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2007 11 20 CC
City Council agendas are available on the City's web page @ www.la-quinta.org CITY COUNCIL AGENDA CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Regular Meeting TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2007 3:00 P.M. Closed Session / 4:00 P.M. Open Session Beginning Resolution No. 2007-102 Ordinance No. 448 CHe14aisZ61.174:1 Roll Call: Council Members: Henderson, Kirk, Osborne, Sniff, and Mayor Adolph PUBLIC COMMENT At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "request to speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. CLOSED SESSION NOTE: Time permitting the City Council may conduct Closed Session discussions during the dinner recess. In addition, persons identified as negotiating parties are not invited into the Closed Session meeting when acquisition of real property is considered. 1. CONFERENCE WITH CITY'S LEGAL COUNSEL REGARDING PENDING LITIGATION — SHEA LA QUINTA, LLC, V. CITY OF LA QU/NTA, RIVERSIDE SUPERIOR COURT CASE NO. RIC484197, PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(a). 001 City Council Agenda 1 November 20, 2007 RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION RECONVENE AT 4:00 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC COMMENT At this time members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "request to speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA PRESENTATIONS — NONE WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS — NONE APPROVAL OF MINUTES APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 6, 2007. CONSENT CALENDAR NOTE: Consent Calendar items are considered to be routine in nature and will be approved by one motion. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED NOVEMBER 20, 2007. 2. RECEIVE AND FILE TREASURER'S REPORT DATED SEPTEMBER 30, 2007. 3. RECEIVE AND FILE REVENUE & EXPENDITURES REPORT DATED SEPTEMBER 30, 2007. 4. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION GRANTING CONDITIONAL APPROVAL OF A FINAL MAP AND SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT FOR PARCEL MAP 34855, J.C. PENNEY, STAMKO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. City Council Agenda 2 November 20, 20071 002 5. AUTHORIZATION FOR OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR THE COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR, RECREATION SUPERVISOR, AND ONE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSIONER TO ATTEND THE CALIFORNIA PARKS AND RECREATION SOCIETY CONFERENCE IN LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA, FEBRUARY 26-29, 2008. 6. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION TO EXTEND THE TIME FOR COMPLETION OF THE ONSITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT MAP 30092, PIAZZA SERENA, K. HOVNANIAN FORECASE HOMES, INC. 7. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION TO EXTEND THE TIME FOR COMPLETION OF ONSITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT MAP 33076-1, THE MADISON CLUB, EAST OF MADISON, LLC. 8. APPROVAL OF AN ART PURCHASE AGREEMENT WITH ANDRE BLANCHE FOR A HISTORICAL MURAL AT THE LA QUINTA MUSEUM. 9. APPROVAL OF A REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT WITH ND LA QUINTA PARTNERS, LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY FOR RAISED LANDSCAPE MEDIAN IMPROVEMENTS ON AVENUE 52 BETWEEN THE ALL AMERICAN CANAL BRIDGE AND MADISON STREET. 10. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING CASH DONATIONS FROM RUTAN AND TUCKER, ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP, AND NAI CONSULTING, INC. FOR THE EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION BANQUET. 11. APPROVAL TO AWARD A CONTRACT TO MARINA LANDSCAPE, INC. TO CONSTRUCT THE JEFFERSON STREET MEDIAN ISLAND LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT NO. 2005-03. 12. APPROVAL TO AWARD A CONTRACT TO REPUBLIC INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SERVICES, INC. TO CONSTRUCT THE CITYWIDE TRAFFIC SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT NO. 2006-16. 13. APPROVAL OF NEW JOB DESCRIPTIONS FOR SENIOR ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN AND SENIOR PLANS EXAMINER. 14. APPROVAL OF SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 447, AMENDING TITLE 8 OF THE LA QUINTA CHARTER AND MUNICIPAL CODE ADOPTING THE CALIFORNIA ADMINISTRATIVE, BUILDING, ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL, PLUMBING, ENERGY, HISTORICAL, FIRE, EXISTING BUILDING, AND REFERENCED STANDARDS CODES. 003 City Council Agenda 3 November 20, 2007 15. APPROVAL OF SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 446, AMENDING CHAPTERS 2.06, 2.29, AND 7.04 OF THE LA QUINTA CHARTER AND MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, AND COMMITTEES (ABSENCES AND RESIDENTIAL REQUIREMENTS). 16. APPROVAL OF A CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL PROGRAM GRANT APPLICATION FOR A TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT FRED WARING DRIVE AND PALM ROYALE DRIVE. 17. ACCEPTANCE OF THE ONSITE IMPROVEMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH TRACT MAP 30023-3, TRILOGY, SHEA LA QUINTA, LLC. 18. APPROVAL OF A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING REGULATORY CHANGES TO THE LOW-INCOME HOUSING TAX CREDIT PROGRAM CREATING CONSISTENCY WITH THE REGIONAL HOUSING NEEDS ASSESSMENT. 19. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION GRANTING CONDITIONAL APPROVAL OF A FINAL MAP AND SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT FOR PARCEL MAP 33954, PHOENIX ROW III, LLC. BUSINESS SESSION 1 . CONSIDERATION OF THE PILLARS OF THE COMMUNITY APPLICATIONS. A. MINUTE ORDER ACTION 2. CONSIDERATION OF THE COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2007. A. MINUTE ORDER ACTION 3. CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING SPEED LIMITS FOR CERTAIN LOCAL STREETS. A. RESOLUTION ACTION 4. CONSIDERATION OF CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL TO CLOSE CITY HALL ON CHRISTMAS EVE AND NEW YEARS EVE IN 2007. A. MINUTE ORDER ACTION M City Council Agenda 4 November 20, 2007 STUDY SESSION 1. DISCUSSION OF SPHERE OF INFLUENCE EAST OF THE CITY LIMITS. REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 1. ANIMAL CAMPUS COMMISSION (HENDERSON) 2. CITY COUNCIL AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS 3. CVAG COMMITTEE REPORTS 4. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WORKSHOP/INFORMATION EXCHANGE COMMITTEE (SNIFF) 5. C.V. CONSERVATION COMMISSION (SNIFF) 6. C.V. MOSQUITO AND VECTOR CONTROL DISTRICT (TERRY HENDERSON) 7. C.V. MOUNTAINS CONSERVANCY (KIRK) 8. C.V.W.D. JOINT WATER POLICY COMMITTEE (ADOLPH) 9. JACQUELINE COCHRAN REGIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY (OSBORNE) 10. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES (HENDERSON) 1 1 . PALM SPRINGS DESERT RESORT COMMUNITIES CONVENTION & VISITORS AUTHORITY (HENDERSON) 12. PALM SPRINGS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT COMMISSION (NANCY DORIA) 13. RIVERSIDE COUNTY CHILD SAFETY COMMISSION (HENDERSON) 14. RIVERSIDE COUNTY DESERT LIBRARY ZONE ADVISORY BOARD (HENDERSON) 15. RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION (HENDERSON) 16. SANTA ROSA/SAN JACINTO NATIONAL MONUMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE (HENDERSON) 17. SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY/SUNLINE SERVICES GROUP (ADOLPH) 18. SILVERROCK RESORT AD -HOC COMMITTEE 19. SPHERE OF INFLUENCE SUBCOMMITTEE 20. ALRC MINUTES FOR SEPTEMBER 19 AND OCTOBER 24, 2007 21. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FOR OCTOBER 9, 2007 DEPARTMENT REPORTS 1. CITY MANAGER A. RESPONSE(S) TO PUBLIC COMMENTS 2. CITY ATTORNEY - NONE 3. CITY CLERK A. REPORT ON UPCOMING EVENTS 4. BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT REPORT FOR OCTOBER 2007 5. COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT REPORT FOR OCTOBER 2007 003 City Council Agenda 5 November 20, 2007 6. FINANCE DEPARTMENT REPORT — NONE 7. PLANNING DEPARTMENT REPORT FOR OCTOBER 2007 8. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT REPORT FOR OCTOBER 2007 9. POLICE DEPARTMENT REPORT FOR OCTOBER 2007 10. FIRE DEPARTMENT QUARTERLY REPORT MAYOR'S AND COUNCIL MEMBERS' ITEMS — NONE RECESS TO REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING RECESS TO 7:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. PUBLIC COMMENT At this time members, of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "request to speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. PRESENTATIONS — NONE PUBLIC HEARINGS — NONE ADJOURNMENT The next regular meeting of the City Council will be held on December 4, 2007, commencing with closed session at 3:00 p.m. and open session at 4:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. 006 City Council Agenda 6 November 20, 2007 DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Veronica Montecino, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, do hereby declare that the foregoing agenda for the La Quinta City Council meeting of November 20, 2007, was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber at 78-495 Calle Tampico and on the bulletin boards at 51-321 Avenida Bermudas and 78-630 Highway 1 1 1, on November 16, 2007. DATED: ovember 16, 2007 a �27/l/�� VERONICA J. M TECINO, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California Public Notices The La Quinta City Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please call the City Clerk's Office at 777-7103, twenty- four (24) hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made. If special electronic equipment is needed to make presentations to the City Council, arrangement should be made in advance by contacting the City Clerk's Office at 777- 7103. A one (1) week notice is required. If background material is to be presented to the City Council during a City Council meeting, please be advised that eight (8) copies of all documents, exhibits, etc., must be supplied to the City Clerk for distribution. It is requested that this take place prior to the beginning of the meeting. j �0% City Council Agenda 7 November 20, 2007 COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: November 20, 2007 ITEM TITLE: Demand Register Dated November 20, 2007 RECOMMENDATION: Approve Demand Register Dated November 20, 2007 BACKGROUND: Prepaid Warrants: 75445 - 75458} 19,948.75 75459 - 75492} 148,516.33 75493 - 75493} 10,000.00 Voids} (1,309.93) Wire Transfers} 254,713.71 P/R 34062 - 34082} 220,397.36 P/R Tax Transfers} 59,629.24 Payable Warrants: 75494-75643} 3,431,600.90 $4,143,496.36 FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: Demand of Cash - City $3,992,779.86 Demand of Cash -RDA $150,716.50 AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION CONSENT CALENDAR STUDY SESSION PUBLIC HEARING John M. Falconer, Finance Director 003 CITY OF LA QUINTA BANK TRANSACTIONS 10/31/07-11/13/07 11/01/07 WIRE TRANSFER - PERS $2,623.74 11/02/07 WIRE TRANSFER - ICMA $7,495.91 11/02//07 WIRE TRANSFER - PERS $55,193.94 11/05/07 WIRE TRANSFER - HEALTH PREMIUM $86,400.12 11/08/07 WIRE TRANSFER - WATERCOLORS $103,000.00 TOTAL WIRE TRANSFER OUT $254,713.71 009 PREPARED11/13/2007, 13:52:14 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PAGE 1 PROGRAM: GM346L ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2008/05 CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA REPORT NUMBER 35 BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHECK VENDOR VENDOR VOUCHER P.O. DATE REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NO NAME NO NO ACCOUNT (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) TOTAL 75494 2 ACE HARDWARE 000317 11/13/2007 101-5001-424.56-01 6.44 000317 11/13/2007 101-5008-419.43-88 56.69 000317 11/13/2007 101-5008-419.43-88 45.90 000317 11/13/2007 101-5008-419.43-88 58.17 167.20 * 167.20 75495 3895 ACOUSTICAL MATERIAL SERVI 000343 1158 11/13/2007 601-0000-451.33-96 1,379.26 1,379.26 * 1,379.26 75496 2994 ADVANCED BUILDING MAINTEN 000340 11/13/2007 101-5055-422.43-61 365.00 365.00 * 365.00 75497 1257 ALTEC 000343 11/13/2007 101-5006-426.51-07 321.64 321.64 * 321.64 75498 3797 AMATEUR ELECTRONIC SUPPLY 000343 1152 11/13/2007 401-1725-551.45-01 1,118.91 1,118.91 * 1,118.91 75499 3774 AMERICAN RED CROSS 000340 11/13/2007 101-5056-4,25.33-43 180.00 000340 11/13/2007 101-5056-425.56-31 175.00 355.00 * 355.00 75500 3874 AS TIME GOES BY 000312 11/13/2007 101-1000-321.00-00 6.00 6.00 * 6.00 75501 3790 AVILA-GUILIN, ESTHER 000340 11/13/2007 101-3002-451.33-43 11.90 11.90 * 11.90 75502 3884 AVILA, PRECILLA 000315 11/13/2007 101-0000-228.30-00 50.00 50.00 * 50.00 75503 3883 AYSO SOCCER 000315 11/13/2007 101-0000-228.30-00 400.00 400.00 * 400.00 75504 18 BANG INC, DAVE 000315 1141 11/13/2007 220-0000-431.45-01 32,000.00 32,000.00 * 32,000.00 75505 2203 BELANGER, DAVID 000340 11/13/2007 101-3002-451.33-43 210.00 000340 11/13/2007 101-3002-451.33-43 21.00 231.00 * 231.00 75506 3896 BIG 5 SPORTING GOODS 000340 11/13/2007 101-5054-421.36-34 517.20 517.20 * 517.20 75507 1500 BOARD OF EQUALIZATION 000318 11/13/2007 401-1725-551.45-01 341.00 341.00 * 341.00 75508 3274 BODDEN, RENATE 000340 11/13/2007 101-3002-451.33-43 56.70 56.70 * 56.70 r O v PREPARED11/13/2007, 13:52:14 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PAGE 2 PROGRAM: GM346L ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2008/05 CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA REPORT NUMBER 35 BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHECK VENDOR VENDOR VOUCHER P.O. DATE REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NO NAME NO NO ACCOUNT (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) TOTAL 75509 19 CADET UNIFORM SERVICE 000312 11/13/2007 101-7003-431.44-07 80.00 000312 11/13/2007 101-7004-431.44-07 15.08 000325 11/13/2007 101-7003-431.44-07 75.08 000325 11/13/2007 101-7004-431.44-07 20.00 190.16 * 190.16 75510 592 CAL -WESTERN FOODSERVICE 000312 11/13/2007 101-3002-451.43-01 71.12 71.12 * 71.12 75511 3875 CALTRANS 000312 11/13/2007 101-7006-431.56-02 63.00 63.00 * 63.00 75512 3882 CANCHOLA, CARLOS 000315 11/13/2007 101-0000-228.30-00 400.00 400.00 * 400.00 75513 106 CANON 000345 11/13/2007 101-4002-415.43-19 1,410.46 1,410.46 * 1,410.46 75514 237 CARDIFF LIMOUSINE 000343 11/13/2007 101-3003-451.56-02 1,242.00 1,242.00 * 1,242.00 75515 21 CARQUEST 000340 11/13/2007 501-0000-511.43-46 161.85 161.85 * 161.85 75516 947 CASSEL, LLORA 000340 11/13/2007 101-3003-451.33-43 28.00 28.00 * 28.00 75517 3902 CASTILLO'S CONCRETE CONST 000343 11/13/2007 101-1000-321.00-00 50.00 50.00 * 50.00 75518 22 CDW GOVERNMENT INC 000324 11/13/2007 502-0000-512.71-01 243.70 000324 11/13/2007 101-3006-451.71-01 1,270.55 000324 11/13/2007 101-1003-413.71-01 2,494.59 000325 11/13/2007 101-5004-424.56-34 549.80 000331 11/13/2007 401-1725-551.45-01 659.11 000343 1144 11/13/2007 101-7003-431.71-01 3,758.22 000343 1144 11/13/2007 101-7004-431.71-01 3,758.22 000343 1144 11/13/2007 101-7006-431.71-01 7,516.43 20,250.62 * 20,250.62 75519 23 CHECKMATE EXCHANGE 000318 11/13/2007 101-5006-426.51-07 136.03 000343 11/13/2007 101-5006-426.51-07 134.63 270.66 * 270.66 75520 994 COACHELLA VALLEY ECONOMIC 000344 11/13/2007 101-1003-413.55-08 1,500.00 1,500.00 * 1,500.00 75521 206 COMPUTER U 000340 11/13/2007 101-3002-451.33-43 756.00 756.00 * 756.00 PREPARED11/13/2007, 13:52:14 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PAGE 3 PROGRAM: GM346L ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2008/05 CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA REPORT NUMBER 35 BANK 00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WELLS FARGO BANK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR VOUCHER P.O. DATE REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NO NAME NO NO ACCOUNT (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) TOTAL 75522 2922 CORRALES RIV CO EMPLOYEE, 000325 11/13/2007 218-0000-421.30-15 180.00 000331 11/13/2007 218-0000-421.30-15 180.00 360.00 * 360.00 75523 3033 DATA TICKET, INC. 000318 11/13/2007 101-5004-424.31-19 266.33 266.33 * 266.33 75524 2302 DATELAND CONSTRUCTION CO. 000343 11/13/2007 401-1775-551.45-01 1,200.00 1,200.00 * 1,200.00 75525 2862 DAVIS REED CONSTRUCTION, 000312 11/13/2007 401-1737-551.45-01 912,000.00 000325 11/13/2007 401-1705-551.45-01 302,232.00 1,214,232.00 * 1,214,232.00 75526 3240 DBX, INC. 000340 11/13/2007 401-1756-551.45-01 26,524.40 000340 11/13/2007 401-1761-551.45-01 29,933.30 56,457.70 * 56,457.70 75527 1235 DEERINGER, TERRY 000312 11/13/2007 101-1004-413.51-01 297.88 297.88 *. 297.88 75528 112 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 000315 11/13/2007 101-5054-421.36-31 280.00 280.00 * 280.00 75529 594 DESERT CITIES CATERING 000334 11/13/2007 101-2001-411.56-02 41661.27 000334 11/13/2007 101-2001-411.44-01 326.48 4,987.75 * 4,987.75 75530 26 DESERT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 000312 11/13/2007 101-7004-431.56-52 125.98 000312 11/13/2007 101-7004-431.56-52 16.82 000313 11/13/2007 101-3005-451.56-37 2,417.91 000340 11/13/2007 101-7004-431.56-52 80.19 000340 11/13/2007 101-3005-451.56-52 2,918.95 000340 11/13/2007 101-3005-451.56-52 357.76 5,917.61 * 5,917.61 75531 1661 DESERT FOUNTAIN GAS SUPPL 000340 11/13/2007 101-3003-451.51-33 6.00 6.00 * 6.00 75532 3891 DIVERSIFIED LANDSCAPE 000340 11/13/2007 401-1787-551.45-01 10,553.85 10,553.85 * 10,553.85 75533 28 DOUGLAS, LES 000340 11/13/2007 101-3002-451.33-43 316.40 316.40 * 316.40 75534 389 DUNHAM, KATHY 000340 11/13/2007 101-3002-451.33-43 772.80 772.80 * 772.80 75535 309 ELMS EQUIPMENT RENTAL INC 000325 11/13/2007 101-7003-431.44-01 5,296.52 5,296.52 * 5,296.52 O F� CJ PREPAREDII/13/2007, 13:52:14 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PROGRAM: GM346L CITY OF LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA BANK 00 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WELLS FARGO BANK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR VOUCHER P.O. DATE NO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NO NAME NO NO ACCOUNT 75536 3312 EMBASSY SUITES 000313 11/13/2007 401-1770-551.80-04 75537 1113 ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCTS & 000313 11/13/2007 405-9001-702.32-15 000340 11/13/2007 405-9001-702.32-15 75538 3611 ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS RES 000314 11/13/2007 101-7002-431.51-01 75539 3856 EP&A ENVIROTAC, INC. 000315 1157 11/13/2007 405-9001-702.32-15 000340 1157 11/13/2007 405-9001-702.32-15 75540 3421 FERRANTI, PHILIP 000340 11/13/2007 101-3003-451.33-43 75541 31 FIRST CHOICE SERVICES 000314 11/13/2007 101-4002-415.56-27 000315 11/13/2007 101-4002-415.56-27 000315 11/13/2007 101-4002-415.56-27 75542 32 FOUNDATION FOR THE RETARD 000315 11/13/2007 101-5054-421.36-34 000316 11/13/2007 101-5054-421.36-34 75543 3187 FOUR SEASONS ESCROW INC 000343 11/13/2007 101-1000-321.00-00 75544 2090 GALLS 000318 11/13/2007 101-5056-425.56-31 75545 2977 GARCIA, DEBRA 000318 11/13/2007 101-5000-351.01-00 75546 3878 GARCIA, JOVITA 000317 11/13/2007 101-0000-228.30-00 75547 503 GATEWAY COMPANIES, INC. 000314 1133 11/13/2007 502-0000-512.71-01 000314 1133 11/13/2007 101-7002-431.71-01 000314 1133 11/13/2007 101-7002-431.71-01 000314 1133 11/13/2007 502-0000-512.71-01 75548 3876 GAYLORD BROS. INC. 000317 11/13/2007 101-3006-451.56-02 000325 11/13/2007 101-3006-451.56-02 000325 11/13/2007 101-3006-451.56-02 75549 3233 GKK WORKS 000340 11/13/2007 401-1725-551.45-01 O F-+ G.J PAGE 4 ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2008/05 REPORT NUMBER 35 REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) ------------------------------------ TOTAL 24,404.80 24,404.80 * 24,404.80 880.00 2,200.00 3,080.00 * 3,080.00 950.00 950.00 * 950.00 7,500.00 13,800.00 21,300.00 * 21,300.00 21.00 21.00 * 21.00 204.23 186.98 12.00 403.21 * 403.21 333.72 109.37 443.09 * 443.09 105.00 105.00 * 105.00 18.86 18.86 * 18.86 50.00 50.00 * 50.00 50.00 50.00 * 50.00 4,405.51 881.11 255.80 1,279.02 6,821.44 * 6,821.44 99.03 31.23 21.25 151.51 * 151.51 553,178.70 PREPAREDII/13/2007, 13:52:14 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PROGRAM: GM346L CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA BANK 00 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WELLS FARGO BANK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR VOUCHER P.O. DATE NO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NO NAME NO NO ACCOUNT 75549 3233 GKK WORKS 75550 620 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICE 000314 11/13/2007 101-4001-415.53-03 75551 370 GS DIRECT INC 000314 11/13/2007 101-6001-463.56-01 000314 11/13/2007 101-6001-463.56-01 75552 3873 HANS BROST 000314 75553 1059 HENSLEY, REGENIA 000325 75554 454 HIGH TECH IRRIGATION INC 000314 000325 000325 000325 000325 000325 000341 75555 709 HIGH TECH MAILING SERVICE 000314 000341 75556 277 HIMMLER, DAVID 000341 75557 35 HOARD INC, HUGH 000318 000318 000318 1127 75558 36 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICE 000341 000341 000341 000341 000341 75559 541 HTE VAR LLC 000314 75560 180 INFORMATION RESOURCES 000334 75561 3900 INTERIOR MAKEOVER 000343 11/13/2007 11/13/2007 11/13/2007 11/13/2007 11/13/2007 11/13/2007 11/13/2007 11/13/2007 11/13/2007 11/13/2007 11/13/2007 11/13/2007 11/13/2007 11/13/2007 11/13/2007 11/13/2007 11/13/2007 11/13/2007 11/13/2007 11/13/2007 11/13/2007 11/13/2007 11/13/2007 101-1000-321.00-00 101-3000-342.74-00 101-7004-431.56-52 101-7004-431.56-52 101-7004-431.56-52 101-7004-431.56-52 101-7004-431.56-52 101-7004-431.56-52 101-7004-431.56-52 101-1003-413.55-07 101-3001-451.33-04 101-3003-451.33-43 101-5008-419.43-88 101-5008-419.43-88 501-0000-511.71-02 101-5008-419.43-88 101-7003-431.56-52 101-7003-431.56-52 101-7003-431.56-52 101-7004-431.56-37 502-0000-512.43-13 101-1004-413.32-07 101-1000-321.00-00 PAGE 5 ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2008/05 REPORT NUMBER 35 REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) ------------------------------------ TOTAL 553,178.70 * 553,178.70 215.00 215.00 * 215.00 300.77 507.84 808.61 * 808.61 5.50 5.50 * 5.50 20.00 20.00 * 20.00 731.30 371.65 134.21 466.11 30.61 731.30 50.20 2,515.38 * 2,515.38 2,882.93 2,857.95 5,740.88 * 5,740.88 591.50 591.50 * 591.50 95.00 612.53 13,750.00 14,457.53 * 14,457.53 12.80 38.22 527.39 48.78 381.37 1,008.56 * 1,008.56 6,266.52 6,266.52 * 6,266.52 125.00 125.00 * 125.00 6.00 PREPARED11/13/2007, 13:52:14 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PAGE 6 PROGRAM: GM346L ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2008/05 CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA REPORT NUMBER 35 BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHECK VENDOR VENDOR VOUCHER P.O. DATE REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NO NAME NO NO ACCOUNT (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) TOTAL 75561 3900 INTERIOR MAKEOVER 6.00 * 6.00 75562 194 JACOBS, STEVEN 000341 11/13/2007 101-3003-451.33-43 70.00 70.00 * 70.00 75563 3763 JAMES, JENNIFER 000341 11/13/2007 101-3003-451.33-43 327.60 327.60 * 327.60 75564 195 JAS PACIFIC INC 000318 11/13/2007 101-5002-424.33-28 11,005.00 000343 11/13/2007 101-5002-424.33-28 13,630.00 24,635.00 * 24,635.00 75565 2854 JEFFRIES & ASSOCIATES 000343 11/13/2007 101-1000-321.00-00 3.00 3.00 * 3.00 75566 3184 JOHNSON, LES 000326 11/13/2007 101-6001-463.51-01 235.00 235.00 * 235.00 75567 77 JONASSON, TIM 000341 11/13/2007 101-7001-431.51-01 20.00 20.00 * 20.00 75568 3833 KELLY, MAUREEN 000318 11/13/2007 101-1004-413.53-06 261.08 261.08 * 261.08 75569 79 KINER COMMUNICATIONS 000314 11/13/2007 101-1003-413.55-07 4,000.00 000341 11/13/2007 101-3001-451.33-04 3,836.67 000341 11/13/2007 101-1003-413.55-07 1,127.33 000341 11/13/2007 101-1003-413.55-07 3,573.28 12,537.28 * 12,537.28 75570 2233 KIRKPATRICK LANDSCAPING S 000314 11/13/2007 101-7004-431.56-02 4,200.00 000326 11/13/2007 101-7004-431.56-52 8,656.00 000326 11/13/2007 101-7004-431.34-10 4,000.00 000327 11/13/2007 101-7004-431.34-04 58,127.00 74,983.00 * 74,983.00 75571 2200 KLEIN PRODUCTS INC 000341 11/13/2007 501-0000-511.43-37 1,063.95 1,063.95 * 1,063.95 75572 865 KRIBBS CONSTRUCTION, BRUC 000331 11/13/2007 270-0000-451.43-55 1,878.00 .000331 11/13/2007 101-3005-451.32-07 324.00 000341 11/13/2007 101-3005-451.32-07 1,000.00 000341 11/13/2007 101-7004-431.32-07 5,750.00 000341 11/13/2007 101-7004-431.32-07 1,782.00 000341 11/13/2007 101-7004-431.56-52 108.00 10,842.00 * 10,842.00 •T5573 3879 LA PLANTE, MICHELLE 000317 11/13/2007 101-0000-228.30-00 50.00 ' 50.00 * 50.00 PREPAREDII/13/2007, 13:52:14 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PAGE 7 PROGRAM: GM346L ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2008/05 CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA REPORT NUMBER 35 BANK 00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WELLS FARGO BANK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR VOUCHER P.O. DATE REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NO NAME NO NO ACCOUNT (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) TOTAL 75574 1121 LA QUINTA VOLUNTEER FIRE 000318 11/13/2007 101-5055-422.36-52 525.00 525.00 * 525.00 75575 216 LARSEN GOLF CARS, INC. 000314 11/13/2007 101-1000-321.00-00 200.00 200.00 * 200.00 75576 3214 LARSON, MARJEAN 000341 11/13/2007 101-3002-451.33-43 94.50 94.50 * 94.50 75577 2182 LASR-INK PALM 000343 11/13/2007 502-0000-512.56-02 105.60 105.60 * 105.60 75578 217 LESLIE, JANELLE 000341 11/13/2007 101-3002-451.33-43 73.50 73.50 * 73.50 75579 80 LOCK SHOP INC, THE 000314 11/13/2007 101-7003-431.56-52 76.35 000318 11/13/2007 501-0000-511.71-03 90.00 000318 11/13/2007 501-0000-511.71-03 132.75 000318 11/13/2007 101-5008-419.43-88 3.45 302.55 * 302.55 75580 218 LOS ANGELES TIMES 000314 11/13/2007 101-2001-411.53-04 26.20 26.20 * 26.20 75581 37 LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT W 000314 11/13/2007 101-3003-451.56-02 27.97 27.97 * 27.97 75582 3899 LUCERO, LORRAINE 000343 11/13/2007 101-3000-342.60-00 110.00 110.00 * 110.00 75583 581 M & N INTERNATIONAL 000331 11/13/2007 101-1004-413.51-19 119.90 119.90 * 119.90 75584 3901 MADLIN'S ENTERPRISES 000343 11/13/2007 101-1000-321.00-00 3.00 3.00 * 3.00 75585 220 MARSHALL, SALLY 000341 11/13/2007 101-3002-451.33-43 450.10 450.10 * 450.10 75586 221 MC DOWELL AWARDS 000331 11/13/2007 101-3002-451.56-02 277.35 000334 11/13/2007 101-3001-451.53-01 21.01 298.36 * 298.36 75587 248 MOBILE SATELLITE VENTURES 000341 11/13/2007 101-4002-415.41-25 21.66 21.66 * 21.66 75588 3651 MODULAR SPACE CORPORATION 000331 11/13/2007 401-1725-551.45-01 435.36 435.36 * 435.36 75589 958 MOLLINDO, RICK 000341 11/13/2007 101-3003-451.33-43 392.00 PREPAREDII/13/2007, 13:52:14 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PROGRAM: GM346L CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK -------------------------------------------------------- CHECK VENDOR VENDOR VOUCHER P.O. NO NO NAME NO NO -------------------------------------------------------- 75589 958 MOLLINDO, RICK 75590 1686 MOUNTAIN VIEW TIRE & SRVC 000343 000343 75591 223 MUNI FINANCIAL 75592 250 NAI CONSULTING INC 75593 3880 NAVARRO, STEVE 75594 1065 NIETO, RUBEN 75595 60 NOLEN INC, TRULY 75596 2214 OCB REPROGRAPHICS 000314 000343 000343 000343 000343 000343 000343 000343 000343 000343 000343 000343 000343 000343 000343 000343 000343 000343 000343 000343 000343 000343 000343 000317 000318 000341 000314 000314 000341 000341 000343 000343 000343 000343 PAGE 8 ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2008/05 REPORT NUMBER 35 .-------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK .-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACCOUNT (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) TOTAL 392.00 * 392.00 11/13/2007 501-0000-511.43-40 17.16 11/13/2007 501-0000-511.43-40 17.16 34.32 * 34.32 11/13/2007 302-9002-701.31-13 1,500.00 11/13/2007 730-0000-234.10-00 231.42 11/13/2007 735-0000-234.10-00 149.68 11/13/2007 740-0000-234.10-00 811.63 11/13/2007 310-9501-411.31-13 300.00 2,992.73 * 2,992.73 11/13/2007 401-1743-551.32-10 840.00 11/13/2007 401-1772-551.35-07 427.50 11/13/2007 401-1754-551.35-07 1,095.00 11/13/2007 401-1755-551.35-07 1,800.00 11/13/2007 401-1763-551.32-10 567.92 11/13/2007 401-1764-551.35-07 277.50 11/13/2007 401-1765-551.32-10 600.00 11/13/2007 401-1766-551.32-10 562.50 11/13/2007 401-1762-551.35-07 1,117.50 11/13/2007 401-1775-551.35-07 1,485.00 11/13/2007 101-7003-431.34-04 600.00 11/13/2007 401-1778-551.32-10 1,620.00 11/13/2007 401-1779-551.32-10 780.00 11/13/2007 401-1781-551.35-07 240.00 11/13/2007 401-1784-551.35-07 240.00 11/13/2007 101-7001-431.32-07 480.00 11/13/2007 401-1785-551.35-07 1,785.00 11/1372007 101-7006-431.32-07 3,472.50 17,990.42 * 17,990.42 11/13/2007 101-0000-228.30-00 50.00 50.00 * 50.00 11/13/2007 501-0000-511.43-43 396.00 11/13/2007 501-0000-511.43-43 537.00 933.00 * 933.00 11/13/2007 101-3002-451.42-20 77.00 11/13/2007 101-3002-451.42-20 33.00 110.00 * 110.00 11/13/2007 401-1787-551.35-07 216.16 11/13/2007 401-1773-551.35-07 897.04 11/13/2007 401-1778-551.45-01 112.95 11/13/2007 401-1778-551.45-01 151.50 11/13/2007 401-1787-551.45-01 51.18 11/13/2007 401-1737-551.45-01 31.19 PREPARED11/13/2007, 13:52:14 PROGRAM: GM346L CITY OF LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK ------------------------------------------ CHECK VENDOR VENDOR NO NO NAME 75596 2214 OCB REPROGRAPHICS 75597 75598 75599 75600 41 OFFICE DEPOT 2064 OMEGA LAKE SERVICES ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER -------------- VOUCHER P.O. NO NO 000343 000343 000343 000343 000314 000314 000314 000314 000314 000314 000327 000331 000331 000343 000343 000343 3144 PALMS GOLF SHOP, THE 000314 3376 PEARSON ARCHITECTS, INC. 000341 75601 519 PET PICKUPS 75602 75603 ----------------------------------- DATE ----------------------------------- ACCOUNT 11/13/2007 401-1737-551.45-01 11/13/2007 401-1755-551.45-01 11/13/2007 401-1755-551.45-01 11/13/2007 401-1755-551.45-01 11/13/2007 101-1003-413.56-01 11/13/2007 101-1004-413.56-01 11/13/2007 101-1001-411.56-01 11/13/2007 101-1003-413.56-01 11/13/2007 101-1004-413.56-01 11/13/2007 101-4001-415.56-01 11/13/2007 401-1725-551.45-01 11/13/2007 101-1003-413.56-01 11/13/2007 101-1004-413.56-01 11/13/2007 101-7004-431.34-04 11/13/2007 405-9001-702.32-15 11/13/2007 101-3005-451.56-52 11/13/2007 101-1000-321.00-00 11/13/2007 401-1725-551.35-07 000314 11/13/2007 101-7004-431.56-52 552 PLANNING CENTER INC, THE 000327 11/13/2007 101-6002-463.32-10 2725 PRECISION LANDLEVELING, I 000317 1136 11/13/2007 601-0000-451.33-96 75604 43 PRINTING PLACE, THE 000314 000318 000327 000327 000343 75605 1562 PRISTINE POOLS SERVICE 8 000334 000343 75606 3513 PROJECT DIMENSIONS, INC. 000343 000343 C F-^ coo 11/13/2007 101-7001-431.56-02 11/13/2007 101-4002-415.56-19 11/13/2007 101-3001-451.53-01 11/13/2007 101-6001-463.53-01 11/13/2007 101-7002-431.56-02 11/13/2007 101-3001-451.33-13 11/13/2007 101-5008-419.43-81 11/13/2007 401-1773-551.35-07 11/13/2007 401-1774-551.35-07 PAGE 9 ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2008/05 REPORT NUMBER 35 REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) ------------------------------------- TOTAL 10.78 562.37 292.99 10.78 2,336.94 * 2,336.94 81.92 20.94 29.07 97.89 53.33 5.38 838.51 50.84 12.62 1,190.50 * 1,190.50 488.00 357.75 202.50 1,048.25 * 1,048.25 14.00 14.00 * 14.00 4,670.00 4,670.00 * 4,670.00 665.10 665.10 * 665.10 2,700.65 2,700.65 * 2,700.65 25,550.00 25,550.00 * 25,550.00 96.98 550.60 75.43 99.13 99.13 921.27 * 921.27 835.00 107.00 942.00 * 942.00 6,761.91 9,940.46 PREPARED11/13/2007, 13:52:14 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PAGE 10 PROGRAM: GM346L ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2008/05 CITY OF LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA REPORT NUMBER 35 BANK 00 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WELLS FARGO BANK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR VOUCHER P.O. DATE REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK -NO-------NO-----------NAME---------- -------NO------NO---------------_ --------ACCOUNT---------(NET-OF DISC/RETAIN)---------TOTAL ___DISC________ TALI_ 75606 3513 PROJECT DIMENSIONS, INC. 000343 11/13/2007 401-1775-551.35-07 17,762.84 000343 11/13/2007 401-1776-551.35-07 6,016.66 40,481.87 * 40,481.87 75607 325 PSOMAS INC 000343 11/13/2007 101-7006-431.32-07 57,375.50 57,375.50 * 57,375.50 75608 1938 PYLE, ROBERT NOBLE 000341 11/13/2007 101-3002-451.33-43 445.90 445.90 * 445.90 75609 327 RBF CONSULTING INC 000343 11/13/2007 401-1775-551.35-07 39,521.58 000343 11/13/2007 401-1773-551.34-04 9,775.00 000343 11/13/2007 101-7001-431.32-07 3,118.50 52,415.08 * 52,415.08 75610 81 REVENUE EXPERTS INC 000318 11/13/2007 101-5004-424.31-19 399.50 399.50 * 399.50 75611 412 RIVERSIDE CNTY SHERIFFS D 000327 11/13/2007 101-5054-421.36-01 217,098.41 000327 11/13/2007 101-5054-421.36-03 20,410.60 000327 11/13/2007 101-5054-421.36-04 42,823.58 000327 11/13/2007 101-5054-421.36-22 16,555.00 000328 11/13/2007 101-5054-421.36-19 39,872.40 000328 11/13/2007 101-5054-421.36-20 8,254.80 000328 11/13/2007 101-5054-421.36-13 5,107.00 000328 11/13/2007 101-5054-421.36-15 5,055.93 000328 11/13/2007 101-5054-421.36-07 14,554.12 000328 11/13/2007 101-5054-421.36-25 16,077.90 000341 11/13/2007 101-5054-421.36-01 394,187.91 000341 11/13/2007 101-5054-421.36-03 39,645.03 000341 11/13/2007 101-5054-421.36-22 24,080.00 000341 11/13/2007 101-5054-421.36-04 51,129.60 000341 11/13/2007 101-5054-421.36-19 57,287.70 000341 11/13/2007 101-5054-421.36-20 14,720.80 000341 11/13/2007 101-5054-421.36-13 8,171.20 000341 11/13/2007 101-5054-421.36-15 6,843.38 000341 11/13/2007 101-5054-421.36-07 23,048.00 000341 11/13/2007 101-5054-421.36-25 25,923.41 1,030,846.77 * 1,030,846.77 75612 3890 ROCA DENTAL 000334 11/13/2007 101-1000-321.00-00 54.00 54.00 * 54.00 75613 3887 ROTH, JODI LEANNE 000318 11/13/2007 101-5000-351.01-00 50.00 50.00 * 50.00 75614 3881 SALAS, ELEANOR 000317 11/13/2007 101-0000-228.30-00 50.00 50.00 * 50.00 ' 75615 3877 SALVADOR, YESENIA 000317 11/13/2007 101-0000-228.30-00 400.00 O H W PREPARED11/13/2007, 13:52:14 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PROGRAM: GM346L CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK -------------------------------------------------- CHECK VENDOR VENDOR VOUCHER NO NO NAME NO 75615 3877 SALVADOR, YESENIA 75616 111 SAXON ENGINEERING SERVICE 000317 ------------------------------------------ P.O. DATE NO ACCOUNT ------------------------------------------ 11/13/2007 101-5002-424.33-28 75617 3886 SHERK, GILBERT 000318 11/13/2007 75618 46 SMART 6 FINAL 000331 11/13/2007 000331 11/13/2007 75619 463 SMITH PIPE & SUPPLY CO 000327 11/13/2007 000327 11/13/2007 75620 3209 SOUND BILLING 000319 000319 75621 3315 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL 000343 75622 749 SOUTHWEST NETWORKS INC 000314 000327 000331 75623 48 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAG 000314 000314 000314 000314 000314 000314 000314 000327 000327 000327 000327 000327 000327 000327 000327 000331 000331 000334 000334 000334 000341 000341 O N 11/13/2007 11/13/2007 11/13/2007 11/13/2007 11/13/2007 11/13/2007 07 07 07 07 07 07 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 101-5000-351.01-00 101-3002-451.56-02 101-3002-451.56-02 101-7004-431.56-52 101-7004-431.56-52 501-0000-511.43-40 501-0000-511.43-40 401-1772-551.34-04 502-0000-512.33-52 502-0000-512.33-52 502-0000-512.33-52 101-4001-415.56-01 101-4001-415.56-01 101-4002-415.56-07 101-7001-431.56-01 101-7001-431.56-01 101-7001-431.56-01 101-4002-415.56-07 101-6001-463.56-01 101-6001-463.56-01 101-5001-424.56-01 101-5001-424.56-01 101-5001-424.56-01 101-5001-424.56-01 101-5001-424.56-01 101-6001-463.56-01 101-5054-421.51-20 101-5054-421.51-20 101-3006-451.56-55 101-3001-451.56-01 101-3001-451.56-01 101-1003-413.56-01 101-1003-413.56-01 PAGE 11 ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2008/05 REPORT NUMBER 35 REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) ------------------------------------ TOTAL 400.00 * 400.00 630.00 630.00 * 630.00 50.00 50.00 * 50.00 399.01 77.61 476.62 * 476.62 241.42 138.01 379.43 * 379.43 36.08 38.23 74.31 * 74.31 666.40 666.40 * 666.40 47.50 1,235.00 1,140.00 2,422.50 * 2,422.50 4.30 4.30- 94.39 214.70 380.03 5.14- 47.19 124.43 45.35 96.68 317.74 32.20 167.09 1.39- 94.81 252.29 33.27 646.48 45.48 88.26 90.01 7.85 PREPARED11/13/2007, 13:52:14 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PAGE 12 PROGRAM: GM346L ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2008/05 CITY OF LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA REPORT NUMBER 35 BANK 00 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WELLS FARGO BANK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR VOUCHER P.O. DATE REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK _NO ______NO------_ __-NAME-----------------NO------NO-------------------------ACCOUNT -------(NET-OF DISC/RETAIN)---------TOTAL __DISC -RETAIN_ TALI_ 75623 48 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAG 000341 11/13/2007 101-7001-431.56-01 68.53- 000341 11/13/2007 101-7001-431.56-01 64.09 000341 11/13/2007 101-7001-431.56-01 80.80 000343 11/13/2007 101-4002-415.56-27 61.40 000343 11/13/2007 101-5001-424.56-01 32.56 000343 11/13/2007 101-3001-451.56-01 241.54 3,183.58 * 3,183.58 75624 3888 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 000327 11/13/2007 101-7002-431.53-03 187.50 187.50 * 187.50 75625 701 STEIN NOVELTY CO, FRANK 000317 11/13/2007 101-3003-451.51-33 590.89 590.89 * 590.89 75626 1660 SUMPTER, GWEN 000341 11/13/2007 101-3000-342.70-00 40.00 40.00 * 40.00 75627 53 SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY 000317 11/13/2007 101-0000-203.05-00 427.00 000317 11/13/2007 101-4000-341.30-00 22.50- 404.50 * 404.50 75628 3517 TAI CHI INSTITUTE OF SOUT 000341 11/13/2007 101-3002-451.33-43 200.20 200.20 * 200.20 75629 3495 TESSCO INCORPORATED 000331 11/13/2007 401-1725-551.45-01 1,099.35 000343 11/13/2007 401-1725-551.45-01 1,004.29 000343 11/13/2007 401-1725-551.45-01 571.46 2,675.10 * 2,675.10 75630 57 TOPS'N BARRICADES INC 000317 11/13/2007 101-7003-431.56-46 56.03 000341 11/13/2007 101-7003-431.56-46 233.98 290.01 * 290.01 75631 62 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT 000343 11/13/2007 101-7002-431.32-07 153.60 153.60 * 153.60 75632 334 US BANK 000331 11/13/2007 301-9001-701.31-13 1,530.00 1,530.00 * 1,530.00 75633 2425 VALENZUELA, DANIEL 000319 11/13/2007 101-7002-431.51-01 109.74 109.74 * 109.74 75634 430 VALLEY PARTNERSHIP, THE 000341 11/13/2007 101-1004-413.32-07 204.00 204.00 * 204.00 75635 263 VCA CODE GROUP 000319 11/13/2007 101-5002-424.33-28 6,525.00 000343 11/13/2007 101-5002-424.33-28 14,100.00 20,625.00 * 20,625.00 75636 3897 WATERJET WEST, INC. 000341 11/13/2007 101-3001-451.33-62 300.00 O N W PREPARED11/13/2007, 13:52:14 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PROGRAM: GM346L CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHECK VENDOR VENDOR VOUCHER P.O. DATE NO NO NAME NO NO ACCOUNT 75636 3897 WATERJET WEST, INC. 75637 3885 WHEELER, ROLAND 000319 11/13/2007 101-5000-351.08-0 75638 3350 WIMMER, ED 000341 11/13/2007 101-7002-431.51-0 75639 753 WIRELESS WATCHDOGS 000327 11/13/2007 101-4002-415.41-2 000327 11/13/2007 101-4002-415.41-2 000341 11/13/2007 101-4002-415.41-2 75640 3178 WUU, JAY 000331 11/13/2007 101-6001-463.51-0 75641 201 YOUNG ENGINEERING SVC 000343 11/13/2007 101-5002-424.33-2 75642 3889 YU, AMY 000327 11/13/2007 101-7002-431.51-0 75643 853 ZUMAR INDUSTRIES, INC 000327 11/13/2007 101-7003-431.56-4 BANK/CHECK TOTAL ALL BANKS/CHECKS TOTAL PAGE 13 ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2008/05 REPORT NUMBER 35 REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) ---------------------------------------- TOTAL 300.00 * 300.00 0 50.00 50.00 * 50.00 1 21.00 21.00 * 21.00 5 109.92 5 31.27 5 232.00 373.19 * 373.19 1 45.00 45.00 * 45.00 8 15,522.50 15,522.50 * 15,522.50 1 60.40 60.40 * 60.40 6 56.41 56.41 * 56.41 3,431,600.90 3,431,600.90 3,431,600.90 3,431,600.90 PREPARED 11/13/2007, 13:14:06 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PAGE 1 PROGRAM: GM339L AS OF: 11/13/2007 CHECK DATE: 11/13/2007 CITY OF LA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUINTA, CALIFORNIA VEND NO VENDOR NAME EFT OR INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK HAND -ISSUED NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NO NO DATE NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT 0000002 ACE HARDWARE 99286 000317 00 11/13/2007 101-5001-424.56-01 SUPPLIES 6.44 98318 000317 00 11/13/2007 101-5008-419.43-88 MAINTENANCE 56.69 99330 000317 00 11/13/2007 101-5008-419.43-88 MAINTENANCE 45.90 99279 000317 00 11/13/2007 101-5008-419.43-88 MAINTENANCE 58.17 VENDOR TOTAL * 167.20 0003895 ACOUSTICAL MATERIAL SERVICES 211937000 000343 1158 00 11/13/2007 601-0000-451.33-96 SUPPLIES-SRR PUMP HOUSE 1,379.26 VENDOR TOTAL * 1,379.26 0002994 ADVANCED BUILDING MAINTENANCE CO 11410 000340 00 11/13/2007 101-5055-422.43-61 MAINTENANCE-ST N70 365.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 365.00 0001257 ALTEC 10505 000343 00 11/13/2007 101-5006-426.51-07 SUPPLIES 321.64 VENDOR TOTAL * 321.64 0003797 AMATEUR ELECTRONIC SUPPLY 1971286-01 000343 1152 00 11/13/2007 401-1725-551.45-01 EOC SUPPLIES 1,118.91 VENDOR TOTAL * 1,118.91 0003774 AMERICAN RED CROSS 032307 000340 00 11/13/2007 101-5056-425.33-43 SUPPLIES 180.00 032320 000340 00 11/13/2007 101-5056-425.56-31 SUPPLIES 175.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 355.00 0003874 AS TIME GOES BY 103007 000312 00 11/13/2007 101-1000-321.00-00 REFUND-BL OVERPAYMENT 6.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 6.00 0003790 AVILA-GUILIN, ESTHER 210130-B2 000340 00 11/13/2007 101-3002-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT 11.90 VENDOR TOTAL * 11.90 0003884 AVILA, PRECILLA 26856 000315 00 11/13/2007 101-0000-228.30-00 PARK DEPOSIT REFUND 50.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 50.00 0003883 AYSO SOCCER 26853 000315 00 11/13/2007 101-0000-228.30-00 FACILITY DEPOSIT REFUND 400.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 400.00 0000018 BANG INC, DAVE 26228R 000315 1141 00 11/13/2007 220-0000-431.45-01 SHADE STRUCTURES 32,000.00 7 VENDOR TOTAL * 32,000.00 0002203 BELANGER, DAVID 210108-2 000340 00 11/13/2007 101-3002-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT 210.00 PREPARED 11�13/2007, 13:14:06 PROGRAM: GM 39L CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA ------------------------------------------ VEND NO VENDOR NAME INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE NO NO NO DATE ------------------------------------------ 0002203 BELANGER, DAVID 210108-A1 000340 00 11/13/2007 0003896 BIG 5 SPORTING GOODS 110707 000340 00 11/13/2007 0001500 BOARD OF EQUALIZATION 97-829622 000318 00 11/13/2007 0003274 BODDEN, RENATE VARIOUS 000340 00 11/13/2007 0000019 CADET UNIFORM SERVICE 75992 000312 00 11/13/2007 77566 000325 00 11/13/2007 75992 000312 00 11/13/2007 77566 000325 00 11/13/2007 0000592 CAL -WESTERN FOODSERVICE 36770 000312 00 11/13/2007 0003875 CALTRANS 103107 000312 00 11/13/2007 0003882 CANCHOLA, CARLOS 26858 000315 00 11/13/2007 0000106 CANON 7474261 000345 00 11/13/2007 0000237 CARDIFF LIMOUSINE 333902 000343 00 11/13/2007 0000021 CARQUEST 7339-179458 000340 00 11/13/2007 0000947 CASSEL, LLORA 240805-2 000340 00 11/13/2007 C) 0003902 CASTILLO'S CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PAGE 2 AS OF: 11/13/2007 CHECK DATE: 11/13/2007 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EFT OR ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK HAND -ISSUED NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101-3002-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT VENDOR TOTAL 101-5054-421.36-34 SUPPLIES VENDOR TOTAL 401-1725-551.45-01 USE TAX-EOC SUPPLIES VENDOR TOTAL 101-3002-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT VENDOR TOTAL 101-7003-431.44-07 UNIFORM RENTAL 101-7003-431.44-07 UNIFORM RENTAL 101-7004-431.44-07 UNIFORM RENTAL 101-7004-431.44-07 UNIFORM RENTAL VENDOR TOTAL 101-3002-451.43-01 MAINT/REPAIR VENDOR TOTAL 101-7006-431.56-02 SUPPLIES VENDOR TOTAL 101-0000-228.30-00 FACILITY DEPOSIT REFUND VENDOR TOTAL 101-4002-415.43-19 CONTRACT CHARGES VENDOR TOTAL 101-3003-451.56-02 EXCURSION VENDOR TOTAL 501-0000-511.43-46 SWEEPER #41 VENDOR TOTAL 101-3003-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT VENDOR TOTAL 21.00 231.00 517.20 517.20 341.00 341.00 56.70 56.70 80.00 75.08 15.08 20.00 190.16 71.12 71.12 63.00 63.00 400.00 400.00 1,410.46 1,410.46 1,242.00 1,242.00 161.85 161.85 28.00 28.00 PREPARED 11 /13/2007, 13:14:06 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PROGRAM: GM§39L AS OF: 11/13/2007 CHECK DATE: 11/13/2007 CITY OF ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA VEND NO VENDOR NAME INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NO ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NO NO DATE NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 0003902 CASTILLO'S CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION 110907 000343 00 11/13/2007 101-1000-321.00-00 REFUND-BL OVERPAYMENT 50.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 50.00 0000022 CDW GOVERNMENT INC HBZ4522 000324 00 11/13/2007 101-1003-413.71-01 COMPUTER/PRINTER 2,494.59 HBZ4522 000324 00 11/13/2007 101-3006-451.71-01 COMPUTER/PRINTER 1,270.55 HBZ4522 000325 00 11/13/2007 101-5004-424.56-34 SUPPLIES 549.80 HHJ3603 000343 1144 00 11/13/2007 101-7003-431.71-01 LAPTOPS 3,758.22 HHJ3603 000343 1144 00 11/13/2007 101-7004-431.71-01 LAPTOPS 3,758.22 HHJ3603 000343 1144 00 11/13/2007 101-7006-431.71-01 LAPTOPS 7,516.43 HCS7585 000331 00 11/13/2007 401-1725-551.45-01 SUPPLIES-EOC 659.11 HBZ4522 000324 00 11/13/2007 502-0000-512.71-01 PRINTER 243.70 VENDOR TOTAL * 20,250.62 0000023 CHECKMATE EXCHANGE 071002232101 000318 00 11/13/2007 101-5006-426.51-07 ANSWERING SERVICE 136.03 071102232101 000343 00 11/13/2007 101-5006-426.51-07 ANSWERING SERVICE 134.63 VENDOR TOTAL * 270.66 0000994 COACHELLA VALLEY ECONOMIC 1142 000344 00 11/13/2007 101-1003-413.55-08 CVEP ANNUAL LUNCHEON 1,500.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 1,500.00 0000206 COMPUTER U VARIOUS 000340 00 11/13/2007 101-3002-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT 756.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 756.00 0002922 CORRALES RIV CO EMPLOYEE, MARGARITA 2021 000325 00 11/13/2007 218-0000-421.30-15 JANITORIAL 180.00 2022 000331 00 11/13/2007 218-0000-421.30-15 JANITORIAL 180.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 360.00 0003033 DATA TICKET, INC. 21837 000318 00 11/13/2007 101-5004-424.31-19 ADMIN CITATION SVCS 266.33 VENDOR TOTAL * 266.33 0002302 DATELAND CONSTRUCTION CO., INC 110703 000343 00 11/13/2007 401-1775-551.45-01 SRR INFRASTRUCTURE 1,200.00 VENDOR TOTAL A 1,200.00 0002862 DAMS REED CONSTRUCTION, INC. 110207 000325 00 11/13/2007 401-1705-551.45-01 MUSEUM EXP PYMNT H5 302,232.00 103007 000312 00 11/13/2007 401-1737-551.45-01 VISTA DUNES-PYMNT H16 912,000.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 1,214,232.00 0003240 DBX, INC. 091807 000340 00 11/13/2007 401-1756-551.45-01 RETENTION RELEASE 26,524.40 091807 000340 00 11/13/2007 401-1761-551.45-01 RETENTION RELEASE 29,933.30 VENDOR TOTAL * 56,457.70 0001235 DEERINGER, TERRY O N UI PAGE 3 ---_--------'-'---- EFT OR HAND -ISSUED AMOUNT ------------------- PREPARED 11�13/2007, 13:14:06 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PROGRAM: GM 39L AS OF: 11/13/2007 CHECK DATE: 11/13/2007 CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VEND NO VENDOR NAME INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NO NO NO DATE NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0001235 DEERINGER, TERRY 103007 000312 00 11/13/2007 0000112 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 649317 000315 00 11/13/2007 0000594 DESERT CITIES CATERING 07-461 000334 00 11/13/2007 07-461 000334 00 11/13/2007 0000026 DESERT ELECTRIC SUPPLY S1511428.001 000313 00 11/13/2007 S1504050.001 000340 00 11/13/2007 S1517057.001 000340 00 11/13/2007 S1514044.001 000312 00 11/13/2007 S1511428.002 000312 00 11/13/2007 S1504050.002 000340 00 11/13/2007 0001661 DESERT FOUNTAIN GAS SUPPLY 113170 000340 00 11/13/2007 0003891 DIVERSIFIED LANDSCAPE 1 000340 00 11/13/2007 0000028 DOUGLAS, LES VARIOUS 000340 00 11/13/2007 0000389 DUNHAM, KATHY VARIOUS 000340 00 11/13/2007 0000309 ELMS EQUIPMENT RENTAL INC 422483-001 000325 00 11/13/2007 0003312 EMBASSY SUITES 102907 000313 00 11/13/2007 0001113 ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCTS & 07-10054 000313 00 11/13/2007 -07-11006 000340 00 11/13/2007 0003611 ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS RESEARCH INST O [`: co 101-1004-413.51-01 REIMB-TRAVEL EXPENSE VENDOR TOTAL * 101-5054-421.36-31 BLOOD ALCOHOL VENDOR TOTAL * 101-2001-411.56-02 HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE 101-2001-411.44-01 HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE VENDOR TOTAL * 101-3005-451.56-37 CAMPUS VANDALISM 101-3005-451.56-52 METER PEDESTAL REPL 101-3005-451.56-52 ELECTRICAL MATERIALS 101-7004-431.56-52 ELECTRICAL MATERIAL 101-7004-431.56-52 MATERIALS 101-7004-431.56-52 ELECTRICAL MATERIALS VENDOR TOTAL 101-3003-451.51-33 HELIUM RENTAL VENDOR TOTAL 401-1787-551.45-01 LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS VENDOR TOTAL 101-3002-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT VENDOR TOTAL 101-3002-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT VENDOR TOTAL 101-7003-431.44-01 EQUIP RENTAL VENDOR TOTAL 401-1770-551.80-04 TOT REIMB-JULY-SEPT VENDOR TOTAL 405-9001-702.32-15 SRR PM10 SVC 405-9001-702.32-15 SRR PM10 VENDOR TOTAL 297.88 297.88 280.00 280.00 4,661.27 326.48 4,987.75 2,417.91 2,918.95 357.76 125.98 16.82 80.19 5,917.61 6.00 6.00 10,553.85 10,553.85 316.40 316.40 772.80 772.80 5,296.52 5,296.52 24,404.80 24,404.80 880.00 2,200.00 3,080.00 PAGE 4 ------------ EFT OR HAND -ISSUED AMOUNT PREPARED 11/13/2007, 13:14:06 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PAGE 5 PROGRAM: GM§39L AS OF: 11/13/2007 CHECK DATE: 11/13/2007 CITY OF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA VEND NO VENDOR NAME EFT OR INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK HAND -ISSUED NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NO NO DATE NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT 0003611 ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS RESEARCH INST 91636450 000314 00 11/13/2007 101-7002-431.51-01 GIS TRAINING 950.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 950.00 0003856 EP$A ENVIROTAC, INC. 07-10053 000315 1157 00 11/13/2007 405-9001-702.32-15 3 NO STABILIZATION 7,500.00 07-11007 000340 1157 00 11/13/2007 405-9001-702.32-15 3 MOS STABILIZATION 13,800.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 21,300.00 0003421 FERRANTI, PHILIP 220719-1 000340 00 11/13/2007 101-3003-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT 21.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 21.00 0000031 FIRST CHOICE SERVICES 411107 000314 00 11/13/2007 101-4002-415.56-27 COFFEE SUPPLIES 204.23 411108 000315 00 11/13/2007 101-4002-415.56-27 COFFEE SUPPLIES 186.98 411723 000315 00 11/13/2007 101-4002-415.56-27 COFFEE SUPPLIES 12.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 403.21 0000032 FOUNDATION FOR THE RETARDED OF THE 14922 000315 00 11/13/2007 101-5054-421.36-34 SUPPLIES 333.72 14926 000316 00 11/13/2007 101-5054-421.36-34 SUPPLIES 109.37 VENDOR TOTAL * 443.09 0003187 FOUR SEASONS ESCROW INC 110807 000343 00 11/13/2007 101-1000-321.00-00 REFUND-BL OVERPAYMENT 105.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 105.00 0002090 GALLS 5908865600018 000318 00 11/13/2007 101-5056-425.56-31 SUPPLIES 18.86 VENDOR TOTAL * 18.86 0002977 GARCIA, DEBRA L0070779 000318 00 11/13/2007 101-5000-351.01-00 CITATION DEPOSIT REFUND 50.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 50.00 0003878 GARCIA, JOVITA 26859 000317 00 11/13/2007 101-0000-228.30-00 PARK DEPOSIT REFUND 50.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 50.00 0000503 GATEWAY COMPANIES, INC. 6195270 000314 1133 00 11/13/2007 101-7002-431.71-01 COMPUTERS 881.11 6265708 000314 1133 00 11/13/2007 101-7002-431.71-01 MONITORS/RECYCLE 255.80 6195270 000314 1133 00 11/13/2007 502-0000-512.71-01 COMPUTERS 4,405.51 6265708 000314 1133 00 11/13/2007 502-0000-512.71-01 MONITORS/RECYCLE 1,279.02 VENDOR TOTAL * 6,821.44 0003876 GAYLORD BROS. INC. 1092642 000317 00 11/13/2007 101-3006-451.56-02 SUPPLIES 99.03 1094815 000325 00 11/13/2007 101-3006-451.56-02 SUPPLIES 31.23 O N PREPARED 11/13/2007, 13:14:06 PROGRAM: GM3339L CITY OF ------------------------------------------ LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA VEND NO VENDOR NAME INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE NO ------------------------------------------ NO NO DATE 0003876 GAYLORD BROS. INC. 1093893 000325 00 11/13/2007 0003233 GKK WORKS 110607 000340 00 11/13/2007 0000620 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSN 0052618 000314 00 11/13/2007 0000370 GS DIRECT INC 239424 000314 00 11/13/2007 239423 000314 00 11/13/2007 0003873 HANS BROST 103007 000314 00 11/13/2007 0001059 HENSLEY, REGENIA 26882 000325 00 11/13/2007 0000454 HIGH TECH IRRIGATION INC 033287 000314 00 11/13/2007 032258-2 000325 00 11/13/2007 034673 000325 00 11/13/2007 035053 000325 00 11/13/2007 035059 000325 00 11/13/2007 344774 000325 00 11/13/2007 035488 000341 00 11/13/2007 0000709 HIGH TECH MAILING SERVICES 15123 000314 00 11/13/2007 15038 000341 00 11/13/2007 0000277 HIMMLER, DAVID 220810-2 000341 00 11/13/2007 0000035 HOARD INC, HUGH 51372 000318 00 11/13/2007 50939 000318 00 11/13/2007 .-51436 000318 1127 00 11/13/2007 0000036 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES O N 00 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PAGE 6 AS OF: 11/13/2007 CHECK DATE: 11/13/2007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EFT OR ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK HAND -ISSUED NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 101-3006-451.56-02 SUPPLIES VENDOR TOTAL 401-1725-551.45-01 CITY HALL EXP-PYMNT #12 VENDOR TOTAL 101-4001-415.53-03 MEMBERSHIP DUES VENDOR TOTAL 101-6001-463.56-01 SUPPLIES 101-6001-463.56-01 SUPPLIES VENDOR TOTAL 101-1000-321.00-00 REFUND-BL OVERPAYMENT VENDOR TOTAL * 101-3000-342.74-00 REFUND -FLU SHOT VENDOR TOTAL * 101-7004-431.56-52 IRRIGATION MATERIALS 101-7004-431.56-52 IRRIGATION MATERIAL 101-7004-431.56-52 IRRIGATION MATERIAL 101-7004-431.56-52 IRRIGATION MATERIAL 101-7004-431.56-52 IRRIGATION MATERIAL 101-7004-431.56-52 IRRIGATION MATERIAL 101-7004-431.56-52 IRRIGATION MATERIALS VENDOR TOTAL * 101-1003-413.55-07 FALL 2007 NEWSLETTER 101-3001-451.33-04 POSTCARD MAILING VENDOR TOTAL * 101-3003-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT VENDOR TOTAL * 101-5008-419.43-88 REPAIRS -CIVIC CTR 101-5008-419.43-88 REPAIRS/MAINT-CIVIC CTR 501-0000-511.71-02 HVAC REPLACEMENT-ST 470 VENDOR TOTAL * 21.25 151.51 553,178.70 553,178.70 215.00 215.00 300.77 507.84 808.61 5.50 5.50 20.00 20.00 731.30 371.65 134.21 466.11 30.61 731.30 50.20 2,515.38 2,882.93 2,857.95 5,740.88 591.50 591.50 95.00 612.53 13,750.00 14,457.53 PREPARED 11�13/2007, 13:14:06 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PROGRAM: GM 39L AS OF: 11/13/2007 CHECK DATE: 11/13/2007 CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VEND NO VENDOR NAME INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NO NO NO DATE NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0000036 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 1080192 000341 00 11/13/2007 9022748 000341 00 11/13/2007 5023651 000341 00 11/13/2007 10187 000341 00 11/13/2007 7610289 000341 00 11/13/2007 0000541 HTE VAR LLC 9225 000314 00 11/13/2007 0000180 INFORMATION RESOURCES A-1044-20071031000334 00 11/13/2007 0003900 INTERIOR MAKEOVER 110807 000343 00 11/13/2007 0000194 JACOBS, STEVEN 220940-3 000341 0003763 JAMES, JENNIFER 220710-11 000341 0000195 JAS PACIFIC INC BI 9567 000318 BI 9607 000343 00 11/13/2007 00 11/13/2007 00 11/13/2007 00 11/13/2007 0002854 JEFFRIES 8 ASSOCIATES 110807 000343 00 11/13/2007 0003184 JOHNSON, LES 100307 000326 00 11/13/2007 0000077 JONASSON, TIM 110507 000341 00 11/13/2007 0003833 KELLY, MAUREEN 110107 000318 00 11/13/2007 0000079 KINER COMMUNICATIONS N CO 101-5008-419.43-88 REPAIR/MAINTENANCE 12.80 101-7003-431.56-52 SUPPLIES 38.22 101-7003-431.56-52 MATERIALS 527.39 101-7003-431.56-52 MATERIALS 48.78 101-7004-431.56-37 GRAFFITI PAINT 381.37 VENDOR TOTAL * 1,008.56 502-0000-512.43-13 COMPUTER SOFTWARE UPGRADE 6,266.52 VENDOR TOTAL * 6,266.52 101-1004-413.32-07 BACKGROUND CHECK 125.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 125.00 101-1000-321.00-00 REFUND-BL OVERPAYMENT 6.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 6.00 101-3003-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT 70.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 70.00 101-3003-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT 327.60 VENDOR TOTAL * 327.60 101-5002-424.33-28 CONTRACT SVCS-PLAN CHECK 11,005.00 101-5002-424.33-28 CONTRACT SVCS/PLAN CHECK 13,630.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 24,635.00 101-1000-321.00-00 REFUND-BL OVERPAYMENT 3.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 3.00 10176001-463.51-01 REIMB-TRAVEL EXPENSE 235.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 235.00 101-7001-431.51-01 REIMB-LUNCH MTG 20.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 20.00 101-1004-413.53-06 REMAINDER -EDUCATION REIMB 261.08 VENDOR TOTAL * 261.08 PAGE 7 ------------ EFT OR HAND -ISSUED AMOUNT PREPARED 11 /13/2007, 13:14:06 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PROGRAM: GM339L AS OF: 11/13/2007 CHECK DATE CITY OF ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA VEND NO VENDOR NAME INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM NO ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NO NO DATE NO DESCRIPTION 0000079 KINER COMMUNICATIONS 29585 000314 00 11/13/2007 101-1003-413.55-07 NOV 07 RETAINER 29453 000341 00 11/13/2007 101-1003-413.55-07 HOTEL CO-OP PROGRAM 29452 000341 00 11/13/2007 101-1003-413.55-07 08 CALENDAR PHOTOGRAPHY 29613 000341 00 11/13/2007 101-3001-451.33-04 POSTCARD MAILING VENDOR TOTAL 0002233 KIRKPATRICK LANDSCAPING SERVICES 00034979 000314 00 11/13/2007 101-7004-431.56-02 PLANT REPLACEMENT 00034982 000326 00 11/13/2007 101-7004-431.56-52 LANDSCAPING 00035007 000326 00 11/13/2007 101-7004-431.34-10 LANDSCAPE MAINT 00035007 000327 00 11/13/2007 101-7004-431.34-04 LANDSCAPE MAINT VENDOR TOTAL 0002200 KLEIN PRODUCTS INC 46601 000341 00 11/13/2007 501-0000-511.43-37 TK #34 WATER TRUCK VENDOR TOTAL 0000865 KRIBBS CONSTRUCTION, BRUCE 1128 000331 00 11/13/2007 101-3005-451.32-07 TROUBLESHOOTING/REPAIRS LMC #169 000341 00 11/13/2007 101-3005-451.32-07 ELECTRICAL SVC LMC #169 000341 00 11/13/2007 101-7004-431.32-07 ELECTRICAL SVC 1129 000341 00 11/13/2007 101-7004-431.32-07 ELECTRICAL SVC 1130 000341 00 11/13/2007 101-7004-431.56-52 ELECTRICAL SVC 1127 000331 00 11/13/2007 270-0000-451.43-55 AIR MOTION REPAIR VENDOR TOTAL 0003879 LA PLANTE, MICHELLE 26860 000317 00 11/13/2007 101-0000-228.30-00 PARK DEPOSIT REFUND 0001121 LA OUINTA VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPT VENDOR TOTAL JULY 2007 000318 00 11/13/2007 101-5055-422.36-52 VOLUNTEERS -MEDICAL AIDE 0000216 LARSEN GOLF CARS, INC. 103007 000314 00 11/13/2007 0003214 LARSON, MARJEAN VARIOUS 000341 00 11/13/2007 0002182 LASR-INK PALM 4801 000343 00 11/13/2007 0000217 LESLIE, JANELLE VARIOUS 000341 00 11/13/2007 C C.-P000080 LOCK SHOP INC, THE VENDOR TOTAL * 101-1000-321.00-00 REFUND-BL OVERPAYMENT VENDOR TOTAL 101-3002-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT VENDOR TOTAL * 502-0000-512.56-02 SUPPLIES VENDOR TOTAL 101-3002-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT VENDOR TOTAL * PAGE 8 11/13/2007 ------------------------------------- EFT OR CHECK HAND -ISSUED AMOUNT AMOUNT ------------------------------------- 4,000.00 1,127.33 3,573.28 3,836.67 12,537.28 4,200.00 8,656.00 4,000.00 58,127.00 74,983.00 1,063.95 1,063.95 324.00 1,000.00 5,750.00 1,782.00 108.00 1,878.00 10,842.00 50.00 50.00 525.00 525.00 200.00 200.00 94.50 94.50 105.60 105.60 73.50 73.50 PREPARED 11 /13/2007, 13:14:06 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PROGRAM: GM339L AS OF: 11/13/2007 CHECK DATE: 11/13/2007 CITY OF LA --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUINTA, CALIFORNIA VEND NO VENDOR NAME INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NO NO DATE NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 0000080 LOCK SHOP INC, THE 315109 000318 00 11/13/2007 101-5008-419.43-88 REPAIR/MAINT 3.45 617838 000314 00 11/13/2007 101-7003-431.56-52 LOCKS 76.35 312856 000318 00 11/13/2007 501-0000-511.71-03 KEYS 90.00 312857 000318 00 11/13/2007 501-0000-511.71-03 KEYS 132.75 VENDOR TOTAL * 302.55 0000218 lOS ANGELES TIMES 5921809017 000314 00 11/13/2007 101-2001-411.53-04 SUBSCRIPTION 26.20 VENDOR TOTAL * 26.20 0000037 LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT WAREHOUSE 0075121 000314 00 11/13/2007 101-3003-451.56-02 SUPPLIES 27.97 VENDOR TOTAL * 27.97 0003899 LUCERO, LORRAINE 27079 000343 00 11/13/2007 101-3000-342.60-00 REFUND -PARTY CANC 110.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 110.00 0000581 M & N INTERNATIONAL 4560232 000331 00 11/13/2007 101-1004-413.51-19 SUPPLIES-EMPL RECON BANG 119.90 VENDOR TOTAL * 119.90 0003901 MADLIN'S ENTERPRISES 110807 000343 00 11/13/2007 101-1000-321.00-00 REFUND-BL OVERPAYMENT 3.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 3.00 0000220 MARSHALL, SALLY VARIOUS 000341 00 11/13/2007 101-3002-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT 450.10 VENDOR TOTAL * 450.10 0000221 MC DOWELL AWARDS 2007-1159 000334 00 11/13/2007 101-3001-451.53-01 SUPPLIES -NAME PLATE 21.01 2007-1189 000331 00 11/13/2007 101-3002-451.56-02 AWARD REPLACEMENT 277.35 VENDOR TOTAL * 298.36 0000248 MOBILE SATELLITE VENTURES 1000085795 000341 00 11/13/2007 101-4002-415.41-25 SATELITE PHONES 21.66 VENDOR TOTAL * 21.66 0003651 MODULAR SPACE CORPORATION 101380195 000331 00 11/13/2007 401-1725-551.45-01 MONTHLY TRLR LEASE 435.36 VENDOR TOTAL * 435.36 0000958 MOLLINDO, RICK 221004-1 000341 00 11/13/2007 101-3003-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT 392.00 ;0001686 VENDOR TOTAL * 392.00 MOUNTAIN VIEW TIRE & SRVC INC 026220 000343 00 11/13/2007 501-0000-511.43-40 REPAIR/MAINT N39 17.16 C N PAGE 9 ------------ EFT OR HAND -ISSUED AMOUNT PREPARED 11/13/2007, 13:14:06 PROGRAM: GM339L CITY OF LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA ------------------------------------------- VEND NO VENDOR NAME INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE NO NO NO DATE ------------------------------------------- EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST AS OF: 11/13/2007 CHECK DATE: 11/13/2007 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ----------------------------------------------------------------- 0001686 MOUNTAIN VIEW TIRE 8 SRVC INC 026240 000343 00 11/13/2007 501-0000-511.43-40 REPAIR/MAINT N50 0000223 MUNI FINANCIAL VENDOR TOTAL 43373 000314 00 11/13/2007 302-9002-701.31-13 43276 000343 00 11/13/2007 310-9501-411.31-13 43398 000343 00 11/13/2007 730-0000-234.10-00 43398 000343 00 11/13/2007 735-0000-234.10-00 43398 000343 00 11/13/2007 740-0000-234.10-00 0000250 2007-08/4 2007-08/4 2007-08/4 2007-08/4 2007-08/4 2007-08/4 2007-08/4 2007-08/4 2007-08/4 2007-08/4 2007-08/4 2007-08/4 2007-08/4 2007-08/4 2007-08/4 2007-08/4 2007-08/4 2007-0814 0003880 26857 0001065 102107 110407 NAI CONSULTING INC 000343 00 11/13 000343 00 11/13 000343 00 11/13 000343 00 11/13 000343 00 11/13 000343 00 11/13 000343 00 11/13 000343 00 11/13 000343 00 11/13 000343 00 11/13 000343 00 11/13 000343 00 11/13 000343 00 11/13 000343 00 11/13 000343 00 11/13 000343 00 11/13 000343 00 11/13 000343 00 11/13 7 7 7 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 101-7001-431.32-07 101-7003-431.34-04 101-7006-431.32-07 401-1743-551.32-10 401-1754-551.35-07 401-1755-551.35-07 401-1762-551.35-07 401-1763-551.32-10 401-1764-551.35-07 401-1765-551.32-10 401-1766-551.32-10 401-1772-551.35-07 401-1775-551.35-07 401-1778-551.32-10 401-1779-551.32-10 401-1781-551.35-07 401-1784-551.35-07 401-1785-551.35-07 ARBITRAGE REBATE SVC CDIAC INFO STMT AD ADMN FEES AD ADMN FEES AD ADMN FEES VENDOR TOTAL * PROG MGMNT/TECH SVCS PROG MGMNT/TECH SVCS FROG MGMNT/TECH SVCS FROG MGMNT/TECH SVCS FROG MGMNT/TECH SVCS PROG MGMNT/TECH SVCS PROG MGMNT/TECH SVCS PROG MGMNT/TECH SVCS PROG MGMNT/TECH SVCS FROG MGMNT/TECH SVCS FROG MGMNT/TECH SVCS FROG MGMNT/TECH SVCS FROG MGMNT/TECH SVCS PROG MGMNT/TECH SVCS PROG MGMNT/TECH SVCS FROG MGMNT/TECH SVCS FROG MGMNT/TECH SVCS FROG MGMNT/TECH SVCS VENDOR TOTAL NAVARRO, STEVE 000317 00 11/13/2007 101-0000-228.30-00 PARK DEPOSIT REFUND VENDOR TOTAL * N IETO, RUBEN 000318 00 11/13/2007 501-0000-511.43-43 AUTO DETAIL 000341 00 11/13/2007 501-0000-511.43-43 AUTO DETAIL VENDOR TOTAL * 0000060 NOLEN INC, TRULY 66853070 000314 00 11/13/2007 101-3002-451.42-20 PEST CONTROL 66853069 000314 00 11/13/2007 101-3002-451.42-20 PEST CONTROL VENDOR TOTAL * 0002214 OCB REPROGRAPHICS 5049923 000343 00 11/13/2007 401-1737-551.45-01 PLANS 5049825 000343 00 11/13/2007 401-1737-551.45-01 PLAN MGMNT C W N 17.16 FI1WF 1,500.00 300.00 231.42 149.68 811.63 2,992.73 480.00 600.00 3,472.50 840.00 1,095.00 1,800.00 1,117.50 567.92 277.50 600.00 562.50 427.50 1,485.00 1,620.00 780.00 240.00 240.00 1,785.00 17,990.42 50.00 50.00 396.00 537.00 933.00 77.00 33.00 110.00 31.19 10.78 PAGE 10 ----------------- EFT OR HAND -ISSUED AMOUNT ----------------- PREPARED 11/13/2007, 13:14:06 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PROGRAM: GM3339L AS OF: 11/13/2007 CHECK DATE: 11/13/2007 CITY OF ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA VEND NO VENDOR NAME INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NO ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NO NO DATE NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 0002214 OCB REPROGRAPHICS 5012560 000343 00 11/13/2007 401-1755-551.45-01 PLANS/SPECS 562.37 5013204 000343 00 11/13/2007 401-1755-551.45-01 PLANWELL FEES 292.99 5049346 000343 00 11/13/2007 401-1755-551.45-01 PLANWELL FEES 10.78 5002155 000341 00 11/13/2007 401-1773-551.35-07 PLANS/SPECS 897.04 5012971 000343 00 11/13/2007 401-1778-551.45-01 PLANWELL FEES 112.95 5012116 000343 00 11/13/2007 401-1778-551.45-01 PLANS/SPECS 151.50 5003457 000341 00 11/13/2007 401-1787-551.35-07 SPECS 216.16 4890165 000343 00 11/13/2007 401-1787-551.45-01 PLANWELL FEES 51.18 0000041 OFFICE DEPOT VENDOR TOTAL * 2,336.94 405474333-001 000314 00 11/13/2007 101-1001-411.56-01 SUPPLIES 29.07 405642948-001 000314 00 11/13/2007 101-1003-413.56-01 SUPPLIES 81.92 405474333-001 000314 00 11/13/2007 101-1003-413.56-01 SUPPLIES 97.89 406313281-001 000331 00 11/13/2007 101-1003-413.56-01 SUPPLIES 50.84 405642948-001 000314 00 11/13/2007 101-1004-413.56-01 SUPPLIES 20.94 405474333-001 000314 00 11/13/2007 101-1004-413.56-01 SUPPLIES 53.33 406313281-001 000331 00 11/13/2007 101-1004-413.56-01 SUPPLIES 12.62 404817224-001 000314 00 11/13/2007 101-4001-415.56-01 SUPPLIES 5.38 406135296-001 000327 00 11/13/2007 401-1725-551.45-01 SUPPLIES 838.51 VENDOR TOTAL * 1,190.50 0002064 OMEGA LAKE SERVICES 11-174 000343 00 11/13/2007 101-3005-451.56-52 CAMPUS LAKE MAINT 202.50 11-175 000343 00 11/13/2007 101-7004-431.34-04 OCT TREATMENTS-SRR LLD 488.00 11-176 000343 00 11/13/2007 405-9001-702.32-15 SRR VILLAGE LAKE MAINT 357.75 0003144 PALMS GOLF SHOP, THE VENDOR TOTAL * 1,048.25 103007 000314 00 11/13/2007 101-1000-321.00-00 REFUND-BL OVERPAYMENT 14.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 14.00 0003376 PEARSON ARCHITECTS, INC. 13081 000341 00 11/13/2007 401-1725-551.35-07 CITY HALL EXP ARCH DESIGN 4,670.00 0000519 PET PICKUPS VENDOR TOTAL * 4,670.00 30571 000314 00 11/13/2007 101-7004-431.56-52 SUPPLIES 665.10 VENDOR TOTAL * 665.10 0000552 PLANNING CENTER INC, THE 40185 000327 00 11/13/2007 101-6002-463.32-10 PROFESSIONAL SVCS 2,700.65 VENDOR TOTAL * 2,700.65 0002725 PRECISION LANDLEVELING, INC. 610 000317 1136 00 11/13/2007 601-0000-451.33-96 SRR GRADING/TEMP PRKNG 25,550.00 0000043 PRINTING PLACE, THE VENDOR TOTAL * 25,550.00 O W C..3 PAGE 11 ------------------- EFT OR HAND -ISSUED AMOUNT ------------------- PREPARED 11 /13/2007, 13:14:06 PROGRAM: GM3339L CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA -------------------------------------------- VEND NO VENDOR NAME INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE NO NO NO DATE -------------------------------------------- 0000043 PRINTING PLACE, THE EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PAGE 12 AS OF: 11/13/2007 CHECK DATE: 11/13/2007 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EFT OR ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK HAND -ISSUED NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 073257 000327 00 11/13/2007 101-3001-451.53-01 SUPPLIES -BUSINESS CARDS 073177 000318 00 11/13/2007 101-4002-415.56-19 SUPPLIES 073046 000327 00 11/13/2007 101-6001-463.53-01 SUPPLIES -BUSINESS CARDS 073115 000314 00 11/13/2007 101-7001-431.56-02 SUPPLIES -BUSINESS CARDS 072570 000343 00 11/13/2007 101-7002-431.56-02 SUPPLIES -BUSINESS CARDS VENDOR TOTAL 0001562 PRISTINE POOLS SERVICE 8 REPAIR INC 12806 000334 00 11/13/2007 101-3001-451.33-13 POOL SERVICE 12807 000343 00 11/13/2007 101-5008-419.43-81 POOL SERVICE -FOUNTAINS VENDOR TOTAL 0003513 PROJECT DIMENSIONS, INC. 18536 000343 00 11/13/2007 401-1773-551.35-07 SRR PROJECT MGMNT 18536 000343 00 11/13/2007 401-1774-551.35-07 SRR PROJECT MGMNT 18536 000343 00 11/13/2007 401-1775-551.35-07 SRR PROJECT MGMNT 18536 000343 00 11/13/2007 401-1776-551.35-07 SRR PROJECT MGMNT 0000325 PSOMAS INC VENDOR TOTAL * 0037880 000343 00 11/13/2007 101-7006-431.32-07 CONTRACT INSPECTORS 0001938 PYLE, ROBERT NOBLE VENDOR TOTAL * 210184-B1/B8 000341 00 11/13/2007 101-3002-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT 0000327 RBF CONSULTING INC 7090446 000343 00 11/13/2007 101-7001-431.32-07 7090466 000343 00 11/13/2007 401-1773-551.34-04 7090466 000343 00 11/13/2007 401-1775-551.35-07 0000081 10394 VENDOR TOTAI * SURVEY MONUMENTATION SRR CIVIL ENGINEERING SRR CIVIL ENGINEERING REVENUE EXPERTS INC VENDOR TOTAL 000318 00 11/13/2007 101-5004-424.31-19 ADMIN CITATION SVC 0000412 RIVERSIDE CNTY SHERIFFS DEPT VENDOR TOTAL SH0000008070 000327 00 11/13/2007 SHOOOOOOB070 000327 00 11/13/2007 SH0000008070 000327 00 11/13/2007 SH0000008070 000327 00 11/13/2007 SH0000008070 000328 00 11/13/2007 SH0000008070 000328 00 11/13/2007 SH0000008070 000328 00 11/13/2007 SH0000008070 000328 00 11/13/2007 SH0000008070 000328 00 11/13/2007 -SH0000008070 000328 00 11/13/2007 �SH0000008128 000341 00 11/13/2007 0 C.Z W% 101-5054-421.36-01 101-5054-421.36-03 101-5054-421.36-04 101-5054-421.36-22 101-5054-421.36-19 101-5054-421.36-20 101-5054-421.36-13 101-5054-421.36-15 101-5054-421.36-07 101-5054-421.36-25 101-5054-421.36-01 CONTRACT LAW ENF CONTRACT LAW ENF CONTRACT LAW ENF CONTRACT LAW ENF CONTRACT LAW ENF CONTRACT LAW ENF CONTRACT LAW ENF CONTRACT LAW ENF CONTRACT LAW ENF CONTRACT LAW ENF CONTRACT LAW ENF 75.43 550.60 99.13 96.98 99.13 921.27 835.00 107.00 a-t4UIf: 6,761.91 9,940.46 17,762.84 6,016.66 40,481.87 57,375.50 57,375.50 445.90 445.90 3,118.50 9,775.00 39,521.58 52,415.08 399.50 399.50 217,098.41 20,410.60 42,823.58 16,555.00 39,872.40 8,254.80 5,107.00 5,055.93 14,554.12 16,077.90 394,187.91 PREPARED 11�13/2007, 13:14:06 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PAGE 13 PROGRAM: GM 39L AS OF: 11/13/2007 CHECK DATE: 11/13/2007 CITY OF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA VEND NO VENDOR NAME INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK EFT OR HAND -ISSUED NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NO NO DATE NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT 0000412 RIVERSIDE CNTY SHERIFFS DEPT SH0000008128 000341 00 11/13/2007 101-5054-421.36-03 CONTRACT LAW ENF SH0000008128 000341 00 11/13/2007 101-5054-421.36-22 CONTRACT LAW ENF SH0000008128 000341 00 11/13/2007 101-5054-421.36-04 CONTRACT LAW ENF SH0000008128 000341 00 11/13/2007 101-5054-421.36-19 CONTRACT LAW ENF SH0000008128 000341 00 11/13/2007 101-5054-421.36-20 CONTRACT LAW ENF SH0000008128 000341 00 11/13/2007 101-5054-421.36-13 CONTRACT LAW ENF SH0000008128 000341 00 11/13/2007 101-5054-421.36-15 CONTRACT LAW ENF SH0000008128 000341 00 11/13/2007 101-5054-421.36-07 CONTRACT LAW ENF SH0000008128 000341 00 11/13/2007 101-5054-421.36-25 CONTRACT LAW ENF VENDOR TOTAL 0003890 ROCA DENTAL 110707 000334 00 11/13/2007 101-1000-321.00-00 REFUND-BL OVERPAYMENT VENDOR TOTAL * 0003887 ROTH, JODI LEANNE LQA033119 000318 00 11/13/2007 101-5000-351.01-00 CITATION DEPOSIT REFUND VENDOR TOTAL * 0003881 SALAS, ELEANOR 26855 000317 00 11/13/2007 101-0000-228.30-00 PARK DEPOSIT REFUND VENDOR TOTAL * 0003877 SA LVADOR, YESENIA 26854 000317 00 11/13/2007 101-0000-228.30-00 FACILITY DEPOSIT REFUND VENDOR TOTAL * 0000111 SAXON ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC 71191 000317 00 11/13/2007 101-5002-424.33-28 PLAN CHECK VENDOR TOTAL * 0003886 SHERK, GILBERT LQ070763 000318 00 11/13/2007 101-5000-351.01-00 CITATION DEPOSIT REFUND VENDOR TOTAL * 0000046 SMART & FINAL 0128737 000331 00 11/13/2007 101-3002-451.56-02 LUNCHEON SUPPLIES 130522 000331 00 11/13/2007 101-3002-451.56-02 HEALTH FAIR SUPPLIES VENDOR TOTAL * 0000463 SMITH PIPE & SUPPLY CO 1798829 000327 00 11/13/2007 101-7004-431.56-52 IRRIGATION MATERIAL 1798830 000327 00 11/13/2007 101-7004-431.56-52 IRRIGATION MATERIAL VENDOR TOTAL * 0003209 SOUND BILLING 466105 000319 00 11/13/2007 501-0000-511.43-40 REPAIRS/MAINT 474533 000319 00 11/13/2007 501-0000-511.43-40 REPAIRS/MAINT VENDOR TOTAL * 0003315 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING O C.33 vt 39,645.03 24,080.00 51,129.60 57,287.70 14,720.80 8,171.20 6,843.38 23,048.00 25,923.41 1,030,846.77 54.00 54.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 400.00 400.00 630.00 630.00 50.00 50.00 399.01 77.61 476.62 241.42 138.01 379.43 36.08 38.23 74.31 PREPARED 11 /13/2007, 13:14:06 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PAGE 14 PROGRAM: GM3339L AS OF: 11/13/2007 CHECK DATE: 11/13/2007 CITY OF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA VEND NO VENDOR NAME INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK EFT OR HAND -ISSUED NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NO NO DATE NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT 0003315 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING 344142 000343 00 11/13/2007 401-1772-551.34-04 MISC STREET IMP 666.40 VENDOR TOTAL * 666.40 0000749 SOUTHWEST NETWORKS INC 07-10065 000314 00 11/13/2007 502-0000-512.33-52 COMPUTER SVC 47.50 07-10139 000327 00 11/13/2007 502-0000-512.33-52 COMPUTER SVC 1,235.00 07-10191 000331 00 11/13/2007 502-0000-512.33-52 COMPUTER SVC 1,140.00 0000048 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE VENDOR TOTAL * 2,422.50 3093289753 000341 00 11/13/2007 101-1003-413.56-01 SUPPLIES 90.01 3093327239 000341 00 11/13/2007 101-1003-413.56-01 SUPPLIES 7.85 3093289755 000334 00 11/13/2007 101-3001-451.56-01 SUPPLIES 45.48 30930122535 000334 00 11/13/2007 101-3001-451.56-01 SUPPLIES 88.26 3093289754 000343 00 11/13/2007 101-3001-451.56-01 SUPPLIES 241.54 3093289755 000334 00 11/13/2007 101-3006-451.56-55 SUPPLIES 646.48 3092992365 000314 00 11/13/2007 101-4001-415.56-01 SUPPLIES 4.30 3092992364 000314 00 11/13/2007 101-4001-415.56-01 CREDIT INVOICE 4.30- 3092764135 000314 00 11/13/2007 101-4002-415.56-07 SUPPLIES 94.39 3092764136 000314 00 11/13/2007 101-4002-415.56-07 SUPPLIES 47.19 3092458648 000343 00 11/13/2007 101-4002-415.56-27 SUPPLIES 61.40 3093037838 000327 00 11/13/2007 101-5001-424.56-01 SUPPLIES 96.68 3092764134 000327 00 11/13/2007 101-5001-424.56-01 SUPPLIES 317.74 3092764132 000327 00 11/13/2007 101-5001-424.56-01 SUPPLIES 32.20 3092764133 000327 00 11/13/2007 101-5001-424.56-01 SUPPLIES 167.09 3092936911 000327 00 11/13/2007 101-5001-424.56-01 CREDIT INVOICE 1.39- 3092458648 000343 00 11/13/2007 101-5001-424.56-01 SUPPLIES 32.56 3093327238 000331 00 11/13/2007 101-5054-421.51-20 SUPPLIES 252.29 3093327237 000331 00 11/13/2007 101-5054-421.51-20 SUPPLIES 33.27 3092764138 000327 00 11/13/2007 101-6001-463.56-01 SUPPLIES 124.43 3092764137 000327 00 11/13/2007 101-6001-463.56-01 SUPPLIES 45.35 3092655280 000327 00 11/13/2007 101-6001-463.56-01 SUPPLIES 94.81 3092936912 000314 00 11/13/2007 101-7001-431.56-01 SUPPLIES 214.70 3092992367 000314 00 11/13/2007 101-7001-431.56-01 SUPPLIES 380.03 3092992366 000314 00 11/13/2007 101-7001-431.56-01 CREDIT INVOICE 5.14- 3093327240 000341 00 11/13/2007 101-7001-431.56-01 CREDIT INVOICE 68.53- 3093289756 000341 00 11/13/2007 101-7001-431.56-01 SUPPLIES 64.09 3093210263 000341 00 11/13/2007 101-7001-431.56-01 SUPPLIES 80.80 VENDOR TOTAL * 3,183.58 0003888 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 110207 000327 00 11/13/2007 101-7002-431.53-03 LICENSE RENEWAL 187.50 VENDOR TOTAL * 187.50 0000701 STEIN NOVELTY CO, FRANK 42455 000317 00 11/13/2007 101-3003-451.51-33 SUPPLIES-HALLOWEEN 590.89 VENDOR TOTAL * 590.89 6001660 SUMPTER, GWEN O cz O PREPARED 11/13/2007, 13:14:06 PROGRAM: GM3339L CITY OF LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA ------------------------------------------ VEND NO VENDOR NAME INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE NO NO NO DATE __________________________________________ 0001660 SUMPTER, GWEN 26998 000341 00 11/13/2007 0000053 SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY 7251 000317 00 11/13/2007 7251 000317 00 11/13/2007 0003517 TAI CHI INSTITUTE OF SOUTHERN CA VARIOUS 000341 00 11/13/2007 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST AS OF: 11/13/2007 CHECK DATE: 11/13/2007 ----------------- __________________________________________ ACCOUNT ITEM NO DESCRIPTION ___________________________________________________________ 0003495 TESSCO INCORPORATED 816690 000331 00 11/13/2007 818937 000343 00 11/13/2007 780782 000343 00 11/13/2007 0000057 TOPS'N BARRICADES INC 996278 000317 00 11/13/2007 996414 000341 00 11/13/2007 0000062 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT 1020070343 000343 00 11/13/2007 0000334 US BANK 2013400 000331 00 11/13/2007 0002425 VALENZUELA, DANIEL 102607 000319 00 11/13/2007 0000430 VALLEY PARTNERSHIP, THE OCTOBER 000341 00 11/13/2007 0000263 VCA CODE GROUP 4574 000319 00 11/13/2007 4605 000343 00 11/13/2007 0003897 WATERJET WEST, INC. 1174 000341 00 11/13/2007 �0003885 WHEELER, ROLAND O W _Q 101-3000-342.70-00 REFUND -CLASS CANC VENDOR TOTAL 101-0000-203.05-00 BUS PASSES SOLD 101-4000-341.30-00 BUS PASSES SOLD VENDOR TOTAL 101-3002-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT VENDOR TOTAL 401-1725-551.45-01 SUPPLIES-EOC 401-1725-551.45-01 EOC SUPPLIES 401-1725-551.45-01 EOC SUPPLIES VENDOR TOTAL 101-7003-431.56-46 SIGNS 101-7003-431.56-46 SIGNS VENDOR TOTAL 101-7002-431.32-07 TICKETS VENDOR TOTAL 301-9001-701.31-13 ADMN FEES SERIES 2003 VENDOR TOTAL 101-7002-431.51-01 REIMB-TRAVEL EXPENSE VENDOR TOTAL 101-1004-413.32-07 EAP SERVICES VENDOR TOTAL 101-5002-424.33-28 CONTRACT SVCS-PLAN CHECK 101-5002-424.33-28 CONTRACT SVCS/PLAN CHECK VENDOR TOTAL 101-3001-451.33-62 ENGRAVING VENDOR TOTAL PAGE 15 ------------------------------- EFT OR CHECK HAND -ISSUED AMOUNT AMOUNT _______________________________ 40.00 40.00 427.00 22.50- 404.50 200.20 200.20 1,099.35 1,004.29 571.46 2,675.10 56.03 233.98 290.01 153.60 153.60 1,530.00 1,530.00 109.74 109.74 204.00 204.00 6,525.00 14,100.00 20,625.00 300.00 300.00 PREPARED 11/13/2007, 13:14:06 PROGRAM: GM§39L CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA ----------------------------------------------------- VEND NO VENDOR NAME INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT NO NO NO DATE NO 0003885 WHEELER, ROLAND EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PAGE 16 AS OF: 11/13/2007 CHECK DATE: 11/13/2007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- EFT OR ITEM CHECK HAND -ISSUED DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- L0060233 000319 00 11/13/2007 101-5000-351.08-00 CITATION REFUND 0003350 WIMMER, ED 110507 000341 00 11/13/2007 0000753 WIRELESS WATCHDOGS 53550 000327 00 11/13/2007 53563 000327 00 11/13/2007 54433 000341 00 11/13/2007 0003178 WUU, JAY 100307 000331 00 11/13/2007 0000201 YOUNG ENGINEERING SVC 07-212 000343 00 11/13/2007 0003889 YU, AMY 101607 000327 00 11/13/2007 0000853 ZUMAR INDUSTRIES, INC 0100165 000327 00 11/13/2007 O cz CO VENDOR TOTAL 101-7002-431.51-01 REIMB-LUNCH MTG VENDOR TOTAL 101-4002-415.41-25 SUPPLIES -MOBILE PHONE 101-4002-415.41-25 SUPPLIES -MOBILE PHONE 101-4002-415.41-25 MOBILE PHONES VENDOR TOTAL 101-6001-463.51-01 REIMB-TRAVEL EXPENSE VENDOR TOTAL 101-5002-424.33-28 CONTRACT SVCS/PLAN CHECK VENDOR TOTAL 101-7002-431.51-01 REIMB-TRAVEL EXPENSE VENDOR TOTAL 101-7003-431.56-46 SIGNS VENDOR TOTAL TOTAL EXPENDITURES **** GRAND TOTAL ******************** 50.00 50.00 21.00 21.00 109.92 31.27 232.00 373.19 45.00 45.00 15,522.50 15,522.50 60.40 60.40 56.41 56.41 3,431,600.90 3,431,600.90 PREPARED11/09/2007, 8:41:05 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PROGRAM: GM346L CITY OF LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHECK VENDOR VENDOR VOUCHER P.O. DATE NO NO NAME NO NO ACCOUNT 75493 2008 MURRAY MEMORIAL FOUNDATIO 000342 11/09/2007 101-1003-413.55-08 BANK/CHECK TOTAL ALL BANKS/CHECKS TOTAL O w co PAGE 1 ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2008/05 REPORT NUMBER 34 -------------------------------------- REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) TOTAL -------------------------------------- 10,000.00 10,000.00 * 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 PREPARED 11/09/2007, 8:32:23 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST AS OF: 11/09/2007 CHECK DATE: 11/09/2007 PROGRAM: GM/39L CITY OF LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VEND NO VENDOR NAME INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM NO ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NO NO DATE NO DESCRIPTION 0002008 101207 MURRAY MEMORIAL 000342 FOUNDATION, JIM 00 11/09/2007 101-1003-413.55-08 MARKETING PROMOTION GRANT VENDOR TOTAL TOTAL EXPENDITURES **** GRAND TOTAL ******************** O v PAGE 1 -'-------------------------- EFT OR CHECK HAND -ISSUED AMOUNT AMOUNT --------------'_----------_- 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 PREPARED11/08/2007, 10:56:53 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PAGE 1 ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2008/05 PROGRAM: GM346L REPORT NUMBER 33 CITY OF LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK ________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ CHECK VENDOR VENDOR VOUCHER P.O. DATE REMITTANCE AMOUNT (NET DISC/RETAIN) CHECK TOTAL _NO ______NO___________NAME__________________NO__ ___NO_________________________ACCOUNT__ _____ -OF _________- 74840* 3116 TASC PR0921 09/21/2007 101-0000-209.46-00 1,140.93- 1,140.93- * VOIDED 74856* 3434 BENOW, SHEILA 000193 09/25/2007 101-3003-451.33-43 105.00- 105.00- * VOIDED 75214* 3844 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE 000275 10/19/2007 101-6001-463.55-01 64.00- * VOIDED 75459 1571 ALDERSON, ED 000321 11/09/2007 101-6001-463.10-10 200.00 00.00 * 200.00 75460 3686 ARNOLD, JASON 000321 11/09/2007 101-6001-463.10-10 75.00 75.00 * 75.00 75461 147 AT&T MOBILITY 000321 11/09/2007 101-4002-415.41-25 37.58 * 37.58 37.58 75462 2807 BARROWS, KATIE 000321 11/09/2007 101-6001-463.10-10 100.00 100.00 * 100.00 75463 126 BOBBIT, BILL 000321 11/09/2007 101-6001-463.10-10 75.00 5.00 * 75.00 75464 3210 BURRTEC WASTE & RECYCLING 000330 11/09/2007 218-0000-421.42-17 92.00 92.00 * 92.00 75465 268 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI 000335 11/09/2007 101-7004-431.41-19 215.62 20.46 000336 11/09/2007 101-7004-431.41-19 236.08 * 236.08 75466 3893 D&L WHEELER ENTERPRISES C 000336 11/09/2007 401-1772-551.45-01 932.04 99,932.04 * 99,932.04 75467 2817 ENGLE JR., JAMES N. 000321 11/09/2007 101-6001-463.10-10 200.00 00.00 * 200.00 75468 2145 FERRELLGAS 000321 11/09/2007 101-5055-422.41-13 69.43 479.95 000322 11/09/2007 101-5055-422.41-13 549.38 * 549.38 75469 3685 FITZPATRICK, RONALD A.,A. 000321 11/09/2007 101-6001-463.10-10 75.00 5.00 * 75.00 75470 136 GAS COMPANY, THE 000322 11/09/2007 101-5008-419.41-13 14.30 533.64 000323 11/09/2007 101-3004-451.41-13 000323 11/09/2007 101-3002-451.41-13 124.91 000335 11/09/2007 101-5055-422.41-13 65.20 738.05 * 738.05 PREPAREDII/08/2007, 10:56:53 PROGRAM: GM346L CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK ------------------------------------- CHECK VENDOR VENDOR NO NO NAME 75471 2958 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION O PJ ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PAGE 2 ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2008/05 REPORT NUMBER 33 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ VOUCHER P.O. DATE REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK NO _____________________________________________________________________________------_ NO ACCOUNT (NET OF DISC/RETAIN)TOTAL -- 000329 11/09/2007 218-0000-421.40-15 480.67 480.67 * 480.67 75472 269 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 000322 000322 11/09/2007 11/09/2007 101-5055-422.41-01 101-5008-419.41-01 866.55 6,116.38 000322 11/09/2007 101-5054-421.41-01 223.41 000322 11/09/2007 101-7003-431.41-01 570.45 000322 11/09/2007 101-7004-431.41-04 2,629.81 000322 11/09/2007 101-7004-431.41-07 1,522.73 000323 11/09/2007 101-3002-451.41-01 1,613.75 000323 11/09/2007 101-3004-451.41-01 4,072.73 000323 11/09/2007 101-3005-451.40-52 3,472.94 000323 11/09/2007 101-3005-451.40-54 1,486.03 000323 11/09/2007 101-3005-451.40-56 2,623.07 000323 11/09/2007 101-3005-451.40-60 81.10 000323 11/09/2007 401-1725-551.45-01 638.90 000323 11/09/2007 401-1725-551.45-01 210.42 26,128.27 * 26,128.27 75473 40 NE%TEL COMMUNICATIONS 000336 11/09/2007 101-4002-415.41-25 1,940.08 40.08 * 1,940.08 75474 3530 PIHRA 000338 11/09/2007 101-1004-413.53-03 147.00 47.00 * 147.00 75475 157 POWER STAFFING SOLUTIONS 000336 000336 11/09/2007 11/09/2007 101-5002-424.10-05 101-7002-431.10-05 809.20 142.80 000336 11/09/2007 101-5002-424.10-05 714.00 000336 11/09/2007 101-7002-431.10-05 238.00 000336 11/09/2007 101-5002-424.10-05 761.60 000336 11/09/2007 101-7002-431.10-05 2,795.20 * 2,760.80 75476 443 PUENTE, MARIA 000321 11/09/2007 101-6001-463.10-10 75.00 5.00 * 75.00 75477 95 QUILL, PAUL 000321 11/09/2007 101-6001-463.10-10 200.00 00.00 * 200.00 75478 3115 QWEST COMMUNICATION 000323 11/09/2007 218-0000-421.41-22 29.12 * 29.12 75479 227 RALPHS 000323 11/09/2007 101-3002-451.56-02 162.95 162.95 * 162.95 75480 3755 REDMON, PEGGY ANNETTE 000321 11/09/2007 101-6001-463.10-10 75.00 5.00 * 75.00 75481 445 SHARP, ARCHIE 000321 11/09/2007 101-6001-463.10-10 75.00 5.00 * 75.00 PREPAREDII/08/2007, 10:56:53 PROGRAM: GM346L CITY OF LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK ----------------------------------------- CHECK VENDOR VENDOR NO NO NAME 75482 49 SPRINT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER --------------------------------------------------- VOUCHER P.O. DATE NO NO ACCOUNT --------------------------------------------------- 000323 11/09/2007 101-4002-415.41-22 000329 11/09/2007 101-4002-415.41-22 75483 909 STANDARD UNIT 22, THE 000339 000339 75484 3554 SUNDLEE, CHRIS 000336 75485 3020 TELEPACIFIC COMMUNICATION 000332 000332 000332 000332 000332 000332 000332 000332 000332 000332 000332 000333 11/09/2007 11/09/2007 11/09/2007 11/09/2007 11/09/2007 11/09/2007 11/09/2007 11/09/2007 11/09/2007 11/09/2007 11/09/2007 11/09/2007 11/09/2007 11/09/2007 11/09/2007 75486 56 TIME WARNER CABLE 000329 11/09/2007 75487 3892 USA MOBILITY WIRELESS, IN 000336 11/09/2007 101-0000-209.47-00 101-0000-209.55-00 101-5056-425.51-01 101-4002-415.41-22 101-4002-415.41-22 101-4002-415.41-22 101-4002-415.41-2 101-3001-451.33-1 101-3005-451.40-0 101-7004-431.41-1 101-3005-451.43-5 101-3005-451.40-1 101-4002-415.41-2 101-5054-421.41-2 101-7004-431.41-1 218-0000-421.42-1 101-4002-415.41-2 PAGE 3 ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2008/05 REPORT NUMBER 33 REMITTANCE AMOUNT 2 3 4 9 9 8 2 2 9 6 5 CHECK (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) --------------------------------------- TOTAL 26.40 14.24 40.64 * 40.64 815.93 5,456.25 6,272.18 * 6,272.18 180.98 180.98 * 180.98 402.97 763.89 38.72 1,960.04 38.72 38.72 38.72 196.15 38.72 234.87 117.75 38.72 3,907.99 * 3,907.99 151.13 151.13 * 151.13 69.23 69.23 * 69.23 75488 2956 VERIZON CA 000329 11/09/2007 218-0000-421.41-22 448.02 427.55 000329 11/09/2007 218-0000-421.41-22 875.57 875.57 * 75489 2290 VERIZON CALIFORNIA 000329 000329 11/09/2007 11/09/2007 101-4002-415.41-22 101-4002-415.41-22 89.50 147.96 000332 11/09/2007 101-3005-451.40-16 31.72 000335 11/09/2007 101-4002-415.41-22 25.46 000337 11/09/2007 101-5054-421.41-22 470.22 764.86 * 764.86 75490 2259 VERIZON WIRELESS 000322 000322 11/09/2007 11/09/2007 101-1001-411.41-25 101-4002-415.41-25 51.51 1,564.61 000322 11/09/2007 101-7005-431.92-11 53.18 000322 11/09/2007 101-4002-415.41-25 * 1,719.73 1,750.43 75491 124 WILBUR, ALLAN 000320 11/09/2007 101-6001-463.10-10 75.00 5.00 * 75.00 0 w PREPAREDII/08/2007, 10:56:53 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PROGRAM: GM346L CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR VOUCHER P.O. DATE NO NO NAME NO NO ACCOUNT 75492 444 WRIGHT, ROBERT 000321 11/09/2007 101-6001-463.10-10 BANK/CHECK TOTAL ALL BANKS/CHECKS TOTAL C N'- PAGE 4 ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2008/05 REPORT NUMBER 33 ------------------------------------ REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) TOTAL ------------------------------------ 75.00 75.00 * 75.00 147,206.40 147,206.40 148,516.33 148,516.33 PREPARED 11/08/2007, 10:33:55 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST 11/08/2007 PROGRAM: GM339L AS OF: 11/09/2007 CHECK DATE: CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ VEND NO VENDOR NAME INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM NO NO NO DATE NO DESCRIPTION _ 0003686 ARNOLD, JASON OCTOBER 000321 00 11/08/2007 0000147 AT&T MOBILITY X10252007 000321 00 11/08/2007 0002807 BARROWS, KATIE OCTOBER 000321 00 11/08/2007 0003434 BENOW, SHEILA 220609-1 000193 00 09/25/2007 0000126 BOBBIT, BILL OCTOBER 000321 00 11/08/2007 0003210 BURRTEC WASTE & RECYCLING SVCS 50-IC 209420 000330 00 11/08/2007 0000268 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DIST 082007 050719413801 000336 00 11/08/2007 0003844 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE 101707 000275 00 10/19/2007 0003893 D&L WHEELER ENTERPRISES CORP 110707 000336 00 11/08/2007 0002817 ENGLE JR., JAMES N. OCTOBER 000321 00 11/08/2007 0002145 FERRELLGAS 00041587 000321 00 2007 00041592 000322 00 11/08/2007 0003685 FITZPATRICK, RONALD A.,A.I.A. VENDOR TOTAL 101-6001-463.10-10 ARCHITECT /LAND MTG VENDOR TOTAL 101-4002-415.41-25 COVE EMERGENCY BOX VENDOR TOTAL 101-6001-463.10-10 PLAN COMM MTG VENDOR TOTAL 101-3003-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT VENDOR TOTAL 101-6001-463.10-10 ARCHITECT /LAND MTG VENDOR TOTAL 218-0000-421.42-17 REFUSE COLLECTION VENDOR TOTAL 101-7004-431.41-19 WATER SVC 101-7004-431.41-19 WATER SVC VENDOR TOTAL 101-6001-463.55-01 FILING FEE VENDOR TOTAL 401-1772-551.45-01 STREET IMPROVEMENTS VENDOR TOTAL 101-6001-463.10-10 PLAN COMM MTG VENDOR TOTAL 101-5055-422.41-13 GAS-ST 432 101-5055-422.41-13 GAS-ST #70 VENDOR TOTAL PAGE 1 ---------------------------- EFT OR CHECK HAND -ISSUED AMOUNT AMOUNT ---------------------------- 200.00 200.00 75.00 75.00 37.58 37.58 100.00 100.00 CHECK N: 74856 .00 75.00 75.00 92.00 92.00 215.62 20.46 236.08 CHECK R: 75214 .00 99,932.04 99,932.04 200.00 200.00 69.43 479.95 549.38 105.00- 105.00- 64.00- 64.00- PREPARED 11[[08/2007, 10:33:55 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PROGRAM: GM339L AS OF: 11/09/2007 CHECK DATE: 11/08/2007 CITY OF LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VEND NO VENDOR NAME INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM NO NO NO DATE NO DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0003685 FITZPATRICK, RONALD A.,A.I.A. OCTOBER 000321 00 11/08/2007 101-6001-463.10-10 ARCHITECT /LAND MTG VENDOR TOTAL 0000136 GAS COMPANY, THE 09422738006 000323 00 11/08/2007 101-3002-451.41-13 GAS SVC 15294440449 000323 00 11/08/2007 101-3004-451.41-13 GAS SVC 02692565001 000322 00 11/08/2007 101-5008-419.41-13 GAS -CIVIC CENTER 16568248591 000335 00 11/08/2007 101-5055-422.41-13 GAS SVC-ST #93 VENDOR TOTAL 0002958 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION 84539127 000329 00 11/08/2007 0000269 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 114492078 000323 00 11/08/2007 VARIOUS 000323 00 11/08/2007 VARIOUS 000323 00 11/08/2007 VARIOUS 000323 00 11/08/2007 VARIOUS 000323 00 11/08/2007 VARIOUS 000323 00 11/08/2007 114492075 000322 00 11/08/2007 VARIOUS 000322 00 11/08/2007 144353358 000322 00 11/08/2007 VARIOUS 000322 00 11/08/2007 VARIOUS 000322 00 11/08/2007 VARIOUS 000322 00 11/08/2007 48926810 000323 00 11/08/2007 48831173 000323 00 11/08/2007 0000040 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS 916525027-063 000336 00 11/08/2007 218-0000-421.40-15 ELECTRIC SVC VENDOR TOTAL 101-3002-451.41-01 101-3004-451.41-01 101-3005-451.40-52 101-3005-451.40-54 101-3005-451.40-56 101-3005-451.40-60 101-5008-419.41-01 101-5054-421.41-01 101-5055-422.41-01 101-7003-431.41-01 101-7004-431.41-04 101-7004-431.41-07 401-1725-551.45-01 401-1725-551.45-01 ELECTRIC SVC ELECTRIC SVC ELECTRIC SVC ELECTRIC SVC ELECTRIC SVC ELECTRIC SVC ELECTRIC SVC- CIVIC CTR ELECTRIC SVC ELECTRIC SVC- ST#70 ELECTRIC SVC ELECTRIC SVC ELECTRIC SVC ELECTRIC SVC ELECTRIC SVC VENDOR TOTAL * 101-4002-415.41-25 MOBILE PHONES VENDOR TOTAL * 0003530 110707 PIHRA 000338 00 11/08/2007 101-1004-413.53-03 MEMBERSHIP VENDOR TOTAL 0000157 24686 POWER STAFFING 000336 SOLUTIONS INC 00 11/08/2007 101-5002-424.10-05 CONTRACT SVC 24625 000336 00 11/08/2007 101-5002-424.10-05 CONTRACT SVC 24567 000336 00 11/08/2007 101-5002-424.10-05 CONTRACT SVC 24686 000336 00 11/08/2007 101-7002-431.10-05 CONTRACT SVC 24625 000336 00 11/08/2007 101-7002-431.10-05 CONTRACT SVC . 24567 000336 00 11/08/2007 101-7002-431.10-05 CONTRACT SVC VENDOR TOTAL 0000443 PUENTE, MARIA PAGE 2 ---------------------------- EFT OR CHECK HAND -ISSUED AMOUNT AMOUNT ---------------------------- 75.00 75.00 124.91 533.64 14.30 65.20 738.05 480.67 480.67 1,613.75 4,072.73 3,472.94 1,486.03 2,623.07 81.10 6,116.38 223.41 866.55 570.45 2,629.81 1,522.73 638.90 210.42 26,128.27 1,940.08 1,940.08 147.00 147.00 809.20 714.00 761.60 142.80 238.00 95.20 2,760.80 PREPARED 11[[08/2007, 10:33:55 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PROGRAM: GM339L AS OF: 11/09/2007 CHECK DATE: 11/08/2007 CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VEND NO VENDOR NAME INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM NO NO NO DATE NO DESCRIPTION O CTOBER 000321 00 11/08/2007 0000095 QUILL, PAUL OCTOBER 000321 00 11/08/2007 0003115 QWEST COMMUNICATION 875407277 000323 00 11/08/2007 0000227 RALPHS 10420418 000323 00 11/08/2007 0003755 REDMON, PEGGY ANNETTE OCTOBER 000321 00 11/08/2007 0000445 SHARP, ARCHIE OCTOBER 000321 00 11/08/2007 0000049 SPRINT 183301394 000323 00 11/08/2007 843721584 000329 00 11/08/2007 0000909 STANDARD UNIT 22, THE 643068 11/07 000339 00 11/08/2007 643068 11/07 000339 00 11/08/2007 0003554 SUNDLEE, CHRIS 102607 000336 00 11/08/2007 0003116 TASC 20070921 PR0921 00 09/21/2007 0003020 TELEPACIFIC COMMUNICATIONS 6195477-0 000332 00 11/08/2007 6195477-0 000332 00 11/08/2007 6195477-0 000332 00 11/08/2007 6195477-0 000332 00 11/08/2007 6495477-0 000332 00 11/08/2007 6195477-0 000332 00 11/08/2007 6195477-0 000332 00 11/08/2007 101-6001-463.10-10 HIST PRES COMM MTG VENDOR TOTAL 101-6001-463.10-10 PLAN COMM MTG VENDOR TOTAL 218-0000-421.41-22 PHONE SVC VENDOR TOTAL 101-3002-451.56-02 SUPPLIES -HEALTH FAIR VENDOR TOTAL 101-6001-463.10-10 HIST PRES COMM MTG VENDOR TOTAL 101-6001-463.10-10 HIST PRES COMM MTG VENDOR TOTAL 101-4002-415.41-22 PHONE SVC 101-4002-415.41-22 PHONE SVC VENDOR TOTAL 101-0000-209.47-00 LIFE INSURANCE 101-0000-209.55-00 STD/LTD INSURANCE VENDOR TOTAL 101-5056-425.51-01 REIMB-TRAVEL EXPENSE VENDOR TOTAL 101-0000-209.46-00 PAYROLL SUMMARY VENDOR TOTAL 101-3001-451.33-13 PHONE SVC-FB POOL 101-3005-451.40-04 PHONE SVC-FB IRRIGATION 101-3005-451.43-59 PHONE SVC-LQ PARK 101-3005-451.40-18 PHONE SVC-MUSEUM TRLR 101-4002-415.41-22 PHONE SVC 101-4002-415.41-22 PHONE SVC 101-4002-415.41-22 PHONE SVC PAGE 3 ----------------------------- EFT OR CHECK HAND -ISSUED AMOUNT AMOUNT ----------------------------- CHECK M 75.00 75.00 200.00 200.00 29.12 29.12 162.95 162.95 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 26.40 14.24 40.64 815.93 5,456.25 6,272.18 180.98 180.98 74840 .00 38.72 38.72 196.15 38.72 402.97 763.89 38.72 1,140.93- 1,140.93- PREPARED 11/O8/2007, 10:33:55 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PROGRAM: GM339L AS OF: 11/09/2007 CHECK DATE: 11/08/2007 Y OF LA OUINTA CALIFORNIA PAGE 4 CIT_________________________________________________________________________ VEND NO VENDOR NAME EFT OR INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK HAND -ISSUED NO NO NO DATE NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT--- _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 0003020 TELEPACIFIC COMMUNICATIONS 6195477-0 000332 00 11/08/2007 101-4002-415.41-22 PHONE SVC 6195477-0 000332 00 11/08/2007 101-4002-415.41-22 PHONE SVC 6195477-0 000332 00 11/08/2007 101-5054-421.41-22 PHONE SVC 6195477-0 000332 00 11/08/2007 101-7004-431.41-19 PHONE SVC 6195477-0 000333 00 11/08/2007 101-7004-431.41-19 PHONE SVC VENDOR TOTAL 0000056 TIME WARNER CABLE 0175195 000329 00 11/08/2007 218-0000-421.42-16 CABLE SVC 0003892 USA MOBILITY WIRELESS, INC. Q3393252K 000336 00 11/08/2007 101-4002-415.41-25 PAGERS 0002956 VERIZON CA 345-6268 000329 00 11/08/2007 218-0000-421.41-22 345-6268 000329 00 11/08/2007 218-0000-421.41-22 0002290 771-3100 VERIZON CALIFORNIA 000332 00 11/08/2007 101-3005-451.40-16 564-9188 000329 00 11/08/2007 101-4002-415.41-22 564-1031 000329 00 11/08/2007 101-4002-415.41-22 911-9999 000335 00 11/08/2007 101-4002-415.41-22 UHO-2778 000337 00 11/08/2007 101-5054-421.41-22 0002259 0595826904 VERIZON WIRELESS 000322 00 11/08/2007 101-1001-411.41-25 0595826904 000322 00 11/08/2007 101-4002-415.41-25 0592621086 000322 00 0592621086 000322 00 11/08/2007 101-7005-431.92-11 0000124 WILBUR, ALLAN OCTOBER 000320 0000444 WRIGHT, ROBERT OCTOBER 000321 r C 00 11/08/2007 101-6001-463.10-10 VENDOR TOTAL * VENDOR TOTAL * PHONE SVC PHONE SVC VENDOR TOTAL PHONE SVC-SPORTS COMPL PHONE SVC PHONE SVC EMEMRGENCY COMMUNICATOR PHONE SVC VENDOR TOTAL * PHONE SVC-MOBILE PHONE SVC-MOBILE PHONE SVC-MOBILE PHONE SVC-MOBILE VENDOR TOTAL HIST PRES COMM MTG VENDOR TOTAL 00 11/08/2007 101-6001-463.10-10 HIST PRES COMM MTG VENDOR TOTAL HAND ISSUED TOTAL *** TOTAL EXPENDITURES **** GRAND TOTAL ******************** 1,960.04 234.87 117.75 38.72 38.72 3,907.99 151.13 151.13 69.23 69.23 448.02 427.55 875.57 31.72 89.50 147.96 25.46 470.22 764.86 51.51 1,564.61 50.43 53.18 1,719.73 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 1,309.93- 148,516.33 1,309.93- 147,206.40 PREPARED11/01/2007, 10:11:06 PROGRAM: GM346L CITY OF LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PAGE 1 ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2008/05 REPORT NUMBER 32 _________________________________________________________________________ CHECK VENDOR VENDOR VOUCHER P.O. DATE NO -------- NO _________________________________________________________________ NAME NO NO 75445 1625 BKM OFFICEWORKS 000309 1142 11/02/2007 75446 3137 BURRTEC ENVIRONMENTAL 000309 000309 75447 133 CALPERS LONG-TERM CARE PR PR1102 75448 268 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI 000309 000309 000309 000309 000309 000309 000309 000309 000309 000310 000310 75449 269 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 000309 000311 000311 000311 000311 75450 1830 LIUNA PR1102 75451 2954 NEXTEL 000309 75452 150 SPARKLETTS 000309 000309 000309 000309 75453 3116 TASC PR1102 75454 56 TIME WARNER CABLE 000309 75455 63 UNITED WAY OF THE DESERT PR1102 O 11/02/2007 11/02/2007 11/02/2007 11/02/2007 11/02/2007 11/02/2007 11/02/2007 11/02/2007 11/02/2007 11/02/2007 11/02/2007 11/02/2007 11/02/2007 11/02/2007 11/02/2007 11/02/2007 11/02/2007 11Z02/2007 11/02/2007 11/02/2007 11/02/2007 11/02/2007 11/02/2007 11/02/2007 11/02/2007 11/02/2007 11/02/2007 11/02/2007 REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT _________________________________________________________ (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) TOTAL 401-1782-551.45-01 10,357.88 10,357.88 * 10,357.88 101-7003-431.56-52 119.61 101-7003-431.56-52 119.61 239.22 * 239.22 101-0000-209.49-00 86.88 86.88 * 86.88 401-1737-551.45-01 18.00 401-1705-551.45-01 19.00 401-1705-551.45-01 36.86 401-1705-551.45-01 22.50 401-1737-551.45-01 23.50 401-1737-551.45-01 23.50 401-1737-551.45-01 42.65 401-1737-551.45-01 10.00 401-1737-551.45-01 63.97 405-9001-702.32-15 1,394.50 405-9001-702.32-15 125.00 1,779.48 * 1,779.48 101-7004-431.41-07 34.67 101-7003-431.41-01 76.00 101-7004-431.41-04 953.35 101-7004-431.41-07 821.43 101-7004-431.41-09 115.79 2,001.24 * 2,001.24 101-0000-209.80-00 819.00 819.00 * 819.00 218-0000-421.41-22 118.74 118.74 * 118.74 218-0000-421.56-02 65.59 101-7003-431.56-52 38.62 101-7003-431.56-52 213.95 101-5054-421.41-16 39.51 357.67 * 357.67 101-0000-209.46-00 1,182.60 1,182.60 * 1,182.60 218-0000-421.42-16 151.13 151.13 * 151.13 101-0000-209.81-00 102.00 102.00 * 102.00 PREPAREDII/01/2007, 10:11:06 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PAGE 2 ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2008/05 PROGRAM: GM346L REPORT NUMBER 32 CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK _______________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ CHECK VENDOR VENDOR VOUCHER P.O. DATE REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK NO ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NO NAME NO NO ACCOUNT (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) TOTAL 75456 2956 VERIZON CA 000309 11/02/2007 218-0000-421.41-22 426.46 000309 11/02/2007 218-0000-421.41-22 466.88 893.34 * 893.34 75457 2955 VERIZON WIRELESS CA 000309 11/02/2007 218-0000-421.41-22 277.81 * 277.81 277.81 75458 1742 VISION SERVICE PLAN - (CA 000309 11/02/2007 101-0000-209.45-00 1,581.76 * 1,581.76 1,581.76 BANK/CHECK TOTAL 19,948.75 19,948.75 ALL BANKS/CHECKS TOTAL 19,948.75 19,948.75 O G7 v PREPARED 11/01/2007, 9:43:04 PROGRAM: GM3339L CITY OF LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA ----------------------------- VEND NO VENDOR NAME INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. -- NONO NO --------- ---- 0001625 BKM OFFICEWORKS 102607 000309 1142 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PAGE 1 AS OF: 11/02/2007 CHECK DATE: 11/02/2007 ---------------------------------------------- _________________________________________________________ EFT OR BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK HAND -ISSUED -------DATE NO--------------- DESCRIPTION ---------------_-----------AMOUNT -------------AMOUNT ___-___ MOUNT___ 00 11/01/2007 401-1782-551.45-01 FURNITURE -LIBRARY 0003137 BURRTEC ENVIRONMENTAL 45-PU408223 000309 00 11/01/2007 45-PU408223 000309 00 11/01/2007 0000133 CALPERS LONG-TERM CARE PROGRAM 20071102 PR1102 00 11/02/2007 VENDOR TOTAL 101-7003-431.56-52 WASTE -YARD 101-7003-431.56-52 WASTE -YARD VENDOR TOTAL * 101-0000-209.49-00 PAYROLL SUMMARY VENDOR TOTAL 0000268 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DIST 060601456000 000309 00 11/01/2007 401-1705-551.45-01 060601456010 000309 00 11/01/2007 401-1705-551.45-01 060601456200 000309 00 11/01/2007 401-1705-551.45-01 050719157100 000309 00 11/01/2007 401-1737-551.45-01 050719154300 000309 00 11/01/2007 401-1737-551.45-01 050719154400 000309 00 11/01/2007 401-1737-551.45-01 050719157000 000309 00 11/01/2007 401-1737-551.45-01 050719152700 000309 00 11/01/2007 401-1737-551.45-01 050719152600 000309 00 11/01/2007 401-1737-551.45-01 000010715490 000310 00 11/01/2007 405-9001-702.32-15 001929063293 000310 00 11/01/2007 405-9001-702.32-15 0000269 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST VARIOUS 000311 00 11/01/2007 101-7003-431.41-01 48874516 000309 00 11/01/2007 101-7004-431.41-07 VARIOUS 000311 00 11/01/2007 101-7004-431.41-04 VARIOUS 000311 00 11/01/2007 101-7004-431.41-07 VARIOUS 000311 00 11/01/2007 101-7004-431.41-09 0001830 LIUNA 20071102 PR1102 0002954 NEXTEL 490209315-071 000309 0000150 SPARKLETTS 4280957 000309 4281072 000309 4282032 000309 4279673 000309 0003116 TASC O fJl F-+ WATER SVC IRRIGATION SVC FIRE PROTECTION METER WATER MEDIAN IRRIGATION METER IRRIGATION METER WATER SVC FIRE PROTECTION METER WATER SVC WATER SVC WATER SVC VENDOR TOTAL * ELECTRIC SVC ELECTRIC MEDIAN ELECTRIC SVC ELECTRIC SVC ELECTRIC SVC VENDOR TOTAL * 00 11/02/2007 101-0000-209.80-00 PAYROLL SUMMARY VENDOR TOTAL 00 11/01/2007 218-0000-421.41-22 PHONE SVC 00 11/01/2007 101-5054-421.41-16 WATER 00 11/01/2007 101-7003-431.56-52 WATER 00 11/01/2007 101-7003-431.56-52 WATER 00 11/01/2007 218-0000-421.56-02 WATER VENDOR TOTAL * VENDOR TOTAL * 10,357.88 10,357.88 119.61 119.61 239.22 86.88 86.88 19.00 36.86 22.50 18.00 23.50 23.50 42.65 10.00 63.97 1,394.50 125.00 1,779.48 76.00 34.67 953.35 821.43 115.79 2,001.24 819.00 819.00 118.74 118.74 39.51 38.62 213.95 65.59 357.67 PREPARED 11 01/2007, 9:43:04 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PROGRAM: GM 39L AS OF: 11/02/2007 CHECK DATE: 11/02/2007 CITY OF LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VEND NO VENDOR NAME INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NO NO NO DATE NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 0003116 TASC 20071102 PR1102 00 11/02/2007 0000056 TIME WARNER CABLE 0175195 000309 00 11/01/2007 0000063 UNITED WAY OF THE DESERT 20071102 PR1102 00 11/02/2007 0002956 VERIZON CA 345-6268 000309 00 11/01/2007 UHO-2705 000309 00 11/01/2007 0002955 VERIZON WIRELESS CA 0592224961 000309 00 11/01/2007 0001742 VISION SERVICE PLAN - (CA) 1019440001 000309 00 11/01/2007 O CJ1 PAGE ______- EFT OR HAND -ISSUED AMOUNT ------------ 101-0000-209.46-00 PAYROLL SUMMARY 1,182.60 VENDOR TOTAL * 1,182.60 218-0000-421.42-16 CABLE SVC 151.13 VENDOR TOTAL * 151.13 101-0000-209.81-00 PAYROLL SUMMARY 102.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 102.00 218-0000-421.41-22 PHONE SVC 426.46 218-0000-421.41-22 PHONE SVC 466.88 VENDOR TOTAL * 893.34 218-0000-421.41-22 PHONE/WIRELESSCARD 277.81 VENDOR TOTAL * 277.81 101-0000-209.45-00 VISION INS-NOV 07 1,581.76 VENDOR TOTAL * 1,581.76 TOTAL EXPENDITURES **** 19,948.75 GRAND TOTAL ******************** 19,948.75 2 Q 4 M oe AGENDA CATEGORY: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: November 20, 2007 BUSINESS SESSION: ITEM TITLE: Receive and File Transmittal of CONSENT CALENDAR: —91 Treasurer's Report dated September 30, 2007 STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDATION: Receive and File. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Transmittal of Treasurer's Report dated September 30, 2007 for the City of La Quinta. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: I certify that this report accurately reflects all pooled investments and is in compliance with California Government Code Section 53645 as amended 1 /1 /86; and is in conformity with City Code 3.08.010 to 3.08.070 Investment of Money and Funds. I hereby certify that sufficient investment liquidity and anticipated revenues are available to meet next month's estimated expenditures. Respectfully submitted, John M. Falconer, Finance Director 053 Approved for submission by: / �iooA Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachment: 1. Treasurer's Report, City of La Quinta 054 Pa Treasurer's Commentary For the Month of September Cash Balances — The portfolio size decreased by $15.0 million. The major reasons for the decrease were construction payments for the City Hall expansion and the Vista Dunes Courtyard Homes project and the semi-annual principal and interest debt service payments. Investment Activity — September saw a return to normal investment activity of three to four purchases per month. The average maturity of the portfolio increased by 20 days to129 days at the end of September. As mentioned in the August commentary, the third week in August brought a sudden decline in interest rates based upon the sub -prime housing market disclosures of Country Wide Financial. This resulted in a sudden market increase in the City's portfolio market value due to a flight to credit quality and a sudden decline in the six month US Treasury benchmark by 59 basis points to 4%. The Treasurer follows a buy and hold investment policy. As a result, the sweep account earned a higher than normal $ 12,410 and the bank fees for the month were $ 1,781 which resulted in a net increase of $ 10,629 in real savings. Portfolio Performance — The overall portfolio performance decreased by two basis points from the prior month and ended at 5.06% for the month, with the pooled cash investments yielding 5.16%. The overall portfolio yield (including bond proceeds) was one hundred six (106) basis points over the benchmark, which has increased by fifty seven (57) basis points from August. With the average maturity of 129 days, the portfolio yield should remain at these levels. The Treasurer has more of a barbell maturity schedule with the longer term investments helping to keep yields higher as interest rates will gradually be falling. At this time last year, the portfolio was yielding 4.99% and the benchmark was at 5.00% for virtually no difference so we have made progress in meeting our benchmark. In the short term, the Treasurer has been investing more in LAIF because its rate declines slower in a declining rate environment and in high quality Commercial Paper. The Treasurer has not been investing in Treasury securities because of their low yield, except for bond proceeds to ensure that the funds are available for capital projects, e.g. SilverRock and Vista Dunes Courtyard Homes and the CVHC project at 48"' and Adams. Future Thoughts The Treasurer will continue to invest in short term maturities to take advantage of the yield curve — Commercial Paper with 30 to 90 day maturities and Bond proceeds will be laddered in three- and six-month Treasury bills as they mature. Maturing GSE's will be rolled over to the highest yield on curve taking into consideration cash flow needs or in medium term notes. 055 2 TO FROM. SUBJECT: DATE. T4ht 4 4 Q" MEMORANDUM La Quinta City Council John M. Falconer, Finance Directorrrreasurer Treasurer's Report for September 30, 2007 October 31. 2007 Attached is the Treasurefs Report for the month ending September 30, 2007 The report is submitted to the City Council each month after a reconciliation of accounts is accomplished by the Finance Department. The following table summarizes the changes in investment types for the month: Investment Beginning Purchased Notes I Sold/Matured Other Ending Change Cash (3) $ 11,519,388 (1) $ (12,721,471) $ (1,202,083) $ (12,721,471) LAIF 47,853,084 5,450,000 (7,000,000) 1 46,303,085 (1,549,999) US Treasuries (2) 55,262,918 6,000,000 (8,000,000) 99,086 53,362,004 (1,900,914) US Gov't Sponsored Enterprises (2) 59,470,614 (10,000,000) 5,056,154 54,526.768 (4,943,846) Commercial Paper (2) 19,940,137 20,000,000 (20,000,000) (65,483) 19,874,654 (65.483) Corporate Notes 2,950,697 5,000,000 0 (22,454) 7,928,243 4,977,546 Mutual Funds 5,767,927 1 1,116,083 6,884,010 1,116,083 Total $ 202,764,765 $ 36,450,000 $ 56,605,388 $ 5,067,304 $ 187,676,681 $ 15,088,084 I certify that this report accurately reflects all pooled investments and is in compliance with the California Government Code; and is in conformity with the City Investment Policy. As Treasurer of the City of La Quinta, I hereby certify that sufficient investment liquidity and anticipated revenues are available to meet the pools expenditure requirements for the next six months. The City of La Quinta used the Bureau of the Public Debt, U.S. Bank Monthly Statement and the Bank of New York Monthly Custodian Report to determine the fair market value of investments at month end. l 1017,1 � zx t17 John M. Falconer Date Finance Director7Treasurer Footnote (1) The amount reported represents the net increase (decrease) of deposits and withdrawals from the previous month. (2) The amount reported in the other column represents the amortization of premium/discount for the month on US Treasury, Commercial Paper and Agency investments. (3) The cash account may reflect a negative balance This negative balance will be offset with transfers from other investments before warrants are presented for payment by the payee at the bank 056 3 Cl l Y OF LA QUINTA AUTHORIZED INVESTMENTS AND DIVERSIFICATION September 30, 2007 The City Treasurer will be permitted to Invest in the following types of investments subject to the maximum percentage compliance limits and bid process requirements: All maturities must be less than the maximum allowed. Annualized Earnings of Pooled Cash Investments Annualized Earnings of Fiscal Agent Investments Annualized Earnings of All Investments Six Month Treasury Bill Rate C V All Funds Maximum All Funtls Actual % All Fun Un Over der 85% 1 -064% 1 -8564% 60% 0.00% -6000% 100% 28.43/ 0.72 29.05% n/a 100% 20,000,000 20,000,000 20,000,000 20,000,000 $ 15,000,000 20,000,000 20,000,000 (5,000.000) (20,000.000) 80,000,000 55,000,000 (25,000,000 15% 5.000,000 5,000.000 5,000,000 5,000,000 1056% 5,000,000 5.000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 447% - 20,000,000 20,000,000 15% 4.22% 5,000,000 5:000,000 5 000 000. 3,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 (2,000.000) (2,000,000) (3,000,000) 15 000,000 8.000 000 7 000 000 25°0 60% !68% 11N/A N/A 0 00 % 00 00% 5 157% 4 860% 5 063% 4.000% Surplus Maximum Surplus % Surplus Over Under 85% 0.02% -84.98% 60% 000%-60.00% 700% 28.59 --7141% 29 21 % n/a 100% 20,000,000 20,000,000 20,000,000 $ - 15,000.000 20.000,000 20,000,000 (5,000.000) 60,000,000 $55 000 000 $ 15,000,000 15% 1065% 4.35% 15% 4.25% 25°0 23,60% -140% N/A 1 0,00% 1 N/A 00 00 % Rest'Cions Maximum Maturi Credit Quality Exce bons <=$99000 er institution 3 years I FDIC Insured None <=$99 000 per instrtution 3 ears FDIC Insured None Except no more than $8 million may be invested overt ears 5 years None Restricted to per -issuer limits below 100% $20 0 million $20.0 million $20.0 million $20.0 million 3 years None 0.0 million 15% 90 da s Standard 8 Poors/Mood s A-1, P-1 None $5 000 000 er Issuer 3 ears at least Standard 8 Poors "AA" None $40,000,000 per account Utillze DVP 3 years Unrated None Malmain $1 per share parvalue Utillze DVP 60 days AAA by two of three rating None agencies or assets of$500 million. land investor SEC licensed > 5 yrs None 0 Cny d La Ovna Summary N Hd6mps OIY. ReONebpmenl Apenry ar. Froanrop A ,roa y S Vrn mW, 200) cMC•ah81m•F1^seMa mere Ao.. Ua.Iaortl Martel Benk PlCgMts T Ra Pal¢ BW Inleroal Galn L. Vah. Panh I.yme-Avaladlll $u Gao1V, 1 000% S 12.315,920 WA WA S axo,920 E 135,Wt WNIS Feryo-De 9ntl Ters 1 3)B% 10)3314 12,410 - 1.OBS,R4 1H.t01 31 Wells FaW-S aeg Yn Dao, 1 WA 1.000 WA WA LOCO 1,0W ` Par, Lash- Demand No WA 39.523 WA WA 39,523 45325 W¢IIS Fa-Denand Tea L5ed1 1 000% S 1,202,083 19,6]J S p8 E 13,J95@) Tart-9ank Accwnls Days Par SelVemenl Odle MaWMy Odle Orgmal Days IO MaWnI Vield to MaWrll MaM1el Value SOwce Orscounl/ Amw1¢ed Accued Umaalved Mark UEGorenurenl SpOnsIXed Em¢raae IssuN/! a ROnk Bale Valw NI¢res1 Gain Loss Value IO Malunl Value _ CUAaGan-Avd�WWW Su lug f L921010 E B,I92 E2.939,CW 194 5290Y. Ba kd New York Ponkd Nex YOM1-Demand Y¢s Freddie Mac 1 49000% f230.404 6LS4B Ef 0.225,584 10,WMO,0W O'S/I09N] 09I19/00 4]6 Ywk 0ankd New YCM-DerraM Yes Freddie Mac 1 40IM% S 9,920.552 6.054 2,M°.595 255 25) 2.000.WO OSR1/Oi OV13N8 ]09 5200% BaNcd Nm New Vork-Derantl Yes FHLB 1 51350% 1,998946 )5.545 2B9 trankafri Bankd Bart d New Yod - Oenand Yes FFCB 1 33)50% 4.929,513 119.692 10,094 S,4XAW 4.4B6A0J 144 <SW00� O� o y2lmppi y20R03B 3W 511v3% Bankd New Twk Yn Froal MM 1 4SW% 4.J95.826 10,5)4 O,000.WO 4I1 Y200] 2212000 ]IO 5221% BaW.NNex York Bank KNerr Twk-OemanO Yes FHLB 1 5.1351, ).996.055 252.033 8.145 8.25),833 1g00O.OW )/li=0] 1229R00 53] 5200% Fla. Ych Bank d New York-C.rd Yez FHLB 1 512% 9,990.9]t 130,818 0],t94 10,200,961 a% 456 1�W0,000 ]R62C0] 1120RC0] 11] 51]6% RankMNcw YOM BaNd New YOM1-N.—. 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Accrued UnroaO dNe Marha Wys b Adual MarNgemenl Sraiubry MaNgemml Agency Invesimenl Fund FI Nleresl BooF Inle'ed Gan/Loss Value Malunl Fees Cnar ed Feea Nlvved NameAvsMBilll Su m T Ren Rate T 251,OBB 3 3B.21t651 1 Y2d1%-0V endm96lOr0] 50 a11% LAIFLBY-Demand Yez Stale Pool NlA 52]% ,S6J 65,M5 S E,40138] 1 32Mt%-0veMi 6AON) SGd1X IAIF- RDA -Oemantl Yes SWIe Pcd WA 52J% f BJ45,522 f 4fi,303,005 S f 399.953 f I6,613,038 TOM,- I... Pod 1da1 CISY lnves'anents Tdal City Cah S InvesMen. S 120.132.]50 f 1000,JtS S- 512."' S I" 1130fi4 T 12I4]0,66] 51,000315 f 542 ]99 f 12 B,9Bfi.t9t CM a la OuNb Swnm aXdanga I, All, a. Fum., Auah.ul $mlunima W. 2W7 AccvM Unrealissble Mabel Darib Maregemenl PMIOYw-Money Mrkl MulvalFwEa Morey Markel Bork Mleresl Ga�N laa Valve Malun Bl Fees TrWee-AvallabWl Su a Mulu&Fund Rank Rale NIA E ]02 1 e,e t996 Cny Halled Revenue Bonds <0%NAvesage Daly Qv¢Cm1erU 5Bank-RqM Yeza 1slNrcn®n 1 4T00% 9 532,929 1 19560ry Hall Revenue BmOs Qv¢Cm1a LL9 Bank-DeM Svc Yes 151 Anen^an 1 425d,k WA 1 19B DAI 1994 ROA US Bank-Debl3rc Yea at Amer✓an 1 1280% WA 1 uanesorda- 1995 Xwdn9 BwWs-RDA162 1995 RDAUSBenh-CIP Y. isl Amrvsn 1 4280% WA 1 1996Hou', Bon Os -RDA 182 i99J RDAUS Bank-Bpecal FUM Yas 1sl Anan= 1 42m% WA t 30N Ma"o"9 AUYwr11y 2C04 Fln ANni99E U8 BaN- Yes 1sl Amerr¢n 1 4.200% WA - 1 1g995Mes Bontls-RDA 1 1998 RDA U S Bank Yes 1sl Amefimn 1 4280% WA 1 nm Bnds- RDA 108 RDA S-Rank-OM S. Yes 1sl Am.n 1 42BJ% WA - 1 0M.INS 1 t91.. 199EP USBmk-SOa-Ial Fund Y. lsl Zanm" t 4.0% - WA 1 Saw90oonds RDA2 1598 Se'ian Bonds-RDA2 1998 RDA U S Bank - SIR Y. 1sl Pmescan 1 4200% WA t 2Wi SMes Bontls' RDA I 2C19 RDAUS Bank -Mt Svc Yes 15t Amenmr 1 4200% WA 1 2001 Senes Bonds - RDA 1 2001 RDA US Bank-CIP Yn tal.1can 1 428M WA 1 2002 S..,anes Bmds - RDAs 2002 RDA U S. Bus. -B6I Sv< Yes 151Ammkan 1 42W% � NIA A 1,3W.I89 1 20025 Onn. 2W2RDAU.S Bank-CIP Yes 1sl Amemm� 1 4283% 2,I41093 WA 1 kBons-RDA1 3C035anesB—. R0A1 2009 Taxable RDAUS Bnk-PR Yes ISI Pmenrbn i 4380% WA t 2CO3 SxIesBords ROAt 2W3 Tasade ROAU. S Sank-CDI Yes 151Amenun 1 4280% NIA 1 2W95efias Bonds-RDA1 213 TsaaMe RDA U. S. BankLIP es Y 1sl Annal®n 1 4280%' N/A - 4.118,432 1 2W4 Flnanun9 AUNOdty F. M UB Balk-CR Yes 1st Ammmn 1 4280% 3.619988 WA 1 2004 Fnanon AUVIMI 2004 Fill n AuN US A. -001 Yes tat�mm�n 1 41,% - WA E 5)4J.300 SWINaI-MWual Fund E 6,A94,010 TOMI Nasal M.S t lnvasilnnn Grand Telal AvenOe Matudly E 60.24604 E - E 110.4761 E 59 4986 E feT.gfifin s100opts 5 69z 219 5 tee 1f n9 129 Da s O.S% 0) O c-3 City of La Quinta Summary of Investment Activities City, Redevelopment Agency and Financing Authority September 30, 2007 Investments Purchased Yield Name Type Principal Date to Maturity Par Checking & Savings - Net Change Checking & Savings - N/A Nestle Commercial Paper 5,000,000 9/20/2007 4.761% 5,000,000 Proctor & Gamble Commercial Paper 5.000,000 9/20/2007 4.730% 5,000,000 Siemens Commercial Paper 5,000,000 9/20/2007 4.868% 5,000,000 Hershey Compan Commercial Paper 5,000,000 9/6/2007 5.339% 51000,000 T-Bill US Treasury 6,000,000 9/26/2007 4.077% 6,000,000 US Bancorp Corporate Note 3.000,000 9/21/2007 5.110% 3,000,000 General Electric Capital Corporate Note 2,000,000 9/21/2007 5.009% 2,000,000 LAIF-RDA State Pool 350,000 9/10/2007 350,000 LAIF-RDA State Pool 300,000 9/17/2007 300,000 LAIF-City State Pool 4,800,000 9/24/2007 4,800,000 Mutual Funds -Net Chan a U.S. Treasury Mutual Funds Total Investments Purchased 36,450,000 Investments Sold/Matured Yield Name Type Principal Date to Maturity Par Checking & Savings - Net Change Checking & Savings (12,721.471) International Lease Commercial Paper (5,000,000) 9/21/2007 5,234% (5,000,000 Merrill Lynch Commercial Paper (5,000,000) 9/21/2007 5.264% (5,000,000) American Honda Commercial Paper (5,000,000) 9/21/2007 5.264% (5,000,000) Cocal Cola Commercial Paper (5,000,000) 9/21/2007 5.264% (5,000,000) Farm Credit US Treasury GSE (10,000,000) 9/21/2007 5.234% (10,000,000) US Treasury T-Bill T-Bill (2,000,000) 9/20/2007 4.732% (2,000,000) LAIF-City (6,000,000) 9/27/2007 4.794% (6,000,000) LAIF-RDA State Pool (5,000,000) 9/4/2007 (2,000,000) State Pool (2,000,000) 9/20/2007 (2,000,000) Mutual Funds - Net Change U.S. Treasu Mutual Funds 1 116,083 N/A Total Investments Sold/Matured (56,605,368 Unamortized Premium/Discount Change $ 5,067,304 Investment Change Prior Month Ending Balance $ 202,764,765 02,764,765 Plus : Investments Purchased Less: Investments Sold (36,450,000 6,605,388 Unamortized Premium/Discount thane 04 Month EndingBalance $ 187,676,681 V Crry of La Ouinla D9d0uton of Cash & InveSMene & eatancas September 30. 2007 DoOfibudIon of Cash & Investmanta ral Fund Telalsax55,141,]]8 by Fund (8.6129 9,847,226 tructure Fund 1,389,613 loper lmad hps F 509,388 Public Places 8.%1,872 el Revenue 1,%9,)43 st Fund 80,793 f Purled Fund 1,036,120 mMl Replacement FUM 1.9%,543 mation Tecbrobgy Fund 3)81,335 quipment & Facile,y 1,237.%7 Landscape & Lighting Fund 1,267,503 SllverRock Reson (10.514) Tents Funds (294,356) Subtotal 4%,115 S a'120114 Redevel mentA one Totals Purled Area Pmjw Area Capital ImPmvement Funds 1 2 $ 16.31 18 $ 44,492.183 Debt Service Fumes $ B0,1352702 Low & Moderate IeKome Rumba 28,660231 8,205,004 32,80235 Subtotal 40&88 8 364 544 6803430 f 4Jp89836 S 57061731 $ 100551,367 Medicin Author) Phi Funds Debt Service Fumes S Subtotal 5201 S 5201 Taal $ iBT b)8,661 Cash Balances T Case,8oves6nenn Jul 07 S (1S%,655) ust E 11,519,388 S ranger S (1202,083) Odobcr November December Janus 0) Febma March I State Pool US Treasury BlllaMotes $ 48,453,085 3 47.853,%6 3 48,JOS,OBS M June U S. GovemmeM Sp0nsored Entxpnas 3 65,005,81) $ 59,J59,]S7 $ 55202.918 $ 53,362,004 Prime Co, al Papa $ 59,4]Q614 E 54,528,J88 Co;a Nolen Notes $ 25.iUk ]e 3 19,1) 13] S 19,8]4,1154 Mutual Funds E 2,946,978 $ 2,950,69] $ 7,928243 Total 5]13500 5]6]92) 8881010 $ 2%835078 202181 )65 S 18]e]e%i T ° Cash 8lnveslmenn Jul % (t1,e50,8fi1) A ust $9,042,d48 Se ember (E1,636,4]11 October November Decamber - J 07 - Febua March - E Slate Pool US Treasury BlllalNolH S32,OJ8,)2] 528236,]2J $P,0%,]23 ($5B2,5251 E21,530p25 E409,191 E3],130,025 ($2,154p08) 538.6]0,025 E 4.962041 $ 5,981A98 $ 394,%2 tit S 1373.388) M $ 2.593.441 time i US GOvemmeM Sponsored En[erpnses E145,139,225 3145A22,280 $140,3J0,%2 S1]t,8>S,OR 3115.835,208 E103p81,058 $47,836.025 5115J07,481 S46,J86,025 $30,836A25 531,426296 $51,526.2% $51,526.2%) Pnme Commercal Paper 32d,)80,6)5 $29,)98258 53d)03.8fiJ S29,B1],5]] E29,090,597 E28,985,010 $34.301,366 $115,546,619 3112,852,174 $11 ],116,254 $104,450,4% W.627,4J8 Corporate Notes $11,9]),%0 32,%L75) f8,%2,392 E18.919,258 $15,948,099 fTO,e%,31J $18.925268 529,114.803 $29,536,55J f29,420,]42 $29,3)6.494 $21,611,112 Mutual Funds S0 SS fi45962 59 58819% EO f1.91d,230 E291 ),829 52,921,54] f2,9252% $18,949,96d E2,928.625 $14,%3rd92 $2.932,344 E13,911,T22 $28,]56,954 $28,042,689 Toml 21]889691 220255443 44225J1 207968030 4439121 1%942698 22%716 S80)20J] 2 4V15 710 32,933,942 305113 $2,%9,%1 828916 $2,943,260 $6 W3837 T 204 d32685 E20o 610610 200$84770 S 2054476 2722& 1%/%T02 220d]T 80 21290T OJ] Case, 8lmeslmMn Ju % ($2%,]45) A usl $14p%2% $ Oct0bp November December JMua % Februa Mama (51,102,8551 M S1,2B9,460 June ($149,924) Elate reol US Trcasvey 0dl5Motes E122,811 E3,420223 $61,J4fi (5145.92J) E1927d6 S1S)5,]28 US (30 beer Sponsored Erderpnses E115,52L011 5115,6]5. $1�0]219,fi98 5109,199,ll1 E126;�1,55J $SJT20g18I0 $1J1,882�016 Pnme Commercial Paper $28.591,456 $28,570, 97 $28.550,801 528.90,U8 E]0.9J4,281 %29.80],55) $39,708,]4B ESJ22%835 E130,940,988 $531.116;818 E1d5 fi38.58] $144,8122944 Corp Orate Notes19,8>O,65d EJ2,]W,A5 53d.]d5.8J0 E34,)88,998 $J4,829,4% $31,8]0,825 Mo lualFunds J581182 3569020 8102129 ]8%5% 0,9]J.538 T,908,580 tat 3 182235115 188 %1876 t]B BJ]fi)3 1%845 ]28 ])06813 E 165223313 SJ22 )SB $ 18a 5f2523 65]d J55 I 2056%,12d 111]3458 BOtB1% 58811]] SBBd 200 58289)3 224852 J15 2014802]4 T00243442 22287]925 21)92J e)2 ash&Invesfrllenn Jul S 12,%h,5d5) A ust 8J8%]6 Se ember S 3.884,181 October November December Janus 05 Februa March UE State Pool Treasury BrllSMonde 21,SSJ263 9BOJ2fi3 920],26J BJ9205 9,eJ3.5J2 1,120,218 9,3)3,5]Z 8290A>8 td,6]J,5]2 $%4d55 (25;83,40I8 Me June (39,BBJp481 Ui EnrerPnsea GOvemerew 1]2,3B0,812 13250]3]3 t22.522.5% 122,65JA88 122PB0,180 120,23],138 32,5J1,I55 1TOA01p] 26.35fi; 55 21s)56,]55) 38,%3,�48 Prime Commercial Paper F0der 21,3%298 3)37%40 2],J6J,91J 2),]d]ASJ 2),JJ1,529 2)]01.90J 26,%3.4JJ 1T0.552.8)8 T3.fi8]58) 120,158.854 120,]30,11d 115,54J,J49 l$,543,8]] 139.863,448 Corporate N0les - 0 - 0 19,8]d,fi54 165,d83) - 19,8)d,854 23,86L812 2J.646249 28,531,600 Mulualfund5 - BO)J 881 0 d5]]404 7,92549) 0 ]620469 7,928,24J 4,W),546 ],928,24J (BS,d8J) d,9A,548 19,874,654 7.928.243 TOlal $ 184p125t2 5182654 ]56 E i]0 %9N2 Y 16>]42d9t 6.029,092 E i94 d3]dfi6 J,376099 $1]4785551 6085915 55451Dd 6.0923J9 5921150 5%1 J00 - 3556250 168,626539 E T1021220] E 1]91929]5 E199 W4 J% 190 %Of12 S 181,38413] Ca- C9ym L.0usaa R*m llWWas of Acual AM SMplM Fulls CO-Re6¢lebgrcNA9enry all Fnamlp g sky Sepkmber 30, 2W7 By MAdmi FUMs 187.676.01 Was Peby cash FMM I.A. Nhs S,ius F.W. (1,006,5621 BaUnce MS .Fwtls S 106,669,119 c' Case b InvasMems B I Go: Wore-Ava8ab0 5 iq T Since Surplus Clare BaOk S (2.J15,820) 0E S b YeE Wells Faryo-Sae¢p ryWp $wcep 1.0IJ,J1! - S PeLLy Cash. De.was No 1,W0 - WetlSF u -amaM TNaI-Bank AvyuOE Ves Che4a S 39 23 - ]8,52] ' 39,623 S 1.A2,BW S J9,52] S - S J9,52] U.3 Treas CusE]Ean-Ava9ffiA Sur lus IsMr? a A�IpI@M Yalta, SYe us A mFF�s SYes Tam -us rreas - mmne Sponmren E�tlelgiKs USGoYes SYes Am0Me0 V� S ryba Sue Balk"MN�Ypk-Denlylt Frt86R Mx Yea AE BanRal New Vw9- Bema110 Yes Fre06e Mx 2.931.016 2,921,018 2.931,016 BaikWNew TOM-DenYM Yu FMB 9.924,551 9.924.552 91924.552 Bxkd Fbw YOh DemaW Yes FFCB I.m. K lm,W6 1,99B,9d6 BaIRd NewYM- Oemmtl Yea fre00n Mac d.929Se] 1.929.Sa3 19n.513 Bankol New Ywk.Damaq Yea FHLB 1,395.626 1.J95.926 10g5826 Bank MNew Y.,Nsmq Yes FHIg ].896,fl55 ],996,655 ).996.K5 Bap 0 Nha Yoh-DemaW Yes iFCB 9,993,931 %M0.931 9,W.931 Bxa.New Tak-Demaly Yes FreFFCMac 9,W$,5w 9.M.5m 9.928.503 Taml-US.mla`MMSeWMes 2A1059{ 2a1059a 54,526.)66 51,526.)K 51526.]K sMEwn Teem Nola CuabO;'Z'aYabY S S S YYYaeesss ksaaff G.1EICAhi Vua YYYwoohhk---DMpeemnorkaavnMq] K9By F3000,30 2BanCp GerermENk bl J,0,303ryUB1,9 TOMI-MNNWCewxx 1,B03 ],920,213 198059,0 ],926,2A] Pore Commerual Pap¢r CusbNan-gvyYWJ S lus SA111UY,,,R9W9'Ye95iMsuJ115,,,399] Sd�tduY.ry9e99e55MBslu311 AE W Yes k PloI5VH5Nve.enRel 189yceKu]ke,., f &2]58]6l YM BBankNN¢wTOM1-DmW kmls K1BakaNwYwD 2EB]6B]J BBx..kOM WNwy YYoohh--CDemmaaMW YYeess 93Kma d f 1919 19,8]d,K1 19,8)I851 19.8]d,GSd 1ncy A9eWY Im2shnant FUW Name-Avasua Su lus T Suryus Sm9lu5 awF zA-OeyW n Yu Z. a SUt PwI Bock ]).95I$K YAs J].95).563 M (23d9.1K) Yes 35,)p8,305 lssa1-Store PWl I SYk Wd 6]d55i] 8315522 6,J15523 d6.J9],OK 2,b9,186 H,053,91] $UWS $1Y,NMUYMu1.a,O5 ppIPI FuYaMl%S SuY¢pslui i ]2d0 S i 6o20- I 311 $11 q 1,0 S 1,2d1006 S 1 M7 562 A,6105% 0.0312X SuplYs No AJ Surpus W qp Fu-gs A¢Wy% Surylus Yes - 9W00% DDJ60% SWlus Surylus AI FUWs Surylus No M No Acual% yes 2305J6% z9210d°h Sequa No AE Bury6¢ No aM1 Fwgs Actual % SurgYs Yes - d zzldx t u>zx Surylus Surylus AN FUWs Surqus No AJ No AdualX Yes 105890% tO K]0% S As Supus pu FWs Smqus Na AB hisAcual% Yps 2d 6)P% 2]EOCO% TOY] CM lnwitunnls II6,692,)50 116,6R,]50 ;N9,IK 18,Jt3,K2 695]95% fi]]016% Trial City Cash 6 WvesimenY 136.6]i$l] 2,219,166 126,123,f05 1.211,606 3,319,165 1,00I,K3 6]6990% 6].I250Y. FlxalA xR NvanOrenY PONdm-Ckylmresmmms CMisfian. AvalaY Issix gmaR¢e0 Yy0¢ Su Yes mF21MCG7 2W2RDAUS Bank{CI 3WIFinMS Au0w8y LIP YK USTTasuryB91 ,,No 13,K0,800 2Wa a... Autlpmy LIP Ya Yu USTrtasury By 5,B .Wo 5.8M,028 Yes U5TrtavY Bi 11,K1,{28 11,K1,Q8 U S Trex BN 21 ]8.5 K) 2l.70 21,)85 K] SJ 382,0M c01 P3-sh-MubYl FUMs Morey Merkel Book Svqus suqus Thissaa - M.011awity Su MUWaI FIM visa, Yes M Yes Cmc CeIMr U S a.. 522,929 522,929 Class Camel U S.BaM-DebttSSYs YES lmammKx 522,9z9 193d RDAUS Bank-0¢MSc YES ISIA� 1995RDAUSSavi YES 19A.. I'M RDA 59ah-SPi FUW YES 1d Ammon _ 2Wa Fb AUN-1995USBah-E. YES 1MAIre11Ta� IMORDAUSBank-CIP YES 151Amenun I. RDA SBank - OM Svc TES 19Amelran _ 19W RDA U SBah- SixMil FUM YES IdAm. 1990RDAUSBaIIk-CIP YES 1MAmHbn - 2WIRDAUSBank-Oq Svc TES Isl pmerkyi 2MI RDA US Bank - LIP YES latAmorran 2AUAMUS Ball-DMsvc YES IAAmenun 2W2 RDA U S hark, CIP YES 81An;kaai 2,741,093 2,]11093 2,741093 2. TaOb rt RDA US Ba. DS YES tm Ame. 2W]Tvaxable RDA S_RankL01 YES 1m Amedean 21pJ Tazabk RDAU S BaMCIP YES 1n Amviun 2Wl FN AYq US Bank -CIP YES 1y Anmrbn 3AI9,9K 3.619,08 21304 Fn Adh US Bank - COI YES 1stAmawn 3019988 SUBWYI-MMuy FUW 6.0M,010 6,8M,M0 6.881,010 Surylus No AE SugM m A FUW, Aduy% FSurplus Y¢s " 286J29% 2658M% Surylus No AE Surplus W AYFu s Acual•-1 Surpus Y¢5 - 3MWM 368)0% TaYl Flsul AyeM lmesMerrts W 16,011 K,2e6,011 6Q2d6011 ]31M0% ]2 Z)12Y. CnM TOYI 18),8]6,6H 1M,010 8] 3.319,1fi0 10fi,K9,119 1W.WOp iW W00% 1)11,60fi 2,219,160 1,BO2,K2 A ; 062 s City of La Quinta Cash Flow Analysis FY 07/08 Actual Forecasted Forecasletl Forecasted FoMasted Forecasted Forecasted Total Beginning Cash Balance YTD Through 9/30/07 October.07 November-07 December-07 Janua -OB February-08 March-08 212,899,537 187,785,809 181,848 544 176,101,066 170,788,798 198,828,744 189,493,332 212,899,537 Property Tax/ Tax Increment Transient Occupancy Tax 26,786 0 186,828 578.635 40.733,982 257,641 475,483 42,259,356 Sales Tax 166,068 260,010 462,240 491,130 693,360 693,360 751,140 3,517.308 Other revenues 1,437,871 6,763 750 539,100 539,100 539,100 718,800 575,040 610,980 4,959,991 Revenues 2 804 245 1 748 888 2 431 776 4,571,332 3 565 858 2 870 629 24 756 479 8,394,47E 3,603,355 2,937,056 4,040,641 46 717,475 5.091,899 4,708,232 76,493,134 Expenditures Salaries & Fringe Benefits Redevelopment Agency 2,025,395 740,863 1,111,295 740,863 740,863 740,863 740,863 6.841,005 Other expenditures 2,570,076 4,664,034 302,481 147,541 186,300 289,971 178,133 204,967 3,879,468 Capital Projects 6,523,463 3,104.100 2,541,851 2,908,411 2,909,798 2,902,400 2,880,801 21,911,395 Debt Service Princi ai/interest/Pass Through) 11 506 828 4,715,514 4.715,514 4.959,908 4,715,514 4,715,514 4,959,908 35,305.335 Total Expenditures 27,289,796 677.663 9,540,621 168 333 557 427 10 021 383 5,890,401 5634447 34.456.482 8,684,534 9,352.909 18,677,528 14,427,311 14,420,986 102,393,685 Net Revenues/Expenditures (18,895,321 5,937,266) 5,747,478) 5,312,268 28,039,94E 9,335,412 9,712,753 26,900,551) Changes in Assets/Liabnies (6,218,407) (6,218,407) Ending Cash Balance 187,785,809 181,848,544 176,101,066 170,788,798 198,828,744 189 493,332 179,780,579 179,780,579 Net Change In Cash before Maturing Investments (25,N3,728) (5,937,266) (5,747,478) (5,312,?68) 28,039,84E (9,335,412) (9,712,753) (33,it8,958) Prolecled (Sopmesl/tlscs of r 1, . rw, n...aee LAIF Maturin Investments - Pooled Cash 711,936 1,031,478 352,268 (32,755,946) 4,819,412 (1,486,339) Total 10 000,000 10000001 10 000 000 0 H 000 000 4 500 000 9 2H8 064 B 968 522 9 647 732 32 755,94E 3 380 588 5 986,339 Ise. of Ce.h . Fie1.1 A-... Bond Money Market Bond Sale Proceeds 4,718,000 4,(16,000 4.960,000 4,716,000 4,716,000 4,96Q000 _ Maturing Investments 0 0 0 p O g Debt Service MoneyMarket 0 0 (48,000,000) 0 0 (6 ) Total 509 330 0 0 0 0 239,00 5,225 330 4 716 000 43,040 000 4 716 000 4 716 000 5 199 092 INet Change in Cash after Maturing Investments (4,062,734) 1 (4,252,522) 1 (52 687 732) 1 (28,039,946) Preleeted Liquid Cash Bwlanen. if ,... i..,.e�f..,e.,....,.w.. LAIF Balance Bond Capital Project Money Market 413,303,085 55,591,149 64,559,671 74,2117.403 106,963,350 170,343,938 116,330,278 Debt Service Money Market 8,884,010 2,168,010 (2,547,990) 40,492,010 35,776,010 31,080,010 32,700,010 509 330 509,339 509,330 509 330 509 330 6 748 422 Major Changes 1n Cash Flow Analysis from Prior Report Revenue None Expenditures Made semi-annual debt service payment zz M W O mv m alm o o a` d m^ m m 0 w^ O)Pm N N N Q m m m 'VV oiNm ae o m N O Yml P n\^ N O_ n O CI EE .. _ c m E E d d E E ` m E E w `m E E > c« an d u v v m d wQE U m � O U_m °iN_ mq _ mii= a m c'm d LLaK dLLaw' N_ dlla� 6iLL aLL' O U O O O O m O O O"'w- T O O O m T O O O= '� 6LLaK O O O- N no cc �`, aaoo, z.a morn Z.v warnz.a rnrn6 =E� - EAm' `E � E,�",� r EEE,�.E E"�E'v n Q- w W w aaa� 10 w w w www C ° m w W wr m m m www E" www e!- J- d m a m d d L? d tl�= "c d is N = y "� o¢ m N m �� m "tl 'A d H m � i m tl a a r d N y m o .= m m m d o R rc = a m w _.tl d m is v1 Q U 2 Q Q a N Q J Q Q Q N Q Q Q Q N Q J Q Q Q Q N J a` a Q to ¢' e a e m omiOo c'i\i o m^N m r m e \^ e e 0 A N O d q N � �- e 0 n r^ O 0 a M N O g r m vi vn �pi,�m vme �mN LL N N O� m YI rmmw e O 0 N m m m e d 0< � N �- N \e o O em O O m � P O O N Vrl O N E E m m E E m v n V d L c Eo U Q U Q` d d m u E m Op m m LLb w a K_ LL IL a LL' O O O O O- N warn2.o cEE�r wrnaz.a <<<> d g m c E E o_ www wwwd2 aL� aai aai m i m Nc2 m c C C ,mrrg LL C c C > LL a`a`a`N< 11 City of La Quinta Chart of Interest Rates April 2007 through September 2007 6.00% .._.._.._-._.._.._..Y.:._a-.._..F.._..-.._.._.._.._.. _.._.._.._. _.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.. 4.00% 3.00% 2.00% Percent 1.00% 0.00% April May June Months July August September — -- Annualized Eamings of Pooled Cash Investments — Annualized Earnings of Fiscal Agent Investments • ■ Annualized Eamings of All Investments — Slx Month Treasury BIII Rate O Cn N COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: November 20, 2007 ITEM TITLE: Receive and File Transmittal of Revenue and Expenditure Report dated September 30, 2007 RECOMMENDATION: Receive and File BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: 3 STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Transmittal of the September 30, 2007 Statement of Revenue and Expenditures for the City of La Quinta. Respectfully submitted, 4m1 I jT.fi l f� John M. Falconer, Finance Director Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachment: 1. Revenue and Expenditures, September 30, 2007 066 CITY OF LA QUINTA REVENUES-ALLFUNDS 07/01/2007 - 9/3012007 Attachment 1 FUNDS BUDGET RECEIVED RECEIVED General $38,248,89900 $3,405,157.42 890% Library 2,045,70000 000 000% Gas Tax Revenue 756,200 00 135,228 51 17.90% Federal Assistance 164,80000 000 000% JAG Grant 10,607 00 000 0 00 % Slesf(Cops) Revenue 100,40000 000 000% Indian Gaming 190,75000 000 000% Lighting & Landscaping 916,500 00 000 000% RCTC 2,327,400.00 000 000% Development Funding 000 000 0.00% Crime Violent Task Force 101,50000 21,96198 21 M% AB 939 54,800 00 0.00 0.00% Quimby 1.43800000 179,399.25 12.50 % Infrastructure 6,30000 Mo 000% SB 1266 243,60000 000 000% South Coast Air Quality 56,90000 11,96940 2100% Transportation 1,339, 10000 330,81117 2470% Parks & Recreation 334,50000 56,12600 1680% Crvm Center 263,10000 9747939 3710% Library Development 133,00000 20.90000 1570% Community Center 74,90000 1.50100 200% Street Facility 84,186 00 12.844.31 15.30 % Park Facility 11,600 00 1,761 00 15.20% Fire Protection Facility 27,00000 10.88459 40.30% Arts In Public Places 113,900 00 24,838 16 21.80 % Interest Allocation 000 1,036,11990 0.00% Capital Improvement 149,987,93900 6,523,46330 430% Equipment Replacement 737,48300 598.19799 8110% Information Technology 546,02600 525,02600 9620% Park Equipment & Facility 430, 29000 391,19000 9090% SllverRock Golf 3,587,30600 33187328 930% SIIvefRock Golf Reserve 7144600 000 000% LQ Public Safety Officer 2,60000 000 000% La Qmnta Financing Authority 6,617,686 00 3.760.181 52 56.80% RDA Project Area No 1 89,138,11700 3.519.23058 390% RDA Project Area No 2 46,511,34700 1,822,300.76 390% Total $346,673,88200 1 $22,818,44751 880% Ill 067 CITY OF LA OUINTA EXPENDITURES - ALL FUNDS 07/01/2007 - 09/30/2007 FUNDS BUDGET EXPENDITURES ENCUMBERED REMAINING BUDGET PERCENT General 39,216,284.00 5,679,709.63 ,611. 0 33,462,9628 145% Library 5,416,31000 228,96458 000 5,187,34542 42% Gas Tax 576,760 00 143,640 16 000 432 919 84 24 9 % Federal Assistance 685,921 00 000 0 00 685,921 00 00% JAG Grant 10,607.00 000 000 10,607 00 00% Slesf (Cops) Revenue 100,400 00 000 000 100,400 00 00% Indian Gaming 201, 14200 000 000 201, 14200 00% Lighting 8 Landscaping 916,500 00 229,125 00 000 687,375 00 25 0 % RCTC 1,882,24000 000 000 1,882,24000 00% Development Agreement 000 000 000 000 00% CV Violent Crime Task Force 57,100 00 11,903 30 000 45,196 70 20 8 % AS 939 238,500 00 23,284 62 000 215,215 38 9 8 % Quimby 8,572,10000 000 000 8.540, 10000 00% Infrastructure 500,22100 4,30528 000 495,91572 09% SIB 1266 000 000 000 000 00% South Coast Air Quality 26,600 00 000 000 26,600 00 00% Transportation 7,968,57000 97,91825 000 7,870,65175 12% Parks 8 Recreation 000 000 000 000 00% Qvm Center 6,443,426 00 2,464,663 05 000 3,978.762 95 38 3 % Library Development 000 000 000 0 00 00% Community Center 000 000 0 00 0 00 00% Street Facility 385,825 00 26,679 27 0 00 359, 145 73 6 9 % Park Facility 28,886,00 000 000 28,88600 00% Fire Protection 000 000 000 000 00% Arts In Public Places 888,450 00 22,016 25 0.00 866,433 75 2 5 % Interest Allocation 000 0.00 000 000 00% Capital Improvement 149.987,93900 6,523,463.30 115,18993 143.349,28577 43% Equipment Replacement 1,657,13200 106,531.80 57,34500 1,493.25520 64% Information Technology 710.825 00 110,302 75 000 600,522 25 15 5% Park Maintenance Facility 000 000 000 000 00% SlverRock Golf 4,510,99100 462,93359 000 4,048,05741 103% SilverRock Reserve 000 000 000 000 00% Lq Public Safety Officer 2,000 00 000 000 200000 00% La Quints Financing Authority 6,618,48600 3,765,61554 000 2,852,87046 569% RDA Project Area No 1 144,799,52600 14,081, 12468 000 130, 718,40132 97% RDA Project Area No 2 72,478,277 00 7,735,31760 0 00 64,742,95940 10 7% oa .s.t. 068 07/0112007-9130/2007 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND REVENUES DETAIL TAXES: Property Tax No Low Property Tax Distribution Sales Tax Sales Tax Reimbursement Document Transfer Tax Transient Occupancy Tax Transient Occupancy Tax - Mitigation Mc Franchise Tax TOTAL TAXES LICENSE & PERMITS: Business License Animal License Building Permits Plumbing Permits Mechanical Permits Electrical Permits Garage Sale Permits Misc Permits TOTAL LICENSES & PERMITS FEES: Sale of Maps & Publications Community Services Fees Finance Bldg & Safety Fees Community Development Fees Public Works Fees TOTALFEES INTERGOVERNMENTAL Motor Vehcle In -Lieu Motor Vehicle Code Fines Parking Violations Misc Fines AB939 Federal Goo Grants County of Riverside Grant State of California Grant Fire Services Credit CSA152 Assessment TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL INTEREST MISCELLANEOUS Miscellaneous Revenue Assmnt Dist Surplus Other Mitigation Measures Litigation settlement Cash Over/(Short) TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS TRANSFERIN TOTAL GENERAL FUND REMAINING % BUDGET RECEIVED BUDGET RECEIVED 1,763,100 00 17,968 35 1,745,131 65 1 020 % 2,620,50000 9,04177 2,611,45823 0350% 7.188,000.00 1,437,87030 5,750,12970 20000% 2,396,000 00 000 2,396,000 00 0 000 % 1,017,20000 136,72737 880,47263 13440% 5,479,10000 166.06773 5,313,03227 3030% 298,90000 000 298,90000 Coco°% 1,657,70000 92,83872 156486128 5600% 22,420,500 00 1,860,514 24 20,559,985 76 8 300% 322,200 00 63,578 60 258,621 40 19 730% 18,50000 4,66100 13,83900 25190% 558,600 00 179,959 18 378,640 82 32 220% 84,40000 26,38950 58,01050 31270% 65,500 00 17.385 00 48.115 00 26 540% 47.600 00 25,639 45 21.960.55 53 860% 11,00000 3,31000 7,69000 30090% 183,20000 36,11436 147,08564 19710% 1,291,00000 357,03709 933,96291 27.660% 3,90000 541 35 3.35865 13 880% 421,35000 54,15850 367,19150 12850% 1,45000 18000 1,27000 12 410% 377.100 00 143.419 55 233.680 45 38 030% 222.400 00 29.090 00 193.310 00 13 080% 501,20000 331,74150 169.45850 66190% 1,527,40000 559,13090 968,26910 36610% 3,138 400 00 53,588 59 3,084,811 41 1 710% 86,400 00 18,360 36 68,03964 21 250% 55,90000 5,86300 50,03700 10490% 125,20000 33,49423 91,70577 26750% 000 000 000 0000% 000 0.00 0.00 0000% 0.00 000 0.00 0000% 8.600.00 11,91070 (3,31070) 138500% 4,862,10000 000 4,862,10000 0000% 210,000 00 000 210,000 00 0.000% 8,486,60000 123.21688 8,363,38312 1450% 4.152.900 00 504,999 94 3,647.900 06 12 160% 28,300 00 26927 28,030 73 0 950% coo 000 coo 0000% 000 000 000 0000% 000 000 000 0000% 5000 (1090) 6090 -21800% 28,35000 25837 28,09163 0.910% 342,149.00 000 342,14900 0.000% 38,248,89900 3,405,75742 34,843,74158 8900% 069 CITY OF LA QUINTA ALL OTHER FUNDS REVENUE DETAIL REMAINING % BUDGET RECEIVED BUDGET RECEIVED LIBRARY: County of Riverside Contributions Interest TOTAL LIBRARY GAS TAX REVENUE: Section 2105 Section 2106 Section 2107 Section 2107 5 Traffic Congestion Relief Interest TOTAL GAS TAX FEDERAL ASSISTANCE REVENUE: CDBG Grant Interest TOTAL FEDERAL ASSISTANCE JAG GRANT Grant Revenue Interest TOTAL JAG GRANT SLESF(COPS)REVENUE: SLESF(Caps) Funding Interest TOTAL SLESF (COPS) 2,000,70000 000 2,000,70000 0.000% 000 000 000 omo% 45,000 00 000 45,000 00 0.000% 2,045,70000 000 2,045,70000 0.000% 243,000 00 42,523 75 200,476 25 17 500 % 170,400 00 28,757 30 141,642 70 16 880 % 323,500 00 57,947 46 265.552 54 17 910 % 6,200 00 6.00000 20000 96 770% 000 000 000 0000% 13,10000 000 13,10000 0000% 756,200 00 135,228.51 620,971.49 17 880% 164.800 00 000 164.800 00 0000% 000 000 000 0000% 0000 000 164,800 00 0 000 % 10,607 00 000 10,607 00 0 000 % 000 000 0.00 0 000 % 10,607 00 0.00 10,607 00 0.000% 100,000.00 000 100,000 00 0 000 % 40000 0.00 40000 0 000 % 100.400 00 000 100.400.00 0000% INDIAN GAMING Grant revenue 177,25000 000 177,25000 0000% Interest 13,500 00 000 13,50000 0 000 % TOTAL INDIAN GAMING 190,75000 000 190,75000 0000% LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING REVENUE: Assessment 916.50000 0.00 916.50000 0000% Developer 000 000 0.00 0.000% Interest 000 000 000 0000% TOTAL LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING 916,50000 000 916,50000 0000% RCTC RCTC Funding 2,327,40000 000 2,327,40000 0000% Transfer in 000 000 000 0000% TOTAL RCTC DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FUND Mitigation Measures 000 0.00 000 0000% Interest 000 0.00 000 0 000 % Transferm 000 000 000 0000% TOTAL DEV AGREEMENT 000 000 000 0.000% CRIME VIOLENT TASK FORCE Member Contributions - Carryover 49,900 00 20,516 00 29,384 00 41 110% Grant revenue -JAIB 42,50000 000 42,50000 0000% CLET Line 6,10000 1.44798 4,65202 23740% Interest 3,00000 000 300000 0000% TOTAL CRIME VIOLENT TASK FORCE 101,50000 21,96398 79,536.02 21640% AS 939 REVENUE, AB 939 Fees 000 000 000 0 000 % Interest 54,800.00 000 54,80000 0000% TOTAL QUIMBY QUIMBY REVENUE' Quimby Fees 1,016,00000 179,39925 836,60075 17660% Interest 422,00000 000 422,00000 0000% TOTAL QUIMBY INFRASTRUCTURE REVENUE: Utility refund 0.00 000 000 0000% Interest 6,30000 000 6,300.00 0.000% Transferm 0.00 000 000 0000% TOTAL INFRASTRUCTURE 6,30000 000 6300.00 0000% SB 1266 SB1266 Grant 243,60000 000 243,60000 1000% Interest 000 000 000 0.000% TOTAL SB1266 079 CITY OF LA QUINTA ALL OTHER FUNDS REVENUE DETAIL REMAINING % BUDGET RECEIVED BUDGET RECEIVED SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY REVENUE. SC A Q Contribution MSRC Funding Street Sweeping Grant Interest TOTAL SCAQ TRANSPORTATION Developer fees Interest Transfer in TOTAL TRANSPORTATION PARKS & RECREATION Developer fees Interest Transfer in TOTAL PARKS & RECREATION CIVIC CENTER Developer fees Interest Transfer In TOTAL CIVIC CENTER 47,70000 11,96940 35,73060 25090% 000 000 000 0000% 000 000 000 0000% 920000 000 920000 0000% 56,900 00 11,969A0 44.930 60 21 040 % 1.268.90000 330,81117 938,08&83 26070% 70,200 00 000 70,200 00 0 000 % 000 coo 000 0000% 1,339, 100 00 330,811.17 1.008.288 83 24 700 % 334,50000 56,12600 278,374.00 16.780% 000 0.00 000 0 000 % 000 0.00 000 0 000 % 334,500 00 56.126 00 278,374.00 16 780 % 194,700 00 97,479 39 97,220 61 50 070 % 68,400 00 000 68,400.00 0 000 % 000 000 000 0 000 % 263,100 00 97,479 39 165.620 61 37 050% LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT Developer fees 133.00000 20,90000 112,10000 15710% Interest 0.00 000 0.00 0000% Transferm 000 000 000 0000% TOTAL LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT 133,00000 20,90000 112,10000 15710% COMMUNITY CENTER Developer fees Interest TOTAL COMMUNITY CENTER STREET FACILITY Developer fees Interest Transfer In TOTAL STREET FACILITY PARK FACILITY Developer fees Interest TOTAL PARK FACILITY 28,00000 1,50100 26,49900 5360% 46,900 00 000 46,900 00 0000% 74,90000 1,50100 73,39900 2000% 44,10000 12,84431 31,25569 29130% 11,20000 000 11,20000 0.000% 28,886 00 000 28,88600 0000% 84,186 00 12,844 31 71,341 69 15 260% 8,00000 1,761.00 6,23900 22010% 3,60000 000 3,60000 0000% 11,60000 1,76100 9,83900 15.180% FIRE PROTECTION FACILITY Developer fees 27,000 00 10,884 59 16,115 41 40 310% Interest 000 000 000 0.000% TOTAL FIRE PROTECTION FACILITY 27,000 00 10,884 59 16,115 41 40 310% ARTS IN PUBLIC PLACES REVENUE: Arts in Public Places 97,500 00 24,838 16 72,661 84 25 480% Arts m Public Places Credits Applied 000 000 000 0000% Interest 16,40000 0.00 16,40000 0000% TOTAL ARTS IN PUBLIC PLACES 113.900 00 24.838 16 89.061 84 21 810% INTEREST ALLOCATION FUND: Pooled Cash Allocated Interest 000 1,036,11990 (1,036,11990) 0000% Transfer In 000 000 000 0.000% TOTAL INTEREST ALLOCATION 000 1,036,11990 (1,036,11990) 0000% 071 CITY OF LA QUINTA ALL OTHER FUNDS REVENUE DETAIL REMAINING % BUDGET RECEIVED BUDGET RECEIVED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND: CVAG CVWD County of Riverside Surface Transportation Funding City of Indio DSUSD ID RCTC SB821-Bicycle Path Grant State of California APP Contribution Developer Agreement Funding Litigation Settlements Transfers in From Other Funds TOTAL CIP REVENUE 981,48800 000 981,488.00 0000% 000 000 0.00 0000% 000 000 000 0000% 10.251,06700 000 10,251.06700 0000% 438,04100 000 438.04100 0000% 000 000 000 0000% 000 000 000 0000% 0.00 0.00 000 0000% 000 000 000 0000% (31,49000) 000 (31,49000) 0000% 000 000 000 0000% 466.582 00 26,322 80 460,259 20 5 410 % 000 000 000 0000% 137,862,25100 6,497,14050 131,365,11050 4710% 149,987.939 00 6,523,463 30 143,464475 70 0 10 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND: Equipment Charges 590.88300 590.88500 (200) 100000% Capital Contribution 000 000 0.00 0000% Sale of Fixed Asset 0.00 7,312.99 (7,31299) 0.000% Insurance Recoveries 000 000 000 Interest 146,60000 000 146,60000 0.000% Transfers In 0.00 000 000 0.000 % TOTAL EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 737,48300 598,197.99 139,28501 81110% INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND: Charges for services 525,02600 525.02600 000 100000% Capital Contribution 000 000 000 0000% Sale of Fixed Asset 000 000 000 0000% Interest 21.00000 000 21,00000 0,000% Transfem In 000 000 000 0000% TOTAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 546,02600 525,02600 21.00000 96150% PARK EQUIPMENTS FACILITY Charges for services 391,19000 391,19000 000 100000% Interest 39,10000 000 39,10000 0000% Capital Contributions 000 000 000 0000% TOTAL PARK EQUIPMENT & FAC 430,29000 391,19000 39,10000 90910% SILVERROCK GOLF Green fees Range fees Resident Card Merchandise Food & Beverage Allocated Interest Income Transfers In TOTAL SILVERROCK GOLF SILVERROCK GOLF RESERVE Interest Transfers In TOTAL SILVERROCK GOLF LQ PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICER FUND Transfer In Interest TOTAL LQ PUBLIC SAFETY 3,161,21100 279,98022 2,881,23078 &860% 83,72500 9,30307 74,42193 11110% 15,00000 3,64500 11,355.00 24300% 327,370 00 38.944 99 288.425 01 11 900% 000 0.00 000 0000% 0.00 000 000 0000% 000 000 000 0000% 3,587,30600 331,87328 3,255.43272 9250% 000 000 000 0000% 71,446 00 000 71,446 00 0000% 71,44600 000 71,44600 0,000% 2,000.00 000 2,00000 0 000 % 60000 000 60000 0000% 2,60000 000 2.60000 0000% 072 07/01/2007 - 09/30/2007 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY REMAINING BY DEPARTMENT BUDGET EXPENDITURES ENCUMBERED BUDGET GENERAL GOVERNMENT: LEGISLATIVE 974,64900 159,46558 000 815, 18342 CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE 463.448 00 126,729 41 000 336,718 59 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 2,332,06700 721,86370 000 1,610,20330 PERSONNEL/RISK MGT 1,646,28400 491,27860 2,0D000 1,153,00540 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 5,416,44800 1,499,33729 2,00000-3 915 11071 CITY CLERK 719,723 00 131,088 68 216 57 588 417 75 TOTAL CITY CLERK719,72300 131,088 68 216 57 588,411 75 COMMUNITY SERVICES PARKS 8 RECREATION ADMINISTRATION 1,036,342 00 337,211 06 000 699,130 94 SENIOR CENTER 442,11200 92,68276 3,29043 346, 13881 PARKS & RECREATION PROGRAMS 228,041 00 39,708 57 000 188,332 43 LIBRARY 1.799.328 00 122,421 50 000 1,676,906 50 MUSEUM 297,20000 000 000 297,20000 PARK MAINTENANCE 1,371,67800 580,82334 000 790,85466 TOTAL COMMUNITY SERVICES 5,174,70100 1,172.847 23 3,29043 3,998,56334 FINANCE: BUILDING & SAFETY: POLICE: FISCAL SERVICES 971,346.00 239,95057 000 731,39543 CENTRAL SERVICES 432,56400 155,18893 000 277,37507 TOTAL FINANCE 1,403,91000 395,139 50 000 1,008,77050 BUILDING B SAFETY -ADMIN 417,51200 89,49441 000 328,01759 BUILDING 1,064,31800 244,32172 000 819,99628 CODE COMPLIANCE 1.018,84000 265.18919 000 753,65081 ANIMAL CONTROL 387,908.00 92,26634 000 29564166 FIRE 4,955,72400 4647142 3,00000 4,906,25258 EMERGENCY SERVICES 137,35700 36,57392 000 100,78308 CIVIC CENTER BUILDING -OPERATIONS 1,248,99700 109,88464 000 1, 139,11236 TOTAL BUILDING 8 SAFETY 9,230,656 00 884,201 64 3,00000 8,343,454 36 POLICE SERVICES 10,194.45900 62,293.90 000 10,132.16510 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY 10,14,4900 62,29390 000 10, 132,16510 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT -ADMIN 1,661,18000 159,266.26 000 1,501,91374 CURRENT PLANNING 1,037,79400 148.12543 4,11411 885,55446 TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 2.698,97400 307.39169 4,11411 2.38746820 PUBLIC WORKS: PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION 674,71200 133,58410 8,00000 533,12790 DEVELOPMENT & TRAFFIC 1,345,36700 237,48833 975003 1,098,12864 MAINT/OPERATIONS - STREETS 2,497,907 00 835,887 60 33,415 00 1,628 604 40 MAINT/OPERATIONS- LTG/LANDSCAPING 1,950,07100 39100016 000 1,559,07284 MAINT/OPERATIONS- TRAFFIC 1,057,22600 57,21248 8,50000 991,51352 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT 981,92200 319,93094 1,32536 660,66570 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS 8,507,20700 1,975,10361 60,99039 6,471, 11300 TRANSFERS OUT 2,235,470.00 152,39375 000 2,083,07625 GENERAL FUND REIMBURSEMENTS (_6,365,26400) (900,08766) 000 (5,465, 17634) NET GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES 39,216,28400 5,679.70963 73,61150 33.462,96287 . 073 CITY OF LA QUINTA 07/01/2007 - 09/30/2007 OTHER CITY FUNDS REMAINING EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BUDGET EXPENDITURES ENCUMBERED BUDGET LIBRARY FUND PROJECT EXPENDITURES 000 000 000 000 REIMBURSE GENERAL FUND 2,096,529.00 000 000 2.096,52900 TRANSFER OUT 3,319,78100 228,96458 000 3,090.81642 TOTAL LIBRARY FUND .1 GAS TAX REIMBURSE GENERAL FUND 575,27100 143,81766 000 431,45334 TRANSFER OUT 1,48900 2250 000 1,46650 TOTAL GAS TAX FUND FEDERAL ASSISTANCE FUND: 1 RANSFER OUT TOTAL FEDERAL ASSISTANCE FUND 685,921 00 000 000 685.921 00 JAG GRANT TRANSFER OUT TOTAL JAG GRANT 10,607 00 000 000 10,607 00 SLESF (COPS( TRANSFER OUT TOTAL SLESF (COPS) FUND 100,400 00 000 000 100,400 00 INDIAN GAMING FUND TRANSFER OUT 201,142.00 000 0 00 201,142 00 TOTAL INDIAN GAMING FUND 201,142001, LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING ASSESSMENT DIST: REIMBURSE GENERAL FUND 916,50000 229.125.00 000 687,37500 TRANSFER OUT 000 0.00 000 000 TOTAL LTG/LANDSCAPING FUND RCTC TRANSFER OUT 1,882,24000 000 100 1,119,24010 TOTAL RCTC7Zn no DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FUND CONSTRUCTION 000 000 000 000 REIMBURSE GENERAL FUND 000 000 000 000 TRANSFER OUT 000 000 000 000 TOTAL DEV AGREEMENT FUND V Uv 000 000 000 CRIME VIOLENT TASK FORCE OPERATING EXPENSES 57,100.00 11.90330 0.00 45,19670 TRANSFER OUT 000 000 000 000 TOTAL CRIME VIOLENT TASK FORCE AB 939 OPERATING EXPENSES 238,500 00 23,284 62 0 00 215.215 38 TRANSFER OUT 000 000 000 000 TOTAL AS 939 QUIMBY FUND. CONSTRUCTION 32,00000 000 000 32,00000 TRANSFER OUI 8,540,10000 000 000 8, 540, 10000 TOTAL QUIMBY INFRASTRUCTURE FUND CONSTRUCTION 000 000 000 000 REIMBURSE GENERAL FUND 000 0.00 000 000 TRANSFER OUT 500,22100 4,30528 000 495,91572 TOTAL INFRASTRUCTURE SB 1266 I RANSFER OUT TOTAL SB 1266 FUND 0.00 0 00 coo 000 SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY FUND PROJECT EXPENDITURES 26,60000 000 000 26,60000 TRANSFER OUT 000 000 000 000 TOTAL SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM COSTS 0.00 000 000 000 CONTRIBUTION 000 000 000 000 TRANSFER OUT 7,96857000 97,91825 000 7,870,65175 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION PARKS & RECREATION INTEREST ON ADVANCE 000 000 000 000 TRANSFER OUT 000 000 000 000 TOTAL PARKS & RECREATION u UU 000 000 CIVIC CENTER PROGRAM COSTS 000 000 000 000 REIMBURSE GENERAL FUND 202,76400 50,69100 000 152,07300 TRANSFER OUT 6,240,66200 2,413,97205 000 3,82668995 TOTAL CIVIC CENTER LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM COSTS 000 000 000 000 INTEREST ON ADVANCE 000 000 000 000 TRANSFER OUT 000 0.00 0.00 000 TOTAL LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT u uu 000 000 000 074 CITY OF LA QUINTA 07/01/2007 - 09/30/2007 OTHER CITY FUNDS REMAINING EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BUDGET EXPENDITURES ENCUMBERED BUDGET COMMUNITY CENTER PROGRAM COSTS 000 000 0 00 000 TRANSFER OUT 000 000 000 000 TOTAL COMMUNITY CENTER u U0 000 000 000 STREET FACILITY PROGRAM COSTS 000 000 0 00 000 TRANSFER OUT 385,825 00 26.679 27 000 359,145 73 TOTAL STREET FACILITY PARK FACILITY PROGRAM COSTS 000 000 0.00 000 TRANSFER OUT 28,88600 000 000 28,88600 TOTAL PARK FACILITY FIRE PROTECTION INTEREST ON ADVANCE 000 000 000 000 TRANSFER OUT 000 000 000 000 TOTAL FIRE PROTECTION DIF ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES-APP 30,00000 2,06500 000 27,93500 OPERATING EXPENSES-APP 3.20000 6250 000 3,13750 ART PURCHASES 455,25000 19,88875 000 435,36125 TRANSFER OUT 400,000 00 000 000 400,000 00 TOTAL ART IN PUBLIC PLACES CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND PROJECT EXPENDITURES 148,759,04000 6,383,33330 115,18993 142.260,51677 PROJECT REIMBURSEMENTS TO GEN FUND 1,228,899 00 140.130 00 0 00 1.088,769 00 TRANSFER OUT 000 000 000 TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND OPERATING EXPENSES 1,000,13200 106,53180 57,34500 836,25520 TRANSFER OUT 657,000.00 0.00 000 657,000 00 TOTAL EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND 1B51,132 00 106,531 50 1 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND OPERATING EXPENSES 710,8250, 110,30,275 000 600,52225 T01"AL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND PARK MAINTENANCE FACILITY OPERATING EXPENSES 000 000 000 000 TRANSFER OUT 000 000 000 000 TOTAL PARK MAINTENANCE FAG SILVERROCK GOLF OPERATING EXPENSES 4,439,54500 462,93359 000 3,976,61141 TRANSFER OUT 71,44600 000 000 71,44600 TOTAL SILVERROCK GOLF SILVERROCK GOLF RESERVE TRANSFER OUT 0.00 000 000 000 TOTAL SILVERROCK GOLF RESERVE u 00 LA QUINTA PUBLIC SAFETY CONTRIBUTIONS TOTAL LA QUINTA PUBLIC SAFETY 2,00000 000 000 2,00000 4 _ �� Tw(f 4 4 a" COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: November 20, 2007 ITEM TITLE: Adoption of a Resolution Granting Conditional Approval of a Final Map and Subdivision Improvement Agreement for Parcel Map No. 34855, J.C. Penney, Stamko Development, Co. RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: _ CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Adopt a Resolution of the City Council granting conditional approval of a Final Map and Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) for Parcel Map No. 34855, J.C. Penney, Stamko Development, Co. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: -01 •[T.T-1! CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Tract Map No. 34855 is located north of Avenue 48 and east of Adams Street (Attachment 1). This commercial development will consist of 11 parcels on approximately 22.81 acres (Attachment 2). On September 20, 2006, the Council approved Final Tentative Parcel Map 34855. The developer has requested the City Council's conditional approval of the Final Map (Attachment 2) which will allow thirty (30) days for completion of its processing. To date, the SIA (Attachment 3) has been executed by the developer, but the associated securities have not yet been received. The Final Map is technically complete and is 076 being routed for signatures. It is expected that the associated securities and all signatures will be in place within the time allowed for its conditional approval. As a result, City staff has prepared the attached Resolution which provides for conditional approval of the Final Map and SIA. The approval is contingent upon receipt within thirty (30) days (December 20, 2007), of a technically correct Final Map, suitable for recording by the County Recorder, with all required signatures (except the City Clerk) and associated securities. Once these items are received, the City Clerk will affix the City Seal to the Final Map and offer the Final Map for recording by the County Recorder. If any of the required items are not received by City staff within the specified time frame, the Final Map will be considered disapproved and will be rescheduled for City Council consideration only after all required items have been received. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Adopt a Resolution of the City Council granting conditional approval of a Final Map and Subdivision Improvement Agreement for Parcel Map No. 34855, J.C. Penney, Stamko Development, Co.; or 2. Do not adopt a Resolution of the City Council granting conditional approval of a Final Map and Subdivision Improvement Agreement for Parcel Map No. 34855, J.C. Penney, Stamko Development, Co.; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, mothy . onas P.E. Public Works Dire tor/ City Engineer Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager 077 Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Tract Map 3. Subdivision Improvement Agreement 078 RESOLUTION NO. 2007 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING CONDITIONAL FINAL MAP APPROVAL OF PARCEL MAP NO. 34855, J.C. PENNEY, STAMKO DEVELOPMENT, CO A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, AND AUTHORIZING A TIME EXTENSION FOR SATISFACTORY COMPLETION OF THE CONDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS TO VALIDATE THE APPROVAL WHEREAS, the City Council conducts only two regular meetings per month and the time interval between these meetings occasionally creates an undue hardship for business enterprises and individuals seeking approval of subdivision maps; and WHEREAS, the City Council, as a matter of policy, allows a subdivider to have City staff present the map for approval consideration when the requisite items necessary for final map approval are nearly, but not completely, finished thus yielding to the subdivider additional production time for preparation of those items; and WHEREAS, the subdivider has demonstrated to City staff and the City Council that it has made sufficient progress with items required for final map approval, and it is reasonable to expect the subdivider to satisfactorily complete the items, including City staff review time, within thirty (30) days without adversely impacting other ongoing work commitments of City staff; and WHEREAS, Section 66458(b) of the Subdivision Map Act grants the City Council broad authority to authorize time extensions regarding final map approval, or disapproval, upon receiving it for consideration; and WHEREAS, the City Council relies on professional City staff to review all required items for conformance with relevant requirements, and it is therefore appropriate for the City Council to approve the final map subject to review and confirmation of the required items by professional City staff, within a reasonable period of time as specified by the City Council. 1. 079. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: Section 1. The final map for Parcel Map 34855 is conditionally approved provided the subdivider submits all required items on or before December 20, 2007. Section 2. The City Council's approval of the final map shall not be considered valid until the City Engineer has signed the map indicating that it conforms to the tentative tract map, the Subdivision Map Act, and all ordinances of the City. Section 3. The City Engineer shall withhold his signature from the map until the subdivider has completed the following requirements to the City Engineer's satisfaction. A. Place appropriate securities in accordance with the approved Subdivision Improvement Agreement. B. Finalize the final Parcel Map and obtain all necessary signatures. Section 4. The City Clerk shall withhold affixing the City Seal to the map title page, along with her attesting signature, until the City Engineer has signed the map. Section 5. The time extension for satisfying the requirements of the conditional approval for this final map shall expire when City offices close for regular business on December 20, 2007. If the subdivider has not satisfied the requirements in Section 3, herein, by the expiration deadline, the final map shall be considered disapproved. Disapproval does not deny any rights the subdivider may have under the Map Act to resubmit the final map for approval, or disapproval. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 20`h day of November, 2007, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: 080 DON ADOLPH, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: VERONICA J. MONTECINO, CMC, CITY CLERK City of La Quinta, California (City Seal) APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California 081 ATTACHMENT 1 cn z � O (ti C Z_ cn � = Q Q � AVENUE 48 W MR cn J Q W W SITE VICINITY MAP F- C/O O cn W Li Li W 082 PcYcel�la� No. 34855 5JAW A SCBOM92V W A M = 11 1MRXW /4 #VaLSK b= :P AND 'C' MO A P0RWV Or LOJ'B' OF Plawn YW ACt .TOR:i AS SMON N PARC L Lw Aaar 2dZ > or SpIror OVA,* ^ Mw N YA 1 a � � 7 � � I N /NOES STANTEC CONSULTING - PALM DESERT DIVISION MARCH, 2007 frll�K>f YKly� IOr �� p�A �� OIOM�YY. t tlYlw KYMAO ®wrrlr�o IWMYOM KN K rrfllrawl KMrrYJ1A.q YIQwY frmO� w{/� �IO�I IrKWCK C�YCC�r AtNK�MtI +fI01K rAMrrar w K011su f/R A 1I'mMIVYY1rIIrlUrmawiw` fYY rlwrfmrw Kwrru aKa MYOMRwlw snr RAaR rr� .Yf OY YIIQ Aw Ci10OI 1/OY M Aw YfY Y/ T. rAwororA rmsR rwY a wwfY rlwwrr fO ��AfIM f•YIaAf mwr YOIIi wPmr YrOM MKfr wRYY{rrfO YO Qyy��f �RKYrprflffYY A ==lAl�� I�lf�l .K�II�f�R KAIIrIpOlwdlf{ OfI�C�IgY I��KM1K3Q tya��p1�{KAO�H ALL rMmlI M41r/�f YN M��Y w� K OOII �/O�wy1f1.�6� iwW I1/IYMfI MiIOMTYYI IYO EMI �Yf/IfTOW M�.YYrrrYI�MML�ty�NM�fOIIIYII���YIM�� �f,��j�p,�YOpIw �_�R(OpyR�yYY�i r�p��/Y�Y/KY�IIrIpKMI�IM� y.01M0 wOplw KrfrOY{OiMYII M111fr11R IMYIYOYR®irw w KI.MM1IAdIO'rKf Y LYi'TOIYAI IrMr rlrliKlp MYr Y)MiYN11l M11NI /KHlY✓/V KOOIM wY!"�w�AfwYfOr �blpAlYpl p6yly�{mr@p l M A� WSW r011'W YpTYfMRY0EM1f%I YW{MUIKY`IOIIK{�iHY AaKwrMpC R A KIfrO YOY AO/I/Ir Yrsrfrr / � mrnr �� 1 > tort IrwrwlfwrMrrsru[ wfalurw.fr wo MrMuws.wrp Mp@ wIf 01 KYCrMiY9f1IlIKEO A f K/mvb wYTMI(fM w I6OwKIY.Orr9..0larmw rt#M Xmw& YYfwl WA9mmmWWaMMIQJIai ff Irflf/a1YK Ilr� KImCO Y Kf.IIYYO rY/rm Klm(OAOY imY K fls W~ SBYfw irAwaawrrrrrww mrw nermarr 0 00 w ZLAINL�_ Im�erf'Krfm"rK�rw�'F&OBLft��ww Mrs M/AT IfmOfr Kw/fr M1Y� NrYwMiBIArA VrYwfl"r MC RQTMOIff AIJ KfrO NYY/OII.MMIfI IIMMr Y� ® MNKPO MY YWi{ �rrK�viIYO YwIIKrINIYt rwr fTxr p��ti1C /fill rrYWIOmI w Kr+oK r r bIK M��gr1�(MYmM�IfY�fOrlyR�>>M jw{ K W;WWM pR ImrwYilYfA�Y r/YaY m WA IIIYIAr KMrlf fY RYfYK wY1- Y� - i /IYl Yfll. 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PARCELJi Yr Mr T rrarsr wr wl raM-/a Owl I t yr Lorro• Lorc• O Go +B1 AV /AMYL A O BOON' /B( PANY MACE 7 am SBA m�mArr rrn wBot w r Be rrAr rr ArmBo Iar®LaB r BBrr r. 11/RB I BIr4i/ I/ YB[A �iAa fOIIRABma wrrr war IWo .Y AIMIf i®rr 1®{ (I �/O �MIAr wrt wr EI.IY A►fR L/ �r� arI/a lwa wrAOBa Ara aiN+/. �s IiBrm moo/aro rA wr lNrawrrrs.a ArarWs-Is IAiBrr�rr® // r0 �.� aw wr lrrAawrAAL Ara ryMN ///// ���r�rwiAr arw,rrrmuorAr r�/l�N/IAO/AIIMOY�®r—{ a a1YlO0ArAIlOrrYrr AIOAOOIit 0 O as�arwA Aiwa �lr��� �OiO� Brrrsrw�iBrerrrrrrawAra wr ��O�YwYrdiaf��YONKA �r BB�m�O AABL�B[[M��AIIfAAmiir'ALA r ��� v.w. wrAm wrrAo ara lws•A a ��� � wo vav wa wrm wr a-t i rvslWa rysrroBlm rrrsr u O. mrt4w � wmm rr r�BovBw. Ap wrawrsr Bra Nr Mo sotlegt �� rAw amrsra. rr7a*i JL lza Tc rceCJilp No. 34855 A II A 9MMM Llr PARCIMS if AAAOLAN 14 ^cLLw4 LO/S 'P AMD b' MD A P W M Ar LOT W a AWM Xf Yl JXft AS VOW N Mq= YlP aoar n 74 GrMCLUDW � SPW Or O PAI M LW N 19 nW s5 MSol W 7 SAM ' STANTEC CONSULTING - PALM DESERT DIVISION MARCH, 2007 1 ADTocEVTRE l 1 A°meDaVO Ag)KW TO Fm L10104IIL.1 MLLEY WIM A57RCT —_ WAYNORTH .JW�- ID 4&�o _ N /e111111111111eQT�1 PARCEL 10 PARCEL 9 I0 a .- WIN PARCEfl6 - Y Wp LOT'B' F�i.diY PAEL1PARCEL a O 4 DETAIL •A IJ Q PARCEL MAO � PARCEL 3 \ ! PARCEL 5 M=v-A L_LL J— Its o A ' LOT ro' I LOT' ap,p /OM si CITVOFLAQUINTA ATTACHMENT 3 SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT PARCEL MAP NO. 34855 OFF -SITE IMPROVEMENTS THIS SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT (the "Agreement') is made and entered into this day of 20 by and between STAMKO DEVELOPMENT CO. LP a LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, hereinafter referred to as "Subdivider," and the City of La Quinta, a municipal corporation of the State of California, hereinafter referred to as "City." RECITALS: A. Subdivider has prepared and filed a final map or Parcel map (the "Map") of a unit of land in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, which unit of land is known as Parcel No. 34855 (the 'Parcel') pursuant to the provisions of Section 66410, et sec. of the California Government Code (the "Subdivision Map Act'). B. Prior to approval of the Map, Subdivider is required to install or agree to install certain public and private improvements (the "Improvements"). C. The Improvements have not been installed and accepted at this time. D. It is therefore necessary that Subdivider and City enter into an agreement for the installation of the Improvements as provided in Section 66462 of the Subdivision Map Act. NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows: 1. Improvement Plans. Prior to submittal of the Map for approval by the City Council, Subdivider shall furnish original improvement plans meeting the requirements of the City Engineer. 2. Improvements. Subdivider shall construct the public and private street, drainage, utility, landscaping, and other improvements required to be constructed or agreed to be constructed under this Agreement as listed in Exhibit "A", and shall bear the full cost thereof. The methods, standards, specifications, sequence, and scheduling of construction shall be as approved by the City Engineer. 3. Improvement Security. A. One class of security to be provided by Subdivider, hereinafter referred to as "performance security," shall assure the faithful performance of this Agreement including construction of the Improvements, payment of Subdivider's fair share of Improvements which have been or will be constructed by others ('Participatory Improvements"), and payment of plan check and permit fees. A second class of security to be provided by Subdivider, hereinafter referred to as "payment security," shall assure the payment of the cost of labor, equipment and materials supplied to construct the Improvements. A third class of security to be provided by Subdivider, hereinafter referred to as "warranty security," shall serve as a guarantee and warranty of the Improvements for a period of one year following the completion and acceptance of the Improvements. Subdivider shall furnish performance and payment security prior to and as a condition of City Council approval of the Map. Subdivider shall provide warranty security after Improvements are complete and accepted by the City Council and prior to or concurrently with the final release of performance security. Warranty security shall not be required for Monumentation or Participatory Improvements. However, the City may utilize Monumentation Security for performance of or payment for the work in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act. As part of the obligation secured by each of the performance security, payment security and warranty security, and in addition to the face amount of each such security, each such security shall include and assure the payment of costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by City in successfully enforcing the obligations thereby secured. 086 T\Development Semces Dmsicn\Development Prgec \Agreennents\SWSIAS,n Progre \JC Penney PM 34855\OFFSITESIA doc 1ofT B. Improvement security shall conform with Section 66499 of the California Government Code and one or more of the following: 1) A cash deposit with City or a responsible escrow agent or trust company, at City's option 2) Surety bonds, of the form specified in subsection 66499.2 of the California Government Code, issued by a surety or sureties listed in the U.S. Department of Treasury Circular 570 (latest version). 3) Certificates of deposit, in City's name, from one or more financial institutions subject to regulation by the state or federal government and having a financial quality rating of "A" or better and a commitment reliability rating of "R-2" or better on the Investment Data Exchange (of the Los Angeles County Treasurer's office). 4) Irrevocable letters of credit, issued by one or more financial institutions meeting the requirements of Paragraph (3), pledging that the funds necessary to carry out the completion of the Improvements are on deposit, guaranteed for payment, and constitute a trust fund which is not subject to levy or attachment by any creditor of the depositor until released by City. Letters of credit shall guarantee that all or any portion of the funds available pursuant to the letters of credit will be paid upon the written demand of City and that such written demand need not present documentation of any type as a condition of payment, including proof of loss. The duration of any such letter of credit shall be for a period of not less than one year from the execution of the agreement with which it is provided and shall state, on its face, that the letter of credit will be automatically renewed until such time that City authorizes its expiration or until sixty (60) days after City receives notice from the financial institution of intent to allow expiration of the letter of credit. 5) A lien upon the subdivided property, if City finds that it would not be in the public interest to require the installation of the Improvements sooner than two (2) years after recordation of the final map or Parcel map for which the Improvements are required. The lien shall provide a collateral value of three (3) times the estimated cost of the Improvements and shall include the power of sale of the real property, all buildings and improvements thereon, or that may be erected upon or made thereto, together with all hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in any wise appertaining, and the reservations, remainders, rents, issues, and profits thereof. The collateral value of the property shall be established at Subdivider's expense through an appraisal approved by City. 6) An instrument of credit from an agency of the state, federal or local government, when any agency of the state, federal, or local government provides at least Twenty Percent (20%) of the financing for the Improvements. 7) When Subdivider is a non-profit organization, security may be negotiable bonds, of the kind approved for securing deposits of public moneys with City or in favor of City, as specified in Section 16430 of the California Government Code, deposited, at City's option, with City or a responsible escrow agent or trust company. C. All securities shall be furnished in accordance with the provisions of Exhibit A. The amount of the performance security shall equal One Hundred Percent (100%) of the estimated cost of constructing the Improvements, including payment of plan check and permit fees, as estimated by the City Engineer or a duly authorized representative of the City Engineer. The amount of Payment security shall equal the amount of the amount of performance security, except as otherwise set forth in Exhibit A, and shall be furnished as a separate security. Warranty security shall equal Ten Percent (10%) of the amount of performance security except as otherwise set forth in Exhibit A. D. At the time of submittal of security, Subdivider shall pay to City administrative fees applicable to the form of security provided. Administrative fees shall apply to the subdivision (final map, Parcel map or waiver of Parcel map) rather than to individual security instruments. The fees shall be paid separately for each different form and/or source (surety or financial institution) of security initially submitted and for substitution of securities but shall not be required for submittal ofO8,' 'A.. T \Development SeNioes Division\Development PrgeLlSVyreements\SIXSIA in Progress\JC Penney PM M55\01FFSITE_SIA Ooc 2 of 7 warranty security if the warranty security is of the same form and from the same source as the performance security it replaces. Administrative fees for security shall be as follows: 1) For certificates of deposit, bonds and letters of credit as described in Paragraphs 2), 3) and 4) of SECTION 3.B., which require the establishment of evidence of the reliability of the surety or financial institution, the administrative fee shall be One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150.00). 2) For liens on real property as described in Paragraph 5) of SECTION 3.B., for which City will prepare lien agreements and subordination agreements, administer valuation of the real property and administer the agreements over the life of the lien, all of which require legal assistance and financial advice, Subdivider shall pay to City an administration fee of One Half of One Percent (0.5%) of the estimated cost of the improvements secured but not less than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) nor more than Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00). 3) For other forms of security listed in Section 3 B, above, there will be no administrative fee E. Participatory Improvements, if any, are identified in Exhibit A. Security for Participatory Improvements shall remain in place until the Participatory Improvements are constructed and actual costs are known and paid by Subdivider, or until Subdivider pays to City the estimated cost of the Participatory Improvements, and shall guarantee the reimbursement by Subdivider of Subdivider's share of the cost of the Participatory Improvements. Payment security and warranty security shall not be required for Participatory Improvements. Upon written demand from City, Subdivider shall deposit cash with City in lieu of or in replacement of security guaranteeing Participatory Improvements. If Subdivider fails to deposit said cash within 30 days of the date of the written demand from City, City may present a written demand to Subdivider's Surety for payment of said cash and Subdivider's Surety shall pay to City the lesser of: 1) the amount demanded, or 2) the amount of the security. F. Security shall not expire, be reduced or become wholly or partially invalid for any reason, including non-payment of premiums, modifications of this Agreement and/or expiration of the time for performance stated in this Agreement, without express authorization from City unless the surety provides City with sixty (60) days written notice by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested. G. Security shall be released in the following manner: 1) Performance security shall be released upon the final completion and acceptance or approval, by the City Council of the Improvements subject to the provisions of paragraph B. 2) The City Engineer may authorize partial reduction of performance security as work progresses, upon application by Subdivider. However, no such reduction shall be for an amount less than Ten Percent (10%) of the total performance security provided for the faithful performance of the act or work. In no event shall security be reduced below that required to guarantee the completion of the act or work or obligation secured, plus Ten Percent (10%). The City Engineer shall not allow more than two partial reductions of security furnished for any improvement agreement. 3) Participatory Improvement security shall be released upon payment by Subdivider of Subdivider's share of the cost or estimated cost of the Participatory Improvements. 4) If City receives no notice of recorded claims of lien, labor and materials security shall be released in full 90 days after final acceptance and/or approval by the City Council, of the Improvements. If City receives notice of any recorded lien, the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act shall apply. 5) Warranty security not utilized during the warranty period shall be released one year after final acceptance or approval by the City Council of all Parcel Improvements. However, if at the end of the one-year warranty period, there are one or more outstanding requests by City for 08.3 performance of work or provision of materials under the terms of the warranty, warranty T:\Development Semces Dmsion\Development Pmjeds\Agreements\SIA\SIM in PrognmWC Penney PM 34855\OFFSITE_SIAAM 3 of 7 security shall be retained until the outstanding requests are satisfied or until Subdivider has made other arrangements satisfactory to the City Engineer. 4. Permits Required. Prior to commencing any phase of work, Subdivider shall obtain all permits required for that phase of work and pay all required fees. Work performed under a permit or permits shall comply with all provisions of the required permits. 5. Off -site Improvements. When the construction of one or more of the Improvements requires or necessitates the acquisition of real property not owned by Subdivider or City, Subdivider shall use its best efforts purchase such real property at a reasonable price. In the event that Subdivider is unsuccessful, despite its best efforts, to acquire such real property at a reasonable price, Subdivider may request in writing that City attempt to acquire such real property. City may, but is not required to, agree to attempt to acquire such real property on behalf of Subdivider. If City so agrees, City and Subdivider shall enter a separate written agreement in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. Said separate agreement shall provide that Subdivider advance to City One Hundred Fifty Percent (150%) of the appraised fair market value of the real property. Any unexpended portion of said advance shall be refunded to Subdivider. Any additional funds required for acquisition of the real property shall be paid by Subdivider to City upon the conveyance of said real property to Subdivider. In no event shall the failure of Subdivider or City to acquire such real property excuse, waive, or otherwise terminate Subdivider's obligation to construct the applicable improvement pursuant to this Agreement or the Conditions of Approval. 6. Completion of Improvements. Subdivider shall begin construction of the Improvements within ninety (90) days and shall complete construction within twelve (12) months after the approval of this Agreement. Portions of the Improvements may be completed at a later date, as determined by the City Engineer or as set forth in Exhibit A. Failure by Subdivider to begin or complete construction of the Improvements within the specified time periods shall constitute cause for City, in its sole discretion and when it deems necessary, to declare Subdivider in default of this agreement, to revise improvement security requirements as necessary to ensure completion of the improvements, and/or to require modifications in the standards or sequencing of the Improvements in response to changes in standards or conditions affecting or affected by the Improvements. Said failure shall not otherwise affect the validity of this agreement or Subdivider's obligations hereunder. 7. Force Majeure. In the event that Subdivider is unable to perform within the time limits herein due to strikes, act of God, or other events beyond Subdivider's control, the time limits for obligations affected by such events will be extended by the period of such events. 8. Time Extension. Subdivider may make application in writing to the City Council for an extension of time for completion of the Improvements. The City Council, in its sole and absolute discretion, may approve or deny the request or conditionally approve the extension with additions or revisions to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. As a condition of the time extension, Subdivider shall furnish securities, similar in form and substance to those required in SECTION 3 hereinabove, to cover the period of extension. The value of the securities shall be sufficient to ensure the performance of and payment for Improvements that remain incomplete at the time of the extension, and to provide warranty security on completed Improvements. 9. Survey Monuments. Before final approval of street improvements, Subdivider shall place survey monuments in accordance with the provisions of Sections 66495, et sec. of the Subdivision Map Act and of the La Quinta Municipal Code. Subdivider shall provide the City Engineer written proof that the monuments have been set, evidence of payment and receipt thereof by the engineer or surveyor setting the monuments, and intersection monument tie -outs for monuments set in public streets. 10. Final Acceptance of Improvements. At the completion of construction and prior to acceptance of the Improvements by City, Subdivider shall submit a request for final approval by City. The request shall be accompanied by any required certifications from Subdivider's engineers or surveyors, approval letters from other agencies having jurisdiction over and approval authority for improvements required by this Agreement or the Conditions of Approval, and any required construction quality documentation not previously submitted. 089 TADevelopment Sernces D,Nelm0evelopment Pro eds\Agreements\S1XSIAs in Progress'JC Penney PM M855NOFFSITE_SIA dw 4 of 7 Upon receipt of said request, the City Engineer or a duly -authorized representative will review the required documentation and will inspect the Improvements. If the Improvements are determined to be in accordance with applicable City standards and specifications, and as provided herein, obligations required by the Conditions of Approval and this Agreement have been satisfied, and Subdivider has provided revised plans as required in Paragraph 11, hereinafter, the City Engineer shall recommend acceptance of the Improvements by the City Council. 11. Revisions to Plans. When the Improvements have been inspected and approved by the City Engineer, Subdivider shall make any necessary revisions to the original plans held by City so the plans depict the actual Improvements constructed. When necessary revisions have been made, each separate sheet of the plans shall be clearly marked with the words "As -Built," "As -Constructed," or "Record Drawing," the marking shall be stamped by an engineer or surveyor, as appropriate for the improvements thereon, who is licensed to practice in California, and the plans shall be resubmitted to the City Engineer. 12. Improvement Warranty. Subdivider hereby guarantees the Improvements to City for a period of one (1) year, beginning on the date of final acceptance of the Improvements by the City Council, against any defective work or labor done, or defective materials furnished, and shall repair or replace such defective work or materials. 13. Release of Security. City shall retain and release securities in accordance with the provisions of Section 3 of this agreement. Prior to the release of payment security, the City Engineer may require Subdivider to provide a title report or other evidence sufficient to show claims of lien, if any, that may affect the amount of payment security released. 14. City Ri-ght to Cure. If Subdivider fails to perform any obligation hereunder and such obligation has not been performed within sixty (60) days after written notice of default from City, then City may perform the obligation, and Subdivider shall pay the entire cost of such performance by City including costs of suit and reasonable attorneys fees incurred by City in enforcing such obligation. In cases of emergency or compelling public interest, as determined by the City Engineer, the requirement for written notice of default and/or the passage of sixty (60) days shall be deemed waived and all other provisions of this Article shall remain in effect. 15. Indemnification. Subdivider hereby binds itself, its officers, employees, agents, representatives, executors, administrators, guarantors, heirs, and assigns, and agrees to indemnify, defend and hold City and its officers, employees, agents, representatives, and assigns harmless from and against any losses, claims, demands, actions, or causes of action of any nature whatsoever, arising out of or in any way connected with Subdivider's performance herein under, including costs of suit and reasonable attorneys' fees. 16. No Modification of Conditions. This Agreement shall in no respect act to modify or amend any provision of the Conditions of Approval. In the event that any requirement or condition of this Agreement is inconsistent with or fails to include one or more provisions of the Conditions of Approval, which document(s) is (are) incorporated herein by reference, the provisions in the Conditions of Approval shall remain in effect and shall control. 17. Severability. In the event that any provision or provisions of this Agreement are held unenforceable, all provisions not so held shall remain in full force and effect. 18. General Provisions. A. All notices pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be personally delivered or sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to the parties at their respective addresses indicated hereon. Notices personally delivered shall be effective upon delivery. Notices mailed as provided herein and sent postage prepaid shall be effective upon the date of delivery or refusal indicated on the return receipt. Either party may change its address for notices hereunder by notice to the other given in the manner provided in this subparagraph. B. The terms, conditions, covenants, and agreements set forth herein shall apply to and bind the heirs, executors, administrators, assigns, and successors of the parties hereto. T.\Development Semces EymsionTevelopment PmjeMt AgreemenWSIA\SIAs in PmgressuC Penney PM 36855\OFFSITE_SIAAM 5 of T C. Neither party to this Agreement relies upon any warranty or representation not contained in this Agreement. D. This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted with respect to the laws of the State of California. E. In the event of any dispute between the parties with respect to this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to prompt payment of its reasonable attorneys' fees from the non -prevailing party. F. Any failure or delay by either party in asserting any of its rights and remedies as to any default shall not operate as a waiver of any default or of any such rights or remedies provided for hereunder. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first written above. CITY: City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 760/777-7075 Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Date ATTEST: City Clerk Developers Address Stamko Development Co. 2205 N. Poinsettia Ave. Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 Title: Date Title: Reviewed and Approved: City Engineer Approved as to Form: City Attorney Date 09l 7 \Development Semn Diwsion\Development Pralec MAgreements SIA\SIAs in PmgressVC Penney PM 34855\OFFSfTE_SIA JM 6 of 7 Exhibit A OFF -SITE SECURITY — PARCEL MAP NO. 34855 Improvements designated as "Participatory" have been or will be constructed by others. Security for Participatory Improvements shall remain in place indefinitely until called upon or released by City. Monumentation security shall guarantee performance of or payment for the work and shall be utilized or released as specified in Chapter 4, Article 9 of the Subdivision Map Act. As elements of the work are completed, Subdivider may request a maximum of two partial releases of performance security. Partial releases shall be for not less than ten percent (10%) of the total performance security for the Parcel and shall not reduce total performance security below the amount necessary to complete the Improvements plus ten percent (10%) of the original amount. Partial releases of performance security will be evaluated and may be granted, in whole or in part, by the City Engineer. Requests for partial releases, setting forth in detail the amount of work completed and the value thereof, shall be made in writing to the City Engineer. Labor & materials security shall remain in place until 90 days after all required Parcel improvements are complete and accepted by the City Council. Improvement Description Performance Labor & Materials Street Improvements $ 241,158 $ 241,158 6' Meandering Sidewalk $ 17,284 $ 17,284 Median Landscaping $ 24,500 $ 24,500 Parkway Landscaping $ 43,750 $ 43,750 Totals $ 326,691 $ 326,691 Standard 10% Contingency $ 32,669 $ 32,669 Total Construction Cost $ 359,360 $ 359,360 Professional Fees & Plans, Design 10% $ 35,936 $ 35,936 Professional Fees, Const 10% $ 35,936 $ 35,936 Bond Amount 431,233 431,233 032 T 0evelopment Semces DiNsionZevelopment Projeds\Agreements\SIAVSIAsm Progr WC Penney PM 34855\OFFSITE_SIAAx 7old CITY OF LA QUINTA SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT PARCEL MAP NO. 34855 ON -SITE IMPROVEMENTS THIS SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT (the "Agreement') is made and entered into this day of . 20 by and between STAMKO DEVELOPMENT .CO. LP a LIMITED PARTNERSHIP hereinafter referred to as "Subdivider," and the City of La Quinta, a municipal corporation of the State of California, hereinafter referred to as "City." RECITALS: A. Subdivider has prepared and filed a final map or Parcel map (the "Map") of a unit of land in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, which unit of land is known as Parcel No. 34855 (the 'Parcel') pursuant to the provisions of Section 66410, et sec. of the California Government Code (the "Subdivision Map Act'). B. Prior to approval of the Map, Subdivider is required to install or agree to install certain public and private improvements (the "Improvements"). C. The Improvements have not been installed and accepted at this time. D. It is therefore necessary that Subdivider and City enter into an agreement for the installation of the Improvements as provided in Section 66462 of the Subdivision Map Act. NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows: 1. Improvement Plans. Prior to submittal of the Map for approval by the City Council, Subdivider shall furnish original improvement plans meeting the requirements of the City Engineer. 2. Improvements. Subdivider shall construct the public and private street, drainage, utility, landscaping, and other improvements required to be constructed or agreed to be constructed under this Agreement as listed in Exhibit "A", and shall bear the full cost thereof. The methods, standards, specifications, sequence, and scheduling of construction shall be as approved by the City Engineer. 3. Improvement Security. A. One class of security to be provided by Subdivider, hereinafter referred to as "performance security," shall assure the faithful performance of this Agreement including construction of the Improvements, payment of Subdivider's fair share of Improvements which have been or will be constructed by others ('Participatory Improvements"), and payment of plan check and permit fees. A second class of security to be provided by Subdivider, hereinafter referred to as "payment security," shall assure the payment of the cost of labor, equipment and materials supplied to construct the Improvements. A third class of security to be provided by Subdivider, hereinafter referred to as "warranty security," shall serve as a guarantee and warranty of the Improvements for a period of one year following the completion and acceptance of the Improvements. Subdivider shall furnish performance and payment security prior to and as a condition of City Council approval of the Map. Subdivider shall provide warranty security after Improvements are complete and accepted by the City Council and prior to or concurrently with the final release of performance security. Warranty security shall not be required for Monumentation or Participatory Improvements. However, the City may utilize Monumentation Security for performance of or payment for the work in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act. As part of the obligation secured by each of the performance security, payment security and warranty security, and in addition to the face amount of each such security, each such security shall include and assure the payment of costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by City in successfully enforcing the obligations thereby secured. 093 T Development Services D,msion0evelopment Projec4 Agreementi;ZWSIAs in ProgressUC Penney PM 34855WNSITE_SIA.doc 1 of B. Improvement security shall conform to Section 66499 of the California Government Code and one or more of the following: 1) A cash deposit with City or a responsible escrow agent or trust company, at City's option 2) Surety bonds, of the form specified in subsection 66499.2 of the California Government Code, issued by a surety or sureties listed in the U.S. Department of Treasury Circular 570 (latest version). 3) Certificates of deposit, in City's name, from one or more financial institutions subject to regulation by the state or federal government and having a financial quality rating of "A" or better and a commitment reliability rating of "R-2" or better on the Investment Data Exchange (of the Los Angeles County Treasurer's office). 4) Irrevocable letters of credit, issued by one or more financial institutions meeting the requirements of Paragraph (3), pledging that the funds necessary to carry out the completion of the Improvements are on deposit, guaranteed for payment, and constitute a trust fund which is not subject to levy or attachment by any creditor of the depositor until released by City. Letters of credit shall guarantee that all or any portion of the funds available pursuant to the letters of credit will be paid upon the written demand of City and that such written demand need not present documentation of any type as a condition of payment, including proof of loss. The duration of any such letter of credit shall be for a period of not less than one year from the execution of the agreement with which it is provided and shall state, on its face, that the letter of credit will be automatically renewed until such time that City authorizes its expiration or until sixty (60) days after City receives notice from the financial institution of intent to allow expiration of the letter of credit. 5) A lien upon the subdivided property, if City finds that it would not be in the public interest to require the installation of the Improvements sooner than two (2) years after recordation of the final map or Parcel map for which the Improvements are required. The lien shall provide a collateral value of three (3) times the estimated cost of the Improvements and shall include the power of sale of the real property, all buildings and improvements thereon, or that may be erected upon or made thereto, together with all hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in any wise appertaining, and the reservations, remainders, rents, issues, and profits thereof. The collateral value of the property shall be established at Subdivider's expense through an appraisal approved by City. 6) An instrument of credit from an agency of the state, federal or local government, when any agency of the state, federal, or local government provides at least Twenty Percent (20%) of the financing for the Improvements. 7) When Subdivider is a non-profit organization, security may be negotiable bonds, of the kind approved for securing deposits of public moneys with City or in favor of City, as specified in Section 16430 of the California Government Code, deposited, at City's option, with City or a responsible escrow agent or trust company. C. All securities shall be furnished in accordance with the provisions of Exhibit A. The amount of the performance security shall equal One Hundred Percent (100%) of the estimated cost of constructing the Improvements, including payment of plan check and permit fees, as estimated by the City Engineer or a duly authorized representative of the City Engineer. The amount of Payment security shall equal the amount of the amount of performance security, except as otherwise set forth in Exhibit A, and shall be furnished as a separate security. Warranty security shall equal Ten Percent (10%) of the amount of performance security except as otherwise set forth in Exhibit A. D. At the time of submittal of security, Subdivider shall pay to City administrative fees applicable to the form of security provided. Administrative fees shall apply to the subdivision (final map, Parcel map or waiver of Parcel map) rather than to individual security instruments. The fees shall be paid separately for each different form and/or source (surety or financial institution) of security O 9 initially submitted and for substitution of securities but shall not be required for submittal of T \Development Semoes Dmsion\Development ProtectsWgreemeni \SIA\SIAS in PmgressVC Penney PM 8 55\ONSITE_SIA.doc 2 of 7 warranty security if the warranty security is of the same form and from the same source as the performance security it replaces. Administrative fees for security shall be as follows: 1) For certificates of deposit, bonds and letters of credit as described in Paragraphs 2), 3) and 4) of SECTION 3.6., which require the establishment of evidence of the reliability of the surety or financial institution, the administrative fee shall be One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150.00). 2) For liens on real property as described in Paragraph 5) of SECTION 3.13., for which City will prepare lien agreements and subordination agreements, administer valuation of the real property and administer the agreements over the life of the lien, all of which require legal assistance and financial advice, Subdivider shall pay to City an administration fee of One Half of One Percent (0.5%) of the estimated cost of the improvements secured but not less than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) nor more than Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00). 3) For other forms of security listed in Section 3 B, above, there will be no administrative fee. E. Participatory Improvements, if any, are identified in Exhibit A. Security for Participatory Improvements shall remain in place until the Participatory Improvements are constructed and actual costs are known and paid by Subdivider, or until Subdivider pays to City the estimated cost of the Participatory Improvements, and shall guarantee the reimbursement by Subdivider of Subdivider's share of the cost of the Participatory Improvements. Payment security and warranty security shall not be required for Participatory Improvements. Upon written demand from City, Subdivider shall deposit cash with City in lieu of or in replacement of security guaranteeing Participatory Improvements. If Subdivider fails to deposit said cash within 30 days of the date of the written demand from City, City may present a written demand to Subdivider's Surety for payment of said cash and Subdivider's Surety shall pay to City the lesser of: 1) the amount demanded, or 2) the amount of the security. F. Security shall not expire, be reduced or become wholly or partially invalid for any reason, including non-payment of premiums, modifications of this Agreement and/or expiration of the time for performance stated in this Agreement, without express authorization from City unless the surety provides City with sixty (60) days written notice by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested. G. Security shall be released in the following manner: 1) Performance security shall be released upon the final completion and acceptance or approval, by the City Council of the Improvements subject to the provisions of paragraph B. 2) The City Engineer may authorize partial reduction of performance security as work progresses, upon application by Subdivider. However, no such reduction shall be for an amount less than Ten Percent (10%) of the total performance security provided for the faithful performance of the act or work. In no event shall security be reduced below that required to guarantee the completion of the act or work or obligation secured, plus Ten Percent (10%). The City Engineer shall not allow more than two partial reductions of security furnished for any improvement agreement. 3) Participatory Improvement security shall be released upon payment by Subdivider of Subdivider's share of the cost or estimated cost of the Participatory Improvements. 4) If City receives no notice of recorded claims of lien, labor and materials security shall be released in full 90 days after final acceptance and/or approval by the City Council, of the Improvements. If City receives notice of any recorded lien, the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act shall apply. 5) Warranty security not utilized during the warranty period shall be released one year after final acceptance or approval by the City Council of all Parcel Improvements. However, if at the O 9,, end of the one-year warranty period, there are one or more outstanding requests by City for performance of work or provision of materials under the terms of the warranty, warranty T Mevelopment Semces Drnemn\Development Prolects\Agreements\SIA\SIAs in PrcgressUC Penney PM 348WONSITE_$[A Aoc 3 of 7 security shall be retained until the outstanding requests are satisfied or until Subdivider has made other arrangements satisfactory to the City Engineer. 4. Permits Required. Prior to commencing any phase of work, Subdivider shall obtain all permits required for that phase of work and pay all required fees. Work performed under a permit or permits shall comply with all provisions of the required permits. 5. Off -site Improvements. When the construction of one or more of the Improvements requires or necessitates the acquisition of real property not owned by Subdivider or City, Subdivider shall use its best efforts purchase such real property at a reasonable price. In the event that Subdivider is unsuccessful, despite its best efforts, to acquire such real property at a reasonable price, Subdivider may request in writing that City attempt to acquire such real property. City may, but is not required to, agree to attempt to acquire such real property on behalf of Subdivider. If City so agrees, City and Subdivider shall enter a separate written agreement in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. Said separate agreement shall provide that Subdivider advance to City One Hundred Fifty Percent (150%) of the appraised fair market value of the real property. Any unexpended portion of said advance shall be refunded to Subdivider. Any additional funds required for acquisition of the real property shall be paid by Subdivider to City upon the conveyance of said real property to Subdivider. In no event shall the failure of Subdivider or City to acquire such real property excuse, waive, or otherwise terminate Subdivider's obligation to construct the applicable improvement pursuant to this Agreement or the Conditions of Approval. 6. Completion of Improvements. Subdivider shall begin construction of the Improvements within ninety (90) days and shall complete construction within twelve (12) months after the approval of this Agreement. Portions of the Improvements may be completed at a later date, as determined by the City Engineer or as set forth in Exhibit A. Failure by Subdivider to begin or complete construction of the Improvements within the specified time periods shall constitute cause for City, in its sole discretion and when it deems necessary, to declare Subdivider in default of this agreement, to revise improvement security requirements as necessary to ensure completion of the improvements, and/or to require modifications in the standards or sequencing of the Improvements in response to changes in standards or conditions affecting or affected by the Improvements. Said failure shall not otherwise affect the validity of this agreement or Subdivider's obligations hereunder. 7. Force Maieure. In the event that Subdivider is unable to perform within the time limits herein due to strikes, act of God, or other events beyond Subdivider's control, the time limits for obligations affected by such events will be extended by the period of such events. 8. Time Extension. Subdivider may make application in writing to the City Council for an extension of time for completion of the Improvements. The City Council, in its sole and absolute discretion, may approve or deny the request or conditionally approve the extension with additions or revisions to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. As a condition of the time extension, Subdivider shall furnish securities, similar in form and substance to those required in SECTION 3 hereinabove, to cover the period of extension. The value of the securities shall be sufficient to ensure the performance of and payment for Improvements that remain incomplete at the time of the extension, and to provide warranty security on completed Improvements. 9. Survey Monuments. Before final approval of street improvements, Subdivider shall place survey monuments in accordance with the provisions of Sections 66495, et sec. of the Subdivision Map Act and of the La Quinta Municipal Code. Subdivider shall provide the City Engineer written proof that the monuments have been set, evidence of payment and receipt thereof by the engineer or surveyor setting the monuments, and intersection monument tie -outs for monuments set in public streets. 10. Final Acceptance of Improvements. At the completion of construction and prior to acceptance of the Improvements by City, Subdivider shall submit a request for final approval by City. The request shall be accompanied by any required certifications from Subdivider's engineers or surveyors, approval letters from other agencies having jurisdiction over and approval authority for improvements required by this Agreement or the Conditions of Approval, and any required construction quality documentation 0 9 So not previously submitted. T \Development Semmes Dimsim0evelopmenl Proje=t Agreements\SIA\SIAs in ProgresWC Penney PM 34855\ONSITE_SIAAao 4 of 7 Upon receipt of said request, the City Engineer or a duly -authorized representative will review the required documentation and will inspect the Improvements. If the Improvements are determined to be in accordance with applicable City standards and specifications, and as provided herein, obligations required by the Conditions of Approval and this Agreement have been satisfied, and Subdivider has provided revised plans as required in Paragraph 11, hereinafter, the City Engineer shall recommend acceptance of the Improvements by the City Council. 11. Revisions to Plans. When the Improvements have been inspected and approved by the City Engineer, Subdivider shall make any necessary revisions to the original plans held by City so the plans depict the actual Improvements constructed. When necessary revisions have been made, each separate sheet of the plans shall be clearly marked with the words "As -Built," "As -Constructed," or "Record Drawing," the marking shall be stamped by an engineer or surveyor, as appropriate for the improvements thereon, who is licensed to practice in California, and the plans shall be resubmitted to the City Engineer. 12. Improvement Warranty. Subdivider hereby guarantees the Improvements to City for a period of one (1) year, beginning on the date of final acceptance of the Improvements by the City Council, against any defective work or labor done, or defective materials furnished, and shall repair or replace such defective work or materials. 13. Release of Security. City shall retain and release securities in accordance with the provisions of Section 3 of this agreement. Prior to the release of payment security, the City Engineer may require Subdivider to provide a title report or other evidence sufficient to show claims of lien, if any, that may affect the amount of payment security released. 14. City Right to Cure. If Subdivider fails to perform any obligation hereunder and such obligation has not been performed within sixty (60) days after written notice of default from City, then City may perform the obligation, and Subdivider shall pay the entire cost of such performance by City including costs of suit and reasonable attorney's fees incurred by City in enforcing such obligation. In cases of emergency or compelling public interest, as determined by the City Engineer, the requirement for written notice of default and/or the passage of sixty (60) days shall be deemed waived and all other provisions of this Article shall remain in effect. 15. Indemnification. Subdivider hereby binds itself, its officers, employees, agents, representatives, executors, administrators, guarantors, heirs, and assigns, and agrees to indemnify, defend and hold City and its officers, employees, agents, representatives, and assigns harmless from and against any losses, claims, demands, actions, or causes of action of any nature whatsoever, arising out of or in any way connected with Subdivider's performance herein under, including costs of suit and reasonable attorneys'fees. 16. No Modification of Conditions. This Agreement shall in no respect act to modify or amend any provision of the Conditions of Approval. In the event that any requirement or condition of this Agreement is inconsistent with or fails to include one or more provisions of the Conditions of Approval, which document(s) is (are) incorporated herein by reference, the provisions in the Conditions of Approval shall remain in effect and shall control. 17. Severability. In the event that any provision or provisions of this Agreement are held unenforceable, all provisions not so held shall remain in full force and effect. 18. General Provisions. A. All notices pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be personally delivered or sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to the parties at their respective addresses indicated hereon. Notices personally delivered shall be effective upon delivery. Notices mailed as provided herein and sent postage prepaid shall be effective upon the date of delivery or refusal indicated on the return receipt. Either party may change its address for notices hereunder by notice to the other given in the manner provided in this subparagraph. B. The terms, conditions, covenants, and agreements set forth herein shall apply to and bind i he 097 7 heirs, executors, administrators, assigns, and successors of the parties hereto. 3 T Development Semm Drvision0evelopment ProlectsWgreements\SIAISIM in Progre55Ur. Penney PM 34855\ONSITE_SlA doc 5 of 7 C. Neither party to this Agreement relies upon any warranty or representation not contained in this Agreement. D. This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted with respect to the laws of the State of California. E. In the event of any dispute between the parties with respect to this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to prompt payment of its reasonable attorneys' fees from the non -prevailing party. F. Any failure or delay by either party in asserting any of its rights and remedies as to any default shall not operate as a waiver of any default or of any such rights or remedies provided for hereunder. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first written above. City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 760/777-7075 Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Date ATTEST: City Clerk Developer Address Stamko Development Co. 2205 N. Poinsettia Ave. Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 Title: By: Title: Reviewed and Approved: City Engineer Approved as to Form: City Attorney Date Date Date 091 T \Development Seances Dimsion\Development Proletls Agreements\SIA\SIAs m Progrews JC Penney PM 348WONSITE_SIA doc 6 of 7 Exhibit A ON -SITE SECURITY — PARCEL MAP NO. 34855 Improvements designated as "Participatory" have been or will be constructed by others. Security for Participatory Improvements shall remain in place indefinitely until called upon or released by City. Monumentation security shall guarantee performance of or payment for the work and shall be utilized or released as specified in Chapter 4, Article 9 of the Subdivision Map Act. As elements of the work are completed, Subdivider may request a maximum of two partial releases of performance security. Partial releases shall be for not less than ten percent (10%) of the total performance security for the Parcel and shall not reduce total performance security below the amount necessary to complete the Improvements plus ten percent (10%) of the original amount. Partial releases of performance security will be evaluated and may be granted, in whole or in part, by the City Engineer. Requests for partial releases, setting forth in detail the amount of work completed and the value thereof, shall be made in writing to the City Engineer. Labor & materials security shall remain in place until 90 days after all required Parcel improvements are complete and accepted by the City Council. Improvement Description Rough Grad ing/PM10/SWPPP Street Improvement Storm Drain Domestic Water Sewer Dry Utilities Parking and Onsite Landscaping Monumentation Totals Standard 10% Contingency Total Construction Cost Professional Fees, Design 10% Professional Fees, Const 10% Bond Amount Performance Labor & Materials $ 515,733 $ 515,733 $ 1,728,935 $ 1,728,935 $ 1,870,095 $ 1,870,095 $ 615,028 $ 615,028 $ 268,780 $ 268,780 $ 98,800 $ 98,800 $ 45,000 $ 45,000 $ 7,500 $ - $ 5,149,870 $ 5,142,370 $ 514,987 $ 514,237 $ 5,664,857 $ 5,656,607 $ 566,486 $ 565,661 $ 566,486 $ 565,661 $ 6,797,829 $ 6,787,929 RX T\Development Sernces Dihsmn\Development Prgegs\Agreements\SIA\SIAs in ProgressVC Penney PM 348WONSITESIA doc 7 of 7 ce,ihr 4 tPQu&rw COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: November 20, 2007 ITEM TITLE: Authorization for Overnight Travel for the Community Services Director, Recreation Supervisor, and One Community Services Commissioner to Attend the California Parks and Recreation Society Conference in Long Beach, California, February 26-29, 2008 RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: _` CONSENT CALENDAR: -I- STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Approve overnight travel for the Community Services Director, Recreation Supervisor, and one Community Services Commissioner to attend the California Parks and Recreation Society Conference in Long Beach, California, February 26- 29, 2008, FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The costs associated with this conference will be funded through the Community Services Administration Travel, Training and Meetings Account No. 101-3001- 451.51-01. This budget item contains a line item for one Commissioner and two staff members to attend the California Parks and Recreation Society annual conference. The estimated expenditures are as follows: Registration = $ 339 Meals ($75/day x 3 days) _ $ 225 Lodging ($185/day x 3 days) = $ 555 Sub Total = $1,119/person x 3 = $3,357 Travel (140 miles x $0.485) = $ 68 TOTAL = $3,425 CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. 1 109 BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The annual conference of the California Parks and Recreation Society (CPRS) gathers parks and recreation professionals and commissioners from all areas of the State of California to network and share information on issues of common interest. Staff receives information on current federal, state and county policies, marketing strategies and programming trends. Information regarding the conference is provided as Attachment 1. The request for overnight travel is being considered in advance to enable staff to make reservation. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: Approve authorization for overnight travel for the Community Services Director, Recreation Supervisor and one Community Services Commissioner to attend the California Parks and Recreation Society Conference in Long Beach, California, February 26-29, 2008; or 2. Do not approve the authorization for overnight travel for the Community Services Director, Recreation Supervisor and one Community Services Commissioner to attend the California Parks and Recreation Society Conference in Long Beach, California, February 26-29, 2008; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, Edie Hylton, Com unity Services Director Approved for submission by: homas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachment: 1. 2008 CPRS Conference Registration Form 101 Conference Education ATTACHMENT 1 California & Pacific Southwest Recreation & Park Training Cbriference February 26-29, 2008 ,�. .. �i V & Education Special Expo Future General Job Sponsors Volunteers Sessions Events Show Conferences Information Mart The City of Long Beach will welcome you to the 60th Annual California & Pacific Southwest Recreation & Park Training Conference, February 26-29, 2008. The annual conference is the place to go for top notch educational sessions, networking opportunities and the nation's second largest park and recreation Expo. You will find everything you need to get your heart racing, your mind and soul re -energized to go back to your agency and start implementing all the new ideas you learn. The people you will meet will become invaluable resources for the challenges you face in your daily work. Park and recreation professionals around the nation attend this educational experience to learn how local municipal agencies generate ideas for new services, receive solutions for issues relating to existing services and how opportunities are developed to expand resources through collaboration Conference delegates attend learning sessions that: . provide practical and specific guidance . provide opinions and work habits from speakers outside the leisure service profession . address a variety of perspectives Educational sessions will provide important information on the latest trends and best practices. We have nine training track areas established so you can focus your training efforts over our four day experience. (click here) 2008 Speaker highlights include (click here) 102 http://www.eprs.org/conference-general.htm 10/1/2007 Conference Education Page 1 of 1 8 M R O @ s . Y a A M ! # f* O Education Special Expo Future General Job Sessions Events Show Conferences Information Mart Sponsors Volunteers Educational Tracks Leadership Development & Team Building: leadership development is a planned effort that enhances the capacity to lead people; setting direction and guiding others to follow that direction; ability to manage own learning; successful professional development programs; tools and resources to reinforce your professional development programs required for ongoing success Emerging Trends & the New Generation of Workers: understanding the changes in demographics, understanding the expectations of the next generation of workers, leading and motivating different generations of workers Best Practices in Recreation Programming/Park & Facility Design/Park Operations: innovative, dynamic, management tools available to practitioners to ensure parks, facility and outdoor recreation areas are managed efficiently and effectively; practical guidelines; current state of what is working well for an organization and worth sharing; professionals are challenged to improve upon best practices; document and share improvements with colleagues. Lifelong Learning/Developing the Learning Community/Core Competencies/ Teaching & Learning/Workplace Competencies: sessions seek to equip attendees with adequate skills to meet the ever changing work environment and allows learning to be accomplished through active learning, rather than passive viewing Our Role in Human & Youth Development: trends affecting service delivery, best practices, marketing; the Youth Development movement & philosophy, youth empowerment, resiliency, management practices, Search Institutes Asset Model, successful programming, youth leadership training Building Collaboratives, Alliances & Community Organizing to Cultivate Our Future: bringing together credible constituencies that have an interest in same issues, steps to creating an alliance & whey, alliances for policy change, Articulating the vision and value of parks and recreation to allied professionals, citizens, the media and policymakers to develop partners and allies, how to serve new constituents, trends, society/societal change Public, Open Space & Natural Resources: focus on natural resource related issues, conservancies, land trusts, role of non -profits, stewardship, facility development, grass roots efforts, community activism Practical Solutions/Operations: Problems & Opportunities: daily business of providing recreation & park services, skills development for staff, recreation programming & park maintenance innovations, strengthening family & community, personal enrichment Passion to Practice: Building Vision, Values, & Missions with Strategic Thinking: establishing & implementing strategic frameworks for significant success; basics of developing vision, values & mission; commitments that guide our decisions and our behaviors 103 http://www.cprs.org/conference-education-tracks.htm 10/1/2007 February 26-29, 2008 Education Special Expo Future Sessions Events Show Conferences Educational Speakers General Job Information Mart Sponsors Volunteers Guila Muir is one of the few trainers in the United States whose expertise reflects a quarter -century of passion for participatory adult education. Guila is principal of Guila Muir and Associates, a Seattle - based firm specializing in the development of instructors, presenters and facilitators. Since 1981, she has enhanced the communication and training skills of thousands of professionals. These include financial experts, judges, specialists in biotechnology, education, and health, as well as community activists and legislative leaders. Guila's research and experience in adult education in England , Thailand and Brazil built the foundation for her lively, practical training sessions. She has a Masters degree in Adult Education from Western Washington University. Guila remains a popular speaker across the country and in Canada . Along with her popular classes, she provides individual consultation in presentation skills and curriculum design. Sessions Persuasive Presentations: Key to Community Support Develop a Workshop that Impacts Performance! Gain Credibility in the Community: Thinking on Your Feet Ellen O'Sullivan, President, Leisure Lifestyle Consulting was incorporated in 1991. The firm specializes in providing support for companies and organizations in the service sector in reaching and retaining customers through leisure experiences and lifestyle connections. While O'Sullivan serves as the principal in the company, her contacts in a myriad of different professional organizations such as the National Recreation and Park Association, American Marketing Association, and the Futurists Society, enable her to contract with highly qualified professionals for specific functions within projects. Ellen is a consultant'in park and recreation marketing, trends and strategic planning, a former professor of leisure and wellness programs at the Southern Connecticut State University in New Haven CT and a former recreation director for the Town of Longmeadow, MA. She has been recognized by both the NRPA and the Academy of Park and Recreation Administration as Distinguished Professional of the Year in 1998 and 2000 respectively. Ellen is integrally involved with her strategic planning effort entitled VIA for "Vision Into Action." This is an intensive public participation process designed to elicit a public expression of needs and interests for services. She is recognized in the field for identifying and tracking societal trends and relating their 104 impact to the parks and recreation field. Ellen is the author of Marketing Experiences — Strategies for the New Millennium and Setting A Course for Change — the Benefits Movement in Parks and Recreation. In her long-standing relationship with NRPA, she pioneered the original benefits awareness manual for the profession and followed that with a second benefits publication that details strategies for incorporating important benefits and community issues into the ongoing function and focus of a department. Ellen's innovative side combined with her organized side to secure a central role for parks and recreation in the emerging health issues of the country. She both created the program, authored the community mobilization guide and serves as the lead trainer for the NRPA/NIH "Hearts and Parks" program, an outcomes -based initiative that empowers park and recreation departments to infuse heart healthy information and activities into existing programs and services. O'Sullivan is a recipient of the National Recreation and Park Association's Distinguished Professional Award, the Distinguished Alumna Award from SUNY at Corland , NY, and the Willard C. Sutherland Practitioner Award from the Academy of Park and Recreation Administration. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Connecticut and has served as member of the NRPA Board of Trustees, and a judge for the National Gold Medal Award program. Sessions • Seniors -If Not Now, When? • From Individual Indicators to Community Outcomes • Passion into Practice: Needed Infusion • Starting with a Clean Slate Ruby Newell-Legner, Certified Speaking Professional , a nationally recognized training expert in the Leisure and Hospitality Industry, Ruby is also a facilitator with a proven ability to create environments where groups can brainstorm effectively, share perspectives and come to consensus -while enjoying the process. Ruby's high -impact trainings are based on 25 years as a front-line service provider and manager in parks and recreation; she has been presenting training programs in that area for the last 13 years. With "in the trenches" practical know-how, Ruby has an uncommon level of experience that gives immediate credibility with conference attendees and allows her to offer suggestions and recommendations based on actual hands-on experience. Her clients range from NFL stadium management staff to leaders in municipal government to Jumeirah International, the Dubai , United Arab Emirates , based luxury hospitality group that has the only seven -star hotel in the world, the Burj Al Arab. Ruby has worked together to build workplace learning programs for some of the largest, most recognized organizations in the country. Her track record in satisfying clients is identified by the number of clients who have hired Ruby again and again to provide training for their group. With expertise in the areas of leadership, communication, management, internal and external customer service, Ruby provides new perspectives and fresh ideas that enhance ongoing initiatives within your organization to create both immediate and lasting results. She is a Certified Speaking Professional, a designation bestowed by the National Speakers Association to less than 400 speakers in the world. Sessions "• 10 5 Attracting & Selecting New Staff Leadership Strategies: What, You Need to Know to Survive Seven Star Customer Service Linda Henley -Smith, An author, educator, speaker and opera singer, Linda Henley -Smith provides an entertaining and educational outlook on working, living and surviving. She calls her company "For the Good Times," because she believes we all deserve to have good times in life. Her business card reads: "For a good time... call Linda". She figured it would bring in business. Linda holds a B.A. and M.A. in education. She provides training to audiences by implementing innovative activities and projects tailored to each group's needs. She has taught thousands how to enjoy a higher level of personal and professional success, by tapping into their inner resources. Linda's memberships include National Speakers Association, National Marketing Association, National Education Association and American. Society on Aging. She is former editor of Agewave's Senior Magazine and authors state history newspapers, used in classrooms across the country. Sessions • Laughter: The Ultimate Team Sport! • But -Kicking Attitude Adjustment Martha N. Bryan is a leading authority on the development of human potential and personal excellence. With an education background in teaching, she has taught at both high school and college levels and has held positions in both government and private industry. Her work career expands from farm laborer and cafeteria helper to positions in staff support, sales, training and personnel administration. She has served in leadership positions for a number of organizations - chairman of college advisory boards, president of women's organizations, president of personnel administration organizations and president of a financial institution. After 20 years in public sector administration, Martha resigned to start her own consulting firm. She has a wide range of consulting experiences -- working with CEOs, Presidents, Elected Officials, Directors, Managers, Administrators, Supervisors, Auditors, Engineers, Attorneys, Teachers as well as Line Staff. She has become a sought after speaker throughout the United States and Canada in the areas of Customer Excellence, Leadership, Communication, and Organization and Personal Excellence. Sessions: • Creative Thinking & Problem Solving • Incredibly Effective Communicating • Managing the New Workforce • The Manager as Leader 1Qq c&ty/ 4 4 Qu&rry COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: November 20, 2007 ITEM TITLE: Adoption of a Resolution to Extend the Time for Completion of the On -Site Improvements for Tract Map No. 30092, Piazza Serena, K. Hovnanian Forecast Homes, Inc. RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: _ CONSENT CALENDAR: ��r�t��•�y�xyc�� PUBLIC HEARING: Adopt a resolution to extend the time for completion of the on -site improvements as specified in the approved Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) to September 3, 2008 for Tract Map No. 30092, Piazza Serena, K. Hovnanian Forecast Homes, Inc. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Piazza Serena (Tract Map No. 30092) is located north of Avenue 58 and west of Monroe Street (Attachment 1). On February 3, 2005, the City Council approved the Subdivision Improvement Agreement for the On -site improvements (SIA) for Piazza Serena. Section 6 of the SIA requires: "that the subdivision improvements shall be completed within twelve months after the approval of the SIA. Failure by Subdivider to begin or complete construction of the Improvements within the specified time periods shall constitute cause for City, in its sole discretion and when it deems necessary, to declare Subdivider in default of this SIA, to revise improvement security requirements as necessary to ensure completion of the improvements, and/or to require modifications in the standards or sequencing of the Improvements in response to changes in standards or conditions affecting or affected by the Improvements." 107 In a letter dated September 24, 2007 (Attachment 2), the developer requests a time extension for completion of the remaining on -site improvements to September 3, 2008. All the on -site improvements have been completed with the exception of the final lift of paving. Staff has prepared the attached resolution which provides for approval of the time extension of the SIA. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: Adopt a Resolution of the City Council to extend the time for completion of the on -site improvements as specified in the approved Subdivision Improvement Agreement to September 3, 2008 for Tract Map No. 30092, Piazza Serena; or 2. Do not adopt a Resolution of the City Council to extend the time for completion of the on -site improvements time as specified in the approved Subdivision Improvement Agreement to September 3, 2008 for Tract Map No. 30092, Piazza Serena; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, 4ub othy R. nas o P.E. lic Works Dire or/City Engineer Approved for submission by: (�'A" /l Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Letter from K. Hovnanian Homes dated September 24, 2007 1013 RESOLUTION NO. 2007- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING AN EXTENSION OF TIME FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE ON -SITE IMPROVEMENTS AS SPECIFIED IN THE APPROVED SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT TO SEPTEMBER 3, 2008 FOR TRACT MAP NO. 30092, PIAZZA SERENA. WHEREAS, the City Council approved the Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) for Tract Map No. 30092, Piazza Serena, on February 3, 2005; and WHEREAS, Section 6. Completion of Improvements, of the approved SIA requires that the Subdivider begin construction of the improvements within ninety days and complete the construction within twelve months after the approval of the Agreement; and WHEREAS, failure by the Subdivider to complete construction of the improvements by February 3, 2006, shall constitute cause for the City, in its sole discretion and when it deems necessary, to declare the Subdivider in default of the approved agreement; and WHEREAS, Section 8. Time Extension, of the approved SIA allows for, at the City Council's sole and absolute discretion, an extension of time for completion of the improvements with additions or revisions to the terms and conditions of the Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: Section 1. The time for the completion of improvements as required by the approved SIA is extended to September 3, 2008. Section 2. The time extension for completing the improvements shall expire when City offices close for regular business on September 3, 2008. If the Subdivider has not completed the improvements, the City, in its sole discretion and when deems necessary, may declare the Subdivider in default of the Agreement. Section 3. The provided security amount as required in the approved SIA is satisfactory. No additional securities are required. Section 4. All other terms, responsibilities and conditions as listed in the approved SIA shall remain in full force and effect. 109 Resolution No. 2007- Tract Map No. 30092, Piazza Serena Adopted: November 20, 2007 Page 2 PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 201" day of November 2007, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: DON ADOLPH, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: VERONICA J. MONTECINO, CMC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California (City Seal) APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California ATTACHMENT 1 TM 30092 - PIAZZA SERENA COACT PROJECT SITE VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE CITY COUNCIL MEETING: November 20, 2007 ITEM TITLE: Adoption of a Resolution to Extend the Time for Completion of the On -site Improvements for Tract Map No. 30092, Piazza Serena APPLICANT: Mr. James Crandall, K. Hovnanian Communities ill M " ��.�X�rzzes,` VIA OVERNIGHT DELIVERY & FAX NO. (760) 777-7101 September 24, 2007 Timothy R. Jonasson, P.E. Public Works Director/City Engineer City of La Quinta, Public Works Department 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Re. Piazza Serena — Tract 30092 SIA Time Extension Dear Mr. Jonasson: ATTACHMENT 2 RECEIVEI) OCT 0 4 2007 development Services This letter is being written to request a time extension for the On -site Subdivision Improvement Agreement for Tract 30092. The Off site improvements consistent with the Off -site Subdivision. Improvement Agreement have been completed. Please let me know if there is anything else beyond this request letter to extend the On -site Agreement. Please contact me should you have any questions or need further clarification on this matter. Thank you Sincerely, James Crandall Land Planning Manager K. Hovnanian Communities Cc: Amy Yu, Assistant Engineer II Darren Bolton, VP Land Development Angela Wilson, VP Land Planning 1500 S. HAVEN AVE, SUITE 100, ONTARIO, CA 91761 TEL: (909) 937-3270 FAX: (909) 390-6686 KHOV.COM lit °ter 4 44�w AGENDA CATEGORY: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: November 20, 2007 BUSINESS SESSION: ITEM TITLE: Adoption of a Resolution to Extend the CONSENT CALENDAR: Time for Completion of the On -Site Improvements for Tract Map No. 33076-1, The Madison Club, East of STUDY SESSION: Madison, LLC PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution to extend the time for completion of the on -site improvements as specified in the approved Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) to September 9, 2008 for Tract Map No. 33076-1, The Madison Club, East of Madison, LLC. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The Madison Club (Tract Map No. 33076-1), is located south of Avenue 52, east of Madison Street, and west of Monroe Street (Attachment 1). On September 9, 2005, the City Council adopted a resolution granting conditional approval of the Final Map and SIA for The Madison Club. A resolution to extend the time for completion of the on -site improvements to September 9, 2007 was adopted by City Council on September 19, 2006. Section 6 of'the SIA requires: "that the subdivision improvements shall be completed within twelve months after the approval of the SIA. Failure by Subdivider to begin or complete construction of the Improvements within the specified time periods shah constitute cause for City, in its sole discretion and when it deems necessary, to declare Subdivider in default of this SIA, to revise improvement security requirements as necessary to ensure completion of the improvements, and/or to require modifications in the standards or sequencing of 113 the Improvements in response to changes in standards or conditions affecting or affected by the Improvements." In a letter dated September 26, 2007 (Attachment 2), the developer stated that all of the on -site improvements have been completed with the exception of portions of Shackleton Way and Meriwether Avenue. Revisions to the Final Map of the Madison Clubhouse affected the final design of Shackleton Way and Meriwether Avenue. The developer requests a time extension for the remainder of the on -site improvements to September 9, 2008. Staff has prepared the attached resolution which provides for approval of the time extension of the SIA. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: Adopt a Resolution of the City Council to extend the time for completion of the on -site improvements as specified in the approved Subdivision Improvement Agreement to September 9, 2008 for Tract Map No. 33076-1, The Madison Club, East of Madison, LLC; or 2. Do not adopt a Resolution of the City Council to extend the time for completion of the on -site improvements time as specified in the approved Subdivision Improvement Agreement to September 9, 2008 for Tract Map No. 33076-1, The Madison Club, East of Madison, LLC; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, mothy R J na #n, P.E. Public Work§ Director/City Engineer Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Letter from The Madison Club dated September 26, 2007 RESOLUTION NO. 2007- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING AN EXTENSION OF TIME FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE ON -SITE IMPROVEMENTS AS SPECIFIED IN THE APPROVED SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT TO SEPTEMBER 9, 2008 FOR TRACT MAP NO. 33076- 1, THE MADISON CLUB, EAST OF MADISON, LLC WHEREAS, the City Council approved the Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) for Tract Map No. 33076-1, The Madison Club, East of Madison, LLC on September 9, 2005; and WHEREAS, Section 6. Completion of Improvements, of the approved SIA requires that the Subdivider begin construction of the improvements within ninety days and complete the construction within twelve months after the approval of the Agreement; and WHEREAS, failure by the Subdivider to complete construction of the improvements by September 9, 2007, shall constitute cause for the City, in its sole discretion and when it deems necessary, to declare the Subdivider in default of the approved agreement; and WHEREAS, Section 8. Time Extension, of the approved SIA allows for, at the City Council's sole and absolute discretion, an extension of time for completion of the improvements with additions or revisions to the terms and conditions of the Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: Section 1. The time for the completion of on -site improvements as required by the approved SIA is extended to September 9, 2008. Section 2. The time extension for completing the on -site improvements shall expire when City offices close for regular business on September 9, 2008. If the Subdivider has not completed the improvements, the City, in its sole discretion and when deems necessary, may declare the Subdivider in default of the Agreement. Section 3. The provided security amount as required in the approved SIA is satisfactory. No additional securities are required. Section 4. All other terms, responsibilities and conditions as listed in the approved SIA shall remain in full force and effect. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 20" day of November 2007, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: DON ADOLPH, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: VERONICA J. MONTECINO, CMC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California (City Seal) APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California 117 ATTACHMENT 1 TM 33076-1 THE MADISON CLUB VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE CITY COUNCIL MEETING: November 20, 2007 ITEM TITLE: Adoption of a Resolution to Extend the Time for Completion of the On - Site Improvements for Tract Map No. 33076-1, The Madison Club APPLICANT: Mr. John Gamlin — East of Madison, LLC A.- 113 ATTACHMENT — THE — MADISON September 26, 2007 cr.vn /ay Y Fa x ry Fad „ A Mr. Tim Jonasson RECEMD Director, Public Work Department OCT I I Z007 City of La Quints P.O. Box 1504 VW,11Gpnjwt $Bryce La Quints, CA 92247 RE: Extension of Subdivision Improvement Agreement for East of Madison, LLC — Tract No. 33076-1 Dear Mr. Jonasson, I am writing to request an extension to the Subdivision Improvement Agreement for Tract 33076-1 at The Madison Club in La Quints, CA. We have completed all of the in -tract improvements per the SIA dated September 9, 2005, as extended September 9, 2006, with the exception of portions of Shackleton Way and Meriwether Ave (see attached site plan). Based on our revised development schedule, we expect to complete these improvements within the extension period concluding on September 9, 2008. We are requesting an extension to the SIA for the following reasons: 1. Shackleton and Meriwether are integral to the final design and approval of the Madison Clubhouse. As you know, both the alignment and elevation of these streets were revised with the Clubhouse Final Map, which was approved recently in July by the City Council. The subject street improvement plans are currently in review for approval by your department. 2. The Clubhouse Final Map will be submitted for 2°s Plan Check review on or about October 15, 2008. The final design associated with these streets is being completed in conjunction with the final map. 3. The EVA Road between Do Soto and Meriwether was revised to 24' in accordance with conditions imposed by the La Quints, Fire Department. This unanticipated modification required Final Map revisions to the Clubhouse site. Each of these issues played a role in delaying these improvements and have now been resolved after thorough design iterations with both City Staff and the La Quinta Fire Department. The Madison Club is committed to completing these improvements. We anticipate work will begin in early 2008, pending city approvals, thus fulfilling our in -tract obligations as defined by the SIA for Tract 33076-1. We appreciate both the Council, as well m Public Works, for considering our application for extension. If you have any questions regarding this extension, please feel free to contact me at (760) 391-5072. Sincerely, EAST of MADISON, LLLC SenogVil resident, Development 11KI4:1,01'11Y.NT 0FPICI: Mnluuu A ... c": PO Box 1482, LA Qu,.,A, CA 92247 Srnelr Auoxrss- 80-955 Aveu u, 62. LA Qaie rA, CA 92253 119 I CFiF. MADiSON CLUB // i.?LVELOPML;t17 SITE PL ATTACHMENT 2 In -tract In&as1roctum smMonroe Street pima I l.mduapc - IW31m9 l.andsrnpe • I IfImR Sir�t lmtam'<+tmmx- LI m'1 In4mcl Iol'mstructrne Avenue 53 5ttsmzWy Umy-fwsk. Access-1030l WIN -21i0A pfam 2 L.Leapn-212$m6 Stmtlmprovatmtz-2amS tlumlwaaoS l.andscalscrpmcd-1/29U Lmduupc-3AIM SIm WmAlm.d6er Isnd--MTmcd-22"S sm Madison Street Avenue 52 Laadaapc - 5 1,108 inland arrJ MuiG-l.'u frail-12125m] Stnetlmpttnvtsnrnis �'x„ i Avenue 54 RMultii�u'I'ail-ilrt+p$� r.. cat,lar.,n _ ,t I.msdsenpc-Er15f08 �� — Atari lmy,a *R Muni -Ow 1,80-111003 — Tcmpomry r fte • 10,15m7 C3 Construction Staging Valleycmvt day 14n T4ht 4 4 Q" CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: November 20, 2007 ITEM TITLE: Approval of an Art Purchase Agreement with Andre Blanche for Historical Mural at the La Quinta Museum RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: O STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Approve an Art Purchase Agreement (Attachment 1) with Andre Blanche for Historical Mural at the La Quinta Museum in the amount of $125,000 and authorize the City Manager to execute the Agreement subject to any minor changes approved by the City Manager and City Attorney. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: There is sufficient funding in the Art in Public Places (APP) Fund (Account No. 270- 0000-290.00-00) unallocated reserves. The cost of the Agreement is $125,000. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: On June 11, 2007, the Community Services Commission reviewed a request from the La Quinta Historical Society for a historical mural to be painted on the community room wall in the future museum. At that meeting, the La Quinta Historical Society Executive Vice President Bob Palmer indicated that the Society would like to contribute $2,500 towards the mural. The La Quinta Historical Society requested Andre Blanche, a local artist, to submit a rendering of the proposed art work. The mural illustrates the historical changes in La Quinta including the Cahuilla Indians, agriculture, SilverRock Resort Golf Course, the La Quinta Hotel, and the initiation of the City and Art in Public Places program. The mural will be in acrylic and oil paints with two coats of non - yellowing varnish to provide a protective coating. 121 On September 10, 2007, the Community Services Commission reviewed the plans for the mural which would be placed on the south wall facing the entrance. The south wall is 33 feet wide by 12 feet high and 396 square feet. The cost of the mural is $125,000. An upfront payment of $25,000 will be made to Mr. Blanche. He will receive progress payments based upon the percentage of completion. A final lump sum payment of $40,000 will be made upon the City's issuance of the Notice of Completion of the artwork. The reproduction rights relating to the Artwork will belong to the City. The City has other rights relating to the ownership of the artwork, which are spelled out in detail in the attached agreement (See, e.g., Section 6.4). This project will be coordinated with the artist to begin once construction is complete and the building is open to the public. The artist will coordinate work with the Museum Services Manager to establish appropriate times to work in the meeting room during operating hours. Hours worked per week will be approximately 25-35 hours weekly. This project should take approximately 5 months to complete. On October 2, 2007, the City Council approved the Historical Mural be painted on the south wall of the La Quinta Museum community room and $125,000 from the Art in Public Places Fund. TERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council are: 1. Approve an Art Purchase Agreement with Andre Blanche for Historical Mural at the La Quinta Museum in the amount of $125,000 and authorize the City Manager to execute the Agreement subject to any minor changes approved by the City Manager and City Attorney; or 2. Do not approve an Art Purchase Agreement with Andre Blanche for Historical Mural at the La Quinta Museum in the amount of $125,000 and do not authorize the City Manager to execute the Agreement subject to any minor changes approved by the City Manager and City Attorney; or 3. Provide staff with alternate direction. Respe fully submitted, Edie Hylton Community Services Director 122 Approved for submission by: t /! W�llye4�� Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachment: 1. Agreement 123 ART PURCHASE AGREEMENT THIS ART PURCHASE AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is entered into this, by and among THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, a California municipal corporation (the "City") and Andre Blanche (referred to as "Artist"). RECITALS A. The City Council is commissioning the creation and installation of certain ARTWORK (the "Artwork") to be installed by the artist at La Quinta Museum Community Room (the "Site Location"). NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto, for the consideration and under the conditions hereinafter set forth, hereby mutually agree as follows: ARTICLE I. SCOPE OF SERVICES 1.1 Scope of Design Services. Artist shall prepare or cause to be prepared, any required approvals for drawings, details, and shall do all other things necessary and incidental to the performance of the Artist's obligations pursuant to this Agreement. 1.2 Scope of Creation Services. Artist shall create the Artwork pursuant to and by the times set forth in the attached Scope of Services (Exhibit A) and the Schedule of Performance (Exhibit B), respectively, and incorporated herein by this reference. The City shall have the right to review the Artwork at times during the creation thereof. Artist shall submit to the City monthly progress narratives, including photographs, as required by the Schedule of Performance (Exhibit B). The narratives shall include the percentage of the Artwork completed to date, along with an estimated completion date. Artist shall furnish all tools, supplies, paint, equipment, apparatus, facilities, plant, labor, services, materials, and all utilities and transportation, including power, fuel, and water (collectively, "Equipment"), and to perform all work necessary to create and install in a good and workmanlike manner the scope of work set forth in the Scope of Services (Exhibit A), or reasonably inferable therein, together with the appurtenances thereto, at the Site Location. It is understood and agreed that all said Equipment shall be furnished and said work performed and completed by Artist as an independent contractor, subject to the inspection and approval of the City or its representatives. The Artist shall present to the City in writing for further review and approval any and all significant changes in the scope, design, color, size, material or texture, of the Artwork not permitted by or not in substantial conformity with the approved working drawings and the Scope of Services (Exhibit A). A significant change is any change in the scope, design, color, size, material, texture, or Site Location which affects installation, scheduling, site preparation, or maintenance for the Artwork or the schematic concept of the Artwork as represented in the schematic drawings, the approved working drawings, and the Scope of Services (Exhibit A). Artist shall at all times maintain proper facilities and provide safe access for inspection of the Artwork by the City, or its representatives, and to the sites wherein the Artwork is located prior to and during installation. The Artist shall promptly notify the Director of the Community Services Department when the artist's work is ready for inspection and the artist agrees, at 124 once, do all work required to comply with requests made by the Director of Community Services during such inspections, without additional charge to the City. The Artist shall perform all work necessary to obtain approvals from the Director of Community Services without additional cost to the City. 1.3 Change Orders. In addition to the change orders and extra work specified and provided for in the Scope of Services (Exhibit A), the City may at any time during the progress of the completion and installation of the Artwork and up to the date of the issuance of a Notice of Completion as hereinafter defined, when in the City's reasonable determination the public interest and necessity so require, request any alterations, deviations, additions to or omissions from the Artwork, this Agreement, Scope of Services (Exhibit A), or the work, labor and materials to be furnished there under, and the same shall in no way affect or make void this Agreement. Artist shall adhere strictly to the Scope of Services (Exhibit A), unless a change there from is authorized in a writing signed by the City Manager. In such case, the terms of said change shall be understood and agreed upon in writing by the City and Artist before commencement of said revised work. 1.4 Post -Creation Services. a. Upon completion and at all times during creation and installation of the Artwork, the Artist shall comply with all applicable statutes, ordinances and regulations of any governmental agency having jurisdiction over the Artist or the Artwork. 1.5 Post -Installation. a. The Artist shall be available at such reasonable time or times as may be agreed between the City and Artist to attend any and all inauguration, unveiling, or presentation ceremonies upon completion of the Artwork. b. The City shall have the right to arrange for publicity for the completed Artwork by local media and publications, and otherwise as may be determined by the City following installation. c. Upon installation of the Artwork, the Artist shall provide the City with written instructions for appropriate maintenance and preservation of the Artwork. 1.6 Final Acceptance. a. The Artist shall advise the City in writing that the Artwork will become the responsibility of the City on the effective date of completion of the project and the acceptance as complete by the City. Following receipt of such notice the City shall cause the installed Artwork to be inspected by the City Manager or his designee, and within five (5) days following completion of such inspection(s), the City shall either provide the Artist with reasonably specific written objections to the installed Artwork or notify the artist of its acceptance of the Artwork by a Notice of Completion in the form attached hereto as Exhibit D. Such Notice of Completion (Exhibit D) shall be evidence of the satisfactory completion and installation of the Artwork in conformity with this Agreement, subject to the indemnification, representations, and further performance obligations set forth in this Agreement. 9 125 b. Final Acceptance by the City of the Artwork will occur at the filing of the Notice of Completion. Given that the Artwork is being installed upon a wall of a building owned by the City, once the installation process begins, ownership of the Artwork and any completed or uncompleted portions thereof shall pass to the City even though the Notice of Completion has not yet been filed. 1.7 Risk of Loss. Upon receipt of the Notice of Completion, the risk of loss or damage to the Artwork shall be borne by the City. Prior to the Notice of Completion, the Artist shall bear the risk of loss or damage. The Artist shall take such measures as are necessary to protect the Artwork from loss or damage, through insurance or other adequate security, and to maintain the Artwork until the Notice of Completion is made by the City. 1.8 Title. Title to the Artwork and any drawings, plans, or other work product generated pursuant to this Agreement shall remain with the Artist during creation process. However, once the installation process begins, and title to all of these items shall pass and vest with the City. Title to these items shall also pass to and vest with the City upon Termination pursuant to Article IX hereof. 1.9 Payment: The Artist shall be paid the compensation set forth in Exhibit C for the completion of the Artwork in accordance with this Agreement. The total compensation to be paid to the Artist shall not exceed $125,000 (One Hundred Twenty -Five Thousand Dollars►. ARTICLE II. TIME OF PERFORMANCE 2.1 Time. The Artist agrees to punctually and diligently perform all obligations under this Agreement. It is further understood and agreed that should the Artist fail to furnish the labor, materials, equipment, and or services, to perform all work and labor as herein provided in the manner herein set forth in good and workmanlike manner, Artist shall, in addition to any other penalties provided in the Agreement, be liable to the City for all losses or damages that either may suffer on account thereof. Artist warrants that he alone is performing the services called for by this Agreement, and that he will not be utilizing the services of employees or agents to complete the work. If the Artist fails in any respect to properly and diligently prosecute the work covered by this Agreement, or otherwise fails to perform fully any and all of the Covenants and obligations herein contained; then the City may, at its option, (1) after giving twenty-four (24) hours written notice to Artist and City as applicable, provide any such labor and materials as may be necessary ; or (2) terminate the Artist's right to proceed with the work and, in the event, the City, at its option, shall have the right to take possession of all work product relating to the Artwork for the purpose of completing the work included under this Agreement, and to take possession of the Artwork or any portion thereof, and all materials, tools, sketches, and drawings, and may employ any other person or persons to finish the work and provide the materials therefore. In the event City provides labor and/or materials, as set forth in (1) above, or finishes the work, as set forth in (2) above, City may deduct the cost of such labor and materials and all costs incurred in finishing the work, if applicable, from any money then due or thereafter to become due to Artist under this Agreement until the work undertaken by the City is completely finished. At that time, if the unpaid balance of the amount to be paid to the Artist under this Agreement exceeds the expenses incurred by the City in providing labor and materials and/or in finishing Artist's work, such excess shall be paid by the City to Artist, but if such expense shall exceed such unpaid balance, then Artist shall promptly pay to City the k:k 126 amount by which such expense shall exceed such unpaid balance. The expense incurred by the City as herein provided, either for furnishing materials, or for finishing the work, and any damages incurred by the City by reason of Artist's default, shall be chargeable to, and paid by Artist, aforesaid, to secure the payment thereof. If the City elects not to terminate Artist's right to proceed, Artist agrees to reimburse the City for losses or damages resulting for the delay in speedy progress of work. If Artist should neglect to prosecute the work properly or fail to perform any provisions of this Agreement, the City, after ten (10) days written notice to Artist, may without prejudice to any other remedy it may have make good such deficiencies. In the event the City makes good such deficiencies, it may deduct the cost thereof from the payment then or thereafter -due Artist. In addition to specific provisions of Agreement, performance by either party hereunder shall not be deemed to be in default where delays or defaults are due to war, insurrection, strikes, lock -outs, riots, floods, earthquakes, fires, casualties, supernatural causes, acts of the public enemy, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, freight embargoes, lack of transportation, governmental restrictions or priority, litigation, unusually severe weather, inability to secure necessary labor, materials or tools, delays of any contractor, subcontractor or supplies, acts of the other party, acts or failure to act of any public or governmental agency or entity, including, without limitation, unreasonable delays in the processing and issuance of required permits for the installation of the Artwork by Artist (except that any act or failure to act of City shall not excuse performance by City) or any other causes beyond the reasonable control or without the fault of the party claiming an extension of time to perform. Notwithstanding the foregoing, market and economic conditions shall not entitle Artist to an extension of time to perform. An extension of time for any such cause shall be for the period of the enforced delay and shall commence to run from the time of the commencement of the cause, if notice by the party claiming such extension is sent to the other party within ten (10) days of knowledge of the commencement of the cause. In addition, times of performance under this Agreement may be extended by mutual written agreement by City and Artist. ARTICLE III. WARRANTIES 3.1 Title. The Artist represents and warrants that: (a) the Artwork is solely the result of the artistic effort of the Artist; (b) the Artwork is unique and original and does not infringe upon any copyright; (c) the Artwork, or a duplicate thereof, has not been accepted for sale elsewhere; and (d) the Artwork is free and clear of any and all encumbrances and/or monetary liens. 3.2 Quality and Condition. The Artist represents and warrants, except as otherwise disclosed to the City in writing, that: (a) the creation of the Artwork will be performed in a workmanlike manner; (b) the Artwork, as created and following installation, will be free of patent and latent defects in material and workmanship, including any defects or qualities which cause or accelerate deterioration of the Artwork; and (c) reasonable maintenance of the Artwork will not require procedures substantially in excess of those described in the maintenance recommendations to be submitted by the Artist to the City. The warranties described in this Section 3.2 shall survive for a period of one (1) year after the Acceptance of the Artwork, except the representation and warranty concerning latent defects shall survive for a period of three (3) years from after Acceptance of the Artwork. The City shall give notice to the Artist of any observed and claimed breach with reasonable promptness. The Artist shall, at the request of the City and at no cost to the City cure s ' 127 reasonably and promptly the breach of any such warranty which is curable by the Artist and which cure is consistent with professional conservation standards (including, for example, cure by means of repair or creation of the Artwork). ARTICLE IV. PERFORMANCE BONDS The Artist shall not be required by the City to post any performance bonds or similar undertakings. Nevertheless, Artist shall prevent any lien from attaching to the Artwork by any person claiming under Artist. ARTICLE V. REPRODUCTION RIGHTS 5.1 General. The City shall have all rights under the Copyright Act of 1976, 17 U.S.C. Sections 101 et seg., and all other rights in and to the Artwork, including ownership and possession. Artist shall retain no rights in the Artwork and shall have no rights under the Copyright Act of 1976, 17 U.S.C. Sections 101 at seq. In view of the intention that the Artwork shall be unique, the Artist shall not make any duplicates or reproductions of the final artwork, nor shall the Artist grant permission to others to do so. The parties recognize that the City alone may grant such approval. The City and its assigns may make reproductions of the Artwork for commercial purposes, including but not limited to reproductions used in posters, advertising, brochures, media publicity, and catalogues, provided that these rights are exercised in a tasteful and professional manner. All proceeds from such reproductions shall belong to the City. 5.2 Notice. All reproductions by the City shall contain a credit to the Artist and denote its location. ARTICLE VI. ARTIST'S RIGHTS 6.1 Identification. The City shall, at its expense, prepare and install at the site location, a plaque identifying the Artist, the title of the Artwork and the year of completion, and shall reasonably maintain such notice in good repair for as long as the Artwork is displayed. 6.2 Maintenance. The parties recognize that maintenance of the Artwork on a regular basis is essential to the integrity of the Artwork. Until such time as the City determines it no longer wishes to display the Artwork, the City shall maintain the Artwork. 6.3 Repairs and Restoration. a. The City shall have the right to determine, after consultation with a professional art conservator, when and if repairs and restoration to the Artwork will be made. At the City's option, the Artist, during the Artist's lifetime, may be given the opportunity to make or personally supervise significant repairs and restorations and shall be paid a reasonable fee for any such services, provided that the City and the Artist mutually agree in writing, prior to the commencement of any significant repairs or restorations, upon the Artist's fee for such services. The City shall have no obligation to utilize the services of Artist in this respect if it chooses to have the repairs and restoration done by other professionals. No fees shall be paid to Artist for repair or restoration due to a breach of the representations and warranties set forth herein. b. All repairs and restorations shall be made in accordance with recognized principles of conservation. 128 6.4 Maintenance, Alteration and Removal of the Artwork. a. The City shall maintain the Artwork in a manner that the City determines appropriate in its sole discretion. All decisions regarding alterations to the Artwork are within the sole and absolute discretion of the City. b. If any alteration is made to the Artwork without the consent of Artist, Artist shall have the right to direct the City to remove Artist's name from the Artwork. In connection herewith, Artist hereby acknowledges and agrees that Artist is familiar with the California Art Preservation Act, as set forth in Section 987 of the California Civil Code and the Visual Artists Rights Act of 1990, as set forth in 17 United States Code Annotated, Section 106A, and the rights and protection afforded Artist there under, and Artist hereby waives each and all of Artist's rights and protection under Section 987 of the California Civil Code and under 17 United States Code Annotated, Section 106A to the fullest extent permitted by law. c. The parties acknowledge and agree that because the Artwork is being installed on an interior wall of a building owned by the City, it will not be possible to preserve the Artwork if the City determines that it no longer wishes to have the Artwork on display at that location. By way of example, the parties recognize that is would not be feasible or practical to relocate the Artwork after it is installed. For this reason, the parties agree that the City shall have the right at any time and for any reason, to paint over or otherwise cover the Artwork, and the Artist shall have no right to notice of such actions. The City shall have no obligation to preserve the Artwork if it determines it no longer wishes to display the Artwork. In addition, should the City transfer the La Quinta Museum to a third party, all obligations of the City under this Agreement shall terminate. 6.5 Permanent Record. The City shall maintain a record of this Agreement and of the location and disposition of the Artwork. 6.6 Artist's Address. The Artist shall notify the City of changes in address. The City shall take reasonable effort(s) to locate the Artist when matters arise relating to the Artist's rights under this Agreement. ARTICLE VII. ARTIST AS INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR The Artist shall perform all work under this Agreement as an independent contractor and not as an agent, joint venture, partner or an employee of the City. The Artist shall not: a. be supervised by any employee or official of the City; b. exercise supervision over any employee or official of the City; c. have authority to contract for or bind the City in any manner; or represent itself as an agent of the City; or otherwise be authorized to act for or on behalf of the City; d. has status as the City's employee or has any right to any benefits that the City grants to its employees. 129 ARTICLE Vill. ASSIGNMENT OR TRANSFER No party shall assign or transfer an interest in this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other parties. ARTICLE IX. TERMINATION The City may, at either its option, by written notice to the Artist, terminate this Agreement either (a) upon the failure by Artist to perform any of its obligations hereunder in accordance with the terms hereof or any other breach by Artist of the terms of this Agreement, and such failure or breach continues uncured for fifteen (15) days following notice thereof from the City to Artist ("Termination for Default"), or (b) at any other time in the sole and absolute discretion of the City ("Discretionary Termination"). Termination for Default and Discretionary Termination are sometimes hereinafter collectively referred to as "Termination". Upon Termination, except as provided in this Article IX, all parties shall be released from all further obligations and liability hereunder. Effective upon a Termination, the Artwork, or so much thereof or has then been completed, shall be transferred to and shall belong to the City. In such event and upon Artist's written request, the City shall remove Artist's name from the Artwork. ARTICLE X. CONTRACTOR ADMINISTRATOR The Contract Administrator for this Agreement shall be the City Community Services Director. Wherever this Agreement requires any notice to be given to or by the City, or any determination or action to be made by the City, the City Community Services Director shall represent and act for the City. ARTICLE XI. NON-DISCRIMINATION In carrying out the performance of the services designated herein, none of the Artist and the City shall discriminate as to race, color, creed, religion, marital status, national origin or ancestry, and the Artist shall comply with the equality of employment opportunity provisions of State and local laws and regulations as presently existing or hereafter amended. ARTICLE XII. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement, and all of the exhibits attached hereto, embodies the entire Agreement and understanding between the parties hereto, and there are no other agreements or understandings, oral or written, with reference to the subject matter hereof that are not merged herein and superseded hereby, except as set forth herein above. ARTICLE XIII. MODIFICATION No alteration, change or modification of the terms of the Agreement shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by each party hereto and approved by appropriate action of the City. ARTICLE XIV. WAIVER No waiver of performance by any party hereto shall be construed as or operate as a waiver of any subsequent default of any terms, covenants and conditions of this Agreement. The payment or acceptance of fees for any period after a default shall not be deemed a waiver of any right or acceptance of defective performance. 139 ARTICLE XV. GOVERNING LAW 15.1 This Agreement, regardless of where executed or performed, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California. 15.2 In addition to any other rights or remedies and subject to the restrictions otherwise set forth in this Agreement, any party hereto may institute legal action to seek specific performance of the terms of this Agreement, to recover damages, or to obtain any other remedy, at law or in equity, consistent with the purpose of this Agreement. Such legal actions must be instituted in the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, in an appropriate Riverside County municipal court, or in the Federal District Court in the district of California, which includes Riverside County. 15.3 If any party to this Agreement brings a legal action or proceeding against another party to enforce the provisions of this Agreement, or on account of a claim or dispute arising out of this Agreement, then the prevailing party in such arbitration or legal action or proceeding shall be entitled to reimbursement by the other party of the legal fees and costs, including reasonable attorney fees and expert witness fees, incurred by the prevailing party in connection with the legal action or proceeding. ARTICLE XVI. HEIRS AND ASSIGNS This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the City and Artist, and their respective heirs, personal representatives, successors and permitted assigns. ARTICLE XVII. NOTICES All notices, requests, demands and other communications which are required or permitted to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given upon the delivery or receipt thereof, as the case may be, if delivered personally or sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, as follows: CITY: City of La Quinta Attn: Community Services Director P.O. Box 1504 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92247-1504 (760) 777-7032 ARTIST: Andre Blanche 53-424 Avenida Martinez La Qunta, CA 92253 (760) 564-6475 (760) 574-4941 ARTICLE XVIII. INDEMNIFICATION Artist shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless City, its officers, employees, representatives and agents ("Indemnified Parties"), from and against those actions, suits, proceedings, claims, demands, losses, costs, and expenses, including legal costs and attorneys' fees, arising out of any liability or claim for liability, for injury to or death of person(s), for damage to property (including property owned by City) and for errors and omissions committed by Artist, its officers, employees representatives, and agents, which arise out of acts or activities of Artist or Artist's Officers, employees, agents or representatives ("Claims"), whether or not such act or activity is authorized r. 131 by this Agreement, except to the extent of such loss as may be caused by City's own negligence or willful misconduct or that of its officers or employees. In the event the Indemnified Parties are made a party to any action, lawsuit, or other adversarial proceeding in any way involving such Claims, Contractor shall provide a defense to the Indemnified Parties, or at the City's option, reimburse the Indemnified Parties their costs of defense, including reasonable attorneys' fees, incurred in defense of such Claims. In addition, Contractor shall be obligated to promptly pay any final judgment or portion thereof rendered against the Indemnified Parities. ARTICLE XIX. INSURANCE 19.1 Policies. Throughout creation of the Artwork the Artist shall maintain Comprehensive General Liability Insurance, or Commercial General Liability Insurance, including coverage for Premises and Operations, Contractual Liability, Personal Injury Liability (employee and contractual exclusions deleted), Products/Completed Operations Liability, Broad -Form Property Damage and Independent Contractors' ($1,000,000) per occurrence, combined single limit, written on an occurrence form, and such other forms and amounts of insurance as the City may deem necessary or desirable. All required insurance shall be evidenced by an insurance policy or policies (or the renewal or replacement thereof) reasonably acceptable to the City. Artist, as applicable, shall not proceed with any work nor receive payment under this Agreement until, among other things; the City has received the appropriate insurance certificates. Artist, prior to completion, shall maintain or cause to be maintained standard all-risk property insurance in an amount equal to or greater than the full replacement value of the Artwork. The Artist's General Liability policy required by this Agreement shall contain the following clauses: "The City of La Quinta and its officers, agents, employees, representatives, and volunteers are added as additional insured as respective operations and activities of, or on behalf of the named insured, performed under contract with the City of La Quinta." Prior to commencing any work under this Agreement, Artist shall deliver to the City insurance certificates confirming the existence of the insurance required by this Agreement, and including the applicable clause referenced above. Also, within thirty (30) days of the execution date of this Agreement, Artist shall provide to the City an endorsement to the General Liability policy, which adds to this policy the applicable clause referenced above. Said endorsement shall be signed by an authorized representative of the insurance company and shall include the signator's company affiliation and title. Should it be deemed necessary by the City, it shall be the Artist's responsibility to see that the City receives documentation acceptable to the City, which sustains that the individual signing said endorsement is indeed authorized to do so by the insurance company. Also, the City has the right to demand, and to receive within a reasonable time period, copies of any insurance policy required under this Agreement. In addition to any other remedies the City may have if Artist fails to provide or maintain any insurance policies or policy endorsements to the extent and within the time herein required, the City may, at its sole option, terminate this Agreement. 0,, , 132 City's termination of the Agreement, however, is an alternative to other remedies the City may have, and is not the exclusive remedy for Artist's failure to maintain insurance or secure appropriate endorsements. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as limiting in any way the extent to which Artist may be held responsible for payments of damages to persons or property resulting from Artist's, or Artist's respective agents' contractors' or subcontractors', performance of the work covered under this Agreement. ARTICLE XX. GENERAL 20.1 Any provisions of this Agreement, which shall prove to be invalid, void, or illegal shall in no way affect, impair or invalidate any other provision hereof, and such remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect. 20.2 Whenever in the specifications any materials or process is indicated or specified by patent or proprietary name or by name of manufacturer, such specification shall be deemed to be used for the purpose of facilitating description of the material and/or process desired, and shall be deemed to be followed by the words "OR EQUAL", and Artist may offer any material or process which shall be equal in every respect to that so indicated or specified. 20.3 Artist shall not offer any substitute in said proposal or if a substitute so offered by Artist is not found to be equal to that so indicated or specified by name, if one only be so specified or named, or, if more than one be so specified or named, then such one as shall be specified in the proposal, or if none be so specified, then such one as shall be required by the City. 20.4 Unless a different date is provided in this Agreement, the Effective Date shall be the latest Date of Execution, hereinafter set forth below the names of the signature hereto. Should the Artist fail to enter a Date of Execution, the Effective Date shall be the Date of Execution by the City. 133 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the day and year first written below. CITY: CITY OF LA QUINTA, a California Municipal Corporation M THOMAS P. GENOVESE, City Manager City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: Dated: Veronica J. Montecino, CMC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: Dated: M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California ARTIST: Andre Blanche 134 EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF SERVICES SCOPE OF WORK 1. Artist shall furnish all labor, material, tools, equipment, etc., required to design the Artwork in accordance with the quality level and intent of the concept drawings as prepared by Artist and approved by the City, along with all governing agency requirements and code criteria. 2. Artist is responsible for submitting all required documents relating to the Artwork design so that all required approvals may be obtained in a timely manner. 3. Artist shall immediately notify the City in writing of any cost impact or schedule impact whether increase or decrease, resulting from any modifications to the design. Any redesign fees or any other costs incurred by the Artist shall not be charged to the City unless the City has agreed to such charge in writing. 4. Artist shall complete the design in sufficient scale and detail as required by the City for approval. 5. Artist's design and specifications shall be subject to approval by the City and its consultants. 6. Artist is not authorized to utilize the La Quinta Museum to display his artworks (other than the Artwork which is the subject of this Agreement), and is not authorized to conduct any sales activities at the Museum. 7. Should the City wish to make posters or prints of the Artwork, Artist shall cooperate with the City's efforts, and shall execute any necessary consent forms, waivers, or other required documentation. The City owns all rights with regarding to the Artwork, including the right of reproduction in the form of photographs, prints and posters, and has the right to sell these items. GENERAL ITEMS OF INCLUSION As a further clarification to the plans and specifications, the work shall include but not necessarily be limited to the following: 1. Artist shall examine or cause to be examined all supporting and adjacent surfaces and record any defects to the City prior to installing any material. The installation of any material constitutes the Artist's complete acceptance of all substrates as compatible with the work under this Agreement. 2. Any work not provided for in this Agreement must be authorized by the City prior to the installation of such work. 3. Artist is responsible for all repairs or replacement of any existing property or work which is damaged as a result of the performance of the work under this Agreement. Artist shall keep his work area in a neat and orderly manner, consistent with the operation of the La Quinta Museum, which will be open to the public during the installation. The Artist shall be responsible for all necessary signage or barricades to protect the Artwork during the 135 installation. 4. Artist shall provide for all unloading, hoisting, scaffolding, and bracing for the Artwork, and shall ensure that the area in which he is working is maintained in a safe and orderly manner. III. SPECIFIC ITEMS OF INCLUSION Artist shall draw illustrations of each element to be included in the mural to be painted on the south wall of the Museum meeting room. The Artwork will encompass the entire wall. Included in the mural will be the following element depictions: a) A Cahuilla women with an authentic hand woven basket; b) Cahuilla dish identifying the natural materials c) A covered wagon and horses; d) A mail carrier and horse drawn carriage adjacent to a rustic Point Happy sign; e) La Quinta Hotel circa 1927; f) Sand Verbena across bottom of mural g) Gambel Quail family h) Entryway to Civic Center Campus; i) Art in Public Places "Cahuilla Family;" j) WWII Airplane; k) Bicycle rider 1) Tennis player m) Pavilion at Civic Center Campus and lake with spray fountain; n) Santa Rosa/San Jacinto Mountains; o) Golf Course green at SilverRock Resort; p) Golfer with SilverRock Resort logo cap All the above illustrations will be included in the Artwork. Each illustration will be photographed and produced into slides that will be used in the development of the Artwork. The Artist will be able to begin work in the Museum in March 2008 (exact date to be determined by Community Services Director), two coats of primer paint will be applied by the Artist to the south wall meeting room. The Artist will draw one foot squares creating a grid system on the south wall of the meeting room. Once the grid system is drawn on the wall, the Artist will paint the mural utilizing the grid and slides illustrations. The slides will be projected on the wall for use by the Artist. Artist will paint the mural starting with dark colors to create the shapes and depth. Medium hued colors will be added on the entire wall. Lighter colors will be used to complete the mural and add light and finishing touches to the mural. Artist will apply two coats of non yellowing varnish to the mural complete the project. The City shall prepare the wall tape and mud to make the wall as smooth as possible prior to the Artist starting the work. No texture will be applied to the wall prior to the artist initiating the work. EXHIBIT B SCHEDULE OF PERFORMANCE SCHEDULING: The Artist has estimated that the project will take approximately five months to complete once he is instructed to proceed. The Artist will not be able to work in the Museum until Certificate of Occupancy is issued to the City. The Artist has estimated that the on -site installation at the Museum will take the Artist approximately four months to complete. Artist will need to coordinate work with the Museum Manager to establish appropriate times to work in the meeting room during operating hours. Weekend hours in the museum are acceptable while staff or docents are available to open and lock the facility. Artist should work independently and not interfere with the installation of the galleries, impede the use of the meeting room, or disturb the overall function of the Museum. Work will commence during the month of November and be completed by no later than June 30, 2008. Hours worked per week will be approximately 25-35 hours weekly. REVIEWS: The Community Services Director will have regular visits and shall receive written monthly progress reports from the Artist. There may be one review by the Community Services Commission of the work in progress if the Commission deems it necessary. The project may be reviewed by the City Council as deemed appropriate. Any comments made by the City Council shall be addressed by the Artist. ./ 137 EXHIBIT C SCHEDULE OF COMPENSATION PRICE: Total not to exceed One hundred and twenty five thousand dollars ($125,000). SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS: The first payment of $25,000 will be made upon execution of the Agreement. The remaining payments shall be made as follows: $20,000 upon completion of 25% of Artwork as determined by the Community Services Director. $20,000 upon completion of 50% of the Artwork, as determined by the Community Services Director. $20,000 upon completion of 75% of the Artwork, as determined by the Community Services Director. $40,000 upon the issuance of the Notice of Completion. 133 EXHIBIT D NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR ARTWORK Piece of Artwork: La Quinta Museum Mural WHEREAS, by that certain Art Purchase Agreement dated _ ("Agreement"), the CITY OF LA QUINTA, a California municipal corporation (the "City") contracted with Andre Blanche (Artist) to provide certain "Artwork" (as defined in the Agreement); and, WHEREAS, as referenced in the Agreement, the City shall furnish Artist with a Notice of Completion upon completion of the creation and installation of the Artwork; and, WHEREAS, the creation and installation of the Artwork, as required by the Agreement, has been satisfactorily completed. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto certify as follows: 1. As provided in the Agreement, the City does hereby certify that the creation and installation of the Artwork has been fully performed and completed. Any executory obligations pursuant to the Agreement, which are hereby incorporated herein by reference, shall remain enforceable according to their terms. 2. Nothing contained in this instrument shall modify in any other way any executory portions of the Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City has executed this certificate this day of 200 CITY OF LA QUINTA, a California Municipal Corporation . 131 a �G F cFM of �°w COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: November 20, 2007 ITEM TITLE: Approval of a Reimbursement Agreement with ND La Quinta Partners, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, for Raised Landscape Median Improvements on Avenue 52 Between the All American Canal Bridge and Madison Street RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: _ CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Authorize the City Manager to execute a Reimbursement Agreement (Attachment 1) between the City of La Quinta and ND La Quinta Partners, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, for raised landscape median improvements on Avenue 52 between the All American Canal Bridge and Madison Street. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The reimbursement agreement with ND La Quinta Partners, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, is for Development Impact Fee (DIF) eligible improvements to Avenue 52 associated with The Hideaway, Tract No. 29894. As funds are collected in the future, an amount not to exceed $1,344,690 may be paid from the City's Transportation DIF funds, Account No. 250-000-290.00-00. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: ND La Quinta, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, is the subdivider and developer of property in the City subject to the provisions of Tract No. 29894, which is currently known as The Hideaway and lies south of Avenue 52 and north of Avenue 54 between Jefferson Street and Madison Street (Attachment 2). 149 The developer has partially constructed the full width of the landscaped median improvements to the portion of Avenue 52 along the developments northerly boundary. These improvements are eligible for DIF fund reimbursement. Staff has determined that the reimbursement amount is valid and within the amount established as DIF eligible off -site improvements. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1) Authorize the City Manager to execute a Reimbursement Agreement between the City of La Quinta and ND La Quinta Partners, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, for raised landscape median improvements to Avenue 52 between the All American Canal Bridge and Madison Street; or 2) Do not authorize the City Manager to execute a Reimbursement Agreement between the City of La Quinta and ND La Quinta Partners, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, for raised landscape median improvements to Avenue 52 between the All American Canal Bridge and Madison Street; or 3) Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, % A�-"404� CT othy R. J na o , P.E. Public Works Dir or/City Engineer Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Reimbursement Agreement 2. Vicinity Map 141 ATTACHMENT 1 CITY OF LA QUINTA DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEE REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT TRACT MAP No. 29894-2 STREET AND RAISED LANDSCAPE MEDIAN IMPROVEMENTS TO AVENUE 52 (All American Canal Bridge to East of Madison Street) THIS REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is made and entered into this day of 2007, by and between ND La Quinta Partners, LLC a Delaware limited liability company, hereinafter referred to as "Developer", and the City of La Quinta, California, a California Municipal Corporation (the "City"). RECITALS A. Developer is the subdivider and developer of property in the City of La Quinta subject to the provisions of Tract 29894-2 ("Tract') which area is currently known as The Hideaway and which lies east of Jefferson Street and west of Madison Street between Avenue 54 and Avenue 52. The Agreement excludes all other tracts within the Hideaway Development. B. Conditions of Approval for Tentative Tract Map No. 29894 (attached to the Plan as Exhibit B) adopted by the City Council on November 21, 2000, obligate Developer to make Arterial Core Improvements that included construction of the inside lanes of travel and an 18-foot wide landscaped median, as delineated in Exhibit A of this Agreement, to that section of Avenue 52 that adjoins the Tract ("Required Improvements"). C. The City has identified source of funds from which it desires to reimburse Developer for the Required Improvements at a point in the future to be determined by the City. The fund source is the Transportation Component of the Development Impact Fee. All land developments in the City are required to pay Development Impact Fees ("Fees") pursuant to the Development Impact Fee Program ("Program"), adopted by the City on June 15, 1999 and revised July 5, 2006. A portion of Development Impact Fee known as the 'Transportation Component' provides future funding for specific arterial street improvements located throughout the City. D. Currently, the Transportation Component of the 2006 DIF Program contains cost details for Avenue 52 (Jefferson Street to %2 Mile East of Madison Street). The cost details (Exhibit B) reflect a DIF totaling $3,244,108.88 for Avenue 52 (Jefferson Street to '% Mile East of Madison Street). The Required Improvements for Avenue 52 are estimated to comprise of $1,344,690. The $1,344,690 shall be referred to hereinafter as the 'Budget Amount'. However, this estimate includes the pro rata distribution percentage that was subject to change due to the DIF updated prior to completion of work. E. The Developer has requested that the City reimburse the Developer for cost of street improvements on Avenue 52 between the All American Canal Bridge and East of Madison Street that are eligible for reimbursement pursuant to the Program. Reimbursement Agreement—Avenue52DI Fagreementw12 AOC Page 1 of 8 142 F. The City Engineer has reviewed the scope and cost associated with Required Improvements and determined that the Required Improvements are included in the Program and are eligible for reimbursement, subject to the cap referenced in Recitals G and H. G. The City Engineer has determined that the Program established a total budget of $1,740,310 for all eligible improvements involving that segment of Avenue 52 between Jefferson Street and Madison Street. However, the Developer has not constructed all of the eligible Required Improvements because of previous obligations of properties along the north side and the proposed City of La Quinta CIP Project 2005-02 and improvements to be constructed by Tract Map No. 30138 and therefore is eligible for only $1,344,690 of the budget. H. The City Engineer has determined that no further street improvements to Avenue 52 between the All American Canal Bridge and Madison Street are required by the developer and therefore is ineligible for further DIF Reimbursement outside of this Agreement. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows: Responsibilities of Developer. Developer has constructed portions of the Required Improvements (Partial Work Completed), as delineated in Exhibit A, and has borne all cost associated with said improvements. The Required Improvements were constructed in accordance with all applicable City and State codes and regulations, including securing bonds and guarantees pursuant to Section 14.16.180 of the Municipal Code of the City of La Quinta. 2. Responsibilities of City: (a) Approval or Disapproval of Expenses. The City Engineer shall either approve or disapprove the invoices and submit the approved invoices for credit and/or reimbursement in accordance with this Agreement. The City Engineer shall provide Developer with a written explanation for any portion of an invoice that is disapproved. Developer recognizes that the City Engineer's approval of the costs does not guarantee that the costs will be reimbursed. Instead, the City Engineer approval is a condition precedent necessary for the costs to be processed for credit or reimbursement. (b) Reimbursement from the DIF. Developer is eligible for reimbursement at some point in the future from the Transportation Component Fees collected on other projects. Developer recognizes that at this point in time, the City cannot commit to a time certain for reimbursement, in as much as the City is entitled to establish the priority of spending for the Transportation Component Fees. Developer further recognizes that the City Council has indicated that it will be considering a policy regarding the priority of reimbursement, and that this reimbursement will be subject to the policy. In no event will the amount of reimbursement exceed the Budget Amount ($1,344,690). Disputes. In the event of any dispute arising under this Agreement, the injured party shall notify the injuring party of its contentions by submitting a claim therefore. The injured party Reimbursement Agreement—Avenue52DIFagreement.vl 2.DOC Page 2 of 8 143 shall continue performing its obligations incurred herein so long as the injuring party commences to cure such injuring action within ten (ten) days of service of such notice and completes the cure within forty-five (45) days after the notification, or such longer period as may be agreed upon by both parties to this Agreement. 4. Attorney's Fees. If either party commences an action against the other arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, including the filing of a lien or other legal action to compel payment of the Reimbursement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorney's fees and legal costs from the losing party. 5. Indemnification. Developer shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless City, its officers, employees, representatives and agents ("Indemnified Parties"), from and against those actions, suits, proceedings, claims, demands, losses, costs, and expenses, including legal costs and attorneys' fees, arising out of any liability or claim for liability, for injury to or death of person(s), for damage to property (including property owned by City) and for errors and omissions committed by Developer, its officers, employees representatives, and agents, which arise out of acts or activities of Developer's or Developer's Officers, employees, agents or representatives ("Claims"), whether or not such act or activity is authorized by this Agreement, except to the extent of such loss as may be caused by City's own negligence or that of its officers or employees. In the event the Indemnified Parties are made a party to any action, lawsuit, or other adversarial proceeding in any way involving such Claims, Developer shall provide a defense to the Indemnified Parties, or at the City's option, reimburse the Indemnified Parties their costs of defense, including reasonable attorneys' fees, incurred in defense of such Claims. In addition, Developer shall be obligated to promptly pay any final judgment or portion thereof rendered against the Indemnified Parities. 6. City Officers and Emolovees: Non -Discrimination. No officer or employee of City shall be personally liable to Developer or any successor in interest in the event of any default or breach by City or for any amount which may become due to Developer or to its successor or for breach of any obligation of the terms of this Agreement. 7. Term of Agreement. This Agreement shall remain in full force following the date it has been executed by both parties until the listed Funding Source has paid the allowable Developer claims. 8. Notice. Any notice, demand, request, consent, approval, or communication either party desires or is required to give to the other party or any person shall be in writing and either served personally or sent by prepaid, first-class mail to the address set forth below. Notice shall be deemed communicated forty-eight (48) hours from the time of mailing if mailed as provided in this Section. To City: City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Attn: City Engineer (760) 777-7075 Reimbursement Agreement—AvenueMlFagreement-02 DOC Page 3 of 8 � 144 To Developer: ND La Quinta Partners, LLC 80-955 Avenue 52 P.O. Box 1482 La Quinta, CA 92247 Attn: John P. Gamlin (760) 391-5072 9. Assignment of Agreement. The Developer may not assign, sublet, hypothecate, encumber, or transfer (whether voluntarily or involuntarily) its obligations hereunder to any party without the prior written consent of the City, which consent may be withheld in the City's sole and absolute discretion. 10. General Provisions. A. Except as otherwise provided herein, the terms, conditions, covenants, and agreements set forth herein shall apply to and bind the heirs, executors, administrators, assigns, and successors of the parties hereto. B. Neither party to this Agreement relies upon any warranty or representation not contained in this Agreement. C. This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted with respect to the laws of the State of California. D. Any failure or delay by either party in asserting any of its rights and remedies as to any default shall not operate as a waiver of any default or of any rights or remedies provided for herein. E. This Agreement may be amended at any time by the mutual consent of the parties by an instrument in writing signed by both parties. F. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, which when taken together, shall constitute one fully executed document. 11.Severability. In the event that any provision or provisions of this Agreement are held unenforceable, all provisions not so held shall remain in full force and effect. 12.Authority of Signatories. The persons executing this Agreement on behalf of the parties hereto warrant that they are duly authorized to execute this Agreement on behalf of said parties and that by so executing this Agreement the parties are formally bound to the provisions of this Agreement. Reimbursement Agreement—AvenueKDIFagreemenl-02.DOC Page 4 of 8 14 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first written above. CITY OF LA QUINTA: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Date ATTEST: Veronica Montecino, CMC City Clerk City of La Quinta Developer: ND La Quinta Partners, LLC 80-955 Avenue 52 P.O. Box 1482 La Quinta, CA 92247 0 Approved as to Form: M. Katherine Jenson, City Attorney City of La Quinta Date Title: John Gamlin, Senior Vice President — East of Madison. LLC M Date Title: Reimbursement Agreement—Avenue52DIFagreement-02.DOC Page 5 of 8 .J Exhibit A AVENUE 52 — All American Canal Bridge to Madison Street DIF PROGRAM IMPROVEMENTS - TRACT 29894-2 MAXIMUM REIMBURSEMENT FUNDING AVENUE 52 STREET AND MEDIAN IMPROVEMENTS - (All American Canal to Madison Street) Work Completed (Eligible for DIF Reimbursement) Item # Description Units Unit Cost Quantity Total Cost 1 Street and Landscaped Median L.S. $1,344,690 1 $1,344,690 Improvements - Required Off -Site Street Improvements Eligible for Reimbursements from Development Impact Fee Fund (Per Tetra Tech Plan Set No. 04015, Sta. 39+00 to 62+80) Maximum Reimbursement Funding For Required Improvements (not to exceed): $1,344,690 Reimbursement Agreement— Avenue52DIFagreement-02.DOC Page 6 of 8 147 Exhibit B July 5, 2006 DIF Cost Detail Avenue 52 (Jefferson Street to'/2 Mile East of Madison Street) Reimbursement Agreement—Avenue52DIFagreement-02 DOG Page 7 of 8 I 148 Exhibit C July 5, 2006 DIF Fee by Development Category Reimbursement Agreement— Avenue52DIFagreement.v12.DOC Page 8 of 8 10 z 0 Lu w 4 w AVE 52 TRACT NO. 29894 VICINITY MAP NO SCALE: AVE 50 AVE 53 AVE 54 w Z 0 G Q AIRPORT ATTACHMENT 2 150 1 i 1 sss OF Tt14 COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: November 20, 2007 ITEM TITLE: Adoption of a Resolution Accepting Cash Donations from Rutan and Tucker, Rosenow Spevacek Group, and NAI Consulting, Inc. for the Employee Recognition Banquet RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: An STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Adopt a Resolution of the City Council accepting cash donations from Rutan and Tucker, Rosenow Spevacek Group Inc., and NAI Consulting, Inc. for the Employee Recognition Banquet. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: On November 6, 2007, Rutan and Tucker, Rosenow, Spevacek Group Inc., and NAI Consulting, Inc. provided the City of La Quinta with an announcement of their pledge to provide cash donations of $750, $750 and $300, respectively to be used for the purchase of door prizes. The Banquet will be held on December 8, 2007, at the Embassy Suites Resort. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 151 1. Adopt a Resolution of the City Council accepting cash donations from Rutan and Tucker, Rosenow Spevacek Group Inc., and NAI Consulting, Inc. for the Employee Recognition Banquet; or 2. Do not adopt a Resolution of the City Council accepting cash donations from Rutan and Tucker, Rosenow Spevacek Group Inc., and NAI Consulting, Inc. for the Employee Recognition Banquet; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, Bret M. Plumlee, Assistant City Manager — Management Services Approved for submission by: r�dd�G/J Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager 152 RESOLUTION NO. 2007- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING A CASH DONATION FROM RUTAN AND TUCKER, ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP INC., AND NAI CONSULTING, INC. FOR THE EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION BANQUET WHEREAS, on November 20, 2007, Rutan and Tucker, Rosenow Spevacek Group Inc. and NAI Consulting, Inc. generously made cash donations of $750, $750 and $300, respectively, to the City for the Employee Recognition Banquet to be held on December 8, 2007, at the Embassy Suites Hotel & Spa in La Quinta, California; and WHEREAS, the gift was donated to the City and its personnel and was not given to or limited to the use of any particular employee or official; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest in the City to accept the donation and to direct the City Manager to control distribution of the donation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: 1. The City of La Quinta hereby accepts the cash donations of $750, $750, and $300. 2. The City Manager is hereby directed to control distribution of said donation. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 20" day of November, 2007, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: .4 153 Resolution No. 2007- Donations for Employee Recognition Banquet Adopted: November 20, 2007 Page 2 DON ADOLPH, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: Veronica J. Montecino, CMC, CITY CLERK City of La Quinta, California (City Seal) APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California 10, 154 T4bf 4 4 aumm COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: November 20, 2007 ITEM TITLE: Approval to Award a Contract to Marina Landscape, Inc. to Construct the Jefferson Street Median Island Landscape Improvements, Project No. 2005-03 RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: _ CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Award a contract in the amount of $961,990 to Marina Landscape, Inc. to construct the Jefferson Street Median Island Landscape Improvements, Project Number 2005-03. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The following represents the project's approved funding and funding sources: Transportation DIF: City of Indio: TE Funds Grand Total: $361,136 $443,053 $445,190 $1,249,379 Based upon the low bid received from Marina Landscape, Inc. in the amount $961,990, the following represents the anticipated project budget: Construction: Design: Inspection/Testing/Survey Administration: Contingency: Total: $961,990 $92,530 $71,710 $46,265 $76,884 $1,249,379 As illustrated, adequate funding is available to support Staff's recommendation. 4.• ; 155 CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: The project is partially funded with Federal Transportation Enhancement (TE) funding and a portion of the project will be funded by the City of Indio. The project is subject to prevailing wage requirements. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The project is located within the median islands on Jefferson Street, between Highway 111 and Indio Boulevard. The project limits are jointly owned by the City of La Quinta (45%) and the City of Indio (55%). The proposed improvements consist of landscaping the newly constructed median islands on Jefferson Street using decomposed granite, rock, irrigation, drought tolerant ground cover, plants, shrubs, and trees. All plants, shrubs and trees are proposed to be native to the south east desert basin. On September 6, 2005, the City Council adopted a resolution approving the submittal of a project application to the Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC) for Transportation Enhancement (TE) funds for the Jefferson Street Beautification Project. On November 10, 2005, the City was notified by RCTC staff that the Commission approved the City's request for TE funding in the amount of $445,190 toward the Jefferson Street Beautification Project. The Jefferson Street Beautification Project was included by amendment in the 2006 Regional Transportation Improvement Plan (RTIP) in March 2006. Caltrans approved the project environmental document on May 9, 2006. On November 7, 2006, the City Council approved a Professional Sefvices Agreement (PSA), in the amount of $73,910, with David Evans and Associates, Inc. to prepare the plans, specifications and estimate (PS&E) of probable construction costs for the Jefferson Street Median Island Landscape Improvements, Project Number 2005-03. On August 7, 2007, the City Council appropriated additional funding, in the amount of $129,427, from unassigned Transportation Developer Impact Fees (DIF), and approved a Cooperative Agreement, between the Cities of La Quinta and Indio, for the design and construction of the Jefferson Street Median Island Landscape Improvements, Project Number 2005-03. The City of Indio's City Council approved the Cooperative Agreement on August 15, 2007. .l r tss On September 9, 2007, the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) notified the City that the Federal Highways Administration (FHWA) obligated funding, in the amount of $445,000 to the Jefferson Street Median Island Landscape Improvements, Project Number 2005-03. On October 2, 2007, the City Council approved the Plans, Specifications and Engineer's Estimate (PS&E) and authorized staff to advertise the Jefferson Street Median Island Landscape Improvements, Project Number 2005-03, for bid. On October 31, 2007, six sealed bids were received for the construction of this project. Marina Landscape, Inc. submitted the lowest responsive bid in the amount of $961,990. A detailed bid comparison summary is provided for the City Council's review as Attachment 1. On November 1, 2007, Mega Way Enterprises protested Marina Landscape, Inc.'s bid on the basis that Marina Landscape Inc. did not list a C-10 Electrical Contractor on its list of subcontractors. The protest from Mega Way Enterprises was based on a requirement within the Invitation to Bid requiring a C-27 Landscape Contractor and C-10 Electrical Contractor. Staff contacted Marina Landscape Inc. and was advised that a C-10 Electrical Contractor was hired by Marina Landscape, Inc. to set and connect the electrical pedestals. The cost of this work is less than '/2 of 1 percent, and as such, the Electrical Subcontractor is not required to be listed on the bid forms. Marina Landscape, Inc.'s bid was prepared in a manner in which they would install the low voltage fixtures, conduit and conductors with their own forces. Marina Landscape, Inc. is a Licensed A, B and C-27 Contractor and the low voltage work can be performed within the parameters of these licenses. Contingent upon City Council authorization to award the construction of this project on November 20, 2007, the following represents the anticipated project schedule: City Council Awards Contract November 20, 2007 Sign Contracts and Mobilize November 21 — 30, 2007 Construction December 2007 — April 2008 Project Close-out May 2008 157 FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: Award a contract in the amount of $961,990 to Marina Landscape, Inc. to construct the Jefferson Street Median Island Landscape Improvements, Project Number 2005-03; or 2. Do not award a contract in the amount of $961,990 to Marina Landscape, Inc. to construct the Jefferson Street Median Island Landscape Improvements, Project Number 2005-03; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, J-'�= k. Timothy R. Jo ass n P.E. Public Works irec r/City Engineer Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachment: 1. Bid Comparison Summary 157 CITY OF LA QUINTA JEFFERSON STREET CORRIDOR IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT NUMBER 2005-03 BID COMPARISON SUMMARY ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE Marina Landscaping Mega Way EaterprlseF Slerm Landseapin5 Park West Ito&Bottom I.. Arnerkan Wert E%1SNDED E%l'ENDCp E% OCD 6XICryp[D i%i6NDFD EX'1'F.ISDED 6%TPNDID rtFM NO. DPSCItRrlon n DNrt rinlT ruC6 rwCE IINRFIVCS rpIC6 rmrt rwC6 INCC IM1T. tNCE mffpm E MU M`It tNCE ruCE 1 MoH-m I LS S])01000 S]J010.00 S21 OOOAO W3000.00 3 00000 16000,00 $36000 Do $3000000 5100W00 f)881128 S'I8811.28 1 T<Re Caxrol I 520002.00 Si0002.00 21518000 IIS IBOAO 310000.00 f1000000 519000.00 $19000.00 f180W00 31800000 SIH 0000 SIH 0000 fl]5J126 SI] 31.26 PgvMVDmt Camd(PMIOInAmMt<W/AQMD 1 ly )p.0000p j20,OW.CO 32,200M S2j00.00 32,5M.00 32,5W.00 $5,WDCO SS,WJ.00 S]jW 00 S],500.W $2.500.M $2,5COW S20,M817 320,M&27 < od 989(U SF $0.25 526725M Soot 5989.W 5025 S]AT25.00 5005 H945.W 50.10 598"N Soto $9890.00 $063 563307.00 5 N fw 1 IS IF $ism $2725.0) S29A3 353 35.00 S21 C0 f181MW 53200 f58080W 520.00 336 W0] $2000 536300.00 j1661 58659]IS 6 Mmmla Me6unfarBmn IIW CY $52.W Irz WW S28m 339 WW $3000 $43000W S30.00 f430n0.W 345.50 f6l]WW Dom f41000.W fJbU SSO SB2W ] FrnMND°WI•d'A„cu C°dYey'P6v'DnnLM 181 TN 130.W $S],]20.W f 6urbe f54.W 540,404.W $I30W SS],]20W $]BW 53>,SIBW $55W S16AS5.N SITS.m SHL1]SW fI58.J0 3)6,142.J0 e fi l xS lmW)'Diou<a S-U& BeeW< 149 EA $nD00 332]W.W SIWW St5A%.W stmoo sms000 SIWW S149WA0 $95.W 314155.W SIWW SI49W W SI82,92 S2]255.08 9 Fvrch Mlmu01'Durnc SanStl.n m,Mm 73 EA SSWW 521bWW ll]%W 512518.0 5115W 512600W S!HO.M f12960.W 3190.W 51) 80.W St54.W f11 S8W SI42 i6 Im2T 13 10 �h�!'ia0 C'O�� Cni°d F^m DF 81] TN nn SW.W $SOA20.W S59W $49,9».W S4IW 538,115.W S50W $42050W Moo $33.033W f65W I55,0550 $54.32 f16,OW 01 11 IwBwaarMm Hat-T Cameaw Mw 4 EA $JOW.W 3130M.W f308430) $1213nM IS W.W M."m S30 ODO $120 W $1moo 319 WW %000W 321W0.W SJ i]6W 313104W 13 mdlmd88<w�mtm CwOOM/A)vvh55 gAVWw 1 m PFmonB S$3]4.00 $3j74.m SM27M S2,J2i.W f),BW.W $3AWW S2,3M. 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SI ITOW f.m SI I20W 39.8] SI 81.80 36 F,vnleM1atl MUIISGNm em trcana%Swee• 74 EA S25W 3I850.00 $12.5 M f18.m $1 )2.m f22.. 1 S15W $1 135W $2293.32 9 EA S25.W V25W 31U lIM22 SIWm SMOG W10D f fI20.8 $187475a M4 EA S9m $201W 545 681w 51568W 58N $11A $2561.0 19 258 $2322N . 33.00 C SS.00 ,SOW I $., W I SIWW I 3850 ,9. f213W 56.W I SI,USW $876 1 $2,260,08 CITY OF LA QUINTA JEFFERSON STREET CORRIDOR IMPR01 PROJECT NUMBER 200"3 BID COMPARISON SUMMARY m.L2l d"Wt Mqa Wry ud SM 4a—U t PN WM Reek Baum Ye Amxlos West m FwuM1 atl MaEl MImwS SuoeY _Il6 FA 39.00 SI t1.00 53.50 SIi6.00 I1300 f1632.00 55.00 368000 3850 5115600I 5600 I S816.00 11 57.10 1 $%5.60 PONea W Dry pW Fvdalmux/Ilmamw�¢PvmA 11 GaWLe P�oweegae CVYldml^ame3kprwaLLxN 1 m $5,0IW SS,WIW S/.WOW 5/.WO.W S45" 31,SWW 5/,SCOW 3/,SW.W S],SWW S],SW.W S12,W.W $12"M $23,3%M f33,356.55 AmtliM Fam P�aWe 13Mm6MvnawaPaW nMmdu+e rilF Cay 13 RNnienmt On3eganawelgNeCry McBlmma flelt 1 IS 32I.OWW Sll,OW.W 330,WO.W 230,OpOW 26,OW.W S6,WOW SI8,o00.W S18,OW.W I23,000W S28,060.W $/B.PWW fIB,OW.W 391,711.98 591,731.98 N Atlxlyd Fmm Fun�eq]mW nnv µhxL'A'.¢mmeg6 x3wMUM1 a3 ngNingmm Dsrct pvempskw W^tPx 1 IS f5,W5.W SS,OW.W $6,1/SW $6,115.W 3].IW.W 31,IW.W S3.4CO.W 53.GW W f1,880W 5],880W I6,]W W 36,7W W $12,620.19 $13,620,18 Apoc I xPOC FvoM xMlwW nrmpNaal'R".woec4+/NvnA,n 11 U Lnryem 08Yu pwxph uppav lv 1 SS SS.WOW SS,ODJW 58,6]S.W 58,6]S.W fi3WW 5]?W�W Sl,]COAO Sl,]WW 31,1)O.W 31,1'NIW $),OSOW II,OSOW SI<,WB IB $I/,O98 J8 A—q.POC2ingvld u POC 3 Funrnudtrcu3 rmpema'c.c„�c W mea:t: Is gvollerpon Deers Sava pi up pma pm 1 IS 36SWW 56,SWW S],]IO.W S],]IOW I],SWW f]jW.W S],2WW $I,100W I),615W $1.615W 37.tWW S],IOO.W fI4,237.89 $II,Z3].89 .gory aPOCI Fune6 N ImWlnCaphYl'D'.mntlepE W tutlua e6 mwgwlnpvW lnexin0.amtpova pi,gpoit pap 1 IS SS,WO.W SS,0000 34,)W.W f0,'IOO.W 56,6W.W f6,6W.W SI.IW�W 3J?OO.W f3.5lOW $3,530W 36,275W 36,275.0 311,59291 I13,592.91 xPOCe FwW NImW nvc 3uksW i,mvaepe6Mw�n It e.arymmpanllmgxm Ommpo.ap'vkuppo:apa 1 IS f5,000.W $S,OWW 5/./WW 3/,IW 00 f6,400.W S6,IOO.W SJy50W 3I,250.W 53.]OSW S3.]OSW 36,310.W 36110.W f1I,26i.89 513,26).89 x POC 5 /9 Fun'a'MP'a'eebw°ul/lyel°�t Syvm��Cmgp°mdb Pdra Pa PYn M3 'wvm 1 U SY12,)SOW f222,]SO.W 3151,IWW SIN,IW.W SI]5,000W fl>5,000W 311],WO.W S11]pW.W 5165,IOO.W 3165,IOO.W $305,000.W $M5,000.W S212,1'BW $212,1]8.W TVFAL 31,WJ,Ott 3961,930 5933,N3 f93I,Me f1,C0I,6fl 51.1<],Itt 31,55],981 F"J T4ht 4 4 Qum& COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: November 20, 2007 ITEM TITLE: Approval to Award a Contract to Republic Intelligent Transportation Services, Inc. to Construct the Citywide Traffic Safety Improvements, Project No. 2006-16 RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: 41 STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Award a contract in the amount of $168,249 to Republic Intelligent Transportation Services, Inc. to construct the Citywide Traffic Safety Improvements, Project Number 2006-16. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The following is the approved funding and funding source for the Citywide Traffic Safety Improvements (formerly assigned to Westward Ho Pedestrian Activated Crosswalk): RDA Project Area Number 2 Total Funding Available: $275,000 $275,000 Based upon the low bid in the amount of $168,249, the following is the anticipated project budget for the Citywide Traffic Safety Improvements, Project 2006-16: Professional: Inspection/Testing/Survey: Construction (Westward Ho Pedestrian Activated Crosswalk): Construction (Adams St. Emergency Flashing Beacon) Construction (Adams @ Fred Waring Signal Modification) Contingency: Total: $6,874 $ 32,146 $ 94, 949 $36,500 $ 36, 800 $67,731 $275,000 161 As illustrated, adequate funding is available to award a contract to Republic Intelligent Transportation Services, Inc. to construct the Citywide Traffic Safety Improvements, Project Number 2006-16. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: The project is 100% funded with Redevelopment Agency Project Area No. 2 funds. As such, the project includes prevailing wage requirements. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The Citywide Traffic Safety Improvements, Project Number 2006-16 includes three minor projects at separate locations. The first project is the Westward Ho Pedestrian Activated Crosswalk near the La Quinta High School. The second project is the Adams Street emergency flashing beacon adjacent to the La Quinta Fire Station. The third project is a modification to the existing traffic signal at the intersection of Adams Street and Fred Waring Drive. On May 1, 2007, the City Council adopted a Resolution approving the Fiscal Year 2007/2008 through Fiscal Year 201 1 /2012 Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The Westward Ho Pedestrian Activated Crosswalk is included within the adopted CIP and scheduled for funding during Fiscal Year 2007/2008. The City and the Agency made findings under Health & Safety Code Section 33445 regarding this improvement at the time of the CIP adoption. The Adams Street emergency flashing beacon and the Adams Street/Fred Waring Drive Traffic Signal Modification are minor projects that were identified outside the normal budgeting process. On October 2, 2007, the City Council approved the plans, specifications and engineer's estimate (PS&E) and authorized staff to advertise for bid the Citywide Traffic Safety Improvements, Project Number 2006-16, and adopted the a resolution making findings pursuant to Health & Safety Code Section 33445 and consenting to the use of Project Area No. 2 redevelopment funds for the citywide traffic safety improvements. On October 31, 2007, four sealed bids were received for the construction of this project. Republic Intelligent Transportation Services, Inc. submitted the lowest responsive bid in the amount of $168,249. A detailed bid comparison summary is provided for the City Council's review as Attachment 1. ., ' 162 Contingent upon City Council authorization to award the construction of this project on November 20, 2007, the following represents the anticipated project schedule: City Council Awards Contract November 20, 2007 Sign Contracts and Mobilize November 21 — 30, 2007 Construction December 2007 — March 2008 Project Close-out April 2008 FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Award a contract in the amount of $168,249 to Republic Intelligent Transportation Services, Inc. to construct the Citywide Traffic Safety Improvements, Project Number 2006-16; or 2. Do not award a contract in the amount of $168,249 to Republic Intelligent Transportation Services, Inc. to construct the Citywide Traffic Safety Improvements, Project Number 2006-16; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, Timothy R. J nas o , P.E. Public Works Director/City Engineer Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachment: 1. Bid Comparison Summary 163 CITY OF LA QUINTA CITYWIDE TRAFFIC SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT NUMBER 2006-16 BID COMPARISON SUMMARY ATTACHMENT 1 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE Republic ITS Freeway Electric DBX Steiny&Co, UNIT EXTENDED UNIT EXTENDED UNIT EXTENDED EXTENDED EXTENDED ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE UNIT PRICj PRICE UNIT PRICE PRICE Ada. Street 01 Fred Warine Drive TralBc Signal ModiBeatiom 1 Mobilization 1 LS EI,5oom $1,50000 $1,000.00 EI,000oo EI,Sm.m $1,500.00 S30000 $300.00 EI,Om.W EI,WOW 2 Trslfic Control 1 LS $2,50,00 $2,500.00 $11000.00 $11000.00 $3,00000 $3,000.00 $80000 E80000 51,500.00 $1,500.00 3 SilMi.E,Souin and Markers 1 LS S5,00000 $5,000.00 $5,800.00 §5,800.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 E5,280.00 E5280.00 $8,450.00 $8,450.00 4 Traffic Stgml 1 LS $14,000.00 $14,000.00 $29,000W 529,000.00 $27,000.00 $27,000.00 $29,228.00 $29,228.00 S32,900.00p9W.W 0 Subtotal: Westward Do Drive la -Roadway Flashing System and Flash Beacons $23,000.00 S36,800.00 537,500-00 535,608.m m S Mobihrafion 1 LS $S,OW 00 $S,WO.W S1,00000 SI,000.W $3,000W $3,000.00 $1,8m.W $1,800.00 $1,Om.000 6 Traffic Control 1 LS E10,WO.W 510,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $3,WO W $3,Om.00 $2,em.W $2,Bm.W $I,SW mS1,50000 7 Si in,Sniin and Markers 1 LS 8,20000 $8,200.00 $3,200.00 $3,200W $3,300.00 $3,300.00 $29893m 52,893.m $S,Sm.m In-DcRoadway Warring Light System (IRWIS)wiW Trip -Beam 8 D e lion 1 LS §48,000 Do $48,000.00 S69,000.00 $69,Wo 00 $52,60000 $52,600.00 $79,140.00 $79,14000 $56,900.00 9 Solar Powered School Dual FleshingBeaconsS rom 2 EA $20,000.W $40,00000 $4,500.00 $9,000.m $13,000.00 $26,00000 E9,030.00 $IB,WO.m $I2,450.m 10 Rcmove Existing Yellow Paint Traffic Surpe 530 LF $L00 ESIOW $3.30 51,749.m 5350 $1,855.00 $3.W $1,590.m $1.90 Construct Case B, Typal Access Ramp Per A.P. W.A. Stand . II Drawn 111-2 2 EA $3,500.00 $7,000.00 $S,Om.00 $10,00000 $5,000.00 $101000.00 $1,8WW $3,60000 $5,550.00 $11110000 Subtotal: $118,730. $94,M9. 599,]55. $IW,BBl.O $101,m7. Ada. Street Fire Stations Emergency Flashing Beacom 12 Mobilization I LS E3,Om.W $3,Om.W $1,OIIO.W S1,odom $I,mO.W EI,Om 00 $3W.W $3m.W EI,Om.W S1,000.W 13 Traffic Control 1 LS $6,0mW $61000.00 $L000.00 $1,000.00 $2,000.00 $2,00000 E8m.00 §Bm.m §LSm.dn $LSW.W 14 Si in Stnm and Markers 1 LS S6,5WW $6,5m.m $3,5W.00 $3,500.W 1 $3,700m S3,700.00 $3,20000 E3,2Wm S5,300m $5,300.00 15 Solar Powered, Radio Activated Dual Flashing Beacons System 2 EA S22,000m $44,000.00 SI5,500.00 S31,00000) S14,000.00 $28,WO00 S11,710.00 $23,420.m $13,003.W E26,006.00 Subtotal: $59,50000 S36,500. $34,7m.K $27720. $33,806. TOTAL: E201,230.0 $166,249. $171,955.0 5171ji1. S179,563.51 10-h Cn M� 4o r � D OF TK4'9W`' COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: November 20, 2007 AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: _ ITEM TITLE: Approval of New Job Descriptions for Senior Account Technician and Senior Plans Examiner CONSENT CALENDAR: 13 STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDATION: Approve new job descriptions for Senior Account Technician and Senior Plans Examiner. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The costs for the new positions have been incorporated in the approved budget for Fiscal Year 2007/08. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: On September 18, 2007, the City Council approved staff recommendations regarding the internal classification study conducted at the request of the La Quinta City Employees' Association (LQCEA). The positions of Account Technician (responsible for payroll) and Plans Examiner were reclassified with new titles and revised job descriptions. The Account Technician responsible for payroll was reclassified to Senior Account Technician with the additional function of processing payroll. The Plans Examiner position was reclassified to Senior Plans Examiner with the additional function of supervising contract employees. Both new job descriptions are provided (Attachments 1 and 2). FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: •A.. 165 1. Approve the job descriptions for Senior Account Technician and Senior Plans Examiner; or 2. Do not approve the job descriptions for Senior Account Technician and Senior Plans Examiner; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, J� 111E Bret M. Plumlee, Assistant City Manager — Management Services Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Senior Account Technician 2. Senior Plans Examiner A 166 ATTACHMENT 1 THE CITY OF LA QUINTA SENIOR ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN GENERAL STATEMENT OF JOB Under general supervision, performs accounting duties in the preparation, and processing of payroll, and maintenance of accounting and other financial records; prepares related financial reports and summaries as required. - DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS This job class performs at a technical level Accounting support classification. The classification is distinguished from that of an Account Technician by the handling of the payroll function, confidential personnel requests, the level of responsibility assumed, and the complexity of duties assigned. Employees in this class work within the limits of an established accounting system without immediate supervision and are responsible for the application of accounting principles. Work requires considerable attention to detail. Employees in this class may serve as the final check on numerous financial transactions. Work is reviewed by supervisor for conformance to established accounting system requirements. Direction is provided through analysis of financial reports and schedules prepared by the incumbent. REPORTS TO: Accounting Manager. ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS The following duties are normal for this position. These are not to be construed as exclusive or all-inclusive. Other duties may be required and assigned. • Prepares payroll; maintains payroll records and related confidential personnel records and files; • Prepares quarterly and year-end payroll returns and Public Employees' Retirement System statements and contributions; • Assists in the preparation of fiscal year budget; • Serves as cashier; receive payments and validates receipts; • Prepares warrants for payment; records all disbursements; • Assists in the purchasing of supplies and materials; • Performs various related essential duties as required. 167 MINIMUM TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE High school graduation or equivalent; some supplemental courses in accounting and business applications; college graduate preferred; with 2 years of government accounting operations experience; including experience in preparing financial reports and processing payroll; or any equivalent combination of training and experience which provides the required skills, knowledge and abilities. Required Licenses and Certification Possession of, or ability to obtain, a valid California drivers license. KNOWLEDGE AND ABILITIES REQUIRED TO PERFORM ESSENTIAL JOB FUNCTIONS Knowledge of: • application of accounting principles; • office methods and procedures; • computer accounting applications and standard office equipment; • basic governmental accounting methods. Physical Requirements: • Ability to operate a variety of automated office machines including an adding machine, copier, computer, typewriter and fax machine; • Ability to coordinate eyes, hands and fingers in performing semi -skilled tasks including data entry; • Ability to exert light physical effort in sedentary to light work involving sitting most of the time, but may involve walking or moving from one area of the office to another, and standing for brief periods of time; Ability to exert a negligible amount of force frequently to lift, carry, push, pull, or otherwise move objects. Mathematical Ability. • Ability to add, subtract, multiply and divide; • Ability to be accurate in handling money. Judgment and Situational Reasoning Ability: • Ability to apply principles of rational systems in bookkeeping; • Ability to use independent judgment in regularly routine situations. Language Ability and Interpersonal Communication: • Ability to comprehend and correctly use a variety of informational documents including logs, ledgers, and financial records; It 168 • Ability to prepare bank statements, warrants, payroll records and related documents using prescribed format; • Ability to comprehend a variety of reference books and manuals including policy manual, file index, and computer manual; • Ability to communicate effectively with coworkers, supervisor, members of the public, and other City personnel verbally and in writing. Environmental Adaptability: • Ability to work in an office environment. The City of La Quinta is an Equal Opportunity Employer. In compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, La Quinta will provide reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities and encourages both prospective employees and incumbents to discuss potential accommodations with the employer. November 2007 169 ATTACHMENT 2 THE CITY OF LA QUINTA SENIOR PLANS EXAMINER GENERAL STATEMENT OF JOB Under direction, performs complex work involving the review and examination of the non-structural components of commercial, industrial, and residential building plans for compliance with adopted building, mechanical, electrical, plumbing and energy codes, health and safety codes, business and professions codes, zoning codes, and other applicable laws and ordinances. DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS This job class functions at an advanced level. The classification is distinguished from that of a Plans Examiner by the level of supervisory responsibility assumed and the complexity of duties assigned. Employees in this classification follow a framework of policies and objectives. Employees must possess a thorough knowledge of current federal, state, county and city laws, codes, and ordinances related to building construction. Employees must be capable of effective oral and written communication of code requirements to the public, builders, and design professionals. REPORTS TO. Building & Safety Manager. ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS The following duties are normal for this position. These are not to be construed as exclusive or all-inclusive. Other duties may be required and assigned. • Reviews building permit applications and submittal documents for completeness and appropriateness for the requested permit; • Performs plan check activities: reviews building and construction plans and associated documents for compliance with adopted building, mechanical, electrical, plumbing and energy codes, health and safety codes, business and professions codes, zoning codes, and other applicable laws and ordinances; • Coordinates plan check activities with other City departments, other municipal and county organizations, and outside consultants; • Monitors and coordinates the work of full-time contractors performing plans examination; • Reviews work completed by contractors and consultants; • Assumes lead responsibility for the plan review process; 179 • Operates a personal computer utilizing various commercial and proprietary applications software; • Calculates construction valuation and building permit fees; • Maintains logs to track project status; • Provides oral and written information to the public, builders, and design professionals, including the interpretation of building codes, zoning codes, and local ordinances; • Attends and participates in staff meetings, in-house training, and other periodic outside training seminars; • Performs code research and participates in establishing work priorities; • Performs occasional building inspections; • Supports office staff by answering inquiries at the public counter and on the telephone, printing and issuing building permits, and providing back-up coverage in the absence of the Counter Technician. MINIMUM TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE High school graduation or equivalent; 3 years of experience in the construction industry and the building trades involving work performed in conformance with standard building codes; or any equivalent combination of training and experience which provides the required skills, knowledge and abilities. Required Licenses and Certifications Requires a valid Class C California Drivers License and a safe driving record; Requires possession of at least one of the following: a current Building Inspector Certificate or Building Plans Examiner Certificate issued by the International Code Council Requires ability to obtain a Building Plans Examiner Certificate issued by the International Code Council within one year of employment if not already possessed. KNOWLEDGE AND ABILITIES REQUIRED TO PERFORM ESSENTIAL JOB FUNCTIONS Knowledge of.• • All types of building construction materials and methods; • Accepted building construction safety standards; • Proper principles, methods, techniques and practices of building inspection; • Procedures involved in the enforcement of codes and local ordinances; • Federal, state, county, and City building and zoning codes and related laws and ordinances. 171 Physical Requirements: • Ability to operate a variety of office equipment and tools related to the job; • Ability to coordinate eyes, hands and fingers in performing skilled tasks including driving; • Ability to exert moderate physical effort in medium work involving stooping, crouching, climbing and lifting; • Ability to exert a negligible amount of force frequently to lift, carry push, pull or otherwise move objects. Supervisory Responsibilities: • Ability to assign, review, plan, and coordinate the work of other employees or contractors; • Ability to provide instruction and guidance to staff; and promote staff development and motivation; and analyze problems that arise in the areas under supervision and recommend solutions. Mathematical Ability: • Ability to accurately and quickly add, subtract, multiply and divide; • Ability to accurately compute and use fractions and decimals and geometric equations. Judgment and Situational Reasoning Ability. • Ability to apply concepts of rational thinking in interpretation, communication, and application of building code requirements; • Ability to use independent judgment in fairly routine situations, such as inspecting properties, applying complex building codes, and checking plans for compliance. Language Ability and Interpersonal Communication: • Ability to comprehend and correctly use a variety of informationa documents including blueprints, structural calculations, truss calculations and energy calculations; • Ability to accurately prepare plan check correction lists, calculate building permit fees, letters of correspondence, and reports using prescribed format and conforming to all rules of punctuation, grammar, diction and style; • Ability to comprehend a variety of reference books and manuals including municipal codes, building standards, professional society reports, handicapped accessibility codes, and state building codes; • Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with local residents, contractors, developers, coworkers, supervisor and other City personnel through verbal and written communication. 172 Environmental Adaptability: • Ability to work in an outdoor environment while performing inspections and in an office environment. The City of La Quinta is an Equal Opportunity Employer. In compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, La Quinta will provide reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities and encourages both prospective employees and incumbents to discuss potential accommodations with the employer. November 2007 173 c&t!t 4 XP 129mm COUNCILIRDA MEETING DATE: November 20, 2007 ITEM TITLE: Approval of Second Reading of Ordinance No. 447 Amending Title 8 of the La Quinta Charter and Municipal Code Adopting the California Administrative, Building, Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing, Energy, Historical, Fire, Existing Building, and Referenced Standards Codes RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: IAI STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Adopt Ordinance No. 447 Amending Title 8 of the La Quinta Charter and Municipal Code and adopting the California Administrative, Building, Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing, Energy, Historical, Fire, Existing Building, and Referenced Standards Codes FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Ordinance No. 447 will adopt the California Codes with the City's local amendments. At this time there are no changes proposed to the current local amendments, however, the City can make local amendments at any time, not just when the California Codes are adopted. The motion to introduce Ordinance No. 447 carried by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Henderson, Kirk, Osborne, Sniff, Mayor Adolph NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1 . Adopt Ordinance No. 447 on second reading amending Title 8 of the La Quinta Charter and Municipal Code by adopting the California Administrative, Building, Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing, Energy, Historical, Fire, Existing Building, and Referenced Standards Codes; or 2. Do not adopt Ordinance No. 447 on second reading to amend the La Quinta Charter and Municipal Code; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. submitted, L Veronica J. Mtecino, CIVIC City Clerk XX Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager .1.` 175 ORDINANCE NO. 447 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA REVISING TITLE 8 ENTITLED "BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION," AND ADOPTING THE FOLLOWING CODES PUBLISHED BY THE CALIFORNIA BUILDING STANDARDS COMMISSION: 2007 CALIFORNIA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, 2007 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE, 2007 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE, 2007 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE, 2007 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE, 2007 CALIFORNIA ENERGY CODE, 2007 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE, 2007 CALIFORNIA HISTORICAL BUILDING CODE, 2007 CALIFORNIA EXISTING BUILDING CODE, AND 2007 CALIFORNIA REFERENCED STANDARDS CODE. WHEREAS, the California Building Standards Commission has adopted a State approved version of uniform codes governing construction in the State of California; and WHEREAS, said new codes shall become automatically applicable to the City of La Quinta unless the City adopts certain findings related to local climatic or geographical conditions which require modifications to the state approved rules. The City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, DOES HEREBY FIND AND ORDAIN as follows: SECTION 1. Local climate conditions particularly including extreme range of temperatures and proximity to active geological areas are hereby found to require certain revisions to the State approved California Building Code. SECTION 2. ADOPTION OF BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION REGULATIONS. There is hereby adopted an amendment, attached hereto as Exhibit A, to Title 8 of the La Quinta Municipal Code entitled "Buildings and Construction" which is incorporated as fully as if set out in full herein, for the purpose of prescribing regulations governing conditions related to building and construction and activities including those certain documents specifically described in said Exhibit A, save and except certain specified portions which are hereinafter deleted, modified or amended within various Chapters of said Title 8, of which documents being adopted by reference copies are on file with the Building and Safety Department and the same are also hereby adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length herein. 1�6 Ordinance No. 447 Municipal Code Chapter B 2007 California Building Standards Adopted: November 20, 2007 Page 2 SECTION 3. VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, improve, remove, convert, or demolish, equip, or cause or permit the same to be done, contrary to or in violation of any of the provisions of this Ordinance. Any person, firm, or corporation violating, or failing to comply with, any of the provisions of such Ordinance or Code shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each and every day or portion thereof during which any violation of any of the provisions of such Code is committed, continued, or permitted, and upon conviction of any such violation, such person shall be punishable by a fine of not more than $506 or by imprisonment for not more than six (6) months or by both such fine and imprisonment. The application of the penalty provided in this Section shall not be held to prevent the abatement of prohibited conditions as a public nuisance as provided by Section 1.01 .250 of the La Quinta Municipal Code. SECTION 4. VALIDITY. If any section, subsection, clause or phrase of this Ordinance, or of any code adopted thereby is for any reason held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such a decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance or of any code adopted thereby. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance and each section or subsection, sentence, clause and phrase thereof, and each code adopted hereby irrespective of the clauses or phrases being declared invalid. SECTION 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect starting on January 1, 2008. SECTION 6. POSTING. The City Clerk shall, within fifteen (15) days after the passage of this Ordinance, cause it to be posted in at least the three public places designated by resolution of the City Council; shall certify to the adoption and posting of this Ordinance; and shall cause this Ordinance and its certification, together with proof of posting, to be entered in the book of ordinances of the City of La Quinta. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 201h day of November, 2007, by the following vote: 177 Ordinance No. 447 Municipal Code Chapter 8 2007 California Building Standards Adopted: November 20, 2007 Page 3 AYES: Council Members NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None DON ADOLPH, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: VERONICA J. MONTECINO, CMC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California (City Seal) APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California Ordinance No. 447 Municipal Code Chapter 8 2007 California Building Standards Adopted: November 20, 2007 Page 4 EXHIBIT "A" Title 8 of the La Quinta Municipal Code, entitled "Buildings and Construction," shall be amended as follows: 1. Chapter 8.01 Sections heading 8.01.010 shall be revised to change "Adoption of the Uniform Administrative Code" reference to "Adoption of the California Administrative Code." 2. Section 8.01.010 heading shall be revised to "Adoption of the Uniform Administrative Code" reference to "Adoption of the California Administrative Code." 3. Section 8.01 .010 shall be revised to change "Uniform Administrative Code, 1997 Edition" references to " 2007 California Administrative Code." 4. Section 8.01 .010 shall be revised to change "International Conference of Building Officials" references to "California Building Standards Commission." 5. Section 8.01.020 heading and body text is deleted in its entirety. 6. Section 8.01.040 heading and body text is deleted in its entirety. 7. Section 8.01.050 heading and body text is deleted in its entirety. 8. Section 8.01.060 heading and body text is deleted in its entirety. 9. Section 801.070 E. shall be revised to read as follows:"Refusal to comply with this section shall be a misdemeanor and sufficient cause for the suspension of the issued building permit pending compliance." 10. Section 8.02.010 shall be revised to read as follows: "Certain documents marked and designated as the "2007 California Building Code" Volumes 1 and 2, including Appendix Chapters 1 (Administration), Chapter C (Agricultural Buildings), Chapter I (Patio Covers) and Chapter J (Grading) published by the California Building Standards Commission are adopted for regulating the erection, construction, enlargement, alteration, repair, moving, removal, demolition, conversion, occupancy, equipment, use, height, area and maintenance, of all buildings or structures. Each and all of the , 1`79 Ordinance No. 447 Municipal Code Chapter 8 2007 California Building Standards Adopted: November 20, 2007 Page 5 regulations, provisions, conditions and terms of such "California Building Code, 2007 Edition," published by the California Building Standards Commission, on file in the Building and Safety Department, are referred to and made part hereof as if fully set out in this chapter, except as otherwise provided in this chapter. 11. Section 8.02.020 is revised to read as follows: "The following portions of the 2007 California Building Code are deleted: A. Appendix Chapter 1 Section 112 (Board of Appeals) B. Appendix Chapter 1 Section 105.2 Building 2., 4., and 9. 12. Section 8.02.030 heading and body text is deleted in its entirety. 13. Section 8.02.060 is revised to read as follows: "Section 903.2 of the 2007 California Building Code is amended to read as follows: Where Required. Other requirements of this Section notwithstanding, an automatic fire - extinguishing system shall be installed in all buildings where the gross floor area exceeds 5,000 square feet, except Group R, Division 3. 14. Section 8.02.070 heading and body text is deleted in its entirety. 15. Section 802.080 reference to "Uniform Building Code Standards No. 15-2" is revised to read "2007 California Building Code Section 1505." 16. Section 8.02.090 heading and body text is deleted in its entirety. 17. Section 8.03.010 references to "2004 California Electrical Code" are revised to "2007 California Electrical Code" 18. Section 8.03.020 Article 120.7 second paragraph is revised to remove the words "or renewed". 19. Section 8.03.020 Article 120.7 third paragraph is revised to change" International Conference of Building Officials" to "International Code Council". 20. Section 8.04.010 references to " California Plumbing Code 2001 Edition" are revised to "2007 California Plumbing Code" Ordinance No. 447 Municipal Code Chapter 8 2007 California Building Standards Adopted: November 2O, 2OO7 Page 6 21. Section 8.04.020 heading and body text is deleted in its entirety. 22. Section 8.04.040 heading and body text is deleted in its entirety. 23. Section 8.05.010 references to " California Mechanical Code 2001 Edition" are revised to "2007 California Mechanical Code" 24. Section 8.05.020 heading and body text is deleted in its entirety. 25. Section 8.08.010 is amended to read as follows: "8.08.010 Adoption of the California Fire Code Certain documents marked and designated as the "2007 California Fire Code,"including all appendices, with the exception of Appendix A, Board of Appeals and Appendix D, Fire Apparatus Roads, and Section 108 of Appendix Chapter 1, are adopted for the purpose of prescribing regulations governing conditions hazardous to life and property from fire or explosion. Each and all regulations, provisions, conditions and terms of such "2007 California Fire Code," published by California Building Standards Commission in cooperation with the International Code Council, on file in the building and safety department are referred to and made a part of this code as if fully set out in this chapter, except as otherwise provided in this chapter." 26. Section 8.08.020 change references to "California Fire Code 2001 Edition" are revised to "2007 California Fire Code" 27. Section 8.08.040 heading and body text is deleted in its entirety. 28. Section 8.08.050 the first sentence is deleted. The rest of the section remains unchanged. 29. Section 8.08.060 heading and body text is deleted in its entirety 30. Section 8.08.070 delete the first and third sentence of the section. Delete bold text "902.2" preceding "Controlled Access", rest of section to remain the same. Ordinance No. 447 Municipal Code Chapter a 2007 California Building Standards Adopted: November 20, 2007 Page 7 31. Section 8.08.090 first sentence is amended to read as follows: "Section 903.2 of the 2007 California Fire Code, is amended by adding the following: An approved automatic fire sprinkling system shall be installed in every building hereafter constructed, containing Group A,B,E,F,H,I,M,S,U, and Rloccupancies where the gross floor area is 5,000 square feet or more, regardless of stories." Remainder of the section remains unchanged. 32. Section 8.08.100 heading and body text is deleted in its entirety. 33. Section 8.08.120 heading and body text is deleted in its entirety. 34. Section 8.14.010 references to "2005 California Energy Code" are revised to "2007 California Energy Code" 35. Section 8.14.020 heading and body text is deleted in its entirety. 36. Chapter 8.15 shall be added as follows: "Chapter 8.15 HISTORICAL BUILDING CODE 8.15.010 Adoption of the California Historical Building Code Certain documents marked and designated as the "2007 California Historical Building Code," published by the California Building Standards Commission, are adopted to facilitate the preservation and continuing use of qualified historical buildings or properties while providing reasonable safety for the building occupants and access for persons with disabilities. Each and all of the regulations, provisions, conditions, and terms of such "2007 California Historical Building Code," published by the California Building Standards Commission, on file in the building and safety department, are referred to and made a part of this code as if fully set out in this chapter." 37. Chapter 8.16 shall be added as follows: "Chapter 8.16 EXISTING BUILDING CODE 182 Ordinance No. 447 Municipal Code Chapter 8 2007 California Building Standards Adopted: November 20, 2007 Page 8 8.16.010 Adoption of the California Existing Building Code Certain documents marked and designated as the "2007 California Existing Building Code," published by the California Building Standards Commission, are adopted to promote public safety and welfare by reducing the risk or injury that may result from the effects of earthquakes on existing unreinforced masonry bearing wall buildings. Each and all of the regulations, provisions, conditions, and terms of such "2007 California Existing Building Code," published by the California Building Standards Commission, on file in the building and safety department, are referred to and made a part of this code as if fully set out in this chapter." 38. Chapter 8.17 shall be added as follows: "Chapter 8.17 REFERENCE STANDARDS CODE 8.17.010 Adoption of the California Referenced Standards Code Certain documents marked and designated as the "2007 California Referenced Standards Code," published by the California Building Standards Commission, are hereby adopted. Each and all of the regulations, provisions, conditions, and terms of such "2007 California Referenced Standards Code," published by the California Building Standards Commission, on file in the building and safety department, are referred to and made a part of this code as if fully set out in this chapter. No Changes to the Remainder of Title 8 183 a, T4 �w 0 � 0 COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: November 20, 2007 ITEM TITLE: Approval of Second Reading of Ordinance No. 446 Amending Chapters 2.06, 2.29, and 7.04 of the La Quinta Charter and Municipal Code Relating to Boards, Commissions, and Committees (Absences and Residential Requirements) RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: 15 STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Adopt Ordinance No. 446 on second reading amending Chapters 2.06, 2.29, and 7.04 relating to absences and residential requirements for Boards, Commissions, and Committees. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Ordinance No. 446 was introduced on first reading with the following language added, pertaining to the Architecture Landscape Review Committee: It is required that the third member (professional member) have a strong background in architecture. 184 Motion passed by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Henderson, Kirk, Osborne, Sniff, Mayor Adolph NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Adopt Ordinance No. 446 on second reading amending Chapters 2.06, 2.29, and 7.04 of the La Quinta Charter and Municipal Code relating to Boards, Commissions, and Committees (Absences and Residential Requirements); or 2. Do not adopt Ordinance No. 446 on second reading to amend the La Quinta Charter and Municipal Code; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully Veronica J.�p6tecino, C City Clerk Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager ., 185 ORDINANCE NO. 446 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTERS 2.06, 2.29 AND 7.04 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES (ABSENCES AND RESIDENTIAL REQUIREMENTS) THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Section 2.06.020(B) of the La Quinta Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: B. Any member of a board or commission of this city may be removed from office at any time, with or without cause, by a majority vote of the city council. If a member absents him/herself from two consecutive regular meetings, or absents him/herself from a total of three scheduled meetings within any fiscal year, his/her office shall become vacant and shall be filled as any other vacancy. A board or commission member may request advance permission from the city council be absent at one or more regular meetings due to extenuating circumstances, and/or may request the city council to excuse an absence after -the -fact where such extenuating circumstances prevented the member from seeking advance permission to be absent. If such permission or excuse is granted by the City Council, the absent shall not be counted toward the above -stated limitations on absences. C. Except as stated below in this subsection, all members of boards, commissions and committees of the city appointed by the city council shall be initially, and during their incumbencies bona fide residents and registered voters of the city, and no such member at or during such time shall be an employee of the city. Nonresident members serving on the historic preservation commission as of July 1, 2004, may continue to serve and may seek reappointment until such time as they resign or are replaced by action of the city council. The city council may appoint non-residents as professional members to the historic preservation commission and/or a non- resident as the professional of architecture member of the architectural and landscaping review committee, when, in the judgment of the city council, there is a lack of applications from qualified residents of the city. Ordinance No. 446 Boards, Commissions and Committees (Absences and Residential Requirements) Adopted: November 20, 2007 Page 2 SECTION 2. Section 2.29.040 of the La Quinta Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: The city council shall appoint a three -member architectural and landscaping review committee (ALRC). It is preferred, although not required, that two members of the ALRC have expertise in the areas of architecture or landscape architecture. It is required that the third member (professional member) have a strong background in architecture. Recruitment for a professional member may be advertised outside the city limits. The ALRC shall meet, when in the determination of the planning director, a structure or landscape design will be considered by the planning commission, to make recommendations as to design issues to be included in the staff report to the planning commission. The ALRC shall meet only one time on a give project. The recommendations of the ALRC shall be advisory only and not binding on the planning commission. The ALRC shall also meet, upon the determination of the planning director, to consider commercial property improvement program applications. The terms of the members of the ALRC shall be for two years, with the initial appointments to be two members having two-year terms and one member having a one-year term. SECTION 3. Section 7.04.020 of the La Quinta Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: A. Three commissioners shall be appointed from among professionals in the disciplines of architecture, history, architectural history, planning, or other historic preservation -related disciplines, such as urban planning, American studies, American civilization, cultural geography or cultural anthropology. Recruitment for professional members may be advertised outside the city limits. Two commissioners shall be lay members who have demonstrated special interest, competence, experience or knowledge in historic preservation, American studies, cultural anthropology, cultural geography or other historic preservation -related discipline. SECTION 4. EFFECTIVE DATE: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its adoption. SECTION 5. POSTING: The City Clerk shall cause this Ordinance to be posted in at least three public places designated by resolution of the City Council, shall certify to the adoption and posting of this Ordinance, and shall cause this Ordinance and its certification, together with proof of posting to be entered into the Book of Ordinances of the City of La Quinta. Ordinance No. 446 Boards, Commissions and Committees (Absences and Residential Requirements) Adopted: November 20, 2007 Page 3 PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED, at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held this 201n day of November, 2007, by the following vote: AYES: Council Members NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: VERONICA J. MONTECINO, CMC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California (SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California DON ADOLPH, Mayor City of La Quinta, California y.1 189 Ordinance No. 446 Boards, Commissions and Committees (Absences and Residential Requirements) Adopted: November 20, 2007 Page 4 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE 1 ss. CITY OF LA QUINTA ► I, VERONICA J. MONTECINO, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, California, do hereby certify the foregoing to be a full, true, and correct copy of Ordinance No. 446 which was introduced at a regular meeting on the 6`n day of November, 2007, and was adopted at a regular meeting held on the 20`h day of November, 2007, not being less than 5 days after the date of introduction thereof. I further certify that the foregoing Ordinance was posted in three places within the City of La Quinta as specified in City Council Resolution No. 2006-1 15. VERONICA J. MONTECINO, CMC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California I•]xyA1MANI161,01H7a1.1619iZLei I, VERONICA J. MONTECINO, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was posted on pursuant to Council Resolution. VERONICA J. MONTECINO, CMC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California 181 O4 ��CFM OF'[NF'OW`' COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: November 20, 2007 ITEM TITLE: Approval of a California Department of Transportation Safe Routes to School Program Grant Application for Traffic Signal at Fred Waring Drive at Palm Royale Drive RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: r CONSENT CALENDAR: p STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Approve the grant application for a California Department of Transportation ("Caltrans") Safe Routes to School ("SR2S") grant application to install a traffic signal at Fred Waring Drive and Palm Royale Drive for the Colonel Mitchell Paige Middle School. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The City, acting as lead agency, in cooperation with Desert Sands Unified School District ("DSUSD"), is proposing a project budget of $430,000 (Construction Account 401-1779-551-45-01). If the grant application is approved by Caltrans, reimbursement to the City will be in the amount of $387,000 (90%) with the City providing matching funds of $43,000 (10%). Staff is currently drafting a Cooperative Agreement (to be brought before Council at a later date) between the City and DSUSD which sets up a cost share of the matching funds between the two entities. Should the City receive the grant, their share of matching funds could be taken from Account 401-0000-391.00-00 Transportation Development Impact Fees (DIF). CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: 1 .6 1190 The Caltrans SR2S program was established in 1999, from the passage and signing of Assembly Bill 1475 (AB 1475). In 2001, Senate Bill 10 (SB 10) was enacted which extended the program for three additional years. In 2004, SB 1087 was enacted to extend the program three more years. A new bill, AB 57 was introduced in December 2006 to extend the program until January 1, 2013. The goals of the program are to reduce injuries and fatalities to school children and to encourage increased walking and bicycling among students. The City's application is eligible under the category "Pedestrian/bicycle crossing improvements." The draft grant application is provided as Attachment 1. The deadline for submission is November 30, 2007. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Approve the grant application for a California Department of Transportation Safe Routes to School Program Grant; or 2. Do not approve the grant application for a California Department of Transportation Safe Routes to School Program Grant; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, Bret M. Plumlee, Assistant City Manager — Management Services Approved for submission by: /�% Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager K Attachment: 1. Draft Project Cost Estimate 3 19� Attachment 1 EXHIBIT A CALIFORNIA'S SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL PROGRAM APPLICATION FORM (71" CYCLE Please read the Interim Safe Routes to School Program Guidelines available on the SR2S website and pay special attention to Section 7 - Application Form Instructions - while preparing this application. An incomplete or altered application format will be disqualified from further review. The entire application package, including attachments, shall not exceed 30 pages. This page must be the first page of the application. Applications must be stapled in the upper left hand corner. Applications bound by any other means will not be accepted, e.g. binders, protective covers, spiral threading, etc. A transmittal letter, if submitted, should be attached to the application with a removable binder clip. L APPLICATION INFORMATION Applicant (Agency): City of La Quinta Address:78-495 Calle Tampico City: La Quinta County: Riverside Zip: 92253 Contact Person: Therese Vella-Finorio Phone: 760-777-7043 Ext: 7043 E-Mail: tfinorio@la-guinta.or State Legislative Districts: Senate District: 37 Assembly District: 80 Caltrans District: 8 Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO): SCAG II. PROJECT INFORMATION School Names(s): Colonel Mitchell Paige SchoolDistrict(s): Desert Sands Unified School District Project Description: Provide a brief description of the proposed project improvements. Project Location: Provide a brief description of the general location(s) of the proposed project. Zip code of the project location: 92253 Total number of project applications being submitted by your agency? 1 If more than one application is being submitted, what is the priority of this application? 0 Check this box if the same project will also be submitted for SRTS Funding (Cycle 2). ❑ Last Revised: August 29, 2007 Improvement categories included in the proposed project: (check all that apply) ® Pedestrian Facilities ® Traffic Control Devices ❑ Public Outreach and Education ❑ Bicycle Facilities ❑ Traffic Calming and Speed Reduction ❑ Other (describe) III. PROJECT COST ESTIMATE SR2S Funds Local Funds Other Funds Total Cost PreliminaryEngineering Environmental $48,375.001 $5,375.001 $53,750.00 PS&E $0.00 Right of Way Engineering $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Appraisals, Acquisitions & Utilities 1 $0.001 $0.001 1 $0.00 Construction Construction Engineering $29,952.501 $3,332.50 1 $33,326.00 Construction $269,932,50 $29,992.50 $299,925.00 Public Outreach & Education Includes education, enforcement, and encouragement activities. $0.00 Subtotal 1 $348,300.001 $38,700.00 $0.001 $387,000.00 Contingent $38,700.001 $4,300.00 $43,000.00 Total Pr ject Cost $387,000.001 $43,000.001 $0.001 $430,000.00 (1) For construction cost, provide a detailed Engineer's Estimate (use form provided on SR2S web site). (2) Public Outreach & Education "Total Cost" may not exceed 10% of the Construction "Total Cost". (3) Contingency "Total Cost" may not exceed 10% ofthe "Subtotal". (4) SR2S funds may not exceed 90% of "Total Cost" or $900, 000. In some cases, the review committee may recommend that a project be funded providing certain components are removed from the project scope. Will the applicant proceed with the construction of the project if its scope and cost are reduced? Y ® N ❑ Last Revised: August 29, 2007 2 •) 19 ¢ COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: November 20, 2007 ITEM TITLE: Acceptance of the On -Site Improvements Associated with Tract Map No. 30023-3, Trilogy, Shea La Quinta, LLC RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: P I STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Accept the on -site improvements associated with Tract Map No. 30023-3, Trilogy, Shea La Quinta, LLC and authorize staff to release performance security upon receipt of warranty security. Direct staff to release labor and materials security ninety (90) days after City Council acceptance of the improvements. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. No public improvements will be accepted with this action. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Tract Map No. 30023-3, Trilogy, is located south of Avenue 60 and east of Madison Street (Attachment 1). The improvements include curb and gutter, sidewalk, curb ramps, storm drain, landscaping, signing, striping, and asphalt concrete pavement. All obligations of the Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) and the Conditions of Approval have been satisfied. The City Attorney had no issue with acceptance of these issues. Attachment 2 indicates the amount of the warranty security. ., ' 195 FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: Accept the on -site improvements associated with Tract Map No. 30023- 3, Trilogy, Shea La Quinta, LLC and authorize staff to release performance security upon receipt of warranty security. Direct staff to release labor and materials security ninety (90) days after City Council acceptance of the improvements; or 2. Do not accept the on -site improvements associated with Tract Map No. 30023-3, Trilogy, Shea La Quinta, LLC and do not authorize staff to release performance security upon receipt of warranty security. Direct staff to release labor and materials security ninety (90) days after City Council acceptance of the improvements; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, ID CT' othy R. s n, P.EPublicWorks for/City Engineer Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Warranty Security Exhibit 19,E ATTACHMENT 1 TM 30023-3 TRILOGY AVEMIE 00 ` , g � S I -- HEtlAMER PARCEL PFR M B 329/8I-103. OR \\ PER NMO DER YB ]M/0I-fOL O.R� \;YL`JI O 8a \ I y$ ` DETAIL •A' onW) S N') (WW) I.P., OF0.' H ROCI( 4gNID /RO LS 4153. PER \ N /I,IFC iIG PER YA ]n/1I-1. O.R YB ]A/0I-102 O.R �nC?. i VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE CITY COUNCIL MEETING: November 20, 2007 L; LOT 136 / TR. NO. 30023.1 :R Yi.O. 320/3T-9021O.W. LOTS' 11 - DESERT ROSE 1 DRIVE (PRIM 7ROM LDE DATA , xwBFR Dnen,Dx pSIYNE LI x ST1.' [ t3063 L3 N ]OL N' E tp.N R [y` L) N i15♦ N IASR _tmY�U NE0111] E 13 LO' GG ,3 N OT313p N ] 10 - S l0 N IFMN E 3I1.61 4 Lt LOT 141 M. NO. 30023.1 A B'L0. 320/37-9 :4 O.W. LOT 'A' DESERT ROSE 1 DRIVE ynD a ,L \ ` , Ln ITEM TITLE: Acceptance of On -site Improvements Associated with Tract Map No. 30023-3, Trilogy, Shea La Quinta, LLC APPLICANT: Mr. Jeff Davies, Shea La Quinta, LLC 4., 197 ATTACHMENT 2 WARRANTY SECURITY (ON -SITE) 30023.3 Development Name: Trilogy at La Quinta ON -SITE IMPROVEMENTS Performance security' Improvement Description Labor & Materiaisz Current Amount Proposed Reduction WARRANTY AMOUNT' Streets $842,300 $842,300 90% $84,230 Domestic Water $550,460 $550 460 90% $55.046 Sanitary Sewer $417 300 $417,300 90% $41,730 Storm Drain $28 950 $28,950 90% $2 895 Utilities $284.280 $284,280 90% $28428 Street Lighting $148600 $148500 1 90% $14,850 Irrigation System $44 400 $44,400 90% $4,440 Monumentation $0 $20,000 100% $0 Standard Contingency 10% $231,600 $233 620 100% $0 Professional Fees, Design 10% $264,780 $256,980 100% $0 Professional Fees Construction 10% $254 780 $256 980 100% $0 No Plans Contigency 25% $636,950 $642,450 100% $0 Totals 3,694,300 $3,726,220 — 5231,619 Performance Security shall be released immediately upon City Council acceptance z Labor & Materials Security to remain In place for 90 days after City Council acceptance of improvements. a WARRANTY SECURITY shall be received by the City prior to being placed on the agenda for City Council. TATracts\30000-39999\30023 (1.7)\rxternal Correspondence\Tr 30023 Pit 1.4 Cond Final Accept Letter.docPage 6 of 7 193 COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: November 20, 2007 ITEM TITLE: Approval of a Resolution Supporting Regulatory Changes to the Low -Income Housing Tax Credit Program Creating Consistency with the Regional Housing Needs Assessment RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: A STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Adopt a Resolution of the City Council supporting the regulatory changes to the Low - Income Housing Tax Credit Program creating consistency with the Regional Housing Needs Assessment. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: There is no fiscal impact at this time. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG) Executive Committee has been working on proposed changes to the Low -Income Housing Tax Credit Program to seek legislation to create consistency with the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) program. The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee is responsible for allocating low-income housing tax credits to established regions in the State. Riverside, San Bernardino and Imperial Counties combined represent the Inland Empire Region. The combined population for the Inland Empire is 11.5% of the State's population. Because this number is low, the Inland Empire region receives only 8% of the geographic credit even though Riverside and San Bernardino Counties is projected by the Unites States Census as having the greatest numerical increase in population for the past six years. y. 191 The RHNA process is responsible for assigning Riverside and San Bernardino Counties the per capita quantity of affordable housing in Southern California. Historically, Riverside and San Bernardino counties have had the highest per capita quantity in Southern California. The contradiction between these two processes has been a concern to Valley cities for several years. While RHNA projects housing demand is based on forecasted population growth within a housing element planning period, the Tax Credit Allocation Committee assigns tax credits based on existing concentration of poverty. Therefore, the Inland Empire Region is forced to build their allocated number of affordable housing, but without enough low-income housing tax credits to help with the funding needed to build the affordable housing. CVAG has been working with local cities to resolve this disproportionate allocation. On October 29, 2007, CVAG Executive Committee adopted a resolution to urge local legislators to support the regulatory changes to the Low -Income Housing Tax Credit Program to balance the allocation of tax credits with the RHNA requirements. CVAG is requesting each city adopt a similar resolution. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Adopt a Resolution of the City Council supporting the regulatory changes to the Low -Income Housing Tax Credit Program creating consistency with the Regional Housing Needs Assessment; or 2. Do not adopt a Resolution of the City Council supporting the regulatory changes to the Low -Income Housing Tax Credit Program creating consistency with the Regional Housing Needs Assessment; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, Douglas,�l: Evans Assistant City Manager - Development Services Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager 209 RESOLUTION NO 2007- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA SUPPORTING REGULATORY CHANGES TO THE LOW INCOME HOUSING TAX CREDIT PROGRAM CREATING CONSISTENCY WITH THE REGIONAL HOUSING NEEDS ASSESSMENT WHEREAS, the California Tax Credit Allocation Committee has established ten (10) geographic regions and allocated a percentage of available low- income housing tax credits to each region; and WHEREAS, the Counties of Riverside, San Bernardino and Imperial are grouped together to form one of the ten regions defined as the Inland Empire region; and WHEREAS, the current Inland Empire population is 4,186,436 residents; and WHEREAS, the Inland Empire regional population represents 11.5% of the current State-wide population; and WHEREAS, the Inland Empire region receives only 8% of the geographic credit; and WHEREAS, the current regulations of the Low -Income Housing Tax Credit Program unjustly disadvantage the Inland Empire Region with a disproportionate allocation of low-income housing tax credits by geographic areas; and WHEREAS, the United States Census ranks Riverside County with the greatest numerical increase in population over the past six years; and WHEREAS, the United States Census ranks Riverside County as within the top 100 fastest growing counties nationwide and with the greatest numerical increase in population of the same 100 fastest growing counties; and WHEREAS, every other county in the State of California with a current population of 2,000,000 or more has a geographic region of its own; and WHEREAS, the United States Census estimates the current Riverside County population to be 2,023,803 as of 1 July 2006; and 201 City Council Resolution No, 2007- Tax Credit/RHNA Regulatory Changes Adopted: November 20, 2007 WHEREAS, the current regulations of the Low -Income Housing Tax Credit Program unjustly disadvantage Riverside County by grouping it within the Inland Empire region creating competition for the already disproportionately low allocation to the Inland Empire region; and WHEREAS, Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) obligates Riverside and San Bernardino counties to build the highest per capita quantity of affordable housing in southern California; and WHEREAS, RHNA projects housing demand based on forecasted population growth within a housing element planning period, while the California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (TCAC) assigns tax credits based on existing concentration of poverty; and WHEREAS, the RHNA housing production obligation and the Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program allocation formula work in contradiction with each other; and WHEREAS, the Riverside County wishes to effort compliance with the RHNA housing production obligation; and WHEREAS, the Low -Income Housing Tax Credit Program is the most viable source of primary funding for the production of affordable housing; and WHEREAS, the City of La Quinta urges local and State legislators to also support regulatory changes to the Low -Income Housing Tax Credit Program so as to align the allocation of Low -Income Housing Tax Credits with the RHNA requirements for the production of affordable housing. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta supports regulatory changes to the Low -Income Housing Tax Credit program so as to align the allocation of low-income housing tax credits with the RHNA requirements for the production of affordable housing. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 20th day of November, 2007, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: 202 City Council Resolution No. 2007- Tax Credit/RHNA Regulatory Changes Adopted: November 20, 2007 U-1-14-W ABSTAIN: ATTEST: VERONICA J. MONTECINO, CIVIC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California DON ADOLPH, Mayor City of La Quinta, California •1 203 ` 4 4Qahra COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: November 20, 2007 ITEM TITLE: Adoption of a Resolution Granting Conditional Approval of a Final Map and Subdivision Improvement Agreement for Parcel Map No. 33954, Phoenix Row III RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: _Q CONSENT CALENDAR: l STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Adopt a Resolution of the City Council granting conditional approval of a Final Map and Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) for Parcel Map No. 33954, Phoenix Row III. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Tract Map No. 33954 is located north of Calle Amigo and east of Avenida Bermudas (Attachment 1). This commercial development will consist of 3 parcels; on approximately 0.306 acres (Attachment 2). On January 24, 2006, the Planning Commission approved Tentative Parcel Map 33954. The developer has requested the City Council's conditional approval of the Final Map (Attachment 2) which will allow thirty (30) days for completion of its processing. To date, the SIA (Attachment 3) has been executed by the developer, but the associated securities have not yet been received. The Final Map is technically complete and is 0. 204 being routed for signatures. It is expected that the associated securities and all signatures will be in place within the time allowed for its conditional approval. As a result, City staff has prepared the attached Resolution which provides for conditional approval of the Final Map and SIA. The approval is contingent upon receipt within thirty (30) days (December 20, 2007), of a technically correct Final Map, suitable for recording by the County Recorder, with all required signatures (except the City Clerk) and associated securities. Once these items are received, the City Clerk will affix the City Seal to the Final Map and offer the Final Map for recording by the County Recorder. If any of the required items are not received by City staff within the specified time frame, the Final Map will be considered disapproved and will be rescheduled for City Council consideration only after all required items have been received. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Adopt a Resolution of the City Council granting conditional approval of a Final Map and Subdivision Improvement Agreement for Parcel Map No. 33954, Phoenix Row III; or 2. Do not adopt a Resolution of the City Council granting conditional approval of a Final Map and Subdivision Improvement Agreement for Parcel Map No. 33954, Phoenix Row III; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, �2 mothy R. J nas orr, P.E. Public Wor Dire r/ City Engineer Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Tract Map 3. Subdivision Improvement Agreement 20 RESOLUTION NO. 2007 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING CONDITIONAL FINAL MAP APPROVAL OF PARCEL MAP NO. 33954, PHOENIX ROW III, A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, AND AUTHORIZING A TIME EXTENSION FOR SATISFACTORY COMPLETION OF THE CONDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS TO VALIDATE THE APPROVAL WHEREAS, the City Council conducts only two regular meetings per month and the time interval between these meetings occasionally creates an undue hardship for business enterprises and individuals seeking approval of subdivision maps; and WHEREAS, the City Council, as a matter of policy, allows a subdivider to have City staff present the map for approval consideration when the requisite items necessary for final map approval are nearly, but not completely, finished thus yielding to the subdivider additional production time for preparation of those items; and WHEREAS, the subdivider has demonstrated to City staff and the City Council that it has made sufficient progress with items required for final map approval, and it is reasonable to expect the subdivider to satisfactorily complete the items, including City staff review time, within thirty (30) days without adversely impacting other ongoing work commitments of City staff; and WHEREAS, Section 66458(b) of the Subdivision Map Act grants the City Council broad authority to authorize time extensions regarding final map approval, or disapproval, upon receiving it for consideration; and WHEREAS, the City Council relies on professional City staff to review all required items for conformance with relevant requirements, and it is therefore appropriate for the City Council to approve the final map subject to review and confirmation of the required items by professional City staff, within a reasonable period of time as specified by the City Council. 207 Resolution No. 2007- Parcel Map No. 33954, Labranche Adopted: November 20, 2007 Page 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: Section 1. The final map for Parcel Map 33954 is conditionally approved provided the subdivider submits all required items on or before December 20, 2007. Section 2. The City Council's approval of the final map shall not be considered valid until the City Engineer has signed the map indicating that it conforms to the tentative tract map, the Subdivision Map Act, and all ordinances of the City. Section 3. The City Engineer shall withhold his signature from the map until the subdivider has completed the following requirements to the City Engineer's satisfaction. A. Place appropriate securities in accordance with the approved Subdivision Improvement Agreement. B. Finalize the final Parcel Map and obtain all necessary signatures. Section 4. The City Clerk shall withhold affixing the City Seal to the map title page, along with her attesting signature, until the City Engineer has signed the map. Section 5. The time extension for satisfying the requirements of the conditional approval for this final map shall expire when City offices close for regular business on December 20, 2007. If the subdivider has not satisfied the requirements in Section 3, herein, by the expiration deadline, the final map shall be considered disapproved. Disapproval does not deny any rights the subdivider may have under the Map Act to resubmit the final map for approval, or disapproval. `)1 Resolution No. 2007- Parcel Map No. 33954, Labranche Adopted: November 20, 2007 Page 3 of 4 PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 20th day of November, 2007, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: DON ADOLPH, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: VERONICA J. MONTECINO, CMC, CITY CLERK City of La Quinta, California (City Seal) APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California ATTACHMENT I' PARCEL MAP NO. 33954 CALLE TAMPICO a � w o o AVENIDA LA FONDA w m m w O p m J = Z w N Z w 7 U w Q CALLE HIDALGO CALLE F BARCELONA w PM 33954 V) CALLE o AMIGO52 AVENIDA SINALOA AVENUE VICINITY MAP N.T.S. W:\bE�3Pls\NhMaM-1Y Prow\W NG\N0001YCt0 10/MMM 11:17:46. IN THE CITY OF LA OUINTA. COUNTY OF RNERSIDE. STATE OF CAIFORNIA PARCEL MAP NO. 33954 BEING A SUBDIVISION OF LOT 11 OF BLOCK 3 OF DESERT CLUB TRACT NO 1. AS FILED IN BOOK 19. PAGE 75 OF MAPS, OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE CWNTY. CAUFORNIA. LOCATED IN THE SOUDIWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 6. T.6S., R.]E., S.B.M. FOMOTOR ENGINEERING VICINITY MAP N T.S. OWNER'S STATEMENT WE HEREBY STATE THAT WE ARE THE OWNERS OF THE LAND INCLUDED WITHIN THE SUBDMSN)N SHOWN HEREON: THAT WE ARE THE ONLY PERSONS WHOSE CONSENT 15 NECESSARY TO PASS A CIFM ME TO SAID LAND, THAT WE CONSENT TO THE MAKING AND RECORDING OF THIS SUBDMSION MAP AS SHOWN WITHIN THE DISTINCINE BORDER LINE WE HEREBY RESVIST FOR DRAINAGE PURPOSES, THE 5' DRAINAGE FPSEMENT OVER PARCELS 2 AND 3, AS SHOWN HEREON, FOR THE SOLE BENEFIT OF OURSELVES. OUR SUCCESSORS. ASSIGNEES AND LOT OWNERS WITHIN THIS PARCEL NAP. WE HEREBY RESERJE FOR FOR HANDICAP ACCESS AND PEDESTRIAN PATH OF TRAVEL PURPOSES, THE EASEMENT OVER PARCEL 2 AS SHOWN HEREON, FOR THE SOLE BENEFIT OF OURSELVTS. OUR SUCCESSORS, ASSIGNEES AND LOT OWNERS WITHIN THIS PARCEL NM. PHOENIX ROW III, UUC W. PH. LA BRANCHE, JR. MANAGER NOTAW ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF /2 SS: ON . BEFORE ME, A NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR BAD STATE PERSONALLY APPEARED PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME OR PROVED TO ME ON THE BASIS OF SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE TO BE THE PERSON(S) WHOSE NAME(5) IS/ARE SUBSCRIBED TO THE WITHIN INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWUEWEO TO ME THAT HE/SHE/THEY EXECUTED THE SAME IN HS/HER/THEIR AUTHORIZED CAPACIT TIES). AND THAT BY HIS/HM/THEIR SIGNMWRE(S) ON THE INSTRUMENT THE PERSON(5) OR THE ENTRY UPON BEHALF OF WHCH THE PERSON(5) ACTED, EXECUTED THE INSTRUMENT WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SELL: SIGNATURE NOTARY PUBUC N AND MR SAID STATE PRINTED NAME, MY COMMISSION EXPIRES MY PRIACIPLE PUCE OF BUSINESS B IN COUNTY SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT OCTOBER 2006 THIS IMP WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION AND IS BASED UPON A FIELD SVRVEY IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SVBDMSON MAP ACT AND LOCAL ORDINANCE AT THE REQUEST OF FRAM UBR.WCHE ON JUNE 1, 2005. 1 HEREBY STATE THAT i Is FINAL MAP SUBSTANTIALLY CONFORMS TO THE CONDLBONALLY APPROVED TEWATM MAP TARS ALL MONUMENTS SHOWN HEREON ACTUALLY EXIST AND THEIR POSITIONS ARE CORRECTLY SHOWN, OR WILL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS OF THE MONUMENT AGREEMENT FOR THIS MAP, AND THAT SAID MONUMENTS ME SUFFICIENT TO ENABLE THE SUTkY TO BE REFACED THE SUIMY IS TRUE AND COMPLETE AS SHOWN. ARN� PHILUP K FOMOMR I.S. NO 7070 UP. 12/31/09 x..rm9 DAZED 10_ Wi wN CITY SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT I HEREBY STATE THAT I HAVE EXAMINED THE WITHIN MAP OF PARCEL MAP NO 33950 CONSISTING OF TWO (2) SHEETS AND 1 AM EATSFIED TINT STUD MAP IS TECHNICALLY CORRECT DATEII . 2D_ ERK A NELSON RIM 5583 ACTING CITY SURVflDR UP. DATE 9/30/09 CITY ENGINEER'S STATEMENT SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS RECORDER'S STATEMENT FILED THIS DAY OF , 20_. AT _ M. IN BOOK _ OF PMCEL MAPS AT PAGES AT THE REQUEST OF THE CITY CLERK 00 THE CITY OF N OUINTA NO. HE IARRY W WARD. COUNTY RECORDER -ASSESSOR -CLERK BY: , DEPUTY SU IOMSION GUARANTEE IIDI NATIONAL TITLE COMPANY TAX BOND CERTIFICATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT A BOND IN THE SUM OF 9_ HAS BEEN EXECUTED AUTO FILED OATH THE BOARD OF SUPERMSORS OF THE COUNTY OF NN£RSIDE. CNIFORNN. CONDITIONED UPON THE PAYMENT OF ALL TAXES, STATE. COUNTY, MUNICIPAL, OR LOCAL AND ALL SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS COLLECTED AS TAXES, WHICH AT THE TIME OF FUND OF THIS MAP WITH THE CWNTY RECORDER ME A LIEN AGAINST SAID PROPERTY. BUT NOT YET PAYABLE. AND SAID BOND HAS BEEN DULY APPROVED BY SAID BOARD OF SUPERJ50RS. OHM: , 20_ CASH TAX BOND NANCY ROMERO PAUL MCDONNELL CLERK OF THE BOARD OF SUPERMSORS COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR BY: __ — BY TAX COLLECTOWS CERTIFICATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ACCORDING TO THE RECORDS OF THIS OFFICE. AS OF THIS DATE THERE ARE NO LIENS AGAINST THE PROPERTY SHOWN ON THE WITHIN MAP FOR UNPAID STATE. COUNTY. MUNlCIPK. OR LOCAL TAKES OR SPECIAL A55ESSMENIS COLLECTED AS TME5. EXCEPT TAXES OR SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS COLLECTED AS TAXES NOW A LIEN BUT NOT YET PAYABLE. WHICH ARE ESTIMATED TO BE $ DATED: . 20_ PAUL MCDONNEJ- COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR BY: __ _. DEPUTY I HEREBY STATE TNT I GAVE IX.WNED THE WITHIN MAP OF PARCEL LAP W. 33954 CITY CLERK'$ STATEMENT CONSISTING OF TWO (2) SHEETS: THAT THE SUBONT IN SHOWN HEREON 5 SUBSUMMLLY THE SAME AS IT APPEARED ON THE TENTATIVE MAP AND ANY APPROVED ALTERATION TNERECF: I. V Ck J. MONTHINO. CITY CLERK AND EX-OFFTCIO CLERK OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THAT ALL PRONSION OF THE SUBDMSION AMP ACT AND OF ANY IOCLL ORDINANCES TIE CRY OF LA OONTA CW FORNK HEREBY STATE THAT SAID CITY COUNCIL AT ITS APPLICABLE AT THE TIME OF APPRMAL OF THE TENTATM MAP NAVE BEEN COMPUED WITH. REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE _ DAY OF . 20_, APPROVED THE WITHIN AMA OF PARCEL MI NO. 33954. DATED . 2D_ 1WDTNY R JONAMCI, PE RCE 45843 PUBUC WORKS DIRECTOR CITY ENGINEER UP. DATE 12/31/08 PURSUANT TO SECTION 66436 (A)3A(1-VIII) OF THE SUBDMSION MAR ACT, THE SIGNATURES CA THE FOLLOWING EASEMENT HOLDERS HAM MEN OMITTED: CWHEW VALLEY COUNTY WATER DISTRICT, HOLDER OF A RIGHT OF WAY AND EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF THE PUBLIC. FOR ALL PUBLIC ROADS, AND RIGHTS OF WAY HERMFORE OFDIGKTEO. ACQUIRED, RESERVED OR ACCEPTED FOR PUBUC USE AND ALSO ANY AND ALL PRNATE EASEMENTS AND MONTE OF WAY FOR ROADS, PIPEUNES. DITCHES. AND COMMITS ON, MR. UNDER OR ACROSS THE HEREIN DESCRIBED PROPERTY EXISTING FOR THE PURPOSES OF INGRESS AND EGRESS FROM OTHER LANDS BY MEWS of SUCH ROADS AND FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONVEYINO IRRIGATING AND DOMESTIC WATER TO SUCH OTHER LANDS BY MEANS OF SUCH PIPEUN6. DITCHES AND CONDUITS. NEVADA-CAUFCRNIA ELECTRIC CORPORATION. HOLDER OF EASEMENT(S) FOR POLE ONES, CONDUITS AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, RECORDED MAY B. 1940. IN BOO( MO. PAGE 475, OF OMCIAL RECORDS DESERT CLUB, HOLDER OF EASEMENT(5) FOR RIPARIAN WATER RIGHTS. RECORDED JANUARY 30. 1947, IN BOOK 80. PACE 318. OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. VERONICA J MONTECINO, CITY OF THE CITY OF IA OUINTA DATED: . 2Q_ JD i D 0 m z ,V •V SURVEYOR'S NOTES • INDICATES FOUND MONUMENT AS NOTED O INDICATES SET 3/4- ID GALVANIZED PIPE. IB" LONG. FLUSH. TAGGED LS 7070 () INDICATES RECORD ADD OTHE ME SURD DATA ANPER DESERT CLUB TRACT UNIT UNLESS (] INDICATES RECORD AND MEASURED DATA PER TRACT NO 19203, MB 145/55-56, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. FAD INDICATES 'RPDUL BEARING" SET NAIL AND TAG, STAMPED LE 1070, IN PERMANENT CONCRETE CURB AT THE PROLONGATION OF LOT CORNERS FRONTING ON STREETS. SET 3/4" I P FLUSH. OR DEAD h TAG IN CONCRETE FOOTING OR FENCING MAGERML. STAMPED LS 7070, AT ALL REM AND SIDELINE LOT CORNERS. ANGLE POINTS, AND THE BEGINNING MD ENDS OF CURVES. TOTAL ACREAGE WITHIN THE OISTINCtIVE BORDER IS 0WE ACRES NUMBERED PARCELS 3 BASIS OF BEARINGS BASIS OF BEARINGS IS NORTH ONE OF LOTS 9 AND 10 OF BLOCK 3 OF DESERT CLUB TRACT UNIT NO 1 PER MR 19/75. BEING FAc M N S WATER RIGHTS. CLAMS OR TIRE TO WATER, Wl1EfNER OR HOT DISCLOSED BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS (CANNOT BE LOCATED FROM RECORD INFORMATION) A RIGHT OF WAY AND CASEMENT OF FINE COACHELLA VALLEY COUNTY WATER DISTRICT IN FAVOR OF THE PUBLIC, FOR ALL PUBLIC ROADS, AND RIGHTS OF WAY HERETOFORE DEDMATED. ACQUIRED, RESERVED OR ACCEPTED FOR DUBUC USE M0 ALSO ANY MD ALL PRNATE EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS OF WAY TOR ROARS. PIPELINES. DITCHES, AND CONOURS ON. QVER, UNDER OR ACROSS THE HEREIN DESCRIBED PROPERTY EXISTING FOR ME PURPOSES OF INGRESS AND EGRESS FROM OTHER LANDS BY MEWS OF SUCH RINDS AND FOR THE PURPOSE OF CON NC IRRIGATING AND DOMESTIC WATER TO SUCH LU NGS NOS BY MEANS OF SUCH PIPELINES. DRONES AND CONDUDS. (CANNOT BE LOCATED FROM RECORD INFORMATION) Q1 EASEMEM(S) FOR PUBLIC UDLRIES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES AS SHOWN ON DESERT CLUB TRACT NO. 1. AS BLED IN BOOK 19. PACE 75 OF MAPS, OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE CWIITY. CALIFORNIA. (NO RECORD OF OWNERSHIP IS GIVEN) EASEMENT(S) IN FAWR OF NEVADA-LAUFORNIA EIiCTRIL CORPORATION FOR POLE UNES. CONOUNTS AND INOOENTAL PURPOSES. RECORDED MAY 6, 1940. IN BOOK 460, PAGE 115. CF OFFICIAL RECORDS, EASEMENT(S) IN FAVOR OR DESERT CLUB FOR RIPARIAN WATER RIGHTS. RECORDED JANUARY 30, 1947. IH BOOR 80, PAGE 318. OF OFFICIAL RECORDS (CANNOT BE LOCATED FROM RECORD INFORMATION) AV PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT AS RESERVED HEREON 4QEASEMENT FOR HANDICAP ACCESS AND PEDESTRIAN PATH OF TRAVEL AS RESERVED HEREIN WRVS TABLE NO DELTA RAADS LENGTH C1 9'SB b" f00.W 1663' Cz tO)'58' B2S 16.J1 L4 2}7'03" 02500' 3269' cs som•Do zIw' x1r a 90m'Da' 1 e]' z.ae C7 1Vl'S6" 61503' 18..N1' CO ttf]Z" B2500' 1769 MEiBE N OLENG OEM' _ MORTH I7' 34Of 0 ]p pp' M, 120' E 16256b1E I .w III IN THE CRY OF LA OUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CAUFORNIA PARCEL MAP NO. 33954 SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS BEING A SUBDIVISION OF LOT 11 OF BLOCK 3 OF DESERT CLUB TRACT NO. 1, AS FILED IN BOOK 19, PAGE 75 OF MAPS, OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CAUFORNIA; LOCATEO IN THE SOU/NWEST OVARTER OF SECTION 6, T.6S., R.7E.. S.B.M. FOMOTOR ENGINEERING ri; OCTOBER 2006 TaxO BPw55 p5K 4 _ STAVPED IS 6298, NO REFERENCE CALL_E BARCELONA � 2 l8 ) e.ziva—s-eoD.Do') L-Soi.z� l �f ^ NO RE & O IS 629 1q — REFNENCE I � 2 I 3 I 4 Q c I I b I bF- n W i0V OF 2- ON BBLMN 5 @ LS 075E G rouID 3/C P. LS REFS, FlUSHL n WILL NO REFERENCE REFERENCE -------- -b �- - " -�-- HSS.YW2_]=iM-1/-LiWAJ -H.(WSrCi"&AAIRLS - _ _----- w __ m------__- __ ¢6------------------------------ -- n3 t g b -b o f z _ 2 O * 3 5 L5 > R cs m I R QI :n Lt L3 1S T Ia I Io q PARCEL PARCEL PARCEL A 1 0 2 s 3 I _;SY �' m I $a 4�aI� w e3iI u 8 6;1, \ gwjs IFLUI z It A' h '+�' - -j REFERENCE NO R \ L2 (o-93e'3o')(� ........ j 39')�.exs.Oo') r 0ft21_a0'S3" R.800.00' L�132,73' L.30xy76')j _ CALVE AMIGO FOUND CEW ERuxE� G2 —' �- FOUND CENTIDU EI MONUMENT NAU NO W� EM�TIILLYYWT WIL NO TA NO REFERENCE Ii ITNJ.WIO�Qj(jA0_ELf .Si ATTACHMENT 3 CITY OF LA QUINTA SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT PARCEL MAP NO. 33954 IMPROVEMENTS THIS SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is made and entered into this day of 20 by and between PHOENIX ROW III, LLC, A NEW HAMPSHIRE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, hereinafter referred to as "Subdivider," and the City of La Quints, a municipal corporation of the State of California, hereinafter referred to as "City." RECITALS: A. Subdivider has prepared and filed a final map or Tract map (the "Map") of a unit of land in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, which unit of land is known as Parcel No. 33954 (the "Parted") pursuant to the provisions of Section 66410, et sec. of the California Government Code (the "Subdivision Map Act"). B. Prior to approval of the Map, Subdivider is required to install or agree to install certain public and private improvements (the "Improvements"). C. The Improvements have not been installed and accepted at this time. D. It is therefore necessary that Subdivider and City enter into an agreement for the installation of the Improvements as provided in Section 66462 of the Subdivision Map Act. NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows: 1. Improvement Plans. Prior to submittal of the Map for approval by the City Council, Subdivider shall furnish original improvement plans meeting the requirements of the City Engineer. 2. Improvements. Subdivider shall construct the public and private street, drainage, utility, landscaping, and other improvements required to be constructed or agreed to be constructed under this Agreement as listed in Exhibit "A", and shall bear the full cost thereof. The methods, standards, specifications, sequence, and scheduling of construction shall be as approved by the City Engineer. 3. Improvement Security. A. One class of security to be provided by Subdivider, hereinafter referred to as "performance security," shall assure the faithful performance of this Agreement including construction of the Improvements, payment of Subdivider's fair share of Improvements which have been or will be constructed by others ("Participatory Improvements"), and payment of plan check and permit fees. A second class of security to be provided by Subdivider, hereinafter referred to as "payment security," shall assure the payment of the cost of tabor, equipment and materials supplied to construct the Improvements. A third class of security to be provided by Subdivider, hereinafter referred to as "warranty security," shall serve as a guarantee and warranty of the Improvements for a period of one year following the completion and acceptance of the Improvements. Subdivider shall furnish performance and payment security prior to and as a condition of City Council approval of the Map. Subdivider shall provide warranty security after Improvements are complete and accepted by the City Council and prior to or concurrently with the final release of performance security. Warranty security shall not be required for Monumentation or Participatory Improvements. However, the City may utilize Monumentation Security for performance of or payment for the work in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act. As part of the obligation secured by each of the performance security, payment security and warranty security, and in addition to the face amount of each such security, each such security shall include and assure the payment of costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by City in successfully enforcing the obligations thereby secured. 211 107 B. Improvement security shall conform with Section 66499 of the California Government Code and one or more of the following: 1) A cash deposit with City or a responsible escrow agent or trust company, at City's option 2) Surety bonds, of the form specified in subsection 66499.2 of the California Government Code, issued by a surety or sureties listed in the U.S. Department of Treasury Circular 570 (latest version). 3) Certificates of deposit, in City's name, from one or more financial institutions subject to regulation by the state or federal government and having a financial quality rating of "A" or better and a commitment reliability rating of "R-2" or better on the Investment Data Exchange (of the Los Angeles County Treasurer's office). 4) Irrevocable letters of credit, issued by one or more financial institutions meeting the requirements of Paragraph (3), pledging that the funds necessary to carry out the completion of the Improvements are on deposit, guaranteed for payment, and constitute a trust fund which is not subject to levy or attachment by any creditor of the depositor until released by City. Letters of credit shall guarantee that all or any portion of the funds available pursuant to the letters of credit will be paid upon the written demand of City and that such written demand need not present documentation of any type as a condition of payment, including proof of loss. The duration of any such letter of credit shall be for a period of not less than one year from the execution of the agreement with which it is provided and shall state, on its face, that the letter of credit will be automatically renewed until such time that City authorizes its expiration or until sixty (60) days after City receives notice from the financial institution of intent to allow expiration of the letter of credit. 5) A lien upon the subdivided property, if City finds that it would not be in the public interest to require the installation of the Improvements sooner than two (2) years after recordation of the final map or Tract map for which the Improvements are required. The lien shall provide a collateral value of three (3) times the estimated cost of the Improvements and shall include the power of sale of the real property, all buildings and improvements thereon, or that may be erected upon or made thereto, together with all hereditaments and appurtenances thereunte belonging, or in any wise appertaining, and the reservations, remainders, rents, issues, and profits thereof. The collateral value of the property shall be established at Subdivider's expense through an appraisal approved by City. 6) An instrument of credit from an agency of the state, federal or local government, when any agency of the state, federal, or local government provides at least Twenty Percent (20%) of the financing for the Improvements. 7) When Subdivider is a non-profit organization, security may be negotiable bonds, of the kind approved for securing deposits of public moneys with City or in favor of City, as specified in Section 16430 of the California Government Code, deposited, at City's option, with City or a responsible escrow agent or trust company. C. All securities shall be furnished in accordance with the provisions of Exhibit A. The amount of the performance security shall equal One Hundred Percent (100%) of the estimated cost of constructing the Improvements, including payment of plan check and permit fees, as estimated by the City Engineer or a duly authorized representative of the City Engineer. The amount of Payment security shall equal the amount of the amount of performance security, except as otherwise set forth in Exhibit A, and shall be furnished as a separate security. Warranty security shall equal Ten Percent (10%) of the amount of performance security except as otherwise set forth in Exhibit A. D. At the time of submittal of security, Subdivider shall pay to City administrative fees applicable to the form of security provided. Administrative fees shall apply to the subdivision (final map, Tract map or waiver of Tract map) rather than to individual security instruments. The fees shall be paid separately for each different form and/or source (surety or financial institution) of security initially submitted and for substitution of securities but shall not be required for submittal of warranty 214 2 of security if the warranty security is of the same form and from the same source as the performance security it replaces. Administrative fees for security shall be as follows: 1) For certificates of deposit, bonds and letters of credit as described in Paragraphs 2), 3) and 4) of SECTION 3.6., which require the establishment of evidence of the reliability of the surety or financial institution, the administrative fee shall be One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150.00). 2) For liens on real property as described in Paragraph 5) of SECTION 3.B., for which City will prepare lien agreements and subordination agreements, administer valuation of the real property and administer the agreements over the life of the lien, all of which require legal assistance and financial advice, Subdivider shall pay to City an administration fee of One Half of One Percent (0.5%) of the estimated cost of the improvements secured but not less than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) nor more than Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00). 3) For other forms of security listed in Section 3 B, above, there will be no administrative fee E. Participatory Improvements, if any, are identified in Exhibit A. Security for Participatory Improvements shall remain in place until the Participatory Improvements are constructed and actual costs are known and paid by Subdivider, or until Subdivider pays to City the estimated cost of the Participatory Improvements, and shall guarantee the reimbursement by Subdivider of Subdivider's share of the cost of the Participatory Improvements. Payment security and warranty security shall not be required for Participatory Improvements. Upon written demand from City, Subdivider shall deposit cash with City in lieu of or in replacement of security guaranteeing Participatory Improvements. If Subdivider fails to deposit said cash within 30 days of the date of the written demand from City, City may present a written demand to Subdivider's Surety for payment of said cash and Subdivider's Surety shall pay to City the lesser of: 1) the amount demanded, or 2) the amount of the security. F. Security shall not expire, be reduced or become wholly or partially invalid for any reason, including non=payment of premiums, modifications of this Agreement and/or expiration of the time for performance stated in this Agreement, without express authorization from City unless the surety provides City with sixty (60) days written notice by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested. G. Security shall be released in the following manner: 1) Performance security shall be released upon the final completion and acceptance or approval, by the City Council of the Improvements subject to the provisions of paragraph B. 2) The City Engineer may authorize partial reduction of performance security as work. progresses, upon application by Subdivider. However, no such reduction shall be for an amount less than Ten Percent (10%) of the total performance security provided for the faithful performance of the act or work. In no event shall security be reduced below that required to guarantee the completion of the act or work or obligation secured, plus Ten Percent (10%). The City Engineer shall not allow more than two partial reductions of security furnished for any improvement agreement. 3) Participatory Improvement security shall be released upon payment by Subdivider of Subdivider's share of the cost or estimated cost of the Participatory Improvements. 4) If City receives no notice of recorded claims of lien, labor and materials security shall be released in full 90 days after final acceptance and/or approval by the City Council, of the, Improvements. If City receives notice of any recorded lien, the provisions of the Subdivision, Map Act shall apply. 5) Warranty security not utilized during the warranty period shall be released one year after final acceptance or approval by the City Council of all Improvements.. However, if at the end of the one-year warranty period, there are one or more outstanding requests by City for 1 .. performance of work or provision of materials under the terms of the warranty, warranty 219 3 of] security shall be retained until the outstanding requests are satisfied or until Subdivider has made other arrangements satisfactory to the City Engineer. 4. Permits Reeuired. Prior to commencing any phase of work, Subdivider shall obtain all permits required for that phase of work and pay all required fees. Work performed under a permit or permits shall comply with all provisions of the required permits. 5. Off -site Improvements. When the construction of one or more of the Improvements requires or necessitates the acquisition of real property not owned by Subdivider or City, Subdivider shall use its best efforts purchase such real property at a reasonable price. In the event that Subdivider is unsuccessful, despite its best efforts, to acquire such real property at a reasonable price, Subdivider may request in writing that City attempt to acquire such real property. City may, but is not required to, agree to attempt to acquire such real property on behalf of Subdivider. If City so agrees, City and Subdivider shall enter a separate written agreement in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. Said separate agreement shall provide that Subdivider advance to City One Hundred Fifty Percent (150%) of the appraised fair market value of the real property. Any unexpended portion of said advance shall be refunded to Subdivider. Any additional funds required for acquisition of the real property shall be paid by Subdivider to City upon the conveyance of said real property to Subdivider. In no event shall the failure of Subdivider or City to acquire such real property excuse, waive, or otherwise terminate: Subdivider's obligation to construct the applicable improvement pursuant to this Agreement or the Conditions of Approval. 6. Comoletion of Improvements. Subdivider shall begin construction of the Improvements within ninety (90) days and shall complete construction within twelve (12) months after the approval of this Agreement. Portions of the Improvements may be completed at a later date, as determined by the: City Engineer or as set forth in Exhibit A. Failure by Subdivider to begin or complete construction of the Improvements within the specified time periods shall constitute cause for City, in its sole: discretion and when it deems necessary, to declare Subdivider in default of this agreement, to revise improvement security requirements as necessary to ensure completion of the improvements, and/or to require modifications in the standards or sequencing of the Improvements in response to changes in standards or conditions affecting or affected by the Improvements. Said failure shall not otherwise: affect the validity of this agreement or Subdivider's obligations hereunder. 7. Force Maieure. In the event that Subdivider is unable to perform within the time limits herein due to strikes, act of God, or other events beyond Subdivider's control, the time limits for obligations affected by such events will be extended by the period of such events. 8. Time Extension. Subdivider may make application in writing to the City Council for an extension of time for completion of the Improvements. The City Council, in its sole and absolute discretion, may approve or deny the request or conditionally approve the extension with additions or revisions to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. As a condition of the time extension, Subdivider shall furnish securities, similar in form and substance to those required in SECTION 3 hereinabove, to cover the period of extension. The value of the securities shall be sufficient to ensure the performance of and payment for Improvements that remain incomplete at the time of the extension, and to provide warranty security on completed Improvements. 9. Survey Monuments. Before final approval of street improvements, Subdivider shall place survey monuments in accordance with the provisions of Sections 66495, et sec. of the Subdivision Map Act and of the La Quinta Municipal Code. Subdivider shall provide the City Engineer written proof that the monument:, have been set, evidence of payment and receipt thereof by the engineer or surveyor setting the monuments, and intersection monument tie -outs for monuments set in public streets. 10. Final Acceptance of Improvements. At the completion of construction and prior to acceptance of the Improvements by City, Subdivider shall submit a request for final approval by City. The request shall be accompanied by any required certifications from Subdivider's engineers or surveyors, approval letters from other agencies having jurisdiction over and approval authority for improvements required by this Agreement or the Conditions of Approval, and any required construction quality documentation not previously submitted. . r' 216 4017 Upon receipt of said request, the City Engineer or a duly -authorized representative will review the required documentation and will inspect the Improvements. If the Improvements are determined to be in accordance with applicable City standards and specifications, and as provided herein„ obligations required by the Conditions of Approval and this Agreement have been satisfied, and Subdivider has provided revised plans as required in Paragraph 11, hereinafter, the City Engineer shall recommend acceptance of the Improvements by the City Council. 11. Revisions to Plans. When the Improvements have been inspected and approved by the City Engineer, Subdivider shall make any necessary revisions to the original plans held by City so the! plans depict the actual Improvements constructed. When necessary revisions have been made, each separate sheet of the plans shall be clearly marked with the words "As -Built," "As -Constructed," or "Record Drawing," the marking shall be stamped by an engineer or surveyor, as appropriate for the improvements thereon, who is licensed to practice in California, and the plans shall be resubmitted to the City Engineer. 12. Improvement Warranty. Subdivider hereby guarantees the Improvements to City for a period of one (1) year, beginning on the date of final acceptance of the Improvements by the City Council, against any defective work or labor done, or defective materials furnished, and shall repair or replace such defective work or materials. 13. Release of Security. City shall retain and release securities in accordance with the provisions of Section 3 of this agreement. Prior to the release of payment security, the City Engineer may require Subdivider to provide a title report or other evidence sufficient to show claims of lien, if any, that may affect the amount of payment security released. 14. City Right to Cure. If Subdivider fails to perform any obligation hereunder and such obligation has not been performed within sixty (60) days after written notice of default from City, then City may perform the obligation, and Subdivider shall pay the entire cost of such performance by City including costs of suit and reasonable attorney's fees incurred by City in enforcing such obligation. In cases of, emergency or compelling public interest, as determined by the City Engineer, the requirement for written notice of default and/or the passage of sixty (60) days shall be deemed waived and all other provisions of this Article shall remain in effect. 15. Indemnification. Subdivider hereby binds itself, its officers, employees, agents, representatives„ executors, administrators, guarantors, heirs, and assigns, and agrees to indemnify, defend and hold City and its officers, employees, agents, representatives, and assigns harmless from and against any losses, claims, demands, actions, or causes of action of any nature whatsoever, arising out of or in any way connected with Subdivider's performance herein under, including costs of suit and reasonable attorneys' fees. 16. No Modification of Conditions. This Agreement shall in no respect act to modify or amend any provision of the Conditions of Approval. In the event that any requirement or condition of this Agreement is inconsistent with or fails to include one or more provisions of the Conditions of Approval, which document(s) is (are) incorporated herein by reference, the provisions in the Conditions of Approval shall remain in effect and shall control. 17. Severability. In the event that any provision or provisions of this Agreement are held unenforceable„ all provisions not so held shall remain in full force and effect. 18. General Provisions. A. All notices pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be personally delivered or sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to the parties at their respective addresses indicated hereon. Notices personally delivered shall be effective upon delivery. Notices mailed as provided herein and sent postage prepaid shall be effective upon the date of delivery or refusal indicated on the return receipt. Either party may change its address for notices hereunder by notice to the other given in the manner provided in this subparagraph. B. The terms, conditions, covenants, and agreements set forth herein shall apply to and bind tbp 217 heirs, executors, administrators, assigns, and successors of the parties hereto. smr C. Neither party to this Agreement relies upon any warranty or representation not contained in this Agreement. D. This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted with respect to the laws of the State of California E. In the event of any dispute between the parties with respect to this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to prompt payment of its reasonable attorneys' fees from the non -prevailing party. F. Any failure or delay by either party in asserting any of its rights and remedies as to any default shall not operate as a waiver of any default or of any such rights or remedies provided for hereunder. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first written above. CITY: City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 760/777-7075 Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager ATTEST: Clerk Developer Address: By: Title: 42420 Adams Street Bermude\Dunes, CA Reviewed and Approved: City Engineer Approved as to Form: City Attorney Date Date Date Date Date 218 em7 Exhibit A SECURITY — TRACT MAP NO.33954 IMPROVEMENTS Improvements designated as 'Participatory" have been or will be constructed by others. Security for Participatory Improvements shall remain in place indefinitely until called upon or released by City. Monumentation security shall guarantee performance of or payment for the work and shall be utilized or released as specified in Chapter 4, Article 9 of the Subdivision Map Act. As elements of the work are completed, Subdivider may request a maximum of two partial releases of performance security. Partial releases shall be for not less than ten percent (10%) of the total performance security for the Tract and shall not reduce total performance security below the amount necessary to complete the Improvements plus ten percent (10%) of the original amount. Partial releases of performance security will be evaluated and may be granted, in whole or in part, by the City Engineer. Requests for partial releases, setting forth in detail the amount of work completed and the value thereof„ shall be made in writing to the City Engineer. Labor & materials security shall remain in place until 90 days after all required Tract improvements are: complete and accepted by the City Council. Improvement Description Performance Labor & Materials Rough Grading $ 3,306 $ 3,306 Perimeter and Precise Grading $ 35,640 $ 35,640 Storm Drain $ 33,680 $ 33,680 Domestic Water $ 22.915 $ 22,915 Sewer $ 7,550 $ 7,550 Dry Utilities $ 6,000 $ 6,000 Perimeter Landscaping $ 23,351 $ 23,351 Monumentation $ 19,800 $ - Totals $ 152,242 $ 132,442 Standard 10% Contingency $ 15,224 $ 13,244 Total Construction Cost $ 167,466 $ 145,686 Professional Fees, Design 10% $ 16,747 $ 14,569 Professional Fees, Const 10% $ 16,747 $ 14,569 Bond Amount $ 200,959 $ 174,824 219 7on ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of Caf nia County of �g� On f14Du , t:'?i, acdiefore me, �j. �)G 0 ,c (here insert namoand title of tM officer) personally personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ( �— `--- VAN OOST�N� pp coMM.s tiSsrsza ++nn V! NOTARY M159792 IJI0. Vl C� RIVERSIDE COUNTY Signature Mr COAu Ell JUIY 29, 2009� (Seal) AN OOSTINO (� COMM.& 1597928 NOTARY PUOLLC.C&IFORN1A N RIVpu 1 CWNTY Mr COww. EXf. Juts y 2 + 220 i COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: November 20, 2007 ITEM TITLE: Consideration of Pillars of the Community Applications RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Approve the Pillars of the Community applications as submitted. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: Once the names of those being recognized are approved by the City Council, they will be added to the "Book of Deeds" held in the City Clerk's office and recognized with a plaque at the "Spirit of La Quinta" fountain site on the Civic Center Campus. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: On February 19, 2002, the City Council approved the criteria for the "Pillars of the Community" program. The criteria for each area are listed below: The criteria for the "Pillars of the Community" program requires the candidate to have received City-wide recognition, contributed significantly to the development of the City, and have signatures of twenty-five residents stating support for the candidate. As of this report, three applications have been submitted for consideration in support of Gayl Biondi, Rick Daniels, and Joyce S. Pena (Attachments 1-3). 421 Name Residency Contributions Since Gayle Biondi 2003 Co Author of "La Quinta"A Legend in the Making; Contributor to the LQ Magazine; President of the Friends of the La Quinta Library; President of the Friends of the Desert Libraries Rick Daniels 1995 Planning Commissioner; President/CEO of Coachella Valley Economic Partnership for several years; served on the IID Energy Consumers Advisory Committee; Executive Director of the Salton Sea Authority for a year; City Manager of Desert Hot Springs Joyce S. Pena 1996 Resident since 1996; Lifetime member of the La Quinta Senior Center; Championed Spinal Cord Disability Causes; Ambassador for the Arthritis Foundation; 5 year Ambassador at the La Quinta Arts Foundation; Bob Hope Classic 7 years; All local golf tournament worker Pursuant to City Council direction on August 17, 2004, Senior Inspiration Award recipients would automatically be included in the "Pillars of the Community" recognized that year. Therefore, Elaine Reynolds, 2007 Senior Inspiration Award recipient, will be recognized this year. Once the City Council approves the names of those individuals to be recognized, the names will be recorded in the "Book of Deeds," and they will be invited to attend a future City Council meeting for formal recognition. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Approve the Pillars of the Community applications as submitted; or 2. Do not approve the Pillars of the Community applications as submitted; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respec ully submitted, 9 W�.' Edie Hyl on // Community Sdr1vices Director 222 2 Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1 . Application for Gayle Biondi 2. Application for Rick Daniels 3. Application for Joyce S. Pena 223 3 s nrii a ntly to he"dev/Olbpment of kuin,�zr�didpfesaust have restyled tri t ^ Qu rif r fpr a minimum of thfee-(3)pears. t would,l[We'to"ji- 6 i66t6;the'h0lid�rvings°: c`otlsi�lera#ion "Pillars d the 66ii4 iuriity" pi (Candfdate's.l nf©trrtatian) Name: G sv�o ✓a�' Address: �i7�8`c'�✓ r'��rsYd`_'.,,'',-_�._��� Telephone Number La Quinta Resident:. From: Qo to .:yeti 1 Contribution La Quint ell (Nominating Party Infohniatift), % Name: AV k 4 Address: 77- s Telephone Number 740 ),544'A.3x ss 140L-d f&the Clty;of the rnmuntty!',;,�, Pifiar of e Co I understand fhat-I'must-be Ad a La Quinta resident that is over the, age of 18 in order to offer support for 10. rVIIII&I, the candidate. Ad Ad (IStarne and Address) Please Print -L� 15. r Addr Address 7. AP/41,�� 270. Add r III '4W xvk", m-O m -"q - c', "v e 'c Q1, Ldst b 'd St u M4F Pr of 51 nen t have M s It ( must :aln M'� oriat 'ni imum of I .. — lm, T w Address: W Telephone Number U P,, N La Quinta &esjd en t: From: to on Contf! c-16 Ig" nhumion �w= VVI & (Nominating ParttyyIInfornlcTtiprt) NrimP._- 4. Telephone Number "..t,�"� •R. LfACI F. S7.1 Edf 7f1@.V14�'tlf L�F ,.. $n i(Y� , "Fllit�rof the GOrrlrritAllit)t g : tn, i understand that trnustbe' a I' Quinta resident that is overth@ age of 18 in order to offer support for 1 the candidate. Add Address (Name and Address) Please Print f 5 • -§�$/�Vf�'�,�el s s 52 Y 5 Address y_7ff f--jSknrri Address 79-88� Pkw 4 Address c"1 LQ C y m R kA `vsx '�r r 'k k i yYYyyn�_}b4.7x ��xy. 4 k 3' Pillar of the Community This program is designed to honor . ndividuals that have received City-. wide recognition and contributed ..7rtist have sided in La Quinta for a minimum of three (3) years. I would like to nominate the following individual for consideration for the , "Pillars of the Comrunity" program: (Candiddte's Information) Name:_ c Address:53-�Z' Telephone Number ( U) 771 La Qulnta.Reside nt: From:_ -I 9 j /0 to- r'2C�7 E-AJ � ' ��'i'- `Lion Contnb To The Development of �_r La Quinta: L,fir=,A}69�e_. E 'AMBcxSAInna --DR In 0 car A/Zro4Pt i 1 1=rauPR1 fON �Pleose provide , erification of contribution with +�• -,_submission of application. ', • �'L •� O Q . C(1JfN7fl F1'27 FOJ1,4O4TrB�1 r - ..}.yiL °lA�,t`,•'i�7'Tt9W':�'tSL:.F .,� J p'i% pt?) M• . . A:� m o �; tasaRtL dt� ?ZL}/'�� U:U a. J r- r- . C a� E co a� d M. ai L N ' �? N >. ' �3(1)OQ C E S a E 'ri Cf OF TH.E � CO M, MUN ITY App ic.atior ��31a (Nominating Party Information) Marne: -.A Address:L(O 4C t6tz Telephone Number (7ig) 77 4'° 3 I support the nomination of t considered for the City of La , uinta's "Piiiar of the Community" program. I understand that I must be a La Quints resident that is over the age of 18 in order to offer support for the candidate. /vi k,q< Z `}�i�zrnd Address) f -�' Please Print 1 3. Add[�ress 4. A 4 r 15. // Address 74 Address ,6792>l Y LG v '72,1�, Ac 6. n1 G li ik i � -" �'i. Addres 571*2ai rK—�-y " 18, 7. : Ad Address 3tif3 q3 7t" FJa3 C:,I�11-1 T4. ua2• /� 8. 1 a .; ��C .1 Ad Address �� 3� Q � D .y . _ . �.� �20. Ad Address 2r ✓_< �z� Ad 10. Address 22 Addre L-GL' 2 12. Adi Ad 24. AA 13.. Address 25, r^tCPU ;Atl =5 Addressji'�v �.� S; - ..d s •- /•tvr- COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: November 20, 2007 ITEM TITLE: Consideration of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Year Ended June 30, 2007 RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: _C1_ CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Approve, receive and file the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the year ended June 30, 2007 (Attachment 1). FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The fiscal impacts of this year's operation are discussed in the transmittal letter section of the report under long-term financial planning. In addition, staff has written a management discussion and analysis section to report on the City's financial condition. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: Node. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: At the end of every fiscal year, the City prepares an audited financial report. This year the City prepared a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, in accordance with Government Accounting Standards Board No. 34, for the year ended June 30, 2007. Mr. Richard Kikuchi, CPA and Audit Partner of Lance Soll & Lunghard, LLP, is prepared to make a brief presentation of the report's highlights and answer any questions. In addition to the annual audited financial report, two letters addressed to the City Council are included which are an Internal Control Letter with Management's Responses and an Audit Procedures letter (Attachments 2 and 3). 239 FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Approve, receive and file the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the year ended June 30, 2007; or 2. Do not approve, receive and file the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the year ended June 30, 2007; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, John M. Falconer, Finance Director Approved for submission by: I. Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the year ended June 30, 2007 2. Internal Control Letter with Management's Responses 3. Audit Procedures Letter 231 ATTACHMENT 2 Brandon W. Burrows Donald L. Parker �Michael K. Chu Mince nghard) APmfes E. Hale A e1v [J E. Hale Donald G. Stater LLP Richard K. Kikuchi Certified Public Accountants Retired Robert C. Lance 191a1994 Richard C. Soll Fred J. LunrAard, Jr. 192 im REPORT ON INTERNAL CONTROL OVER FINANCIAL REPORTING AND ON COMPLIANCE AND OTHER MATTERS BASED ON AN AUDIT OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOVERNMENT AUDITING STANDARDS To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of La Quinta, California We have audited the financial statements of the governmental activities, the business -type activities, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of the City of La Quinta, California, as of and for the year ended June 30, 2007, which collectively comprise the City of La Quinta, California's basic financial statements and have issued our report thereon dated October 31. 2007. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. Internal Control Over Financial Reporting In planning and performing our audit, we considered the City of La Quinta, California's internal control over financial reporting as a basis for designing our auditing procedures for the purpose of expressing our opinions on the financial statements, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the City of La Quinta, California's internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we do not express an opinion on the effectiveness of the City of La Quinta, California's internal control over financial reporting. Our consideration of internal control over financial reporting was for the limited purpose described in the preceding paragraph and would not necessarily identify all deficiencies in internal control over financial reporting that might be significant deficiencies or material weaknesses. However, as discussed below, we identified certain deficiencies in internal control over financial reporting that we consider to be significant deficiencies. A control deficiency exists when the design or operation of a control does not allow management or employees, in the normal course of performing their assigned functions, to prevent or detect misstatements on a timely basis. A significant deficiency is a control deficiency, or combination of control deficiencies, that adversely affects the City of La Quinta, California's ability to initiate, authorize, record, process, or report financial data reliably in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles such that there is more than a remote likelihood that a misstatement of the City of La Quinta, California's financial statements that is more than inconsequential will not be prevented or detected by the City of La Quinta, California's internal control. We consider the following deficiencies described to be significant deficiencies in internal control: 75 YEARS 1929 2604 OEX&IMMM 203 N. Brea Blvd., Suite 203 0 Brea, CA 92821-4056 9 (714) 672-0022 • Fax (714) 672-0331 • wwwJticpas.com LLSLance Soil s Lunghard LLP CERnFI ED WBLID ACCOUNTANTS To the Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council City of La Quinta Page 2 Fund Balance Restatements As a result of our audit procedures, we noted two items that required fund balance restatements. In the General Fund, a fund balance restatement was made to record the July and August 2006 sales tax revenues into the prior year. In addition, a restatement was made to the Indian Gaming Fund which was a result of recognizing revenues in the proper fiscal year. ManaoementResponse The sales tax revenue adjustments are a result of different revenue recognition periods being recommended by the auditor's, which include the twelve month period ending in August versus the twelve month period ending July 15 used in previous years. In both of these cases, twelve months of sales tax revenues were recognized with staff supporting the new twelve month reporting period. Staff supports the restatement of the Indian Gaming Grant Funds and was proactive in bringing this to the auditor's attention. The situation arose when Indian Gaming Grant Funds, which are used for motor officer patrol activities, remained unspent at the end of the fiscal year. In FY 2006/2007, this situation was compounded when the City received the FY 2007/2008 allocation in June of FY 2006/2007. Staff will work with the Police Department to identify uses to spend these funds and concurs with the audit recommendation. Audit Journal Entries We requested that the Finance Department make certain journal entries as the result of the account analysis we performed during the audit. These journal entries were to record reimbursement of expenses, and pass -through payments which were paid in August 2007, and should have been reported as accounts payable at June 30, 2007. Journal entries were also made to accrue cash receipts for sales tax and gas tax received in July and August 2007, which should have been reported as accounts receivable at June 30, 2007. Management Response Staff concurs with the journal entries to report in the FY 2006/2007 the Coachella Valley Housing Coalition and County of Riverside Pass Through payments and will strive to more carefully review the accrual lead schedule that is presented to the auditors. The sales tax and gas tax adjustments relate to using a different twelve month accounting period than in previous Fiscal Years which was discussed in the Fund Balance Restatements section above. 233 Sills Lungha rd dLLP CENTFIEO WBLIC A=UNTA NIS To the Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council City of La Quinta Page 3 Capital Asset Policy During our inquiries with management, it was brought to our attention that the City does not have a formal written capital asset policy. The City should consider creating one which details the capitalization threshold, depreciation policies and capitalization policies. Management Response Staff has previously relied on the Footnotes in the Financial Statements to report the useful lives and capitalization amounts ($5,000) as recommended in Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB) 34. Staff will prepare a formal capital asset policy, with the recommended elements, and report them to the City Council in a Department Report in FY 2007/2008. A material weakness is a significant deficiency, or combination of significant deficiencies, that results in more than a remote likelihood that a material misstatement of the financial statements will not be prevented or detected by the City of La Quinta, California's internal control. Our consideration of the internal control over financial reporting was for the limited purpose described in the first paragraph of this section and would not necessarily identify all deficiencies in the internal control that might be significant deficiencies and, accordingly, would not necessarily disclose all significant deficiencies that are also considered to be material weaknesses However, we believe that none of the significant deficiencies described above is a material weakness. Compliance and Other Matters As part of obtaining reasonable assurance about whether the City of La Quinta, California's financial statements are free of material misstatement, we performed tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts, and grant agreements, noncompliance with which could have a direct and material effect on the determination of financial statement amounts. However, providing an opinion on compliance with those provisions was not an objective of our audit, and accordingly, we do not express such an opinion. The results of our tests disclosed the following instance of noncompliance or other matters that is required to be reported under Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States: Reporting Requirements In accordance with the) California Health and Safety Code Section 33080.1, the Redevelopment Agency is required to produce and present, an annual report (due six months following the end of the Agency's fiscal year-end date), to the State Controller and its legislative body. This report was produced and presented, however, it did not contain the following required components: a. A loan report identifying loans (receivable) which equal or exceed $50,000 and that were found by the Agency during the previous fiscal year to have either defaulted or not complied with the terms of the agreements approved by the Agency. b. A property report which describes the properties owned by the agency and those acquired in the previous fiscal year. L cel sghard U CEAMIEO NBLIC AC UNTAWS To the Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council City of La Quinta Page 4 The Agency did not produce and present the required information for the annual report as required by the Code. We recommend that the Agency accomplish procedural steps necessary to comply with this section of the Code. Management Resoonse In December of each year, staff prepares a report to the Redevelopment Agency recommending approval of various documents, including the annual audit report, State Controller's Report and the Statement of Indebtedness. Staff supports the auditor's recommendation to expand the report to include the loans and fixed assets, which the Agency has reflected in the audited financial statements. This report will be presented to the Agency in December 2007. The City of La Quinta, California's response to the findings identified in our audit is described above. We did not audit the City of La Quinta, California's response and, accordingly, we express no opinion on it. This report is intended solely for the information and use of management, City Council, and federal awarding agencies and pass -through entities and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified parties. October 31. 2007 233 ATTACHMENT 3 U01711 ce $c nghard LLF' Certified Public Accountants October 31, 2007 To the Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council City of La Quinta, California Brandon W. Burrows Donald L. Parker Michael K. Chu David E. Hale A feubnat Carpom n Donald G. Slater Richard K. Kikuchi Retired Robert C. lAmce 191L199d Richard C. Soll Fred J. Lunghard, Jr. 192&1999 We have audited the financial statements of the City of La Quinta for the year ended June 30, 2007, and have issued our report thereon dated October 31, 2007. Professional standards require that we provide you with the following information related to our audit. Our Responsibility under Accounting Standards Generally Accepted in the United States of America and Government Auditing Standards Our responsibility, as described by professional standards, is to plan and perform our audit to obtain reasonable, but not absolute, assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement and are fairly presented in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. Because an audit is designed to provide reasonable, but not absolute assurance and because we did not perform a detailed examination of all transactions, there is a risk that material misstatements may exist and not be detected by us. As part of our audit, we considered the internal control of the City of La Quinta. Such considerations were solely for the purpose of determining our audit procedures and not to provide any assurance concerning such internal control. Any significant deficiencies in such controls, if any, have been communicated to you by a separate letter. As part of obtaining reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, we performed tests of the City of La Quinta's compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts, and grants. However, the objective of our tests was not to provide an opinion on compliance with such provisions. Again, any non-compliance with provisions of laws, regulations, contracts and grants noted by us, if any, have been communicated to you by a separate letter. Significant Accounting Policies Management is responsible for the selection and use of appropriate accounting policies. In accordance with the terms of our engagement, we will advise management about the appropriateness of accounting policies and their application. The significant accounting policies used by the City of La Quinta are described in the notes to the financial statements. No new accounting policies were adopted and the application of existing policies was not changed during the year ended June 30, 2007. We noted no transactions entered into by the City of La Quinta during the year that were both significant and unusual, and of which, under professional standards, we are required to inform you of, or transactions for which there is a lack of authoritative guidance or consensus. 75 YEARS 236 1929 ��//�2��0�0��4 01 FXFe&eXM 203 N. Brea Blvd., Suite 203 • Brea, CA 92821-4056 • (714) 672-0022 • Fax (714) 672-0331 9 www,tlcoas.com Lanee Sill s Lunghard LLP CEROFIEO WBLIC ACCOMTANR To the Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council City of La Quinta Page 2 Accounting Estimates Accounting estimates are an integral part of the financial statements prepared by management and are based on management's knowledge and experience about past and current events and assumptions about future events. Certain accounting estimates are particularly sensitive because of their significance to the financial statements and because of the possibility that future events affecting them may differ significantly from those expected. Where applicable, the City utilized accounting estimates for depreciation on City assets, amortization of bond related issuance costs, premiums/discounts and gains/losses on bond defeasance and for reporting incurred but not reported amounts relating to the liability for claims and judgments. The methodology used during this audit is consistent with that of prior years. We evaluated the key factors and assumptions used to develop these estimates in determining that they are reasonable in relation to the financial statements taken as a whole. Audit Adjustments For purposes of this letter, professional standards define an audit adjustment as a proposed correction of the financial statements that, in our judgment, may not have been detected except through our auditing procedures. An audit adjustment may or may not indicate matters that could have a significant effect on the financial reporting process (that is, cause future financial statements to be materially misstated). In our judgment, none of the adjustments we proposed, whether recorded or unrecorded, either individually or in the aggregate, indicate matters that could have a significant effect on the financial reporting process. Disagreements with Management For purposes of this letter, professional standards define a disagreement with management as a matter, whether or not resolved to our satisfaction, concerning a financial accounting, reporting, or auditing matter that could be significant to the financial statements or the auditor's report. We are pleased to report that no such disagreements arose during the course of our audit. Consultations with Other Independent Accountants In some cases, management may decide to consult with other accountants about auditing and accounting matters, similar to obtaining a "second opinion" on certain situations. If a consultation involves application of an accounting principle to the governmental unit's financial statements or a determination of the type of auditor's opinion that may be expressed on those statements, our professional standards require the consulting accountant to check with us to determine that the consultant has all the relevant facts. To our knowledge, there were no such consultations with other accountants. Issues Discussed Prior to Retention of Independent Auditors We generally discuss a variety of matters, including the application of accounting principles and auditing standards, with management each year prior to retention as the City's auditors. However, these discussions occurred in the normal course of our professional relationship and our responses were not a condition to our retention. 237 LLSOLLP ce Solis ghard CEA)IEIEO NBVC ACCWNTAMI To the Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council City of La Quinta Page 3 Difficulties Encountered in Performina the Audit We encountered no significant difficulties in dealing with management in performing our audit. This information is intended solely for the use of Governing Board(s), Committees of and management of the City of La Quinta and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified parties. Very truly yours, 239 AGENDA CATEGORY: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: November 20, 2007 BUSINESS SESSION: ITEM TITLE: Consideration of a Resolution Designating Speed Limits for Certain Local Streets CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDATION: 3 Adopt a Resolution of the City Council approving designation of legal speed limits on certain local streets, as recommended in the "Engineering and Traffic Survey for the City of La Quinta", prepared by Willdan, a transportation engineering firm. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The project is budgeted within the Fiscal Year 2006/2007 Budget for the Public Works Department. Account Budget 101-7001-431.32-07 $100,000 CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: On July 18, 2006, the City Council adopted the Fiscal Year 2006/2007 Budget. The adopted budget included funding for the Citywide Speed Limit Study. The purpose of the Citywide Speed Limit Study is to re-establish speed limits on the City's roadways in accordance with the California Vehicle Code. The California Vehicle Code authorizes cities to designate and regulate speed zones within their jurisdictions based on an engineering and traffic survey conducted in accordance 239 with the methods established by the Department of Transportation. The City's Municipal Code also requires non -statutory speed limits to be designated on the basis of an engineering and traffic survey which must be updated every five years. The City's last speed study was performed in 2002. On October 17, 2006, the City Council authorized staff to distribute a Request for Proposal (RFP) to obtain professional engineering services to prepare the Citywide Speed Limit Study, Project No. 2006-14. On February 6, 2007, the City Council approved a Professional Services Agreement with Willdan, in the amount of $23,520, to prepare the Citywide Speed Limit Study, Project No. 2006-14. The "Draft" 2007 Citywide Speed Limit Study has been prepared and is available for review in the Public Works Department. The Study evaluates the posted speed limits along 56 street segments within the City. Adoption of the Study will allow the City to update the speed limits on several street segments and enable the Sheriff's Department to utilize radar or other electronic speed measuring devices for speed enforcement. The California Vehicle Code (CVC) sections 40801 and 40802 require Engineering and Traffic Surveys that verify the prima facie speed limit before enforcement by such a device is legal. The law further specifies that these surveys be conducted every 5 years. The surveys can be extended to 7 years provided the City's police officer(s) have completed a 24-hour radar operator course [CVC 40802(c)(2)(B)(i)(1)]. Additionally, some surveys may be extended to 10 years if a traffic engineer certifies that no changes in roadway or traffic conditions have occurred [CVC 40802(c)(2)(B)(i)(II)]. These provisions assure that posted speed limits are kept reasonably current. The last Engineering and Traffic Survey was perform in January 2002 for the City of La Quinta and requires an update to comply with the 5-year limitation set forth in the California Vehicle Code (CVC)• The Engineering and Traffic Surveys for the City were conducted in accordance with procedures outlined in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (California MUTCD) dated September 2006 and as required by Section 62.7 of the California Vehicle Code. The Code further describes three elements of an engineering and traffic survey: 4 M 1. Measurement of prevailing speed; 2. Accident history; and 3. Roadway characteristics not readily apparent to the motorist. Posted speed limits are established primarily to protect the general public from the reckless and unpredictable behavior of dangerous drivers. They provide law enforcement with a clearly understood method to identify and apprehend violators of the basic speed law (CVC Section 22350). This law states that "No person shall drive a vehicle on a highway at a speed greater than is reasonable or prudent having due regard for weather, visibility, the traffic on, and the surface and width of the highway, and in no event at a speed which endangers the safety of persons or property." The posted speed limit gives motorists a clear warning of the maximum speed that is reasonable and prudent under typical driving conditions. The basic fundamentals for establishing speed limits recognize that the majority of drivers behave in a safe and reasonable manner, and therefore, the normally careful and competent actions of a reasonable driver should be considered legal. Speed limits established on these fundamentals conform to the consensus that those who drive the highway determine what speed is reasonable and safe, not on the judgment of one or a few individuals. A radar speed study is usually used to record the prevailing speed of reasonable drivers. Speed limits are also established to advise drivers of conditions that may not be readily apparent to a reasonable driver. For this reason, accident history, roadway conditions, traffic characteristics, and land use must also be analyzed before determining speed limits. Speed limit changes are usually made in coordination with physical changes in roadway conditions or roadside developments. Additionally, it is generally accepted that speed limits cannot be successfully enforced withouit voluntary compliance by a majority of drivers. Consequently, only the driver whose behavior is clearly out of line with the normal flow of traffic is usually targeted for enforcement. Existing vehicle speeds are surveyed by a certified radar operator with a calibrated radar unit in an unmarked vehicle. Speed samples are taken for each segment representing a statistically significant sample of current traffic. This data is then evaluated to identify the distribution of speeds. A key element in the evaluation is the identification of the 85th percentile speed. The 85" percentile speed is the speed at or below which 85 percent of the traffic travels. This threshold represents what is historically found to be a safe and reasonable speed for most drivers based on common roadway conditions. Therefore, a "basic speed limit" is established at the nearest 5-mile per hour (mph) increment to the 85th percentile A., 241 speed. For example, if the 85th percentile speed is 48 mph, the basic speed limit is 50 mph. If the 85th percentile speed is 47 mph, the basic speed limit is 45 mph. Reported collisions are reviewed for each street segment to determine if there is a higher than average rate of collisions. A segment that has an above -average collision rate typically suggests conditions that are not readily apparent to motorists. Each street segment is field inspected to identify roadway conditions that may not be readily apparent to motorists. A determination is made whether any conditions are significant and warrant the recommendation of the speed limit 5 mph or more below the basic speed limit. On September 18, 2007 the Engineering and Traffic Survey Report was submitted for consideration by the City Council. Following considerable discussion, the City Council requested four segments be re -surveyed. Table 1 below list these segments: TABLE 1 RE -SURVEYED STREET SEGMENTS STREET FROM TO EXISTING NEW Avenida Bermudas Calle Tampico Avenue 52 25 30 Fred Waring Washington Drive Street Jefferson Street 50 50 Westward Ho Drive* Dune Palms Road Roadrunner Lane 25 35 Westward Ho Adams Street Dune Palms Road 25 30 Drive* •These segments are located with an existing 25 mph school zones. Based on the re -survey, only one segment could be reduced due to the 851" percentile speed. Fred Waring Drive between Washington Street and Jefferson Street can be reduced to the existing posted speed limit of 50 mph and will no longer need to be increased. Both Westward Ho Drive Streets segment were re- surveyed and the radar data did not change. Therefore, the previous recommended speed limits are: still advisable. However, it is important to note that both Westward Ho Drive roadway segments are partially located within existing school zones and the segment between Adams Street and Dune Palms Street is also adjacent to a park. Subsequently, the speed limit is 25 mph during the times children are present at either La Quinta High School or the La Quinta Park. A 242 school zone is defined as being 500 linear feet on either side of the school's property line. The Avenida Bermudas segment between Calle Tampico and Avenue 52 is part of the commercial zone overlay. However, CVC Section 40802(b)(1) only allows lowering speeds for commercial zones to 25 mph if all of the following three conditions are met: (A) Roadway width of not more than 40 feet (B) Not more than one-half of a mile of uninterrupted length. (C) No more than one traffic lane in each direction. Avenida Bermudas between Calle Tampico and Avenue 52 cannot be lowered since the street width varies between 42' and 44' throughout the segment. Therefore, the engineer can only recommend the new speed limit be 30 mph. Physical restrictions could be placed, however as a traffic calming measure. An option worth considering is installing two or more additional pedestrian crossings with elevated speed tables, similar to the two near Calle Estado and Avenida La Fonda. Additional speed tables will serve to slow traffic and may result in a lower posted speed limit during the next survey. The recommendations contained in the Report are intended to establish prima facie speed limits. They are not intended to be absolute for all prevailing conditions. All prima facie speed violations are actually violations of the basic speed law (Section 22350 of California Vehicle Code). This statute states that a person shall not drive a vehicle at a speed greater than is safe having regard for traffic, roadway, and weather conditions. A prima facie limit is intended to establish a maximum safe speed under normal conditions. The recommendation made by the Engineering and Traffic Survey report are to increase the speeds of 21 segments and decrease the speed of 1 segment out of 56 segments surveyed. Table 2 identifies the street segments with recommended higher posted speed limits. TABLE 2 STREET SEGMENTS WITH RECOMMENDED HIGHER POSTED SPEED STREET FROM TO EXISTING NEW Avenida La Fonda Washington Street Desert Club Drive 25 30 Avenida Bermudas Calle Tampico Avenue 52 25 30 Avenida Bermudas Avenue 52 Calle Tecate 40 45 Avenue 52 Avenida Bermudas Washington 45 50 Avenue 54 Madison Street Jefferson Street 50 55 Avenue 54 Madison Street Monroe Street 50 55 243 Calle Sinaloa Eisenhower Drive Avenida Bermudas 35 40 Calle Tampico* Eisenhower Drive Washington Street 30 40 Calle Tampico Washington Street Park Avenue 30 35 Calle Tecate Avenida Bermudas Avenida Madero 30 35 Caleo Bay Drive Avenue 47 Avenue 48 25 30 Dune Palms Road* Fred Waring Drive Miles Avenue 40 45 Eisenhower Drive Washington Street Calle Tampico 40 45 Eisenhower Drive Calle Tampico Avenida Bermudas 35 40 Jefferson Street North City Limit Fred Waring Drive 50 55 Jefferson Street Westward Ho Drive Highway 111 50 55 Madison Street Avenue 54 Avenue 58 45 50 Madison Street Avenue 58 Avenue 60 45 50 Park Avenue Avenue 50 Calle Tampico 30 40 Westward Ho Dr.* Dune Palms Road Roadrunner Lane 25 35 Westward Ho Dr.* Adams Street Dune Palms Road 25 30 i nese segments are located within existing Zb mph school zones. Table 3 identifies the street segments with recommended lower posted speed limits. TABLE 3 STREET SEGMENTS WITH RECOMMENDED LOWER POSTED SPEED STREET FROM TO EXISTING I NEW Dune Palms Road Highway 111 Avenue 48 50 45 FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: Adopt a Resolution of the City Council approving designation of legal speed limits on certain local streets, as recommended in the "Engineering and Traffic Survey for the City of La Quinta", prepared by Willdan, a transportation engineering firm; or 2. Do not adopt a Resolution of the City Council approving designation of legal speed limits on certain local streets, as recommended in the "Engineering and Traffic Survey for the City of La Quinta", prepared by Willdan, a transportation engineering firm 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. 244 Respectfully submitted, Timothy R. Jo sso E. Public Works erector/City Engineer Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager 249 RESOLUTION NO. 2007- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA DESIGNATING SPEED LIMITS FOR CERTAIN LOCAL STREETS WHEREAS, the California Vehicle Code authorizes cities to designate and regulate speed zones within their jurisdictions; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds it appropriate to designate speed limits on the following local streets to facilitate safe and orderly traffic flow; and WHEREAS, said designation shall be made by resolution; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions of Title 1.20 of the La Quinta Municipal Code, an engineering and traffic survey has been performed on certain specified local streets; and WHEREAS, the following designated prima facie speed limits are based on the results of the; engineering and traffic survey. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA DOES HEREBY FIND, DETERMINE, RESOLVE AND ORDER THAT: the following prima facie speed limits are most appropriate to facilitate the orderly movement of traffic and to be reasonable safe. Street Segment Speed Limit (mph) Adams Street Fred Waring Drive to Miles Avenue 45 Adams Street Miles Avenue to Highway 111 45 Adams Street Highway 111 to Avenue 48 45 Airport Boulevard Madison Street to Monroe Street 55 Avenida La Fonda Washington Street to Desert Club Drive 30 Avenida Bermudas Calle Tampico to Avenue 52 30 Avenida Bermudas Avenue 52 to Calle Tecate 45 Avenida Montezuma Avenida Carranza to Calle Potrero 30 Avenue 50 Eisenhower Drive to Washington Street 45 246 Resolution 2007- City Council Speed Limit Adopted: November 20, 2007 Page 2 Avenue 50 Washington Street to Jefferson Street 50 Avenue 52 Avenida Bermudas to Washington Street 50 Avenue 52 Washington Street to Jefferson Street 50 Avenue 54 Madison Street to Jefferson Street 55 Avenue 54 Madison Street to Monroe Street 55 Avenue 58 Jefferson Street to Madison Street 50 Avenue 58 Madison Street to Monroe Street 55 Avenue 60 Madison Street to Monroe Street 55 Avenue 60 Madison Street to West End N/A Calle Sinaloa Eisenhower Drive to Avenida Bermudas 40 Calle Tampico Eisenhower Drive to Washington Street 40 Calle Tampico Washington Street to Park Avenue 35 Calle Tecate Avenida Bermudas to Avenida Madero 35 Caleo Bay Drive Avenue 47 to Avenue 48 30 Desert Club Drive Avenue 52 to 1,300' N/0 Calle Tampico 30 Dune Palms Road Fred Waring Drive to Miles Avenue 45 Dune Palms Road Miles Avenue to Highway 111 45 Dune Palms Road Highway 111 to Avenue 48 45 Eisenhower Drive Washington Street to Calle Tampico 45 Eisenhower Drive Calle Tampico to Avenida Bermudas 40 Fred Waring Drive Washington Street to Jefferson Street 50 Jefferson Street North City Limit to Fred Waring Drive 55 Jefferson Street Fred Waring Drive to Miles Avenue 50 Jefferson Street Westward Ho Drive to Highway 111 55 Jefferson Street Highway 111 to Avenue 54 55 Jefferson Street Avenue 58 to Quarry Lane 40 Madison Street Avenue 54 to Avenue 58 50 20 Resolution 2007- City Council Speed Limit Adopted: November 20, 2007 Page 3 Madison Street Avenue 58 to Avenue 60 50 Miles Avenue Washington Street to Jefferson Street 50 Monroe Street Avenue 52 to Avenue 54 55 Monroe Street Avenue 54 to Airport Boulevard 55 Monroe Street Airport Boulevard to Avenue 58 55 Monroe Street Avenue 58 to Avenue 60 55 Monroe Street Avenue 60 to Avenue 62 60 Palm Royale Drive Washington Street to Fred Waring Drive 30 Park Avenue Avenue 50 to Calle Tampico 40 Sagebrush Avenue Washington Street to Date Palm Drive 35 Washington Street Fred Waring Drive to Miles Avenue 50 Washington Street Miles Avenue to Highway 111 50 Washington Street Highway 111 to Eisenhower Drive 50 Washington Street Eisenhower Drive to Avenue 50 50 Washington Street Avenue 50 to Calle Tampico 50 Washington Street Calle Tampico to Avenue 52 50 Westward Ho Drive Dune Palms Road to Roadrunner Lane 35 Westward Ho Drive Adams Street to Dune Palms Road 30 249 Resolution 2007- City Council Speed Limit Adopted: November 20, 2007 Page 4 PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 201h day of November, 2007, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: DON ADOLPH, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: VERONICA J. MONTECINO, CMC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California ce4ty�, 4 4 Qu&& COUNCILIRDA MEETING DATE: November 20, 2007 ITEM TITLE: Consideration of City Council Approval to Close City Hall on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve 2007 RECOMMENDATION: As deemed appropriate. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: The fiscal impact of closing City Hall for the full day on December 24, 2007 and December 31, 2007 is $29,725. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: At the November 6, 2007 City Council meeting, Council Member Sniff suggested closure of City Hall on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve this year to enable two four -day weekends during the holiday season. Staff was instructed to bring the matter back before Council after discussion with the La Quinta City Employee's Association (LQCEA) per the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City and LQCEA. The section in the MOU regarding Holidays states the following: "City paid holidays shall be as provided in the City's Personnel Policies unless superseded as provided herein. City agrees to give employees one- 259 half day off on Christmas Eve and New Years Eve in years when those days fall on a weekday." Since both Christmas Eve and New Years Eve fall on a Monday this year, City Hall would have been open from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on both days. The proposal made by Council Member Sniff would close City Hall for the entire day on December 24, 21007 and December 31, 2007. Staff has met with the LQCEA and they are agreeable to closing City Hall the full day on both December 24, 2007 and December 31, 2007. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Approve closing City Hall the full day on both December 24, 2007 and December 31, 2007; or 2. Do not approve closing City Hall the full day on both December 24, 2007 and December 31, 2007; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, Bret M. Plumlee, Assistant City Manager — Management Services Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager 251 04, _ cep 4 e6P Qu&w r� �c wow5 N OF TKO COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: November 20, 2007 ITEM TITLE: Discussion of Sphere of Influence East of City Limits RECOMMENDATION: Provide staff with, further direction as deemed necessary. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: The City Council has directed staff to focus on dealing with the fiscal impact of single: - family residential development. The focus has been to evaluate and refine the City's fiscal model and use the Enclave project as a case study. RSG and City staff have been working with the Enclave project fiscal consultant to first resolve concerns regarding the City's fiscal model and then work toward an agreement on the fiscal mitigation amount on a per unit basis. Staff has determined that a minimum of $29,188 mitigation fee would provide funding for City services for 30 years. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: For greater than a year, significant time and resources have been dedicated to strategically planning for the potential annexation of the City's Sphere of Influence (SOI) in Vista Santa Rosa. This effort has been comprehensive with a primary focus upon fiscal impact and future land use. RSG has been assisting staff with addressing the fiscal analysis. RBF was providing assistance with the Strategic Land Use Plan and approximately 50 % of the process was complete until it was put on hold in February in order to allow for the fiscal analysis to be completed. In addition, five pre -annexation development applications have been received and are at various stages of review. •„ 252 This matter was Fast considered by the City Council as a study session item at the October 16 meeting. Staff presentation and City Council discussion primarily focused upon the analysis of fiscal impact of The Enclave, a single-family residential community proposed at the northeast corner of Avenue 62 and Monroe Street. Following discussion, staff was directed to revisit the methodology used for calculating a per -unit fiscal mitigation fete and provide additional information at the November 20 meeting. Fiscal Analysis Update The Fiscal Impact Analysis for The Enclave Report (Attachment 1) presents the impacts of annexation on the City's General Fund for a 30-year time period. The fiscal model estimates revenues the Enclave would generate, and costs the City would incur to service it. The analysis concludes the City would provide service enhancements to The Enclave and incur additional expenses as a result of annexation. This Report presents a financial analysis of ongoing revenues and expenditures only. It does not incorporate one time revenues or costs. Capital improvements, though expected to be necessary, are not evaluated by this report. Similarly, possible revenues from sources such as development impact fees and Quimby fees are also excluded from this analysis. Additionally, The Enclave is in a County Redevelopment Area and the City's General Fund will not receive new property tax to cover service costs until the County Redevelopment Area is eliminated in December 2037. It is estimated that the County Redevelopment Project will receive $147,532,014 in gross revenue (including any funds that are passed through to other taxing agencies) from the development of The Enclave before termination of the Project in 2037. As a result of City Council direction, RSG worked with City staff and reviewed historical data to verify existing service levels and the costs and revenues associated with the provisions of service for The Enclave. Costs to provide municipal services to the Study Area are based on the City's current (Fiscal Year 2007-2008) level of service. An inflatlion rate of 3 percent was used to project most revenue increases and a 3 percent inflation rate was used to project service costs with the exception of public safety costs, which were increased at 4.19 percent (the 18-year historic average). Sales tax revenues were increased by 5 percent each year. The Enclave is assumed to have a current population of zero. New population was based on housing units as described above and persons per household. A 2007-2008 City-wide average population per household is determined by the Department of Finance to be approximately 2.85 persons. Historic U.S. Census data supports this number, generally ranging from 2.8 to 2.9 persons per household for the last 25 years. However, La Quinta has a very high seasonal population, resulting in a housing unit vacancy rate of 2:8.5 percent. When the total amount of housing units is divided by the permanent population, the resulting persons per household ratio is 2.04. 253 RSG has determined a modified persons per dwelling unit of 2.51 is appropriate for The Enclave, which is likely to attract some seasonal occupants and retirees, and may have a lower persons per household than the City average of 2.85. Though the development may initially attract seasonal occupants and retirees, the demographics may change during the 30 year period. A persons per household ratio of 2.51 provides a slightly more conservative approach to the model, incorporating demographic, nuances such as adult children or parents living with homeowners, and changes in household types over the years. The Enclave will be a private, gated, residential community of 466 homes on 157 acres. The proposed build -out schedule is as follows: 1. 2007-08 - Entitlements 2. 2008-09 - Land preparation 3. 2009-10 - 77 building permits obtained; no occupancy 4. 2010-11 - 155 building permits obtained; 155 homes occupied 5. 2011-12 - 155 building permits obtained; 310 homes occupied 6. 2012-13 - 78 building permits obtained; 466 homes occupied Based on the data described above, a one-time fee to cover the financial gap in service costs between FY 2008-09 and 2037-38 is recommended. The fee is proposed to be paid at the time the developer receives building permits. Based on the build -out time period expected by the developer, a proposed fee of $29,188 per unit will provide enough revenue to fund The Enclave's annual gap for 30 years. As previously stated, portions of the City's Sphere of Influence, including The Enclave, are within the County Desert Communities Redevelopment Project. The Project terminates in December 2037. Up until this time, all property tax revenue in excess of the base year assessed value, established in 1987, is diverted to the County Redevelopment Agency. Upon reaching Fiscal Year 2037-38, or Year 30 of The Enclave projection model, the County Redevelopment Agency will no longer incur revenues. Property tax revenue allocation will revert to the applicable taxing agencies in each tax rate area. At this point, in areas annexed to La Quinta, the City will begin receiving both their share of property tax based on the Master Property Tax Agreement, as well as the property tax share apportioned to County Fire and the County Library. In the case of The: Enclave, the City will receive in excess of $1 million in property tax revenues in Year 2030. This additional revenue does decrease the General Fund gap created by The Enclave, but does not close it. In Year 30, The Enclave will generate a deficit of approximately $800,000 per year. In addition to evaluating The Enclave project, RSG and staff have reviewed the Palm Desert/Bermuda Dunes fiscal report and find that their assumptions and findings are similar to the RSG report. 254 SOI Areas Outside of SOI For portions of the Sphere of Influence not within the Redevelopment Project Area, property tax revenues will be allocated upon annexation according to the Master Property Tax Agreement. The City will also receive those portions of the property tax rate currently designated for County Fire and the County Library. These allocations do vary between tax rate areas to some degree, thus different parcels may have slightly different allocations than others. Based on the hypothetical scenario that The Enclave were not in a Redevelopment Project, and the City were to receive property tax revenue upon annexation, a per unit fee of $12,000 would be recommended. Even without the Redevelopment Project, The Enclave would still generate an annual deficit. The $12,000 per unit fee would fund the annual gap for only 30 years. Public Comments Since the October 16, 2007 meeting, two letters were received from residents of Vista Santa Rosa (VSR). Both letters provide comment on fiscal mitigation among other issues relevant to potential annexation of the Sphere of Influence (SOI). Specific to the fiscal mitigation comments, both letters express concern with the household size multipliers of 2.04 and 2.51 citing that a larger household of 2.8, or even larger, will more accurately represent VSR. Said letters are attached (Attachment 1). Pending Development Projects As previously reported at the October 16 meeting, five applications were previously received for future developments located in the 5OL The project locations are identified on the attached map (Attachment 2). A brief summary of each application is as follows: • The Enclave — Bayshore Development (SP 06-079, TT33982): 474 single-family residential lots on approximately 160 acres located at the northeast corner of Avenue 62 and Monroe Street. • La Quinta Motorcoach Resort - E. Randall Henderson (SP 07-083, TT 35238): 382 motorcoach lots on approximately 80 acres located between Avenues 58 and 59, one quarter mule east of Monroe Street. • Marchmont — Adobe Holdings (TT 34360): 209 single-family residential lots on approximately 81 acres located between Avenues 60 and 61, one quarter mile east of Monroe Street. • Majestic Ranch - Family Development (TT 33559): 152 single-family residential lots on approximately 100 acres located at the southeast corner of Avenue 53 and Monroe Street.. • Family Development (TT 33697): 69 single-family residential lots on 38 acres located at the southwest corner of Avenue 53 and Jackson Street. 255 Application Process — SOI Developments The pre -annexation development process involves additional steps when compared to development applications within the City limits. Most notably, the pre -annexation entitlement process includes a plan for services, annexation fiscal analysis and a pre - annexation development agreement. In addition, the CEQA review process must also address the request for annexation. Of the five applications received, The Enclave development has been in the application process the longest and is the most complete. The vast majority of the project information has been received and it is anticipated that the application will be able to proceed to the hearing process once the remaining items have been submitted. The application process will include Vista Santa Rosa Community Council review, Architecture and Landscape Review Committee review, Planning Commission public hearing and recommendation, concluded by City Council public hearing and decision. It is estimated this process will take approximately 6-12 months to complete depending upon the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) process. Once the City Council has decided upon the application (CEQA, specific plan, tentative tract map, plan for services, development agreement), the annexation process can then proceed with LAFCO. It is anticipated that the annexation process with LAFCO will take approximately 9-12 months to complete. The La Quinta Motorcoach Resort application is also being actively processed. Though several outstanding items remain, the applicant is diligently working on them. The same application process as previously mentioned for The Enclave will also apply to this proposal except that this application will also include a General Plan Amendment. The Marchmont application has seen much slower progress. Staff was recently notified that Adobe Holdings is no longer the developer. In addition, there has been no progress made on the two development applications submitted by Family Development. Additional information is needed, but not expected in the near future. Land Use An essential component of processing the aforementioned applications is the uncertainty regarding future zoning in the SOI and the development regulations that may or may not, be placed upon these developments. City Council comments from previous discussions have identified possible interest in development regulations different from the current minimum standards that would encourage larger perimeter setbacks, potentially lower density from the existing pre -annexation zoning, encourage mid -block trail linkages, etc. With no definitive direction provided to date, staff has maintained a conservative position identifying the potential for lower density and larger perimeter setbacks, but is utilizing existing zoning and subsequent development regulations when reviewing existing applications and meeting with prospective developers. J. 256 Infrastructure Deficiency Study As part of the strategic planning effort, an infrastructure deficiency study was initiated earlier this year. The Study was intended to assess the existing road infrastructure for all of the roads within the SOI (Project Areas 1 and 2). Along with the strategic plan, the infrastructure deficiency study was halted pending the outcome of the fiscal analysis. Staff recently met to discuss the need to proceed with a portion of the study area. Due to existing road infrastructure issues on Monroe Avenue and the active processing of pre -annexation development applications in the southwestern segment of the SOI, staff is proposing to proceed with a "first phase" infrastructure study that would include Monroe Street as well as those streets located within the boundary of Avenue 58, Jackson Street, and Avenue 62 (The Enclave and Motorcoach area). In summary, this report has focused on fiscal impact considerations for The Enclave project. Its conclusions and recommendations would apply to all single-family residential developments within the SOL The key findings and recommendations of the report are as follows: 1. The minimum fee for fiscal mitigation for the development of single-family residential units should be $29,188 per residential unit. This fee will cover City operation Costs for 30 years. In year 31 residential uses will significantly curtail the ability of the City to meet service needs and the City could be forced to consider a reduction of service or an increase in taxes to support service costs. 2. The City Council may want to direct staff to study the City's existing policies regarding land -based financing (CFDs and CSDs). Additionally, Council may want to direct staff to proceed with the following items: 1. Bring back a program that addresses multi -family residential uses, commercial uses, industrial uses, and other types of land uses. 2. Draft a pre -annexation development agreement (DA) for The Enclave project. This DA would be the model for all other proposed single-family residential annexation proposals. All properties proposing to be annexed would be expected to enter into a DA prior to the City submitting an annexation application to LAFCO. 3. Prepare a plan for services that assesses current service providers, current City service levels, and the City services to be extended. 4. Prepare and submit a fiscal impact analysis that assesses the annexation effects on both the City and the County. 5. Submit to LAFCO a reorganization application. 257 6. Complete the CEQA review for The Enclave project, proposed annexation, and plan for services. Respectfully submitted, k4v"�— Douglas R. E ns Assistan.LJOA Manager, Development Services JohrKon ning Manager �A_p�pro�subm�jssion y: Thomas P. Genovese City Manager Attachments: 1. Fiscal Impact Analysis for The Enclave Report 2. Public Comment Letters 3. Map showing future developments located in the SOI d•, 258 Attachment 1 City of La Quinta Fiscal Impact Analysis - The Enclave November„ 2007 City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 (q RSG INTELLIGENT COMMUNITY OEVELOPMENT ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP INC. 309 WEST 47N STREET SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA 92701.4502. T 714 5414585 F 714 5411175 E NFO'. WEBRSG.COM WEBRSG COM 259 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................1 KEYFINDINGS...............................................................................................................1 ASSUMPTIONS AND METHODOLOGY.........................................................................2 PROPOSEDDE'VELOPMENT........................................................................................5 MUNICIPAL SERVICES ANALYSIS...............................................................................5 NEXT STEPS AND ANNEXATION PROCESS.............................................................12 ANNUAL REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES SUMMARY...........................................14 GARSG"QuintM2007 S01 1&2 StudyMest of Jackson ModelsNodel post 3 20ftya ModelsWtematves for CC 11 2MRevised Report 11.2007.nm.doc n 6 0 G ,J FISCAL IMPACTANALYSIS City of La Quinta INTRODUCTION The City of La Quinta ("City") is considering the annexation of "The Enclave at La Quinta" ("Study Area" or "The Enclave"), a residential site, into the City's limits. The Study Area consists of 157 acres and is located at Avenue 62 and Monroe Avenue in unincorporated Riverside County ("County') within the City's Sphere of Influence ("SOI"). Generally, if an annexation effort is pursued, the City must submit an application to the Riverside County Local Agency Formation Commission ("LAFCO"), including an analysis of the fiscal impacts. This report presents a preliminary fiscal analysis of the impacts of annexation for a 30-yeah time period. The fiscal impact model for the City estimates revenues the annexed area would generate and the costs to service the Study Area. Rosenow Spevacek Group, Inc. ("RSG") developed this report to assist the City in assessing the effects of annexation and outline a course of action to pursue the effort. RSG's analysis concludes that the City would provide service enhancements to the Study Area and incur additional expenses as a result of annexation. This report presents a financial analysis of ongoing revenues and expenditures. It does not incorporate one time revenues or costs. Capital improvements, though expected to be necessary, are not evaluated by this report. Similarly, possible revenues from development impact fees ("DIF") and Quimby Fees are also excluded from this analysis. KEY FINDINGS ROM At buildout, the Study Area will be a private, gated, residential community of 466 homes on 157 acres. Residential uses do not typically generate a wide range of General Fund revenues; therefore, annexation of the Study Area will have a detrimental impact on the City's General Fund. Additionally, the Study Area is in a County Redevelopment Area and the City General Fund will not receive any new property tax to cover service costs until the Redevelopment Area is eliminated in December 2037. Fiscal Impact: As a result of annexation, the Study Area will receive approximately $451,680 in revenues and incur $1,126,700 in expenses upon buildout in 2012-13, creating a General Fund gap of $675,020. The tables found at the end of this report summarize on -going expenses and revenue within the Study Area. Potential Solutions: (1) Allocate General Fund monies to pay for the financial impacts. (2) Pursue the formation of a Community Facilities District (°CFD") to provide on -going revenue to offset on -going expenditures required to provide services to the Study Area. PAGE 1 +.. 261 FISCAL IMPACTANALYSIS City of La Quinta (3) Establish a one-time fee to cover the financial gap in service costs and create an annuity from which an annual revenue stream would be developed to pay for on -going service costs between FY 2008-09 and 2037-38. The fee is proposed to be paid at the time the developer receives building permits. Based on the buildout time period expected by the developer, a proposed fee of $29,188 per unit will provide enough revenue to fund The Enclave's annual gap for 30 years. (4) Institute a joint CFD and one-time fee program which together would provide an adequate revenue stream to cover on -going service costs between FY 2008-09 and 2037-38. ASSUMPTIONS AND METHODOLOGY RSG For the purposes of this study, the following assumptions and methods were employed to determine the cost of services and revenue generated through annexation. RSG worked with City and County staff to verify existing service levels and the costs and revenues associated with the provisions of service for the Study Area. Bayshore Development, the developer of The Enclave, was also contacted regarding the proposed level of development for the Study Area. This information established the annual costs and revenue for the Study Area during the building process, beginning with 2008-09, through the subsequent 30 years to determine the fiscal impact of the Study Area. Inflationary Rates The costs to provide municipal services to the Study Area are based on the City's current (IFY 2007-08) level of service and not the current level or cost of services provided by the County. An inflation rate of 3 percent was used to project most revenue increases' and a 3 percent inflation rate was used to project service costs with the exception of public safety costs, which were increased at 4.19 percentz. Sales tax revenues were increased by 5 percent each year. Buildout Schedule The estimated absorption schedule was obtained from Bayshore Development and is as follows. It should be noted, this analysis assumes that the annexation would occur prior to the Study Area being developed. 1. 2007-08 - Entitlements 2. 2008-09 - Land preparation 3. 2009-10 - 77 building permits obtained; no occupancy 4. 2010-11 - 155 building permits obtained; 155 homes occupied 5. 2011-12 - 155 building permits obtained; 310 homes occupied ' Gas tax subventions were held constant, sales tax revenues were inflated at 5 percent annually, and remaining revenues were increased at 3 percent. 2 Based on 18 years of historical data received from the Sheriffs Department and the Fire Department PAGE 2 262 FISCAL IMPACT ANALYSIS RSG City of La Quinta 6. 2012-13 - 78 building permits obtained; 466 homes occupied Population Estimates The Study Area is assumed to have a current population of zero. New population was based on housing units as described above and persons per household. A 2007-08 city-wide average population per household is determined by the Department of Finance to be approximately 2.85 persons. Historic U.S. Census data supports this number, generally ranging from 2.8 to 2.9 persons per household for the last 25 years. However, La Quinta has a very high seasonal population, resulting in a housing unit vacancy rate of 28.5 percent. When the total amount of housing units is divided by the permanent population, the resulting persons per household ratio is 2.04. This discrepancy poses a particular challenge to fiscal modeling, as most expenditures and revenues are projected on a per capita basis. The alternative calculation below incorporates the portion of the seasonal population that keeps homes in La Quinta to determine a modified persons per household ratio. Though these residents are only in La Quinta for part of the year, the City continues to meet the service demands of the additional residents. It should be noted that other estimates show a seasonal population of roughly 15,000. The following calculation estimates that 4,741 housing units are occupied seasonally, bringing the total population served by the City to 50,575 persons. Based on this population, the average household size is 2.51. Population Served Total Housing Units 20,176 Vacancy Rate' 23.5% Assumed Seasonal Units 4,741 Estimated Seasonal Population 2 9,483 2007 Permanent Population 41,092 Total Population Served 50,575 Persons Per Housing Unit 2.51 ' Actual vacancy rate is 28.5%, but RSG assumes 5% are for sale or between tenants I Seasonal residents expected to be 2 persons per household Source: City of La Quinta 2007-08 Budget RSG has determined a modified persons per dwelling unit of 2.51 is appropriate for The E=nclave, which is likely to attract some seasonal occupants and retirees, and may have a lower persons per household than they city average of 2.85. Though the methodology has its drawbacks, RSG believes this estimate provides a conservative alternative to 2.04 persons per household for several reasons, listed below. PAGE +.1), 2,61 FISCAL IMPACTANALYSIS City of La Quinta 1. Research among other developments in La Quinta with similar housing prices indicates that while some units are sold as second homes or to retirees with no children, others are sold to families. 2. Correspondence from residents indicates that though retirees may not have school -age children living at home, they do have adult children that return home after college; and even more prevalent, aging parents that no longer wish to live alone. 3. The; projection is 30 years long and the demographics are likely to change. A persons per household value of 2.51 provides some flexibility to account for change, while 2.04 persons per household does not, keeping in mind that the average permanent household has 2.85 dwellers. Methodology A per capita equivalent modeling method was used to estimate many service costs and revenues for the City. Per capita cost methods represent the citywide cost of service. The particular approach used in this model incorporates full time residents to represent residential land uses and employees to represent commercial land uses. Unless otherwise stated in the report, all projections are based on this methodology. Per capita factors are based on (1) the City's 2007-08 budgeted costs, (2) parcel and property assessed value data, and (3) the City's residential population and employment figures. These factors were used as follows: 1. Where applicable, revenues and expenditures from the City Budget for fiscal year 2007-08. 2. The residential share of all service costs was estimated by dividing the residential property values and number of parcels by the total value and total number of parcels, respectively. These two results were averaged and the value (78 percent) was applied to local costs to determine the residential share of costs. 3. Per capita factors are calculated by dividing the total expenditures for a given service by the appropriate service population (i.e. resident or employee). Per Capita Equivalent Methodology Land Use Represented Percent Share of Number Per Capita Sample Cost Residents/ Type By Allocation Cost Employees Equivalent Rate Residential Residents 78% $1,000,000 $780,000 41,092 $18.98 Per Resident Commercial Employees 22% $220,000 11,534 $19.07 Per Employee This approach is referred to as the "per capita equivalent methodology' in the text of this report. Base year costs were derived from the 2007-08 City Budget, City staff input, and Annual State Controller Reports. Where appropriate, revenues from fees were netted out of budgeted costs. These fees include those RSG PAGE 4 �'I 264 FISCAL IMPACT ANALYSIS City of La Quinta which are collected as reimbursement for services such as planning, engineering, and building and safety. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Development projections for the Study Area form the basis for population projections, service costs, and revenues, and are used to support determinations for the municipal services. The Enclave at La Quinta The Enclave at La Quinta is proposed to be a private residential community encompassing approximately 157 acres of undeveloped land. The project entails the construction of 466 single family homes at a density of approximately 3 dwelling units per acre. In the first year of absorption, units are assumed to be sold at an average of $750,000. Value is assumed to increase 3 percent a year. Entitlements are anticipated to commence in 2008, with occupancy beginning in fiscal year 2010-11 and full absorption in 2012-13. Proposed lots range in size from 6,000 to 10,000 square feet. The homes will have an average living area of 2,800 square feet and be a mixture of one and two story structures located on private streets within a gated community. Landscaped open space and retention areas are also proposed. The main entrance to the site will be located on Monroe Street with a secondary entrance on Avenue 62. MUNICIPAL SERVICES ANALYSIS This section outlines the municipal service plan for the Study Area. Within this section, current service providers are listed, a plan for transferring services to the City is offered, and estimates for the costs of services and revenue generated are presented. Current Service Providers The Study Area currently receives municipal services from the County of Riverside. The agencies and enterprises currently responsible for the delivery of services and those proposed to provide service upon annexation are shown below. PAGE 5 265 FISCAL IMPACT ANALYSIS City of La Quinta Municipal Service Plan Service Current Provider Proposed Provider Level of Service General Government City Manager County of Riverside City of La Quints Increase Legal County of Riverside City of La Quints Increase Other' County of Riverside City of La Quinta Increase Libraries County of Riverside County of Riverside No Change Park & Recreation County of Riverside County of Riverside & City of La Quinta Increase Public Safety Animal Control County of Riverside City of La Quinta No Change Fire Services County of Riverside City of La Quints No Change Emergency Medical County of Riverside City of La Quinta No Change Services Land Use Planning 8 County of Riverside City of La Quint@ No Change Regulation Law Enforcement County of Riverside City of La Quints Increase Traffic Control Calif. Hwy Patrol City of La Quinta Increase Public Works Administration County of Riverside City of La Quinta No Change Building & Safety' County of Riverside City of La Quints No Change Engineering & Road: County of Riverside City of La Quinta No Change Flood Control County of Riverside County of Riverside No Change Utilities Electric & Gas County of Riverside City of La Quinta No Change Solid Waste Collection County of Riverside City of La Quinta No Change Solid Waste Disposal County of Riverside City of La Quinta No Change Telecommunications County of Riverside City of La Quinta No Change Water & Wastewater County of Riverside City of La Quints No Change Other Services Cemetery Coachella Valley Public Coachella Valley No Change Cemetery District Public Cemetery District Transit County of Riverside City of La Quinta No Change ' Includes services such as clerk, facilities management, finance, human resources, information technology, legislative, and risk management. - Includes code enforcement SnurceR3R County of Riverside General Fund The County's General Fund is currently responsible for providing municipal services in the Study Area. These services include, but are not limited to, basic law enforcement, fire service, planning/building, public works, and general government. There are no parks or recreational facilities currently in the Study Area. County Redevelopment Agency — Desert Communities Redevelopment Project As mentioned, RSG Redevelopment the entire Study Area is located within the boundaries of a Project Area, administered by the County Redevelopment PAGE 6 266 FISCAL IMPACTANALYSIS City of La Quinta Agency. 'The Project Area was formed in December 1986 and redevelopment activities terminate in December 2027; however, receipt of tax increment will continue until December 23, 2037. It is estimated that the County Redevelopment Project will receive $147,532,014 in gross revenue from the development of the Enclave before termination. Therefore, the County's General Fund receives minimal property tax revenues to support service costs within the Study Area. Upon annexation, the Project Area would continue to be administered by the County Redevelopment Agency. Tax increment revenue from any new development, any increase in property values, or the future resale of homes within the Project Area would not be paid to the City. Redevelopment law provides that the County would retain redevelopment authority in the Study Area unless the City and County negotiate an alternative arrangement. It is, however, assumed that the base year property tax revenue will transfer to the City's General Fund. Southern Coachella Valley Community Services District ("SCVCSD") Formed as a special district under California law (Government Code § 61000), the SCVCSD was established by Resolution of the County Board of Supervisors on December 2, 1986. The SCVCSD is funded by annual assessments and by franchise fees collected from the waste hauler selected by the SCVCSD Board of Directors. In the event that the City applies to annex the Study Area, the City would also need to apply to have the Study Area detached from the SCVCSD. Upon approval from LAFCO, the City would assume responsibility for law enforcement services, the collection and disposal of residential and commercial solid waste, and the parcels would become detached from the SCVCSD and no revenue from the assessment would be received. Supervisorial Road District 4 The County Transportation Department collects an apportionment of property tax revenue from the Study Area for maintenance and road construction throughout the unincorporated portions of the County. Upon annexation the Study Area would be: removed from the Supervisorial Road District; road maintenance and construction would become the responsibility of the City. RECURRING REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES 2 -M Approval of the full annexation of the Study Area would result in the transfer of all services, currently provided by the County, to the City. Revenues and expenditures projected for the Study Area are enumerated below. 3 Estimated total includes both redevelopment and housing funds, and does not exclude pass through payments to other affected taxing agencies that may be made by the Redevelopment Agency. PAGE 7 267 FISCAL IMPACT ANALYSIS City of La Quinta Expenditures This section describes the approach used to estimate additional expenditures for the City. With the exception of road maintenance°, most operational services would be provided through the City's General Fund. (q RSG General Government General Fund operating expenditures related to General Government (i.e. City Manager, City Clerk, City Attorney, Finance, Risk Management, Central Services etc.) are anticipated as a result of the proposed annexation. RSG assumes that service enhancements within these departments will include incremental increases in staffing, supplies, and additional indirect costs to absorb the impact of the Study Area. Based on the City Budget, the costs for General Government was equal to 17 percent of the departmental expenditures in Public Safety, Community Services, Public Works, Community Development, and Building and Safety. Thus, an annual overhead rate of 17 percent was placed upon all other departmental expenditures to account for additional expenditures in General Government. Police Services A major operating expenditure for the Study Area would be police services, which are provided to the City under contract with the County Sheriff's Department. The City provides a higher level of service than the Study Area currently receives. The projected law enforcement costs are based on current ratio of police staff to residents, currently 1.1 staff persons per thousand resident equivalents. This ratio was then used to project the additional staff that would be required to serve the Study Area. Approximately 50 percent of the Police staff is sworn, the other 50 percent is non -sworn. The Sheriff bills staff positions at an hourly rate that includes support, and then bills an additional overhead rate of 10 percent. Hourly rates range for different positions. All were evaluated to determine a weighted average cost per employee based on staff currently serving the City. Costs are inflated at 4.19 percent annually. Fire Services Fire Services are currently provided by the County Fire Department in cooperation with the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection. Station 70, which is located at Avenue 54 and Madison Avenue, is the Station within the City's boundaries located nearest to the Study Area. Station 39, which is located at Airport Boulevard (Avenue 56) and Harrison Street in Thermal, is the fire station outside of the City boundaries that is currently located nearest to the Study Area. RSG obtained estimated station costs from Fire Department staff and projected future costs on a per capita equivalent basis. Maintaining the current service level and expanding services to the Study Area will cost the City approximately $135,000, in 2012-13. Costs are inflated at 4.19 percent annually. As areas surrounding the Study Area begin to develop, the City, in partnership with the County and adjacent cities may consider generating additional funds for " Road maintenance is typically paid for through Highway User Tax (i.e. gasoline tax) revenue. Revenues attributed to the gasoline tax are restricted for use on road maintenance and improvement expenditures. PAGE 8 268 r�Cp +.. FISCAL IMPACT ANALYSIS ROM City of La Quinta the construction of a new fire station and additional firefighters. This anticipated need and associated costs are not accounted for in this analysis. Emergency Services Emergency services are provided through a contract within the City. Costs were projected on the per capita equivalent methodology and inflated at 4.19 percent annually. Community Development The Community Development Department provides current and advanced planning in the Study Area. Costs were projected on the per capita equivalent methodology and inflated at 3 percent annually. Community Services The Community Services Department provides recreation, senior services, library, museum, and parks and golf services among other things. Costs were projected on the per capita equivalent methodology and inflated at 3 percent annually. Building and Safety The Building and Safety department provides building services, code compliance, animal control, emergency services, and fire protection. For purposes of this analysis, emergency services and fire protection were calculated as their own line items. All other Building and Safety expenditures were calculated on a per capita equivalent methodology and inflated at 3 percent annually. Public Works The City Department of Public Works is responsible for providing traffic services, development services, engineering, street maintenance, and lighting. Expenditures were calculated on a per capita equivalent methodology and inflated at 3 percent annually. Capital Improvements The scope of this report was limited to analyzing the operational impacts of annexation. Capital improvement needs around the periphery of the Study Area were not specifically addressed. However, future annexations of areas adjacent to the Study Area may necessitate the need for capital facilities and would have a definite impact on future City expenditures. The City would need to look further into expanding its development impact fee program to cover the cost of these types of capital improvements with the area. This analysis also assumes that the developer would account for capital improvement costs within the Study Area. PAGE 9 269 FISCAL IMPACT ANALYSIS City of La Quinta Revenues This section describes the approach used to estimate revenues for the City. Property Tax Upon annexation, the City would be responsible for all municipal services provided by the County General Fund. Generally, the City receives a portion of the County's property tax share of the general (1 percent) tax levy. Revenues would be shifted to the City pursuant to the Master Property Tax Agreement (City Council Resolution 83-28). However, given that the Study Area is within the Project Area, the City will only receive an apportionment of the base year property tax until the Project Area dissolves in 20375. The City's property tax revenue from the 1986 base year value of the Project Area is estimated to be approximately $280 annually. Fire Protection Property Tax Fire Protection Property Tax derives from the County Fire Department's share of the general (1 percent) tax levy. The Fire Department's 5.4 percent apportionment funds fire service within the unincorporated areas of the County. Following the sunset of the County Redevelopment Agency, the Fire Department's 5.4 percent apportionment will be transferred to the City. Library Property Tax The Library Property Tax comes from the County Library's share of the general (1 percent) tax levy. The Library's 3.75 percent apportionment funds library services within the unincorporated areas of the County. Following the sunset of the County Redevelopment Agency, the Library's apportionment will be transferred to the City. Property Transfer Tax The City revenue from Property Transfer Tax accumulates at a rate of $0.55 per $1,000 of assessed value. The assessed value of the sale of new developments and the resale of existing homes generates Property Transfer Tax revenue for the City. This analysis assumes an annual 5 percent turnover rate upon buildout. Sales Tax Although no commercial/retail businesses are proposed for development within the Study Area, the residents living within the Study Area will generate increased sales tax revenue within the City boundaries. The City receives 0.75 percent of the sales tax rate levied on taxable goods. Sales tax projections were derived on a per household basis from median disposable income estimates based on U.S. Census data" for La Quinta, with a capture rate of 50 percent for the City. RSG estimates that upon buildout, $153,000 in revenue will be generated within the e When a redevelopment project area is adopted, the current assessed values of the properties within the project area are designated as the base year value. Any increases in property value, as assessed because of change of ownership or new construction, will increase tax revenue generated by the property. This increase in tax revenue is the tax increment that goes to the Redevelopment Agency. The City of La Quinta may collect tax revenues from the 1986 base year value of the Study Area until the RDA's authority to collect tax increment revenues for the Study Area expires in December, 2037. (()) RSG 6 Data provided by Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) PAGE 10 0_ u G FISCAL IMPACT ANALYSIS Q RSG City of La Quinla City by residents residing in the Study Area inclusive of Triple Flip Revenues, described below. In -Lieu Sales Tax Revenue (2004 Triple Flip Revenue) On March 2, 2004, the state electorate approved Proposition 57, which in part mandates the exchange of one -quarter (0.25 percent) of the previous 1.00 percent :sales tax revenues to cities for an equal amount of property tax revenues. These additional property tax revenues are referred to as "in -lieu sales taxes" or "triple flip revenue", and took effect on July 1, 2004; they continue until the state deficit bailout bonds are paid off in approximately 10 years, after which time it is presumed that in -lieu sales taxes would revert to cities as sales tax revenue. Franchise Tax Franchise fees are generated through franchise agreements for services such as solid waste collection, utilities, and cable service. The City collects franchise fees citywide and it is assumed that the Study Area, upon annexation and buildout, would collect approximately $43,000 in revenue on a per capita equivalent basis from new residents. Transient Occupancy Tax The City also imposes a Transient Occupancy Tax ("TOT') on hotel and motel charges and sales tax. This study does not include TOT because there are no visitor lodging businesses proposed for development within the Study Area and per capital data for the current residence of the City was not available. License and Permits The city collects various license and permit fees and are assumed to collect the same revenue on a per capita equivalent basis in the Study Area. Upon buildout, the City would receive approximately $4,200. Fees Development Impact Fees ("DIF) and Quimby Fees in relation to the Study Area, are one-time fees generated upon initiation of the proposed development. DIFs are established by City Council Resolution No. 2005-047 and Chapter 13.48 of the City's Municipal Code establishes fees under the Quimby Act to fund park facilities. These one time revenues are not included in this analysis. Lighting) and Landscaping Under Resolution 2005-035, the City initiated the formation of Landscape and Lighting Assessment District 89-1. A citywide annual assessment for the construction, maintenance, and servicing of landscaping and lighting improvements is applied to all territory located within the city boundaries. Residential parcels are assessed at a rate of $35.60 per single family dwelling. RSG estimates that upon buildout, the City would receive approximately $19,000 from the Study Area. PAGE 11 21 FISCAL IMPACT ANALYSIS City of La Quinta Fines Revenue from motor vehicle code fines, parking violations, and miscellaneous fines within the Study Area are assumed to generate revenue on a per capita equivalent basis. Upon buildout, the City would receive an estimated $5,000. Motor Vehicle License Fees The Molex Vehicle License Fee ("VLF") is essentially a tax on the ownership of a vehicle, and is collected by the State annually. VLF revenue is then allocated to cities and counties based upon a statutory formula. In 2004, during the State's budget crisis, about 90 percent of a city's VLF revenue was replaced with property tax revenue. Under current law, most of the VLF revenue allocated to cities and all of the revenue allocated to counties increases based on assessed value growth instead of population growth in a jurisdiction. Revenue is distributed as property tax in -lieu of VLF. Based on the Annual State Controller Report, for each $1 million in assessed value, the City receives $304 in property tax in -lieu revenue. Additionally, a small portion of the VLF, the "residual VLF," would remain allocated to cities based on population. This amount is approximately $8 per capita and is based on the City's per capita allocation from 2005-06 according to the Annual State Controller Report. Gas Tax Gas tax revenue is a subvention collected by the State and allocated to cities and counties based on statutory formulas. Pursuant to Sections 2105, 2106, 2107, and 2017.5 of the Streets and Highway Code, these revenues are apportioned to the City on a per capita basis, except for Section 2107.5 which is determined by population thresholds. These funds can be employed by the City to underwrite road maintenance projects either in the annexed area or elsewhere in the City. Gas tax estimates for the Study Area were generated on a per capita basis based on the State Controller's Annual Report. RSG estimates that upon buildout, $23,000 in revenues would be generated annually by the proposed development within the Study Area. It should be noted that these revenues are held constant over time. State staff has indicated these revenues are not expected to continue to increase. NEXT STEPS AND ANNEXATION PROCESS qRSG If the City desires to pursue annexation of the Study Area, RSG cautions that the development of service -demanding residential uses will significantly curtail the ability of the City to meet service needs, and the City could be forced to consider a reduction of service in the Study Area, or an increase in taxes to support service costs. If the City proceeds with the annexation application, the City would need to do the following: (1) Prepare a plan for services that assesses current service providers, current City service levels, and the City services to be extended. PAGE 12 r 272 FISCAL IMPACT ANALYSIS City of La Quinta (2) Prepare and submit a fiscal impact analysis that assesses the annexation effects on both the City and the County. (3) Consider establishing an alternative funding program, such as a CFD and/or a one-time fee program to cover the financial gap of service costs. (4) Submit to LAFCO a reorganization application. V RSG PAGE 13 �.. 273 REVENUES & EXPENDITURES SUMMARY Annual City 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Revenues by Source Property Taxes Indirect Sales Taxes (1 % Value) Ornnrty Tfer Taxes vynerrrans Motor Vehicle License Subvention Property Tax In -Lieu Off Highway License Subvention Franchise Fees Fines and Forfeitures Business Licenses Animal Licenses Garage Sale Permits Misc. Permits Sale of Maps and Publications AB 939 Landscape & Lighting Gas Tax Gas Tax (Sec. 2105) Gas Tax (Sec 2106) Gas Tax (See. 2107) Gas Tax (Sec. 2107.5) Subtotal General Revenues Expenditures by Department Building & Safety Community Development Community Services Public Works Fire Protection Law Enforcement Emergency Services Overhead to Support Gen Govt Total Net Revenue / (Deficit) RSG pw 280 280 280 - 46,000 97,000 _ as ann fi_9 Sn0 - 3,000 6,000 6,600 41,800 79,000 - 13,000 28,000 - 2,000 3,000 200 400 100 200 - 1,000 2,100 - 100 - 6,000 12,000 - 3,000 5,000 - 2,000 4,000 - 3,000 7.000 6,880 184,680 313,580 FISCAL IMPACT ANALYSIS City of La Quint@ EXHIBIT 1A ig Budget 12-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 280 280 280 280 280 280 153,000 161,000 169,000 177,000 186,000 196, 000 76.300 8 900 9.100 9.300 9,600 9,800 9,000 9,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 118,800 122,300 126,000 129,800 133,700 137,700 43,000 44,000 45,000 47,000 48,000 49,000 5,000 5,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 600 600 600 700 700 700 300 300 300 300 300 300 3,300 3,400 3,500 3.600 3,700 3,800 100 100 100 100 100 100 19,000 20,000 20,000 21,000 22.000 22,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10.000 451,680 397,880 412,880 428,080 443,380 458,680 - 27,000 57.000 89,000 91,000 94,000 98,000 99,000 102,000 - 14,000 28,000 43,000 45,000 46,000 47,000 49,000 50,000 - 37,000 73,000 112,000 117,000 119,000 124,000 128,000 132,000 - 57,000 118,000 185,000 190,000 196,000 202,000 207,000 214.000 - 41,000 86,000 135,000 140,000 146,000 152,000 159,000 165,000 - 121,000 252,000 394,000 411,000 428,000 446,000 465,000 484,000 - 2,000 3,000 5,000 5,000 6,000 6.000 6,000 6,000 - 50.800 104.900 163,700 169,800 176,000 182,800 189,200 196,000 • 349,800 721,900 1,126,700 1,168,800 1,211,000 1,257,800 1,302,200 1,349,000 6,880 (165,120) (408,320) (675,020) (770,920) (798,120) (829,720) (858,820) (890,320) PAGE 14 REVENUES & EXPENDITURES SUMMARY Revenues by Source Property Taxes Indirect Sales Taxes (1 % Value) Pmpc,1 y Tran,fer Tara, Motor Vehicle License Subvention Property Tax In -Lieu Off Highway License Subvention Franchise Fees Fines and Forfeitures Business Licenses Animal Licenses Garage Sale Permits Misc. Permits Sale of Maps and Publications AB 939 Landscape & Lighting Gas Tax Gas Tax (Sec 2105) Gas Tax (Sec 2106) Gas Tax (Sec. 2107) Gas Tax (Sec. 2107.5) Subtotal General Revenues Expenditures by Department Budding & Safety Community Development Community Services Public Works Fire Protection Law Enforcement Emergency Services Overhead to Support Gen Govt Total Net Revenue / (De0cit) N :PR5G FISCAL IMPACTANALYSIS City of La Quinta EXHIBIT I 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 205.000 216.000 226,000 238,000 250,000 262,000 275.000 289,000 303,000 319,000 10 100 10 300 10,600 10,800 11,100 11,400 11,700 12,000 12,300 12,600 11,000 11,000 11,000 12,000 12,000 13,000 13,000 13.000 14,000 14,000 141,800 146,100 150,400 155,000 159,600 164.400 169,300 174,400 179,600 194,900 51,000 52,000 54,000 56,000 57.000 59.000 61,000 63,000 65,000 66,000 6.000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7.000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 700 800 800 800 800 800 900 900 900 1.000 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 3,900 4,000 4.200 4,300 4,400 4,500 4,700 4,800 5,000 5,100 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 23,000 24,000 24,000 25.000 26,000 27,000 27,000 28,000 29.000 30.000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5.000 10,000 10.000 10.000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10.000 10.000 10,000 10,000 476,380 495,080 511,880 632,780 551,780 572,980 594,480 616,980 640,680 674,680 106,000 110,000 113,000 116,000 118,000 124.000 126,000 130,000 135,000 139,000 52,000 53,000 55,000 57,000 59,000 60,000 62,000 64,000 66,000 67,000 135,000 139,000 143,000 148,000 151.000 157,000 161,000 167,000 171,000 176,000 220,000 227,000 233,000 241,000 247.000 255,000 262,000 272,000 278,000 286,000 172,000 179,000 187,000 195,000 203,000 211,000 220,000 229,000 239.000 249,000 504.000 525,000 547,000 570,000 594,000 619.000 645.000 672.000 700,000 729,000 7,000 7.000 7,000 8,000 8,000 8.000 8.000 9,000 9,000 10,000 203.300 210.800 218.500 227,000 234,600 _ 243,800 252,300 262,300 271,700 281,500 1,399,300 1,450,800 1,503,500 1,562,000 1,614,600 1,677,800 1,736,300 1,805,300 1,869,700 1,937,500 (922,920) (955,720) (991,620) (1,029,220) (1,062,820) (1,104.820) (1,141,820) (1,188,320) (1,229,020) (1,262,920) PAGE 15 REVENUES 3 EXPENDITURES SUMMARY Revenues by Source Property Taxes Indirect Sales Taxes (1 % Value) Property Transfer Taxes Motor Vehicle License a Subvention Property Tax In -Lieu Off Highway License Subvention Franchise Fees Fines and Forfeitures Business Licenses Animal Licenses Garage Sale Permits Misc. Permits Sale of Maps and Publications AS 939 Landscape 8 Lighting Gas Tax Gas Tax (Sec. 2105) Gas Tax (Sec. 2106) Gas Tax (Sec 2107) Gas Tax (Sec 2107.5) Subtotal General Revenues Expenditures by Department Building 8 Safety Community Development Community Services Public Works Fire Protection Law Enforcement Emergency Services Overhead to Support Gen Govt Total Net Revenue / (Deficit) i FISCAL IMPACTANALYSIS City of La Quint@ EXHIBIT IC 2028-29 2029-30 2030-31 2031-32 2032-33 2033-34 2034-35 2035-36 2036-37 2037-38 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 1,001,400 335,000 351,000 369,000 387,000 407.000 427,000 44B000 471.000 494,000 519,000 12,900 13,200 13,500 13,900 14,200 14.600 14,900 15,300 15,700 16,100 15,000 15 nnn 15 nnn 16 n0n 16 000 17 000 17 000 18.000 18.000 19.000 200.800 206,800 213.000 219,400 226,000 232,700 239,700 246.900 254,300 262.000 68,000 71,000 73.000 75,000 77,000 79,000 82,000 84,000 87,000 89,000 8,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 10.000 10,000 10,000 10,000 11,000 11,000 4,000 1,000 1,000 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,200 1,200 1.200 1,300 500 500 500 500 500 Soo 600 600 600 600 5,300 5,400 5,600 5,700 5,900 6,100 6,300 6.500 6,700 6.900 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 31,000 32,000 33.000 34,000 35,000 36,000 37000 38,000 39,000 40,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8.000 8,000 8.000 5,000 5,000 5000 5,000 5,000 5.000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 10.000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10.000 10,000 10.000 10,000 10,000 700,980 728,380 766,080 785,080 816,180 847,480 880,180 915,080 951,080 1,989,600 143,000 147,000 152,000 156,000 160,000 167.000 171, 000 175.000 181,000 187.000 69,000 72,000 74,000 77,000 79,000 81000 83,000 85,000 89,000 91.000 181.000 188,000 193,000 198,000 206,000 211,000 218,000 223,000 230,000 237,000 295,000 304.000 313,000 323,000 334,000 343,000 353,000 364,000 375,000 385,000 259.000 270,000 281,000 293,000 305,000 318,000 332,000 345,000 360,000 375.000 759,000 791.000 824.000 059,000 894,000 932,000 971.000 1'011,000 1,054.000 1,098,000 10,000 10.000 11.000 11.000 12,000 12.000 13,000 13.000 14,000 14.000 291.700 302.900 314,200 325,900 338,300 350900 364,000 376,700 391500 405,800 2,007,700 2,084,900 2,162,200 2,242,900 2,328,300 2,414,900 2,505,000 2,592,700 2,694,500 2,792,800 (1,306,720) (1,356,520) (1,406,120) (1,457,820) (1,512,120) (1,567,420) (1,624,820) (1,677,520) (1,743,420) (803,200 PAGE 16 FISCAL IMPACTANALYSIS City of La Quint@ Year 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Deposits 2,247438 117,990 4,524,063 361,698 4,524,063 618,562 2,305,813 763,423 - 782,066 - 787,686 788,566 788,064 - 785,877 782,048 Interestearned (525%) Annual Fund Value 2,365,428 7,251,189 12,400,693 15,304,808 15,678,554 15,791,220 15.808,865 15,798,809 15,754.967 15,678,194 Net Revenues (Expenditures) - 6,880 (165,120) (408,320) (675,020) (770,920) (79B,120) (B29,720) (658,820) (890,320) Year End Fund Value 2,365,428 7,258,069 12,235,573 14,896,488 15,003,534 15.020.300 15,010,745 14,969,089 14,896,147 14,787,874 Y I 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Deposits Interest earned (5 25%) - 776,363 768,669 758,849 746,629 731,792 714.414 693,917 670,402 643,212 612.457 Annual Fund Value 15.564,238 15,409987 15,213,116 14,968, 124 14,670697 14,322,290 13,911,388 13,439,970 12,894,862 12,278,298 Net Revenues (Expenditures) (922,920) (955.720) (991,620) (1, 029.220) (1,062.820) (1 104,820) It 141,820) (1.188,320) (1 229,020) (1 262,920) Year End Fund Value 14,641,318 14,454,267 14,221,496 13,938.904 13,607,877 13,217,470 12,769,568 12,251,650 11,565,842 11,015,378 Year 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Deposits Interestearned(525%) -40,075 578,307 540,066 497,202 449,484 396,546 337,978 2]3,433 202,485 125,040 Annual Fund Value 11,593686 10,827,031 9,967,713 9,011077 7,949,803 6,775,661 5,481,674 4,059,338 2,5W,759 03.414 83,414 Net Revenues (Expenditures) (1,306, 720) (1356,520) (1406,120) (1457,820) (1,512,120) (1,567420) (1624,820) (1,677.620) (1,743,420) (803,200) Year End Fund Value 10,286,966 9,470511 8,561,593 7.553,257 6,437,683 5,208,241 3,856,854 2,381,718 ]63,339 214 Year 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Deposits _ Interest earned (5 25%) Annual Fund Value - - 214 (840,386) (1,713,686) - (2,623,686) (3,575.886) (4,569,486) (5,604,686) (6,681686) (7.807,986) (8,979,786) Net Revenues (Expenditures) (840,600) (873,300) (910,000) (952,200) (993,600) (1,035,200) 1077,000) (1, 126,300) (1,171,800) (1,222,500) Year End Fund Value (B40,386) (1713666) (2,623,686) (3,575,8%) (4,569,486) (5,604,685) (6681,686) (7,807,986) (8,979,786) (10,202,286) Year 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Deposits - - - - - - - Interest earned (5 25%) Annual Fund Value - - (10,202286) (11474,586) (12,801,486) " (14,184,786) (15,628,086) (17,127,Oe6) (18,691,186) (20,316,486) (22,008,886) (23,773,786) Net Revenues(Experdtures) (1,272,300) (1,326,900) (1383,300) (1,443,300) (1,499,000) (1,564,100) (1.625.300) (1,692,400) (1 ,764,900) (1,836.300) Year End Fund Value (11474,586) (12.801.486) (14,184,786) (15,628.086) (17,127,086) (18,691,186) (20,316.486) (22,008,886) (23,773,786) (25,610,086) Notes Per Unit Fee is $29,188 paid at time of budding permit Property Tax Revenue is no longer directed to the County RDA beginning In Year 30 Bulldout Plan. 2009/10 - 77 permits, no occupancy 2010/11 - 155 permits, 155 homes occupied 2011/12 - 155 permits, 310 homes occupied 2012/13 - 79 permits, 466 homes occupied q RSG -a' PAGE 17 FISCAL IMPACTANALYSIS City of La Qdnta Year 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 Deposits 2,247,438 4,524,063 4524,063 2,305,813 - - - - Interest earned(525%) 117,990 361,698 618,562 763,423 782,056 787,686 788,566 788,064 785,877 782,048 Mnual Furl Value 2,365,428 7,251,189 12,400,693 15,304,808 15,678,554 15,791,220 15,808,865 15,798,809 15,754,%7 15,678,194 Property Tax Remved - 280 280 280 260 280 280 280 280 280 Net Revenues (Expenditures) - 6,880 (155.120) (408,320) (675,020) (770,920) (798,120) (829,720) (858,820) (890,320) Year End Fund Value 2,365,428' ],258,069 12,235,573 14,896,488 15,003,534 15,020,300 15,010,745 14,%9,089 14,896,147 14787,874 _ 1 1 ' 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Deposits Interest earned (525%) 776,363 768,669 758849 746,629 - 731792 - 714,414 - 693.917 670,402 - 643,212 612.457 Annual Fund Value 15,564,238 15,409,987 15,213,116 14,968,124 14670,697 14,322290 13,911 388 13,439,970 12.89,1862 12,278,298 Property Tax Received 260 280 280 280 260 260 280 290 280 280 Net Revenues (Expenditures) (922, 920) (955,720) (991,620) (1,029,220) (1,062,820) (1,104,820) (1,141,820) (1,188,320) (1,229,020) (1262,920) Year End Fund Value 14,647 318 14,454,267 14,221,495 13,938,904 13607,877 13,217.470 12,769,568 12,251,650 11 665,842 11,015,378 Year 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Deposits Interest earned is 25%) 578,307 540,066 497,202 449,484 - 396,546 - 337,978 " 273.433 202,485 125,No 40,075 Mnual Furth Value 11,593,686 10,827,031 9,967,713 9,011,077 7, 949, am 6,775661 5,481674 4,059, 338 2,SW, 759 803,414 Property Tax Received 280 280 280 280 280 260 280 280 260 1,001,400 Net Revenues (Expenditures) (1306,720) (1356,520) (1406,120) (1457,820) (1,512,120) (1,567.420) (1,624,820) (1,677.620) (1, 743,420) (803,200) Year End Fund Value 10,286,956 9,470,511 8,561,593 7,553,257 6,437,683 5,208,241 3,856, B54 2,381,718 763.339 214 Year I 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 even„ Interest (5 25%) - - - - - - - andearnedV MnualFundValue 214 (840,386) (1,713,686) (2,623,686) (3,575.886) (4,569,486) (5,604,686) (6,681,686) (7,807,986) (8,879,7e6) Property Tax Recevved 1,031,100 1,061,800 1,094,500 1,127,,200 1,160,900 1,195,500 1,231,200 1,268,800 1,308,500 1,346,100 Net Revenues (Expenditures) (840.600) (873,300) (910,000) (952,200) (993,600) (7635200) (1,077,000) (1,126,300) (1,171,800) (1,222,500) Year End Fund Value (840, 3B6) (1,713,686) (2,623,686) (3,575,886) (4,569,485) (5,604,686) (6,681686) (7,807,986) (8,979,786) (10,202,285) Year 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Deposits- - - " Interest earned (525%) Annual Fund Value - (10,202,286) (11,474,586) (12,801,4B5) (14,184,786) (15,628,086) (17,127086) (18,691,186) (20,316,456) (22,008,886) (23,773,786) Property Tax Received 1,385,700 1,427,300 1,470,900 1,514,500 1,560,000 1,606,600 1,655, 100 1,704,700 1,756,200 1,806,,700 Net Revenues (Expenditures) (1,272,300) (1326,900) (1,383,300) (1,443,300) (1,499,000) (1,564, 100) (1625,300) (1.692,400) (1,764,900) (1836,300) Year End Fund Value (11,474,586) (12,801,466) (14,184,786) (15,628,086) (17,127086) (18,691,186) (20,316,486) (22,008, 886) (23,773786) (25,610,086) Notes Per Unit Fee Is $29.188 paid at time of building permit Property Tax Revenue is no longer directed to the County RDA beginning In Year 30 Bwldout Plan 2009110 - 77 permits; no occupancy 2010111 - 155 permits, 155 homes occupied 2011/12 - 155 permits, 310 homes occupied 2012113 - 79 permits, 466 homes occupied Z. RSG �! CIO PAGE 18 r ATTACHMENT #2 THE VISTA SANTA ROSA ASSOCIATION Ellen Lloyd Traver, President Jennifer Hamilton, Vice President Betty Morgin, Secretary Elizabeth L. Talley, Treasurer Betty Mangan Smitb, Director P.O. BOX 297 COACHELLA, CA 92236 Mayor Don Adolph Members of the City Council City of La Quinta La Quinta, CA 92253 Lee Anderson, Director Martha Brown, Director Philip Bumett, Director Joan Fogg, Director November 1, 2007 RE: Financing Service to the Vista Santa Rosa Area Dear Sirs & Madame: Thank you for affording me an opportunity to hear, consider, and comment on the information presented by Staff as the Study Session on October 16, 2007. I am sorry for the delay, but due to illness and the wildfires, I have not been able to finish this letter as rapidly as I had wished. We in Vista Santa Rosa are concerned with, and will be directly affected by, the decisions you make about development fees to provide services to areas annexed. Although there are several issues that we'd like to comment on, I will first address the issue that seemed to be the primary concern on Tuesday, i.e. population per residential unit. I am not addressing the specifics of Mr. Noya's project, but will assume for the present that his estimate for that project is correct. However, the issue is what fees will be assessed across the board for residential development in the RDA zone. We feel that 2 or 2.5 are both unrealistic multipliers if they are applied as an average in VSR; a much more realistic number would be the 2.8 number for the current City of La Quinta, and indeed that may be low: a) When assessing an area the size of the City's present SOI, surely there will be much family housing included in the mix; that being the case, there will no doubt be families with multiple children. The eastern valley has a different demographic profile than other areas; there is a ,.r 279 larger percentage of people with cultural and religious backgrounds that encourage large families, as well as more families that have multiple generations living in the same house. Additionally, with soaring housing prices, more and more homes are being bought by two or more "nuclear" families in order to share the financial burden (an example would be brothers going together to buy a house & both families living in it until they can afford to buy another); b) More and more "adult children" are staying, or returning home to live. Whether it is temporary, or long term, with the high cost of housing, limited employment opportunities, and a change in the way living "at home" is viewed by the younger generation, this phenomenon is not uncommon; c) More and more elderly parents are living with their children, in order to avoid the cost of assisted living, as well as to afford them more dignity and freedom; personally, I've been in both situations, having had my mother living with me after my father died and then having had my adult daughter move home, not once but twice; d) We're also seeing more and more people buy a "part-time" home to use while they are still employed full time elsewhere, only to more to the desert full time on retirement, or on going into consulting. Counting; "second homes" as "vacant" needs to be adjusted to allow for future full time use; e) As our population ages, we will see more and more "help" that needs to live either in local family housing, or in the home of the aging, increasing the numbers; f) Viewing the potential for natural catastrophes (and hopefully, not manmade ones), the City has to be prepared to provide emergency services for all the residents and visitors. All of us hope that the need won't arise in the foreseeable future, but planning has to be pessimistic; g) With a slowing market, we need to face the reality that services need to be provided for "rooftops," whether they have sold or not; fires and vandalism may actually be more of a problem if there is unsold housing; h) Moving into the East Valley, the City also needs to add into the mix of cost, provision for the drainage to the Whitewater Storm Drain and the increasing demands of the Clean Water Act. For all these reasons and more, if anything, 2.8 residents to the unit is perhaps an underestimate. The City has declared that it wants to be fiscally conservative; therefore, I urge you to consider the highest number proposed. There has been a lot of talk about the Redevelopment District funding. I sit on a standing committee that will be submitting proposals to the Agency for projects in the Vista Santa Rosa area. I would be willing to bring forward any suggestions of the Council, keeping in mind that RDA funds are essentially for capital projects and that other funding has to support the maintenance and operation of the project. RDA funds are not a substitute for General Funds. Distance also becomes a factor in considering provision and funding of services. The farther the residences are from the civic center and the commercial area, the more expensive services will be. The City has been wise in planning to attract commercial development along Highway 111 and Interstate 10, but there is a finite amount of land, in the City, left to be developed in those corridors; the Cities of Indio and Coachella are moving into the breech with new projects which will attract La Quinta residents, just has the current La Quinta stores have attracted their citizens. To keep a residential/commercial mix that will keep the cost of services to residents at a reasonable rate, the Council has acknowledged the need for more commercial development. The question is where it will be located, and who will build (finance) the infrastructure to support it" To have a future commercial/residential mix similar to what currently exists in the City, the situation is different in that there are no highways in VSR. One would have to assume that most, if not all, of the customers will have to be drawn from the local populace, but even then freight will have to be hauled in. At present, only Harrison Street on the extreme east and Ave. 62 (the South Valley Parkway) on the extreme south of the SOI are planned to support heavy traffic and both of those corridors are links to commercial development that is already being planned and processed in the County. For all of these reasons, I would ask the Council to look closely at the cost of annexation and services and assume new housing will have to support services over a wide area that may well. develop slowly. Sincerely yours, Ellen Lloyd Trover,"President 289 i Page 1 of 2 Les Johnson From: CR72246@aol.com Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2007 6:41 PM To: City Clerk Mail Cc: Doug Evans; Les Johnson Subject: Letter to City Council Regarding Vista Santa Rosa Charles F. Rechlin 82-480 Avenue 54 Vista Santa Rosa, CA 92274 760-398-1950 cr72246@aol.com November 8, 2007 The Mayor and Members of the City Council City of La Quinta PO Box 1504 La Quints, CA 92247-1504 Re: Vista Santa Rosa Honorable Mayor and Council Members: As a resident. of Vista Santa Rosa and a member of Supervisor Wilson's community Planning Task Force, I submit the following comments with respect to the City's fiscal. impact study of potential annexations in VSR. 1. Fiscal Impact Fee. Although the fiscal analysis presented at the October 16 Council meeting appears to have a sound basis, I believe that impact fees imposed on residential developments should operate on a sliding scale, based on the projected occupancy per dwelling unit for each specific development, determined at the time a tract map is: approved and a development agreement is entered into (taking into account square footage, number of bedrooms, garage capacity and the like). Some developments (e.g., 55+ communities) may warrant a fee based on an occupancy rate around 2.0 per unit. Others, however, will build out at substantially higher rates. Given proposals for "workforce housing" and "family - friendly communities" for the VSR area already approved, or discussed by developers with, the County, I believe many housing tracts proposed for annexation will approach or surpass occupancy rates of 3.5 per unit, as is currently the case in Indio. 2. Rationale; for Annexations. Although I support the imposition of a fiscal impact fee for new residential developments, I am concerned that it may be viewed by developers and landowners as establishing something akin to an entitlement for those seeking annexation --in other words, as the "entry fee" to buy a "ticket into La Quinta," as it, has been publicly characterized by development proponent, Tom Noya. I urge the Council to make it clear that the fee will riot create a right to annex into the City. I am also concerned that imposition of a fiscal impact fee may be viewed by some as obviating the need for comprehensive land use planning for VSR, a process the Council and staff initiated in'2006 but interrupted to deal with the fiscal impact issues. The rationales cited by Council members for annexation —that the City will "inevitably inherit" VSR from the County, and must control development along its borders —imply a defensive rather than a proactive approach to annexation, one more conducive to reactive rather than long-range planning. In my view, the Council should enunciate a clear vision for the City's future 'J, 2S1 11/15/2007 e rage 1 of 1 expansion --one compatible with the desires of current residents --and adopt a plan to achieve that vision. As you know, the Rancho Mirage City Council recently adopted a "no -annexation" policy north of I-10 after considering not only fiscal impacts, but demographic impacts of annexation, including shifts of voting power and changes in the mix and age of the City's population over time. Because, once developers see the possibility of a housing turnaround (many probably already do), La Quinta will undoubtedly hear a chorus of voices calling for annexation, the Council should perform a similar analysis now, before it sets the annexation process in motion. If the analysis indicates that, over the 30-year period of the fiscal impact study, a significant change in the character of La Quinta, inconsistent with the desires of current residents, is likely to follow annexations, the Council should, in my opinion, either adopt a "no -annexation" policy similar to Rancho Mirage's or submit the annexation issue to La Quinta voters. 3. Piecemeal Annexations. Current LAFCO policy provides that annexations in VSR should be "inclusive." As proposed, the two active applications for annexation before the City are anything but. For this reason, among others, I expect to oppose these applications, and I believe many of my neighbors will do likewise. As you know, there exists substantial opposition to piecemeal annexation among VSR residents. Apart from depriving registered voters in VSR the opportunity to vote for or against annexation in accordance with the Cortese -Knox -Hertzberg Act (as Ellen Trover and I discussed in our January 29, 2007 letter to the Council), piecemeal annexations threaten to disrupt the orderly development of Vista Santa Rosa for which many of us on the VSR Planning Task Force have strived. Rather than working with VSR residents to implement land use goals and policies supported by a majority of those residents (which I believe are reflected in the County's 2003 General Plan and in the draft Land Use Concept Plan of the VSR Planning Task Force), developers will be encouraged to pit City against County in an attempt to win the most favorable land use deal for themselves. This would be bad policy and bad planning, and I urge the City Council to reject it. Council members have, in the past, acknowledged the desire of VSR residents to maintain the predominately rural character of their community. I would hope that the Council could formally embrace this community objective and, if it decides annexation to be in the best interests of the City and its residents, adopt a policy that requires'all annexations in VSR to (1) encompass only "inhabited territory" under the Cortese -Knox -Hertzberg Act and (2) substantially conform to the land use goals and policies reflected in the County's General Plan and the Task Force's draft Land Use Concept Plan. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, CHARLES F. RECHLIN cc: Doug Evans Les Johnson See whafs new at AOL.com and (Make AOL Your Homepage. 2°2 11/15/2007 REPORT/INFORMATIONAL ITEM: MINUTES ARCHITECTURE & LANDSCAPING REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A Regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA September 19, 2007 10:00 a.m. CALL TO ORDER A. This regular meeting of the Architectural and Landscaping Review Committee was called to order at 10:07 a.m. by Planning Director Les Johnson. B. Committee Members present: Jason Arnold and Bill Bobbitt. It was moved and seconded by Committee Members Bobbitt/Arnold to excuse Committee Member Ronald Fitzpatrick. C. Staff present: Planning Director Les Johnson, Principal Planner Andrew Mogensen, and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer. II. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: Confirmed IV. CONSENT CALENDAR: A. Staff asked if there were any changes to the Minutes of September 5, 2007. Committee Member Bobbitt asked that Page 2, Item 7 be amended to state, "...keep the water out of the street"; also Page 3, Item 8, "Committee Member Fitzpatrick asked if the...." There being no further changes, it was moved and seconded by Committee Members Bobbitt/Arnold to approve the minutes as submitted. V. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Review of Landscaping plans for the Dune Palms Neighborhood Apartments and Community Center; a request of Coachella Valley Housing Coalition for consideration of landscaping plans for the Dune Palms Neighborhood apartments and Community Center located at the northwest corner of Dune Palms Road and Avenue 48. 1. Planning Director Les Johnson presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the 14 284 Architecture and Landscaping Review Committee September 19, 2007 Planning Department. Staff introduced Ron Gregory, landscape architect, who gave a presentation on the project. 2. Committee Member Bobbitt asked if the adjoining projects were in favor of the design. Staff explained the discussions that had taken place with the neighboring projects. Committee Member Bobbitt commended the applicant on the design of the project. He asked about the sycamore tree as he was not sure how it would do in the desert. Mr. Gregory stated he was not involved in the plant selection, but they would be using the London Plain species which should do fine. Committee Member Bobbitt stated the other tree is the Elm which can be a very messy tree and questioned whether it would be a high maintenance problem. He had no other objections. Discussion followed regarding the different species and watering systems. Committee Member Bobbitt asked that the clumping bamboo tree be used and not the running. 3. Committee Member Arnold questioned the pyracantha as it was prone to disease and the thorns. Mr. Gregory stated it was being used in this location for a specific purpose. 4. Committee Member Bobbitt stated he wanted to be sure the trees do not grow to the point that they extend over the top of the roof of the building. Mr. Gregory suggested the City host a forum on landscaping design and/or maintenance to keep landscaping designs from becoming the "left over" part of the overall design of a project. Projects are designed with the landscaping being the last element in the design and most often there isn't enough room left to do the landscaping properly. Committee Member Bobbitt stated he questioned using the 48- inch box trees at the onset as they will have a harder time establishing a good root system. A smaller tree will outgrow the 48-inch box tree because it can acclimate to the area faster. The larger tree may have the visual impact, but the root system may not hold up. 5. There being no further questions, it was moved and seconded by Committee Members Bobbitt/Arnold to adopt Minute Motion 2007-027 recommending approval of Site Development Permit 857, as recommended. Unanimously approved. VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: None 285 2 Architecture and Landscaping Review Committee September 19, 2007 VII. COMMITTEE MEMBER ITEMS: None VIII. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Committee Members Arnold/Bobbitt to adjourn this meeting of the Architectural and Landscaping Review Committee to a Regular Meeting to be held on October 3, 2007. This meeting was adjourned at 10:41 p.m. on September 19, 2007. Respectfully submitted, . SAYER Exe utive Secretary ,,.i1 28A 3 MINUTES ARCHITECTURE & LANDSCAPING REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A Special meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA October 24, 2007 10:00 a.m. CALL TO ORDER A. This regular meeting of the Architectural and Landscaping Review Committee was called to order at 10:07 a.m. by Planning Director Les Johnson. B. Committee Members present: Jason Arnold, Ronald Fitzpatrick, and Bill Bobbitt. C. Staff present: Planning Director Les Johnson, Principal Planner Andrew Mogensen, and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer. II. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: Confirmed IV. CONSENT CALENDAR: A. Staff asked if there were any changes to the Minutes of September 19, 2007. There being no changes, it was moved and seconded by Committee Members Arnold/Bobbitt to approve the minutes as submitted. V. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Site Development Permit 2006-892; a request of Tarlos & Assoiciates for consideration of architectural and landscaping plans for a 7,000 square foot freestanding restaurant building located at the southwest corner of Depot Drive and Highway 111. 1. Principal Planner Andrew Mogensen presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning Department. Staff introduced John Tarlos, Tarlos & Associates -architect, Clint Know, Project Manager for Komar, and Zaven Hanessian, Director of Construction for Komar, who gave a presentation on the project and answered questions. 287 Architecture and Landscaping Review Committee October 24, 2007 2. Committee Member Fitzpatrick asked if this was a conceptual design they were reviewing at this time. Staff stated this was a development design. Committee Member Fitzpatrick stated the plans appear to be out of context in relation to what is happening in the area. It would help him if staff would provide the Committee with a vicinity map to help orientate the project to the surrounding projects. Planning Director Les Johnson thanked the Committee Member for reminding staff that vicinity maps should be attached to the staff reports. This was the last pad for this project and staff needs to remember there are new members on the Committee and staff should have included a vicinity map as well as a sample material board. Committee Member Fitzpatrick asked staff what the submittal requirements were for applicants. Staff stated they would review the application submittal list at the next meeting so members are aware of what staff is requesting. In regard to this project staff worked very closely with this applicant to see that there was a consistency in design and material with the rest of the Komar project. 3. Committee Member Fitzpatrick stated that in consideration of pedestrian friendly project there needs to be some type of relief from the summer heat. He would recommend extending the trellis so that there is relief from the heat from the parking lot to the entrance. Mr. Tarlos stated that due to liability issues they are trying to avoid any parking structures. Committee Member Fitzpatrick commented the need to have shade structures in the parking lots. Planning Director Les Johnson clarified all the parking and landscaping has been designed and approved for the entire Center. All non-residential parking is not required to provid shade structures; trees are required. 4. Committee Member Fitzpatrick asked is there were any sustainable building materials being used. Mr. Tarlos stated lighting, window materials, as well as air conditioning equipment have been changed to meet LEED criteria. 5. Committee Member Fitzpatrick asked if the City had any control over the use of banners, flags, etc. Planning Director Les Johnson stated the Code allows "Grand Opening" and such banners for a limited time limit. Those that are not in compliance with the Code are referred to the Code Compliance Department for action. 288 2 Architecture and Landscaping Review Committee October 24, 2007 6. Committee Member Bobbitt stated the landscaping material is fine. The walls with the low -growing plant material should be addressed. He asked that in front of the parking spaces that face the building, the shrubbery shows a break on one set and the other does not show the break. When you have parking spaces with shrub beds in front, people tend to walk through the plant material to get to the building. This also applies to the end spaces. Mr. Knox stated they are using concrete on their islands to eliminate this problem. Committee Member Bobbitt stated this needs to be addressed in any area where pedestrians will be entering/exiting their cars. Mr. Tarlos stated they had no problem addressing this by providing openings in the shrubbery or eliminating this row of plant material. Planning Director Les Johnson suggested adding trees with tree grates if there was enough room. Committee Member Bobbitt asked if the trash enclosure gates would be metal. Mr. Tarlos stated they would be metal. 7. Committee Member Arnold asked if any new plant material was being added. He asked if the Chinese Pistache tree was native to the area. Mr. Tarlos stated according to his landscape architect, it would grow in this area. Mr. Tarlos asked the timing on the final landscaping approval. Staff explained the procedure and stated this would not hold up the building permit issuance. 8. There being no further questions, it was moved and seconded by Committee Members Fitzpatrick/Bobbitt to adopt Minute Motion 2007-028 recommending approval of Site Development Permit 892, as recommended and amended: a. Extend the sidewalk on the south elevation at the rear exit and remove the shrubbery bed. Unanimously approved. VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: None VII. COMMITTEE MEMBER ITEMS: None U 289 3 Architecture and Landscaping Review Committee October 24, 2007 VIII. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Committee Members Arnold/Bobbitt to adjourn this meeting of the Architectural and Landscaping Review Committee to a Regular Meeting to be held on November 7, 2007. This meeting was adjourned at 10:45 p.m. on October 24, 2007. Respectfully submitted, T A :R Exe tive Secretary N 299 REPORT/INFORMATIONAL ITEM: c2—/ MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA October 9, 2007 CALL TO ORDER 7:00 P.M. A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:02 p.m. by Chairman Alderson who asked Planning Director Les Johnson to lead the flag salute. B. Present: Commissioners Jim Engle, Paul Quill, and Chairman Ed Alderson. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Engle/Quill to excuse Commissioner Barrows. C. Staff present: Planning Director Les Johnson, Planning Manager David Sawyer, Assistant City Attorney Michael Houston, Principal Planner Andrew Mogensen, and Secretary Carolyn Walker. II. PUBLIC COMMENT: None III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: Chairman Alderson requested two items be added to the Agenda under "Commissioner Items." The addition of Item B — Status of New Planning Commissioner Appointment, and Item C — Discussion of Future Meetings and the Planning Commissioners Attendance Schedule. It was then moved and seconded by Commissioners Quill/Engle to confirm the Agenda as revised. Unanimously approved. IV. CONSENT ITEMS: Chairman Alderson asked if there were any changes to the Minutes of September 25, 2007. There being no changes, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Engle /Quill to approve the minutes as submitted. Unanimously approved. V. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Continued - Village Use Permit 2006-03: a request of Dan Cline, Forward Architecture and Design, Inc. for consideration of architecture and landscaping plans for three retail commercial buildings located on :6Z Planning Commission Minutes October 9, 2007 3.39 acres located at the northeast corner of Calle Tampico and Desert Club Drive. 1. Chairman Alderson opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report. Principal Planner Andrew Mogensen presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning Department. 2. Chairman Alderson asked if there were any questions of the Commissioners. Commissioner Engle asked if the landscaping was consistent with the buildings in the surrounding area. Staff replied it will have a water efficient design. Commissioner Engle asked staff if they had asked if the applicant had considered using a contrasting color to break up the large expanse of white. Staff went back over the exhibits and explained the colors in the landscaping, as well as the use of tiles to relieve the monotony of all the white used. 3. Commissioner Engle asked if the parking was consistent with City regulations. Staff said it was and explained the parking layout and usages. 4. Commissioner Engle was concerned about having enough trellises to help curtail the amount of heat going through the windows. Staff went over the exhibit and explained the usage of the trellises. 5. Chairman Alderson asked about the proximity of this project to Old Town and its affinity to pedestrian traffic. He was concerned about the entrance into the buildings from Calle Tampico. He said it did not appear to be pedestrian -friendly and asked if staff had given any thought to having an entrance on the street side. Staff said they did discuss the pedestrian entrances into the buildings. The applicant wanted the parking close to the store entrances and the Village Guidelines state the parking should be far from the street. Therefore, a compromise had to be reached on the parking and entrances. 6. Chairman Alderson gave an example of a pedestrian shopping experience. Staff pointed out the large expanse of glass on ?9? Planning Commission Minutes October 9, 2007 Shop 1 and said there was a possibility of additional tenants changing their entries on the south elevations. 7. Chairman Alderson asked about the two blank walls that showed 27 foot dimensions. He asked if they were just blank walls. Staff explained there would be trellises placed on those walls. 8. Commissioner Quill asked if this application had been presented to the Planning Commission on a prior date. Staff replied it had not. There had been a previous project planned for this site, but it was not presented to the Planning Commission. 9. Chairman Alderson explained the history of the elevation process on this project. He wanted to know if the columns on the north elevation were going to stick out so the vines could wrap around and climb up them. Staff explained the vines would be attached to "green screen" material to allow the vines to climb up the columns. 10. Commissioner Quill disclosed that when this came in as a proposed Rite Aid he did have a conference with the applicant and that was why he thought he had seen this before, but it was a different plan. His concern is the box on Calle Tampico which carries the capacity to the street. He asked if there was an opportunity to connect to this box for storm water on the site. He said that was the whole point of putting it in to begin with. Principal Engineer Ed Wimmer replied the applicant has many different options on how to handle the storm water off the site and this is one option. Staff has crafted several options for the applicant to choose from and several were outlined for the Commissioners. He explained typically the drainage plan is complete when the application comes before the Planning Commission. However, the applicant wanted to bring his application before the Commission prior to finalizing the hydrology issues for this development. To be receptive to that staff crafted conditions that are fairly flexible to allow them multiple options, one of which was just described. 11. Commissioner Quill said staff alluded to the fact this was partially contingent upon a study, but was not available at this 293 Planning Commission Minutes October 9, 2007 time. Staff said it was not. The study, previously referred to, was the potential outcome of one currently being conducted, regarding the capacity of that particular pipeline. Anecdotal information shows the pipeline is of sufficient size. Commissioner Quill asked who was doing the study. Staff replied Psomas of Orange County was preparing the study but under worse case scenario, if the pipe was full and couldn't accept this water, there would still be other options. 12. Commissioner Quill referred back to the date the pipe was installed and said it was designed to handle the flow of the low line area down to Calle Tampico even with build -out. He asked if there had been a hydrology study done when this was installed and did we have that study for reference. Mr. Wimmer said they had searched the archives and no study was found. 13. Commissioner Quill asked if there was anything that reflected the redevelopment phasing they did for the improvements to La Quinta from the late 1980's. Mr. Wimmer replied his staff searched for information on capacity at that facility on Calle Tampico and they didn't have any information reflecting that information. 14. Commissioner Quill said there was an interim City Engineer at the time, who was also the engineer who may have worked on that design. His name was John Curtis and staff should contact him for his input. Principal Engineer Ed Wimmer said he would be happy to contact Mr. Curtis as the City would like to have a copy of it. 15. Commissioner Quill said his fear was storm water engineering is not an exact science and if there is a system designed with a certain capacity and another firm comes up with different numbers it's going to create a conflict. It would be helpful if the original work could be found. Staff said they would try to contact Mr. Curtis order to obtain that report. Commissioner Quill said he would be happy to give the contact information to staff. 16. Commissioner Quill asked if this would be a hold up for the applicant. Staff said it would not and the conditions were 29f Planning Commission Minutes October 9, 2007 crafted with flexibility so the applicant could move forward while awaiting the additional information. Staff said contacting Mr. Curtis would help move things along. 17. Chairman Alderson said he read through the conditions which were enormous for a three building project. Several references are made to the site, and two scenarios on the storm drain. One of the scenarios alludes to a retention basin. His question was if there is a retention basin introduced to the project will it affect the site layout and have any bearing on relocating buildings or the parking count. Staff said the applicant has the ability to do a retention basin. Staff is not recommending it, but there is enough flexibility in the conditions that they can achieve their drainage requirements without on -site retention. Chairman Alderson said there is no preliminary grading plan, preliminary traffic study, or preliminary hydrology report. However, he did not anticipate any problems with taking care of the storm water. There is a pipe on Calle Tampico, and one on Desert Club Drive. Staff met with the developer's engineer who studied their options and was very comfortable they could handle the storm water. Chairman Alderson asked if that included without the use of the retention basin. Principal Engineer Ed Wimmer replied it was without the use of the retention basin. 18. Chairman Alderson said the traffic study and hydrology study were still forthcoming. Another issue is with the trucks and their turning radiuses. He asked if they had been analyzed in a practical sense or were they the result of some mathematical calculations. Staff said the turning movements had not been analyzed with scale drawings, but the applicant was working on that. Since the applicant was in a hurry to get this application before the Commission the conditions had been crafted so that if they were unable to get either an appropriate length of truck to make the maneuver, have their hours of operation accommodate the deliveries, or move the traffic signal poles they could still accommodate the turning radius of a truck. They were given enough flexibility to solve the problem. Staff does not know what is going to happen because they still have not seen any scale drawings. They are waiting on their traffic engineer to finalize their report. 29' ,o Planning Commission Minutes October 9, 2007 19. Chairman Alderson asked if the applicant would like to come forward. Mike Singelyn, Highland Development Company, 80 South Lake Avenue, Suite 660, Pasadena, California 91101, introduced himself. He stated they had been addressing the conditions with the Public Works Department and had been working with the City to solve the storm water conditions. The upcoming traffic study has highlighted several concerns on Calle Tampico and Washington Street. He said the traffic study is being done by Psomas and should be completed in two weeks and they will submit it to the City. They have already done the traffic count. This report will be given to the Public Works Department for their study, comment and recommendations. They do not have scale studies, but their information shows this area will accommodate a 40 foot truck. They are waiting to determine if the tenant's trucks are able to do that. They are open to conversations with the Public Works staff. They are excited about working with Fresh and Easy and tying into the downtown Village concept. They are excited about the green screen treatment and hope pedestrians will want to sit and stay there for awhile. 20. Commissioner Quill asked if they thought they were providing adequate pedestrian access from Old Town. Mr. Singelyn said the layout works for the tenant and the pedestrians. They have worked with this layout for a year -and -a -half to come up with the best compromise for both pedestrian access and parking available. 21. Commissioner Quill asked if the applicant had any problem with changing the color of the green screen pylons to match the color in the awnings. Mr. Singelyn said it was no problem. 22. Commissioner Quill liked the concept, but was concerned about vandalism and maintenance and asked if the pylons were sturdy enough to resist vandalism. Mr. Singelyn said they were made from sturdy materials, placed firmly in the ground, and not easily removed. Mr. Singelyn said the pots were intended to withstand vandals. 296 Planning Commission Minutes October 9, 2007 23. Commissioner Quill asked if they previously had designed a trellis attached to a column with a sidewalk underneath it. Mr. Singelyn said that was a different applicant. Commissioner Quill asked about the trellis hanging over Tampico. Mr. Singelyn said they were unable to position the trellis in that manner due to City regulations. Staff made a comment about a free-standing trellis being used instead of an attached trellis. Staff concluded the free-standing trellis could be incorporated, but the attached trellis went into the setback on Calle Tampico. Staff described the items in the exhibit which were colonnades set within the setback. 24. Commissioner Quill asked about the right-of-way and location of the sidewalk. He asked if the sidewalk was going to be within the colonnade. Staff showed the exhibit and Commissioner Quill asked if the applicant was going to be completely removing all the landscaping and sidewalk currently on site and referenced the exhibit with replacement options for those areas. Staff confirmed he had interpreted the exhibit correctly. 25. Mr. Singelyn replied to Commissioner Quill's inquiry about tearing out the current sidewalk. He said they are currently considering leaving in the meandering sidewalk and replacing all the landscaping. They may have to work with staff to design the sidewalk and green trellis treatments as shown on the exhibits. 26. Commissioner Quill asked the applicant about the comment made by staff regarding the two foot drop and asked if the applicant preferred not to do that. He asked if there was an architectural reason for it. Mr. Pedro Garcia, 7864 Home Court, La Quinta, representing the architect for the site, said originally the building was designed at a height of 28 feet, but the tenant required a mezzanine to accommodate their mechanical units which are not roof -mounted. They are within this mezzanine which requires that area be raised. That is the only part of the building that will be raised to 30 feet. It is the northeast corner of the building and the furthest part of the building from the street. ,_C' 297 Planning Commission Minutes October 9, 2007 27. Commissioner Engle said if they added a contrasting color on top of that or along that way it might break up the monotony of the white walls. Mr. Garcia said they were trying to match the Old Town La Quinta design style and that is why they used the large amount of white. 28. Commissioner Quill said there is a two-story building right across the parking lot as well as two-story buildings right across the street and they are at least 35 feet high. He did not have an issue with the applicant's elevations. Staff said the two- story buildings were approximately 35 feet. 29. Commissioner Quill commented on the outdoor seating area. He asked if any outdoor seating was proposed along Calle Tampico. The applicant said they were trying to put everything in the center courtyard. 30. Commissioner Engle said he was very happy someone is developing on that parcel. Most of his concerns were addressed. Had no problem with the height. He was not concerned with the north elevation, but on the east, west, and south elevations, the top piece (or pilaster) projects out a couple of inches and if it were painted brown it would help break up all the white. The applicant said they had no concerns with doing that. 31. Chairman Alderson asked if the applicant was going to use the existing driveways on Desert Club. The applicant said the northern driveway has to stay, but they are requesting some modifications to the southern driveway. They are working with the Public Works Department on the ingress/egress issues. 32. Chairman Alderson commented on the fountain design and the Commission's sensitivity towards water usage. Mr. Pedro Garcia said this water treatment is not really a fountain but a very shallow reflecting pool. Mr. Singelyn said if they wished to eliminate the water feature the applicant would be happy to bring back an alternative. Chairman Alderson said the Commission would appreciate their efforts as long as this does not sacrifice the applicant's aesthetics. 29S Planning Commission Minutes October 9, 2007 33. Chairman Alderson said he was still concerned about the pedestrian -friendly traffic pattern into this project. He asked to be shown where a pedestrian could enter the store if they were on Calle Tampico. He asked if there was any way to include an entrance on that side. The applicant said that was not possible due to the accommodation of the delivery of goods. 34. Commissioner Quill commented on the Shops 1 doors and their locations in relationship to Calle Tampico and the parking lot. What he's seen is a new shop comes in and the doors on Calle Tampico become inoperable because the tenant blocks the entrance. He said there were no columns and no ambiance on the shops facing Calle Tampico. There is no replication of those green screen columns on Calle Tampico. Commissioner Quill said there was an opportunity for a coffee shop with a south facing entrance but this has not been made user friendly. Mr. Singelyn said tenants want the doors facing the parking lot. There may be an opportunity for tenants to use doors on that elevation. He explained how the buildings were laid out. 35. Chairman Alderson asked for clarification that they were discussing the south elevation. Applicant replied yes. 36. Commissioner Quill asked if the applicant could add green screen columns and pots along Shops 1, on the Tampico side to keep the theme moving in that direction. The applicant said they would not have a problem with it, but they have been trying to break up the monotony of the buildings and when the greenery grows out there will be one large green wall on Calle Tampico. He gave a description of what would happen when the plants mature and why the landscaping was designed as shown. 37. Commissioner Quill asked if there was a landscaping architect involved. Mr. Pedro Garcia replied there was. Commissioner Quill asked if the green screen column would be a spiraled column or a pruned square. Mr. Garcia said they would be consistently pruned into four foot high squares. 38. Chairman Alderson asked about the pre -made landscape product. Mr. Garcia said he had used this product in a project 299 Planning Commission Minutes October 9, 2007 in Phoenix, Arizona in 1998. He visited it last year and it still looked great. 39. Commissioner Quill asked if they were four foot diameter pruned squares would there be at least five feet of planted area in that square. Mr. Garcia said yes. 40. Chairman Alderson opened the discussion to the public. Hearing none he opened the discussion to the Commissioners. 41. Commissioner Engle was happy there was something going in on the barren lot, but he did suggest the addition of color on the roof treatment. He said their landscape ideas and the addition of the columns was wonderful. 42. Commissioner Quill said Fresh and Easy was an incredibly good use of the location. He much preferred it to the Rite Aid previously proposed. He said he would prefer a little bit better orientation for pedestrian use, but this plan was acceptable. He had concerns about the appearance of the plant material when mature and asked if the staff had to approve the landscaping prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. He asked if they could add a condition about the final landscaping, especially when it is "right off the truck". He wanted to make sure the plants were of good quality. Staff said due to the high visibility of this project the staff will do several inspections of this site to assure the plant materials will be appropriate. Commissioner Quill described the type of plant materials that would ideally work better for this site. 43. Commissioner Quill said the applicant did a good job. It is different than Old Town but has an old town feel and did not have any problems with the 30 foot height. He liked the elevations. 44. Chairman Alderson still had concerns about the large white expanse on the north face of Building One. Chairman Alderson asked if it would be advantageous to continue the green walls across. Staff suggested the architect comment. Mr. Garcia said they tried to follow the Old Town palette but in addition to the large amount of green they would add some interest to the 3Q� Planning Commission Minutes October 9, 2007 building by adding another shade of white. They did not wish to add another color as it would introduce too much of a contrast. Chairman Alderson said it just needed to be broken down so it was not such a large expanse of one color. 45. Chairman Alderson said since he was formerly in the development business he understood the importance of getting tenants in on time. He had five concerns and felt most of them had been answered, but he was still concerned about storm drains, retention basins, and storm basin scenarios that had yet to be determined. The traffic and hydrology studies have yet to be determined. The truck turning radius has not been properly researched but he was sure it can be. There is the potential of having to relocate and rework the intersection and signals at the corner of Desert Club and Calle Tampico and the potential of a left turn lane at Calle Tampico and Washington. All of these things are yet to be determined and he didn't think they would be a problem, but they may. The Commission is being asked to approve a project with a whole bunch of contingencies and the conditions of approval are extensive. One option is to recommend continuing this until some of these are taken care of unless staff could assure him these problems could be addressed he would be hesitant to go forward. There are too many ifs. He liked the project but he was still concerned about the pedestrian access from Calle Tampico. 46. Chairman Alderson reopened the public hearing and Mr. Singelyn addressed the Commissioners on the traffic issue. There are two left turn lanes already on Calle Tampico. They expect the traffic study will recommend the northern -most left turn lane queuing area would have to be extended further to the west, however in the current condition they could not extend it that much because it would encroach into the westbound lane. They are very comfortable they have the scope of the work that will have to be done on that lane. Regarding the turning radius of the truck westbound on Calle Tampico and north on Desert Club, the applicant worked on drawings showing a 68 foot truck with a clip of eight feet on that corner. The resolution of that problem would be the relocation of the signal box and the current signal and bring it in eight feet closer. They will get the scaled drawings to the Public Works Department and are 301 Planning Commission Minutes October 9, 2007 prepared to work with them to resolve these problems. They have spent a lot of time with staff on this project and are confident these items and time frames can be met. Their civil engineer has been working on this, but they are still awaiting the Psomas study. They feel comfortable with the conditions and confident they can work with the Public Works Department to resolve these issues. 47. Commissioner Quill said with respect to the storm drain issue it sounded like these are options versus finalized conditions. What has been done is they have provided "all of the above" so that solution can get rectified and frankly it's an engineering/Public Works solution that's going to get rectified pretty much irrespective of what we say or do in this forum. The same thing goes for the issue of the turning radius. They will do what they need to do to make it work. 48. Commissioner Quill asked the applicant about the additional columns in the front of Shops 1. He said it made sense to him they would carry the theme of what you would see on Calle Tampico and he would like to see four additional four foot by four foot columns in that location. The bottom line is you are going to see hazy glass there. He'd rather see columns rather than the glass. The columns would filter the "back of the house" look. The applicant said they would be happy to accommodate that request. 49. Chairman Alderson closed the public comment portion and returned to the Commissioner portion of the meeting. 50. Chairman Alderson said he had previously stated his many concerns and was confident staff could work them out with the applicant. Ed Wimmer said they were going to work with the applicant to get a good project. 51. There being no discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Quill/Engle to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2006-042 approving Village Use Permit 2006-035 with the addition of the following recommendations: Planning Commission Minutes October 9, 2007 1. Modification of the landscaping plan adding four more columns in front of Shops 1 2. The addition of a color treatment to the parapet. 3. Modifications of the conditions pursuant to the memorandum that is dated October 9, 2007 from Les Johnson and Tim Jonasson. 4. Allow the 30-foot height limit AYES: Commissioners Engle, Quill, and Chairman Alderson. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Barrows. B. Street Vacation 2007-045; consideration of a Report of Finding under California Government Code Section 65402 that the proposed Vacation of an Easement in favor of the public for access, ingress and egress of fire, police and other emergency vehicles and personnel within Tentative Parcel Map 33367 and Public Utilities Easements established over the vacated portions of Avenue 52 and Adams Street lying within Tentative Parcel Map 33367 is consistent with the General Plan. 1. Chairman Alderson opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report. Engineer Manager Ed Wimmer presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning Department. 2. Chairman Alderson asked for questions from Commissioners. 3. Commissioners Engle asked if this type of request was just standard operating procedure. Staff replied it was. 4. Commissioner Quill said the utility easements were not taken out because there was an office in the near proximity and the power was needed. So, the utilities were left in place to accommodate that need. 5. Chairman Alderson asked if there was any public comment. Since there was none he did not open the public comment portion of the meeting. 303 Planning Commission Minutes October 9, 2007 6. There being no Commissioners recommending recommended. discussion, it was moved and seconded by Quill/Engle to adopt Resolution 2007-043 approval of Street Vacation 2007-045 as ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Engle, Quill, and Chairman Alderson. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Barrows. VI. BUSINESS ITEMS: None D1I�iZi] iY>~�i7�I7�R�I�_\�I�1�i�lirir���Jr_rr�:l1_\RiR.Tiia VIIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS: A. Commissioners Schedule: 1 . Commissioners Schedule did not include the new Commissioner and asked if they could put it on the back burner until the additional Commissioner was appointed. Staff pointed out the additional Commissioner was included in 2008. B. Status of New Planning Commissioner Appointment: 1. Chairman Alderson said he spoke to the City Clerk regarding appointment of the fifth Commissioner. There were five applicants from the previous group but are the City is re - advertising. They will hold interviews on November 6, 2007, and select a fifth Planning Commissioner. He said he would be covering that Council Meeting. C. Discussion of Future Meetings and Planning Commissioners Attendance Schedule: 1. Staff reminded the Commissioners of the Joint Meeting on the 23`d of October at 5:00 p.m. Commissioner Engle asked if they will get an e-mail reminder of that date. Staff encouraged the Commissioners to add items. The agenda currently includes green building, the general plan and housing element updates, as well as what the Commission hopes to accomplish by June of next year. If there are additional comments please get them Planning Commission Minutes October 9, 2007 to Planning Director Les Johnson. Chairman Alderson had a comment on the eligibility issue and would like to have an explanation of how that was resolved. He also wanted to make sure the Council was aware of the Commissions' efforts on to promote water efficiency. Staff said that would be listed under the green building topics. 2. Chairman Alderson said he would cover next week's Council meeting. 3. Chairman Alderson asked about a Chamber meeting that was faxed to him. Commissioner Quill said one of the Chairman's tasks is to attend a joint city and chamber meeting every quarter. Chairman Alderson said he would attend. D. Pedestrian -Friendly Planning Considerations: 1. Commissioner Quill was also concerned about access and pedestrian accessibility between various City amenities via bikes or walkers. 2. Staff made comment on attendance at a recent APA meeting. One of the topics they addressed was pedestrian walkability of communities. One of the key issues is the ability of people not having to drive and focus on more pedestrian -friendly areas. Transit and non -motorized functions are very important. La Quinta has few transit opportunities but we can certainly encourage people to get out and walk. Gas emissions are a priority item for the State of California and will continue to be an important issue. 3. Commissioner Quill said the previous project on this site had a cover on the south side of the building to encourage walkers to use the sidewalk. In the interest of walkability and health some exceptions should be allowed on setbacks to encourage more pedestrian usage. He used the example of walkability of Carmel and why it is so pedestrian -friendly. We need to adjust our laws, rules and regulations to accommodate that type of atmosphere. 103. Planning Commission Minutes October 9, 2007 4. Chairman Alderson asked if there could be encroachment if the possibility of shade and walkability is in question. Staff said they were looking at the walkability of the Village to enhance and improve upon what is there today; such as a central parking lot. They want to encourage folks to walk around downtown. The second opportunity would be the update of the General Plan. There are two great opportunities within the next twelve months to encourage walkability in the City. IX. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Quill/Engle to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to a regular meeting of the Planning Commission to be held on November 13, 2007. This meeting of the Planning Commission was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. on October 9, 2007. Respectfully submitted, 0,1A 6A&�l Caroly alker, Secretary City of La Quinta, California 30) Department Report: !-A / T i0J, S FCEM OF T19`S+ TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Bret M. Plumlee, Assistant City Manager — Management Services /% DATE: November 20, 2007 SUBJECT: Department Report — Response to Public Comment The following public comments were made at the November 6, 2007 City Council meeting: 1. Michael Bracken reported on a one -day event held at the Cal -State University San Bernardino campus, which raised $52,000. He also presented a "Thank You" plaque to the Mayor in appreciation of the City's sponsorship. 2. Andrea Dooley, 54-700 Avenida Obregon, La Quinta, works with the Stewards of Fred Wolff Nature Preserve. She thanked the Council members in their quick action in removing the berm on Avenida Montezuma. She stated that on the November 6, 2007 consent calendar was a bid for fencing which would help to designate the area. She said she was hopeful that the Council would move forward on this bid in order to help the Stewards of the Fred Wolff Nature Preserve get: the area organized and in order. She also thanked the staff of the Community Services department for their hard work on this project. 3. Bill Chapman, 53-685 Avenida Bermudas, La Quinta, spoke on the problems that are arising because of the number of users utilizing the dog park. He feels the size of the dog park is inadequate for the numbers using it, and there are no shaded areas. He also said individuals are using the City campus and have been receiving tickets for having their dogs off their leash. He also received a ticket for having his dog off of the leash, which he though was unnecessary. He said a larger dog park is needed with shade and water, so more people can utilize it. 9 307 4. Lothear Vasholz 37-309 Pine Knoll„ Palm Desert, he and his wife are co-chairs for the local Salvation Army organization. They have received grant funds to assist the homeless. The program is entitled "Home At Last" which enables individuals to go from homeless to self-supporting. The Salvation Army would be very happy to be of service to the City of La Quinta for any requests they may have regarding the homeless in the Coachella Valley. . 303 DEPARTMENT REPORT: 3- A a M CITY COUNCIVS X - ' L+�le�t kUPCOMING EVENTS NOVEMBER 20 DECEMBER 4 DECEMBER 18 JANUARY 2 JANUARY 14-20 JANUARY 15 FEBRUARY 5 CITY COUNCIL MEETING CITY COUNCIL MEETING' CITY COUNCIL MEETING - CANCELLED BOB HOPE CHRYSLER CLASSIC CITY COUNCIL MEETING CITY COUNCIL MEETING CITY COUNCIL MEETING 309 LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL MONTHLY CALENDAR November 2007 �Mondayi I Tuesdaday.Fridayi Saturday :... .< <.,;i. October December Sfi;§FY "'� S M T W T F S S M T W T F '. "'` Yx"fi 12:00 PM Mayors Lunch 6:30 PM Volunteer Police & Firefighters Dinner 9:00 AM4:f10 PM SJSR Nil. Mnmt-Henderson 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 rt,;� 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 " 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 "`€�' 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 21 22 23 31 25 2fi 27 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 28 29 30 31 rt 30 31 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 R 3:00 PM City Council 10:00 AM ALRC 9:30 AM Animal Cautious - Meeting Henderson sN 11:00 AM CVCCSniff Daylight Savings Time 10 12:00 PM Energyl Ends Environs Sniff Election Day 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 7:00 PM Planning Comrrdssion 9:00 AM RCTC- Henderson 3:00 PM Historic Preser. vation Commission 9:00 AM CVA Henderson 4:30 PM Investment Veterans Day Veteran's Day Observed Advisory Board (CITY HALL CLOSED) 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 10:00 AM Pub.Sfty Kirk 3:00 PM City Council 12:00 PM Transp-Kirk Meeting 5:30 PM Community Services Commission Thanksgiving Day Thanksgiving Holiday (City Hall CLOSED) (City Hall CLOSED) 25 26 27 28 29 30 10:30 AM RCTC Budget - 7:00 PM Planning 10:30 AM Homelessness Henderson Conurdssion Committee 12:00 PM HCRC Meeting 4:00 PM J.Cochran Reg. Airp-Osborne - c5if Printed by Calendar Creator Pius on 11/15/2007 319 q9 LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL MONTHLY CALENDAR December 2007 ... ..Friday� Saturday `;'' .',i�'�'ttij;8€"e e;'�4.. i e;�q e°t.$':Y f.:.g@. is ati,`<I x"x$yi <f; C.;•iiri :s'.I: Ya r•:n .y 31''t.t 3. i`'x $x1 4q fi'i 2 .F.Yx =•E x< E2 rf S'e '4 •.'`F e1 F..'. stY"xr+5'�:S 'l.'•^.� 'jj ><Yb �. �'.f 5:4:.. t�: i�fi t:§FY s's4 •' 3� EF."{,s },FF ey=.kMo-1 .€ 3Y' ':'$:(e,S,. �£S,x,x �'I': 11 r5 Y•. xx 2, i iy: rt: i..ti i`` }'2,g: S:f: :j B•?=Yt; 3.. ;: :'.'t'fi?,4 Fy.• { �%:' :''.k•4'fi'?3+.'t'2x Lf £'. �3''^t'v s'fi 12'; <'x . e5< n'"Fi o`F:..E �. {.tr vF'<'I,ji, i.j `.�'. .('';•L. .£i Yy+ 3; 2ffi1 I'F< t 4 3, x33 is 3 3x t. p t4 MxAa S.''I.i. .€rti (il� i3i EI !, 1 xl .tl ij'••. if3.5 Sk. 3y 1. 5 n}°,3 ar .,3,y€F4b 5 Fg"Nt+ Y ':.iFYy ('yx[,Ee,Y:sY :eg=;•,.y 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6:00 PM Exec. Cmte 3:00 PM City Council 10:00 AM ALRC 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM Adolph Meeting 12:00 PM SunLine Employee Recognition Transit -Adolph Dinner 11:30AM 1:30 PM Holiday Open House 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10:00 AM Pub. SHY Kirk 7:00 PM Planning 9:00 AM RCTC- 11:00 AM CVCC.Sniff 12:00 PM Transp Kirk Commission Henderson 12:00 PM Energy) 5:30 PM Community 4:30 PM Investment Enviren: Sniff Services Commission Advisory Board 6:00 PM League - Henderson 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 3:00 PM City Council 10:00 AM Homelessness 3:00 PM Historic Preser. 9:00 AM CVA-Henderson Meeting Cmte. vation Commission 12:00 PM HCRC-Osborne 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 9:00 AM LAFCO- Henderson Christmas Eve (City Hall Christmas Day CITY CLOSED AT NOON) HALL CLOSED 30 31 rt';#+ •i.F't'`i'Fk%";�',F 5 fi F`y fi",.§ F x' "i'i'�. fit €.s $t•`4`f3k.; f,jY: fki4y [F F3 +3' 13 &I.: 'E'. S .,i ..' Y•fi `• xyEi November07 'trt'x''s;.i�!��;��;;�� ''^r;• January08 IN S M T T F S 1rt",",''1tt'%%'';'?';;: �': S M T W T F S 2 3 4 5 4 5 fi 7 8 9 10 , ,rt'�j ,.: �'�' �',+tfi:', x, , ', 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 8 New Years Eve (City %' 11 12 13 14 15 16 I7+f�,'^E3, £�;£j l.'grt �<' 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Hall CLOSED AT NOON)tY'i' 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 `3 25 26 27 28 29 30 'Fst •` 27 28 29 30 31 S j',..}•t' .3 eY it i Y. F, l'rti a§i: �.��2,'. .j `ttn �•g �9 Printed by Calendar Creator Plus on 11/15/2007 q J 1. LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL MONTHLY CALENDAR January 2008 day Thursday Fridayl Saturday s.< xek: h, 3 4 5 £ 10:00 AM ALRC 12:00 PM Mayors Lunch 9:00 AM 4:00 PM SJSR December 07<i' } S M T W T F S Ntl. MnmhHenderson 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 r„° i'' New Years Day CITY 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 HALL CLOSED 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ;g :30 31 Ln' 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 7:00 PM Planning 9:00 AM RCTC 9:30 AM Animal Campus. Commission Henderson Henderson 4:30 PM Investment 11:00 AM CVCC-Sniff Advisory Board 12:00 PM Energyl Envuon: Sniff 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10:00 AM Pub. Sfty-Kirk 3:00 PM City Council 10:00 AM Homelessness 3:00 PM Historic Preser- 9:00 AM CVA-Henderson 12:00 PM Transp-Kirk Meeting Cmte. vation Commission 3:00 PM Mms. 12:00 PM HCRC-Osborne Conversancy Kirk 5:30 PM Community Services Commission 6:00 PM League - Henderson 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 7:00 PM Planning 12:00 PM Sunline-Adolph 9:00 AM LAFCO- (G�J�,�Z Commission 4:00 PM J.Cochran Reg. Henderson Airp-Osborne Martin Luther King's Birthday (CITY HALL CLOSED) 27 28 29 30 31 10:30 AM RCTC Budget < Februxary 08 p< Henderson' 6:00 PM Exec Come: ';€3Ei7a S M T W T F S Adolph p 1 2 .�'F 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23'"''1Y 24 25 26 27 28 29 gY5yy �E:�, 4i, il,iyS S S§f:'i I:1F< <<i: <'�iiie FYi Printed by Calendar Creator Plus on 11/15/2007 1 17 DEPARTMENT REPORT: T4tr41aR TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Tom Hartung, Director of Building & Safety J• ' DATE: November 20, 2007 RE: Department Report — October, 2007 Attached please find the statistical summaries for building permits, Animal Control, Code Compliance, and garage sale permits for the month of October. Also included are Monthly Executive Status Reports for Vista Dunes Courtyard Homes, the City Hall Expansion, and the Museum Expansion. The statistical summaries depict the following highlights: • Year-to-date building permit valuation is $140,159,876 which represents an issuance of 2,783 building permits through October; • Animal Control handled 2,407 cases through October; • Code Compliance initiated 2,341 cases through October; • Garage sale permits generated $1,750 in revenue during October. .,1 313 APPLICATION TYPE AR ADDITION - RESIDENTIAL BLCA WALL/FENCE CONR NEW COMME - OTHER NON-RESIDENTIAT. CP POOL - COMMERCIAL DEMO DEMO - COMML/OTHER DSP DEMO - SINGLE FAMILY ELEC ELECTRICAL MECH MECHANICAL MFDS DWELLING - 5 OR MORE FAMILY PAT PATIO COVER - RESIDENTIAL PC PATIO COVER - COMMERCIAL PLBG PLUMBING RC REMODEL - COMMERCIAL HER REMODEL - RESIDENTIAL RPL POOL - RESIDENTIAL RR RE -ROOF SFD DWELLING - SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED SIGN SIGN BOTH STRUCTURES OTHER THAN BUILDINGS SPIN SPECIAL INSPECTION TT TEMPORARY TRAILER CITY OF LA QUINTA DEFARTI E T - BUILDING fi SAFG'lI PERMIT STATISTICS BY APPLICATION TYPE REPORTING PERIOD 10/01/07 THROUGH 10/31/07 FOR ISSUED PERMITS OF ALL PERMIT TYPES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- THIS PERIOD ------------ ------- SAME PERIOD PREV YEAR-------- APPLS PERMITS APPL VALUATN FEES APPLS PERMITS APPL VALUATN FEES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 34 277948 4553.48 10 30 575234 4537.52 55 55 232433 3637.00 61 62 207487 4097.88 1 5 23710 547.78 0 0 0 .00 0 0 0 .00 4 12 40000 1062.72 1 1 1000 45.00 1 1 0 45.00 2 2 5500 97.00 1 1 0 45.00 9 9 15150 277.19 9 9 43199 330.88 5 5 53320 161.25 4 4 13900 165.00 1 5 952850 4990.25 0 0 0 .00 16 17 84923 2081.44 11 11 45103 1232.55 359 24.75 0 0 0 .00 8 e 15400 225.02 8 8 5000 216.77 11 38 1990000 20401.59 9 25 586913 8265.84 5 12 11550 498.04 3 7 11750 512.66 40 170 1088900 23746.69 85 358 2045560 45001.43 20 20 145225 600.00 5 5 33120 150.00 11 55 4485362 38601.70 34 170 4453263 46685.04 2 2 4100 75.00 6 6 31740 228.00 26 57 438391 5187.07 44 97 247500 6761.08 4 4 24330 400.00 3 3 27000 300.00 2 3 9873 489.10 4 4 11100 800.00 TOTALS: 229 503 9860324 106639.35 302 813 8457869 120437.37 CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING PERMIT STATISTICS l 2007 2006 2005 _. Permits Total Permits Total Permits Total i Issued Issued Valuation Issued Valuation Month ISFD Total (dollars) SFD�Totalj (dollars) I SFD Total (dollars) January 21 324 10,476,542 145 4681 37,258,834j 113 392 26,716,905 February I -55 266 15,748,259 154 387 44,508,667E 90 393 30,700,080 March 1 55 342 16,838,708�38 454 38,210,764j 231 696 49,942,562 April 1 45 333 14,495,325 40 347, 15,507,6701 811 443 25,677,361 May _It 111 344 26,951,264 34 517� 28,790,0961 77 472 21,_071,875 June _- ... 29-----233 12,441,00294�-._- 4031_-__-23,907,853 1101 52739,826,912 July 40 249�T _ 9,887,99- 18 ---i621 10,893,189 110 425 _35,497,988 August 36 229 12,148,64-9 59 287 18,200,016 1261 588 43,698,268 September 24 2343� 11,311,812927 3131 10,792,818 76 489 37,852,8491 October j 11 229 9,860,324� 34 303 8,482,965� 86491� 22,907,261 November 54 320j 17,515,515 59 323 17,375,634 December - - 181 2161 18,105,659 821 348 25,091,757 - Total 427 2,783 140,159,87. 715 4,277 272,174,946 1,241 15,587 376,359,4521 .1 315 3 2007 Animal Control Statistical Report ANIMAL PICK-UPS Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul I AugSep Oct Nov Dec Year To Date Dogs Alive 34 31 23 18 23 21 25 23 26 41 265 Dead 44 16 18 20 11 11 11 11 8 4 154 Owner Turn In OTI) 4 6 0 1 2 5 1 4 0 1 24 Cats Alive 12 29 20 24 16 13 15 43 14 22 208 Dead 4 4 10 5 5 4 5 7 2 4 50 Owner Turn In (OTI) 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 7 Other Animals Alive 6 4 16 24 19 17 15 8 11 9 129 Dead 7 10 12 11 9 1 8 6 16 9 10 98 Owner Turn In (OTI) 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 4 Total Animal Pick -Ups Alive 51 64 59 66 58 51 55 74 51 72 601 Dead 54 30 40 36 24 23 22 34 19 18 300 Owner Turn In (OTI) 4 6 5 3 2 9 2 7 0 1 39 Total Animals Removed: 109 1 100 104 105 84 83 1 79 1 115 1 70 91 1 0 0 940 INCIDENTS HANDLED Bite Reports 4 1 6 1 2 5 5 4 0 4 4 35 Animal Trap Set Ups 3 10 7 8 5 7 6 7 5 4 62 Cruelty to Animals 4 0 1 3 0 1 8 1 0 0 18 Vicious Animal Restraining 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 4 Zoning 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 Lost/Found 3 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 6 Outside Agency 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 2 0 0 13 Other 22 46 35 58 69 45 18 93 57 69 512 Total Incidents Handled: 37 63 44 72 80 71 37 104 67 77 1 0 1 0 652 VIOLATIONS Dogs atLarge 56 44 36 37 29 32 34 27 53 1 53 401 Noise Disturbance 1 1 1 3 4 2 3 3 1 1 20 Animal Welfare 1 0 1 0 0 11 9 1 0 0 23 License Violation 23 15 15 25 26 20 21 30 35 72 282 Other 11 14 4 10 12 14 4 7 7 6 89 Total Violations: 92 74 57 75 71 79 71 68 96 132 0 0 816 Total Monthly Incidents: 238 237 206 262 236 233 187 287 233 300 0 0 2407 W N J T 2007 Code Compliance Statistical Report ABATEMENTS Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul AugSep Oct Nov Dec Year To Date NUISANCE ABATEMENTS Property Maintenance Started 161 154 142 207 114 263 155 152 102 282 1732 Completed 90 102 127 177 117 185 192 218 101 162 1 1471 Zoning Code Violations Started 6 20 14 34 9 1 16 18 19 12 10 158 Completed 0 10 13 13 14 11 11 24 10 5 111 WEED ABATEMENTS Started 4 7 6 5 7 10 4 16 25 7 91 Completed 0 9 6 7 10 3 6 25 8 19 93 VEHICLE ABATEMENTS Started 17 21 23 31 29 28 45 29 10 43 276 Completed 15 20 31 24 29 30 34 49 13 33 278 - BUILDING CODE VIOLATIONS Started 7 6 7 7 7 14 10 10 7 9 84 Completed 1 3 7 5 6 10 7 16 2 2 59 Total Started 196 208 192 1 284 166 331 1 232 226 156 1 351 0 0 1 2341 Total Completed 106 144 184 1 226 176 239 1 250 1 332 1 134 1 221 1 0 1 0 1 2012 Case Follow -Ups 348 517 1 453 1 532 505 578 1 658 1 946 1 471 1 707 1 5716 BUSINESS LICENSE INSPEC Started 2 3 1 2 3 4 3 2 4 1 25 Completed 0 2 2 1 1 3 11 4 0 1 25 GARAGE SALE PERMITS 82 108 134 108 156 139 105 113 110 175 1230 HANDBILL PERMITS 0 3 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 6 HOME OCCUPATION INSPEC 17 9 15 19 14 18 16 19 11 16 154 MASSAGE PERMITS 12 8 10 7 7 6 7 3 5 9 74 POOL DRAINING PERMITS 0 2 1 9 9 7 10 5 1 1 5 11 59 L=FcommoN, me 134574q[TON M1IAHINNT • Prim . KIRD - CiE'6iP.Al. COX?r.AMW Glendora BevertyFlills San Clemente La Quinta Las Vegas Monthly Executive Status Report City of La Quinta City Hall Expansion Presented To the City of La Quinta: November 5, 2007 For the Month of October, 2007 Completed rough in: electrical, plumbing and HVAC in WA 44 & #6 Re -tested core samples south parking lot Install insulation, drywall, and tape and mud in WA #5 Installed drywell in WA'5 outside mayor's office Installed perimeter swale for future south parking lot. eliminated water run off All FF&E's to be delivered and installed WA # 1 & #2 Set decorative tile around exterior of building Schedule Performance Project to Date: On time 15 working days delayed - (Design Issues) WA #6 sewer ejector pit area. We have been at a stalemate for two weeks awaiting design details from the architect and structural engineer who has stated this is not their scope. Item resolved. Original 365 day turnover date: November 23, 2007 (Based on 3 week NTP allowance) Current completion date: December 21, 2007 • Updated site work completion date: January 30, 2008 Budget Performance Project to Date: Under Budget Total Awarded Contract Amount 8,700,000 Con lingency 1,500,000 Total Available Budget Contract Award plus Contingency) 10,200,000 Change Orders To Date (67) 917,180 Contingency Used To Date 917,180 Current Cost Commitments (original bid + change orders) $9,617,180 Un-committed Available Budget Remaining 582,820 CurrE:nt Commitments as % of Total Available Budget 94.3.% Safety Performance Project to Date No claims due to injuries or safety violations. Upcoming Month's Priorities/Key Activities (November, 2007) • Install ceramic the in restrooms (WA #4, #5 & #6) • Install sprinkler finish (WA #4, #5 &. #6) • Install skylights in WA #5 • Paint and match the existing building with the expansion • Install doors and storefronts for all areas • Begin all perimeter flatwork 6 31.9 CMFCONSTRUCRON, INC. Glendora Beverly Hills San Clemente LaQuinta Las Vegas Monthly Executive Status Report City of La Quanta Vista Dunes Courtyard Homes Presented to the City of La Quanta: November 5, 2007 For the Month of October, 2007 • No negative community related problems/issues reported. • Installed palm trees in Miles Avenue Median and striped Miles Avenue. • Re -graded site perimeter higher and raised catch basins; graded pool area. • Continued Common Building framing and MEP; began door & window installation. • Placed Maintenance Building foundation slab; began framing. • Began installation of steel to Cluster 3 and CMU wall to Cluster 1 at unit carports. �• Began installation of unit cabinets, completed in Cluster 1; in progress to Cluster 3. • Began exterior accent color paint; completed to Cluster 3. • Continued unit interior paint to Cluster 4; in progress Clusters 5-7; Continued unit exterior base coat paint; completed to Cluster 7. • Continued installation of unit doors to Cluster 3; in progress to Cluster 7. • Continued fire protection, mechanical and electrical rough -in; complete to Cluster 9 and in progress to Cluster 11. • Continued stucco installation to Cluster 8, scratch/brown to Cluster 10 and lath to Cluster 1 1; Continued drywall installation; complete to Cluster 8. • Continued insulation installation, complete & inspected to Cluster 8; in progress in Cluster 9; Completed TPO roof installation; continued solar panel framing to Cluster 6. Schedule Performance to Date • Original Completion Date: 9-5-07 • New Completion Date: 3-6-08 • Targeted occupancy timeframe: Spring, 2008 Budget Performance to Date Total Awarded Contract Amount 21,400,000 Contingency 2,500,000 Total Available Budget Contract Award plus Contingency) 23,900,000 Chan e Orders To Date (7): 775,172 Contingency Used To Date: 775,172 Current Cost Commitments Loriginal bid + change orders 22,175,172 Un-committed Available Budget Remaining 1,724,828 Current Commitments as % of Total Available Budget 92,87, Safety Performance to Date • One lost time accident and workers' compensation claim due to injury occurred 9/07. Upcoming Month Priorities/Key Activities (November, 2007) • Continue with measures to achieve LEED certification and Fair Housing Act approval. • Continue solar panel framing installation; Continue carport steel and CMU wall installation at units; Continue framing and begin MEP and drywall at Maintenance Building. • Complete landscaping of Miles Avenue new medians and at project entry. • Complete MEP rough -ins and begin drywall installation in Common Building. • Complete production insulation and drywall installation in units and continue finish installation • Complete color and accent color paint on unit exteriors; Complete site final grading. • Begin site landscaping and exterior lighting installation. 7 3 19 i colisrRuicnot INc ON51flul•Taw NONAIRMEN7 • DOWN , III - MdRX COST NS6 Glendora Beverly Mills San Clemente LaQulnta Las Vegas Monthly Executive Status Report City of La Quintal Museum Expansion Presented To The City of La Quinta: November 5, 2007 For the Month of October, 2007 Dry utility sweeps installed • Procurement of wood doors and clad windows • Completion of framing • Inspection of all MEP rough -ins • Installed structural steel for hydraulic elevator Schedule Performance Project to Date Schedule (approx. dates) calls for: • Contract award - 4/03/07 • Notice to proceed - 6/25/07 • Construction completion - 4/ 15/08 • Closeout - 5/ 15/08 et Performance Project to Date act Amount 2,500,000 ngency 200,000 Available Budget Projected (Contract plus Contin enc 2,700,000 FArovedChange Orders To Date (3) 25,506 ngency Used To Date 25,506 nt Cost Commitments (original bid + than e orders 2,525,506 mmitted Available Bud et Remainin 174,494 nt Commitments as % of Total Available Bud et 93.5% Safetlr Performance Project to Date • No lost time or claims due to injuries or safety violations. • No on -site accidents to date. Upcoming M )nth's (November, 2007) Priorities/Key Activities • Installation of fire hydrant and tie in to detector check • Installation of Maxwell IV drywell system per LQ Public Works • Install site walls/footings • Installation of exterior doors and windows • Commence water feature e 329 DEPARTMENT REPORT: J T4h � 0 D Qu&ro ci qr s `y OFT' TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Edie Hylton, Community Services Director10 DATE: November 20, 2007 SUBJECT: Community Services Department Report for October 2007 UPCOMING EVENTS FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER 2007: Dec 3 Jazzercise, La Quinta Fitness Center Dec 3 *Action Aerobics Dec 3 Ballroom Dancing, Senior Center Dec 3 *Mat Pilates Dec 3 Tai Kwon Do, La Quinta High School Dec 4 *Hatha Yoga Dec 4 *Arthritis Tai Chi Dec 4 Beginning Guitar, Senior Center Dec 4 *Digital Photo Dec 6 *Beginning Social Ballroom & American Latin Dec 6 *Cook w/Chef Tony Dec 6 *Photo Editing 1 Dec 7 *Arts & Crafts Bazaar Dec 7 Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony, Civic Center Campus Dec 11 *Basic Computer Dec 11 *Photo Editing 2 Dec 12 *Jewelry Making Dec 13 *Cook w/Chef Tony Dec 13 *Photo Editing 3 Dec 13 *Basic Internet Dec 14 Newport Harbor Excursion DEfC 14 *Winter Wonderland Evening Dance Dec 15 Breakfast with Santa, Senior Center Dec 18 *Word Processing Dec 18 *List & Labels Dec 20 *E-Mail Dec 20 *Holiday Luncheon Dec 20 *Files & Folders Dec 27 *Mature Driver Training Dec 27 *Cook w/Chef Tony 3.) *Daytime Senior Center class or activity " Community Services Program Report for October 2007 2007 2006 2007 2006 Participants Participants Variance Meetings Meetings Leisure Classes Bell dance 15 19 -4 4 4 .B=iing Ballroom Dancing 29 11 18 5 2 Adobe Photoshop Intro 9 0 9 5 0 Adobe Photoshop Adv 4 5 -1 3 1 Photoshop Pro 3 4 -1 4 1 Computers - Beg 5 9 -4 4 3 Microsoft Word 9 5 4 4 3 Guitar.- Beginning 8 9 -1 2 3 Guitar - Inter 8 7 1 3 1 Beginning Ballet 9 22 -13 4 4 Dance, Play & Pretend 12 52 -40 4 9 Zumba 15 0 15 14 0 Hiking in CV i 10i 01 101 21 0 otals T 136 143 -7 58 31 2007 2006 2007 2006 Participants I Participants I Variance I Meetings I Meetings l Events raeen Carnival 1050 350 700 1 1 -Ween 75 25 50 1 1 1,1251 375 750 2 2 2007 2006 2007 2006 Participants Participants Variance Meetings Meetings Adult Sports Open Gym Basketball 175 215 -40 19 18 Fitness Center 445 129 316 23 22 Adult Soccer League 220 180 40 4 5 Totals 840 524 316 46 45 Recreation Totals 1 2,1011 1,0421 1,059 106 78 *Same; number of courses offered. Classes cancelled due to lack of enrollment. 322 Community Services Department Attendance Report for the Month of October 2007 Summary Sheet Program 2007 2006 Variance Sessions Per Month 2007 2006 Leisure Classes 137 208 -71 72 60 Special Events 1125 625 500 2 7 Adult ;Sports 840 524 316 46 45 Senior Center 1370 1249 121 130 95 Total 3,472 2,606 866 250 207 Senior Services Senior Center 194 299 -1051 21 18 Total 194 299 -105 21 16 Sports User Groups La Quinta Park Use AYSO 1200 1500 -300 22 22 F C Le Quinta 15 15 0 8 9 Desert Club Chivas 60 0 60 3 0 La Quinta FC 15 0 151 4 0 Sports Complex LQ Sports & Youth 120 60 60 12 20 PDLQ Football 225 220 5 7 12 Pop Warner Football 160 0 160 13 0 C V. Rattlers 25 0 25 6 0 Col. Paige School AYSO 450 0 450 17 0 Facility/Park Rentals Li T Classroom 800 600 200 16 12 Senior Center (Private Party) 600 1000 -400 3 10 (Church) 300 375 -75 4 5 Civic Center (PnVate Part 0 50 -50 0 1 Park Rentals La Quinta Park 300 300 0 5 6 Fritz Burns Park 120 0 120 2 0 Total 4,3901 4,120 270 1221 97 Total Programs 8,056 7,025 1,031 393 322 Volunteer Hours Senior Center 3181 426 -108 Total'Voiunteer Hours 3181 426 -108 321 Monthly Revenue Report for October 2007 Monthly Revenue - Facility Rentals 2007 2006 Variance Library * $ 630.00 $ 5,127.50 $ (4,497.50) Senior Center $ 3,265.00 $ 4,687.50 $ (1,422.50) Parks $ 390.00 $ 530.00 $ 140.00 Sports Fields $ 1,105.50 $ 206.25 $ 899.25 Monthly Facility Revenue $ 5,390.50 $ 10,551.25 $ 6,160.75 Monthly Revenue Senior Center $ 9,979.63 $ 9,650.50 $ 329.13 Community Services $ 3,126.00 $ 4,295.00 $ 1,169.00) La Quinta Resident Cards $ 2,085.00 $ 3,255.00 $ 1,170.00) Fitness Cards $ 585.00 $ 205.00 $ 380.00 Total Revenue $ 15,775.63 $ 17,405.50 $ (1,629.87 Revenue Year to Date Facility Revenue $ 24,843.50 $ 31,363.25 $ 6,519.75) Senior Center $ 25,797.63 $ 23,004.50 $ 2,793.13 Community Services $ 23,850.50 $ 17,882.60 $ 5,968.50 La Quinta Resident Cards $ 5,730.00 $ 10,410.00 $ 4,680.00 Fitness Cards $ 2,305.00 $ 1,440.00 $ 865.00 Total Revenue to Date $ 82,526.63 $ 84,099.76 $ (1,673.12 * The Library multi -purpose room is no longer rented out effective Sept. 1, 2007. Senior Center Attendance Senior Center Program Report for September 2007 Participation Participation Variance Meetings Meetings 200 20 6TNT-2006 Senior Activities ACBL Bridge 200 183 17 5 4 Bridge, Duplicate/Social/Party 382 344 38 14 14 Harvest Ball Evening Dance 46 65 -19 1 1 Health Fair 200 195 5 1 1 nvestment Club 7 0 71 2 0 Monthly Birthday Party 30 25 5 1 1 Monthly Luncheon 85 97 -12 1 1 Movie Time 27 34 -7 4 4 Putting Contest 4 0 4 4 0 Walking Club 10 0 10 8 0 Senior Activity Total 991 943 46 41 26 Senior Leisure Classes Arts & Crafts 6 16 -10 3 5 Ballroom Dance 30 13 17 3 3 Bridge Classes 27 36 -9 5 4 Computer Classes 53 16 37 5 4 Dress w/ Pizzazz 5 0 5 3 0 E=xercise 38 49 -11 14 13 ;olden Tones 59 50 9 5 3 F-latha Yoga 16 0 16 5 0 Hooked on Loos 11 9 2 2 5 Latin Dance 7 3 4 3 4 F3dates 7 7 0 10 4 Quilting 30 36 -6 3 3 Sketch & Draw 9 10 -1 4 4 Spanish Beginning 10 0 10 4 0 Tai Chi 14 13 1 8 3 Ukulele Players 29 0 29 4 0 1Natercolor 10 19 -9 4 5 Woodcarvers 18 15 3 4 4 :senior Leisure Classes Total 379 292 87 89 64 TOTAL SENIOR PROGRAMS 1370 1235 135 130 90 Senior Services FIND Food Distribution 97 134 -37 4 4 HICAP 7 8 -1 2 1 I.I.D. Energy Assistance/No fee 39 60 -21 12 5 Legal Consultation 6 6 0 1 1 October Seminars & Free Classes 19 8 11 2 1 tolunteers 26 26 0 n/a n/a TOTAL SENIOR SERVICES 194 242 -48 21 12 SENIOR CENTER TOTAL 1564 1477 87 151 102 3 2 i 2007 2006 Variance Volunteer Hours Senior Center 318 426 -108 Volunteer Total: 318 426 -108 Revenue Senior Center Revenue $9,979.63 $9,650.50 $329.13 Revenue Total: $9,979.63 $9,650.50 $329.13 Oct-07 32S Park Activities Updates for October 2007 Staff received a report that the drinking fountains at La Quinta Park were not working. Staff found that someone had shut off the master valve for the drinking fountains. Staff has also received reports about the restrooms not working but when they are checked, everything is working as normal. We suspect that kids are turning the water system on and off at the backflow located along Westward Ho. Staff will continue to monitor the water valves. The parks received damage from the wind event that occurred on Friday, October 51h. Many trees were damaged as well as the tennis screens at Fritz Burns Park that were torn off the fence. The parks have been over -seeded for the winter. Irrigation will run in regular short cycles to keep the grass seed wet for germination. The parks should be in good shape within the next three weeks. The shade structure has been installed over the playground at La Quinta Park. The dedication ceremony is scheduled for Thursday, November 29`h at 3:30 P.M. Staff is meeting with the contractor who submitted the lowest bid for the fence project at the Fred Wolff Bear Creek Nature Preserve. Once the materials and installation measurements are verified, staff will be submitting a staff report for City Councils' consideration. The horse rocker on the Adams Park playground was stolen. A replacement has been ordered and will be installed as soon as it is received. The Trust for Public Lands, Riverside County Health Department and the city sponsored a Healthy Communities, Healthy Parks program at the La Quinta Library. Over 60 participants attended from the Coachella Valley to learn about the relationship between good health and parks. The Riverside County Health department provided information increasing walk -ability in communities and the correlation between active play areas and parks and open space. The Trust for Public Lands developed an equity map of the Coachella Valley showing where parks are most needed. The map is available in the Community Service Department. La Quinta has adequate and well maintained parks for its population. Areas demonstrating the greatest need for more parks are Coachella, Cathedral City and Palm Springs areas. 3y7 Department Report: Cor-o _ Tw>p 4 �w OF'TK�� TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Les Johnson, Planning Directo DATE: November 20, 2007 SUBJECT: Department Report for the Month of October 2007 Attached please find a copy of the Planning Department Report which outlines the current cases processed by staff for the month of October. 328 P:\Monthly Report Folder\OCTOBER 2007.doc 1 W ev PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT REPORT OCTOBER 2007 PROJECT TYPE DESCRIPTION Conditional Use Permits 4 submitted Development Agreements 2 submitted Environmental Assessments 2 submitted General Plan Amendment 0 submitted Lot Line Adjustments 1 submitted Minor Adjustments 1 submitted Minor Use Permits 7 submitted Parcel Maps 0 submitted Parcel Mergers 2 submitted Sign Permits 11 submitted Site Development Permits 3 submitted Specific Plans 2 submitted Tentative Tract Maps 2 submitted Temporary Use Permits 8 submitted Village Use Permits 0 submitted Zone Change 0 submitted Zoning Code Amendments 2 submitted TOTAL 47 NEW CASES SUBMITTED INSPECTIONS AND PLAN CHECKS Cove Checks 1 0 Inspections completed Subdivision/SDP, etc. Plan checks 55 performed P:\Monthly Report Folder\OCTOBER 2007.doc 2 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTIVITY JULY 1, 2007 TO OCTOBER 31, 2007 PROJECT TYPE DESCRIPTION Conditional Use Permits 1 submitted Development Agreements 0 submitted Environmental Assessments 1 submitted General Plan Amendment 0 submitted Right -Of -Way 0 submitted Sign Permits 5 submitted Site Development Permits 8 submitted Specific Plans 1 submitted Tentative Tract Maps 2 submitted + 0 Amended TTM's Village Use Permits 3 submitted Zone Change 0 submitted Zoning Code Amendments 2 submitted TOTAL NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS APPROVED 34* TOTAL COMMERCIAL SQUARE FOOTAGE APPROVED 292,838 *Does not include approval of a 5,700 square foot stable/barn (private use) P:\Monthly Report Folder\OCTOBER 2007.doc 3 DEPARTMENT REPORT: 6 Tw4t 4 4 Q" MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Timothy R. Jonasson, Public Works Director/City Engineer DATE: November 8, 2007 SUBJECT: Public Works Department Report for October 2007 Attached please find the following: 1. Citizen Service Request Summary; 2. Encroachment Permit and Plan Check Services Summary; 3. Capital Improvement Plan Status Update; 4. Monthly Summary of Public Works Tasks. 331 CITY OF LA QUINTA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITIZEN SERVICE REQUEST MONTHLY SUMMARY (OCTOBER 2007) SERVICE NUMBER NUMBER SAME DAY NUMBER OFDAYS TOCOMPLETE TOTAL CATEGORY RECENED COMPLETED COMPLIANCE SERVICE REQUEST 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 a 0 10 20- 24s Animal Control 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Code 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Compliance Construction 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Issues Debris Removal 1 1 u 0 u u u u u u u 0 0 1 0 Development 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Issues Drainage 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Graffiti Removal 26 26 24 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 26 Irrigation 8 8 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 8 Landscaping/ 10 10 2 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 2 1 10 Tree Maintenance 3 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 3 Lighting/ Electrical Park 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 Maintenance PM-10 (Dust) 3 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 Complaint Sidewalk Repair 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sign 6 6 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 6 Maintenance/ Replacement SilverRock 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Resort Street 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 Maintenance Street Sweeping 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 Traffic Signals/ 16 9 3 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 9 Traffic Control Trash Removal/ 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Waste Management Total Ammult- , __ _19 1 75 . _. 4 0 _- 1 .. . 3 1 _ 3 _4 __ 2 __ 16 W W N MONTHLY SUMMARY ENCROACHMENT PERMITS PERMIT CATEGORY AMOUNT ISSUED FEE AMOUNT TOTAL FEES COLLECTED UTILITIES 6 $200.00 $200.00 MISCELLANEOUS 1 $46,900.00 $46,900.00 ON SITE IMPROVEMENTS 2 $17,047.00 $17,047.00 OFF SITE IMPROVEMENTS 0 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL 9 $649147.00 $649147.00 W w AUGUST 2007 City of La Quinta CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN - PROJECT STATUS UPDATE FISCAL YEAR 2007/2008 Proiect Status November 2007 PROJECT BUDGET DESIGN CONSTRUCTION REMARKS start - end start - end Design Consultant/Contractor 2000-19 Phase II $31 M Total 01/02-12/04 05/05-12/07 Lead Agency: County of Riverside. Design: RBF Consulting. Jefferson Street $3.8 M City Contractor: Yeager/Skanska. Contractor has installed bridge Improvements Share railing on both sides of the bridge and is currently working on the pump station next to Fiesta Drive. Contractor is going to replace the traffic signal mast arm at the northeast corner of Jefferson and Highway 111 with a longer mast arm that will line up with northbound Jefferson traffic. 2001-07A Hwy 111 $ 2,714,986 01/05 - 12/07 TBD Ph 2 Design: RBF Consulting. Contractor: TBD. ROW has Corridor Improvements been obtained. The Governor signed the relinquishment (Adams to Jefferson) legislation on October 14, 2007. Staff are working with Caltrans to finalize the necessary relinquishment agreement between the City and the State. Staff is hopeful the agreement will be submitted to the California Transportation Commission (CTC) in January 2008. The PS&E is nearly complete and will be submitted for the City Council's consideration in December 2007. FISCAL YEAR 2004/2005 CIP PROJECTS 2004-07B Traffic Signal $ 174,010 10/04 - 01 /06 1 /07 - 05/07 Design: Katz, Okitsu & Associates. Contractor: DBX Inc. City Jefferson/Avenue 49 Council awarded contract on 7/5/06. Project construction started on January 22. The traffic signal is now operational. Project was accepted by City Council on 9/18/07. Retention i scheduled for released the week of November 6`". PN2006-16 $135,321.38 Project awarded to Diversified Landscape on 8/7/07. Contractor Park Avenue Landscape has contour graded the site, placed mainline irrigation pipe and i Improvements currently planting shrubs and placing boulders. Village Traffic Circle $ 25,000 10/04 - 07/06 06/07 - 1 1 /07 Design: Katz, Okitsu & Associates, David Volz, NAI Consulting. Construction is complete. Projectwas accepted b he City Council on 9/4/07. Waiting for final retention payment W w 0-�. 1 of 4 FISCAL YEAR 2005/2006 CIP PROJECTS 2005-01 Miscellaneous $ 290,582.25 05/06 - 12/06 09/07 - 12/07 Design: Dudek. Contractor: TBD. Design is 100% complete. Street Improvements Project awarded to D&L Wheeler on 8/7/07. Construction started he week of September 24, 2007. Contractor is current) removing and replacing curb, gutter and cross gutters on Calle Tampico. New driveway approaches have been constructed in ront of the Sandbar and the Circle K store. 2005-02 Ave 52 Bridge $ 250,000 03/06 - 12/07 TBD Design: LAN Engineering. Design Underway. Project PS&E Improvements submitted to CVWD and BOR for encroachment permit. A (Coachella Canal) response from the BOR/CVWD is expected in Nov. 07. The PS&E will be submitted to the City Council for its consideration upon receipt of the BOR encroachment permit. 2005-03 Jefferson $ 643,610 12/06 - 06/07 06/07 - 06/08 Design: David Evans and Associates IDEA). Contractor: TBD Median Island Landscape Bids were opened on October 31" with Marina Landscape Co. Improvements the apparent low bidder at $962,000. Project is scheduled to be awarded on November 20th. 2005-04 New Traffic $ 175,000 09/05 - 05/06 12/06 - 09/07 Design: Katz Okitsu - $12,500. Contractor: DBX, Inc. The Signal (Adams/Ave 47) project was awarded on September 5, 2006. Project construction started on January 22. The Traffic signal is now operational. Project was accepted by City Council on 9/18/07. Retention is scheduled for released the week of November 6`" FISCAL YEAR 2006/2007 CIP PROJECTS 2006-01 FY 2006-2007 $ 748,889 07/06 - 11/06 3/07 - 09/07 Design: City Staff. Contractor: American Asphalt South, Inc. Slurry Seal/Restriping Construction is substantially complete. Contractor is being given punch list of items to fix. Project was accepted by City Council on 9/18/07. Awaiting retention release. 2006-02 Sound $ 710,232 09/06 - 12/07 TBD Design: Omnis Inc. Contractor: TBD Design Underway. Attenuation Wall (N. Ave PS&E is 90% complete as of November 1, 2007. Final plan 50 @ Lago) check comments have been provided to the consultant. Final plans and specifications are currently being reviewed by staff. The PS&E will be submitted for the City Council's consideration in December 2007. w ca 2006-03 Ave 52and $ 605,000 10/06 - 06/07 TBD Design: CWDG Contractor: Park West Landscape was Avenue 54 Median awarded a contract to construct the Avenue 52 Median Island Island Landscape Landscape Improvements on September 18, 2007. Parkwes Improvements has completed the demolition of the existing landscaping and is currently finishing installing the mainline irrigation pipe and electrical conduit. 2006-04 Highway 111 $ 531,000 10/06 - 04/08 TBD Design: Katz, Okitsu & Associates Contractor: TBD. Design Phase III Improvements Underway. Staff is working with the design engineer to (Washington St. to moaify the scope of the project to a 6 lane facility with w/City Limits enhanced landscape. 2006-05 Maintenance $ 75,000 11/06 - 06/07 N/A Proposals for master planning services were received by the Yard Master Plan City on December 8, 2006. Master plan is underway. 2006-06 Adams Street $ 1,526,000 10/06 - 07/08 TBD Design: TBD. Contractor: TBD. Request for Authorization to Bridge Improvements begin PE/ED Phase has been submitted to Caltrans. Funding (Design Phase) obligation has been approved by FHWA to initiate the Environmental and Preliminary Design Phase. Six proposals were received by the City on October 31, 2007. Staff is reviewing the proposals and will present a recommendation to he City Council in December 2008. 2006-07 SilverRock $ 4,135,800 07/06 - 10/07 TBD Design: RBF Engineers - $602,200. Contractor: TBD. Design Resort Phase II Underway. This project includes the design and construction Infrastructure of the new Traffic Signal at the Jefferson Street/Avenue 53 Improvements (Design intersection. Water and Sewer plans have been approved by Phase) CVWD. 2006-08 SilverRock $ 2,106,000 TBD TBD Design: TBD. Contractor: TBD. Resort Phase 11 Golf Course (Design Phase) 2006-10 SilverRock $ 8,640,000 TBD TBD Design: TBD. Contractor: TBD. Resort Clubhouse (Design Phase) 2006-11 SilverRock $ 1,436,000 TBD TBD Design: Underway. Contractor: Robert Altevers. Resort Phase II Entry Feature (Design Phase) W W t.) 2006-16 City-wide $275,000 01/07 - 11/07 TBD Design: KOA - $15,000. Contractor: TBD. This project Traffic Safety includes the Pedestrian Activated Crosswalk on Westward Ho Improvements Drive, the Adams Street Emergency Flashing Beacon, and the Traffic Signal Modification on Adams Street at Fred Waring Drive. Bids were opened on October 31" with Republic ITS the apparent low bidder at $168,249. Award recommendations will be submitted for City Council consideration on November 20, 2007. 2007-04 Village Signage $442,200 TBD TBD Design: TBD. Contractor: TBD Program 2007-06 Fred Waring at $430,000 TBD TBD Design: TBD. Contractor: TBD. An RFP to obtain Palm Royale Traffic Professional Engineering Services has been issued. Signal Recommendations will be submitted for City Council consideration in December 2007. 2007-07 Dune Palms at $430,000 TBD TBD Design: TBD. Contractor. TBD. This project is being scoped. Retail Center Traffic Signal 2007-09 Phase I (Part 1) $456,000 TBD TBD Design: TBD. Contractor. TBD. Staff is reviewing the scope Golf Cart Routes of this project to determine the most cost effective means of installing the proposed golf cart routes. 2007-13 Calle Estado/La $115,271 TBD TBD Design: TBD. Contractor. TBD Fonda Mid Block Pedestrian Crossing 2007-15 Citywide $55,000 08/07 - 01/08 N/A Survey Consultant: RBF - $40,900. This work effort is Monumentation Survey underway. 2007-16 Miles Avenue $TBD 10/07 - 05/08 TBD Design: DEA - $17,720. Contractor: TBD. Design Median Island Landscape underway. Coordinating reimbursement agreement with the Improvements City of Indio. 2007-18 Avenue 58 $1,219006 TBD TBD Design: TBD. Contractor: TBD. Proposals were received by Pavement Rehabilitation the City on October 18, 2007. Recommendations will be submitted for City Council consideration in December 2007. 007-18A Eisenhower $820,501 TBD TBD Design: TBD. Contractor: TBD. Proposals were received by Dr. Pavement the City on October 18, 2007. Recommendations will be Rehabilitation submitted for City Council consideration in December 2007. MONTHLY SUMMARY OF PUBLIC WORK TASKS MONTH OF: October, 2007 Employee's Hourly Labor Breakdown Crew#1 Crew#2 Crew#3 Maint. M . Code Activity 5 Men 4 Men 2 Men 1 Man Total 1000 Policing/Inspection 28 100 6 12 146 1001 PotHole -Repair/Patching 8 15 0 1 24 1002 Crack(Joint Repair 0 0 0 0 0 1003 Pavement Markin fLe ends 0 0 0 0 0 1004 1 Pavement Marking/StripingMarkingrStriping 0 8 0 0 8 1005 Curb Painting 0 3 0 0 3 1006 Other Traffic Controls 0 29 0 0 29 1007 Curb & Gutter Re air/Const. 0 0 0 0 0 1008 Other Concrete Re airs/Const. 13 0 0 0 13 1009 Street Sign Install 'New 0 0 0 0 0 1010 Street Sign Re air)Maint 29 27 0 0 56 1011 Debris Removal 40 163 16 3 222 1012 Right of Way Maim. 71 23 50 0 80 1021 CLEAN Catch Basin Inlet/Outiet 14 27 0 0 41 1022 Rondo Channel OutleWault 0 0 0 0 0 1022A Desert Club Outiet/Vault 0 0 0 0 0 1023 S.D./D.W./C.B. Repair/Maint. 2 48 2 3 55 1024 Gutter/Median Sarni Removal 11 2 0 0 13 1025 Street Sweeping (Machine) 150 0 0 0 150 1026 Street Sweeping Hand 15 0 0 0 15 1027 Sidewalk/Bike Path Cleaning 4 0 12 0 16 1028 Dust Control 0 0 0 0 0 1029 Flood Control 0 0 0 0 0 1031 Parks/Retention Basins Inspection/Clean-i 12 28 80 1 121 1041 Inig/ Weeding, Shrubs & Tree Trimming 106 101 104 10 321 1051 Landsca eAni aticn Contract Managemer 0 0 56 20 76 1052 Lighting/Electrical Contract Management 0 0 0 17 17 1061 Small Tools Re airfmaint. 0 0 2 0 2 1062 Equipment Repair/Maint. 12 0 0 0 12 1063 Vehicle Repair Maint. 15 5 0 0 20 1081 Trash/Litter/Rec cable Removal 30 8 0 0 38 1082 Vandalism Repairs 0 0 2 0 2 1083 Graffiti Removal 202 78 10 11 301 1084 Maint. Yard Building Maint. 16 4 4 0 24 1085 Seminars/Training 20 41 8 6 75 1086 Special Events 0 0 4 0 4 1087 Citizen Complaints)Requests 46 4 8 0 58 1088 Meeting 11 29 8 35 83 1089 Office Phone, paperwork, reports, Misc. 17 31 4 65 117 SUBTOTAL 808 774 376 184 2142 1091 Over Time 13 19 3 01 35 1094 Jury D 0 0 0 0 0 1095 Sick Leave 48 10 8 16 82 1096 Vacation 144 16 16 0 176 1097 Holiday 0 0 0 0 0 1098 Floating Holiday 0 0 0 0 0 1099 Worker Comp/ Bereavement 0 0 0 0 0 SUBTOTAL 2051 45 27 16 293 TOTAL HOURS 1 10131 8191 4031 2001 2435 TOTAL MILES 1 39511 46521 16461 266 10515 331 Department Report: I A U1 TA P@LICE Served by the Rverside County Sherirs Deparmient Police Department Monthly Report October -- 2007 Prepared for 339 La Quinta Police Department SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY REPORT Captain Colleen Walker Chief of Police (Number in parenthesis denotes number of calls for service that day.) 10101 Monday (74) 0950 hours - Deputy Abrego conducted a pedestrian check at Vallejo x Monterey. Ralph Nieto was arrested and booked into the Indio Jail for a felony violation of parole warrant and giving a false name to a peace officer. 2000 hours - Deputy R. Smith conducted a follow up at the Garden Apartments, Coachella. James Cook, ofLa Quints, showed up at residence of his ex -girlfriend. Cook had committed felony assault against the victim last week and Deputy Chancellor had written a report documenting the incident. Deputy Smith took Cook into custody and booked him into the Indio Jail for felony domestic violence and violation of probation. 10l02 Tuesday (6f1) 0803 hours — Deputies Stockham and Taylor responded to the 51900 block of Avenida Villa regarding a report of a domestic disturbance. Quintel Ocguintamez told deputies that she was involved in an argument with her boyfriend, Daniel Eisenacher. Contacting Eisenacher, deputies Stockham and Taylor found him to be under the influence of a controlled substance. Eisenacher was arrested and booked into the Indio Jail. 0900 hours — Deputy Russell responded to the 50600 block of Eisenhower Dr. (Silver Hawk Apts.) in reference to a report of a burglary. Deputy Russell spoke to Jennifer Odonez (property manager) who said that a previously evicted tenant, Lisa Sahandan, had returned to the apartment with Lisa Ardo and had broken into the apartment. Sahandan and Ardo took the property from the apartment against a court order. Sahandan was arrested for burglary, violation of a court order and illegal entry. Deputy Russell spoke with Ardo but was unable to convince her to meet with him Charges will be filled on Ardo for burglary and illegal entry. Sahandan was transported to the Indio Jail and booked. 1445 hours — Business District Deputy Burgie responded to Kohl's regarding a theft in progress. Deputy Burgie arrested Margarita Rios and a 17 year old juvenile for commercial burglary. Rios was booked into the Indio jail and the juvenile was released to her mother. 2345 hours — Deputy Rodriguez conducted a pedestrian check at Hwy. I I I and Jefferson St. Douglas Harrington was arrested for public intoxication and booked into the Indio Jail. 10103 Wednesday (117) 1145 hours— Deputy Tavares responded to the Bank of America on Highway 111 and Washington after a bank employee reported that Yoselin Lazaro was attempting to cash a fraudulent check. Deputy Tavares contacted Lazaro who said she was asked to cash the check by an anonymous female. Lazaro was arrested and booked at the .1ndio jail for possession of stolen property, possession of the fraudulent check and burglary for entering the bank with the intent to commit a felony. 2325 hours— SET Team Deputy Butvidas conducted a pedestrian check of Marc Vitt at Calle Monterey and Avenida Villa. Vitt was arrested for public intoxication and booked into the Indio jail. 340 10104 Thursday 131) 0106 hours- Deputy Trower conducted a traffic stop at Eisenhower Street and Calle Tampico. He arrested Leticia Aldaz for driving under the influence. Aldaz was booked into the Indio Jail. 1415 hours — SET 'Team Deputies assisted Investigations in serving a check fraud search warrant in the 81800 block of Daoiel Drive. Robert Mehall was arrested for fraud, commercial burglary and committing a felony while on bail. Sierra Bottcher was arrested for conspiracy and violation of probation. 1530 hours — SET ream Deputies observed a vehicle traveling WB on Ave. 48, Indio which had previously been reported as stolen in the City of Indio. Deputies arrested Donnell Nathaniel and Melody Ward for vehicle theft and possession of stolen property. Nathaniel was also violated for parole and Ward for felony theft warrants. Both were booked into the Indio jail. 1623 hours — Deputies responded to a report of a burglary in progress in the 53800 block of Avenida Alvarado. A witness reported seeing two male suspects loading items from the residence into a vehicle. The witness provided the license plate number of the vehicle. Utilizing this vital information, SET Team Deputies responded to the 54500 block of Avenida Velasco where they saw Brent Standley and Gary Ruiz in the driveway. Both Standley and Ruiz were known to deputies as having felony warrants and both were taken into custody. Kimberly Standley and Ann Burchard were also contacted at the residence. A subsequent search of the Velasco residence and vehicles led to the seizure of stolen property taken in the Alvarado burglary. All were booked into the Indio jail. 10/05 Friday (98) 2015 hours- SET Team Deputies working the La Quinta High School football game contacted Ryan Baldwin, Ian Spencer and two juveniles at the park across the street from the high school. Marijuana was located and all four had symptoms of intoxication due to marijuana inhalation. One of the juveniles was released to his parents at Indio Station. The other juvenile was booked into juvenile hall. Baldwin and Spencer were booked into the Indio jail. 2130 hours- SET Team Deputies conducted an arrest warrant service in the 78700 block of Darby Road, Bermuda Dunes. Daniel Krastel ran from deputies and climbed on top of his roof. Deputies were able to arrest him without further incident. Krastel was found to be in possession of methamphetamine and was booked into Indio .fail for his felony narcotic warrant and a new charge of possession of methamphetamine. 10106 Saturdav (76) 0300 hours- Deputy Bawdon arrested Dina Brown for driving under the influence after a traffic stop at Washington Street and Channel Drive. Brown was booked into the Indio Jail. 1155 hours — Deputy McAnallen conducted a vehicle stop at Highway 111 and Jefferson. The driver, Sherrion Davis, was found be under the influence of a controlled substance. Davis also had two misdemeanor warrants for assault with a deadly weapon and for possession of drug paraphernalia. Davis was booked for the above violations and for not having a valid driver's license. 2027 hours — Deputy Candelas responded to the Francis Hack Park, located at Eisenhower Drive and Calle Tampico in reference to a report of a man down. Andres Montemayor was arrested for public intoxication and booked into the Indio Jail. 10/07 Sunday (651 0110 hours- Deputies responded to a report of a fight between several subjects in the 45200 block of Coldbrook. Arriving deputies saw several people fighting in the street and a large number ran into one particular residence. The occupants were uncooperative and refused to open the door. Eventually deputies received consent to search the residence and found a 16 year -old male passed out and unresponsive in a n! bathroom. The juvenile was transported to JFK Hospital for treatment for a possible overdose. Approximately 30 juveniles were released to their parents at the scene. 0118 hours- Deputy Acevedo arrested Dario Grano for driving under the influence following a traffic stop at Avenue 52 and Madison Street. Grano was booked into the Indio Jail. 1620 hours — Deputy Alfaro conducted a traffic enforcement stop at Madison St., and Avenue 54. Kelly Campbell was arrested for a felony warrant for a burglary. Campbell was transported and booked into the Indio Jail. 1648 hours — Deputy Meyers responded to the 79700 block of Parkway Esplanade in reference to a report of an assault and battery. The victim, Bill Keffer, was assaulted by his roommate, Vincenza Patemo, during a dispute over a cell phone. Vincenza Patemo was arrested for assault and battery and booked at the Indio Jail. 2117 hours — Deputy Candeles responded to the Wal-Mart Department Store in reference to a pregnant female being detained for theft. Perla Maria Flores was arrested, cited, and released for petty theft. 10/08 Monday (8fil 1630 hours - Deputy Nieburger conducted a traffic stop at Avenue 50 X Park. Nicolas Marinez was arrested for warrants from an annoying a child incident and battery. Marinez was booked into the Indio Jail. 10/09 Tuesday (7E;) 1549 hours — Deputy Amezcua responded to Avenida Vallejo and Calle Madrid regarding a non -injury traffic collision. Deputy Amezcua contacted the driver at fault, Lisa Grandville, who was determined to be under the influence: of alcohol. Grandville was transported to JFK for an "Okay to Book" since she was involved in a traffic collision. Afterwards, Grandville was transported and booked into the Indio Jail. 1800 hours- Deputy Nieburger responded to the 54000 block of Avenida Velasco in reference to a disturbance at the location. Robert Dundore was arrested for public intoxication and booked into the Indio Jail. 1830 hours — SET Team Deputies following up on leads to a La Quinta residential burglary learned of additional property stolen in a burglary in the 51400 block of Calle Jacumba. The property was located at the residence of Brent Standley as a result of a previous search warrant served by deputies. Additional charges of burglary and possession of stolen property were added to Standley's booking file at the Indio Jail. 10/10 Wednesday (119) 0015 hours — SET Team Deputies were assisting patrol in searching the area reference a prowler call when they came upon a vehicle parked near Adams St. Park. Deputies conducted surveillance of the vehicle and saw a second vehicle pull in behind the parked vehicle. Believing these subjects were possibly involved in the prowler call deputies initiated contact and located approximately one pound of marijuana. Eric M. Gutierrez, Christopher Lineberger and Ramon Chacon were booked into the Indio jail for transportation of marijuana for sale and possession of marijuana for sales. 0030 hours - Deputies Rodriguez and Adams, were conducting a business check in the area of the Subway Restaurant, Hwy. 111 X Jefferson when they noticed a subject without a shirt. They spoke with Shaun Walker and found the reason he was not wearing a shirt was that he had just stabbed an individual in the City of Indio and his shirt was covered in blood. They detained Walker for Indio PD ho responded to the scene. The vehicle: Walker was seen in was found to have been stolen. Indio PD booked Walker into the Indio Jail for attempted murder and Deputy Rodriguez added charges for possession of stolen property. J.. 342 1700 hours- SET 'ream deputies conducted a pedestrian check at Jefferson and Ave. 48. Arrested for four outstanding felony narcotic warrants was George Harsch. Harsch was booked into Indio jail. 2110 hours- Deputy I. White responded to a call of a possible DUI driver in the area on Highway 111 and Washington Street. He located the vehicle and contacted the driver, Cynthia Johnson. Investigation revealed Johnson was not driving under the influence. Johnson was upset over domestic issues and was found to be mentally unstable. Johnson was transported to Indio Mental Health for a 72-hour evaluation. 2130 hours — SET Team deputies located a stolen box trailer in the51600 block of Eisenhower Dr. The trailer had been reported stolen out of Indio. Contacted at the residence was Thomas Tishler who stated that he had purchased the trailer in February of 2007 from a person known as "Eddie" out of Thousand Palms. The trailer was returned to the owner. At this time Tishler is not considered a suspect in the actual theft and presumed to have purchased the trailer without knowledge it was stolen. 10111 Thursday (fib 0900 hours — La Q ainta deputies responded to Mitchell Paige Elementary and Summit High School in north La Quints regarding an incident that occurred at Palm Desert High School. A high school student was seen chasing another student and one of the subjects was carrying a handgun. It was believed the suspect with the gun attended Summit High School and might return. All three schools were locked down until the suspect and victim were located in Palm Desert. 1425 hours — Motor deputy Covington was working speed enforcement in the area of Jefferson and Avenue 52. He observed a vehicle traveling at 84 mph and conducted a vehicle stop. Arrested for driving while impaired was Robin L. Lawton who was booked at the Indio jail. 1430 hours — La Qainta Police Traffic Services deputies served a search warrant in the 54400 block of Avenida Diaz. The search warrant is part of an on -going investigation of the theft of a trailer in July 2007. Traffic Services deputies located and seized the stolen trailer and several pieces of evidence at the location. 1807 hours- SET Team deputies and Indio Police Department officers served a property related search warrant in the 82500 block of Miles Ave., Indio. The search warrant was part of an ongoing investigation into embezzlement and check fraud from a La Quinta business. Contacted and arrested was Bambee Zapata. Further investigation revealed her sister, Christina Zapata, currently in custody on unrelated charges, conspired with Bambee in the theft investigation. Bambee was booked into the Indio jail for embezzlement, fraud, and conspiracy to commit burglary. 1830 hours- Deputy Trueblood responded to a report of shoplifting at Wal-Mart. Investigation revealed that Melissa Orozco had stolen items. She was arrested for shoplifting and contributing to the delinquency of a minor and booked into the Indio Jail. The juvenile was released to CPS at the Indio Station. 1842 hours- Deputy Bloomquist responded to a report of a suspicious vehicle at Zenith Way and Pisces Way. He arrested ]Felix Ochoa for possession of ecstasy, possession of codeine, possession of marijuana, and violation of parole. He also arrested Alfonso Murrillo for public intoxication. Both Ochoa and Murrillo were booked into Indio Jail and a parole hold was obtained for Ochoa. 10/12 Friday (92) 0050 hours- Deputy Trueblood arrested Robert Palmerfor public intoxication in the 78900 block of Via Florence. Palmer had been drinking at Neil's Lounge in Indio and was so intoxicated he forgot that he no longer lived in the Lake La Quinta community. Pahner was booked into the Indio Jail. 2120 hours- The Gang Task Force attempted to stop a vehicle at Eisenhower X Monterey, in La Quinta. The driver sped away and Deputies Alfaro and Garcia initiated a pursuit. The driver was suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance. The gang task force requested assistance from marked La Quinta units. Deputy Bawdon took over primary and Sgt. Lampkin took second position. J., 30 The driver stopped the car and jumped a wall into the Indian Palms Country Club. Gang Task force deputies located possible suspects in an apartment at the location. Adrian Ochoa, 35 was arrested for a parole violation after he was located in the attic. 155 grams of methamphetamine was located in the house and a 9mm pistol with the serial number removed was also located. Ruben Galindo was also arrested for being a felon with a gun and for parole violations. 2200 hours- SET Team deputies conducted an occupied vehicle check in the 78600 block of Avenida La Torres. Peter De La Garza was arrested for a parole violation and possession of heroin. He was booked into the Indio jail. 10/13 Saturday (69) 1302 hours— Deputy Wiggs was dispatched to Target regarding a report of a theft. Target loss prevention personnel also called the business district deputy, Deputy Burgie, on his cell phone and told him the suspect was seen getting on the Sun Bus. The suspect exited the bus moments before deputies arrived and ran southbound from the location. Deputy Burgie saw a subject that fit the description on Dune Palms near the entrance to the Sara's Club gas station. Hector Lopez confessed to being the suspect deputies were looking for. Lopez was booked at the county jail for commercial burglary and possession of stolen property. 2300 hours- Deputies responded to a disturbance in the 81700 block of Brown Deer Park. Bert Montgomery had threatened to kill himself Deputies located Montgomery in the back yard and after a brief struggle he was taken into custody. Montgomery was transported to JFK Hospital for medical clearance and then to Indio Mental Health for a 72-hour evaluation. Report by Deputy Bloomquist. 10/14 Sundav (571 0530 hours, Deputies Fiebig, Wiggs and Bolton received information regarding Joshua Fitch who had two felony warrants. T]aey responded to the 78600 block of Runaway Bay Dr, Bermuda Dunes Country Club and arrested Fitch without incident. Fitch was transported to Indio Jail and booked. 1515 hours — Deputy Wiggs conducted a traffic enforcement stop at Washington and Village Center where he made contact with Kasey Bratsouleas of Imperial County. Bratsouleas had two felony warrants and was arrested and booked into the Indio Jail. 1950 hours - Deputy Tavares responded to the 45500 block of Deer Creek regarding a domestic dispute. Jack Reece was arrested for felony spousal abuse and child endangerment. Reece was booked into the Indio Jail. 10/15 Monday (112) 1754 hours — Deputy Myers responded to La Quinta Drive and Highway 111 regarding a non -injury traffic collision. Corey Haney was turning onto La Quinta Drive from Highway 111. Haney's attention was diverted from the roadway when he reached for a CD in the center console. Haney drove over the center median and collided with a vehicle preparing to turn left onto Highway 111. 2050 hours — Sgt. ]Hoyt responded to the 78-700 block of Hwy. 111 in reference to a subject down in the parking lot in front of Staples. Robin Lawton was arrested for public intoxication and booked into the Indio Jail. 2232 hours — Deputy Trueblood responded to the AM/PM Market, located at Washington and Hwy. 111, in reference to a subject harassing customers at the location. Santos Ramirez was arrested for public intoxication and booked into the Indio Jail. 2303 hours - Deputy Rodriguez responded to the La Quinta Wal-Mart, regarding a subject being detained for theft. Sandra Contreras was arrested and booked into the Indio jail for commercial burglary. 344 10116 Tuesday (1;15) 1709 hours- SET Team Deputies contacted Nicholas Marcheese in the 51300 block of Avenida Vallejo. Marcheese was arrested for a felony narcotic warrant. Marcheese was booked into the Indio jail. 10/17 Wednesday 887 1410 hours — Deputy Wiggs conducted a traffic stop at Highway 111 and La Quints Center where he made contact with Carlos Navia of Florida. It was determined that Navia had an outstanding misdemeanor warrant for driving; under the influence. Navia was cited and released at the scene. 10/18 Thursday ()1) 0145 hours- Deputy Trower conducted a traffic stop at Washington Street and Avenue 50. He arrested Jonathan Levin for driving under the influence. Levin was booked into the Indio Jail. 1005 hours — Deputy Reinbolz conducted a pedestrian check of a 17-year-old juvenile at Avenida Madero and Calle Madrid. Deputy Reinbolz located 6.0 grams of marijuana. The juvenile was issued a citation and released. 1145 hours- Business District Deputy Burgie responded to Wal-Mart to investigate a report of a theft. Fabio Mazzarelli was arrested for shoplifting and booked into Indio jail. 1300 hours - Business District Deputy Burgie responded to the 78400 block of Hwy 111 to conduct a check fraud investigation. Augustine Luna was arrested at the scene for forgery, commercial burglary and possession of stolen property. Luna was booked into Indio jail. 2330 hours- SET Team Deputies conducted a traffic stop on Jefferson Street, south of Miles Avenue. They arrested the driver, Jose Tornayo for driving on a suspended license and three outstanding misdemeanor arrest warrants. Deputies also arrested the passenger, Manuel Draper, for an outstanding felony arrest warrant. Both Tomayo and Draper were booked into the Indio Jail. 10119 Friday (72) 0030 hours — SET Team Deputies attempted a wan -ant service in the 41600 block of Amberly St., Indio, for a subject who was suspected of committing burglaries in La Quints. The subject was not present at the house, however, Gary Castro was contacted outside the residence and found to be in possession of brass knuckles. Castro was booked into the Indio jail for possession of dangerous weapon. 1210 hours — Deputy Taylor conducted a vehicle stop at Calle Madrid and Avenida Obregon. The driver, Howard Ennaco, was determined to be under the influence of a controlled substance and marijuana. A passenger, Vincent Grant, was determined to be under the influence of a controlled substance. Both were transported to the Indio jail and booked. 1800 hours- SET Team Deputy Butvidas conducted a traffic stop inside the Dune Palms Mobile Home Park. He arrested Oscar Garza for possession of methamphetamine, possession of drug paraphernalia and an outstanding DUI warrant. Garza was booked into the Indio Jail. 2030 hours- SET Team Deputy Butvidas conducted a pedestrian check in the 54400 block of Avenida Velasco. He contacted Leroy Flores who had two outstanding felony arrest warrants. After a brief struggle, Flores was taken into custody. He was transported to JFK Hospital for medical clearance then booked into the Indio Jail for the outstanding warrants, assault on a Peace Officer, resisting arrest and violation of probation. �.k 345 2055 hours- Deputy R. Lopez responded to a trespassing call in the 53900 block of Avenida Navarro. He arrested Alisabeth Bnmks for three outstanding felony arrest warrants, possession of heroin, possession of drug paraphernalia and burglary. He also arrested Raul Garcia for burglary. Brooks and Garcia were booked into the Indio Jail. 2130 hours- SET Team Deputy Glasper conducted a vehicle check at Avenida Martinez and Calle Chillon. He arrested Jorge Rios for possession of methamphetamine and possession of drug paraphernalia. Rios was booked into the Indio Jail. 10120 Saturday (76) 0815 hours — Deputy Wiggs responded to a traffic collision on Ave. 52 west of Jefferson. The driver, Jacob Goetz, was dlriving eastbound on Ave. 52 when he ran off the road and collided with a palm tree in the center median. Goetz received numerous injuries and was treated at Desert Hospital for non -life threatening injuries. Charges will be filed on Goetz for driving under the influence of alcohol. 1819 hours- Deputy Glasper and Sgt. Baur responded to a suspicious vehicle call in the 78500 block of Saguaro Dr. It was determined that the vehicle had been stolen from Palm Springs. Dep. Glasper and Sgt. Baur arrested ]Denver Ruffin and Christopher Perera for being in possession of a stolen vehicle. Ruffin was also arrested for possession of drug paraphernalia and driving on a suspended license. Additional information was developed that led to a residence in the 78600 block of Via Melodia. Dep. Glasper and Sgt. Baur contacted Kristine Mauracoop-Ruffin who gave consent to enter the residence and turned over property taken from the vehicle. Dep. Glasper also located suspected methamphetamine and drug paraphernalia in Mauracoop-Ruffin' purse during a consent search of it. Mauracoop-Ruffin was arrested for drug possession charges and her children were released to local family member per C.P.S. During the service of the search warrant, stolen mail from the neighbor hood and other Southern California locations was located. Additional charges are pending against Mauracoop-Ruffin. 1835 hours — Deputy Smith responded to Hwy.111 and Adams St., in reference to a report of a subject walking in and out of the traffic. Billy Ervin was arrested for public intoxication and booked into the Indio Jail. 10/21 Sunday (491 0230 hours — Deputy Trueblood conducted a vehicle check in the parking lot garage of Point Happy, located at Hwy.111 and Washington St. Zachary Warren and a 17 year old juvenile were found to be under the influence: of marijuana. Warren was arrested for public intoxication and possession of less than one ounce of marij uana. Warren was transported and booked into the Indio Jail. The juvenile was arrested and released to his parents. 0830 hours- Deputy Feibig responded to a report of an armed robbery in the 80000 block of Via Valerosa. Two alleged victims, Courtney Hegge and Alana Smith, told Deputy Feibig the armed robbery occurred in the 38500 block of Rancho Los Cerritos, Indio. Both victims reported partying with the suspect, known as "Franky", at three different locations in Palm Springs and Indo. Following an argument, Franky showed them a weapon and demanded that Hegge give him her purse. Both victims were very intoxicated and their stories were very different each time it was repeated. IPD was contacted and will continue the investigation. 1539 HOURS — Deputy Fiebig conducted a pedestrian check at Avenida Montezuma. Deputy Fiebig contacted Atanasic Gonzalez who was found to be highly intoxicated. Gonzalez was arrested for Public Intoxication, and transported to the Indio Jail. 10/22 Monday (961 346 2030 hours- Deputy Ramsey responded to the 7860 block of Sagebrush in reference to a domestic disturbance at the location. Jason Ferreira was arrested for making terrorist threats and felony vandalism 10/23 Tuesday (6c11) 1802 hours — Deputy Abrego responded to the 42800 block of Washington St. regarding a report of an attempted suicide. Patrick Kramer had taken an overdose of a prescription medication in an attempt to commit suicide. Kramer was transported to JFK for possible overdose and a 72- hour mental health evaluation. 10124 Wednesday (122) 0228 hours - Deputy Trower conducted a traffic stop at Washington x Avenue 50. Nelson Amaya was arrested for driving under the influence and booked into the Indio Jail. 1416 hours — Traffic Deputy Gaunt arrested Richard Callaghan for a DUI and suspended driver's license warrant. The arrest was the result of a hit and run collision investigation that occurred several weeks earlier within the City of La Quints. 10/25 Thursday (!�0) 1045 hours — Corporal Dale was contacted by Juvenile Probation requesting assistance in serving a felony juvenile wan -ant for violation of probation on a 17 year old. The warrant service was in the 22000 block of Avenida Mendoza. The juvenile was taken into custody without incident, and booked into Indio Juvenile Hall. 10126 Fridav (69 1545 hours - Deputy Reynaga responded to the La Quinta Target regarding a shoplifter. Jose Vega was arrested and booked into the Indio Jail for shoplifting and a warrant for driving on a suspended license. 10/27 Saturday (777) 1330 hours - Deputy Fiebig responded to the La Quinta Wal-Mart regarding a shoplifting incident. Nicholas Carillo and Jeremiah Fimbres were detained and arrested for shoplifting and were booked into the Indio Jail. 1702 hours — La Quinta deputies responded to a domestic violence call in the 52900 block of Avenida Rubio. The suspect, Moses Bracamontes Ramirez, fled on foot. Following a lengthy pursuit, Ramirez was arrested at gunpoint without further resistance. Ramirez was transported to JFK for an okay to book release. Ramirez will be charged for assault, theft of a bicycle and resisting arrest. 1830 hours - Deputy Trueblood responded to the 79400 block of Hwy 111 regarding a trespassing incident. James Werlin was arrested and booked for being drunk in public. 10/28 Sunday (441 0043 hours - Deputy Trueblood responded to an alarm in the 78000 block of Calle Estado. The location is the Pacific Westem Bank. Deputy Trueblood saw a white male inside who ran toward the rear of the building. As deputy Trueblood pursued the individual, he saw where Ryan Irwin had fallen from the second floor and landed on the cement. CDF was requested. Irwin was treated and then transported to Desert Hospital for examination and an okay to book release. Evidence from the crime was located in Irwin's pocket. 30 2350 hours - Deputy Rodriquez responded to a report of a physical assault at the AM PM on Washington x Hwy. 111. Treasure Pluma approached a female at the gas pumps and asked the female to buy her beer. When the victim refused, Plums punched her in the mouth. The victim fought back and Pluma left the location on foot. Sergeant Lampkin located and detained Pluma by the Stater Bros. Market. Pluma was arrested and booked into the Indio Jail for battery. 10/29 Monday (9E1) 0955 hours — Deputy Myers responded to Jefferson and Avenue 54 in La Quinta regarding the theft of two Kubota RTV 900 tractors. Both tractors were orange and black, and total value was $24,000. 1950 hours — SET Team Deputies contacted Rick Valenzuela at Avenida Juarez and Calle Portem. Valenzuela was arrested for a felony armed robbery wan -ant and booked into the Indio jail. 10130 Tuesday (9'1 0725 hours -Deputy Amezcua conducted a vehicle stop at Eisenhower and Coachella and determined that the license plate on the vehicle was stolen from the city of Indio. Deputy Amezcua arrested the driver, Saul Guadalupe Zuniga., for possession of stolen property. Zuniga was transported to Indio Jail and booked. 0900 hours Deputy Gaunt conducted a follow up investigation within the City of Coachella and arrested Enrique Garcia Jr. This arrest comes as the result of a continuing investigation and a previous search warrant (in La Quints) reference a stolen trailer within the City of La Quints. Mr. Garcia was transported to the Indio Jail and booked. 1830 hours — SET Team Deputies, following up on an earlier theft investigation, drove to the 80400 block of Sandscript Ct, Indio looking for a stolen vehicle believed to have been stolen by Fernando Baca. Deputies located Baca who attempted to resist deputies and fled to his residence. Minimal force was used' to arrest Baca. Deputies found Baca to be in possession of weapons and narcotics. Deputies had learned that Baca is also considered a suspect in a burglary in Pahn Desert. Baca was transported to the Indio jail, after getting an okay to book, and booked for possession of dangerous/illegal weapons, methamphetarnme, drug paraphernalia, resisting arrest and violation of probation. 2213 hours - Deputy Berry conducted a traffic stop at Washington X Hwy. 111. Mark Henderson was arrested for driving under the influence and booked into the Indio Jail. 10/31 Wednesday 0900 hours - S.E.T Team Deputies participated in a multi -agency mission to conduct a Parolee at Large warrant sweep and compliance checks within the cities of La Quints, Coachella, unincorporated areas of Riverside County (Bermuda Dunes, Indio Hills, Thermal, Mecca, Oasis, etc). There were eighteen target locations which resulted in three arrests. 0830 hours— Deputy Hendry arrested a juvenile at Summit Continuation High School for possession of marijuana for sales. The juvenile admitted to selling marijuana to another juvenile and was booked at Juvenile Hall. 0830 hours— Deputy Hendry arrested a juvenile at Summit Continuation High School for possession of marijuana. The juvenile was booked at Juvenile Hall. 2110 hours— SET Team deputies conducted a vehicle check at Eisenhower Dr, and Calle Chillon. Phillip Trail was found in possession of drug paraphernalia and booked into the Indio jail. 2145 hours— SET Team deputies conducted a traffic stop at La Fonda and Desert Club. Rhonda Ryan was found to be in possession of methamphetamine and booked into the Indio jail. 34S 2255 hours- Deputy Bawdon responded to a traffic collision at Eisenhower Drive and Avenue 52. Luke " Adam Stadther was arrested for driving under the influence. Stadther was transported to JFK Hospital for medical clearance, and then booked into the Indio Jail. 2203 hours- Deputies Laow and I. White responded to an armed robbery in the parking lot of the Beer Hunter, Highway I I I and Washington Street. Investigation revealed that two male adults assaulted the victim as he walked to his car. The victim was not injured. Deputies established a perimeter and searched the area with the assistance of a CH? helicopter, but were unable to locate the suspects. Total Calls for Service: 2,625 a.; 349 CITY OF LA QUINTA Traffic Services Team Report October2007 Summary of Activitv Type of Activity Number of Incidents Seat Belt Violations 20 Child Seat Violations 21 Speeding Violations 211 Red Light Violations 21 Sto Sign Violations 13 Ri ht-of-WayViolations 8 D.U.I. Arrests 1 IE!2rig Violations 16 Lane Change Violations 4 Non -injury Traffic Collision 5 Injury Traffic Collision 0 Warnings Issued 11 Suspended Driver's License 26 Towed Vehicles 25 Misdemeanor Arrests 4 Non-10oving Violations 173 Felony Arrests 0 Calls for Service and Deputy Back -Up 13 Total Citations 358 359 Deputy Adonis Glasper Deputy Tim White Deputy Ismael Celaya CITY OF LA QUINTA Special Enforcement Team October2007 Sgt. Mark Hoyt SET Team Deputy Ismael Celaya Summary of Activity Corporal Ruben Perez Deputy David Alexander Deputy Damen Butvidas Type of ACtivlt # of Incidents Type of Activity # of Incidents Programs 6 Weapons Recovered 0 Vehicle Checks/Stops 45 Arrest Warrants Served 11 Pedestrian Checks 35 Search Warrants 3 Follow-ups 6 Parole Searches 15 Citations Issued 5 Arrests/Filin s 35 La Quinta SET Team deputies assisted patrol deputies in responding to a burglary that was reported to just have happened. Working cooperatively, SET Team deputies were able to locate and arrest the suspects. Information developed after the arrests linked the suspects to multiple burglaries in the La Quinta Cove area. A search warrant was written and served at the residence of one suspect resulting in the recovery of several thousand dollars of stolen property. A ongoing investigation being conducted by SET Team Deputies led to the recovery of approximately 2.5 pounds of marijuana. SET Team deputies were deployed for three days to assist during the San Diego wildfire crisis. Information gathered following the recovery of a stolen vehicle was sufficient to obtain a search warrant of a residence. Numerous items of stolen property from crimes in the 3 51 city of La Quinta were located and recovered. Deputy Prezell Burgie CITY OF LA QUINTA Business District Deputy Report October 2007 Summary of Activitv Type of Activity Number Business Management Contacts 11 Investi ations 10 Sus ects Arrested / Charged 7 SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY I planned and moderated a "Loss Prevention Meeting" held at the La Quinta Target. Twenty individuals attended the meeting which was designed to develop a cohesive working relationship among loss prevention staff and law enforcement. Riverside County Deputy District Attorney Graff Bradford was the guest speaker. In preparation for the coming holiday season, I am developing an aggressive and proactive crime prevention strategy utilizing bicycle patrols and multiple undercover operations. This holiday season will mark the first year we will utilize the Segway units along the business corridor and Old Town La Quinta. In conjunction with SETdeputies, I participated in a mutual aide effort by providing neighborhood and business patrol to prevent criminal activity in the fire stricken areas of Southern California. To enhance my effectiveness, I attended a series of classes in interview and interrogation techniques sponsored by the Behavior Analysis Training Institute. I investigated an embezzlement and check fraud at a doctors office in La Quinta. I authored a property related search warrant and in partnership with SET deputies, the suspect was located, arrested and booked into jail. 352 Deputy Thomas Hendry Summit H.S. Paige MS Horizon O.S. CITY OF LA QUINTA School Resource Officer Report October 2007 Summary of Activity Type of Activity Number of Incidents Reports 8 Arrests 3 Traffic Stops 0 Business Checks 5 Truard 2 Vehicle Checks 0 strian Checks 4 FYAT2eferral 0 ons 0 Two students at Summit High School were arrested for narcotic related charges. Both students were: booked at Indio Juvenile Hall. I was contacted at Col. Mitchell Paige M.S. in reference to a sexual battery which had occurred in the City of Palm Desert. I conducted an investigation and wrote a report of the incident and forwarded the information to Palm Desert investigators for follow-up. Two vehicles were vandalized in the Summit High School parking lot. No suspects have been identified at this time. I arrested a student a Col. Mitchell Paige M.S. for battery on another student. The suspect was determined to have an extensive history of violating school rules and fighting. The suspect was booked into Indio Juvenile Hall. I spoke with an eighth grade economics class at Col. Mitchell Paige M.S. on the importance of staying in school. Summit High School was placed on "lock down" due to a report of a student with a gun at Palm Desert High School. Investigation determined that the suspect student was enrolled at Summit High School. The school was reopened without incident. 353 Deputy Kevin Moire La Quinta MS Franklin E.S. Truman ES Adams ES CITY OF LA QUINTA School R$source Officer Report October 2007 Summary of Activity C Type of Activity JINumber of Incidents Reports 7 Arrests 1 Traffic: Stops 2 Business Checks 2 Truant 2 Vehicle Checks 14 E2llow-up 5 Pedestrian Checks 11 YAT Referral 7 District Attorney Filings 1 Citations 6 Responded to an irate parent who came onto the LQHS campus without permission. A warning was given that she would be arrested if she did so again. Assisted patrol deputies who located two students at an abandoned residence. Both students were transported back to campus and were issued citations for truancy. A student suffered an asthma attack in the P. E. locker room. I summoned medical personnel who treated the student and released him to his mother. Provided six days of coverage at LQHS while the assigned School Resource Officer was involved with collateral duties. One student was found to be in possession of marijuana and was referred to probation for further action. I conducted 3 random school "bus stop" checks and an Elementary School check to enhance safety and security. Violations were reported to the school principal and the D.S.U.S.D. Security Director. 354 Deputy Eric Speir La Quinta High School CITY OF LA QUINTA School Resource Officer Report October 2007 Summary of Activity C Type of Activity Number of Incidents Criminal Reports 5 Non -Criminal Incidents 0 Arrests 2 District Attorney Filings 3 Y.A.T. Referral 2 Vehicle Checks 0 Pedestrian Checks 2 FollovV-Up 0 TrUa ICY 2 A female student reported that her mother had physically abused her at home. I contacted Child Protective Services and an investigation was conducted. The case was closed with the mother and daughter being placed on a "no negative contact" contract. Two thefts werre reported involving unsecured and unattended cellular phones. There is no suspect information in either case. A student was caught in the act using a marker to write graffiti on a restroom wall. Charges were filed with the District Attorneys office and the student was referred to Y.A.T. One student was found to be in possession of marijuana and a smoking pipe. A second student admitted supplying both items to the first student. Charges against both students were filed with the District Attorney's Office. for 355 CITY OF LA QUINTA ...,mmunity Programs Coordinator Report October 2007 Thomas Fowler Community Service Officer II Summary of Activitv Type of Activity Number Crime Prevention Articles and Reports 3 Community Programs 3 Community Meetings Attended 2 C.P.T.E.D.Inspections 2 Neighborhood Watch Meetings 8 Patrol Duties 30 Hrs. Significant Activity 1. Conducted a field trip for approximately 120 first grade students from Ben Franklin Elementary School. Students shared interactive displays involving a police car, police motorcycle and the Citizens on Patrol vehicle. Each student was given a "goodie bag" with a safety themed coloring book, crayons, bookmark rulers, pencils and honorary LQPD badges. 2. Received training in the operation of the new "Segway' two wheeled patrol vehicle. 3. Attended the first Business District Deputy sponsored "Loss Prevention, Meeting" hosted at the Target Department Store. 356 CITY OF LA QUINTA Community Service Officer Report October2007 C.S.Q. Monica Santillanes C.S.O. Tina Ayon C.S.Q. Lisa Land C.S.O. Brian Kristensen Summary of Activitv C Type of Activity Number of Incidents 2HM!ary Investigations 7 Grand Theft Reports 3 PettyTheft Reports 7 Vandalism/Malicious Mischief Reports 6 Traffic Collision Response 16 Vehicle Code or Parking Citations 49 Abandoned Vehicles Tagged/WarningTaggedAlVarning 20 Towed Vehicles 1 Lost or Found Property Reports 2 Stolen Vehicle Report 1 Custodial / Non -Custodial Transport 47 Miscellaneous Calls 57 357 Corporal Andy Gerrard CITY OF LA QUINTA Post 503 Explorer Report October 2007 Halloween 2007 Post 503 Explorers represented the La Quinta Police Department, Riverside County Sheriffs Office and Coachella Police Department in teaming up with the Coachella Fire Advisors and Fire Explorers in producing a successful Halloween haunted house. Explorers participated in the designing, construction and staffing of the haunted house. Several hundred guests toured the multi -haunted house over the three night presentation. Dep. Andy Gerrard, Explorer Post 503 Advisor, declared the event to be a success and reported that "all the visitors survived" Members of Post 503 volunteered to assist in cooking and serving more than 500 meals at the Riverside County Sheriffs Office annual picnic in Beaumont. Post 503 Explorers were selected to serve as role players at the College of the Desert Public Service Academy. October training topics included patrol scenarios, building searches, Code 10 & Code 11 review, marching close order drill, uniform inspection awareness and competition practice. 358 Danese Maldonado Volunteer Coordinator CITY OF LA QUINTA Citizens On Patrol Community Policing Office Monthly Volunteer Report October 2007 Meet Your Volunteers -- Mrs. Marge DeNovi October marks the two year anniversary of Marge DeNovi as a member of the La Quinta Police Department's volunteer team. Marge has contributed 400 hours of volunteer community service while working full time as a nurse at John F. Kennedy Hospital in the city of Indio. Marge invests her "spare time" in being very active and involved with her grandchildren. Marge also enjoys traveling when time permits. Danese Maldonado, volunteer coordinator, describes Marge as "a wiz at citation data entry" for the Crossroads program. Being a knowledgeable resident of La Quinta, Marge is able to be informative and helpful to our citizens who visit the Community Policing Office. Surnmary of Act%VItV _f1mmunity Policing Office Number Citizens On Patrol Number Monthly Volunteer Hours 126 Community Events 2 Hours YTD 1,908 Business Checks 96 Hours 4/03 to Present 12,932 Traffic Control 2 CPO Monthly Visits 116 Courtesy Notifications 102 CPO YTD Visits 1,240 Miscellaneous Activity 34 CPO Visits 4/03 to Present 8,803 Neighborhood Patrol 52 Vacation Checks 77 Patrol Hours 52 YTD Patrol Hours 802 Hours 7/06 to Present 1,228 The established) rate for value received for volunteers in the State of California is calculated at $16.24 per hour. The estimated YTD financial benefit to the La Quinta Police Department and the City of La Quints totals: $44,010.00 359 Department Report: I A UNTA P@LICE Served by the Rverside Comy Sherffs Depar nent Crime Statistics Summary September -- 2007 Prepared for IRTO 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 TRAFFIC CITY OF LA QUINTA Crime Comparison -- September CRIME September September YTD 2007 YTD 2006 2007 2006 AGGRAVATED ASSAULTS 7 4 46 37 BURGLARY 47 52 472 480 BURGLARY - VEHICLE 24 13 172 224 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE 11 18 99 Ill HOMICIDE 0 0 1 1 NARCOTICS VIOLATIONS 17 23 214 166 ROBBERY 3 0 21 26 ROBBERY -CAR JACKING 1 0 3 1 SEX CRIME FELONY 6 4 27 22 SEX CRIME MISDEMEANOR 6 2 20 14 SIMPLE ASSAULTS 15 5 72 69 THEFT 45 85 590 804 VEHICLE THEFT 16 13 113 147 TRAFFIC CITATIONS 231 304 2896 2565 T/C NON -INJURY 35 41 291 283 DUI 7 14 119 115 T/C INJURY 13 14 71 97 T/C FATAL 0 1 2 1 CITY OF LA QUINTA DISPATCH INFORMATION --September 2007** TYPE OF CALL. RESPONSE TIME MINUTES NUMBER OF INCIDENTS EMERGENCY 0.7 1 ROUTINE 10.09 1,238 ** Data from Riverside Co. Sheriffs Department Data Warehouse, Average Response Time Report. �,61 Crime Distribution Table Se -07 % of Total Se -06 % of Total 1 AGGRAVATED ASSAULTS 7 3.54% 4 1.83% 2 BURGLARY 47 23.74% 52 23.74% 3 BURGLARY - VEHICLE 24 12.12% 13 5.94% 4 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE 11 5.56% 18 8.22% 5 HOMICIDE 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 6 NARCOTICS VIOLATIONS 17 8.59% 23 10.50% 7 ROBBERY 3 1.52% 0 0.00% 8 ROBBERY - CAR JACKING 1 0.51% 0 0.00% 9 SEX CRIME FELONY 6 3.03% 4 1.83% 10 SEX CRIME MISDEMEANOR 6 3.03% 2 0.91% 11 SIMPLE ,ASSAULTS 15 7.58% 5 2.28% 12 THEFT 45 22.73% 85 38.81% 13 VEHICLE: THEFT 16 8.08% 13 5.9 4% Total 198 96.46% 219 98.17% CITY OF LA QUINTA September 2007 Crime Distribution 50 45 — — 40 — 35 30 — 24 25 — 17 20 — IS 15 — it 10 5 — — 3 0 Y > m aAwp0O p 9 WW m X Sm .do. S C) an �M o`mx a>arr > FS y z �o m o > a o 362 Month to Month Crune Comparison - September 90 80 — 70 60 — 52 So — 47 13 Septeder 2007 is 40 — 11September2006 30 — 20 — IM 18 17 lI 10 7 00 30 10 2 0 Hb mA 03 x <Z Oa m A 3 o D o m +mi a 900 800 7" 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Yearto Date Crme Conparison -September a i i mols .101, WTI 5 a m m <o x <z m� 03 3 �A rNi.A G) =r r aO as r my e'] yy C< a na Zy O r A rA n- 0 A A N 3 a Q O m m NN m >m r'n vame a-'3e m A m O A m C A i�A Z- 3n rr n Z m a o A A t . 361 Month to Month Traffic ActiHty Comparison - September 350 304 Year to Date Traffic Activity Comparison -September 3500 3000 2500 2000 ® YTD 2007 1500 ®YTD 2006 1000 500 0 TRAFFIC T/C NON -INJURY DUI T/C INJURY T/C FATAL CITATIONS �J 3s�t Month to Month Calls for SeMce Comparison September 2007 2500 2279 2116 2000 1500 1239 1253 I 10400 'MF7 07-Sep 1000 m 06-Sep 500 Total Non-Qininal Criminal Year to Date Calls for Ser%Ace Comparison 25000 — 20603 20000 .=18776 t. 15000 .5 11942 11 ElYTD 2007 ® YTD 2006 s 10000, 7296 i.� 5000 0 Total Non -Criminal Criminal 3G� Department Report /D City of La Qu Im nta Fire Department Quarterly Report Presented by: Dorian J. Cooley Battalion Chief 36S John R. Hawkins Fire Chief Proudly serving the unincorporated areas of Riverside County and the Cities of. Banning 0. Beaumont Calimesa ee Canyon Lake Coachella Desert Hot Springs 4. Indian Wells Indio Lake Elsinore La Quinta Moreno Valley Palm Desert Perris Rancho Mirage Rubidoux CSD San Jacinto Temecula Board of Supervisors Bob Buster, District I John Tavaglione, District 2 Jeff Stone, District 3 Roy Wilson, District 4 Marion Ashley, District 5 RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT In cooperation with the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection 210 West San Jacinto Avenue • Perris, Califomia 92570 • (951) 940-6900 • Fax (951) 940-6910 November 10, 2007 Honorable Mayor Adolph and Members of the City Council City of La Quinta P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 Ref: Quarterly Report Attached please find the Fire Department Quarterly Report for the City of La Quinta for July 1, 2007 through September 30, 2007. The report depicts the following highlights: Riverside County Fire Department units responded to the following La Quints Calls • Medical Aids 387 • False Alarms 90 • Structure Fires 10 • Vegetation Fires 0 • Rescues (accidents, entrapments) 60 • Other Fires (vehicle, refuse, etc.) 13 • Public Service Assists 31 (Non -emergency assistance) • Fire Menace Standby 32 (Fuel spill, HazMat, gas leak etc.) We have also included data from 2"d quarter for your review. Additionally, you may notice a change to our logo, both on this month's cover, as well as this letter. For decades our agency has been referred to as "CDF" or "Department of Forestry". And while we do maintain State forests, it is a small part of the overall functions we perform on a daily basis. As one of the largest fire departments in the State, our mission is to provide full multi - hazard coverage in our responses. As you are aware here in our own City, we respond to everything from paramedic rescues and hazardous materials incidents to residential and commercial structural fires. As such, it was believed that a more appropriate moniker was needed. Thus the change to "CALFIRE" — both in name and logo. Respectfully Submitted, John R. Hawkins County. Fire Chief By. �� C Dorian J. Cooley Battalion Chief . 367 La Quinta City Fire Responses Quarter Totals al Responses ❑ False Alarms ® Structure Fire ❑Vegetation Fires ❑ Rescues 13 Other Fires M Public Service Assists ❑ Fire Menace Standby July-07 August-07 September-07 Totals Medical Respones 120 138 129 387 False Alarms 31 25 34 90 Structure Fire 3 2 5 10 Vegetation Fires 0 0 0 0 Rescues 23 10 27 60 Other Fires 5 1 7 13 Public Service Assists 10 8 13 1 31 Fire Menace Staidby 10 9 13 1 32 TOTALS 202 193 228 1 623 368 La Quinta City Fire Responses Quarterly Totals Quarterly Comparisons ❑ 2007 112006 /;�a diS� t�'Goo edj 9j fGr� fd o <11 <16 e 2�� T� �L 7d '9ss'Sfs �d°6.a Third Quarter 2007 2006 Medical Responses 387 375 False Alarms 90 61 Structure Fire 10 13 Vegetation Fires 0 6 Rescues 60 65 Other Fires 13 19 Pubtic Service Assists 31 22 Fire (Menace Standby 32 24 TOTALS 623 585 11/10/2007 •1 369 La Quinta City Fire Responses Quarter Totals al Responses 0 False Alarms ®Structure Fire 0 Vegetation Fires ❑ Rescues El Other Fires Public Service Assists ®Fire Menace Standby April-07 Ma -07 June-07 Totals Medical Res on:ses 165 150 137 452 False Alarms 26 29 31 86 Structure Fire 1 5 6 12 Vegetation Fires 1 1 1 3 Rescues 26 25 17 68 Other Fires 4 6 3 13 Public Service Assists 8 14 13 35 Fire Menace Standby 10 11 12 33 TOTALS 241 241 220 702 La Quinta City Fire Responses Quarterly Totals Quarterly Comparisons ❑ 2007 M 2006 'boo" ase �i?'c Lo90 �`�Se e er o OAS ��ps eS A Offer G6i �'e S 2; ee �' SSi �fd70' SfS 6.G Second Quarter 2007 2006 Medical Responses 452 435 False Alarms 86 57 Structure Fire 12 7 Vegetation Fires 3 10 Rescues 68 72 Other Fires 13 20 Public Service Assists 35 29 Menace Standby E 33 12 TOTALS 702 642 ll/13/2007 3"1 Right: Early morning structure fire in the "Cove" area of La Quinta left one family homeless. Below: Personnel from La Quinta Stations, with assistance from our Truck 86 work to free a worker whose legs are trapped below the root -ball of an old tree. 3 ;: 3