinta that stay in La Quinta hotels, shop/dine in •a ;^ La Quinta, and play at the Arnold Palmer Classic Course at SilverRock by positioning La Quinta as "the" premier destination in Southern California for world -class golfing, shopping, dining and exquisite ry options in hospitality accommodations. w ' Television Advertising — Continue to run TV spots produced in Fiscal Year 2006/07, which .;, portray the best of what La Quinta has to offer in an enticing, energetic format. Expand h` TV broadcast to the San Diego market, and continue to broadcast in the 3.4 million ,..W household markets of L.A./Orange County. c� Fam/Media Tour — Select four to five writers/editors and bring them to La Quinta for a y Media Tour. Partner with SilverRock, local hospitality partners, shops, and restaurants to provide the visiting media with the best possible experience in La Quinta. Work towards garnering feature coverage in key TV/print mediums,' building long-term relationships with high profile reporters, and being pro -active in securing follow up stories. r� �W. 239 Online Marketing - Engage in a monthly online marketing program to ensure the City's ha website is showcased on the most common search engines when travel -related searches for ems. the Coachella Valley area occur - positioning La Quinta as the premier destination for golfing, shopping, dining and hospitality. Enhance the "call to action" (i.e., direct people to + a listing of La Quinta hotels, shops, restaurants, and things to do) by working with the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce (via its website) and/or by augmenting the "Visitor" r� section of the City's website. b � CVA Co-ops -Continue working with the Palm Springs Desert Resorts Convention & Visitor's Authority on key co-op opportunities, such as the California Visitor's Guide and spot marketing campaign. V� • F"Y New Logo for Marketing - Modify the 25th anniversary logo so that the artwork no longer reads "25th" but incorporates "City of" La Quinta for use in advertising and promotional materials only. Cooperative Marketing Program with La Quinta Hotels - Explore a cooperative marketing program to allow for a direct "call to action" in advertising geared towards visitors - where i+ people can actually be informed on where to book their stay in La Quinta. Research to -Z include: gauging interest of La Quinta hotels, determining scope of promotional packages, t,U establishing timing/frequency of advertising, exploring advertising opportunities (e.g., magazine, newspaper, radio), identifying suitable markets, and pursuing other research gf7'� g P 8 efforts to define program for possible implementation in 2007/08. Program to be presented to the City Council for consideration and approval. Q1l City Communications `I dy �� I; N1, llili..1a e•.,a 1. OBJECTIVE: Promote awareness of La Quinta progress throughout the Coachella Valley. Public Relations - Issue press releases on key La Quinta issues and announcements, while being proactive with the media to garner coverage. Q • e„la ewe �- 2. OBJECTIVE: Ensure residents are well-informed on City news and updates through City communications. i La Quinta City Report - Continue producing and distributing La Quinta City Report �i t (quarterly newsletter). -+ City Calendar - Continue to produce a calendar "gift" for residents, which also serves as a public communications tool. 4§ 4 v-a I l 237 Community Services & Events 1. OBJECTIVE. Promote La Quints amenities such as recreation opportunities, programs, classes, and special events while embarking on a new "healthy living" campaign. • Event & Facility Public Relations — Use public relations to promote key City events, activities >1 and facilities, specifically in support of a new "healthy living" campaign. • Community Services Materials — Create support materials for Community Services activities, e.g., promotional templates for trips, classes, luncheons, and other special events. La Quinta Activities Guide — Continue to promote community services events and programs through production of a community recreation brochure (three times per year). Community Concerts/Movies in the Park — Promote key events like Community Concerts and Movies in the Park via local advertising, while also encouraging event attendees to "shop, dine, and play" La Quinta while they are here. The intent of this approach is to use the concert or movie as a "hook" then add a message and images which support the local ••• business community ("While you're here... shop, eat, play in La Quinta!"). rw ... �" .. �.. n � �y � ! q i v I! r r--'_'_ n ,�!,! I� i� ,. r--gym;•-- i SilverRock Resort f if Opd�atrorlstill! , )y 1, OBJECTIVE: To expand brand awareness for SilverRock Resort, as well as promote the Arnold Palmer Classic Course as a premier golf course in the Coachella Valley and increase golf and golf related revenues. •� Advertising and Promotions — Target La Quinta residents and tourist/resort golfers w through advertising and media coverage in local, regional and Southern California media — r'^w including local newspaper, golf and travel magazines, regional directories, local television, + area radio, and a rotating local billboard. Collateral Materials — Produce and distribute rack cards, scorecards and information packets on the golf experience at SilverRock Resort. An emphasis will be placed upon "^ SilverRock's participation in the Bob Hope Chrysler Classic. Community Networking and Trade Shows — Continue developing strong relationships P1 with community organizations such as the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce. Target trade shows focused on tourism, golf and golf equipment/apparel, recreation, weddings and other related businesses. Internet and E-mail Marketing — Seek out cross -marketing opportunities through web links to SilverRock Resort. Collect e-mail addresses to send blasts promoting golf at SilverRock Resort and/or to offer specials during slower days of the seasons in an effort to maximize tee sheet utilization. t.,. MANAGED BY Economic Development Community ServicesSilverRock Resort Operations •4 f, 233 N cz co Have you ever dreamed of being able to produce your own TV show to showcase your travel destination to over 7.4 Million viewers? That is no longer a dream. It's here... [v h `w .:ey . 0 Journey TV is an easy to use interactive alternative to research ing/consu Iti ng the Internet, travel agencies, travel magazines etc. 0 Journey TV reduces the stress of planning your vacation to a simple click of the remote. Journey TV's On Demand technology helps get the family involved. Viewers can research and share destinations with the entire family from the comfort of their living room. • And the best part is information ab out the City of La Quinta would be available to travelers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. C N N • 7AM TWC Digital subscribers have access to Journey TV • Key Markets: New York Los Angeles Dallas Cleveland Charl6t-te Raleigh Milwaukee • 8&0%s:,of subscribersIocated in five major ciustart, • More than 75% of the . company's customers are in systems of 300,000+ subscribers • 35 ofthetop° 100 DNtA's 'including New . York_antj Co°s Angeles r L � I Sties '� WOO, i y.y . T.4 ' 36,078,010 �ae b.��,:: ROM e 1 U'..esai ::.:;L�,mxF�; bF. si'.tt �p wXrsc ms., b,�-'-'nin(LT ®w¢yy. "O C 1 L �:cu "."��..k'.is�;y °��m� �' '1��.�,. _ 14�. •:.r ,u �'�''l;t��4 �4 m'14«��o-s s tlsy.�l �xt€fxy tn: res,y mot, t�cCti�k�Ygi•Z - py.."t� s T. 12,428,949 9 i7 X, HZI FREE ONDEMAND r YoUrzontentis -cate0oritedJnour : wp(t!, toj)Ovigate menu_ kf gt[On is Pw m Rodda w ***** 0 Super -Category F R E E State by State OND Sub -Category California vermw l'� � �� p f �� / s W '�..,h y;�1;,✓� .. .. N K� :-, �: r� x ci; A `�i �.. Y. �� ' r S ro `t.), x _ - - � . � ,. 3.i. The City Ovetview Will appear first, unlike,here-, we Will,labe'l it Destination _La Quinfa iI F RE 'E .. Each segment III% would be 5 Min. Runtime Al 5 minutes AVA%S%N*V.f Florida hiking, biking, to find plenty i "Gem of the E something for-'_ C4 *Spect6qolar T&9v 4 4 a" COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: November 6, 2007 ITEM TITLE: Consideration of a Contract and Appropriation of Funds for the Construction of a Deceleration Lane into the Centre Pointe Development, on Washington Street RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: m Z CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Approve a contract with J.H. Thompson & Sons, Inc. and appropriate funds for the construction of a deceleration lane into the Centre Pointe Development, on Washington Street. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: Attachment 1 is a contract in the amount of $43,625 from J.H. Thompson & Sons, Inc. that includes all labor and materials for the construction of the deceleration/right turn lane on northbound Washington Street at the entrance to the Centre Pointe Development. Work will include grading, curb and gutter, block wall signs and asphalt construction. With City Council approval, $25,000 of the funding would come from Infrastructure Fund #225-0000-290.00-00 and $25,000 of the funding would come from General Fund account #101-0000-290.00-00. The following is the project budget: Construction: $43,625 Design: $3,375 Inspection/Test/Survey: $3,000 Total Estimated Cost: $50,000 4. 20 CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: As the work will be paid for with local funds, the contractor is not required to pay prevailing wages. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: During the construction of the offsite improvements for the Centre Pointe Development project, Tract No. 31116, it was determined that a deceleration lane into the hotel site to accommodate the right turn movements from northbound Washington Street would be advantageous in order to reduce congestion on northbound Washington Street. The developer was not required to build the lane with the project because traffic counts fell just short of meeting engineering requirements for a deceleration lane. However, after review of the proximity of the adjacent bus pull-out, staff believes site access and safety will be improved by installing the deceleration lane now, rather than in the future when the site is built out. The developer for the site solicited three bids for the work and provided the bid results to the City. In accordance with the City policy for award of contracts for minor construction, staff recommends entering into a contract with the low bidder based on the received proposal (Attachment 2). FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Approve a contract with J.H. Thompson & Sons, Inc. for the construction of a deceleration lane into the Centre Pointe Development, on Washington Street and appropriate $25,000 from Infrastructure Fund #225-0000-290.00-00 and $25,000 from General Fund #101-0000-290.00-00; or 2. Do not approve a contract with J.H. Thompson & Sons, Inc. for the construction of a deceleration lane into the Centre Pointe Development, on Washington Street and do not appropriate $25,000 from Infrastructure Fund #225-0000-290.00-00 and $25,000 from General Fund #101-0000-290.00- 00; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. v. 20 Respectfully submitted, Timothy R. Jonasson, P.E. Public Works Director/City Engineer Approved for submission by: 9 Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Contract with J.H. Thompson & Sons, Inc. 2. October 5, 2007 proposal from J.H. Thompson & Sons, Inc. 1.4 250 ATTACHMENT 1 AGREEMENT THIS CONTRACT, by and between the City of La Quinta, a municipal corporation, herein referred to as "City," and J.H. Thompson & Sons, Inc., herein referred to as, "Contractor." WITNESSETH: In consideration of their mutual covenants, the parties hereto agree as follows 1. Contractor shall furnish all necessary labor, material, equipment, transportation and services for the construction of the deceleration/right turn lane on northbound Washington Street at the entrance to Centre Pointe, in the City of La Quinta, California pursuant to the project plans, and Contractor's Proposal (Attached), dated October 5, 2007, all of which documents shall be considered a part hereof as though fully set herein. 2. Contractor will comply with all Federal, State, County, and La Quinta Municipal Code, which are, as amended from time to time, incorporated herein by reference. 3. All work shall be done in a manner satisfactory to the City Engineer. 4. Contractor shall commence work after the issuance of a written Notice to Proceed and agrees to have all work completed within twenty (20) working days from the date of Notification to Proceed. 5. In consideration of said work, City agrees to pay Contractor such sums as shall be approved by the City Engineer at lump sums and/or unit prices stated in the Contractor's Proposal, the base consideration of Forty three thousand six hundred twenty five dollars even ($43,625.00)• All payments shall be subject to approval by the City Engineer and shall be in accordance with the terms, conditions, and procedures provided in the Specifications. 6. Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City, its officers, employees, representatives and agents ("Indemnified Parties"), from and against those actions, suits, proceedings, claims, demands, losses, costs, and expenses, including legal costs and attorneys' fees, for injury to or death of person(s), for damage to property (including property owned by City) and for errors and omissions committed by Contractor, its officers, employees and agents, which arise out of Contractor's negligent performance under this Agreement, except to the extent of such loss as may be caused by City's own negligence or that of its officers or employees. In the event the Indemnified Parties are made a party to any action, lawsuit, or other adversarial proceeding in any way involving such claims, Contractor shall provide a defense to the Indemnified Parties, or at the City's option, reimburse the Indemnified Parties their costs of defense, including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred in defense of such claim. In addition, Contractor shall be obligated to promptly pay any final judgment or portion thereof rendered against the Indemnified Parties. ./ I' 251 Agreement 1300-1 7. Except as otherwise required, Contractor shall concurrently with the execution of this contract, furnish the City satisfactory evidence of insurance of the kinds and in the amounts provided in the attached Section 1340 — Liability and Insurance Requirements. This insurance shall be kept in full force and effect by Contractor during this entire contract and all premiums thereon shall be promptly paid by it. Each policy shall further state that it cannot be canceled without 30 days unconditional written notice to the City and shall name the City as an additional insured. Contractor shall furnish evidence of having in effect, and shall maintain, Workers Compensation Insurance coverage of not less than the statutory amount or otherwise show a certificate of self-insurance, in accordance with the Workers Compensation laws of the State of California. Failure to maintain the required amounts and types of coverage throughout the duration of this Contract shall constitute a material breach of this Contract. 8. Contractor shall forfeit as a penalty to City $25.00 for each laborer, workman, or mechanic employed in the execution of this Contract by said Contractor, or any subcontractor under it, upon any of the work herein mentioned, for each calendar day during which such laborer, workman, or mechanic is required or permitted to work at other than a rate of pay provided by law for more than 8 hours in any one calendar day and 40 hours in any one calendar week, in violation of the provisions of Sections 1810-1815 of the Labor Code of the State of California. 9. In accepting this Contract, Contractor certifies that in the conduct of its business it does not deny the right of any individual to seek, obtain and hold employment without discrimination because of race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical handicap, medical condition, marital status, sex or age as provided in the California Fair Employment Practice Act (Government Code Sections 12900, at seq.) Contractor agrees that a finding by the State Fair Employment Practices Commission that Contractor has engaged during the term of this Contract in any unlawful employment practice shall be deemed a breach of this Contract and Contractor shall pay to City $500.00 liquidated damages for each such breach committed under this contract. 10. Contractor also agrees that for contracts in excess of $30,000 and more than 20 calendar days duration, that apprentices will be employed without discrimination in an approved program in a ratio established in the apprenticeship standards of the craft involved (Sections 1777.5 and 1777.6, Labor Code of California). Contractors who willfully fail to comply will be denied the right to bid on public projects for a period of six months in addition to other penalties provided by law. 11. This Contract shall not be assignable by Contractor without the written consent of City. 12. Contractor shall notify the City Engineer (in writing) forthwith when the Contract is deemed completed. 13. In accepting this Contract, Contractor certifies that no member or officer of the firm or corporation is an officer or employee of the City except to the extent permitted by law. -A.' 252 Agreement 1300-2 14. Contractor certifies that it is the holder of any necessary California State Contractor's License and authorized to undertake the above work. 15. The City, or its authorized auditors or representatives, shall have access to and the right to audit and reproduce any of the Contractor records to the extent the City deems necessary to insure it is receiving all money to which it is entitled under the contract and/or is paying only the amounts to which Contractor is properly entitled under the Contract or for other purposes relating to the Contract. 16. The Contractor shall maintain and preserve all such records for a period of at least three years after termination of the contract. 17. The Contractor shall maintain all such records in the City of La Quinta. If not, the Contractor shall, upon request, promptly deliver the records to the City or reimburse the City for all reasonable and extra costs incurred in conducting the audit at a location other than at City offices including, but not limited to, such additional (out of the City) expenses for personnel, salaries, private auditors, travel, lodging, meals and overhead. 18. The further terms, conditions, and covenants of the Contract are set forth in the Contract Documents, each of which is by this reference made a part hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the dates stated below. "CITY" Dated: ATTEST: Veronica J. Montecino, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. Katherine Jenson, City Attorney CITY OF LA QUINTA, a California municipal corporation By: Don Adolph, Mayor Dated: Dated: .4 ` 253 Agreement 1300-3 "CONTRACTOR" Dated:_ Dated: By: Name: By: Name: "CONTRACTOR" (If corporation, affix seal) Agreement 1300-4 SECTION 1310 FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT the City of La Quints, a municipal corporation, hereinafter designated the City, has on, November 6, 2007, awarded to J.H. Thompson & Sons, Inc., hereinafter designated as the Principal, a Contract for the construction of the deceleration/right turn lane on northbound Washington Street at the entrance to Centre Pointe and WHEREAS, said Principal is required under the terms of said Contract to furnish a bond for the faithful performance of said Contract: NOW, THEREFORE, we, the Principal, and as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City in the just and full amount Forty three thousand six hundred twenty five dollars even ($43,625.00) lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, and successors, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if said Principal, his or its heirs, executors, administrators, successors, or assigns, shall in all things stand to and abide by, and well and truly keep and faithfully perform the covenants, conditions, and agreements in the said contract and any alterations made as therein provided, on his or their part to be kept and performed, at the time and in the manner therein specified, and in all respects according to their true intent and meaning, and shall indemnify and save harmless, the City, its officers and agents as therein stipulated, then this obligation shall become null and void; otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and virtue. It is acknowledged that the Contract provides for one-year guarantee period, during which time this bond remains in full force and effort. And the said Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration, or addition to the terms of the Contract or to the work to be performed thereunder or the specifications accompanying the same shall, in any way, affect its obligations on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration, or addition to the terms of the Contract or to the work or to the specifications. Said Surety hereby waives the provisions of Sections 2819 and 2845 of the Civil Code of the State of California. V" 255 Agreement 1300-5 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Principal and Surety have executed this instrument under their seals this day of , 2007, the name and corporate seal of each corporate party being hereto affixed and these presents duly signed by its undersigned representative, pursuant to authority of its governing body. Principal (Seal) Signature for Principal Title of Signatory Surety (Seal) Signature for Surety Title of Signatory Address of Surety Phone # of Surety Contact Person For Surety Payment Bond rrtyz[tj 256 SECTION 1320 PAYMENT BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT the City of La Quinta, a municipal corporation, hereinafter designated the City, has, on November 6, 2007, awarded to J.H. Thompson & Sons, Inc., hereinafter designated as the Principal, a Contract for the construction of the deceleration/right turn lane on northbound Washington Street at the entrance to Centre Pointe and WHEREAS, said Principal is required to furnish a bond in connection and with said Contract, providing that if said Principal, or any of it or its subcontractors shall fail to pay for any materials, provisions, or other supplies used in, upon, for, or about the performance of the work contracted to be done, or for any work or labor done thereon of any kind, the Surety of this bond will pay the same to the extent hereinafter set forth: NOW, THEREFORE, we, the Principal, and as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City in the just and full amount of Forty three thousand six hundred twenty five dollars even ($43,625.00) lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, and successors, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if said Principal, it or its heirs, executors, administrators, successors, or assigns, shall fail to pay for any materials, provisions, or other supplies used in, upon, for, or about the performance of the work contracted to be done, or for any work or labor thereon of any kind or for amount due under the Unemployment Insurance Act with respect to such work or labor, or for any amounts due, or to be withheld pursuant to Sections 18806 of the Revenue and Taxation Code of the State of California with respect to such work or labor, then said surety will pay the same in or to an amount not exceeding the amount hereinabove set forth, and also will pay in case suit is brought upon this bond, such reasonable attorney's fees to the City as shall be fixed by the court. This bond shall insure to the benefit of any and all persons, companies, and corporations named in Section 3181 of the Civil Code of the State of California so as to give a right of action to them or their assigns in any suit brought upon this bond. And the said Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration, or addition of the terms of the Contract or to the work to be performed thereunder or the specifications accompanying the same shall, in any way, affect its obligations of this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any change, extension of time, alteration, or addition to the terms of the contract or to the work or to the specifications. Said Surety hereby waives the provisions of Sections 2819 and 2845 of the Civil Code of the State of California. Payment Bond 1320.2 ,, 257 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Principal and Surety have executed this instrument under their seals this day of , 2007, the name and corporate seal of each corporate party being hereto affixed and these presents duly signed by its undersigned representative, pursuant to authority of its governing body. Principal (Seal) Signature for Principal Title of Signatory Surety (Seal) Signature for Surety Title of Signatory Address of Surety Phone # of Surety Contact Person for Surety Payment Bond 13242 'j. 258 SECTION 1330 WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE CERTIFICATE In accordance with California Labor Code Section 1861, prior to commencement of work on the Contract, the Contractor shall sign and file with the City the following certification: "I am aware of the provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code which require every employer to be insured against liability for workers' compensation or to undertake self- insurance in accordance with the provisions of that code, and I will comply with such provisions before commencing the performance of the work of this contract." Signature Title Date Workers' Compensation Insurance 1330-1 r 259 SECTION 1340 LIABILITY AND INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS The Contractor shall indemnify, hold harmless and assume the defense of the City, its elected officials, officers, agents, and employees from all damages, costs, or expenses in law or equity that may at any time arise to cause damages to property, or of personal injury received by reason of or in the course of performing work, which may be occasioned by any willful or negligent act or omission of the Contractor, any of the Contractor's employees, or any of its subcontractors arising out of work under this Contract. Approval of any insurance contracts by the City does not relieve the Contractor or subcontractors from liability under Section 1340-1.0, Indemnification. The City will not be liable for any accident, loss, or damage to the work prior to its completion and acceptance. 2.0 INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS 2.1 General After award of Contract, the Contractor shall promptly obtain, at its own expense, all the insurance required by Paragraph 1340-2.0, INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS, and shall submit coverage verification for review and approval by the City upon execution of the Contract. The Notice to Proceed with the Work under this Contract will not be issued, and the Contractor shall not commence work, until such insurance has been approved by the City. The Contractor shall not allow any subcontractors to commence work on its subcontract until all similar insurance required of the subcontractor has been obtained and verified by Contractor. Such insurance shall remain in full force and effect at all times during the prosecution of the Work and until the final completion and acceptance thereof. The Notice to Proceed does not relieve the Contractor of the duty to obtain such insurance as required by Paragraph 1340-2.0 INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS. 2.2 Commercial General Liability Policy The Contractor shall take out and maintain during the life of the Contract, a Commercial General Liability Policy, on an occurrence basis, with a minimum limit of not less than One Million Dollars ($1,00O,OOO) combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage for any one occurrence and a Two Million Dollar ($2,000,000) annual project aggregate, for all of the following: a. Premises Operations, including Explosion, Collapse and Underground (X, C, and U) Coverage. b. Completed Operations/Products, including X, C, and U Coverage. Liability & Insurance Requirements 1340-1 a 260 C. Independent Contractors. d. Blanket Contractual. e. Deductible shall not exceed One Thousand Dollars ($1,OOO). 2.3 Commercial Business Auto Policy The Contractor shall take out and maintain during the life of this Contract a Commercial Business Auto Policy, on an occurrence basis, with a minimum amount of not less than One Million Dollars ($1,OOO,000) combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage, providing at least all of the following coverage: a. Coverage shall be applicable to any and all leased, owned, hired, or non -owned vehicles used in pursuit of any of the activities associated with this Contract. b. Any and all mobile equipment, including cranes, which is not covered under said Commercial Business Auto Policy shall have said coverage provided for under the Commercial General Liability Policy. C. Deductible shall not exceed One Thousand Dollars ($1,OOO). 2.4 Workers' Compensation Insurance The Contractor shall take out and maintain during the life of the Contract, Worker's Compensation and Employers' Liability insurance providing coverage for any and all employees of Contractor: a. The required policy shall provide coverage for Workers' Compensation (Coverage A). b. This policy shall provide coverage for One Million Dollars ($1,000,OOO) Employers' Liability (Coverage B). 2.5 Endorsements All of the following endorsements are required to be made a part of the policies described in this Section hereof: a. "The City, City employees and officers, the City Engineer, its consultants, elected officials, agents, and sub -consultants are hereby added as additional insured insofar as Work done under this Contract is concerned." b. "This policy shall be considered primary insurance as respects any other valid and collectible insurance, including self -insured retention, the City may possess, and any other insurance the City does possess shall be considered excess insurance only." C. "This insurance shall act for each insured, and additional insured, as though a separate policy had been written for each. This, however, will not act to increase the Liability & Insurance Requirements 1340-1 111 f 1 [� { 2V1 limit of liability of the insuring company. d. "Thirty (30) days prior written notice of cancellation shall be given to the City. Such notice shall be sent to: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager City of La Quinta P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 2.6 Change in Terms The Contractor shall provide immediate written notice to the City of any change in terms and conditions and/or reduction in the coverage of any nature to the insurance policies. The notice shall be sent to the location identified in Paragraph 1340-2.6.d, Endorsements. The Contractor shall be obligated to pay any extra premium for maintaining the insurance requirements specified herein. Liability & Insurance Requirements 1300-12 ATTACHMENT 2 J.H. Thompson & Sons, Inc. General Engineering Contractors BERMUDA DUNES 79-607 COUNTRY CLUB DR., SUITE TELEPHONE:(760) 345-6003`�±m;��y'' "=?i,)<,,�""'=.*�`1��5',':- BERMUDA DUNES, CA 92201-1126 License No. 734478 - FAX: (760) 345-0525 OCTOBER 5, 2007 CENTRE POINTE LLC ATTN: MIKE OLIPHANT 77-900 AVE. OF THE STATES PALM DESERT, CA 92211 RE: CENTRE POINTE PM #31116 OFFSITE STREETS Description Quantity Unit Price Tntal Price OFFSITE STREETS MOVE IN LS $ 1,200.00 $ 1,200.00 EXCAVATION 150 CY $ 20.00 $ 3,000.00 SAW CUT / CONCRETE - THICK 160 LF $ 5.00 $ 800.00 REMOVE ASPHALT / CONCRETE 1,200 SF $ 3.00 $ 3,600.00 REMOVE EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER 160 LF $ 7.00 $ 1,120.00 DEMO AND GRUB / RELOCATE LS $ 300.00 $ 300.00 6" P.C.C. CURB AND GUTTER WITH GRADE 135 LF $ 15.00 $ 2,025.00 6" CURB ONLY AT X-GUTTER 25 LF $ 12.00 $ 300.00 8" SIDEWALK WITH GRADE 1,200 SF $ 195 $ 4,740.50 HANDICAP RAMP 1 EA $ 755.00 $ 755.00 6" P.C.C. OVER NATIVE 1,520 SF $ 4.75 $ 7,220.00 8" P.C.C. CONCRETE 550 SF $ 6.50 $ 3,575.00 4" CRUSH AGGREGATE BASE 550 SF $ 1.00 $ 550.00 51/2" AC PAVEMENT 10 TONS 270 SF $ 8.00 $ 2,160.00 61/2" CRUSHED AGGREGATE BASE 270 SF $ 2.00 $ 540.00 21/2" -1 FT. BLOCK WALL 68 LF $ 50.00 $ 3,400.00 4" SUB -DRAIN WITH ROCK AND FABRIC 70 LF $ 12.00 $ 840.00 TRAFFIC CONTROL LS $ 3,500.00 $ 3,500.00 TRAFFIC CONTROL - PLAN TO CITY LS $ 350.00 $ 350.00 STUCCO WALL BROWN COLOR LS $ 1,875.00 $ 1,875.00 BACKFILL WALL LS $ 575.00 $ 575.00 FINISH SLOPE / RE -GRADE TO MATCH NEW STUCCO WALL LS $ 1,200.00 $ 1,200.00 TOTAL $ 43,625.00 886R ' 1 263 COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: November 6, 2007 ITEM TITLE: Consideration of 2n' Quarter Community Services Grants and Funding Requests RECOMMENDATION: As deemed appropriate by the City Council. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: The Grant Review Committee received $37,000 in requests for consideration. The Committee is recommending funding up to $15,700 of the $55,257 funds available leaving $39,557 in the Special Project Contingency account (101-3001-451.80-01) for future consideration. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The Grant Review Committee met with staff on October 23, 2007. The committee reviewed eight grant applications from various local organizations. The Grant Guidelines indicate only non-profit organizations are eligible and are limited to $5,000 in funding. Grant recipients cannot receive consecutive year funding as stated in the City of La Quinta Grant Guidelines (Attachment 1). The exception to consecutive year funding is for requests for City facility rental fees by non-profit organizations. The following table summarizes the requests and Grant Review Committee's recommendation: 26�t Applicant Applied Committee's Recommendation La Quinta High School Softball Booster Club $5,000 $2,000 Coachella Valley Community Trails Alliance $5,000 $5,000 Leadership Coachella Valley $5,000 $1,700 La Quinta High School Band Boosters $2,000 $2,000 Family YMCA Of The Desert $5,000 $5,000 Prestige at PGA West Collegiate Golf Tourney $5,000 0 Sing -a -Long Productions, LLC $5,000 0 United States Conference on AIDS $5,000 0 Total $37,000 $15,700 Recommended Grant Requests of $5,000 or Less: All eight of the submitted grant requests were for $5,000 or less and are being presented with this report. The Grants Review Committee has chosen to recommend five of the grant requests for City Council consideration: 1. La Quinta High School Softball Booster Club (Attachment 2). The La Quinta High School Softball Booster Club is requesting $5„000 to purchase uniforms and field equipment. Uniform pants, helmets, nets, bases, fence lining, and equipment bags are all high on their priority list if awarded funding. This La Quinta High School Club has never been funded. The Grant Review Committee recommended funding $2,000. Funding would come from the Special Project Contingency Account. 2. Coachella Valley Community Trails Alliance (CVCTA) (Attachment 3). The Coachella Valley Community Trails Alliance is requesting $5,000 to enable Coachella Valley Community Trails Alliance to continue to provide trail consulting services to the City of La Quinta and to advance the development of a regional trail network in the Coachella Valley. In working with the La Quinta Community Services Department, CVCTA has assisted with urban trails planning and assessment and regional coordination. This organization has never been funded. The Grant Review Committee recommended funding $5,000 based upon an evaluation of off -road recreational trails at the top of the Cove. Funding would come from the Special Project Contingency Account. 3. Leadership Coachella Valley (Attachment 4). Leadership Coachella Valley is requesting $5,000 to fund a program designed to identify, motivate, and develop future community leaders. This program encourages involvement by providing knowledge and perspective on valley -wide needs and concerns. Their format includes a combination of presentations, panel discussions and hands-on visits. This organization has never been funded. The Grant Review Committee recommended funding $1,700, the cost of tuition for two 'it 265 La Quinta students to attend this program ($850 per year per student). Funding would come from the Special Project Contingency Account. 4. La Quinta High School Band Boosters (Attachment 5). The La Quinta High School Band Boosters is requesting $2,000 to fund a portable prop which would be a memorial honoring our service men and women who have died serving our country. This portable memorial will travel with the band to all of their performances. This La Quinta High School Band Boosters was previously funded in Fiscal Year 2005-2006. The Grant Review Committee recommended funding $2,000. Funding would come from the Special Project Contingency Account. 5. Family YMCA Of The Desert (Attachment 6). The Family YMCA of the Desert is requesting $5,000 to install a new shade structure at the La Quinta Preschool. Shade structures are used to cover school children and staff at the lunch tables and play area. The current shade structure was installed in 1991 and the shade cloth used now is 8 years old. Over the eight years, it has begun to wear, tatter, and tear. A stronger more opaque shade structure for the preschool is desired. The Grant Review Committee recommended funding up to $5,000 based upon the submittal of receipts for the construction of the shade structure. Funding would come from the Special Project Contingency Account. Grant Requests not recommended for funding and/or did riot meet the criteria in the Grant Guidelines include: 1. Prestige at PGA West Collegiate Golf Tournament (Attachment 7). The Prestige at PGA West Collegiate Golf Tournament is requesting $5,000 to help pay for the operating expenses of the tournament. These expenses include meals, accommodations, sponsor plaques and tee signs, trophies and other miscellaneous expenses. 2. Sing -Along Productions, LLC (Attachment 8). Sing -Along Productions, LLC is requesting $5,000 to pay for general operating expenses, including fees for musicians, performers, sound engineer, printing, promotion, photocopying, etc. Their goal is to provide musical entertainment for seniors. 3. United States Conference on AIDS (AIDS Assistance Program) (Attachment 9). The United States Conference on AIDS is requesting $5,000 to help sponsor the United States Conference on AIDS being held November 7 — 10, 2007 here in the Coachella Valley. This is the largest AIDS Conference in the country with over 4,000 attendees. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1 . Approve funding for one or more of the following organizations: La Quinta High School Softball Booster Club in the amount of $2,000; Coachella Valley Community Trails Alliance in the amount of $5,000; Leadership Coachella Valley in the amount of $1,700; La Quinta High School Band Boosters in the amount of $2,000; Family YMCA Of The Desert up to an amount of $5,000; 2. Do not approve funding for one or more of the following organizations: La Quinta High School Softball Booster Club in the amount of $2,000; Coachella Valley Community Trails Alliance in the amount of $5,000; Leadership Coachella Valley in the amount of $1,700; La Quinta High School Band Boosters in the amount of $2,000; Family YMCA Of The Desert up to an amount of $5,000; 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, AdieAA E Community Services Director Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1 . Community Services Grant Guidelines 2. La Quinta High School Softball Booster Club 3. Coachella Valley Community Trails Alliance 4. Leadership Coachella Valley 5. La Quinta High School Band Boosters 6. Family YMCA of The Desert 7. Prestige at PGA West Collegiate Golf Tournament 8. Sing -Along Productions, LLC 9. United States Conference on AIDS (AIDS Assistance Program) 267 ATTACHMENT 1 �a� Q•c `y OF T CITY OF LA QUINTA GRANT GUIDELINES The City of La Quinta offers the Grant Program for Community Services Support and Economic Development/Marketing and Sponsorships. Community Services Grants go to recognized nonprofit organizations that benefit the residents of La Quinta. Priority for funding is granted to organizations that directly benefit La Quinta residents, second consideration is given to organizations that indirectly affect the quality of life for the residents of La Quinta. Economic Development grant funding would go to organizations that will help strengthen the business community of La Quinta. Marketing and Sponsorships grant funding would go to organizations that would benefit the City of La Quinta in a marketing capacity. Individuals are not eligible for funding through the City of La Quinta Grant Program. Organizations that receive Community Development Block Grants from the City of La Quinta during the same fiscal year are not eligible for funding through the Community Services Grant program. Organizations that have been funded are ineligible for funding for the next consecutive year. Requests are limited to an amount not to exceed $5,000. La Quinta service organizations may request funds to be applied directly to rental fees for City facilities for consecutive years without the $5,000 funding limit. Completed grant applications will be initially reviewed by a designated Grant Review Committee who will then recommend consideration of approved grants to City Council. Grant applications will be considered by City Council at the first City Council meetings in August, November, February, and May of each fiscal year. Applications are due three weeks before the scheduled City Council meeting. Applicants will be informed 1-2 weeks prior to the City Council meeting regarding the status of their request. Applications must be typed. Incomplete applications will be returned to the applicant. Organizations requesting "seed" money are required to obtain matching funds from other sources in the same fiscal year before Community Service Grant funds will be released. For more information on the City of La Quinta Grant program, please contact the Community Services Department at (760) 777-7090. 268 ATTACHMENT 2 CITY OF LA QUINTA GRANT APPLICATION FISCAL YEAR: 2007-08 Name of Organization: La Ouinta High School Softball Booster Club Amount Requested: 15000.00 or any amount available Contact Person: Terri Cox Mailing Address: 78-850 Sanita Drive City: La 0 ' : to State: CA Zip Code: 92253 Home Telephone 760-772-0064 Work Telephone 760-954-8242 cell E-mail address richandterricox@vahoo.com 501(c)3 Taxpayer I.D. Number: 33-0636136 Date Submitted: October 12, 2007 Applications will receive consideration without discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin or disability. •.!' 269 CITY OF LA QUINTA GRANT APPLICATION (Must be typed) Please check which grant funding you are applying for: X Community Services Support Economic Development/ Marketing and Sponsorships 1. What is the overall purpose or goal of your Organization? The overall goal and pumose for the La Quinta High School Softball Booster Club is to provide financial support to all three levels of ' lug s teams in the LQ Softball Program: Varsity, Junior Varsity, and Freshman. 2. How long has your Organization been in existence? 10 Years _ Months 3. Describe in general the activities or services of your Organization: The activities and services that the LOHS Booster Club eg neraNy participates in are concessions, car washes, and advertising Banner sales. 4. How many people does your Organization currently serve? No. of Youth 39 No. of Adults 3 No. of Seniors 0 5. How many people do you intend to serve during this Fiscal Year? No. of Youth 39 No. of Adults 3 No. of Seniors 0 _ 6. How many people served during this Fiscal Year will be La Quinta residents? No. of Youth No. of Adults No. of Seniors 38 of our student/plavers live within the La Quinta High School boundaries. We have no way of getting the statistics on how many people that we serve are LO residents. 7. How many paid employees/volunteers does your Organization employ? Full time employees 0 Part time employees 0 Volunteers 50 8. Describe how your Organization is managed and governed: The LOHS Softball Booster Club is governed by an Executive Board consisting of a then a vote by the total membership present. Varsity Coach Marcie Borchard is in attendance. She provides information and input of the needs of the softball program. 'Ad 1i 279 9. Please provide information on your Executive Board members or contact person: Name Title Home Address Phone JoAnna Avarez President 52-120 Avenida Ramirez, LO 760-564-3476 Sandi Tuller Vice President 80-623 Hibiscus Lane Indio 760-238-8636 Terri Cox Secretary 78-850 Sanita Drive, LO 760-772-0064 Sylvia Verazas Treasurer 46-122 Mesa Verde, Indio 760-574-6287 Isabel Luna Fundraising Chair 80-637 Jasmine Lane, Indio 760-342-3818 10. What is your annual schedule of events, and during what months does your Organization operate? The LOHS Softball Booster Club operates from September through June with fundraising activities taldng_place during this time The softball season, however, is March through May when the actual practices and games take place. 11. Do you charge admission, membership fees, dues, etc? __ Yes X No If Yes, please describe: N/A 12. What are your other sources of revenue for this funding year`' Source Amount JV Football Snack Bar Estimated $250.00 Total Needed $ 13,452.00 (See Attached Proposed Budget) Total Received $ 2,950.00 Balance $ 10,502.00 13. Amount of money requested from the City of La Quinta? $ 5000.00 or any amount available. 14. Has your Organization been funded by the City of La Quints previously? 271 Yes If so, when X No 15. Please provide the name and address of the bank in which the Organization's funds are kept: Downey Savings Bank, La Quinta Branch 78435 Highway 111, La Quinta, California 92253 16. Please provide the name and title of those individuals authorized to sign on the Organization's account (must provide at least two individuals): Ngme' Title: Sylvia Verazas Treasurer Sandi Tuller Vice President 17. Need Statement: Clearly and plainly state the specific, detailed reason or need for the requested funds and how these funds will be used, if awarded. The La Quinta High School Softball Program is in need of manv items. Many basic needs are left unfulfilled every year. Each season, the coaches must perform a balancing act to try and properly Nuip their teams They prioritize their needs and many items never get purchased for the lack of enough money. Softballs bats helmets, uniforms bases and practice nets are Just a few things that are needed on a continuing basis. All are expensive. This doesn't include the many other items that also need purchasing. With our desert heat and sun, the fields are in desperate need of shade structures for the JV dug outs as well asfor the spectators at the JV and awarded our first priority would be to purchase each team a pair of uniform pants that would be worn for games. Pants, instead of the standard shorts which are issued, ym- vide more protection when sliding. Purchasing more helmets so that each team would have enough for each player on the roster, is another Wppri2 ty Nets which are essential practice tools would also need to be purchased In addition, bases fence lining and equipment bags are high on the wish list Depending on how much money is awarded and after all of the necessities have first been _purchase d we would like to purchase a snack bar and shade structures for the fields. 272 18. Goal Statement: Indicate who will benefit from the use of these funds, and how they will benefit. (If applying for Economic Development/ Marketing and Sponsorships grant funding, please explain how the City of La Quinta and/or local businesses would be benefited.) hnProving our fields and Providing shade structures and concessions at the games would benefit La Ouinta High School La Ouinta's Softball Program, and the residents of the city. These improvements would brine more people to the games which Provide hours of safe enjovable entertainment for our youth and adult residents of La Ouinta. Last vear's Varsity squad won the Desert Valley League Title and competed well into C.I.F. All three of our squads finished in first place with undefeated seasons last Year Clearly, we are providing exciting softball action right here in our own city. It seems that many would benefit from the use of these funds. However, those who will benefit most will be our softball players who represent La Ouinta High School and the City of La Ouinta. By providing them with the necessities and tools with which to learn, practice improve and perform their talent our talented softball players have a real ossibiliof receiving scholarships to Pay for their schooling, while continuingto o enjoy the sport of collegiate softball. Our three La Ouinta High teams are filled with serious dedicated players who have spent many Years on club softball teams and traveling around the country in order to learn to compete at a higher level. The other players that don't plan on playing softball in college, still love the game and look forward to coming out every spring and representing their high school just as much as the next player. These players have spent years playing for our City's Recreation League (LOSYA) and need to have a good program that they can continue on with This sport encourages all the players to keep the motivation to strive for good grades to maintain healthy bodies and to keep positive attitudes. The success of the LOHS Softball Program is beneficial to all of these different types of young women and to our community of La Ouinta. By giving them the equipment, supplies and financial support they need we will be providing them with the foundation for success The LOHS Softball Booster Club, with help from the City of La Ouinta, would love to help these girls achieve their dreams. 19. Please provide, as an attachment, copies of the last three months bank statements for the Organization's checking and savings account. 20. Attach a copy of your Program Operating Budget for the current year. 21. Non-profit Organizations must attach a copy of the organization's current IRS Form 990. N/A - Government non-profit organizations do not file the IRS Form 990, as Per Cindy McDaniels at Desert Sands Unified School District. 273 ATTACHMENT 3 CITY OF LA QUINTA GRANT APPLICATION FISCAL YEAR: 2007-08 Name of Organization: Coachella Valley Community Trails Alliance Amount Requested: $5,000.00 Contact Person: LeGrand Velez Mailing Address: 53-990 Enterprise Way, Suite 9 City: Coachella State: California Zip Code: 92236 Home Telephone: 760 413 6605 Work Telephone: 760 398-4444 l -rdail address legrand@cvcta.org 501(c)3 Taxpayer I.D. Number: 13-4320888 Date Submitted: October 12, 2007 Applications will receive consideration without discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin or disability. 274 CITY OF LA QUINTA GRANT APPLICATION Please check which grant funding you are applying for: X Community Services Support Economic Development / Marketing and Sponsorships 1. What is the overall purpose or goal of your Organization? The goal of the Coachella Valley Community Trails Alliance (CVCTA) is to coordinate the development of an urban multipurpose trail network in the Coachella Valley. CVCTA was formed because no public entity exists to coordinate regional trail development across the valley's many jurisdictional lines while collaborating with the public. CVCTA is building pathways for healthy communities. 2. How long has your Organization been in existence? The Coachella Valley Community Trails Alliance is a 501(c)3 incorporated in January, 2006. 3. Describe in general the activities or services of your Organization: The CVCTA's general activities include collaboration, coordination, consulting, advocacy, outreach and planning in order to marshal private and public resources for the development of a multipurpose urban trail network throughout the Coachella Valley. Events and activities include: community hikes such as the National Trails Day Hike cosponsored with La Quinta on June 2, 2007; providing information at public events such as the Living Desert Earth Jam; creating trails maps; participating in regional planning efforts related to trails; coordinating regional trails planning and development among jurisdictions; and serving as a trails information center. 4. How many people does your Organization currently serve? No, of Adults: The CVCTA serves the population of the entire Coachella Valley (numbering approximately 410,000 permanent and 100,000 part-time residents in 2005) as well as visitors and tourists. No. of Youth: All children of the Coachella Valley and City of La Quinta will benefit by providing them with trail corridors to safely ride or walk to school, and for recreation. The development of urban trails in other communities has proven beneficial in creating opportunities to increase physical activity and thus lower childhood obesity. According to Bill Wilkinson, executive director of the National Center for Bicycling & Walking, "Today we have our first generation of children who don't know what it is like to walk or ride a bicycle to school. The health effects of this inactivity are devastating: childhood obesity has nearly tripled and diabetes is now an epidemic among our youth. We've got to do something now to change the direction we're headed." www.Americantrails.orQ , August 2005) 275 No. of Seniors: Although specific demographic data for seniors are not available for the valley as a whole, the trail network will benefit the sizable local senior population. 5. How many people do you intend to serve during this Fiscal Year? No. of Youth No. of Adults No. of Seniors The CVCTA serves the population of the entire Coachella Valley (numbering approximately 410,000 permanent and 100,000 part-time residents in 2005) as well as visitors and tourists. 6. How many people served during this Fiscal Year will be La Quinta residents? No. of Youth 10,621 No. of Adults 25,582 No. of Seniors 5,124 As an advocacy and collaborative, technical organization serving all of the Coachella Valley, our efforts support the resident population and the jurisdictional entities providing service to the residents. Updated US Census estimates for the City of La Quinta put the population at 41,328 with youth at 25.7% & seniors at 12.4% or 10,621 and 5,124 respectively (based on percentages from Census 2000 applied to 2005 population). 7. How many paid employees/volunteers does your Organization employ? Full time employees: i Part time employees: 0 Volunteers: 4 8. Describe how your Organization is managed and governed: The CVCTA has a full time executive director who manages all day-to-day operations. The CVCTA is governed by an eight member Board of Director and the organization bylaws. Numerous members of the community have provided volunteer support and in -kind donations of materials and services. 9. Please provide information on your Executive Board members or contact person: Name Title Home Address Phone UGrand Velez Executive Director 45330 Ocotillo # 9 413-6605 Palm Desert CA 92260 Two of CVCTA's Board Members are residents of La Quints and are active in the community. Paul Quill is President of the Board and serves on the La Quinta Planning Commission. Mark Weber is a Board Member and Chairman of the La Quinta Community Services Commission. Please see attachment for a complete list ofthe Board of Directors. 3 !. 276 10. What is your annual schedule of events, and during what months does your Organization operate? The CVCTA operates on a 12-month schedule. We are in our first year of full operation with a paid Executive Director and our office opened in January of this year. Current projects include: • Providing consulting services to the City of La Quinta to respond to the La Quinta Community Services Attitude & Interest Survey which identified walking and biking trials as the most valued amenity of its residents. This includes analysis of the Whitewater Channel for trail development and facilitating coordination with other jurisdictions, the Coachella Valley Water District, and Riverside County. CVCTA Executive Director, LeGrand Velez, me with the La Quinta Community Services Commission on October 8, 2007 to discuss collaboration and planning opportunities. The Commission will discuss writing a letter of support to CVCTA at their next meeting. • Cosponsoring La Quinta Trails Day which was planned for October 13, 2007, but has been rescheduled to November 10, 2007 due to a wind storm. • Public outreach to educate the community about our organization and mission. CVCTA was covered in the September issue of DUNE magazine and the October issue of Palm Springs Life. Both articles featured photos of La Quinta trails. • Conducting a trails feasibility study for valley City of Indio. • The development of a Coachella Valley Urban Trails and Bikeways Map that will include bike, walking/hiking and horse trails, and trail heads at the valley's edge. Funded by Riverside County Department of Health in recognition of the health benefits of an active lifestyle, the map will enable valley residents and visitors for the first time to have a full picture of trails throughout the valley floor. This project will compliment an on -going project by the Bureau of Land Management to create a new map of trails in the Santa Rosa San Jacinto National Monument. • Leading the development of a Coachella Valley Urban Trails Master Plan. This effort will be based on the 2008 updates to the Riverside County Coachella Valley Regional Trails Plan and the Coachella Valley Association of Governments Non - motorized Transportation Plan. • CVCTA Executive Director, LeGrand Velez, represents the Coachella Valley on the Riverside County Parks and Open Space District Trails Committee. He was appointed to this position by Supervisor Roy Wilson. 11. Do you charge admission, membership fees, dues, etc? Yes No X If Yes, please describe: N/A y' 277 12. What are your other sources of revenue for this funding year? Source Amount Private Donations $50,000 Fee for service agreements $50,000 Grants $100,000 Total Needed $ 200,000 Total Received $ 20,500 Pending Receipt $ 60,000 Balance $ 119,500 13. Amount of money requested from the City of La Quinta? $5,000 14. Has your Organization been funded by the City of La Quinta previously? Yes If so, when N/A No X 15. Please provide the name and address of the bank in which the Organization's funds are kept: FirstBank: 73000 HWY 111, Palm Desert CA 16. Please provide the name and title of those individuals authorized to sign on the Organization's account (must provide at least two individuals): Name: LeGrand Velez Paul Quill Mike Granum Title: Executive Director President of Board Vice President of Board 17. Need Statement: Clearly and plainly state the specific, detailed reason or need for the requested funds and how these funds will be used, if awarded. The CVCTA success depends on broad community support. The longer action is delayed, the more opportunities will be missed as the Coachella Valley rapidly develops. These funds will be used to enable CVCTA to continue to provide trail consulting services to the City of La Quinta and to advance the development of a regional trail network in the Coachella Valley. 228 18. Goal Statement: Indicate who will benefit from the use of these funds, and how they will benefit. (If applying for Economic Development/ Marketing and Sponsorships grant funding, please explain how the City of La Quints. and/or local businesses would be benefited.) Although the CVCTA's activities will have benefits for the entire Coachella Valley, the City of La Quinta will be one of the primary beneficiaries of our 2007-08 activities. Through on -going work with the La Quinta Community Service Department, CVCTA has assisted with urban trails planning, assessment and regional coordination, including meeting with the director of the Coachella Valley Water District. In the La Quinta Community Services Attitude & Interest Survey more La Quinta residents (%66) identified walking and biking trials as a desired amenity than any other. (Neighborhood parks next highest at 0/650.) CVCTA will continue to build on its cooperative work with the La Quinta Community Services Department to assess trail development feasibility, cost estimates and regional coordination, particularly for the development of a trail along the Whitewater Channel. The CVCTA will also continue to distribute La Quints trails and bikeways information to the public, and promote La Quinta as having the best existing trails and bikeways network in the valley. 19. Please provide, as an attachment, copies of the last three months bank statements for the Organization's checking and savings account. Attached 20. Attach a copy of your Program Operating Budget for the current year. Attached 21. Non-profit Organizations must attach a copy of the organization's current IRS Form "0. CYCTA has just completed our first year of operation on June 30, 2007 Consequently we have not yet completed our first IRS Form 990. This will be provided as soon as it is available. An IRS letter confirming CVCTA's federal nonprofit status is attached Several letters of support, a general information sheet, and a copy of the flyer for the up coming La Quinta Trails Day are also attached for your information. 271 Saturday, November 10 Guided Hikes From 8AN to 10AN C Evening Stargazing 6:30 PN ,� �uudru Join us for hikes and stargazing next to the Bear Creek Trail on the corner of Madero and Tecate. Please wear comfortable shoes and clothing. St,N JCIHT oy'N ° o For more information call the Community Services Department @ 777-7090 9 ,,. From Palm Springs to the Salton Sea NOW TJ�e+J aon aEa COM1ALIJAVrr_.Y,.TRAQS AIIIANgeCE- Car Free Friends of the Desert Mountains 280 COACHELLA VALLEY COMMUNITY TRAILS ALLIANCE Board of Directors Melanie Fesmire — Board Member City of Indio Council Member and former Mayor Riverside County Airport Land Use Commission Member Children's Discovery Museum Board Member College of the Desert Foundation Board Member Attorney Eduardo Garcia — Secretary/rreasurer Mayor, City of Coachella Michael Granum —Vice President President Granum Property Development April Hildner — Board Member Vice -Chair, City of Palm Springs, Office of Neighborhood Involvement Palm Springs General Plan Steering Committee Member Jennie Kelly — Board Member President, North Shore Community Council Desert Alliance for Community Empowerment Board Member Director, Friends of Dos Palmas Gary Lueders t—, Board Member Community'Outreaeh.Coordinathr, Desert Bicycle Club Retired Airline Pilot ' Paul Quill — President Land Development Specialist / Quill Enterprises City of La Quinta Planning Commission Member Mark Weber— Board Member Key Customer Representative, III) Energy Chairman, City of La Quinta Community Services Commission Chairman, Coachella Chamber of Commerce 282 COMMFFIEF ENERGY AND COMMERCE SUBCOMMITTEES: COMMERCE, TRADE AND CONSUMER PROTECTION ENERGY AND AIR QUALITY TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND THE INTERNET Aarp 3Bono (Cortgrea of the autteb *tateE; 450 Mvtrirt, California June 29, 2007 LeGrand Velez Executive Director Coacheiia Valey Community Trails Alliance 53-990 Enterprise Way, Suite 9 Coachella, CA 92236 Dear Mr. Velez: WASHINGTON OFFICE IM CANNON HOUSE OFICE BU,w,NG W.I.GTON, DC 20515 (202)225-5330 F.' (202) 225-2961 DISTRICT OFFICES 707 EAST TAHDUTC CANYGN WAY Sum 9 PALM Sm..Gs, CA 92262 (76013 1076 FAx: (760132"596 16M EAST FLGWDA AVENUE sDNE 301 HEMET, CA 9254 ('51)656-2312 F.: (951) 652-2%2 I am pleased to express my support for the goals of the Coachella Valley Community Trails Alliance (CVCTA). I share with you and your organization the belief that an urban multi -purpose trail system throughout the Coachella Valley will benefit its citizens in numerous ways, from encouraging healthy lifestyles to positively impacting the health of our environment. As a Member of Congress representing the 45th Congressional District., I am convinced that it is in the best interest of the Coachella Valley to promote alternative routes of transportation, particularly, those routes networking neighborhood communities to schools and work places. By offering secure trails between points of interest, this project will directly encourage environmentally friendly modes of transportation. The creation of this multi -purpose trail system provides those citizens who use non -motorized transportation a safe, effective commute through the valley. We should be mindful of the value of our unique desert ecosystem especially given the rapid pace with which the Coachella Valley is expanding. This project will utilize private and public funds, work in conjunction with current and future land developments, and efficiently link preexisting trails to better ensure safe passage of those who use them. I believe this new trail system will be a tangible asset to our community due to the advantages it provides for our citizens and our environment. I commend the Coachella Valley Trail Alliance for taking on such a worthy challenge. I look forward to seeing your work in meeting these goals. Sincerely, Mary Bono Member of Congress j govfl if fib ersib 9 RNERSIDE OFmcE: DISTRICT OFKcFI AE.P7G ADDRESS: 4080 Lemon Street, 5th Floor 73-710 Fred Waring Drive, Suite 222 Riverside, CA 92502-1647 Palm Desert, CA 92260-2574 (951) 955-1040 (760) 863-8211 Fax (95D 955-2194 Fax (760) 863-8905 SUPERVISOR Roy WILSON FOURTH DISTRICT April 17, 2007 LeGrand Velez, Executive Director Coachella Valley Community Trails Alliance 53-990 Enterprise Way, Suite 9 Coachella, California 92236 Dear Mr. Velez, I appreciate your recent visit to my office to present an outline of the vision of the non-profit Coachella Valley Community Trails Alliance. The Alliance's plan to put together a regional trails network in the Coachella Valley, utilizing both public and private funding sources, is a much -needed step in the enhancement of quality of life for desert residents. The regional trail, which would link up with local trails, offers the promise of reduced motorized trips and reduced smog, in addition to the fun and exercise provided by non -motorized transport, such as bicycling, horse riding and hiking. You and the Trails Alliance are to be commended for this effort; you may consider me a supporter of this crucial addition to amenities enjoyed by residents of Riverside County's desert region. I v Wilson th Di ct Supervisor rty o iverside .: 284 Z ESTABLISHED IN 1918 AS A PUBLIC AGENCY COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT POST OFFICE BOX 1058 • COACHELLA, CALIFORNIA 92236 • TELEPHONE (760) 398-2651 • FAX (760) 398-3711 DIRECTORS. OFFICERS PETER NELSON, PRESIDENT STEVEN S. ROBBINS. PATRICIA A. LARSON, VICE PRESIDENT GENERAL MANAGER -CHIEF ENGINEER TELLIS CODEKAS MARK BEUHLER, JOHN W. McFADDEN ITAHARA January JU 26 2007 ASST. GENERAL MANAGER RUSSELLLIA FERNANOEZ, SECRETARY DAN PARKS, ASST TO GENERAL MANAGER REDWINE AND SHERRILL, ATTORNEYS File: 0022. LeGrand Velez, Executive Director Coachella Valley Community Trails Alliance 53-990 Enterprise Way, Suite 9 Coachella, California 92236 Dear Mr. Velez: The Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) supports the new non-profit public benefit organization, the Coachella Valley Community Trails Alliance (CVCTA). The CVCTA's mission to bring together public and private resources to plan and facilitate construction of an urban regional trails network in the Coachella Valley will be of great benefit to the region. Creation of an off-street, multiple user trails network will provide recreational opportunities, promote alternative modes of transportation, improve commuting safety, and contribute to public health. As the manager of the water conveyance public rights -of -way in most of the proposed area that may serve as the backbone of a regional urban trails network, CVWD looks forward to working in good faith with CVCTA and its partners to make this community improvement vision a reality. During this trails process, CVWD will maintain and not compromise its mission of providing the highest quality water management services possible. We look forward to working with CVCTA to bring this concept to fruition. Yours very truly; t , OA Steve Robbins General Manager -Chief Engineer SR:iVrobbins/07/jan/veWe vcta support -It, TRUE CONSERVATION 'A: 285 5 USE WATER WISELY O CVAG COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOCIATION of GOVERNMENTS Blythe • Cathedral City Coachella • Desert Hot Springs • Indian Wells • Indio • La Quints • Palm Desert • Palm Springs • Rancho Mirage County of Riverside Ague Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians • Cabazon Band of Mission Indians • Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians April 30, 2007 LeGrand Velez, Executive Director Coachella Valley Community Trails Alliance 53-990 Enterprise Way, Suite 9 Coachella, CA 92235 SUBJECT: Letter of Support for the Coachella Valley Community Trails Alliance Dear Mr. Velez: The Coachella Valley Association of Governments supports the use of alternative modes of transportation. The CVAG Executive Committee has authorized the use of regional transportation funds to acquire the right-of-way, and to construct on -street bike lanes, where authorized by the local jurisdiction, on regional road construction projects. CVAG also provided funding for the 2001 update of the Coachella Valley Non -motorized Transportation Plan, which covered all CVAG jurisdictions. The Non -motorized Transportation Plan was completed in order to provide information to each CVAGjurisdiction in improving theirown internal linkages for bicycle and hiking/walking trails, as well as for adjoining jurisdictions in considering connectivity forthese uses. A 2008 update of that plan is being considered for inclusion in the Capital Expenditure Program for CVAG's 2007-2008 fiscal year budget. CVAG recognizes and supports the Coachella Valley Community Trails Alliance mission of bringing together public and private resources to plan and facilitate construction of an urban regional trails network in the Coachella Valley. CVAG also recognizes that bicycle lanes and other off-street, multiple user trail networks will provide recreational opportunities, promote alternative modes of transportation, improve commuting safety and contribute to public health. CVAG applaud' fie e&s of the Coachella Valley Community Trails Alliance. Executive 286, 73-71 O Fred Waring Drive, Suite 200 • Palm Desert, CA 92260 • (7601346-1127 • FAX (7601340-5949 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE P. O. BOX 2508 CINCINNATI, OH 45201 DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Date: JUL 13 2006 COACHELLA VALLEY COMMUNITY TRAILS ALLIANCE C/O MICHAEL GRANUM 135 SAINT THOMAS PL RANCHO MIRAGE, CA 92270 Dear Applicant: Employer Identification Number: 13-4320888 DLN: 17053179106006 Contact Person: RONALD D BELL ID# 31185 Contact Telephone Number: (877) 829-5500 Accounting Period Ending: June 30 Public Charity Status: 170(b) (1) (A) (vi) Form 990 Required: Yes Effective Date of Exemption: January 23, 2006 Contribution Deductibility: Yes Advance Ruling Ending Date: June 30, 2010 We are pleased to inform you that upon review of your application for tax exempt status we have determined that you are exempt from Federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to you are deductible under section 170 of the Code. You are also qualified to receive tax deductible bequests, devises, transfers or gifts under section 2055, 2106 or 2522 of the Code. Because this letter could help resolve any questions regarding your exempt status, you should keep it in your permanent records. Organizations exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Code: are further classified as either public charities or private foundations. During your advance ruling period, you will be treated as a public charity. Your advance ruling period begins with the effective date of your exemption and ends with advance ruling ending date shown in the heading of the letter. Shortly before the end of your advance ruling period, we will send you Form 8734, Support Schedule for Advance Ruling Period. You will have 90 days after the end of your advance ruling period to return the completed form. We will then notify you, in writing, about your public charity status. Please see enclosed Information for Exempt Organizations Under Section 501(c)(3) for some helpful information about your responsibilities as an exempt organization. Letter 1045 (DO/CG) A., 287 -2- COACHELLA VALLEY COM1UNITY TRAILS We have sent a copy of this letter to your representative as indicated in your power of attorney. Sincerely, c)k Y' Lois G. Lerner Director, Exempt Organizations Rulings and Agreements Enclosures: Information for Organizations Exempt Under Section 501(c)(3) Statute Extension Letter 1045 (DO/CG) p p A.L 288 ATTACHMENT 4 CITY OF LA QUINTA GRANT APPLICATION FISCAL YEAR: 2007-08 Name of Organization: Amount Requested: Contact Person: Mailing Address: City: Home Telephone: Work Telephone: E-mail address: Leadership Coachella Valley $5,000 Louise Lambly 78-275 Calle Tampico # B La Quinta, CA 92253 776-8021 564-1341 louise@lgchamber.com 501(c)3 Taxpayer I.D. Number:33-0914378 Date Submitted: October 12, 2007 Applications will receive consideration without discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin or disability. CITY OF LA QUINTA GRANT APPLICATION (Must be typed) Please check which grant funding you are applying for: X Community Services Support X Economic Development/ Marketing and Sponsorships 1. What is the overall purpose or goal of your Organization? Leadership Coachella Valley is a program designed to identify, motivate and develop future community leaders. The program encourages involvement by providing knowledge and perspective on valley wide needs and concerns. Participants meet current community leaders in forum and group discussion settings 2. How long has your Organization been in existence? 8 years 3. Describe in general the activities or services of your Organization: Once a month from September through June, participants attend an all -day seminar in which important community issues are reviewed and discussed. The format includes a combination of presentations, panel discussions and hands-on visits to locales relevant to the day's theme. Experts share their insights and views and interact with participants during lively discussions. 4. How many people does your Organization currently serve? No. of Youth No. of Adults 280 No. of Seniors 5. How many people do you intend to serve during this Fiscal Year? No. of Youth No. of Adults 280 No. of Seniors 6. How many people served during this Fiscal Year will be La Quinta residents? No. of Youth No. of Adults 26 No. of Seniors 7. How many paid employees/volunteers does your Organization employ? Full time employees Part time employees Volunteers 8 8. Describe how your Organization is managed and governed: 299 Volunteer Board of Directors governs; administrative staff manages communications, accounting, paperwork, etc. 9. Please provide information on your Executive Board members or contact person: Name Louise Lambly Robert Anzalone Title Home Address Phone Administrator 78-275 Calle Tampico #B 564-1341 Chairman of the Board 74-750 Hwy 111 Indian Wells, CA 92210 10. What is your annual schedule of events, and during what months does your Organization operate? Session Date Topic (or Event) Time Location Sept. 20,2007 Welcome Mixer 6:00 - 8:00 pm Desert Willow Golf Resort Sept. 21, 2007 Leadership, Team Building & History 8:00 am - 4:30 pm UCR-Palm Desert Cam us 11 Oct. 19, 2007 Government, Judicial Process, Law Enforcement 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Palm Desert City Hall III Nov. 16, 2007 Communications & the Media 8:00 am - 4:30 pm The Desert Sun IV Dec: 14, 2007 Health Care & Social Services 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Betty Ford Center tentative V Jan. 18, 2008 Housing in the Valley 8:00 am -4:30 pm DA.C.E. VI Feb. 15, 2008 Economic Drivers of Valley, Tourism, Agriculture 8:00 am - 4:30 pm UCR-Palm Desert Campus (tentative) VII Mar. 21, 2008 Art, Culture & Recreation 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Palm Springs Museum (tentative) Vill Apr. 18, 2008 Transportation & Energy 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Sunline Transportation tentative IX May 16, 2008 Education & Diversity 8:00 am - 4:30 pm La Quinta High School X June 13, 2008 2"d Friday Environmental Issues 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Burrtec Edom Hill Transfer Station June 2008 3`d, Frida Graduation Dinner & Ceremony 6:00 -- 9:00 pm 11. Do you charge admission, membership fees, dues, etc? X Yes No If Yes, please describe: Tuition of $850 per year per student; some paid by scholarship 12. What are your other sources of revenue for this funding year? 291 Source Sponsors: City of Palm Desert Southern California Edison Amount $5,000 $5,000 13. Amount of money requested from the City of La Quinta? $5,000 14. Has your Organization been funded by the City of La Quinta previously? Yes If so, when X No 15. Please provide the name and address of the bank in which the Organization's funds are kept: Pacific Western Bank 74-750 Hwy 111 Indian Wells, CA 92210 16. Please provide the name and title of those individuals authorized to sign on the Organization's account (must provide at least two individuals): Name: Title: Louise Lambly Administrator Robert Anzalone Chairman of the Board 17. Need Statement: Clearly and plainly` state the specific, detailed reason or need for the requested funds and how these funds will be used, if awarded. Please see attached letter 18. Goal Statement: Indicate who will benefit from the use of these funds, and how they will benefit. (If applying for Economic Development/ Marketing and Sponsorships grant funding, please explain how the City of La Quinta and/or local businesses would be benefited.) Please see attached letter 19. Please provide, as an attachment, copies of the last three months bank statements for the Organization's checking and savings account. 20. Attach a copy of your Program Operating Budget for the current year. 21. Non-profit Organizations must attach a copy of the oganization's current IRS Form 990. 292 a' AW T FAD1F13SHIP COACHELIA VALLEY CREATING TOMORROW'S LEADERS TODAY LEADERSHIP COACHELLA VALLEY 78-275 CALLE TAMPICO #B LA QUINTA, CA 92253 PHONE: 760-564-1341 • FAX 760-564-3111 W W W.LEADERSHIPCV.ORG EMAIL:LEADERSHIP@LEADERSHIPCV.ORG Leadership Coachella Valley is a program designed to identify, motivate and develop future community leaders. The program encourages involvement by providing knowledge and perspective on valleywide needs and concerns. Community Need: Leadership Coachella Valley was first envisioned by leaders of the six founding chambers of commerce when it became apparent that many individuals seeking leadership positions on local non-profit boards of directors, planning commissions, school boards or city councils, lacked the broad -based knowledge necessary for informed decision making. Leadership Coachella Valley helps these individuals gain the knowledge necessary, enabling them to be effective in their position immediately upon election or appointment. Specific Program Goals: Leadership Coachella Valley's goal is to teach future leaders about the broad based issues of our valley and to inspire them to seek leadership positions in non-profit organizations and government agencies as well as within their own industry. The program is designed to provide the knowledge and perspective tomorrow's leaders will need to guide our communities through challenging and sometimes difficult times. While one cannot learn everything in ten full -day sessions over a ten-month period, Leadership Coachella Valley strives to expose program participants to the major issues of our valley, directing them where to find additional in-depth information. Decision -makers and experts share their insights and interact with participants during lively discussions. There is no other venue available where one has the opportunity to meet and interact with so many pillars of the Coachella Valley. Obiectives and Timelines: As stated above, the objective is to identify, motivate and develop future community leaders. Program participants attend ten full -day sessions over a ten month period (September through June). The objective is to expose participants to a wide range of community issues including: 1.) leadership, team building and early valley history; 2.) energy* and transportation; 3.) communications and the media; 4.) healthcare and social services; 5.) government, judicial process and law enforcement; 6.) economic drivers of the valley, tourism and agriculture; 7.) art, culture and recreation; 8.) education and diversity; 9.) housing in the valley; and 10.) environmental issues. The timeline includes a summer recruitment season, classes September through June, and a June graduation. * Thanks to a grant from SCE in 2006 and the current focus on energy conservation from community leaders and legislators, LCV added Energy to the 2006-07 curriculum. SCE was the host, for this session held on May 18t4 and provided quality education abou ergy conservation and environmental issues, including renewable energy technolo AWLa also visited Devers Station and a wind mill farm. Our goal is to continue to b 'I energy curriculum with grant assistance from SCE. (Tuition for LCV is only $8 n order to provide a qualityprogram and to highlight our leading communi upon Corporate sponsorships.) 291 i Anticipated Community Impact: Leaders of the program anticipate increased -ftint'.ttst arid'passion.for local community service. The program is graduating community Yeaders whb are interested in the future of the valley and want to do their part to assure tha' eist;fot ai'citizens, They will serve us well as positions become available on local oir�profit boards of directors, government agencies and elected positions. Graduates of ttieirogrm will have the knowledge and perspective necessary to guide our e'orinitunities through challenging and sometimes difficult times ahead. teasotis for Pursuing the Program: The program has graduated seven classes; the ,Id i rdst6r,now numbers over 230. These individuals are living proof the program woi .' Graduates are now pursuing leadership positions throughout the valley and are ' Inat , a difference in our communities. As first envisioned by the six founding li niiers of commerce, Leadership Coachella Valley has helped program graduates gain tie knowledge necessary for them to be effective in their new leadership positions immediately upon election or appointment. The program is successful and has a proven track record. Leadership Coachella Valley will continue as long as there is a need for well trained community leaders. New or On -Going: This program is on -going. Leadership Coachella Valley has no other projects. Sustainability: Organizers have every reason to believe the program will continue for many years into the future. While each student pays tuition to participate, the support of Edison International, and other sponsors, allows for significant program enhancements and field trips. In its first seven years, Leadership Coachella Valley has a strong track record of sponsor participation. It is expected this strong community support will sustain the program. Leadership Coachella Valley s Sponsor Benefits LE.ADEEiSHIP CQAC:HELiA VAI.I.EY PLATINUM SPONSORS - $10,000 • Lead position on all printed material. • Listing, with logo and link, on "sponsors" page at www.leadershipcv.org Logo with link on "home" page at www.leadershipcv.org • Mention in all news releases throughout the year Complimentary tuition for two (2) students Opportunity for "welcome presentation" at Opening Session (5 minutes) Opportunity for "congratulations presentation" at Graduation (5 minutes) Opportunity to provide promotional material to class members at first session Mailing list of all current students and alumni (Excel format) • Four (4) complimentary tickets to Graduation Full page advertisement in Graduation Program (you supply artwork) Invitation to alumni events (average 2 events per year) Leadership Sponsor Benefits Package (see below) GOLD SPONSORS - $5,000 • Listing, with logo and link, on "sponsors" page at www.leadershipcv.org Mention in all news releases throughout the year • Complimentary tuition for one (1) student • Opportunity for "welcome presentation" at Opening Session (5 minutes) Opportunity to provide promotional material to class members at first class • Mailing list of all current students and alumni (Excel format) Two (2) complimentary tickets to Graduation Half page advertisement in Graduation Program (you supply artwork) Leadership Sponsor Benefits Package (see below) SILVER SPONSORS - $2,500 Listing with link, on "sponsors" page at www.leadershil)cv.org • Opportunity to address class at one session (5 minutes - date to be arranged) Mailing list of all current students and alumni (Excel format) Two (2) complimentary tickets to Graduation Half page advertisement in Graduation Program (you supply artwork) Leadership Sponsor Benefits Package (see below) 295 BRONZE SPONSORS - $1,000 • Listing on "sponsors" page at www.leadershipcv.org Opportunity to address class at one session (5 minutes — date to be arranged) Invitation to Graduation Quarter page advertisement in Graduation Program (you supply artwork) Leadership Sponsor Benefits Package (see below) COPPER SPONSORS - $500 Listing on "sponsors" page at www.leadershipcv.org Invitation to Graduation Leadership Sponsor Benefits Package (see below) ANNUAL ALUMNI SPONSORS - $1,500 (Solicited by the Alumni Committee) (6 available) Logo on all printed material (invitations, t-shirts, etc.) Listing, with logo and link on "sponsors" page at www.leadershipcv.org in the Alumni section Mention in all alumni news releases throughout the year (at least 4) Complimentary tickets for four (4) to all alumni events Opportunity to provide promotional material at all alumni events Mailing list of all current students and alumni (Excel format) Two (2) complimentary tickets to Graduation Quarter page advertisement in Graduation Program (you supply artwork) Logo on alumni banner posted at all alumni functions and graduation Subscription to "The Leading Edge" newsletter Leadership Sponsor Benefit Package Listing on Banner Displayed at all Class Sessions and Events Listing on Session Agenda Sidebars Listing in "The Leading Edge" newsletter Listing on Website Sponsor Page www.leadershipcv.org Subscription to "The Leading Edge" newsletter Adopted 5/16/06 296 ATTACHMENT 5 CITY OF LA QUINTA GRANT APPLICATION FISCAL, YEAR: 2007-08 Name of Organization: La Quints High School Amount Requested: $2.000 Contact Person: Paul Bluto_ Band Director Mailing Address: P. b_ Box 1234 City: La Ouinta State: _CA zip code: 92253 Home Telephone Work Telephone _ (760)772-4150 E-mail address paul.blutg dsusd.us 501(c)3 Taxpayer I.D. Number: 71-0954077 Date Submitted: October 11.2007 Applications will receive consideration without discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin or disability. CITY OF LA QUINTA GRANT APPLICATION (Must be typed) Please check which grant funding you are applying for: X Community Services Support Economic Development/ Marketing and Sponsorships 1. What is the overall purpose or goal of your Organization? The purpose of the La Quinta ff!d School Band Boosters is to Instrumental Music to promote and encourage the musical and the students enrolled in t the Director of mic growth of all activities associated with that program Activities incline, but are not limited to: Marching Band, Colorguard, Wind Fasemble, Jazz Band and Drum Line. The organization shall work together in a cooperative spirit of service to the school and community. 2. How long has your Organization been in existence? 12 Years 9 Months 3. Describe in general the activities or services of your Organization: We support the La Quints High School instrumental music program financially via a variety of fundraising; activities_ Parent volunteers assist with all oroeram activities anq competitions (including, but not limited to: transportation of students, equipment, props and instruments; uniform fitting, alterations, and coordination; sewing of costumes and flags; food preparation; construction and transporting of props; travel coordination; organizing events and performances; etc.) 4. How many people does your Organization currently serve? No. of Youth 120 No_ of Adults No. of Seniors 5. How many people do you intend to serve during this Fiscal Year? No. of Youth 120 No. of Adults No. of Seniors 6. How many people served during this Fiscal Year will be La Quinta residents? No. of Youth 110 No. of Adults No_ of Seniors 7. How many paid employees/volunteers does your Organization employ? Full time employees Part time employees 12 �_ Volunteers 5 0 re *They anot actually employees; they are contracted music and movement cli dd=s who assist the Band Director with specialized instruction, 8. Describe how your Organization is managed and governed: The La Quints ffwh School Band Boosters follow a set of a were last amended in March 2005. The By -Laws provide for an 11 member Board of an Executive Executive Committee is elected by the general membership (all parents and guardians of band students), and includes the President, Vice -President, Secretary, 'Treasurer, and Parliamentarian/Historiam Committee Chairpersons are then selected by the Executive Committee, and include; the Events Chairperson, Uniform Chairpersoa, Equipment Chairperson, Band Representative, Colonguard Representative, and Drum Line Representative. The board of Directors meets the first Wednesday of every Month; General Membership meetings are held the third Wednesday of every month. However, all meetings are open to the general membership. 9. Please provide information on your Executive Board members or contact person: Name Title Home Address Phone Dadene & Peter Nelsm President (Cachou) 78M Aaraa way, La Quints, 880-3676 Lisa Sacro Vice President 78W Via Dijon, U Qui da 774-9944 Bill Hartong Treasurer 79M Fiesta Dr_ La Ounda 347-4031 79-730 La Palma Dr., La Jane Yoshimura Parliamentarian 53340 Avenida Juarez, La Qaima 367-5072 10. What is your annual schedule of events, and during what months does your Organization operate? We operate from August through June. Concurrent with the marching band competition season (late August through Early December), we hold a Car Wash -a Thon in October; a Holiday Concert in December, other concerts throughout the year; and monthly fundraising dinmers at area restaurants. In April, we hold our largest fundraiser, the Brigade Blast silent auction. During the Winter/Spring season, the students move into various competitive groups, including Winter Guard, Winter Drum Line, Concert Band, and Wind Ensemble. Activities include a variety of fundraisers to benefit each program, including the Spring Spectaiadar in March, as well as hosting competitions at the schooL 299 11. Do you charge admission, membership fees, dues, etc? X_ Yes _No If 'Yes, please describe: During marching season, each student pays marching band fees, which help offset the costs of uniform maintenance, food travel, equipment, etc. Fees range from $475- -$775, and the students have several opportunities to fundraise their fees. During the Winter/Spring season, Drum Line and Winter Guard students pay fees, again to help offset expenses associated with their competition season. Because these groups travel farther, fees can range from $500 to $2,000. Again, students are provided many opportunities to fimdraise their fees. Admission fees are charged for Brigade Blast, Spring Spectacular, and competitions hoses at La Quima Illigh School; these fees range from $5.00 to $7.00 per spectator. 12. What are your other sources of revenue for this fimding year? SourceAmount Brigade Blast Silent Auction $10,060 _ Concession Sales at Football Games $ 4,000 Uar wash a Thou Various Fundraisers (We have also appli will be considered at the Total Needed Total Received Balance next Council meeting). ti. 1 its l: $ 6.500 5_�1.1 Ili' i 1 5 4�`tfl 13. Amount of money requested from the City of La Quinta? $ 2.000 14. Has your Organization been funded by the City of La Quints previously? —X Yes If so, when 3 5/06 No 15. Please provide the name and address of the bank in which the Organization's funds are kept: 4. 309 PFF Bank and Trust 78152 Mghway 111, La Quints, CA 92253 16. Please provide the name and title of those individuals authorized to sign on the Organization's account (must provide at least two individuals): Nam Darlene & Peter Nelson Lisa Sacro BillHartun Hope Hernandez Jane Yoshimura Title: President (Co -Chair) Vice President �- Treasurer Stgn9ary Parliamentarian 17. Need Statement: Clearly and plainly state the specific, detailed reason or need for the requested funds and how these funds will be used, if awarded. Our Field Show budget is $45,000. We are trying to reduce the out of pocket costs for students to participate in marching baud, as well as lessen the fiund raising burden for both the students and the Band Boosters. The average costt of supporting a band member for marching band season is over $700 per student. 18. Goal Statement: Indicate who will benefit from the use of these funds, and how they will benefit. (If applying for Economic Development/ Marketing and Sponsorships grant funding, please explain how the City of La Quinta andlor local businesses wound be benefited.) The school benefits through band performances at sDortine events. Den rallies - academic rallies, and other school fiunctions. The oroiect will benefit the community by paying tribute to the service men and women from within the community who have died serving our may. The band favorably represents our school, our community, and the Coachella Valley at competitions throughout Southern California, and at the state and national levels. One of the props that will be funded through this grant, and used in our performances, is a memorial honoring our service men and women who have died serving our , 301 country. Members of the community will be able to inscribe the name of individuals they have know that have died in service of country directly on the memorial_ This memorial will travel with the band at all their performances where members of the audience will also be allowed to inscribe names of honored loved ones on the memoriaL 19. Please provide, as an attachment, copies of the last three months bank statements for the Organization's checking and savings account. 20. Attach a ropy of your Program Operating Budget for the current year. 21. Non-profit Organizations must attach a copy of the organization's current MS Norm 990. 302 ATTACHMENT 6 CITY OF LA QUINTA GRANT APPLICATION FISCAL YEAR: 2007-08 Name of Organization: FAMILY YMCA OF THE DESERT Amount Requested: $5000.00 .Contact Person: TERRI BONA Mailing Address: 43930 SAN PABLO AVE. City: PALM DESERT State: CA Zip Code: 92260 Horne Telephone Work Telephone _ 341-9622 E-mail address tbona@desertymca.org 501(c)3 Taxpayer I.D. Number: 95-3673255 Date Submitted: Applications will receive consideration without discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin or disability. 303 CITY OF LA QUINTA GRANT APPLICATION (Must be typed) Please check which grant funding you are applying for: _X_ Community Services Support Economic Development/ Marketing and Sponsorships 1. What is the overall purpose or goal of your Organization? To put Judeo-Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy Spirit, Mind and Body for all. 2. How long has your Organization been in existence? 25 Years _ Months 3. Describe in general the activities or services of your Organization: See attachment #3 4. How many people does your Organization currently serve? No. of Youth 4,797 `_ No. of Adults 1,352 No. of Seniors 83 5. How many people do you intend to serve during this Fiscal Year? No. of Youth 5,276 �_ No. of Adults 1 4_ 00— No. of Seniors 91 6. How many people served during this Fiscal Year will be La Quinta residents? No. of Youth 1.055 No. of Adults 125 No. of Seniors 2 7. How many paid employees/volunteers does your Organization employ? Full time employees 75 Part time employees 161 Volunteers 55 8. Describe how your Organization is managed and governed: Board of Directors The management of the Family YMCA of the Desert is vested in a Board of Directors of not less than 24 nor more than 42 voting members with such powers as defined in our constitution. 304 Executive Committee The officers of the Family YMCA of the Desert and other board members appointed by the President serve as the executive committee of the Board of Directors with full power and authority to supervise and act upon all business requiring immediate attention during intervals between the regular meetings of the Board of Directors. The President also serves as chairman of the executive committee. The President has the power to appoint standing or special committees with appropriate responsibility descriptions. All committees report their acts and proceedings to the Board of Directors. All personnel matters (i.e., hiring, review, discharge, etc.) shall be referred to and administered by the Executive Committee by and through the Chief Executive Officer, Rob Ballew. 9. Please provide information on your Executive Board members or contact person: Name Title Home Address Phone See attachment #9 10. What is your annual schedule of events, and during what months does your Organization operate? See attachment #10 and accompanying brochure. We are a year round operation. 11. Do you charge admission, membership fees, dues, etc? X Yes No If Yes, please describe: See attachment #11 12. What are your other sources of revenue for this funding year? Source Amount At this time no other sources have been solicited but we continue to research other funding sources throughout the year to help our La Quinta Preschool. 305 Total Needed $ 14,635.82 (see attached quotation #12) Total Received $ Balance $ 14.635.82 13. Amount of money requested from the City of La Quinta? $ _ 5.000 14. Has your Organization been funded by the City of La Quinta previously? X Yes If so, when 9/22/05 No 15. Please provide the name and address of the bank in which the Organization's funds are kept: Vt Bank; 73000 Highway 111 at Monterey, Palm Desert, CA 92260 16. Please provide the name and title of those individuals authorized to sign on the Organization's account (must provide at least two individuals): Name: Rob Ballew CEO Title: Sandra Chiupka Director of Business Operations Terri Bona Director of Fund Development 17. Need Statement: Clearly and plainly state the specific, detailed reason or need for the requested funds and how these funds will be used, if awarded. La Quinta Preschool located at 49-955 Park Ave. in La Quinta serves a significant number of children from La Quinta and its neighboring cities. The preschool site has been under the management of the Family YMCA of the Desert since February 25, 1991. The present shade structure that covers the lunch tables and play area has not been changed since then. It consists of wood lattice and a shade cloth (8 years old) covering the lattice. Over the eight years it has begun to wear, tatter and tear from the intensity of our desert sun. Although there is limited coverage it has aged and now doesn't protect our children as needed from the harsh elements. 306 We believe if we had a stronger more opaque shade structure our little ones would be able to remain outside longer during their play time and certainly throughout the summer season. With misters, which we hope to provide later, we could presumably reduce the heat index providing these children, their teachers and parent volunteers' significant comfort. 18. Goal Statement: Indicate who will benefit from the use of these funds, and how they will benefit. (If applying for Economic Development/ Marketing and Sponsorships grant funding, please explain how the City of La Quinta and/or local businesses would be benefited.) The primary populations that will benefit from this grant are our preschool students and teachers. With the YMCA's attention on childhood obesity we wish to keep our children active through outside play where large motor skills are challenged. In tandem, we wish to keep our teachers comfortable and focused as they monitor our Y children. We all know how children behave when cooped up for long periods of time and summers tend to be long in our beautiful desert. With the replacement of a new and improved shade structure we believe our preschool students will have the opportunity to remain active by running around, playing and expending some of that pent up energy that grows exponentially with a sedentary lifestyle. This certainly serves our teachers too. We want happy, healthy children! 19. Please provide, as an attachment, copies of the last three months bank statements . for the Organization's checking and savings account. (see attachment #19) 20. Attach a copy of your Program Operating Budget for the current year. (see attachment #20) 21. Non-profit Organizations must attach a copy of the organization's current IRS Form 990. (see attachment #21) 307 ATTACHMENT 7 CITY OF LA QUINTA GRANT APPLICATION FISCAL YEAR: 2007-08 Name of Organization: _Prestige at PGA West Collegiate Golf Tournament Amount Requested: $5,000.00 Contact Person: Bob Bullis, Associate Athletic Director Mailing Address: UC Davis, Athletic )kept, One Shields Avenue City: _Davis State: _CA. Zip Code: _95616 Home Telephone Work Telephone ._530-752-4806 E-mail address _rebullis@ucdavis.edu 501(c)3 Taxpayer I.D. Number: _Fed-94-6036494_CA-935-0501-4 Date Submitted: 9/26/2007 Applications will receive consideration without discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin or disability. 308 CITY OF LA QUINTA GRANT APPLICATION (Must be typed) Please check which grant funding you are applying for: Community Services Support _X Economic Development/ Marketing and Sponsorships What is the overall purpose or goal of your Organization? The purpose of the event is to bring together some of the best academic universities that sponsor golf to the desert area. This is a celebration of academic and athletic achievement in golf. 2. How long has your Organization been in existence? _8_Years Months 3. Describe in general the activities or services of your Organization: Intercollegiate golf tournament co -sponsored by UC Davis and Stanford University, the NCAA Division I National Champion for 2007. The event will bring 17 collegiate golf teams to the LaQuinta area for this 3 day event. 4. How many people does your Organization currently serve? No. of Youth 150 No. of Adults 100 No. of Seniors 5. How many people do you intend to serve during this Fiscal Year? No. of Youth No. of Adults No. of Seniors 6. How many people served during this Fiscal Year will be La Quinta residents? No. of Youth 125 No. of Adults No. of Seniors 7. How many paid employees/volunteers does your Organization employ? Full time employees Part time employees Volunteers 8. Describe how your Organization is managed and governed: This event is co -sponsored by Stanford University and UC Davis. Professional staff from both institutions will be on hand to oversee the tournament. The Tournament Director is also a resident of the area. 309 9. Please provide information on your Executive Board members or contact person: Name Title Home Address Phone IO.What is your annual schedule of events, and during what months does your Organization operate? Junior Clinic Saturday, October 13 College -Amateur Tournament Sunday, October 14 16 'ream Intercollegiate Tournament Monday & Tuesday, October 15 & 16 11. Do you charge admission, membership fees, dues, etc? __ Yes X No If Yes, please describe: 12. What are your other sources of revenue for this funding year? Source Amount Corporate sponsorship and fees collected from the amateurs in the college -am tournament. Total Needed $ _90,000.00_ Total Received $ 75,000.00 Balance $ 13. Amount of money requested from the City of La Quinta? $ _5,000.00 14. Has your Organization been funded by the City of La Quinta previously? 319 X Yes If so, when 2006. No 15. Please provide the name and address of the bank in which the Organization's funds are kept: 16. Please provide the name and title of those individuals authorized to sign on the Organization's account (must provide at least two individuals): Name: Robert E. Bullis Title: _Associate Athletic Dir., UC Davis 17. Need Statement: Clearly and plainly state the specific, detailed reason or need for the requested funds and how these funds will be used, if awarded. The funds requested are to help pay for the operating expenses of the Tournament. These expenses include meals, accommodations, sponsor plaques and tee signs, trophies and other miscellaneous expenses. Virtually all of these funds are spent in the City of Laquinta during the tournament. 18. Goal Statement: Indicate who will benefit from the use of these funds, and how they will benefit. (If applying for Economic Development/ Marketing and Sponsorships grant funding, please explain how the City of La Quinta and/or local businesses would be benefited.) The City of LaQuinta will benefit directly from these funds through the people who the Tournament brings to the area. Besides the collegiate team members there are parents and supporters of the Tournament who will be spending time in the area. 311 19. Please provide, as an attachment, copies of the last three months bank statements for the Organization's checking and savings account. The Tournament is operated through the University of California, Davis financial system and must abide by all University rules and regulations. 20. Attach a copy of your Program Operating Budget for the current year. 21. Non-profit Organizations must attach a copy of the organization's current IRS Form 990. 312 4REST�1 O O A NATIONAL INT R UE�ShTE INViTATI(DNAL 207 HOST COURA GREG NOR COURSE AT MAWEST 0 rcAwnar^ PRESENTED RV HORMEL FARMER IOHN KOHLBERG KRAVIS ROBERTS&CO. GEM CAR IIHE OIIICUI W.CHWIRR ICC CMII VEH ICI I. CHARLES SCHWAB NIKE GOLF LA QUINTA RESORT PGA WEST THE DAILY NEWS KESQN OCTO B E R 13-16. 2007 AZ^ 4,7nYrv.EG..- I <o-nosnoev STANFORD UNIVERSITY THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. DAVIS W W W.PRESTIGE-PGAW EST.COM CO. BOX 10823 PALM DESERT. CA 92255 (760)202-3334 MWAMKTG®VERIZON-NET September 26, 2007 Ms. Edie Hylton Community Services Director City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Edie, Attached please find the completed grant form for the 2007 Prestige at PGA WEST. As discussed with your staff, The Prestige at PGA WEST has included the City of La Quinta on its related television spot, newspaper ads and Internet related materials. The newspaper ads are exposed in the Los Angeles market as well as other regions. The Southern California PGA is exposing The Prestige at PGA WEST Junior Clinic to its members throughout Southern California. The Southern California Golf Association is also interested in exposing this event. K:ESQ (ABC), K:DFX (FOX) and the CW Television affiliates are exposing The Prestige at PGA WEST and have done so since September 17" through the tournament October 13' —16'. I also sent an E-mail message to the Mayor and City Council through the City Manager's office as suggested by Wanda Latta inviting the Mayor to the VIP Sponsors Dinner on Saturday October 13'h at the La Quinta Resort. This special dinner is being sponsored and hosted by Hilton Corporation whose Vice President of the Waldorf Astoria Collection is now our main liaison for the tournament. Hilton is also inviting their corporate CEO to attend. Other senior management people representing companies including Hormel and their customers, Budget Rent-A-Car, Nestles, Charles Schwab, the GEM Division of Chrysler and several other companies will be attending this special dinner. We also itemized the other events in the hope that the Mayor and City Council members may be able to attend. We would once again invite the Mayor to welcome the 16 universities and their supporters from throughout the cation during the Prestige at PGA WEST Celebration Awards Dinner on October 14`" at the PGA WEST Private Clubhouse at 6:00 PM. Please let us know if you should have any questions or need any further information. Thanks for your related efforts and those of the City in its review of the nation's pre-eminent collegiate golf event being held once again in La Quinta. Sincerely, Mark Weissmann Tournament Director/The Prestige at PGA WEST 313 ROBERT N. PYLE (760) 7715071 p.3 ATTACHMENT 8 Lo0/cool® 54 s OF C CITY OF LA QUINTA GRANT APPLICATION FISCAL YEAR: 2007-08 Name of Organization: -4 o' LLC Amount Requested: Oo O o Contact Person: �q Mailm Address: yyl City: State: C—IQ_ Zip Code: V-.X / I Home Telephone 12zD 5 49Vork Telephone _*z771 e E-mail address 501(c)3 Taxpayer I.D. Number.,.. Date Submitted;- M,44 cat{} o2Uo Applications will teceivo consideration without discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin or disability. MYi Wit LOOZIEZ190 314 KVtStKI N. YYLt (760) 771-5071 p.4 CITY OF X.A. QUINTA GRANT APPLICATION (Must be typed) Please check which grant fiutding you are applying for: Community Services Support Economic Development/ Marketing and Sponsorships I. What is the overall purpose or goal of your Organization? 2. How long has your Organization been in existettce? )D Yearn_ Monrhs 3. Describe in general the activities or Cr h tst e4t- 4. How many people does your Organization currently serve? No. of Youth u A No. ofAdults $a No. of Seniors VZO re 2 5. How marry people do you intend to serve during this Fiscal Year? No. of Youth N A No. of Adults*0 No. of Seniors i2.o p 2 r e. v2.vtt -esi-tm,tte_ )t7 e.92n-Fs-Mhrotkabout Coeche-l(2 Ua toy 6. How many people served during this Fiscal Year will be La Quinta residents? No. of Youth No. of Adults No. of Seniors t.l h K n O tj n 7. How many paid employeevVolumeers does your Organization employ? Full time employees _::— _Pan time employees ) Q Volunteers _ 8. Describe how your Organization is managed and iao/000� xed roar tooz/sz/so 315 ROBERT N. PYLE (760) 771-5071 p.5 9. Please provide information on your Executive Hoard members or contact person: Name �tle Home Address Phone 10. What is your annual schedule of events, and during what months does your 11. Do you charge admission, membership fees, dues, etc? Yes —No If Yes, Please describe: �Dene,ndtrkQ L ZiOYI'�-e. 049rmue oc� rn� r s ron fb_ncr 25 -�f rom \S -*3 o net= oe.c,sn n , 12. What are your other sources of revenue for this funding year? Source Amount Total Needed Total Received Balance Fl 13. Amount of money requested from the City of La Quints? zoo/Mg -81L4-j 1011r8 f NYi ta:tt t00ZIEZ190 ' 316 ROBERT N. PYLE (760) 771-5071 p.6 too7soo® 14. Has your Organization been finded by tite City of La Quinta previously? Yes If so, when --' No 1S. Please provide the name and address of the bank in which the Organization's funds om 4anr- 16. Please provide the name and title of those individuals authorized to sign on the Organization's account (must provide at least two individuals): Name- J , wl �BR-Af ' ts�12i" -1� O�fl+.G 17. Need Statement: Clearly and plainly state the specific, detailed reason or [teed for the requested funds and how these fiords will be used if awarded. en31 neer- IS. Goal Statement: Indicate who will benefit from the use of these funds, and how they will benefit. (If applying for Economic Development/ Marketing and Sponsorships grant flmding, please explain how the City of La Quinta and/or local businesses would be benefited.) t L L XVA zo=et 100Mz7s0 317 ROBERT N. PYLE (760) 771-5071 p.7 Iooieoo® 19. Please provide, as an atmebmtnt, copies of the last three -oaths bank statements for the Organization's checking and savings account. 20. Attach a copy of your Program Operating Budget for the current year. 21. Non-profit Organizations most attach a copy of the organization's current IRS Form 990. xse zo=ai ioozieziso 318 ATTACHMENT 9 CITY OF LA QUINTA GRANT APPLICATION FISCAL YEAR: 2007-08 Name of Organization: United States Conference on AIDS (AIDS Assistance Program) Amount Requested: $5,000 Contact Person: Walter Reed Mailing Address: P.O. Box 4182 City: Palm Springs State: CA Zip Code: 92263 Hume Telephone (760) 333-4578 Work Telephone (760) 325-8481 E-mail address wreed@aidsassistance.org 501(c)3 Taxpayer I.D. Number: 33-0566442 Date Submitted: July 30, 2007 Applications will receive consideration without discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin or disability. CITY OF LA QUINTA GRANT APPLICATION (Must be typed) Please check which grant funding you are applying for: _X_ Community Services Support Economic Development/ Marketing and Sponsorships What is the overall purpose or goal of your Organization? The National Minority AIDS Council sponsors the United States Conference on AIDS (USCA)which will be held Nov. 7-10, 2007 in the Coachella Valley. This is the largest AIDS Conference in the country with over 4000 attendees 2. How long has your Organization been inexistence? 16 Years 8 Months 3. Describe in general the activities or services of your Organization: Support services for low income, HIV positive individuals and their dependent children. 4. How many people does your Organization currently serve? No. of Youth _38_ No. of Adults _437 No. of Seniors _57. 5. How many people do you intend to serve during this Fiscal Year? No. of Youth 38_ No. of Adults _437 No. of Seniors _57 6. How many people served during this Fiscal Year will be La Quints residents? No. of Youth No. of Adults 10 No. of Seniors 2 7. How many paid employees/volunteers does your Organization employ? Full time employees _2_ Part time employees _0_ Volunteers 10_ 8. Describe how your Organization is managed and governed: AIDS Assistance Program is a 501(c)3 organization with a 9 member Board of Directors. We are one of the agencies and the fiscal agent for this year's United States Conference on AIDS being held in the Coachella Valley. The local planning group responsible for the planning and raising of funds to support the conference is made up of numerous AIDS Service Organizations f -om throughout the Riverside San Bernardino county areas along with the State AIDS Task force. 3?0 9. Please provide information on your Executive Board members or contact person: Name Title Home Address Phone Walter Reed Executive Director (760) 325-8481 10. What. is your annual schedule of events, and during what months does your Organization operate? 12 months a year 11. Do you charge admission, membership fees, dues, etc? Yes X No If Yes, please describe: 12. What are your other sources of revenue for this funding year? Source Amount See Attached Budget of Cities and Counties contributing to this Conference Total Needed $ See Attached Budget Total Received $ Balance $ 13. Amount of money requested from the City of La Quinta? $ _5,000 14. Has your Organization been funded by the City of La Quinta previously? Yes If so, when X No 15. Please provide the name and address of the bank in which the Organization's funds are kept: Wells Fargo Bank 321 16. Please provide the name and title of those individuals authorized to sign on the Organization's account (must provide at least two individuals): Name: Walter Reed Blair Alexander Mark Anton Brian Webb Title: Executive Director President Vice President Treasurer 17. Need Statement: Clearly and plainly state the specific, detailed reason or need for the requested funds and how these funds will be used, if awarded. The USCA will be held in the Coachella Valley in November of this year and is being hosted by AIDS Service groups from throughout our valley and the state. We are asking cities in the Coachella valley to grant funds to apply toward the matching grant we received from Riverside County of $50,000. 18. Goal Statement: Indicate who will benefit from the use of these funds, and how they will benefit. (If applying for Economic Development/ Marketing and Sponsorships grant funding, please explain how the City of La Quinta and/or local businesses would be benefited.) The entire Coachella Valley will benefit from having the USCA here. This is the first time this extraordinary conference has been held outside a major metropolitan area and only the second time in the western part of the country. 19. Please provide, as an attachment, copies of the last three months bank statements for the Organization's checking and savings account. 20. Attach a copy of your Program Operating Budget for the current year. 21. Non-profit Organizations must attach a copy of the organization's current IRS Form 990. COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: November 6, 2007 ITEM TITLE: Consideration of an Ordinance Amending Sections 2.06, 2.29 and 7.04 of the La Quinta Municipal Code Relating to Boards, Commissions and Committees RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Motion to take up Ordinance No. by title and number only and waive further reading. Motion to introduce Ordinance No. on first reading amending Sections 2.06, 2.29 and 7.04 of the La Quinta Municipal Code relating to Boards, Commissions and Committees. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: 1►rem CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: At the July 3, 2007 meeting, the City Council briefly discussed revising the residency requirements and absences for members of City boards, commissions and committees and requested staff to bring this item back for further discussion. Following discussion at the October 2, 2007 meeting, the City Council gave staff direction to amend the Municipal Code as follows: Designate the appointment of one member of the Architectural and Landscaping Review Committee (ALRC) as a professional in architecture; include the provision of advertising outside the city limits and appointment of a qualified non-resident for the professional members of the ALRC 323 and Historic Preservation Commission, upon the lack of qualified resident applicants; and restrict the absence of members to two consecutive absences, no more than three, with the provision to request the City Council to consider excusing any additional absences due to extenuating circumstances. Staff has prepared the attached ordinance to amend Sections 2.06, 2.29 and 7.04 relating to residency requirements and number of absences allowed for commission members for Council's review. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Motion to take up Ordinance No. , by title and number only and waive further reading; motion to introduce Ordinance No., on first reading amending Sections 2.06, 2.29 and 7.04 of the La Quinta Municipal Code relating to Boards, Commissions and Committees; or 2. Do not introduce ordinance amending La Quinta Municipal Code; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfujly submitted, Veronica J City Clerk Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager 324 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTERS 2.06, 2.29 AND 7.04 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES (ABSENCES AND RESIDENTIAL REQUIREMENT) THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Section 2.06.020(B) of the La Quinta Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: B. Any member of a board or commission of this city may be removed from office at any time, with or without cause, by a majority vote of the city council. If a member absents him/herself from two consecutive regular meetings, or absents him/herself from a total of three scheduled meetings within any fiscal year, his/her office shall become vacant and shall be filled as any other vacancy. A board or commission member may request advance permission from the city council be absent at one or more regular meetings due to extenuating circumstances, and/or may request the city council to excuse an absence after -the -fact where such extenuating circumstances prevented the member from seeking advance permission to be absent. If such permission or excuse is granted by the City Council, the absent shall not be counted toward the above -stated limitations on absences. C. Except as stated below in this subsection, all members of boards, commissions and committees of the city appointed by the city council shall be initially, and during their incumbencies bona fide residents and registered voters of the city, and no such member at or during such time shall be an employee of the city. Nonresident members serving on the historic preservation commission as of July 1, 2004, may continue to serve and may seek reappointment until such time as they resign or are replaced by action of the city council. The city council may appoint non-residents as professional members to the historic preservation commission and/or a non- resident as the professional of architecture member of the architectural and landscaping review committee, when, in the judgment of the city council, there is a lack of applications from qualified residents of the city. SECTION 2. Section 2.29.040 of the La Quinta Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 325 Ordinance No. Boards, Commissions and Committees (Absences and Residential Requirement) Adopted: Page 2 The city council shall appoint a three -member architectural and landscaping review committee (ALRC). It is preferred, although not required, that two members of the ALRC have expertise in the areas of architecture or landscape architecture. It is required that one member be a professional of architecture. Recruitment for a professional of architecture member may be advertised outside the city limits. The ALRC shall meet, when in the determination of the planning director, a structure or landscape design will be considered by the planning commission, to make recommendations as to design issues to be included in the staff report to the planning commission. The ALRC shall meet only one time on a give project. The recommendations of the ALRC shall be advisory only and not binding on the planning commission. The ALRC shall also meet, upon the determination of the planning director, to consider commercial property improvement program applications. The terms of the members of the ALRC shall be for two years, with the initial appointments to be two members having two-year terms and one member having a one-year term. SECTION 3. Section 7.04.020 of the La Quinta Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: A. Three commissioners shall be appointed from among professionals in the disciplines of architecture, history, architectural history, planning, or other historic preservation -related disciplines, such as urban planning, American studies, American civilization, cultural geography or cultural anthropology. Recruitment for professional members may be advertised outside the city limits. Two commissioners shall be lay members who have demonstrated special interest, competence, experience or knowledge in historic preservation, American studies, cultural anthropology, cultural geography or other historic preservation -related discipline. SECTION 4. EFFECTIVE DATE: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its adoption. SECTION 5. POSTING: The City Clerk shall cause this Ordinance to be posted in at least three public places designated by resolution of the City Council, shall certify to the adoption and posting of this Ordinance, and shall cause this Ordinance and its certification, together with proof of posting to be entered into the Book of Ordinances of the City of La Quinta. 326 Ordinance No. Boards, Commissions and Committees (Absences and Residential Requirement) Adopted: Page 3 PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED, at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held this day of , 2007, by the following vote: AYES: Council Members NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: DON ADOLPH, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: VERONICA J. MONTECINO, CMC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California (SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California 327 Ordinance No. Boards, Commissions and Committees (Absences and Residential Requirement) Adopted: Page 4 STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE) ss. CITY OF LA QUINTA ) I, VERONICA J. MONTECINO, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, California, do hereby certify the foregoing to be a full, true, and correct copy of Ordinance No. (enter number) which was introduced at a regular meeting on the (date) day of (month), (year), and was adopted at a regular meeting held on the (date) day of (month), (year), not being less than 5 days after the date of introduction thereof. I further certify that the foregoing Ordinance was posted in three places within the City of La Quinta as specified in City Council Resolution No. 2006-115. VERONICA J. MONTECINO, CMC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California DECLARATION OF POSTING I, VERONICA J. MONTECINO, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was posted on pursuant to Council Resolution. VERONICA J. MONTECINO, CMC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California 329 ��ly. man S cEy OF �w COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: November 6, 2007 ITEM TITLE: Consideration of an Amendment to Title 8 of the La Quinta Charter and Municipal. Code Adopting the California Administrative, Building, Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing, Energy, Historical, Fire, Existing Building and Referenced Standards Codes RECOMMENDATION: A.) Motion to take up Ordinance No. reading. B.) Motion to introduce Ordinance No FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: by title and number only and waive further on first reading. The California Building Standards Commission has adopted the 2007 California Building Standards Code which will automatically apply to all applications for building permits submitted on or after January 1, 2008. Pursuant to Health & Safety Code Section 17958, the City of La Quinta is authorized to amend the Code adopted by the Commission upon making express findings that such modifications are reasonably necessary because of local climatic, geological, or topographical conditions. If approved, the ordinance before the City Council today will adopt the California 329 Codes with the City's local amendments. There are no changes proposed to the current local amendments. However, there has been some discussion whether to require single family dwellings and condominiums to have an automatic fire sprinkler system installed if they are 5,000 square feet or larger. Currently, those types of occupancies are exempt from the requirement to install a sprinkler system if they are 5,000 square feet or greater in floor area. The BIA, as well as several local builders of larger homes, have been asked to comment on the possible change to the fire sprinkler requirements. The three individual builders who responded are not in favor of the possible amendment. Their comments on the proposed change are included as Attachment 1. Staff has not been able to formally meet with the BIA representative to discuss their position on the topic. It should be noted that changes to the City's local amendments can be made at any time, not just when the Codes are adopted. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. A.) Motion to take up Ordinance No. _ by title and number only and waive further reading. B.) Motion to introduce Ordinance No. _ on first reading; or 2. Do not take up the Ordinance; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, Tom Hartung, Director arBuilding & Safety Approved for Submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachment: 1. Letters from Builders 339 2 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA REVISING TITLE 8 ENTITLED 'BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION," AND ADOPTING THE FOLLOWING CODES PUBLISHED BY THE CALIFORNIA BUILDING STANDARDS COMMISSION: 2007 CALIFORNIA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, 2007 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE, 2007 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE, 2007 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE, 2007 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE, 2007 CALIFORNIA ENERGY CODE, 2007 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE, 2007 CALIFORNIA HISTORICAL BUILDING CODE, 2007 CALIFORNIA EXISTING BUILDING CODE, AND 2007 CALIFORNIA REFERENCED STANDARDS CODE. WHEREAS, the California Building Standards Commission has adopted a State approved version of uniform codes governing construction in the State of California; and WHEREAS, said new codes shall become automatically applicable to the City of La Quinta unless the City adopts certain findings related to local climatic or geographical conditions which require modifications to the state approved rules. The City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, DOES HEREBY FIND AND ORDAIN as follows: SECTION 1. Local climate conditions particularly including extreme range of temperatures and proximity to active geological areas are hereby found to require certain revisions to the State approved California Building Code. SECTION 2. ADOPTION OF BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION REGULATIONS. There is hereby adopted an amendment, attached hereto as Exhibit A, to Title 8 of the La Quinta Municipal Code entitled "Buildings and Construction" which is incorporated as fully as if set out in full herein, for the purpose of prescribing regulations governing conditions related to building and construction and activities including those certain documents specifically described in said Exhibit A, save and except certain specified portions which are hereinafter deleted, modified or amended within various Chapters of said Title 8, of which documents being adopted by reference copies are on file with the Building and Safety Department and the same are also hereby adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length herein. SECTION 3. VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, improve, remove, convert, or demolish, equip, or cause or permit the same to be done, contrary to or in violation of any of the provisions of this Ordinance. Any person, firm, or corporation violating, or failing to comply with, any of the provisions of such Ordinance or Code shall be 331 3 Ordinance No. Municipal Code Chapter 8 2007 California Building Standards Adopted: Page 2 deemed guilty of a separate offense for each and every day or portion thereof during which any violation of any of the provisions of such Code is committed, continued, or permitted, and upon conviction of any such violation, such person shall be punishable by a fine of not more than $500 or by imprisonment for not more than six (6) months or by both such fine and imprisonment. The application of the penalty provided in this Section shall not be held to prevent the abatement of prohibited conditions as a public nuisance as provided by Section 1.01.250 of the La Quinta Municipal Code. SECTION 4. VALIDITY. If any section, subsection, clause or phrase of this Ordinance, or of any code adopted thereby is for any reason held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such a decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance or of any code adopted thereby. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance and each section or subsection, sentence, clause and phrase thereof, and each code adopted hereby irrespective of the clauses or phrases being declared invalid. SECTION S. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect starting on January 1, 2008. SECTION 6. POSTING. The City Clerk shall, within fifteen (15) days after the passage of this Ordinance, cause it to be posted in at least the three public places designated by resolution of the City Council; shall certify to the adoption and posting of this Ordinance; and shall cause this Ordinance and its certification, together with proof of posting, to be entered in the book of ordinances of the City of La Quinta. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this _ day of November, 2007, by the following vote: AYES: Council Members NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None DON ADOLPH, Mayor 332 4 Ordinance No. Municipal Code Chapter 8 2007 California Building Standards Adopted: Page 3 City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: VERONICA J. MONTECINO, CMC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California (City Seal) APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California 333 5 Ordinance No. Municipal Code Chapter 8 2007 California Building Standards Adopted: Page 4 EXHIBIT "A" Title 8 of the La Quinta Municipal Code, entitled "Buildings and Construction," shall be amended as follows: 1. Chapter 8.01 Sections heading 8.01.010 shall be revised to change "Adoption of the Uniform Administrative Code" reference to "Adoption of the California Administrative Code." 2. Section 8.01.010 heading shall be revised to "Adoption of the Uniform Administrative Code" reference to "Adoption of the California Administrative Code." 3. Section 8.01.010 shall be revised to change "Uniform Administrative Code,1997 Edition" references to " 2007 California Administrative Code." 4. Section 8.01.010 shall be revised to change "International Conference of Building Officials" references to "California Building Standards Commission." 5. Section 8.01.020 heading and body text is deleted in its entirety. 6. Section 8.01.040 heading and body text is deleted in its entirety. 7. Section 8.01.050 heading and body text is deleted in its entirety. 8. Section 8.01.060 heading and body text is deleted in its entirety. 9. Section 801.070 E. shall be revised to read as follows:"Refusal to comply with this section shall be a misdemeanor and sufficient cause for the suspension of the issued building permit pending compliance." 10. Section 8.02.010 shall be revised to read as follows: "Certain documents marked and designated as the "2007 California Building Code" Volumes 1 and 2, including Appendix Chapters 1 (Administration), Chapter C (Agricultural Buildings), Chapter I (Patio Covers) and Chapter J (Grading) published by the California Building Standards Commission are adopted for regulating the erection, construction, enlargement, alteration, repair, moving, removal, demolition, conversion, occupancy, equipment, use, height, area and maintenance, of all buildings or structures. Each and all of the regulations, provisions, conditions and terms of such "California Building Code, 2007 Edition," published by the California Building Standards Commission, on file in the Building and Safety Department, are referred to and made part hereof as if fully set out in this chapter, except as otherwise provided in this chapter. 11. Section 8.02.020 is revised to read as follows: "The following portions of the 2007 California Building Code are deleted: A. Appendix Chapter 1 Section 112 (Board of Appeals) B. Appendix Chapter 1 Section 105.2 Building 2., 4., and 9. 12. Section 8.02.030 heading and body text is deleted in its entirety. 13. Section 8.02.060 is revised to read as follows: "Section 903.2 of the 2007 California Building Code is amended to read as follows: Where Required. Other 334 6 Ordinance No. Municipal Code Chapter 8 2007 California Building Standards Adopted: Page 5 requirements of this Section notwithstanding, an automatic fire -extinguishing system shall be installed in all buildings where the gross floor area exceeds 5,000 square feet, except Group R, Division 3. 14. Section 8.02.070 heading and body text is deleted in its entirety. 15. Section 802.080 reference to "Uniform Building Code Standards No. 15-2" is revised to read "2007 California Building Code Section 1505." 16. Section 8.02.090 heading and body text is deleted in its entirety. 17. Section 8.03.010 references to "2004 California Electrical Code" are revised to "2007 California Electrical Code" 18. Section 8.03.020 Article 120.7 second paragraph is revised to remove the words "or renewed". 19. Section 8.03.020 Article 120.7 third paragraph is revised to change" International Conference of Building Officials" to "International Code Council". 20. Section 8.04.010 references to " California Plumbing Code 2001 Edition" are revised to "2007 California Plumbing Code" 21. Section 8.04.020 heading and body text is deleted in its entirety. 22. Section 8.04.040 heading and body text is deleted in its entirety. 23. Section 8.05.010 references to " California Mechanical Code 2001 Edition" are revised to "2007 California Mechanical Code" 24. Section 8.05.020 heading and body text is deleted in its entirety. 25. Section 8.08.010 is amended to read as follows: "8.08.010 Adoption of the California Fire Code Certain documents marked and designated as the "2007 California Fire Code," including all appendices, with the exception of Appendix A, Board of Appeals and Appendix D, Fire Apparatus Roads, and Section 108 of Appendix Chapter 1, are adopted for the purpose of prescribing regulations governing conditions hazardous to life and property from fire or explosion. Each and all regulations, provisions, conditions and terms of such "2007 California Fire Code," published by California Building Standards Commission in cooperation with the International Code Council, on file in the building and safety department are referred to and made a part of this code as if fully set out in this chapter, except as otherwise provided in this chapter." 26. Section 8.08.020 change references to "California Fire Code 2001 Edition" are revised to "2007 California Fire Code" 27. Section 8.08.040 heading and body text is deleted in its entirety. 28. Section 8.08.050 the first sentence is deleted. The rest of the section remains unchanged. 29. Section 8.08.060 heading and body text is deleted in its entirety 30. Section 8.08.070 delete the first and third sentence of the section. Delete bold text "902.2" preceding "Controlled Access", rest of section to remain the same. 333 7 Ordinance No. Municipal Code Chapter 8 2007 California Building Standards Adopted: Page 6 31. Section 8.08.090 first sentence is amended to read as follows: "Section 903.2 of the 2007 California Fire Code, is amended by adding the following: An approved automatic fire sprinkling system shall be installed in every building hereafter constructed, containing Group A,B,E,F,H,I,M,S,U, and R1 occupancies where the gross floor area is 5,000 square feet or more, regardless of stories." Remainder of the section remains unchanged. 32. Section 8.08.100 heading and body text is deleted in its entirety 33. Section 8.08.120 heading and body text is deleted in its entirety 34. Section 8.14.010 references to "2005 California Energy Code" are revised to "2007 California Energy Code" 35. Section 8.14.020 heading and body text is deleted in its entirety. 36. Chapter 8.15 shall be added as follows: "Chapter 8.15 HISTORICAL BUILDING CODE 8.15.010 Adoption of the California Historical Building Code Certain documents marked and designated as the "2007 California Historical Building Code," published by the California Building Standards Commission, are adopted to facilitate the preservation and continuing use of qualified historical buildings or properties while providing reasonable safety for the building occupants and access for persons with disabilities. Each and all of the regulations, provisions, conditions, and terms of such "2007 California Historical Building Code," published by the California Building Standards Commission, on file in the building and safety department, are referred to and made a part of this code as if fully set out in this chapter." 37. Chapter 8.16 shall be added as follows: "Chapter 8.16 EXISTING BUILDING CODE 8.16.010 Adoption of the California Existing Building Code Certain documents marked and designated as the "2007 California Existing Building Code," published by the California Building Standards Commission, are adopted to promote public safety and welfare by reducing the risk or injury that may result from the effects of earthquakes on existing unreinforced masonry bearing wall buildings. Each and all of the regulations, provisions, conditions, and terms of such "2007 California Existing Building Code," published by the California Building Standards Commission, on file in the building and safety department, are referred to and made a part of this code as if fully set out in this chapter." ,.' 336 I? Ordinance No. Municipal Code Chapter 8 2007 California Building Standards Adopted: Page 7 38. Chapter 8.17 shall be added as follows: "Chapter 8.17 REFERENCE STANDARDS CODE 8.17.010 Adoption of the California Referenced Standards Code Certain documents marked and designated as the "2007 California Referenced Standards Code," published by the California Building Standards Commission, are hereby adopted. Each and all of the regulations, provisions, conditions, and terms of such "2007 California Referenced Standards Code," published by the California Building Standards Commission, on file in the building and safety department, are referred to and made a part of this code as if fully set out in this chapter. No Changes to the Remainder of Title 8 337 9 ATTACHMENT TRANS(HISTHOUSING October 19, 2007 Tom Hartung, Building and Safety Director Building and Safety Department City of La Quinta P. O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92247-1504 SUBJECT: Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems Dear Mr. Hartung: Trans West Housing has learned that the City of La Quinta is considering updating the building codes. This update may include provisions that would require the installation of automatic fire sprinkler systems in homes that have over 5,000 square feet. The City of La Quinta currently requires automatic fire -extinguishing systems for buildings over 5,000 square feet but exempts Group R, Division3 and Group U which are single family homes, fences, walls and towers. We have the following concerns with this potential requirement. We envision Griffin Ranch having many full time winter residents and few full time summer residents. Possibilities exist that a sprinkler head may accidentally be triggered by excessive heat (not related to fire) or by a mechanical failure with the system thus causing water damage. However, the main concern is the "Commercial Hotel Look" that is created in the larger homes. This will create a negative impact on our potential buyers. Automatic fire sprinkler systems should be at the discretion of the home buyer rather than being mandated by City. Mandatory sprinkler requirement should be required for commercial uses where the general public gather. Please Reply To: O 10721 Treena Street #200 San Diego, CA 92131 p: 858,653.3003 f: 858.653.3001 www.TransWestHousing.com 7147-120 Dune Palms Road, Suite C La Quetta, CA 92253 p: 760.777.4307 f. 760.777.4308 338 10 Please consider our comments in this matter. Also, please let me when this issue may be considered by the City Council. Thank you in advance for your consideration. d�� Jerry Herman Project Manager c: Tom Genovese, City Manager Donald Adolph, Mayor Stanley Sniff, Mayor Pro Tem Tom Kirk, Council Member Terry Henderson, Council Member Lee Osborne, Council Member 339 11 T:A ,&&M MNSTUUCTBCN November 1, 2007 RE: Fire Sprinkler/Residential Issues Tom Hartung Building & Safety City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta CA 92253 Dear Tom Hartung: As a local builder in La Quinta, we at A&M Construction would like to take the opportunity to express our concern regarding the issue that will be before the council of "Residential Fire Sprinkler Codes'. The consideration for fire protection is understandable, however early detection devices may pose a greater benefit, especially when monitored. Fire sprinklers in homes save lives and property by taking direct action against a fire, once activated by high heat or close proximity to flames. Early detection devices like smoke, heat and gas detectors provide warning to the threat of a fire, which aid in fire prevention and intervention. Usage of heat and gas detectors along with the monitoring of smoke, heat and gas detectors achieve the desired results, without creating drastic changes to building codes. In this builder's opinion, requiring sprinkler systems in homes larger than five thousand square feet is not a practical solution. Rick Morris President RM/bk At 341 PO Box 366 • La Quetta, CA 92247 • Office i760) 564-4832 • Fax (760) 564-0406 • Emailamconstruction@earthlink.net 13 F� `y OFT' COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: November 6, 2007 ITEM TITLE: Discussion of Funding Options for Landscape and Lighting Assessment District 89-1 RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Provide direction to staff regarding the proposed funding concepts for Landscape and Lighting (L & L) Assessment District 89-1. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: 2006/07 Actual 2007/08 Budgeted Landscape and Lighting Assessments $2,016,399 $2,021,240 General Fund Park Maintenance $1,414,337 $1,417,780 Total Landscape and Lighting and Parks Expenditures $3,430,736 $3,439,020 Less CSA 152 Revenue Less Balance to Levy Total General Fund Contribution Equivalent Dwelling Units (EDU) Levy Per (EDU) CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: $210,000 $210,000 $916,545 $916,545 $2,304,191 $2,312,475 25,746 25,746 $35.60 $35.60 As the City pays for these services using local funds, the City's landscape contractor is not required to pay prevailing wages. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: In 1989, the City Council formed a Citywide L & L Assessment District to fund costs associated with the maintenance, construction and servicing of City street landscaping, lighting, traffic signals, and appurtenant facilities. 14 342 This district was formed under the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972. Proposition 218, which became effective in 1997, limits the City's ability to increase the annual assessment without a general vote of the City's population. As a result, the City's annual assessment has remained at $35.60 per EDU since 1995. At that time, the City Council directed a flat rate for all residents under one citywide assessment district, as opposed to separate assessment district zones with different rates for each zone. This direction has been followed through all subsequent engineers' reports to date. During the review and approval of the Fiscal Year 2007/2008 engineer's report for the L & L Assessment District 89-1 on April 17`", 2007, City Council asked staff to bring back information on funding options in order to reduce the burden of the L & L district on the General Fund. It should be noted that although parks maintenance, irrigation, and lighting costs are included in the L & L District Budget, assessments have always been based on the cost to maintain landscape and lighting within the right-of-way and drainage facilities only in accordance with the 1972 Act. Park maintenance costs have become a greater portion of the L & L District Budget as more of these facilities have been constructed by the City. In 2006 staff estimated that at the current City limits at build -out the City would receive approximately $1,315,000 from 36,950 EDU's while expenditures for right of way maintenance only would increase to approximately $1,617,000 for an anticipated approximate deficit of $304,000/year in 2025. Parks maintenance costs would be in addition to this amount. Staff has reviewed options with the City's Assessment District Consultant, Muni Financial, and found that due to the restrictions of Proposition 218 and other taxpayer protection initiatives, there are few mechanisms available to the City for recouping park maintenance costs or for easily raising assessments to cover maintenance costs within the right-of-way. Although the following options might not be viable for the City at this time, MuniFinancial will cover these in greater depth at the Study Session. Here are some of the options City Council may want to consider: 1. Special Taxes/Mello-Roos Community Facilities District (CFD) Special taxes may be charged on a per parcel basis for items such as public safety or community parks that benefit the City as a whole, either through the same Government Code provisions under which the fire protection special tax was proposed or levied by a CFD formed under the Mello -Roos Community Facilities Act, which would be governed by the City Council. Special taxes do not require establishing special benefit, but are restricted in that they may only be used for a particular public service or public facility. Special taxes do, however, require a Super Majority (2/3 of registered voters) to be approved. Special taxes have been used for maintaining recreational facilities within CFD's in other cities. 343 2. Assessment Districts Assessment Districts are based on special benefits certain members of the public enjoy that others do not. Because of these special benefits, members of an assessment district are assessed for those improvements. Assessments have been used in La Quinta as well as other cities for such things as parkway and median landscape maintenance because these improvements are located in close proximity to their development. However, assessment districts are difficult to use for maintaining regional parks because persons living closer to parks would have to pay a higher rate than the general public due to their proximity to those facilities. The assessments would be capable of being attacked as too "general" as to their benefits, if the assessment formula did not give weight to a property's proximity to the park facilities. Assessment districts require a simple majority assessment balloting procedure of those persons within the boundary of the district to approve new or higher assessments. Because there is typically only one property owner at the beginning of a development project, many cities require developers to form an assessment district as a condition of subdividing the property in order to pay for maintenance of all public improvements that are of special benefit to that development. Future owners within the development are then automatically included in the assessment district when they purchase their property. Utilizing its charter city power, La Quinta could devise its own assessment procedure for landscape, lighting, and parks, which differs from general state law. 3. User Fees User fees are charged directly to members of the public using public facilities similar to fees charged at libraries or other facilities. Users pay directly for the use of that facility. These fees would normally be adopted by ordinance during a Public Hearing and must be related to the actual costs associated for using that facility. If the "user fee" were deemed to be "property related" (i.e., payable by all properties in La Quinta, regardless of actual use), the use fee would be subject to the requirements of Proposition 218 for a noticed public hearing and a majority vote at a special election. Because of the restrictions to modifying existing assessment districts under Proposition 218, no changes are recommended at this time for the existing L & L Assessment District 89-1. However, staff and Muni -Financial will continue to monitor legislative changes that might allow the City to recover more of its cost for maintaining lighting, landscaping and parks in the future. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: As deemed appropriate by City Council. Respectfully submitted, 9 40thy R on on, P.E. Public Works Director/City Engineer Approved for submission by: /�� Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachment: 1. L & L Assessment District 89-1 Cost Summary 343 LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPE DISTRICT 89-1 PARKS BUDGET SUMMARIES FOR ATTACHMENT 1 FISCAL YEAR 2007/2008 EXPENDITURES FUNDING ESTIMATED LANDSCAPE & GENERAL FUND FISCAL YEAR LIGHTING PARK 2007/2008 ASSESSMENTS MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL Salaries -Permanent Full Time $172,400 $69,400 $103,000 Employee Benefits 75,100 31,750 43,350 Stand By 2,100 1,300 800 Stand By Overtime 4,000 2,600 1,400 Overtime 1200 800 400 TOTAL PERSONNEL $254,800 = $105,850 $148,950 CONTRACT SERVICES Annual Lighting & Landscape Report $15,000 $15,000 Landscape Lighting Maintenance 179,470 145,470 $34,000 Riverside County Tax Roll Admin Fee 15,000 15,000 Citywide Maintenance Contract 1,225,437 782,400 443,037 Silver Rock Way Landscape Maintenance 54,300 54,300 Tree Trimming 77,000 65,000 12,000 Janitorial Service 24,000, TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $1,566,207 = $1,077,170 $513,037 MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR Sports Complex Building $12,000 $12,000 LQ Park Buildings 14,000 14,000 TOTAL MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR $26,000 = $26,000 RENTAL SERVICE Uniforms $1,000 $1,000 TOTAL RENTAL SERVICE $1,000 = $1,000 PARK EQUIPMENT Facility Charges $391,190 $391,190 VEHICLE OPERATIONS Fleet Maintenance 3,016 3,016 TOTAL OPERATIONS $394,206 = $3,016 $391,190 UTILITIES Electric $486,600 $351,800 $134,800 Phone 700 700 Water 253,900 152,000 101,900 Security Service 1100 1,250 TOTAL UTILITIES $741,200 = $504,900 $238,650 TRAVEL, TRAINING & MEETINGS $2 950 $950 $2,000 TOTAL TRAVEL TRAINING & MEETINGS $2,950 = $950 $2,000 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Computers, Printers and services $10172 $4521 $5651 TOTAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY $10,172 = $4,521 $5,651 OPERATING SUPPLIES Plant Replacement $53,000 $47,000 $6,006 Uniform Hats and Shirts 120 120 Software -Lap 500 500 Graffiti Removal Material 22,000 7,000 15,000 Multi -Use Trails and Medians 40,000 40,000 Safety Gear 600 400 200 DG for 5 additional perimeters 120,010 95,010 25,000 Materials -irrigation and Lighting Repairs 54,120 54,120 TOTAL OPERATING SUPPLIES $236,230 = $244,150 $46,200 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT Non -Capital $250 $250 TOTAL SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT $250 = $250 CAPITAL Machinery and Equipment Laptop $5,000 $5 000 TOTAL CAPITAL $5,000 = $5,000 TOTAL LANDSCAPE & LIGHTING AND PARKS PROPOSED BUDGET $3,207,015 = $1,946,807 1 $1,371,678 DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION Public Works Administration $29,134 $29,134 Community Services Administration 12,521 12,521 Citywide Administration 78,880 32,778 $46,102 TOTAL DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION $120,635 = $74,4331 $46,102 TOTAL LANDSCAPE & LIGHTING AND PARKS EXPENDITURES $3,327,550 = $2,021,240 $1,417 780 Less CSA 152 Revenue $210,D0 1 Balance to Levy $916,545 General Fund Contributioni $2,201,005 346 REPORT/INFORMATIONAL ITEM: li�Lo INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD September 12, 2007 CALL TO ORDER Regular meeting of the La Quinta Investment Advisory Board was called to order at the hour of 4:30 P.M. by Chairperson Denial, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENT: Board Members Ross, Moulin, Deniel, and Rassi ABSENT: Board Member Park OTHERS PRESENT: John Falconer, Finance Director, Tom Genovese, City Manager, Kathy Jenson, City Attorney and Vianka Orrantia, Secretary 11 Public Comment — None III CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Mr. Falconer requested that Item "A" of the "Correspondence and Written Material" be discussed immediately following the consent calendar. The Board concurred. IV CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes of Meeting on August 15, 2007 for the Investment Advisory Board. Board Member Park advised that on page 3, last paragraph, the motion should read: It was moved by Board Members Moulin/Bassi to authorize Board Member (less Park to attend the LAIF conference. And he also advised that on page 1, the title of the minutes reads that this meeting was a "Special Meeting," therefore, the call to order should read: Speeial Nmm meeting of the La Quinta Investment Advisory Board In response to Board Member Moulin, Ms. Jenson clarified for the Board that any meeting scheduled on any other date and time, other then the regular scheduled meeting, is considered a special meeting. .y '347 Investment Advisory Board Minutes September 12, 2007 MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Moulin/Bassi to approve the Minutes of August 15, 2007, as amended. Motion carried unanimously. VI CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL A. Investment of City Moneys and Deposit of Securities Mr. Falconer advised that at the request of the Board at the August meeting, Staff was asked to extend an invitation to the City Manager and City Attorney to discuss the draft language that the City Attorney would be presenting to the City Council on September 18, 2007. Mr. Falconer also advised that Staff included the General Attorney's opinion for the Board's review, which has been previously referenced in a prior meeting by the City Attorney. Ms. Jenson advised that the State law allows the City Council to either retain the obligation of the duties to invest or delegate the authority to the Treasurer. The Attorney General's opinion states that an elected Treasurer remains responsible for the decisions or the acts taken by the person under contract. The City of La Quinta does not have an elected Treasurer therefore the responsibility lies upon the City Council. Ms. Jenson clarified that the funds that are put into the hands of the portfolio manager; it is not the Treasurer retaining the obligation or remaining responsible, but the City Council, who ultimately selects the portfolio manager. Ms. Jenson advised that safeguards for a portfolio manager have been approved and rimplemented into the investment policy by the City Council. Ms. Jenson shared that she didn't feel it was fair for the Treasurer to be responsible for an entity he is not retaining. Ms. Jenson advised that the purpose of the draft ordinance is to clarify the delegation and the responsibility of this issue, and the responsibility lies with the City Council. Chairperson Daniel suggested that within the draft ordinance, that the words "portfolio manager" be replaced with "professional portfolio management firm." 2 34� Investment Advisory Board Minutes September 12, 2007 Ms. Jenson advised that in the beginning of the draft ordinance that "professional portfolio management firm" is used and "portfolio manager" is used throughout the ordinance just as a defined term. In reference to Chairperson Daniel, Mr. Genovese advised that it is the discretion of the Board as to whether or not they attend the September 18' Council meeting. Chairperson Daniel suggested that Board Member Moulin attend the September 181" Council meeting. In response to Board Member Moulin, Ms. Jenson advised that Government Code section 53607 states that the City Council may annually delegate the investment authority to its dually appointed City Treasurer by ordinance or resolution (this section is incorporated into the City code), and section 53608 is the parallel provision for counties. In response to Board Member Moulin, Mr. Falconer advised that the City modeled the County codes upon incorporation; therefore including sections 53607 and 53608. In response to Chairperson Daniel, Ms. Jenson clarified that the portfolio manager is not required to obtain pre -authorization for investments from the Treasurer. Ms. Jenson obtained the Government Code book and read Sections 53607 and 53608. Section 53607 is the delegation to the Treasurer, which has been clarified in the ordinance as a partial delegation and section 53608 is the general authority to make investments. At the suggestion of Board Member Moulin, he felt that these sections should be separate paragraphs and labeled as section "A" and "B" within the draft ordinance. He also suggested that the word "money" possibly be replaced with the word "funds." In response to Board Member Ross, Ms. Jenson clarified that the Attorney General's opinion involves an "elected" Treasurer who has the authority to contract a firm and is ultimately responsible for that firm. In response to Board Member Ross, Chairperson Daniel and Mr. Falconer clarified that the Treasurer would ultimately be the administrative point of contact to the professional portfolio management firm. 3 34� Investment Advisory Board Minutes September 12, 2007 Board Member Ross advised that upon reading the draft ordinance, he feels that it removes the responsibility from the Treasurer. Ms. Jenson advised that the Treasurer's involvement and safeguards are adopted by the City Council. She also advised that the ordinance is written so that the contracting party ultimately remains responsible for the decisions made by the portfolio manager. General discussion continued among the Board and Staff regarding the responsibility and the reporting of the portfolio manager. Mr. Falconer advised that he spoke with the City's current third part custodian, (Bank of New York) and they informed him that a separate account would need to be setup for the portfolio manager. Mr. Falconer also advised that the third party custodian provides a report, which is used to compile the Treasurer's report. He feels that if a firm is hired, then he has the due diligence to review the firm's investments and to make sure they comply with the City's investment policy and report any exceptions. Board Member Moulin suggested the following wording "Portfolio Manager shall report to and through the City Treasurer, who then shall advise the City of the performance of the firm." Chairperson Deniel concurred. In response to Ms. Jenson, Chairperson Deniel clarified that reporting of firm's performance means making sure they are abiding by the City's investment policy. In response to Board Member Ross, Ms. Jenson advised that it would be Council's discretion as to whether or not they choose to meet with the firm. Ms. Jenson advised that a contract with the firm would list the guidelines required by the City. In response to Chairperson Deniel, Mr. Falconer advised that the information discussed, is for informational purposes only and no formal vote is required. Board Member Moulin reiterated the suggested changes to the draft ordinance: n u 4 350 Investment Advisory Board Minutes September 12, 2007 "Pursuant to," paragraph would become section A; "Notwithstanding would become section B. The word "money" will be replaced with the word "funds." In response to Board Member Moulin, Ms. Jenson advised that she drafted the last sentence to comply with the guidelines of the Attorney General Opinion. Chairperson Denial suggested adding a Section C, with it reading: "Portfolio management firm will produce monthly reports which will be presented through the City Treasurer." The City shall exercise prudence in the selection of the Portfolio Manager, and shall impose reasonable safeguards to prevent abuse in the exercise of discretion by the Portfolio Manager. Ms. Jenson advised that she felt that the selection and the exercise of safeguards should not be limited to "Section C." Discussion ensued among the Board and Staff regarding the City Council's prudence and what the state code allows. Noted and Filed V BUSINESS SESSION A. Transmittal of Treasury Report for July 2007 Mr. Falconer presented the Treasurer's report advising that the portfolio dropped by $7 million. Mr. Falconer also advised that due to the new flexibility in the policy, he was able to extend out the average daily maturity to 129 days and was not able to extend out Farm Credit because he was not able to obtain the extended length. Mr. Falconer advised that portfolio is currently exceeding its benchmark, with investments in LAIF and commercial paper and extending out GSE's, with no investments in US Treasuries other than the bond proceeds. In response to Chairperson Deniel, Mr. Falconer advised that he purchased commercial paper with the yields higher at 5.30% versus the prior purchase at 5.26%. 1 5 351 Investment Advisory Board Minutes September 12, 2007 MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Moulin/Ross to approve, receive and file the Treasury Report for July 2007. Motion carried unanimously. B. Distribution of RFP for Banking Services Mr. Falconer advised that based on the Board's comments at the previous month's meeting, Mr. Falconer contacted Wells Fargo and they have agreed to extend the City's current bank costs over the next four years. If this is the Board's recommendation, Staff will make a recommendation to the City Council to extend another four year contract with Wells Fargo. General discussion ensued among the Board regarding Wells Fargo Bank and the extension of their contract with the Board in favor of recommending a contract extension. In response to Board Member Ross, Mr. Falconer clarified that the City imposes an RFP, not the State. In response to Board Member Moulin, Chairperson Denial advised that the policy generally states that no individual service provider gets preferential treatment and pay that is above market. Board Member Ross advised that on page 8, of the RFP, Tab H should read: The City currently transacts wire transfers t#ae the internet with backup or telephone, In response to Member Ross, Mr. Falconer advised that the peg balance was suggested by former Board Member Osborne and has remained in the RFP. MOTION — It was moved by Board Members Moulin/Rassi to forego the RFP process and recommend to the City Council to extend the contract to continue with Wells Fargo Bank. Motion carried unanimously. C. October Meeting The consensus of the Board was to go dark for the month of October, due to numerous conflicts in schedules. 0 352 Investment Advisory Board Minutes September 12, 2007 MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Moulin/Ross to go dark for the month of October. Motion carried unanimously. VI CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL Chairperson Deniel left the meeting at 5:15 p.m. A. Investment of City Moneys and Deposit of Securities Item discussed at the beginning of the meeting. Noted and Filed B . Month End Cash Report - August 2007 Mr. Falconer advised that the LAIF performance was currently at 5.25% with the average maturity at 173 days, which has dropped slightly. Mr. Falconer also advised that page 8 reflects the Treasury yields, which have dropped significantly from 4.90% to 4.10%. Noted and Filed C. Pooled Money Investment Board Reports - June 2007 Noted and Filed VII BOARD MEMBER ITEMS Board Member Moulin suggested that the Board consider revisiting the language for the "risk" and "diversification" portion of the Investment Policy on page 5, 8 and 9, for the upcoming review of the investment policy for fiscal year 2008/09. MOTION - It was moved by Boards Members Ross/Moulin to continue the discussion at the November meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Vill Adjournment MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Ross/Moulin to adjourn the meeting at 5:35 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. 7 353 Investment Advisory Board Minutes Secretary September 12, 2007 354 REPORTS & INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: c9'I COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION MINUTES September 10, 2007 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Community Services Commission was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Chairperson Weber. Vice -Chairperson Leidner led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Commissioner Andrea Gassman Vice -Chairperson Bob Leidner Commissioner E. Howard Long Commissioner Robert F. Sylk Chairperson Mark Weber STAFF PRESENT: Edie Hylton, Community Services Director Steve Howlett, Golf & Parks Manager Christina Calderon, Recreation Supervisor Angela Guereque, Community Services Secretary GUESTS PRESENT: Louise Neeley, La Quinta Historical Society Andre Blanche, Artist Grady Sparks, T.D. Desert Development Patricia Borum, Artist Dori Quill, 51-245 Avenida Rubio PUBLIC COMMENT None. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Motion - It was moved by Commissioner Gassman and seconded by Commissioner Sylk to confirm the agenda. Motion carried unanimously. PRESENTATIONS: None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approval of July 9, 2007 Minutes i, 355 Community Serwcrs Commission Minute;; September 10, 2001 Motion — It was moved by Commissioner Sylk and seconded by Commissioner Long to approve the minutes as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. CONSENT CALENDAR None. PUBLIC HEARING None. BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Consideration of a Historical Mural in the Museum Community Room Director Hylton stated that the artist, Andre Blanche, has brought back changes as requested by the Commission in July and the La Quinta Historical Society is in favor of the new rendering. Commissioner Sylk stated that this new rendering was an improvement although he is disappointed with the golfer. He suggested a trimmer golfer wearing Bermuda shorts with a Dwight Eisenhower face. Commissioner Sylk questioned the cost increase for the larger wall. Director Hylton stated that the cost per square foot will be $315 for either wall. Commissioner Gassman stated that Andre Blanche has done a fabulous job on this mural and she is in favor of placing it on the south wall. Commissioner Gassman stated that there is a fine line between appreciating art and censoring art. The Historical Society has worked with the City on this art choice and the Commission shouldn't be censoring that choice. Vice -Chairperson Leidner stated that he concurs with Commissioner Gassman as far as the Commission's role on this project. Vice -Chairperson Leidner asked if there is a slope on the ceiling. Director Hylton stated the wall is square on both sides with open ceiling trusses running east to west. Vice -Chairman Leidner asked if there is any apparatus to divide the room at anytime. Director Hylton stated there is nothing intended to break that room up. Ms. Neeley noted that when the docents look at this mural it tells the history. Andre Blanche has done a good job that will create a huge mural that really depicts the history of La Quinta. 356 t;+rnnnIf) ry CCJrim ISSi Or Minutes September 10, 2007 3_ Vice -Chairperson Leidner asked Ms. Neeley which wall she would prefer the mural to be on and she answered, "the large wall." Motion - It was moved by Commissioner Gassman and seconded by Vice - Chairperson Leidner to recommend the historical mural designed by Andre Blanche to be painted on the south wall of the La Quinta Museum community room, $125,000 from the Art in Public Places be used for the mural, and this be recommended to City Council. Motion carried with Commissioner Long opposing. 2. Consideration of a Bronze Art Piece for Andalusia at Coral Mountain Director Hylton stated that T.D. Desert Development submitted a request to receive a fee credit and refund of APP fees to build a bronze horse and rider. This art piece will be purchased by T.D. Desert Development for $176,613 from artist, Patricia Borum. Commissioner Long asked if the developer will be receiving all of their APP funds back. Director Hylton stated the developer estimates a total of $300,000 will be paid in APP fees for this project. Vice -Chairperson Leidner asked who came up with the $300,000 figure. Director Hylton stated that staff verified this number with the Building & Safety Department. Secretary Guereque stated a change to page 16 should be to change $106,612 to $1 16,542. Commissioner Long stated that this artist has wonderful work and this piece is beautiful. Commissioner Gassman stated that this artist is exceptionally good, but we have too many horse pieces throughout the City. There are going to be two at Griffin Ranch, there is one at Embassy Suites, and one at Rancho La Quinta. Commissioner Gassman asked if this development has an equestrian component. Mr. Sparks stated that there is not an equestrian component. Chairperson Weber stated this is a beautiful piece for the entrance yet he is still sensitive to the horse theme. The logo incorporates something similar to this piece with the traditional Andalusian rider. Artist, Patricia Borum, explained that this horse is an Andalusian horse from Andalusia. Mr. Sparks explained that this has been a long process for this piece of art. T.D. Desert Development will maintain the piece and the landscape. This piece has Spanish pride and ties La Quinta to Southern Spain. 357 Cornmunity Services commission Minutos Srpteniher 10, 2007 4- Motion — It was moved by Commissioner Sylk and seconded by Commissioner Long to recommend T.D. Desert Development L.P. purchase the bronze art piece and be awarded a fee credit of $176,613 to purchase the art piece. Motion carried with Commissioner Gassman opposing. 3. Consideration of the 2007-2008 Community Services Marketing Plan. Director Hylton explained that the Community Services Department has put together this first Marketing Plan for the Commission to review. Staff will be working with Kiner Communications to get a template for stronger promotions. Commissioner Long noted that the last sentence of the 2nd paragraph needs to be rewritten for better understanding. Vice -Chairperson Leidner stated that this is the first time getting a good overview of what staff is doing. He was very impressed and appreciative. Commissioner Long suggested the "Facts of Life" for the Senior Center and adding a weekly "What to Do" of upcoming events as a La Quinta pullout. Director Hylton stated she would check with the Desert Sun for the pullout. Commissioner Gassman commended all the staff on this tremendous endeavor. Chairperson Weber stated that it was great to see this happening and it is nice to see this comprehensive plan. Motion — It was moved by Commissioner Long and seconded by Vice -Chairperson Leidner to approve the 2007-2008 Community Services Marketing Plan. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Consideration of Commission Meeting Dates Commissioner Sylk asked if Commission would be dark in August 2008. Director Hylton stated that it will depend upon the amount of items we have at that time of the year and if the City Council will be dark. Commissioner Gassman asked to be excused from the February 11, 2008 meeting. Motion — It was moved by Commissioner Sylk and seconded by Commissioner Long to approve the Community Services Commission meeting dates as noted. Motion carried unanimously. i 359 cor*inumity services Commission Minutes September 10, 2007 5- 5. Consideration of Art Maintenance Priorities Commissioner Long asked if earmarking $6,000 out of the $30,000 available will leave enough of a cushion for other items that might come up. Director Hylton stated that staff will bring something back to the Commission if other items come up. Vice -Chairperson Leidner asked if the Arch Sculpture was supposed to be repainted at the time the additional pieces were added to it. Director Hylton stated that the original colors were to be toned down a bit and the colors have faded. Motion — It was moved by Commissioner Long and seconded by Commissioner Gassman to approve the art maintenance priorities as listed. Motion carried unanimously. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS 1. Monthly Department Report for June 2007 Commissioner Gassman noted that the berm has not been removed for the whole Fred Wolff Bear Creek Nature Preserve and feels there is a safety need for that. Director Hylton stated that the Preserve goes up to Calle Chillon. 2. Monthly Department Report for July 2007 Commissioner Long stated that RecTrac and WebTrac are too confusing. Director Hylton stated that 60% of registrations are being done online. Vice -Chairperson Leidner asked if staff can check into licensing to make modifications to the program. Director Hylton explained that some changes may be made depending on requests from park and recreation users. 3. Calendar of Monthly Events COMMISSIONER ITEMS 1. Reports from Commissioners Regarding Meetings Attended. Commissioner Gassman stated she was present at the National Night Out, 3 open air cinemas, and the San Diego Padres excursion. Commissioner Sylk stated he was present at the National Night Out. Chairperson Weber stated he was present at the National Night Out, and 3 open air cinemas. 0 359 Community Services Commission Minules September 10, 2007 -6- OPEN DISCUSSION Commissioner Sylk asked what was happening with The Gem art piece at Washington Street and Highway 111. Director Hylton stated that the City Manager and the Artist are working together to try to relocate that piece. Commissioner Gassman mentioned that the bike maps are wonderful and would like to see the number of miles added to it. Director Hylton stated that staff will be putting distance numbers at La Quinta Park, Adams Park, and the Civic Center Campus this year. Dori Quill explained that she felt the signs at the Village roundabout are too bright. Director Hylton stated that she would mention it to the Public Works Department. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner Long and seconded by Commissioner Sylk to adjourn the Community Services Commission meeting at 6:53 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. NEXT MEETING INFORMATION: A Regular Meeting of the Community Services Commission to be held on October 8, 2007 commencing at 5:30 p.m. in the La Quinta Senior Center Classroom, 78- 450 Avenida La Fonda, La Quinta, CA 92253. S 1mitted by: &� Angela Guereq Community Services Secretary 369 Department Report: %-A TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Bret Plumlee, Assistant City Manager - Management Services DATE: November 6, 2007 SUBJECT: Department Report - Response to Public Comment The following public comment was made at the October 16, 2007 City Council meeting: 1. Roberta Clark, 60-395 Living Stone Drive, La Quinta, commented on problems with blowing sand from SilverRock Resort property last week causing limited driving visibility and asked Council why the project is taking so long to complete. The Mayor commented the City had just planted 45 acres of grass to be used as the temporary parking lot for the upcoming Bob Hope Chrysler Classic. Also, the Clubhouse, boutique hotel, second hotel and second 18-hole golf course plans are all progressing. The City is actively working to complete the project. 2. Louise Neely, 42-625 Iowa Street, Palm Desert, thanked Council and staff for what has been accomplished in the City, with the growth, the Library, and new Museum. She stated an increase of traffic will probably occur at the park once the Museum construction is completed across the street. She thanked the Community Services, Chamber of Commerce and the Senior Center staff for allowing her to work on the 25' Anniversary committee, which was very successful. Council thanked her for her kind words. 3. Reg Senteno, 77-878 Little Eagle Court, La Quinta, thanked the Mayor, Council and Community Services in helping the La Quinta Playhouse receive $20,000 in funding. Mr. Senteno said although they were given a deadline of October 1 to complete the match, he asked for an extension to October 16. They were able to receive letters of commitment, and collected the balance of the $5,500. The City Attorney said it could be left to the City Manager's discretion. The City Manager 361 stated unless there were objections, the extension could be approved without bringing the item back to the next Council meeting. It was recommended to waive the extension deadline from October 1 to October 16, 2007. Mr. Senteno stated their season begins on November 1, and hopes the City of La Quinta and citizens will be part of it. 362 DEPARTMENT REPORT: 3—A 44QH c'Fht OF 9ti TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Veronica J. Montecino, CMC, City Clerk ,�{/� DATE: November 6, 2007 ✓ V, SUBJECT: January 1, 2008 City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting The first regular meeting for the City Council and Redevelopment Agency in January falls on New Years' Day. City Hall is scheduled to be closed due to the holiday on January 1, 2008. Staff would appreciate receiving direction from the City Council regarding the first City Council/Redevelopment Agency meeting of January 2008. If it is the Council's pleasure to hold the first meeting in January 2008, it may be scheduled to be held on Wednesday, January 2, 2008. If it is the Council's desire to cancel the meeting, direction should be given to the City Clerk to prepare and post a Notice of Cancellation for the January 1, 2008 City Council and Redevelopment Agency meetings. 1, 363