1995 04 10 PRC . . ~ of ~QulJdt PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA La Quinta Civic Center Council Study Session Room 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 April 10, 1995 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER A. Roll Call II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Corrections, additions, deletions or reorganization of the agenda IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approve minutes of March 13, 1995 V. ANNOUNCEMENTS VI. PUBLIC COMMENT The Parks and Recreation Commission reserves the right to limit discussion on any topic to five minutes or less. VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS VIII. STAFF REPORTS A. Urban Forestry Grant Update - Cosper B. Palm Royale Park Update - Cosper C. BLM Trails Map - Hartung PRCAGN.004 1 . . IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. Fritz Burns Park Recommendation to City Council - Cosper B. Review List of Parks for Safety Inspections C. Update on Soliciting for Park Naming Suggestions D. Review Draft Parks and Recreation Commission Handbook C. Sp~CJu.~ ~~ X. COMMISSION COMMENT XI. NEXT MEETING DATE, TIME AND TOPIC May 8,1995 7:00 P.M. La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room . . . XII. ADJOURNMENT PRCAGN.004 2 ......---- -- . . PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES March 13, 1995 I. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room. Chairperson B.J. Seaton presided over the meeting. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Bemard. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Norris Bemard Commissioner Lawrence Best . Commissioner Stacy Mullen Commissioner B.J. Seaton Commissioner Hal Summers MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Mike Davis Commissioner Kathryn Pedersen STAFF PRESENT: Tom Hartung, Interim Parks & Recreation Director Maml Francisco, Recreation Supervisor Cristal Spidell, Secretary II It was moved by Commissioner Best/Mullen to excuse Commissioner Davis due to a work commitment at the Newsweek Tennis Toumament. Unanimous. II. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA 1. Remove Item VII. Correspondence & Written Materials, A. Letter From Dennis Cunningham. This item will be discussed under IX. Commission Business. 2. Remove IX. Commission Business, A. Review Council Recommendation for Fritz Bums Park. Item will be reagendaized on April 10, 1995. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Commissioner Best/Bernard to APPROVE the minutes of February 13, 1995 as submitted. Unanimous. IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Easter Celebration and Egg Hunt Staff announced the Easter Celebration on Saturday, April 15th, from 9-11 :00 a.m. atthe La Qulnta Sports Complex. Commissioners Summers and Bemard volunteered to help with the event at 8:00 a.m.. Other Commissioners will notify staff if they are available. PRCMIN.OO3 1 _.~-- - . . B. Youth 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament The event ~as cancelled due to lack of participants. C. Leisure Class Update Some classes were cancelled due to low or no registration. Remaining classes are doing well. Adult Sport League sign-ups are coming up. Deadline for volleyball and basketball is March 24th. V. . PUBLIC COMMENT - None VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS - None VII. STAFF REPORTS A. Letter to CVRPD Regarding Basketball Court Conditions Ms. Francisco reviewed a letter which was sent to Laura McGalliard regarding the condition of the baskettlall courts at the La Qulnta Community Park. Ms. McGalliard responded on March 8th that the courts will be completely resurfaced in July, and they will continue temporary maintenance in the mean while: A copy of Ms. McGalliard's letter is on file. B. Grass Conditions at the La Quinta Sports Complex Commissioner Pedersen asked staff to look into the grass conditions at the Sports Complex. Ms. Francisco spoke with Danny Johnson, Maintenance Manager, who indicated that reseeding has not been done at the Sports Complex for 2 years. It costs the City several thousand dollars to reseed and the results are not that good because the kids play on the seeded area during recess and P.E. classes and the grass dies. In the past week the grass at the Sports cComplex was fertilized and it should be greener in another week, especially with the rain we have had lately. VIII. COMMISSION BUSINESS B. Park Naming Suggestion Mr. Hartung recommended that the Commission direct staff to accept the letter from Dennis Cunningham and keep it on file until the time comes for solicitation of park names. Staff also suggested the Commission discuss the procedure for soliciting names for parks. Commissioner Bernard did not feel that Mr. Cunningham's letter included a justification for naming the park In north La Quinta, which is a requirement of the Park Naming Policy. Commissioner Mullen stated that Mr. Cunningham did provide a justification by saying the area has been referred to as north La Quinta for many years. Commissioner Bernard is not in favor of naming the park after a tract, as it is not a justification. PRCMIN.003 2 . . Commissioner Best asked for an update on Palm Royale. Staff indicted it was out for bid at this time, and additional information will be presented at the next meeting. Commissioner Bernard suggested putting something in the La Qulnta Newsletter soliciting names for the parks. Staff will prepare a form and include the Park Naming Policy which could be mailed to interested persons, as well as do a write up for the May Newsletter. Commissioner Summers asked what the timellne is for Palm Royale Park. Staff suggested doing the naming process now and bring a recommendation of three names to the Council in June or July. Commissioner Bernard asked that the month of March be removed from the description of the Park Naming Policy in the Work Plan. Staff will make the changes and provide a copy at the next PRC meeting. It was moved by Commissioner Best/Mullen to direct staff to place an announCement in the La Qulnta Newsletter soliciting names for the mini park and Palm Royale Park. Unanimous. Dennis Cunningham's letter will be kept on file and an official form will be mailed to him once the announcement has been made for soliciting park names. Commissioner Bernard noted that a map (7-1 Parks & Recreation Diagram) in the Parks Master Plan indicates the mini park is called "Cove Mini Park". Staff stated that it is not an official name. C. Work Plan Review Commissioner Best asked about the status of hiring a Parks & Recreation Director. Staff indicated that during Mid-Year Budget Report of the March 7th City Council meeting Mayor Pena wished to discuss some staffing issues for the Parks and Recreation Department, and the possibility of holding off filling the position. The job has been advertised and the item will be reviewed at the March 21 st City Council meeting, possibly as a Closed Session Item, since it Is a personnel matter. The City Manager will be putting together a brief report for the Council's review. Commissioner Best stated that it would be difficult to move forward on things such as the Trails Master Plan without a Director. . Chairperson Seaton asked where we were with the Urban Forestry Grant. Staff said that the Public Works Department is responsible for the project. Staff will have an update on the project at the next meeting. Commissioner Best felt it was difficult to know where to start when the Commission doesn't know where the Department is going. Chairperson Seaton agreed and suggested waiting untii direction is given by the Council. Commissioner Best then suggested looking at risk management. Commissioner Summers stated that addressing the cracks at the baskettlall court is an example of risk management at work, and suggested that the Commissioners check out the different parks for unsafe equipment, etc. Commissioner Mullen agreed, and stated that she would like to move on things that the Commission can move on instead of waiting to see what happens with the City Council. Staff will provide the Commission a list of city owned parks and their locations to visit for a safety Inspection. PRCMIN.OO3 3 - . . Commissioner Summers talked about a Trails Master Plan which the City's Planning and Development Department is working on with Bureau of Land Management (BLM). Desert Riders Is also involved. Ms. Francisco stated that the department is walt for the results of BLM's comprehensive redesign of their maps and open space. Commissioner Summers added that ttie BLM map Is completed and at the printer waiting for funds for publication. Staff will contact BLM to get a copy of the map. Commissioner Mullen asked about the City's liability if people are hurt on the City's trails. Commissioner Summers believes that hiking injuries come under hazardous recreational activities and you can't hold govemment agencies liable for any injuries. Commissioner Bernard suggested to Chairperson Seaton the possibility of forming a Handbook for the Commission. Chairperson Seaton asked Commissioner Bemard to provide a draft Handbook for the Commission to review at the next meeting. IX. COMMISSION COMMENT A. CPRS Conference Report - Commissioner Mullen Commissioner Mullen thought the speakers at the conference were dynamic, knowledgeable people. There were a lot of suggestions for cities to do and brochures and books were brought back for the Commission to review for ideas. Commissioner Mullen stated that West Sacramento has a Youth Diversion Plan through the Police and the Parks and Recreation Department for kids at risk which she thought was a great idea. Commissioner Mullen found her attendance at the conference to be very rewarding, and enjoyed meeting Commissioners from other cites who have been on Boards or Commissions for a few years. X. NEXT MEETING DATE, TIME AND TOPIC Monday, April 10, 1995 7:00 P.M. La Qulnta Civic Center Study Session Room . Fritz Bums Park Recommendation to City Council - Cosper . Urban Forestry Grant Update - Cosper . Palm Royale Park Update - Cosper . Ust of Parks to Visit For Safety Inspection . Draft Commission Handbook . BLM Trails Map XI. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner Mullen/Summers to adjourn the meeting to the next regularly scheduled Parks and Recreation Commission meeting on April 10, 1995. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m..' WrJ ~'Jft/J CRISTAL SPIDELL Secretary II PRCMIN.003 4 -- . . ~ of IpQtdIt1t IX.C MEMORANDUM FROM: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION TOM HARTUNG, INTERIM PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR -r 1/ APRIL 10,1995 TO: DATE: SUBJECT: UPDATE ON SOLICITING FOR PARK NAMING SUGGESTIONS On March 13, 1995 the Commission discussed the procedure for soliciting for park naming suggestions. Staff was directed to write an article for the May La Quinta Newsletter, as well as prepare a form which would be mailed to residents who wish to submit a park name suggestion. Attached you will find a copy of the article which has been submitted to the Chamber of Commerce for the Newsletter (Attachment A). Also attached is a packet which outlines the criteria for the naming of the parks, which was approved by the City Council on January 3, 1995, as well as a Park Naming Submittal Form (Attachment B) which will be mailed (or available for pick-up at City Hall) to those interested. Deadline for submitting the form to the Parks and Recreation Department is May 31, 1995. . The suggestions will be brought back to the Parks and Recreation Commission for consideration, and a recommendation of three names for each park (Cove Mini-Park and Palm Royale Park) will be forwarded to the City Council by July, 1995. Attachment A - Chamber of Commerce Newsletter Item Attachment B - Criteria for Naming of Parks & Submittal Form MEMOPRC.002