1999 08 19 HPC Minutes
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall Session Room
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
August 19, 1999
This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called to order by Chairman Robert
Wright at 3:35 p.m. who led the flag salute and asked for the roll call.
A. Pledge of Allegiance.
B. Roll Call.
Commissioners Barbara Irwin, Mike Mitchell, and Chairman Robert Wright.
It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Irwin/Mitchell to excuse
Commissioners Vossler and Puente. Unanimously approved.
Staff Present: Planning Manager Christine di Iorio and Principal Planner Stan Sawa.
A. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio asked that an emergency item be added to the
agenda. Interim report on the Phase II Archaeological Test Program for the north
bank of the Whitewater River between Washington Street and Adams Street.
B. There being no further changes to the agenda, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Irwin/Mitchell to approve the agenda as amended. Unanimously
A. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Irwin/Mitchell to approve the Minutes
of June 17, 1999, as submitted. Unanimously approved.
A. Environmental Assessment 98- 383: Phase II Archaeolol!ical Assessment of Specific
Plan 99-036 located northwest ofthe intersection of Highway III and Dune Palms
Road. Applicant: Troll-Woodpark Company. Archaeological Consultant: CRM
Tech, Bruce Love.
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Historic Preservation Commission Minutes
August 19, 1999
I. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the staff report, a copy of which is on
file in the Community Development Department.
2. Commissioner Irwin asked staff to identifY what portion of the sites were the
Commission discussing. For instance, where is the floor and chimney site.
Staff stated it was on the east side of the project area. Discussion followed
regarding the location of the archaeological sites on the map.
3. Mr. Bruce Love explained how the site was found and the methods that were
used to determine the sites. He further explained this site was unique as it is
in the original context and not one that had been uncovered after years of
blowing sand and debris. He explained the deposits that had been found and
their significance. In regard to preservation of these important cultural
resources, there are two methods to consider: preserve in place under the
parking lot, or 100 percent excavation of all the materials. In his
recommendation, he suggested recovery. He could argue either side. In
speaking with the Native American representatives, however, they all agreed
with recovery and he deferred to their recommendation.
4. Mr. Marc Benitiz, 84,245 Indio Springs Drive, stated that in observance of
mitigation of the site, they would like to retain what has been found so there
is no possibility oflosing any of the material. There is always a possibility
of losing material in the future when a remodeling or similar change takes
place where the owners or staff are unaware of the site. The attitude
regarding archaeological finds can change over time and they do not want to
take the chance that the artifacts could be lost.
5. Mr. Adrian Duro, 53-771 Monroe Street, Thermal, stated the information that
has been found is important to him and his people and he would he would
like to have the opportunity to learn from what can be recovered.
6. Mr. Joe Loya, 63-832 Landon Lane, a member of the Torres Martinez Indian
Tribe, thanked the Commission for having an open door policy and the desire
to establish communication with the different Tribes in the Valley. The
reports speaks of three Tribes not just one. To not be sensitive to these tribes
would not be to the benefit of the City or the Tribes. The responsibility of
these finds is up to this City and they appreciate the opportunity to speak
their mind.
7. Mr. George Auclair, 68-327 Landon Lane, also a member of the Torres
Martinez Indian Tribe, stated his concern about the local people finding out
about the site and the artifacts are lost. They would like to find out what is
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Historic Preservation Commission Minutes
August 19, 1999
8. Mr. Gary Resvaloso, 66-750 Martinez Road, spoke about his concern that
over time they could lose the artifacts.
9. Mr. Marvin Roos, Mainiero Smith & Associates, introduced Ms. Margo
Williams, the project planner for the project. Ms. Williams stated they had
been working with the developers and engineers for the project. The
preliminary grading would disturb the site. In order to preserve the site it will
require five to ten feet of fill thereby raising the site, will raise the site
considerably as well as cost to the project. It is their opinion that excavation
of the site should be the recommendation.
10. Mr. Scott Gayner, representing the developer, stated they would like to
adhere to the recommendation of the Tribes represented. It will benefit them
as well as the Tribes. If the developer has to preserve the site, it could
jeopardize the escrow and the building of the shopping center as well as the
development of the site. Most developers do not want to deal with anything
that is historically significant and in the middle of the site. They would
therefore, like to subsidize the recovery of the site and once the artifacts have
been removed, they would like to construct a monument commemorating
what had been found there.
11. Commissioner Irwin stated she was torn between the two methods of
mitigation. She would like to learn from the findings as well as preserve the
site "in situ". The City has a strong stand for preservation and she could not
see anything happening to the site even in the future. To hear the developer
state they would be willing to pay the cost for full recovery causes a real
12. Commissioner Mitchell stated that he had been in archaeology for 25 years
and they have always tried to preserve any sites found. In this instance, he
has to agree with Mr. Mark Benitez. It concerns him about capping this site
as things do change. Generations change their attitude, or there could be a
flood, or anything, and the site is forgotten and destroyed. He does have a
concern about the mitigation of the site. Dr. Love states 100 percent
. excavation of a 60 meter by 60 meter area that comes out to 2000 one meter
square excavation units. General principles of archaeological dictate a
sampling. Never is a whole entire archaeological site excavation unless it is
a graveyard or something similar. The norm is five percent. In this
excavation it would be approximately 100 excavation units which could
randomly placed to get what the significance is. With 100 excavation units
all the research design questions could be answered. His concern is that 100
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Historic Preservation Commission Minutes
August 19, 1999
percent is too much. Five percent would be more than enough to recover the
significant areas and if more are found this could be changed. He cannot
agree with the 100 units. Any more than five percent is up to the developer
and Dr. Love.
13. Chairman Wright stated that not being an expert, he is very concerned about
the cultural discovery that may be made at this site. This is not a case where
capping will work. He has to agree with the Native American workers, that
so much of history has been lost. Because of the shell found, he believes this
is not only an archeological excavation but a cultural excavation. He
therefore, concurs with Dr. Love and believes the entire site excavated.
14. Commissioner Irwin asked the developer what would happen to the items
recovered. Mr. Gaynor stated they follow protocol regarding the items. Dr.
Love stated the Cabazon Indian Tribe was in the process of building a
museum for'items such as these, and he also believes the Torres Martinez
Tribe should have some input as to what would happen to the artifacts.
15. Commissioner Irwin asked if the artifacts would be open to the public and not
just the local Tribes. Mr. Benitez stated it would be open to the public.
Discussion followed as to what was currently done with artifacts.
16. Commissioner Irwin asked if the bones found were exclusively animal. Dr.
Love stated they were only animal.
17. Commissioner Mitchell asked for an explanation of what 100 percent
recovery would be. Dr. Love stated they would be remove the top meter
mechanically to get down to the site and then do a surface scrap.
Commissioner Mitchell stated some of the sites were not important for 100
percent recovery. Mr. Gaynor stated they were willing to pay for what was
adequate to excavate whatever is significant. Discussion followed asto what
is normal in excavating a site.
18. Commissioner Irwin stated she concurred with the excavation.
19. Commissioner Mitchell stated he believed that it was the Commission's
obligation to abide by the request of the Native Americans.
20. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Mitchell/Irwin to adopt
Minute Motion 99-021 accepting the Cultural Resources Report as prepared
by CRM Tech with the modification to the conditions to require a Data
Recovery Plan for adequately recovering the scientifically consequential
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Historic Preservation Commission Minutes
August 19, 1999
information from or about the historic resource, shall be prepared and
adopted by the Historic Preservation Commission prior to any excavation
undertaken. Such studies shall be deposited with the California Historical
Resources Regional Information Center. Archaeological sites known to
contain human remains shall be treated in accordance with the provisions
Section 7050.5 Health and Safety Code. Unanimously approved with
Commissioners Puente and Vossler being absent.
21. Mr. Gaynor asked ifthis meant they could not start the project until this plans
approved and the Commission only meets once a month. Chairman Wright
stated they can have a special meeting to approve the plan when it is
22. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio asked if Dr. Love had listed his crew
members in the report. Dr. Love stated he would see that they were.
23. Commissioner Irwin asked if the Commission would see the final report of
what is found. Planning Manager di Iorio stated yes, this report will give the
excavation plan to define the percentages of what they recommend. Usually
the Conditions of Approval will require the final report be submitted prior to
occupancy of the first building. This could be recommended to the Planning
Commission as a condition.
24. Maker and second of the motion amended their motion to include the
condition that this report would be submitted and approved prior to
occupancy of the first building. Unanimously approved.
B. Phase I Archaeolo~ical Assessment of 54.65 acres owned by the City's
Redevelopment A~ency; located at the southwest corner of Washington Street and
Miles Avenue. Applicant: City of La Quinta Redevelopment Agency.
Archaeological Advisory Group, James Brock.
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the staff report, a copy of which is on
file in the Community Development Department.
2. Commissioner Irwin asked if bones found were animal. Mr. Jim Brock,
Archaeological Advisory Group, stated there is a potential for human bones,
but they did not identify any as such to record this survey. Commissioner
Irwin asked if they were under study at this time. Mr. Brock stated that under
a Phase I study you do not collect artifacts, but it should be addressed under
Phase II.
3. Commissioner Mitchell stated he concurred with the report as submitted.
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Historic Preservation Commission Minutes
August 19, 1999
4. There being no further questions, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners IrwinlMitchell to adopt Minute Motion 99-022, accepting the
report as recommended by staff.
C. Interim Report on Phase II at Site "Sienna I"; located on the north bank of the
Whitewater Channel between Washington Street and Adams Street. Archaeological
Advisory Group, James Brock.
1. Mr. Jim Brock stated a site had been found off the City's property and on
property owned by the Imperial Irrigation District that will be impacted by
Century Homes as part of the development of Phase 8 of the Sienna Del Rey
project. They are proposing to obtain their grading permit shortly. They
informed Century Homes of the site and the need to have it tested. They
agreed to the testing and they did a surface collection with a systematic
backhoe trenching across the property to a depth of two meters screening all
dirt and sand. They did not find any buried deposits, but did find some eco
facts, pottery sherds and clay fragments. It was their determination that the
potential for this site to produce any significant deposits is minimal. On that
basis they are recommending Century be allowed to pull their grading permits
with the provision that monitoring be required.
2. Commissioner Irwin asked if a report would be submitted. Mr. Brock stated
that after all the information has been studied and prepared, a report will be
submitted to the City. Discussion followed regarding the development of the
3. There being no further comments, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners MitchelllIrwin to adopt Minute Motion 99-023 accepting the
report as recommended with the addition of a condition that a Final Report
shall be submitted prior to final inspection of the first house. Unanimously
A. Principal Planner Stan Sawa passed out information on a training seminar that was
available to the Commissioners.
B. Commissioner Irwin asked if staff was preparing any training to be held in the
Valley. Staff stated they could do this.
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Historic Preservation Commission Minutes
August 19,1999
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners lrwinlPuente to
adjourn this meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission to the next regularly scheduled
meeting of the Historical Preservation Commission on September 16, 1999. This meeting of the
Historical Preservation Commission was adjourned at 4:50 p.m. August 19, 1999. Unanimously
~SU~I}litted by: I
-.. /~::h (,l..u/ &-~
! Y J. Sa er
Executive Secretary
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