1999 06 17 HPC Minutes
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall Session Room
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
June 17, 1999
This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called to order by Chairman Robert
Wright at 3 :31 p.m. who led the flag salute and asked for the roll call.
A. Pledge of Allegiance.
B. Roll Call.
Commissioners Barbara Irwin, Mike Mitchell, Maria Puente, Judy Vossler,
and Chairman Robert Wright.
Staff Present: Planning Manager Christine di Iorio, Principal Planner Stan
Sawa, and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer.
A. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Irwin/V ossler to approve the Minutes
of May 27,1999, as submitted. Unanimously approved.
A. Environmental Assessment 98- 367: Cultural Resources Reconnaissance and Review
of a Cultural Resources Reconnaissance for the La Ouinta Resort and Club Real
Proiect located at the northwest intersection of Eisenhower Drive and A venida
Fernando, north of the La Quinta Resort and Club. Applicant: Landaq Incorporated.
Archaeological Consultant Joan C. Brown for RMW Paleo Associates, Inc.; Review
Archaeological Consultant Donn Grenda for Statistical Research, Inc.
I. Commissioner Vossler withdrew from the meeting due to a possible conflict
of interest.
2. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the staff report, a copy of which is on
file in the Community Development Department.
3. Commissioner Mitchell thanked staff for their report and stated this report did
not have any terms regarding curation agreements, nor did it list the artifacts
collected. He then asked if the artifacts belonged to the land holder or if the
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Historic Preservation Commission Minutes
June 17,1999
City had a curation agreement in place. The City should require some form
of a curation agreement to know the destination of the artifacts. In addition,
the report states the Salton Sea separates the Imperial Valley from Coachella
Valley and he is uncertain how that can be.
4. Chairman Wright introduced Mr. Ronald Bissell, Registered Professional
Archeologist with RMW Paleo Associates, who clarified he is a third owner
ofRMW and Joan Brown is their employee. He was involved in the report
and the technical qualifications are the same. He then went on to state what
was found on the site and elaborated on their recommendation. He questioned
the review completed by Statistical Research Incorporated (SRI) in that Donn
Grenda of SRI did not note any site visits and depended on what was found
in their (RMW) report. Mr. Grenda concludes the four prehistoric sites are
not worthy of test excavation and recommends no further research on the four
sites. He questioned his reasoning for this recommendation and stated their
conclusion that the lack of surface artifacts is evidence there would be no
subsurface artifacts. This is faulty reasoning. Mr. Grenda based his
conclusion on a study at March AFB which is a different environment and
culture. He has done several excavations where there was very little surface
indication that wound up having very complex subsurface deposits. These
sites all had one thing in common; they are located in areas of definition, not
erosion. Which is another area of disagreement with Mr. Grenda; his
perceived lack of sediments. The sites are surrounded by sediments. There
could be buried material. Mr. Grenda stated one potsherd was found when
two were found. His biggest disagreement with Mr. Grenda is where he
refers to one particular site, CA-RIV-6178, and states: "the sandy area south
of the feature could contain buried artifacts." This is exactly the same
conclusion they reached and Mr. Grenda is here making the same
recommendation. In summary, no one can say whether or not there are any
buried artifacts at the sites. If you do not accept the test excavations to go
with the sites, and there is a buried deposit, the chances are very good they
will be totally lost. In regard to the question as to why this could not be done
during monitoring, it is impossible to remove the dirt with a backhoe/scraper
in increments small enough to detect the artifacts. If Mr. Grenda's
recommendation is followed, archaeological data could be destroyed. With
their recommendation for minimal test excavation there will be a marginal
increase in cost, but there is a better chance of determining whether or not
there are any artifacts.
5. Commissioner Mitchell asked if they had spoken with SRI regarding their
differences in opinion. Mr. Bissell stated they had not had the time as they
had just received the report. Commissioner Mitchell asked ifhe would have
any objection to shuttle test probes. Mr. Bissell stated they suggested
controlled excavation in conjunction with a backhoe.
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Historic Preservation Commission Minutes
June 17, 1999
6. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio stated RMW was requested to
supplement their report with the inclusion of research design question that
would justifY the reason for a Phase II study. When asked for this
information, staff was told by RMW that this is their recommendation and
nothing would be added to the report. This is why SRI was asked to prepare
the review. The City did not ask SRI to go out to the site due to budget
7. Mr. Bissell stated they do modifY their reports when asked by the
agency/company when something is missing or the client believes it is weak.
He questioned who would have made that statement from his office. Staff
stated they were working with the City's consultant. Mr. Bissell stated there
must have been some mis-communication.
8. Commissioner Irwin stated that considering the location, it is obvious from
the surface that the "pot hunters" have been there and she is amazed anything
was found. She definitely wants to see the site monitored as construction
continues. She agrees with staff s recommendation. She asked if any shovel
testing would take place. Staff stated the recommendation called for the first
report to prepare the record and form. However, as the summary did not
provide the justification for the need of additional testing and the City's
consultant did want this information as part of the study, staff requested the
second study. In doing the second study, the archaeologist did not visit the
site, but used the forms from the first report to make the determination
regarding the issues to be addressed. The recommendation in the peer review
was to not follow through with Phase II for the prehistoric site, and only do
the Phase II for the historic sites. Staffs recommendation agrees with the
peer revIew.
9. Commissioner Mitchell stated he agreed with Mr. Bissell that grading is the
worst form of excavation to expose subsurface material. However, he does
not agree with a lot of controlled excavation as it is very expensive and does
not expose as much of the subsurface as a shovel or auger. He concurs with
staffs recommendation.
10. Mr. Bissell stated there are four archaeological sites that are in areas, or
immediately adjacent to areas that have active definition. There could be
artifacts in the sandy subsurface. They are recommending a minimal amount
of testing to determine if there is anything below the sites. Mr. Grenda
recommended only monitoring and that could destroy anything that would be
below the subsurface.
11. Chairman Wright clarified the concern was only regarding the four
prehistoric sites.
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June 17, 1999
12. Commissioner Puente asked if expense was the issue. Mr. Bissell stated no,
as the cost would be minimal. If a significant amount of material is found,
they will come back with a recommendation for data recovery prior to
grading. Where it could become expensive from the developers standpoint,
is if an archeological site is found during monitoring and he has to stop his
equipment while the site is explored. By doing the testing first, it prevents
13. Commissioner Puente asked for staff s opinion. Staff stated the peer review
provided the justification and did not recommend testing of the milling sites,
but monitoring.
14. Chairman Wright stated he concurred with staff's recommendation.
15. There being no further questions, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners WrightlIrwin to adopt Minute Motion 99-017 accepting
staffs recommendation.
16. Commissioner Mitchell suggested testing for intact prehistoric deposits be
added to the recommendation. Commissioner Puente agreed.
17. Chairman Wright stated he agreed with staff. Commissioner Irwin stated that
since the City has had such good luck in the past with monitoring, she would
stand with the motion as made.
18. Commissioner Puente asked what the cost would be for the Phase II
excavation. Staff stated it would have to be given to the consultant for his
review and determination.
19. Commissioner Irwin asked if Commissioner Mitchell wanted all the sites
tested. Commissioner Mitchell stated he was concerned only with areas that
possible could have subsurface impact. If there are substantial areas of sand
deposition, he would like to have them tested.
20. Chairman Wright stated the site has been scavenged extensively and the
milling site is next to the mountain and he cannot see how a scraper could
work in that cove without tearing everything up.
21. Discussion followed regarding any potential development of the site and
what equipment would be used on the site.
22. Chairman Wright moved to accept the report as recommended by staff.
Commissioner Irwin seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously
with Commissioner Vossler absent.
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Historic Preservation Commission Minutes
June 17, 1999
Commissioner Vossler rejoined the Commission..
B. Environmental Assessment 99-383: Archaeological Assessment of Specific Plan 99-
036 and Tentative Parcel Map 29351; located northwest of the intersection of
Highway III and Dune Palms Road. Applicant: Troll- Woodpark Company.
Archaeological Consultant Bruce Love for CRM Tech.
I. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the staff report, a copy of which is on
file in the Community Development Department.
2. Commissioner Puente asked if a final report would be submitted. Staff stated
it would be prepared and submitted to the Commission.
3. Commissioner Irwin stated she wanted the five items done as outlined in the
4. Commissioner Vossler supported staffs recommendation. Commissioner
Mitchell and Chairman Wright concurred.
5. There being no further questions, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Puente/Mitchell to adopt Minute Motion 99-018, accepting
the report as recommended by staff:
C. Environmental Assessment 99-382: Archaeological Assessment of Tentative Tract
29288 and Conditional Use Permit 99-044; located northeast of the intersection of
Adams Street and Miles Avenue. Applicant: Mark and Dorothy Hastings for First
School of the Desert. Archaeological Consultant Bruce Love for CRM Tech.
I. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the staff report, a copy of which is on
file in the Community Development Department.
2. Commissioner Irwin stated the property appeared to have a catch basin and
asked if a study was done when Miles A venue and Adams Street were
constructed. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio stated that when the record
search was completed, nothing was found. The only sites recorded were not
found in this area. Staff does not know how much land was moved at the
time, and no studies were completed for the streets that long ago.
3. There being no further comments, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners PuenteN ossler to adopt Minute Motion 99-019 to accept the
report as recommended by staff. Unanimously approved.
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Historic Preservation Commission Minutes
June 17, 1999
C. Interim Report on a Portion of the Phase I Archaeolo!!ical Survey: located at the
southeast corner of Washington Street and Miles Avenue. Applicant: City of La
Quinta Redevelopment Agency. Archaeological Consultant James Brock and Brenda
D. Smith for Archaeological Advisory Group.
I. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the staff report, a copy of which is on
file in the Community Development Department.
2. There being no comments, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
MitchellIPuente to adopt Minute Motion 99-020 accepting the report as
recommended by staff. Unanimously approved.
A. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio explained some if the items received in their
B. Commissioner Irwin asked if the Curation Report would be on the next agenda. Staff
stated they anticipated the Commission's review of the document at the September
C. Commissioner Irwin asked if the next meeting could be on July 8, 1999. Discussion
followed as to surmner meeting schedules. It was recommended to go dark in July
with a regular meeting in August.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners IrwinlPuente to
adjourn this meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission to the next regularly scheduled
meeting of the Historical Preservation Commission on August 19, 1999. This meeting of the
Historical Preservation Commission was adjourned at 4:35 p.m. June 17, 1999. Unanimously
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