2007 07 24 PC ~of .tfQuMt. Planning Commission Agendas are now available on the City's Web Page @ www.la-quinta.org PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA A Regular Meeting to be Held at the La Ouinta City Hall Council Chamber 78-495 Calle Tampico La Ouinta, California JULY 24, 2007 7:00 P.M. **NOTE** ALL ITEMS NOT CONSIDERED BY 11 :00 P.M. WILL BE CONTINUED TO THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING Beginning Resolution 2007-032 Beginning Minute Motion 2007-012 I. CALL TO ORDER A. Flag Salute B. Pledge of Allegiance C. Roll Call II. PUBLIC COMMENT This is the time set aside for public comment on any matter not scheduled for public hearing. Please complete a "Request to Speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 10, 2007. P:\Reports. PC\2007\7-24-07\Agenda.doc V. PUBLIC HEARING: For all Public Hearings on the Agenda, a completed "Request to Speak" form must be filed with the Executive Secretary prior to the start of the Planning Commission consideration of that item. The Chairman will invite individuals who have requested the opportunity to speak, to come forward at the appropriate time. Any person may submit written comments to the Planning, Commission before a public hearing, may appear and be heard in support of, or in opposition to, the approval of the project(s) at the time of the hearing. If you challenge any project(s) in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing or in written correspondence delivered to,the City at, or prior to the public hearing. A. Item................ Applicant... ... ... Location. . . .. . ... . . Request ........... Action............. . B. Item................ Applicant......... Location........... Request ........... Action.............. C. Item................ Applicant......... Location........... Request ........... Action.............. VI. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Item................ Applicant........ . Location........... Request ........... Action.............. P:\Reports . PC\2007\7-24-07\Agenda.doc SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2007-887 Eisenhower Medical Center Southeast corner of Washington Street and Seeley Drive, within the Centre Pointe project Consideration of development plans for an 85,655 square foot three-story medical building (Phase I). Resolution 2007- SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2007-889 AND SIGN APPLICATION 2007-1165 Kerr Project Services for Applebee's Restaurant Northeast corner of Washington Street and Seeley Drive within the Centre Pointe project. Consideration of development plans and Sign Program for a 5,914 square foot restaurant. Resolution 2007-_ and Minute Motion 2007-_ SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2007-879 The Foundation Group. La Guinta Village Shopping Center, on the northwest corner of Washington Street and Calle Tampico Consideration of architectural plans for a 6,200 square foot retail building. Resolution 2007- SIGN APPLICATION 2007-1136 Embassy Suites - Spa Hibiscus North side of Calle Tampico, within the Embassy Suites Consideration of an Amendment to an approved Sign Program for a business identification sign. Minute Motion 2007- VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: None VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS: A. Discussion of Landscaping Policies in regards to water features and turf usage. B. Discussion of a Multi-use Trail on Madison Avenue south of Avenue 60. C. Review of City Council meeting of July 17, 2007 IX. ADJOURNMENT: This meeting of the Planning Commission will be adjourned to a Regular Meeting to be held on August 28, 2007, at 7:00 p.m. . DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Betty J. Sawyer, Executive Secretary of the City of La Guinta, do hereby declare that the foregoing Agenda for the La Guinta Planning Commission meeting of Tuesday, July 24, 2007, was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber, 78-495 Calle Tampico and the bulletin board at the La Guinta Cove Post Office, on Friday, July 20, 2007. DATED: July 20, 2007 XCPJr-. AWYER, "Executive Secretary a Guinta, California Public Notices The La Quinta City Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please call the City Clerk's office at 777-7123, twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made. If special electronic equipment is needed to make presentations to the Planning Commission, arrangements should be made in advance by contacting the City Clerk's office at 777-7123. A one (1) week notice is required. If background material is to be presented to the Planning Commission during a Planning Commission" meeting, please be advised that eight (8) copies of all documents, exhibits, etc., must be supplied to the Executive Secretary for distribution. It is requested that this take place prior to the beginning of the 7:00 p.m. meeting. P:\Reports - PC\2007\7-24-07\Agenda.doc MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING A regular meeting held at the La Guinta City Hall 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Guinta, CA .: July 10, 2007 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Paul Guill who asked Commissioner Barrows to lead the flag salute. B. Present: Commissioners Ed Alderson, Katie Barrows, Rick Daniels, Jim Engle, and Chairman Paul Guill. C. Staff present: Planning Director Les Johnson, Assistant City Attorney Michael Houston, Principal Engineer Ed Wimmer, Principal Planner Andrew Mogensen, Assistant Planners Jay Wuu and Eric Ceja, and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer. D. Election of Chair: It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Barrows to nominate Ed Alderson as Chair. There being no further nominations, the nominations were closed. Ed Alderson was unanimously elected as Chair. E. Election. of Vice Chair: It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Alderson to nominate Katie Barrows as Vice Chair. There being no further nominations, the nominations were closed. Katie Barrows w"as unanimously elected as Vice Chair. II. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: Confirmed. IV. CONSENT ITEMS: A. Chairman Alderson asked if there were any changes to the Minutes of June 27, 2007. There being no changes, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Barrows to approve the minutes as submitted, Unanimously approved. V. PUBLIC HEARINGS: D FILENAME Ip G:IWPDOCSIPC MinutesI200717-10-07.docD Planning Commission Minutes July 10,2007 A. Environmental Assessment 2007-584, Specific Plan 2007-082, and Site Development Permit 2007-885; a request of La Guinta Country Club for consideration of architectural and landscaping plans for construction of a new clubhouse, cart barn, and maintenance building; the relocation of lighted tennis courts and parking lot, and the redesign of the driving range for the La Guinta Country Club located north of Avenue 50 and east of Eisenhower Drive. 1. Chairman Alderson opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report. Assistant Planner Jay Wuu presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Chairman Alderson asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner Guill asked about the parking lot lighting. Staff explained lighting plan. 3. Commissioner Barrows asked if the parking lot would be lit and.if the lighting proposed is decorative; what is the reason for the lighting plan. Staff stated their concern was that there would be some type of effect as the wattage is greater than zero. 4. Commissioner Daniels asked what the distance was from the closest point of the driving range to the street. Staff stated the applicant would provide that information. Commissioner Daniels asked if there was a possibility of backing the driving range further to the north. Second, it appears the tennis courts are located in close proximity to the golf course and players could potentially be hit by balls. Staff clarified the applicant has stated it is back as far as possible. In regard to the tennis court, the applicant believes the tennis court fences have been proposed to prevent this from happening and staff believes it is adequate. 5. . Chairman Alderson stated the building. height is above the allowable height. Staff stated it is over the height, but the applicant filed a Specific Plan which, if approved, will allow them to deviate from the Code requirements. 6. . Chairman Quill stated the tennis courts are proposed to be submerged and there will be four and not two courts. In addition, the lights will also be installed at the lower level with the tennis courts. Staff stated the light sources will rise above the height of the fence, but will be at the lower elevation with the courts. G:\WPDOCS\PC Minutes\2007\7-10-07.doc 2 Planning Commission Minutes July 10, 2007 7. Chairman Alderson asked if the fertilizer storages buildings will create any odors. Staff stated the building will be enclosed and all chemicals contained inside. Chairman Alderson asked if within the circular drive at the entrance, will there be a water feature. Staff stated the plans have it called out as desert landscape. There is no water feature proposed. 8. Commissioner Barrows asked if the lighting would be required under the City's current standards. Staff stated it is optional and the applicant has stated there is a need for it. 9. Commissioner Daniels stated the parking calculations are going from 1/35 to 1175; is this based upon practice that the City standards are being reduced or has the need decreased. Staff stated the project has a ballroom and other associated uses that activities are not defined in the Code in regard to the number of spaces needed. Staff took a conservative position in determining the number needed. More parking is being provided than previously existed with the larger clubhouse. 10. Commissioner Guill stated the coach lights on the building have a tendency to bleed; is there a way to use this type of fixture and not let it bleed out. Planning Director Les Johnson stated you could put a louvered insert over the bulb to diffuse the light. Another option is to frost the glass. if the Commission is concerned they could be conditioned to do one of the options. 11. Commissioner Engle stated he sees a shoebox light fixture as well as the coach. 12. Commissioner Guill stated the shoebox will be used at the tennis courts and the coach at the maintenance facility. 13. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Alderson asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr. Heinz Hoffman, representing the La Guinta Country Club, gave a presentation on the project. He stated he had no concerns with the conditions as proposed. He introduced Ron Sakahara, architect, Ron Gregory, landscape architect, George Prine, MDS Consulting, and Ron Kirk, President of HOA. 14. Commissioner Guill asked about the coach lights. Mr. Sakahara stated they could be completely shielded. The lighting in the G:IWPDOCSIPC MinutesI2007\7-10-07.doc 3 Planning Commission Minutes July 10, 2007 parking lot is for security purposes. They do not want the full candle light, but will be using the shielded light source. This will also apply to the tennis court lights. The current parking lot does hllVe lights. 15. Commissioner Barrows asked about decreasing the intensity of the lights. Mr. Sakahara stated they would work with staff to reduce the number and/or intensity. 16. Commissioner Daniels asked if the driving range could be moved further north and whether or not they have concerns regarding balls being hit in this direction. Mr. Hoffman stated they do have a concern and have self imposed a condition on their members that no drivers can be used on the driving range. The tennis courts have been placed near the short game area to help off-set concern about misdirected golf balls. 17. Chairman Alderson asked if they were agreeable with the conditions as submitted tonight. Mr. Hoffman stated they were in agreement. Chairman Alderson stated that with the added berming and fencing at the south end of the driving range, he is comfortable with the design. 18. Commissioner Barrows asked about the west and south elevation of the clubhouse. The windows could be screened for energy efficiency. Mr. Sakahara stated there may be some windows on the south side, but they are administrative offices and those will have shade covers and landscaping. 19. Chairman Alderson asked if there were any comments or questions of the public. There being no further questions and no other public comment, the public hearing was closed and open for Commission discussion. Commissioner Barrows commended the applicant on the project. 20. Commissioner Engle stated he has no objections and supports the project as proposed and conditioned. 21 . Commissioner Daniels stated this has been one of the most prestigious country clubs in the Valley and the last two years have been difficult on the members to use the temporary clubhouse. He supports the project and believes his concerns are addressed. G:IWPDOCSIPC Minutes\2007\7-' 0-07.doc 4 Planning Commission Minutes July 10, 2007 22. Commissioner Barrows asked if the ALRC concerns are covered in the conditions and that the parking lot and tennis court lights will be shielded. Staff stated they would be working with the applicant and it is incorporated into the conditions. Commissioner Barrows asked that the west and south elevation windows of the clubhouse be addressed in regard to shading. 23. Chairman Alderson complemented the applicant on the design. He stated he is pleased they did not incorporate a water feature. 24. It. was moved and seconded by Commissioners Quill/Barrows to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2007-028 recommending adoption of a Mitigated Negative Declaration for Environmental Assessment 2007-082 as recommended. . ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Barrows, Daniels, Engle, Quill, and Chairman Alderson. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. ABSENT: None. 25. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Quill/Barrows to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2007-029 recommending approval of Specific Plan 2007-082, as recommended. ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Barrows, Daniels, Engle, Quill, and Chairman Alderson. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. ABSENT: None. 26. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Quill/Daniels' to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2007-030 recommending approval of Site Development Permit 2007-885, as recommended and amended: a. Condition added: Parking lot lighting shall be shielded and turned off during non-use of the clubhouse. b. Condition added: The driving range shall be monitored to see if stray golf balls land outside the driving range. c. Delete Condition 6 in its entirety and replace it with the following: "Prior to issuance of any permit(s), the applicant shall acquire or confer easements and other property rights necessary for the construction or proper functioning of the proposed development. Conferred right shall include irrevocable offers to dedicate or grant access easement to the City for emergency service and for maintenance, G :IWPDOCSIPC Minutes\2007\7-1 0-07 .doc 5 Planning Commission Minutes July 10, 2007 construction and reconstruction of essential improvements. Said conferred rights shall also include grant of access easement to the City of La Quinta for the purpose of graffiti removal by the City staff or assigned agent in perpetuity and agreement to the method to remove graffiti and to paint over to best match existing. The applicant shall establish the aforementioned requirements in the 'La Quinta Country Club, Rules and Regulations' as approved by the City Engineer. " d. Delete Condition 7 in its entirety. e. Delete Condition 1 0.A.1) in its entir~ty and replace it with the following: "Private Entry Drive measured at gutter flow line to gutter flow line shall be 28 feet with on-street parking is prohibited, and provided there is adequate off- street parking for residents and visitors, and the applicant establishes provisions for ongoing enforcement of the parking restriction in the 'La Quinta Country Club, Rules and Regulations'. The 'La Quinta Country Club, Rules and Regulations' shall be reviewed by the Engineering Department prior to recordation." f. Delete Condition 1 6 in its entirety and replace it with the following: "The applicant shall design street pavement sections using CalTrans' design procedure for 20-year life pavement, and the site-specific data for soil strength and anticipated traffic loading (including construction traffic). Minimum structural sections shall be as follows: Residential 3.0" a.c./4.5" c.a.b. Primary Arterial 1.5" a.s./6.0" s.a.b." g'. Delete Condition 22.D. in its entirety and replace it with the following: "D. On-Site Commercial Precise Grading 1" = 20' Horizontal Tho Off Site street improvement !'lIaRs stlall have soparate plaR sAeet(s) (elra.....n at 20 soale) that show tAO meaRelering siele'.'\'alk, ffiouReling, amI I:lormin!l elosign in the ooml:lined !'larkway and landssape setBaok area." h. Delete Condition 31 in its entirety and replace it with the following: "Building pad elevations on the rough grading G:IWPDOCSIPC Minutes1200717-' 0-07 .doc 6 - Planning Commission Minutes July 10, 2007 plan submitted for City Engineer's approval shall conform with pad elevations shown on the Site Development Permit site plan, unless the pad elevations have other requirements imposed elsewhere in these Conditions of Approval. Where compliance within the above stated limits is impractical, the City may consider alternatives that are' . shown to minimize safety concerns, maintenance difficulties and neighboring-owner dissatisfaction with the grade differential." i. Delete Condition 34 in its entirety. j: Delete Condition 48 in its entirety and replace it with the following:. "The City will conduct final inspection of habitable buildings only when the buildings have improved street and (if required) sidewalk access to publicly- maintained streets. The improvements shall include required traffic control devices, pavement markings and street name signs." ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Barrows, Daniels, Engle Quill and Chairman Alderson. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. ABSENT: None. B. Site Development Permit 2007-891 and Sign Application 2007-1150; a request of Stamko Development Co., for consideration of development plans fOr a :t 105,300 square foot commercial retail building (JC Penney). landscaping, parking lot, and Sign Program for the Centre at La Quinta, located south of Auto Centre Drive, east of Adams Street, and west of La Quinta Drive. 1 . Commissioners Daniels, Barrows and Chairman Alderson disclosed they had met individually with the applicant in regard to the project. 2. Chairman Alderson opened the public hearing and asked that the . Site Development Permit and Sign Application be heard at the same time. He asked for the staff report. Principal Planner Andrew Mogensen presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. Staff reviewed the proposed condition changes. G:IWPDOCSIPC MinutesI200717-10-07.doc 7 Planning Commission Minutes July 10, 2007 3. Chairman Alderson asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner Daniels asked the purpose of the turquoise pad. Staff stated it was a future building pad. . 4. Commissioner Engle asked if the concerrls raised in the e-mail correspondence received were addressed. Staff stated the issues were addressed through the previously approved Specific Plan. 5. Chairman Alderson asked if the proposed pedestrian crossing recommended by staff on Adams Street went through the retention basin. Staff stated it is intended to go around the retention basin. Chairman Alderson asked if the south elevation of the Penney's building had is a band of colored masonry material where the future adjacent building will be built.. Staff. stated they were requesting the additional detail because all . elevations would be visible for some time. 6. Planning Director Les Johnson reviewed the changes to the conditions that were made since the final report was given to the Commission. He further stated the environmental review is consistent with the development scenarios identified in the Specific Plan. That is why staff has deemed the project to be consistent with the previously approved Environmental Assessment. 7. Assistant Planner Eric Ceja presented the information contained in the staff report regarding the Sign Program; a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. Planning Director Les Johnson informed the Commission that staff's presentation and recommendation is based on the revised elevations that the applicant will be presenting to the Commission. 8. Chairman Alderson asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Ms. Chris Clarke, representing Stamko Development Co., introduced her staff and gave a presentation on the project. Richard Clark, construction Manager for JC Penney and Mark Levin, Luden Architects, representing JC Penney, gave a presentation on the new elevations. 9. Commissioner Quill asked if the details noted on the rear elevation were lights. Mr. Levin stated they are security lights placed over the rear doors. They were added to this elevation. Commissioner G:IWPDOCSIPC Minutes\2007\7-1 0-07.doc 8 Planning Commission Minutes July 10, 2007 Quill asked the location of the loading dock. Mr. Levin stated it is on the west elevation. Commissioner Quill asked the distance from the south property line and the rear elevation. Ms. Clark stated there was a ten foot landscaping setback from the wall and an additional 60 foot fire lane to the rear of the building. . Commissioner Quill stated the new elevation colors appear to be significantly different. Ms Clark stated it was a glitch with the copying process. They are not proposing to change any of the colors. 10. Chairman Alderson asked the total setback from the south property line. Ms. Clarke stated 70 feet. 11. Commissioner Engle asked why not use a more contrasting color such as a bronze or brown. Mr. Levin stated it was a decision based on the contrasting materials and colors. They believe the contrast is enough between the textures. As far as a more drastic contrast, they wanted more contrast with textures rather than with colors. 12. Commissioner Daniels noted the e-mail comments that had been received in regard to the architecture being out of place with the existing architecture in the area. Ms. Clark stated the Specific Plan has a much more modern architecture. The Sam's Club building was added to the Specific Plan at a later date. The Wal- Mart building and the accessory buildings all have modern steel and slate accents. The features on this building were to incorporate the Specific Plan theme into the design. This is the , first JC Penney "green" building that will be LEED certified. Commissioner Daniels asked how "wedded" Penney's was to the red color. Ms. Clark stated it is their corporate color/logo. Mr. Richard Clark stated the color comes out with the construction of the block building. The red box is their logo/brand. They are going to a more modern look with the use of the glass. Penney is .also looking to be more energy efficient and has received awards for their energy conservation measures. 13. Commissioner Daniels asked about the access off of Adams Street and the added traffic concerns raised by the Lake La Quinta residents. Ms. Clarke stated she had met the HOA on June 27th and concerns were voiced about the traffic concerns. . This access was approved under one of the scenarios identified in a Specific Plan Amendment. The location of the access was G:IWPDOCSIPC Minutes\2007\7-10-07.doc 9 Planning Commission Minutes July 10, 2007 dictated by the City. Commissioner Daniels asked about the deletion of the round-a~bout. Ms. Clark stated that is a request of the Washington Square owner and to take it out would require a major change to the Specific Plan. Planning Director Les Johnson 'explained that with the approval of this project the parking stalls on one quarter of the round-a-bout would be eliminated. Staff will address the other parking stalls when future entitlements ocur 14. Chairman Alderson stated the round-a-bout is a beautiful landscape screen but it could be a traffic concern with the cars parked in this area. Ms. Clarke stated the concern is the parking stalls where the cars have to back out into moving traffic. The parking stalls will be eliminated in the near future. 15. Chairman Alderson stated the large red sign is a gross violation of the City's Sign Ordinance.. Planning Director Les Johnson stated that through the Sign Program process, the applicant can request a deviation from the Sign Ordinance. That is the request being presented to the Commission. Staff has prepared information as a comparative to the other signs that have been approved along Highway 111. Ms. Clarke stated that if you review the sign applications that have been approved for the businesses along Highway 1,11, you will see that they are not asking for much more than what is approved. Their application is for the JC Penney building only. The letters proposed by Penney's are six feet (293 square feet) for the north elevation and five feet in height (179 square feet) for the west elevation. She also did a comparison of what was applied for by the other businesses. In all instances the sign applications were for the sign letters only. She went on to review the different signs. Chairman Alderson asked about eliminating the sign on the west elevation. Ms. Clarke stated they have already eliminated the signs on the east and south elevations; anything further would be up to JC Penney. 16. Commissioner Quill asked if JC Penney will own the store. Ms. Clarke stated they will own the store and she will have a ground lease for a maximum of 100 years with a minimum of 25 years. Commissioner Quill asked if there was any relationship of this store to the store in Palm Desert. Mr. Clark stated none. Mr. Clark stated they have tried to expand the Palm Desert store and it isn't economically feasible for them to do that; therefore, they looked at where they could build another store and this location was determined to be the best. There is no intent to close the G:IWPDOCSIPC MinutesI200717-10-07.doc 10 - Planning Commission Minutes July 10, 2007 Palm Desert store. Commissioner Quill asked if there was a parapet on the 26 foot elevation. Mr. Levin stated the roof line is about 4-5 feet below. There is a parapet. 17. Commissioner Quill stated typically the retention basin and wells site are deeded to the City. Ms. Clarke stated thewell site was deeded in 1999 to CVWD. CVWD has not given her any intention that they will be building the. well site at this time. It will be a requirement for the build out of this site. Commissioner Quill asked if she would have any objection to a condition being added to require the walls to be constructed for the well site before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued for the Penney's building. The City does not want that site bare until CVWD builds the well site. Mr. Dale Ross, Stantec Engineering, stated CVWD as a normal procedure, will require improvement of the well site which includes the walls. When they condition that, they will build it. Commissioner Quill asked if they had any objection to doing this upon the completion of the JC Penney building. Also, the retention basin services water off of Adams Street and it does riot appear to be landscaped. Ms. Clarke stated the landscaping does not go into the basin but will come up the sides. It is beyond the 20-foot setback. Commissioner Quill stated he just wants assurance that it will be landscaped. Ms. Clarke stated it will be landscaped on all sides. Mr. Chuck Shepardson, landscape architect, stated it is their intention to see that any part of the retention basin that does not show landscaping will be landscaped. The west side is currently landscaped and the remainder will be done as this building is built. Commissioner Quill asked for assurance that when the building is complete the existing landscaping along Adams Street will be cleaned up. Ms. Clarke stated the Auto Center controls this landscaping, but when she builds this building she will regain control of this landscaping and it will be maintained. As far as the well site, she is currently in negotiations with CVWD to take the well site back. This has not been finalized, but she would not want to be conditioned to build a wall for a well that may not be built. Commissioner Quill stated he would then like to see it landscaped as part of the entire site. Ms. Clarke stated it would be required to be approved by the Planning Director. 18. Commissioner Quill stated the proposed parking is more than what is required and staff is requesting it be downsized and the landscaping increased. What he would like to see is a berm along G:IWPDOCSIPC MinutesI200717-10-oi.doc 11 Planning Commission Minutes July 10, 2007 Adams Street where the parking spaces face Adams Street. Ms. Clarke stated they do have to meet the City requirements as well as their users requirements. She would like to suggest that this area be set aside as employee parking. Commissioner Quill stated the concern is not only the headlights but the scenic corridor and a berm with landscaping would help to hide the view of the cars into the parking lot. Ms. Clarke reminded the Commission that the pad to the north of this site is approved for an auto mall which will be more intensely lighted. 19. Chairman Alderson asked if the retaining wall was going to be constructed. Ms. Clarke stated not exactly as they still need to determine how this could be done. 20. Commissioner Quill asked if the new technology for underground retention basins will be used. . Principal Engineer Ed Wimmer stated it should work. 21 . Commissioner Barrows commended the applicant on being a LEED building and would like to see it advertised more. She asked what architectural features emphasize the LEED standards. Mr. Levin stated aesthetically there will be no mechanism you can point to and say it is LEED certified, it will be included in the functions of the building. Commissioner Barrows asked if the building could be plumbed to be solar in the future. Mr. Clark stated they are always looking to see how they can improve their building, but as a company policy, it is not being considered currently. 22. There being no further questions of the applicant, Chairman Alderson asked if there was anyone else that would like to address the Commission. Ms. Betty Frith, 47-760.Via Montana, Lake La Quinta HOA, stated staff has addressed almost all of their concerns. The only issue left is that they would like to see a berm constructed along Adams Street. She would also like to ask the distance of the left turn lane from thesignal at Avenue 47. 23. Mr. Jay Arnoldas, 47-935 Via Opera, stated this architecture does not meet La Quinta's standards. His concern is the traffic pattern for this site. This entrance is going to be a car magnet to by-pass Highway 111. Left turns out of their gate are goingto be made even more difficult. He would like to see the access off of Adams Street eliminated and a requirement for the berm. G:IWPDOCSIPC MinutesI200717-10-07.doc 12 Planning Commission Minutes July 10, 2007 24. Mr. Ron Dawson, 79-770 Rancho La Quinta, serves on the Rancho La Quinta HOA, stated there should be different standard for those who have commercial structures off of Highway 111. Sign age should be decreased as it is not on Highway 111. He asked why the loading dock is proposed for the west elevation facing residential. This is true for the sign as well. They both should be put on the east side. The '.future parcel on the northwest parcel will back up to Adams Street and the rear , elevation will be unattractive. 25. Chairman Alderson asked if Ms. Clark had further conditions to discuss. Ms. Clark stated she would like to clarify that with the proposed Adams Street access it will not add any more stop signs or signals. She asked about Condition No. 76, the approved pedestrian access. She opposes this access because of the ,retention basin. To go around the retention basin will cause a pedestrian to enter the deceleration lane. Their ADA study has already been prepared and approved for this site. The path proposed by staff will not comply with the ADA requirements. 26. Mr. Jim Collins, 44-190 Monroe Street, Indio, stated he has done several of the ADA plans for many of the projects in La Quinta. He serves on several State boards for ADA compliance. In regard to the path of travel for the sidewalk recommended by staff, it would create a safety concern as well as being very difficult for a wheelchair to maneuver. You cannot have a cross slope that exceeds 2 percent. What is proposed by staff is not usable by the handicapped. What is proposed by Stantec Consulting is a workable plan and will meet ADA requirements. 27. Commissioner Quill stated he believes that people who live in the apartment complex to the south of this project would rather have a pedestrian access before the street access. Mr. Collins stated this will encourage a mid-block crossing which is extremely dangerous. 28. Chairman Alderson asked if staff could work this out with the applicant. Planning Director Les Johnson stated the intent was . never to encourage a mid-block crossing. The intent was to provide a connection into this project without going all the way up to the street access. Ms. Clarke stated she proposed a different access for the Aventine residents but was told by staff G:IWPDOCSIPC Minutes1200717-1 0-07 .doc 13 Planning Commission Minutes July 10, 2007 that the Sheriff's Department has asked that no access be allowed to the rear of the building. Staff stated the intent of the pedestrian access was not just for the Aventine residents, but for everyone in this area. Ms. Clarke stated she believes an access could be made at the southerly end of La Quinta Drive. , 29. Commissioner Barrows stated she would like to see that both options be considered. Staff stated they would like to pursue it first with the Sheriff's Department. 30. Ms. Clark stated she also had a concern with Condition No. 75, regarding the berms. She would like to recommend they add on to the retention wall up to Lot B and increase the height two to three feet, so that it runs the entire length from the Aventine property line to Lot B. Planning Director Les Johnson stated the condition is written to allow her to do as she is requesting. It lists all the alternatives and would be identified on the landscape plans that will come back to the Architecture and Landscape Review Committee and Planning Director for final approval. Ms. Clark asked to discuss Condition No. 72, requiring the lights in . the parking lot be dimmed or turning off at the close of business. This is a 24-hour center so they do not turn their lights off. Typically this is up to the tenant, and this has not been required on any of their parking lots. 31 . Chairman Alderson asked about the removal of the sign on the west elevation. Since it is going to be behind another building and the well site it potentially will not be seen. Mr. Clark stated they opted to keep this sign because there is no time frame for the development of the future building or well site. To them it is an opportunity for recognition. In addition, the letters will be illuminated. 32. Mr. Steve Holmes, Stantec Consulting, the left turn lane will match the left turn at Avenue 47. The island will be modified to continue on. Figure 2.1 on the plans is the preliminary grading and drainage plan which does show the grade elevations. 33. . Mr. Rob Dawson, Rancho La Quinta, stated that in regard to the lights, Walgreens was conditioned by the City to reduce their lights at the close of business. G:IWPDOCSIPC MinutesI200717-10-07.doc 14 Planning Commission Minutes July 10, 2007 34. There being no further questions of the applicant and no other public comment, the public hearing was closed and open for Commission discussion. 35. Commissioner Quill asked for verification that Building Area 2 was not being approved at this time. Planning Director Les Johnson stated that is true. Commissioner Quill asked if it will require a specific plan amendment. Staff stated no, it will be a site development permit only. The 100 foot setback requirement in the Specific Plan relates to auto center uses and not retail. Retail must have a substantial setback with no measurement defined. Staff is discussing with the applicant as to what distance "substantial" means. It will be addressed before approval of the future building pads. Commissioner Quill asked if this approval in any way gives approval to the future building pad. Staff stated no; the applicant was requested to remove the word . "permissible" from this application as the pads will require their own site development permits. Commissioner Quill stated he does not agree with any changes to Condition Nos. 72, 75, 76 as requested by the applicant. In addition to the west side pedestrian access he would like to have another added on the eastern boundary. The future development vacant sites also need to be landscaped in the interim as well as the well site. All existing landscaped areas shall be cleaned up before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued. He would also like a reduction in the security lighting along the rear of the building. Lastly, they need to'do something about the signage. 36. Commissioner Barrows stated she agrees with keeping Condition No. 72 as written and does not agree that the parking lot lighting cannot be decreased after the store closes. She would also like to have language added that the wall will screen the parking lot from view of vehicles driving on Adams Street. She would like to see a condition added that the applicant shall work with staff and to provide an improved pedestrian access-on the west and see if there is the potential for an access at the eastern portion of the site. 37. Commissioner Engle stated he has no problem with the two signs as proposed. 38. Commissioner Daniels stated the applicant mentioned the proposed Adams Street access has already been approved. Staff G:\WPDOCSIPC Minutesl2007\ 7-10-07 .doc 15 Planning Commission Minutes July 10, 2007 stated Specific Plan in Amendment No.4 approved this as well as being identified in the Tentative Parcel Map. Commissioner Daniels stated that if one of the pads becomes a 24-hour Dusiness, it will keep all the parking lot lights on. He agrees with removing the small amount of turf at the corner. He also has no problem with the signs as proposed although the west sign should be scaled down. 39. Chairman Alderson stated he has three concerns, one is traffic. This is a shopping, retail shopping corridor. Most of the traffic for 'this site will come down Highway 111 and not down Adams Street. Second, on the building itself, he would like to see more color variation so it is not so bland. Third, he does believe the sign on the west side could be reduced in size, but he could live with it as proposed. 40. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by . Commissioners Quill/Barrows to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2007-031 approving Site Development Permit 2007- 891 as recommended and amended: a: Condition 75: Add "...combination of berm and/or wall..." b. Condition 76: The applicant shall work with staff to provide pedestrian accesses on the west and east". final design shall be ADA compliant and approved by the Planning Director. c. Condition added: Future Building Pads 1 and 2, shall be temporarily landscaped. d. Condition added: The turf at the northwest corner of La Quinta Drive along the access road shall be removed. e. Condition added: A wall around the well site shall be constructed or the land temporarily landscaped, with CVWD approval. f. Condition added: The applicant shall work with staff to increase the contrast in the colors on the building exterior. ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Barrows, Daniels, Engle, Quill.and Chairman Alderson. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. ABSENT: None. 41. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Quill/Daniels to adopt Minute Motion 2007-010 approving Sign Application 2007- 1150 as recommended by staff and as amended G:IWPDOCSIPC MinutesI200717-10-07.doc 16 Planning Commission Minutes July 10, 2007 a. Condition No.1: Deleted. b. Condition No.2: "The east elevation sign shall be eliminated in its entirety." Unanimously approved. BUSINESS ITEMS: B. Sign Application 2007-1135; a request of Coast Signs, Inc. for Pacific Western Bank, for consideration of a Sign Program to serve the Pacific Western Bank building, located at 78-080 Calle Estado, approximately 280 feet from Desert Club Drive. 1 . Chairman Alderson asked for the staff report. Assistant Planner Eric Ceja presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Chairman Alderson asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner Engle asked why staff was recommending the removal of the west sign. Staff stated because it is not seen by any traffic. 3. Commissioner Daniels asked why staff was recommending a ten 'percent decrease in the sign size. Staff stated to be consistent with the other signs in the City. 4. Chairman Alderson asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Ms. Roy Courtney, representing Coast Signs, Inc., gave a presentation on the project and req,uested they be allowed to keep the west facing sign. 5. There being no further questions of the applicant and no other public comment, the public comment portion was closed and open for Commission discussion. 6. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Quill to adopt Minute Motion 2007-011 approving Sign Application 2007- 1150 as submitted by the applicant. Unanimously approved. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: None. COMMISSIONER ITEMS: G:IWPDOCSIPC Minutes1200717-1 0-07 .doc 17 - Planning Commission Minutes July 10, 2007 A. Staff gave a review of the City Council meeting of July 3, 2007. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Barrows to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to a regular meeting to be held on July 24, 2007. This regular meeting was adjourned at 10:36 p.m. on July 10, 2007. Respectfully submitted, Betty Sawyer, Executive Secretary City of La Quinta, California G:IWPDOCSIPC Minutes1200717-1 0-07 .doc 18 - PH'#A PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DATE: JULY 24, 2007 CASE NO: SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2007-887 APPLICANT: EISENHOWER MEDICAL CENTER (All TOURKAMAN) ARCHITECT: BOULDER ASSOCIATES, INC. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: RGA, INC. . REQUEST: CONSIDERATION OF DEVELOPMENT PLANS FOR AN 85,655 SQUARE FOOT THREE-STORY MEDICAL BUILDING (PHASE 1) LOCATION: SOUTHEAST CORNER OF WASHINGTON STREET AND SEELEY DRIVE, WITHIN THE CENTRE POINTE PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATION: THE LA QUINTA PLANNING DEPARTMENT HAS DETERMINED THAT THIS SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT HAS BEEN ASSESSED IN CONJUNCTION WITH ADDENDUMS TO THE ORIGINALLY CERTIFIED ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2001-436, PREPARED FOR SPECIFIC PLAN 2001-055, AMENDMENT NO.1, CERTIFIED ON JUNE 3, 2003 AND AMENDMENT NO.2, CERTIFIED ON NOVEMBER 1, 2005. NO CHANGED CIRCUMSTANCES OR CONDITIONS ARE PROPOSED WHICH WOULD TRIGGER THE PREPARATION OF SUBSEQUENT ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS PURSUANT TO PUBLIC RESOURCES CODE SECTION 21166 SINCE THIS PROJECT IMPLEMENTS APPROVED SPECIFIC PLAN 2001-055, AMENDMENT NO.1 AND NO.2. . GENERAL PLANI SPECIFIC PLANI ZONING: OFFICE COMMERCIAL I OFFICE COMMERCIAL SURROUNDING ZONING AND LAND USE: NORTH: SOUTH: EAST: WEST: TC/HOTEL, CASITAS AND RESTAURANT SITE FP/WHITEWATER STORM CHANNEL RLlRESIDENCES VACANT COMMERCIAL LAND IN THE CITY OF INDIAN WELLS BACKGROUND: The project is within Specific Plan 01-055, Amendment No. 2 a project area generally known as Centre Pointe (Attachment 1). The Specific Plan area extends . east to the existing single-family residences, north to Miles Avenue'; west to Washington Street and south to the Whitewater Strom Channel. In addition to the medical building, the balance of the Specific Plan property will be developed with a hotel, two restaurants to the northwest, casita villa units to the northeast and residential uses to the east. The Homewood Suite Hotel and a portion of the adjacent casita villas are nearing completion to the north across Seeley Drive. The 14.5 acre project site for this request is located at the southeast corner of Washington Street and Seeley Drive immediately north of and adjacent to the Whitewater Storm Channel. The project site has been rough graded to its approximate finish grade and sits approximately 18-feet higher than Washington Street at the north end of the adjacent bridge. For comparison, the hotel pad elevation is approximately nine feet higher and the closest Desert Villas east of the hotel are approximately three feet five inches higher than the project site pad elevation. PROJECT PROPOSAL: General: This building is Phase 1 of what has been identified to be a two phase medical office complex project that is approved via the Specific Plan for up to 195,000 square feet of floor space on the irregularly shaped 14.5 acre site. A one-half acre well site required by CVWD is proposed adjacent to the Whitewater Storm Channel just southeast of the proposed Phase 1 building. The b'uilding will include an entrance lobby, medical labs, and urgent care center, a radiation/oncology center, imagining rooms, a health and wellness center and a number of medical offices. Site Design: The first phase of this project proposes to develop the west part of the property near Washington Street. The three-story 85,655 square foot building is located southeast o:f the intersection of Washington Street and Seeley Drive, which is a new road between Washington Street and Miles Avenue. The building is proposed approximately 230,feet from Washington Street, 725-feet from the existing residences to the east and 425-feet from the under construction Desert Villas to the north. The buildings main entrance is oriented to the northeast with parking areas located to the north, west, and south sides of the building. Two vehicular access points are provided to Seeley Drive, the westerly of which leads to the main building entry and aligns with a driveway to the villas and hotel to the north. There will be no direct access to Washington Street. A delivery and outdoor mechanical and trash enclosure area' will be located on the east side of the building. Trash bins and mechanical equipment will be enclosed by a decorative screen wall, which will also act as a screen for the delivery area to the south. An urgent care facility will have access from. the exterior of the building as well as through the building lobby. Architecture: The proposed building is of a desert contemporary design, utilizing a flat roof. Two shades of earth tone plaster, tan terra cotta tile, painted metal, and aluminum metal wall panels with a flat light grey finish are proposed for portions of the building exterior and are used on all sides of the building as either panels or window overhangs for shading. Over the front door entry and circular vehicle drop off area a partially open, white freeform fabric awning structure is proposed. A small water feature is proposed at the base of the supports for this structure. A 100-foot tall flagpole is proposed adjacent to the building entry. While most of the building is three-stories, there is some stair stepping of upper floors to reduce the full impact of the building height. The maximum building height is shown at 45-feet as permitted by the Centre Pointe Specific Plan, although most of the roof is at 42-feet in height. Nearly all windows and doors will be shaded by either overhangs, stationary tent composite fabric window shades at the top or side of the window, or aluminum metal panel window covers along the top of the windows. Contemporary designed carport structures will be provided over a number of the parking spaces. The carports will be painted metal and use solid standing seam roofing. Most of the carports will be located in the main public parking area to the north and east of the building. Business identification signage has been proposed on the north, south and west building elevations at the third floor level. A monument sign is shown at the main westerly entry on Seeley Drive. The development is also allowed to have identification on the Centre Pointe monument sign at the southeast corner of Washington Street and Seeley Drive. All building signs will be approved as a part of a separate sign program submittal. Parking: The applicant is proposing to construct a 343-space, asphalt parking lot. The parking lot incorporates parking canopies over 114 parking spaces, which meets the La Quinta Municipal Code ("LQMC") requirement for 30% covered parking requirement for medical office uses. . In addition, the applicant has proposed to landscape the parking lot using large shade trees. The proposed landsca'ping and parking canopies me~t parking design requirements identified in the LQMC. At a ratio of one space per 250 square feet, the 85,655 square foot building requires 343 parking spaces for the Phase 1 construction. The plans indicate a total of 343 will be provided, including the handicap accessible spaces. Parking Lot Lighting: The plans include the proposed parking lot lighting. The square poles are dark bronze and shown at 25-feet tall with a two foot high concrete base for a total height of 27-feet to the fixture. The fixture is box-type down shining with a recessed bulb. Landscaping: As part of Phase 1, an extensive landscape setback, a minimum of 80-feet in depth will be provided adjacent to Seeley Drive. Future construction phase(s} may require some of this landscaping area to be converted to parking. Near the main entrance a large planter area. will be provided, including a circular seat wall with a small amount of turf. Adjacent to the northeast corner of the building, a small outside seating area with a small reflection pond, playground area and putting green with artificial turf will be provided. The putting green and play area will be adjacent to the enclosed mechanical/trash area. Landscape areas will be planted with low water use and desert plants. Shrubs and tree areas will receive gravel topping with some cobble size stone and boulders used for accents. Twenty-four foot high Mexican Fan Palms will be used to frame the westerly driveway entry from Seeley Drive and adjacent to the south side of the building. Parking lot areas are' shown with linear planters and planter with shrubs and trees for shading and to reduce the harshness of the parking lot. Photo Simulations: The SDP booklet includes photo simulations showing the, proposed building on panoramic photographs taken from four sides surrounding the project site, including two from Washington Street (Attachment 2). Signs: The sign program will be reviewed separately. The plans show three building wall identification signs at the third story level. These signs are shown on the north, west and south elevation. The signs are fairly modest and read "Eisenhower", with their five star logo above. Two monument signs are shown, with one at the intersection of Washington Street and Seeley Drive and the second at the first driveway entry to the east. ANALYSIS: The desert contemporary design of the building is compatible with other similar structures constructed in the City during recent years. The desert contemporary design, while different from the adjacent hotel and casitas' is compatible with the structures in the project area. The proposed color and material scheme will provide horizontal as well as vertical breakup of the buildings mass and bulk. The various window shading features will help energy efficiency while providing building articulation. The parking lot lighting is proposed at 27-feet in height. The Homewood Suites to the north was limited to fixtures at 20-feet above grade. The lights for this project should conform with the 20-foot height, with the lights along the west end of the project shielded to eliminate glare to traffic on Washington Street. The flag pole, proposed at 100-feet high is excessive. The ALRC requirements limit the flag pole to 45-feet or the maximum allowable building height. The landscape design uses water-efficient plants and is designed to create an attractive design. Parking spaces are provided with trees to shade parking and create a lush appearance. The parking lot design conforms to the City's Municipal Code for Parking lot design and meets City standards regarding carport requirements. To screen the parking lot from the street along Seeley Drive, berming and extensive planting of the large setback is provided. Along Washington Street, a hedge of screening shrubs needs to be provided at the top of the slope adjacent to the parking spaces to screen the cars that park along the west end of the parking lot. From Washington Street, the parking lot surface will not be visible except possibly from the corner of Washington Street and Miles Avenue due to the grading of the site. The large landscaped setback adjacent to Seeley Drive' provides an attractive entry statement for the project. It is possible that for future phases some of this area will need to be converted to a parking lot. However, an adequate landscaped setback will be provided. The effect on the adjacent homeowners to the east due to the impact of the height of the building at 42-feet to 45-feet is minimal due to its location of over 700-feet away from the residential properties. ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPE REVIEW COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The ALRC reviewed the proposed medical building project, during their June 6, 2007 meeting (Attachment 3J, and recommended approval of the architectural and landscaping plans, subject to the following conditions: 1 . Final landscaping and irrigation plans (and precise grading plans relevant to landscape areas) shall be prepared by a licensed landscape professional and shall be reviewed by the ALRC and approved by the Planning Director prior to ,issuance of the first building permit. An application for Final Landscape Plan Check shall be submitted to the Planning Department for final landscape plan review. Said plans shall include all landscaping associated with this project, including perimeter landscaping, and be in compliance with Chapter 8.13 (Water Efficient Landscaping) of the Municipal Code. The landscape and irrigation plans shall be approved the Coachella Valley Water District and Riverside County Agriculture Commissioner prior to submittal of the final plans to the Planning Department. NOTE: Plans are not approved for construction until signed by the Planning Director. 2. Signs shall be approved as part of a sign program under a separate submittal. 3. The flagpole height shall not exceed 45-feet. 4. Along Washington Street frontage and the Whitewater Storm Channel to the well site, evenly spaced Date Palm trees with canopy trees planted between them shall be provided. PUBLIC COMMENTS: This project was advertised in the Desert Sun newspaper on July 14, 2007, mailed to all property owners within 500-feet of the site, and posted on City Public Hearing information boards. At the time of the filing of this report, staff had not received any letters or phone calls from the public regarding the proposal. On April 25, 2007, the applicants held a community meeting with homeowners to the east to discuss their proposed project because the future phase area is adjacent to their property. FINDINGS: The Findings needed to approve this Site Development Permit request can be made, as noted in the attached Resolution. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2007-_, approving Site Development Permit 2007-887, subject to the Findings identified in the Resolution and the attached Conditions of Approval. Attachments: 1 . Location Map 2. Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center SDP (booklet) 3. ALRC Minutes for the meeting of July 6, 2007 Prepared by ~.cS~rA Stan Sawa, Principal Planner DATE: CASE NO.: APPLICANT: ARCHITECT: LANDSCPE ARCHITECT: REQUEST: LOCATION: PHIS PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT JULY 24, 2007 SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2007-889 SIGN APPLICATION 2007-1165 KERR PROJECT SERVICES (FOR APPLEBEE'S RESTAURANT) CRHO . HOURIAN ASSOCIATES CONSIDERATION OF DEVELOPMENT PLANS AND SIGN PROGRAM FOR A 5,914 SQUARE FOOT RESTAURANT . NORTHEAST CORNER OF WASHINGTON STREET AND SEELEY DRIVE IN THE CENTRE POINTE DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATION: THE LA QUINTA PLANNING DEPARTMENT HAS DETERMINED THIS SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT HAS BEEN ASSESSED IN CONJUNCTION WITH ADDENDUMS. TO THE ORIGINALLY CERTIFIED ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2001-436, PREPARED FOR SPECIFIC PLAN 2001-055, AMENDMENT NO.1, CERTIFIED ON JUNE 3, 2003 AND AMENDMENT NO.2, CERTIFIED ON NOVEMBER 1, 2005. NO CHANGED CIRCUMSTANCES OR CONDITIONS ARE PROPOSED WHICH WOULD TRIGGER THE PREPARATION OF SUBSEQUENT ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS PURSUANT TO PUBLIC RESOURCES CODE SECTION 21166 SINCE THIS PROJECT IMPLEMENTS APPROVED SPECIFIC PLAN 2001-055, AMENDMENT NOS. 1 AND 2. GENERAL PLAN/ ZONING: TOURIST COMMERCIAL / TOURIST COMMERCIAL(TC) SURROUNDING ZONING AND LAND USES: ;1 NORTH: TC/PARKING LOT FOR HOMEWOOD SUITES SOUTH: CO/COMMERCIAL OFFICE P:\Reports - PC\2007\7-24-07\sdp 2007-889 kerr (applebees)\sdp 2007-889 pc rpt.doc EAST: WEST: TC/PARKING LOT FOR HOMEWOOD SUITES VACANT COMMERCIAL LAND IN THE CITY OF INDIAN WELLS ACROSS WASHINGTON STREET BACKGROUND: The project site is within Specific Plan 2001-055, Amendment No.2 area, generally known as Centre Pointe (Attachment 1). The Specific Plan area extends east to existing single-family residences, north to Miles Avenue, west to Washington Street and south to the White water Storm Channel. The balance of the vacant Specific Plan property will be developed with a second restaurant to the north, a medical complex to the south and residential uses and a small public park to the east. A Homewood Suites Hotel and adjacent residential villas are nearing completion to the northeast on the north side of Seeley Drive. The 100-foot by 110-foot pad site for the restaurant is located at the northeast corner of Washington Street and Seeley Drive adjacent and south. of the Homewood Suites Hotel. The vacant project site has been rough graded to its approximate finish grade'. The surrounding parking lot improvements have been installed as a part of the hotel project. The site sits approximately 10-feet higher than Washington Street and Seeley Drive which abuts the site to the west and south. Therefore, adjacent to the west and south is a relatively steep slope. For comparison, the hotels pad elevation is approximately 12-feet higher than the project site pad elevation. PROJECT PROPOSAL: General: The Centre Pointe Specific Plan designate~ the subject site as a restaurant of uP.to 7,150 square feet. The site is located to the southwest of the nearly complete Hilton Homewood Suites Hotel adjacent to the intersection of Washington Street and Seeley Drive. The restaurant is proposed to be an Applebee's, which is a sit down restaurant that serves lunch and dinner. The restaurant will contain 5,914 square feet of floor space, with 716 square feet proposed as outdoor.. patio seating for a total of 6,630 square feet (Attachment 2). Site Desilln: The restaurant will be parallel to Washington Street which runs northwest to southeast in this area. The main entry will face northeast towards the casitas'. A food-to-go entry will be on the north side of the building. A double trash enclosure will also be on this side of the building in the parking lot area. The outside patio will be on the southeast side of the restaurant facing towards Seeley Drive and the distant P:IReports - PC\2007\7-24-07\sdp 2007-889 kerr (epplebeesl\sdp 2007-889 pc rpt.doc mountains. The building will be located approximately 36-feet from both the Washington Street right-of-way, and Seeley Drive to the south. Architecture: The proposed building is of a desert contemporary design, utilizing a flat roof and tile roofing accents. Two shades of earth tone plaster, a stone veneer used as a wainscot, as well as on a tower and columns are proposed for the building .exterior. The type of , tile roofing is not specified. Sunbrella material awnings are shown over all exposed windows and doors. All awnings are forest green except for the rust, green and tan corporate awning over the main building entry. The building height varies from 20'-8" to 22-feet except for a ancillary tower over the entry at 26'-4". The Specific Plan and Zoning Code limit structure height to 40-feet while the Image Corridor limits the main building height to 22-feet within 150-feet of Washington Street. The building elevation plans show green gooseneck lights on all sides of the building near the top of the building wall. Landscapinll: This projects landscaping responsibility is limited to the area within the pad. The perimeter areas landscaping and retaining walls adjacent to Washington Street and Seeley Drive are the responsibility of the hotel project and are currently in the process of being completed. Coordination between the two projects will be necessary to ensure the street perimeter planting is integrated with the restaurant site plantings. Landscape areas will be planted with low water use and desert plants. Shrub and tree areas will receive a gravel topping with some boulders used for accent. l\IIexicim Fan Palms will be used to frame the walkway entry from the parking lot at the northeast corner of the building. Sign Program: The applicant has 'submitted a Sign Program for the restaurant (Attachment 3). Because the various uses in the Centre Pointe project area ate separate developments, individual Sign Programs are being approved for the uses. Wall mounted business identification signs are proposed to consist of signs on the north, east and west sides of the building. On the north building wall, a "Carside to Go" sign is proposed adjacent to the two specially marked "to go" parking spaces. The proposed south and east building signs are identical to the standard which is Applebee's green cabinet sign with their red apple logo on top. These are proposed over the entry on the east elevation and on the right side .of the wall on the south elevation. These signs are proposed to be 47.35 square feet in area with "Applebee's" P:\Reports - PC\2007\7-24-07\sdp 2007-889 kerr (applebeesl\sdp 2007-889 pc rpt.doc 11-foot long and 3'-7" high with eggshell colored letters trimmed in red neon. The apple logo on top of Applebee's is 2'-6.5" high by 3'-1.5" wide with green and clear red neon trim. On the west side facing Washington Street, in addition to the "Applebee's" sign, "Neighborhood Bar & Grill" is also proposed with "Neighborhood" on the left side of the "Applebee's" sign and "Grill & Bar" on the right side of the sign. These will be individual internally illuminated .1 '-2" maximum high letters with a black face that will light up green at night. These letters will contain 23.9 square feet and be placed on a green exposed raceway approximately half the height of the ,letters. The total square footage would be 71.25 square feet for this side of the building. An oval shaped "Carside To Go" sign is proposed on the north side of the building over their food-to-go door. This sign is approximately three feet long by two feet high and consists of exposed emerald green and clear red neon to form the letters, red apple logo and clear red border. As part of the initial hotel and casitas development, monument signs were approved as well as building signs. Monuments signs were approved at the southeast corner of Washington Street and Miles Avenue and northeast corner of Washington Streetalld Seeley Drive in front of the proposed restaurant facing the intersection. Each monument sign provides space for Homewood Suites, and the two restaurants, which includes Applebee's: ' Due to the right turn in and out only access on Washington, Street, the applicants are requesting an additional freestanding monument directional sign on the south side of Miles Avenue at the driveway entry east of Washington Street to direct traffic into the parking lot and restaurant. This sign is shown as double faced and would be perpendicular to the street. This sign is designed with their standard Applebee's and red apple logo with "Neighborhood Grill and Bar" at the bottl;im. This sign is shown (It 23.6 square feet in ,area with the main body of the sign 7'-5" long and 4'-3.5" high. The apple logo would sit on top of the middle of the sign at 1 '8.5" high with the total height at six feet. The sign would be illuminated similar to the wall signs with the exception that "Neighborhood Grill & Bar" near the bottom of the sign would consist of non-illuminated green cut-out aluminum letters. ANALYSIS: The desert contemporary design of the building is compatible with other similar structures constructed in the City during recent years. The building design, while somewhat different from the adjacent hotel and casitas', is compatible with the project area. The proposed .color and material scheme will provide horizontal as well as vertical breakup of the buildings mass and bulk P:\Reports - PC\2007\7-24-07\sdp 2007-889 kerr (applebeesl\sdp 2007-889 pc rpt.doc The landscape design uses water-efficient plants and is designed to create an attractive design. Areas around the building are provided with adequate trees and planting to soften the building and create a lush appearance. Because this projects landscaping responsibility is limited to the area within the pad and the perimeter areas adjacent to Washington Street -, and Seeley Drive are the responsibility of the hotel project coordination between the two projects will be necessary to ensure the street perimeter planting is integrated with the restaurant site. The building signs proposed for the north, south, and east building elevations are acceptable in that they are architecturally compatible with the building and comply with the maximum 50 square feet permitted by the Zoning Code. The proposed west elevation sign measures 71.25 square feet in size, which is larger than the Zoning Code maximum. The Sign Program provisions (Section 9.160.090E3c) do permit transfer of size area from one to another when warranted and when it will further the intent to provide attractive design. The greater signage could be acceptable if 23.9 square feet (size of "Neighborhood Grill and Bar") is reduced in the building signs on the east and south elevations. Furthermore, the raceway for "Neighborhood Grill and Bar" should be placed on the interior of the building and not be exposed.' It is suggested that the Commissioners discuss the size of the west elevation sign as well as the total building sign area proposed for the business. . The directional sign as proposed is specifically permitted to be a maximum three square feet, illuminated and function as an street entrance identification sign by the Zoning Code (Section 9.160.020A Table 9-17). The proposed sign at 23.6 square feet is excessive in size and area. Additionally, the sign is in close proximity to the secolld restaurant pad to the west and can cause confusion. The Sign Program provisions , ' (Section 9.160.090E2) do allow an additional sign to be approved to compensate for inadequate visibility, or to facilitate good design balance. This additional sign could be permitted to improve visibility and direct traffic into the most ,convenient entry when coming from the north and west. However, the size and height of such a sign should be reduced from the proposal to a maximum six square feet and a maximum height of four feet. ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPE REVIEW COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION The ALRC reviewed the proposed restaurant during their 'Ju'ne 27, 2007 meeting (Attachment 4), and recommended approval of the architectural and landscaping plans, subject to the following conditions: 1 . Final landscaping and irrigation plans (and precise grading plans relevant to landscape areas) shall be prepared by a licensed landscape professional and shall be reviewed by the ALRC and approved by the Planning Director prior to issuance of the first building permit. An application for Final Landscape Plan Check shall be submitted to the Planning Department for final landscape plan ;"., P:\Reports - PC\2007\7-24-07\sdp 2007-889 kerr lapplebeesl\sdp 2007-889 pc rpt.doc review. Said plans shall include all landscaping associated with this project, including perimeter landscaping, and be in compliance With Chapter 8.13 (Water Efficient Landscaping) of the Municipal Code. The landscape and irrigation plans shall be approved by the Coachella Valley Water District and Riverside County Agriculture Commissioner prior to submittal of the final plans to the Planning Department. NOTE: Plans are not approved for construction until signed by the Planning Director. 2. Signs shall be approved as part of a sign program under a separate submittal. 3. Exterior light fixtures shall be energy-efficient and have a bulb wattage not exceeding 75 watts. 4. Roof tile shall be clay "S" tile. 5. Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy permit the restaurant and street perimeter planting and irrigation shall be completed per approved plans, to the satisfaction of ,the Planning Director. 6. Five Gallon shrubs and/or vines shall be provided on the back side of the trash enclosure along Washington Street. 7. Five gallon medium size shrubs shall be added on the'south and west sides of the building. ',This may require coordination with master developer who is responsible for the planting between the proposed building and the Washington Street and Seeley Drive curbs. Condition No.3 previously required the lights be removed from the area over the tile roofs. The applicant has submitted revised plans deleting these lights and therefore, the condition has been revised. FINDINGS: The Findings needed to approve this Site Development Permit request can be made, as noted in the attached Resolution. PUBLIC COMMENTS: This project was advertised in the Desert Sun newspaper on July 14, 2007, mailed to all property owners within 500-feet of the site, and posted on City Public Hearing information boards. At the time of the filing of this report, staff had not received any letters or phone calls, from the public regarding the proposal. P:\Reports - PC\2007\7-24-07\sdp 2007-889 kerr (applebees)\sdp 2007-889 pc rpt.doc RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2007-_, approving Site Development Permit 2007-889, subject to the findings identified in the Resolution and the attached Conditions of Approval. Adopt Minute Motion 2007-_, approving Sign Application 2007-1165, subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. Attachments: 1 . Location Map 2. Plan exhibits 3. Sign program exhibits 4. ARLC minutes for the meeting of June 27, 2007 rv/'Z... awa, Principal Planner P:IReports - PCI200717-24-07\sdp 2007-889 kerr (applebeesllsdp 2007-889 pc rpt.doc DATE: CASE NO: APPLICANT: PROPERTY OWNER: REQUEST: LOCATION: ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATION: GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: ZONING: SURROUNDING ZONING/LAND USES: PH#C -._~-_._~---- PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT JULY 24, 2007 SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2007-879 THE FOUNDATION GROUP THE FOUNDATION GROUP CONSIDERATION OF ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR A 6,200 SQUARE FOOT RETAIL BUILDING LA QUINTA VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER, ON THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF WASHINGTON STREET AND CALLE T AMPICO A NEGATIVE DECLARATION (ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 91-187) WAS CERTIFIED BY THE CITY COUNCIL FOR PLOT PLAN 91-456 ON APRIL 18, 1991, FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THE SHOPPING CENTER. THERE ARE NO CHANGED CIRCUMSTANCES, CONDITIONS OR NEW INFORMATION PROPOSED WHICH WOULD TRIGGER THE PREPARATION OF A SUBSEQUENT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT PURSUANT TO PUBLIC RESOURCES CODE SECTION 21166. NC (NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL) CN (NIEGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL) NORTH: RM - RESIDENTIAL MEDIUM (VILLA CORTINA APARTMENTS) , SOUTH: MC - MAJOR COMMUNITY FACILITY, CALLE TAMPICO, (CITY HALL) EAST: RL - RESIDENTIAL LOW DENSITY, WASHINGTON STREET WEST: RM RESIDENTIAL MEDIUM (SEASONS APARTMENTS) P:IReports - PCI200717.-24-07ISDP 07-879 Foundation GrouplSDP 07-879 PC (STAFF REPORT},rtf BACKGROUND: Site History The La Quinta Village Shopping Center (Plot Plan 91-456) was originally approved as an 116,000 square foot shopping center on an 11.8 acre site. Additionally, a General Plan Amendment and Zone Change allowing commercial usage of the site were approved by the City Council in April of 1991. In November of 1992, an Amendment decreasing the project to 85,650 square feet on 9.25 acres was approved. In April of 1994, Amendment No.2 decreasing the project to 79,000 square feet was approved (Attachment 1). Of the 79,000 square feet of approved commercial space, 20,000:t square feet of space was devoted to four pad sites within the Center. Under the approved Amendment, Pad 'A' shows a future I, ", building consisting of 4,500 square feet with an additional 1,500 square feet devoted to an outdoor eating area along the east elevation. The southeast corner of the shopping center is currently used as the shopping centers retention basin. , ..,. ,,>,., The original plans ,for Pad 'A' showed an outdoor eating area which was anticipated to be a functional open area. In 1999, the Planning Commission approved Plot Plan 95.551, allowing a 5,700:t square foot building on Pad' A' for First Bank of Palm Desert (Attachment 2). No building was built and the application has expired. With exception to the subject property (Pad 'A~), all buildings within the Center have been constructed and the project is built out. The subject property is under separate ownership from the rest of the shopping center. ' The existing shopping center is a Spanish architectural design motif which utilizes exterior cement plaster, arched walkways, ceramic tile accents, wood trellises, and Mission-style clay roof tile. Building heights at the Center typically range from 20 to 30 feet in height, excluding the main tower element that is 42 feet high. Perimeter freestanding pad buildings were built in 1995 (Pad 'C'), 1996 (Pad 'B') and 2003 (Pad 'D') respectively. PROJECT PROPOSAL: The applicant has submitted a Site Development Permit for a 6,200 square foot freestanding pad building within the La Quinta Village Shopping Center. The building has been designed' to accommodate up to three tenants and is architecturally compatible with the existing shopping center (Attachment 2);. . " Building Design The architecture color and materials proposed for the subject building are consistent with the existing shopping center. The building will be a Spanish architecture motif with white stucco, ceramic tile accents, Mission-style clay roof tile, and an arched colonnade (Attachment 3). The building design is intended for up to three tenant spaces, the largest being 3,600 square feet. The window treatments, location, and design are intended to match the proposed tenant spaces. Windows. for corner P:\Reports - PC\200717-24-07\SDP 07-879 Foundation GrouplSDP 07-879 PC (STAFF REPORT),rtf tenants "wrap" around the buildings north, east, and west corners to allow natural light and to provide visual relief from a bare building fa<;:ade. An arched colonnade and covered walkway are provided arolJnd the buildings west and north elevations. The colonnades generally range from five (5) feet to seven (7) feet in depth. Wood beams will be used as the ceiling under the covered walkways consistent with the existing ceiling beams at the shopping center. Along with the proposed depths of, the surrounding colonnade, a roof overhang of 18 inches is provided. The intent of the overhang is to enhance the overall design of the building and to provide additional shade. A colonnade is provided along the south and east elevations; however, the depth of the colonnade is designed solely for visual relief and shading for the building. The depth of the south colonnade is approximately three (3) feet. The design of the surrounding colonnades, covered walkways, and building exterior is consistent with the existing shopping center building design. Access and Parking , The site has previously been rough graded with the development of the overall shopping center. Currently, a two (2) foot differential exists between the proposed building pad height and the existing parking lot on the north side of the building. The applicant has addressed this issue by incorporating three steps that lead from the buildings north-facing colonnade to the parking lot. The steps begin at the buildings columns and step down to the existing parking lot. The pad will use existing parking facilities at the site and no changes to the built environment are proposed other than re-stripping for ADA parking stalls along the western portion of the building site. Sufficient parking exists to adequately serve the proposed building. The proposed building will also increase pedestrian access to the site by increasing the number of walkways and colonnades at the shopping center, including direct access to the existing adjacent bus stop and shelter. Existing ADA paths of travel connect the pad site to the existing Ralph's shopping center. The applicant proposes to create additional ADA paths of travel' to buildings along the eastern portion of the shopping center by adding a pathway between the buildings north-facing elevation and the parking lot. A bus shelter exists at the sites southwest corner. Staff has received comments from SunLine Transit Agency regarding the existing shelter and the proposed development. SunLine has stated the proposed sidewalk for the site will provide a pedestrian connection between the bus shelter and shopping center and that no other impacts to the shelter are anticipated due to constructi(;m of this site. Existing Water Feature An existing water feature is located on an adjacent parcel abutting the north-east corner of the subject property. The water feature, which was built in an earlier phase of the shopping center, is a moderately prominent amenity to this segment of the Center. Existing landscaping has overgrown and essentially hidden the water P:\Reports - PCI200717-24-07ISDP 07-879 Foundation GrouplSDP 07-879 PC (STAFF REPORT),rtf feature from public view. The applicant has worked with staff to incorporate the water feature into, their project and to make the feature more accessible to the public. The applicant has proposed adding pavement, benches and flowering pots at the buildings northeast corner to integrate the feature into their building site. Landscaping The proposed landscaping palette for the building will b~ consistent with the existing shopping center's landscaping (Attachment 4). The landscape plan shows heavy landscaping around the buildings east and south facing elevations along with six small planting areas along the six pillars on the north elevation and a small number of potted plants along the west elevation and water feature. Landscaping around the buildings south and east elevations will consist of heavy plantings and groupings of Yellow Lantana and Raphiolepis 'Ballernia'. Three Acacia Stenophylla trees are also proposed along the sites south property line to provide shade to the building. Per the ALRC's direction, the applicant has also proposed four "Green Screens" along the back of building. The Green Screens are comprised of a welded wire material that provides a security screen and shade element, and ' act as a living fence, as vine plants climb the trellis-like structure. The applicant has yet to finalize design of the Green Screens, but has stated they will work with staff to complete design, of the Green Screens prior to completing the building. An example of a Green Screen is attached (Attachment 5). The landscape area along the southeast edge of the property contains a relatively narrow swale from the existing retention basin. The applicant has proposed to replant grass within the swale which is consistent with the existing landscape of the retention basin and swale. The applicant will leave the swale as is, so as not to disrupt its function with the overall design of the retention basin. ANALYSIS: Both the architecture and landscaping for the building have been designed to be compatible with the:existing built environment at the shopping center. Additionally, the proposed project has increased pedestrian circulation at the Center by providing direct access to the existing bus shelter and enhancing ADA paths of travel at the center. The applicant has proposed off-site improvements adjacent to the water feature in the northeast corner of the project. Generally, off-site improvements are not allowed without property owner consent. Though proposed, the applicant has not provided written proof of consent from the property owner and there is the possibility that these improvements will not occur should the applicant not be able to obtain consent. P:IReports _ PCI200717-24-07ISDP 07-879 Foundation GrouplSDP 07-879 PC (STAFF REPORTj.rtf The eXisting on-site retention basin for the shopping center will need to be preserved in its entirety, including the swale which encroaches into the project. The applicant has worked extensively with the City's Public Works Department in preserving the existing retention basin, and has tested' the existing site for percolation. The applicants have proposed to retain all stormwater and nuisance water onsite by using an underground retention. The previously approved Plot Plan (PP 91-456) identified a large outdoor seating area on Pad' A'. The applicant has stated that due to the shopping centers existing CC&R's, an increase in food services at this location is not allowed, and therefore they have not proposed to incorporate an outdoor seating area into the buildings design. Parking calculations have been previously addressed with the original approval of Plot Plan 1991-456. The original Plot Plan shows a total of 491 parking stalls and a parking ratio of 5.73 stalls per 1,000 square feet of leaseable space. Staff has calculated the parking requirement per the City's Municipal Code and the uses within the shopping center, and has found that the Center has adequate parking to accommodate the proposed building. The back of building faces the corner of Washington Street and Calle Tampico and is directly north of City Hall. The applicant has worked diligently with staff to address concerns with the back of building treatment. The south elevation of the building utilizes six columns, an 18 inch roof overhang, and landscaping. The columns are one foot in width, are separated from the building by one foot, and support an 1 8 inch roof overhang. The landscaping for the back of building includes trees, green screens and heavy landscaping, all of which add depth and shade to the building. The proposed landscaping for the pad building is consistent with the existing plant palette of the shopping center. The proposed landscaping along the south elevation is intended to shield the back of building from public views and to add separation between the building and Calle Tampico. The west elevation of the building faces onto an existing parking lot, which is anticipated to be the main parking area for the proposed pad. As such, there is a need to incorporate more landscaping around the west elevation. Architecture and Landscape Review Committee (ALRC) The Architecture and Landscape Review Committee reviewed this request at its meeting on April 4; 2007 and recommend to the Planning Commission approval of Site Development Permit 2007-879, subject to the following Conditions of Approval: 1 . Final landscape plans for on-site planting shall be reviewed by the ALRC and approved by the Planning Director prior to issuance of first building permit. P:IReports - PCI200717-24-07ISDP 07-879 Foundation GrouplSDP 07-879 PC (STAFF REPORT},rtf Final plans shall include all landscaping associated with this project, including perimeter landscaping. 2. In order to preserve the function of the on-site retention basin, the existing swale shall not be degraded by the proposed landscaping for the building. Landscaping along the south elevation of the building needs to be revised to incorporate screening material and plant massing to shield the back of the building. 3. If a grade differential of two (2) or more feet exists between the proposed building and the northern parking lot, the applicant shall provide a landscape barrier to limit, but not restrict, access from the northern parking lot. COMMENTS FROM OTHER DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES: ' The project was sent out for comment to City Departments and affected public agencies on January 24, 2007, requesting comments returned by February 14, 2007. All ,applicable comments are incorporated in the Conditions of Approval. PUBLIC NOTICE: This project was advertised in the Desert Sun newspaper on July 14, 2007, mailed to all property owners within 500-feet of the site, and posted on City Public Hearing information :boards. At the time of the filing of this report, staff had not received any letters or phone calls from the public regarding the proposal. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2007 -_, approving Site Development Permit 2007-879 to allow construction of a 6,200 square foot commercial building within the La Quints Village Shopping Center, subject to the findings identified in the attached resolution and conditions of approval. Prepared by: nt Planner Attachments: 1. Original Center Site Plan 2. Proposed Site Plan 3. Building Elevations 4. Landscaping Plans 5. Green Screen' P:IReports - PCI200717-24-07ISDP 07-879 Foundation GrouplSDP 07-879 PC (STAFF REPORT),rt! Carolyn Walker Page 1 of 1 Carolyn Walker Monday, July 23,20079:10 AM 'BetNEd@aol.com'; 'rdaniels@dc.rr.com'; 'Katie Barrows'; James Engle Jr. Oimmy@imperialsignco.com); 'quillp@earthlink.net' Cc: Eric Ceja; Les Johnson; Betty Sawyer Subject: Foundation Group Exhibit Attachments: 0825_001.pdf From: Sent: To: The attached exhibit was not included in the Planning Commission packet delivered to you on Friday. Please include this with item PH #C, Site Development Permit 2007-879, The Foundation Group. Please let me know if you have any difficulties in receiving this transmission. Thanks. Carolyn Walker, Secretary Planning Department City of La Quinta 760-777-7125 7/2312007 I 11~~iJl ~~I ~;:1~:: ........:i". EW!! ...-~~_~.CIII1IIqIk:o o ;~ja~~ ~u S I ~ ~ . ih f -.- .....:..>., S is 8 !::;~ I!I ~ @ll; i j ~ i i i ~ i ~ ; ~ , I' 1'1 I i IJ :'11111 I( Iii III I 'I I "I j jj 'I ,. n n > r- r- im ! I it"' ,> i ~. ,." ~~"-O_'" n o i . H "0 L 0 E N & J 0 H N SON' m. . ARC HIT .E C T S. ';' " C ^ L I fOR N I A <: 0 R , 0 . ^ , ION :: "CHUO C_ olD","" ..... ,."'".... C""' JOM,"OH AI.. ......0010. "Ow..IO. A'" ~ . " :V AVINUl SUITI A P^LM DI5".:...~C:~~f~.~~~:':'I'~!:;i~,~';~<Ji~;:,~::;;,'L:~~';;~ It . ./. .~"". I ji' .' q -,~ I i ! f II 1 , , -; ; 11 ol: ~ , . " :~ ::. " ; ,. " " l' p i . t , 1 f~: ;jJ- . ! :- Ill' ,\ ~~ i . '. ,/ '. , ',,--- ---;.' J I. I 1,"----<, i I a ' JI'~--r'---", ! 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'1: I' ,/ I, ! ;.,., ~.. / .- /' t ...' -' /' ,/ ,/' /' -' T:. , 'i , ./ ",."," ..-/ I i~ iJ " I l . al#A --------- PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DATE: JULY 24,2007 CASE NO.: SIGN APPLICATION 2007-1136 APPLICANT: EMBASSY SUITES REQUEST: CONSIDERATION OF AN AMENDEMENT TO AN APPROVED SIGN PROGRAM FOR A BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION SIGN FOR SPA HIBISCUS LOCATION: NORTH SIDE OF CALLE TAMPICO, WITHIN THE EMBASSY SUITES GENERAL PLAN: VC - VILLAGE COMMERCIAL ZONING: VC - VILLAGE COMMERCIAL ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: THE LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT HAS DETERMINED THAT THIS SIGN APPLICATION IS CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT FROM ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PURSUANT TO PROVISIONS OF SECTION 15311 (CLASS 11) OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) BACKGROUND: The original planned Sign Program for Santa Rosa Plaza was approved with Specific Plan 2000-050 in February of 2001. In November of 2004, the Planning Commission approved an Amendment to Sign Program 2004-825, The approved Sign Program was implemented to encourage continuity of graphic elements throughout the development. Subsequently, the Sign Program allows adjustments to permit additional sign area, number of signs, an alternative sign location and type of signage, new illumination, or additional height may be granted by the Planning Commission. The Embassy Suites is within the Santa . Rosa Plaza development and is requesting approval for a sign program amendment to enable them to provide signage for their new spa service, SIGN REQUEST: The applicant is requesting approval of one sign ("SPA HIBISCUS") and a flower logo. The sign will be mounted on the entry tower of the spa and totals approximately seven square feet (seven 'feet in length and one foot in height), A hibiscus flower will also be centered above the word "SPA HIBISCUS" and measures one square foot. The total square footage of the sign will be eight square feet. The material of the sign will be one- P:IReports - PC\2007l7-24-07lSpa HibiscuslSA 07-11 SPA HIBISCUS (STAFF REPORT),doc inch gatorfoam with clear silicone. The letters will be air brushed black and the flower logo colors will be yellow, orange and red with a black outline. The mounting will be done with a double stick tape and clear silicone, RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve the, Amendment to the Sign Program to allow the use of the sign and logo for "Spa Hibiscus" and adopt Minute Motion 2007-_, subject to the following Condition of Approval: 1. A building permit shall be obtained prior to any work on the sign being started. Prepared by: Attachments: 1. Location Map 2, Hotel Site Map 3. Sign Exhibit CI#A STAFF REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: JULY 24, 2007 CITY OF LA GUINTA, PLANNING DEPARTMENT DISCUSSION OF LANDSCAPING POLICY IN REGARDS TO WATER FEATURES AND TURF USAGE APPLICANT: REQUEST: LOCATION: CITY-WIDE BACKGROUND Over the past few years, there has been increasing interest and discussion regarding. use of water in our community. Recent discussion by the Planning Commission has focused on attaining lower water usage through policy limitations on turf placement and water features. The Planning Commission requested staff bring this topic forward as a study item during their regular meeting held June 26, 2007. A staff member and Commissioner Barrows recently attended the Coachella Valley Water District's Water Efficient Ordinance and Landscape and Irrigation Guidelines Committee meeting held July 11, 2007, at their office in Palm Desert. Discussion during the meeting included a number of potential policy 'enhancements to the existing CVWD Guidelines, including increasing the spray irrigation setback standards, the use 'of smart irrigation controllers, the definition of "recreational turf," and reducing the landscaping water co-efficient from the current .6 to a more efficient .5 threshold. It was noted by a representative from Palm Desert, which currently incorporates the .5 threshold, that they have had success with the reduced co-efficient and that a limited use of turf is still possible with the standard. Palm Desert does not mandate the .5 standard on playable golf course turf areas or portions of parks and similar public areas which utilize recreational turf. STATEMENT OF ISSUES Because it is recognized that we live in a desert environment where water supplies are limited, mandating the use of water efficient landscaping has always been the practice and policy of the City. The City continues to adhere to the CVWD's adopted landscaping water co-efficient of .6, a number which relates to the amount of water consumed. by the overall landscaping for a project. As this number represents a maximum permissible standard, the majority of the commercial and residential landscaping plans being approved by the City are somewhere between .6 and the lower desert landscaping water co-efficient threshold of .5. /ly-. ./ To reinforce this commitment to water-efficient landscaping, the Planning Commission has been consistent in imposing two different types of water-use conditions. The first is encouraging a reduction in the use of turf.' The Commission has accomplished this through three different turf-related conditions which have consistently been applied. The first is mandatirig a specific threshold of turf coverage not to exceed 50% of the landscaping, recreational, and open space areas with the exception of golf courses and parkland. The second is the condition that turf be limited to functional or recreational areas. The third has been a condition for a "no-turf" option to be provided with all typical residential landscaping plans. The focus of these water-efficient conditions has traditionally been on residential projects, as water use has historically not been an issue for commercial projects. The second water-use condition consistently imposed by the Planning Commission relates to the use of passive water features, such a fountains, waterfalls, ponds, or lakes that are continually replenished by a potable water supply. The Planning Commission has been discouraging the use of passive water features placed in locations which have a passive visual function, such as large ponds or lakes, elaborate waterfalls, and/or fountains located at project entries or along perimeter streets. These types of water features are often supported by pumping equipment with heavy electrical consumption requirements. Passive water features are defined as those placed outside of a project's perimeter wall or entry which are not actively used by the residents or visible from the individual residences. An example could be those water features located at a project's entry or perimeter which serves as advertising or an attention-getting purpose for a particular project. The Commission recently deemed a proposed water feature acceptable based upon the following points: 1. The water feature did not use a potable water. source. 2. The water feature was located adjacent to and visible from the proposed residential homes, rather than along a right-of-way. 3. The water feature was surrounded by a walking path and landscaping, providing a recreational feature and aesthetic amenity for homeowners. 4. The water feature utilized a recreational or habitat function,such as containing fish. 5. The water feature served a dual purpose including use as a reservoir for storm water, nuisance water, and/or irrigation storage purposes. Examples of an acceptable water feature would be those which are replenished by non-potable sources, serve an active recreational function such as fishing or golfing, are appropriately sized, are utilized for storm water retention, are visible from a public park or publicly accessible open space adjoining residences, and/or have an alternative purpose such as irrigation water storage or natural habitat. /' DISCUSSION As previously stated, there is increasing concern and discussion regarding use of the limited water supply in our community. Turf and water features such as fountains and waterfalls are the single largest consumer of water in landscaping and often require a significant amount of electricity. Although the City Council continues to supportthe "lush and efficient" policy of the CVWD, water usage can be effectively reduced even farther by limiting the use of turf. and water features to "functional and recreational purposes." Staff will be evaluating the differences between other cities' landscaping standards and returning at a later date with an analysis to include photo examples. In addition to the current CVWD landscaping standards (Attachment 1), the City has been supportive of CVWD's water-based irrigation clock controller program. A rebate program was created in 2005 to encourage Valley residents to replace their irrigation timers with a weather-based system which had the potential to reduce water consumption by 30%. La Guinta provided a total of $5,000 to help off-set the cost of the controllers for local residents. In 2006, a total of 64 controllers were installed. So far this year; a total of 21 controllers have been installed, for a total of 85 weather-based controllers installed City-wide. Of the $5,000 budgeted, $3,955.97 has beeri spent thus far. CVWD anticipates the remaining budgeted amount for this program to be spent during the second half of 2007. Consideration should be given to formulating a policy direction involving landscaping conditions which both support the existing "lush and efficient" policy and also provide a' transition towards the practice of limiting turf and water features to functional and recreational use. The type policy should also be discussed, whether via a General Plan policy directive, a regulatory ordinance, or combination thereof. Based upon past discussion, this policy should include the following directives: . . Turf usage shall be limited to less than 50% of total. landscaping coverage and shall be placed within functional and accessible recreational areas. . All typical landscaping plans for prototypical residential units shall include a no-turf option. The Commission should consider a policy of limiting turf to a percentage of an overall project. . Water features should be replenished by a non-potable water supply, appropriately sized and designed for functional and recreational p.urposes in conjunction with recreational amenities, placed at a location visible from adjacent residential or commercial uses, and serve a functional purpose such as storm water retention, irrigation storage, or wildlife habitat. . Turf should be placed at locations away from sidewalks and streets. While the existing tVWD standard is to place turf 1 8 inches .from the curb (unless an underground irrigation system is used), the Commission should consider ./ . expanding the policy to prevent overspray. RECOMMENDATION Provide a policy direction to staff concerning landscaping standards for turf placement and water features. Prepared by: ew Mogensen cipal Planner Attachments: La Guinta General Plan Multi-Purpose Trails, Exhibit 3.10 GI#B ---.------- STAFF REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: JULY 24, 2007 CITY OF LA QUINTA, PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPLICANT: REQUEST: DISCUSSION OF MULTI-PURPOSE TRAIL ROUTES IN VICINITY OF MADISON STREET BETWEEN AVENUE 58 AND AVENUE 60 LOCATION: MADISON STREET BETWEEN AVENUE 58 AND AVENUE 60 BACKGROUND On April. 10, 2007, the Planning Commission reviewed architecture and landscaping plans f9r the Malaga project (R.T. Hughes; TT 33597). During the public hearing, the Planning Commission inquired as to the project's provisions for multi-purpose trails. Based on the discussions that ensued at that meeting, staff has prepared a brief report on the status of trails in the area of Avenue 60 and Madison Street. Attached with this memo is a copy of the General Plan Multi- Purpose Trails plan (Exhibit 3.10). When the General Plan was adopted in March of 2002, no multi-purpose trail designations were applied to Madison Street between Avenue 58 and Avenue 62. The segment between Avenue 60 and Avenue 62 was not designated, based on unresolved access along Madison Street with respect to the Travertine development. It is unclear why no trail designation was assigned to the segment of Madison Street between Avenue 58 and Avenue 60, which splits the Andalusia project. ANALYSIS The 1992 General. Plan included only one equestrian trail route, south along Madison Street to Avenue 58, then west on Avenue 58 from Madison Street. The 2002 General Plan greatly expanded the concept of Multi-Purpose Trails, and in so doing the routing as adopted may not have been fully developed. A Multi-Purpose Trail exists along the east side of Madison Street, extending from Avenue 54 south to Avenue 58, and will continue north from Avenue 54, along the Madison Club and up to Avenue 50 once that segment of roadway is completed and improved to current standards. Trail provisions have also been required along Avenue 58 and Avenue 60. Both of these streets are designated for Multi-Purpose Trails from Jefferson Street (extended) to the eastern SOl limits of the Planning Areas. Andalusia has constructed a Multi-Purpose Trail along the south side of Avenue 58, from the commerCial site on Madison Street to their eastern project limits. The trail will be required to continue along Avenue 58, with development of the commercial site at Avenue 58 and Madison Street, and the residential areas west of Madison Street as well as east of Andalusia to the current City limits at Monroe Street. The Trilogy project has a Multi-Purpose Trail along its frontage on the south side of Avenue 60, from Monroe Street to Madison'Street. Avenue 60 is designated to include a Multi-Purpose Trail west of Madison Street, presumably on the south side. In the recent past, there has been discussion with the Malaga tract developer and Andalusia in regard to vacating Avenue 60 and making it a private street. This could incorporate public trail access, or may be deferred if a trail designation could be made for Madison Street south of Avenue 60, that would also include the portion of Madison Street between Avenues 58 and 60. It does appear that if the Madison Street trail system is made a continuous link between Avenue 52 to Avenue 62, and the Avenue 60 trail west from Madison Street is not completed, there will only be the one link along Avenue 58 to the westerly trail systems that exist (i.e. Boo Hoff and Art Smith Trails). However it would complete the link connections on the mile grid streets south of Avenue 58. RECOMMENDATION Provide direction to staff concerning consideration of an amendment to the Multi- Purpose Trail routes on and in proximity to Madison Street. Prepared by: Nif fV~ Wallace Nesbit Principal Planner Attachment: La Quinta General Plan Multi-Purpose Trails, Exhibit 3.10 -