1995 05 08 PRC . . ~ of /iLQtdIt1t PARKS AND RECREA liON COMMISSION AGENDA La Quinta Civic Center Council Study Session Room 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 May 8,1995 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER A. Roll Call II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Corrections, additions, deletions or reorganization of the agenda IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approve minutes of April 10, 1995 V. ANNOUNCEMENTS VI. PUBLIC COMMENT The Parks and Recreation Commission reserves the right to limit discussion on any topic to five minutes or less. VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS A. CPRS/CAPRCBM Membership VIII. STAFF REPORTS A. Summer Programs Review / Summer Brochure - Francisco B. Parks & Recreation Director Update - Hartung PRCAGN.001 1 . IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. Park Safety Check List B. Parks & Recreation Commisson Handbook C. Discussion and Evaluation of Easter Event X. COMMISSION COMMENT XI. NEXT MEETING DATE, TIME AND TOPIC June 12, 1995 7:00 P.M. La QuintaCivic Center Study Session Room . LQHS Pool Program . . . . XII. ADJOURNMENT PRCAGN.001 2 . . . PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES April 10, 1995 I. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room. Chairperson B.J. Seaton presided over the meeting. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Mullen. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Norris Bernard Commissioner Lawrence Best Commissioner Stacey Mullen Commissioner Kathryn Pedersen Commissioner B.J. Seaton MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Mike Davis Commissioner Hal Summers STAFF PRESENT: Marni Francisco, Recreation Supervisor Cristal Spidell, Secretary II It was moved by Commissioner Best/Mullen to excuse Commissioner Summers from the meeting. Unanimous. II. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Commissioner Pedersen asked that "E. Sports Complex Grass" be added under Commission Business. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Bernard clarified his objection to the park name suggestion of "La Quinta Norte" which was submitted by Dennis Cunningham. Mr. Bernard does not think that the park should be named after a development, unless the developer donates the land and provides the equipment for the park. It was moved by Commissioner Best/Bernard to APPROVE the minutes of March 13, 1995 as corrected. IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Easter Event is April 15, 1995 from 9-11 :00 a.m. at the La Quinta Sports Complex. KLCX Radio will . be broadcasting live at the event which includes prizes, games, a visit from the Easter Bunny, and a sidewalk chalk drawing contest. Ms. Francisco asked all volunteers to arrive at 8:00a.m.. PRCMIN.004 1 . . B. Chairperson Seaton announced that Commissioner Bemard was named the Living Treasure for the La Quinta Chamber of, Commerce at the Mayor's Breakfast. He will be honored at a dinner on May 20,1995. V. PUBLIC COMMENT - None VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS - None VII. STAFF REPORTS A. Urban Forestry Grant Update John Freeland, Senior Engineer informed the Commission that a letter has been sent to the State in order to receive the grant money. Once a reply is received from the State, the Public Works Department will solicit bids for planting. Dave Cosper, Director of Parks & Recreation indicated there are additional funding issues involved with the grant. The $160,000 grant is to be used to buy plant materials, and the City is to match $40,000 in order to receive the original grant. Staff has recently determined that an irrigation system is necessary and will cost an additional $40,000. The $80,000 will be requested in the next fiscal year as a Capital Improvement Project. Staff expects the project to begin in July. Volunteers will be recruited, as well as organizations such as the Lion's Club and Rotary Club to assist with the planting of the 2,000 trees. The Arts in Public Places Committee has recently made a proposal to transfer funds from the mini park to the bikepath to add bike stations or rest areas along the Bear Creek Bikeway. Staff will try to incorporate the art proposal into the tree planting. Commissioner Bernard stated that for a second time, the Art in Public Places Committee has proposed a project to the City Council rather than thru the Parks & Recreation Commission. The first project was at the Fritz Burns Park and now the proposal for the Bikepath. Commissioner Bernard feels that the APP Committee should go through the Parks and Recreation Commission first for approval. Mr. Cosper indicated that the Public Works Department is planning to bring all future items before the Commission on a regular basis, however he cannot control what another committee does. Mr. Cosper clarified that authorization was given to allow the transfer of funds from the mini park to the urban forestry concept, and his intent was to develop a Master Plan or something of that nature which incorporates the Arts In Public Places Committee's desires with the Urban Forestry Program and it would be brought back to the Parks & Recreation Commission for review and approval. Chairperson Seaton asked Mr. Cosper to contact Jerry Herman, Community Services Director to direct the progression of information through the Parks & Recreation Commission in the future. B. Palm Royale Park Update Bids were received and opened Monday, April 3, 1995 for Palm Royale Park. The low bidder was James T. Dunphy in the amount of $283,000. Second bidder was Granite Construction at $309,640. The third bidder was Kratz Construction Company at $323,900. The fourth and final bidder was Set II Construction at $337,290. PRCMIN.004 2 - . . Staff's original budget for the project was only $182,000. Based on that, staff is considering recommending that the Council reject all the bids. The project could then be combined with the construction of Fritz Burns Park and rebid. Doing this would increase the projects value ($643,000), money would be saved on Professional Services Contracts during construction, and more competitive bids could be received. The Commission concurred with staff's recommendation. This change would only cause a two week delay in construction of Palm Royale Park. Staff will ask Council for an additional two weeks to review the combined project. A suggested timeline would be: bids will be advertised May 2nd, bids opened June 5th, award a contract by June 20th, notice to proceed give to the contractor by June 27th, and complete both projects by September 25th. C. BLM Trail Map Staff reviewed the report with the Commission. Trail maps will be distributed to the Commission when they are received. VIII. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. Fritz Burns Park Recommendation to City Council Mr. Cosper, Public Works Director, reviewed the Fritz Burns Park plans with the Commission. The current plans will include the necessary plumbing and electrical utilities for construction of a pool at a later date. The redesign of the plans is about 90% complete. This item will go before the Council on April 18th requesting authorization for bids on construction which should start this summer. Total cost estimate is $538,000. The Commission also discussed the tennis courts which will be addressed in another phase of construction, and the monument sign which will be similar to the La Quinta High School sign. Staff added that a one year maintenance contract will be in effect to ensure that all the plants are established and those plants that die after planting will be replaced. There are approximately 38 palm trees that will be located within the park. Staff discussed the possibility of working with La Quinta High School and use of their pool verses looking for outside operators. A consultant will be hired to do a data base study on the demographics, funding, outside operator use, etc. Berryman and Henninger was selected to do the study. Phase One is expected to take about 8 weeks, and it will address questions like: 1) do we want an outside operator, 2) do we provide for competitive swim or just recreational, 3) do we want a private pool, 4) can we build a pool based on these characteristics, etc. Phase Two will take 9 weeks which will allow staff time to review the data base and make a recommendation. Total timeline is 17 weeks from April 4th which would be approximately August 1 st. This information will be presented to the Council and staff will follow their direction. Staff indicated that the Consultant will look at the local aerial, and all information that is available, including the resultS of all of the surveys that have been done regarding construction of the pool. The Consultant will prepare a data base that is specific to southem California. Mr. Cosper added that he had originally requested that a data base be done on the Coachella Valley but the Consultant said that there was not sufficient information available for a valid data base. Consultant costs are expected to be $19,000. PRCMIN.004 3 . . This Item was taken out of order due to staff availability: E. Sports Complex Grass (Item added by Commissioner Pedersen) Commissioner Pedersen asked this item to be put on the agenda for discussion as she was absent when the item was originally discussed. Ms. Pedersen did not feel that the condition of the grass was being properly maintained/reseeded according to the Maintenance Agreement. Mr. Cosper provided information to the Commission which was obtained from Danny Johnson, Maintenance Manager regarding the grass conditions at the Sport Complex. After a brief discussion it was decided that Mr. Cosper will contact the officials at the school in an attempt to set up another schedule regarding maintaining of the fields. Mr. Cosper reminded Commissioner Pedersen that the current schedule is what was agreed upon two years ago by City staff and the school officials. B. Review List of Parks for Safety Inspections Staff reviewed the report with the Commission, and was directed to obtain a safety check list of items to look for at parks and recreational facilities. Staff will report back at the next meeting. C. Update on Soliciting for Park Naming Suggestions The Commission approved the form created by staff to be used by individuals interested in submitting a park name. The forms will be available by mail or can be picked up from the Parks and Recreation Department. D. Review of Draft Parks and Recreation Commission Handbook The Commission reviewed the draft Handbook. Commissioner Bernard asked for the following item to,be added under "Relationship with Assigned Staff': "3. It is important for Commissioners to know the City's parks and recreational facilities. Visitations, both on a scheduled and on an unscheduled basis, will allow members to become fully knowledgeable of the programs, services, facility use, etc." It was moved by Commissioner Bernard/Best to approve the Handbook as corrected. Unanimous. IX. COMMISSION COMMENT - None X. NEXT MEETING DATE, TIME AND TOPIC Monday, May 8,1995 7:00 P.M. La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room . Summer Programs Review / Summer Brochure . Park Safety Check List Review . Evaluation & Discussion of Easter Event . Update on Hiring of Parks & Recreation Director PRCMIN.OO4 4 -. - XI. ADJOURNMENT . . It was moved by Commissioner Mullen/Bemard to adjourn the meeting to the next regularly scheduled Parks and Recreation Commission meeting on May 8, 1995. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:18 p.m.. PRCMIN.004 5