1994 07 11 PRC .. ~ of /p; (J.ttUttt PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA La Quinta Civic Center Council Chambers 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 July 11, 1994 5:30 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER A. Roll Call II. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Corrections, additions, deletions or reorganization of the agenda III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS A, Introduction of Commissioners and Staff V. PUBLIC COMMENT The Parks and Recreation Commission reserves the right to limit discussion on any topic to five minutes or less,' VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS PRCAGN.OOl 1 . . , VII. STAFF REPORTS A, Review Parks and Recreation Commission Materials . Brown Act Information . Resolution 92-112 - Meeting Procedures . Parks & Recreation Commission Ordinance . Park Master Plan . Park Development Update . Community Services Commission Work Plan & Handbook . Ordinances from Other Cities. . 1994-95 Preliminary Budget for Parks & Recreation (with City Organizational Chart) B. Distribute Commissioner's Profiles for Review C, Discuss Agenda Format and Process } VIII. COMMISSION BUSINESS A, Establish Regular Meeting Time and Day B. Discuss Appointment of Chair and Vice Chair IX. NEXT MEETING DATE, TIME AND TOPIC ,1994 La Quinta Civic Center Council Chambers . Election of Officers . . . . X. ADJOURNMENT PRCAGN.001 2 'PAA AND RECREATION COMMISS" MINUTES JULY 11, 1994 CALL TO ORDER 'egular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order at 6:00 p.m. in the La Quinta fie Center Council Chambers. Staff member Clint Bohlen asked Commissioner Lawrence Best to preside over I meeting. Pledge of Allegiance was led by the acting Chairman. lOLL CALL: IEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Lawrence Best Commissioner Stacy Mullen . Commissioner Kathryn Pedersen , Commissioner Hal Summers IEMBERS ABSENT: -Commissioner Norris Bernard Commissioner Mike Davis " Commissioner B.J. Seaton ,TAFF PRESENT: Clint Bohlen, Parks & Recreation Director . Cristal Spidell, Secretary II Nas moved by Commissioner Mullen/Pedersen to excuse Commissioner, Davis who is on vacation, and Immissioner Bernard who ,is recovering from surgery. Motion passed unanimously. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA APPROVAL OF MINUTES ANNOUNCEMENTS Introduction of Commissioners and Staff Mr. Bohlen introduced each Commissioner, and Cristal Spidell, Secretary II. Commissioner Best asked Mr. BOhlen about his background which included being Parks and Recreation Director since October, and prior to that he was the Parks and Recreation Manager. Mr. Bohlen has been with the City for 3 years. PUBLIC COMMENT' CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS II. STAFF REPORTS Review Parks and Recreation Commission Materials Staff reviewed the Parks and Recreation Commission (PRC) information which was previously distributed in a notebook to each Commissioner. The materials included Brown Act Information, Resolution 91-112 pertaining to meeting procedures, Parks & Recreation Commission Ordinance, Park Master Plan, Park Development Update, Community Services Work Plan, Ordinances from other cities, and 1994-95 Preliminary Budget for the Parks and Recreation Department. ' ' PReMIN.OOI I -- The Community SerVices clmission Handbook was inadvertentlY. out of the notebook, and staff indicated that a copy would be mailed to each of the Commissioners. Distribute Commissioner Profiles for Review Mr. Bohlen distributed Commissioner Profiles and a Roster with phone numbers and addresses to each Commissioner. The profiles will provide a history and background of each Commissioner. Discuss Agenda Format & Process Mr. Bohlen discussed the Agenda format and indicated that if the Commission desired to make changes in the layout of the Agenda they could do so. The procedure for adding an item to the Agenda is for the Commissioner to contact the Chairperson regarding the request. The Chairperson would then contact the ParkS and Recreation Director at least 7 days prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting to place the item under the "Commission Business. section of the Agenda., This would then allow the Commission to take action on the item. I. COMMISSION BUSINESS Establish Regular Meeting Time and Day Commissioner Best asked where future meetings would be held. Mr. Bohlen indicated that the Study Session Room and Council Chambers are available, and then gave a tour of the Study Session Room. The consensus of the Commission was to meet regularly in the Study Session Room unless a Public Hearing or Public Forum warranted the use of the Council Chambers: It was moved by Commissioner Mullen/Pedersen to set the second Monday of each month at 7:00 P.M. in the Study Session Room as the regular meeting day, time, and place for the Parks and Recreation Commission. Motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Pedersen indicated that she would be on vacation and unable to attend the meeting on August 8, 1994. Discuss A~pointment of Chair & Vice Chair After J brief discussion Commissioner Mullen/Pedersen moved to hold election of officers on September , 12, 1994. Motion passed unanimously. I NEXTIMEETlNG DATE, TIME AND TOPIC Monday, August 8,1994 7:00 p.m. La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room I ' " I . Budget Review . Recreation Staff Introduction . Recreation, and Community Service Programs within the City Monday, September 12, 1994 7:00 p.m. , I . Election of Officers PRJIN.OOI I 2 ADJOURNMENT . . vas moved by Commissioner Mullen/Pedersen to adjoum the meeting to the next regularly scheduled Parks ::I Recreation Commission meeting on Monday, August 8, 1994. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting joumed at 6:46 p.m.. ~ LJ ~idLei2 ~ISTAL SPIDE L . ,cretary II PReMIN.OOI 3