2007 01 23 PC ~ 0{ 4fJ.uMt Planning Commission Agendas are now available on the City's Web Page @ www.la-quinta.or(l PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA A Regular Meeting to be Held at the La Quinta City Hall Council Chamber 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California JANUARY 23. 2007 7:00 P.M. **NOTE** ALL ITEMS NOT CONSIDERED BY 11 :00 P.M. WILL BE CONTINUED TO THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING Beginning Resolution 2007-002 Beginning Minute Motion 2006-001 I. CALL TO ORDER A. Flag Salute B. Pledge of Allegiance C. Roll Call II. PUBLIC COMMENT This is the time set aside for public comment on any matter not scheduled for public hearing. Please complete a "Request to Speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 9, 2007. G:\WPDOCS\PC Minutes\1 Ag~ndaW.doc V. PUBLIC HEARING: For all Pl,Iblic Hearings on the Agenda, a completed "Request to Speak" form must be filed with the Executive Secretary prior to the start of the Planning Commission consideration of that item. The Chairman will invite individuals who have requested the opportunity to speak, to come forward at the appropriate time. Any person may submit written comments to the Planning Commission before a public hearing, may appear and be heard in support of, or in opposition to, the approval of the project(s) at the time of the hearing. If you challenge any project(s) in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the City at, or prior to the public hearing. A. Item................ Applicant....... .. Location......... .. Request ..........: Action.............. B. Item................ Applicant........ . Location........... Request .......... Action............. VI. BUSINESS ITEMS: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2006-579, SPECIFIC PLAN 2006-081, TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 23060, AND SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2006-873 Laing Luxury Homes Northwest corner of Washington Street and Avenue 48 (extended) Consideration of development standards and guidelines for the development of 74 single-family homes, subdivision of 28.33 acres into 74 residential lots as well as lots for private streets, retention basins, open space and recreation, and a site development permit to allow the construction of 74 single-family residential homes Resolution 2007-_, Resolution 2007- ,Resolution 2007-_, Resolution 2007-_ STREET VACATION 2006-043 Nispero Properties, Inc. Main Street north of Avenida La Fonda Report of Findings under California Government Code Section 65402 that the proposed vacation of a portion of a public utility easement within Desert Club Tract, Unit 4 is consistent with the General Plan Resolution 2007- A. Item................... NOTICE OF PUBLIC NUISANCE CASE NO 2006-5204 Appellants.......... Jeffrey S. and Ardis L. Manning Location.............. 52-715 Avenida Navarro Request ............. Appeal of a Public Nuisance Determination regarding the violation of a recreational vehicle encroaching on the City right-of-way without a permit, parking in a location not zoned for vehicular parking, being improperly stored on a G:\WPDOCS\PC Minutes\1 AgendaW.doc residential property and a patio cover that violates the exterior side yard setback Action................ To be continued to February 13, 2007 B. Item...........:...... SIGN APPLICATION 2006-1073 Applicant............ Ultrasigns Electrical Advertising Location.............. North side of Highway 111, west of Adams Street, within the One-Eleven La Quinta Shopping Center Request .............. Consideration of a business identification sign for PETCO Action................. Minute Motion 2007- C. Item.................. SPHERE OF INFLUENCE - RIVERSIDE COUNTY SOI-R-02 TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 34536 (COUNTY APPLICATION) Applicant............ Joe Birdsell Location.............. Southwest corner of Darby Road and Adams Street Request .............. Planning Commission review and comment on a project proposed in the City's North Sphere of Influence Action................. Minute Motion 2007- ' VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: None VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS: A. Minor Use Permit process discussion B. Review of City Council meeting of January 16, 2007 IX. ADJOURNMENT: This meeting of the Planning Commission will be adjourned to a Regular Meeting to be held on February 13, 2007, at 7:00 p.m. DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Betty J. Sawyer, Executive Secretary of the City of La Quinta, do hereby declare that the foregoing Agenda for the La Quinta Planning Commission meeting of Tuesday, January 23, 2007, was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber, 78-495 Calle Tampico and the bulletin board at the La Quinta Cove Post Office, on Friday, January 19, 2007. DATED: January 19, 2007 X~ J. AWYER; ~ive Secretary a Quinta, California G:\WPDOCS\PC Minutes\1 AgendaW.doc --- ------ MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA January 9, 2007 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was reconvened at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Quill who asked Commissioner Alderson to lead the flag salute. B. Present: Commissioners Ed Alderson, Katie Barrows, Rick Daniels, Jim Engle, and Chairman Paul Quill. C. Staff present: Community Development Director Doug Evans, Planning Manager Les Johnson, Assistant City Attorney Michael Houston, Assistant Planner Jay Wuu, and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer. II. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: Confirmed. IV. CONSENT ITEMS: None. V. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Street Vacation of a Portion of Public Utility Easement located within Desert Club Tract Unit 4; a request of the City to vacate a potion of Main Street north of Avenida La Fonda for Nispero Properties. 1. Chairman Quill opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report. Staff asked that the item be continued to allow staff time to notify all the adjacent property owners. 2. There being no questions, it was moved and seconded by Commissioner Daniels/Barrows to continue Street Vacation 2006-043 to January 23, 2007. B. Site Development Permit 2006-877; a request of Adobe Holdings, Inc. for consideration of architectural and landscaping plans for four prototypical residential plans and common areas for the Village at Coral Mountain located within Tract 31249 on the south side of avenue 58, Y, mile west of Madison Street. G:\WPDOCS\PC Minutes\2007\ 1-9-0S.doc Planning Commission Minutes January 9, 2007 1 . Chairman Quill opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report. Assistant Planner Jay Wuu presented the information' contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Chairman Quill asked if there were. any questions of staff. Commissioner Engle asked if the occupants of the two-story units would they be able to see in the backyards of the adjacent tract. Planning Manager Les Johnson stated no and explained the orientation of the units in relation to the adjacent project. Discussion followed regarding the orientation of the units. 3. Commissioner Barrows asked about the water calculations in "regard to the water features. Staff stated it met the requirements. 4. Commissioner Alderson asked if the water features at" the entrance were separate pools. Staff stated they were separate. Commissioner Alderson stated the plan does not show the units identified on the lots. He also asked for clarification on whether or not the second access was an entrance. Staff stated that it was an exit only. Commissioner Alderson asked about the third "garage" and "pool house". Staff clarified the "pool house" will not be used as a living quarters and each unit does have a separate casita. 5. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Quill asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr. Bob Rippe, representing the applicant, gave. a brief history of the project. 6: Commissioner Alderson asked if the trims were to be all the same. Mr. Ed Rippe, Project Manager, stated this is still being determined. 7. Commissioner Barrows stated she would like to see the water features reduced or one eliminated. Mr. Jose Estrada, landscape architect, stated they have received approval from CVWD because of the amount of drought"tolerant plant material they were using. They did eliminate one pond from the southwest portion of the site. Commissioner Barrows asked if there would be any problem with eliminating one of the water features. Mr. Estrada explained the importance of the water f!latures to the project. 2 Planning Commission Minutes January 9, 2007 8. Commissioner Engle asked how much water they would hold. Mr. Estrada stated he did not have those figures. 9. Commissioner Daniels asked what alternative they would use, if they did not have the water features. Mr. Estrada made some suggestions. 10. Chairman Quill suggested the pools be reduced and concentrated on the west side to reduce the costs and amount of water to be used. 11. Commissioner Alderson stated he did not have an objection to the front water feature and would suggest the elimination of the interior lake. Mr. Rippe stated they have eliminated any turf in the retention basins and added the water feature to create an interest at the entry. They do not have the draw of a golf course and the lakes are a feature for this project. 12. There being no further discussion or other public comment, Chairman Quill closed the public participation portion of the hearing. 13. Commissioner Alderson asked if the precise grading plan would come to the Commission. Community Development Director Doug Evans stated no. 14. Commissioner Barrows stated she would "like to see one of the water features eliminated even though they have made great effort to use drought tolerate material. 15. Commissioner Daniels stated he too compliments the applicant on the amount of drought tolerant material, but believes a water feature could be eliminated or reduced. 16. . There being no further discussion, it was' moved and seconded by Commissioner Alderson/Engle to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2007-001 approving Site Development Permit 2006- 877, as recommended and amended: a. Condition 26. Any residential units" built on the southern and eastern project boundaries of Site Development Permit 2006-078 shall be constructed in accordance with the specific unit plans identified in said Site Development 3 Planning Commission Minutes January 9, 2007 Permit, and subsequent precise' grading plans. Any changes or modifications to the approved units shall require Planning Commission approval. b. Condition added: The applicant shall work with staff to eliminate or reduce the water features. ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Alderson, Barrows, Engle, and Chairman Quill. NOES: None. None. ABSTAIN: None.' Daniels, ABSENT: VI. BUSINESS ITEM: A. Image, Corridor Determination; a request determination on applicability of Image Standards in the Special Purpose Districts. of the Corridor City for a Development 1. Chairman Quill asked for the staff report. Planning Manager Les Johnson presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Chairman Quill asked why this was before the Commission. Staff explained how the proposed La Quinta Country Club clubhouse plans brought this to the City's attention. 3. Commissioner Alderson asked if there were any other locations where else this could occur. Staff stated none that are known currently. The Country Club could request a variance to their specific plan, but staff was bringing it before the Commission for their direction. 4. Chairman Quill stated it is a non-issue to him and would agree with establishing the height limit as it is in other areas. Staff confirmed the Country Club would be able to obtain the . changes by virtue of their specific plan. The purpose of the .amendment is for consistency. 5. There being no'further discussion, it was moyed and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Barrows to direct staff to move forward with the amendment. Unanimously approved. VIII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: None. IX. COMMISSIONER ITEMS: 4 Planning Commission Minutes January 9, 2007 . A. Commissioner Barrows gave a report of the City Council meeting of December 19, 2006. B. Community Development Director Doug Evans informed the Commission of a workshop with the Vista Santa Rosa Task Force on Wednesday, January 10, 2007, at 2:00 p.m. C. Staff informed the Commission that Principal Planner Fred Baker had resigned to take a position in Apache Junction as a Planning Manager. His last day would be January 19, 2007. D. Commissioner Barrows asked staff to update the Commission on the Dark Sky Ordinance. Staff explained the process that had taken place and that the Lighting Ordinance was being revised to make it easier to implement and interpret. X. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Alderson/Daniels to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to a regular meeting of the Planning Commission to be held on January 23, 2007. This meeting of the Planning Commission was adjourned at 7:55 p.m. on January 9, 2007. . Respectfully submitted, Betty J. Sawyer, Executive Secretary City of La Quinta, California 5 . DATE: CASE NO.: APPLICANT: REQUEST: LOCATION: PROPERTY OWNER: GENERAL PLANI ZONING DESIGNATIONS: I PH#A PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT JANUARY 23, 2007 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2006-579 SPECIFIC PLAN 2006-081 TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 35060 SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2006-873 . LAING LUXURY HOMES CONSIDERATION OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF 74 SINGLE-FAMILY HOMES; THE SUBDIVISION OF 28.33 ACRES INTO 74 RESIDENTIAL LOTS, AS WELL AS LOTS FOR PRIVATE STREETS, RETENTIONS BASINS, OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION; AND A SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF 74 SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ..UNITS. r NORTHWEST CORNER OF WASHINGTON STREET AND AVENUE 48 (EXTENDED). LAING LUXURY HOMES LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: THE LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT HAS REVIEWED THIS PROJECT UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE CALiFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALiTY ACT (CEQA), AND HAS PREPARED ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2006- ..579 FOR THIS PROJECT, IN COMPLiANCE WITH THE . REQUIREMENTS OF THE CALiFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALiTY ACT OF 1970, AS AMENDED. THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR HAS DETERMINED THAT, AS CONDITIONED, THE PROJECT WILL NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT AND THEREFORE, IS RECOMMENDING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT BE CERTIFIED. SURROUNDING LAND USES: NORTH: SOUTH: EAST:.. WEST: VACANT LAND, ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI CHURCH PARKING AREA LAGUNA DE LA PAZ WASHINGTON STREET, WALGREEN'S, MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING, COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL VACANT LAND, SANTA ROSA MOUNTAINS BACKGROUND: Several projects have previously been proposed for the 28.33 acre project site located on the west side of Washington Street adjacent to and north of the Laguna De La Paz residential neighborhood. The improvements currently on the property were permitted through a Specific Plan and Site Development Permit approved for the La Quinta Arts. Foundation. In 2004, Foxx Homes proposes a tentative tract map (No. 32397) on the property, which was approved, but not developed. If approved, the current proposal will supercede previous approvals. PROJECT REQUEST: The proposed project consists of three components: 1 . A Specific Plan establishing development standards and guidelines for a residential community consisting of 74 single-family residential units, open space, recreation and retention areas on 28.33 acres. 2. A Tentative Tract Map to subdivide the 28.33 acres into 74 single-family lots, as well as lots for streets, open space, recreation, and retention basins. 3. A Site Development Permit to approve the architecture and layout of the 74 units, and implement the Specific Plan. Access to the project will be from Washington Street. The main entrance will be at the location of the existing entry previously constructed by the La Quinta Arts Foundation, which is located in the center of the site. A secondary access will also be constructed at the northeastern corner of the site, also connecting to Washington Street. (future signal) and will be a joint access shared with Saint Francis of Assisi Church. Specific Plan and Site Development Permit The Specific Plan defines the development standards and guidelines for the proposed project. The Specific Plan allows for the development of 74 single-family units, divided into 25 "Hacienda" units and 49 "Bungalow" units. The Hacienda units are proposed to be located along the southern and western property boundaries. The Bungalow units will be located in the center of the site. In addition to the residential lots, the Specific Plan proposes a central park area (0.47 acres), as well asa park at the entrance to the site, located just inside the wall (0.18 acres). In addition, the adjacent retention area (1.65 acres) will also provide walking trails for resident use. The development standards for each unit type are summarized below (page 33 of the Specific Plan provides a complete listing of all developmeflt standards). ,~ ....... "'. of.iPevelopm~llt~tan~a~~s, ,.,. , .', Standard "Hacienda" "Bungalow" City Units Units Standards Minimum lot size (s.f.) 10,320 6,290 7,200 Maximum heiaht (ft.) 28 28 28 Maximum number of stories 1 2 . 2 Minimum front setback (ft.) 15 to buildingl 5 . 20 20 to aaraae Minimum rear setback (ft.) 10 5 20 . Maximum lot coveraae (%) 50 60 50 The architectural style for the project is Spanish Colonial. The Hacienda units will range in size from 3,700 to 4,100 square feet, and are to be single story. Three floor plans are proposed, with two elevations per plan. Tile roofs, sand stucco walls with adobe brick accents, tile and ornamental wrought iron are proposed for each of the plans. The Bungalow units are proposed to range in size from 2,392 to 3,207 square feet. These units include six floor plans, two of which are to be two stories in height, with two elevations for each floor plan. The materials and finishes proposed for the Bungalow units are similar to those proposed for the Hacienda units. The Specific Plan allows for "guest suites" in addition to the bedrooms in each home (please see further discussion under "Analysis," below). A loop road is proposed through the center of the site. Interior streets are to be 56 feet in right-of-way width with a pavement width of 36 feet. This pavement width will allow for parking on both sides, narrowing at several "chokers" (bulb-outs into the street used for traffic calming) to 28 feet, with no parking allowed in those locations. The exception is street "E", which is proposed to have a pavement width of 28 feet where chokers are proposed, with parking only being provided on one side of the street. The entry drives are both proposed to be 36 feet in pavement width. In addition to the project roadways, access to the Bungalow lots will be via shared driveways, 24 feet in pavement width, which will serve four units each. Although the proposed chicanes reduce some of the area available for on-street parking, an analysis was completed by the applicant, which demonstrates that sufficient parking is available outside the chicane areas to accommodate all project parking. Pedestrian "paseos" are provided through the tract, located in an east-west fashion between the Bungalow units, connecting to trails in the retention basins, as well as to the sidewalk on Washington Street (please see additional discussion under "Analysis," below). Landscaping is proposed to be of a drought tolerant nature, 'and will be consistent throughout the project. Trees include, but are not limited to; California Pepper, Palo Verde, Mesquite, varieties of Acacia and Desert Ironwood. Perimeter landscape setbacks along Washington Street are a minimum of 150 feet in depth; averaging 20 feet on the north and south project boundaries; and varying from 15 to 85 feet along the western property boundary. A perimeter wall is also proposed around the entire site (please see additional discussion under" Analysis," below). The western boundary of the project also includes an open space lot, Lot A, which provides for retaining walls and a transition to the permanent open space located adjacent to the west of the site. The retaining walls are proposed as a series of 3 tiers which will provide erosion control and drainage in this area. The design of the walls is discussed further under" Analysis," below. ANALYSIS: In reviewing the Specific Plan, several issues have arisen which merit further review, and which have resulted in specific conditions of approval. These issue areas are discussed individually below. General Plan/Zoning Having a gross density of 2.6 units per acre, the proposed single family residential development is consistent with the density provisions of the Low Density Residential land use and zoning provisions, which allow for up to 4 units per acre. However, the applicant is requesting, via the Specific Plan, relief from certain development standards, such as minimum lot size, front and rear yard setbacks, and lot coverage. Most of the requested relief to standards will apply to the bungalow. lots. This will create a more intimate setting that relies upon strong architectural and site design. Staff believes that the proposed site design combined with the architecture will create an environment that supports the requested relief. The front yard setback proposed by the applicant for the Haciendas is at 15 feet. This does not provide adequate space for standard vehicles to park in front of the garage. Therefore, staff has included a condition of approval requiring the Specific Plan be amended and Site Development Permit conditioned to allow the Hacienda units to have a 1 5 foot front yard setback except for garages parallel with the street which must have a 20 foot front yard setback. Guest Suites The original Specific Plan includes an allowance for up 3 "guest suites" per lot, for any of the lots. The guest suites are defined in the Specific Plan as "a detached or attached unit with sleeping and sanitary facilities and limited food preparation facilities (kitchenette/wet bar service)..." Although not included in the definition, the other identifying feature of the guest suites is that they have separate entrances and are not directly accessible to the main house. Most of the separate entrances are "linked" via a covered walkway or courtyard. The Bungalow plans show up to two guest suites per plan on the two story units, and one guest suite per plan for the one story units. The Haciendas show 1 guest suite per plan. No units are shown to include three guest suites even though the Specific Plan is requesting this. Staff had a concern that the guest suites, because of their independence from the main house, and their self-contained nature, could be considered multiple units in a single family home neighborhood. Although it is staff's understanding that the applicant wishes to develop a high-end, single family residential product, the entitlement provided by the Specific Plan is tied to the land, not the applicant. If approved as proposed, the entitlement could allow three guest suites per lot regardless of the project proposed. This has the potential to affect project design, parking, and other issues relating to multiple units. To additionally complicate the issue, the Uniform Building Code considers a single family, home any grouping of rooms connected by a covered or open walkway, sidewalk, or an enclosed hallway. Therefore, should the project be amended, the Building Code provisions do not provide the City with protection. Staff discussed the issue with the applicant, who has recently proposed an amendment to the Specific Plan language that changes the definition for guest suites and limits the maximum number of such units to 2 for the Bungalows and 1 for the. Haciendas (Attachment 6). Staff has included a condition of approval requiring the Specific Plan be amended and Site Development Permit conditioned to only allow one guest suite with a kitchenette per lot. Passive Open Space and Retention Basins The proposed project includes two private recreation areas: one central to the Bungalow Units, one immediately south of the project's main entry. In addition, retention basins are proposed along the entire frontage of the project on Washington Street that will provide access through trails which connect to the interior walkways. Although enhanced landscaping is proposed for these areas, and an arbor with seating is shown in the Specific Plan for the central park, no recreational amenities are proposed for any of the park areas. Given that the trails extend throughout the site, and that their use is likely by a variety of types of users, staff feels that the addition of amenities is required to make these areas functional for the residents. A condition of approval is proposed for both the Specific Plan and the Site Development Permit which would require the inclusion of seating along the trails at intervals of no more than 200 feet and an active recreation amenity in the central park. Main Entry As currently designed, the main entry presents a strong aesthetic statement for the project. However, this design only provides for a limited turning radius, which will be difficult for larger delivery vehicles that require a large turning radius. In addition, the tower feature located just south of the dri"e proposes a maximum height of 28 feet. The tower setback is approximately 95 feet from the Washington Street property line, which is within the 1 50 foot image corridor setback. The applicant has requested relief in the Specific Plan from the 22-foot maximum height requirement. Paseos or Pedestrian Paths A series of paseos are proposed between the Bungalow lots, which will provide pedestrian access throughout the project. The paseos are shown as a 4 foot walkway within a minimum 11 foot wide landscaped area. These lead to a looped trail within the retention basins, and also connect to .the sidewalk along Washington Street. No provision has been made on the tract map, however, for access 'easement where paseos are to be located. Thus, the paseos are Ilot separate lots, and without easements could be blocked by land owners who would be within their rights to restrict access. A condition of approval has been added to the tract map which requires easements be provided between the appropriate lots to assure the long term viability of the paseos. Perimeter Wall and Landscape Design A six foot high perimeter wall is proposed around the entire project. On the Washington Street frontage, this wall is proposed in sections approximately 120 feet in lengths and to be located on top of a 6 foot berm, resulting in a 12 foot high . barrier along the entire frontage. The wall is to be set back from the property line a staggered distance of 20 to 31 feet. The impact of a 12 foot high wall on Washington Street is considered by staff to be in excess for this location, which is a primary image corridor for the community, and is much higher than the. adjacent Laguna 'De La Paz perimeter wall. Staff has recommended a condition of approval which restricts the combined wall and berm height to no greater than 8 feet, and be required to undulate vertically along the project frontage. Additionally, the proposed Washington Street perimeter wall design presents a long linear image and needs to have visual relief. A condition of approval is included which requires the installation of pilasters at each of the wall openings, and in the center of each 100 foot section on the Washington Street frontage. A series of retaining walls are proposed at the base of the sand dune on the western property boundary. Three tiers of retaining walls extend approximately 450 feet and act as erosion control and drainage way for storm flows coming down the mountainsides. The tiers extend to a height of 28 feet, and will generally be blocked from view on Washington Street by the intervening homes. However, the areas between tiers are narrow, with only a four foot width, and steep, with a 2: 1 slope, and will not allow sufficient space for landscaping and may be subject to moderate to severe erosion. Since landscaping will be integral to the softening of the retaining walls for views from neighboring lots, a condition of approval is included which requires the re-design of these walls.' to include additional landscaping, a 6 foot horizontal separation, and a maximum 3: 1 slope in areas where trees and large shrubs are proposed. The applicant has reported to staff that they have been working with the Laguna De La Paz homeowners association regarding the proposed wall and landscaping treatment along the south property line. The applicant has reported that the HOA is supportive of the design and will be corresponding accordingly. However, staff has yet to receive any correspondence from the HOA confirming this. Tentative Tract Map The Tentative Tract Map implements the Specific Plan, and is consistent with it,as amended above. The map includes the subdivision of all the residential lots, and the private streets and open space areas described in the Specific Plan. The Map also includes the design of the northern access point, which will eventually be shared with St. Francis of Assisi Church. The applicant wishes to maintain this as an egress only access point. Staff believes' that this should be an access point that accommodates both ingress and egress traffic, particularly with this shared access being designed for a signal at Washington. It should be noted that in order to accommodate two way traffic the existing design will need to be amended in order to meet stacking and turn around requirements, which will impact the current design on the St. Francis of Assisi Church property and may impact lots 73 and 74. In addition, the applicant has yet to provide easement documentation from St. Francis of Assisi Church that confirms the applicant's right to use the adjacent property .tor the proposed secondary access. Therefore, a condition of approval has been added requiring the applicant to provide an alternate map design excluding the northern ,secondary access and . provides for a ~secondary emergency access connection to Washington Street. This change would likely result in the loss of several lots as it would require a substantial redesign to the. stormwater detention area. Finally, the Map implements the drainage improvements required for this project, which are extensive, particularly on the western boundary. Staff had concerns that the slopes required in this area could require encroachment into the dedicated open space lands to the west, and the applicant has modified all plans to assure that there will be no encroachment, and all cuts and fills will occur within the proposed parcel. In addition, the conditions of approval include a requirement for a grading monitor to be on site during earth moving along the western property boundary, to assure that no encroachment occurs. The Map conforms to the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act and the City's subdivision ordinance, as conditioned. ALRC REVIEW: At their January 17, 2007 meeting the ALRC reviewed the proposed development. Discussion focused upon the proposed landscape palette, design treatment to the retaining walls at the west end of the project and the perimeter treatment along the Washington Street frontage. After considerable . discussion, the ALRC recommended approval of the Site Development Permit by Minute Motion 2007- 001, subject to incorporation of the following: 1 . A Community Development Department application for Final Landscape Plan Check shall be. submitted for final landscaping plans and reviewed by the ALRC with final approval by the Community Development Director. 2. The six foot tall perimeter wall proposed along north and south property lines shall be measured from the on-site finished grade of the residential lots. Said walls shall be constructed of solid materials that prevent direct views of adjacent properties. 3. The applicant shall redesign the perimeter wall and berming along the Washington Street frontage for a maximum combined height of wall and berming not to exceed 12 feet, of which the wall height shall not exceed six feet and the maximum height shall undulate between 10 and 12 feet. Said wall shall incorporate random pilasters. 4. The applicant shall redesign the three tiered retaining walls. Said retaining walls shall have a curvilinear pattern with additional stepping and design details that' integrate the walls with natural elements such as rock outcroppings'. Additional trees and large shrubs shall be incorporated into the design to soften the visual impact of the proposed walls. A minimum of six feet between said walls and a maximum slope of 3: l' shall exist in locations where trees and/or large shrubs are proposed. Staff presented a more conservative condition regarding the maximum berm and wall height along Washington Street consistent with the aforementioned in the analysis section of this report. Staff continues to maintain that a maximum combined wall and. berm height of 8 feet is appropriate for this frontage and will transition well with the adjacent perimeter wall for Laguna De La Paz. Staff will provide additional exhibits at the pubic hearing. Public Notice . This request was published in the Desert Sun newspaper on January 13, 2007, and mailed to all affected property owners and occupants within 500 feet of the project site as required by Section 9.200.110 of the Zoning Code. . To date, no letters have been received. Public Aaencv Review A copy of this request has been sent to all applicable public agencies and City Departments. All written comments received are on file with the Community Development Department. Applicable comments received have been included in the recommended Conditions of Approval. STATEMENT OF MANDATORY FINDINGS: Findings to recommend approval of this request can be made and are contained in the attached Resolutions. RECOMMENDATION: 1. Adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2007- , recommending to the City Council approval of Environmental Assessment 2006-579. 2. Adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2007- , recommending to the City Council approval of Specific Plan 2006-081. - 3. Adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2007- ,recommending to the City Council approval of Tentative Tract Map 35060.- 4. Adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2007- ,recommending to the City Council approval of Site Development Permit 2006-873. Attachments: 1 . Canyon Ridge Specific Plan 2; Tentative Tract Map Exhibits 3. Architectural & Landscaping Exhibits 4. Conceptual Site Sections 5. Applicant Request for Specific Plan Language Amendment anning Manager PHIS STAFF REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: JANUARY 23, 2007 CASE NO.: STREET VACATION 2006-043 APPLICANT: NISPERO PROPERTIES, INC. REQUEST: REPORT OF FINDING UNDER CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 65402 THAT THE PROPOSED VACATION OF A PORTION OF A PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT WITHIN DESERT CLUB TRACT, UNIT 4 IS CONSISTENT WITH THE GENERAL PLAN LOCATION: MAIN STREET NORTH OF AVENIDA LA FONDA BACKGROUND: The public hearing for the Street Vacation 2006-043 was originally scheduled on the January 9th, 2007 Planning Commission meeting, however staff requested a continuance to allow sufficient time for notification of the public hearing per the City of La Quinta public notification procedures. Pursuant to California Government Code Section 65402, the "Planning Agency" (City of La Quinta Planning Commission) shall make a finding that the proposed vacation is consistent with the City's General Plan and Circulation Element for any street right-of-way or pUblic utility easement being vacated by the City Council. Nispero Properties, Inc., owner of Lots 68 and 77 on the north and south side of the public utility easement (Attachment 1), requested vacation of a portion of public utility easement pursuant to California Street and Highways Code Part 3 for Public Streets, Highways, and Service Easements Vacation Law, Section 8320-8325. The portion of public utility easement to be vacated will be incorporated in. future development by Nispero Properties, Inc. for Village Use Permit 2005-032, Sun Vista Plaza. Additionally, the Parcel Merger 2006-476 for Lots 68 and 77 was approved by the Community Development Department on December 12, 2006. The portion of the public utility easement was dedicated. for construction and maintenance of all public utilities on the Subdivision Map for Desert Club Tract, Unit 4 and accepted by Riverside County and said map recorded on November 2nd, 1946. The portion of the public utility easement is specifically described in Attachment 2 and is not needed by any utility companies for construction or maintenance purposes provided that C:\Documents and Settings\bsawyer\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK7\StaffReport SV 2006-043.doc an easement is granted to Verizon California Inc. along the westerly property line of Lot 68 (Attachment 3). No other utility company expressed a desir~d relocated easement. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATION: The proposed vacation is categorically exempt under Section 15301, and not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). PUBLIC AGENCY COMMENTS: The applicant has contacted potentially affected public utility agencies informing them of the proposed vacation. To date, no objection to the right-of-way vacation has been received; however an easement along the westerly property line of Lot 68 has been recorded in favor of Verizon California Inc. for future and/or relocation of facilities. FINDINGS: 1 . The public utility easement vacation will not impact public utility agencies, provided easements are provided for the continued maintenance and operation of relocated public utilities. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution 2007-_ finding that Street Vacation 2006-043 is consistent with the La Quinta General Plan. Attachments: 1 . - Vicinity Map 2. - Plat Map 3.'- Verizon Easement Prepared by: (j~ (L' BRIAN CHING, Ass(ciate Engineer C:\Documents and Settings\bsawyer\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK7\StaffReport SV 2006-043.doc VI. BUSINESS ITEMS: 8 A. Item................... NOTICE OF PUBLIC NUISANCE CASE NO 2006-5204 Appellants.......... Jeffrey S. and Ardis L. Manning Location.............. 52-715 Avenida Navarro Request............. Appeal of a Public Nuisance Determination regarding the violation of a recreational vehicle encroaching on the City right-of-way without a permit, parking in a location not zoned for vehicular parking, being improperly stored on a Action......... ...... residential property and a patio cover enor Sl e yar To be continued to February 13, 200 that violates the 81#8 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DATE: JANUARY 23,2007 CASE NO.: SIGN APPLICATION 2006-1073 APPLICANT: UL TRASIGNS ELECTRICAL ADVERTISING REQUEST: CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO APPROVE BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION SIGNAGE FOR PETCO LOCATION: NORTH SIDE OF HIGHWAY 111, WEST OF ADAMS STREET, IN THE ONE-ELEVEN LA QUINTA SHOPPING CENTER GENERAL PLAN: RC - REGIONAL COMMERCIAL ZONING: CR - REGIONAL COMMERCIAL ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: THE LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT HAS DETERMINED THAT THIS SIGN APPLICATION IS . CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT FROM ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PURSUANT TO PROVISIONS OF SECTION 15311 (CLASS 11) OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) BACKGROUND: The One-Eleven La Quinta Center has an approved Planned Sign Program whose purpose is to ensure continuity of graphic elements throughout the development, and to provide maximum sign exposure to individual tenants without visual clutter, thereby enhancing the overall image of the project. Subsequently, the Sign Program allows national or regional tenants with more than five outlets to request Planning Commission approval to use their corporate sign and/or logo and to seek approval when the proposed sign deviates from the Sign Program. The applicant submitted plans for a main identification sign totaling approximately 106- 3% square feet and a supplementary sign totaling approximately ten and half square feet in December 2006 for Petco Animal Supplies (Attachment 1). It was determined that the proposal exceeded the allowable square footage allowed by the Sign Program and that the Planning Commission would need to make. a determination. on the proposed size. It was brought to the attention of the City that the sign was installed without approval by the applicant (Attachment 2). The applicant was made aware of the fact that the proposed signs were installed without approval from the Community Development Department and Planning Commission and without the required permit from the Building and Safety Department. Furthermore, the Building and Safety Department is withholding the Certificate of Occupancy until all approvals are cleared and a permit is issued. SIGN REQUEST: The applicant is proposing the standard corporate sign and logo for the Petco building site and is requesting approval of a main business identification sign ("PETCO"), a logo and a supplementary sign ("GROOMING"). "PETCO"is the main business identification sign with the logo proposed above it. The "GROOMING" sign is proposed on the fascia east of the tower wall. The landlord has approved the proposed signs as submitted. The main business .identification sign for Petco is proposed to be placed on the center tower wall on the southern building elevation facing Highway .111, centered above the five existing vigas (Attachment 3). The proposed sign will be red and consists of five- inch deep individual internally-illuminated channel letters, and will be approximately 4 feet in height and 18 feet 9% inches wide, totaling approximately seventy-five square feet (Attachment 4), The logo will be an internally illuminated blue cat and red dog with a black vinyl border placed above the word "PETCO", and measures 4 feet in height and 6 feet 3% inches wide and total approximately twenty five square feet (Attachment 4). The third sign "GROOMING" is a supplementary sign and is proposed on the southern building elevation centered on the fascia east of the tower wall. The proposed sign will be red with internally illuminated channel letters and will measure fourteen inches in height and 9-0W feet wide totaling approximately ten and half square feet (Attachment ~. , The main business identification sign totals approximately 106-3% square feet and the supplementary sign is ten and half square feet. The total sign area equals 116-9% square feet. ANALYSIS: National and regional retail tenants along Highway 111 have historically applied for large business identification signs. Approvals were made based on sign size, location, proportionality to the building, as well as compliance with any applicable sign program. P:\YvonnalSA - Sign Approvals\2006\SA 06-1073 Paleo (STAFF REPORT).doc The following chart shows a comparison of the proposed sign to previously approved signs for similar sized major retail tenants along Highway 111: Petco. 116-9% 100 15,257 irOne-Eleven La Quinta Center Sign Program Per the approved Sign Program for the One-Eleven La Quinta Center, tenants are allowed a maximum of fifty square feet per sign with the logo. The logo if proposed cannot exceed twenty five percent of the area. Staff concludes that the use of the proposed corporate sign and logo are acceptable but the square footage of the main business identification sign and logo need to be reduced for the following reasons: 1) the size and layout are not proportional to the available wall area and 2) The proposed signage is proportionally greater than previously approved signage for other major retail tenants along Highway 111 that have greater store frontage and larger building size. This can be alleviated by reducing the total square footage of the main business identification sign and logo from 106-3% to no greater than 80 square feet. The supplementary sign is proportional to signs and frontages in the One-Eleven La Quinta Center, as well as with other major retail tenants along Highway 111. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve the use of the corporate sign and logo and that the Planning Commission adopt Minute Motion 2007-_, subject to the following Conditions of Approval: . . 1. The total square footage of the main business identification sign ("PETCO") and the logo shall be no greater than 80 square feet. The applicant shall install the approved sign on the southern building elevation at the approved location. P:\YvonnelSA - Sign Approvals\2006lSA 06-1073 Peleo (STAFF REPORT).doe 2. The square footage of the supplementary sign ("GROOMING"), shall be no greater than 10.5 square feet. 3. A building permit shall be obtained prior to any work on the sign being started. Attachments: 1. Sign Exhibit Site Plan. 2. Photograph of the building site. 3. Sign Exhibit Front Elevation. 4. Sign Exhibit Details for Main Sign and Logo. 5. Sign Exhibit Details for Supplementary Sign. P:\YvonnelSA - Sign Approvals\2006\SA 06-1073 Peleo (STAFF REPORT).doe BI#G PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DATE: JANUARY 23, 2007 ITEM: SPHERE OF INFLUENCE - RIVERSIDE COUNTY SOI-R-02 TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 34546 (COUNTY APPLICATION) ,"V. ",. ',,~ ':~'..<-_n"~>,,.q, APPLICANT: JOE BIRDSELL REQUEST: PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW AND COMMENT ON PROJECT PROPOSED IN THE CITY'S NORTH SPHERE OF INFLUENCE (SOl) LOCATION: SOUTHWEST CORNER OF DARBY ROAD AND ADAMS STREET (ATTACHMENT 1) BACKGROUND: As part of the City's cooperative planning program with Riverside County, most County projects proposed within City SOl areas will now be forwarded to the City for review and comment. Staff did receive a request for comments transmittal from the County on this project, and is presenting the map to the Planning Commission for review of the project, along with a copy of our comment letter to the County (Attachment 2). The objective is to convey the City's concerns to the County with a formal review by the Planning Commission. PROPOSED PROJECT: Tentative Tract Map 34546 (Attachment 3) is a 29-lot subdivision of :t 8.5 acres, requiring a County zone change from R-1-1 2000 to R-1 (7,200 s. f. minimum lot size). The site is at the southwest corner of Darby Road and Adams Street. The project has access provided from Adams Street, with an emergency access only on Darby Road. The following comparison of County and City designations/standards is provided: Jurisdiction Land Use Zoning Minimum Darby Road/ Private Lot Size Adams Street Streets Riverside MDR R-1 (proposed) 7,200 SF 60' ROW Unknown County (2-5 UPA) R-1-12000 (ex.) 12,000 SF 40'CTC La Quinta LDR RL 7,200 SF 60' ROW 28' curb to curb (0-4 UPA) 36/40' CTC or to flow lines 1 Proposed 3.41 UPA R-1 7,201 SF 60' ROW 37.' ROW Project . . 40' CTC 36' curb to curb 1 Minimum required street width. At 28' - no parking both sides; 32' -parking one side only; 36' - parking both sides The proposal includes a County zone change from R-1-12,000 to R-1, to allow the minimum lot size at 7,200 s.f. Lot sizes range from 7,201 to 7,889 s.f. Darby Road is a local street (60-foot ROW, 40-foot curb to curb roadbed width) as designated by Riverside County. The City also shows Darby as a local street on the La Guinta General Plan Circulation Element, but has identified the potential for upgrading Darby Road to a Collector status. STAFF ANALYSIS: The letter provided to County staff, dated December 12, 2006, outlines the City staff concerns and comments on this project and the developer has provided to staff a letter addressing those comments (Attachment 4). Staff is seeking input from the Planning Commission as to any additional concerns, as well as to validate the staff comments as provided to the County. The primary issues as identified'in our letter, and current status, areas follows: . The City would restrict certain units to single story, based on code requirements. The applicant has provided information showing that all units in the project will be single story. . Staff recommended a minimum 25-foot setback on all lots along Darby Road and Adams Street, which is 5 feet greater than LG code requirements. The 25- foot setback is consistent with a previously approved project at the west end of Darby Road. The applicant claims that his project is based on County standards and that application of such a requirement would make the project infeasible. NOTE: This is not a code requirement but is a staff recommendation. . The City would prohibit any retention basins to be located in parkways or easements. The .applicant has stated that the basins are not in any ROW or easements. . Intersection spacing should be 250 feet. The interior street and entry alignment should be redesigned. The applicant states that thedesign is acceptable to the County Planning Staff as designed. . Staff has recommended gating geometrics based on City standards. Applicant indicates that stacking seems excessive and that recommendation will change the gate design and widen the entry. . At this time, the City would require a revised Darby Road street section, based on a 74-foot ROW. Staff has met with the County staff on this issue, as the County designates Darby as a local roadway at 60-foot ROW. The County position is that there is no ability to widen Darby to the City Collector status due to existing development and approvals. The County has agreed to condition an additional 5 feet of ROW to be provided in the event that the City annexes the map prior to its recordation. . Staff requested landscape plans for review. The applicant has provided the project design guidelines manual, which has been included in your packet. In regard to Darby Road, the Commission may want to consider a revision in the staff recommendation on the ROW issue, due to the current reliance on the County local road designation as a local street. The City has not conducted any in-depth analysis of a need for Darby Road as a collector at this time, and several County projects have been approved and/or built based on the local street standard. RECOMMENDATION: Affirm or revise the staff comments as provided to Riverside County by letter dated December 12, 2006. Attachments: 1 . Location Map 2. Staff comment letter, dated 12/12/06 3. Tentative Tract 34546 layout (reduced) 4. Applicant response letter dated 1 2/20/06