2008 01 22 PC Minutes
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
January 22, 2008
7:00 P.M.
A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:00
p.m. by Chairman Alderson who asked Commissioner Engle to lead the
flag salute.
B. Present: Commissioners Katie Barrows, Jim Engle, Paul Quill, Robert
Wilkinson, and Chairman Ed Alderson.
C. Staff present: Planning Director Les Johnson, Assistant City Attorney
Michael Houston, Planning Manager David Sawyer, Principal Engineer Ed
Wimmer, Principal Planner Stan Sawa, Associate Planner Jay Wuu,
Management Assistant Betty Sawyer, Executive Secretary Carolyn
A. Chairman Alderson asked if there were any changes to the Minutes of
January 8, 2008. There being none, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Quill/Wilkinson to approve the minutes as submitted.
Unanimously approved.
A. Site Development Permit 2007-895; a request of K. Hovnanian Homes
for consideration of architectural and landscaping plans for three
prototypical residential plans for use in Tract 30092 (Piazza Serena)
located at the northwest corner of Monroe Street and Avenue 58.
P:\Reports - PC\2008\2-12-08\PC Minutes 1-22-08.doc
Planning Commission Minutes
January 22, 2008
1 . Chairman Alderson opened the public hearing and asked for the
staff report for the continued item. Principal Planner Stan Sawa
presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of
which is on file in the Planning Department. Planning Director Les
Johnson clarified that Condition # 14 was written to apply to both
retention basins. Staff spoke with the applicant and they have
made improvements to the main retention basin pond. We are still
requiring Public Works to approve that work and if they are
accepting of the improvements they will inform the applicant.
2. Chairman Alderson asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Wilkinson asked what would constitute a functional
retention basin; what type of verification studies would be
required. Principal Engineer Ed Wimmer stated the functional
standard for all retention basins is that all the standing water is
cleared in 72 hours. He explained what the applicant has
submitted to reach this level, but staff has not reviewed it yet.
Commissioner Wilkinson asked about the irrigation standpipe.
Staff replied they have not looked at it, but globally, a retention
basin should be designed to hold a 100 year storm, so the
argument is rejected because it does not matter where the water
comes from but that the retention basin can handle a 100 year
storm. Staff is looking only at the operation that it will handle the
water for a 100 year storm. Commissioner Wilkinson asked about
the power lines that were over a swimming pool and asked if the
staff reviewed whether this was legal. Planning Director Les
Johnson stated it was not discussed with the Building & Safety
Department, who issued the permit, but staff was confident the
permit and site inspections were done. The City's liability is not
applicable as it pertains to the permit before the Commission. City
Attorney Michael Houston stated that if there is a violation of an
easement right, CVWD can require the property owner to exercise
their rights. Therefore, it is not an issue for the City to resolve.
3. Chairman Alderson asked if staff knew how much water came
from the standpipe. Staff stated they did not have that
information, but the applicant should.
4. Commissioner Quill stated that the applicant's letter said the
basins were designed per standard 370 as stated in a
memorandum on file, dated October 12, 1998 from the City, dry
wells are discouraged because the dry well designed failed to
Planning Commission Minutes
January 22, 2008
percolate the water and caused chambers to become clogged with
mud and other debris and asked what the applicant was referring
to. Principal Engineer, Ed Wimmer gave an explanation of the
function of a knock-out chamber. Staff explained that at the time
the retention was constructed the state of the art methods did not
include the new acceptable design.
5. Commissioner Wilkinson asked what was to be at the bottom of
the basin when completed. Planning Director Les Johnson stated
it was not designed to have turf, but an earthen bottom floor.
They are proposing to turf the slopes but leave the floor an open
dirt floor.
6. Commissioner Quill stated the Commission approved a dirt basin
when the landscape basin was approved. It appears it was a seed
mix. Planning Director Les Johnson said he believes it was a seed
base or Decomposed Granite mix.
7. Chairman Alderson clarified the use of the two retention basins.
Staff agreed with his clarification. The applicant has cleaned out
the basins to function correctly, but the landscaping is still needed.
On the smaller retention basin the applicant has agreed to study
the problem and will do whatever is needed to solve the problem.
Staff stated Condition No. 14 requires the applicant to correct
both basins.
8. There being no further questions of the staff, Chairman Alderson
asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr.
James Crandall, representing K. Hovnanian Homes, stated the
irrigation has been repaired and the turf areas overseeded as of
January 10'h. He added they will have a botanist verify whether
the trees are dead or dominant. Streets have been repaired and
capped where there are existing homes. In regard to the retention
basins, the large basin has been cleaned and is functioning
correctly and will be reseeded. They have contacted the Coachella
Valley Water District to see if they can turf the bottom and were
told they could not. The smaller basin was not designed to accept
the CVWD blow off water. They have had discussions with
CVWD and they do plan to cap off the standpipes. They will seed
the slopes of both basins. In regard to liD, they have no problem
with the trees; when the trees reach the power lines, liD will
Planning Commission Minutes
January 22, 2008
contract to trim them. liD has also agreed to meet with the
homeowners and they will facilitate the meeting. In regard to City
Standard 370, the dry well was not the standard then.
9. Chairman Alderson asked if there are any questions of the
applicant. Commissioner Quill asked if they had an approved
landscaping plan by CVWD and does have planting in the bottom
of the basins and not dirt. In their letter, they state that some of
the issues raised at the meeting are not pertinent to the
Commission, but are between them and the Homeowners'
Association. Commissioner Quill asked for clarification that the
applicant was stating the issues that have been raised should not
be them and the City, but the HOA and the applicant.
10. Chairman Alderson asked legal counsel where the legalities lie in
the City's obligation and the City's right to proceed. Assistant
City Attorney Michael Houston replied there are two mechanisms
by which the City can look to reaffirm prior conditions or to
condition the current approval. First is the SDP process, pursuant
to the City's code the PC must make findings that the site design
including but not limited to project entries, interior circulation,
pedestrian and bicycle access, amenities, screening of equipment,
exterior lighting and other site design elements are compatible with
the surrounding developments and with the quality prevalent in the
City. If the Commission were to determine that the project, either
as proposed, or as conditioned met those findings, they could
approve it. If they determine it did not, they would have the right,
ability, or authority to reject or condition the project such that it
could meet those findings. The second is to look to violations that
could be handled by Code Compliance. Chairman Alderson stated
that most of the issues that have been raised relate to safety
issues which are the purview of the Commission.
11. Commissioner Wilkinson asked what type of planting was to be in
the bottom of the basins. Mr. Crandall stated he did not know.
Commissioner Wilkinson stated this is the third meeting and they
still do not have the answers the Commission has been requesting.
He then asked if there had been a soils report prepared for the
retention basin. Mr. Crandall stated the original soil report verified
percolation for that basin.
Planning Commission Minutes
January 22, 2008
12. Chairman Alderson asked what reports had been prepared for this
meeting with reference to the retention basins. Mr. Dan Bolt,
1500 South David, Ontario, California, representing K. Hovnanian
Homes, gave a report on the study that was done. He noted that
the report did require the basins to be disced and they have not
been doing that. The alternative to planting the bottom was to
plant alfalfa. They will see if this works. They hope to have this
by March 1 st. On the small basin the basin can be extended
another 1 5 feet. They are trying to determine the depth of the
drywell and will install a dry well and see if the leach lines will
accommodate two wells. The basin is designed to have an
overflow route and this one is designed to overflow into the larger
basin in the middle of the tract. The large basin is functional and
they will be doing better to maintain it.
13. Commissioner Quill asked if anyone has spoken with CVWD
regarding the water blow off. Mr. Bolt stated they have contacted
them and have the right to take the last two years and submit a
claim to CVWD for repayment. It requires them to install a catch
basin at Avenue 48. CVWD has told them they have submitted a
CIP to cap the standpipes and should be a 4 month process before
this was completed. They are checking into this to see if this is
true. The basin maximum is 140,000 gallons and it fills the basin.
14. Chairman Alderson asked how often this happens. Mr. Bolt stated
every 3 to six weeks. If it fills up again, they will have it pumped
and emptied.
1 5. There being no further questions of the applicant, Chairman
Alderson asked if there was any public comment. Mr. Ty
Ferguson, 57-863 Cantata Drive, said this is the worst tract he
has lived in and unless the City continues to monitor K. Hovnanian
Homes, they will not follow through. The basins have never
drained within 72 hours as required. They have had to call out the
Vector Control several times and they do not believe they will
follow through. Conditions have been met. First time the basin
has been dry since he has been there. The only plant they know
that grows under water is rice. The patch in the street was not
compacted and will not hold up. He thanked the City for trying to
protect their interests.
Planning Commission Minutes
January 22, 2008
16. Mr. Jesse Frescas, 57-770 Residenza Court, thanked the
Commission for taking an interest. He thanked the developer for
their efforts lately. His biggest concern is that they do the study
for the basins. During summer months when the homeowners are
watering heavily the basins have never drained. Have them
provide any detailed studies that should be required. In regard to
the palm trees, they will grow and how can you maintain a palm
tree to not grow. When it becomes the HOA problem, they will
have to remove those trees and plant new ones and it will be at
their expense. He would like to see the geotechnical report
because they are all concerned why the water does not drain.
17. Mr. Mark Yacullo, 81-769 IL Serenada Drive, concerned about the
basins. Full after the last rainfall and has pictures taken 30 hours
after it rained and the basins were full. Went to the tract next
door and their basins were not full. It is a continual health issue.
He would hope that these issues are resolved before they are
allowed to continue. He called the Utilities Commission and they
do have certain restrictions to pools. He also talked with Carlos
Partida and was told the poles had to be located where they are
because there are pipes under where the trees should be therefore
the lines cross the property. He is not certain who can solve this
problem, but 30 feet is the distance the poles are required to be
set apart.
18. Commissioner Quill stated that information is important to the
HOA, but unfortunately the City does not have any authority over
the Imperial Irrigation District (liD). If liD dos not have an
easement over that corner property, the property owner should
have authority to pursue this with liD.
19. Chairman Alderson asked if the applicant would like to comment
on the concerns. Mr. Crandall stated the conditions being imposed
on them will require them to remedy the problems before permits
are allowed to be pulled.
20. There being no further public comment, the public hearing was
closed and the item was opened for Commission discussion.
Commissioner Engle stated there are a lot of items that have been
mitigated, but these concerns need strong code enforcement in
place if this is approved.
Planning Commission Minutes
January 22, 2008
21 . Commissioner Barrows stated that within 60 days the applicant
must submit plans to see how these issues would be solved and
no permits would be issued. In terms of the landscaping the same
is that no permits will be issued until this is solved with the
exception of the palm trees under the power lines. Staff stated
that is correct. Commissioner Barrows stated she would want the
palm trees removed and a substitute tree planted to not conflict
with the power lines. Planning Director Les Johnson stated there
are alternative trees. There is a small tree currently in this tract
that could be used.
22. Commissioner Quill stated almost any tree could be planted except
a palm tree which cannot be trimmed except to kill it. Most trees
can be topped, but not a palm tree.
23. Commissioner Barrows stated that maybe the solution would be to
require a different tree variety. In regard to the five items iisted by
staff that have not been resolved, it should be added that the cost
be borne by the developer.
24. Commissioner Quill agrees with all that Commissioner Barrows
stated, but also agrees with Commissioner Wilkinson that the
applicant has not met the Commission's requests. He has visited
the site and the efforts so far are not earnest. He was offended
by their letter and there is no way he could vote to approve
anything because he does not believe they can be trusted to
complete the concerns.
25. Commissioner Wilkinson stated the letter states they can complete
within 60 days and they have already had 60 days and they have
not met the conditions.
26. Chairman Alderson stated he believes it is not the Commission's
responsibility to see that the basin is reseeded and the ongoing
maintenance issues. Their concern is the health issues and the
public safety. As to getting this project moving forward, staff
proposes that if the developer does meet the terms of the 60 days
and if they don't know permits will be met. He believes this is
reasonable and will force them to complete the conditions. In
regard to the retention basins, they have cleaned and maybe they
do work. They have made an attempt. The basin on the corner is
Planning Commission Minutes
January 22, 2008
the public safety issue and must be resolved. The Public Works
department will not allow them to proceed if this basin is not
functioning properly. He would also like to see an interim
protection such as a fence that will not allow children or animals
to get into it. Not a construction fence, but one that is aesthetic.
If the blow-off water is being addressed by CVWD the problem
will go away. If not, they must make that site percolate. Making
it larger or whatever is required, they will not have their permits.
Principal Engineer Ed Wimmer stated there is no final map
associated with this, the only mechanism to insure their
performance is denying the building permits. Planning Director Les
Johnson stated that the 60 days in Condition 14 is to obtain the
approval and then whatever time it takes to accomplish the
improvements before permits would be issued. Condition 14
restricts them from moving forward and submit what is necessary
to address the City's issues. If City staff is taking longer for
approval then it might be possible to go beyond that period of
time. As long as it is a matter of review ongoing on the City's end.
27. Commissioner Barrows suggested the model homes not be allowed
until the basin issues are resolved.
28. Commissioner Quill stated the landscaping plans for the models is
not consistent with the new CVWD new ordinance. He would
suggest that it be added that they meet the new City and CVWD
Ordinance. Staff confirmed they would be required to meet the
new CVWD Ordinance.
29. Commissioner Barrows asked if staff knew how the new ordinance
would be addressed. Staff stated the co-efficient must be met by
the City's restrictions. Discussion followed as to how the new
ordinance would be enforced.
30. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Barrows/Engle to adopt Minute Motion 2008-002
approving Site Development Permit 2007-895, as recommended
and amended:
a. Condition added: Developer to be responsible for all costs to
implement these conditions of approval.
b. Condition 14 remove last sentence.
Planning Commission Minutes
January 22, 2008
c. Condition added: provide attractive fence around smaller
retention basin approved by the Planning Director on two
exposed sides.
d. Condition added: Palm trees under the power lines shall be
removed and replaced with a different variety prior to
issuance of the first building permit for a residence.
ROLL CALL: A YES: Commissioners Barrows, Engle, and Chairman
Alderson. NOES: Commissioners Quill and Wilkinson.
B. Site Development Permit 2007-899; a request of East of Madison, LLC
for consideration of architectural and landscaping plans for a one-story
1,163 square foot Homeowners' Association Country Club Mailhouse
facility located on the northeast corner of Avenue 54 and Gary Avenue
within the Madison Club.
1 . Chairman Alderson opened the public hearing and asked for the
staff report. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the
information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file
in the Planning Department.
2. Chairman Alderson asked if what was proposed around the
building. Staff stated it was DG.
3. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Alderson
asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Jeff
Provost, East of Madison representative, stated he was available
to answer any questions.
4. Chairman Alderson asked if there were any questions of the
applicant. Commissioner
5. There being no questions of the applicant, Chairman Alderson
asked if there was any other public comment. There being no
public comment, Chairman Alderson closed the public hearing and
opened the matter for Commission discussion.
Planning Commission Minutes
January 22, 2008
6. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Quill/Barrows to adopt Planning Commission
Resolution 2008-007 approving Site Development Permit 2007-
899, as recommended.
ROLL CALL: A YES: Commissioners Barrows, Engle, Quill, Wilkinson, and
Chairman Alderson. NOES: None. ABSENT: None.
A. Final Landscape Plan 2007-025; a request of Innovative Communities for
consideration of final landscaping plans for Watermark Villas interior
common area and perimeter landscaping located at the northwest corner
of Avenue 52 and Jefferson Street.
1. Chairman Alderson asked for the staff report. Associate Planner
Jay Wuu presented the information contained in the staff report,
a copy of which is on file in the Planning Department. Staff
stated a letter was received from the Citrus HOA confirming their
approval. This letter has been distributed to the Commission.
2. Chairman Alderson stated the plan was very impressive and
thanked the applicant for the perimeter work that was done
before the Bob Hope Classic. Suggests the fence be designed to
allow some openings. Planning Director Les Johnson stated the
concern to have approval by the Citrus HOA was a major issue in
approving these plans.
3. Commissioner Quill clarified the issues addressed in the letter
have been resolved. Staff stated yes. Commissioner Quill stated
the landscape plans are dated October 10, 2005, and the
signature block with the Coachella Valley Water District is dated
September 2006. He said normally the Commission would not
approve the plans, as submitted at this meeting, if it were not
grandfathered by the fact that it is signed off by all the necessary
parties. He asked why it had not been presented to the
Commission before now. Staff stated because the project had
gone fallow and had several problems with their Subdivision
Improvement Agreement (SIA) as well as concerns about finances
and Avenue 52. It wasn't until late this summer that they
wanted to complete the process, mostly because the SIA was
Planning Commission Minutes
January 22, 2008
ready to expire. In addition, they had to work out their building
permits problems because it had sat for 18 months.
Commissioner Quill asked if there were going to replace all the
palm trees with the same size. Staff stated they did not require
the exact size but gave them a minimum height of 20 feet.
4. Commissioner Barrows stated she would like to see the same
restrictions in regard to turf. Planning Director Les Johnson
stated they have asked that the main entry area remain as it is
designed as it is an active area for the residents. The
retention/detention area they are willing to reduce the turf. The
plan has pockets of turf but is not as green as the illustration
before them. It has more Decomposed Granite (DG) or
desertscape. A 50% maximum could be imposed, but staff
believes it may be below that if the retention basins are reduced.
5. Chairman Alderson asked if the wall along Avenue 52 was solid.
Staff stated it was. Chairman Alderson asked if a condition could
be added to allow some relief on the remainder of the perimeter
wall. Staff stated the final landscape plan will come back to the
Commission and staff will relay to the applicant the Commission's
desire to have pockets in the fence.
6. Commissioner Quill wanted verification that the items in the
Citrus HOA letter had been addressed in the conditions. Staff
stated they were addressed.
7. Chairman Alderson asked if there was any other public comment,
there being none, the public participation was closed and open for
Commission discussion.
8. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Barrows/Wilkinson to adopt Minute Motion 2008-
003 accepting Final Landscape Plan 2007-025.
a. Condition added: Turf area in retention basin be reduced
Unanimously approved.
Planning Commission Minutes
January 22, 2008
A. Chairman Alderson gave a review of the Council meeting of January 15,
B. Commissioner Quill asked if staff would verify that the La Quinta Resort
follows through with the condition to rectify the berm and landscaping
the Mountain Golf Course all the way down to the golf course
maintenance facility. He wanted to make sure that issue was not
overlooked. Staff stated they have not pursued any of their entitlements
while the appeals are in process.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Barrows/Wilkinson to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to a
regular meeting to be held on February 12, 2008. This regular meeting was adjourned
at 9:09 p.m. on January 22, 2008.
Respectfully submitted,