2007 12 12 IAB Minutes
December 12, 2007
Regular meeting of the La Ql!inta Investment Advisory Board was called to order at the
hour of 4:34 P.M. by Chairperson Deniel, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Board Members Ross, Moulin, Deniel
Board Member Rassi and Park
John Falconer, Finance Director, Vianka Orrantia, Secretary
and Shrish Patel of Lance Soli, Lunghard LLP
A. City of La Quinta FY 06/07 Audited Financial Statements:
Mr. Patel, Audit Manager of Lance Soli, Lunghard LLP presented the Audited
Financial Statement. He advised that this was the City's first audit with their firm
and he would review the firms audit test work, along with a review of the CAFR
and the cash footnotes. Mr. Patel also advised that the audit firm conducts the
City's field audits twice a year, the interim field work was conducted the week of
June 18'h and the year-end field work was conducted the week of August 13'h. He
further advised that part of the interim process is a cursory review of cash, a
review of the timeliness of the bank reconciliations and a verification of the
investments listed on the Treasurers Report are in compliance with the City's
investment policy, which at this time there were no findings to be reported. Mr.
Patel advised that the year-end audit is a more detailed audit of the bank
reconciliations verifying any unusual unidentified variances. The outstanding
checklist and deposit and transient listing are also reviewed verifying their amounts.
In addition, the total cash by fund is tied out from the City's general ledger to the
adjusted cash and investments by bank making sure they are reconciled. Cash and
investments are also verified with the various institutions in which the funds are
held. Again, there were no findings to be reported.
Mr. Patel reviewed the following items from the 2006/07 CAFR for the Board:
Page 41; Footnote 3: The disclosure of the required cash footnote follows the
requirements of GASB 40 and GASB 31. GASB 40 became effective in fiscal year
04/05, eliminating the provisions of GASB 3 and GASB 31 is requirement to record
the investments of the City at fair market value. GASB 40 requires an auditor to
identify and address in the form of disclosure of footnotes, the various risk
Investment Advisory Board
December 12, 2007
categories as they relate to cash and investments. The first total in Footnote 3 is
the City's total cash and investments totaling approximately $213 million, this
amount is derived from the statement of net assets on page 1 5 and the statement
of fiduciary net assets on page 31 .
Mr. Patel advised that the footnotes go on to disclose the various types of
investments that are authorized by the City's investment policy and the California
State Code.
Mr. Patel stated that the City's investment policy seems to be more conservative in
terms of acceptable investments. One example, risky reverse repurchase
agreements, which are permitted by the State code and not City code.
Page 42; Footnote 3 cont'd: Reflects the City's various investments, those allowed
by State code and the City's code.
Mr. Patel advised that the footnotes disclose investments authorized by debt
agreements. Currently the City has approximately $61.5 million in cash and
investments held by bond trustees as a result of bond proceeds and issuance of
debt. Mr. Patel also advised that authorized investments reflected are not governed
by the State or City code and are provisions of the bond covenant. (The table on
page 42 identifies those investments that are authorized by the various debt
agreements held by the City.) Mr. Patel advised that these investments tend to be
fairly conservative in nature and fairly liquid as well.
Page 43; Footnote 3: The table reflects $6 million currently held by money market
funds and $54.8 million in U.S. Treasury Bills.
Mr. Patel advised that the remaining footnotes disclose the various risks disclosures
that are part of GASB 40. Mr. Patel also advised of the five different types of risk
disclosures that are required to be disclosed by the City; they are interest rate risk,
credit risk, concentration of credit risk, custodial credit risk and the foreign
concentration risk. The foreign concentration risk is not disclosed.
Mr. Patel proceeded with an overview of each risk, in addition to examples of each
In response to Board Member Moulin, Mr. Patel advised that part of the overall
audit is to review the compliance of the investments according to the City's
investment policy and reflected on the Treasurer's report there is wording to
indicate that investments are based on the cash flow requirements.
Investment Advisory Board
December 12, 2007
Mr. Falconer advised that the state code requires the Treasurer to make a
statement that there is adequate liquidity for the next six months, if not this would
need to be reported.
Chairperson Deniel asked if the auditors reviewed the model set up by the Treasurer
to forecast cash flow needs.
Mr. Patel responded that the auditors did not.
Chairperson Deniel suggested that next year the auditors review the cash flow
forecasting model used by the City. Board Member Moulin concurred.
Mr. Patel advised that this is not a procedure normally performed by the auditors
but could incorporate next year with the coordination of City staff.
Board Member Moulin asked if the internal controls were compromised by the City
staff due to the size of the department and their close working relationships.
Mr. Patel advised that part of the audit is to review internal controls verifying
segregation of duties and what sort of approvals are in place. Mr. Patel also
advised that having an Investment Advisory Board to review investment reports is
an added extra level of control, which is not very common with other cities. He
further advised that the statement of auditing standards for the upcoming year will
include not only looking at these controls but verifying that these controls are in
In response to Board Member Moulin, Mr. Falconer advised that as part of the City
ordinance payroll checks require two "wet" signatures, the authorized signers are
the Mayor, the Mayor Pro Tem, the City Manager and the Treasurer, on average
there are about fifteen payroll checks with "wet" signatures and the rest are direct
deposits. Mr. Falconer also advised that the City normally generates approximately
300 to 350 accounts payable checks, these checks are signed with a facsimile
plate on behalf of the City Manager and the second signature is always a "wet"
signature generally signed by the Treasurer.
Board Member Moulin commented that he had a concern regarding the dual
signatures and the review of the checks by the second signer.
Mr. Patel commented that there is a review by his audit staff regarding the
signature of checks.
Investment Advisory Board
December 12, 2007
Mr. Falconer advised of the procedures of invoice payments and the steps involved
prior to generation of payment and signature.
In response to Board Member Ross, Mr. Falconer advised that if there were an
inquiry regarding a payment or non-payment to a vendor, the computer system is
able to generate a report of all invoices and payments made to that particular
Board Member Moulin commented that it was his understanding there were no
material weaknesses found in regards to cash and investments. Board Member
Moulin asked if the auditors had any suggestions that pertained to this area, in
addition to asking how one would define material weaknesses.
Mr. Patel advised that the term "material weakness" has been replaced and the
new term now used is "significant deficiencies" and there were no significant
deficiencies found in the areas of cash and investments.
Board Member Moulin asked if there were any comments from the auditors
regarding the operation of cash and investments as compared to other cities in
similar size.
Mr. Patel stated that he felt the City's portfolio was pretty conservative as
compared to cities of similar size, therefore there is no concentration of credit risk.
Chairperson Deniel thanked Mr. Patel for his review of the City's audit.
Mr. Falconer advised that he would include a copy of the City's follow up letter
from the auditors in the next scheduled meeting's agenda packet.
Noted and Filed
II Public Comment - None
A. Approval of Minutes of Special Meeting on October 9, 2007 and
November 14, 2007 for the Investment Advisory Board.
Investment Advisory Board
December 12, 2007
Chairperson Deniel advised that she had a handout of typed revisions to
the meeting minutes and would like them included as part of the amended
minutes. One of the revisions was the title of the October 9th meeting.
Title of Meeting: "Special" Meeting, should be Regular Meeting.
Mr. Falconer advised that upon checking with the City Clerk's office they
informed him that any meeting conducted on any other day than the
regular scheduled meeting is considered a "Special Meeting." Therefore
the title is correct as is.
Chairperson Deniel asked the other Board Members if they had any
comments to the meeting minutes.
Board Member Moulin advised that because he was not in attendance at
the October 9th meeting he could not make any comments to the minutes
and the meeting minutes of November 14th he contacted staff with his
Board Member Ross advised that on Page 2 of the Minutes of October
9th, page 2, second paragraph should read:
Councilman Osborne reiterated the concerns of Council, #lese ~~
being; what is
5'h paragraph, last sentence should read:
if decided, he would report to City Council, which #Ie he already does
with LAIF.
6th paragraph, first sentence:
Chairperson Deniel reviewed LAIF's various investments and advised that
the only difference in LAIF -
Board Member Ross advised that to his recollection he thought
Chairperson Deniel used the word "main" not the word only.
Page 3, 7th paragraph should read:
Mr. Falconer advised that he has been opposed to hiring a professional
Investment Advisory Board
December 12, 2007
portfolio management firm because the current market ~e~ ae not
warrant it at this time.
Page 4, 5th paragraph:
Chairperson Deniel advised of market risk, a risk of interest rate
fluctuations. For example: when the value of commercial paper fises
iIlIi and the interest rates deoline ~ and when the value of the
investments decline the interest rates rise, if held to maturity the principal
will always be collected.
Chairperson Deniel advised that this paragraph was listed on her handout
as part of the amended minutes.
Mr. Falconer advised that staff relies on what is said during a meeting
and minutes will reflect those comments.
Chairperson Deniel advised that she typed her corrections to help staff
transcribe what was said and clarified her corrections to the meeting
Chairperson Deniel asked Staff for clarification to the meeting minutes of
November 14'h, page 3, second paragraph, 3rd sentence, which reads:
at $+8(;) 1$8Q million, with a permissible $45 million to invest.
Mr. Falconer clarified for the Board that he was trying to convey that the
total portfolio of the City was $180 million and would be limited to a
maximum of $45 million.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members RosslDeniel to approve the
minutes of October 9, 2007 as amended.
Board Member Moulin advised the Board of his change to the November
14'h meeting minutes, page 7, 1st sentence
Board Member Moulin stated that he felt that, Rever was ~~r thil a
loss in principal in LAIF, liquidity is a possible issue.
General discussion ensued among the Board regarding LAIF'S liquidity.
Investment Advisory Board
December 12, 2007
It was moved by Board Members MoulinlRoss to approve the minutes of
November 14, 2007, as amended. Motion carried unanimously.
A. Transmittal of Treasury Report for October 2007
Mr. Falconer presented the Treasurer's report and advised that portfolio
declined $7 million with an ending monthly balance at approximately
$180 million. Mr. Falconer also advised that the City pools were at
approximately 5.10% at the end of October with the money market
funds with the fiscal agent at 4.84%, with the six month treasury bill
yield at 3.94% ending with the overall yield just over 5%.
Mr. Falconer advised that on pages 5 and 7 reflect two commercial
papers currently held by the City, Merrill Lynch and AIG Funding,(due to
mature in January) which have recently been in the media lately.
In response to Board Member Ross, Mr. Falconer advised that the
broker/dealer's provide a security description page on the paper being
purchased, and at the time of purchase Merrill Lynch and AIG Funding
were rated as an A 1 + and Merrill Lynch has been now down graded to
an A1.
In response to Board Member Ross, Board Member Moulin advised that
AIG Funding was similar to GE Capital.
Mr. Falconer advised that it is getting harder to obtain good quality paper.
He further advised that the average maturity is out 116 days.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members MoulinlRoss to approve,
receive and file the Treasury Report for October 2007. Motion carried
Board Member Moulin advised the Board of his conversation with
Councilwoman Henderson at the open house luncheon. In his
conversation with Councilwoman Henderson, he asked her to clarify her
comment made at the joint meeting in regards to LAIF. Councilwoman
Henderson stated that LAIF deserves another look.
Mr. Falconer advised that Councilman Henderson asked him what she
Investment Advisory Board
December 12, 2007
meant, his feeling as to her comment was that she felt that a discussion
of LAIF should be included as part of the investment policy review.
Board Member Moulin advised that Councilwoman Henderson proceeded
to say that LAIF has investments that are not authorized by the City's
investment policy. This was an issue in prior years with previous board
members and council members. Board Member Moulin suggested this be
added to the work plan.
Chairperson Deniel advised there will be a review of the investment policy
with the Board taking another look at LAIF. She further advised the
Board will also be consolidating topics so that they are not spread
throughout the policy.
Chairperson Deniel commented that she felt that the section regarding
the professional portfolio management firm be changed from Council's
authorization and lor approval to that of the Treasurer. She also
commented that while LAIF has investments not authorized by the City's
investment policy, LAIF has a full staff of qualified investment
professionals that dedicate their time monitoring the state's portfolio.
Chairperson Deniel advised that these investments are within state
Board Member Moulin advised that previous concerns regarding LAIF
were that they were subject to political influence, but have since been
clarified and the risk is minimal.
A. City of La Quinta FY 06/07 Audited Financial Statements
This item was discussed at the beginning of the Investment Advisory
Board meeting.
B . Month End Cash Report - November 2007
Mr. Falconer advised that page 7 reflects a drop in the daily yield PMIA
and this is an indicator that LAIF is dropping with the market.
Noted and Filed
Investment Advisory Board
December 12, 2007
C. Pooled Money Investment Board Report - September 2007
Mr. Falconer informed the Board that the States of Florida, Maine and
Montana's pools are currently in trouble due to investments in subprime
mortgages. LAIF has issued a statement to all participants informing
them that they never investment in these types of vehicles. Mr. Falconer
also advised of his conversation with Dan Dowell, the Head Investment
Trader in Sacramento and the criticism received for not yielding what
other states were yielding.
General discus,s ensued among the Board regarding some of PMIA's
investments on page 2 of the report.
Noted and Filed
D. October 23, 2007 Joint Meeting Minutes with the City Council
Chairperson Deniel asked why the minute's state "due to a lack of
quorum" a meeting was not held.
Mr. Falconer clarified that discussion took place during this joint meeting
but there was no action taken due to a lack of quorum from the
Investment Board.
Chairperson Deniel stated that her understanding was that the Board was
invited to speak with Council if there were any issues that needed to be
addressed, but did not realize that a quorum was required.
Mr. Falconer advised that at the previous Board meeting he would provide
an analysis of the investment percentage changes by year, the first page
is the percentages and the second page is the changes. He also advised
that this is not a static document, it changes from year to year, and we
will be discussing these percentages again in January.
Noted and Filed
VIII Adjournment
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Moulin/Ross to adjourn the meeting
at 5:35 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
Investment Advisory Board
Vianka Orrantia
Senior Secretary
December 12, 2007