2008 01 15 RDA Minutes LA GUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JANUARY 15, 2008 A regular meeting of the La Guinta Redevelopment Agency was called to order by Chairman Osborne. PRESENT: Agency Members Adolph, Henderson, Kirk, Sniff, Chairman Osborne ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT - None CLOSED SESSION 1. Conference with Agency's real property negotiator. Douglas R. Evans. pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 concerning potential terms and conditions of acquisition and/or disposition of real property located at the southeast corner of Miles Avenue and Washington Street. Property Owner/Negotiator: Lennar Desert Villas Development. Gary Glazer; and CP Development La Guinta. LLC. Richard Oliphant. 2. Conference with Agency's real property negotiator. Douglas R. Evans. pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 concerning potential terms and conditions of acquisition and/or disposition of real property located at the southeast corner of Jefferscm Street and Avenue 52. Property Owner/Negotiator; RJT Homes-Codorniz. LLC.. Chad Meyer. The Redevelopment Agency recessed to Ciosed Session to and until the hour of 4:00 p.m. 4:00 P.M. PUBLIC COMMENT - None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA - Confirmed Redevelopment Agency Minutes 2 January 15, 2008 APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION - It was moved by Agency Members Henderson/Adolph to approve the Redevelopment Agency Minutes of December 18, 2007 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTERS DATED JANUARY 2 AND JANUARY 15,2008. 2. RECEIVE AND FILE TREASURER'S REPORT DATED NOVEMBER 30, . 2007. 3. RECEIVE AND FILE REVENUE & EXPENDITURES REPORT DATED NOVEMBER 30,2007, AND INVESTMENT SUMMARY FOR GUARTER ENDING DECEMBER 31,2007. 4. APPROVAL OF A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH HARVEY MILLS DESIGN FOR GOLF COURSE IRRIGATION DESIGN FOR THE SILVERROCK RESORT SECOND GOLF COURSE In regard to Item No.4, Chairman Osborne asked if the specs will require using the same hardware as the first course. Assistant City Manager-Development Services Evans stated will write tight as possible in hope that bidders will come in with same hardware. Public Works Director Jonasson stated the plan is to have Raynebird systems as the initial specification or something equal. MOTION - It was moved by Agency Members Henderson/Sniff to approve the Consent Calendar as recommended. Motion carried unanimously. Redevelopment Agency Minutes 3 January 15, 2008 BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION OF PRELIMINARY GOLF COURSE ROUTING PLANS FOR SILVERROCK RESORT. Assistant City Manager-Development Services Evans presented the staff report. Rex VanHuese, Jacobson Hardy, stated focus is design a first-class golf course at the unique site of SilverRock Resort; and reviewed Routing Plan Option A, B 1, B2 and the Preferred Routing Plan. Agency Member Adolph stated the routing plan presented has addressed many issues that have been considered; stated concern of the substantial parking; stated it is necessary to provide a teaching area; stated concern of the routing of the !:Ith hole, parallel to driving range; and stated the Preferred Plan is an excellent golf course design. Agency Member Henderson stated she is not particularly concerned with the 40 acres on the corner; conveyed concern of how the area will be utilized; and appreciates the development of the parcel in size. Agency Member Kirk stated the general routing is good in size; stated challenge to have the mountain as a backdrop; and questioned if the Agency has an exclusive with Lowe on Parcel No.8. Assistant City Manager-Development Services Evans explained Lowe has the right to Parcel No 11 and purchase based if a project is proposed; and explained the specific acreage is tied to spElcific map and would have to go through a process to adjust the parcels. Agency Member Kirk referred to Parcel No.8, and stated access is confusing to Parcel No.8. Rex explained the access is at the 15th green. Agency Member Kirk commented on the shape of development parcels which seem more workable; stated open space parcel is a concern; reduced parcel 15 by a number of acres and utilize the space as a teaching facility, and questioned if the driving range be designed to allow for overflow parking; stated the primary purposes of the project is to generate long term, secure revenue; conveyed concern of little development today with lots of parcels and the time to get to Parcels 11 and 8; conveyed concern of providing open space and would like to preserve parcel 1 5 at a larger size for other activities this community desperately needs. Redevelopment Agency Minutes 4 January 15, 2008 Agency Member Sniff stated under the current circumstances, the consultants have done a good job; referred to the mountain background and suggested an east west position. Chairman Osborne referred to Parcel 15 relating to parking as well as Parcels 11 and 8 for the Bob Hope Chrysler Classic. John Pott, Landmark, stated Assistant City Manager-Development Services Evans invited Landmark to review the plan and stated it is a good routing plan overall; stated the front 9 is tight and Mr. VanHuese has acknowledged; stated he is glad the Agency is considering to enlarge the space for the practice facility as it is very important to provide for the public's use; and stated it will be a good golf course. Agency Member Henderson stated she has been in La Guinta for about 37 years and appreciates the desert and open space; stated the City of La Guinta has done its best to provide open space and that this is a community project; and stated the open space will need an identity. Agency Member Kirk stated his intention for the open space was not for passive use and this area does need it's own identity; stated it is time to dig into this issue, first is infrastructure and second is design; and stated if the Agency is forced into something in 10 to 20 years, suggested to strongly take the challenge today. Agency Member Henderson stated the follow-up on two of the parcels which would not be developed for many years, and conveyed her opposition to utilizing temporary parks for those parcels. Assistant City Manager-Development Services Evans stated the scope with HAS includes taking a more detailed design study with the corner being developed with the golf course; stated the scope has an aggressive design schedule for the next 6 to 8 months and suggested to give attention to the items to be developed immediately. MOTION - It was moved by Agency Members Adolph/Sniff to approve the Preferred Routing Plan. Motion carried unanimously. The Redevelopment Agency meeting was recessed to 7:00 p.m. Redevelopment Agency Minutes 5 January 15, 2008 7:00 P.M. The Redevelopment Agency reconvened the meetillg at 7:54 p.m. BUSINESS SESSION (Continued) 2. CONSIDERATION OF SILVEROCK RESORT CLUBHOUSE SCHEMATIC DESIGN PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT AND BUDGET UPDATE. Assistant City Manager-Development Services Evans presented the staff report. Ule Rowe, HAS Design Group, reviewed the Site Plan and landscape architecture. Assistant City Manager-Development Services Evans commented on the request to center the building on thl3 site; and reviewed the reorientation of the parking lot and the effects of relocating the staging area. Agency Member Adolph stated the overall function and layout is great. Mr. Rowe confirmed a caliper per box is included in the specifications of the plan for the clubhouse, in response to Agency Member Henderson. In response to Agency Member Adolph, Mr. Rowe explained the use of Mesquite trees along with desert trees. Agency Member Henderson questioned on the use of black instead of colored asphalt. Mr. Rowe stated the determination of using black, as opposed to colored asphalt, may been due to a cost prohibitive factor. Agency Member Henderson conveyed her concern of the black asphalt retaining heat. Mr. Rowe illustrated the use of many trees in the parking area which will provide a significant amount of shade. Agency Member Henderson questioned the use of an oblong template rather than square for the parking area. Mr. Rowe explained the design gives the opportunity of not providing everything on a straight axis, and decreasing the size of the planters may affect the growth of the trees. Agency Member Henderson further questioned if solar panels are planned to be utilized for the clubhouse building. Mr. Rowe stated there are no physical structures in the plans to support solar panels. Redevelopment Agency Minutes 6 January 15, 2008 In response to Agency Member Kirk, Assistant City Manager - Development Services Evans stated staff can explore other alternatives and the use of other colors for the design of the clubhouse. In response to Agency Member Adolph, Assistant City Manager- Development Services Evans explained a decision has not been made as to what decorative floor material will be used at the entrance of the clubhouse. Mr. Rowe explained staff has been working closely with Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) to comply with the new landscape efficiency ordinance, which allows use of 72 acres of turf and an additional 80 acres in the ancillary areas, in response to Agency Member Kirk. Mr. Rowe confirmed the second course does need to comply with CVWD ordinance, and explained the existing course is using less water than what was applied for. In response to Agency Member Kirk, Mr. Rowe explained there are upfront costs associated with creating a nursery of trees in 36" boxes in preparation for planting upon completion of the parking lot; stated it is not a common practice because of the costs associated. Mr. Rowe explained a curb will enclose the planting area around the trees, and that no thought has been give to the color of the curb; stated color will be added around the trees; explained annual color will be installed in accent, entry areas and possibly to the driving range; consideration will be given to maintain and prune the trees without disrupting the course activities; stated no evaluation or testing of the soil has been conducted, in response to Agency Member Sniff. Mr. Rowe further explained drainage of the soil will be part of the design development process, a metered system will be installed for irrigation, and drip system will also be utilized, in response to Agency Member Sniff. In response to Agency Member Henderson, Mr. Rowe explained the planters will be curbed, and vehicle will not be able to drive through the tree areas of the parking lot. Mr. Robert Altevers, Altevers & Associates, reviewed the floor plans. Redevelopment Agency Minutes 7 January 15, 2008 Agency Member Adolph stated the dome accent is an expensive component to the project and is not necessary and it is not compatible with the building design; stated a water feature was a better component than a fireplace; and would rather see a hip roof with a clear panel to allow natural light. Mr. Altevers stated the dome feature is common in Mexican architecture. Agency Member Henderson conveyed her appreciation of Agency Member Adolph's concern over the costs; stated the Agency is building something where everything on that project is supposed to take it into the future and give it stature; conveyed her opposition to approving a project without any identifying feature; understands the concept of the fireplace and questioned if the feature can be a convertible water and fire feature; stated the concept will become better as the process proceeds; and has no problem with the dome. Agency Member Kirk conveyed his appreciation of Mr. Altevers attendance and spending so much time on the elevations; stated when first saw elevations looked for something special; stated the window treatment under the dome is fantastic and if took the dome away, this could be almost any place in Southern California; conveyed concerned if don't do something to identify the building it could look like a large grocery store and a common place buildin!~; would like to see more special features incorporated; stated in this case, some of these additional elements may be less than 1 % of the total cost; with respect to fire or water, supports the fireplace over the water feature due to the water conservation issue; stated there have been Spanish/Mexican influences in the region, and would like to see more of the special elements; and stated the final design is 95% to completion. Agency Member Sniff stated the dome is great and may be a tad larger but not necessarily higher; suggested to incorporate another roof top feature on the left side of the building; would like to see the use of colored tile, particularly in the archways; have no problem with the fireplace and depends on the time of year whether to burn it or not; stated this building could be outstanding, with a few modifications; stated when reviewed the color rendering, first thought of the Alamo, and suggested to give more c.olor. Redevelopment Agency Minutes 8 January 15, 2008 Agency Member Kirk reinforced comments made by Agency Member Sniff regarding the uniform roof; suggested to incorporate not only the flat but the hip roof, and could go up and include the elements that breakup the horizontal monotony. Chairman Osborne stated this matter was discussed at a meeting which ended about midnight, four year ago; stated he has no comments regarding the architecture of the building. Agency Member Kirk requested a photo montage of buildings with parapet walls. Chairman Osborne suggested those concerns can be addressed when the solar paneling is reviewed and discussed. Agency Member Henderson questioned if the tile presented is only one of many. Mr. Altevers stated the tile design will be a pallet of color with different tiles in different areas. Agency Member Sniff conveyed his support of the use of wrought iron wherever possible; stated the brick effect varies the wall and expands the dome inside; and suggested little out coves of light as they give depth to the wall and can be very pleasing without being dominant. Mr. Altevers stated shahs of light will be seen as there will be skylights. Agency Member Sniff suggested the use of colored glass to give a different hue of light. Agency Member Henderson conveyed her appeal of the decorative tiles and patterns displayed, but a little more subtle and symmetrical; stated the site plan clearly illustrates the roof is necessarily a flat line; stated she is hesitant in supporting the Planning Commission's suggestion to use solar, but is delighted to have them incorporated. Agency Member Kirk conveyed his concerned of the parapet style and a long flat roof; stated there are solar products out today that can give slopes or an angle that my be more effective; and questioned if the dome from the interior is a bit of a faux dome. Mr. Altevers confirmed. Agency Member Kirk further commented by stating there is something special to looking at the building and having a literal interpretation of the building on the inside as well as the outside; and suggested to extend the dome. Mr. Altevers explained the interior dome can be stepped in as the height progresses. Agency Member Adolph conveyed his like to the material pallet; stated the long horizontal line of the building needs to be addressed, but it will not be seen when standing next to the building at ground level. Redevelopment Agency Minutes 9 January 15, 2008 Chairman Osborne conveyed his support of the roof as it is presented because it allows for the solar panels and they will not be noticed; stated he likes the dome and making it progress all the way on the inside, as well as the proposed color pallet. In response to Chairman Osborne, Assistant City Manager- Development Services Evans stated staff has spoken to the design team regarding completion date; explained staff would need to move up the schedule a couple of months to be able to complete the project by the Bob Hope Chrysler Classic event in 1 he year 2010; and stated staff can report back to the Agency regarding this issue Agency Member Henderson stated it was her understanding the clubhouse opening would be closely tied with the opening of one of the hotels. Agency Member Kirk stated the architect has received a number of comments tonight. Assistant City Mananer-Development Services Evans stated the next stage would be the design development which will be more refined and have better cost estimates, and responses to the comments made tonight. Agency Member Adolph stated his appeall of the building and the layout and is convinced on the two entry doors to the clubhouse; stated he is not supportive of the dome feature as it is not compatible to the design of the building; stated he will support the concept nonetheless; and stated for the record he believes making a mistake if we start into overrides of the project. MOTION - It was moved by Agency Members Henderson/Kirk to approve the SilverRock Resort permanent clubhouse schematic design program and budget, incorporating the consensus comments made by the Agency when it comes back. In response to Agency Member Sniff, Assistant City Manager- Development Services Evans stated additional details will come back in the next stage that he feels will satisfy any concerns. Motion carried by a vote of 4-1, Agency Member Sniff dissenting. Redevelopment Agency Minutes 10 January 15, 2008 3. CONSIDERATION OF REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REORGANIZATION. MOTION - It was appoint Agency unanimously. moved by Agency Members Henderson/Adolph to Member Kirk as Chairman. Motion carried MOTION - It was moved by Agency Members Osborne/Kirk to appoint Agency Member Henderson as Vice-Chair. Motion carried unanimously. STUDY SESSION - None CHAIR AND AGENCY MEMBERS' ITEMS - None PUBLIC HEARINGS - None ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved by Agency Members Adolph/Sniff to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. ZV,"b:;U" VERONICA . MONTECINO, Secretary City of La Guinta, California