2007 07 10 PC cew,of4~ Planning Commission Agendas are now available on the City's Web Page @ www.la-quinta.org PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA A Regular Meeting to be Held at the La Guinta City Hall Council Chamber 78-495 Calle Tampico La Guinta, California JULY 10, 2007 7:00 P.M. li-j\;-., **NOTE** ALL ITEMS NOT CONSIDERED BY 11 :00 P.M. WILL BE CONTINUED . TO THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING Beginning Resolution 2007-028 Beginning Minute Motion 2007-010 I. CALL TO ORDER A. Flag Salute B. Pledge of Allegiance C. Roll Call D. Election of Chair and Vice Chair II. PUBLIC COMMENT . . This is the time set aside for public comment on any matter not scheduled for public hearing. Please complete a "Request to Speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 27, 2007. G;\WPDOCS\PC Minutes\1 AgendaW.doc .. V. PUBLIC HEARING: For all Public Hearings on the Agenda, a completed "Request to Speak" form must be filed with the Executive Secretary prior to the start of the Planning Commission consideration of that. item. The Chairman will invite individuals who have requested the opportunity to speak, to come forward at the appropriate time. Any person may submit written comments to the Planning .Commission before a public hearing, may appear and be heard in support of, or in opposition to, the approval of the project(s) at the time of the hearing. If you challenge any project(s) in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the City at, or prior to the public hearing. A. Item................. Applicant... ... .:. Location........... Request ........:.. Action............ .. B. Item................ Applicant......... Location......... .. Request ........... Action.............. VI. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. . Item.............:.. Applicant...... ... Location........... Request ........... Action...... ........ ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2007-584, SPECIFIC PLAN 2007-082, AND SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2007-885 La Guinta Country Club North of Avenue 50 and east of Eisenhower Drive, within. the La Guinta Country Club Consideration of architectural and landscaping plans for construction of a new clubhouse, cart barn, and maintenance building; the relocation of lighted tennis courts and parking lot; and the redesign of the driving range for the La Guinta County Club. Resolution 2007- Resolution 2007- Resolution -' -' 2007- SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2007-891 Stamko Development Co. South of Auto Centre Drive, east of Adams Street, and west of La Guinta Drive Consideration of development plans for a 105,300 square foot commercial retail building (JC Penney's), landscaping, and parking lot within the Centre at La Guitna. Resolution 2007- SIGN APPLICATION 2007-1150 Stamko Development Co. South of Auto Centre Drive, east of Adams Street, and west of La Guinta Centre Drive Consideration of a sign program for permanent business identification signage for JC Penney: Minute Motion 2007- P:\Reports - PC\2007\7-10-07\Agenda.doc ..-- -_......._-~. ._.n~.__U"'___., Request ........... SIGN APPLICATION 2007-1135 Coast Signs, Inc., Pacific Western Bank 78-080 Calle Estado, approximately 280 feet from Desert Club Drive Consideration of a sign program to serve the Pacific Western Bank building on Calle Estado. Minute Motion 2007- B. Item................ Applicant... ...... Location........... Action.............. VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: None VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS: A. Review of City Council meeting of July 3, 2007 IX. . ADJOURNMENT: This meeting of the Planning Commission will be adjourned to a Regular" Meeting to be held on July 24, 2007, at 7:00 p.m. DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Betty J. Sawyer, Executive Secretary of the City of La Guinta, do hereby declare that the foregoing Agenda for the La Guinta Planning Commission meeting of Tuesday, July 10, 2007, was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber, 78-495 Calle Tampico and the bulletin board at the La Guinta Cove Post Office, on Friday, July 6, 2007. DA TED: Public Notices The La Guinta City Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please call the City Clerk's office at 777-7123, twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made. . If special electronic equipment is needed to make presentations to the Planning Commission, arrangements should be made in advance by contacting the City Clerk's office at 777-7123. A one (1) week notice is required. G:\WPDOCS\PC Minutes\1 AgendaW.doc -..y.--....-..-.--....""'.. June 26, 2007 MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO,ORDER A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:02 p.m. by Chairman Paul Quill who asked Planning Director Les Johnson to lead the flag salute. B. Present: Commissioners Ed Alderson, Rick Daniels, and Chairman Paul Quill. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Alderson/Daniels to excuse Commissioners Barrows and Engle. C. Staff present: Assistant City Manager Doug Evans, Assistant City Attorney Michael Houston, Planning Director Les Johnson, Principal Engineer Ed Wimmer, Principal Planner Stan Sawa, Assistant Planner Jay Wuu, and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer. II. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: A. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Alderson to take Public Hearing Item #B before #A. Unanimously approved. IV. CONSENT ITEMS: Chairman Quill asked if there were any changes to the Minutes of June 12, 2007. There being no changes, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Alderson/Daniels to approve the minutes as submitted. Unanimously approved. A. I i I I I B. I I I V. I PUBLIC HEARINGS: I I I o FILE,,!AME Ip G:IWPOOCSIPC MinutesI200716-12-07.docD , , Commissioner Alderson asked staff if a meeting had been held with the residents of the Watercolors project in regard' to the Dune Palms Neighborhood project. Assistant City Manager Doug Evans explained staff, Coachella Valley Housing Coalition and team, along with the developer of the Watercolors project had met and it was a very productive meeting. Planning Commission Minutes June 26, 2007 A. Site Development Permit 2007-1129; a request of James and Shari Paul for consideration of a request for a sign program to serve J&S Paul Professional Plaza for the property located on the north side of the intersection of Corporate Centre Drive and Commerce Court. 1 . . Chairman Quill opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report. Assistant Planner Eric Ceja presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. . 2. Chairman Quill asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner Alderson asked if the sign was set back 1 7 feet or ten feet as noted on the plans. Staff clarified it will be setback 17 feet. Commissioner Alderson asked about the height of the sign. Staff explained it would be five feet above the finish grade. 3. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Quill asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr. J. Paul, . the applicant, gave a presentation on his request and requested he be allowed to have the six tenant names on the monument sign. 4. Commissioner Alderson asked if the additional signs would still be within the City's requirements. Staff stated yes. 5. Chairman Quill asked for clarification on why staff was opposed to the applicant's request. Staff stated the City does not limit the number of tenants on a monument sign, but staff was looking for consistency to what is existing and there are no monument signs with six tenants. 6. Chairman Quill asked if there were any questions of the public. There being no further questions and no other public comment, the public hearing was closed and open for Commission discussion. Commissioner Barrows commended the applicant on the project. 7. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Alderson/Daniels to adopt Minute Motion 2007-009 approving Sign Application 2007- 11 29 as recommended by staff and amended a. Condition 6: The monument sign shall be allowed a maximum of six tenant signs. Unanimously approved. G:\WPDOCS\PC Minutes\2007\6-26-07.doc 2 Planning Commission Minutes June 26, 2007 B. Site Development Permit 2007-886; a request of LDD SilverRock, LLC, for consideration of architectural and landscaping plans for a :!: 13.79 acre Boutique Hotel site (200 units and 259 keys) consisting of a :!: 25,000 square foot parking structure, and 29 buildings containing meeting facilities, restaurant, and resort spa for the property located. 1 . Chairman Quill opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report. Principal Planner Andrew Mogensen presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Chairman Quill asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner Daniels asked where the hole is located off the green. Staff identified the location on the site plan. 3. Chairman Quill asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr. Troy Worgull, Oz Architects, gave a presentation on the project. Mr. Ted Lennon, Lowe Destinations -and Resorts, gave a further presentation on the project. 4. Commissioner Daniels commented the applicant on the project and stated he had no issues. 5. Commissioner Alderson asked where you would check in at the Main House. Mr. Worgull explained the layout of the building. Commissioner Alderson stated his concern that the eight foot reception area did not appear to be adequate to handle a large crowd. Mr. Worgull explained there were three separate areas where check-in could occur. Commissioner Alderson asked about the use of natural wood and whether any of the wood timbers would be used in the construction of the building. Mr. Worgull stated they would be used for some structural support and those exposed to the sun would have a metal covering. Almost all the wood will be protected from the sun by overhangs or a metal covering. 6. Commissioner Alderson asked if the golf course would be open at all times during construction. Mr. Lennon stated it is their goal to keep the golf course open at all times. It is anticipated it will take 1 6 months to build the project. 7. Chairman Quill asked if the lap pool was at least 25 yards longs and whether there will be stairs and targets at the end of the G:\WPDOCS\PC Minutes\2007\6-26-07.doc 3 Planning Commission Minutes June 26, 2007 pool. Mr. Lennon stated it is anticipated to be 25 meters. Chairman Quill stated that artificial turf does tend to get hotter than concrete. 8. Planning Director Les Johnson informed. the Commission that there were some issues that had not been resolved by the Fire Department in regard to Condition #78 and staff is recommending the condition be amended to include, ".. .or as approved by the Fire Department." 9. There being no further questions of the applicant and no other public comment, the public hearing was closed and open for Commission discussion. 1 O. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Alderson to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2007-027 . recommending approval of Site Development Permit 2007-886 as recommended and amended: a. Condition #78: ".. .or as approved by the Fire Department." ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Alderson, Daniels, and Chairman Quill. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. ABSENT: None. BUSINESS ITEMS: None. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: None. COMMISSIONER ITEMS: A. Commissioner Alderson gave a review of the City Council meeting of June 19, 2007, and congratulated Chairman Quill and Commissioner Daniels on their reappointment. B. Chairman Quill asked if staff was preparing to bring back a text amendment for the multipurpose trail along the west side of Madison Street. Staff informed the Commission it was being drafted for Commission review. C. Commissioner Daniels asked if staff would bring back the water standards for consideration. Staff stated it was proposed to be brought back to the Commission before they go dark. ' Discussion followed regarding the Commissioners concerns. G:IWPDOCSIPC Minutes\200716-26-07.doc 4 Planning Commission Minutes June 26, 2007 ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Alderson to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning. Commission to a regular meeting to be held on July 10, 2007. This regular meeting was adjourned at 8:12 p.m. on June 26,2007. Respectfully submitted, Betty Sawyer, Executive Secretary City of La Quinta, California G:IWPDOCSIPC MinutesI200716-26-07.doc 5 DATE: CASE NUMBER: APPLICANT: ARCHITECT: LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: ENGINEER: REQUEST: LOCATION: ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATION: GENERAL PLAN: ZONING: p\-\#A PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT JULY 10, 2007 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2007-584 SPECIFIC PLAN 2007-082 SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2007-885 LA QUINTA COUNTRY CLUB LEE & SAKAHARA ARCHITECTS RGA LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, INC. MDS CONSULTING, INC. CONSIDERATION OF ARCHITECTURAL AND LANDSCAPING PLANS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW CLUBHOUSE, CART BARN, AND MAINTENANCE BUILDING; THE RELOCATION . OF LIGHTED TENNIS COURTS AND PARKING LOT, AND THE REDESIGN OF THE DRIVING RANGE FOR THE LA QUINTA COUNTRY CLUB . THE LA QUINT A COUNTRY CLUB; NORTH OF AVENUE 50 AND EAST OF EISENHOWER DRIVE I I I THE LA QUINTA PLANNING DEPARTMENT HAS PREPARED , ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2007-584 FOR SPECIFIC , PLAN 2007-082 AND SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2007- , 885 IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF lilHE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT OF 1970, AS AMENDED. THE PLANNING DIRECTOR HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROJECT WILL NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT .6IND , THEREFORE RECOMMENDS A MITIGATED NEGATIVE , DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT BE CERTIFIED. LOR (LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL) RL (LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL) I Page 1 ~f 10 -~._-_.__.___'.,._.'_. ........' SURROUNDING LAND USES: NORTH: SOUTH: EAST: WEST: GOLF COURSE; LA QUINTA COUNTRY CLUB AVENUE 50; HACIENDAS AT LA QUINTA LA QUINTA COUNTRY CLUB . EISENHOWER DRIVE; LA QUINTA RESORT AND SANTA ROSA COVE BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW The La Quinta Country Club, bounded by Eisenhower Drive on the north and west, Washington Street on the east, and Avenue 50 on the south, was established in 1959 as a private golf club (Attachment 1, Sheet 5). The original clubhouse, located on an approximately 20-acre site at the northeast corner of Eisenhower Drive and Avenue 50, suffered significant foundation and structural damage during a 2005 earthquake. The City of La Quinta subsequently condemned the building, and declared it unsafe. The clubhouse has since been demolished and replaced by a temporary facility. PROJECT PROPOSAL The applicant is requesting consideration of the structure, design, and associated landscaping plans for the new permanent clubhouse, cart barn, and maintenance building. The request also includes relocating the existing lighted tennis court and parking lot facilities, as well as a redesign of the driving range. The new clubhouse is proposed to be located at the same location of the previous clubhouse, which will be approximately 225 feet from' the nearest residential property line to the north and 1 35 feet from the Eisenhower Drive clubhouse property line to the west. Residential developments are also located adjacent! to and immediately east of the driving range (La Quinta Country Club), across Avehue 50 to the south (Haciendas at La Quinta), and across Eisenhower Drive to the vJest (La Quinta Resort, Santa Rosa Cove). Access to the clubhouse will remain the same, off of Avenue 50 to the south, with , a main entry drive leading from the main gates to the clubhouse courtyard. The new cart barn is proposed to remain in generally the same location just northlof the clubhouse, which will be approximately 47 .feet south the nearest residential I property line. 'The new maintenance building will be located on the southwest corner of the project site, abutting Avenue 50 and Eisenhower' Drive. The red~signed driving range will remain at its current location, east of the main entry drive, bnd the tennis courts are proposed to be relocated east of the entry drive, at the far! end of the driving range near the main entrance. . The existing concrete masonry walls located along the northern, eastern, and western perimeters of the clubhouse site, which vary in height from 6-feet to 8'-4" in height, are proposed to remain as is. The southern perimeter wall that abuts the driving range along Avenue 50 is proposed to be replaced with a new masonry wall Page 2 of 10 ..__. .........__..__D" ..._.lIIIi......._I___....1l consistent with the 'existing wall that will be located on top of an earthen berm. Perimeter landscaping conditions will, for the most part, remain as is, except for new landscaping proposed along Avenue 50 in association with the new berm and wall proposed along Eisenhower Drive. The existing palm trees along Avenue 50 near the edge of the driving range are proposed to be removed in order to make way . for the new berm and wall. Construction of the: clubhouse site is proposed in two phases. Phase One will include a significant amqunt of the proposed development, which is construction of the clubhouse (less the ballroom interior), cart barn, maintenance building, parking lot, tennis courts, as well as the redesign of the driving range. Phase Two consists of completion of the clubhouse ballroom interior. The applicant has submitted a Specific Plan with this Site Development Permit, in order to allow modifications to the development standards (Attachment 1, Sheet 10). Clubhouse: The new La Quinta Country Club clubhouse is proposed to be a multi-story, all inclusive facility (Attachment 1, Sheet A-1). The Santa Barbara architectural style of the clubhouse building, cart barn, and maintenance building, includes use of clay mission tile roofing, off-white hand-troweled plaster finish, cantera stone, vinyl-clad wood doors and windows, and strategically-placed terraces, trellises, and covered patios. In addition,' elaborate iron grille-work, decorative wall sconces, enhanced exterior cornice/moulding, quadrafoils, balustrades/railings, and other design elements provide architectural articulation to the various building fa9ades (Attachment 1, Sheet A-7 - A-8). The proposed clubhouse features a main entry drive leading from Avenue 50 to a vehicular courtyard and porte cochere (Attachment 1, Sheet A-3). An entrance loggia leads from the courtyard to the lobby of the approximately 15,500 square- foot clubhouse Main Level (Attachment 1, Sheet A-4). A lounge and 112-seat restaurant will be located near the lobby area and is the principle use on the Main Level. Also located on the Main Level are administrative offices, a boardroom, and a 40-seat private dining room. An elevator located in the lobby and numerous stairwells lead downstairs to the Golf Level. The Golf Level, at approximately 22,500 square feet, houses the men's and women's locker . rooms and auxiliary facilities, including steam, massage, manicure/pedicure, and card rooms (Attachment 1, Sheet A-5). Also located on the Golf Level are the fitness center and training studio, snack bar, employee lounge area, maintenance/mechanical rooms, and access to the clubhouse service yard. The Pro Shop/Starter is located near the rear of the building, and leads directly outside to the golf cart staging area. Page 3 of 10 -------... ,.-...".....,____.11I11. The applicant originally proposed to add the ballroom at a later date (Phase Two) to what would be an already existing clubhouse (Attachment' 1, Sheet A-17). The applicant has revised the phasing to include the ballroom exterior with Phase One, adding architectural modifications and leaving the installation of doors and windows for Phase Two. The additional architectural modifications include a larger ballroom patio area that results in a greater plane break and raised roof,additional windows, and added grille-work and arches (Attachment 2). The ballroom is proposed to be' placed on the west end of the Main Level, replacing what was previously identified as the open courtyard (Attachment 1, Sheet A-18). The facilities would include an approximately 2,900 square-foot ballroom/banquet hall, a pre-function lobby with service bar, and an entry porch. With all phases complete, the total area of the proposed clubhouse is approximately 43,000 square feet. The original clubhouse, which was single level and also included the cart barn, was approximately 60,000 square feet. The uses within the proposed clubhouse are similar to the original clubhouse, and the intensity of uses has essentially remained the same. As proposed, the clubhouse is situated on multiple grades as the entry drive and much of the parking lot will be graded to lead up to the main level. The building height, not including the uninhabitable tower feature, ranges from approximately 19 feet to 43 feet. The tower is approximately 52 feet in height. The height of the Phase Two ballroom is approximately 43 feet at its highest ridgeline (Attachment 1, Sheet A-21 - A-22). Cart Barn & Maintenance Building: / The proposed golf cart barn is located near the rear (north) of the clubhouse, adjacent to the cart staging area. The architectural style of the cart barn will be consistent with the clubhouse, and will utilize the same materials and colors. The interior of the cart barn, at approximately 6,500 square. feet, includes parking spaces for 99 golf carts, a repair area, bag storage room, office space, and a cart wash. At its highest roof ridgeline, the proposed cart barn is approximately 17 feet in height (Attachment 1, Sheet A-14 - A-16). The approximately 8,000 square-foot maintenance building is proposed to be located towards the southern end of the project area, near the Avenue 50 entrance. This facility, like the cart barn, has the same architectural style as the clubhouse, with the addition of numerous painted roll-up metal doors, small window openings, and wrought iron gates. The interior of the maintenance building includes a 4,200 square foot equipment storage area, lunch room, office and storage space, a repair shop area, and a covered open area for fertilizer storage. At its highest roof ridgeline, the maintenance building is approximately 22 feet in height (Attachment 1, Sheet A~13 - AC14). Page 4 of 10 --.---.. ._...,........_.._ -.HII, Parking Lot/Tennis Courts/Driving Range: The clubhouse parking lot is located south of the clubhouse (Attachment 1, Sheet ,A-17). A total of 214 parking spaces, including seven ADA parking spaces, are provided in the lighted lot. Numerous decorative parking lot lights, which vary in height from 18-feet to 22- Y, -feet above grade, are strategically-placed throughout the lot. Access to the clubhouse is through a staircase, as the main parking lot is at a lower grade than the clubhouse site, and a paved walking path. As was the practice with the previous clubhouse, most patrons are expected to valet park their vehicle in the entrance courtyard. Near the main entrance to the clubhouse site, approximately 38 feet from the southern property line, at the northeast corner of Avenue 50 and the entry drive, is the proposed site of the relocated tennis courts (Attachment 1, Sheet A-17). The two courts are proposed to be screened with 12-foot tall green vinyl-clad chain link fencing with netting and will include lighting for evening play. A total of twelve (six per court), 18-foot tall, individual lights are proposed, which is less than the existing, lighted tennis courts that have eight individual light sources per court. Also included with this proposal are plans to redesign the existing driving range and short game practice area. The applicant is proposing to borrow/relocate approximately 30,000 cubic yards of fill material from the existing driving range to form the proposed parking lot and interior vehicular ,routes, which will gradually lower the driving range from north to south, resulting in added yardage/length to the range. The lowered range area will also s,erve as a stormwater retention area. Additionally, at the far end of the driving range, running adjacent to Avenue 50, the applicant is proposing an earthen berm of up to six feet in height with a maximum six foot high masonry wall being placed on top (Attachment 3). The, berm is proposed to begin at the eastern property line along Avenue 50, continue the width of the driving range, gradually lowering in height as it nears the tennis courts and main entrance. Though taller than the current design, the wall will be set back further from Avenue 50 and the maximum slope proposed for the berm is 5: 1. Past instances of stray golf ball flight over the existing minimally-screened driving range perimeter has prompted the applicant to propose the perimeter berm and wall design. Landscaping: Landscaping throughout the clubhouse site is designed to complement the architecture of the clubhouse and various ancillary buildings. Around the clubhouse site are various palm trees and shrubs, with minimal use of turf, which has been limited to a lawn area in front of the clubhouse and the driving range. The use of numerous Date Palms and Mediterranean Fan Palms, as well as Italian Cypress, Pepper Trees, and Tipu Trees sufficiently reflect the Santa Barbara architectural style, while providing screening and accents around the clubhouse site, including the parking lot area, main entry drive, maintenance facility, and interior perimeter (Attachment 1, Sheet LA-1). The perimeter earthen berm, proposed adjacent to Page 5 of 10 __..n___'__"_" ......, Avenue 50 includes a lush landscape design that includes mature trees, shrubs, and groundcover (minimum 36-48" box trees; minimum 15 gallon shrubs; minimum five gallon groundcover) (Attachment 3). Walls, fences, and gates throughout the clubhouse site consist of different design elements. The existing perimeter wall along Eisenhower Drive will remain, while the wall along Avenue 50 is proposed to be replaced with a masonry wall, similar in design to the existing wall, to be located on top of the berm. The main entrance to the clubhouse site includes two sets of Santa Barbara-style wrought iron gates with compatible pilasters, and decorative pavers that line the entrance area (Attachment 4). Specific Plan: The applicant has applied for a Specific Plan, proposing to allow flexibility from the following developme'nt standards in the La Quinta Municipal Code (Attachment 1, Sheet 10): 8tilldl~g Setba6k/iutightS '" ,,' Pllfki~IlSp8C",Req,!i~ed .." - "from-Ilnll Corridors' "for B81lromnfiutlls ' 22 feet for Image Corridor, 28 feet otherwise 1 50 feet from Eisenhower Drive right-of-way 1 spacef35 square feet for clubs, lodge halls and union halls 43' -6" (52' architectural projection - tower) 135 feet from Eisenhower Drive right-of-way 1 spaceJ75 square feet of ballroom area ANALYSIS Clubhouse: Staff finds that the overall architectural style and design of the proposed La Quinta Country Club clubhouse site to be acceptable. The Santa Barbara architecture and layout of the clubhouse is well designed, compatible with the surrounding residential neighborhood, and is consistent with the development guidelines stated in the proposed Specific Plan. The selected supplemental design elements (sconces, grille- work, etc.) appropriately complement the architecture of the building, and provide sufficient architectural articulation. Initially, the height and design of the west-facing building elevation after completion of the Phase Two ballroom, coupled with the distance from Eisenhower Drive, presented a massing issue as the elevation was moderately out of scale with its surrounding area (Attachment 5). The applicant's redesign of the elevation, as described in the Project Description section above, alleviates much of staff's concern as it softens the visual impact of the building as seen from Eisenhower Drive (Attachment 6). The redesign of the elevation, coupled with the additional Page 6 of 10 -------.---.-----.""'., staff-recommended mature perimeter landscaping as described below, results in the building not being considerably out of scale with the surrounding neighborhood. Cart Barn & Maintenance Building: The proposed cart barn and maintenance building are appropriate and well-designed. The original cart barn was approximately 20 feet from the nearest residential property line. The proposed cart barn will be approximately 47 feet from the same residential property line, and approximately 80 feet from ,the Eisenhower Drive perimeter wall. The use will be located an additional distance from neighboring properties than the current condition, the building is single-story and relatively low in height, well-designed architecturally, and adequately screened from any residential property. The arrangement and orientation of the maintenance building, as well as the consistent use of the Santa Barbara architectural style, are acceptable. However, staff is recommending that additional landscaping, in the form of mature (minimum 36-48"box) trees and/or palms, be used on both the interior and exterior of the perimeter wall at the western end of the maintenance yard (near the wash down station). Existing landscaping at this particular location is minimal, and staff believes that additional landscaping is needed to sufficiently screen the maintenance building from the neighboring residential uses across Eisenhower Drive. Parking Lot/Tennis Courts/Driving Range: Staff finds the design of the La Quinta Country Club clubhouse parking lot to be acceptable. The parking lot is designed with a clear separation of vehicular and pedestrian circulation, and also provides sufficient screening from the neighboring residential units across Eisenhower Drive. The proposal provides for 214 parking spaces, which exceeds the 192 parking spaces required in the proposed Specific Plan, and also exceeds the approximately 180 parking spaces provided with the original clubhouse" Additionally, the use of strategically-placed parking lot lighting results in a safe and secure environment, However, the ,lighting is proposed at locations that were previously unlit that could result in a 'negative impact' upon neighboring residences. Staff recommends Planning Commission discuss the proposed parking 'lot lighting relative to intensity, possible alternative fixture locations, and other possible ways to minimize potential impact, including fixture type, number of fixtures, shielding, and pole heights. At a minimum;' staff 'is recommending that the proposed parking lot lights adjacent to Eisenhower Drive be fully shielded. The layout of the illuminated tennis court area is acceptable. The 12-foot high tennis fence and tennis court lighting is anticipated to have' minimal impact on the nearby residential units across Avenue 50 as it would be located approximately 150 feet from the nearest residential property line and will include mature landscaping that may alleviate any impact as described in the landscaping analysis below. Additionally, the number of light sources proposed (six per court) is less than what Page 7 of 10 -..-.-.--..----...- _._......__ _._UI~"II"'._.I" .lUIIIli exists at the current courts, and also complies with the Municipal Code provisions. Staff does recommend Planning Commission discuss the impact of tennis court lighting as it is proposed at a location that had been previously unlit. Staff finds no significant issues regarding the redesign of the driving range. Besides the lowering of the entire site, there is little change inthe actual layout of the range, resulting in minimal impacts. Similar to the area adjacent to the tennis courts, staff finds that the landscaping along the berm on the southern perimeter of the driving range to be sufficient, as the robust use of screen trees' and shrubs along Avenue 50 provides adequate visual screening as well as golf ball screening. Landscaping: In general, the proposed landscape palette presented is acceptable. The assorted species of plants, which are taken from the approved plant list in the proposed Specific Plan, provide diversity and add character to the proposed buildings. Canopy and accent trees are fully utilized in complementing the architecture and layout of the clubhouse site. Thorough use of shrubs and groundcover effectively screen the clubhouse service areas, parking areas, and other project aspects. As previously-stated, landscaping along the Avenue 50 earthen berm from the eastern property line to the main entry drive is lush, wide-ranging, and provides adequate screening for golf balls. Staff is recommending, however, that the applicant install mature trees, shrubs, and groundcover, as failure to do so may result in safety and visual concerns. Landscaping in the other areas of the clubhouse site is sufficient, except for the maintenance building area and along the western property line nearest to the west- facing c1ubhouseel.evation. The configuration of the maintenance building and clubhouse, in addition to the lack of mature landscaping and screening, could potentially result in a negative visual impact along Eisenhower Drive. Staff recommends that the applicant provide additional landscaping, in the form of mature trees and/or palms consistent with the existing tree palette, on the western end of the maintenance yard (near the wash down station) and near the west-facing clubhouse building elevation, in the landscaped area outside of the perimeter wall along Eisenhower Drive. ' ALRC ACTION On June 6, 2007, the Architecture and Landscape RevieVl{ Committee reviewed these architectural and common area landscaping plans, and unanimously recommended approval of the Site Development Permit, subject to the following staff-recommended Condition of Approval (Attachment 7): 1 . Final landscaping plans for the proposed development shall be reviewed by the ALRC and approved by the Planning Director prior to issuance of first building permit. Final plans shall include all landscaping associated with this project. Page 8 of 10 ..------. __.....'''__''. "_.H~_.J11I1"___11j 2. The west-facing building elevation of the clubhouse shall be redesigned so that it is not as significantly out of scale with the surrounding area,either by lowering the height of the building, modifying the roofline, adding articulation to the elevation, and/or moving the building farther to the east. 3. The applicant shall provide additional landscaping, in the form of mature trees and/or palms, on the western end of the maintenance yard (near the wash down station), in the landscaped area outside of the perimeter wall along Eisenhower Drive. The applicant shall also provide additional mature landscaping in the same area outside of the perimeter wall near the west- facing clubhouse building elevation. 4. The applicant install mature trees, shrubs, and groundcover on the earthern berm along the Avenue 50 perimeter, as failure to do so may result in safety and visual concerns. 5. The applicant shall install fully-shielded light fixtures for the lights proposed in the parking lot along Eisenhower Drive. 6. The lighted tennis courts are subject to Section 9.60.150 of th~ La Quinta Municipal Code. The courts shall not be lit after 10:00 p.m. The applicant shall also apply for a Minor Use Permit with the Planning Department for approval of the lighted tennis courts. PUBLIC NOTICE This project was advertised in The Desert Sun newspaper on June 30,2007, and mailed to all property owners within 500 feet of the site. To date, no comments have been received from adjacent property owners. Any written comments received will be handed out at the meeting. As per SB-1 8 (2004) consultation requirements; information regarding the proposed Specific Plan was forwarded to those Tribes referenced on the Tribal Consultation List provided by the Native American Heritage Commission. Staff has followed up with all Tribes, requesting information or consultation and placed their recommendations for monitoring in the Conditions of Approval. FINDINGS Findings to recommend approval of this request can be made and are contained in the attached Resolutions. Page 9 of 10 ..' RECOMMENDATION 1. Adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2007- ,recommending to the City Council approval of a Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impact for Environmental Assessment 2007-082, subject to the attached Findings and Conditions of Approval; and, 2. Adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2007-_, recommending to the City Council approval of Specific Plan 2007-082, subject to the attached Findings and Conditions of Approval; and, 3. Adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2007-_, ,recommending to the City Council approval of Site Development Permit 2007-885, subject to attached Findings and Conditions of Approval. Attachments: 1. La Quinta Country Club Specific Plan (booklet) 2. Revised west-facing building elevation details 3. Avenue 50 earthen berm details 4. Entry gate exhibit 5. Photo simulation renderings 6. Updated photo simulation renderings , 7. ALRC Minutes for June 6, 2007 Page 100f 10 ---.., PHIS STAFF REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: JULY 10, 2007 CASE NO. : SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2007-891 REQUEST: CONSIDERA TION OF DEVELOPMENT PLANS FOR A :!: 105,300 SQUARE FOOT COMMERCIAL RETAIL BUILDING (JC PENNEY'S), LANDSCAPING, AND PARKING LOT WITHIN THE CENTRE AT LA QUINT A LOCATION: SOUTH OF AUTO CENTRE DRIVE, EAST OF .ADAMS STREET, AND WEST OF LA QUINTA DRIVE APPLICANT: STAMKO DEVELOPMENT CO. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: HSA DESIGN GROUP ENGINEERS: ST ANTEC ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: THE CITY COUNCIL CERTIFIED ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 1997-337 AMENDMENT #1 ON NOVEMBER 17, 1998 AND AN ADDENDUM ON OCTOBER 18, 2005. NO CHANGED CIRCUMSTANCES OR CONDITIONS AND NO NEW INFORMATION IS PROPOSED WHICH WOULD TRIGGER THE PREPARATION OF A SUBSEQUENT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT PURSUANT TO PUBLIC RESOURCES CODE SECTION 21166. ZONING/GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: REGIONAL COMMERCIAL (CR) SURROUNDING ZONING/LAND USE: NORTH: AUTO CENTRE AT LA QUINT A, REGIONAL COMMERCIAL (CR) AVENTINE APARTMENTS, HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (RH) SUPER WAL-MART, REGIONAL COMMERCIAL (CR) LAKE LA QUINTA, LOW-DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (RL), & HADLEY VILLAS, (RM) MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL SOUTH: EAST: . WEST: BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW The project is located on an 18.2:!: acre site identified as Phase 2 of the Centre at La Quinta Specific Plan, a commercial center consisting of a combination of retail and automotive uses. The Centre at La Quinta Specific Plan includes the subject property, the Auto Centre at La Quinta, Wal-Mart Supercenter, Sam's Club and several small to medium sized retail and service businesses. On October 18, 2005, the City Council approved Specific Plan 97-029, Amendment No.4, which amended vehicular circulation, access, and drainage retention provisions. On September 20, 2006, Tentative Parcel Map 34855 was approved, which rearranged the various parcels within Phase 2. The subject property was previously mass-graded, a partially- completed retention basin has been placed at the southeast corner of the property, a smaller landscaped retention basin has been constructed at the southwest corner of the subject property along Adams Street, and the entire Adams Street frontage has been previously landscaped. PROJECT PROPOSAL The applicant proposes to construct a :!: 105,300 square foot JC Penney's department store with optical center, surrounding parking lot, landscaping, and driveways (Attachment 1, Sheet 1-7). Vehicles will enter the site from the north on La Quinta Drive via Highway 111, from the west via a proposed un-signalized limited left-turn entry intersection from Adams Street, and from Auto Centre Way South via the existing roundabout on Auto Centre Drive. The site plan identifies up to five future building pads, which are not a part of this Site Development Permit application but will . share the proposed parking, landscaping and circulation improvements. The applicant is providing approximately 943 parking spaces for the entire site. Of the total number of parking spaces, 521 have been allocated to JC Penney's and the remainder will serve future building pads. The parking count for JC Penney's is approximately one space for every 200 square feet of store area. This is in accord with the Specific Plan and exceeds the City's Parking Ordinance standard of one space per 250 square feet for retail uses over 50,000 square feet in size. The site is located in the Regional Commercial Zoning District. The building proposed for JC Penney's store is essentially a contemporary box-retail structure. Wall parapet height is approximately 26 feet with the prominent architectural features consisting of a 34 foot tall glass-walled main entry along the north elevation and five large and distinct framed architectural fascias. Exterior building colors and materials will consist of light and sandy brown brick and stucco siding with a similarly colored stack-stone veneer placed along the base of all four building elevations and on the four pilasters proposed along the rear of the building. Front awnings, bollards, and sign fascias will be painted red. The applicant has submitted a materials board which consists of two brick types, three stucco colors, three varieties of stack stone, a sample of the glazing with framing, a sample of the red aluminum backing proposed for three of the five fascias, and a sample of the cultured stone which will frame all five of the proposed logo fascias. The interior floor plan identifies the building as being partially two-story; however the small second floor area will be limited in size and used as a stock room. In addition to the main entrance, the store will have a'separate front entrance for optical services (Attachment 1, Sheets 4-1 through 4-4). The applicants have stated that the proposed building is a JC Penney corporate prototype. Mechanical HVAC units will be roof-mounted with most located between 55 and 71 feet from the front and sides of the store and will be generally located below the parapets. One mechanical unit at the rear of the store will be located approximately 12 feet from the rear parapet. The plans also identify a rooftop satellite dish of undisclosed size located approximately 37 feet from the east parapet. The delivery area located at the southwest corner of the store will consist of a three bay sunken loading dock, trash 'compactor, and utility transformer. An eight foot high screening wall will be placed along the west side of the sunken loading dock (Attachment 1, Sheets 4-1 through 4-4). Perimeter and parking lot landscaping includes a variety of drought tolerant trees, shrubs and ground covers, consistent with the existing landscaping in the Centre at La Quinta (Attachment 1, Sheet 3-1). The landscaping palate identifies California Fan Palms, Date Palms, Willow Acacias, Shoestring Acacias, Palo Verde, and Thornless Mesquite trees with 2 inch to 2.5 inch caliper trunk sizes. The southern perimeter (rear) of the project site adjacent to Aventine Apartments will be planted with a line of Willow Acacia trees, consistent with what exists along the rear of Super Wal-Mart and Sam's Club. Ground cover will be decomposed granite accented by desert shrubs. Turf will be decorative and limited to the intersection of La Quinta Centre Drive and the Access Drive. The Adams Street frontage has been previously landscaped and is not included with this Site Development Permit. No landscape lighting is proposed. ANALYSIS Site Plan: Three previous approvals have set the framework for the current site plan, Specific Plan 1997-029 Amendments No. 1 and 4, and Tentative Parcel Map 34855. The Specific Plan identifies four different development scenarios, incorporating either automotive uses, commercial retail uses, or some variation of both. Now that the majority of the Centre at La Quinta has been built, including Sam's Club, the Auto Centre, and Super Wal-Mart, Development Scenario No.2 most closely matches the current and proposed configuration (Attachment 2). Specific Plan 1997:029 Amendment No.1 identifies site plan standards for an auto mall at this location but does not identify any specific criteria for commercial buildings. In the auto mall site plan criteria, Specific Plan Amendment No.1 states "In order to maintain the distance from the residential development known as Lake La Quinta, the buildings on Pads 5, 6, and 7 will be a minimum of 100 feet from the Adams Street property line. (Specific Plan 1997-029 Amendment No.1, :[] pg. 52)." Staff has questioned the applicant's proposed location of Future Development Area 2 (Attachment #1, Sheet1-6) as any building pad constructed at this location would be within 100 feet of this criterion. Any development at this location would be addressed under a separate Site Development Permit application that will likely be submitted at a later date. ' The design of the parking lot and vehicular access is generally acceptable. Although the applicant has not disclosed land uses or square footage for the proposed future building pad locations, staff does not foresee issues with parking availability based on the parking counts provided and the amount of square footage those counts can accommodate. The applicant has identified use of carports adjacent to future Development Areas 4 and 5. However, this will be addressed when the separate site development permit applications are submitted for these development areas. Staff anticipates the majority of vehicles entering the site will come from the north, from either La Quinta Drive and the existing Super Wal-Mart site or entering the project by way of Adams Street. Access from Adams Street will come from either the existing signalized intersection on Avenue 47/Auto Centre Way, or the limited left turn in leading directly into to the project site's Access Drive. A deceleration lane will be provided on Adams Street for those vehicles entering the, site from the south. Although La Quinta Drive and Auto Centre Drive are public rights-of-way, these streets operate as shopping center driving aisles. As a result, the Public Works Department has no objections to the placement of driveway intersections closer than the 250 foot standard width. Architecture: The proposed buildiri'g incorporates a standard geometric box-retail design with minimal relief and a basic level of architectural detail and variation. The most prominent architectural elements of the building are the five square framed fascias, particularly the three framed red logo fascias that are proposed to incorporate JC Penney's signs. The two remaining framed fascias at the rear of the structure consist of two-tone brick with a five-line banding pattern. The second most prominent element of the building is the main entry. The proposed glass entry design provides an open appearance and will bring natural light into the store. The 62 foot long red canopy overhang accentuates the entry, but by illustration appears narrower 'than it possibly should be, as it only partially covers the entire width of the front windows. The forward depth of the canopy has been identified by the applicant as a minimum of eight feet. Four stack stone pilasters are incorporated into the south elevation (rear of store) which faces an existing multi-family residential development (Aventine Apartments). With exception to the five fascias, main entry, and four stack stone pilasters along the rear elevation, the building elevations essentially consist of an uninterrupted, linear fa<;:ade with limited undulation and minimal design elements. The proposed color palate is limited to various shades of light and sandy brown and the red used on three of the logo fascia signs and the storefront entrance awnings. The use of colors other than the proposed shades of light and sandy brown is limited to the proposed red sign fascias and the front main entry. The minimalist contemporary architecture, glass entry, and brick fa9ade have little relationship to desert architecture. The lineal mass of the building is only interrupted by the main entry, framed sign fascias, and the four stack stone pilasters at the rear. The framed fascias proposed for the north, east and west elevations in combination 'with the red background give the appearance of very large signs with the purpose of incorporating corporate identity as the dominant architectural feature of the building. The sign and red background are consistent with the standard logo for JC Penney. The two architectural' fascias at the rear of the structure have no apparent aesthetic purpose except that they remain unused as signs and consistently carry this architectural element to all building elevations. The Centre at La Quinta Specific Plan Amendment No.1 (referred to in Amendment No.4) identifies the City's Highway 111 Design Guidelines as the official criteria for the Centre at La Quinta. The Design Guidelines state that "Buildings shall have architectural features and patterns that provide visual interest, at the scale of the pedestrian, as well as reduce massive aesthetic effects (pg.6)." They also state that "Architectural designs shall incorporate an appropriate variety of qualities, including compatibility with adjoining buildings, intimacy of space, layering of views, accent landscaping, richness or materials, and appropriateness of roof lines. Variations in roof lines shall be used to add interest to and reduce the massive. scale of large buildings (pg.7)." Staff has found the proposed architecture for the subject building to be inconsistent with these Guidelines, especially in regards to massing, features, and patterns. In comparing the proposed JC Penney's retail building, to other neighboring developments (i.e. Washington 111 and Pavilions) as well as existing stores within the Centre at La Quinta, staff finds the proposed architecture to provide fewer architectural elements, less variety of architectural detail, and less articulation and undulation of the elevations. The proposed building has a more lineal design, especially in regards to the side and rear parapets and the banding details proposed for these elevations. Staff finds Super Wal-Mart (north elevation) and especially Sam's Club to have a greater level of architectural detail and variety of architectural design elements which break up and reduce cubic appearance. Sam's Club is particularly' noted for providing significant shade and roof overhangs, numerous pilasters, prominent use of stack stone and textured masonry, as well as a varied roofline. The architecture proposed for the subject building does not provide the level of architectural detail, variety, and use of elements consistent with the two large retail building in the Center at La Quinta as well as other neighboring developments. ' Staff believes that the proposed building could be a feasible and beneficial addition to the Highway 111 retail corridor if the framed fascias are removed, replaced with ~.- __ ._.__..___.... ___,_..___,___YO ____ __._..__.___..__ _...._~.__..._.,.._I....,..__IHI~ different architectural elements that are complimentary to and aesthetically blend with the building, and enhance the building with a greater degree of architectural variety and detail. This redesign should bring the building into compliance with the Highway 111 design criteria and provide a level of architecture consistent with other neighboring large retail buildings. Landscaping: The proposed landscaping palate consists of an acceptable variety of water-efficient trees and shrubs and a limited use of turf. Staff has concern regarding the uneven location and placement of trees and landscaped areas, particularly the irregular placement of tree wells in the west area of the parking lot. The applicant has stated that the purpose of the irregular tree placement was dictated by the location of underground retention basins and, based upon the ALRC recommendation, has agreed to relocate and reorient the tree wells when not in conflict with the basins. Staff has recommended that tree wells be placed in a consistent pattern among all areas where there is not a conflict with the proposed underground storm water retention (COA No. 68). Due to the need for accommodating ADA path of travel and the applicant's desire to provide greater visibility to the store, certain portions of the parking lot have not been landscaped. The most noticeable location lacking landscaping is along the southern portion of the intersection of Auto Centre Way South and the Access Drive. Because the project exceeds the minimum parking requirements by at least 150 spaces, the Planning Commission has the discretion to recommend the removal and replacement of certain parking spaces with additional landscaping. Staff also recommends the Planning Commission require an improved pedestrian access to the southwest portion of the project site from Adams Street (COA No. 76). The current design restricts pedestrian and bicycle travel entry to the Access Drive, the probable result of which will be pedestrians walking through the existing landscaping and around the retention basin. An improved path of travel from the existing sidewalk to the front of the JC Penney's store would resolve this. Screening and Outdoor Lighting: Overall, the applicant has proposed outdoor lighting consistent with what has been provided for the other retail areas Of the development. The proposed design is consistent with the City's lighting provisions and allowances., Adequate lighting will be provided to accommodate those visiting the proposed development. However, staff is recommending the outdoor lighting be either dimmed into a nighttime mode or possibly turned off one hour after closing (COA No. 72). Outdoor lighting for Sam's Club includes a nighttime mode that significantly reduces the number of lit fixtures after hours. Additionally, staff recommends that all lighting along the west portions of the project adjacent to Adams Street be limited to 24 feet in height and shielded so as to prevent light glare towards the residential activity to the west (COA No. 73). .-.-----...... Aventine Apartments currently has a six foot high stucco, wall which was not constructed in alignment with their north property line. The applicants are proposing to construct an eight foot high block wall along their southern perimeter in the same manner as the existing Super Wal-Mart. This wall would be complimented with screening from Willow Acacia trees. Because Aventine Apartments have a misaligned wall which is located short of their actual property line, the end result will be a one to two foot gap between the proposed wall constructed on the property line and Aventine's existing wall. The applicants and Aventine Apartments are currently in discussion to resolve this situation. There have been some concerns from Lake La Quinta residents regarding the adjacent Coachella Valley Water District well site located at the southwest corner of the project site along Adams Street. The well site is not a part of this Site Development .Permit and has not yet been constructed by the Water District. Once completed, the well site will be surrounded by a standard eight foot block wall, providing some screening from the rear of the store. Another concern posed by Lake La Quinta residents regards headlight glare from the parking lot. As the parking lot surface will be approximately four feet higher than Adams Street, staff is supportive and recommends a condition requested by the Lake La Quinta residents to place a three to four foot high raised berm or stem wall along the west parking lot perimeter to minimize headlight glare from the parking lot (COA No. 75). ALRC ACTION The Architecture and Landscape Review Committee reviewed the proposed commercial retail project and recommended approval of the project with conditions during their June 27, 2007 meeting. In that meeting, the Committee expressed reservations with the design of the building, especially the framed fascias located on the sides and rear of the building, referring to them as being excessive, linear, and emphasizing the need for more articulation. They recommended approval of the front fa<;:ade and the square framed logo fascia with the condition that it be consistent with the Sign Ordinance. The Committee Members recommended the side and rear framed fascias be "filled in" with a contrasting color and grid pattern in line with the building and supported the placement of additional stack stone pilasters, but stopped short of recommending a redesign of the architectural features. The ALRC was not supportive of staffs' recommendation to remove all of the square framed fascias and replace them with architectural features designed to break up the massing and provide articulation, detail, and depth to the building. They also did not support staffs' recommendation to increase the loading dock wall height from eight to ten feet. The Architecture and Landscape Review Committee recommended approval of the project subject to the following conditions: --------.--.".----..-...------.., 1 . The applicant shall redesign the side and rear square framed fascias with a complimentary color to the building at the discretion of the architect. The front framed logo fascia is recommended for approval as proposed. 2. Two additional stack stone pilasters shall be placed atthe rear corners of the building. Stack stone pilasters shall be extended all the way up along the framed fascias. The east elevations shall have an additional stack stone pilaster placed at the middle. 3. Tree wells shall be spaced at regular and consistent intervals throughout the parking lot except above the underground storm water retention proposed in the western area of the parking lot. 4. Exterior lighting shall comply with Section 9.100.150 (Outdoor Lighting) of the La Quinta Municipal Code. All lighting shall be shielded and focused with the project boundaries. 5. Final landscaping and irrigation plans shall be prepared by a licensed landscape professional and shall be reviewed by the ALRC and approved by the Planning Director prior to issuance of the first building permit. An application for Final Landscape Plan Check shall be submitted to the Planning Department for final landscape plan review. Said plans shall include all landscaping associated with this project, including perimeter landscaping, shall be certified to comply with the 50% parking lot shading requirement, and be in compliance with Chapter 8.13 (Water Efficient Landscaping) of the Municipal Code. The landscape and irrigation plans shall be approved by the Coachella Valley Water District and Riverside County Agriculture Commissioner prior to submittal of the final plans to the Planning Department. NOTE: Plans are not approved for construction until signed by the Community Development Director. 6. Final carport designs and colors shall be submitted with the Site Development Permit application for future building pads 4 and 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS AND NOTICE On June 27, staff attended a meeting held by Stamko Development to introduce the project to the Lake La Quinta Homeowners Association (HOA). The HOA raised concerns about the overall aesthetics of the building, stating that it was not in line with other developments in the City. Concerns were raised over potential traffic impacts and having another connection to Adams Street. Concerns were also raised regarding parking lot lighting and glare impacts from car headlights. The HOA requested the applicant construct a wall along Adams Street to minimize lighting impacts. Additionally, the HOA would like to see parking lot lighting turned-off or dimmed after store hours, and that future signage facing Adams Street not be illuminated. Since that meeting, staff has received two phone calls from Lake La Quinta residents. Both callers voiced concerns with the architecture and asked that the development be more upscale than what is currently proposed. Staff has received one email from a Lake La Quinta resident concerned with an increase in traffic on Adams Street and one in support of the project. Staff has also received a letter from the adjacent developer of Washington Park suggesting modifications to Auto Centre Drive. Staff has not , received any other correspondence or phone calls prior to the filing of this report. This project was advertised in the Desert Sun newspaper and posted on June 29, 2007. All property owners within 500 feet of the site were mailed a copy of the public hearing notice. FINDINGS As required by LQMC Section 9.210.010 (Site Development Permits), findings to approve Site Development Permit 2006-891 can be made and are contained in the attached Resolution. RECOMMENDATION With respect to the Architecture and Landscaping Review Committee's recommendation, staff recommends the Planning Commission reconsider the recommended Conditions of Approval regarding the proposed architecture (COA Nos. 69 and 70). With the architectural revisions previously noted, staff finds the project to be technically adequate and recommends the following: Adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2007-_, approving Site Development Permit 2007-891 to allow construction of a 105,300 square foot retail store, subject to the attached Findings and Conditions of Approval. Attachments: 1 . Plans and Elevations 2. Development Scenario #2 from Specific Plan 1997-029 Amendment #1 3. Correspondence from the Public 4. Minutes for ttle June 27, 2007 Architecture and Landscape Review Committee Prepared by: ~g:",," Principal Planner ATTACHMENT 3 Andy Mogensen --,-~-------------,--_..,---,-_._-----_._--_._~_.- From: Eric Ceja Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2007 4:50 PM To: Andy Mogensen; Brian Ching Subject: FW: JCPenny Project Eric Ceja Assistant Planner Community Development Department City of La Quinta eceja@la-quinta.org 760.777.7125 _____..____."__"___.._.__..~.____.___________'_______._._____,__._.__.__________.,_____..._M___~__________._.__.___.,____.__._ From: Kathylane@aol.com [mailto:Kathylane@aol.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2007 4:47 PM To: Eric Ceja Subject: JCPenny Project , Dear Mr. Ceja, I live in Lake La Quinta and recently I find it more and more difficult to tum left out of our development onto Adams, as all of the planting in the median makes it almost impossible to see traffic heading south on Adams from 48th, and traffic has significantly increased on that road. I understand that the city is considering an entrance for JC Penny's from Adams, and possibly another light. This will make access to our community even more difficult. The Adams gate is the only entrance and ex~ for guests, and their unfamiliarity with the situation coupled with the difficulty of a left turn from the community make an accident more likely with each passing day. Please consider routing the traffic to Penny's via the access roads that lead to WaIMart...this would be a far safer solution. . Sincerely, Kathy Lane --~._-,--~-,-----_._-----' See what's free at AOL.com. 7/412007 Page 1 ofl . Eric Ceja From: MLMSCHIEF@aol.com Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2007 7:38 AM To: Eric Ceja Subject: J.C Penny Project I am in favor of this project as long as the semaphore are eqipped with turn arrows: Gene Kulander, Lake La Quinta. See what's free at A9l!<Qm. 7/5/2007 WASHINGTON III, LTD '618 DEClARATION AVE. INDIO, CA 92201 760-775-7967 Phone 760-775-8329 Fax July 6, 2007 RE: J.C Penney Site Development Hearing Dear Planning Commission: As the developers ofthe Washington Park shopping center (Trader Joes, Target, Lowes, etc.), we have constructive suggestions that we would respectfully request be made conditions of approval for the J.e. Penny project. Based on the assumption that 47'h Avenue was designed a~ a primary relief arterial for the heavily traveled Highway III, we would respectfully submit that the 'turn-about' on 47th Avenue/Auto Centre Drive at the north entry of the project should be eliminated and the street converted to a straight and 'widened' thoroughfare. There are also several bottlenecks on the width of the road both before and after the 'turn-about'. This would facilitate and encourage travel on this street that directly ties to the Super Walmart and our project. We would also suggest prohibiting vehicle parking on the street which is presently being used for retail car inventory (code violation) and/or employee parking for the car dealerships. This entry is a major and primary entry for a major retail use as well as future car dealerships and other retail uses and arterial access needs to be designed to accommodate the intensity of the project in conjunction with regional needs accordingly. These suggestions would help optimize the functionality of the arterial in meeting the objective of efficiently relieving traffic from Highway III. f6) ~((;~~'W~ IRl IrU 'JUL - 6 2007 ~ Cln' Q; LA i.JliINTA 000MJN1TY IlEVEt.CPOlENT DEPAAlMENJ C.C. Doug Evans, City of La Quinta, Community Development -....-... ---.. ATTACHMENT #4 - - --- --~- ~--.,... ~ , . ,.. MINUTES ARCHITECTURE & LANDSCAPING REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A Regular meeting held at the La Ouinta City -Hall 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Ouinta, CA June 27, 2007 10:00 a.m. I. CALL TO ORDER A. This special meeting of the Architectural and Landscaping Review Committee was called to order at 10:02 a.m. by Planning Director Les Johnson, B. Committee Members present: Bill Bobbitt, and Tracy Smith. It was moved and seconded by Committee Members Bobbitt/Smith to excuse Committee Member Christopher C. Staff present: Planning Director Les Johnson, Principal Planners Stan Sawa and Andrew Mogensen, Assistant Planner Eric Ceja, and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer. II. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: Confirmed IV. CONSENT CALENDAR: A. It was moved and seconded by Committee Members Bobbitt/Smith to approve the minutes of June 6, 2007 as submitted. Unanimously approved. V. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Site Development Permit 2006-891; a request of Stamko Development Co. for consideration of architectural and landscaping plans for a 104,175 square foot department store (JC Penney), located south of Auto Centre Drive and east of Adams Street. 1 . Principal Planner Andrew Mogensen presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. Staff introduced Chris Clark, Russ Beckner, Mark Moran, John Pena, Rick Zeilinga, representing Stamko Development, and Chuck Shepardson HSA ._~-,_. -..-- Architecture and Landscaping Review Committee June 27, 2007 Design, and. Mark Levine, Nudell Architects, who gave a presentation on the project. 2. Ms. Clark stated she agrees to Condition Nos. 8 and 9. In regard to Condition No.4 they are not able to add any trees due to the location of the retention basin. They have added landscaping in other areas. This design has been modeled after what was constructed on the Wal-Mart site. It is not a . consistent line of trees. The site has a good record of landscaping and The Auto Centre has won awards. 3. Committee Member Smith asked if the light standards will be the same as Wal-Mart. Ms. Clark stated yes, they will be the same. Across the well site they are 24 feet and will have visors to allow downlighting. Committee Member Smith stated the area in the. Wal-Mart parking lot that does not have trees is the areas around the light poles. That is not the case here. Why are there gaps in this proposed parking lot? Mr. Shepardson stated adjustments can be made to make them equal. The photometric design for the lights goes first and the landscaping can be adjusted to meet this. Committee,Member Smith stated it would look better to have them evenly distributed. 4. Committee Member Bobbitt asked about the underground retention basins in the middle of the parking lot. Ms. Clark stated the east side retention could affect the landscaping and lighting. They have been able to add more landscaping by having the underground retention in the drive aisles. On the north side (Condition #9), there is no landscaping because of . the underground retention.. and they are recommending the trellis. All the landscaping for the entire site is being proposed to be done at one time. . 5. Committee Member Bobbitt stated it appears trees were missed. Mr. Shepardson stated they would rearrange the tree layout to make it more consistent. The design before them was drawn by the engineers. 6. Ms. Clark stated she accepts Condition No.6. In regard to Condition No.5, the wall adjacent to .the loading dock, the south wall on the loading dock up against the residential property is 26 feet high. The wall that runs north-south is eight feet high. There is a well site in this location that is yet to be 2 --- Architecture and Landscaping Review Committee June 27, 2007 built. She does not know the height of the well site wall that will have landscaping added to the wall. Adams Street is several feet lower. She does not understand staff's recommendation for a ten foot wall. 7. Committee Member Bobbitt asked what the line of site height was along Adams Street. Staff stated the interest is in the visibility of vehicles in the loading dock, due to the view out . towards Adams Street being at the highest point of the loading . area. It is a mechanism to shield the direct view of vehicles in the loading dock by adding two feet to the wall. 8. Committee Member Smith asked if a wall was proposed along the storm water area. Staff stated the entire well site wall will be eight feet. Ms. Clark stated this area has a 20 foot setback and has landscaping at the 12 foot right-of-way plus their additional landscaping at the top. She does not believe the wall will be seen by anyone driving by. 9. Committee Member Smith asked what difference there would be between an eight or ten foot wall. Staff stated the interest is at the north end as it is proposed to.. be a recessed ramp. Committee Member Smith stated it is recessed. 1 O.Committee Member Bobbitt stated he does not see it as an issue. People driving by should not even' see it. His concerns are the elevations and the close proximity'of the building to the residential to the south. 11 . Committee Member Smith asked about the traffic circulation of the site. Discussion followed regarding the circulation of the interior streets. 12. Mr. Mark Levin, Nudell Architects, went -over the architectural design features. In regard to Condition No.1, or the north elevation, the architect discussed the red panel square with the JC Penney signage, as an overall design of the building. JC Penney has done extensive research on a branding for their identity, and the economics of their brand design. This logo is reflected on all their new buildings. As far as the main elevation and the articulation of the glass, stone, canopies, etc., the intent is to break up the main elevation and significantly emphasize the main entry and reinforce the brand identity. The 3 Architecture and Landscaping Review Committee June 27, 2007 accent and dramatic of the red is for that purpose. The glass is a combination of spando and vision glass; a departure from their design to reinforce their redeveloped design to contemporarize themselves against their competitors. The tower is a very definitive element of all JC Penney's buildings.' The minor issue regarding the canopy and the depth of the horizontal element at the edge and further along the two lines that follow the glass can be resolved. The horizontal element has a two foot setback. The canopy projects out eight feet which makes a ten foot depth. It is a north elevation and will not get the direct . s\lnlight. 13. .. Committee Member Bobbitt asked about the relationship to the curb. Mr. Levin stated the red bollards are in front of the ca,:lOpy. The overhang of the canopy face is approximately two feet from the curb. Committee Member Bobbitt asked why it did not run all the way to the end of the building. Mr. Levin stated it was to keep the more modern look. Committee Member Bobbitt asked if staff wanted more shade or what were they trying to achieve with their recommendation. Staff stated the plans did not identify the depth and what they wanted was shade along the entire length of the glass. Committee Member Bobbitt stated the banding is not completely banding, but has the spanding for partial protection. Ms. Clark stated the canopy is covering the amount of the sidewalk in front of the building. Staff stated that if it covers the entire length of the sidewalk 'staff has no issue, but pointed out the canopy only partially covers the entire length of the front windows. 14. 'Committee Member Smith asked the material of the canopy. Mr. Levin stated it is metal. 15. Ms. Clark noted the red steel accent at the end of the building is a separate entry which is a separate business and that is why it is identified. It is similar but at a different scale. The entire site is not the typical desert theme. This is a much more modern theme. Each of the buildings have different colors of steel elements. What is most important about this building is that it is not a typical big box. The glass, is designed to create an open feeling. It will be the first LEED certified building for JC Penney. She corrected the size of the building to 105,300 square feet. What staff calls the sign is actually a particular enhancement that frames in the sign. They tried to create the 4 Architecture and Landscaping Review Committee June 27,2007 theme of the building with the signs included in the architectural enhancernent. They have a choice of a white background and . red letters or red with white. In the desert the white will not hold up. 16. Committee Member Smith stated he does not see the need for one so large along Adams Street. Ms. Clark noted the size differences. They have been the architectural enhancements on all sides of the building. Committee Member Smith asked staff what they were trying to achieve with Condition No.1. Staff noted that similar big boxes in the City and stated that although they design architecture to accommodate a sign this is more than what has been done elsewhere. 1 7. Committee Member Bobbitt stated there was a lot of discussion in regard to. the Best Buy sign. Whether or not this is acceptable, on the sides where the loading dock and even though there are a lot of trees to hide the loading dock, the sign is just too much. He does not appreciate' the design on any of the buildings as it lacks a lot of detaiL The front is ok, but the back and sides need some articulation. It is just too linear and the signs are too much. 18. Committee Member Smith asked staff where the pilasters should be added. Staff stated on the rear .and incorporated into the sides. Carrying the element to all three sides. The interest is to make sure that the area where the future buildings will be constructed has the same architectural treatment. Ms. Clark stated that the revised drawings show it as being consistent, 19. Committee Member Bobbitt stated that whatever is added will need to be removed when the building is constructed next to it. Mr. Levin stated the lines are delineated. 20. Committee Member Smith asked why the south elevation was so flat and linear and the north has so much. Why do you need to see it from the south as it does not appear to match. Mr. .'Levin stated that if you stood back and could see across the roof you would see them projected up. Ms. Clark stated that from their property line you will not see it; it is too far. You . might see it from the second story of the apartment buildings. 5 Architecture and Landscaping Review Committee June 27, 2007 21. Committee Member Bobbitt .stated the sign on the parking lot side is fine if it meets the City's Sign Ordinance. The ones on the side are too large and out of scale. He would prefer to see them scaled down and the two on the back need something added. Staff stated it appears to be a framed area which draws your eye to which looks like something is missing. Mr. Levin stated this is the rear of the building. It is their intent to create articulation for some consistency, but it.will not be a primary path of travel. 22. Committee Member Bobbitt stated this has been an issue with all their buildings along Highway 111. Ms. Clark asked if they added different colors to give the variation. Committee Member Bobbitt asked about adding the pilasters on the west and east elevations. Mr. Levin stated they will continue the pattern, materials, and colors. Committee Member Bobbitt asked about the temporary pilasters. Mr. Levin stated on the south it is not a,problem. The east and west gets to be a tighter breakup from what JC Penney is asking. Ms. Clark stated that when they built Pet Smart they painted the area where the future building will be with the same color, but did not add any articulation. Staff stated the request was to add the pilasters to the side and back. Mr. Levin stated adding pilasters to the south is not. an issue. Committee Member Bobbitt stated that removing the upward frame creates just a long linear line. Staff stated it was not staff's idea to give suggestions, but the relief on the long linear look is coming from the frame, but instead of being a frame maybe the whole area could project out. Mr. Levin stated that on the west elevation the whole vertical element projects out a couple feet and the lip pops out a couple more feet. The 'corder is champered out and the face is inset slightly. Staff recommended a different feature for the side popout. 23. Committee Member Bobbitt stated the sides need more articulation and less of the square. Ms. Clark stated the east elevation has a retention basin with a "landscaping area that goes to the end of the building. La Ouinta Drive ends half way down and Wal-Mart extends beyond this. which will hide the sides. Committee Member Bobbitt stated then why is the sign needed on the west side. Mr. Levin stated these two elevations they could add the pilasters for the expanses between where the projected future buildings will be and the edge of the 6 Architecture and Landscaping Review Committee June 27, 2007 . building to become understated as far as the red square, but have articulation equal to the expanses. 24. Committee Member Bobbitt stated he would recommend framing them to give articulation to not look like a big red sign. Mr. Levin stated they would keep the articulation with some' pilasters. Committee Member Bobbitt stated the big red sign is the only articulation and something else is needed if the sign is kept. Staff stated these are areas of limited visibility, why not eliminate them entirely and just go with the pilasters and carry lip the stone element, pop it out and add a small understated sign. 25. There being no further questions, it was moved and seconded by Committee Members Bobbitt/Smith to adopt Minute Motion 2007-016 recommending approval of Site Development Permit 2006-891, as recommended by staff and amended as follows: a. Condition Nos. 2, 5, and 7 deleted' b. Condition No.1: amended as follows: 1) The north elevation is recommended as proposed. 2). The applicant shall redesign the side and rear square framed fascias with a complimentary color to the building at the discretion of the architect. The front framed logo fascia is recommended for approval as proposed. 3) Two additional stack stone pilasters shall be placed at the rear corners of the 'building. Stack stone pilasters shall be extended all the way up along the framed fascias. The east elevations shall have an additional stack stone pilaster placed at the middle. 4) Tree wells shall be spaced at regular and consistent intervals throughout the parking lot except above the underground storm water retention proposed in the western area of the parking lot. 5) Exterior lighting shall comply with Section 9.100.150 (Outdoor Lighting) of the La Ouinta Municipal Code. All lighting shall be shielded and focused with the project boundaries. 6) Final landscaping and irrigation plans shall be prepared by a licensed landscape professional and shall be reviewed by the ALRC and approved by 7 Architecture and Landscaping Review Committee . June 27, 2007 the Community Development Director prior to issuance of the first building permit. An application for Final Landscape Plan Check shall be submitted to the Community Development Department for final landscape plan review. Said plans shall include all landscaping associated with this project, including perimeter landscaping, shall be certified to comply with the 50% parking lot shading requirement, and be in compliance with Chapter 8.1 3 (Water Efficient Landscaping) of the Municipal Code. The landscape and irrigation plans shall be approved by the Coach ell a Valley Water District and Riverside County Agriculture Commissioner 'prior to submittal of the final plans to the Community Development Department. NOTE: Plans are not approved for construction until signed by the Planning Director. 7) Final carport designs and colors shall be submitted with the Site Development Permit application for future building pads 4 and 5. Unanimously approved B. Site Development Permit 2006-889; a request of Kerr Project Services (for Applebee's Restaurant) for consideration of development plans for a 5,914 square foot restaurant located northeast of the intersection of Washington Street and Seeley Drive in the Centre Pointe development. 1 . Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information 'contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. Staff recommended condition #4. Staff introduced Deborah Kerr, Kerr Project Services, Jim Stuart and Myron Thompson, Applebees, and Kalvin Mizzi, CP Development, who gave a presentation on the project. 2. Committee Member Bobbitt stated the gooseneck light is a trademark. Ms. Kerr stated that . with the additional architecture, you will not see them. Committee Member Bobbitt stated the utility doors should not be lit. 3. Committee Member Smith asked why staff did not want the roof tiles lit. Staff stated it has not bee,n done on any other 8 Architecture and Landscaping Review Committee June 27, 2007 building in the City, but they could work with the applicant on the lights. 4. Committee Member Bobbitt stated he agrees with staff's recommendation on the landscaping. The one gallon difittea will burn with the afternoon sun and the sizes proposed' are too small. If they are put on the east side of the building they will do fine. The Lajollas should not be intermixed in a small area or used as a hedge. They will grow as large as you let them and , the gardeners will cut them into funny shapes. It would be better to use a roseinka bougainvillea. 5. Committee Member Smith did not agree with the estallia and acacia rowleuins being used in the tiny areas. It is low growing but will spread out onto the sidewalk. 6. There being no further questions, it was moved and seconded by Committee Members Smith/Bobbitt to adopt Minute Motion 2007-017 recommending approval of Site Development Permit 2006-889, as recommended by staff and amended as follows: a. Condition #4: Deleted. b. The applicant shall replace the lajolla bougainvillea with a roseinka variety; the estraila and acacia rodowelns and the bird of paradise shall be replaced with a different variety. Unanimously approved C. Site Development Permit 2007-872 and 2005-848; arequest of Trans West Housing for consideration of final landscaping plans for portions of the Griffin Ranch interior common areas, including medians and pasture for the property located south of Avenue 54 to the east of Madison Street. 1 . Principal Planner Andrew Mogensen presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. Staff introduced Marty Butler, representing Griffin Ranch, and Chuck Shepardson, HSA Landscaping, who gave a presentation on their request. 2. Committee Members stated they have no issues with the project as proposed. 9 Architecture and Landscaping Review Committee June 27, 2007 3. .' There being no further questions, it was moved and seconded by Committee MembJrs Bobbitt/Smith to adopt Minute Motion I . 2007-018 recommending approval of Site Development Permit I 2007-872 and 2005-848, as recommended by staff. I . Unanimously approved I VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: None VII. COMMITTEE MEMBER ITEMS: VIII. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, it was' moved and seconded by Committee Members Bobbitt/Smith to adjourn this meeting of the Architectural and , Landscaping Review Committee to a Regililar Meeting to be held on July 12, 2007. This meeting was adjourned at 12:05 p.m. on June 27, 2007. Respectfully submitted, BETTY J. SAWYER Executive Secretary 10 BI#A PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DATE: JULY 10, 2007 CASE NO.: SIGN APPLICATION 2007-1150 APPLICANT: STAMKO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. REQUEST: CONSIDERATION OF A SIGN PROGRAM FOR PERMANENT BUSINESS IDENTIFICATIONSIGNAGE FOR JC PENNEY LOCATION: SOUTH OF AUTO CENTER STREET; WEST OF LA (ATTACHMENT 1) DRIVE, EAST OF ADAMS GUINTA CENTRE DRIVE GENERAL PLAN: RC - REGIONAL COMMERCIAL ZONING: CR - REGIONAL COMMERCIAL ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: THE LA GUINTA PLANNING DEPARTMENT HAS' DETERMINED THAT THIS SIGN APPLICATION IS CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT FROM ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PURSUANT TO PROVISIONS OF SECTION 15311 (CLASS 11) OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL GUALlTY ACT (CEGA) BACKGROUND: The JC Penney Department Store site is located south of Auto Center Drive east of Adams Street. The project is bounded on the north by a new access drive which connects Adams Street and La Guinta Centre Drive. Aventine Apartments are located to the south of the project, while the western property line is bounded by Adams Street, and the eastern property line is bounded by the Wal-Mart Super Center. Additionally, Lake La Guinta is located directly west of the JC Penney's building, across Adams Street. The Planning Commission approved the Centre at La Guinta Sign Program (SA 02- 618), on June 11, 2002, and approved subsequent Amendments to the Sign Program on September 24, 2003, and October 14, 2003. The original Sign Program (SA 02-618) primarily focused on the Wal-Mart Super Center and auxiliary buildings. The new Sign Program for review deals solely with signage needs for the proposed JC Penney's. The approved Specific Plan Amendment No. 4 (SP 92- 029) for the Centre at La Guinta states that, "Signs for development on the property will be reviewed by the City during the Site Development Permit approval." SIGN REQUEST: The applicant requests a Sign Program be approved for the JC Penney building. A total of five signs have been applied for as part of the proposed Sign Program. The tenant's primary signage consists of three signs to be incorporated into the building fascia. Two accessory signs are also proposed on the buildings metal canopy- overhang, located along the north elevation of the building. The applicant has not applied for internal or perimeter monument signage along Adams Street or Highway 111 as. part of this application. Previously approved existing and proposed monuments signs along Highway 111 and the corner of Adams Street and Avenue 47 will accommodate JC Penney's. The Sign Program identifies specifications such as materials, letter style, colors, illumination, and shape for all building-mounted and canopy-mounted signs. General standards for sign installation and maintenance have been previously. identified in Sign Application 2002-618 - Sign Program for the Centre at La Guinta. The Sign Program proposes modifications to City Sign Ordinance provisions regarding sign size (gross area only) and number of signs. Fascia Signage The proposed JC Penney Sign Program identifies three framed, building-integrated fascia signs with mounted internally-illuminated white channel lettering, to be placed on the north, east and west elevations. The framed fascia signs appear as the red square of the JC Penney's corporate logo. The north facing sign is the largest of the three signs and is located off-center from the Department Store's main entrance. Maximum lettering height for the sign is proposed to be six (6) feet. Each sign lettering totals approximately 293 square feet, while the framed red-box portion of the sign is approximately 1,200 square feet. The proposed lettering will be white and centered vertically within the framed area of the fascia sign. The west elevation sign is located south of Future Building. Area 1 approximately 380 feet east of Adams Street, and east of the C.V.W.D Well site (Attachment 2). The proposed sign location will not be visible form Highway 111, and once the future building pads, final landscaping, and the C.V.W.D well site are built, visual access of the west-facing sign will be limited. The framed area for the west elevations sign will have the same red background and will be slightly smaller than the north elevation sign measuring approximately 900 square feet in area. Sign lettering within the framed area will be the same color and design as the north- facing sign, but will be smaller in size. Lettering for the sign is approximately 175 square feet in size with five (5) foot high individual channel letters. The east elevation sign faces the southern terminus of La Guinta Centre Drive, and the Wal-Mart Super Center Automotive center. The east elevation sign is identical to the one proposed on the west elevation, approximately 900 square feet in area. Sign lettering within the framed red-box area will also be consistent with white individual channel letters five (5) feet in height. Accessory Signage The proposed Sign Program identifies two canopy-mounted identification signs near the entrance to the JC Penney's building, with one sign reserved for the tenant's Optical Center (Attachment 3). The signs consist of one line of individual non- illuminated aluminum composite material letters, bonded to an extruded thermoplastic core, and mounted with rivets to the canopy. Both signs on the metal canopy will be black and centered vertically along the canopy. The "JC Penney" sign is located west of the main entrance to the Department Store and is approximately eight square feet in area. The "Optical Center" sign is proposed to the east of the main entrance to the Department Store and is .approximately 3.5 square feet in area. Signage Illumination The applicant proposes to illuminate the three identification signs within the red- boxed areas on the buildings east, west and north elevations. Although the red- boxed area will not be illuminated, the lettering within the boxed areas will consist of individual channel letters internally illuminated white with neon. The accessory signs for the Optical Center and building entrance are not proposed to be illuminated. ANALYSIS: Per the City of La Guinta's Municipal Code, ~ 9.160.130 Sign Definitions, a "Sign" is "any means for visual communication, including but not limited to words, symbols and illustrations, together with all parts, materials, frame and background, which is used or intended to be used to attract attention to, identify or advertise an establishment, product, service, activity or location, or to provide information" (Attachment 4). Therefore the proposed signs for the JC Penney's building include not only the individual letters proposed for the signs, but also the large framed red- boxes used as part of the buildings architecture. Major retail tenants along Highway 111 have historically applied for business identification signs in excess of the Sign Ordinance criteria.' Approvals were made based on sign size, location, as well as proportionality to the building. The following chart shows a comparison of the proposed sign to previously approved signs for major retail tenants along Highway 111 : Bed Bath & Be Kohl's Stater Brothers Tar et Walmart Best Bu Sam's Club Avera e: :,.):SigirSize,2~?~iLe,tt~r'.~iz~'{. ',;Building'Sii~/' r ..... 'I,.i "...,-.~" ,.,....' ,.':"J, r _.,,' -,^,.. .,.'..~' .r "'" .~. S.-..' -., .' ~,.'I.' ::'1; ..;, .'.", .' >"" <"'0 "'~ -.-, .... ,h....square.....<{:.""i'square "..' c".('"".square '.,' {<~\",_. " ,,'7," J" "-'':'',l- "')~'\";~> ,~ ,\"'.;,', t ," ,.1<,1'-'; ,,"c_ ,~., :,,"~'~f';'\ .\ ,i,'.,""eetk 'L.. ':" c' ,.Aeetl o'. ,,<:feet!.. . 150 30,000 193 127,000 180 42,600 186 126,000 230 233,000 108 17,000 167 136,000 185 94-765 1200 900 900 3,000 292.5 175.3 175.3 643.1 105,300 " " "'Distance' from' . .. '':',~'.' ;'- ':- ~:) ," .' H)lVY,'" 1, 'j"-"feeti. . 350 700 350 450 1,200 350 1,050 685 1 .400 380 (To Adams) 325 (To LQ Dr.) Staff concludes the proposed sizes for the "Optical Center" sign, and the smaller "JC Penney" sign on the building entrance canopies are appropriate for their locations. However, the three main business identification signs on the north, west and east building elevations are larger than necessary, and are significantly larger than what has been previously approved elsewhere in the City. The combined square footage of the three main business identification signs on the northern, western and eastern building elevations total approximately 3,000 square feet. The sizes of the three signs are disproportional to the amount of wall space on their respective building elevations, significantly exceed what is permitted in the La Guinta Municipal Code, and are greater than what has historically been approved for major retail tenants on Highway 111 or elsewhere in the City. The proposed main identification sign on the northern building elevation is approximately 1 ,400 feet from Highway 111. The west facing building-mounted sign is approximately 380 feet from Adams Street. The east facing building-mounted sign is approximately 325 feet from the end of La Guinta Drive. Other tenants with similar floor areas and distances from' Highway 111 have previously been approved for smaller identification signs. The proposed west elevation sign will have limited visibility from along Adams Street. Future development of the project site and the C.V.W.D well site will further conceal this sign from view along Adams Street. Staff has also received a number of phone calls from residents at Lake La Guinta p'ertaining to this west elevation sign. Residents said they ,would like to see the sign eliminated entirely and, if that is not feasible, they would prefer that the sign be non-illuminated. The proposed east elevation sign faces onto the west elevation of the existing Wal- Mart Super Center, its automotive service bays, and a truck turnaround. Traffic along this portion of La Guinta Centre Drive is limited to the rear alley, loading bays, and the existing automotive center. The sign will be further constricted from view by any future building pad adjacent to the site and will not be visible from Highway 111. Considering t~e limited traffic and visibility of the east elevation, staff is not supportive of a sign at this location. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Minute Motion 2007-_, approving the requested signage, subject to the following Conditions of Approval: 1. The total square footage for each of the "JC Penney" main business identification signs shall be no greater than 200 square feet. The applicant shall install the approved signs on the eastern and northern building elevations at the approved locations. 2. The east and west elevation signs shall be eliminated in their entirety. 3. A sign permit shall be obtained and approved prior to any work on the sign being constructed. ~ ERIC EJA, Assistant Planner Attachments: 1 . Location Map 2. Building-Mounted Signs 3. Accessory Signs 4. L.G.M.C ~ 9.160.130 - Sign Definitions -- ----..--.---..-----. - 81#8 STAFF REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: JULY 10, 2007 CASE NO: SIGN APPLICATION 2007-1135 APPLICANT: COAST SIGNS, INC. PACIFIC WESTERN BANK PROPERTY OWNER: WELLS MARVIN REQUEST: CONSIDERATION OF A SIGN PROGRAM TO SERVE THE PACIFIC WESTERN BANK BUILDING ON CALLE ESTADO (OLD LIBRARY BUILDING) LOCATION: 78-080 CALLE ESTADO, APPROXIMATELY 280' FROM DESERT CLUB DRIVE (ATTACHMENT 1) ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATION: GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: ZONING: BACKGROUND: Site History Pacific Western Bank is located at 78-080 Calle Estado, within the La Guinta Village. The building was approved on May 19, 1987 under Plot Plan 87-380 as a two-story, 6,768 square foot retail/office building. Previously, the building served as a multi-tenant office-building and once served as the City'Library. Currently, the building is occupied by a single tenant - Pacific Western Bank. The 'building's original Sign Program (SA 88-066) was approved by the Planning Commission on July 12, 1988. The program limited each tenant to one sign. Sign material was limited to painted wood and all signs were non-illuminated. The current Sign Program in place does not adequately serve the existing tenant, therefore the applicant has submitted an application for a new Sign Program. SIGN PROGRAM PROPOSAL: The applicant requests a Sign Program be approved for Pacific Western Bank (Attachment 2). The proposed Sign Program provides specifications for three building-mounted signs and three incidental accessory signs, provides definitive SA 07-1135 Pacific Western Bank (STAFF REPORT) sign locations, and general standards and provisions for sign construction, installation and maintenance. Building-mounted Signs The program identifies three building-mounted sign locations for Pacific Western Bank; one along the buildings east, west, ,and south facing elevations (Attachment 3). The Sign Program states that building-mounted signs are to be illuminated and are assigned a predetermined location via the Sign Program. ' The west elevation sign is located just below the buildings roof line, and centered along the buildings west elevation. The sign is shown to be non-illuminated aluminum channel letters. Sign lettering is proposed to be Y. inch thick and shall be "pinned" off the wall by % inch. The sign lettering is 21 feet in length and one foot in height. The 'logo for the sign is five feet in length and nearly 2 % feet in height. The overall size of the sign is 50 square feet. The east elevation sign is located just below the buildings roof line. Sign lettering will be channel letters and will be internally-illuminated. Letters are five inches thick and are attached flush with the wall. Lettering size is one foot in height. The' overall sign size is comprised of three lines of text accompanied by a fourth line used for the logo. The size of the sign is approximately 44 square feet. The south elevation sign is located within an arch, just above the main entrance to the building along Calle Estado. The sign is non-illuminated aluminum channel letters which are Y. thick and "pinned" off the wall by % inch. The size of the sign lettering is six inches in height and seven feet in length. The logo for the sign is 17 inches in height and 24 inches in length. The overall size of the sign is 23 square feet. Building Lobby Signs Three building lobby signs are proposed as part of this Sign Program. The three signs are located at the main entrance to the building, within a covered entryway, and not visible from Calle Estado. The signs are non-illuminated plaques made from 3/16" vinyl with acrylic paint and are attached flush with the building fascia. The first two signs are placed one above the other. The first sign is 9 % inches in height and 20 inches in length. The sign reads "Pacific Western Bank" in one inch high lettering. The second sign is located just under the first sign and is used as the business operating hours. The sign reads "Lobby Hours Monday - Thursday 9am - 4pm Friday 9am - 6pm". The sign is eight inches in height and 20 inches in length. The total sign area for both signs is less than 2 % square feet. The third sign reads "Pacific Western Bank, Real Estate Lending Group Suite 201" in 1 Y. inch high lettering. The size of the sign is 20 inches iri length and 16 inches in height. The overall size of the sign is less than 2 % square feet. SA 07-1135 Pacific Western Bank (STAFF REPORT) ANALYSIS: 1. The Sign Program prepared for this building is intended for a single-tenant who occupies all of the leaseable space within the building. No secondary tenant signs are allowed as part of this Sign Program. 2. The proposed Sign Program allows for a maximum of three signs for the single tenant, with maximum sign area not to exceed the sign sizes identified for that location. Although the Sign Program is generally more restrictive than the City's Sign Code, it is believed that the style of architecture will be better preserved under the proposed Sign Program., Additionally, under a Sign Program, there is more opportunity for flexibility due to the opportunity to review sign size, location and design as part of the total building design, and incorporate that design into the overall program. 3. The proposed building-mounted Lobby signs are' considered incidental accessory signs, listed under ~9.160.020 Exempt Signs of the L.G.M.C. Although the signs are exempt from review, sign sizes are limited to three square feet aggregate, and may be building-mounted or placed within a window. The building-mounted Lobby signs are each less than three square feet in area; however, the total sign are for all three signs exceeds the three square foot aggregate size allowed. 4. Lobby signs are hidden from vehicular traffic along Calle Estado. 5. The Lobby signs are proposed to be building-mounted rather than placed in the window. Building-mounted signs are preferred at this location as the existing French doors and window design limit the space available for incidental accessory signs. 6. The east elevation sign is proposed to use three-four lines of text with logo. Generally signs throughout the City are limited to two-three lines of text with logo. Overall sign size conforms to the 50 square foot limitation; however, due to the pedestrian atmosphere of the La Guinta Village, sign size may be too large. 7. The proposed sign along the buildings west facing elevation may be hidden from view as the existing landscaping and proximity to adjacent building will limit visual access to the sign. 8. The south elevation sign, located above the buildings main entrance is a Y. inch thick. The thickness of the sign may need to be increased to add visual interest, shadow and depth to the sign. 9. No additional signs are permitted through this Sign Program. SA 07.1 135 Pacific Western Bank (STAFF REPORT) 10. Only one building-mounted sign will be illuminated the other two signs are non-illuminated. All signs are considered compatible with other signs located through out the Village. 11. The office building signs as proposed generally meet the standards contained in the City's Sign Code provisions, as individual tenant signs are limited to predetermined sign locations and area. FINDINGS: The following findings can be made in support of Sign Application 2007-1035: A. The Sign Program is consistent with the purpose and intent of Chapter 9.160, in that it does not conflict with the standards as set forth in said Chapter. B. The Sign Program is harmonious with and visually related to all signs as proposed under the Sign Program, due to the' common, use of letter type and size, color and location of signs. C. The Sign Program is harmonious with and visually related to the subject buildings as the scale of the signs and letter sizes used accentuate the building design. D. The Sign Program is harmonious with and visually related to surrounding development, as it will not adversely affect surrounding land uses or obscure other adjacent conforming signs. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Minute Motion No. 2007 -_, approving Sign Application 2007-1135 as recommended, subject to the following conditions: 1. The proposed sign along the buildings west elevation shall be eliminated. 2. The proposed sign along the buildings east elevation shall be reduced by 10%. 3. Letter thickness for the non-illuminated sign at the buildings entrance shall be set at two inches. 4. Total sign area for the lobby signs shall be six square feet. 5. Final sign plans shall be submitted to the Planning Department for approval prior to issuance of a building permit for the signs. SA 07,1 135 Pacific Wastern Bank (STAFF REPORT) 5. Final sign plans shall be submitted to the Community Development Department for approval prior to issuance of a building permit for the signs. Prepared by: 01 4 Eric Ceja, Assist t Planner Attachments: ,1 . Location Map 2. Sign Program 3. Building-mounted Sign Locations and Details SA 07.1 135 Pacific Western Bank (STAFF REPORT) C"",,- r' ~44QtdIdt MEMORANDUM " TO: Honorabl:e Chairman and Membe~rs of the Planning Commission . Les Johnson, Planning Director . Timothy R. Jonasson, P.E., Publ rks Director/City Engineer ~ ~ July 10,2007 'FROM: DATE: RE: SDP 2007-891, Stamko Development Co. Site Development Permit for JC Penney's Since releasing the staff report and conditions of approval, staff has received additional letters from the public regarding the project. Those letters have been attached with this memorandum. Staff met with the applicant on July 9, 2007 and proposes changes to certain Conditions of Approval. These changes are primarily due to either typographical errors or minor clarifications requested by the applicant that are supported by staff. Staff thus recommends to the Planning Commission that the following conditions be amended: Site Development Permit SDP 2007-891 Conditions of Approval 11 .A. Strike out the word "purchase" from the third paragraph. 13.A. Insert text "and 2" within the following sentence: "The Adams Street landscape setback for Parcel 1 and 2 shall be..." 14. Add the sentence "Access to Parcel 9 shall be considered through a separate Site Development Permit." at the end of the second paragraph, as per the applicant's request. Strike out the. number "13" referenced in the third paragraph, due to .a typographical error. 18.E. Strike out the word "meandering." 26. Rewrite the first sentence of the paragraph to modify two erroneous words: "Stormwater handling shall be revised as necessary and approved by the City Engineer to conform with the approved hydrology and drainage reports for The Centre at La Guinta Development to include Parcel Maps No. 28525-2, 30420, and 33588, including requirements for storm water retention from the Sam's Club Retail Center/Fueling Station and Tentative Parcel Map No. 34855. " 31. Add the following statement at the end of the first sentence: "...or as approved by the City Engineer." 71. Remove the second sentence in this condition referencing photometric plan approval prior to building permit issuance. 84. This condition shall be rewritten to state: "Permits issued under this approval shall be subject to fees and deposits as identified in the existing Development Agreement, DA 97-004, which was approved by the City Council on July 21, 1997 under Ordinance No. 306." Due to outstanding incompatibility regarding the existing wall at Aventine Apartments and the 8 foot block wall proposed by the applicant, staff further recommends the following condition be added: 106. The applicant shall use good faith effort to work with the owners of the adjacent property to the south (Aventine Apartments) in order to remove and replace an existing misaligned block wall with one to be constructed, at the applicant's cost and expense, on the property line. FiRel a6"i\,j1l "I'dll be ..eflJ3ravea by - tl.G rlaAAiFl~ Dir8~tor.. ~ oj 'I(!-' \' , Please note that, due to a formatting error, there is a gap in the Conditions of Approval between numbers 44 and 56. This numbering sequence error will be corrected in the Final Conditions of Approval. Page 1 of 1 Andy Mogensen From: Eric Ceja Sent: Monday, July 09, 20078:11 AM To: Andy Mogensen Subject: FW: J C Penney Eric Ceja Assistant Planner Community Development Department City of La Quinta eceja@Ia-quinta.org 760.777.7125 From: PDLaGreca@aol.com [mailto:PDLaGreca@aol.com] Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2007 7:39 AM To: Eric Ceja Subject: J C Penney Please assist us in making sure their is not an access off Adams for the J C Penney store. It will cause undue hardship, enormous traffic delays and more than likely the increase in accidents. We certainly can do without more human and property damage. Any1hing you can do to help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Phil La Greca 78865 Via Trieste La Quinta, CA 92253 (760) 774-1086 See what's free at AOLcom. . 7/I 0/2007 Page 1 of 1 From: Michael Mastrogiuseppe [mmastrogiuseppe@dc.rr.com) Sen.t: Sunday, July 08, 2007 10:54 AM To: City Managers Office Subject: JC Penny Project Ct:~ ~f C-M. W!iA/JY7 CD:; ce-~ Wanda Wise-Latta Please give copy to each council member. Thank you. Dear Council Members: As a resident of La Quinta living at Lake La Quinta I have witnessed close up and first hand the tremendous grow1h in the adjacent Highway III corridor. While I understand this commercial and retail development provides a very important source of revenue to our City, I do believe that in their eager quest for more income, City Fathers have been a bit reckless in their choices of retail establishtnents. Recent additions such as WaIMar1, 99 Cent Store and Goodwill all cater more to residents of other cities than to the people of La Quinta. My friends and neighbor still have to drive to other cities to shop in quality retail establishments such as Macy's, Saks and Nordstrom. It is unfortunate that most of our nearby shopping opportunities accommodate a different demographic than that of the City of La Quinta. The upcoming JC Penney Project at La Quinta Center Drive near Wal-Mart in another example of this. . I would hope that this will not become a big white elephant for the City. JC Penny's prior history has been more as an anchor store in a large shopping mall. A stand alone store would have a better .chance of success on Highway I I I rather than being tucked back off La Quinta Center Drive. As a resident of Lake La Quinta we are a community being surrounded by retail, which in many aspects is convenient, but the City needs to do its part to mitigate the impact of traffic flooding in from other cities to the east. While we understand that our opposition to this project will not sway the/City from it approval, we would like to see some things mandated to ease the impact on the residents of the surrounding residential areas. The proposed left turn lane south bound on Adams into the proposed project must be eliminated from the plan. It is already difficult for Lake La Quinta residents to exit our main gate on Adams and any additional traffic will make it near impossible to exit safely. With this project having access from La Quinta Center Drive, Avenue 47 and the Wal-Mart Parking lot, an entrance on Adams between 47th and Via Graziana is super8uous. If the City disagrees, then the left turn entrance on Adams should be moved to Via Graziana, placing the traffic signal so it benefits both business and residents With the added light and noise pollution from parking lot lighting and headlights it should be mandated that a perimeter wall be erected along Adams to limit this type of pollution. <>Residents of Lake La Quinta are not unreasonable and we have worked with other developers to lessen the impact of their developments on our community and hope the City will work with the big box stores and its residents to the mutual benefit of both. ' I sincerely hope the meeting on Tuesday July 1 Otb .is more than just the City going through the motions of having to listen to its residents, only to rubbe~ stamp yet another project. 7/9/2007 Page 1 of 1 From: diane abdelnour [karisma36@earthlink.net] Sent: Monday, July 09, 2007 11 :23 AM To: City Managers Office Subject: J C Penny Project ee: ~W (bwjcA I CM :? e~ Wanda Wise-Latta Hello, I am a resident of Lake La Quinta and am writing my concerns regarding excessive traffic on Adams Street between Avenue 48 and Hwy 111. I frequently travel Westbound on Avenue 48. I have noticed that a high percentage of vehicles traveling Westbound on Avenue 48 make a Righi Hand turn on Adams Street (Northbound) toward Hwy 111 and beyond, to avoid making aRight Hand turn to travel Northbound on Washington Street. Adams Street between Avenue 48 (at Rancho La Quinta) and Hwy 111 is primarily a Residential street with Lake La Quinta and the Apartment Complex facing and abutting to Adams Street. I don't know whether Adams Street is zoned Residential or Commercial, but it seems that commuters are using it as a main thoroughfare similar to Washington and Jefferson, traveling at very high speeds in excess of 55 MPH to avoid traffic on Washington and Jefferson. Not only is it excessively noisy for the residents whose properties are bordering Adams, it is also reaching the point that it is very difficult and dangerous for Lake La Quinta residents to make a Left Hand turn out of Avenue Grazianna (Lake La Quinta main entrance) to travel Northbound toward Hwy 111. One can scarcely clear traffic on the Southbound and Northbound lanes simultaneously to make a safe Left Hand turn. With the addition of the traffic imposed by the J C Penny Project, I am .concerned that it will exasperate the situation almost making it impossible to make a Northbound exit from the Lake La Quinta Community. My concern is with the possibility of serious accidents occurring as a result of additional traffic congestion on Adams. With the addition of commercial properties on Adams and Hwy 111 and the La Quinta Post Office relocated on Corporate Centre Dr., 'I'm certain you are aware that an increasing number of commuters are using Adams Road to travel to and from Fred Waring to Avenue 48. As you have recently added a much needed traffic signal at Auto Centre Drive, more traffic signals and Left Hand turn lanes are going to be required to safely enter and exit these properties. Lake La Quinta is a quiet residential community surrounded by an increasing number of commercial properties. I would appreciate you taking this into consideration as you plan the J C Penny project as well as any other future commercial projects that impact our community.. Is it possible for. the Planning Commission, or whomever is responsible, to alleviate some of the Fast, Heavy Traffic on Adams Road between Avenue 48 and Hwy 111; i.e. zoning it residential with lower speed limits and enforcing it with citations with heavy fines? I'n leave it to your professional expertise, but would appreciate any assistance you can provide. May I request that a copy of this email be forwarded and reviewed by the La Quinta Planning Commission, City Council and Mayor, if possible, . Thank you for reviewing my concerns. Respectfully, Diane diane abdelnour karisma36@earthlink.net EarthLink Revolves Around You. 7/9/2007 Page 1 of 1 From: Jay Amoldus [amoldus@msn.com] Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2007 11 :26 AM To: City Managers Office Subject: Fw: STAMKO (J C Penny's) project ae:~ ChttM.t \ CL\ b.h>s CDVi' CC~~ Wanda Wise-Latta In the event that the City Council reviews the proposed Centre at La Quinta, please forwand these comments, also sent to the Planning Commission, to the City Council for their further consideration. - Original Message --- From: JilyAl)]ol<1!J.s To: eceia@la-ouinta.ora Cc: Be!!yfrilh Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2007 10:54 AM Subject: STAMKO (J C Penny's) project I am a permanent resident of Lake La Quinta. I heard Ms. Clark's presentation at the Lake La Quinta HOA meeting last week. Although she gave the impression that "The Centre at La Quinta" was a done deal, I would like the Planning Commission to consider the following objeCtions to the proposal. . Traffic Datterns. The proposal calls for a right and left hand turn into an access drive.off of Adams. This intersection appears to be located slightly over 300 feet from the light at 47th and Adams. Adams has become a congested road with significant traffic coming from 48th street and the exit of Rancho'La Quinta. It has become increasingly difficult to make a left hand turn out of the Lake La Quinta Adams exit. The 150 foot deceleration lane will invite more traffic onto Adams making our access to Rt. 111 nearly impossible. In addition, the left hand turn from Adams into the access drive is an invitation to mayhem! This tum, in front of on-coming traffic trying to beat the green light at 47th, will be a disaster akin to 47th and . Adams prior to the installation of the light. . I strongly recommend that no new access be permitted into the shopping center. from Adams. Currently in existence is the light at 47th and Adams which intersects two roads (Auto Center Way South and La Quinta Drive) both of which will have access to the Penny's Area. Wall On Adams. I believe a wall along Adams, from the CVWD well site to 47th street will help shield the parking lot and service area of Penny's from our residents as they exit our Adams gate and provide a shield from the backside of the building area #2. Currently this area has lovely desert landscaping which will be removed for half of the length of the proposed site. Architectural style. The drawings of the proposed Penny's reminds me of a style which is more mid century modern that anything currently on Rt. 111. Although I am not opposed to an eclectic range of architectural styles, it works best when it is planned. An occasional diverse building (a la Amore restaurant) looks out of place. BiQ Box stores. I agree with the.survey reported in the Desert Sun that we have already reached a saturation point with big box stores on Rt. 111. A member of the development team told me that the competition for Penny's customers would be Kohl and Nordstrum.I disagree. I believe we have a significant number of stores located in the Washington to Jefferson corridor on Rt. 111 aiming at the same customers -- Kohl's, Ross, Marshalls, Target, Costco, Wall Mart, Sam's. Three of them within immediate proximity to the proposed Penny's. It would appear that competitions will be stiff and one or more of them will not su'rvive. My bet would be on Penny's. 7/9/2007 ~ of ~ fJ.ulJtrw MEMORANDUM TO: ^ '(lenorable Chairman Quill and Members of the Planning Commission ~Vi(mothY R. Jonasson ' Public Works Director/City Engineer FROM: DATE: July 10, 2007 RE: REQUESTED CHANGES TO CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2007-885, LA QUINTA COUNTRY CLUB CLUBHOUSE After speaking with the developer's engineer, MDS Consulting this morning, the Public Works Department recommends that the following changes be made to the conditions of approval: 1. Delete Condition 6 in its entirety and replace it with the following: 6. Prior to issuance of any permit(s), the applicant shall acquire or confer easements and other property rights necessary for the construction or proper functioning of the proposed development.' Conferred right shall include irrevocable offers to dedicate or grant access easement to the i City for emergency service and for maintenance, construction and reconstruction of essential improvements. Said conferred rights shall also include grant of access easement to the City of La Quinta for the purpose of graffiti removal by the City staff or assigned agent in perpetuity and agreement to the method to remove graffiti and to i paint over to best match existing. The applicant shall establish the aforementioned requirements in the "La Guinta Country Club, Rules and Regulations" as approved by the City Engineer. 2. Delete Condition 7 in its entirety. i ' Delete Condition 1 0.A.1) in its entirety and replace it with the following: I (1 0.A.1) Private Entry Drive measured at gutter flow line to gutter flow line shall be 28 feet with on-street parking is prohibited, and provided there is adeduate off-street parking for residents and visitors, and the applicant establishes provisions for ongoing enforcement of the parking restriction in I ;. the I"La Quin~a Country Club, Rules and Regulations". The "La Quinta I i , T:\Development i Services Division\Development Projects\COA & Correspondence\SP\SP2007-082 LQ Country Club-Club House\Amend Conditions SOP 2007-885.DOC . I ' 3. P.::iOP. 1 of '} Country Club, Rules and Regulations" shall be reviewed by the Engineering Department prior to recordation. 4. Delete Condition 16 in its entirety and replace it with the following: 16. The applicant shall design street pavement sections using CalTrans' design procedure for 20-year life pavement, and the site-specific data for soil strength and anticipated traffic loading (including construction traffic). Minimum structural sections shall be as follows: Residential 3.0" a.c./4'.5" c.a.b. Primary /\rterial 4.6" a.o./e.O" o.a.b. " 5. Delete Condition 22.D. in its entirety and replace it with the following: D. On-Site Commercial Precise Grading 1 " . = 20' Horizontal The Off Site street improvement plans shall have separate plan sheet(s) (drawn at 20 soale) that show the meandering sidewalk, mounding, and berming design in the combined parkway and landsoape setback area.. 6. Delete Condition 31 in its entirety and replace it with the following: 31 . Building pad elevations on the rough grading plan s,ubmitted for City Engineer's approval shall conform with pad elevations shown on the Site Development Permit site plan, unless the pad elevations have other requirements imposed elsewhere in these Conditions of Approval. Where 'compliance within the above stated limits is impractical, the City may consider alternatives that are shown to minimize safety concerns, maintenance difficulties and neighboring-owner dissatisfaction with the grade differential. 7. Delete Condition 34 in its entirety. 8. Delete Condition 48 in its entirety and replace it with the following: 48. The City will conduct final inspection of habitable buildings only when the buildings have improved street and (if required) sidewalk access to publicly-maintained streets. The improvements shall include required traffic control devices, pavement markings and street name signs. T:\Development Services Division\Development Projects\COA & Correspondence\SP\SP2007.082 LQ Country Club-Club H011!,:p.\Amp.nri r:nnrlitinn!': Sf}p.?On7-RR~.nor. ~of4~ MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Les Johnson, Planning Director DATE: July 10, 2007 RE: SA 2007-1150, Stamko Development Co. Sign Program for JC Penney's Since staff's meeting with the applicant on Monday July 9, 2007, staff has updated the table provided on page three of the Staff Report. The table has been updated to reflect current sign conditions for major tenants along Highway 111, The revised table should replace the original table in the report, -