12-0850 (RR)�6 P.O. BOX 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Application Number: 12-00000850 Property Address: 80575 CHERRY HILLS APN: 775 -132 -001-, - Application description: RE -ROOF - Property 'Zoning: E=ROOFProperty'Zoning: LOW `DENSITY RESIDENTIAL Application valuation: 33675 Ta!t444" Applicant: Architect or Engineer:. p lA ----------------- 1. LICENSED;CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMIT I hereby affirm under penalty of: perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9; (commencing with Section 7000) of Division, 3 of the Business and Professionals Code, and my License is in,full"force and effect. License ass: C39 ense Nor 907600-- (� ontrsaor . / OWNHi-BUILDERMECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of. perjury theta am exempt from the Contrector's;State License.Law for the following reason (Sec: 7031.5, Business;and Professions Cade; Any city or countytfSat re guiras'a permit to construct, alter, Improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to Its issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit -to filara,signed statement that. he or she`is licensed pursuantto the provisions,of the Contractor's State License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division3:of.the Business and; Professions Code)•or that he gr she is exempt therefrom and the basis for the;alleged.exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicancfora permit subjects the,apptleant to a"civil penalty of na more.than five hundred dollars (8500).: 1, as owner of the property, or my employees wlth,wages as their sale compensation, will do the work, and the structure is na,intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' -State License Law does not,apply to en owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does the work himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that the improvements ere notiotended or offered for sale. If,.however, the building or Improvement is:sold.within one year of completion, the owner-builderwill have the burden otproving that he or she did not build. or improve for the purpose of sale.). (_) 1, as owner of the property, am exclusively contractingwith licensed -contractors:to construct the project (Sec. 70", Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does, not apply to an,ownerof property`who.builds or improves thereon,,and who oontracts;for the projects with:.a cantractor(s) licensed .. pursuant to the Contractors' State Ucense Law:). (_) I' am exempt under Sec. , BAP:C. for this reason Date:. Owner' - CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of perjurythat thereie a'construction lending'agency'for the performance of the work for which this permit Is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C,). Lender's Name: Lender's Address: LQPERMIT Owner: PGA WEST HOA RES-. 1 559:40 PGA BLVD. LA QUINTA, CA 92253 VOICE (760) 777-7012 FAX (760) 777-7011 INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 Date: 8/pl/12 Contractor: Iu AUG"10 2012 BRS ROOFING INC 465 S. LUGO i ClTy O6 LA QUINT) SAN BERNARDINO, CA 9240 l z1VANCEDEP (909)496-3,113 Lic. No.: 907600 WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty.of perjury'one of:the following declarations: I have and will maintain'a certificate of consent,to self -Insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by,Seetion 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance,of the work forwhichthis permit is Issued. I'have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as. required by -Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work forwhich this,permit Is issued., My workers' compensation insurance carrier _and policy number are: Carrier COMPANION. PROPT Policy Number CPCA13757 I certify that, -in the performance rot the'work for whlch'thiepermitis Issued,I shall not employ any me personin any manner so as,to becosubject to the workers"oompansation Iaws,of California, and agree that: if. l Should'become subject to'the workers' compensation provisions of, Section' 3700 of the Labor Code, 1` fort ly'with those provisions. �' 2AI ��E ant: WARNING: ECURE WORKERS COMPENSATION COVERAGE (_UNLAWFUL„AND SHALL SUBJECT ANE MPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES -UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS,($ 100,000). IN ADDITION'TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES:AS PROVIDED'FOR IN SECTIOW3708.OF THE LABOR.CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES.. APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT' IMPORTANT Application is hereby made;tb.the Director of`Building and Safety for aperm(t.subject,to the conditions and restrictionsset forth on this: application. 1'. Each Onion upon whose behalf :this+application is made, each,person at whose request;and for whose benefit work Is performed under or pursuant to any permit Issued as a;result of this application, the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall deferxiJi demnity and hold harmless the City of'La Quints, its officers, agents and employees'for.any actor omission related to the.work being performed under or following issuance:of this,permit. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this'.appileation becomes null -and void .if work ds noteommenced within 180 days from date of Issuance of such,permit or cessation of work for 180 daysewlll subject permit to cancellation. I certify that( have read this application and state that theabove Information1vcorrect. 1 agree to comply with`all city and:county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction', and hereby authorize representatives of this county to enter upon the above-mentioned property i ction purposes. pofe: J� 1✓^ � nature (Applicant or Agent) I ., Application Number . . . . . 12-00000850 Permit. . . RE -ROOF Additional desc . Permit Fee 30_.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date 1/28/13 Qty Unit.Charge Per. Extension BASE FEE 30.00 ----- Special No _--- --- -- Notes and Comments t R -.ROOF WITH POIYTJRFTHANE FOAM SYSTEM. 2010 CODES. ---------------- -------------------------------------------- Other Fees . . BLDG STDS ADMIN (SB1473)' 1.00 Fee summary Charged Paid. Credited Due. Permit Fee Total 30.00 .00 .00 30.00 Plan Check_ Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Other Fee Total 1.00 .00 .60 1.00 Grand Total 31.00 .00 .00 31.00 -=REOUFST FOR PROPOSAL INSTALL POLYURETHANE FOAM ROOF SYSTEM 8 BUILDINGS (30 UNITS) app>� OF WORK Furnish all labor, materials, equipnicat and services nmesseryfor completion of all roofing and related work as specified in this document :POLYU VW3U E,FOAM ROOFING W1TH ACRYLIC AND GRAA,IjLiLRR 1) All loose gravel, dust and residue shall be removed using powervacuimn egtupment, power sweeper, air blowing or other suitable means. 2) Grind all loose pamt from Z -bar metal, solvent wipe and prime with metal primer bdm application of foam roofing. Install new Z bar metal (will.be.identified,at job walk) as,0eeded and solvent wipe and Prime with metal primer before appliaatiomof foam roofing. 3) Remove two (2) caurses.of toe and art 3" water bloc ks'wimm slope meds fiat roof areas. 4) All surfaces shall be primed with moprime primer at the rate of not leas than Wgallon per 100 square feet prior to foam application. 5) Urethane Roam shall be sprayed - applied to a mia nmmn thio of I.P. AddMenal foam shall be applied. In ponding arm to help dispense tbestandiag•water. 6) Coating sball.be applied in amiv maum of two (2) separate coats. Acrylic coating to be 55% solids. a) Tbe-base coatshall.be applied at a rate of 2.0 gallons per 100 square feet. b) The topcoat shall be applied at the nate of 2.0 gallons per .100 square fief, with a combined thicknass,of 32 total drymils. Ceramic Pennies sihall be embedded into the final Coat while the coating; is. wa PGA. WEST Residaotial Amcistk% for. 2612 Foam Rooft RFP J, Numbers.. Street Phase Units Bldg Type 145-1 55-485, 467, 449, 431 Souther Huls 17B 4 5M (00-0 80-575, 587, 599, 611 Chwy Hills 1111 4 17M C($--- '3 54-05,639,623,607 .Riviera 31B 4 5M 5,5-68Z670,658,646' Riviera 35A 4 9M 4 `" .55-070, 060 Riviera 37A 2 27M 55470, 25$;246, 234 Shoal Creek 14A 4 9M ..� 54-732, 720, 708, 696 Shoal Creek 19A 4- 9M Z-4 —� 4-516,504,492,490 .` Shoal Creek 20A 4 IOM- app>� OF WORK Furnish all labor, materials, equipnicat and services nmesseryfor completion of all roofing and related work as specified in this document :POLYU VW3U E,FOAM ROOFING W1TH ACRYLIC AND GRAA,IjLiLRR 1) All loose gravel, dust and residue shall be removed using powervacuimn egtupment, power sweeper, air blowing or other suitable means. 2) Grind all loose pamt from Z -bar metal, solvent wipe and prime with metal primer bdm application of foam roofing. Install new Z bar metal (will.be.identified,at job walk) as,0eeded and solvent wipe and Prime with metal primer before appliaatiomof foam roofing. 3) Remove two (2) caurses.of toe and art 3" water bloc ks'wimm slope meds fiat roof areas. 4) All surfaces shall be primed with moprime primer at the rate of not leas than Wgallon per 100 square feet prior to foam application. 5) Urethane Roam shall be sprayed - applied to a mia nmmn thio of I.P. AddMenal foam shall be applied. In ponding arm to help dispense tbestandiag•water. 6) Coating sball.be applied in amiv maum of two (2) separate coats. Acrylic coating to be 55% solids. a) Tbe-base coatshall.be applied at a rate of 2.0 gallons per 100 square feet. b) The topcoat shall be applied at the nate of 2.0 gallons per .100 square fief, with a combined thicknass,of 32 total drymils. Ceramic Pennies sihall be embedded into the final Coat while the coating; is. wa PGA. WEST Residaotial Amcistk% for. 2612 Foam Rooft RFP J, ,c0611 05:45a BRS Roofing, Inc. 9098844845 p.3 Prbarpr47uye Car if ocate of'Com iaG: Residential Reroof CM R,ALT-ReRoof d-Addresx' I Permit # tvj ✓ ! p I c, 9fd re s s G , 4�'e 54- - - - - ,+oadfrrg,ariea arnst meettheroadAnp w� °�o►aoa�' �A chv& applicable arternam orexceMon vow awn TWr ane"mw m mu mp[ num inner ruunnW plo^—.L Cool roofs o mpined in a n*s Zones l-1 Z.14,.and 16 with a law obped prof oitc h (lessor 212,pilthj. 0 Cool roofs no • mq*ed in Climates Zoos 1A and le vAh'a deep 4oW rods{ ede r plIch ton 2.IZ,and product weight lea tw 51m1R: Alternatives to §152(b)IFA and $1SXb)M , Steepelope rad (Pft/► > 2:fV 0 Insulation wft a thermal residence of at levet OM hrIPF/Btu or at leed a 3k k dv air-Waoe is added to the roaFdedc corer an atliq' ar ❑ Usting ducts in,the attic are insulated and sealed according to §1151 MIR gar ❑ In dimale zones tQ 12 and 13. with i B2 d free ventilation area of attk ywdation for every 150 fl2 cf attic floor area, and whereat Wad 30 percent of the free vffd1don area is vANn 2 feet vertical dm 12M ofthe root ridge;, or .0 Build'eg has at lead,14.30 cerin insulafion; or D Building has radiant barrier h the atlic meeting the•requkements of 1151(02:.gr C3 Binding has no duns iii the atliG or ❑ In dimate pones la 11. 13 and U. R13 or greater roof deck ftwWabon above van led attic Exception to §154b)1141, l owe dope roof. {pkch 5 2 tV D aMing has nodLcb inthe:aft, Other Exceptions 0 Rooing.sieais omwW by bumldng Wegmb 4 pfiolovatlaic penels and solar thermal pends are amp( from the Coat Root coterie.- ❑ Roof constrvetiansihat have i wuW,maes amen the roof membrana with at laser 25 bW ar+e eoaenmp ,intim the Cod Roof ail aria. so °Darty ane ar the a[emat4nsQ or exoeptyort a ameaoso e►re a®ea solar t4ehbrxatrce amid Thr3rina►erreeesnos tegwmerrternslar rvarrng prodriots in §118(0 are note ObnoHID tabu bebw. gM When a toot Roof Is mgwred, the xratating oontrador st>:aPcorn *Se and saftl Me f-01 for frndhalow*n. Declaration S+tallonent Roof Slope Product Welt.. Prodt�d • � Solar Thermal -'^j i-► . CRRC Pro&W) ID Knrhber� 92:1 > 2:12 , < 5we Z 54>/ft�: ; °err m pA&Ctane4 eM ter= Stile 0 '7 01-0pOZ 11, D 12 0' d 12 D 13 O' Noft- lfno CRRC-1 label hr avaBlsbl+e, Wa emgphnos method cannotbe naso we the Perllainie "Igpplvech lv show car#nce, ' t. 7lrurCAl4C Ptaalrcf D 11Wnrbercarr be oDrrattadtlaar the CoollaonlAles6�tg anadtrRated Oire�olbrr ar 2 A Mete the IMM dpradrct is bWng-mW k rNie roOSPA I& Slh9 goer asp! O R94 taef AXC Ilthe Aged /aelledange b not aN9tTabAe ori ohs lbal RbafRarE�g CoancBJr RaledPs9dWW Di dzy tlten nee rhe &%WP a wAv tier time some ttlreoeary and use Me egrr tfi 1a2fa?(ohtaen a cabktAMadAg+sd m►agre Vfts►s p Al rtie 6vSlet SblerRrmftfterM 4. CherlrbaaITftApedRelfttarrom►bacabuMedvabeaft tttesq&ft R'ebme CaUdade ode SR? lWae 0 daft tris WW- VAx1vsWdtWhftAnw&ww unser the reetedvg vaAt0'61 veer SW C*JUW0 BbOW and edWh a0my wrap &%P Yvahatteetk0o CF•tR o -appy LiigWd'igeld Appftd Coatings, the coaling naut be appliied'aCman the entire rodsurface and mast the dry mll thialmse orcoverage mended by the, costings manufacturer -and meet n**nmatm pubmanoa raquiremente limed im§11" Seled tha appiicable coaling Al mhxnA"enledAsphalt Rod Coaling C1 Cement$aeaditd.Coding B'Other gM When a toot Roof Is mgwred, the xratating oontrador st>:aPcorn *Se and saftl Me f-01 for frndhalow*n. Declaration S+tallonent • 1 Gerdy under pauarty of Perjury, under the INS af*e Stale of CWVbrote, Uma infonnatlen Provided an hole farm is mourde and CWTOW. • 1 ori" MAIM energy faatcuss and pedonnarroe moans UG MMled ort this CeFS09e d.Cornplbnoe oonfon.) to time recluber a nts OFT* 24..Parin I aw 0 dun CalAirnia Cad Name:COMW -'^j i-► . 1ZSF=t ► �� ,��t/G-�-�l PA / 7- :Address: 7&S L-. v p °err m For mWstanee or questions regarrdfng the Energy &Mdardie, ratfact the EnergyWbWne st I-W&7/243M. 0611 05:45a BRS Roofing, Inc. Coot Roof Rating Council 9098844845 p.4 .Page I of I - - - - - - - - - - - NSA& -jot- Raged Products. Directory: Seareh RoSUfte [now asarch 11 print friendl-v view (last updated 16 Sep 2011 16M COT) ShovAng Search Resultsfor. product id: "*oT7o-OoG2-' select 'frorrt-prviducts where errc_pmd_id lkla'%MMODMorder by company_name asc: previous . I I "ext (showing records I -1 of 1) 25 Records per Page QR =1 Manufacturer Bntnd Model Q212_r P. Ostmom I= Solar Reflect Thenn Emit SRI Information (sorted *) 11770400 1AP0111a LePoIW TF— Bright Field- 0.06 0.71 0.90 0.91 109 88 LOwr*lVeP Industries, Coatings 751 White. Applied Inc. Coating Steve Williams 4100) IL —A. previous I I I "ext (showing,records I - I of 1) 25 Records per Page About the CRRC,l Product Rating Program I&W Products Directm I CRRC Members I CRRC News Become. a -Member I How, Do 1.1, ' tsd U I C" Roof UP* I Home htt-n!ilv%,ww.600lroofs.ozWvmductsirmulU.php9keyphfwe=&sele,cLtype--WI&Tnarker_type... 9/21/2011 J- I ' Prmdt # (� projectAdetess: Rk r10 U 15 City of La Quints MkOng a Safety DMsion P.O. Bax ISO4, 78495GAe Tampko 4.QuInta, CA 92233 -,(760) 7777012 Building Permit Application' and. Tracking Sheet LoC Owaer'sNm=.. MA w s -f iiDA Re.s A.T. Number: Address: Lc& c= % sr, tin: Le. Qv 1 rr f e- Cp, TelepGone: Project l)e=iption: Y I'a.�/Q Qmtramc 60-6!,v%c- Ad&cw.(� O Z gag n - I( C"Y. $T. tip: (� DV d 1 r O Tdeplroac'v (- State l;ia �% 6 Q MY Li_c. �--q ,. d I v r tn-�glvt . cin d Atrfi. Pam., Designer; Address: City. ST. Zip: Telephm: Slime uc. is Name.of CooWerson:Sq. Cw dtrucdm Typo OCCUIMry: Project type (oirde ones New Add'n . Abu Repair Demo Ft: lEsfi-,0od Sloties: 1i Units TdVboae of Contact Paaon: g $1= 3 2 3 = 97- S'Z value of Project APPLICANY: DO NOT`WRITE BELOW THIS LINE p sotioltal Plan esti Wd Recd TRACit'INIG PESM[rFBFS Plan Check sabattted Eton Amount Stradual Cdes. Reviewed, ready for cwrmdoos Plan Cbcdc Deposit Tram Cala. QUed Contact Penn Plan Cheek'Sdance. Twe 24 Caiei. Pion pidied up Cousuvedes Flood Wwn Wan Pl1es caubmilted Idtd aakal Gmdla3 pian V Rowkw, ready for eorrectioasfasue mesial Sub000metor Lbrt Called contact Person Pleosb� Groot Deed Mos'pIdm ap . SUN H.O.A. Approval Plan: reslbmllkd craalo� w HOW&- '"` Review, ready for eormdom issue oc"wper 1091st Fee n6'APP rd Colied Contaet Peraoa A"..P. Pub. alta. Appr Date of permit issue Sriool Fea . Total Permit Ft"