1998 06 18 HPC Minutes REGULAR MEETING OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION A re!,'lIlar meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta JUNE 18, 1998 This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called to order by Vice-Chairman DeMersman at 3 :32 p.m. who led the flag salute and asked for the roll call: 1. CALL TO ORDER: A Present: Commissioners Irwin, Puente, Wright and Vice-Chairman DeMersman. B. StafrPrestmt: Planning Manager Christine di Iorio, Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand and Secretary Carolyn Walker. II. PUBLIC COMMENT: Judy Vossler, candidate-applicant for Historic Preservation Commission introduced herself to the Commission. III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA IV. Item B. was added to VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS, to discuss the change in time for the Commission meetings. V. CONSENT CALENDAR: A It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Puente/Wright to approve the Minutes of April 2,. 1998, as submitted. Unanimously approved. VI.. BUSINESS ITEMS: A Preliminary Draft Archaeological Report on Test and Limited Data Recovery Programs for the Village on the Green Proiect. 1. Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand commented on the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. She also introduced Jim Brock of AAG, who prepared the draft. 2. Mr. Brock gave each Commissioner a more complete version of the draft report and offered to answer any questions. AIHPC 6-18-98.wpd -1- A\HPC 6-18-98.wpd 3. There being no questions, Mr. Brock presented some higWights of the report. He stated the project included the testing of three prehistoric sites. One of the sites has a major buried deposit and appears to be on the shoreline of the ancient lake; with three radiocarbon dates obtained. It appears this site represents occupation dating from AD1300's up to an approximate 1600's time period. The site is two meters thick in some places with multiple components evidencing different habitations, and different activities. 4. Commissioner Irwin asked how the site was going to be preserved? Mr. Brock replied that it would be preserved as a grassy park. He wasn't sure if the site would be capped, or just covered with sterile topsoil. He stated that the major component is already buried by several inches in some places. 5. Associate Planner Mouriquand clarified the site depth was 18 inches and asked if different kinds of soils could be used as cover to differentiate from the original site. She mentioned, in some other cases, there had been a three foot cover of a different type of sandy soil to act as a cushion to identify if somebody else excavated it. Jim Brock concurred. Associate Planner Mouriquand then asked if 18 inches would be adequate. Mr Brock acknowledged, in this case, it would work. 6. Mr. Brock went on to state the site is actually a dip. It is in a horseshoe- shaped dune and the major component is in the low level and will have to be filled in. Associate Planner Mouriquand stated we should find out how much fill was needed. Mr. Brock said he assumed that whatever they had to put on as top soil would probably be adequate to cover the site. 7. Associate Planner Mouriquand asked about the developer's plans for irrigation in the area. Mr. Brock advised the Commission he had spoken to the landscape architect and they had no plans that would involve digging deep enough to impact the site. 8. Commissioner Wright made comment on irrigation depths and procedure. He asked if the developer was going to have any large-impact Rain Bird sprinklers in the area; especially if a park was planned. Associate Planner Mouriquand stated it was more like an open space area; as opposed to an atWetic field. Mr. Brock said that was correct; it would be more like a grassy open area and would not use the main lines. 9. Commissioner Wright's main concern was not with the laterals, which would never be any .deeper than eight to ten inches, but the main line which is sometimes buried up to 18 inches. -2- 10. 11. A:\HPC 6-18-98.wpd Assaciate Planner Mauriquand questianed Cammissianer Wright abaut the thfl~e feet passibly being excessive for a cap? He asked abaut the capping procedures fallawed in the Traditian site. Assaciate Planner Mauriquand replied it was three feet which seems to' be a cammanly used standard. Cammissianer Wright thaught three feet wauld be better than 18 inches due to' campactian since the sail will campact and settle in a faur ar five year periad aftime. Assaciate Planner Mauriquand asked ifhe thaught three feet wauld be a more appropriate depth. Cammissianer Wright replied if Dr. Chace recammended three feet far the Traditians site maybe that's a better depth to' use. Mr. Brock asked if the Traditian site was a surface site? Assaciate Planner Mauriquand replied nO', it had a subsurface campanent. Sht: stated that VCR, in (approximately) 1987 had tested the site and came up with 11 crematians; same afthem subsurface bundles, redepasited crematians and probably mare, but they didn't want to' dO' a Phase III excavatian. They wanted to' just cap it. She stated the depth issues were rodent burrawing and disturbance, concerns aver irrigatian, and a three faat cap was recammended. Mr. Brack stated his anly cancern was 40 centimeters af sterile sail already existed abave the site and it may be averkill to' put three feet an tap af that. Planning Manager, Christine di Iaria, stated this was a hausing project and a lat af their designs (including elevatians) were based upan the La Quinta Hatel design, including spacial areas and that type af design. The develapers were a little ahead af themselves during the time afPhase II investigatians and made provisians to' wark with staff to' incarparate the archaealagical site intO' the area far the Seniar Cammans. This gives yau an idea af haw to' successfully incarporate histaric and archaealagical sites intO' develapment. 12. Assaciate Planner Mauriquand asked if the propased paal wauld impact the site. Mr. Brock answered it shauld be sauth afthe site. Planning Manager di Iaria stated they've defined the specific area to' stay out af. Mr. Brock stated it was definitely a spat to' be manitored. 13. Planning Manager di Iaria reviewed with the Cammissian same af the budding elevatians which keep the small scale fram the 20' sand 30' s. There an: two elevatians propased far each protatype which include the law-pitched roofs, and stucco exteriars. There are arches, lang averhangs, calumns, small windaws, and a large picture windaw in the living roam area. A lat af time and thaught has been put intO' making this project unique to' the design and the histaric context afthe City afLa Quinta. 14. Commissianer Wright queried Mr. Brock abaut the elevatians used in canstructian afthe praject in arder to' determine haw big the cap wauld be. Mr. Brack answered the project called far fill af 18 inches. There was mare discussian abaut the fill depth being a minimum af 18 inches with a maximum af three feet. -3- 15. Commissioner Irwin asked if someone was going to monitor the pipe layout direction for the pool. Mr. Brock replied all major trenching should be monitored. 16. Commissioner Puente asked when the project was scheduled to start. Planning Manager di Iorio stated possibly in September grading could begin in the area where the site is. She also said that area would be the last to be developed. That's a potential for tax credit and goes through a different process with the State. The developer would be rough grading the whole site, but the focus would be on the actual house pads. 17. There being no further comments, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright/Irwin to approve 98-005 accepting the Draft Archaeological Report on Test and Limited Data Recovery programs for the Village on the Green Project with the stipulation that the site be capped with a minimum of 18 inches up to a maximum of three feet with sterile soil to , avoid future problems with rodent burrowing and irrigation plans in and around this site. Unanimously approved. B. Phase II Archaeological Test Program for CA-RV-5972, Cove Area of La Ouinta prepared for Coachella Valley Housing Coalition 1. Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand commented on the staff report, on file in the Community Development Department. She advised the Commission this report was also completed by Mr. Jim Brock of AAG who was available to answer any questions the Commissioners might have. 2. Commissioner Wright made the comment the report was very interesting and well done. 3. Commissioner Irwin echoed those comments and suggested that monitoring continue on the new trenching, if there is any. 4. Planning Manager di Iorio made the comment this was an interesting report because we haven't done much monitoring in the Cove. We don't have much information on this area. Associate Planner Mouriquand stated it had never been surveyed and within the core of the Cove subdivision it's the only sight recovered. Commissioner Wright commented that the historical background in the report was really interesting. Associate Planner Mouriquand pointed out that even when you have an existing subdivision you could still have a resource in the middle, of it all. Mr. Brock commented that they had only surveyed five percent of all the lots out of 60 lots in the project. He expressed concern there could still be a number of other sites up there. Vice Chairman DeMersman thanked Mr. Brock for the interesting and concise report. A;\!IPC 6-18-98.wpd -4- 5. Associate Planner Mouriquand told the Commission, Mr. Brock had given a slide show presentation on the Burning Dunes Site at the May Coachella Valley Archaeological Society Symposium. She commented on the positive audience reaction to his presentation. Commissioner Irwin asked if there was a possibility of Mr. Brock making this presentation before the Commission. Mr. Brock replied he would be glad to accommodate the Commission. The comment was made that this would be a good subject to present to the Commission in the Fall. 6. There being no further comments, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Puente/Irwin to approve Minute Motion 98-006 accepting the Phase II Archaeological Test Program for CA-RIV-5972, Cove Area of La Quinta prepared for Coachella Valley Housing Coalition with the recommendation to the Building & Safety Department that archaeological monitoring of the utilities and trenching on the three subject lots be checked by an archaeologist for subsurface deposits. Unanimously approved. C. Consideration of submittal of a ~rant proposal to the State Historic Preservation Office for the Certified Local Govemment Program for funding of a Preservation Plan, 1. Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand commented on the staff report, on file in the Community Development Department. She explained the budget brc:akdown was not included in this report. The proposal was basically the same format used in 1996. This year the City would be applying for funds to distribute an RFP for a duly qualified consultant to prepare a more detailed pmservation plan for the new Cultural Resources Element of the General Plan and update the City's existing Historic Preservation Ordinance. It has been scheduled tentatively for the City Council meeting of July 7th 2. Associate Planner Mouriquand advised the Commission this would be the opportunity to include comments to the City Council. .3: Vice Chairman DeMersman called for comments. Since there were none, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright/Puente to approve Minute Motion 98-007 to recommend to the City Council that the City submit th<e CLG Grant application. Unanimously approved. VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL A. Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand reviewed the correspondence which included several L,egislative Updates and an item on using Block Grant money for Historic Preservation in Housing. A:\HPC 6.18.98.wpd -5- B. Commissioner Puente inquired. about upcoming conferences and tnumng requirements. After some discussion Associate Planner Mouriquand volunteered to check with SHPO to put together an in-house training session for credit for any Commissioner requiring it. VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS: A. Commissioner Irwin gave a presentation on her recent trip to the south of France . She visited the De Pech Merle caves in the Dordonne Valley which were discovered in 1922, by two young boys whose dog disappeared down a hole. These caves are 35,000,000 years old and of the Tertiary Period; the time the land link between North America and Europe was broken. She included color photos with the presentation. Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand commented on a local archaeologist's upcoming trip to the South of France; possibly the same region that Commissioner Irwin had just visited. She said the archaeologist would be giving a presentation at one of the Coachella Valley Archaeological Society meetings, upon her return, and suggested the Commissioners attend. Commissioner Irwin further commented on some of the preservation projects UNESCO was working on in Europe. She was very impressed with all the effort that was being put forth to preserve history. Commissioner Puente commented on some of the caves she had visited in the north of Spain and the ongoing work to preserve the delicate ecological balance of those previously open and now limited entry caves. She related the similarity between those caves and the ones Commissioner Irwin had visited in France. B. Vice Chairman DeMersman requested comment on the Council proposed 7 :00 P.M. meeting time for future Histonc Preservation Commission meetings. Commissioner Wright stated he was not in favor of the 7:00 P.M. time. It would be a conflict for several Commissioners including himself. He would prefer seeing the meeting time remain at 3:30 P.M. Commissioner Puente said she has classes on Thursdays from 6:00 P.M. until 10:00 P.M. in Redlands and it would be impossible for her to attend. Commissioner Irwin stated she could attend the night meeting, but it would be very inconvenient. She was also concerned that consultants who were asked to attend night meetings might have difficulty attending. kIHPC 6-18-98.wpd -6- Vice Chairman DeMersman echoed the sentiments ofthe other Commissioners. He would have a potential conflict with a 7:00 P.M. meeting time and thought the Commission functioned better as an afternoon Commission for various reasons as already stated, but particularly because of the consultants who need to make a pres~:ntation to the Commission. Their information makes a big impact on the decisions of the Commission. He also expressed concern that the Commissions were not consulted before the decision was made to gain their feedback and input. He was firmly against it and wanted to see the Historic Preservation Commission remain at the 3:30 P.M. time slot. Commissioner Puente asked when other Commissions met. Planning Manager di Iorio repli~:d that all Commissions were going to meet at 7:00 P.M. Commissioner Puente asked if there was a regulation about Commission meeting times. Planning Manager di Iorio stated the Council wanted an across-the-board policy that all Commissions would meet at the same time. Commissioner Wright stated there were some ditrerences with this Commission because of the professional speakers that attend the meetings; as well as three staff members having to stay until 7:00 P.M. He reiterated that he was very much against the change. Commissioner Irwin stated her regret that when Council met with the other Commissions, the Historic Preservation Commission did not have the same opportuni~y. Planning Manager di Iorio said it was because the Historic Preservation Commission membership was not changed. Commissioner Irwin commented that it would still have been nice if this Commission had been able to meet with the Council. Planning Manager di Iorio stated the Council had established a policy for meeting times for the different Commissions. Vic~: Chairman DeMersman made the recommendation that staff pass on their concerns to the Council and advise them that the Commissioners are requesting the meeting time stay at 3:30 P.M. Vict: Chairman DeMersman stated he was glad there. would now be some orientation/training. He thought it was definitely valuable. He was in favor of Commission/Council meetings. C. Vice Chairman DeMersman mentioned the California Preservation Foundation's Annual Meeting in Palm Springs May 13-15, 1999. This will be an important conJerenet: for Desert area exposure. The Cities of La Quinta and Palm Springs will be two of the major sponsors in this area. He then gave highlights of the activities in A\HPC 6-18-98.wpd -7- the planning stage and stated he is putting emphasis on this being a "Valley-wide" conference. Commissioner Irwin asked if there would be tours of the La Quinta Hotel. Planning Manager di Iorio said she had contacted the Hotel and they were amenable to opening some ofthe Casitas for tour and possibly having an event at La Casa; tentatively scheduled for the 14th of May. Planning Manager di Iorio brought up the subject of the golf tournament. To which Jim DeMersman replied they would be using the 0 'Donnell Golf Course which is the oldest surviving golf course in the Coachella Valley. Vice Chairman DeMersman requested volunteers from the Commission and mentioned one of the components of the conference would be a book store. They are considering having the Historical Societies of Palm Springs and La Quinta operate it and take the proceeds. Another source of revenue will be the Silent Auction and he is looking for volunteers to gather items for that auction. D. Vice Chairman DeMersman also said there is news the Albert Frey Gas Station in Palm Springs looks like it will be saved. Two people from San Francisco are in the process of purchasing the building. It will be fully restored. They are arts dealers and it will become an art gallery. E. Commissioner Irwin asked ifthere was going to be a July meeting. Associate Planner Mouriquand answered there were no items scheduled as of this date. She stated she would let the Commissioners know. There was discussion of the Commission going dark in August with no decision being made at this time. F. Commissioner Wright thanked Jim Brock for attending the meeting and for his fine work on the report. IX. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners IrwinlPuente to adjourn this regular meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission to a regular meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission on July 16, 1998. This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was adjourned at 4:33 p.m. Unanimously approved. A:\HPC 6-18-98.wpd -8-