1995 02 13 PRC
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La Quinta Civic Center Council Chambers
78-495 Calle Tampico
La Quinta, CA 92253
February 13, 1995
7:00 pM
A. Roll Call
Corrections, additions, deletions or reorganization of the agenda
Approve Minutes of January 9,1995.
The Parks and Recreation Commission reserves the right to limit discussion on
any topic to five minutes or less.
A. Fritz Burns Park Public Meetings
A. Formulation of Recommendation to the City Council Regarding Fritz Burns
B. Parks and Recreation Brochure Review
C. Parks and Recreation Commission Work Plan
March 13, 19957:00 P.M.
La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room
January 9, 1995
A regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the La
Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room. Chairperson B.J. Seaton presided over the meeting.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Lawrence Best
Commissioner Stacy Mullen
Commissioner Kathryn Pedersen
Commissioner B.J. Seaton
Commissioner Hal Summers
MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Norris Bernard
Commissioner Mike Davis
STAFF PRESENT: Clint Bohlen, Parks & Recreation Director
Cristal Spidell, Secretary II
Mami Francisco, Recreation Supervisor
. It was moved by Commissioner Pedersen/Mullen to excuse Commissioner Bernard and Commissioner
Davis from tonighfs meeting. Unanimous.
Commissioner Mullen indicated that the motion by Vice Chairman Best recommending that the request
for funding by Colleen Reynolds be denied by the Council was seconded by Commissioner Pedersen,
not by Commissioner Mullen.
Vice Chair Best moved to APPROVE the minutes of December 12,1994 as corrected. Commissioner
Mullen seconded the motion. Unanimous.
Staff member Clint Bohlen announced his resignation effective January 27,1995. He has accepted a
position of Deputy Director of Recreation in Flint, Michigan. Mami Francisco, Recreation Supervisor will
be staffing the meetings until further notice.
A. Letter to Laurie Reynolds-McRae
Staff reviewed the letter which was sent by the City Clerk's Office. Commissioner Seaton asked
if Colleen had obtained funding from other clubs in the area like Rotary or Soroptomists. Staff
was unaware if she had done so.
B. City Council Minutes of December 6th and 20th
Staff asked if the Commission would like to continue receiving minutes of City Council meetings.
The Commissioners discussed that some were receiving agendas, and others were receiving
agendas and minutes. Staff will see to it that both items are mailed to the Commissioners on a
regular basis through the City Clerks office effective immediately.
A. Pool Survey Results
Staff reviewed the report with the Commission which included the survey summary. The
information was also provided to the City Council on December 20, 1994. Staff was directed by
Council to look into three areas: 1) Programming, 2) Fees and Charges, and 3) Use Information
(time & days).
Chairperson Seaton asked staff about the concern that the survey had not covered everything
that was necessary. Commissioner Mullen replied that the major concern was that in the survey
the public was not asked "Do you want a pool", however there was additional space available for
comments if they "did not want the pool". Commissioner Pedersen added that those questions
were asked 2 to 3 years ago in the first pool survey. Staff concurred with the Commission that
the survey did not ask the question "Do you want a pool", nor did It state a strong breakdown of
costs for building and operation/maintenance of the pool.
Commissioner Mullen asked what position the Parks and Recreation Commission is going to take
regarding the decision of the City Council. Should the Commission address the Council about
their feelings on the issue? Commissioner Mullen stated that the Council has taken a major
project, which is of great concern to the Commission, and sent it back to staff. Commissioner
Mullen felt there was a lot of confusion at the Council meeting, and residents were suggesting
using the funds for the roads, however if the funds are for parks and recreation money it can't be
used for roads. If the money is to be used for parks and recreation then the Commission should
have an opinion as to whether the funds should go for a pool, a down-sized version, the original
version, or we don't agree.
Chairperson Seaton clarified that the Commissions opinion would be strictly advisory, and
. indicated that the recommendation was already done through the Community Services
Commission. Commissioner Mullen stated that the Parks and Recreation Commission has not
stated their position.
Commissioner Pedersen added that a complete turnaround has happened in the last three years.
The first survey and public hearings indicated the public wanted a pool. The secor:ld survey was
to see what programs to run, and now its thrown for a loop by all the opposition. The parents
Commissioner Pedersen has spoken with have indicated that they are unable to attend 3:00 p.m.
Council meetings and they are angry because they were told 14 years ago a pool was coming,
and 3 years ago they knew they were going to get it because of the first survey results. Now
there is no pool again.
Clint Bohlen indicated that staff has met and is putting together a proposal for the Council to
consider on how to proceed with the pool. Council direction was to revisit the design of the pool,
not to downsize the pool, because it was one concern to the Council. The other concern was
whether we should have a pool. Lowering construction costs and operation/maintenance costs
is one of the objectives of revisiting the design of the pool.
Commissioner Pedersen suggested holding future public meetings on the pool at 7:00 p.m. with
ample notice to residents through mailings and newspaper so that the public can attend and
comment. Commissioner Mullen agreed and felt that the outcome of the meeting was not fair
because the few with the biggest voice at the end got what they wanted instead of the many who
took the time to answer the first survey and indicated they wanted the pool.
Councilman Stan Sniff was called upon to speak by Chairperson Seaton. Mr. Sniff informed the
Commission that the reason the item was brought back to 'the Council was because there was
not a iegally valid vote on December 20, 1994. Only 3 Council members were present and due
to Councilman Perkins abstaining during the vote it caused a "lack of a quorum" which is proper
according to Council Rules. The Council Rules supersedes Roberts Rules of Order if there is an
ambiguity or a conflict. Therefore it was not a legally defendable vote, and to avoid possible
litigation the item was brought back to the Council and heard again. The only concern the
Council had was the aquatics portion of the facility. Staff is to return to the Council at an early
date (within 2 months) setting up public meetings on 2 or 3 options: 1) leave it like it is, 2)
downsize it, or 3) proceed with the park without the pool. The Commissions recommendation
would then be brought to the Council's public meeting. '
Commissioner Mullen reminded the Commission that the Council meeting was to award a bid to
the Contractor, not to determine if we wanted a pool or not - that was determined 3 years ago in
the first survey.
Commissioner Pedersen stated that the public is furious that the decision has been turned around
. and are upset with what has happened.
Mr. Sniff stated that the new vote kept the item alive and the process will come back around
again. If the Parks and Recreation Commission is asked to hold a public meeting the
Commission would listen to public comment and then send a recommendation to the City Council.
The Council will then hold a public hearing, hopefully with a full Council, and the issue will be
In response to Commissioner Pedersen regarding the objective of the new public hearings Mr.
Sniff said, as previously indicated, that there were three objectives: 1) leave it like it is, 2)
downsize it, or 3) proceed with the park without the pool. Mr. Sniff continued by suggesting that
the Commission request to be allowed to hold the first public meeting, and then forward the
recommendation to the Council. The recommendation would be considered during the Council's
public hearing in which additional public comment would be allowed.
Commissioner Mullen/Pedersen moved that the Parks and Recreation Commission request to
hold the initial public meeting on the Fritz Burns Park pool issue and have the recommendation
forwarded to the Council prior to their public hearing.
Vice Chairperson Best noted that we were in the "Staff Report" section of the agenda and
therefore unable to take action on this item at this time.
It was moved by Commissioner Mullen/Pedersen to revisit "III. Confirmation of Agenda".
Commissioner Mullen requested to add "C. Discussion of Fritz Burns Park Pool Consideration"
to item IX. Commission Business. Unanimous.
B. Park Development Update
Staff informed the Commission that the Council had adopted a park Naming Policy which lists the
Parks and Recreation Commission as being responsible for soliciting and screening names for
the park naming process. Staff said that the name "Palm Royale Park" was designated by the
Consultant and could be renamed, as well as the Eisenhower Mini-Park. Staff suggested that the
Commission add "Park Naming Policy" to the current Work Plan to begin work on it.
Staff said that on December 20, 1994 the Council authorized the receiving of bids for construction
of Palm Royale Park.
C. Recreation Program Update
Staff member Mami. Francisco updated the net revenue figure for advertising In the spring
brochure to $2,425. This will cover the cost of printing the brochure which is due out in February.
The brochure will be mailed out to 7,000 residents, and distributed to sponsor locations, COD,
local businesses, La Quinta High School & Middle School, etc.. Ms Francisco then distributed
a list of all classes that will be offered in the spring brochure, and then discussed some of the
classes, sporting events, and activities that are planned. Registration begins end of January thru
mid-February; ciasses begin the week of February 27, 1995.
Staff updated the, Commission on the following:
Dog Obedience class is starting Wednesday, January 11th through March 15th, and
another class will begin late March. Staff encourages each Commissioner to sign up for
a class.
Staff will be contacting the media to help advertise our events.
Victor Brown has been hired as part-time staff. He currently works and the Boys and Girls
Club and will be assisting the Recreation Supervisor with any sport events.
Staff is planning on implementing a Therapeutic Recreation program. A High Adventure
Program for youth at-risk is in the process of being planned with local schools.
Staff has contacted Palm Springs Desert Comprehensive Breast Center about doing a
fund raiser called "Hoops for Health" in October which is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
All money raised will go directly to breast cancer research.
Ms. Francisco thanked Commissioners Mullen, Best, Davis, and Seaton for their help during the
Yuletide Tree Lighting Ceremony, and asked for any feed-back regarding the event.
Commissioner Mullen said the program was great, however a better PA system would be needed,
but over all it was a success.
Chairperson Seaton thought the entertainment was a little long and the kids got anxious waiting
for Santa. Commissioner Best agreed with Chairperson Seaton and asked if staff had any
comments from the public. Ms. Francisco indicated that everyone was pleased with the event,
and staff has learned a lot this year which will improve with next years ceremony.
Council Member Sniff mentioned he too thought the entertainment was long, and suggested the
refreshments be set up differently next year to prevent long lines. Staff agreed and said that
vendors will be contacted to provide refreshments. Staff is in the process of purchasing a tree
which will be planted at the Civic Center and ready for next years event.
A. Consideration of Final Commission Work Plan
The Commission reviewed the Work Plan. Commissioner Mullen asked staff if screening of
names for the Park Naming Policy had been added to the Work Plan. Staff Indicated that it had
not. Council Member Sniff suggested "soliciting and screening" of names through a press
release, or an article in the La Quinta Newsletter asking the public for their Input at a meeting or
in writing. Then the Commission could submit options in the recommendation to the Council.
Vice Chair Best asked if the Park Naming Policy would be an existing assignment. Staff indicated
it would be existing and that the Commission should decide where to place it in the Work Plan,
what priority to give it, and then make a motion to recommend the Work Plan as amended. The
Commission agreed to place the item under "Existing" and gave it a priority of "A5". The
completion date would be "on going", and Commissioners time would be involved.
Staff suggested discussing this at the Commissions March meeting, and putting an article in the
March Newsletter. Council Member Sniff said the Commission could have some fun with the Park
Naming Policy by involving the citizens. Commissioner Summers suggested getting information
to the schools so the kids could be involved with the naming as well. Commissioner Pedersen
agreed. Chairperson Seaton suggested contacting the Historical Society for names of historical
people which the parks could be named after. Staff agreed and added that Fred Rice would be
It was moved by Commissioner Mullen/Summers to add Park Naming Policy to the Commission's
Work Plan, and submit the Work Plan as amended to the City Council for approval. Unanimous.
B. California Parks and Recreation Conference
The Commission discussed who was available to attend the California and Pacific Southwest
Recreation and Park Conference in San Jose, California, March 2-5, 1995. Chairperson Seaton
said that Commissioner Bernard said he was unable to attend. Commissioner Mullen indicated
she would like to attend. Commissioners Best, Pedersen, and Summers indicated they were
unable to attend. Chairperson Seaton can contact staff Tuesday if she is able to go. Marni
Francisco, Recreation Supervisor will also be attending the conference. Staff will contact
Commissioner Davis to see if he is able to attend.
C. Discussion of Fritz Bums Park Pool Consideration
The Commission discussion of Fritz Burns Park Pool Consideration was conducted under item
"VIII. STAFF REPORTS" - A. Pool Survey Results. This item was added to "COMMISSION
BUSINESS" for further consideration.
It was moved by Commissioner Mullen/Pedersen that the Parks and Recreation Commission
request to hold the initial public hearing on the Fritz Burns Park pool issue and have the
Commission's recommendation forwarded to the City Council prior to their public hearing.
X. COMMISSION COMMENT - None at this time
Monday, February 13, 1995 7:00 P.M.
La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room
. Review Spring Parks & Recreation Brochure
. Work Plan
. Fritz Bums Park Public Meeting
Monday, March 13, 1995
. Park Naming Policy
The Commission discussed cancelling the February 13th meeting to a special date in order to hold a
public hearing for Fritz Burns Park pool. A decision will be made depending on the outcome of the City
Council meeting on January 17th or February 7th. Ample time is needed to publish a public hearing
notice, and to distribute notices via mail to the residents.
It was moved by Commissioner Mullen/Pedersen to adjourn the meeting to the next regularly scheduled
Parks and Recreation Committee meeting on Monday, February 13, 1995. Motion carried unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m..
Cv;JJ ~'~
Secretary II