9905-221 (SFD)LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and 04 j Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. O :D ch License # Lic. Class Exp. Date I- -a: -y LO VMS!) 001/201 le Z Date Signature of Contractor `="' O J OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION lU W I'liereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's ~ W License Law for the following reason: Z ( ) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ' ( ) 1, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). cY O lam exempt under Section B&P.C. for this reason Ln N Date Signature of Owner Orn a Z WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION o, 1 hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: p () I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' X W LIL — compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the O _J _J performance of the work for which this permit is issued. M Q C.) !7, 1 have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this H permit is'issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier & policy no. are: -Z Cartier Policy No. 14 _00 11:=1115 g (This section need not be completed if the permit valuation is for $100.00 or less). () I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, I shall forthwith comply with/those provisions. Date: r1 / Applicant` �- Ib Warning: Failure to secure Workers' Compensation coverage is unlawful and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000, in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 ►,, of the Labor Code, interest and attorney's fees. IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on his application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made & each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this applicaton agrees to, & shall, indemnify t ,& hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is • correct. I agree to comply with all City, and State laws relating to the building • construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this City to enter upon the above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. } Signature (Owner/Agent) Date- 'I '�� BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT# i Kn►u5-zx DATE VALUATION LOT , TRACT JOB SITE yy itsrAR ADDRESS "5f1� c]ff, # c $. APN 71&490-015 OWNER CONTRACTOR / DESIGNER / ENGINEER xltj'CQ If;.: F;1 �`:.)' a J..f 'T§rZAN.S 1VT,81Ji0f.!S1AJG INC 75014 ST ME 3140 "9 -401 i=• 1111014wlky I I 1 SAN t3IE04 J CA 92101 LA QUIN'VA CA 9225: f61215574191 1 RIJI! 4972 USE OF PERMIT M4.lLE i:slFVf LY i_f17RI, 11M.1 ox vcwi)L. PLAN CFwck PoR"F'ioN or F HF; RE. WC0) 7:VA P'OR WIL'1'mili },'3 �1Ja�1Ci Q� :iAs;..f;E r�?F.AN'1'l�'Fi►t. CUSTOM UC;T'Kr{d 2,203,00 .air rott� H/pAiIT10 403.00 :3 i.��tA��:1C:AFt1��Is.•1• .�.� �F� iy�Yi1i`y�i'.M•f1.�i k!.xi COST OF Ci.Pl+'a1,a.\V.{CNY10N N 13 es {"ONS'i 1L[Jc;'HON FM 401-000-41S-000 $95 5.(* 1LANCF: CK.}TF, iv;.(;C;F IAt>1i.CrU.1"��fs I fl t • 0()J-921-000 SFiff.i►t� F.'i.U::'iTtLCAL Fri i01-000-420.000 .1°U{JPMINC .FkE 30t-000-419.4)00 S1F�ti.i1A s7'RoN1,,T f1?Ry, 10 ii-{lU(;-291-f oo Ci:RMX1,!G FIX 101-000-423440 $2{i.ttfJ LNRltS'F'FWCTUIRE FEC 225-000-443-342 5c1.1 W.91 ART IN PUBLIC PLAti.+,,1 S - !d.}351.1: 701-000-255.000 $ 22{1:.: X313-°�(Y€'���, "ON ,I'��X T?f,)NAND PLAN CH;iC: 1,? LESS PrX,,PA1D RES T1O.00 'fOTr 911F,ltM.lTFFX44nf}iS+.NOW RECEIPT DATE BY DATE FINALED INSPECTOR ,46 INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATE I INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs Underground Ducts Forms & Footings Ducts Slab Grade Return Air Steel Combustion Air Roof Deck Exhaust Fans O.K. to Wrap / F.A.U. Framing vA4, Compressor Insulation Vents Fireplace P.L. Grills Fireplace T.O. Fans & Controls Party Wall Insulation Condensate Lines Party Wall Firewall Exterior Lath Drywall - Int. Lath 0 Final Final 3 dD POOLS - SPAS BLOCKWALL APPROVA S steel Set Backs Electric Bond Footings Main Drain Bond Beam Approval to Cover . Equipment Location Underground Electric Underground Plbg. Test Final I Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVALS Gas Test Electric Final Waste Lines Heater Final Water Piping Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans O.K. for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral Pool Cover Sewer Connection Encapsulation Gas Piping Gas Test Appliances Final COMMENTS: Final Utility Notice (Gas) ELECTRICAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Pole Underground Conduit Rough Wiring Low Voltage Wiring Fixtures Main Service Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles G.F.I. Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Power Final g/h 01 Utility Notice (Perm)/17 06/12/222)00 07:03 9097360018 STEEL T PAGE 01 ' Installation' Cartlflcate: Residential, �, t•Y, .I1' CtiR.�, Use of this form to sattsfr on ragwraiatsme d tin Ainlntetesthveco" w NdoNAM 00 t.letwotloii ateiei wMrqrA An incmilation awil l nto is required to be posbd d rite bufidlrtp aAe pfbriq 11th IaaWtto10 of do 000u fw p�nrit fiN bnn . . may be used to most these re0*1w tents. Al���� igttWO briber wfM W M1 Nif�� � that the •Miciancyand typoofthe UWAnceiinattsll�ditaatbe orba�t+ttln111lta+ppluloa>1{t�MOA Ca Compliance (CF- 1 R). This ar tae (or k$ egaMalart) Adbe pnpand trod dP0 0,1lM ►osponabiGry for the apptlanoo InstaAsdbn. 1, the undwaignod. verify tiara the equipment Plated In tib NOM 01W0 tip OM- 11111110 at" inatal11d ertd that the equipment moots or oxcssds the requiramern of the �ppltaftoe 8tfhdMdl� b o+L 1 d the equipment b oqu"lent to or mon a(tkdant thin the eq ipodRedE� Calfi1111atl10 d COIItpAattee 011111afted 10 dernonstrate compliance with the Energy EflWeivy S for neidantid btsildnQa. HVAC SYSTEMS Nota: Hydropic boiler iniormclon Is weared hen. Other hydronic or combined hydrede egt►bawd is Acted wAw Wwor Hooting Systema. ►leering Equip. CEC Candied Aatuai DwAbution bunt w fka04 Lad No Type (lumace, Manut. Maks i Typ10lirtd � A1101o1e Om* 610heat Bums. etmi Model Numbw (ARIL f 1 Wmilien RYo sham Cas M ►t Ir y w O— CEC Certdtod tiquip. Cornpiaaaw Unit F onnd.. ftanutl. Malta i It Ca.+O t 1 t+ The building design haat toga and dealprt haat alp rats have been determined U ft a rnathod N Aioatbn 150(1) o1 the Energy nl!= two of the artaris used for eauOment ef09 EW aalodioet. � 2 -/*. a& r• PV V� Sipniaue Date WVAC SubaWMW (Ca 148e0) Of 0larwd Contactor w Owrw WATER HEATING SYSTEMS �ffM�t EtQarrnsf Water Heating C8C Candied Raudt Tank e'afrlMf 01 Tank System Type Manut._Make i 11nput(kW Cepaehy "wVwr •si vdity' VUWNtia t, For wall vas storage (rated input S 75.0W 8W. Meevle reoiotartw and boat prntp wratwitestom Art 6wW FOO. For targe pas stamps wow heaters (rated input s7 &M* 8t *4 pu Plated ItVA til000wMy NO ug arwi llw0y t.ass. For instantoromw Sea trratw hearse, bt haled PW aM PAM& wy L01d ney. Far instonwwwa.locule water heown, IW Plated IrVA FAUCM i SHOWER HEADS Jul tamta and showerheado 4tet dW w hated In the ComminbWa DkeOW of CNtl W FWAO tiled V Mradisa*. pursuant to Title 24, Part 6. Subdnpter 2. Section t 11. Stems tial! a..t..r ""Mm aces ''.paint •rrearteeerlr tore. Nrsaeiw Oar.aot Oarrraarr er o~ APR -06-2000 15!44 WESTERN:INSULATI04 909 666 8786 :P.05i08 i . WESTERN INSULATION, INC. 4211 Latham Strxt, Rlvmid®, Qauomi is 92801 TeL (909) 686-6760 Fex (409) 686-8786 ELT"TION CEMMICATE THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT INSULATION HAS BEEN" INSTALLED IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE CURRENT ENERGY REGULATION, CALIFORNIA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, TITLE 24, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, IN THE BUILDING LOCATED AT: TRACT I PHASE: AUGUSTA- TRACT # 28410.2 LOT# 12 SITE ADDRESS: 80.595 CEDAR CREST. MANUFACTURER: Johns -Manville THICKNESS: 3 1/2- R -VALUE: R-15 E3ATTS BLOW MANUFACTURER: Johns-Menvft THICKNESS: 13" R -VALUE: R-38 - - • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SdENERAL CONTRACTOR: TRANS WEST HOUSING - - - - LICENSE NUMBER: BY; TITLE; DATE: iNSULAII-ON CONT I QR: WESTERN INSULATION,'INC. LICENSE NUMBER: 481275 BY: TITLE: 0 FION MAN GER - DATE April , 2000 Me•r'-16-00 0.7:52A TOM WHITE The"" DanDee +Ca�n�aNaty Ince. Lic 732-542 ROOFING ANO CONSTRUCTION P.Ol Roofing Proposal P.O. Box 277 Mammild Palms, CIA 91176 Phone (760) 343.3385 Fax (760) 343-30% aWA G1N ROd� ffR W&M TNS. M -DEE COMPAkY rNc. Has. fNSTAL490.10. ROOF,.•DaMF.R. VENTS CORRECTLY, A. eFUNGINEERS Sef"JCATJONS. NOTICE '1614001 Um MlschWW.A' I len I," (0414 rn s Coos M ('avil Prmmvm Sa:eson 1181 of Ron 1 Any conbaador, eubenitmoby. 10mur. 3VOIN ovw potyor) Ir: helps to I11110h)" your WoWity but u nOf paidW hie work ot supplies, ham right to entpce r Oeim against yqur Wow Ily. This mut rvi tent. Mot r taufi fxatlnp yMu txt perty Mild bu eltld by a Wulf Miner Aad Uw pocaeds of the eakr ueen to altlbab the indebteMnas 1111110111 happen even n ynu nave paid your own rnnbnrlul In full If the SuWaniratbal►. nrwix o t aupptier remains unpaia And if lopal action is nseeaasry In p llvul w Moroe the tome of this contract, Iho p(Avakiii party shall hn a addled to ds fllaeautplllu'Atoiney het plus all taste pr Wk unit lhWr"l shop awl* ,%nOU e►ens. which ara AIM .10 doya<aiftet bllrlg At th) roto at 18'A, per Annum Ttte DanDee Co. Mr. it not feaponfubls in( nAlayy a ytalud by waather, singe, n1lAred shwte,je or delay in malmr it supplied to the inn rx lv ►wly other damy bny wl 4s control The DenDse Ca w telul GnIIkty under this convaa tum nnokoollw Is lifted sobaty to the 1i)w1,11il of this contrar:t WO Will fulY.evvanrd by workmtin'S WMpatl ton and pub:le Ilappla fturaneo. Carriorti narim and policy,pun►bers eveilable on rogmgK Any auerailnit d tfunpvon from Mo A allnvo spear l altuw tnvcgvkV extin Met of lout nal or latrr will only IA, vccuied upon wnfltrn Mde's for same, and wdl fr.,cwt ` WI UNIX# charge oyer IMA cum Itri typed In this propatw All Arpawlrt mill mug bo mw In wlWdny e•+d It heed rn lim awns to budding fro dkr.%A kvding from rsr tri,rxn Priced em hasp on cumr4 costs rel nlMnrlsl and labor. Inorsaeeo M decreases, will he ndkmlod at Mme of signklg rnnlract 11110%xv end or during raenny apffotlons am in con►Pomwin of roofir+p. The Denton Co Inc, will not be reapnrialbfe or labfe for dawugwcaueed from aa:ts of God, such as eanl"r4okes. Mtrndefstoffns. MM or ally reMr wsatner conditions beyond roofers ooNtal. 0 CC). INC. a - BIOS JOB NAME; TRANS WEST HOUSING, INC P,G.A, WEST HOMES 78.401+ HWY 111 P,G,A, WEST (PHASE 2-B) LA QUINTA. CA 92253, LA QUINTA. CA 92253 RHONE 771.3363 • FAX 771.8077 DATE 2.15-40 aWA G1N ROd� ffR W&M TNS. M -DEE COMPAkY rNc. Has. fNSTAL490.10. ROOF,.•DaMF.R. VENTS CORRECTLY, A. eFUNGINEERS Sef"JCATJONS. NOTICE '1614001 Um MlschWW.A' I len I," (0414 rn s Coos M ('avil Prmmvm Sa:eson 1181 of Ron 1 Any conbaador, eubenitmoby. 10mur. 3VOIN ovw potyor) Ir: helps to I11110h)" your WoWity but u nOf paidW hie work ot supplies, ham right to entpce r Oeim against yqur Wow Ily. This mut rvi tent. Mot r taufi fxatlnp yMu txt perty Mild bu eltld by a Wulf Miner Aad Uw pocaeds of the eakr ueen to altlbab the indebteMnas 1111110111 happen even n ynu nave paid your own rnnbnrlul In full If the SuWaniratbal►. nrwix o t aupptier remains unpaia And if lopal action is nseeaasry In p llvul w Moroe the tome of this contract, Iho p(Avakiii party shall hn a addled to ds fllaeautplllu'Atoiney het plus all taste pr Wk unit lhWr"l shop awl* ,%nOU e►ens. which ara AIM .10 doya<aiftet bllrlg At th) roto at 18'A, per Annum Ttte DanDee Co. Mr. it not feaponfubls in( nAlayy a ytalud by waather, singe, n1lAred shwte,je or delay in malmr it supplied to the inn rx lv ►wly other damy bny wl 4s control The DenDse Ca w telul GnIIkty under this convaa tum nnokoollw Is lifted sobaty to the 1i)w1,11il of this contrar:t WO Will fulY.evvanrd by workmtin'S WMpatl ton and pub:le Ilappla fturaneo. Carriorti narim and policy,pun►bers eveilable on rogmgK Any auerailnit d tfunpvon from Mo A allnvo spear l altuw tnvcgvkV extin Met of lout nal or latrr will only IA, vccuied upon wnfltrn Mde's for same, and wdl fr.,cwt ` WI UNIX# charge oyer IMA cum Itri typed In this propatw All Arpawlrt mill mug bo mw In wlWdny e•+d It heed rn lim awns to budding fro dkr.%A kvding from rsr tri,rxn Priced em hasp on cumr4 costs rel nlMnrlsl and labor. Inorsaeeo M decreases, will he ndkmlod at Mme of signklg rnnlract 11110%xv end or during raenny apffotlons am in con►Pomwin of roofir+p. The Denton Co Inc, will not be reapnrialbfe or labfe for dawugwcaueed from aa:ts of God, such as eanl"r4okes. Mtrndefstoffns. MM or ally reMr wsatner conditions beyond roofers ooNtal. 0 CC). INC. a - Mae -16-00 07:52A TOM WHITE • � r itut-ld-UL; ku ai:!a Z I -i: ri 1 I { 8d l;jVEo:gj "ST z0 'urr Ap r k6bv!* FAX NO. Mr. WAV lb P. 03/0 P.02 w0d.1 Apr -11-00 12:28P HOME CENTERS INC NOME CENT, E-RSINC. Corporate Of e: 11839 Sorrento Valley Road - San Diego, California - 92121 (858) 755 -MM - FAX (858) 7315-0801 - Contractor License #291673 Orange County: 22343 La Palma Avenue 6111 • Yorba Linda, California 92687 (714) 692-1270 - FAX (714) 692-1578 Palm Desert: 77.682 Country Club Drim, Suite D - Palm Desert, California 92211 (760) 772.3555 - FAX (760) 772.3557 Las Vegas: 5070 South Anrille Street, Sulte a - Las Vegas, Nevada 89118 (702) 871-7575- FAX (702) 871-7992 858 755-1246 P.04 3205 CASH ORDER ❑ ADD TO LOAN ❑ BENCHARGE ❑ WINDOW COVERING ORDER CONDRiONS ®H.C.I. to proceed with measure immedktety. Homebuyer is responsible for all measure chwgas. Canceled orders will be subject to a IN (S" dollar proosesfng fes. Additional charges may apply. See terms and wnditions statements. ®I undetstelnd my order is pfaeed on hold until home loan approval. Should I cancel ~ loan approval, 1 am responsible for any and all eoab moored with regard to the processing of my order. (This condition applles to all orders regardless of deposit or pay"M Pte•) I would tllie my order processed as gut" as possible prior to home loan approval. I understand that should I cancel or not recelve home loan approval, I am responsible far any end all costs incurred with regard to the processing of my order. (This condition applies to all orders that include a minimum 50% depoeit.) (� It using custornere masurements, KC.L will not be responslble for measurement accuracy, and H.C.I. will not install U products ordered tam these measures. No change orders will be accepted regarding installation. Rnal materW and installation charges may vary based on actual on sfte measurements. c� THo is a cuMont window treatment order. No change orders will be accepted atter receipt of deposit. Balance is due prior to Irtstellation unless other financial awartgements have been made. APPROXIMATE DELIVERY TIME BU NDS — 4 - a WEEKS FROM PROCESS DATE as defined above. SHUTTERS — 10 -12 WEEKS FROM PROCESS DATE as defined above. ® DRAPERIES — 0.10 WEEKS FROM PRO=$ DATE as defined above. WINDOWS TO BE COVERED IN YOUR HOME INCLUDE: 1 WINDOW COVERING PAYMENT FLAN SALES ORDER(S) d $ 0 $ d BPECIIAL I NSI RUCTIONS SUBTOTAL. $ MEASURE CHARGE S SALES TAX INSTALLATION CHARGES $ OTHER CHARGES TOTAL SALES PRICE DEPOSIT AMOUNT % $ $ 1 4V -=Z1 - c� Zr '1 / 4—,/) BALANIM DUE WOREINSTALLATION METHOD OF PAYMENT: DEPOSIT BALANCE I have reed all of the -Statement of Terme and Conditione' and I understand and accept them. The above order conditions, charges and psymertt terms we sccaptsd by buyer, BUYER DATE SALESPERSON DNTr @Ur*N; Vd-M - r'LOORNO PILE CA "Y - DRAPIMY FILE MM -CUSTOMER COPY REV 70/88 j Jun -13-00 O9:O8A TOM WHITE ,t s t 'I he DanDee t C,tlltlpll NkV lira. Lic 732542 ROOF/NG AND CONSTRUCTION P.O1 Roofing Proposal P.O. flux 177 Thousand Palm, CA 92176 - Phone (760) 343-3385 Fax (760) :143.3096 W2 TO : JOB ,Ny,ML TRANS WEST HOUSING, INC P.G.A. WEST HOMES 78.401-F HWY 111 P.G.A. WEST (PHASE 3 LOT#12) LA QUINTA, CA 92253 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 PHONE 771-3363 FAX 771-9077 . DATE 6-13-00 .Q:bIB�GA.A(RQ�iE.D.QRM. �EE�1[�htLS THE DAN DEE COMPANY INC. HAS REPAIRED THE TWO CUT .TRUSSES, DAMAGED 8 INSTALLING THE ROOF DORMER VENTS, AS PER ENGINEERS REPORT. WE HAVE ALS, CHECKED THE REMAINING ROOF DORMER VENTS, AND FOUND NO FURTHER DAMAGES. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CALL ME IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, NOTICE 'Under the Mechanics' Lion Law (California Coda of Civil Procedure. Section 1181 at Seq. ),any contractor. subcont aztnt, WOW. atppoter nthar pMAnA hrl helpA to unwwC your pwpufty but is nol paid far hra Word W svowles, hos a right to oltfwtx; u dulyit ;giskiil your property. This means that, after a Noun hearing your property COuid hi? said *41 tUirt 01604( Ona VII II(WASnA At the ARIA IlArid In a111.S1y IN 11"MANRdnRA-I Ihis CAA 1`100ol in evorr it you hove void your own wnfryctur in full if the Subcontractor. laborer or supplier remains unpaid ano if iegal action Is necessary to collect or enforce the terms of Inis contract• ire provat:lnp parry ah,Ui ha RnmlRn in uA AliaA lAnlll annmey (ARA pill% all WA!R Or surf Ann vitfirw Anno arnnle An all Al1mA WnIC.n AM OUR Sri nAyP. AnRr ndhnG 01 lh0 fele pl 111"A Cut anr4uit The DanDea Co. Inc. Is not responsible for delays caused b/ weativi, strike, inatullal stxxfige a delay in materlal supplleo to tha;ob or to any orhor doiay Ikrnnn its rnnrrro Tna Donf)h► Co Inc, IpWi IiapAlty unoet this r,(1rltrArl nr in no ligenea in limited Anlely to IMA amount itf troA cpnIn ct We are fully covered by workman's compensation aritl public llabtllty Insurance. Carriers names and policy ,n4Mberti pyaillable on request. Any alteration or deviation from l7e a above specifications involving extra cost of mwerial or labor will only be oYoruted urxm written orders for Aama, and will bommo An extra margo over inA Aum nw.trit Mn in in,A pfryfMAAI NI AafeRnIRnIA meal 110, Madill til wu mill And is bused on frog occoss to building lot dlrt`t:t ivauinv Glyn our trucks pricos are nosed on corrttnt cotta of matarlai and labnr. Unreason or aarroa{oc wie tm ronoctiad at tlmo al alOnina contract. Before and or during roofing oparatlono and the Completion of roofing, The DonDee Cc Inc. will not ha raalxalelbty or ItaMo @tr darnagn rausrd from act$ Of ftd, such as gt"uakes, thunderstorms, hall or any other weather condition* beyond rpof*ra control, ---—.._... DATE. r INC. dAvwh ee �ancate of Occupancy City of La Quinta - . " Building and Safety Department This Certificate issued pursuant to the requirements of Section 109 of the Uniform Building Code, certifying that, at the time of issuance, this structure was'in compliance with the various ordinances of the City regulating building construction or use. For the following: BUILDING ADDRESS: 80-585 CEDAR CREST Use Classification: SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING Bldg. Permit No.: 9905-221 Occupancy Group: R-3 Type of Construction: VN Land Use Zone: RL Owner of Building: MCCOMIC SEOKTOP LLC Building Official Address: 750 B ST STE 3140 City: SAN DIEGO, CA., 92101 By: DANIEL P. CRAWFORD JR. Date: 6/13/2000 POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE