1998 10 15 HPC Minutes
A regula.r meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall Session Room
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
OCTOBER 15,1998
This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called to order by Vice-Chairman
DeMersman at 3:30 p.m. who led the flag salute and asked for the roll call.
Commissioners Irwin, Puente, Wright and Vice-Chairman
B. Staff Present: Planning Manager Christine di Iorio, Associate Planner Leslie
Mouriquand and Secretary Carolyn Walker.
A. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Barbara Irwin/Robert Wright to
approve the Minutes of June 18, 1998. Unanimously approved
A. Cultural Resources Assessment (Phases I and II) for Tract 2896~
I. Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand commented on the staff report, a copy
of which is on file in the Community Development Department.
2. Associate Planner Mouriquand reported during the Phase II testing they
discovered that two of the sites are larger than anticipated. They have
currently found four sites on the property; one recorded several years ago,
two of which may be significant under three criteria list€~d in CEQA.
3. The developer has two options: I. Redesign their project to avoid and
preserve; or 2. Proceed with the Phase III treatment plan - excavation plan.
The developer is currently considering their options and we will be meeting
on site to discuss this further.
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Historic Preservation Commission
October IS, 1998
4. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio advised the Commission that it might
become necessary to have a special meeting on this item due to the timing of
the appropriate Planning Commission date.
5. Commissioner Barbara Irwin asked the location of the project. Associate
Planner Leslie Mouriquand replied it was east of where the Rancho La Quinta
property ends and in close proximity to the Radaker property (currently
surrounded by a block wall) on the northwest corner - of Jefferson and SOu,
Avenue. It is the 40 acres adjacent on the west side of the block wall.
6. Commissioner Maria Puente asked what the development was. Associate
Planner Mouriquand replied the development would be a single family
7. Associate Planner Mouriquand stated there was no formal report; only an
update, so there was no action necessary from the Commission.
B. Paleontological Resource Assessment - Tentative Tract Map 28964.
I. Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand commented on the staff report, a copy
of which is on file in the Community Development Department.
2. Associate Planner Mouriquand stated this involved the same tract as Item A.
Due to the fact that part ofthe tract was within the lakebed determination area
they were required to have this study done. This study did not include a
physical on-site survey, but it included an extensive records search and review
of the geotechnical soils study. The report includes recommendations for
whatever contingency might be encountered in the field, once they start
grading. There is a potential for subsurface deposits, especially on the
southeastern corner of the property, and it is necessary to include conditions
for paleontological monitoring during grading and trenching.
3. Vice Chairman DeMersman called for comments. Since there were none, it
was moved and seconded by Commissioners WrightfIrwin to approve Minute
Motion 98-008 accepting the Paleontological Resource Assessment report.
Unanimously approved.
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Historic Preservation Conunission
October 15, 1998
C. Cultural Resource Assessment (Phase 1) - Tentative Tract 27519.
I. Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand commented on the staff report, a copy
of which is on file in the Community Development Department.
2. Associate Planner Mouriquand said there were no deposits, or prehistoric sites
found, but the property was a site of homesteading activities and early
3. Commissioner Irwin commented that it had been a citrus ranch.
4. Associate Planner Mouriquand confirmed it was and there was potential for
some subsurface, perhaps historic resources. For that reason, monitoring was
recommended during the grading.
5. Commissioner Irwin commented on the Eucalyptus tree line and necessary
monitoring if grading was to be done there.
6. Clarification of the Eucalyptus tree line was discussed. Commissioner Irwin
pointed out they were visible on Page 4, Figure 3 (right hand side).
Commissioner Irwin said the stand of Eucalyptus trees were part of the early
homestead It might be possible the land around the Eucalyptus' had not
been disturbed since they were planted.
7. Associate Planner Mouriquand asked ifthere were any special stipulations or
conditions needed other than monitoring of the grading with special attention
to that area. Commissioner Irwin reaffirmed monitoring with particular
attention to that area due to the possibility of a wash located in the area.
8. COnmUssioner Puente asked what the criteria was to determine work stoppage
on a project for archaeological, historical, or paleontological resources.
Associate Planner Mouriquand replied that if discovery was made during the
monitoring of the grading the project would stop for a short period of time for
the archaeologist or historian to confirm the extent of the find.
9. Commissioner Puente also asked about removal of th,~ findings. Planning
Manager di Iorio replied it depends on the archaeologislt's recommendations
and the City staff Possibly the project could require redesigning; otherwise
it would only be recovery and removal.
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Historic Preservation Conunission
October 15, 1998
10. Vice Chairman DeMersman asked if there were any other questions or
comments. There being none it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Puente/Irwin to approved Minute Motion 98-009 accepting the Cultural
Resource Assessment (Phase I) - Tentative Tract 27519 Archaeological
Report with the recommendation that archaeological monitoring be done with
specific attention being paid to the line of Eucalyptus trees. Unanimously
A. Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand reviewed the correspondence which included
a Call for Entries for the 1999 Preservation Design Awards and asked if there were
any possible entries.
Planning Manager di Iorio said there may be an entry from the Traditions project for
Hacienda del Gato. She said they were working with Traditions to gather information
for the application.
Commissioner Irwin asked if there were any photos of the original house which was
the small building. She had previously seen a photo but could not recall where.
Planning Manager di Iorio thought it might have been in the newspaper
Commissioner Wright said he had taken photographs of everything about three or
four years ago and put them in the file before any work was even begun.
Commissioner Irwin said there was a wooden structure on the property which was the
original house and there are pictures of that somewhere. It was a small wooden
structure that they lived in while the other was under construction.
Planning Manager di Iorio said they were looking for a photograph of the Hacienda
that's there now and were not able to locate one Commissioner Wright commented
the pictures he took might be usable for that purpose. Associate Planner Mouriquand
said she would look for them.
B. Planning Commissioner di Iorio commented on the article, in California Heritage,
titled "A New Tool for Preserving California's Oldest History". She pointed out the
article talks about the loss of archaeological sites and the recommendation of Land
Vice Chairman DeMersman commented it was particularly significant to preserve our
local sites. We have a plethora of archaeological sites and that's were our history lies.
Our archaeological history can not be compared to the east coast where you've got
more built environment. Archaeology is really important in this area.
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Historic Preservation COllunission
October 15, 1998
A. Commissioner Wright brought up the subject of certification for training.
Planning Manager di Iorio said that she would arrange for training at the next meeting
which should update all the Commissioners. She advised the Commissioners the
meeting would go a little longer to accommodate the training.
Commissioner Wright asked if there would be anything on the Mills Act. Planning
Manager di Iorio said yes as she had attended an AP A Conference a month ago and
one of the programs covered was the Mills Act. She then went over some of the
comparisons they discussed between small, medium, and large cities. One of the
major problems, however, is the monitoring ofthe structural remodeling. She will get
the Comrnissioners copies of all the ordinances for consideration in the event the City
should ever choose to get involved in this program.
Vice Chairman DeMersman said that Palm Springs had one structure on the Mills Act,
but soon they would have another; the next one which may be the Tramway Gas
B. Vice Chairman DeMersman gave an update on the conference next May. He went
over some ofthe events that were scheduled for La Quinta. Time-wise things appear
to be moving along smoothly.
C. Commissioner Puente asked about payment for the August meeting. Associate
Planner Mouriquand said she would check on it.
D. Planning Manager di Iorio said Rick Middletown called her to say they are re-painting
the Morgan House. She offered to get them names of contractors who are familiar
with re-painting historic structures. She asked the Commissioners if they had any
recommendations. Suggestions were made and it was decided there were no local
contractors who specialized in this work. Planning Manager di Iorio said she would
check in the L.A. Conservancy Book.
She also commented there was interest in restoring the Morgan House to the original
colors. Commissioner Irwin commented it might be possible to find out what the
original color scheme was. There are local people available who are familiar with the
property and its history. She offered to make a couple of phone calls.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Irwin/Wright to
adjourn this meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission to the next scheduled meeting of the
Historical Preservation Commission. This meeting of the Historical Preservation Commission was
adjourned at 3:58 P.M. Unanimously approved.
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