2007 04 24 PC ~44~ Planning Commission Agendas are now available on the City's Web Page @ www.la-quinta.or!.l PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA A Regular Meeting to be Held at the La Ouinta City Hall Council Chamber 78-495 Calle Tampico La Ouinta, California APRIL 24, 2007 7:00 P.M. **NOTE** ALL ITEMS NOT CONSIDERED BY 11 :00 P.M. WILL BE CONTINUED TO THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING Beginning Resolution 2007-017 Beginning Minute Motion 2007-008 I. CALL TO ORDER A. Flag Salute B. Pledge of Allegiance C. Roll Call II. PUBLIC COMMENT This is the time set aside for public comment on any matter not scheduled for public hearing. Please complete a "Request to Speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 10, 2007. G:\WPDOCS\PC Minutes\l Ag~ndaW.doc V. PUBLIC HEARING: For all Public Hearings on the Agenda, a completed "Request to Speak" form must be filed with the Executive Secretary prior to the start of the, Planning Commission consideration of that item. The Chairman will invite individuals who have requested the opportunity to speak, to come forward at the appropriate time. Any person may submit written comments to the Planning Commission before a public hearing, may appear and be heard in support of, or in opposition to, the approval of the project(s) at the time of the hearing. If you challenge any project(s) in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the City at, or prior to the public hearing. A. Item................ ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2006-562, GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2006-107, ZONE CHANGE 2006- 127, SPECIFIC PLAN 83-002, AMENDMENT #6. TENTATIVE TRACT 32266. SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2006-852, AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT 2006-011 Applicant......... Pacific Santa Fe Corporation/Crowne Pointe Partners, LLC Location........... Located within the PGA West development, bounded on the north and east by the PGA West Stadium Course and Clubhouse, and on the south and west by PGA Boulevard Request ........... Consideration of a recommendation for the Eden Rock at PGA West project by the following application requests: 1. Adoption of a Mitigated Negative Declaration; 2. Amend the General Plan Land Use Element, from Tourist Commercial (TC) to Resort Mixed Use (RMU); 3. Change the Official Zoning Map, from Tourist Commercial (CT) to Tourist Commercial/Residential Specific Plan (CT/RSP); ,4. Update the overall PGA West Specific Plan to implement development principles and guidelines for a 292-unit resort condominium project, with clubhouse building, common pools and lighted tennis courts, on :t 42 acres; 5. The division of :t42 acres into 97 residential lots, a 1.35 acre community center lot, and other common area lots; 6. A site plan and building design approval for 292 one, two and three-story condominium units, a 7,122 s.f. recreation building with a 32 x 70-foot common pool and 43-foot 6-inch clock tower feature, and a private entry gatehouse; and 7. Consideration of an Agreement to implement a funding mechanism ensuring payment to the City of certain fees to financially offset the conversion of the original hotel/resort site to residential, for the anticipated potential for lost revenue(s) associated with development of the Eden Rock project. Action.............. Request to continue to May 8, 2007 G:\WPDOCS\PC Minutes\1 AgendaW.doc :~.:;. --~_.. ._._~~------ ..... B. Item............:... Applicant......... Location......... .. Request ........... Action............. . C. Item................ Applicant........ . Location..... ~..... Request......... .. Action.............. SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2006-872 Trans West Housing, lnc Within the proposed Tentative Tract Maps 32879 and 34642, south of Avenue 54, east of Madison Street, west of Monroe Street, and north of the Greg Norman Course Consideration of a proposed '21,204 square foot clubhouse, entry gate, and recreational parcel. Resolution 2007- ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2006-578, GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2006-109. AND ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT 2006-086 City of La Ouinta Southeast portion of the City, south.of Avenue 52 Consideration of a Negative Declaration of environmental impact and General Plan Amendment and Zone Text Amendment to establish policies and standards for the development of tentative tract maps on parcels of ten acres or less in the southeastern portion of the City. Request to continue to May 8, 2007 VI. BUSINESS ITEMS: None. VII. CORRESPO~DENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: None VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS: A. Review of City Council meeting of April 17, 200.7 IX. ADJOURNMENT: This meeting of the Planning Commission will be adjourned to a Regular Meeting to be held on May 8, 2007, at 7:00 p.m. G:\WPDOCS\PC Minutes\1 AgendaW.doc DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Betty J. Sawyer, Executive Secretary of the City of La Quinta, do hereby declare that the foregoing Agenda for the La Ouinta Planning Commission meeting of Tuesday, April 24, 2007, was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber, 78-495 Calle Tampico and the bulletin board at the La Ouinta Cove Post Office, on Friday, April 20, 2007. . ~: April20, 2007 , ~J-' , BET- ~YER' Executive Secretary City o~~~ta, California Public Notices The La Guinta City Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please call the City Clerk's office at 777-7123, twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made. If special electronic equipment is needed to make presentations to the Planning Commission, arrangements should be made in advance by contacting the City Clerk's office at 777-7123. A one (1) week notice is required. If background material is to be presented to the Planning Commission during a Planning Commission meeting, please be advised that eight (8) copies of all documents, exhibits, etc., must be supplied to the Executive Secretary for distribution. It is requested that this take place prior to the beginning of the 7:00 p.m. meeting. G:\WPDOCS\PC Minutes\1 AgendaW.doc MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78-495 Calle Tampic.o, La Quinta, CA April 10, 2007 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER A. This meeting .of the Planning C.ommissi.on was called t.o .order at 7:00 p.m. by'Chairman Paul Quill wh.o asked C.ommissi.oner Engle t.o lead the flag salute. B. Present: C.ommissi.oners Ed Alders.on, Katie Barr.ows, Rick Daniels, Jim Engle and Chairman Paul Quill. It was m.oved and sec.onded by C.ommissi.oners C. Staff present: C.ommunity Devel.opment Direct.or D.oug Evans, Assistant City Att.orney Michael H.oust.on, Principal Engineer Ed Wimmer, Principal Planner Wallace Nesbit, Assistant Planner Yv.onne Franc.o, Planning C.onsultant Nic.ole Criste, and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer. II. PUBLIC COMMENT: N.one III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: C.onfirmed. IV. CONSENT ITEMS: A. Chairman Quill asked if there were any changes t.o the Minutes .of March . 27, 2007. There being n.o changes, it was m.oved and sec.onded by C.ommissi.oners Alders.on/Barr.ows t.o appr.ove the minutes as submitted. UnanilTl.ouslyappr.oved. C.ommissi.oner Daniels thanked the C.ommissi.on f.or excusing him fr.om the meetings he has had t.o miss. V. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Site Devel.opment Permit 2007-881; a request .of R. T. Hughes C.o., LLC f.or c.onsiderati.on .of pr.oject architecture and landscaping f.or a 57 unit single-family residential c.ommunity I.ocated s.outhwest c.orner .of Madis.on Street and Avenue 60. 1. C.ommissi.oner Alders.on excused himself due t.o a P.otential c.onflict .of interest and left the dais. n 1:"11 J:I\IAlAJ: In ~.\\Mont"'\.....c::\cr ,....;....+......\')('\""7\11 in "7 ......."n ---. .----..--- .... Planning Commission Minutes April 10, 2007 2. Chairman Quill .opened the public hearing and asked fQr the staff repQrt. Planning CQnsultant NicQle Criste presented the infQrmatiQn cQntained in the staff repQrt, a CQPy .of which is .on file in the CQmmunity DevelQpment Department. Staff asked that CQnditiQn NQ. 24 have the last sentence regarding the IQcatiQn .of the water feature deleted. 3. Chairman Quill asked if there were any questiQns .of staff. CQmmissiQner Daniels asked if the water feature had been discussed with the applicant in terms .of its necessity. Staff stated a recQmmendatiQn was made fQr a reductiQn in size tQ the Architecture and Landscape Review CQmmittee (ALRCl, but the ALRC did nQt recQmmend the cQnditiQn. 4. CQmmissiQner BarrQws stated she WQuld, like tQ see either the water feature deleted .or reduced in size and ask hQW much turf is shQwn. Staff stated the applicant indicated it is less than 50% turf. CQmmissiQner BarrQws asked why CQnditiQn NQ. 26 did nQt include a requirement fQr a "nQ turf" QptiQn. Staff stated a cQnditiQn eQuid be added. 5. There being nQ further questiQns .of staff Chairman Quill asked if . the applicant WQuld like tQ address the CQmmissiQn. Mr. Richard Hughes stated he and his team were available tQ answer their questiQns. 6. Chairman Quill asked if there were any questiQns .of the applicant. CQmmissiQner Engle asked abQut the CQIQ~ mix .on the units. Mr. Hughes stated there WQuld be wide variety. 7. CQmmissiQner Daniels nQted the CQmmission is nQt favQring water ,features due tQ the drQught cQnditiQns that are thrQughQut the 'State. His CQncern is whether the water feature PQQI eQuid be scaled back as well as the amQunt .of turf and the lake. Mr. Hughes stated the prQject was designed tQ have the IQQk .of SQuthern Spain. The name .of the prQject "Malaga" is frQm SQuthern Spain as well. The frQnt .of their prQject will alsQ have an impact .on the entrance tQ the Travertine prQject. Mr. Mike HQrtQn, HSA Architects, stated the calculatiQns fQr the amQunt .of turf 'alQng the entire perimeter .of the prQject is .only 25% and met the CVWD requirements. The lake has been reduced tQ wQrk with the retentiQn requirements. 2 r.:.\\MOnn.....cIOf" ,.)1.....+......\')"""71,., 1" 117 ............ . ___ .._._____,._..0 ___u...__ _ Planning Commission Minutes April 10, 2007 8. Chairman Quill asked if the majQrity .of the turf was IQcated in the retentiQn basin. Mr. HQrtQn stated yes. The gQal was tQ prQduce a view .of the lake frQm MadisQn Street. Chairman Quill nQted that the turf area at the CQrner .of the Griffin Ranch prQject is nQt even seen. Mr. HQrtQn stated this area will be seen. They added large fingers .of drQught tQlerant plants tQ make it visually interesting and tQ dQwn play the 'amQunt .of turf. Chairman Quill asked if they had any QbjectiQn tQ reducing the amQunt .of turf. Mr. HQrtQn stated they eQuid slightly, but dQ nQt want tQ hurt the integrity .of . the design. Mr. Hughes stated they have been wQrking with the Travertine prQject which has caused them tQ delay their prQject. They have alsQ given an easement tQ Travertine tQ CQnstruct the rQadway. 9. . ,CQmmissiQner Daniels asked if there were pedestrian accesses. Staff indicated the IQcatiQn .of the pathway. 10. CQmmissiQner BarrQws asked what calculatiQn they used tQ CQme up with 25% .on the turf. Mr. HQrtQn stated the calculatiQns were based .on' the whQle prQject. CQmmissiQner BarrQws stated the cQnditiQn was written tQ require the CQrner tQ have less than 50% .of turf and this appears tQ be .over 50%. Mr. HQrtQn stated they eQuid reduce the area and add shrubs. This is the first time he has ever been apprQached with reducing turf .on .one sectiQn .of a prQject instead .of the prQject as a whQle. CQmmissiQner BarrQws stated that in tQday's envirQnment she WQuld want tQ see the lake and turf reduced significantly mQre. Mr. HQrtQn stated the water has tQ have a beginning and end. 11 . Chairman Quill asked hQW MadisQn Street was apprQved. Staff stated there is a cQnditiQn in the Tentative Tract Map regarding the size .of the street with a five year imprQvement timeline. MadisQn Street is a SecQndary Arterial in the General Plan and is planned tQ gQ thrQugh tQ the SQuth. Chairman Quill stated that in the General Plan MadisQn Street dQes nQt shQW a multi-use trail frQm Avenue 58 tQ the levee and the CQmmissiQn was certain that they WQuld want a multi-use trail cQntinue frQm the intersectiQn .of MadisQn Street and Avenue 58 tQ the levee. It was his understanding that this prQject was cQnditiQned fQr a trail. This map dQes nQt shQW the trail gQing up and .over the levee. When Andalucia cQmesback ,fQr the develQpment west .of. MadisQn Street they will be cQnditiQned tQ put the trail in. He wants tQ be sure that this prQject has a trail .on Avenue 60, and/Qr MadisQn Street. Staff 3 r.:.\\MCn"rc::\cr 1\.".....+......\')('\(\7IA in ('\7 ...n.... -. .----""'---..... ._0...... om Planning Commission Minutes April 10, 2007 stated the tract was nQt cQnditiQned fQr a multi-use trail .on MadisQn Street. There is a multi-use trail cQnditiQned .on Avenue 60. The applicant in cQnjunctiQn with the prQcessing .of the map has asked fQr a change tQ Avenue 60, which makes Avenue 60 west .of MadisQn Street a private street. This will have a multi-use trail .on Avenue 60. The trail is called .out in the General Plan Map and the cQnditiQns fQr this permit reference thQse c6nditiQns. Plans have nQt been submitted fQr the redesign .of Avenue 60, SQ . staff has nQt seen the design yet. . 12. CQmmissiQner BarrQws asked where the trail .on Avenue 60 CQnnects. Staff stated there is nQ place for it tQ CQnnect at this time. 13. Chairman Quill stated there has tQ be a trail either .on MadisQn Street .or Avenue 60. As the east side is develQped it is tQQ late tQ add the trail .on the east side, but the west side eQuid be required. Staff stated there will be a trail .on Avenue 60. As all the prQperty .owners .on Avenue 60 have tQ agree tQ privatizatiQn .of the street, s1aff cannQt determine which side .of the street it will gQ .on until the plans are submitted. CQmmunity DevelQpment DirectQr DQug . Evans stated this street is a IQcal street and it WQuld CQme tQ the CQmmissiQn fQr a General Plan determinatiQn and the street vacatiQn WQuld gQ tQ CQuncil. Staff eQuid require the applicant tQ bring back the preliminary design .of the street. Chairman Quill asked if there was any significant QbjectiQn tQ requiring a cQnditiQn . fQr a multi-use trail .on MadisQn Street .or Avenue 60. Mr. Hughes stated they have nQ QbjectiQn. They have nQ QbjectiQn tQ the trail . being put .on MadisQn Street. CQmmunity DevelQpment DirectQr DQug Evans stated a cQnditiQn eQuid be added that the multi-use trail be required .on MadisQn Street and when Avenue 60 street vacatiQn CQmes fQrward, we can change the designatiQn. DiscussiQn fQIIQwed regarding the IQcatiQn .of the trail. 14. CQmmissiQner BarrQws asked if there were any features .of the hQmes that lend themselves tQ energy efficiency .or CQnservatiQn. Mr. Dennis Danahey, architect, stated they have made the walls thicker and recessed the windQws and added large .overhangs. SQlar reflectQrs tQ reduce heat gain as well as stQne and brick. Passive sQlar will alsQ be used. Mr. HQrtQn stated that in regard tQ the nQn-turf QptiQns, they are instituting a number .of the newer 'irrigatiQn technQIQgy intQ the prQject. In regard tQ the pumps being used they are investigating their QptiQns. , 4 r,:.\\MDr'\I""l.....C\Or ""...,.+"..\,)(,\"7111 in (\7 ,.j........ ------ ..___ __.... _._u...... ... Planning Commission Minutes April 10, 2007 15. There being nQ further questiQns .of staff, the applicant .or any .other public cQmment, Chairman Quill clQsed the public participatiQn PQrtiQn .of the hearing. 16. CQmmissiQner Engle stated that as IQng as they eQuid reach a sQlutiQn tQ the turf, trail and water feature, he has nQ QbjectiQn. 1 7. CQmmissiQner Daniels stated his CQncern is .only the water feature. He WQuld have nQ QbjectiQn tQ the eliminatiQn .of the lake and the CQrner turf being reduced tQ 50%. 18. There being nQ further discussiQn, it was mQved and secQnded by . CQmmissiQners BarrQws/Daniels tQ adQPt Planning CQmmissiQn ResQlutiQn 2007-015 tQ .of Site DevelQpment Permit 2007-881, as recQmmended and mQdified: a. CQnditiQn 24: Last sentence deleted and multi-use trail alQng A venue 60 .or MadisQn Street added tQ the landscaping plan. b. CQnditiQn added: The water feature shall be eliminated and the CQrner landscaping reduced tQ 50% and adding a nQ-turf QPtiQn fQr the frQnt yard be 'added. ROLL CALL: AYES: CQmmissiQners BarrQws, Daniels, and Chairman Quill. NOES: CQmmissiQner Engle. ABSENT: CQmmissiQner AldersQn. ABSTAIN: NQne. CQmmissiQner AldersQn rejQined the CQmmissiQn. . A. Site DevelQpment Permit 2007-882; a request .of Fancher DevelQpment Services-Mimi's Cafe fQr cQnsideratiQn .of architecture and landscaping plans ,for a restaurant IQcated SQuth .of Highway 11, sQutheast .of the DepQt Drive in the KQmar Desert Center. 1 . Chairman Quill .opened the public hearing and asked fQr the staff repQrt. Assistant Planner YVQnne FrancQ presented the infQrmatiQn cQntained in the staff repQrt, a CQPy .of which is .on file iri the CQmmunity DevelQpment Department. 2. C;:hairman Quill asked if there were any questiQns .of staff. CQmmissiQner Daniels asked if this frQnts QntQ Highway 111. Staff stated yes. There is nQ develQpment in frQnt .of this prQject. r::..\\MDnnrCICf' l";...,+........\')(.".'''7I.11 1" f'\7 "'...." 5 ____ ..___ __.... _._H....... __ Planning Commission Minutes April 10, 2007 3. CQmmissiQner BarrQws asked abQut the Chilean Mesquite and the ALRC has suggested these species be replaced. Staff stated it was, nQt mentiQned and it will alsQ be used in the circular planter. 4. CQmmissiQner AldersQn asked abQut CQnditiQn NQ. 8 and the grQund-mQunted flQQd lights being remQved. Staff recQmmended this tQ the ALRC because it appeared they WQuld be tQQ bright and the ALRC agreed. 5. There being nQ further questiQns .of staff Chairman Quill asked if the applicant WQuld like tQ address the CQmmissiQn. Mr. Jared TaylQr, representing Francher DevelQpment, stated he was available tQ answer any questiQns. They had a request tQ change CQnditiQn NQ. 52 regarding a mQdificatiQn tQ the cQrnice .on the entry feature tQ make it match the remainder .of the building. They are requesting tQ leave the detail as prQPQsed tQ help PQint .out the entry IQcatiQn. 6. CQmmissiQner AldersQn asked why staff was requesting the PQst size .on CQnditiQn NQ. 4 be increased. Planning Manager Les 'JQhnsQn stated it was a staff recQmmendatiQn and ALRC cQncurred that they needed tQ be larger.CQmmissiQner AldersQn cQmmented that the waiting rQQm inside was very small. Mr. TaylQr stated they dQ have the .outside area as well as the bar area and has wQrked in the past at their .other restaurants. 7. CQmmissiQner Daniels asked if this was the same size as the .one in RanchQ Mirage. Mr. TaylQr stated yes. 8. CQmmissiQner BarrQws asked the IQcatiQn .of the additiQnal landscaping by the electrical rQQm. Staff nQted the IQcatiQn .on the site plan. 9. 'There being nQ further questiQns .of staff, the applicant .or any .other public cQmment, Chairman Quill c1Qsed the public participatiQn PQrtiQn .of the hearing. 10. There being nQ further discussiQn, it was mQved and secQnded by CQmmissiQners AldersQn BarrQws/Daniels tQ adQPt Planning CQmmissiQn ResQlutiQn 2007-016 tQ .of Site DevelQpment Permit 2007-882, as recQmmended and mQdified: a. CQnditiQn 52: deleted 6 r::..\\MOnnrC\or "'"....,+......\')(V'7IA 1('\,.,,7...1....... ..--- --...... ----.....- - Planning Commission Minutes April 10, 2007 BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Village Use Permit 2005-030; a request .of Leyva & Wilde, Inc. fQr cQnsideratiQn .of pre-cQnstructiQn landscaping and streetscape prQgram fQr a 20-unit, tWQ and .one half stQry residential cQndQminium building in the Village at La Quinta IQcated .on the SQuth side .of Calle TampicQ, bQunded by Avenida Villa and Avenida NavarrQ. 1 . Chairman Quill .opened the public hearing and asked fQr the staff repQrt. Principal Planner Wallace Nesbit presented the infQrmatiQn cQntained in the staff repQrt, a CQPy .of which is .on file in the CQmmunityDevelQpment Department. Staff nQted a public utility 'easement has been fQund alQng Avenida Villa and it is nQt knQwn whether .or nQt the tree treatment will be feasible. 2. Chairman Quill asked if there were any questiQns .of staff. CQmmissiQner AldersQn clarified that all three QptiQns have the same number .of trees and the same amQunt .of curvilinear wall treatment. Staff stated the wall is the same. but the tree QPtiQns are reduced .on OptiQn 1. CQmlTlissiQner AldersQn asked fQr clarificatiQn .on what the CQmmissiQn's review went intQ regarding the streetscape. Staff explained the area. 3. CQmmissiQner Daniels asked what areas WQuld be replaced with river rQck. Staff stated it was tQ be under and between the IQw- lying shrubs. CQmmunity DevelQpment DirectQr DQug Evans stated that staff WQuld nQt sUPPQrt use .of any material which eQuid be picked up and used asa prQjectile. 4. CQmmissiQner BarrQws asked hQW this eQuid interfere with peQple walking .or with the bicycle travel. Staff stated that with street trees in the curb it WQuld reduce the ability tQ ride .on the sidewalk. CQmmissiQner BarrQws asked hQW children are expected tQ ride bicycles and shQuld the CQmmissiQn ensure there is the ability tQ have a safe place fQr children tQ ride. 5. Chairman Quill stated the sidewalks are nQt designed tQ have bicyclists riding .on them. 6. ' CQmmissiQner BarrQws asked if the tree is a multi-branch tree. Staff stated it is hQpeful that the tree wells are designed tQ nQt cause a prQblem. In regard tQ it being multi-trunk, the landscape architect can answer that questiQn. r-.\\Monr.f"CIDf"' ~~;..,.+,,,,.\")nn"7\1I 1(\ (\7 ,.In.. 7 _.____ __11_... __u...... _ Planning Commission Minutes April 10, 2007 7. There being nQ further questiQns .of staff Chairman Quill asked if the applicant WQuld like tQ address the CQmmissiQn. Mr. Richard Leyva stated they were available tQ answer any questiQns. 8. Chairman Quill asked if there were any questiQns .of the applicant. 'CQmmissiQner AldersQn asked if it is a canQPy .or multi-trunk tree. Mr. Leyva stated the tree type was recQmmended by staff. They wanted mQre .of a willQW and linear. CQmmunity DevelQpment DirectQr DQug Evans stated the Tipuana was recQmmended in that it was apprQved at the La Quinta Museum and recQmmended by IQcallandscape architects as street trees.' Staff was cQncerned that the willQW was tQQ spindly and CQuncil wanted a tree that was strQng and WQuld have an impact. This can be wQrked .out between staff and the applicant. Mr. Leyva stated it dQes have a canQPY and is nQrmally a single trunk canQPy tree. 9. CQmmissiQner Daniels asked hQW high the tree gets in relatiQn tQ the building; will it reach the secQnd stQry. Mr. Leyva stated it eQuid in time. ' 10. Chairman Quill asked if the applicant was OK with OptiQn 3C and the resPQnsibility .of maintenance the street trees. The applicant , agreed with OptiQn 3C and maintaining .of the trees. Chairman Quill stated he WQuld nQt want tQ IQse the street tree design fQr a Public Utility Easement (PUE). Principal Engineer Ed Wimmer stated that in regard tQ public utility easerrients they dQ have their ,restrictiQns. Chairman Quill stated that if we defer tQ the utility they will nQt allQw the tree within 15 feet. It WQuld be impQrtant tQ the aesthetics .of "Old TQwn" tQ see that a sQlutiQn is reached. Staff stated they will dQ their best tQ see this happen, but it is nQt certain that a utility CQmpany will .observe the City's request. This easement was fQund late in the prQcess and the City has nQ feedback frQm them at this time. Mr. TimQthy Odebunmi, Hacker Engineering, stated that in regard to the PUE .on the SQuth side . they currently have CVWD laterals cQmingfrQmAvenida NavarrQ alQng the SQuth side .of the prQperty going 100 feet intQ the landscape area. On the nQrth side they have a 20 fQQt landscape and PUE cQming thrQugh an access cQrridQr between the tWQ buildings alQng TampicQ. They will be speaking with the utility cQmpanies regarding the easements. These utilities are currently being designed and are nQt yet installed. There are utilities in the five fQQt easement. Mr. Leyva stated tne utilities are currently mQre in cQnflict with the hardscape than the landscape. 8 r.:.\\I\/onf"\f'c::\or r.1I;.............'.,nn7\A 1(\ n7 ,.,l"... -.-- -'..----- -.-.... _.....0....... 11II Planning Commission Minutes April 10,2007 11 . There being nQ further questiQns .of staff, the applicant .or any .other public cQmment, Chairman Quill clQsed the public participatiQn PQrtiQn. 12. There being nQ further discussiQn, it was mQved and secQnded by CQmmissiQners BarrQws/AldersQn tQ adQPt Minute MQtiQn 2007- 007apprQving Village Use Permit 2005-030, recQmmending OptiQn 3C as recQmmended and mQdified:' . a. CQnditiQn 4: The applicant shall use an alternative material tQ the river rQck and mulch. b: CQnditiQn added: The applicant shall wQrk with staff tQ allQw flexibility in the selectiQn .of the tree species. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: NQne. COMMISSIONER ITEMS: A. Chairman Quill gave a review .of the City CQuncil meeting .of April 3, 2007. B. CQmmissiQner Daniels asked that the subject .of water use standards be added tQ the next JQintMeeting with the City CQuncil tQ get aCQnsensus regardirig the City's directiQn. AlsQ, he WQuld like tQ request staff IQQk at the Green Build ideas. Staff stated a PQlicy has been added regarding energy and cQnservatiQn uses and staff has implemented SQme .of these ideas in .one .of the City's RDA prQjects. . Research is being dQne and mQney allQcated fQr cQnference wQrk tQ educate staff .on this new area. DiscussiQnfQIIQwed regarding energy cQnservatiQn ideas. ADJOURNMENT: There being nQ further it was mQved and secQnded by CQmmissiQners BarrQws/Daniels tQ adjQurn this regular meeting .of the Planning CQmmissiQn tQ a regular meeting tQ be held .on April 24, 2007. This regular meeting was adjQurned at 9:28 p.m. .on April 1 0, 2007. ' Respectfully submitted, Betty Sawyer, Executive Secretary City .of La Quinta, CalifQrnia r.,.\\^,Cnf"lrCICf'" ~A;...,.+.....\')nn"7'A in ('\'7 .......... 9 _........11.__.. .____..... __ PH#A STAFF REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: APRIL 24, 2007 CASE NO: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2006-562, GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2006-107, ZONE CHANGE 2006-127, SPECIFIC PLAN 83-002, AMENDMENT #6, TENTATIVE TRACT 32266, . SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2006-852, DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT 2006-011 REQUEST: STAFF REQUESTS CONTINUANCE OF THE ABOVE-LISTED . APPLICATIONS LOCATION: . LOCATED WITHIN THE PGA WEST DEVELOPMENT, BOUNDED ON THE NORTH AND EAST BY THE PGA WEST STADIUM COURSE AND CLUBHOUSE, AND ON THE SOUTH AND WEST BY PGA BOULEVARD (ATTACHMENT 1) APPLICANT! PROPERTY OWNER: PACIFIC SANTA FE CORPORATION / CROWNE POINTE PARTNERS, LLC. BACKGROUND Staff is requesting a continuance of the Eden Rock project to the Planning Commission meeting of May 8, 2007. The continuance is necessary due to procedural issues relevant to the environmental review that will require new traffic data to be generated, as well as some exhibit revisions that have not been completed as originally planned. At the time of this report, it is the staff intention to re-notice the Planning Commission hearing for May 8, and retain the currently scheduled City Council date of May 15. RECOMMENDATION Move to continue consideration of Environmental Assessment 2006-562, and its associated applications, to the regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting of May 8, 2007. Prepared by: ~H,jV~ Wallace Nesbit, Principal Planner . PH#B PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DATE: APRIL 24, 2007 CASE NUMBER: SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2006-872 APPLICANT & PROPERTY OWNER: TRANS WEST HOUSING, INC. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: HSA DESIGN GROUP REQUEST: CONSIDERATION OF ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPING PLANS FOR A PROPOSED 21,204 SF CLUBHOUSE, ENTRY GATE, AND RECREATIONAL PARCEL LOCATION: WITHIN PROPOSED TENTATIVE TRACT MAPS 32879 AND 34642, SOUTH OF AVENUE 54, EAST OF MADISON STREET, WEST OF MONROE STREET, AND NORTH OF THE GREG NORMAN COURSE (ATTACHMENT 1) ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATION: . THE LA GUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT HAS DETERMINED THAT THIS PROJECT HAS BEEN PREVIOUSLY ASSESSED IN CONJUNCTION WITH ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2004-526 AND 2006-577, WHICH WERE RESPECTIVELY CERTIFIED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON JANUARY 4, 2005 AND APRIL 17, 2007. AND THEREFORE, NO FURTHER ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW IS NEEDED. BACKGROUND: The Griffin Ranch project was originally approved by the City Council on January 4, 2004, as part of multiple approvals. The project will be developed with 393 single- family lots over approximately 250 acres, with on-site equestrian facilities and . access to the City multi-purpose trail system. The Madison Street gatehouse and perimeter landscaping plans were previously approved by the Planning Commission on January 24, 2006. Prototypical residential units were approved by the Planning Commission on March 14, 2006 and September 12, 2006. An amended Specific Plan and Tentative Tract Map 34642, providing the addition of 90 lots, were P:\Reports - PC\200714-24-07\SOP 06-872 Griffin RanchlPC RPT SOP 06-872 GRIFFIN RANCH.rtf approved by the City Council on April 1 7, 2007. This proposal consists of the final items necessary for approval by the Planning Commission regarding Griffin Ranch. PROJECT PROPOSALS: Clubhouse The applicants are proposing to construct a 21,204 square foot (SF) clubhouse with 2,363 SF open roof terrace and a separate 835 SF mail center (Attachment 2). The facility will be located to the immediate southeast of the main Madison Street entry. The clubhouse facility is proposed to include four tennis courts, pool, spa, dining facilities, entertainment facilities, a rose garden, multi-use trails, and a fenced horse pasture which will also serve as stormwater retention. The applicants have submitted landscaping plans which utilize a similar plant palate and layout consistent with other portions of Griffin Ranch. While the perimeter of the project site will consist of "Desert Gold" decomposed granite groundcover, turf is identified as the primary ground cover . Phoenix Mesquite trees will provide the primary foliage and shade, complimented by Citrus trees, Acacias, fruitless Olives, Palo Verde, and Palm Trees in the entry medians. A rose garden with a fountain will serve as the focal point of the project at the rear of the clubhouse. The clubhouse architecture will. reflect the Andalusia-style cited in the approved . Specific Plan, consisting of the distinctive arches, wood posts, lintels, rafters, and decorative tiles. The applicants have submitted a materials board including a desert and earth tone color palate, samples of distressed brick used as highlights along the tops of walls and chimneys, a sample of the decorative precast concrete, and a sample of the decorative clay tile accent used as non-roofing wall accents and concrete roof tile. Clubhouse siding will consist of hand-trowelled smooth stucco. Wrought iron railings and highlights will be painted a black-metallic color. Doors, windows, and wood gates will consist of natural wood with a stain and varnish, a sample of which is provided on the materials board. Proposed trellises, fascia, and lintels will also include natural wood with a similar stain. The tallest point on the building will involve a spire reaching about 37 feet in height, located atop the entry foyer tower and terrace. The highest point of the proposed tile roofing on the foyer tower will be approximately 34 feet in height. The proposed roofing will consist of six different colors of concrete S-tile roofing with random boosting. The proposed mail center architecture is reflective of the clubhouse style and will utilize many of the same architectural features. The mail center will essentially be an open-air building with residents' mailboxes. At its closest point, the clubhouse will be located approximately 600 feet from both the Madison Street right-of-way and the southern property line, the location of the Norman Course of PGA West. P:IReports - PC\200714-24-07\SOP 06-872 Griffin RanchlPC RPT SOP 06-872 GRIFFIN RANCH.rtf .-'""'"".-. --.-........- -, The applicants have identified a total of 80 parking spaces and 15 golf-cart spaces. On-street overflow parking for special events will encircle the clubhouse along Secretariat Drive, as identified in the approved Specific Plan. The pasture area will . be utilized by those arriving on horseback. Although the Parking Ordinance does not specifically reference clubhouse parking standards, parking provisions will be similar to other clubhouse facilities. Firenze Gate Three of the four perimeter gates accessing Griffin Ranch have been previously reviewed by the Planning Commission. Firenze Gate will be unmanned, providing access to Monroe Street, and will be designed similar in style as the previously approved unmanned gates accessing Avenue 54 (Attachment 3). Entry gates will consist of a metal frame with mounted heavy wood panels. The metal will be painted to have the appearance of wrought iron. The gate will include a pedestrian access point.. Street surfacing will consist of decorative brick pavers. Wall designs and light fixtures will be identical to those used on other gates. A stucco wall with earth-tone beige paint and equally-spaced pilasters with an identical inlaid tile design will be used, identical to the remainder of the project. Although the exhibits indicate both a sidewalk and a multi-purpose trail along Monroe Street, only the trail will be installed. Landscaping around entry gates, including Firenze Gate, will utilize a "meadow" turf design, surrounded by a low cobblestone wall with desertscape plantings in decomposed gravel. Although the existing gates currently have new sod planted, in some instances out of view, the intention is to permit the turf to overgrow into a random, unkempt meadow-like appearance with rye grass and tall fescue grass. These grasses will be planted later during reseeding. The applicants intend to lower some portions of the existing cobblestone wall by another course because this meadow area is less visible from passing traffic. Over time the meadow grasses should appear over the top of the stone walls. Lot "B" Lot "B" refers to the landscaped open space at the center of Tentative Tract 34642 (Attachment 4). The parcel has a dual use for storm water retention and passive recreational use, incorporating a series of small ponds with waterfalls at the center of a basin. The specific size of the proposed water feature can vary with the amount of water being retained. The purpose of having more turf around the water's edge is for. erosion control due to the varying water level. Turf would maintain its appearance better than a decomposed gravel shoreline. Landscaping will consist of turf around the water's edge with desertscape landscaping around the perimeter. . The plant palate will be identical to that used elsewhere on the project. A walking. path will encircle the water feature. Lot "B" will extend towards Firenze Gate to provide visibility from the entry. P:IReports - PC\200714-24-07\SOP 06-872 Griffin RanchlPC RPT SOP 06-872 GRIFFIN RANCH.rtf ------.-.... ___u...._ _ ANALYSIS Clubhouse The approved Griffin Ranch Specific Plan SP 04-074 identifies the use of clay tile for all structures. Staff has previously recommended to the Architectural and Landscape Review Committee (ALRC) that the applicants use clay tile for both the residential units and the gatehouse. In Site Development Permit 2006-853 for the residential units, the applicant requested the flexibility of utilizing either clay tile or concrete tile roofing, to which the ALRC recommended and the Planning Commission approved. The applicants have since opted to exclusively utilize concrete S-tile. There is a water-efficiency concern with the pasture area being completely covered with turf, however because this area is intended for corralling horses and stormwater retention, desert landscaping may pose aesthetic, erosion, and maintenance difficulties. Decorative turf utilized around the tennis courts is recommended for removal and replacement with more water-efficient, desert landscaping. Overall, the clubhouse architecture is consistent with the' both the Andalusian architectural style and the applicable development standards contained in the Specific Plan as approved for Griffin Ranch. With the exception of staff's caution regarding the proposed concrete tile roofing material and a recommendation to reduce the use of turf where possible, staff has no issues with the overall architectural style and design of the proposed buildings or the proposed landscaping. Firenze Gate and Lot "B" Entry from the Firenze Gate will open up onto open space Lot "B." The design of Firenze Gate will be nearly identical to the existing unmanned gates along Avenue 54. Both Lot "B" and Firenze Gate will utilize decorative turf and the same plant palate and landscaping design theme as the remainder of the project. The existing master plant palate is from the approved Amended Specific Plan and has previously been revised to exclude plants deemed hazardous to horses. Both Lot "B" and Firenze Gate are designed consistent with the existing portions of the project. During the March 27th, 2007 Planning Commission hearing for the Amended Specific Plan and Tentative Tract Map 34642, Commissioner Barrows suggested reducing the amount of turf and that the applicant consider a reduction to the size of the water feature. The. applicant noted during that meeting that one of the purposes for the ba'sin was to hold Bureau of Reclamation agricultural irrigation water, used for flood irrigation of the adjacent Saddle Club. Because the water level will vary, turf would retain a cleaner appearance than desert ground cover at P:IReports - PCI200714-24-07IS0P 06-872 Griffin RanchlPC RPT SOP 06-872 GRIFFIN RANCH.rtf --------..-..... ---.........- ,,- the water's edge. Staff recommends reducing the water feature's size and the amount of turf where feasible. -ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPE REVIEW COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION The ALRC reviewed two portions of this application on _ different dates. The clubhouse was reviewed on October 18, 2006. Firenze Gate and recreational "Lot B" in Tract 34642 were reviewed on April 4, 2007. During the October 18th review of the Clubhouse, the ALRC recommended the applicants reduce their use of turf where possible, provide a crosswalk between the pasture access trail and the main pedestrian entry at Madison Street, to require shrubs to be a minimum of a five gallon size, and have the final landscaping plans returned to them -for review. During the meeting, ,staff reiterated their recommendation of clay tile over concrete tile. Upon reviewing the materials board and hearing the presentation by the applicant, the ALRC supported the applicant's proposed use of a randomly boosted concrete tile. During the April 4th review of Firenze Gate and recreational "Lot B," the ALRC again recommended a reduction in the use of turf, that the applicants consider reducing the size of the water feature, and to have the plans returned to them for final approval. PUBLIC COMMENTS This project was advertised in the Desert Sun newspaper on March 17, 2007 and posted on City Public Hearing information boards. All property owners within 500 feet of the site were mailed a copy of the public hearing notice. At the time of the filing of this report, staff has not received any letters or phone calls from the public regarding these proposals. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution 2007-_, approving Site Development Permit 2006-876, subject to the recommended findings and attached conditions. Prepared by: - ~.." Principal Planner P:IReports - PCI200714-24-07IS0P 06-872 Griffin RanchlPC RPT SOP 06-872 GRIFFIN RANCH.rtf ---. ----....--- ... DATE: CASE NO.: APPLICANT: REQUEST: . LOCATION: PROPERTY OWNER: GENERAL PLANI ZONING DESIGNATIONS: SURROUNDING LAND USES: BACKGROUND: PH#C PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT APRIL 24, 2007 . ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2006-578 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2006-109 ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT 2006-086 CITY OF LA QUINTA CONSIDERATION OF A NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND ZONE TEXT AMENDMENT TO ESTABLISH POLICIES AND STANDARDS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF TENTATIVE TRACT MAPS ON PARCELS OF TEN ACRES OR LESS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN PORTION OF THE CITY SOUTHEAST PORTION OF THE CITY, SOUTH OF AVENUE 52 NOT APPLICABLE VARIES; LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL AND VERY LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL GENERALLY, THIS AREA OF THE CITY IS DEVELOPED IN SINGLE- . FAMILY TRACTS AND COUNTRY CLUB DEVELOPMENTS OF VARYING SIZES Staff is requesting a continuance of this matter to the Planning Commission meeting of May 8, 2007. The continuance is necessary in order to allow .staff additional time to review the draft ordinance. Staff expects to complete review of the ordinance in time to properly notice and report for the May 8; 2007 Planning Commission meeting. RECOMMENDATION Move to continue consideration of Environmental Assessment 2006-578, and its associated applications, to the regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting"oL - May 8, 2007. __0_..... ....__........_ ....