1998 11 19 HPC Minutes
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall Session Room
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
November 19, 1998
This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called to order by Vice-Chairman
DeMersman at 3:30 p.m. who led the flag salute and asked for the roll call.
Commissioners Puente, Wright and Vice-Chairman DeMersman.
It was moved and seconded by Commissioners PuentelWright to
excuse Commissioner Irwin. Unanimously approved.
B. Staff Present: Planning Manager Christine di lorio, Associate Planner Leslie
Mouriquand and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer
A. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright/Puente to approve the Minutes
of August 20, 1998, as submitted. Unanimously approved.
B. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners WrightlPuente to approve the Minutes
of October 15, 1998, as submitted. Unanimously approved.
A. An Interim Report on the Phase II Archaeological Resources Assessment of the 40+
acre site APN 649-100-015 City of La Ouinta (TTM 28964).
1. Planning Manger Christine di Iorio presented the information contained in the
staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
2. At the request of staff, Vice Chairman DeMersman explained the basics
regarding the NAGPRA law in regards to Native American participation and
curation of artifacts. In his opinion staff's recommendation #2 did not need
to be addressed by the Commission as this was an issue that is handled by
NAGPRA. Native American human remains and associated grave goods must
be repatriated under this law.
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November 19, 1998
3. Commissioner Puente questioned Page 9 and Page 24 of the report and the
depth of the findings. Does staff think objects could be found at a deeper
level. Ms. Leslie Irish, speaking for L & L Environmental, Inc., stated she did
not believe any items would be found any deeper. The deepest material
recovered was 80 centimeters and that was unusual. Most material was found
at a shallower depth. The listing on Page 9 are sites that surround this site
within a one mile radius.
4. Vice Chairman DeMersman stated that in reading the report he did not get a
sense of what kind of human remains were found. Were they significant or
not? Ms. Irish stated they were fairly small fragments. It was a cremation
that had been found and had eroded to the surface at a fairly shallow depth
and made its way down the slope and spread out. The recover involved
picking up all the material identified by the Coroner's Physical Anthropologist
to be human and then any bone that was in the general area.
5. Mr. Oliphant, the applicant, informed the Commission that a blessing
ceremony was also held on the site by the local tribe. Ms. Irish stated a tribal
member was able to perform the ceremony at the site.
6. Vice Chairman DeMersman asked how significant was the site to the
development, where are they located at on the site, and what impact would
they have to the site.
7. Mr. Bob Ross, RBF Engineers, identified where the sites would be found on
the tract. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio asked if the width and length
of the sites had been identified. Ms. Irish stated it was established in the
report on Page 24. Staff asked that the depth be identified as well. With the
existing topography and the proposed grade and what the differential is given
the depth ofthe project, is what staff is looking for. It was important to have
the depth differential in relation to the project between the existing
topography and fill. Mr. Ross went over the topography of the site.
8. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio asked the consultant what more they
hope to find and why they were recommending the additional work in the
cremation area. Ms. Irish stated they went through a portion of the site, and
then went higher in expectation that the cremation would be higher on the
slope due to the erosion down into the wash. They cut through and got an
amount of material from the higher end. They opened a section north of this
site which was three meters by nine meters and found material in the lower
range. Ifthey propose to collect the remainder they need to go south of this
site to obtain cremation material that could have eroded off.
9. Vice Chairman DeMersman asked if they find significant material and it needs
to be preserved, how will that be done. Ms. Irish stated they do not have any
Historic Preservation Commission Minutes
November 19,1998
objection to preservation. CEQA shows this to be the preferred method of
handling archaeological resources. More knowledge might be gained from
excavation later on. CEQA allows an analysis and a determination of
feasibility for doing this and that depends on a lot of factors including the size
of the project and what the site can bear in terms of removal of lots or
inclusions of open space area. They have not done a feasibility analysis for
preservation because the developer has indicated that is not something they
want done. Staff has indicated that an analysis should be done, but the
conditions do not call for this. Is the City requiring the preservation of the
site or asking for more analysis?
10. Vice Chairman DeMersman stated there should be a feasibility report because
ifthere is something there, it should be preserved. This Commission has been
a flexible group when it comes to looking at development and issues of
preservation within that development. There are also times when things need
to be preserved. As a City we are losing a lot and we need to look at this
issue a little more closely. It is his recommendation that they look at the
feasibility of preservation, if it is warranted.
II. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio stated it is a part of CEQA and the
environmental assessment and mitigation that the City can't require a study
as a part ofthe assessment if it is going to have the opportunity to change the
project. The City has to have the information now and have it approved
before the environmental assessment can go forward.
12. Mr. Oliphant asked staff what they would anticipate finding that has not
already been found and would need to be preserved. It was his understanding
that what had been found could be collected. Ms. Irish stated they were
proposing 100 percent mitigation of what they feel is a significant portion of
the originally identified site. This is an acceptable alternative under CEQA.
She feels the analysis has been made and they did not recommend avoidance
because the results were fairly consistent. The subsurface material was
consistent with the surface material. They are finding the same thing all over
the site. The advantage to the mitigation as it offers the opportunity to
answer questions or determine factors they might not have retrieved to date.
The significance of the site is that it is a rich deposit with two contrasting time
periods. Their recommendation is mitigation.
13. Ms. Barbara Hall, gave her credentials and stated she was an Associate
Professor with the Riverside Community College. She has done a lot offield
work in both the State of California and Arizona. Ms. Irish asked what her
opinion was regarding preservation versus mitigation. Ms. Hall stated
preservation is the better option, as in the future there will always be better
techniques. There is a lot to be learned from the site which can only be
learned from excavation of the site. They have tested the site and they have
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November 19, 1998
an idea of the limits, some idea of the formation structure process of the site.
However, they have no real information of the subsurface remains in terms of
location for future excavation. Ms. Betty Williams, applicant, asked if this
could be done during the grading process. Ms. Hall stated that if it is
excavated it should be done by hand to have good stratigraphic information
such as grids and this could be done in a reasonable amount of time.
14. Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand stated that excavating by hand is not
associated with monitoring of grading.
15. Ms. Williams stated that as developers they have tried to work with the City
in conducting the studies requested. In her opinion it has been extremely
expensive and they feel the material that has been gathered and the report
written, clearly identifies solutions to them being able to work on the site. A
major factor is that there is a large amount of money that has been spent to
bring the information that is before the Commission to date. To support Ms.
Irish's statement would be repetitive of what has been presented and reported.
16. Commissioner Wright stated they have been flexible to help every developer
in a timely and cost saving manner. He is concerned that there may be more
here than what appears and would agree with Vice Chairman DeMersman on
his original assessment.
17. Mr. Joe Loya, a member of the Torres Martinez Indian Reservation and
spokesman for Native American Field Resource Crew who assisted with the
consultant L & L Environmental, on the project, stated he did consult with
Mark Benitez regarding the site and he was aware of him being present at this
meeting. He shared with Mr. Benitez what happened on the site as far as him
being the lead for spiritual and other areas. They are concerned about the site.
There is a number of things that are there that have not been seen before.
They have put together a Native American crew often people and are finding
items that have never been seen before. They felt so moved with this project
to the point that ifthings were not taken into consideration for their feelings,
they would have to walk off the project. On reading the report, there was
more than one Native American working on the site doing the excavation and
he does agree with L & L Environmental, Inc., that they do need to look
further into the site. He does understand the developers point of view, but
they need to take into consideration what could be found. Items found can
be a marketing item for the developer's project.
18. Ms. Irish asked if staff wanted the resume's and appendix of each of the
workers on the site. Staff stated it was an option not a requirement
19. Commissioner Puente stated that when there is a site with human remains it
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November 19, 1998
is more important. The items found are from the people who were there.
You can consider the economics, but they need to stress the preservation.
20. Commissioner Wright stated the Commission was created and became a
Certified Local Government because of what our past has been. This Valley
has been dozed under due to the lack of concern for these sites. He is in favor
of following through with staff's recommendation.
21. Mr. Oliphant stated that from the conversations, it sounds like additional work
is being required. If that is the alternative to preservation and collection,
could staff give him some idea of the area involved. He would need this
information to determine ifthe project would be viable. Ms. Irish asked what
area needs to be done. Staff stated this is what staff has been asking for.
They now have information and it is significant. The area has been reduced,
in coordination with the project development does it fit and is there an
opportunity for preservation for some or all of the material found. Maybe the
remainder is mitigation through recovery. As staff does not have that
information, they do not know how it fits with that area that is to be graded,
what the ultimate grade will be, or what opportunities are left.
22. Mr. Oliphant stated that if they were to lose two or more lots, economically
this project does not work. Staff stated this is why a feasibility report is
needed. Mr. Ross stated if the areas are what he thinks they are, it is ten or
fifteen lots. Staff stated that with previous tracts where there are sites like
this, they have been able to define them and make a determination, to define
the boundaries, and see if there is some work that could be done like possibly
changing the grade.
23. Vice Chairman DeMersman stated that when significant sites had been found
on previous tracts the Commission was given options. They are not being
given an option on this tract. It is either this or that and the Commission
wants some options.
24. Commissioner Puente asked if staff was asking for the hand excavation due
to the importance of the site. Ms. Hall stated yes. Some areas are very
shallow redeposited areas and part of the trenching is to define where the
significant deposits are located. Staff stated this is what staff has been asking.
Now staff is requesting how the existing topography is affected by the areas
that are affected.
25. Wiliams stated that staff had done an overlay of the tract. Planning Manager
Christine di Iorio stated they do not have the grading, as it is the responsibility
of the archaeologist and engineer. Ms. Irish stated the tract map was plotted
on top of the topographic map showing where the sites were located. The
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November 19, 1998
grading analysis, however, was not been a part of the overlay prepared by
staff. In their opinion, this is such a small project that to avoid the area, given
the information presented by the applicant, it makes the project infeasible.
While she has no objection to a further analysis, if the applicants have to avoid
one or two lots, the project becomes marginal. As an archeologist she would
like to see preservation where ever it is possible, especially when it relates to
features. With the difference in the topography it is not possible to avoid and
cap the site, especially given the fact that the applicant will have to compact
the soil. If they want further analysis, she will do that, but the results will be
the same. It makes the project stop.
26. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio stated that one of the reasons staff has
been in favor of preservation is the cost of 100 percent recovery. Staff is
looking at preservation through CEQA as the alternative and to provide the
City with other information. When you talk about feasibility, this should be
27. Mr. Oliphant stated this tract has large lots and it to attract the higher priced
market. Each lot is worth $108,000 to them. So to lose one or two lots it
becomes a substantial loss and the project becomes infeasible. With the cost
per lot being what it is, to spend additional money on recovery does not make
sense. To spend $50,000 on a study would be less than losing one lot.
28. Ms. Williams asked what would satisty staff. Staff stated it is up to the
Commission. Ms. Williams stated she would like to have some criteria so they
can respond to. Ms. Williams inferred that the Commission was dictated to
by staff.
29. Commissioner Wright responded to Ms. Williams comment by stating the
Commission was not dictated to by staff. They take staff's recommendation
very seriously. The Commission just finished a review of a project where
preservation was a decided upon issue by the developer. It was a very
congenial decision by everyone. In his opinion, an assessment is needed.
30. Vice Chairman DeMersman and Commissioner Puente concurred with
Commissioner Wright's comments.
31. Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand read Commissioner Barbara Irwin's
comments into the record.
"a. The City needs to keep the standards for cultural resource
preservation as set with the Tradition Project and the Avenue 48
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November 19,1998
a. The two significant sites on TTM 28964 should be capped and
b. The human remains on the project should be buried on the project
32. Ms. Williams asked if this was typical. She thought the remains would be
removed to sacred ground. Staff stated that in La Quinta, they have been re-
buried on the project site per the wishes of the Native American
representatives of that project.
33. Ms. Williams asked what Mark Benitez indicated. Ms. Irish stated she
understood he would want them buried on a different site.
34. Ms. Williams asked for definitive guidelines to follow so they could provide
the Commission with the information they wanted.
35. Vice Chairman DeMersman stated that the Commission wanted the feasibility
and analysis of preservation as opposed to mitigation. How much area is
involved on the tract site.
36. Commissioner Puente asked staff to consider preservation of the entire site
due to the human remains. Staff stated the human remains would be
37. Mr. Tony Lavato, Torres Martinez Survey Group, stated that in the areas they
worked in there were four or five bags of human remains. If you walk the
whole section you find a lot of stuff. You need to look at everything not just
the human remains. It is good to develop and it could make the developer
look good if they were to help them preserve their history. Need to resurvey
and test because if you walk around you find something everywhere.
38. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio asked if the Commission was approving
the interim report with staffs recommendations. She had a list to better
define what the feasibility study would be for the preservation of the two sites:
a. The potential depth of the sites.
b. Feasibility study for preservation of the sites.
c. Analysis of the economics of the preservation.
d. The cost of 100% recovery of the two sites.
39. Following discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Wright/Puente to adopt Minute Motion 98-010 accepting the Interim Report
on Phase II Archaeological Resources Assessment for Tentative Tract 28964
with partial compliance with the requirements of CEQA with the
modifications as follows:
Historic Preservation Commission Minutes
November 19,1998
a. Provide a list of all field crew.
b. Provide a feasibility study for:
I.) The preservation of the two sites including the sites
relationship to the tract map as far as the topography and
proposed grade.
2.) Its location with the proposed lots.
3.) The depth of the sites.
4.) The economic feasibility
5.) 100 percent recovery of the two sites versus the preservation
of the sites.
Unanimously approved.
A. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio stated staff had submitted an application for
preservation award in conjunction with The Tradition project for the Hacienda del
A. Commissioners Wright and Puente went to the La Quinta Historical Society's
Workshop on Archiving training and gave a brief report.
B. Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand stated the Commissioners were required to
make a presentation stating how archival skills could be put into the planning process.
C. Staff informed the Commission that on December 17"' training would be given by Mr.
Jim Brock of Archaeological Advisory Group.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners WrightIPuente to
adjourn this meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission to the next scheduled meeting of the
Historical Preservation Commission on December 17, 1998. This meeting of the Historical
Preservation Commission was adjourned at 4:37 P.M. Unanimously approved.
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