2008 02 26 PC Minutes
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
February 26, 2008
7:00 P.M.
A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:03
p.m. by Chairman Alderson who asked Commissioner Quill to lead the
flag salute.
B. Present: Commissioners Katie Barrows, Paul Quill, Robert Wilkinson, and
Chairman Ed Alderson. Absent: Commissioner Jim Engle.
C. Staff present: Planning Director Les Johnson, Assistant City Attorney
Michael Houston, Principal Engineer Ed Wimmer, Principal Planner Andy
Mogensen, Associate Planner Jay Wuu, Assistant Planner Eric Ceja,
Executive Secretary Carolyn Walker.
A. The minutes of February 12, 2008 were unavailable for this meeting and
will be reviewed at the March 11, 2008 meeting.
A. Site Development Permit 2007-901; a request of Washington 111, Ltd.
for consideration of development plans for a parking lot, retaining wall,
and landscaping within Washington Park Commercial Center which is
bounded by Highway 111, Washington Street, Avenue 47, and Adams
Street, within the Washington Park Retail Center.
1. Chairman Alderson opened the public hearing and asked for the
staff report. Principal Planner Andrew Mogensen presented the
information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file
in the Planning Department.
P:\Reports - PC\2008\3-"-08\CW -pc Minutes 2-26-08.doc
Planning Commission Minutes
February 26, 2008
2. Chairman Alderson asked where the trees were located as
discussed in Condition of Approval No. 51. Principal Planner
Mogensen explained where they were and the modifications the
applicant had requested.
3. Commissioner Barrows asked if a sidewalk would be occurring
along Washington. Principal Planner Mogensen said there is
currently a sidewalk on Washington. Commissioner Barrows said
she was concerned about walkable opportunities as they are not
available in some of the large shopping centers. She added she
appreciated the condition of adding a sidewalk.
4. Commissioner Barrows asked about the shade requirements. She
was glad the applicant was going to use the Palo Verde tree as
they work well for parking lot shading. Principal Planner Mogensen
referred to part of the Municipal Code describing the percentage of
shading and growth requirements of the parking lot trees.
Commissioner Barrows asked if there was a valuation of individual
trees. Principal Planner Mogensen said there was a statement put
on the plan, by the landscape architect, stating these trees would
meet the requirements.
5. Commissioner Barrows asked if the water feature met the new
landscaping ordinance requirements including the water source.
Principal Planner Mogensen said this feature was proposed before
the new ordinance went into effect. He added he did not currently
have information on the source of the water but the applicant
could answer that question.
6. Commission Quill asked about the sidewalk on La Quinta Centre
Drive to gain access to Lowe's or Target. Principal Planner
Mogensen said there is no sidewalk currently along the side of
Lowe's or Target, but the plans submitted does identify a sidewalk
along this portion of the project.
7. Commissioner Quill asked if there was any reasonable access from
Avenue 47 into the area for pedestrians. Principal Planner
Mogensen said yes there is a sidewalk along Avenue 47.
Commissioner Quill asked if there was direct access into any of
these structures from either Washington Street or A venue 47.
Principal Planner Mogensen replied the plans were not clear and
staff would have to evaluate the situation at the plan check level.
Planning Commission Minutes
February 26, 2008
8. Commissioner Wilkinson asked about the size of the future water
feature. On the site plan it showed something significantly smaller
than what was shown on the landscape conceptual plan. He
wondered what the water feature would look like. Principal
Planner Mogensen said the water feature would be brought back
through the final landscaping plans and reviewed at that level. It
would be brought back to the Architecture and Landscaping
Review Committee, but staff did not have an actual set size.
Planning Director Les Johnson said all water features had to use a
non-potable water source according to the new code and that it
was brought before the Commission to provide awareness there
would be a water feature incorporated into the project. He said it
would probably be similar to the water feature in front of Cosi's
Restaurant. The applicant would be able to expand upon this
9. Chairman Alderson complimented Principal Planner Mogensen on
alerting the Commission to any concerns that might be brought up
and it was appreciated. He asked if the applicant was okay with
the changes made. Principal Planner Mogensen said the applicant
was present to answer those questions.
10. Chairman Alderson asked if they would be seeing the water
feature design. Principal Planner Mogensen explained the
Architecture and Landscaping Review Committee would see them,
but not the Planning Commission.
11. Chairman Alderson asked about the bike route in the parking lot.
Principal Planner Mogensen said the condition was included to
allow for the possibility of adding bike racks in the future.
12. Chairman Alderson said the Commission had received a letter from
Dick and Bonnie Holt, 47105 Via Antibes. He referred to
Condition of Approval No. 54, regarding lighting fixtures, and
asked if the Holt's were aware of the change of condition.
Principal Planner Mogensen said he did not know if the Holt's were
aware of the 18 foot height requirement. Previous phases were
conditioned to be 18 feet in height on the perimeter.
13. Chairman Alderson asked about Condition Of Approval No. 26
which references a dustless groundcover. Principal Planner
Mogensen said gravel is considered to be a dustless ground cover
Planning Commission Minutes
February 26, 2008
and would be similar to what was used at the JC Penney's site.
Chairman Alderson wanted to be assured there would be dust
control in the unpaved area. Principal Planner Mogensen said a
larger caliper stone would be used for dust control.
14. There being no further questions of the staff, Chairman Alderson
asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. .
15. Applicant's representative, Bill Sanchez, Washington 111, Ltd,
80-618 Declaration Avenue, Indio, gave an explanation of what
they were going to be planting to assure the recommended shade
requirements. He added they do not have the water feature
designed yet, but were hoping to incorporate it into a monument
feature. He also addressed the question of the sidewalks and used
the report attachments to show where they would be located. He
said there is currently no sidewalk access on Avenue 47 and none
proposed but they would be working with staff to modify that.
They will also be working with staff to provide dust stabilization.
16. Chairman Alderson asked if there are any questions of the
17. Commissioner Quill asked the applicant if there was a problem
with providing access from Avenue 47 and Washington Street. Mr.
Sanchez said no. Commission Quill said it would be a problem
walking down Avenue 47 without having to use a shortcut from
Avenue 47 and Washington Street. Mr. Sanchez said they'd much
rather have people use a sidewalk than a shortcut.
18. Commissioner Barrows said it would be conducive to include a
sidewalk in that area. Mr. Sanchez said there would be a bus stop
in that area and they had planned to provide access.
19. Commissioner Quill commented on the utilization of bike racks in
shopping centers.
20. Chairman Alderson asked if the Commission was going to see a
grading plan with storm drains. Planning Director Johnson said it
would not come back to the Commission but it would go through
.the Public Works Department.
21 . There being no further questions of the applicant, Chairman
Alderson asked if there was any public comment.
Planning Commission Minutes
February 26, 2008
22. There being no public comment, the public hearing was closed and
the item was opened for Commission discussion.
23. Commissioner Barrows requested the applicant try to be creative
with the water feature and encouraged him to eliminate the water
feature all together. She added she appreciated the applicant's
favorability to add walkability to the project.
24. Commissioner Quill agreed the water feature was for no other use
than a monument and agreed it should be eliminated. He
described some of the problems involved with the maintenance of
a water feature. He agreed with Commission Barrow's suggestion
and also in adding a condition for additional sidewalks.
25. Commissioner Wilkinson was concerned about the retaining walls,
sidewalks, and the slopes with regard to ADA requirements.
Planning Director Johnson clarified the retaining walls were really
screening walls and would not be an ADA hinderance.
26. Chairman Alderson asked staff about the retaining wall
landscaping and the source of irrigation. Planning Director Johnson
said the landscaping was at the back of Lowe's and there was
sufficient area to add vines irrigated through a bubbler system.
Principal Planner Mogensen said there was existing landscaping.'
27. Chairman Alderson asked if the applicant had access to that water.
Planning Director Johnson said it would not be difficult to add.
28. Commissioner Wilkinson asked if this was a screening wall versus
a retaining wall. Staff replied it was a retaining wall.
29. Commissioner Barrows asked if the 18 foot height requirement
would satisfy the lighting concerns. Principal Planner Mogensen
said it would.
30. Chairman Alderson said the lighting seemed to affect houses
across Avenue 47 and it appeared there were four or five
offending light standards. He asked if these could be hooded.
Principal Planner Mogensen said there were two lights currently in
place along La Quinta Center Drive (which were circled on the
Power Point presentation) that have been reversed to face away
from the street. The applicant would do the same to all lights
Planning Commission Minutes
February 26, 2008
along A venue 47. Planning Director Johnson said there was a
photometric plan which would be reviewed by staff and if
additional screens, or hoods, were needed staff would work with
the applicant.
31 . There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Barrows/Quill to adopt Resolution 2008-008
approving Site Development Permit 2007-901, as recommended
and amended:
a. Condition added: Water feature be eliminated.
b. Condition added: Applicant to provide sidewalk access
along Washington Street and Avenue 47 along parking lot.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Barrows, Quill, Wilkinson, and
Chairman Alderson. NOES: None. ABSENT:
Commissioner Engle. ABSTAIN: None.
B. Sign Application 2006-1022, Amendment No.1; a request of Accretive
La Quinta Partners, LLC for consideration of a Sign Program Amendment
for permanent business identification signage for the La Quinta Medical
Center located at 47-647 Caleo Bay Drive, East of Washington Stret,
North of Avenue 48, South of Lake La Quinta Drive.
1 . Chairman Alderson opened the public hearing and asked for the
staff report. Associate Planner Jay Wuu presented the information
contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the
Planning Department.
2. Chairman Alderson asked if there were questions of staff.
3. Chairman Alderson asked if the sign construction and configuration
were within the legal limits and were the same as those currently
on the building. Associate Planner Wuu replied yes. Chairman
Alderson asked if the applicant was asking for any special
consideration. Associate Planner Wuu replied no.
4. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Alderson
asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission.
5. Applicant's representative, Chris Bush, 474 South Westbridge
Circle, Anaheim, said she was available to answer any questions.
Planning Commission Minutes
February 26, 2008
6. Chairman Alderson asked if there were any questions of the
7. There being no questions of the applicant, Chairman Alderson
asked if there was any other public comment.
8. There being no public comment, the public hearing was closed and
the item was opened for Commission discussion.
9. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Barrows/Quill to adopt Minute Motion 2008-007
approving Sign Application 2006-1022, Amendment No. 1 as
recommended. Unanimously approved.
A. Modification By Applicant 2008-009; a request of Stamko Development
Company for consideration of a request to modify an existing sign
program to allow for neon elements to be incorporated into tenant sign
design for Parcel 1, Centre at La Quinta, located at the southwest corner
of Dune Palms Road and Highway 111 .
1. Chairman Alderson opened the public hearing and asked for the
staff report. Assistant Planner Eric Ceja presented the
information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on
file in the Planning Department.
2. Chairman Alderson asked if there were any questions of staff.
3. There being no questions of staff, Chairman Alderson asked if the
applicant would like to address the Commission.
4. Mr. Russ Beckner, representing Stamko Development said he did
not realize the Sign Program did not allow neon without a certain
type of modification. He wanted to let the Commission know
Stamko is proud to have this tenant and happy with the sign.
5. Mr. Carl Mc Peters, (potential tenant for Jumpin Juice & Java)
81250 Chiraco Avenue, Indio thanked Stamko Corporation and
the Commission for the opportunity to address them. He stated
this is a corporate sign. He thought the sign was very attractive
Planning Commission Minutes
February 26, 2008
and his research showed neon signs were very well accepted. He
thanked the staff for their due diligence and said they will comply
with the conformity of the sign per the standards of the City's
Municipal Code.
6. Chairman Alderson asked if there was any other public comment,
there being none, the public hearing was closed and the item was
opened for Commission discussion.
7. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Barrows/Quill to adopt Minute Motion 2008-008
accepting the Modification by Applicant 2008-009 as
recommended. Unanimously approved.
A. Planning Director Les Johnson gave a review of the Council meeting of
February 19, 2008.
B. Planning Director Les Johnson gave an overview on implementation of
the Phase I Golf Plan which had been postponed to the April 15th City
Council meeting.
C. Chairman Alderson asked what date the Eden Rock hearing was
postponed to and was told April 1, 2008.
D. Pedestrian Issues:
1. Commissioner Barrows asked about Commission Quill's Comments
on the sidewalk/walkability issue and asked if this could be
incorporated as a standard condition in future commercial
developments; especially along Highway 111. She was interested
in what ways the Commission could address this issue. Planning
Director Johnson said he appreciated this subject had been
brought up on this project. Staff would be looking at this issue in
future reviews and a standard would be used if practical. Staff is
interested in the City being pedestrian-friendly, and is open to
guidance from the Commission, but he asked if at this time the
Planning Commission Minutes
February 26, 2008
Planning Commission would continue to have trust in the Public
Works and Planning Departments to look at these issues. If the
Commission wanted to see something more definitive staff would
certainly look at that.
2. Commissioner Barrows said she was interested in what other
communities had done and wondered if there were standards that
could be used. Planning Director Johnson said there are standards
but they are more institutional, such as ADA. One of the things
they hoped to do with Mr. Sanchez' project was to make it a
priority on how to link the.sidewalks to make them more walkable
and useable.
3. Commissioner Quill said he had seen various suggestions by urban
planners about pedestrian access, even including big box retail
centers. He said the Commission tried to force JC Penney, with
very little cost, to make the site more accessible to the folks in the
nearby apartments, without success. Now the tenants have to
walk around to obtain access to the JC Penney site, because the
Commission's suggestion was overruled. He said he would like to
see a standardized way to handle pedestrian accessibility. Planning
Director Johnson said there are some great resources, such as
those presented by CVAG about a year and a half ago, with
regards to walkability. They actually gave the City a compliment
on the elevated crosswalks. Staff is researching ways to
encourage walkability, as well as a strategic plan, to encourage
walkability in the Village. Staff is going to enhance what we have
been encouraging in the past few years and certainly wants to see
the opportunity of a more green-friendly community. The City
wants to encourage energy savings by encouraging people to walk
versus driving in the City. He asked if staff could do some further
research and report back, on this discussion Item, in the next 60
or 90 days.
4. Chairman Alderson said there might be a problem with
standardizing walkability access due to differences in the project.
5. Commissioner Quill suggested standardizing walkability/
accessibility be added as a requirement for projects on the major
thoroughfares as it could affect how the applicants layout their
Planning Commission Minutes
February 26, 2008
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Alderson/Barrows to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to a
regular meeting to be held on March 11, 2008. This regular meeting was adjourned at
8:03 p.m. on February 26, 2008.
ReiectfUIIY submitted, .
{Wf/lU IVu;fVv
Carolyn yI'lalker, Executive Secretary
City of La Quinta, California