2007 02 27 PC
, Planning Commission Agendas are now
available on the City's Web Page
@ www.la-quinta.org
A Regular Meeting to be Held at the
La Guinta City Hall Council Chamber
78-495 Calle Tampico
La Guinta, California
FEBRUARY 27, 2007
7:00 P.M.
Beginning Resolution 2007-009
Beginning Minute Motion 2007-006
A. Flag Salute
B. Pledge of Allegiance
C. Roll Call
This is the time set aside for public comment on any matter not scheduled
for public hearing. Please complete a "Requ'est to Speak" form and limit your
comments to three minutes.
A. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 13, 2007.
G:\WPDOCS\PC Minutes\1 AgendaW.doc
For all Public Hearings on the Agenda, a completed "Request to Speak" form must
be filed with the Executive Secretary prior to the start of the Planning Commission
consideration of that item. The Chairman will invite individuals who have requested
the opportunity to speak. to come forward at the appropriate time.
Any person may submit written comments to the Planning Commission before a
public hearing, may appear and be heard in support of, or in opposition to, the
approval of the project!s) at the time of the hearing. If you challenge any project!s)
in court. you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised
at the public hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the City at. or prior
to the public hearing.
Request ...........'
Old Town La Guinta, LLC
Main Street, Old Town La Guinta; west of Desert Club
Drive, east of Avenida Bermudas, south of Calle Tampico.
Consideration of an Amendment to an existing Sign
Program allowing the placement of special event banners.
Minute Motion 2007-
Applicant... ......
Action............. .
B. Item.................. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2006-575 AND ZONE
CHANGE 2006-129
Applicant............ City of La Guinta
Location.............. South of Avenida La Fonda, north of Avenida Nuestra,
west of Washington Street, and east of Calle Guatamala
Request .............. Consideration to certify a Negative Declaration and a zone
,change from RM/12/1 Medium Density Residential, 17
foot height, single story to RM(20/5/1 0) 1711 in order to
reduce the existing 15 foot rear yard setback to ten feet.
Action................. Minute Motion 2007-
A. Discussion regarding the League of California Cities Planners Institute
to be held in San Diego, March 21-23, 2007.
B. Review of City Council meeting of February 6, 2007
This meeting of the Planning Commission will be adjourned to a Regular
Meeting to be held on March 13, 2007, at 7:00 p.m.
G:\WPDOCS\PC Minutes\1 AgendaW.doc
------- -
I, Betty J. Sawyer, Executive Secretary of the City of La Guinta, do hereby declare
that the foregoing Agenda for the La Guinta Planning Commission meeting of
Tuesday, February 27, 2007, was posted on the outside entry to the Council
Chamber, 78-495 Calle Tampico and the bulletin board at the La Guinta Cove Post
Office, on Friday, February 23, 2007.
February 23, 2007
Public Notices
The La Guinta City Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special
equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please call the City Clerk's office at
777 -7123, twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations
will be made.
If special electronic equipment is needed to make presentations to the Planning
Commission, arrangements should be made in advance by contacting the City
Clerk's office at 777-7123. A one (1) week notice is required.
If background material is to be presented to the Planning Commission during a
Planning ,Commission meeting, please be advised that eight (8) copies of all
documents, exhibits, etc., must be supplied to the Executive Secretary for
distribution. It is requested that this take place prior to the beginning of the 7:00
p.m. meeting.
G:\WPDOCS\PC Minutes\l AgendaW,doc
-.- --
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
February 13, 2007
7:00 P.M.
A. This m\leting of the Planning Commission was reconvened at 7:00
p.m. by Chairman Quill who asked Commissioner Alderson to lead the
flag salute.
B. Present: Commissioners Ed Alderson, Katie Barrows, Jim Engle, and
Chairman Paul Quill. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Alderson/Barrows to excuse Commissioner Daniels.
C. Staff present: Community Development Director Doug Evans, City
Attorney Kathy Jenson, Planning Manager Les Johnson, Principal
Engineer Ed Wimmer, Principal Planner Stan Sawa, Assistant Planner
Yvonne Franco, Senior Code Compliance Officer Anthony Moreno, and
Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer.
A. Chairman Quill asked if there were any changes to the Minutes of
January 23, 2007. There being no changes, it was moved and
seconded by Commissioners Alderson/Barrows to approve the minutes
as submitted. Unanimously approved.
A. Environmental Assessment 2006-579 and Site Development Permit
2006-865; a request of CNL Desert Resorts, L. P. for consideration of
architectural and landscaping plans for a signature pool facility, for the
property located on the west side of Avenida Obregon, approximately
150-feet south of Avenida Fernando, within the La Quinta Resort.
1 . Chairman Quill opened the public hearing and asked for the staff
report. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information
contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the
Community Development Department. Staff reviewed the
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Planning Commission Minutes
February 13, 2007
revised Public Works Department conditions. Mr. Tony
Locacciato, Impact Sciences, the City's'CEQA consultant, gave
a presentation on the EIR Addendum. Community Development
Director Doug Evans gave a history of the Resort, traffic reports
and parking. Staff noted each time there has been a change to
the Resort the City has evaluated the environmental impacts.
2. Chairman Quill asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Alderson asked if in the analysis of the grading
would there be any import or export or soil. Staff stated there
will be some export for the excavation of the proposed pools.
The applicant will have the accurate export amount.
Commissioner Alderson asked the timeframe is for the
construction. Staff suggested the applicant would need to
answer that question. Commissioner Alderson asked what
future use the Morgan House would have and would it be
related to this pool. Staff stated the Morgan House is technical
issue. Under California law it needs to be renovated and re-
enforced or demolished over time. At this time there is no
proposed use associated with this project and no impact from
this project on the House. Staff will be working with the
applicant on all historic buildings on the property.
3. Commissioner Barrows asked staff to clarify the parking that
would be eliminated and outline the entry gate turnaround area.
Staff indicated the changes to the parking spaces at the entry
that would be eliminated on the site plan. Commissioner
Barrows asked if the rock mountain structures for the pool had
any height constraints in regard to the City's height limits.
Staff stated they are within the City's height limits.
Commissioner Barrows asked the City's height limitations for
Tourist Commercial areas. Staff stated they are allowed up to
4.. Commissioner Engle asked the height of the southern rock
feature. Staff stated it is 28 feet. Commissioner Engle asked
the height of the buildings to the north of the rock features.
Staff stated they are approximately 26 feet and the shorter rock
is 18.5 feet in height. Commissioner Engle asked if the pool
would primarily be a summer use. Staff stated yes.
5. Chairman Quill asked what the finish grade would be for the
I,azy river and pool. Staff stated in this case they were referring
to the deck area at the base of the rock feature. It is not the
Planning Commission Minutes
February 13, 2007
water level which is approximately six inches lower.
Community Development Director Doug Evans stated the splash
pool for water slide feature is approximately four feet below
6. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Quill asked
if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr.
John Per:Ja, consultant for the La Quinta Resort, gave a
presentation on the history of the Hotel. Mr. Paul McCormick,
General Manager of the La Quinta Hotel,gave a presentation on
the effects of the Hotel in the community and the proposed .
7. Commissioner Alderson asked the applicant the estimated time
of construction, how much dirt would be exported and how
many gallons water will be flushed out of the system into the
water table. Mr. McCormick stated the construction should
. take between ten and 12 month. Mr. David Urban, CNL
Hospitality Corporation and Mr. Chris Bergh, MDS Consulting,
stated the export of dirt should be 12-15,000 yards from the
construction of the pools. The backflush of water should be
13,500 gallons every four days going through a septic system,
into percolation pits and ultimately recharge the groundwater.
It is domestic water that refills the pools.
8. Commissioner Barrows asked the applicant to identify the public
meetings they had held with the local residents. Mr.
McCormick stated they held meetings on June 28th and
September 7th at the Resort. Notices were mailed to everyone
within 500 feet within the property boundaries. They have also
met with Homeowners' Association Board (HOA) board,
opposing counsel, and the HOA from Santa Rosa Cove.
Commissioner Barrows asked what measures they were taking
to incorporate water and energy conservation into the project.
Mr. McCormick spoke to the landscaping plans and how energy
conservations measures would be taken in regard to the plant
material. Mr. Urban stated water conservation is a concern and
cost issue for the Resort. The pools operate on a closed loop
system. They recharge from the splash pool area. It is not new
water that is constantly being discharged out. Most of the area
is hardscape and will continue to be. They do not have a lot of
high water plant users. They will be centralizing the mechanical
equipment and they will be at higher elevations to minimize
pump sizes which will reduce noise as well as being energy
Planning Commission Minutes
February 13, 2007
efficient. They can also segregate the active pool area from the
formal pool area. Commissioner Barrovvs asked if the pump
system would be state-of-the-art with respect to energy
conservation. Mr. Urban stated that was the focal point of their
9. Commissioner Engle asked if the landscaping plans complied
with CVWD requirements. Mr. McCormick stated yes.
Commissioner Engle asked about security issues. Mr.
McCormick explained their security system as to who is
patrolling which streets/areas. Commissioner Engle asked if the
pools/slides could be seen from Eisenhower Drive. Mr.
McCormick stated they would not be seen' from Eisenhower
Drive or Avenida Obregon.
10. Chairman Quill asked about noise attenuation from the pumps
especially from the wave actuator. Mr. McCormick explained
how the pumps would be under-ground and insulated to reduce
the noise. Mr. Bob Robby, noise consultant, stated the
mechanical equipment is located inside the mountain to provide
a lot of attenuation. The wave generator,the venture which
creates the wave is below the surface of the water so there will
be no audible noise. Chairman Quill asked about the length of
the construction phase in particular how they would handle the
parking and noise. Mr. McCormick stated the Hotel will be
operating during the construction phase so they will be sensitive
to the length of time it will take to construct the project as well
. as any noise issues. Chairman Quill asked about the complaints
they had received regarding the traffic problems along Avenida
Obregon. Mr. McCormick stated their on-site security has been
increased and they will continue to ticket those who are
violating the parking requirements. They are also trying to
improve their reaction time to remove the violators. Chairman
Quill asked if the lack of tennis courts will be addressed. Mr.
McCormick stated the tennis program is a viable part of their
business, but the play has decreased over time. Their plans are
to enhance the remaining existing courts as well as adding
courts elsewhere on their property. Chairman Quill asked about
the finish water surface elevation of the pool and lazy river at
43 feet; how does this relate to the rock mountain structure.
The finish floor elevations of the adjacent tennis villas at about
49.5 feet which makes the water surface approximately 5.5
feet below the two-story tennis villas to the north. He is trying
to understand the height of the 28 foot mountain as it relates to
Planning Commission Minutes
February 13, 2007
the tennis villas. Mr. McCormick stated they measured them
and the tennis villas to the top of the chimneys is about 29.5
feet. Chairman Quill asked how that 28 foot elevation relates
to the 43 foot water surface elevation. Ms. Anne Guillebeaux,
EDSA, landscape architect for the site, stated that in the
southwestern corner of the tennis villa site, the' adjacent grade
. at the base of the Villas is 46 feet and the adjacent grade at the
pool deck is 46 feet. Chairman Quill stated the plans show the
finish floor of the first floor of the Villas is 49.5 feet. Mr. Barret
Bruchhauser, MDS Engineering, stated they would be at an
elevation of 49.5. Chairman Quill asked what does the 28 foot
height elevation of the mountain relate to is it related to the 46-
feet or the water elevation. Mr. Bruchhauser stated the top of
the mountain is actually 75 feet above sea level. Chairman
Quill stated that therefore, the top of the buildings will be the
same as the top of the mountain peak. Mr. Bruchhauser stated
that was true. Chairman Quill asked how the rocks would be
treated to appear real. Ms. Guillebeaux stated they have
drafted contracts with detailed specifications that the contractor
will be held to. Chairman Quill asked if the intention is to mimic
what is in the Cove. Ms. Guillebeaux .stated yes. Chairman
Quill asked about the requirement of the Fire Department for a
rear access to the pool equipment. Mr. Urban stated it will be
taken care of on site and they have asked for an alternate site.
Chairman Quill asked how the pool users would be identified.
Mr. McCormick explained how people would gain entrance to
the pool and how they would be screened to ensure only those
who have access are allowed in. They must have proof of
r'egistration or membership before entering.
11 . Chairman Alderson asked how guests of a member would be
allowed. Mr. Urban stated they have not identified how this
will be handled yet. The member cannot pay a fee to have their
guest attend. If they are a registered guest, they would have
access. Mr. McCormick clarified that when he stated earlier
that tennis courts would be added to their property, he was
referring to the Citrus Course property.
12. Commissioner Barrows asked about the trees shown on top of
the rock mountain that are probably 12 feet high and how this
would blend with the local landscaping. Mr. Urban stated a
recommendation was to incorporate some planting elements to
illustrate a realistic landscape to create a lush desert oasis feel
and not just have bare rocks. Commissioner Barrows stated her
Planning Commission Minutes
February 13, 2007
concern is that if they are trying to blend these that to add 12 +
feet on top of the mountain may affect the views of the
neighbors and may not be the best way to go. Mr. Urban
stated it is not their intent to add 12-foot trees. They do not
intend to obstruct any views. Commissioner Barrows stated
there is a residential environment surrounding the resort and this
is a typical resort; how has it worked in other areas. Mr.
McCormick stated that one of the benefits of being a part of
Hilton is that they have a lot of properties that operate in
different environments. He went on to describe how a pool
with a slides works in their other facilities. Commissioner
Barrows asked about special event purposes such as weddings;
how often would these occur and would there a cut off time.
Mr. McCormick stated the cutoff time for the water feature is
6:00 p.m. They currently utilize space within the hotel for
special events without complaints.
13. There being no further questions of the applicant, Chairman
Quill asked if there was any other public comment. Roger and
Madeline Lolley, 77-317 Avenida Fernando, stated they live at
the Tennis Villas and were not notified correctly of the
meetings. As they were not notified in a timely manner. This
project will affect their property values. They will be losing
rental fees during the construction time; will they be
compensated for the lack of rentals during the construction of
the project? This is a water park, not a signature pool. It is
foolish to think people will come here because of a water slide.
This project will detract from the full time people who come
here for a quiet environment. Even though the numbers are
right does not mean it is morally right to do it.
14. Mr. Wayne Guralinick, Corporate Counsel for the Enclave,
Tennis Villas, and Los Estados, which surround the proposed
project. He reviewed an aerial of the site. Staff would not
have brought this project forward to the Commission if it was a
stand-alone project with 14-foot setbacks from residential
homes. There is no doubt this is a water park that belongs in
an industrial area. They want to be good neighbors. At a
minimum there should be substantial continuance to have the
applicant meet with the HOAs to come up with substantial
mitigation and less of the intensity. They recognize the Hotel
might need to renovate some of the tennis courts and add some
water features, but not a water slide at this scale.
Planning Commission Minutes
February 13, 2007
15. Ms. Marie Mack, Esq., attorney for the surrounding residential
homeowners, stated the technical studies provided by the
applicant are grossly inadequate. This project should be denied
and reanalyzed due to the close proximity to the residences.
Ms. Mack went over the issues stated in her letter of February
12, 2007.
16. Ms. Kay Wollf, 77-227 Calle Ensenada, representing the Cove
Association, raised issues regarding landscaping on the west
side of Eisenhower Drive between Calle Tampico and the bridge,
property owned by the La Quinta Resort. The City has cited the
Resort in order to have this landscaping restored to its original
condition. It is still inadequate and not fixed. They would like
to request that if this project is approved they should be
required to upgrade the landscape including the chain link fence
with a living fence, and trees for shade that would create an
inviting image to the Cove residents.
17. Mr. Jack McDonald, 49-035 Calle Flora, stated they want the
hotel to continue to be successful. They support the amenities
of the hotel but also want the community to be a good place to
live. Second they are concerned that the proposed water park
will hurt the hotel and nearby communities. The noise study
inadequately addresses the actual noise' that, will be generated
from the park. Third, there has been inadequate time to
evaluate the impact of this water park. More time is needed to
evaluate it properly. He has only had ten days to review the
noise study and if they had adequate time, they would probably
find the same issues with the traffic study. Fourth, they
request the Site Development Permit be denied.
18. Ms. Judy Ely, 76-972 Calle Mazatlan, stated they bought their
property as a tennis resort. Imagine their disappointment when
they found out that the tennis courts would be reduced by 40%
as well as the addition of a water park right in the middle. The
current recreation uses can be divided into two parts; pool and
tennis uses. These uses are located away from the residential
uses. To understand the density she counted the number of
lounge chairs shown around the pool and it came out eleven
times the population density of the tennis courts. Eleven times
the people means significantly more noise. The two rock
,mountains are the same height as the tennis villas which means
their views will be obstructed. A water park in a residential
area is not tolerable.
Planning Commission Minutes
February 13, 2007
19. Mr. William McCane, 79-205 Fox Run, moved to this location
out of Santa Rosa Cove due to the amount of noise coming
from the Hotel activities. The notice sent out regarding this
hearing was confusing and incorrect in its definition. It sounds
like the use has already been approved. He also does not
understand how the notice can state there will be no new
significant environmental impacts. He does not understand how
the Community Development Department can come to this
conclusion. This is a major redevelopment involving the
demolition of about half of the available tennis courts, large
swimming pools as well as walkways and parking totaling 195
square feet of demolition. It also includes six months of
construction noise and fumes in an area that already has
problems with traffic and safety. Once completed this will be a
full scale waterpark in the middle of a pre-established residential
district generating traffic, parking, noise, and light impacts. The
issues of compatibility with adjoining uses and the right to a
'quiet environment as well as reduction of property values.
There has been an evolution of a Hotel, but there has also been
an evolution of the residential uses adjoining the Hotel that has
not been mentioned in the findings. This project does not
belong in this location.
20. Mr. William Puget, 77-600 Avenida Fernando, stated he lives
directly across from the conference center at'the Hotel. They
have lived here for 20 years and strongly object to the water
park. It is inconceivable that there are no significant impacts.
The notion that the users of the pool will be limited to only
guests of the hotel and membership is not true. They have
heard that the Estates at Point Happy are also offering
memberships with access'to the Hotel amenities. There may be
other developments who also are offering memberships as well.
Who is going to enforce the users of the pool? It is an illusion
that there will be a controlled access. Heurges the Commission
to vote against this project.
21. Mr. John Lissberger, 77-385 Lorna Vista in the Mountain
Estates, stated he has lived here for 20 years and has been
disappointed with the City. The people who live here are
abused. This historic Hotel is slowly being eroded and/
encroached upon. They were promised that the Mountain
Course would stay a private course. Since KSL bought the
Hotel, now the course is not private. Avenida Fernando is a
Planning Commission Minutes
February 13, 2007
private road and multiple uses such as trucks have been using
it. He would respectively ask that it be declined.
22. Ms. Mary Jane O'Connor, 77-343 Avenida Fernando, stated the
hotel uses this area for most of their parties, weddings, bands.
She has called the Hotel to complain on numerous times about
the noise and has received no response. The pool is to have
limited access with the gates locked and she knows there are
numerous people that have been in there from outside the area.
The parking spaces are taken by vendors and parking is not
enforced. They state they will be planting trees on top of the
mountain that will block their views. She has a great concern
about the traffic that will be generated by the project.
23. Gloria Dodd, 48-690 Via Sierra, president of Mountain Estat~s
HOA, stated that from where lives at the tennis villas she could
stand on her deck and dive into the lazy river. Her concern is
the number of trucks lined up to make their deliveries at 7:00
a.m. What about all the other condo projects that bought
membership into the Hotel Club. How will they all get to the
pool? How are they going to get to their homes with all this
additional traffic? They already fight the traffic just to get
24. Mr. Rick Bylsk, 76-980 Avenida Fernando, President of the Los
Estadoes HOA, stated he recognizes the benefits and successes'
of the Hotel. Their properties are tied very closely to the
success of the Hotel because of the amenities offered. They
were concerned when they learned about the signature pool, as
there isn't even a definition of a signature pool. This is a water
park or a morphing of the Hotel's quiet ambiance. Looking at
the pool area with over 200 lounge chairs that will be increased
to 700 is a strong impact. He would strongly encourage the
Commission to deny this project.
25. James Carley, 77-303 Mazatlan, stated he has been a
homeowner for 1 5 years and is against the pool because of the
impact of additional traffic and noise. He purchased his home
for the tranquility. A 30-foot water slide is not below grade and
not tranquil.
26. Jeff Nagelberg, 49-045 Calle Flora, stated his concern about
the timeline of the project. They will not be able to complete
this project in ten months. People in Santa Rosa Cove have
Planning Commission Minutes
February 13, 2007
already had water table issues. If this percolation system is
, faulty in any way it will cause remarkable damage. Will he be
forced to listen to a movie when he sits out at his pool. Living
in the Cove you know how noise will rebound off the
mountains. The idea that this project will not impede on them,
is ridiculous. He urges the Commission to at least delay the
project and ask CNL to move the project further back onto their
own property.
27. Mr. Bram White, 77-631 Los Arboles, stated he too is
concerned with property values, safety, security, traffic and
noise. Hearing this project characterized as a water park, he
has taken his children to Raging Waters and he would not want
that located here. This is not a water park and will not be open
to the general public. If it were he would be strongly opposed.
In terms .of traffic, if it is open only to the Hotel guests and
members, the Hotel is limited number of rooms and can only sell
that number of rooms. He does not see all the noise concerns
that are being expressed. He hears kids making noise in the
pools in his neighborhood and they will make noise wherever
they are. Construction is taking place all over the City as well
as at the Hotel and it does go away. He would ask everyone to
'view this in the big picture that the concerns are a little
28. Mr. Bill Bresnaham, 78-420 Calle Felipe, stated he is a member
of the Club. He has found that the, Hotel has been very
reluctant to enforce their rules at the pools and tennis courts.
They will need to change their system if they are going to
improve this. How will they be forced to live up to what they
state they are going to do? Will the City's Code Enforcement
Department take care of the parking problems along Avenida
Obregon and Avenida Fernando.
29. Mr. Tom Leverty, 48-805 Via Linda in the Mountain Estates.
He has two issues. In the June 28th presentation they were told
,that the competition for this type of amusement park ranged
from 2 to 2.5 acres. This is proposed on 4.7 acres. They want
to work with the Hotel, but they need to work together. They
have asked them to speak to their HOA. If all 3,000 of the
people who live in the area would go to dinner one time a year
at the Hotel it would cover the 15,000 covers they will get
from the Hotel guests.
Planning Commission Minutes
February 13, 2007
30. Mr. Jay Green, Mountain Estates, stated the notice says the
applicant is CNL and questions and answers have been
addressed to CNL. If he understands it correctly, CNL has sold
the Hotel to Morgan Stanley, and CNL will be gone. Who is
the applicant when CNL is leaving town?, Is a corporate interest
going to trump the interests of the 200 odd residents who are
here tonight?
31. Mr. Paul Keye, 49-991 Mazatlan, stated he is impressed with
the Hotel and is concerned with what they will bring in next.
He is surprised that this development would not require any
additional reports. The Tennis Tournaments were previously
held at the Hotel. What drove the migration of the Tennis
Tournament championships to Indian Wells? Would you buy a
home next to a signature pool. He hopes he did not.
32. Mr. Steve Davis, 77-500 Avenida Fernando, stated the Resort
does not own Avenida Fernando and it is not a public road. He
and Mr. Puget own a portion of the road. Their portion goes to
approximately to the middle of the road. The road is about 24-
25 feet wide. He displayed pictures of trucks that travel down
Avenida Fernando and the problems that are incurred because
of this traffic. The truck in the picture is 70 feet long. They
deal with approximately 20-30 of these trucks a day. The truck
is stopped because it hit his wall and got stuck in the driveway.
The truck actually hit his wall twice' trying to deliver to the
hotel. He informed the City that he is currently in litigation that
the Resort owners have overburdened their easement rights on
this road and they are asking for extinguishment of the
easement. The City may want to consider that if they grant
rights to this project, there is an act of litigation that is asking
for extinguishment of their right of the road. He was never
asked if they had any objection to use of the road. Staff
'referenced an EIR that was done in 1975. There were seven
other means of access into the Resort at that time. If there are
6,000 cars a day going down Avenida Fernando is that still an
adequate EIR.
33. . Mr. Thomas Harms 79-605 Cetrino, stated one of the reasons
we have zoning, planning and environmental assessments is to
ensure there consistency in compatibility between housing.
What was true in 1975 is that staff was talking about what the
environmental concerns were and that is not necessarily true
today. This land has been extensively developed and as part of
Planning Commission Minutes
February 13, 2007
that development those same issues were addressed and
satisfied. What is being asked at this meeting is a request to
change that judgement that was made. In his opinion there are
two questions that are appropriate to be raised. One is whether
or not it is good for the applicant to make money if that is a
change in the decision of the City at that time. Rather the
question is, is the change being requested material. Here there
is a proposal to change the density of use substantially; a
proposal to change the noise significantly; and a proposal to
change the lighting. Are those changes adverse to the existing
property owners who were in the' prior environmental
assessment promised one thing. The response would be that
the change will be adverse and because there is a material
adverse change, he does not believe that the finding that there
is no adverse change is appropriate and this application should
be denied.
34. Mr. Ron Olson, 77-905 Laredo Court, stated he is opposed to
the water park for three reasons: traffic, the parking situation,
and noise on Obregon. He is a member, of Tennis and Fitness
Club at Resort and has found it is very tough to find a parking
space. He therefore has resorted to different ways to travel to
the Resort. Avenida Obregon is so narrow that two cars can
hardly pass each other. Walking is another means of getting
there, but you find that two cars cannot pass. The original EIR
. did not consider the size of the vehicles that are now being
driven. The golf cart is another option to travel to the site but
there have been instances when they too have almost been hit ,
by a CVWD truck. What provisions have been made for golf
carts and bicycles to travel to the Resort as well as park at the
Resort? Noise is another issue as he can hear the band that
plays every afternoon at his house which is % of a mile away.
What happens if the water park fails? What will happen to this
"white elephant"? Also, will it be open to the public?
35. Mr. Scott Holmes, 77-490 Calle Cadiz, stated he owns two lots
in the Enclave and Mountain Estates and asked that the
application be denied and we all go home. His concern is that
the extra traffic at the turn around area is going to cause the
residents to the Mountain Estates to wait to enter their gate to
get home. If the purpose is to increase occupancy during the
summer, then why be open ,at Thanksgiving and Christmas? It
is one thing to say noise levels meet standards and to live next
door to it. How many of the Commissioners have been to Soak
, Planning Commission Minutes
February 13, 2007
City and how many would like to live next door to this?
36. Mr. Ed Mittelbusher, 77-333 Calle Mazatlan, asked if the Hotel
feels that noise and light are not an issue, why not move it
closer to Rinker Pool where it would only affect or not affect
their guests? Why put it in the middle cif a residential area.
Yesterday there were at least six Morgan Stanley executives
touring the facilities and there are none here at this meeting.
Do they not want to hear what the people want to say? With
. the removal of the tennis courts they asked if they would be
receiving a reduction in their tennis dues. They were told no,
they would be raised.
37. . Mr. Hayes O'brien, 48-840 Eisenhower Drive, stated he is
member of the Club and is a real estate developer in Minnesota.
He understand the right of a developer to develop their
property, but he is concerned that this use of their property is
tempered by the rights of surrounding property owners. The
rights of the adjoining property owners are being trampled by
the adjoining property owners. This is the wrong project in the
wrong place at the wrong time. Please deny project.
38. Mr. Richard Fredericks, 49-875 Avenida Obregon, stated this is
a safety disaster on the City's hands. He then gave pictures he
had taken that were examples of the situation that currently
exists along Avenida Obregon. Avenida Obregon is essentially
blocked with bumper to bumper cars. Someone is going to get
killed. This is the most ill advised proposal. The Resort does
not keep its word. Tentative Tract Map 28545 showed that
Avenida Obregon was to remain open and it was cut in half
without public hearings. The parking on the tract map was
reconfigured on Vista Flores from parallel parking to back out
parking. There is no parking lot that meets the Zoning Code.
Either the City cannot or will not enforce it. This water park
will be bringing hundred or people to an area with no sidewalks.
He is an abutting property owner and has an easement and his
easement was cut in half from 40 feet to 20 feet without a
public hearing or, asking him his rights. The Resort does not
police itself. You would think several citations would have been
issued and yet only five citations were issued. Emergency
vehicles could never get through. The Police say it is private
property, but a fire lane is a fire lane and should be patrolled.
He submitted the Property Rights provision of TT 28545 that
were not adhered to by the Resort. He then submitted the
Planning Commission Minutes
February 13, 2007
Counqil Minutes into the record. Avenida Obregon is a collector
street and is to be 40 feet wide. When you do not comply with
the Zoning Code you will have a disaster.
39. Mr. Joseph A. Broido, 77-5 i 0 Calle Nogales, stated he agrees
with Kay Wolff in regard to the berm on Eisenhower Drive that
has not been maintained for 20 years. The Resort has not been
a good neighbor no matter who has owned it. He would urge
that a condition be added to this project to require the Resort to
fix and maintain the berm along Eisenhower Drive.
40. Ms. Gloria Dodd, 48-690 Via Sierra, questioned the season CNL
says the park will be used. What do they determine to be the
"season"? It is not just a summer time, it will be more than just
. '
the summer months. People use their pools in the shoulder
seasons as well.
41. Mr. Phil Motts, Santa Rosa Cove, stated there are 2500
members to this cove and everything stated here should be
multiplied by that number.
42. Mr. Jay Vaden 77-471 Lorna Vista, stated he is concerned
about Avenida Fernando because there are no sidewalk and
very poor access. The triangle section crossing Avenida
Obregon needs to be improved. He almost hit a lady walking in
this area. There is also a new project that is being process
across from the Tennis Villas. This is a, matter of promotional
sales. He loves the Hotel but does not like the way it has been
43. Ms. Leslie Fredericks, 49-875 Avenida Obregon, stated the La
Quinta Hotel does not own all the area on Avenida Obregon. If
she heard correctly, they are proposing another new gate on
Avenida Obregon and she would like to know if this is true.
Chairman Quill stated there will be no gate unless there is an
issue and if that issue cannot be resolved by first placing a
guard at this location. Ms. Fredericks stated she is a single-
family two acre residents trapped in tourist commercial. If this
gate is built, she is cemented her future as being a part of the
La Quinta Hotel.
44. Mr. John Duggen 48-770 Via Linda, stated Mr. McCormick has
stated the access to, and use of, this water park will be
restricted to guests of the hotel. He would like to have a clear
------- ---
Planning Commission Minutes
February 13, 2007
definition of what a hotel guest is. He is 'particularly concerned
that guest passes will not be given on a day basis. Will the
guests be defined as being occupants of the Hotel? Chairman
Quill stated that is the understanding before the Commission.
45. Mr. Ted Newell 77-160 Avenida Fernando, stated the 2500
members that do not use the facility all that often. The parking
studies overlook the significance of the members who do not
use the membership. If they put a water park in, he would be
taking his grandchildren to the park which, is another impact on
the traffic. If you look at all those who will now be using the
. pool, there is the traffic increase.
46. Mr. Paul McCormick, La Quinta Resorts, stated this has been a
resort for eight years. All the residents know the Resort is
there. Public notifications were addressed to everyone within
five hundred feet. Construction inconveniences are considered
by themselves in regard to their guests. They believe they can
keep the charm of La Quinta with these changes. It will not
degrade the community. The noise study has been extensively
studied. The 'issues with the berm on Eisenhower Drive that
was referred to will .be addressed. Their director has met with
,the City and they have received quotes to fix the area adding
vegetation and decomposed granite. There is a potential
acquisition of the Hotel; however, he is an employee of Hilton
and not CNL and Hilton will continue to market the Hotel. The
Hotel has many more resources to solve problems that CNL did
not. In regard to property values, construction will have an
affect. The elements they are constructing in the signature pool
will enhance their guests stay. It does 'not have all the water
park amenities and therefore is not a water park. Members and
children will be allowed to use the pool if they are living at
home~nd are under 23 years of age. In regard to police calls,
there are more calls made in the neighborhoods by volume than
at the Hotel. Every time they have received a call they do
respond with a security follow-up. They have added additional
security to address these problems. They try to be a good
neighbor. In regard to lighting and landscaping issues, it will be
low level lighting as compared to the tennis light that now
47. Mr. Richard Zeilinga, Legal Counsel for La Quinta Resort, stated
that with the threat of litigation it is ifnportant to make the
record clear on some issues. With respect to the context it is
Planning Commission Minutes
February 13, 2007
important to note that there is a Resort, a commercial operation,
that is on-going and has been on-going for 70 years and mixed
in are residences that are a more recent vintage. This is a
conflict and is very common where this is this type of mix.
Why isn't there pro-active plannjng to deal with this issue? In
this particular case, there was. He displayed portions of an
Agreement that was for the residents at 49-454 Avenida
Obregon. This Agreement talks about.in great detail that the
Hotel has the right to install any trees, landscaping or construct
any improvements at any location within Tennis property which
could be in near proximity to any lot within the project including
the property. It also acknowledges that the buyer agrees that
the seller makes no warranties, representations that the Tennis
Club properties will be maintained and operated in the manner
that existed or was contemplated at the time of purchase. It
also states the buyer for himself, herself, or related parties
hereby acknowledges the potential for nuisances created by or
arising by the Hotel property including without limitation odors,
noises, traffic, congestions and other nuisances arising from
other operations, landscaping and maintenance of the Hotel
property, early and late night events, etc., etc. The buyer
assumes the risk of any creation of maintenance or trespass or
nuisance created by or arising in connection with Hotel
activities or any matters described above. This Agreement was
,signed by the buyer. This is a standard form agreement used
for the purchase of new property. He, cannot represent that
when properties are resold that every buyer shared with
subsequent buyers that they had executed this type of
agreement. It does show the planning and pro-thought that
went into dealing with the issues raised tonight. They contend
based on the studies they prepared, there isn't a problem when
you compare what was originally approved in the EIR on the
project in 1975 and all the updates with the increases in units
and the changes that have occurred since then. There have
been five updates and the City has been involved in all the
environmental updates since then. In regard to the noticing, not
only did the City notice the area within 500 feet they are
required to, it was sent out to the, entire boundary of the Resort
property. This is above and beyond what is required. In regard
to noise, there were three areas that were studied. The study is
overly conservative because when the study was completed, all
of those factors and changes made in regard to the concerns
raised by the neighbors, are not assumed in the study. The
study did not assume that all these slides would be closed or
Planning Commission Minutes
February 13, 2007
open, or that the mass had been split and brought down. The
study did not consider the lazy river was lowered to reduce the
noise impact. On traffic as there are no Hotel room increases,
they did not believe hard quantitative counts were necessary,
but they did it anyway and on parking and capacity, there is
excessive capacity. He presented a photo taking of the parking
. area at 100% occupancy at 5:00 p.m. which showed no
excessive parking. In regard to the Morgan House issue, the
existing context is not a pristine context. The Morgan House is
totally screened with an eight foot wall, and hedge. In regard to
views they are not a significant impact by law. Finally, the City
did not prepare a Negative Declaration, it prepared an
Addendum to an EIR. This is an update to an existing EIR.
48. There being no further public comment Chairman Quill closed
the public participation portion of the hearing and asked for
Commission discussion.
49. Commissioner Alderson applauded Mr. McCormick's effort to
take care of the landscape issues on Avenida Obregon. He
recognizes not everyone is going to be happy. He had reviewed
over 600 letters in regard to this project and a lot of
consideration has been given to this project. The concerns
raised are important and legal ramifications are important. He
stands by staff and legal counsel in that the City is within its
rights to review and act on this application, but he believes we
are putting in jeopardy this grand Hotel of La Quinta. The
business plan says it is a financially viable plan. If this were not
,successful the fall back is dire and it would cost the owners
millions. It is an exchange of recreational uses. Taking it all
into consideration, is it good for La Quinta? At this point he is
not sure he could support the project.
50. Commissioner Barrows stated she wo'uld consider continuing
the application. In looking at the conditions they relate to the
physical aspect of the project. She asked if the park would be
used from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Staff clarified that was the
time the applicant stated the park would be open.
Commissioner Barrows asked if there was a more minimal use
discussed with the applicant as this appears to be the high end
of the use. Staff stated discussions were not held on
alternatives. Commissioner Barrows stated she too has seen
the transition of the Hotel, and she would like to see some
alternatives to the current design.
Planning Commission Minutes
February 13, 2007
51. Commissioner Engle stated he too believes this issue needs to
be resolved at this meeting. Everyone is opposed to change,
but he supports this project. People are coming and putting
their money back into the community. The issue of the
landscaping maintenance along Eisenhower Drive, however
needs to be resolved and strong code enforcement needs to be
in place to see that it does not happen again. He believes it is a
good project.
52. Chairman Quill stated he appreciates everyone who came out to
voice their opinion. He too has been a resident for a long time
and has seen the transition of this Hotel. However, he believes
not only does the Hotel have the right to change, but it has the
obligation to do so. It is important to allow it to grow. If it
fails, they have the right to tear it down and try something
different; and this is their right. The development of the City
. and the golf communities around the Hotel were developed as a
result of the Hotel. In regard to this, conditions need to be
added to address security and over parking concerns. The berm
along Eisenhower Drive needs to be addressed and a full
landscape design submitted for approval. From an operation
perspective Eisenhower Drive and the bike path should be
addressed. A specific written operating plan for the parking lot
and security should be added as a condition to be approved by
the City. This will be a beautiful plan and the impacts will not
be significant.
53. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded
by Commissioners Engle/Alderson 'to adopt Planning
Commission Resolution 2007-007 recommending certification
of an Addendum to the Environmental Impact Report (EIR No.
41), and subsequent CEQA compliance documents, for La
Quinta Cove .Golf Club revised Specific Plan 121-E (1975). as
amended, prepared for Site Development Permit 2006-865, as
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Alderson, Barrows, Engle, and
Chairman Quill. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner
Daniels. ABSTAIN: None.
54. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Engle/Chairman
Quill to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2007-008
recommending approval of Site Development Permit 2006-865,
as recommended and amended:
, Planning Commission Minutes
February 13, 2007
a. Condition added: A written operations plan related to the
pool and Avenida Fernando for security for parking shall
be submitted and approved by staff.
b. Condition added: A landscaping plan for Eisenhower
Drive and the bike path to the maintenance facility shall
be submitted and approved by staff.
c. Condition added: The landscaping on top of the rock
mountains features shall be restricted to a height limit.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Engle and Chairman Quill. NOES:
Commissioners Alderson and Barrows. ABSENT:
Commissioner Daniels. ABSTAIN: None.
The motion faile'd.
City Attorney Kathy Jenson stated the policy ofthe City is that in a tie
vote, the application is automatically a continuance. The missing
member would be required to listen to a recording of the meeting and
review all the material prepared and submitted. . The options before
the Commission are to continue the matter and allow the missing
member to vote, or send the application to the City Council with the
vote as taken: Discussion followed regarding the options before the
55. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Alderson/Engle
to adopt Minute Motion 2007-move the application forward to
the Council with the vote as taken, and with the added
conditions. Unanimously approved.
Chairman Quill recessed the meeting at 11 :04 p.m. and reconvened at 11 :09
B. Site Development Permit 2006-874; a request of Komar Investments,
L.L.C. 'for consideration of architectural and landscaping plans for
seven commercial buildings, for the property located south of Highway
111 at Depot Drive.
1. Chairman Quill opened the public hearing and asked for the staff
report. Planning Manager Les Johnson presented the
information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on
file in the Community Development Department.
-.----- ....
Planning Commission Minutes
February 13, 2007
2. Chairman Quill asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Alderson asked why the retention basins are not
on the site plan. Staff stated they were temporary during the
construction of the Costco building. They will go away.
Commissioner Alderson stated Building" A" has a 33 foot high
architectural element. Is this a legal elevation because it is set
back 150 feet? Staff stated the height is consistent with the
Specific Plan.
3. Commissioner Engle asked if the applicant was in agreement
with all the conditions. Staff stated the applicant would
respond to that condition.
4. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Quill asked
if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr. Clint
Knox, representing the applicant, stated they were available for
5. Chairman Quill asked if there was a potential for an access that
would cross over the Evacuation Channel. City Attorney Kathy
Jenson stated her recollection was that we required an access
on the easterly edge at a point to be determined in the future if
it was feasible to get to Jefferson Street. Community
Development Director Doug Evans stated it was not added to
the Specific Plan.
6. Commissioner Barrows asked how the particular feature on
Building "B" would provide shade. Mr. Knox stated it is an
a'rchitectural element, but it would provide shade.
7. Chairman Quill asked if shading was provided on the plans.
Staff noted the west elevations have 12-15 foot trellis covers;
the east elevations have less.
,8. Mr. Knox stated they are requesting a change to three
conditions in regard to the Costco driveway which the Public
Works Department has agreed to. Staff stated that was
9. Comm'issioner Alderson asked if the median allows someone to
exit Parcel 4 and go left. Mr. Knox explained you can make a
left turn, but it is not a dedicated left turn. It is a right in/right
out. The median will be modified.
Planning Commission Minutes
February 13, 2007
10. There being no further questions of staff and no other public
comment, Chairman Quill closed the public participation portion
of the hearing and asked for Commission discussion.
11. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded
by Commissioner Engle/Barrows to adopt Planning Commission
Resolution 2007-009 approving Site Development Permit 2006-
874, as recommended and amended:
., a. Condition 81. A linear hedge with low maintenance
plants shall be installed.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Alderson, Barrows, Engle, and
Chairman Quill. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner
Daniels. ABSTAIN: None.
C. Sign Application 2006-1078; a request of Imperial Sign Company, Inc.
for consideration of a proposed sign program for permanent business
identification signage and monument sign for Dunes Plaza, located at
79-6401700 Highway 111.
1 . Commissioner Engle noted he had a potential conflict of interest
and left the dais.
2. Chairman Quill opened the public hearing and asked for the staff
report. Assistant Planner Yvonne Franco presented the
information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on
file in the Community Development Department.
3. Chairman Quill asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Alderson asked what staff objected to on the
monument sign. Staff explained the applicant did not provide
enough detail and the end elevation did not indicate the width.
Community Development Director Doug Evans stated it is just
an image that does not give any detail. The Center is very
detailed and the monument sign is very simple. Staff is
recommending it be redesigned and approved by staff.
4. There being no further questions of staff, the applicant not
being present, and no other public comment, Chairman Quill
,closed the public participation portion of the hearing and asked
for Commission discussion.
---...---- ...
Planning Commission Minutes
February 13, 2007
5. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded
by Commissioner Alderson/Barrow to adopt Minute Motion
2007-003 approving Sign Application 2006-1078, as
recommended. Unanimously adopted.
Commissioner Engle rejoined the Commission.
A. Continued - Notice of Public Nuisance Case No. 2006,5204; a request
of Jeffrey S. and Ardis L. Manning for an appeal of a Public Nuisance
regarding the violation of a recreational vehicle encroaching on the
City right-of-way without a permit, parking in a location not zoned for
vehicular parking, being improperly stored on a residential property,
and a patio cover that violates the exterior side yard setback for the
property located at 52-715 Avenida Navarro.
1. Chairman Quill asked for the staff report. Senior Code
Compliance Officer Anthony Moreno presented the information
contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the
Community Development Department.
2. Chairman Quill asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Alderson asked if the appellant had a permit for
the spa cover. Staff stated none was ever obtained and the
appellant stated the cover was there when they bought the
3. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Quill asked
if the appellants would like to address the Commission. Mr. and
Mrs. Jeffrey Manning, 52-715 Avenida Navarro, stated the
patio cover had been removed and was no longer an issue. In
regard to the RV, he believes he meets the Municipal Code in
regard to the Code requirements.
4. Chairman Quill asked staff for clarification on what was read
from the Code by the appellant. Planning Manager Les Johnson
stated the location of the RV is not immediately adjacent to or
parallel to the driveway as required by the Code'.
5. Ms. Kay Wolff, 77-227 Calle Ensenada, stated she thought the
RV needed some kind of shading. What offended her was that
it was in complete view of the public.
__.. .."'..__ ____...1_____
Planning Commission Minutes
February 13, 2007
6. Mr. Joe Broido, 77-510 Calle Nogales, stated he dislikes seeing
the RV, and reported it to the City. It does not comply with the
intent of the City's Ordinance. RVs need to be screened to not
be in view of the street.
7. Ms. Ardis Maning, stated the Code does not require the RV to
be screened or behind a wall. They offered to plant additional
trees and were told by Code Compliance it was not necessary.
8. Commissioner Engle asked if this was within what the Code
allows. Staff stated it is within inches. Mr. Maning stated
when he parks the vehicle it can be within the one inch and yet
another time he may be 1.5 inches over.
9. Commissioner Alderson stated the point is that it is unattractive
and asked the definition of a "driveway". City Attorney Kathy
Jenson read the definition of a driveway.
10. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded
by Commissioners Alderson/Barrows to adopt Minute Motion
2007-004 upholding the determination of Public Nuisance Case
No. 2006-52. Unanimously approved.
A. Report on the City Council meeting of February 6, 2007.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Engle/Barrows to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to a
regular meeting of the Planning Commission to be held on February 27, 2007. This
meeting of the Planning Commission was adjourned at 12:09 a.m. on February 13,
Respectfully submitted,
Betty J. Sawyer, Executive Secretary
City of La Quinta, California
.,..,_." _1_..1...._...
FEBRUARY 27, 2007
Old Town La Quinta is located in the La Quinta Village, bounded on the east by
Desert Club Drive, on the west by Avenida Bermudas, and on the north by Calle
Tampico (Attachment 1). The Planning Commission approved the Sign Program for
Old Town La Quinta on September 24, 2003 (SA 2003-720). La Quinta Municipal
Code Section 9.160.090 requires that adjustments to signs previously approved
under a planned sign program receive Planning Commission approval.
The applicant requests that an amendment to the previously-approved sign program
be approved for Old Town La Quinta allowing the placement of special event
banners. With the exception of temporary banners for new businesses, the sign
program for Old Town La Quinta currently prohibits all other signs that are not a
part of the sign program. A total of three signs have been applied for as part of this
proposed sign program amendment; two special event banners that span over Main
Street, and one special event banner attached to two palm trees in the courtyard
area adjacent to Main Street.
Main Street Banners
The street-spanning, double-sided special event banners are proposed at two
locations on Main Street (Attachment 2). One banner is proposed to be placed qt
the eastern entrance to Old Town La Quinta, at the intersection of Main Street and
Desert Club Drive. The other banner is proposed to be placed on Main Street
between the Los Altos Building and the Los Gatos Building, near the event lawn.
Standard welcoming banners would occasionally be raised; however, date/event-
specific banners would be the most utilized. For example, in the off-time between
the "Art Under the Umbrellas~ event banner a "Rotary Club Wine Tasting" banner,
an "Old Town La Quinta; More Stores Now Open" banner would be put up.
Each banner is proposed to be approximately 5 feet in height and 45 feet in length,
totaling approximately 225 square feet, and is at a minimum of 20 feet from the
street (Attachment 3, Attachment 4). The banners are attached to two steel-
braided cables, the top one 1/4" and the bottom 3/16", with snap-on banner clips.
The cables are. attached to 3/8" x 7" eyebolts that were anchored into each
building frame during construction. Additionally, the cables have turnbuckles which
allow the tightening of the cables if necessary.
Courtyard Banner
The double-sided courtyard banner is proposed to be suspended approximately 10
feet above the ground using rope tied around two palm trees. The banner is
approximately 3 feet in height, 8 feet in length, totaling approximately 24 square
feet (Attachment 5). The banner would only be used in the days leading up to and
during any special events held in Old Town La Quinta.
Sign Program Text Addition
The applicant proposes the following text be added to the existing sign program
(Attachment 6):
Event Banners: Old Town La Quinta will display two double-sided
banners to promote special events. The event banners will run across
Main Street at two locations. Event banners will 6e controlled and
maintained by the Landlord and are subject to approval by the City of
La Quinta Planning Department.
..------ ..-----.-----
Municipal Code Compatibility
The proposed special event banners for Old Town La Quinta are not specifically
addressed in the La Quinta Municipal Codes. The LQMC sign ordinance addresses
temporary signs and semi-permanent signs. The proposed banners, as modified by
the attached Conditions of Approval, are for special events and are located entirely
on private property. Comparatively, LQMC Section 9.160.060 Permitted Temporary
Signs allows a maximum 32 square foot grand opening banner for new businesses,
attached to the building for a period not to exceed thirty days. LQMC Section
9.160.090 Sign Permit Review gives Planning Commission the opportunity to allow
adjustments to sign programs by granting additional sign area, additional numbers
of signs, alternative sign locations, alternative types of signage, and new
illumination or additional height.
Proposal Analysis
The following chart shows a comparison of the proposed banners to previously
approved signs for major retail tenants along Highway 111 :
Stater Brothers
Tar et
Bed Bath & Beyond
Sam's Club
The banners spanning Main Street are proposed to be 225 square feet, which far
exceed the 32 square foot maximum temporary banner size, and are of comparable
size to business identification signs for major retail tenants along Highway 111,
including Kohl's and Walmart. Additionally, the proposed banners will be utilized for
much longer than the defined 30-day temporary time limit, and one of the banners
is proposed to be suspended with the use of tree trunks. In other words, the
banners are oversized, are not temporary, and are proposed to be placed at
locations where temporary signs would be prohibited (between trees).
--~---_._- .-
Staff Conclusion
Ultimately, staff concludes that the concept of special event banners would be
beneficial to Old. Town La Quinta. The commercial development is the site of
numerous special events, and the strategically-placed banners would be more of an
aide than a nuisance to business-owners and constituents alike. However, the
placement-duration .and size of the banners are inappropriate.
Staff is concerned that allowance of the temporary event banners may result in
banners being erected year-round, and is therefore recommending that the special
event banners be put up no more than one week (7 days) prior. to each specific
event, and taken down within two days of the conclusion of the event. Staff
supports the use of a smaller street-spanning banner that only advertises special
events. Staff cannot support the allowance of any other banners, including the
Main Street Courtyard banner between trees, and the "More Stores Now Open"
banners, as they are in direct violation of banner provisions in the La Quinta
Municipal Code. Staff recommends that the applicant find an alternative to the tree-
hanging Courtyard banner, such as a moveable, ground-mounted kiosk, as staff
supports the proposed Courtyard location. Additionally, the use of the special
event banners in Old Town La Quinta shall be limited to 180 days per year (365
The 225 square foot street-spanning banners are also unsuitable due to size and
placement location. Although the submitted exhibits are not-to-scale, by using .the
confirmed information (TPM 30850) that the width of Main Street at the eastern
banner location is approximately 24 feet from curb to curb and 48 feet from
building to building, and the width of Main Street at the western banner location is
approximately 24 feet from curb to curb and 60 feet from building to building, staff
can conclude that the proposed 45-foot wide, 5-foot tall banners are disproportional
to the surrounding environment, which may result in a negative visual impact. This
can be alleviated by reducing the size of the street-spanning banners to 18 feet
wide by 5 feet in height, totaling 90 square feet each. Reducing the banner width
to less than the street width minimizes visual impact and improves proportionality,
while maintaining the ability to reasonably advertise special events.
Public Notice
This project was advertised in The Desert Sun newspaper on February 15, 2007,
and mailed to all property owners within 500 feet of the site. To date, no
comments have been received from adjacent property owners. Any written
comments received will be handed out at the meeting.
------- .,_____,._- -
As required by LQMC Section 9.210.010 (Sign Programs). Findings to approve Sign
Application 2003-720 Amendment 1 can be made and are as follows:
A. Sign Application 2003-720 Amendment 1, as recommended, is consistent
with the purpose and intent of Chapter 9.160, in that it does not conflict
with the standards as set forth in said Chapter.
B. Sign Application 2003-720 Amendment 1, as recommended, is
harmonious with and visually related to all signs as proposed under the
Sign Program, due to the common use of letter type and size, color and
location of signs.
C. Sign Application 2003-720 Amendment 1, as recommended, is
harmonious with and visually related to the subject buildings as the scale
of the signs and letter sizes used accentuate the building design.
D. Sign Application 2003-720 Amendment 1 ,as recommended, is
harmonious with and visually related to surrounding development,. as it
.will not adversely affect surrounding land uses or obscure other adjacent
conforming signs.
Adopt Minute Motion 2007-_, approving the requested signage, subject to the
following Conditions of Approval:
1 . The total square footage for each of the banners that span across Main
Street shall be no greater than 90 square feet. The applicant shall install
the approved banners at the approved locations. The banners shall not
extend past the face of curb located on the private street below the
proposed banner locations.
2. The event-specific banners shall be erected no sooner than seven days.
prior to the event (which shall have an approved Temporary Use Permit or
Village Use Permit). and removed no later than two days after the
conclusion of the event. Each special event signlbanner shall be applied
for as part of the TUP/vUP application for the subject event
3. The use of the special event banners in Old Town La Quinta shall be
limited to 180 days per year (365 days).
--- -------- --
4. Letters shall not be closer than 6 inches to the edge (top/bottom/sides) of
banners. Maximum letter size shall be 18 inches in height.
1. Location Map
2. Proposed Banner Locations
3. Eastern Banner
4. Western Banner
5. Courtyard Banner
6. Sign Program Text Addition
PH #8
FEBRUARY 27, 2007
CHANGE 2006-129
During the June 13, 2006 public comment portion of the Planning Commission
hearing, Mr. Skip lench, 78-120 Calle Estado, Suite 204, requested the Planning
Commission consider taking action to reduce the rear yard setback from 15 to 10
feet among a portion of the City (Attachment 1) currently zoned Medium Density
Residential with a special zoning symbol limiting homes to 17 feet and a single
t RM
S ory, 17/1 .
This request primarily stemmed from building permits having previously been'issued
in error allowing an estimated 20 to 22 new homes to . be constructed in this
P:\Reports' PC\2007\2-27-07\ZC 06-' 29\ZC 06-' 29 s1l ,pt.rt!
neighborhood with a 10 foot rear yard setback. Mr. Lench suggested this could be .
accomplished by rezoning property from Medium Density Residential to Cove
Residential. Although Staff recommended no changes to the' existing setback, the
Planning Commission concurred with Mr. Lench during the November 28, 2006
public hearing (Attachment 2) and directed staff to prepare a Change of Zone from
the current zoning to Cove Residential.
Also during the November 28, 2006 meeting, the Planning Commission
recommended approval of an ordinance which would cross-reference existing
special zoning symbols within the Zoning Ordinance's Residential Table of
Development Standards and would mandate their reference on the official zoning
map. That item was approved by the City Council on February 20, 2007.
Changing the zoning to Cove Residential' in order to achieve a reduced 10 foot
setback would increase the minimum lot size to 7,200 square feet, increase the
minimum lot frontage to 60 feet, and permit a reduced minimum livable floor area.
Eighty total lots would be affected by the proposed change of zone.
Although there are many similarities, there are some key differences (shaded)
between Cove Residential zoning and the use of a Medium Density Residential
special zoning symbol with a 10 foot rear setback:
Minimum lot size
Minimum lot fronta e
Maximum structure height 17 ft.
Maximum number of stories 1
Minimum front yard setback (non- 20 ft.
ara e ortions of dwellin )
Minimum garage setback. 25 ft. (20 ft. w/ roll up)
Minimum interior/exterior side yard 5/10 ft.
Minimum rear yard setback
Maximum lot coverage
Minimum livable floor area for
single-family. detached (excluding
000 s
20 ft.
25 ft. (20 ft. wi roll up)
5/10 ft.
10 ft.
10 ft.
Although the existing Cove Residential zoning district was created after City
incorporation, the underlying zoning standards originate from the County. By
increasing the minimum lot size and frontage, all but two lots in the neighborhood
would become legal non-conforming. Non-conforming lots can have difficulties in
P:\Reports _ PC\2007\2-27-07\ZC 06-129\ZC 06-129 s1l ,pt,rt!
securing insurance and financing for property owners because they are typically
unable to rebuild if the house is destroyed by a fire or other disaster. This is one of
the reasons why special zoning symbols were created.
Special zoning symbols are tools which allow an additional degree of flexibility to
existing development standards. Medium Density Residential development
standards have a minimum lot size of 5,000 square feet and a 15 foot rear yard
setback, but also permit a 28 foot high, two story building height. The
neighborhood in question matches all of the Medium Density Residential
development standards, but includes a special zoning symbol in order to limit
homes to 17 feet and a single story. Rather than change the neighborhood to Cove
Residential, it is possible to modify the existing special zoning symbol in order to
permit a reduced ten foot rear setback and still maintain conforming lot sizes.
A zone change to Cove Residential is not recommended because it would result in
the creation of 78 non-conforming lots which could result in an adverse impact
upon the existing neighborhood in regards to potential difficulties with financing
and insurance. A reduced rear setback can be achieved without unnecessarily
modifying other development standards or creating non-conformities by modifying'
the existing special zoning symbol.
Adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2007-_ recommending to the City Council
approval of Environmental Assessment 2006-575; and
Adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2007- recommending to the City Council
approval of Zone Change 2006-129, to modify the existing special zoning symbol
RM (20/5/10)
Prepared by:
w J. Mogensen
ociate Planner
1 . Area Proposed for Rezoning
2. Planning Commission Minutes from November 28, 2006
P:\Reports _ PC\2007\2-27-07\ZC 06-129\ZC 06-129 stf rpt,rt!
___. -"",,----__'___1
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta,
California, did on the 27th of February, 2007, hold a duly noticed Public
Hearing for a City-initiated request for a Zone Change from RM to RM(20/6/101
17/1 17/1'
for certain single-family residential properties located south of Avenida La
Fonda, west of Washington Street, north of Avenida Nuestra, and east of a
boundary line located 100 feet west of Calle Guatemala, in order to provide
for a reduction of the rear setback from fifteen to ten feet, on property more
. particularly descri,bed as:
Desert Club Tract Unit No.2
WHEREAS, said Zone Change has complied with the
requirements of "The Rules to Implement the California Environmental
Quality Act of 1970" as amended (Resolution 83-63) in that the La Quinta
Community Development Department has prepared Environmental
Assessment 2006-575 for this Change of Zone in compliance with the
requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, as
amended. The Community Development Director has determined that the
project will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment and
therefore, is recommending that a Negative Declaration of environmental
impact be adopted. A Notice of Intent to Adopt a Negative Declaration was
posted with the Riverside County Recorder's office as required by Section
15072 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) statutes.; and
WHEREAS, the Community Development Department published
a public hearing notice in the Desert Sun newspaper on February 17, 2007,
as prescribed by the Municipal Code. Public hearing notices were also mailed
to all property owners within 500 feet of the site; and
t. ___..__..____j
Planning Commission Resolution 2006-
Zone Change 2006-1 29
City of La Quinta
February 27, 2007
WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering
all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons wanting to be
heard, said Planning Commission did make the following mandatory findings
recommending approval:
1. Consistency with the General Plan: The proposed Zone Change is
consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the General Plan in that
the Zone Change will not deviate from the existing Medium Density
Residential land use identified in the General Plan.
2. Public Welfare: Approval of the proposed Zone Change will not create
conditions materially detrimental to public health, safety and general welfare
in that the proposed change will not result in a substantial change to the
existing open space, nor will it have an effect on the conditions of the
existing neighborhood.
3. Land Use Compatibility: The new zoning is compatible with existing
and surrounding zoning designations in that it will have no effect on existing
land use and will provide for continued single-family development in a
manner consistent with the existing character of the neighborhood.
4. Change in Circumstances: Approval of the new zoning is warranted
because the resulting setback reduction has been determined to have no
impact on the existing residential conditions and will not result in a change to
the character of the neighborhood, due to the fact that a significant number
of homes have already been constructed with the reduced rear setback.
Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows:
1 . That the above recitations are true and constitute the findings of the
Planning Commission in this case.
2. That the Planning Commission does hereby recommend approval of
Zone Change 2006-129, modifying the special zoning symbol from
RM to RM120/61101 in order to reduce the rear setback from fifteen to
1711 17/1' -
ten feet, as contained in the attached Exhibit "A",'to the City Council
for the reasons set forth in this Resolution.
Planning Commission Resolution 2006-
Zone Change 2006-1 29 .
City of La Ouinta
February 27, 2007
PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the
La Quinta Planning Commission, held on the 27th day of February, 2007, by
the following vote, to wit:
PAUL QUILL, Chairman
City of La Quinta, California
Community Development Director
City of La Quinta
Attachment 2
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
November 28, 2006'
7:00 P.M.
A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was reconvened at 7:00
p.m. by Chairman Quill who asked Commissioner Daniels to lead the
flag salute.
B. Present: Commissioners Ed Alderson, Katie Barrows, Rick Daniels, Jim
Engle, and Chairman Paul Quill.
C. Staff present: Planning Manager Les Johnson, Assistant City Attorney
Michael Houston, Associate Planner Andrew Mogensen, and Executive
Secretary Betty Sawyer.
A. Ms. Signey Cook, 51-470 Calle Jacumba, spoke regarding a lot that
was on, her street and was a public nuisance due to the number of
large trees that were not being maintained. Chairman Quill informed
Ms. Cook to call the Code Compliance Department to determine the
status of the case. Assistant City Attorney Michael Houston reviewed
the process the City has to go through to abate the nuisance. Ms.
Cook then asked how many vehicles a homeowner can have parked
on the street. Chairman Quill again suggested she contact the Code
Compliance Department. Ms. Cook then thanked the City for repairing
the streets where she lives.
A. Chairman Quill asked if there were any corrections to the minutes of
'. Nov~mber 14, 2006. There being none, it was moved and seconded
by Commissioners Alderson/Barrows to approve the minutes as
submitted. Unanimously approved.
G:IWPDOCSIPC MinutesI2006111-28:06.doc
Planning Commission Minutes
November 28, 2006
A. Zone Change 2006-129; a request of the City for consideration of a
reduction of the existing 1 5-foot rear setback to ten feet in the
Medium; Density Residential, 17 foot height~ single-story zoned
properties located south of Avenida La Fonda, north of Avenida
Nuestra, west of Washington Street, and east of Calle Guatamala.
! J
1 . Chairman Quill opened the public hearing and asked for the staff
report. Associate Planner Andrew Mogensen presented the
information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on
file in the Community Development Department.
2. Chairman Quill asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Daniels asked why one of the recommendations
w,as to prepare an Environmental AssesslTlent. Staff explained
that recommending denial did not require an environmental
assessment. Should the Commission want to approve the
change, it would require an environmental review before it could
be approved. Assistant City Attorney Michael Houston
explained there are a number of criteria that CEQA requires
before the zone change can be considered. Anything other than
a denial would require an Environmental Assessment.
3. Commissioner Alderson asked if there are any other areas of .
concern the Commission should consider for safety such as fire.
Staff stated not at this time, but an Environmental Assessment
would make those determinations.
4. Commissioner Daniels asked how Public Hearing "B" would
relate to this item. Staff stated they were requesting the zoning
symbols be corrected to be consistent. It did not directly relate
to this request.
5. There being no further questions of staff, 'Chairman Quill asked
,if there was any other public comment. Mr. Robert Ancker, 51-
340 Calle Hueneme, stated he supported the request for the ten
foot setback. He has been unable to develop his 'property until
this issue is resolved.
6. Mr. Skip Lench, 78-215 Calle Cadiz, gave a history on how this
request came forward. He noted all the areas where the ten
foot setback is allowed. Typically all 5,000 square foot lots
have the ten foot setbacks except this section of the City. If
Planning Commission Minutes
November 28, 2006
the Commission approves the request it would allow them to
create a larger front yard. He finds no harm in balancing the
rear yard with a ten foot. In his opinion to allow this setback
V\iould be fair as all the lots in the adjoining neighborhoods have
the ten foot setback.
7. Ms. Sidney Cook, 51-470 Calle Jacumba, asked for an
explanation of the request being consid~red. Chairman Quill
explained this was a request to consider changing what the
!,etback would be for the new homes.
8. Mr. Michael Nelson, 51-460 lIiolo, stated he concurred with Mr.
. Lench's comments. ,He agrees this zoning designation should
be changed to allow. them the same privilege as the adjoining
neighborhoods. He too would like to build on his lot with the
ten foot rear setback. He submitted plans to build on his lot
and was told he could build with the teri, foot setback. Later,
after his plans were completed, he was told it was a 15 foot
setback and he would not be able to build the house as
9. There being no further public, comment, Chairman Quill closed
the public participation portion of the hearing. .
10. Commissioner Alderson noted that currently approximately 30
percent of the homes are in violation of the rear yard setback.
What, costs would be involved in changing the zone. Staff
noted the costs that would be involved "in the environmental
review. Maximum lot coverage could become an issue and
,needs to be considered in the overall picture.
11 . Commissioner Daniels noted mistakes do happen, but it seems
we have seen a rejuvenation of this neighborhood and he is not
concerned with the five foot setback reduction. The mechanics
of approving the change would not cause any inconsistency
with the neighborhood and he would not object to the change.
12. Chairman Quill concurred that ten feet is' the norm for all the
lots in the Cove. It does seem that since it works in the Cove,
the simplest change would be to remove the RM designation
and allow the RC designation. Therefore, the restrictions of the
RC zone would then take place. If a lot was merged, you could
Planning Commission Minutes
November 28, 2006
not unmerge them. He would recommend proceeding with an
'environmental assessment to change this to a RC Zone.
13. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded
'by Commissioner Daniels/Alderson directing staff to prepare an
Environmental Assessment changing the zoning to Cove
Residential designation.
B. Zoning ,Code Amendment 2006-085; a request of the City for
consideration of an Amendment to the La Quinta Municipal Code.
Sectio,:!9.20.030 and Section 9.50.030 Table 9-2 in order to cross
reference existing special zoning symbols in the residential
development standards and to mandate their. identification on the
Official Zoning Map.
1 . ,Chairman Quill opened the public hearing and asked for the staff
report. . Associate Planner Andrew Mogensen presented the
information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on
file in the Community Development Department.
2. There being no questions of staff, Chairman Quill asked if there
was any other public comment.
3. There being no further public comment, the public participation
portion of the public hearing was closed and open for
Commission discussion.
4. . There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded
by Commissioner Daniels/Barrows to adopt Planning
Commission Resolution 2006-044 approving Zoning Code
Amendment 2006-085, as recommended. '
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Alderson, Barrows,
Engle, and Chairman Quill. NOES: None.
None. ABSTAIN: None.
Planning Commission Minutes
November 28, 2006
A. Review of City Council meeting of November 21,2006.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Daniels/Barrows to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to a
regular meeting of the Planning Commission to be held on December 12, 2006.
This meeting of the Planning Commission was adjourned at 7:58 p.m. on
November 28, 2006.
Respectfully submitted,
Betty J. Sawyer, Executive Secretary
City of La Quinta, California
._H__~ ___._..........__1
~ of 4Q.tdMft
FEBRUARY 27, 2007 Nftv '
Attached please find the above-noted document for your review. This document is
being provided in advance, of our Joint Meeting with the Community Services
Commission on' March 13'h at 5:00 p.m. The City will provide a light dinner
(sandwiches) at 4:00 p.m. in the Community Development Department's
Conference Room. Due to the construction at City Hall the Session Room will not
longer be available, therefore the Joint Meeting will be in the Council Chambers.