1995 06 12 PRC . . ~ of ~QtdJt PARKS AND RECRE'ATION COMMISSION AGENDA La Quinta Civic Center Council Study Session Room 78-495 Ca!le Tampico La Quinta; CA 92253 June 12, 1995 7:00' P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER A. Roll Call Approve the minutes of May 8, 1995. V. ANNOUNCEMENTS VI. PUBLIC COMMENT The Parks and Recreation Commission reserves the right to limit discussion on any topic to five minutes or less.: ' i VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS I , , VIII. STAFF REPORTS I A. Travertine & Green Specific Plan Update B. Fritz Burns Park & Palm Royale Park Update C. YAC Questionnaire Summary I PRCAGN.005 , '1 , . . IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. Review Safety Check List B. Review Park Naming Suggestions for Recommendation to City Council C. Summer Brochure Critique X. COMMISSION COMMENT XI. NEXT MEETING DATE, TIME AND TOPIC July 10,1995 7:00 P.M. La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room . Introduction of New Parks and Recreation Director (tentative) . Introduction of New Commissioners . Review of YMCA Swim Program at La Quinta High School . . XII. ADJOURNMENT PRCAGN.005 2 . . PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES May 8, 1995 I. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room. Vice Chairperson Lawrence Best presided over the meeting. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Bernard. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: 'Commissioner Norris Bernard Commissioner Lawrence Best Commissioner Mike Davis Commissioner Stacey Mullen Commissioner Kathryn Pedersen Commissioner Hal Summers MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner B.J. Seaton STAFF PRESENT: Tom Hartung, Interim Parks & Recreation Director Marni Francisco, Recreation Supervisor Cristal Spidell, Secretary II It was moved by Commissioner Bernard/Summers to excuse Chairperson Seaton from the meeting due to illness. Unanimous. II. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Summers indicated that he was absent from the April 1 0, 1995 meeting. It was moved by Commissioner Bernard/Mullen to approve the minutes of April 1 0, 1995 as corrected. IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS Staff announced that Norris Bernard has been selected to receive the Living Treasure Award by the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce. V. PUBLIC COMMENT - None VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS A. CPRS/CAPRCBM Membership Staff informed the Commission they are members of CAPRCBM and will receive items periodically in the mail, including a magazine. The Commissioners indicated they have begun to receive mailings. PRCMIN.005 1 . . VII. STAFF REPORTS A. Summer Programs Review / Summer Brochure Ms. Marni Francisco introduced Jim Carella. Mr. Carella is a tennis instructor who is on contract by the Parks and Recreation Department. Ms. Francisco updated the Commission that the Council approved transfer of funds for advertising and production of a Summer Recreation Brochure. The Brochure will be mailed by June 1 st. Classes and leagues being offered are Youth & Adult Karate, Low Fat Cooking, Showtime for Kids, Adult Cooed Volleyball, Men's 5-on-5 Basketball, Youth Volleyball Camp, Tennis Camp, and Baton Twirling. Summer classes begin July 10th and will be 6 weeks in length. The City is working on an Agreement with the YMCA for a Summer Aquatics Program including open recreational swim and swim lessons. The Program will be held at the La Quinta High School Pool and it will run June 19th through August 11th. The YMCA will be the sole operator of the program. Commissioner Bernard asked about the boxing program. Ms. Francisco indicated that the program is not budgeted for in FY95-96. Commissioner Davis asked about busing of residents to the pool. Staff has checked into busing through DSUSD but the cost of a six week program was approximately $12,000. Staff will be contacting Sunline Bus for schedules which will be distributed to the schools. B. Parks and Recreation Director Update Mr. Hartung informed the Commission that approximately 90 applications were received for the Parks and Recreation Director position. Ten finalists were mailed a questionnaire and they are due back May 17, 1995. The questionnaires will be reviewed and interviews will be scheduled shortly thereafter. Appointment is expected by mid-July. VIII. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. Park Safety Check List Ms. Francisco reviewed the Safety Check List information with the Commission. Vice Chairperson Best asked that due to Chairperson Seaton being absent, that this item be continued to the next meeting so that the entire Commission could review it. The Commission concurred. Commissioner Bernard asked if the video that is mentioned in the packet was available. Ms. Francisco will see if a video is available. This item will be placed on the June 12th agenda and the Commissioner's are asked to bring the Safety Check List information which is in the May 8, 1995 packet with them to the next meeting for review. B. PRC Handbook The Commission approved the handbook as submitted. PRCMIN.005 2 . . C. Discussion and Evaluation of Easter Event Staff reviewed the evaluation of the Easter Celebration and Egg Hunt Which was held on April 15th at the Sports Complex. The Commission then discussed ideas for next year including another age group, more eggs, more judges for chalk contest, and additional volunteers to help with the event. The Easter Bunny was a hit, as well as the egg toss and the chalk drawing contest. KLCX Radio did an excellent job advertising the event. Staff expects to have more booths next year. JFK Hospital and Desert Comprehensive Cancer Center had tables set up and handed out items to the participants. Staff thanked Commissioner Bernard and Commissioner Summers for their help, as well as the La Quinta Senior Center who helped color Easter eggs. Commissioner Bernard thought the Easter Bunny did a wonderful job with all the kids. ' IX. COMMISSION COMMENT Commissioner Pedersen indicated that City staff has met with DSUSD regarding the maintenance of the Sports Complex and the issue has been resolved. Ms. Pedersen further added that when the grass was scalped at the beginning of the year it led her to believe that seed was going to be put down. Ms. Pedersen was unaware of prior discussions between City staff and the District not to reseed. Commissioner Bernard reminded the Commission that the deadline for receiving applications for the three positions open on the Commission is May 26th. Selection by the City Council will be in June. Commissioner Summers spoke about construction of two new country club projects located south of Lake Cahuilla (Travertine and Green). Involved in these two projects is the hiking trail known as the Boo Hoff Trail. Commissioner Summers indicated that he asked the Council to forward any information on these projects to the Commission for comment and/or review. The Commission would like an update of the projects at the next PRC meeting. Commissioner Summers noted that he will be attending the Coachella Valley Trails Council meeting in Palm Springs on May 18th. Commissioner Davis said that he informed Chairperson Seaton of his expected absence on April 1 0, 1995. Commissioner Mullen/Bernard moved to excuse Commissioner Davis from the meeting of April 10,1995. Unanimous. X. NEXT MEETING DATE, TIME AND TOPIC Commissioner Bernard asked staff to add an item on the next agenda. Mr. Bernard would like staff tQ report back to the Commission the City Council's position on the future of the Parks and Recreation Department, based on the comments of a Councilman Sniff at a previous PRC meeting. Mr. Bernard would like to know what the Council is proposing to do to maintain the Parks and Recreation Department. Mr. Hartung indicated that the Council stated in April that they are 100% behind the Department and the Commission, and there was no question that they plan on continuing in both areas and this has not changed since that time. In the event that CVRPD or an outside contractor can maintain the parks cheaper then the City then that option will be looked at. Mr. Bernard indicated he has read the Council minutes, however he would like additional assurances that the Department and the Commission is to stay: Mr. Hartung said that there is no indication that any changes will be made and the Council is pleased with the work and direction of the Department, and did not anticipate being able to obtain any more information from the Council. Commissioner Bernard is satisfied with Staff's comments, and the item will not need to be placed on the agenda. PRCMIN.005 3 . . Monday, June 12,1995 7:00 P.M. La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room .. Review Safety Check List . Travertine/Green Tract Update . Fritz Burns Park/Palm Royale Park Update . Review Park Naming Suggestions for Recommendation to City Council . Summer Brochure Critique . Y AC Questionnaire Summary XI. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner Mullen/Summers to adjourn to the next regularly scheduled Parks and Recreation Commission meeting on June 12, 1995. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting was adjourned at 7:33 p.m.. PRCMIN.005 4,