1994 12 12 PRC I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. prcagn . . PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA I I La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room 78-495 c'alle Tampico La Quind, CA 92253 I December 1 2, 1994 , 7:00 P.M. I I I I PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE I CONFIRMATION OF AGENDAI . Corrections, additions, deletio1ns or reorganization of the agenda . I APPROVAL OF MINUTES I Approval of minutes of Nove~ber 14, 1994. ANNOUNCEMENTS I I I I I CALL TO ORDER A. Roll Call PUBLIC COMMENT The Parks and Recreation CorrJmission reserves the right to limit discussion on any topic to five minutes dr less. . I . CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS I STAFF REPORTS I I None. I I I I I I I I 1 . . IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. Consideration of Request for Assistance from. Colleen Reynolds B. Consideration of Commission Work Plan C. Consideration of Parks and Recreation Master Plan and La Quinta Demographics X. COMMISSION COMMENT XII. NEXT MEETING DATE, TIME AND TOPIC January 9, 1995 7:00 PM La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room XII. ADJOURNMENT prcagn 2 - . . PARKS AND RECREA nON COMMISSION November 14, 1994 Minutes I. CALL TO ORDER The Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:05 p.m. at the La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room. Chairperson B. J. Seaton presided over the meeting. ROLLCALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Norris Bernard Vice Chair Lawrence Best Commissioner Stacey Mullen Commissioner Kathryn Pedersen Chairperson B. J. Seaton Commissioner Hal Summers Commissioner Michael Davis STAFF PRESENT: Marni Francisco, Recreation Supervisor Jodi Tolliver, Kidsline Coordinator Commissioner Hal Summers led the Commission in the Pledge of Allegiance II. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA No changes, additions or deletions to the Agenda. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES October 10, 1994 Minutes were approved; moved by Commissioner Summers, seconded by Commissioner Davis. IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS No announcements. V. PUBLIC COMMENT No public comment. --- . . VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS' No additional correspondence or written materials. VIII. STAFF REPORTS A. Distribution of Commission Business Cards and Name Badges. Ms. Francisco apologized for not bringing the name badges, but distributed the business cards. Badges will be mailed out. IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. Consideration of Request for Assistance from Colleen Reynolds Ms. Laurie McRae, mother of Colleen Reynolds (9 yrs.), described the figure skating training program that Colleen participates in at Lake Arrowhead. She is seeking funding assistance from private, corporate sources, but is seeking financial support from the City of La Quinta to assist in offsetting the training costs and the coaching expenses provided by Mr. Frank Carroll and Perry Jewell The training costs total $18, 384 annually. The reauest is for anv and as much fundinl! that the Commission could recommend to the Council. Ms. McRae was asked if funding can be given to a group; she responded that groups are not sponsored, only individuals. She stated that Palm Desert Town Center is going through an upheaval, and it is not a USFSA-approved rink at this time. Ms. McRae departed at this time. The Commission asked Council person Sniff if the Council had given money to individuals in the past. Council person Sniff said that only twice to his knowledge. He also jndicatedthat the current year awards were to organizations only. Commissioner Pedersen stated that, to her knowledge, Lisa Dinna, who is also a La Quinta resident and student, is higher in the rankings in the USFSA than Colleen, and that. the City might anticipate several additional requests if the City awards funding to Colleen. The Commission had a concern that for the next four years the City would be asked to support Colleen. Additionally, a concern was expressed that Colleen was not present for the Commission to verify her interest. . The Commission desired to bring it back to the next Commission meeting for further consideration. Staff was asked to check with other cities to see how they handle individuals asking for funding. . . Commissioner Summers moved that the Commission continue the issue until the next regular Commission meeting, seconded by Commissioner Mullen. Unanimous. VIII. STAFF REPORTS B. Discussion of Kidsline Program Expansion Efforts Jodi Tolliver, Kidsline Coordinator, updated the Commission regarding the progress of the expansion. Indio Middle has been reached; staff is in the process of making presentations to Palm Desert Middle; Indio Madison Elementary is scheduled for next week; and La Quinta Middle School the following week. January 7 is the goal date for . contacting all schools (7 total). A volunteer training is scheduled for December 6 and 8, 6-9 p.m. Desert Sun had a write up; Stephanie with KESQ called for an interview; 40-45 people came to the volunteer recognition evening last week. Kidsline had 2,188 calls for the first year of operations. The program is in need of bilingual volunteers. C. Discussion of Upcoming Recreation Programs Recreation Supervisor Marni Francisco gave the following update: I. A 20 page brochure is planned for January, 1995 2. Evaluations are on file in her office for all activities, and comments have been very favorable. 3. Instructors from the fall classes are being re-signed for the spring, as well as new classes. 4. Adult sports, youth sports, and leisure enrichment classes are planned. 5. This Friday is Harvest Fest Hoedown. 6. Yuletide Treelighting Ceremony, December 16,7-9 p.m. 7. Three La Quinta residents won at the Punt, Pass, Kick (PPK) Sectionals at La Quinta High last week. They go onto the Regionals at the Monday, December 5 during halftime at the ChargerslRaiders. Winners go on to Pro. Bowl game for the PPK National Championships. D. Discussion of Demographics Information The Commission requested that the item be placed on the next agenda. --- -- . . E. Discussion of Park Development in La Quinta The Commission reviewed the park development update memorandum. Vice Chair Best asked why are we sending out a survey, when all the preliminary information indicated a majority of the residents want a pool. Council person Sniff interjected that the survey was in response to concerns regarding the need for the pool, and expected ongoing costs related to levels of programming and maintenance. IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS B. Consideration of Commission Work Plan Chairperson Seaton suggested that the Commission make a list for staffs review, and discuss the items with staff at the next meeting. Commissioner Bernard indicated he found 12 of the 20 items in the CSC Work Plan that seemed to fit into Commission's realm of responsibility: The Commission decided to review the CSC Work Plan on an item-by-item basis, and to select which items to include in the proposed Parks and Recreation Commission Work Plan. The Commission selected the following: I. Liaison to the Community. 2. Advisory Body to the City Council 3. Improve Communication with the City Council 4. Park Development 5. Annual Work Plan 6. Trails Master Plan 7. Improved Maintenance and Development of Bear Creek Channel Bikepath Facility . 8. Risk Management Issues 9. Community Christmas Celebration 10. Network with Other Valley Commissions I I. Training Opportunities Staff was requested to revise the information and changes provided by the Commission, and to present it at the next meeting for the Commission's review. It was noted that the Commission may want to add new items, and that prioritization will occur at the next meeting. C. Consideration of Parks and Recreation Master Plan and La Quinta Demographics The Commission decided to wait to discuss this issue until the next meeting, and asked staff to place it on the December 12, 1994 meeting. -- . . D. Commission Involvement in Holiday Events Staff requested that the Commission participate in the Harvest Fest Hoedown and the Yuletide Treelighting Celebration. Chairperson Seaton, Commissioners Mullen and Pedersen indicated they would be interested in helpil)g. IX. COMMISSION COMMENT The Commission requested that the staff present the aquatics survey results, if available. XI. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Vice Chair Best, seconded by Commissioner Summers. Unanimous. Next Meeting:. Monday, December 12, 1994,7 p.m., La Quinta Civic Center Study Session. Topics: . Aquatics Survey Results . Parks and Recreation Master Plan/Demographics . Work Plan . Sponsorship of Skater . Park Development Update . . PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION December 12, 1994 Minutes I. CALL TO ORDER The Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. at the La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room. Chairperson B. J. Seaton presided over the meeting. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Norris Bernard Vice Chairperson Lawrence Best Commissioner Stacey Mullen Commissioner Kathryn Pedersen Chairperson B. J. Seaton Commissioner Hal Summers Commissioner Michael Davis STAFF PRESENT: Clint Bohlen, Parks and Recreation Director Vice Chair Best led the Commission in the Pledge of Allegiance. II. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA No changes. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 14, 1994 . Vice Chair Best: Page 2, second paragraph from the bottom, the correct spelling is "Dimmet". . Commissioner Pedersen: corrected the same section, and indicated that it should reflect her statement did not include the term USFSA, but rather that Ms. Dimmet was ranked higher to her knowledge than Ms. Reynolds in figure skating. . Vice Chair Best: Page three at top, the voting was not unanimous to continue the item, but rather Vice Chair Best voted no. . Commissioner Bernard: Page 9, section d., should be changed from "participate" to "attend" the Harvest Fest Hoedown. . . Vice Chair Best moved that the minutes of November 14,1994 be approved as corrected, seconded by Commissioner Mullen. Unanimous. IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS No announcements. V. PUBLIC COMMENT No public comment. VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS. No correspondence or written materials. . VII. STAFF REPORTS None. VIII. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. Consideration of Request for Assistance by Colleen Reynolds Staff indicated that other Valley cities had been contacted to determine if funding individual endeavors was a practice of cities. It was determined that only Indian Wells had funded an individual in the past, and that it was no longer their practice to do so; the remainder of the cities do not fund individuals, but rather groups. Additionally, staff had been contacted by a representative from the United States Figure Skating Association (USFSA) in Palm Desert. Staff had been requested to convey that based on Colleen's lack of consistent success to date in competition in the International Skating Association (ISA) level; h~r lack of experience at the USFSA level; and the fact that the local chapter of the USFSA fund raises for the chapter, opposed to individual skaters, the local chapter was advocating that the funding request be denied. Staff concurs. Vice Chair Best moved that the Commission recommend that the request for funding by Colleen Reynolds be denied by the Council; seconded by Commissioner Mullen. Unanimous. It was suggested that Ms. Reynolds' request be incorporated with\alocal chapter request for assistance and application for a Community Service grant during the next cycle. . . B. Consideration of the Parks and Recreation Commission Work Plan Staff presented a draft Work Plan for the Commission's review, correction, additions, or changes. The Commission noted several changes which needed to be made, and requested that staff proceed with the changes, and present the Plan to Council. Vice Chair Best moved that the Work Plan be submitted to the Council, reflecting the changes suggested at this evening's meeting; seconded by Commissioner Summers. Unanimous. Staff indicated that the earliest the Plan could be submitted to the Council would be January 3, 1995. C. Consideration of Parks and Recreation Master Plan and La Quinta Demographics Staff distributed April, 1990 - September, 1994 housing permit information as obtained from the City of La Quinta Building and Safety Department, and population growth estimates based on the 1990 U.S. Census data. The Commission reviewed and commented on the information provided, with no action being taken. IX. COMMISSION COMMENT The Commission discussed the November Fritz Burns Park pool survey, and inquired of staff what the results were. The Commission requested that copies of the staff reports to City Council on Fritz Burns Park and pool survey information be distrinuted to the Commission at the next Commission meeting. XI. ADJOURNMENT Moved to adjourn at 8:20 p.m. by Commissioner Mullen, seconded by Commissioner Davis. Unanimous. Topics for Next Meeting: , . Work Plan , . CPRS Conference . Park update with survey information . Program Update. . Copy of Council minutes . Letter to Laurie Reynolds-McRae