1995 03 13 PRC
'.. .
La Quinta Civic Center Council Study Session Room
78-495 Calle Tampico
La Quinta, CA 92253
March 13, 1995
7:00 P.M.
A. Rol,l Call
Corrections, additions, deletions or reorganization of the agenda
Approve minutes of February 13, 1995.
A. Easter Egg Hunt & Celebration - April 15th at 9:00 A.M.
B. Youth 3-0n-3 Basketball Tournament - March 18th ~t 10:00 A.M.
The Parks and Recreation Commission reserves the right to limit discussion
on any topic to five minutes or less.
A. Letter from Dennis Cunningham Regarding Park Naming Suggestion
PRCAGN.003 1
A. Letter to CVRPD Regarding Condition of Basketball Courts at La
Quinta Park
B. Grass Conditions at La Quinta Sports Complex
A. Review Council Recommendation of Plans and Specifications for Fritz
Burns Park - Cosper
B. Park Naming Suggestion by Dennis Cunningham, Century Homes
C. Work Plan Review
A. CPRS Conference Attendance Report - Commissioner Mullen
April 10, 1995 7:00 P.M.
La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room
February 13, 1995
A regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission was called 10 order al 7:00 p.m. in the
Council Chambers of Ihe La Quinta Civic Cenler. Chairperson Sealon presided over the meeling.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Pedersen.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Norris Bernard
Commissioner Lawrence Besl (Vice Chairperson)
Commissioner Mike Davis
Commissioner Kalhryn Pedersen
Commissioner B.J. Sealon (Chairperson)
Commissioner Hal Summers
MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Stacy Mullen
Tom Hartung, Inlerim Parks & Recreation 'irector
Crislal Spidell, Secrelary II
Marni Francisco, Recrealion supervisor
Dave Cosper, Public Works Director
II was moved by Commissioner Pedersen/Besl to excuse Commissione~ Mullen from this meeting due
10 illness. Unanimous. '
II was moved by Commissioner Summers/Davis to APPROVE Ihe minules of January 9, 1995 as
submitted. Unanimous.
Jack Sobelman, 52-815 Avenlda Manlnez, La Qulnta - Mr. Sobelman has four concerns about
the pool: 1) traffic and children's safety north of Avenue 52, 2) liability, 3) the cosl of removing
4 of the tennis court and Ihen rebuilding them in anolher localion, and 4) whether the City
Attorney has reviewed the project.
Bill Weber, 52-352 Avenlda Juarez, La Qulnta - Mr. Weber has been a resident of La Qulnta
since 1991. He also said thai he likes the Parks and Recrealion Departmenl's Recrealion
Brochures and the Kidsline program. In regards 10 Ihe pool, Mr. Weber attended two of the three
meelings slaff held, and he would like to see the ilem be put 10 a vole of the clllzens of La
Quinla. Mr. Weber did nol feellhe flyer announcing Ihe Ihree public meelings was informative
enough, and he fell something should have been pul in Ihe La Quinla Newsletter. He also asked
whether Ihe lasl queslionnaire was senllo "Postal Patron" or the "Property Owner".
Roben Tyler, 44-215 Vllleta Drive, La Qulnta - Mr. Tyler attended a1llhree public meelings and
suggesled Fred Rice's idea of Ihe City help financially wilh pulling a pool al the La Quinta Boys
and Girls Club since II is already plumbed for water. Mr. Tyler does nollhink seven days is
sufficienlllme for slaff 10 pullogether a recommendalion for Ihe City Council. Mr. Tyler asked
for a better breakout of costs/funding on the pool, and then reminded the Commission that they
could "jusl say no" to conslruction of the pool.
A. Leiter from Dennis Cunningham Regarding Name For Ihe Park in North La Quinta
Chairperson Sealon asked slaff 10 bring Ihis ilem back 10 Ihe Commission for consideration on
March 13, 1995, under Commission Business.
A. Fritz Bums Park Public Meelings
Staff announced Ihal Dave Cosper, Public Works Director was available to answer questions Ihe
Commission mighl have prior 10 making their recommendation 10 Ihe City Council. Mr. Cosper
reviewed charts with the Commission which broke oul comments made al each public meeting.
The results of Ihe firsl meeting al La Quinla High School showed lack of support for the pool
because it was nol affordable; Ihere were 75 people presenl at Ihis meeting. The second meeling
al La Quinla Middle School meeling showed support for the park bul nol a pool; there were 35
people In attendance. The results of Ihe Ihird meeling held allhe La Quinta Senior Center
suggesled redesigning Ihe pool; Ihere were 65 people in attendance. Comments were
combinalion from all three meelings and Ihey were: 1) the pool was nol affordable, 2) redesign
Ihe pool, 3) build the park only, and 4) leave the design as il is. A lotal of 175 people attended
a1llhree meelings.
Mr. Cosper asked for a recommendalion from the Commission. Chairperson Seaton asked Mr.
Cosper 10 respond to queslions asked by Ihose who spoke during Public Comment. Mr. Cosper
stated that: '
1) Traffic will nol be a hazard to children north of Avenue 52 because there will be no
future park development north of the park. II will be a landscaped median.
2) The tennis courts Ihal are being removed are nol in very good condition and by
removing Ihe courts the children's play area will be cenlrally localed so that they do
not have to play near Avenue 52 or the parking 101.
3) The liability issue was presenled 10 CVJPIA and Ihe City is fully covered. The slide
was delermlned 10 be an addilional expense of $30,000 per year and it was then
eliminaled from the currenl plans.
4) The City Attorney has been reviewing Ihe project, and will conlinue 10 do so.
5) Funding will be coming from many sources including Community Services Funds,
Quimby Act Funds, RDA - PA #1, Infrastructure Fees, General Fund, Pool Revenue,
L1ghling and Landscaping Dislrict, elc..
Chairperson Sealon addressed Mr. Weber's queslion regarding no nolice being placed in the La
Quinta Newsletter. This was due 10 the fact Ihallhe Newsletter had already gone 10 press.
A. Formulation of Recommendation 10 Ihe City Council Regarding Fritz Bums Park
Chairperson Sealon asked Ihe Commissioners for their Ihoughts on the pool.
Commissioner Bernard - Mr. Bernard liked Fred Rice's suggeslion of putting the pool at the
Boys and Girls Club wilh City help (financial) on the project since Ihe waler is already stubbed
out. The children could use Ihis pool and adults/seniOrs could use Ihe La Quinta High School
pool. Mr. Bernard recommends Ihe park with reslrooms, founlains, wading pool, lennis courts,
and future play areas. Further, he would recommend removal of the concession stand, solar
heating, and locker rooms.
Commissioner Summers - Mr. Summers has considered Ihe Boys and Girls Club oplion, but
prefers the Fritz Burns Park sile due 10 Ihe larger percenl of kids living in the cove area. Mr.
Summers believes heal will be a factor in the summer and il would be 100 far for kids to travel
on bike or foot to Ihe Boys and Girls Club. Mr. Summers agrees thai building/maintenance costs
of the pool is the major concern wilh Ihe public, however, he feels il is an insignificant amounl
10 pay for whal the pool can provide 10 Ihe public.
Commlsstoner Davis - Mr. Davis believes somelhing is needed for the community and thinks
the park/pool is needed. The differenl funding sources Ihal are available could resull in low costs '
10 Ihe tax payers.
Commissioner Best - Mr. Besl slaled Ihat the Community Services Commission sent a survey
oullo Ihe residents and the results were thai the public wanled a pool. Public Hearings were
held during several City Council meetings and Ihe majority staled a pool was wanled and/or
needed. Design meetings were held, and again Ihe same response, the majority of Ihose in
attendance said a pool was wanted.
Mr. Besl continued 10 say Ihat Ihe final design was presenled 10 the City Council and approved,
bul two weeks laler when Ihe bid was 10 be awarded, cosl of the project became an Issue.
Approximalely 175 came 10 three differenl public meetings in February, and now construction of
Ihe pool is back 10 square one. Early on, Ihe concensus was 10 build a pool, and now 3 years
later, 175 people are indicaling a pool is nol needed.
Commissioner Pedersen - Ms. Pedersen slaled Ihal initial survey results indicated there would
be a pool. The public assumes thai this is going 10 happen because of Ihal survey, and this
could be why Ihey have nol turned oul to support Ihe project. Ms. Pedersen attended all three
meetings and she believes Ihe pool is still wanled. Ms. Pedersen does nol believe Ihe Boys and
Girls Club is a good location, and Ihe Fritz Bums Park localion Is preferred due 10 its accessibility.
Ms. Pedersen feels Ihallhe pool is affordable due 10 all the funding sources Ihal are available,
and suggests redesigning the pool will make il even more affordable. '
Chairperson Seaton - Chairperson Sealon assured Ihe people in attendance that all comments
would be taken inlo consideration when making a recommendalion to the City Council. She also
Indicated Ihal the funds cannol go 10 olher sources like road improvements, or police because
Ihe funds musl be used for park developmenl only. Ms. Sealon suggested building the park flrsl,
and then redesign and downsize Ihe pool for recreation swimming, yel keeping families in mind.
Ms. Seaton further suggesled Ihal eliminating Ihe aqualics building and a1llhe "frills" in order to
make just a basic pool. The La Quinla High School pool can be used for competitive swim. Ms.
Seaton noled thai according 10 the U.S. Census from 1990 Ihere are approximately 3,000 children
1-17 years of age thai live in Ihe cove area.
Commissioner Best informed Ihe Commission Ihalthe design of Ihe aquatics building is such thai il
meets heallh regulalion requirements for a public pool, Iherefore Ihe aqualics building cannol be
eliminated. Mr. Besl asked staff whal the costs would be 10 eliminale Ihe pool and the aquatics building
from Phase I, and then add Ihese ilems al a laler dale. Mr. Cosper indicaled Ihat Ihe aquatics building,
decking, the 2 pools, and shade slructures could be eliminaled and Ihe area would be covered wllh lurf.
Phase 1 would be construCted and alllhe ulilities would be exlended inlo ii, which would eliminate culling
inlo the streets and landscaped areas al a laler date. Addilional costs would be minor and result in
removal of some of Ihe lurf area and irrigalion syslem.
Mr. Cosper further slaled Ihal the aquatics building is buill as required by law. The number of loilets and
the size of Ihe locker area is designed based on Ihe square footage of Ihe pool. The currenl design
contains the minimum requirements allowed by law. The original plan, presented by BSI, was much
larger Ihen the current design and the cost was significantly higher. Staff then downsized the aquatics
building to a more cost effective building. The aqualics building and the pool represent aboul 72% of
Ihe lotal cost. The park, which Includes the parking area and all slreel improvements (curb and gulter,
and sidewalks) lotals aboul $800,000. Additional costs for redesigning the plan and turf could bring the
construction of the park 10 approximately $900,000 10 $950,000. A 10-15% reduction in the aquatics
building and a 25% reduclion in Ihe pool could resull in cosl savings by downsizing Ihe currenl pool
design, elimination of Ihe wading pool and bleacher area.
Chairperson Sealon asked slaff if more treell could be planted for shade. Mr. Cosper lltaled that due
10 the dropping of leaves on Ihe ground and in Ihe pool, Ihe maintenance costs would increase and Ihe
leaves could be a problem In Ihe fillers. II is more cosl effective 10 use shade structures because they
are a one lime cosl and very low mainlenance.
Commissioner Besl asked whal else could be done 10 reduce costs. Mr. Cosper Indicated that
downsizing of Ihe pool will resull in a decrease in mainlenance costs. operating costs, and personnel.
Operating costs would be down due 10 less waler 10 heal, less chemicals would be used, etc. Staff also
indicated Ihal manpower would be decreased from 7 lifeguards to 2 or 3, due 10 Ihe size of Ihe pool and
elimination of Ihe slide and wading pool.
Chairperson Sealon asked if Ihe shaded viewing slands allhe lennis courts would remain in redesign.
,Staff indicated Ihat the shade structure would remain since nolhing has been menlioned aboultheir
Chairperson Pedersen asked staff whal is expected 10 be eliminaled wilh Ihe 25% reduction. Staff
indlcaled thai the slide area, class area, and wading pool woold be eliminated, and the total pool size
would be 25% smaller, and would nol be 25-meters by 25-yards.
Chairperson Pedersen is concerned whether Ihe size of a recrealion pool would fit the population of kids
Ihat are in the City. Ms. Pedersen indicaled that she is a former coach, swimmer, and lifeguard and she
feels the pool is going 10 be a while elephanl because il is 100 small. A 25-meter by 25-yard pool is
needed wilh room for class instruction and wading areas.
Commissioner Best asked Marni Francisco, Recrealion Supervisor if Ihe reduction of the pool would
hinder recrealion programs. Ms. Francisco said Ihal if Ihe pool is downsized il will only eliminate the
competilive swim, which could be held allhe La Quinta High School. Family swims, water aerobics,
swimming lessons, waler polo, elc. could slill be held in a poollhis size.
Commissioner Bernard stated Ihal due 10 Ihe fact Ihat fulure hearings will be held on this matter, and due
10 the information thai has been received this evening, Ihal a motion be recommended 10 City Council
on what plan of action Ihe Parks and Recrealion Commission would like 10 lake. Chairperson Seaton
concurred and added Ihalshe was allowing Mr. Cosper Ihe time to answer all the questions Ihat the
Commission had.
It was moved by Commissioner Pedersen/Davis to recommend 10 the City Councillhat the wading pool,
the slide area, and Ihe bleachers be eliminaled from the plan. The pool would be decreased In size by
an undelermlned percentage, as long as il Slays wilhin Ihe 25-meter by 25-yard size with an L-shaped
class area, and the aqualics building will remain as is.
Staff indicaled thallhe slide has already been eliminaled from the plan and jusl the slide area remains.
That area is expected to be used for addilional class area.
Commissioner Bernard staled Ihat if the City builds Ihis pool,lhere would be 3 Olympic size pools in La
Quinta in the fulure (Fritz Bums Park, Boys & Girls Club, and La Quinta High School), and did not feel
that the city could accommodale these Ihree pools.
Commissioner Davis asked Mr. Bernard who said Ihallhe Boys and Girls Club was going 10 be Olympic
size. ,Mr. Bernard indicaled Ihal it is in the plans, and funding will be discussed on Wednesday nighl al
the Board meeting. Mr. Davis added thallhls meeting tonighlls an example of how plans can change.
Motion failed 2-4 wilh Commissioners BemardlBesllPedersen/Seaton voling no. Commissioner Mullen
was absent.
Commissioner Pedersen indicaled Ihat she voled no on her motion due 10 needing more informallon
regarding whal il would cosllo leave Ihe slide area in verses laking il out.
II was moved by Commissioner Pedersen/Davis 10 recommend 10 Ihe City Council that the wading pool,
Ihe slide area, and Ihe bleachers be eliminaled from the plan. The pool would remain 25-melers by 25-
yards in size wilh a T-shaped class area. The aqualics building will remain as is.
Motion failed 2-4 wilh Commissioners BernardlBesllSealon/Summers voling no. Commissioner Mullen
was absenl.
Commissioner Davis asked aboullhe depth of Ihe pool in Ihe class areas. Slaff indicated Ihe depth of
Ihe pool goes from 3-feel 6-inches 10 6-feel 6-inches. The deplh al the class area is 2-feet 6-inches to
4-feel 6-inches.
Chairperson Sealon asked, if the pool stayslhe same whelher il still is considered a compelitlon pool.
Mr. Cosper staled thai a compelilion pool is only a compelilion pool if you hold competlllons in it. The
layoul of Ihe currenl design was such Ihal II would accommodale many uses including 6 lanes of
competitive use. Ms. Seaton further asked how slaff would "downsize" Ihe pool. Mr. Cosper indicaled
Ihat he would eliminate Ihe lobes of Ihe pool and square il off into a more rectangular pool. The deplhs
would change slighlly, and Ihis would cause Ihe loss of compelilive swim.
II was moved by Commissioner Davis/Besllo recommend 10 Ihe City Council the elimination of the
wading area, Ihe bleacher area, Ihe slide area, and Ihe class area, and redesign the pool so as 10
accommodale a 25-meler by 25-yard pool, and leave Ihe aquatics building as is.
Commissioner Pedersen Indicated Ihat Ihe proposed molion is going to build a pool juslllke the one at
the La Qulnta High School due 10 Ihe eliminalion of the class area. Ms. Pedersen believes that a slap
down area where classes are to be held would be a liability problem. Slaff staled that the pools design
would be reviewed by Bill Rowley of Rowley Inlernationallo ensure all requirements were covered In,
regards to safety with Ihe pool and sleps.
Commissioner Bernard asked whal will prevenl the small kids from getting into the deep areas, other than
the lifeguards. Commissioner Pedersen said Ihal a rope is pul across the deep area and a swim lest
Is given 10 kids who wanllo swim in Ihe deep areas. If Ihey can nol complete the swim they were not
allowed in the deep end, and this procedures is standard al mosl pools. Staff indicated this procedure
would be Implemenled.
Commissioner Summers asked whal percentage of Ihe pool is reduced by removing the lobes. Staff
suggested II was approximately 10-15%. Commissioner Summers then asked if culling off the remainder
of the lobes and making It a step down would bring the reductions 10 25%. Staff indicated It would.
Motion carried 4-2 with Commissioners Bernard/Seaton voling no. Commissioner Mullen was absent.
Staff asked Chairperson Sealon if the inlenl of Ihe Commissions recommendalion 10 the City Council was
to proceed wilh the building of the park while the redesign of Ihe pool is completed, or should Ihe park
conslruction wall unlil Ihe redesign of the pool is compleled. The Commission agreed that Ihe
construction should begin as soon as possible.
It was moved by Commissioner Pedersen/Davis 10 recommend 10 Il1e City Council that construction of
the park begin now, and proceed with the redesign of the pool as previously recommended. Unanimous.
B. Parks and Recreation Brochure Review
The Commission all agreed thai the Spring Parks and Recreation Brochure was very well done.
Commissioner Bernard slaled thallhere was no youlh golf. Ms. Francisco informed Mr. Bernard
thai the golf sessions were open 10 youlh and adults.
C. Parks & Recreation Commission Work Plan
Due 10 Ihe laleness of Ihe evening, II was moved by Commissioner Besl/Summers to continue
this Item 10 Ihe nexl Parks & Recreation Commission meeling. Unanimous.
Monday, March 13, 1995 7:00 P.M.
La Quinta Civic Cenler Sludy Session Room
. Park Naming Policy
. Work Plan
. Review Fritz Burns Park Recommendallon to City Council
. Basketball Courts - La Quinla Community Park
. Grass Conditions al La Quinta Sports Complex
II was moved by Commissioner Sealon/Pedersen to adjourn the meeting 10 the next regularly scheduled
Parks and Recreation Commission meeting on Monday, March 13, 1995. Molion carried unanimously.
Meeling adjourned al 9:02 p.m..
~oJ S-pAd-R-Qfl
Secretary II