0104-035 (SFD)N LLU � d ' W r- ~Z�" �0�� J L) LU F-Wa N Z LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (cc+,nmencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License # Lic. Class Exp. Date Date <­ -,' ;. f gnature of Contractor•,_; - OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Lasa for the following reason: ( ) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ( ) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the "project (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). (,) I am exempt under Section , B&P.C. for this reason Date Signature of Owner WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: ( ) I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor ,Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued.. I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by SCcRion 3700 of the Labor Code, for -the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier & policy no. are: Carrier Policy No. FEMP`t` (This section need not be completed if the permit valuation is for $100.00 or less). I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, F'sh'all not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, I shall forthwith comply with those. provisions. Date: y / ! • • ADDlicant ' WarMng:-IFiiTure to secure Workers' Compensation coverage is unlawful and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000, in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 370¢, of the Labor Code, interest and attorney's fees. IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and:Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth ons his application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made & each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this applicaton agrees toi & shall, indemnify & hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all City, and State laws relating to the building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this City to enter upon the above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. Signature-(Owner/Agent) f �' r`r p* Date- •` •/� • 7 BUILDING PERMIT PERMITp DATE VALUATION LOT 0104-0M TRACT W) t/ 0C $327,959;W 23 2559.7 JOB SITE APN ti+ ADDRESS 55-7 1.0 C=*RRY HULLS 70-023 OWNER CONTRACTOR / DESIGNER / EN [NEER UT AH IJM*301, CC%k4:SM. IJCv17' N CORP, (YrAH LTKDELL C0k-RrrRTjC'y;10N'CURP. 3i-395.11 VTNIILA, 57.395 itEMl A 1A t?' W. fA CA 92253 LA Ql:llNTA CA 92253 (760)564-9158 f_ML41 1518 USE OF PERMIT MtO1ILFd3WLY E. WE L124 3 S?D • PERMIT f,. O&S NOT INCLUDE HLOCK WALL/P0011SPA OR. DRIVEWAY APPROACH, CU."n'016 CONSTRUCTION Q10.09 SS : sWf.'b*$_E SUAWA Y S:017tyI'I'l.UCITION F ..9 ]OYI.Ot 1 .,4tYdf $7,464. 0 PLAN CHECK "M 101-00OA39-318 $1,187756 P11ir .D POSIT 101-000-439-318 -spoom IFFYHA ,JiCA1: I'VE 101-t'ktYtl-421-000 $148.00 FL.F+� , rPIC,AL M., 101.000.420-000 $241.07 PLMMBIWO FEE 101 -000-419-00.0 $221.40 31"RONG MOTION PER-1t1301D ', 01 "000-24 1-000 $36.99 ORAI3INO rdt 141-000-423-4)40 $20.00 DP/'Gl.,t VER I!I?I".y,C" € U $1,907.00 Awr Ili PUl3i.,IC PlaACES - ItESIL 701-000-2-35-000 $323: ?$ �lit',110H JVM) PLAN Cl,1C�,.CkC $5,€ -19.3'7 1 1' .g'KnW.tr 8.b1LTP.* NOW t1200]1 ;� ,0759. 7 MAY CITY OF LA OUINTA FINANCE DEPT RECEIPT Y DATE FINALED INSPECTOR �/6 v .i MSPECMN RECORD OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUIL DING APPROVALS i MECHAMCAL APPROVALS Set Backs Underground Ducts Forms & Footings MU _4 Ducts Slab Grade 1 6 Return Air Steel Combustion Air Roof Deck Exhaust Fans O.K. to Wrap - F.A.U. Framing Compressor Insulation / Vents Fireplace P.L. Grills Fireplace T.O. Fans & Controls Party Wall Insulation Condensate Lines Party Wall Firewall Exterior Lath _ Drywall - Int. Lath Final _ (� IYL Final ,[�!� POOLS e SPAS BLL OCG` WALLL APPROVALS Steel Set Backs Electric Bond Footings Main Drain Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location Underground Electric Underground Plbg. Test [finalGas Piping _a PLMMMMG APPROVALS Gas Test Waste Lines _ �a _7/ Electric Final Heater Final Water Piping Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out Equipment Enclosure Showar Pans O.K. for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral Pool Cover Sewer Connection 3 / Encapsulation Gas Piping Gas Test / �Z4 Appliances _ al Final COMMENTS: Final Utility Notice (Gas) FELECMCAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Pole Underground Conduit Rough Wiring . Low Voltage Wiring Fixtures Main Service Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles G.F.I. Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Power Final Utility Notice (Perm) Certificate of Occupancy City of La Quinta Building and Safety Department This Certificate issued pursuant to the requirements of Section 109 of the Uniform Building Code, certifying that, at the time of issuance, this structure was in compliance with the various ordinances of the City regulating building construction or use. For the following: BUILDING ADDRESS: 55-710 CHERRY HILLS Use Classification: SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING Bldg. Permit No.: 0104-035 Occupancy Group: R-3 Type of Construction: VN Land Use Zone: RL Owner of Building: UTAH LINDELL CONST. CORP. Address: 57-395 RIVIERA City: LA QUINTA, CA., 922.53, By: RICHARD KIRKLAND Date: 1/15/02 Building Official POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE ' 4 P.O. BOX 1504 j 78=495 CALLE TAMPICO d7 �i1 LAQUINTA, CALIFOONIA92253 OW ner Mailing Address,.] AS -4 V " Zip / Tell. � '7/� C [ % <--? w V — 4. A c / 0 1A APPLICATION ONLY BUILDING: TYPE'CONST,a�OCC: GRP. A.P: Number -A-1S t 0 8 z. Legal. Description 4_4 Project Description f.i • � State Lic. City / 8 CI'assif. �o (p Lic. A /�'�"y Sq. Ft: Arch., Engr., Size - Designer �,� V) 1 (,j. It J -e Let, -New AddressTel. 2' 3 C!ty� Zip State LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION 1, hereby affirm that I am licensed under orovislons•of'Chapter 9'.(commencing with, S 7000) of Dlvis the Business and Profen/§tons Codd amend I nse Is in fullA50AT t.0,ice-•- .�Ji`.�.G v?? OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: (Sec. 7031.5, Business and Prolessions Code: Any city or county which requires e -permit to.� construct, after. -.Improve, demolish, or repair any structure,prior to ,ft, issuance also requires the applicant for such permit to Ole-- a signed. statement that' he Is licensed pursuant to the provisions. of,,the Contractor's License Law, Chapter9 (canmencing with Section 7000), of Divialon 3 of the Business. and Professions Code, of that, he 78 exempt therefrom, and the basis for thei alleged exemption. Any, violation of Section 7031.5 by 'any applicant for a permit subjects theapplicant to,a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500). 1-1 I,.as owner of t-he,property; or my employees with'Wagesas theicsole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not Intended or offered for bate. (Sec.. 7044, Bulkiness and Professions Code:. The Coetiaetor's License Lew does not apply to an owner ;of property who builds or "proves thereon and who does such w'olk himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not Intended o`r offered for sale. M, however, the Auiklhip or improvement is sold within one year of 6omplotkmn, fhb owner builder will heire the burden of proving, that he not Improve forth purpose of saleo I'1 1, as owner of -the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to con. struct the project. (Sec.. 704 fi .4, Business and Professions Code: e Contractoi's License Law does, not apply to an owner of'property who builds or Improves thereon; and who cordiacts for such.pro)ects with a contractors) licensed -pursuant. to the Contractor's License Lew.) 17 1 am exempt under Sec. & B.PC. for this reason Date Owner WORKERS' COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm that. I''have a certificate of consent: to self -Insure, or a certificate of Worker's Compensation Insurance„or a certified copy thereof. (Sec. 3800, Labor Code.) Policy No Company 17 Copy is•filed with•the city. ❑ Certified copy,ia hereby furnished. i L CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This section need not be completed If the permit is for one hundred dollars .(1100) vahrstion or lass.) _ I certify that in the performance,of th f work, for which thio permit Is Issued, I shall not Laweany er Is in any mann er so;;Inla�;Ceriftele become -subject to the W�rka C$riipAnsatlon Date J Owner f./-^ NOT/ 0 PPLICANT: M, aof Exemption you should become subject to the, Workers' Companeatlon provisions of the Labor Code, you, must forthwith comply with,suchproviskms of this permit "I be deemed revoked: CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm that there Is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for,which this'p Pis Issued. (Sec. 30 7; Ivll Q 0AI Lender's Name .0"'t _ Q- �.+ Lender.'s Address This is a building permit_ hen properlyfilled out, signed and Q end sublegt to expiration It work Cher iunder'ms.suapended for 180 days.LL�A....( I certffy that I have read,611' application and state that the • e.infor. _ is co et. I agree to comply with all cityand county ordinances and state laws relating to bull Inp construction, and hereby authorize representatives -of, this Of to enter the above- mentioned property forte ion purpose Signature of adpilcant�”' Date Mailing Address' City„ state. zip No. No: DW: / 1-a Stories Units Add ❑ Alter ❑ Repair ❑ Demolition O 'USS cation PERMIT Plan Chk. Dep. Plan Ch -k. Bal. Const. ng C\A 1 IntraStructu ZONE:_ Minimum AMOUNT,' b Q t r XAT 1: r1 ,as: Se;back from Centeil Line Setback fromRearProp. Line Street:Setback from Centefi Line Setback from,' Werty Line FINAL DATE i a y F—INSPECTOR a Issued by: Date Permit. Validated .by: Validation: WHITE = FINANCE YELLOW =APPLICANT PINK = BUILDING DIVISION it CITY OF LA QUINTA PLAN CHECK CORRECTION LIST Andrzej_ W. Weber, Architect 74 133 El Paseo, .Ste. A Palm Desert, CA 92260 PLAN CHECK NO.: 0104-035 JOB' ADDRESS: 55-710 Cherry Hills. AREA-S.F.- ; 4,210/936/1408 hse/gar/patio May 9, 2001 SECOND/FINAL CHECK OCCUPANCY: sfr'w/ att gst.hse TYPE -OF -CONST.: V -N The submitted plans and specifications have been reviewed by VANDORPE CHOU ASSOCIATES. It is our professional opinion than the plans are in substantial conformance with the building codes and regulations adopted by the CITY OF LA QUINTAand the State of'California Amendment. APPROVAL.FOR A BUILDING PERMTf IS HEREBY RECOMMENDED SUBJECT TO OBTAINING APPROVALS/CLEARANCES FROM ALL APPLICABLE CITY DEPARTMENTS, AGENCIES, AND ASSOCIATIONS. Plans checked by; Y � 1 Peter Knowlton VANDORPE CHOu ASSOCIATES: 295 N Rampart Street; .Suite A Orange CA 92868 (714) 978-9780 VCA File No. LQ -13075.2. 1 PGA WEST .RESIDENTIAL ASSOCIATION, INC. May 01, 2001 Bruce and Helen Lindell 55-71.0 Cherry Hills La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Lindell: Mr. Don Adolph, Architectural Committee Member, has reviewed your plans to construct a custom home at 55-710 Cherry Hills. Approval has been granted for the construction of the residence, however, ,please note the following: Landscape plan approved; however per our discussion on or about May 23, please add small planters on each popout between garage doors and planting vines or possible planters in driveway perpendicular with garage. We reserve the right to make a final inspection of this change to make sure that it matches the original request. An approval is based only on the aesthetics of your proposed plan and should not be taken as any certification as to the construction worthiness or' structural integrity of the proposed change. We appreciate your cooperation in submitting this request for approval. If I may be of further assistance, please contact me at the HOA office, (760) 771-1234, Extension 15. Sincere y, K Galliard Operations Manager cc: Architectural Committee PO.B0x 1060, La:Quinta, California 92253, Telephone 760-771-1234 FAX 760-771-5125 GO UVIS ENGINEERING • C A L I F O R N I A • E-MAIL TO • SUPPORT@GOUVISGROUP.COM • SALES@GOUVISGROUP.COM CALIFORNIA August 15, 2001 Utah Lindell Construction 54625 Tanglewood La Quinta, CA 92253 Attn: Bruce C. Lindell Re: Lot 23, 55710 Cherry Hills Follow-up to Walk Through GEC Job No.: 21305 Dear Mr. Lindell: Pursuant to your request regarding the above captioned project, we submit the following: On 8/15/01 a walk-through for the above project was conducted in accordance with the universal building code (UBC) chapter 1702 and a list of corrections was presented to the homeowner representative. Our walk-through covered structural items visible at the time, excluding, the roof sheathing and top plates nailing and all straps and clips above the top plates. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, GOUVIS ENGII Saeed J. Bekam President SJB : cb 21305 � Z �y4 No. C38276 m "k'�, ' lExp. 3/31/05 Er C1Vt��� OF CA0 Hanie Vinoya Project Manager GOUVIS ENGINEERING GROUP OF COMPANIES WITH OFFICES IN. WEB -SITE: WWW.GOUVISGROUP.COM 4400 CAMPUSDRIVE, SUITEA * NEWPORTBEACH, CALIFORNIA 92660 * (949) 752-1612 * FAX (949) 752-5321 2150 EAST TAHQUITZ CANYON, SUITE 9 * PALMSPRINGS, CALIFORNIA 92262 * (760) 323-5090 * FAX (760) 325-2863 FIELD OFFICES * SAN DIEGO * PLEASANTON * INTERNATIONAL OFFICE: VIETNAM e Apr -,20-01 10:21 Andvzo j Wabov Arch i tact 760 340. 9502 ^ Av' * /'Refi e004-aew A ,N D R Z E J W WE R ♦. M . 7 4 1 3 3 E L P A S E O S U I T E A PALM DESERT, CALIF0RN IA 92260 P H O N E 7 6 0. 3 4 0. 3 0 0 2 > Fax Transmittal Memo 7672- Caw" 67z -� � 'Q'��•_....���..� .�.............._�_•---:From - _ .�^_ ... _._�........—.� F�sI 3� O'C44 T060WISIF .040M✓ ate,,: '.Q°.w"' l[]Aewm .DG4lorvidwp . �. -- -- AtIaLt: 0e"meat At LkV _ _ G O U VI S ENGINEERING ', • C A L I F O R N I A • E-MAIL TO • SUPPORT@GOUVISGROUP.COM • SALES@GOUVISGROUP.COM CALIFORNIA August 23, 2001 Utah Lindell Construction 54625 Tanglewood La Quinta, CA 92283 Attn: Bruce Lindell Re: PGA West, Lot 23, 55710 Cherry Hills Alternate Detail G.E.C. Job No. 21305 Dear Mr. Lindell: Pursuant to your request regarding the above captioned project, per our phone conversation on 8/22/01, we submit the following: Follow the attached detail "A" as an alternate for detail 6/S3 called -out on the framing plan at rear of Casita/Bedroom #4. Note: Please verify the above with the building department prior to construction. If you have any Saeed J. Bekam President Attachments (1) SJB:RF;ig 21305 ;ate to contact this office. � — Ra no-7rangie Proje • nager GOUVIS ENGINEERING GROUP OF COMPANIES WITH OFFICES IN: WEB -SITE: WWW.GOUVISGROUP.COM 4400 CAMPUSDRIVE, SUITEA * NEWPORTBEACH, CALIFORNIA 92660 * (949) 752-1612 * FAX (949) 752-5321 2150 EAST TAHQUITZ CANYON, SUITE 9 * PALM SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA 92262 * (760) 323-5090 * FAX (760) 325-2863 FIELD OFFICES * SANDIEGO * PLEASANTON * INTERNATIONAL OFFICE: VIETNAM p0.A�', --23, of t�zf SL if Pat !IIqm SAT-'cr, IOD 3323 ;�nua 6003- 3166+ 439 r STRAM GOUVIS ENGINEER G CALIFORNIA FLEX®L16 D HRAGM IIS 97 Shat : L. -2.--) Job No 21303-111 Plan No : LINDELL Client SONNY N LINDELL CO Dm : 03/19/2001(Ved3 00) 364 144 13 A B C 10.0 12 12 12 6.0 2R0 53 9.0 5.3 • S[RAM ■ mAC pow B A 9:0 6.0 B 293 34.0 Drag Force Analysis A: SIMPSON ST22 (1150 LB) ALT (12.) f 16d B: SIMPSON ST6224(21161B) ALT (18) 1E 16d A 8 46.4 39:3 4><.3 33.8 V5" 6 l6 /� 3sc?33 1 sinker peg op late;; - ice sinker per top plata ice ZONE 4 REAR OF GREAT RM MIXED WALL 1ST FLOOR TWO POUR FOUNDATION BASS AREA= 6550(SFT) SOIL BEARING -1000( TOTAL WALL LENGTH = 53.75(FT) 'TOTAL PANEL LENGTH = 16.75(FT) = 112 (PrWUNDANCY FACTOR: pM=LOO SHEAR DIAPHRAGM = 6005/ 53.75 SHEAR = 6005/16.75= 35.9(PLF)(FLHaIBLE) MAXIMUM DRAG - 1647(LB) USE TYPE * w/ S/8" DIA. x12" LONG AJL @4" a/c MAX. w/PL. WASEUR(3x SEEX PLATE) DEAD LOADS: wall 100.0= 10 * 10.0' 9A0 DVER ANALYSIS UPLIFT(T) DOWN(C) C= 3882(LB) ?ANEL A LEFT SIDE : T= 3477(LB) RIGHT SIDE: T= 3477('LB) C- 3882(LB.) 22/4x4 PANEL@ LEFT SIDE c T- 3442(LB) C= -3796{LB) RIGHT SIDE: T- 3442(LB) C- 3796.(LB) SPAHD22/4x4 C LEFT SIDE : _ ANELO T- 3664(LB) C= 3911(LB) HPA35/4x4 Og� RIGHT SIDE: T- 3664(LB) C- 3911(LB) Z Use HPA35J4z4 t�& L. A (2)SPAB=-2P/4=S R GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA FLZ=LZ DIAPHRAGM UBC 97 • Wmd 4289 Monk 4168 3959+ 210 1 • STRAP(E) ® DRAG POW r A: B. C: T 10:0 S ShM : L -I Job No :2130? -11i Plan No : LINDELL Client : UTAH LINDELL CO Engineer: SONNY Date :03/19/2001(Wr5.00) 0.0 6.4 .11.8 16.0 24.0 Drag Force Analysis SIMPSON ST22 (1.150 LB) SIMPSON ST6224(2116 LB) SIMPSON ST6236(28.80 LB) UA?r> �d fl�5 ALT (12) # 16d sinker per top plate splice ALT (18) # 16d sinker per top plate splice ALT (24) # 16d sinker per top plate splice X16 ZONE 4 FRONT OF EXERCISE RM FJ=RIOR WALL 11ST FLOOR TWO POUR FOUNDATION BASE AREA-- 6550(SFT) SOIL BEARING --1000( TOTAL WALL LENGTH = 24.00(FT) TOTAL PANEL LENGTH = 8.00(FT) ` SHEAR DIAPHRAGM = 4289/ 24.00 = 179 (PIWUNDANCY FACTOR p('I')=L00 SHEAR =4289/ 8.00= 536(PLF)(FLEXIBLE) MAXIMUM DRAG= 2859(LB) r USE TYPE 13 / 5/8" DIA. x1211 LONG A.B..0" o% MAX. w/PL. WASHER(3x SILL PLATE) DEAD LOADS: i Wall 150.0= 15 * 10.0' OVERTANALYSIS UPL (T) DOWN(C) PANEL A LEFT SIDS T= 5 (LB) C= 5815(LB) (2)HP —2P/4s W�� RIGHT—SIDE: T= 5 LB) C= 5815(LB) (2)HP 22-2P/4x ends 7 COUNTS ENGINEERING��B�G'GM1hU1tN1A UBC 97 Wind, 3729 Sammie 3707 3273+ 432 • STRAP(E) ® DRAGPOQrr 15:0 1 8.0 Drag Force Analysis Job No : 21305-111 plan No: LINDELL Client :,UTAH LINDELL CO Engineer: SONNY Date :03/19/2001(VerS.00) TkYe.ca W (A) 23.0 LJ S, uJ"A1 f; A: STMPSON ST2.2 (1150 LB) ALT (12) # 16d sinker per top plate splice B: SIMPSON ST6224(2116 LB) ALT (18) # 16d sinker per top plate splice 17 ZONE 4 REAR OF CASITA EXTERIOR WALL 1ST FLOOR TWO ,POUR FOUNDATION BASE AREA= 6550(SFT) SOIL BEARING=1000( TOTAL WALL LENGTH = 23.00(FT) TOTAL PANEL LENGTH 1.5.00(FT) SHEAR DIAPHRAGM = 3729/ 23.00 = 16'2 (PiWDUNDANCY FACTOR Pm- =Loo SHEAR = 3729/15.00= 249('.PLF)(FLEXIBLE) MAXIMUM DRAG = 1297(LH) USE TYPE15M/ 5/3" DIA. ie' LONG A.B. (9 fft" O/c MAX. W/PL. WASHER. DEAD LOADS: Wall 165.0= 1* * 11.0' 0.0=24.0* 0.0/2 @ 23.0' Roof P 192.0= 24 16.0./2 @ 0.0' TO OVERTU ANALYSIS UPLIFT4T) DOWN(C) PANEL LEFT SIDET= 1 � ) C= 2917(LB) RIGHT 3IDE: „ _ i _ ai — � PA a STEEL COLUMN AT'GATE STRUCTURE OVER—ALL LENGTH: 13..00 RCTS AT: .00 1.00 APPLIED LOADS (DOWN +) 0.5 AT 13 CONC LOAD R I P CC 6 AT 1 MOMENT FT.KIP 2C AXIAL FORCE RIP REACTIONS (UP +): LEFT: .00'0 RIGHT: .500 BRACED AT RCTN PTS + : ****** USE: PSW 6 FY- .36, A= 5.580 S= 8.500 I= 28.100 RG --2.250 R=2.00 CRIT. KL/R=128.0 FA= 9.11 CRIT SECT MOM AT 1.00 = —6.00 MOM AT 13.00 = .00 MOM AT 1.00 = —6.00 LB= 12.00 FB=24.00 P/(A*FA) + M/(S*FB) _ .39 <= 1.00 MAX SHEAR = .50 AT 1.00 V/(AV*FV)= .01 DEFL .00 AT .00 L/240.= .05 DEFL= —.61 AT 13.00 L/180.= .80 ` �x ,T "f "rr' Choose "Title Block' menu item on Settings Screen to change these five lines to your own special title information A company logo Data: 04=1 Peggy DESIGN OF EMBEDDED POLE FOOTINGS FLAG POLE FOOTING AT GATE STRUCTURE OWN DATA VAddMameter 24.0 in Surface Restraint ? Free 5111111ARY Mww is @ swfaoa... —I— Allow Paaave 300.0 Pal, Max Pood" 0.0 pd Load Duration Factor 1.330 Pant Load 500.0. # Load Height 1200 ft Dist. load 0.0 plf Start Height 0.00 ft End Height 0.00 ft Pole Type : Rectw*dar VAddMameter 24.0 in Surface Restraint ? Free 5111111ARY Mww is @ swfaoa... 1 Point Load 60M ft4 Uniform Load OA ft4 ... Total Moment 6000A ft4 Total Lateral Load 500.0,4 - NONAESTIW® RESULTS - Min. Refit 6nbednlait A(1 +0 +4:36h /Ar5)2 A-2:34PAS 1 b) 3.75 ft Prw @ 1/3Embed Actual 497.3 pd All w*e 498.3 pd — 613T� IiIMTS — Min. R4Wd Em. 1 ' t (4.250POWWbr.5 Rama e @ Battom Actual Allowable Surface Restnint Farce V4.40 (c)198M 1348WALC MMS.13=40M CAUFORNIX KIMO1IM16 Ap -30-01 09:51 Andrzej Weber Architect 760 340 9502 MAXIMUM SPAN TABLE. FOR DFL No. 2 FLOOR sl JOISTS, OEC Job N: Client: Date: �kiE FOLLOWING TABLE HAS BEEN CREATED AS A GUIDE TO ASSIST IN THE CONTROL OF TME "80UNCE" OR TRAMPOUNE EFFECT OF RESIDENTIAL FLOOR JOISTS OF VARIOUS SIZES. AND RELATING TO THEIR MAXIMUM SPANS TO MINIMIZE THE<SAID EFFECT. 6 r f -r.f 1 P.03 7 At 12" o.c. At 16" o.c. At 24' o.c. 2 X 4 5..a 5' -1" ._._. 2X6 6'-11" 8'-2" 6'-11" 2X8 11'-11' 10'-6' e'-10' 2X10 14'-11" 13'-10" 11'-4" 2X12 18'-3" 18'-7" 13'-9" 2X 14 21'-6' 19'-4" 16'-3' 6 r f -r.f 1 P.03 7 Apr -30-01 09252 Andrzej Weber Architect 760 340 9502 P.04 G01NI8 EAGIMMING CA iroiwlA ' (YsC 97) SHEET rj 3 JOB NO. : 21305-111 CLIENT : UTAH LINDELL CONSTRU PLAN NO.: LINDELL DATE : 03/19/2001 ENGINEER: SONNY(VER5.60) 1UN2SR : 3 HDR AT FRONT OF' GARAGE YER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 9.50 REACTION AT: 0.00 9.50 OARS (DOWNWARD +) UN WEIGHT : 20.0 PLF FROM 0.0' TO 9.5' OINT LOAD : 8 3.0(G- 4938 ) OINT LOAD : @ 4.6(G- 1889 ) RINAR'Y ROOF. : 220 PLF-11.0*(24+16)/2 FROM 0.00' TO 3.00' RIMARY ROOF : 500 PLF=25.0*(24+16)/2 FROM 3.00' TO 4.75' R114AARY ROOF : 220 PLFvl l . 0* (24+16) /2 @ 4,.75' TO 120 PLF-6.0 *(24+1.6)/2 ! 9.50' XTERIOR WALL 30 PLF = 2.0' * 15.0 FROM 0.00' To 9.50' EACT.I.ONS (LBS) OWNWARD(DL+LL/MAX.) 15749::749 372.1/3721 PLIFT (DL+LL/MAX.) 0/0 C ��f AwA USX PARALLM 5 114 x 9 1/2 DROP ON/NOR •• W/ LEFT: 2-256 TRIMMER/STUD RIT MOMENT - 15062 LB*FT @ 3.17' RATIO=0.680(Fb- 3592 S= 78.97) RIT DEFLTN - -0..320 INCH @ 4.50' BASEDON (L/ 240)- 0.475 ` RIT SHEAR = 550.6 LB 0 0.92' I.5*SHEAR/FV*A-0.465(Fv=356 A= 49.88.) mit: 4 MDR AT RIGHT OF GARAOU ALL LENGTH (FT): 16.50 REACTION AT: 0.00 16.50 (DOWNWARD +) WEIGHT : 30.0 PLY FROM 0.0' TO 16.5' RY ROOF : 120 PLF- .6..0*(24+16)/2 @ 0.00' TO 220 PLY=11.0*(24+16)/2 @ 5.00' RY ROOF 220 PLY-11.0*(24+16)/2 FROM 5.00' TO 11.50' RY ROOF 220 PLFs11.0*(24+16)/2 @ 11.50' TO 140 PLF-7.0 *(24+16)./2 ! 16.50' IOR WALL 30 PLF - 2.0' * 15.0 FROM 0.00' TO 16.50' ACTIONS (LBS) LEFT. RIGHT W1i'tiTARD(DL+LL/MA%. ) 2065/2065 2105/2105 LIFT (DL+ZL/MAX.) 0/0 0/0 1v * *' USE DFL vol 6 x .2STDROP Bit/NOR w a w IT MOMENT - 9.154 LB*FT @ 8.25' RATIO=0.787(Fbm 1688 S= 82.73) IT DEFLTN 0.709 INCH @ 8.25' BASED ON (L/ 240)'- 0.825 IT SKX R - 1915 LB a 15.58' 1.5*SHE.1R/FV*.A-0.517(Fs=-1.06 A= 52.25) Apr -.30-01 09:SZ Andrzej'W4bor ArchitQct 760 340 9502 P.05 cow=s su(;X=ZRYNG CALIFORNIA (93C 97) SHEET JOB NO. : 21305-111 CLIENT : UTAH LINDELL CONSTRU PLAN NO. LINDELL DATE 03/19/2001 ENGINEER: SONNY(VER5.60) SSW ■UMMM: 7 DRP IN AT OMST 5ZD 3 PA210 0799 -ALL LENGTH (rT) 1,8.00 REACTION AT: 0.0.0 18.0.0 LOADS (DOWNWARD +) SLAM WEIGHT : 30.0 PLF FROM 0.0' TO 18.0' .PRIMARY ROOF : 200 PLY-10.0*(24+16)/2 FROM 0.00' TO 12.50 — pRIIKARY ROOF : 620 PLF=31.0*(24+16)./2 FROM 12.50' TO 19.001 4 IN'T'ERIOR WALL : 20 PLY = 2.0' * 10.0 FROM 0.00' TO 18.00' txTERIOR WALL : 30 PLY = 2.0' * 1.5.0 FROM 0.00' TO 18.00' REACTIONS LDS LENT --RIGHT �� �� DOWNWARD(DL+LL/MAR.} 2873/28713 4477/477 r UPLIFT (DL+LL/MAX.)%'"°�0/0 962 GLB tar v4 3 1/8 x 12 DROP BK/,HDR ***IN, CAMBER UP @ SPAN( :9.2') CRIT XONM = 14739 L8*FT a 10.25' RATIO=0.492(Fb- 2925 S- 123.00) ®G CRIT.DSFLTN - -0..655 INCH @ 9.25' SUED ON (L/ 240)= 0.900 CRIT SHEAR s 3690 L8 1 16.88' 1.5,*SH3AR/Fv*A-0.300'(F V -300 A= 61.50 ) RLAOER: S HDR AT LB" OF TAMSL, ALL LZNGTH (FT): 8.25 REACTION AT: 0.00 , 8.25 ( DOWNWARD +) WEIGHT 20.0 PLF FROM 0.0' TO 8.2' ,RY ROOF : 460 PLF•23.0*(24+1.6)/2 FROM 0.00' TO 8.25' IOR WALL : 30 PLF,a 2.0' * 15.0 FROM 0.0'01 'TO 8.25' CTIONS (LHS) LEFT RIGHT KWARD(DL+LL/MAX.) 2104/2104 2104/2104 IFT ('DL+LL/MAR.) 0/0 0/0 * * * 082 DVL 101 6 s S 01t0P ZM/AIDR * * * MOMENT'- 4339 LB*hT 4.17' RATIO-01673(Fbi- 1500 3- 51.56) DEFLTN - -0.172 INCH 4.08' BASED ON (L/ 2401)- 0.412 SHEAR - 1721 LB 1 7.5'0' 1.5*SKEAR/4v*A=0.S89(Fv-106 A= 41.25) Apr. -30-01 09:52 Andrzej Weber Archltmct 760 340 9502 P.07 cowlS ENGIVERRZKO CALIFORNIA (UNC 97) 3 SHEET JOB NO. : 21305::-11 CLIENT : UTAH LINDELL CONSTRU PLAN NO.: LTNDEIJI DATE 03/19/;001 Nr ` a A , �, ENGINEER: SONNY (VER5 60 ) 24 W MBER 23;lDR AT FRONT OF May (um) R�ALL LENGTH (FT): .10.7 5 REACTION AT :0 10.75 fS (,DOWNWARD +) Am WEIGHT : 20.0-PLF FROM 0.0' I 'TO 10.8' ,��y'INTFROM . DOWN 6975 09.00 (R. OF BN IMlARY ROOF : 180 PLF- 9.0*(24+16)/2 FROM.00' TO 10.75' ` LRIOR WALL : 25 PLF = 2.3' * 10.0 FROM 0.00' TO 10.751' RIOR WALL i 30 PLF - 2.0' * 15.0 FROM 0.00' TO 10.75' CTIONS (LBS) LEFT RIGHT NWARD(DL+LL/MAX.) .2522/2522 7359/7359 • IFT (DL+LL/MAX.) 0/0 0/0 *** USE GLO 24F V4 5 1/8 s 10 1/2 DROP BM/IDR •+�* * w/ RIGHT: 2-2x6 TRIMMER/STUD *0.125" CAMBER UP 5 SPAN( 5.81) IT MOMENT - 12491 LH*FT 0 9.00' RATIO=0.531(Fb= 3000 S- 94.1.7) IT DEFLTN - -0.257 INCH I 5.83' BASED ON (L/ 240)- 0.537 IT SHEAR = 7106 LB 9 9.75' 1.5*SHEAR/Fv*A=0.660(Fv-300 A- 53.@1) EimR: 24 RDA AT FROMT OF 8 (L010) Pa ESN 6 ER -ALL LENGTH (FT): 6. REACTION AT: 0.00 6.00 ADS (DOWNWARD +) A1S WEIGHT .0 PLF FAOM 0.0' TO 6.0' INTFROM DOWN -3887 03.00'(R. OF BM 21) TERIOR W 60 PLF = 4.0' * 15.0 FROM 0.00' TO 6.00' A NS (LBS) LEFT RIGHT ARD(DL+LL/MAX.) 2191/2191 2191/2191 LIFT (DL+LL/MAX.) 0/0 0/0 *** USE DFL N01 6 Y 8. DROP BM[/UDR *** -''T !MOMENT - 6214 LB*FT 0 3.00' RATIO-0.964(.Fb- 1500 S- 51.56) =T DEFLTN = -0.106 INCH @ 3.00' IT SHEAR - 213.1 L9 9 0.75' 1.5*SHEAR/Fv*A•0.729(Fvs106 A-.41.25) GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA (UHC 97) SHEET JOB NO. : CLIENT : PLAN NO..: DATE ENGINEER: BEAM NUMBER: 23 HDR AT FRONT OF ENTRY (LOW) 21305-1.11 UTAH LINDELL CONSTRU LINDELL 03/19/2001 SONNY(VER5.60) OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 10.75 REACTION AT: 0.00 , 10.75 LOADS ( DOWNWARD +) BEAM WEIGHT : 20.0 PLF FROM '0.0' TO 10.8' POINTFROM :DOWN=3887 @3.50'(L. OF BM 21) PRIMARY ROOF : 180 PLF= 9.0*(24+16)/2 FROM 0.00' TO 10.75' .INTERIOR WALL : 25 PLF = 2.5' * 10.0 FROM 0.0.0' TO 10.75' EXTERIOR WALL' : 30 PLF = 2.0' * 15.0 FROM 0.00' TO 10.75' REACTIONS (LBS) LEFT RIGHT DOWNWARD(DL+LL/MAX.) .4003/4003' 2641/2641 UPLIFT (DL+LL/MAX.) 0/0 0/0 *** USE GLB 24F V4 5 1/8 x 10 1/2 DROP BK/HDR *** ***0.125•" CAMBER UP @ SPAN( 5.11) CRIT MOMENT = 12447 LB*FT @ 3.50' RATIO=0.529(-Fb= 3000 S= 94.17) CRIT.DEFLTN = -0.252 INCH @ 5.08' BASED ON ('L/ 240)= 0.538 CRIT SHEAR = 3748 LB @ 1.00' 1.5*SHEAR/Fv*A=0.348(Fv=300 A= 53.81) Apr, -30-01 09:52 Andrzej Weber Architact 760 340 9502 Itlo290WIS SNOINBERIm9�=lFOW1IA P.06 SHEET : JOB N0. 21305-111 CLIENT UTAH LINDELL CONSTRU LAN NO.: LINDELL DATE : 03/19/2001 E GI : SONNY(V$R5.60) AM W BER IDR AT RBAR/ OF GR871 ( I 1 LR -ALL LENGTH (FT): 30.50 REACTION AT: 0.00 , 10.50 ADS (DOWNWARD +) AM WEIGHT : 20.0 P1�,!FROM 0.0' TO 10.5' INTFROM DO $97 @5.25'(L. OF BM 201 TERIOR WALL : 30 PU 2.0' * I .0 FROM 0.00' TO 10..50' ACTIONS (LBS) LEFT RIGHT , WNWARD(DL+LL/MAX.) 3887/3887 3887/3887: LIFT ('DL+LL/MAX.) 0./0 0/0 46 *** OSB WA 24F V4 S 1/8 s 10 1/2 DROP BM/HDR *** **0.250" CAMBER VP I SPAN( 5.21) KIT MOMENT - 19719 LB*FT ! 5.25' RATIO-0.838(Fb- 3000 So 94.17) KIT DEFLTN - -0.358 INCH $ 5.25' BASED ON (L/ 240)- 0.525 KIT SHEAR - 3837 L8 @ 1.00' 1.5*SHEAR/FV*A=0.357(FV=300 A= 53.81) AM NUMBER 22 R AT REAR OF ift7(Lfow) ER -ALL LENGTH (FT'): 18.50 REACTION AT: 0.00 , 18.50 ADS (DOWNWARD +) AM WEIGHT : 30.0 PLP FROM 0.0' TO 18.5' ,,SMO* sbel 7��I INTFROM : DOWN -3887 04.00'(L. OF SM 21) ,.Cdr1•.� ? INTFROM : DOWN -3687 614.50'(R.' QF BH } IMARY ROOF : 80 PLF- 4.'0k?T4+16)/2 FROM 0.00' 18.50' TERIOR WALL : 60 PLY 4.0' * 15.0 FROM 0.00' TO 18.50' BACTIONS (LBS) LEFT RIGHT OWNWARD(DL+LL/MAX.) 5420/5420 5420/S420 PLIFT (DL+LL/MAX.) 0/0 0/0 24F V4 5 1L8�x 13 '' W/ LEFT: 2-2x6 TRII�QIER/ i � - z TRIMMER/STUD � **3.375* CAMBER UP 0 SPAW"f.2') ; K:T MOMENT a 22556 L&Vf I'@ 9.25' RATIO-0.495(Fb= 2855 Sit x92.19) K:T DEFLTN —0.584. -~INCH ! 9.25' BASED ON ('L/ 2401= _�75 K:T SHEAR LB @ 17.12' 1.5 *$HEAR/FV*A= v-300 A= 76.88 c i AE ire -30-01 09:53 Andrzaj WebQ.r Architect 760 340 9502 P.09 GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA SHEET : L 3 LATERAL ANALYSIS JOB NO. : 21305 CLIENT : UTAH LINDELL CONS POURING NON MONO PLAN NO.: LINDELL -- -- DATE 3-23.-2001 SECTION 1 LONGITUDINAL dvd'f TovII IST ?LR RT:15.00 BLDG HT:17.00 FT��,, WIND HEIGHT ( FT) : 15 20 ��;- �„/ WIND FORCE (PSI) : 17.36 1:8.51 WIND LD ROOF = 167.24 PLY TOTAL LOAD = 167.24. PLY gy = 4.5 SOIL: Sd Na - 1.00 Ca: =.44(1.00) 1 = 2.5(.44)(1.00)(1.00)W/(1.4X4.5) _ .175W SEISMIC ROOF : R' DL ROOF -24..00X 34.00 a 816.00 DL EXT WALL =15.00X 2X(15.00- 7.50) a 225.00 DL INT WALL=10.00X 1X(15.00- 7.5.0) 75.00 SHEAR m .175X( 816.00 + 225.00 + 75.00)- 194.86 PLF TOTAL LOAD = 1.94.86 PLY SEISMIC GOVERNS ••> ROOF: 294.86 PLF ROOF DIAPSRAGM : V-1.94.86 PLF MAX SHEAR -194..86X 39.00/(2 X 34.00)=111.76 PLY USE: 1./2" CDX STR II ONBLKD 24/0 W/8D COMMON NAILS AT 611,12" OC CHORD FORCE --194.86X 39.00X 39.00/(8 X 34.00)- 1089.62 USE 12-16D CO NON NAILS MINIMUM STM SPLICE PMTS ALT 12-16D SINKER NAILS MINIMUM BTWN SPLICE PHT SECTION 2 LONGITUDINAL IST FLR HT:10.00 BLDG HT:14..00 FT WIND HEIGHT (FT) : 15 WIND FORCE (PSF) : 17.36 MIND LD ROOF 156.27 .PLF ®' TOTAL LOAD a 156.27 PLF Ry • 4.3 SOIL: Sd Na - 1.90 Ca =.44:(1.00) V • 2.5(.44)(1.00)(1.00)W/(1.4X4,.5) _ .175W SEISMIC ROOF : '^ DL ROOF -24.00X 89.50 OL EXT WALL -15.00X 2X(10.00- 5.00) 150.00 X INT WALL =10.00X 3X(10.00- 5.00) Q 150.00 SHEAR = .175X(2148.00 + 150.00 + 150.00),- 427.43 PLF TOTAL LOAD - 427.43 PLF SEISMIC GOVERNS 's> ROOF: 427.43 PLP ROOF 01APHRAGM : V-427.43 PLF MAX SHEAR=427.43X 21.00/(2 X 89.50)= 50-.15 PLF SE: ./2" Cox m II uwBLKD 24/0 W,/80 COMMON NAILS AT 6",12" OC CHORD FORCE•427.43X.21.00X 1:.00/(8 X 89-90)- 263.26 SPLICE WITH 16D COMMON BAILS S 16" O.C. (STANDARD CONSTRucTI08) Apr -30-O'1 09:64 Andrzej Weber Architect 0 FOUNDATION ANALYSIS a, 760 340 9502 P.10 Sheet: 1-1 CIE Job M: •Z 1 3 o ,S CHWt uTa 0 L.tia9CLI, PIa4 No. L. t *Jo E 1. L Date: 3 ( %� io 1 (SB) SOIL BEARING s 1 o d o PSF TO BE CONFIRMEDPRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION CONFIRMS) BY SOILS REPORT pNTINUOUS FOOTING ® T• . PADS TO FOOTING: QOF ( 14,o• ted) (ALL ( Is ) X (I ) i s o 1T. OF Fro. • (1 Ste) )L (�z.x � • l S s 14 4yTOTAL ( YIco IT 4 WIDTH REQUIRED • 10. t, IE 1 -13' " WIDE X 1 z " DEEP CONTINUOUS FOOTING I -STORY PORTIONS IE " WIDER DEEP CONTINUOUS FOOTING @.2 -STORY PORTIONS LOWABLE POW LOAD ON CONTINUOUS FOOTING 4AX•SB�XSX�W N4 y we ®(i -STORY) 3 33 WC ®(2•STORY) - ILLOW • P w►x - TOTAL• (S/12)) • 1 1E—Posr 6 )O-r-v- ��J